#i had blue for like a year before i stripped them back to blonde
stevie-baby · 1 year
i’m looking at hair dye and stuff because i need to touch up my roots but now i want to do something drastic
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Guys My Age
Summary: Guys your age just can't seem to treat you right. What's going to happen when you set your eyes on a tall mustached aviator? This is based on the song Guys My Age by Hey Violet.
Pairings: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Afab!Reader (No use of Y/N)
Warnings:Plot and then filfth. MINORS DNI 18+. Mentions of alcohol, drugs, sex, strip clubs, age gap like 15ish years, rowdy men and catcalling. If I missed any please inform me.
Word count: 4362(pretty sure this is the longest thing I have ever written)
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I haven't seen my ex since we broke up
Probably 'cause he didn't wanna grow up
Now I'm out and wearing something low-cut
'Bout to get attention from a grown up
It had been months since you and your ex had broken up. His lack of maturity made the relationship unbearable. He claimed to be comfortable with your job as a club owner and exotic dancer when the two of you first started dating. But as time went by you could clearly tell he despised what you did. It had been about 6 months since you had danced, deciding to stay behind the bar for the most part serving the patrons. The occasional crowd work thrown in here and there. Tonight you adorned one of your favorite lingerie pieces: a pale yellow lacy corset bra with matching high waisted bottoms and heels in the same pale yellow were on your feet.
You were desperate to get attention from someone older and wiser,  that actually knew what they were doing. So when you saw a group of guys walk into the club that you instantly recognized as aviators from the way they carried themselves you figured you’d pick one off from the group. It didn’t take you long to find your target. A tall mustached brunette stood at the back of the crowd, a floral Hawaiian shirt thrown over a white t-shirt. 
You watched from behind the bar as they found a table to sit at that wasn’t far from the stage but not too close as to miss the rowdier groups. As one of your regulars came up to the bar you turned away from where the group was to grab his drink. You handed him his drink and got a thank you in response. Turning back around you noticed one of the aviators propped up against the bar with a cocky smile on his face. 
“What can I get for you boys?” You asked him with a polite smile on your face glancing over his shoulder at the rest of his group. 
“I’m gonna get two pitchers of blue moon and a couple bottles of rootbeer please.” he answered you while sliding his card across the bar top to you giving you a wink you were sure had other girls falling on their knees for him “I’m going to open a tab while I’m at it as well dollface.”  
“Sure thing. I’ll bring them over to your table as soon as I have them for you.” you said as you took his card putting it next to the register. He tapped the bar twice with his right hand before turning and walking back to his table. You made quick work of gathering the drinks before putting them on a tray with the cups and carefully weaving through the slowly growing crowd. Once you reached the table you put the tray in the middle. 
“If you aviators need anything else let me know.” You said as you looked around the table your eyes finally catching on the tall brunette you saw earlier. You sent him a wink before turning back around making sure to sway your hips a bit more than usual. 
'Cause you hold me like a woman
In a way I've never felt before
And it makes me wanna hold on
And it makes me wanna be all yours
It had been almost an hour since you delivered their drinks. The same blonde as before had been up again for another pitcher. You had made eye contact with the handsome stranger numerous times within that hour. You were growing very antsy behind the bar wanting nothing more than to have his full attention on you. Finally you decided enough was enough and called for one of the other girls to come and stand behind the bar in your place. 
His eyes didn’t drag over your body as so many others did as you neared him. He kept his eyes on your face, a sly smirk making its way onto his face. You returned the smirk, a spark of mischief dancing in your eyes. Luckily his chair was angled away from the table so it gave you a perfect opportunity to get your plan rolling. His eyebrow quirked up as you came to stand between his legs. You bit your lower lip between your teeth as you lowered yourself onto his lap. You leaned your back against the table, crossing your legs and draping your left arm around his shoulder. 
You heard a cough somewhere behind you but paid it no mind as you moved your head next to his. “Hiya handsome.” you purred into his ear before pulling back to look at his face. He had a slight blush blooming over his cheeks and his eyes had widened a bit in surprise “What’ca fellas up to tonight?” You asked him bringing your right hand up to play with the chain around his neck. 
“We’re out celebrating a successful run at life.” Someone said from behind you while the man you were perched on looked down at your hand seemingly speechless. As you leaned back you felt his arm come up to buffer between your back and the table. His hand splayed across your side. A chill worked through you as his thumb lightly stroked the lace of your bra.  
You’d rarely had someone in here touch you so respectfully. It was normally rough grabby hands trying to get to any part of you they could. Some hands made you feel a little sticky and gross by the time they were off you. But his hold on you made you feel respected. You couldn’t help but think about what it would feel like to have his hands all over you. Claiming you as his with every brush across your skin. You knew just by looking at him that he’d ruin you for every other man. 
Guys my age don't know how to treat me
Don't know how to treat me
Don't know how to treat me
Guys my age don't know how to touch me
Don't know how to love me good
You continued to sit upon his lap as he asked you questions about yourself. He started with a simple question asking you what your name was. You gave him your stage name rather than your actual name. No matter how attractive he was, you still had to be cautious. Then you asked his name in return.
“Well Honeysuckle since we're going with callsigns my names Rooster.” He told with a playful smirk on his face. That had you letting out a small giggle. Then he was asking you some simple things like your favorite color and how long you had been working at the Garden of Eden. He was pleasantly surprised when you told him you owned it. 
“My best friend Lilac and I have worked here since we were 18 and in business school. Once me and her turned 21 the old owners talked about selling and we decided to go in on it together. So we’ve owned it for 3 years now.” His smile faltered a little at that, the hand that found its way to your knee fell back to his side. He cleared his throat a little before speaking. 
“So you’re 24 then?” he asked you barely above a whisper, if the music wasn’t so quiet you wouldn’t have heard him. A sheepish smile adorned your face, a light blush working up your neck to your cheeks. 
“Is that an issue?” You asked him quietly, your confidence slowly diminishing. 
“I’m just slightly older than you, honey that's all.” His mustache twitched as a comforting smile formed. 
“That’s alright Roo, guys my age don't know how to treat me. They don’t know how to touch me. They don't know how to love me good.” You whispered into his ear, nipping it slightly as you pulled away. You don’t know if he shuddered at the nickname, your words or your actions but you smiled at him all the same. Your eyelashes fluttered a few times as you stared into his eyes. 
Guys my age don't know how to keep me
Don't know how to keep me
Don't know how to keep me
Guys my age don't know how to touch me
Don't know how to love me good
“Would you mind walking me home? I don’t live too far but I'm awfully afraid of wandering around by myself.” A lustful look worked its way into his eyes as you slightly adjusted yourself in his lap. You could feel the hardness of his cock straining against his jeans as you moved. You already knew if you slipped your hand between your legs you’d find a wet patch. 
“Do you have a shift to finish honey?” He asked you breathlessly. 
“I don’t think they’ll mind you keeping me from them for a night.” Though really he’d been keeping you all night anyways. Your eyes nor your thoughts had wandered from the man underneath you since you sat down. You’d never been so inraptured by a guy before. There was just something about Rooster that had your mind fuzzy. It was your turn to shudder this time as his fingers on your back slowly dragged down your spine. 
All he ever wanted was to go down
What we supposed to do with all his friends around? Yeah
Smoking weed, he'd never wanna leave the house
Got an empty cushion on that sofa now
Told him, "Good luck with the next one."
Maybe she'll be just as immature
Gotta thank him, he's the reason
That I'll find out what I'm looking for
Rooster moved you so you were standing up between his legs. He turned to the table and told his friends that he was gonna head out and he’d find his own way back home. After grabbing your coat you swapped out your heels for a pair of vans. You told lilac you were heading out. Then found yourself walking hand in hand down the street with rooster towards your apartment. Your thoughts briefly flashed to your ex. 
He’d never been interested in spending time at your place or with your friends. It was rare that you guys were intimate with each other. His friends made it hard for anything to happen. He’d always wanted to spend time getting high with them while watching trashy tv shows. It was a relief for you to finally get off of that sofa. 
You’d wished him luck when you broke things off. The only way he’d be happy was with someone as childish as he was. At the moment you thought about sending him a thank you note. If he hadn’t been so immature you’d never have found what you were looking for. Not a boy like your ex but a man like rooster. 
Guys my age don't know how to treat me
Don't know how to treat me
Don't know how to treat me
Guys my age don't know how to touch me
Don't know how to love me good
Your mind cleared up from your thoughts as rooster tucked you into his side. You hadn’t noticed the group of guys standing near one of the bars until then. He glared at the guys over your head as you walked by. They were letting out low whistles and catcalls. Rooster moved his hand down to the small of your back. You followed the silent direction quickly, walking a little faster trying not to trip. 
The feeling of his hand on your back thumb stroking lightly like it did in the club had warmth blooming between your legs. You had decided to keep on the lingerie set since you were heading straight home and could change there. Unless the night went where you hoped it was. The thought of the aviator at your side having his hands all over you had your head slightly spinning. Luckily your apartment building came into sight as your legs wobbled a little. 
Guys my age don't know how to keep me
Don't know how to keep me
Don't know how to keep me
Guys my age don't know how to touch me
Don't know how to love me good
He let you lead him inside as he held the door of the apartment building open. You grabbed his hand as you passed him, dragging him along behind you. He followed you with a grin on his face and lust in his eyes. His thumb smoothed over the back of your hand as you neared your door. Your other hand dipped into your pocket and fished for your keys. You paused before inserting the key into the lock. You turned to him suddenly. 
“You’re not allergic to cats are you?” you asked him curiously. 
“I am not honey, I love cats actually.” He gave you a beaming smile. You nodded your head and unlocked your door. You dropped your keys into the bowl next to your front door before toeing your shoes off. “Would you like a glass of water or anything?” You asked him as you shrugged your jacket off hanging it on the rack by the front door. He shook his head as he toed his shoes off next to yours. His eyes found their way back up to your face. You moved to him then in a few quick steps until you were almost nose to chest. 
“Kiss me?” you asked him in a hushed tone. The only answer he gave you was his lips crashing against yours. 
So I'm never going back
No, I'm never going back
His mustache tickled your face as he kissed you slowly. One of his hands came up to cup your face as one of yours came up to his chest. As the kiss deepened you took to working his shirt off his body. The hawaiian shirt fell to the floor at your feet before you were pulling back to work your hands under his t-shirt. He moved a hand behind his head before pulling the shirt off and throwing it somewhere in the apartment. You moaned as his lips came back to yours. 
You fumbled with the button of his jeans trying to get them off as well. He stilled your hands once you got the button undone. Pulling back you cocked your head to the side. He must of seen the question in your eyes because he was cupping your face in his hands. “How about you show me to your bed honey.” he asked you. You nodded enthusiastically before turning and walking towards your bedroom swaying your hips much like you did in the club. 
He followed you quickly, his hands reaching for your waist as you entered your room turning on the lights. He moved your hair off your neck to make room for his lips. He worked from below your ear down to your shoulder. Once he reached the strap of your bra he slipped it off your shoulder. Then he was moving his fingers up your back to the clip of your bra. 
“This okay honey?” he rasped out. 
