#i had . a lot of tags but they were eaten w the first version of this post n i dont have the energy to do all of that again
applejuicehq · 5 months
fuck u. pokemons ur timelooper. furrys ur timelooper. leaves
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extra lil thang
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honeypiehotchner · 10 months
Devil's Backbone (Unsub!Hotch x Fem!Reader) -- part nine
We'll be back to Wed/Fri next week I promise!! Btw I listened to "Decode" a lot while writing more of Hotch spiraling so......
Warnings: reader dealing w the aftermath of how Hotch treated her in the last chapter, more lies
Follow @honeypiehotchnerlibrary and turn on post notifications to be "tagged" when a new chapter goes up!
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Nine: How did we get here? -- "Decode" by Paramore
After you left, Hotch continued talking to himself for a few seconds before “ending” the phone call. He felt stupid faking a call, but he needed you to leave and not ask questions. He knew you had questions, and that was worrisome.
He hadn’t meant for all of that to happen. But he felt better now, reinvigorated, so that was worth it, he supposed. He needed the boost of energy. He had unsubs to find. You would understand.
The unsub who ran would be hard to find, Hotch knew that. He was good at hiding, it was what took them so long to track him down in the first place, and they wouldn’t have if it weren’t for the kid.
But there were others Hotch could take care of in the meantime. One in particular was just a few hours south. He could use a road trip.
You didn’t tell anyone about your night with Aaron. You couldn’t. You were barely able to make sense of it in your own mind, let alone speak it out loud to someone else.
The way he handled you. It was different from before. His hands had changed.
You took the day off from work, telling Rossi you just needed to sleep. The last case exhausted you; that was all. He tried to press, but eventually let you go.
But you didn’t sleep. You slept after having sex with Aaron because you were past the point of exhaustion. You had no choice but to sleep, but now you weren’t tired enough. Your mind was still awake and running wild with questions.
You replayed the night over in your brain until it felt like it didn’t happen at all.
You laid on your couch, stared at the ceiling, and dozed. Remade the night in your head until it was a fantasy of what could’ve been if he had only let you in and let you love him in the first place.
Your phone rang and you wished it was Aaron, but knew it wasn’t. It was Penelope.
You rolled over, and let your voicemail answer.
Hotch made good time driving south to North Carolina. Between energy drinks and chewing Excedrin, he barely needed to sleep at all. The four-hour drive breezed past, and soon he was sitting outside the unsub’s neighborhood, waiting.
He thought too much about you. Turning the radio as loud as it went did nothing to fight off the images of you that flashed before his eyes.
The previous version of him, before Foyet, would have called you instead of repeatedly searching the radio for something interesting. He always ended back up on the news, wanting to hear what was going on locally. Sometimes he checked national news, and sometimes he checked specific forums that he knew to watch, just in case he appeared there.
His stomach growled, and he cussed at it. He knew he should’ve eaten something before parking, but he couldn’t get this unsub off his mind. He’d eat after he handled this unsub. That was a deal he made for himself. He’d be hungry after this, and he needed to drive back to Quantico tonight, too. He couldn’t stay.
It took a few hours until Hotch saw the unsub’s car returning to the neighborhood. Hotch waited a few minutes before jumping out of his car and following.
With his gun tucked in the waistband of his jeans on his back, he knew what he had to do. He didn’t have as much time as he wanted with this unsub, but that was fine. He walked right up to his house, bypassing the open garage to ring the doorbell out front. The unsub answered with a confused greeting.
The ruse worked all the same. The unsub let Hotch into his house willingly, asking “Gideon” how he had been. How nice it was of him to check in. How the unsub had his life turned around.
Hotch waited until the unsub bent to grab drinks from the fridge. He shot him twice in the back of the head and neck, and left him there. The unsub lived alone, but someone would find out eventually. It wasn’t Hotch’s business.
He closed the garage and shut the lights off before he left. No one was home, after all.
You went back to work after one day off. You needed to get off the couch and out of your apartment before you drove yourself insane with overthinking.
What the hell were you thinking? Going to Hotch’s place and going inside like that. Letting him do those things to you. No one could ever know about that. You knew that much. It had to remain a secret. You weren’t supposed to have any contact with him. You knew that, and you broke that rule. Foolishly. You knew better than that.
Penelope was the first to ask how you were doing. You swore she had special senses or something because she was waiting for you when you got off the elevator.
“Hey,” she called out, walking beside you, her heels clicking on the floor. “Rossi said you stayed home yesterday out of the blue. I tried calling you but it went to voicemail.”
“I know, I’m sorry Pen,” you tried to smile. “I was just really tired so I didn’t look at my phone or anything.”
“Okay,” she frowned. “Can I do anything? Tea? Do you want to get lunch together?”
“Sure,” you conceded, smiling genuinely then. “I’d love that. Let’s do lunch.”
“Awesome,” she grinned, her pink lipgloss sparkling with her smile. “I’m off to the cave. Come see me if you need anything, okay?”
You nodded. “I will, thanks Pen.”
Her concern worried you more than anything. You didn’t think you were that obvious with how bad you were doing. You thought you were hiding it well, but then again, there was never any hiding when working with profilers. Even Pen, who didn’t profile every day, still knew her friends extremely well and knew when something was wrong.
Everyone else knew, too. The second you walked through the glass doors, Emily was up and giving you a hug, asking if you felt any better. JJ followed and rubbed your back, asking if you wanted any coffee. Derek came over and gave a hug as well, and his stern look of worry. Reid waved from his desk and said it was glad to see you back.
“I was gone for one day,” you laughed, putting your purse down on your desk and plopping yourself down in your chair.
“It was kinda out of nowhere though,” Reid piped up. “Were you sick?”
“Sure,” you shrugged. “I was just exhausted, I think. I slept the whole day.”
“Were you avoiding something?”
“Reid,” Morgan warned. “Relax.”
Spencer grimaced. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay, don’t worry about it,” you shook your head. “Maybe I was, who knows? I’ll bring it up to my therapist,” you grinned, but none of them laughed. You cleared your throat. They stared back at you. “Why are you staring at me?”
“Nothing,” Emily said, shrugging, letting out a weak chuckle. “We all need therapists after the few months we’ve had.”
“You guys don’t have therapists?” Reid asked.
That got everyone to laugh.
“Oh, uh, by the way,” Morgan nudged your shoulder. “Rossi wanted to see you at some point today.”
“Okay…” He probably just wanted to check on you, but still, it unnerved you. “I’ll go get that over with now.”
You hauled yourself up and skipped up the stairs, bypassing Hotch’s office. You tried not to look at the door too long, but it startled you, seeing it empty. You kept walking, knocking on Rossi’s door and listening for him to invite you inside.
