#i guess it can be read as jealously but that feels so shallow to me and like its purposely misunderstanding the point of it
lesbiten · 5 months
as someone who isnt like. huge on d3stiel. i will say it is interesting going through and seeing all the 'big d3stiel' moments in context and some of them are very 'yeah, i get that' and othes are '...you have to purposely take this extremely far out of context and then spin it around in a circle to interpret it the way you did'
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yooniesim · 5 years
Why have you changed? I originally followed your blog when you played the Woodruff Legacy, when you were playing with original sims and I thought that was great! Now, it comes across as you are forcing yourself to satisfy others. You are creating these “k-pop” sims (imo, does not look like any of them) and/or trying to give “tips” how to create them. Or taking other simmers ideas opposed to being original and coming up with your own. I don’t know, but everything just seems too forced.
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Oh wow, this is a bit of a sad ask! Not saying that in a way that you’re sad, but that it’s a little sad to me. The feelings hit! 😂 But well nonny, the simple answer is that my interests changed! I still have the Woodruffs and play them on my own (bunny is an adult now with kids of her own!) but the reason I was on hiatus so long is that I simply wasn’t having fun with it anymore- I was taking so long trying to plan my legacy and what I would do with each gen that I wasn’t playing or enjoying myself anymore. I wasn’t satisfied playing that way and I just... stopped. When I changed the direction of my blog, it was after being a kpop fan for 2-3+ years. (Even on my old asks I would respond with kpop gifs and such) During my hiatus I always wanted to post sims and cc related to that, but was always conflicted about changing the aesthetic I had already set. Eventually I bit the bullet and decided to change, and I’ve been having so much fun! I’ve been going in game every day, I’ve had inspiration for cc (which I never created before), I’ve met lots of people that actually talk to me and share their interests, I’ve learned more about editing, and lots of other good stuff.
Now, onto the meaty part of the ask. The part about my sims, ouch! Way to hit my insecurity 😂 I understand they aren’t everyone’s cup of tea and they aren’t accurate, but honestly they’re just as precious to me as the Woodruffs (and really, even more, since most of my kpop sims are based on actual muses of mine rather than generated by the game). Also, the only reason I gave “tips” is because nonnies gave me compliments on them/wanted to download them, so I tried to share what I did to help them make their own. I can understand how it would seem kinda shallow if only because I haven’t gotten into doing stories/gameplay with them because I get so distracted making cc, hyperfocus is a hell of a thing lol.
Okay, now, taking other simmers’ ideas- this is the only part I don’t get. Which simmers’ ideas did I take? Is it doing a bachelor challenge or human enough challenge? Because those are pretty standard things to do. Or maybe you’re talking about other kpop simmers like @simgguk? (Just one example of a blog with kpop sims) because I’ve thought about this, even though imo our sim styles are actually very different, I thought, will people think I’m copying them? Because they were here doing it first? I think in the simblr community, inspiration is a big thing but also is jealously. Often times people have the same ideas, because there’s nothing new under the sun- but here in simblr, if you don’t do it first you run the risk of getting hate (not saying you’re hating!) and people saying you’re copying even though that’s not what you intended. I think this creates a lot of resentment and even competition in the community. When making my content/deciding on ideas, I have to take a step back and say, “is this too similar”? But also, “is this good enough”? “Is this even worth people seeing when someone else has already done it better than I ever could”? And that can be stressful too. But I stick with it because I actually like what I’m doing now.
As just one example, I would think I speak for many BTS fans in that, if you have sims based on them, the first thing you thought when you saw Sulani was their Bon Voyage series where they go on vacation- but how many different ways can a simmer portray that, being set in a location without a lot of varying aspects to it? So when someone else does it first, like @simgguk (I swear to god I’m not calling you out haha it’s just example!) you think, how in the world can I do what I wanted to do without looking like I’m copying? The answer is that you can’t really lol. So, I decided not to do Bon Voyage and to do Woo the Maknae instead, because I had ideas for it, it was a challenge I had thought of before Sulani and thought it would be cute to do there without being too similar.
I think it probably especially hurts seeing as I basically watched most of the kpop simblrs I see now start up their blogs in the first place and continue to where they are now- while I watched and wanting to do some of the same things/having the same ideas but was too afraid of changing my aesthetic, being called a copier or not being as good! It’s a case of “when you snooze, you lose” but that’s also not a good mentality to have while still being content with yourself. For anyone reading this ramble- your content is worthy even if it’s similar to someone else’s and you don’t have to be “good enough” or better than them. Though I guess that’s easier to say than live, right! I still have plenty of my own insecurities.
I suppose the question here would be, would I be facing these same problems if I still did the content from before and not kpop? Well, no, but only because I probably wouldn’t be posting at all. But if I was posting, I would still be stressed- I was frustrated with ideas and already worried I was copying other simblrs with maxis match and rustic aesthetics. Even though I liked the Woodruffs, I had little inspiration besides posting gameplay screenies. I tried to plan a camp half gen, but got frustrated with that. I tried to plan gen 2 + 3, and got frustrated with that. And in the end did nothing. It wasn’t until I got the idea to make a sim based on Min Yoongi- who not only I’m a fan of concerning the IRL person but also a muse of mine in their fictional MV series storyline- that I really had any sparks or felt excited about sims again.
So, when you say it’s forced, I think that’s from your viewpoint and not mine- and I’m sorry if I made it seem that way somehow in my posts, I was trying to keep it casual and to be honest? I didn’t think anyone even remembered me or the Woodruffs. So even though this ask hurt a little, I actually felt surprised and at least pleased someone knew my former content, lol. I’m still developing my new style, so please be patient with me! I think you will like it when I finally do gameplays and stuff like that because my sims are more than just kpop style 👍 please look forward to it! 😊
(I could ramble forever but I’ll try to wrap it up here haha)
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