“More than okay Roos.” You answered him. He made quick work of removing your bra letting it fall to the floor. He moved his hands down your chest which had your back slamming into him as the breath was taken from your lungs. His fingers worked your nipple until they were pebbled between them. He groaned as you ground your ass into the front of his jeans. 
“I know honey we’ll get there. Just gotta be patient. Can you do that for me?” You moaned out his name at his words furiously nodding your head. “I’m gonna take good care of you honey.” he said as one of his hands moved into your underwear. A finger dipping between your folds. Your legs gave out at the feeling of one of his rough fingers swirling around your clit. He held you up with an arm wrapped around your middle. There was no going back now. He already had you putty in his hands.
Guys my age don't know how to treat me
Don't know how to please me
Don't know how to read me
Guys my age don't know how to touch me
Don't know how to love me good
“You can tell me to stop anytime honey. Just gotta say so.” he said as his finger continued to work your clit he moved one down to your entrance. He slipped the finger inside you causing you to clench your thighs together. He groaned at how tight you felt around his finger. He slowly curled the finger inside you working you open to fit another one of his long digits inside you. Once he deemed you ready he slipped one more in. 
You let out a whimper as he started sucking marks into your neck. He worked at a gentle pace as he sucked the mark then dragged his tongue over the spot soothing it instantly. Your eyes rolled back as he slipped a third finger into your cunt. “You’re doing so good for me.” he whispered into your ear as he worked his fingers into you at a quicker pace. Finding that spot inside you that had your climax quickly approaching. 
“I-i-i’m so cl-close.” You stuttered out your head lullying to the side. He moved the hand up that was wrapped around your middle and rolled your nipple between his fingers again. That was your undoing; you let out a whimper that was utterly pathetic but you had no mind to care as your climax slammed through you. 
Once your mind cleared up slightly he pulled his fingers from your underwear. You watched through lidded eyes as he slipped his fingers between his lips. He let out a choked groan at the sweetness that met his tongue. “I think I know why you’re called honeysuckle now. You’re as sweet as everyone I’ve tried.” 
Guys my age don't know how to tease me
Don't know how to leave me
Don't know how to need me
Guys my age don't know how to touch me
Don't know how to love me good
He dipped down bumping the back of your knees softly causing you to fall into his arms. He carried you bridal style over to your bed. Laying you down he stood up working to take his pants off. He was left in just his underwear as he moved onto the bed bracing his arms on either side of your head holding himself up. You looked up at him through lust hazed eyes giving him a lazy smile. Your hand worked it’s way up into his hair pulling his lips down to yours. One of your hands moved down to his boxers slipping underneath to grab at his cock. 
He moaned as you gripped him, your thumb running along the tip spreading the precum that had leaked out. You used the opportunity to slip your tongue inside his mouth, tasting some of yourself on him. You wrapped your hand around him slowly working up and down. Your thumb occasionally grazing his tip. 
“I won’t last much longer if you keep that up honey.” he told you, pulling back slightly to rest his head against yours. 
“I want you inside me.” Is all you managed in response, hips grinding up to meet his. He nodded his head, his mustache tickling your forehead in the process. He moved down your body as your hand slipped from his underwear. His fingers moved into the sides of yours. You lifted your hips allowing him to slip them off your legs. Once he got to your feet he pulled them all the way off then worked his own down his legs. You gulped as you took him in. He was bigger than any other guy you'd been with and you worried for a second how he would fit. 
He seemed to notice your worry as he stalked back up the bed to hover over you again. One of his hands resting between your legs again. He worked his fingers back between your folds but this time he ghosted over your clit. You tried to close your legs desperate for some relief but he stopped you moving one of his legs between yours. He brought it up further until it was resting where you wanted him at most. You ground down along his thigh, your slick coating his skin.  
He let you do as you please for a moment, loving the way you whimpered and shuddered under him. Shaking slightly as another orgasm slowly worked your way. He ducked down so his face was at your chest and took one of your nipples between his lips. Sucking lightly at the bud his tongue swirling around it. Just like that your second orgasm came crashing through you like a tidal wave. Your moan getting stuck in your throat. 
“Good girl honey. Think you can give me another one?” he asked as he moved to line himself up with your entrance. 
“Please, please, please.” You begged him, hands scratching at his back, legs coming to wrap around him pulling him closer to you. 
“Take a deep breath for me.” He whispered to you, so you followed his instruction. Then he was fully sheathed inside you causing the both of you to moan loudly. Your head rolling to the side as his fell to your neck breathing you in. 
“You can move.” you told him after a moment of enjoying the stretch he gave you. He nodded against you. He moved his hips back before slowly moving back in. His mouth fell open, his tongue coming to lick a stripe up your neck before he was connecting your lips to his. One of his hands intertwined with yours on the mattress next to your head. His other hand was holding your hip to keep him stable. Your hand that wasn’t in his was tangled in his hair. 
“Faster.” you whispered out into the calm of your room. He obliged the request pulling out before slapping his hips back into yours. He set a faster pace, the both of you moaning and whimpering. His breath fanned along your neck as he shuddered above you. You could tell he was close with the way his hips started to stutter. Much to your surprise he moved a finger between your bodies and started to circle your clit. The pace of his finger matching the pace of his thrusts. 
You let out a loud whine as you clenched around him, your third orgasm wrecking its way through your body. He moaned and lightly bit down on you where your neck and shoulder met. His hips jerked erratically before he was spilling into you. He collapsed onto you but somehow kept his full body weight from crushing you. You both lay there your fingers scratching at his scalp as you both calmed down. 
So I'm never going back
Don't know, don't know, don't know
No, I'm never going back
Don't know how to touch me
Don't know how to love me good
So I'm never going back
No, I'm never going back
“Where’s your bathroom at?” He groaned as he slipped out of you. You lazily pointed to the door attached to your room. You sat staring at your ceiling thoughts racing through your head as he slipped from the bed. There was no way you could ever be with another guy after him. 
You were starting to drift off as you felt a hand on your leg. Blinking open your eyes you saw him grinning at you and noticed he had slipped his boxers back on. You also noticed he had a washcloth in his large hands and slowly whined as he worked it between your legs slowly and gently cleaning up your aching cunt. 
“There ya go honey.” he said as he withdrew his hand. He stood back up and walked over to your hamper, throwing the rag away. He then held a bottle of water out to you that you hadn’t even seen him get. Slowly you sat up leaning against the pillows on your headboard taking the water from him. “We’ll get you to the bathroom when you’re ready.” he said softly, watching you drink the water. 
“I’m ready now.” you said as you finished the water. He helped you stand up which you were thankful for as your legs wobbled beneath you. He walked you to the bathroom letting you have some privacy as you went to the bathroom and washed your hands. When you made your way back out of the bathroom he had his shirt laid out on the bed and your cat was laying at his feet. You put his shirt on silently. 
“Are you gonna stay the night?” you asked him hesitantly. Not sure if he was planning to stay for a little while longer before leaving or if he was in fact going to stay the night.
“I was hoping to if that's okay with you?” He said with a dopey grin. Sliding to the other side of the room you flipped off the lights. Then you made your way back to your bed slipping in beside him. He reached out for you in the darkness of the room until he found your hand. He gently pulled you to him. You laid there for a moment, your head laying on his chest. His hand was moving through your hair slowly soothing you into slumber.
Before you could drift off he spoke up. “Are you by any chance on the pill?” he asked to which you giggled. 
“I have the IUD.” You answered him and he let out a relieved sigh. 
“My names Bradley by the way.” you once again giggled and told him your name. 
“Goodnight Bradley.” You whispered to him. 
“Goodnight honey.” He replied, mustache tickling your forehead as he gave it a gentle kiss. Your last thought before you slipped into sleep was that there was no way you were going back to guys your age.
A/N: This is my first time ever writing Rooster so forgive me if this was terrible. Please be careful about bringing home strangers. Always have the condom talk before sex. Aftercare is a must and going to the bathroom is the safest thing you can do to avoid any infections!
Tags(open): @wkndwlff and @sylviebell
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hanaonesflower · 1 year
Synopsis: Nanami misses his girlfriend while being on a business trip, he decides to leave early so he could come home and fuck her, shows her how much he wanted her.
Note/message: I MISS THIS APP SO MUCH!!!!! This semester at school gave me a mf ass beating but hey I’m still alive and I’m back w a piece for nanami. Ofc I would write for Nanami bc I’m OBSESSED with him but yll already knew this! Also, happy new year!! <33
。+゚ *。 。+゚ *。。+゚ *。 。+゚ *。 。+゚ *。 。+゚ *。 。+゚ *。。+゚ *。
No but can you imagine Nanami, blonde, pretty, stoic business man, begging on his knees for you? He hates business trips, he hates his job in general but what else is new. This past trip was absolutely brutal, he had the worst jet lag, his coworkers didn’t know when to shut up and stop being a nuisance, his boss attempted at bonding activities for the team but Nanami wanted nothing to do with it. He couldn’t even get to have a hotel room to himself, having to share them with other men whom he found to be hygienically incompetent.
The trip would have been 10 days but by half way into it, Nanami felt like he couldn’t take it anymore. He found himself tugging and pawing at his throbbing cock in the middle of an importing board meeting when he suddenly had a thought of the video you sent him last night. A naughty strip tease in the new lingerie you had purchased to surprise him with for when he arrived home but it just couldn’t wait.
He was reminiscent of the way your body moved and how skin was shaped by the lingerie. Each part of the lace fabric covering a part of you that made his mouth water just thinking about it. You were so, so goddamn pretty he couldn’t contain his urges when the time was the most inappropriate. He was counting down the minute it would take for the meeting to adjourn, 15 minutes felt like an eternity for Nanami. He debated requesting his boss to let him attend the rest of this business trip via a web call and head home early. Which his boss surprisingly agreed upon.
He took another look at the videos you sent him, virtually keeping him company as he locked himself in the plane’s lavatory. A palm on his dick, rubbing the fabric against his skin, the friction was getting too pleasurable. Cumming now felt like a betrayal to you, Nanami knew what you didn’t know wouldn’t hurt you but his loyalty was boundless. Shutting off his phone and sliding them back into his pocket, splashing some water on his face before taking deep breaths. He left the confined cubicle and returned to his seat. And yes, he was still throbbing with need and desperation.
The minute his taxi came to a halt at the front door of your home, he bolted out, almost forgetting his own luggage in the car. He thanked the driver hastily before dashing towards the front door. His excitement was as high as ever seeing your car parked on the driveway.
He swung the door open to you lounging around the house in your prettiest loungewear you showed off to him right before his departure a few days ago.
“Kento! You’re home early!” Your excitement was met very much with his big, strong arms as he braced you plush to his broad chest. You smelled him, he smelled like gas and stale cigarettes and the airplane air. But you could still smell him.
Nanami always smelt like old pine and musk, with a dash of eucalyptus. You nuzzled your face closely, taking him all in. Relishing this moment in his arms, tightly wrapped around you.
“Sweetheart, I missed you,” he groaned out. His tone wasn’t neutral. It held much of his unmet needs these past few days, combined with pent up frustration and the amount of blue balls he’d given himself. He sounded desperate. He dragged his lips against yours, despite being a little chapped, he thought they were delicious.