He opened the door for you, looking relieved to see that it was you. “Hey, come on in.”
You were welcomed inside and sat down on Rossi’s couch, and he took the seat next to you. You thought this meant that the conversation was a friendly check-in, but it verged away from friendly very quickly.
“Did you visit Aaron?”
You tried to keep your shock under control. “I did.”
“How was he?” Rossi asked.
“Good,” you lied. “I gave him some flowers. They seemed to cheer him up.”
“That’s good,” Rossi smiled softly. “How are you?”
“Fine,” you lied again, this time shrugging. “Moving on from it. Thanks for letting me have yesterday off. Resting really helped.”
Rossi waved his hand. “No need to thank me, but I’m glad it helped.” He paused, exhaling. “Strauss is worried about Aaron.”
“We all are,” you shrugged. “He’s been through a lot.”
“Yes, he has,” Rossi agreed. “But she’s…more concerned than we are, I’ll say. I was wondering if you wanted to shed some light on how he’s doing.”
“I mean, he…” You trailed off, fiddling with your hands. Should you say something? You didn’t care about betraying him. You did that when you first contacted Strauss. Betraying him wasn’t the issue.
It was admitting to yourself that something was wrong with him. Deeply. Enough to cause serious, genuine worry. Enough to intervene.
But what proof of that did you have? That he fucked you and kicked you out? You were not going to disclose that information, especially not to Rossi.
“He’s as good as you can expect him to be while grieving,” you finally said. “I think he’s fine.”
Rossi clearly did not believe you, but he let it go, and let you go back to your desk, which was completely fine with you.
You were saddled with paperwork that you didn’t do yesterday, and more because apparently new Use of Force reports are due. When are they not due?
Lunchtime rolled around slowly, and you sprung up from your desk like you were on a trampoline when Penelope came waltzing through the doors.
She laughed when she saw you were already standing. “Normally I have to pry you from your desk.”
“I’m starving,” you said. It was a half-lie. “Where are we eating?”
“Wherever you want,” she linked your arm in hers. “Anyone else want to join? JJ?”
JJ walked past briskly, shaking her head. “Can’t, sorry, sorting through some files.” She bounded the steps to the second level, pausing to lean over the railing. “I’ve misplaced a couple-- It’s not a big deal, they’re probably just buried under everything, but still. Thanks though.” She breezed into Rossi’s office and shut the door.
Pen blinked. “Okay.” She gave you a weird look and you returned it. “Any other takers?”
Reid was mid-bite of his usual PB&J, and Emily and Morgan were on the phone, shaking their heads.
You and Pen left the BAU alone, preparing for an ultimate girls lunch. Complete with food and gossip. Except, you weren’t in the mood for gossip because all Pen wanted to know about was Hotch. Before you even ordered food, Pen started with the questions.
“Okay, obviously something happened, because you never go off the grid like that.” She leaned forward on the table. “What happened yesterday?”
“Nothing happened,” you insisted. Because technically, it was the day before. Not that that even remotely mattered. “I was just tired.”
“Did you go see Hotch?”
Your eyes widened. “Penelope.”
“I knew it!” she cheered quietly. “I knew it! You two were too close when he was here, I knew you’d keep in touch.”
“We haven’t exactly kept in touch,” you replied. “He refuses to speak to me.” Technically the truth. He did refuse to speak to you. He might have fucked you, but there was no talking involved. Barely any.
“I went to his apartment with some flowers to apologize and wish him well but he… He refused to speak to me,” you shrugged. “I mean, he took the flowers, but we barely spoke, and I left.” You kept your eyes down on your drink, swirling your straw, hoping you came across as ashamed and not a liar.
“Oh, babe…” Penelope rested her hand on yours. “I am so sorry. You really liked him.”
“I did,” you exhaled through a small laugh, then shook your head. “But it’s fine. Other fish in the sea, and all that. Not to mention,” you lowered your voice, “he’s my boss, Pen. What was I thinking?”
“Uh, you were thinking how hot it is,” she replied, her voice just above a whisper, but she was grinning. “It’s fine to have fantasies! Don’t beat yourself up over it.” She squeezed your hand.
“Thanks, Pen,” you smiled, squeezing her hand back. “Now. What are we thinking for food? I really am starving.”
Hotch was just about to head out to find another unsub when his phone began ringing. He sighed heavily and spun around, hoping it wasn’t you, because the last thing he wanted to do was deal with you any more. It turned out to be Rossi.
“Hey Dave,” Aaron made sure to smile as he said it, hoping that translated in his tone. “What’s up?”
“Oh, nothing much,” Rossi sighed. “The usual. What are you up to?”
Aaron set his duffle bag down gently. Rossi never called for no reason. “Was just about to head on a short run,” Aaron said.
“Running a lot lately, huh?”
“Yeah,” Aaron chuckled, suddenly worried. Was Rossi onto him? How was he supposed to know? He felt ridiculous, being a profiler and unable to tell what Rossi was feeling. “It’s been good for uh…coping, you know. I don’t know,” he laughed. “I probably sound stupid.”
“Not at all,” Dave replied. “I won’t keep you. I just had one quick question.”
There it is. “Sure, what is it?”
“JJ is missing a few files, and I was just wondering if you might have them. The Holman case, the Goodman case, and a few others.”
“Holman?” Hotch asked. “Wasn’t he killed a few days ago?” Only a few days ago…what happened to the time?
“Yeah,” Dave sighed. “Anyway, take a look through your office after your run and give me a call, deal?”
“Deal,” Hotch said, smiling again. “I’ll talk to you later.”
“See ya,” Dave replied. “Don’t give yourself a stroke.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Hotch laughed. “Bye.”
Hotch sighed, setting his phone on the counter. This next unsub had to wait until the next day. Hotch had files to burn.
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blindedguilt · 3 years
Drakengard Direct Translations 3 - Chapter 12 deaths
//Me, putting a spoiler tag for a game that’s 18 years old? It’s more likely than you think. Instead of getting to the ask in my ask box like I’m supposed to, or finishing that drabble I was working on, or replying to the two separate threads that have been sitting on my Discord forever now, I did another translation bc I already had the notes >:)  I’m a very good person. But yeah uh.... Spoilers. 
So first we’ll start with Arioch’s death. Pretty straightforward stuff which makes me kinda disappointed tbh :/ I wanted more censorship to laugh at English for comparison: Arioch: Come! Let us become one... My beautiful children... ~Cue cutscene~ Leonard: Arioch... What are you doing!? Arioch: The greatest... Of feasts! ~BAM~ Seere: Oh...! Th-They’re devouring Arioch! Verdelet: All has become chaos, we have descended into hell... Angelus: Stop your sniveling, the way is clear! Run for your life!  Verdelet: W... Wait!!!
