#i guess im just feeling self conscious and judged because last weekend i bought a beer to share with our new roomate and one of my
suck-mein-pokeballs · 2 years
Due to some medical issues I've been poked and prodded a lot lately and I'm slowly but surely collecting a suspicious amount of needle marks on my left arm and now I'm feeling really self conscious cause most of the people I'm really close with are aware that I have a history of addiction and now I feel like if I don't explain myself my friends are gonna assume I have track marks
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dylanxmin · 4 years
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A Little Serendipity
before / next
Hearing so much noise had opened my conscious and now I was able to hear voices more clear than before, voices were familiar to my ear so I didn’t mind it at first but the urge forced through my brain and I opened my eyes. Unlike, what I was expecting, sheets were different from mines and the whole room was different from my room actually. For a moment, I thought this was one of mine’s other weird dreams, but clearly it wasn’t. I looked around for some hints for understanding where I was, but then I saw some pictures, hanging from the wall to a rope, then relief take over my body, now I was able to breathe normally. The pictures include Hoseok and the guys, which now I can understand this place were Hoseok’s room. I tried to remember the other night but I could only manage to remember the sky and shining stars, which it was little irritating for me to not knowing what happened last night and how I managed to come here but my self-interrogation interrupted with sound of an opening door. I looked over the door, and saw Hoseok’s smiley face, he ask for my permission to come inside so I answered him with a rapid hand waving. He entered the room and then sit on the bed, in front of me.
“Do you have headache, or something honey?” he asked with a care, now I was more surprised than waking up to random bedroom, he was sweet like a cotton sugar, even sweeter. For a minute, I tried to distract myself from his cuteness to be sure about having or not having any aches, but I was okay. “Im okay, thank you for your concern.” I smiled at him, which I never had hangover because of the alcohol or the other things, so it wasn’t a big deal for me. He gave me a grin, and touched my shoulder, squeeze it little, “Happy to hear that, because I need to go to the studio for dance practice, Jimin been waiting for me in there, for a while now.” His hand kept track from my shoulder to my hand, and hold it with a little squeeze. “Are you going to be okay, in here?” I took my eyes from our hands and looked at him, tried to look at him actually, because now I was little dizzy from his action. I couldn’t remember if we had something, last night, which it made me weak on the knees. “Did we had something?” my question was nothing more than a whisper, but he heard me and respond to me quickly. “Oh no, lord no!” He giggled at me, but now I was relieved because I was known for being little flirty while using alcohol, so it was good to hear. “You were drunk, Soobin and Taehyung wanted to be alone for the first night as a couple, so we take you with us.” He used little strength to my hand to squeeze it more, “And, do I look like a person who could take advantage from a drunk girl.” now he was judging me with his eyes. “Actually, I wasn’t afraid from you. The one who could take advantage from her drunk self it would be me.” Shake my head with a huge breath, my heart was in a peace now, about me doing nothing, thank god. “Okay then,” he gave me confused look, “I wasn’t expecting this confession about yourself but okay, I guess.” We both laughed at our situation, after he hugged me and told me that I can act in here like my own house, now he was gone.
I stayed for a little bit on the bed, do some stretching and etc. I get up from the bed and headed to the bathroom, wondering how I look after last night. I thought that I didn’t drink that much but alcohol hit me with a delay, last night, that’s the reason why I couldn’t remember the last occasions. When I entered the bathroom, and facing the mirror, seeing how awful I look right know and I couldn’t stopped myself from thinking how Hoseok even looked at me. Aish, the reflection of myself was a disaster, maybe more than that. I brushed my face, purified the makeup, at least ruins of its, and washed my face with a lot of water. When I looked at the mirror, I saw really big shirt on me, which it didn’t belong to me, as well as the short that I was wearing, didn’t belong to me, either. I hoped that I could managed to change my clothes on my own, at least. While I was heading to the door I only think about that. It was a big house, I realized when I manage to go out from Hoseok’s room. I reached the saloon when I turned the corner of hall, after that I was in the kitchen, looking for something to eat. I don’t know why but I feel okay being in here, Hoseok’s house and mixing his refrigerator, but then a voice from the door made me not okay about being in here.
When I turned back to the voice, I spot a boy who was wearing a black mask, holding two coffee at one of his hand, and the other one was full with a bag. He look like he was annoyed from something but it could be his normal face expression as I always see that particular one. When he looked up, our eyes met with each other, and there is the tense feeling, which has a control over me, like all the time. “Oh, can I help?” I asked him but didn’t wait for any respond to rush over him and take the coffees from him. He thanked me with a head act, then walked right beside me to the kitchen. “I bought something for you to have breakfast,” He mentioned to me but didn’t look at me, while taking the things he bought from the bag. I followed him, and dropped the coffees at the kitchen counter, then thanked him, but he just nodded at me then walked away from me again. “Aren’t you going to eat breakfast?” I feel uncomfortable being in here now, because I think he didn’t want me to be here, at all. “I need to work.” I didn’t answer him and let him go, but I wasn’t going to give up yet, that’s for sure. I headed to the kitchen for making breakfast, and prepare the thing he buy to the server, take the coffees in it then headed to his room by following his little steps and grumbles. I knocked the door and entered, he was little surprised about this entering but I didn’t mind. “If you are not eating something then I won’t, either.” Without waiting for a permission, walked towards his table and put the server on it. “Choose it.” I said with a provocative look, while he was giving me a puzzled look I take a place on his chair, already. “We are having breakfast, then.” he mumbled on his mouth and take a place at my side, very slowly. We were eating and drinking in silence, but he broke it. “I apologize for the night,” with a surprise I looked at him, that was something particular thing I wasn’t expecting to hear from him. “I spoke without thinking about it, so Im sorry for what I said.” he tried to smile little but it was something different from a smile, “Oh, its okay. I didn’t even think about it that much.” I gave him a pat on his arm, which his warm body, caused a little shake in me. While drinking my coffee, I looked around, it was some kind of a home studio and it was simple decorated, for walking in here I get up and headed to little library that he had in here. It looked like a cool decoration, but what I see made me struggle to swallow my coffee so I coughed. He came to my side, immediately and patted my back with a little pressure, “Are you okay?” he asked with care, his soft and caring voice trembled in me. I nodded my head then thanked him, gave my coffee to him and took a book from the shelter. “Did you read my book?” my thrilled voice couldn’t be hide, which I didn’t work for it, either. I was so surprised about his reading my book, having it in his library, it made me weak in the knees. “Oh yeah, that one.” He took it from my hand and revised it little, while I was looking at him, at his cheeks and hold my eager to squeeze them. “I really enjoyed reading it actually, but I forgot that it was you for a while, Im sorry.” said while giving me a sincere look, and he added. “Your science fictions are the best, that’s for sure.” with his lovely comment, I blushed little because I felt hotness at my cheeks. “Oh thank you, I wouldn’t think you as a science fiction reader but I am happy to hear it.” I giggled little and his little mouth opened, and gave me a smile, which that turned my heart something weak and trembling body part. “What do you mean? Can’t I read book?” I laughed at him, which he was looking too cute to get over, “Im sorry, you are right.” I said with a imply, then added. “I can sign it, if you want?” I ask as a joke but his eyes were shining now, he nodded his head quickly and run the other side of the room to get me a pen. Okay, now I was more surprised than ever. This boy here, this beautiful piece was my fan or something? Oh boy, give me a break.
heyy new episode is here,:) i hope you guys will like it :) for taglist,,just let me know in the comment,,lots of love 💜✨
new part is going to be update on weekends:)
taglist: [ @mochiloverbts ]
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