It didn’t take long before he shoved his tongue in your mouth, explored your mouth and shoved it hard down your throat. He came to the conclusion that no matter what, he would never get enough of you. Usually, Nanami was gentle, treating you like fragile glass, with the tendency to break with any miscalculation. But today, he was still to risk it, knowing he could fix you.
Swinging your legs around his torso, he carried you toward the couch, tongue still unwilling to relinquish its place in your mouth. You moaned into his, that roused something within him.
“I’m going to take you, right here, right now.”
Getting down on his knees, eyes oozing with plea and bargain, hands hungrily grabbed at your tender flesh, squeezing and feeling all that he had been missing these past few days.
“Kento, please, use me baby,” so pliant, so suggestible when you were like this. Legs slowly spread open for him, your essence drove him out of his mind. Eyes focused on your glistening pussy, god, he fucking loved this.
“Baby, you’ve been missing me, too, haven’t you?” Diving head first into your pussy, he no longer abided by his strategic demeanor. He was messy, careless, utterly chaotic. Tongue lapping away at your essence, smearing your wetness across your thighs and littering bruising kisses on them.
“Tell me you want me, too, baby,” he smirked.
“I want you, I want you so bad, Kento baby please,” you pleaded with tears in your eyes. Nanami didn’t have a degrading kink but he thought that having you completely at his mercy provoked the corrupted side of his.
He worked his magic down there, ripping orgasms out of you mercilessly. Your legs quiver under his stimulation, unable to withstand it yet unable to let go. He took advantage of it, of you. You tugged at his pants, his cock sprang free, the beaded precum on the tip made you drool. Wiping at it with your thumb and shoving it in your mouth. Your dainty fingers wrapped around his hardened dick, searching and feeling each vein decorating his shaft. You brought it upon your mouth, tonguing it down, pushing it down your esophagus and then some. Nanami didn’t like to be rough with you, but your eyes told him you wanted him to be; so he firmly locked your head in with his hands and drilled his hips into your mouth, down your throat until you formed fat tears.
“ I love it when you whore yourself out for me, baby.”
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oldworldwidgets · 3 months
howdy pardners this is theodore dawson, my courier from new vegas :3 he is very large and very angry yet very soft and very gay and he is so precious to me
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here's his playlist!! once again it's chronological so u can listen to his story like a fun yeehaw jukebox musical. i think his is my favorite of all my character playlists
alllll the teddy stuff (appearance, stats, story before the canon events of the game, fun facts) can be found under the cut!!! if you feel so inclined to read The Long Version written like a story where my longwinded ass spends about 7k words talking about themes and character motivations (and some soft gay longing perhaps), it's up on ao3 here.
31 years old; birthday sept 25, 2250
6’6 with broad shoulders, generally built like a securitron.
patches of vitiligo splash across his face, chest, and arms
bennys bullet hit the right side of his face, carving a path from his eye to his ear, where a chunk of his ear is missing
because of this, he's blind in his right eye. the blind eye (a light, milky blue) is always a bit more closed than the seeing one (a dark grey/blue)
dark auburn chin-length hair and a short beard, both peppered with white because of his age and vitiligo. a big chunk of hair behind his ear is white as it grows from the scar.
he wears a horse or cow-skin vest with a great khans patch on the back
signature black cowboy hat, either on the top of his head or tied around his neck so it hangs down his back
gold jewelry - dangly cross earring in his left ear, upside down cross on a leather strap around his neck, big ass belt buckle
bright red shotgun shells on leather belt slung around his waist for his shotgun, dinner dell
SPECIAL: 8, 1, 4, 5, 9, 2, 10
favorite perks: confirmed bachelor, animal friend, ferocious loyalty, intimidating presence
his dad was raised in utah and was very strictly mormon. when new jerusalem collapsed, dad moved himself, his wife, and his first son to the mojave and found work on an NCR sharecropper farm.
teddy was born fifth of six kids: four older brothers and one younger sister. he, his sister hannah, and his brother noah all have very visible vitiligo.
the kids were all also raised strictly mormon. his whole childhood, they were very poor. "at least we have each other" poor. his dad blamed it on the NCR, who owned the house and land and animals they ranched. they owned nothing, and the NCR paid them little more than that. teddy was quickly disillusioned with the NCR, then with the three of his brothers who decided to join them. one brother stayed back to inherit the ranch.
turns out, the NCR was paying; dad was just gambling it all away. he was so deeply in debt to all the families on the strip that they all decided to cut their losses and burn his farm to the ground.
that's... that's the story teddy decided to tell hannah, anyway (he wouldnt tell u this but he totally burnt that shit down on purpose). mom, dad, and one of his brothers were lost in the fire. teddy and hannah made it out, waved goodbye, parted ways.
teddy took his horse, old red, and began running jobs for whoever needed them. he never tied himself to one organization aaand his jobs weren't always above the ethical board. really, it was luck of the draw that, on any given day, he was the one defending the caravan instead of stealing from it
when he eventually went searching for his siblings, he found that two of the three brothers that had enlisted, predictably, were killed on duty. noah, though, had absconded almost immediately upon arrival due to a nasty chem habit
he found hannah "working" in front of gomorrah on the stip - her vitiligo made them instantly recognizable to each other - but she pretended not to know him because she was ashamed. he understood and gave up, but not before she hinted that he could find noah at the old mormon fort
he did, in fact, find noah there, medically detoxing under the care of some hot, blonde doctor (bweheheh....). they reconnected and it was..... really nice, even when they talked about how ashamed their dad would be if he could see them. it didnt matter. the family disappointments were the only family survivors.
teddy and arcade quickly grew very fond of each other, with arcade even being the first one to call him "teddy" after he told the doctor his name was theodore. he decided, despite its cutesy nature, to keep it.
after finishing his open jobs, teddy decided to stay with noah at the fort and run jobs for the followers when they needed it. he got reeeal comfy with arcade, and their subtle, playful flirtations eventually became noticeable to others. his brother, angry and sick from chem withdrawal and still fighting his religious upbringing, could not handle finding out that his baby brother was gay. when he did, he angrily shouted slurs and threw bottles at them until he was sedated and returned to bed.
teddy left the fort that night while everyone but the night watchman slept. he struggled to recover from what happened and drifted listlessly for a while... until he heard the news that noah had fled from his "rehab" program in the fort the day after teddy left, overdosed, and died.
the news spurred something in him, and he went looking for a real family and place to call home. after excelling in his initiation trials, he found one with the great khans. for two years, he was their resident rancher, runner, therapist, you name it.
then: 2278. the bitter springs massacre. teddy was away when it happened, and he still hasnt forgiven himself for it.
he spent the next three years drifting - again. hunting NCR. somehow racking up bounties in seemingly every single tribe in the mojave. his infamy, believe it or not, helped him survive: when he came across those who would kill him or turn him in, they seemed to prioritize who got to turn him in and collect the bounty over keeping themselves alive. whoops!
it was exhausting, though. drifting, killing, taking on the wasteland completely alone (except his beloved animals) took a heavy toll on teddy. he'd always been a killer and an outlaw, but he'd always been paid to clear other people's consciences. now, he felt he was only killing people to run from the consequences of his own actions. it was exhausting.
so, when three strangers – one in a loud, black-and-white checkered blazer – tried to knock him out and bind his hands, well… he had no reason not to let them.
*aint that a kick in the head starts blaring*
fun facts
hes not a big chem guy but hes such an alcoholic. in game he keeps at least 10 whiskeys on him at all times but would prefer to drink a sarsaparilla over using a stimpak.
he needs glasses pretty badly for his one seeing eye but he’s too stubborn to wear them
his scars always look a bit irritated because he doesnt take care of himself
he was a big pistol guy before benny shot him, but after he went blind in his aiming eye and started suffering from bouts of dizziness, he became a shotgunner. they require a far-from-perfect style of aiming
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cricketnationrise · 4 months
For the ficlet fest: 12:00 a.m. the V & A, Alex Claremont-Diaz
Wrote this on my phone at work so please forgive any mistakes! Yes we are working on a Saturday. yes I hate it thanks. but at least I can disappear into ficlet prompts for a bit over lunch :) hope you like it, I went so sappy I might as well have been a forest for this one
12:00am, v&a
“Thanks so much for your help, Gavin.”
“Of course, Mr. Claremont Diaz. Anything for you or His Highness, you know that.”
“I thought I said you could call me Alex,” he teases. “And I’m very sure he’s told you to call him Henry.”
“Force of habit I’m afraid,” Gavin says ruefully. “I’ll let you do the finishing touches and send him right along when Her Royal Highness drops him off.”
Alex sends Gavin off with a decidedly sloppy salute before turning back to the space with a proud grin, overwhelmed with what they accomplished over the last few hours.
Renaissance City is always beautiful, always takes his breath away each time Henry brings him here. There’s something special about the statues and the history represented in this room. But mostly, Alex loves that Henry loves it. Admittedly, Alex usually gets distracted by Henry’s beauty, so it’s nice to stand here alone for a moment and soak in both the exhibit and his additions.
The little battery candles he and Gavin scattered around make the whole place glow, the automated flickering lending a sense of magic to the scene. The flowers Pez had convinced the museum to allow are spilling over every surface, their light fragrance perfuming the air. And woven through the petals, illuminated by the candles, hanging from the ceiling, some decoratively framed, are strips of paper, in a rainbow of colors and a variety of weights — each with a quote that Alex painstakingly copied by hand. Quotes from their now-famous emails, from his and Henry’s speeches over the years. Quotes solicited from family members — and friends so close they might as well be blood. Quotes from Henry himself, whispered and crooned and sometimes yelled at Alex, etched into Alex’s memory. Quotes pulled from history and movies and books — Henry’s favorites.
The only words not displayed, in fact, are the ones Alex has been painstakingly crafting, agonizing over, starting and restarting, practicing every spare minute he’s alone, hoarding them for the perfect moment — for tonight.
Historically, Henry’s been the wordier half of their relationship, even his scattered post it notes are more eloquent than Alex without even trying. Alex can write with feeling and sincerity, but it doesn’t come naturally — he’s always been better out loud, or with actions. Henry’s never complained, never even intimated that he wants more written words from Alex, but—
Alex wants to give him all the words in his head, in his heart, in his very soul. He wants Henry to be able to have that written record. He wants future students and historians and random people on the internet to be able to look back after he’s gone and say holy shit Alex Claremont Diaz loved Henry Fox Mountchristen Windsor with awe — wants to carve out a piece of history with his love for Henry as the chisel.
And then Alex can hear footsteps — slow, deliberate heels against the shiny marble floors — echoing softly as they approach the entrance. Alex recites the opening of his speech in his head, feels for the ring in his pocket, and faces the entrance.
His heart, which had been racing with each step, suddenly slows with sure contentment at the sight of blonde hair and sky blue eyes that go wide when they see Alex inside the bedecked splendor of Renaissance City.
Alex beams as Henry looks around in awe, takes a deep breath, and gives Henry his words.
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Maze runner the scotch trials- chapter twelve -
Previously chapter.
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Newt kept you tight against his chest the whole helicopter ride, Minho clutching to your hand. He had just killed a friend and you knew he needed your comfort as well. A part of you wanted to never forgive him and a part that wanted to cry for him.