My directly translated Japanese version (Stiff for accuracy):
Arioch: Come! Let us become one.... My baby/babies. ~Cue cutscene~
Leonard: Arioch, what on earth are you doing!?
Arioch: A full feast...!
Seere: Arioch is being completely eaten...!
Verdelet: Everything is going mad... It is hell here...
Angelus: It will be closed later... There can be no life for you if you do not follow the path the woman has opened! 
Verdelet: W... Wait for me! 
//Yeah, not very different besides Leonard being more “arioch pls stop :(” (A simple Nanio!? would have done but since you wanna be like that :///) and Angelus is a lot more clear that Arioch cleared a path for them compared to the English being like “CATCH UP ASSHOLE”. Now we do Leonard’s death which is a biiiit more different.
English for comparison:
Leonard: You know it’s the only way to clear a path. Go, go now! I shall stay. 
Seere: No! ... I don’t want you to go, why can’t you come with us!? Why!? Leonard... I don’t want anyone else to die...!
Leonard: ... Seere, you are a fine young lad. You mustn’t be afraid; I will not die. Now go! Please!
Faerie: Hey stupid! What do you think you’re doing!? You’ll get me killed too! And if you die, you won’t see Seere anymore~ Please Leonard, live, don’t sacrifice yourself! Please, please-! Augh, stop, let me go! Gah, you’re too scared to die, right!? Hey, you bastard!! No, no!! Nooooo!!
Leonard: Death need not be the end of hope! Aaaaaaaagh! 
My directly translated Japanese version (Stiff for accuracy):
Leonard: There is no other way to open a path. Now, please go! I will stay-
Seere: No! ... Are you not coming together with us? Why aren’t you coming? I don’t want... I don’t want more people to die!
Leonard:��... Seere, you smell very nice. (*I wish I was making this up. I thought others were when they said it. But no. This is actually what he says.) It will be okay (*This could also be read as “I will be okay”, either way). I will not die. Now, go! Please go!! (*Another note, there really is no translatable phrase to put Leonard’s second “Itte, ikunodesu!” He isn’t necessarily saying “Please go” as a request but just telling him to gtfo in a softer manner)
Faerie: Oi, idiot. That’s really stupid behaviour, I’ll die, won’t I? (*<-Unlike the English, the faerie refers to specifically just itself here, lmao) If you die, you won’t be able to play with that Seere anymore~  (*Fun to note that the faerie quite literally refers to him as “Ano Seere-chan” here) I’m begging you, please live Leonard! Come on, please, please- Uwah! After all, you’re too scared to die, right? Right? Isn’t that right? Oi? Stop! Stooooop! Stoooooooop!! STOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!!!
Leonard: The end of hope is not death! (*A better way to say it is “Hope does not end with death”. Neat last words, buddy. It fits the Drakenier series pretty well but for his character? Is it a way of saying he’s finally gotten his “Redemption”? I have no fucking clue. Was it just neat to say? idk if you have an idea what this means id love to hear lmao) URAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH ~Crunch~ //So uh, yeah. That was a biiiiit different than the English version in several ways. I’m not sure if I love it or not tbh, and by that I mean,,, do I like the English more???? The Japanese version??? I’m not sure. Both definitely give me feelings, some more uncomfortable than the others. I gotta say though, the last dying screams of the faerie were definitely more satisfying in the japanese version imo <3 hate that little bastard
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rurifangirl · 3 years
12 for Shou…?
has your oc ever engaged in cannibalism?
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(Tw for cannibalism even if I don't rly go in details cus sleepy)
So first off, this isn't on his own oc post, mainly because when i finished It, It wasn't a thing. This isn't recent either, ad I've hinted he did something arguably worse than trying to kill Rui and Lyva, even if that's another long story so, we'll focus on this. Keep in mind that Shou Is currently over 200 y/o, so what I'm going to say happened quite a long time ago.
This happened when his mother was still alive, an pretty much the head of the palace. Shou had already dealt with much preassure, since he was younger. Not only he had to hide the fact he was trans, but also had to deal with the preassure of becoming the next reignant. Even so, he's got some mixed feelings.
He doesn't blame her for having raised a snake demon on her own, but on an outsider's view, she did influence a lot on how he percieved himself permenantly, making him feel as if he'll never be more than a demon and things such as that.
At that time, he didn't have much authority nor power actually, the only thing he had control on was hiding his powers. But, that was destined to only crumble sooner or later.
Another thing I've never talked about, was his hunger.
Currently speaking, it's not a problem. Sure, It may have resurfaced like twice or three times, but it's merely an intruisive thought. But back then, hohooho It was so much worse. There where times where that brought him physically sick, even vomiting because of that, and others where a servitor or two seemed to good to be left alive.
There were some that inevitably tried to help him, growing closer to him, even if Shou tried to push them away. If that would've gotten thus far, he would've never forgiven himself. But if everything went right, we wouldn't be here.
Now, I have two versions here.
One of them in which a specifical servitor grows very close to him, being the one helping him with many of his attacks. It,, doesn't end well unfortunatly, as Shou loses control and ends up devouring them alive. Mind you, his current demon form Is a LOT toned down from what It was originally,, so I'm leaving y'all to think about how different It was. "Fortunately" for Shou, he gets to clean up the mess, but to this day endures that guilt and disgust of not being strong enough to have let them live. Which would give another reason for Shou to have now mastered his demon form.
The other one Is similar, but doesn't involve a closed one, rather than just a random servitor. Difference Is, he had actually enjoyed that. And It brings an even more conflict, whether to be punished for that horrible crime, or to continue that pleasure in secret. He does continue several times, but realises that if he gets caught, It'll be the end of him. He'll end up regretting what he had done as time passes, keeping that away from anyone else.
I've never really set up on which Is the official thing, so take the one you'd like the most. I kind of jump on n off on which i like more.
Even then, in both versions he does end up fighting those struggles, at least in majority. It's still very much there, but not as strong. He occasionally gets corpses to eat if his desire gets a little too high, even before he met the whole gang.
Currently noone knows about him having eaten people, at MAXIMUM he hinted something to Qiran, but nothing more. Qiran's dence anyways so they probably didn't pick It up either.