The helicopter landed and you all started piling out. It took four men to carry the crate that Mai Mai had been slung into.
There was a growling scratch from the hills and the soldiers started firing.
“Cranks, we got cranks!” You hear someone shouting and you're ushered along with the others inside the towering building. Inside soldiers were rushing about, some doing their duties and others helping to defend outside. It was the biggest room and largest number of adults you could remember seeing. You clutched to Newt's side.
You're shown to a room that had a table filled with food and were told to wait there. You all ate until you felt sick and it was good.
“Nothing like my stew.” Frypan remarked. You all giggled. The door opened and a thin man with stubble on his face walked in
“You kids doing all right? Sorry about all the fuss. We had ourselves a bit of a swarm.” He said.
“Who are you?” Thomas asked.
“I'm the reason you're all still alive. It's my intention to keep you that way. Now, come with me. We'll get you kids squared away.” He leads you through the halls and corridors,
“You can call me Mr. Janson. I run this place.
For us it is a sanctuary, safe from the horrors of the outside world. You all should think of it
as a way station. Kind of a home between homes. Watch yourselves.”
“That mean you're taking us home?” Thomas tries to keep up with him.
“A home of sorts. Sadly, there wouldn't be much left of wherever you came from. But we do have a place for you. A refuge, outside the Scorch, where WICKED will never find you again. How does that sound?” He grins over his shoulder.
“Why are you helping us?”
“Let's just say the world out there is in a rather precarious situation. We're all hanging on by a very thin thread. The fact that you kids can survive the Flare virus… makes you the best chance of humanity's continued survival. Unfortunately, it also makes you a target, as no doubt by now you've noticed.
Beyond this door lies the beginning of your new lives. First things first…” he uses an ID badge to open a door into a long corridor, “let's do something about that smell.” He grins and shows you all.into the shower room. It's one big room with around twenty shower cubicles. At one end is a long bench with several piles of clothes and towels on top. Each one with a name written on a slip of paper. You grabbed the one with your name on and placed it on a wooden chair beside the cubicle you had chosen. A woman in a blue uniform tells you to drop all your dirty clothing outside the showers. It felt strange to strip yourself in this foreign place but the water was warm and soothed your aching bones. You watch as Gally's blood washes from your hands and you use the provided cloth to scrub at your body. You realise now that you had several cuts and bruises on your body that stung with the soap. You hissed at the pain.
“You okay?” You hear Newt ask from the cubicle next door.
“Yeah, I'm okay.” You call back. You turn off the shower and use the towel to dry yourself before bringing the clothes in to dress yourself. The clean underwear feels good after wearing the same three pairs for the last three years. You pulled the soft cotton t-shirt over your head along with a pair of cargo pants. The fresh socks felt wonderful on your feet as you slid them into new black boots. Newt came over to you drops of water still dripping from his blonde hair.
“You ready?” He asks you and you add a dark blue hoody to your outfit. You follow Newt out to the next room where doctors were taking Minho and Teresa through some tests. They did it with you too. You would go between each station and they would test your stamina, your strength, your health. One nurse took seven miles of blood from you.
You see a woman walk over to Teresa who was sitting on a bed and pull the curtains across. ‘that's weird’ you think to yourself. The nurse clicked her fingers in front of your face.
“We'll need a urine sample.” She repeats
“What? Why?” You ask.
“To make sure you aren't pregnant.”
“Whoa what the hell? Of course I'm not!” You gawk at the question. Though you supposed it made sense you had been trapped in a maze with thirty six teenage boys.
When the tests are finally done you, Newt, Minho, Frypan and Winston are led into a large mess hall. There were easily another hundred kids in there. Your group go to the counter. You weren't hungry after the table of food from earlier so you just took a drink and some biscuits. The boys fill up their plates however.
“Where do you think they've taken Thomas and Teresa?” Winston asks as you all sit at a table.
“I don't know, but I don't trust it.” You sigh.
“What do you mean?” Minho asked.
“I don't trust her.” You admit.
“Three years you waited for another girl and now you're jealous?” Frypan laughed. You kicked his shin under the table playfully.
“I'm not Jealous I just…I dunno, it's a feeling.” you shrug again.
Two boys come over and sit down at your table.
“Hi Newbies.” The larger of the two said with a wide grin.
A man walked over to you with a clipboard in his hand.
“Y/n, the doctors have asked to see you.” he says stoically. You glance quickly at the other boys as you stand up.
“Don't worry, I'm sure you won't be long.” The man smiles. You follow him out of the mess hall and down a corridor to a small room that has only two chairs and table in it.
“Please sit down, they'll be with you in a moment.” The man says before shutting the door. A few agonising minutes passed until a woman in a white lab coat stepped in. She had a pile of papers in her hands, that she shuffled through.
“Nothing to worry about, y/n. I just have a few things to go over with you.” She sat down across from you.
“Okay so firstly your results came back and you are not pregnant.” She laughed.
You raise your eyebrows and nod, “oh yeah, I mean I was worried.” you replied sarcastically.
“Okay, are you aware of your blood status? You have an extremely high count of the enzyme that W.C.K.D look for. One of the highest we've seen in fact.”
“Okay, and what does that mean?” You ask, feeling even more suspicious.
“Well, only that we are surprised you were put into the trials. Normally they wouldn't put you in…from what we've seen at least.” She appears to correct her language.
“We wanted to give you an opportunity. Your memories back.” She says.
“Just me? Did you offer anyone else theirs back?”
“We taking it slowly. Your friend Teresa has already agreed.” She gave you a smile that you think must work.to persuade other people. You make it look like your considering the concept.
“It's a fairly new procedure you see, we haven't tested it on many of you yet.” There is a little panic in her voice. “Um, if it's okay I'd like to wait till you've tested it a bit more. I don't want to risk losing my current memories.” you shake your head and get up from the table, “I can go back to the others now?” You point at the door.
“Yes I suppose.” The doctor stood and opened the door, letting you out, “take her back to the mess hall.” She ordered the guard.
“Oh, is Mai Mai okay? Where is she?” You ask.
“The tiger? Yes I believe she is doing well, down with the other animals I'd say.” She says to you, before turning and walking away. Her words did little to ease your worries. You return to the mess hall just as Jansen starts calling out names.
“Good evening, gentlemen. Ladies. You all know how this works. If you hear your name called, please rise in an orderly fashion, join my colleagues behind me, where they will escort you to the eastern wing. Your new lives are about to begin.
All right. Settle down.
Franklin. And Abigail. Now, now, don't get discouraged. If I could take more, I would. There's always tomorrow. Your time will come. Go on, eat up.” There was a round of applause as the chosen few walked to the doors behind Jansan. The boys all started talking but you ignored them, resting your head on Newt's shoulder, drawing invisible circles on his arm with your fingers. It wasn't until Thomas abruptly stood up and rushed across the room.
“Hey, Teresa? Teresa!” You can see her through the window being guided somehow with the same woman you had just spoken to.
“Hey, hey, hey.” Jansan stopped Thomas with a gentle hand on his chest.
“Where are they taking her?”he asked frantically.
“They just have to run a few more tests. Don't worry, they'll be done with her soon.” He tried to put on his calmest smile.
“Is she okay?”
“She's fine.” he gestured for Thomas to go back to his table and he reluctantly returned to you all.
An hour or so later you are all told to go to bed and one of the guards leads you all down a long corridor.
“Okay boys, this is your room, y/n you'll be bunking down th-”
“No way!” All five boys spoke at once.
“She stays with us.” Newt grabbed you and put you behind him so you were firmly between them all.
“We've got orders lads, don't complicate things.”
“She stays with us.” Newt says again punctuating each word.
“Whatever. Just no funny business.” The guard shakes his head and walks away.
“Thanks guys.” You say as you all walk inside.
“I could get used to this," Newt says, laying back on the soft bed. You laugh and climb on to one of the bunks.
“What do you think those guys want with Teresa?” Thomas asks you all.
“Now, if there's one thing I know about that girl,she can take care of herself.Don't worry about it.” Newt reassures him. You each climb into your beds and get coasy before falling asleep. The real beds with real pillows felt amazing.
You're woken up a few hours later by a noise in the bunk below.
“Hey. Down here.” A voice whispered.
@fandomfan-102 @deanstolemydragon @afalls14universe
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andydrysdalerogers · 6 months
Presley ~ A Curtis Everett AU ~ Part One
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Curtis Everett x OFC Presley Adams
Curtis Everett is a hard working man. As the head of the mob of Concord, he does everything he can to provide for his wife and children. His life is perfect. Until it's not.
After a devastating accident, Curtis is alone with his children and needs some serious help.
Presley Adams needs to find work and fast. Running from her past she just wants to lay low and earn enough to get her out of town. Until she starts working for Curtis as his live in nanny.
As she falls in love with this family, can she stop her past from finding her? Or will her past be the end of the Everett reign in Concord?
Book two of the Five Kings of Boston series
A/N: It's here!
Banners by me! Dividers by @firefly-graphics
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
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Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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Part One – The Boss 
Welcome to Concord.  An up-and-coming town outside of Boston.  Where kids can play with their friends and shop owners advertise with signs on the street.  It’s a quiet town.  An unassuming town.  A town where one-man rules and no one forgets it.  This town, Concord, is Curtis Everett’s town. 
“Anna, come back to me.”  A man slept in his bed, tossing and turning, reliving an old nightmare.  
Four Years Prior... 
Curtis’s POV 
“Are you sure you’re gonna be ok?” 
I could see that my wife is exasperated with me. “Honey, it's just to see my parents and back. One weekend. You can last one weekend with the kids.” She took in my grumpy face and smiled. “Curtis, I would take them with me but...” 
“I know, it's for their safety,” I grumble.  Anna giggles at me.  I love that she giggles at me. Her big scary mob husband. 
My name is Curtis Everett, head of the Everett family of Concord, mob boss and King of this town just outside of Boston. Most people would consider me a scary sight.  Tall, brooding with a buzz cut, beard and piecing blue eyes that, more than a few people have said, seemed to be able to suck out your soul. I took over for my dad a couple of years ago. My business in the city is protection, that everyone paid, gambling, which Sherrif Bodecker turned a blind eye to for a fee, and clubs, strip or otherwise.  I ruled with a ruthlessness that could make a man piss himself.  
But I know my place. I have four other equals that answer to a higher power.  
But in my town, Concord, I am the head of our town, the law, the savior and the devil.  
I only have three weaknesses in the entire world: my wife and children. I just don’t like being away from you, sweetheart. 
“I know, my love, but daddy is sick, and momma just needs a break for a few days.” Standing on the curb at the airport, Anna Everett knows me very well. Her big, surly, bossy of a mob boss is truly a teddy bear underneath, she would tell her mother.  Her father had been the same until he had stepped down to her brother.  She married into the Everett family to tighten the alliance between families from Chicago and Boston, so she was well versed in protection and sacrifice. It was just chance that Anna and I had met in college before and were already in love when the alliance was made. I still think that Dad and my father-in-law set us up, hoping that Anna and I falling in love, would be the outcome. 
I pulled her back into my arms and kissed her forehead. “I know. Just hurry back to me, Mrs. Everett. I love you.”  
“I love you, Mr. Everett.” She kissed him slowly and passionately. “Take care of my babies.”  
I’ve been in love with that woman since freshman year in college.  I saw her for the first time at the coffee cart, her long blonde hair pushed away from her face with a blue head band and green eyes enhanced with glasses. She had been laughing with her girlfriends, looking so naturally happy; it was love at first sight. It took two weeks for me to work the courage to ask her out. I had never drunk so much coffee in those two weeks. Cup after cup, waiting for the moment, hoping it would be the day until I saw her again. When I approached her, she blushed from the attention.  Her hair was up that day, her glasses on top of her head. “Hi,” I said. She smiled and I was a goner.  
I asked her to lunch and from that day, we were inseparable. We had never been away from each other for more than a day in 10 years. I watched as Anna walked through the terminal and security. She turned around and waved, blowing me a kiss.  I caught it and kissed my hand, waving goodbye.  
It would be the last time I would ever see her.  
I jolted awake from the dream. Every once in a while, I would still dream of that last day with Anna. How much I wished I had insisted she fly private instead of commercial, forced her to stay home and fly her parents to us, so she didn’t have to leave.  
You’re supposed to grow old with the love of your life. 
Raise your children and then watch them raise their own children.  Hold hands in the cold. Kiss in the rain. Dance in the sunshine. Make love in the moonlight. Live the life you had planned out.  
The love of your life is not supposed to die in a plane crash.  
Now I was left with two small children. The lights of my life. Joshua, my eight-year-old son, and Everly, my five-year-old girl, had grown up without their mother.  I wasn’t even sure if Everly remembered her at all. She had been just one when the accident occurred.  
I tried so much to keep her memory alive. Anna had been the best mother, the best wife, the best partner any man could have asked for, especially for the life I led. Being one of the five kings had its perks, of course, but it left my family in constant danger.  
I had the crash investigated for sabotage, but none was found. We took precautions when we traveled, made sure my wife flew under an assumed name because of her status.  Not just as my wife but also because she was the daughter of a former head of a family as well. The Monteleones were strong out in the Midwest and when Anna married me, I made a promise to her father that I would do anything to protect her. I would go in guns blazing if anyone dared tried to hurt my family.  My Anna. 
A plane crash was something I couldn’t predict. I couldn't control it. I couldn’t protect her from that.  
I failed. 
I sighed as I stretched and got out of bed. I went to the bathroom and then checked on my children.  Everly and Joshua still shared a nursery, but I knew it was time to let Joshua have his own room away from his little sister. I chuckled quietly when I saw Joshua half off the bed, tangled in his blankets, mouth slightly open. I shook my head and gently adjusted his son back into his bed, laying the blankets back over him. My daughter stirred slightly. “Daddy?” 
“Morning princess,” I whisper. “Shh, let's stay quiet to let brother sleep, ok?”  I picked up my little girl, a perfect duplicate of my Anna. She yawned and curled into my neck as I walked us downstairs. I sat in my chair by the fire, early November bringing a chill in the air, enjoying her cuddles into me as she woke up. “You want some breakfast, Evie?” She nodded and I carried her to the kitchen.  “Morning Ma.” 
Sylvia Everett smiled at her son and granddaughter. “Morning Curtis. Morning my Evie doll. I made cinnamon rolls. Just need to fry up some bacon.”  
“Thanks Ma.” I kissed her cheek and went to set up Everly in her booster and her colors. I returned to the kitchen and poured myself a cup of coffee. “How’d you sleep Ma?” 
“Ok, I guess.  Still weird not to have your father next to me.” My dad had been diagnosis with cirrhosis of the liver.  They caught it pretty late, so there wasn’t much more we could do but make him comfortable until he passed.  It was hell for my mother. Her entire life had been devoted to my dad and now here she was, a widow, just like me.  
“I know Ma but its only been six months. It doesn’t get easier, you just get used to it.”  
Sylvia’s heart broke for her son again. While his father had died from illness, Anna was taken from then suddenly and that was crueler and harder. “I know, my boy.” She patted my hand. “What’s the plan for today?” 
I made a face. “I’ve got meetings today.”  
“With who?” She took as sip. Ma had been like a consigliere or counselor for my father as he grow the family business.  She would lend her advise from time to time but mostly she. supported my dad in any way she could. It had been unheard of in the old days, but my dad embraced it. Just like Anna, Ma was raised in this world and understood it better than my father sometimes. When I took over and Anna was gone, she did the same for me. I’m forever grateful that she stepped in to help me with my family.  
“Some guy from Jersey, Giovanni, I think. He’s looking for some help with something. Who knows, Anthony’s got all the details. I have a call with Barber and with Rogers. I’m hoping to get it all done before lunch so I can throw the ball around with Joshua. And Miss Everly has requested cupcakes.” I sighed. “Not sure how I’m going to pull that one off.”  
“You’re a good father Curtis.” Sylvia put her cup down. “I’ll make the batter for you and leave instructions.”  She played with her hand. “I did want to talk to you about something.”  
Concern flooded my body. “What is it Ma? You ok?” 
“I’m fine. It’s just,” she sighed, “I’ve been thinking about moving back to the Paris property.” 
I stopped mid sip. “You want to leave?” My head was spinning. Yes, I had been the head of our family for several years, having taken the reigns three years after we had got married from my father.  My father had developed a distaste for the family business and could no longer hold up the demands of being the Don. He had spent years training his only child to take over. And had great joy when I fell in love with the heiress of the Monteleone family. I took the reins, stepped in and the transition was smooth. Nothing kept the family down. Until the loss of my queen. “Ma...” 
"Son, you have done a terrific job raising your children and running the family business.”  
“Yes, because you have been here to help me.”  
“I know, but I would like to retire and enjoy my time now. I think you should hire a cook and a nanny for the children.”  
“Curtis, it’s not like I am asking you to fall in love again. I am asking you to find help while you work. It’s the best thing for all of us. I want to retire, enjoy the last years of my life.  I don’t have to stay at the Paris property forever, but I need time to grieve and resettle into my new life.” 
I couldn’t ignore her argument. She had been with me through my grief, taking care of my father when he was sick and helping raise my children.  She had earned the right to be a bit selfish and live in her favorite estate. I pulled her in for a hug. “You won’t leave until I find someone right?” 
“Of course, my son. I need to make sure they are the best fit for my grandchildren.”  
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My mother is a smart woman. I didn’t delay. I took her advice seriously and found a chef for the house right away. Adam Jones had been highly recommended from Andrew Barber’s wife, who was a baker herself. He came in to interview and I found him direct and agreeable. “I have two small children and they usually will eat whatever I put in front of them, but you understand that there will be some aversion to things.”  
Adam nodded. “Of course, sir. I had a lot of time, working with children to know how to make the food great. What ages?” 
“Eight and five. My five-year-old is the one that can be the pickiest.”  
As I finished the sentence, Everly ran into the room. “Daddy, Joshie is trying to put a bug in my hair!” She climbed into my lap.  
“Evie, sweetheart, I’m in a meeting.”I saw Clint chase after her and stop but I waved him off to stand by the door.  Clint was my right hand and was protective of the children. We had been best friends since grade school and was the children’s godfather. He would wait until Everly came out to take her back to the yard.  
“But Daddy...” 
“It’s alright Mr. Everett,” Adam interrupted.  “Hi Evie, I’m Adam.”  
Everly, like every little girl who found a handsome man, became shy and curled into me. “Hi.”  
Adam chuckled. “Do you like cupcakes?” 
Evie perked up a little.  “Yes. My nana makes me pink ones with a strawberry on top.”  
“That sounds so good.  I make some with little flowers and sprinkles that make it sparkle. I used to cook for a princess. Maybe I can make them for you?” 
She nodded with enthusiasm and turned to me with her big green eyes that she knows I can’t say no to. “Daddy, can we?” 
“Of course, princess.” I kissed the top of her head. “But I need to speak to Adam a little more so go play for a little bit and then I’ll come have a tea party with you. Sound good?”  
“You’re the best daddy ever!” She hopped down and made her way out of the room.  She turned back. “Bye Adam!” I saw Clint take her hand and walk away. 
“Bye Princess Evie.” Adam smiled and turned back to me. “Sorry, my girlfriend, she has a daughter a little older than Evie but every girl loves a little sparkle.”  
I laughed. “Yes, they do. She is like her mother.  Joshua, my son, takes after me. Very athletic and opinionated. I’ll introduce you on the way out. Otherwise, any questions?” 
Joshua ran into the room at that moment. “Dad, Evie was lying about the bug.” He took note of the man sitting in front of his father. “Oh sorry.” He made to move to back out of the room.  
“It's fine. Joshua, this is Adam Jones. I think he might be our new chef.”  
Adam took note of the boy who looked just like his father. “Hi Joshua.”  
“Hello Mr. Jones.  You can call me Josh. Dad is the only one who calls me Joshua.” The little boy stuck out his hand. Adam took it a shook it, noting the force the boy had put into it.  
“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He gave him the once over. “You look like a boy who thrives on burgers and fries.”  
Josh nodded. “That’s my favorite. Well, that and pizza. I hate Brussel sprouts.”  
Adam chuckled “Good to know. I’m sure I’ll learn all the things you like to eat.” Adam winked at him, and Joshu nodded.  
“I’m sorry for interrupting Dad. I’ll go check on Nana and Everly. It was nice to meet you.”  
“Same.” Adam watched the boy leave. “He looks just like you.”  
“Poor bugger,” I replied with another laugh. “Now where were we?”  
We discussed the finer details of the job, salary, hours and whatnot. I walked the man out the door and was shaking his hand when I noticed a young woman wandering outside the gate of my home. She looked about 24 or 25, with dark brown hair and glasses. She wore a black peacoat with long black boots. Something about her reminded me of my Anna.  As Adam walked past her with a nod, she approached the steps to the house. “I apologize, is this the Everett residence?” 
I couldn’t help but stare at her. Dark curls hung down her back with blue green eyes framed by black framed glasses. Her full lips were a sweet pink, and I had the sudden urge to feel them against mine.   
What the fuck? 
I mentally shook myself and cleared my throat. “Yes, and you are?” 
She gave me an earth-shattering smile and I was blown back. It was a smile that was just like my Anna’s. 
“My name is Presley. I am here for the nanny position.” 
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triplesilverstar · 4 months
A birthday gift you hadn't expected
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Rating: 18+ Minors DNI 
Pairing: Knives X F!Reader
CW: Dom/Sub undertones, Cunniligus 
Word count: Roughly 2.3K
A/N: Chapter Ten of the series, Knives sends you on a little adventure for your birthday.
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You had to give it to the beautiful blond you called your boyfriend, he had outdone himself that was for sure. The first two years in your relationship both your and his birthday had just been blips on the map. Well yours had been anyway. Nai had rather larger birthday events that were expected of someone with his success and those nights you’d been more than content to work at Flux. 
This year however, things had started off rather differently. Ten minutes before your alarm went off, your phone was blaring from a rapid fire series of texts. The first three from Calla. 