And as im now finishing this i realized his and Qiran's relationship may be quite slower because of this n I'm egdkjjhguiuguuek, especially if i go w the first version
If there's anything else unclear lemme know cus idk if i put everything 😭
@a-chaotic-dumbass @spoopy-fish-writes @dopesaladlady @audre-falrose @nadi-117 @infra-jaded
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toshis-puppycat · 4 years
Dreamscape Part Nine
A/n: so here's part nine! I hope yall enjoy and well I realized you guys might want me to have a tag list?? So I can add that in now just pls let me know if you want in 💖 enjoy also I never said it bcs I was so happy writing this but like thank you to the gc for the name. I love yall so much tbh
Two nights later, you were really bothered. You had dreams about the whole group. Well, almost the whole group. How you met a kid version of Mike was still unknown to you, and you were starting to worry. Not only that but it made no sense that none of them reacted when meeting you the first time. And… the last part you didn't even want to think about. The fact that your father was in the dream, no in the memories that you saw. You wanted to do what you always did when something odd involved your father in your memories. You did it when you were younger all the time. In fact the last time you had done it was when you were around 8 years old. You were dreaming about when you were just a toddler. You were walking around a house, a very unfamiliar house to you now but it seemed like the you in the dream knew where you were going. You ended up walking to the living room, and that's when you saw your 'papa' looking in the area. But he wasn't your 'papa' he looked menacing. And in this you knew you were terrified of him. His dark eyes, the evil look. Then you woke up screaming, and he ran in, as you ended up pushing yourself away, backing into a corner screaming in terror. He wasn't mad at you. Just worried, and you felt so silly. But you never said he was the nightmare you had. You didn't mention a word of what the nightmare was. Because somehow you knew he wouldn't react pleasantly to it. When you were younger your instincts never let you down. When you met Henry as a child you knew he was going to be bad news, seeing him grow up solidified that feeling. What happened two nights ago… it definitely made the feeling you had before valid. You always wanted to brush off the feeling, but it was different. It stayed and festered, even though you never tried to let it affect your relationship with your father there was always some part of you that was wary of him. Having these dreams, suddenly made everything fall into place though. You had vague memories of a woman you called mom and then growing up, you'd never had many friends. You would make them no problem but soon after meeting your father they'd lose interest in you. Giving terrified glances during class that no one believed you noticed. These dreams were real, the memory of that woman, it wasn't your real mother. And if they were real that meant that your father wasn't your father. He was your kidnapper and he was a killer. 
'I need to see all of you soon.' The group read the text over and over. It was a simple text from someone they haven't talked to in 2 days. Stan said everything was alright and that he apologized but they were still worried. You became a fixture in their lives at this point. Someone who brought them comfort and joy, something they hadn't felt for a human in a long time. The need to protect you. Stan was avoiding the questions from them, and it seemed like you would be revealing what the answer would be.
Growing up, you'd always felt as if you were a strong individual. Someone who couldn't be hurt when people left the way they did. Someone who would be the rational leader. You didn't feel that way anymore though. You were scared. News about finding someone in the woods near your apartment never came up. Henry was still out there and he was most likely pissed. You didn't want to leave the apartment but you knew you had to see them soon. Sending that text solidified the need for it. You had questions, and you knew they'd be the only ones to answer them. You were being very careful, slipping out and making sure there was no one outside before leaving. You were sure to be extra careful, being more cautious and to make sure you didn't hurt yourself anymore. The bruise was less obvious now, and you had something to make sure it wouldn't be too bad to walk around. It didn't take long before you were in front of their apartment and knocking on their door. Stan was the one to open it, and thankfully he didn't look too surprised to see you. He moved out of the way so you could go in and they were all in the living room, waiting for you.
"We have a lot to talk about." You said, taking a deep breath and looking down, "all of us. This isn't about Stan and I. It's about all of us." Richie looked really confused. Were you going to tell them you didn't want to see them again too? Because they didn't do more to Stan with making him be nice?
"Do you not want to be friends anymore y/n?" Eddie asked, honest fear in his voice. When you looked up startled, he could feel that he was wrong though. So what was it then?
"I've had… dreams. For as long as I could ever remember I've had dreams about people. People in the past who've been dead a long time." You said, looking at them. "Two nights ago, when I ran out… I was almost-"
"You were hurt." Stan cut you off, his voice tight. You turned to look at him, not quite annoyed but startled he even said anything.
"I was hurt. By someone I've known since I was a kid. An honest to god creep." You said, Richie quickly stood up, looking furiously at Stan. "Richie I swear to god if you interrupt me because you're mad and you think Stan hurt me, I will kick your ass." You said quickly, angry that he even attempted to think it was Stan who hurt you. You knew he would never do that. Because… Stan was Stanley. You sighed. "When were you guys going to tell me?" 
They looked confused at you. Except Mike, he knew. 
"She mean when were we going to tell her we were dead." Mike said, looking down. The group looked startled at the revelation that you knew. Stan looked uncomfortable, like he just knew you what you thought. He's such a dumbass thinking you changed that much. 
"I get it ya know? Like you probably thought that I was going to say you all were evil or should have stayed dead or something. But really? Did you really think I could ever think that about you?" You asked. You looked at Mike and you knew he could answer it.
"Not all of us remember what happened. We can remember our names and have vague memories of what it was like back then and our deaths. We don't remember much else though." Mike said, he was still avoiding your eyes though. 
"W-we thou-ught y-you'd ha-ate us y/n." Bill said, he was stuttering and some small part of you remembered he only stuttered at this point because he was nervous. "We-we've lost p-people before. T-they've left us b-before. T-they've thre-eatened us before." He couldn't look at you. He was scared, hell you were scared but you were scared of what they must have thought of themselves. 
"I'm surprised though. You're not like us. You're alive y/n. You're young and you're alive, so how did you even find out? How did you have those dreams?" Mike asked, he placed a hand on Bill's shoulder to steady his friend, a means to make sure he was grounded in the present. You looked at them.
"I've had them for a long time. The earliest I can remember was when I was eight years old. I had a dream about this small village? I guess you could say." You said, you didn't see how Stan stiffened behind you though, and how he looked at you afterwards. "In it I couldn't have been more than like 2 or 3. I was a toddler and I was running around. And I called-"
"Me." Stan said, cutting you off. You turned to face him, and you noticed how shocked he looked. Since you'd thought they were dreams you never believed that he actually remembered,  even when he was crying to you that he'd never forget you. "You called out Beanly. But you said Stanley. That was me." He finished. 
Bev was the one to break the tension. "Stans always remembered. What happened with him. All of it." She said. 
"And you guys didn't have the luxury of having the same thing?" You asked. They all shook their heads. 
"We couldn't. The one who turned us, he. He said he couldn't let us remember." Ben said, he looked paler than he should've. But to be fair when you said you knew about them it terrified him way more than it should have considering he knew you wouldn't be able to hurt them. You flinched when they said he didn't want them to remember. You knew who he was. Mike noticed.
"You know him don't you?" He asked, and they all shifted to focus on you once more. You sighed.
"He's my father." You said, they all looked at you shocked. "And I think he kidnapped me."