0545: Happy Birthday Little Bird
0545: You have tonight off
0545: Try and stay out of trouble
Well that had your eyebrow raising, the only times Calla gave you nights off was when Nai asked for you to have them off. Which had you a little suspicious of the other messages you’d received opening the message chains. Two from Nai, and one from a contact labeled as ‘The Blue Haired Bastard’. Groaning, you checked the ones from Nai first. 
0545: Happy Birthday Pet
0545: I’m engaged in previous arrangements for the day. Legato will be your escort for the day, I expect your best behavior. I wait with baited breath this evening.
Well. You know Nai has something planned for you this evening, which also means tomorrow you’re going to be sore while working. You almost always are when he has time to plan something for the two of you. Scowl in place at your eyes flick to the final contact. Well at least your personal nemesis  can be counted on to deliver. 
0545: Since my work day is ruined by your continued existence in my life. Be in your apartment lobby for 615. Sharp. I won’t deal with your tardiness for any reason. 
Yup. You can always count on Legato to be an ass , not wasting any time you slide from your bed and hope in the shower. You’d had an easy week for transcribing and already had all your files done so it wasn’t like you had to worry about your day job. Knowing you had no idea what was in store you pulled on a quick outfit, hoping it was suitable and heading down to your apartment lobby at 610. 
Legato showed up right at 615, a stare that would have made those far more terrifying than you drop to their knees sent in your direction. A cheerful wave from you as you approached the stoic blue haired men. An eye roll and you found yourself quickly being ushered out of your building and into a car you very much recognized as Nais’. The rear passenger side opened for you, and a small bag sitting on the middle cushion with your name on it. 
Ignoring Legato you popped the bag open, finding a folded note at the top that left you giggling. Written in Nai’s elegant script was where you were heading for the day, and what a day he had planned for you. The main reason you were being picked up so early, you had an hour drive to a spa. A spa that when you pulled up had you swallowing, Calla had taken you on spa days with her before, and it was nothing like this one. 
There was pampering and then there was pampering. Once Legato had parked and brought you up to the main reception you were snagged by two older women and brought somewhere that you quickly found yourself stripped and put in a steam room. 
Hours later you had been put through several treatments and massages and sipping on mineral water returned to Legato. You didn’t know your skin could be that soft or your feet feeling so limber. Legato simply huffed and you found yourself being moved back into Nai’s back seat and on to your next location. 
A quick lunch with Calla which surprised you, while Legato sat close enough to smack you but far enough away that you had a sense of privacy.
The rest of the afternoon was spent with getting your hair done and spoiled with a bit of shopping. After lunch a new bag had been dropped in the backseat, telling you how to dress and what time Legato would be picking you up. Armed with that knowledge you picked up a new dress that you felt showed all your curves and hung just right on your body. More importantly, it matched in with Nai’s preferred color scheme. 
At 6 PM you once again found yourself getting into the back of the Nai’s car, only this time, Nai was there as well, and as soon as the door was closed he had his hand on your chin pulling you close and kissing you sensually. The kind of kiss the had a spark start in your core while he ran his hands along your throat making you moan against him. 
When he pulls away all you can do is smile while the knuckles of one of his hands trail along the soft skin of your face. “Happy birthday Pet. Did you enjoy your day?”
 Cracking your eyes, you’re treated to one of his rare smiles, his entire face relaxed and his normally slicked back hair is pushed up into what you can only describe as fluffy spikes. “I did, but you know you didn’t have to do any of that for me. You know that right?” While you stare into his pale blue eyes you feel as his hand moves so his fingers are tangled in your loose hair. 
You feel the car as it begins to move knowing you’re on your way to your destination for dinner “I am aware. I treasure you and sense I may not display that enough.” His soft admission has you smiling, Nai has had his moments where he has shown you just how much he cares for you, and you’ve cherished each one. 
Leaning away from your body and removing his hands from you, reaching behind him to hand you a single red rose which makes you giggle. “A single rose, for the only lady I care for” as you take the rose you notice none of the thorns have been removed. You don’t miss his meaning behind that either, he knows you’re not defenseless, but you’re still fragile. 
When the car comes to a stop Nai takes your hand in his, leading you along, and pausing just long enough to be brought to a private room for the two of you. You have to hide your hand behind your mouth when he orders a cosmopolitan for you, and you can see the light that seems to shine from his eyes. 
All throughout dinner you find Nai being far more open then he normally would be with you in public. From sliding his hand along your arm, intertwining his fingers with yours, including offering pieces of his own meal to you from his fork. His eyes intense as he holds it out for you above the table. 
Sure you were in a private room and he did all those things when he knew no one else was in the room with the two of you. Part of it warms your heart, but a part of you is also worried waiting for the other shoe to drop. At the mean winds down you have to smile, seeing your favorite dessert on the plate. A single serving. As soon as the waiter is gone Nai feeds the entire thing to you in small slices, grinning all the while and sipping from his wine glass. “Satisfied my Pet?” 
The way he says it leaves you grinning, a hint of playfulness in his tone and a smirk on his face. “With this? Yes. Though I could do a meal of a different sort in a little bit.” You raise a single eyebrow at him as you finish your second drink, watching as Nai knows exactly what you’re implying. 
“Then let us depart for the final event of the evening.” Once again taking your hand, except this time moving your hand so it’s resting against his forearm as the two of you leave. 
Back in the car, you expected Nai to try and kiss you again, instead he keeps his face pointed forward, letting his hand trace patterns against your thigh just under the edge of your dress. It isn’t long before the door to his apartment is closed, the sound of Nai pulling his dress shoes off before reaching for you. 
As you move closer his wide palms are running up your leg, leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss to the skin of your calf while he lifts it from the ground making you giggle. If there was a way to sensually remove heels, Nai knows how and proceeds to remove one heel. Lowering your leg to the ground and making eye contact before starting on the other, except this time he gives a hard nip after kissing the second calf. A hiss passing your lips. 
Tongue lapping against the indent of his teeth in your body groaning as he does so “While you are aware I don’t partake in dessert, I have plans for a dessert of a different kind tonight.” Why do those words make you feel so wet all of a sudden? A sharp inhale at how serious his eyes have grown. 
Standing he once more takes your hand, leading you to his bedroom, hand pressing a button to release low tones from an orchestra recording through the apartment. Walking behind you, and leaning down to press kisses to the nap of your neck. 
Taking the time to grasp your zipper and slowly lowering it, causing you to shiver as the cool air of the apartment reaches your skin, goosebumps rising along your back. “Tonight, I’m going to leave you a moaning panting mess on my bed. The only thought I want running in that pretty little head of yours is how I feel inside your body.” That, also has goosebumps rising along your skin but for an entirely different reason. 
As your dress pools around your feet, you hear the appreciative hum he lets out, hands sliding along your body as he pulls your back against his chest. Gliding his hands from your hips up your stomach and to grasp your breasts in their bra, pushing them together. Moaning at his touch, and feeling his mouth press against your ear. “Keep these on, you know where I want you to get on my bed.” 
You certainly do know, once his hands release you and climb atop his mattress and settle against the center so your hair is fanned out behind you along his pillows. Turning to watch as he makes a show of removing his clothes, each piece folded and placed over the chair in his room. 
Slowly revealing the muscular figure you know so well until the only piece of clothing left is his silk underwear. A bulge you are very familiar with straining against the fabric. Swallowing as he moves to join you and climbing along your body until he’s pressing his chest to yours and rubbing his clothed cock against your pussy. A kiss you can only describe as longing while his body works yours. 
As your lungs start to burn he breaks away, placing a trail of kisses down along your chest avoiding the temptation to kiss and suck at the sensitive skin of your breasts. Once he reaches your underwear, he sends you a grin “Stay like this pet, and be sure to sing for me.” Teeth sinking in the top of your underwear and dragging it down slowly revealing your dripping sex to him. 
Wasting no time his tongue is quick to lap at your folds with kitten licks making your moan, switching to tracing patterns to the outer lips. You can feel the heat in your core starting to rise and whimper, hips rising. “I said sing Pet” one arm moving to hook your waist so you can’t move. 
He goes in like a man starved tongue sweeping over part of your pussy before pressing in, and wiggling around. A loud gasp of his name at the sensation, Nai keeps going increasing his movement and flattening his tongue for longer sweeps. You’re certain you feel sweat starting to bead on your forehead, the pleasure almost too much for you. 
Tilting his head so he can shove the wet muscle even further into you and this time you cry out his name as your inner walls clench around him. A happy hum as he works you over and you keep up the symphony of moans and cries of his name. “That’s right, keep singing for me” pulling away to wrap his lips around your clit and suck. Your hips jerking to try and get more friction but his arm is too much for you to break from. Screaming his name as you cum.
You feel your eyes going hazy as you look down at him, your release dripping from his chin which he wipes away while watching you. “I love you” his words are hoarse and a part of you imagines you didn’t hear him quite right but the way he’s staring at you, you know you didn’t. You heard him just fine as he opens his mouth once more.
“I love you too Nai.” It blurts from your mouth so quickly, but it’s the truth, watching his mouth close. “Out of everything today, that might be the best gift you could have given me.” You feel your lashes getting wet at the admission, Nai turns and presses a kiss to your inner thigh. 
“Lean back down, I’m not done with you tonight.” Several rounds later you’re passed out and tucked up against Nai’s side, head resting against his heart while his hand plays with your hair.
“I do love you. Something I didn’t think I was capable of anymore.” Your only answer to him is a long inhale of air through your partially open mouth making him smile. 
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All for one, and one for all
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AN: Day Eleven is here and it's time to visit the world of Conclave. I recommend you familiarise yourself with at least the first installment of that series before reading this one.
I’m using dialogue prompts from this post by @nightprompts and they can be found emboldened in the text.
Kinktober 2022 Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Beta’d by @maladaptivexxdaydreaming.
Dividers by @firefly-graphics, banners and covers by me.
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Grouping: Steve x Bucky x Reader x Sam
CW: Triple Penetration, aftercare, explicit sexual content, Dub-con
Word Count: 1.6k
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For all the time the men had had sex with you over the past few months, even when all three of them came to your room, at least one was a watcher at any given point. But you should have known this was coming, this ‘lulling you into a false sense of security’, especially after Sam had claimed your ass. Because that had led to Bucky doing the same a few nights later, and then Steve some nights after that. 
God, just the thought of that still made you moan. 
You had to keep reminding yourself that you weren’t here of your free will, that the three former hero’s had kidnapped you off the street to become the fourth corner of their little polycule. But with each passing day, with each mind-blowing orgasm, it was getting harder and harder to remain defiant and closed off. This was the safest and most comfortable you’d been in the past two years. Well-fed, clean, and dare you say it, cared for.
Was it really that big of a thing to trade your freedom for those things? Especially when freedom could easily lead to death?
The door to your room opened and the three of them walked in, naked and hard. Steve was in the lead as usual, followed by Sam, his signature smirk on his face, and then the normal stoic Bucky. 
You closed the book you’d been half-heartedly reading, and rose from the bed, your robe (this one a pale blue) swishing around your body. Steve reached you in a few strides, cupping your face with one large hand.
“Hey, bunny.” You found the endearment sweet, almost loving now, not cruel and condescending like you had at first. You welcomed his kiss, opening your mouth at the first touch of his tongue. You registered the fact that he had loosened the tie in your robe, but you’d been expecting it anyway. 
The silky fabric was carefully stripped from your body by other hands, hands that started to caress your body, tweaking your nipples and skimming your stomach. Steve drew back from the kiss, and your chin was gently grasped and turned, captured in another kiss. Sam.
Lips trailed down your back (Bucky) and your front (Steve), hitting every erogenous zone you had, including ones you didn’t know about, even after all this time. Your arms wound around Sam’s neck for stability as he hooked your leg up over his arm, opening you up for the other two. You almost fell when you felt the twin onslaught of one mouth on your pussy and one on your asshole.
“Oh fuck!”
Sam sniggered into your neck as he continued to pepper kisses to your throat and shoulder, his free arm encircling your back and reaching around to play with your nipple. You keened when the two super-soldiers added a finger each alongside their tongues, testing you. Stretching you. Filling you.
You came. 
Shaking between them all like a butterfly pinned to a board, your arousal strong and rolling down your thighs where it escaped Steve’s mouth. As your legs continued to tremble Sam scooped you up.
“There we go, baby. A nice little warm-up for you. You’re gonna need it.”
Steve lay down on the bed, and as Sam gently deposited you down as well, you automatically straddled the blond. With his hands on your hips, you rose up, then sank down onto his massive length. He guided your movements, slow and steady, not enough to get you there, but enough to keep you on edge and needy, especially after that first orgasm. 
He smiled at you, knowingly, and you were confused for a moment until you felt the coldness of lube against your ass.
“Люблю эту задницу, зайчик. Собираюсь наполнить тебя так полно”
Bucky mumbled gruffly in your ear as you picked out the words ‘ass’, ‘bunny’ and ‘full’.
Oh shit!
You gasped as Bucky bent you over to be almost flush against Steve, and pressed his, now lubed, finger all the way into your tight channel.
After a few deep thrusts you felt the stretch of his second finger being added, and you groaned low in your throat.
“You're making a lotta noise, bunny. I bet Sam can help you with that.” Steve chuckled as he spoke, and you opened your eyes, that you hadn’t realised you’d even shut, to find Sam’s impressive cock bobbing in front of your face. 
Instinctively you opened your mouth and let him push in. You gagged slightly as he hit the back of your throat, causing your body to tense around Steve’s cock and Bucky’s fingers. The former hissed in pleasure, as the latter let out an amused snort.
“Будет так хорошо, когда ты сожмешь наши член”
Steve was holding fairly still, but cupping your face, as Sam pushed back and forth through your lips, making you rock in time. You spluttered again as Sam thrust forwards at the same time that Bucky added a third finger to your stretched hole, and you willed your body to relax.
“Doing well, Bunny. Almost there. You’re gonna love it.” Steve’s praise always got to you, made you want to try harder to please him. 
When Bucky slowly removed his fingers, you rolled your eyes up, flitting between Steve and Sam’s faces. 
Sam added his hand to your face, fingers twining with Steve’s on your cheek. You were so taken by the tender moment that you were distracted from what was about to happen, until you felt Bucky come up close behind you and start to push in.
“Блять, вот так!”
Your eyes went wide and for a moment you panicked, but then Bucky had a hand down your front, where you and Steve were joined, and started to rub at your clit.
"Впусти меня, зайчик"
“She will Buck, give her a moment.” Steve chastised Bucky for his impatience, before turning his attention back to you. “Let her breathe, Sam.”  Sam pulled out of your mouth, a string of saliva connecting the pair of you as you gulped in air. He groped at your breasts, massaging them and tweaking at your nipples. All the extra stimulation made you gasp and roll your hips, which had the effect of letting Bucky all the way in.
The feeling was intense and you felt so incredibly full. The only noise you could let out was a whine, but that was cut short by Sam, easing back into your mouth. He and Steve still caressed your face, with Steve’s other hand on one of your hips. Bucky’s hand was on the other hip, and he still stroked over your clit. You were surrounded, covered, engulfed by the three men who were all at once your lovers and your jailors. Your salvation and your ruin.
The hands on your hips started moving you, forwards onto Steve and back onto Bucky, which also meant that your mouth moved up and down Sam’s cock as well. They touched you and caressed you, suprisingling caring and gentle.
“Я чувствую тебя, Стиви!”
“Feel you too, Buck.”
“God her mouth is heaven, as always. Come on, sweetheart, cum for us, yeah.”  Sam moaned and threw his head back. You tried to put more thought into how you were sucking him, but at this point you were just a living cocksleeve for the three of them, unable to do anything except experience what they were doing to you.
You burbled around the cock in your mouth as you came, eyes rolling back and shaking. Bucky followed you, thrusting raggedly into your ass and muttering in Russian as he filled you. Steve was next, the stimulation from Bucky so close to him pushing him over the edge. This left Sam, who was now given the opportunity to properly fuck your face.
“Fuck, baby. You look so good like this.Take it all. Take it fucking all.” 
You coughed as he came down your throat, trying to swallow rapidly, but his cum still spilled past your lips and down your chin. Steve wiped it away with his thumb, before sucking it into his mouth, eyes locked with Sam’s as he did so, before pulling him down for a rough kiss. You slumped forwards onto Steve’s chest and Bucky pressed kisses to your spine before heading to the bathroom. Steve slid you off of him and onto the mattress, his hands rubbing you, up and down your exhausted body. 
“Bunny, open your eyes, Sam’s got some food for you.”  You blinked, a bit confused, because surely Sam hadn’t had time to leave the room and come back, but he was there, nonetheless, kneeling on the floor by the side of the bed, holding a cube of cheese to your lips.
“There’s our girl. It’s perfect now. All four of us together, yeah.”
You nodded, absent-mindedly as you chewed through a few of the semi-firm, salty cubes. 
Sam then lifted you, and carried you through to the bathroom and the enormous tub. Bucky was already sitting in it, and he accepted you into his arms, the warm water lapping up over your skin. Steve and Sam joined you, and you drifted off to sleep, surrounded by the three men who had brought you into their lives, and seemed to care for you in some way. Would they ever love you as much as they seemed to love each other? 
You tried not to wonder too much about why you cared.
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Люблю эту задницу, зайчик. Собираюсь наполнить тебя так полно  - Love that ass, bunny. Gonna fill you so full
Будет так хорошо, когда ты сожмешь наши член - It’s gonna feel so good when you squeeze our dicks
Блять, вот так!- Fuck, that’s it!
Впусти меня, зайчик - Let me in, bunny*
Я чувствую тебя, Стиви! - Can feel you, Stevie! 
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Tag list: @christywantspizza @jobean12-blog @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky @tuiccim @yarnforbrains @sidepartskinnyjeans @krissy25 @bodeckersdiamonddoll @goldylions @ohsymphony @luxeavenger @wheezy-stucky @doasyoudesireandlive @chemtrails-club @seitmai @marvelstarker-mha98
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decreare · 9 months
Baby Mama White Knight (CH1 B-SIDE)
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Weiss grunted as she stripped herself of her clothes, letting them fall in her shared bedroom as she looked down at herself. She was near nude, her dark blue gift making the plae skin squeezed into it Pop. She smiled at herself, planning to twirl herself in front of a mirror to also enjoy her husband’s surprise. “I got Fat!”
She shouted so loud that it nearly filled the house. Turning around and smacking the pounds added throughout the years of giving birth to five children (Twins, then triplets) and motherhood.
The most noticeable thing was how her curves benefited from the passage of time. Explaining why things felt tighter then before as she adjusted her garments with a tug.  
She pinched her stomach, her mind freezing as she felt fat pile up at the pinch of her stomach. Having to take a seat from the shock as she covered her face.
“Gods is this what my mother felt like when she had us?”
She muttered out loud to herself. Sure she was quite happy with her current life, a loving husband and freedom to raise her children away from whatever troubled her from her past. But still she carried the scars of her past life as she prodded at her left eyebrow. Her hands were the first thing she looked at after all these years. Delicate hands for a delicate weapon. Her tendons were bloated and fingers bent. Her previously dagger-like digits worn down from digging dirt for lost toys and holding her children in hard grips.Her figure, something she was mocked for, was built from ballet and fencing which she made in her fighting form. It was something she was PROUD of.  Now it carried the weight of Motherhood. Heavy knees from carrying her pregnancies to term.Her skin was her most defining feature. The icy pale tone synonymous with the Schnee name. That was now sun-kissed. A freckled Schnee with stretched skin on her abdomen, the only place that had that familiar near-albino skin.
“I’ve become some Commoner Cow…”
The type of figure she was taught to laugh at behind their back, the fact they didn’t belong in Atlas high society. “Guess I don’t belong…” Tears dripped from her eyes. She didn’t WANT to cry, she Hated Her time as a Heiress. Masquerades with real faces, the horrors of the 1% treated as a casual pass time. She never belonged with those kind of people. Guess this was the last part of her old life that was still in her mind, and now it dying from the absurdity of someoene like her becoming Happy! She was compelled to grab the photoalbum she kept under the nightstand, knowing she didn’t want to, knowing she would be hurt by what she sees. Looking past the tears, she saw her younger self, the former Weiss Schnne with Myrtenaster held proudly. Weiss Arc on her wedding day, a picture of her sunburnt skin made her laugh. Her first pregancy, her second. A picture of them all tired and holding each other so closely, nothing like her family. She remembered holding their small forms, their falls and tumbles, how’d the twins wanted to learn fencing and ballet like she had and she could only swell in pride.
She didn’t hear the door open as she wallowed in added pounds and memories both good and bad. Her blonde partner sensed she needed comfort from his garden. He slowly made his way up into the upstairs bedroom, not knowing what to make of her state as knew he had to comfort her. So he wrapped his arms around her, his unshaven chin resting on her snow-white hair. Being pulled into her husband’s lap as he sat down on their bed.
“What’s wrong?”
She felt Jaune rock her from side to side. Continuing to let out choked sobs after her husband snuck up to hug her from behind. She wanted to kiss him as she stroked his fuzzy cheek while looking in the mirror again. They looked so Perfect. Like a loving couple, even though Jaune was in dirt-streaked overalls and graying blonde hair due to their adventures adding so much weight to his mind and Weiss was in tight lingerie after wrangling her kids throughout the entire morning and getting her clothes dirty with food and love. What she wore enough was a simple luxury despite the fact she could afford so much more, finding such fancy things quickly lost their value when faced against children, and they were simply Priceless compared to the farce that was her life before Beacon.
They were loved, they were happy, and if they ever felt overwhelmed they had the combined teams of RWBY and JNPR and the suffocatingly loving Arc clan to come and help. Their children were happy and loved by their friends and family. Everything was as perfect as life can be despite the constant messiness. Jaune was loved, Weiss was loved, and they loved each other despite the pains and troubles they carried, practically opposite in origin. She felt herself smile while in Jaune’s arms. She looked back at herself with pride through the tears.
And let out tears of joy.
Jaune could only sputter as his wife broke out in tears and soft laughs.
“I feel like a cow Jaune, and I’m Happy!”
Jaune became even more confused at his wife’s statement, not even sure why her gaining some weight would be a bad thing.
“I-is gaining some baby weight a good or bad t-thing?”