Taglist: @homosexualkaspbrak @traqicalromance @rickytoaster
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((Mod post!! Gonna answer some questions for me that have been sitting around for a while, sorry the response is so late ;w;
Everything’s under the cut to save space 0w0 ))
Anonymous said: Okay but totally loving the concept of Michael as Gil and Jeremy as Oz??? Like, freaking Alice is Christine (even tho its totally a personality clash apart from the childish aspect but shhhh) and just yes
YEAH MAN...any type of PH crossover is good hhh but GOSH imagine Michael like. After growing up and spending ten years looking for Jeremy like Gil did ahh my heart aches!! And Jeremy coming back pouting like “You’re taller than me now that’s totally not fair, M” Christine would make a really cute Alice I think, just seeing her dress up like Alice and having her kick ass as the B-Rabbit?! Hell yeah!
zekromztk2 said: Out of all of the Pandora Hearts characters, who is your favorite? Mine is... probably either Alice or Oz
Anonymous said: did I hear Harry Potter?
Ye man talk to me about the Marauder days any time I love talking about Sirius, James and Remus getting into shenanigans at Hogwarts hoo boy
Anonymous said: (Hey mod, so basically Jake and Rich are just gonna be background characters with kind of their own stories?)
Yes! Jeremy and Michael are the main focus here, but Jake and Rich sort of have their own thing going on in the background as more minor characters to the overall blog! I want to make a more developed backstory for the treasure hunter girls and Christine as well, so we’ll see how that goes~
Anonymous said: Thank you so much for introducing the novel this AU is based on to me!! Now that I've finished reading, I understand a lot more about this AU and now I want to ask... Would you consider Mr. Heere/Reyes as Morrow?
You’re very welcome, it’s a great novel so! I’m glad more people are reading it after having run into this blog, I must spread the pureness that is Aech to all of humanity //shakes fists And yes! Mr. Reyes is Morrow, I can imagine him sort of contributing to the hunt with lots of theater related things, which Christine specializes in! Book!Squip is Halliday, and there’s actually a little more about that and his relationship with Jeremy that I want to get into later.
Anonymous said: ((I had literally never heard of ready player one but I lov this blog so much I actually went out and bought it. Consider me murdled dead))
Yeah man like;; I didn’t read the novel until this past summer and after that I just got so into it and BMC at the same time so? I combined the two and here we are! Aaah I’m so glad!! Like I’ve said before I love it when people come tell me they went out to buy the novel and read it because of me, it makes me so happy :’) Hjrhjd please don’t die lol
emibeani said: ((I just finished reading Ready Player One, and thank you so much for this blog.))
I’m glad to hear it!! And you’re very welcome, I honestly didn’t expect so many people to get into but I’m super appreciative of all the interest you guys have shown so far so?? Thank you!!
Glad you like it, ty! ;D
aslyn-is-artsy said: Your art is absolutely amazing
Hrhrhgfh I’m blushing thank you wow;;
aslyn-is-artsy said: Thank you so much for showing me this amazing book. I now aspire to become the real version of Art3mis. Just with short blonde hair instead. ;)
No problem!! It’s such a fantastic read and I was honestly blown away by it, so yeah...! Haha yeah I love Arty! She’s such a badass character and she doesn’t put up with any of Wade’s shit, which is great, she’s so empowered and I adore her
theitalianscribe said :I don't remember if this was answered, but is Michael trans male in this au?
Nope! I mean if you want to headcanon him that way that’s fine, I won’t stop you! I’m not going to endorse that since I myself don’t see him being that way, but you all are entitled to your own opinions so! And even if he were trans that wouldn’t be the main point of the blog anyway, I’m focusing more on their actual relationship, not their sexuality or gender or anything like that ^^
Anonymous said:i checked the book Ready Player One out from the library just because of this blog! are there any other books you recommend? (i havent finished the book but i like it so far i think!)
Oh nice!! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! Ahhh hmm well if you like supernatural teen stories, there’s a series called Darkest Powers by Kelley Armstrong about this girl named Chloe who finds out she’s a necromancer after being sent to a “troubled teens” home, and she meets these boys named Simon and Derek who also have special abilities and then all sorts of crazy things happen! I first read it back in high school and I still love it a lot, so yeah it’s a trilogy and all of the characters are really great so! (I looooove Simon like. So much.) Check it out if you have the time, it’s a good read!
kitikat101 said: Random potential song parodies: I Love the OASIS (I Love Play Rehearsal), Find That Egg (Be More Chill, pts. 1 and 2), Two-Player Game (but with Joust), Oases In My Head (Voices In My Head)
Kit can I say how much I adore these song titles they fit so well I’m really tempted to make parodies for all of them, absolutely brilliant
geeklychic1012 said: So are we allowed to send in fanfics based on this blog? (Cuz I submitted one but my wifi is shit and I think Tumblr might have eaten it haha)
YES!! Please do I’d highly enjoy reading stuff from you guys! And yes I saw and it breaks my heart like. Why. I’ll post it soon for everyone else to see too! They must all suffer as I have hfhdjhgjg
Anonymous said: Who would be I-r0k in this au? Or would I-r0k still be his normal jerk self?
I’m actually...not sure :0 There aren’t enough characters in BMC to properly cross over with all the rest of the RPO characters so;; I might have to go through the BMC novel and find some obscure background character to sneak in as I-r0k lol, because I would like to have all of the RPO characters replaced by BMC counterparts, if that makes sense!
theitalianscribe said: Does someone else take Halliday's place in this au? Also, do the gunters have a shared obsession with pop culture from a certain time period? What time period?
Yeah, I mentioned that up above! But Book!Squip takes over the role of Halliday, and musical Squip is Sorrento, of course~ Honestly I’d say like, probably the early 2000s, since that was when I was growing up and I can actually make references back to that time lol? I mean I love the 80s as well, just as it is in the book, but I feel as if I don’t know enough about that time period to actually. Make proper references and constantly. (I mean I could ask my parents who lived during that time too but;; haha.) Most of the stuff on here are me self-projecting, like with video games, books, and anime, that’s all me lol
Anonymous said: " “You don’t need to sell me on anything, Wade,” she said. “You’re my best friend. My favorite person.” With what appeared to be some effort, she looked me in the eye. “I’ve really missed you, you know that?”My heart felt like it was on fire. I took a moment to work up my courage; then I reached out and took her hand." aka perfect au is perfect how does it fit S O well
!!! yEAH MY DUDE I LOVED THAT PART and just imagining Michael saying that to Jeremy I wanted to cry;; I don’t even know but the INSTANT Aech was introduced I was like “Ohhh man. I’m getting major BMC vibes here” and bam, a week later this blog was born lol
Anonymous said:Would you be okay with cosplay of your character designs? I can't do one anytime soon, but they look really cool (and jerm's hair honestly looks fun to do)
YES!! OH MY GOD I’d probably die of sheer happiness if you guys cosplayed these dorks! If you want I could draw a character ref sheet so you actually get a proper look at their outfits! But yes I’d highly enjoy that;; like the cosplay doesn’t even have to be accurate I’d still love it anyway, and doing things like acting out some of the asks here (I’ve seen it be done before and it’s so cute!) would be totally okay too! But yeah as always TAG ME or submit it here so I can see it aaaa I’d love love LOVE that! ^^
maysurprisedyou said: Hi! This isn't quite an ask, but!! I started reading Ready Player One because of this blog and it's really interesting so far so thank you!! All of your posts seem to make my day ahah <3
Oooh I’m happy you’re liking it so far, I’m glad my blog inspired you to read it! And aaAAAA that’s so sweet I’m?? Hhhhfh thank you! :’)
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idontlikesummer · 7 years
Japan 2017 Trip 1.2 (?)
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Yeah, it’s fast, haha. But I had to rush back to Japan because of a family event at the tail-end of July. Buying a plane ticket for a trip the next day is literally the most spontaneous thing I’ve done in my life. This 6-day trip is a lot less exciting than the previous one because we’re not technically there on holiday, but it was still somewhat of an experience. I traveled with my family this time—mainly my brother and mom, since my dad couldn’t make it to Tokyo with us. I won’t be including as much details here as my previous trip, since it really was a rushed trip! But if you’re still interested in some undiscovered parts of Tokyo and my ramblings on childhood, feel free to read on!
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This is my first time taking a transit flight! We went on Thai airways for the first time! Stopped at the Bangkok for an hour, hehe.
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We sat near the window seat! I was really nervous at first since I’m really bad at enduring turbulence, but this was hands down the BEST ride I ever had. Forget about the turbulence, the plane didn’t even SHAKE. Regardless, my anxiety just wouldn’t allow me a night’s rest, so I didn’t sleep for one night! 
I also ate garlic pork rice in the morning! It was really good! The first time I ate in a plane for ten years, I think. After touching down, we rushed to Ueno to take the shinkansen to Sakudaira station, where my paternal family lives.
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We always take Asama line to my family’s hometown. It used to be a white bullet train with blue and red lines, but now they changed it to gold and blue ;w;. My brother and I were lamenting since the colours we associated with our childhood is gone.
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To those interested, this is how the old train looks!
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Chicken bentou at the Ueno station! It seems to be a very child friendly bentou.
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View of the countryside where my paternal family stays! It rained a lot the few days we were there, so in spite of it being summer, the weather was very cool and pleasant. There was also a lot of fog! We used to play by a river near this area as kids, but it seems that there are a lot of plants creeping around the area this time and it’s hard to reach the river, so I couldn’t really get a picture of it. I feel a bit wistful and poignant staring at this scenery, since I haven’t been here for years. I hope I can come back more often from now on. It really is a very lovely village.
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More pictures! I was fascinated by this signpost because it seems that a lot of people living in this village have the same surname as the words on the post.
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Apparently, my aunt told me I was named after this flower! It was in full bloom when we arrived
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Some really NICE dinner at the event. Most of the food here was sashimi! We ate sashimi for three straight days
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There was a slug in the bathroom HAHA. It didn’t really move so I didn’t mind it much.
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We went back to Sakudaira station soon after three days. These boxes of tomatoes were relevant to my interests! One whole box only costs 80 yen which is REALLY cheap!! They are really big too, just in case you’re wondering!
So we took the train all the way back to Tokyo again! And we docked at Shimo-Ochiai station, where we rented AirBnB! THIS PLACE IS SO GOOD. Would highly recommend if you’re staying in Tokyo! It’s a two-storey house with really homey décor! And the host (who is really friendly and professional!) lets you pick one of three rooms. We decided to pick the Japanese style room on the third floor! You can find the link to the AirBnB here!
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This is how it looks! You can exit the doors on the right to go to the balcony!
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The kitchen and dining area! We sat here to have supper every day while we were in Tokyo!
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I caught a sticker of Yayoi Kusama’s pumpkin on the door!!
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Naturally, since Shimo-ochiai was a stop away from Takadanobaba, I decided to drag my family to the polar bear’s café!! They are having a different sale right now. It seems that they are having a panda fair atm!
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Now they have calendar coasters!
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When I found out that they were selling a limited edition cappuccino with coffee art of panda disguising himself as polar bear, of course, I had to go get it
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I had the salmon stew that Polar Bear made Grizzly in episode 25!! It was REALLY good!! My mom got the same thing, and my brother took the katsu dish!
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Now they placed hats on the life sized penguin and panda HAHA
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We went to eat at a sukiyaki restaurant with Belle!! (and no we didn’t order what was in the picture because we couldn’t finish that). It's called 木曽路 (Kisoji) and to anyone interested I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT because of the quality of its meat and its generous portions!
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In sukiyaki, after cooking the meat, you’re supposed to dip it in raw egg. It sounds intimidating but it’s really delicious!!
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VEGETABLES (that my brother refused to eat because he doesn’t eat his veges)
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Lok at all the vegetables sizzling in the pan. The onions were my favourite!
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And they served the udon last before the dessert! It’s really quite a lot of food! But it’s all delicious so thank God that we could finish everything
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I didn’t manage to get a picture of the sizzling meat in the pan so have a look at it on the restaurant menu.
THE FOOD IS REALLY GOOD. Literally everything here, especially the beef, was melt in your mouth heaven.
NEXT DAY (Harajuku and Shibuya)
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We headed straight to Harajuku to eat since we left the house later than planned today. The first vegetable juice I drank in my life is Pokemon vegetable juice!
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YUZU RAMEN. This is the craziest ramen I’ve ever eaten! It was not bad!! Apparently, it’s one of the more popular ramen joints in Harajuku. It was already jam packed by the time we arrived!
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If you ever get the chance to eat Kakuni (braised pork) in Japan, DO IT. I promise you a slice of heaven
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We went to Meiji Jingu just like last time, and we shopped a bit in GAP! Before long, we were hungry, and since my brother and mother couldn’t walk so much, we decided to go to Doutour coffee soon after shopping at GAP.
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Don’t let the cheap prices of this joint fool you. Doutor coffee is everywhere in Japan and for GOOD REASON. Honestly this was the best BLACK COFFEE I’ve ever had. I think they roast their beans really well!
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We went to Marion crepes after that! It's in the middle of takeshita street, so we had to walk a bit to get there. I also managed to shop at this place called good day! It sells the best clothes in the entire street in my opinion!
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Life is good. A toast to marion crepes
We walked quite a bit after that! My brother went to do some shopping in Adidas, and we walked to Shibuya from there. Once again, on the way, I stopped by Alice on Wednesday, a quaint little shop which sells Alice in Wonderland merchandise! My family was really tired from the walk, so I decided to bring them to eat cow tongue rice.
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It is as GOOD as ever. By the time we finished, everything in Shibuya was closing, so we had to go home after that. But the adventures of the day don’t end there!
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It turns out there was a mini supermarket at the place we were staying. I got really carried away looking at their meat! I MEAN LOOK. All these are perfectly red and they only range from 200 to 800 yen!!
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Their bacon and ham are to DIE for. But that’s enough excitement for the day. I bought some roasted pork to eat for breakfast the next day (but sadly I didn’t take a picture of it)!
NEXT DAY (Shibuya)
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There was a melon bread shop near the shimochiai station! Apparently they specialize in melon bread with CREAM
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This is a mini model of the melon bread. I’m excited already
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The REAL THING. This is the best melon bread I have ever eaten HANDS DOWN. I love how you could just randomly walk around in Japan and go to a random shop, and everything you try is delicious.
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I want this vending machine in my house
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We decided to look around in the Tokyu Shibuya supermarket since my mom always talks about what nice food these supermarkets have. True enough, look at these omg
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They didn’t have a price tag on these watermelons so I assume they’re not for sale. Pity!!
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I am literally screeching at how fresh these prawns look
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From the roof top of Tokyu!
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We went to a Tempura restaurant at the top floor! I was really carried away looking at this thing while we were waiting for the food
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IT WAS SO GOOD. I ate the set at the bottom! It was really refreshing and thirst quenching, since it’s cold noodles! They also used wild vegetables for the tempura (they didn’t have the typical stuff like sweet potato and pumpkins), so it was a really pleasant surprise! I didn’t know what I ate I just ate them all
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I decided to eat kakuni again! I really want to try making this back at home. It’s such a good dish I’m obsessed
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Immediately after we went back to the basement to have dumplings. Travelling with family is always about eating
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Kimi no na wa posters outside the Tokyu building! It seems that the bluray just got released! We walked around a bit after that and visited the shops my family wanted to go. Including Loft
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In the meantime I got carried away taking pictures of graffiti outside the shops lmao. Halfway through, my family decided to take a rest at Starbucks, while I went to Shibuya 109 in the meantime. They had clearance sales all throughout the building so I managed to snag some really good deals from this shop called Ingni!
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Before long it was time to eat (AGAIN). If you’re ever in Shibuya Tokyu please eat at this restaurant! It’s called Maisen, and it serves tonkatsu (Fried pork cutlet). I think this is the best tonkatsu I’ve eaten all my life. Usually I only get the air-flown version of the food here, so eating it at the restaurant itself was a GREAT experience!
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TOPS cake! It’s a chocolate brand in Japan that my entire family adores! I’m not one for chcocolate but even I loved this! It’s really worth a try if you’re in Tokyo! We ate this with our host, and we had a great chat!
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Of course I’m a glutton so I ate extra things for dessert.
NEXT DAY (Shinjuku and Shibuya (Don’t we always go back to Shibuya?))
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Arrived in Shinjuku! Apparently this shop is a Singaporean brand! Fancy seeing you here!
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SHINJUKUUUUUUUU. I came through this exit about five years ago with my father! It really brings me back to the good old days tbh
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Remember this guy from my previous trip? I saw this whole stash of Totoros at tokyu hands in takashimaya, so naturally I put my own totoro in the middle of them to snap a shot HAHA.
After this we went to meet up with my cousin who was in Tokyo! We travelled the day with her after that! First, we needed to eat, so we had to take the big lift up to the highest levels in Takashimaya. I had a bad experience with lifts before, so I excused myself and decided to take the escalator.
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We ate tempura again! The last tempura was ice cream, if you’re interested! It wasn’t bad! But I did prefer the tempura from yesterday.
After this, we decided to look around in Shinjuku! We went to Tower Records, Don Quijote and Gap! And after a while we decided to go back to Shibuya again (lol)
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Now I actually managed to get a proper shot of the Shibuya cityscape! I love this place so much.
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We went to the basement of seibu to try out some food! Most of the shops close at 8pm, but the restaurants close later. We went to this Western buffet restaurant, and I took pictures of some of my more presentable salad plates. Lmao. Everything else after these three plates was just chaos.
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Some of our mini-main courses!
After this we had to go back home ;w;. We said goodbye to our cousin and went back to Shimo-Ochiai! She was very nice to send us off at the platform despite holding so many things in her hands. I haven’t seen her for 8 years prior to this, so I hope we can see her soon again!
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But the day hasn’t ended yet! Our host was very kind to buy us tarts on our last day! These cheese tarts are from a company called BAKE—which is apparently one of the most famous producers of cheese tarts in Japan. The quality of the tarts are REALLY good!!
FINAL DAY Departure
Nothing much to say other than us going back to Singapore! We left the house before peak hours so we didn’t manage to say goodbye to our host for that one last time ;w; The trip to Narita was mostly uneventful and I slept a little on the train..
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Last meal in Japan at Narita airport! Porridge is great because I get quite airsick easily, so I can’t swallow too much oily food before a flight!
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LOOK AT THE DECORATION. I love all the attention to detail tbh
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Half an hour before the flight, I decided to swallow this down. It’s not bad! I wanted to save it for when I touched down in Singapore, but it seems that they don’t allow water on planes
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This is just a little tidbit! But my grandma used to make us this thing called Matsutake gohan (it’s basically mushroom rice, but the mushroom they use is a special kind that only grows on mountains in autumn)! My aunt made this for us to bring back to Singapore so I was really happy and touched. She gave us enough to feed my family for three meals!
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Also, I managed to eat the cup noodles I got from the cup noodle museum in my previous trip! Look at all the Hiyoko-chan narutos!!! I really hope they sell the original cup noodles in Singapore soon. It is my favourite flavour of Nissin cup noodles!
But yeah, that’s about it for now! This trip was really rushed so there were lots of things I didn’t take pictures of. But thanks for reading all the same!
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miuria · 7 years
tagged by lovely @reibox​ and @helpful-tiara ! >w< Thank youuu~ Well~ *claps hands together* Let’s give this a try >v<
Rules: bold what applies to you
I am 5′7″ or taller (170cm? Falling 4 cm short) I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing (three -two on my ears- and looking forward to getting a fourth one sometime >w<) I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair (the very, very opposite fufu) My abs are at least somewhat defined (hahahahahahaha) I have or have had braces (Oh those two awkward teen years were so worth it) There is something I would change about the way I look
My Hogwarts house is: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin I am an introvert I like meeting new people (ahh, it depends a lot, in general yes) People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me (ÓwÒ9) I enjoy physical challenges  I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well (cannot... harm...) I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it There is something I would change about my personality (I try my best not to be, but I’m shy the first few times meeting fellow humans qvq” It takes a while for the Miu to bloom into her usual silliness :’D)
I can sing well  I can play an instrument  I can do over 30 push-ups without stopping  I’m a fast runner (swimmer, does swimmer count? :’D) I can draw well I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head (curse you numbers) I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute (Passionate free diver here! ٩(๑òωó๑)۶ ) I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling (my arms are twigs :’D They’d break) I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch (They’re no match to mama’s home-cooked meals :’D) I know how to throw a proper punch (*pinch. yes. Pinch a nose. Or boop it. If I like you I shall boop your nose)
I enjoy playing sports (*hisses as balls are magnetically attracted to my face*) I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month I enjoy writing Fandoms are my #1 passion (Not my number one but a pretty big part of the range of things I enjoy~) I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol (I remember my first sip of wine was in Rome, a wonderful way to make such a fancy memory~) I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting (the best =w=) I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country (Dude, in Europe we go Saturday shopping in neighboring countries (ᗒᗨᗕ)) I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts                                        
I’m in a relationship I have a celebrity crush I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year (though long distance) I have had feelings for a friend 
My life:
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live (was) I have hung out with a friend outside of school in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone (Do plants or random spiders count)                    
Random shit:
I have breakdanced (I wish, but I’m as flexible as a dry stick, I would crumble *cries*) I know a person named Jamie I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce (multicultural Europe, the chance of meeting someone who’s name you cannot pronounce is very high. I’m one of them :’D I accept any version by now) I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week (all this punching :’D) I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone (A part of my elbow when I was two) I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life (🐬 ٩(◦◝ ꒳ ◜◦)۶ 🐋 ) I speak at least 2 languages fluently (three fluently) I have made a new friend in the past year (Quite a few amazing people! ♡ )
And I’m tagging a few wonderful people ♡  As always, you’re completely free to jump on the bandwagon if you wish~ Apologies ahead if some have been mentioned already @terassaras @michie-chan @shattered-frost @jlin-yukarin @rabbittwit @hiddenhina @c-luciel @lookslikerainydays @tojikomerareta @fadeslikewhispers
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dreamteamn · 7 years
Get to know me tag
Tagged by @spicypancakedoyoung dude I’m telling you now that I’m kinda obessed with these so you might wanna stop now unless you want me to dedicate my life to you. just saying Also thank you ^w^ like I can’t not do a tag once I’m tagged
1. Are you named after someone?
Yes o.o Like my great great great great grandmother or something???
2. When was the last time you cried?
Last Monday when I dropped my phone into a toilet and the microphone stopped working and both of my grandmas called me and I couldn’t talk to them !!!
3. Do you like your handwriting?
Sometimes. It’s getting worse tho because we don’t write stuff in school that much anymore
4. What’s your favourite lunch meat?
What is a lunch meat??? Am I missing something here?? Is it just a meat you eat for lunch ???
5. Do you have kids?
Yeah like 9 +
6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
I mean it depends who this other person was? If I was another me then probably not because I don’t talk to ppl irl. But I do like tall ppl so maybe idk!!
7. Do you use sarcasm?
I’m too lazy to come up with a joke here so imma just say yes, yes I do.
8. Do you still have tonsils?
What are tonsils?? I just realised how badly I English!! Ok I just googled it and what the fuck?? I don’t know??? No???
9. What is your favourite kind of cereal?
Lion cereal !! haven’t eaten those in years but still
10. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
I mean if I have to ???
11. Do you think you’re a strong person?
My life’s been pretty easy so far so I can’t tell. I’m pretty positive at least ??
12. What’s your favourite ice cream flavour?
Chocolate or cooKIE!! OR CHOCOLATE COKIE!!
13. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Maybe height? Or facial expressions??
14. Red or pink?
15. What is the least favourite physical thing you like about yourself?
The least favourite thing I like about myself?? Erm?? My height?? I’m pretty tall and I’ve learned to live with that but it’s made a lot of things hard for me in the past.
16. What colour pants and shoes are you wearing now?
17. What was the last thing you ate?
I drank coffee this morning?? Ate a few whatever they’re called in English nuts.
18. What are you listening to right now?
Nct Dream playlist on Spotify (Chewing Gum Chinese version)
19. If you were a crayon what colour would you be?
????? What ????? Erm I don’t know ??? Gay wow that’s the best typo I’ve made in days I am not gonna fix that but I meant gray
20. Favourite smell?
Ok this is gonna sound weird but I really like the smell of dogs. Like my pup smells so familiar yeah… His breath smells horrible tho
21. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Well I talked to my grandma but she couldn’t hear me smh… No wait my sister video called me yesterday!!
22. Favourite sport to watch?
Glad it says watch… But Hockey because I’m Finnish duh!
23. Hair colour?
Atm it’s like dark brown
24. Eye colour?
Blue… Very blue…
25. Do you wear contacts?
I don’t and I probably couldn’t even if I had glasses.
26. Favourite food to eat?
Chicken is this even a question??
27. Scary movies or comedy?
I’ve never finished a scary movie so I guess comedy 
28. Last movie I watched?
I honestly can’t remember?? Maybe the xXx thingy the second one the one that doesn’t have Kris lol
29. What colour shirt are you wearing?
Like a grayish blueish Marvel shirt
30. Summer or winter?
Summer on winter and winter on summer… But honestly spring
31. Hugs or kisses?
AGDJSGS both!! Like I love giving hugs but receiving them is awkward cos I’m tol ok??! But I love receiving kisses like little pecks on the cheek and yeh but no one ever kisses me so hugs
32. What book are you currently reading?
It’s a Finnish book and I just started it but it’s called Fraktaaliruhtinas (wow nice word no idea what it means) by Hannu Rajaniemi
33. Who do you miss right now?
Well I haven’t seen most of my irl friends in the longest time so them and also lowkey like really lowkey my sister
34. What is on your mouse pad?
I just use my iPad I broke the mouse tho
35. What is the last tv programme you watched?
I watched dancing with the stars with my grandma and I started watching Cosmos just now
36. What is the best sound?
Honestly music if not then silence or that bling sound that comes when you get a tumblr message ;))))
37. Rolling Stones or The Beatles?
38. What is the farthest you’ve ever travelled?
Do I really need to get up and look at the map?? Fine. Tenerife jesus fuck why am I so Finnish??
39. Do you have a special talent?
I can tell when my nose is gonna start to bleed ?
40. Where were you born?
Lahti Finland which is honestly kinda weird cos I never lived there???
41. Who am I tagging?
@saddermachine @chibiirin and @midnight-daydreams-11​
I’d like to say that it’s optional but IT’S NOT!! Yall are gonna do this and cry!!!
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