She whipped away the tears from her face when they stopped, her face hurting from smiling so hard but still she was content despite it all.
“Well, my knight, what do you think of your Princess gaining a few pounds, looking more like a common whore than a proper lady~”
Jaune felt like he was experiencing whiplash as Weiss rubbed her fattened behind on his Denim-covered crotch. He couldn't lie he enjoyed the sight of a plumper Weiss in his arms while she only wore blue lingerie that strained to stay on her frame more than before.  
“Y-you are beautiful as the day you let me take your hand in marriage. N-now you carry the body of a mother with the same grace as b-before, I c-couldn’t be more in l-love. You have given everything I could have ever w-wanted with your presence!”
He fumbled, confused by Weiss's mood swings, but his words were as true as he could make. Plus he thought she looked a bit better than before. More like a Mother, proof she had given birth to his children.
“Oh Jaune you charmer!”
His genuine compliments earn him a kiss as Weiss lowers his head, her dainty hands grasping at the straps of his overalls to undo them. She was picked up in the middle of their embrace, squealing into her kiss as she flipped into laying in their bed. The springs creaked as Jaune made her lie down, not caring that the rough weight shifting made the mattress worryingly squeak. Trapping her within his arms for now.
“Tell me what’s going on Weiss”
Her arousal felt betrayed as she huffed, knowing where this will lead to.
“Fine. I’ve been doing some reflecting. Who I am, who I should be, who I am with you, with our kids, and I kinda panicked? I really wasn’t expecting this, least of all getting Fat”
“And is that a bad thing-”
She pressed a finger against his lips.
“Did you ever expect being a Huntsman would be this hard?”
That froze the both of them, making them still for minutes as they didn’t separate.
Slowly, she was lifted up alongside Jaune, wrapping an arm around her waist as they made their way to the window, their children still playing outside.
They stood there, watching them play with pride, their fears dissipating.
“I don’t regret-”
“I don’t regret-”
“And This is why we are married my tall, blonde, scraggly knight, what would you do without me~”
“Probably still lost following Ruby around”
She could only gasp at the truth of the statement, not even entertaining the idea of looking at his smirking face as they refocused their gaze on their kids. Weiss tried to ignore her heart racing as Jaune’s rough fingers slightly dug into her love handle.
Despite it all, she was Happy, just a momentary lapse of despair in her life.
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theunredeemable · 7 months
Yang's eyes were the size of saucers, taking in the scene before her. Blake, the woman she had a 'small' crush on for years, was tied up in ribbons on her bed, stark naked with only the thin strips of fabric to protect her modesty. Blindfolded and gagged, Yang watched the way her ears lifted as the door opened. The flickering lights from the velvet red candles played on her smooth, pale skin beautifully, and the blonde was transfixed, if not a little confused. She could feel a warmth spread across her core as she tore her eyes away from the scene to look at her girlfriend. Winter for her part had strode confidently into the room, a sway to her step as she walked around to the other side of the bed before sliding onto it, wrapping an arm around Blake's shoulders. In the process she had managed to undo the buttons of her shirt, letting it hang open and expose her stomach and bra. Yang swallowed, stepping into the room and closing the door behind her. "W-what is this?"
“What does it look like, Sundrop?” Winter’s nails dragged across Blake’s skin, causing the Faunus to shiver and lean into her. A playful smirk was plastered on Winter’s face as her light blue eyes took in her beloved’s reaction. She could tell from the way that Yang was standing tense that the blonde was resisting her urges to dive into what was before her. “Blake and I decided to talk some things out, and came to an agreement.” Her free hand came to rest on Blake’s stomach, gently dragging her nails upwards, gently toying with the ribbon between her breasts. “She’s had a crush on you for so long, and I thought I’d share.” Yang took a few more steps into the room, transfixed by Winter’s hands trailing over her best friend’s body, and the way Blake was letting out little pleased groans at the touch, trying to lift off the bed into Winter’s touch. “What do you say, Yang?”
“Are you certain?” Yang could barely believe what Winter was saying as she approached the bed, licking her lips.
“I wouldn’t have set this up if I wasn’t certain. Besides…” Her hand shifted, undoing the ribbon that kept Blake’s breasts bound. As the ribbon fell, her hand took hold of her left breast, squeezing firmly as she spoke sensually into the Faunus’s ear. “I find myself interested in her as well.” Winter’s hand continued to gently knead the bound woman’s breast, her lips planting kisses on her shoulder, teeth dragging over the skin. “Come on Sundrop, indulge with me.”
Blake was panting around the gag in her mouth, ears twitching as she was listening to Yang’s breathing. The blindfold made all her other senses seem heightened, and Winter’s cold touch felt like fire. She shifted on the bed, squirming against her bonds. Her ear twitched again, hearing something drop to the floor, before feeling the mattress dip down as another weight was added. Warm, calloused hands ran up her thighs, undoing the ribbons that kept them together. As soon as the bonds were released, she spread her legs apart, feeling those warm hands run over her thighs once more. She could feel a warm breath wash over her core, causing her to shiver and let out a muffled moan. Yang and Winter seemed to chuckle at her reaction, and a blush formed over her cheeks. “Ok Blake… before I do this, are you sure? Make some sort of noise, one for yes, two for no.” To answer the blonde, Blake let out a single, drawn out moan. This seemed to satisfy her, for only a few seconds later she felt a tongue press against her folds, parting them and curling. Her head leaned back as she let out another moan, and she ached to run her hands through Yang’s hair, but was unable to for now.
Blake had heard from some of Yang’s previous lover’s how talented the woman was, but had never been lucky enough to experience herself until now. Her toes curled as she felt Yang’s hungry tongue explore her depths, while Winter’s cool hands wandered her body, nails dragging over her sensitive skin. Blake was certain that they were leaving faint red lines where they went. She felt Winter shift on the bed, her arm unwrapping from around her. Moments later she felt the Schnee’s tongue run over her abs and up to her breast, capturing a nipple into her mouth and rolling the sensitive nub with her teeth. Another deep moan rumbled through Blake, her back arching to expose more of her chest to Winter’s touch as her hand went back to knead and pull on the other. The Faunus was in a state of pure bliss, her mewling moans muffled by the gag as she felt her body temperature rise, heat spikes shooting up her spine. This carried on for what seemed like an eternity, before she felt Winter pull away. There was a rustle of clothes as Winter's weight left the bed. Blake mourned her absence, but such thoughts were washed away from her brain as she felt Yang's lips press against her clit, and two of her fingers curled inside of her.
A cold hand ran through her hair, and Winter's calm voice whispered into her ear, causing it to twitch lightly. "A shame you can't see this yet... She looks so good between your legs." Winter's other hand ran up her chest and neck, stopping at Blake's jaw. A whine came out of the Faunus, trying to press into the touch as well as trying to wiggle out of the binds. Winter tutted at this, her hand now resting on Blake's cheek. "None of that now. You'll get your chance to touch, but this is the birthday girls turn now." Blake stopped her attempts to escape, but her writhing continued as she felt a warmth growing in her core, her breathing growing heavier. She heard Winter's chuckle, and felt as her cool hands worked to unbind the gag from her mouth. "She's very talented, isn't she Blake? First time together she made me see stars." As soon as the gag was pulled away, Blake cried out in pleasure, her back arching and lifting from the bed as her thighs squeezed around Yang's head, locking her in as the Faunus woman came. The orgasm was explosive after hours of anticipation and being on edge, coating the blonde's mouth, jaw, and hand with her juices. Once it had run it's course, she collapsed against the bed, panting heavily and opening her legs for Yang to pull away, who was chuckling herself.
Finally, the blindfold was pulled from her head. She blinked as she let her eyes focus, growing accustomed to the low level of light provided by the candles after hours of pure darkness, and the sight before her sent another jolt up her spine. Yang, still sat between her legs and mouth glistening in the candle light, and wearing little more than a pair of panties, having discarded the rest of her clothes before getting on the bed. Her lilac eyes burned with lust. And Winter, who had also discarded most of her clothes but had been more prepared for the night's activities, having worn pale blue lingerie that hugged her body in all the right ways. Blake watched as Winter leaned over, capturing her girlfriend's lips in a deep kiss, the pair moaning over the bound faunus. When they broke apart, Winter licked her lips and let out a hum. She ran her hand through Blake's hair again, nails dragging gently over her scalp. "She tastes delicious, doesn't she Sundrop?" Yang simply grinned, nodding dumbly as she was still in a state of disbelief. Winter helped Blake sit up, undoing the ribbons that kept her arms bound, while whispering sultrily in her ear. "I think it's her turn now. Get a taste." As soon as she was free, Blake launched herself at Yang, heeding Winter's command.
Yang let out a small yelp of surprise, which caused Winter to laugh fully. The blonde went to shoot her a glare, but it melted away with a hitch as she felt Blake's hands spread open her thighs. In contrast to her own, Blake's hands were surprisingly soft, dragging nails across her inner thighs as she situated herself in between them. The raven-haired woman planted a firm kiss over the panties, before moving to take them off of Yang. Yang for her part lifted her hips up to help, biting her lip in anticipation. She looked up at Winter, to make sure everything was still ok, and was struck by the loving look the Schnee held on her face.
Winter had remained sitting on the bed, watching the two. Inner thoughts were starting to turn, and she felt that she could get used to this. Blake might make a fine addition to bedroom activities for more than just a birthday surprise...and perhaps more than just the bedroom. She locked that thought away for the time being, choosing instead to run her hand down the curve of Blake's back, taking Yang's panties from the shorter woman's hands once she had managed to relieve the blonde of them. A quick glance showed them utterly soaked, revealing just how excited Yang was about all that had transpired thus far.
Blake shivered at the touch, amber eyes closing as Winter's well manicured nails dragged across her back, following the curve of her spine. Opening them again, she focused on her objective before her. She let out a hot breath, letting it wash over Yang's core, repaying the blonde for the same action earlier. She watched for Yang's reaction, pleased at the way she shivered. Blake moved her mouth closer, before pulling away, planting firm kisses along her inner thighs instead. She was rewarded with a whine from Yang, frustrated at the teasing. She could hear Winter chuckle at the reaction, and felt her weight leave the bed again. She was tempted to look to see what the Schnee was up to now, her ear twitching as she heard a closet door slide open, but chose not to look and focus her attention on Yang. She continued the firm kisses along the inner thigh, creeping closer to her core. One of Yang's hands ran through her hair, careful not to be rough with her ears as it rested at the base of the Feline appendage. To show her appreciation for the care, she finally gave in and ran her tongue across Yang's wet folds, pushing into her depths.
Where Yang considered herself skilled in the art of pleasure and the skill of her tongue, Blake was in another category. Yang let out a gasp, which quickly melted into a moan as she tensed and utterly relaxed in nanoseconds. Her hands ran through the Faunus' hair, resting at the base of her ears as her eyes screwed tight. Blake's tongue was dexterous, with a barbed texture that seemed to be hitting all the right spots. Two of the woman's fingers slipped into Yang's folds, curling inside of her. "F-fuck, Blake..." Yang was panting already, chest heaving as the faunus was showing her no mercy. Her eyes opened again, looking up in time to see what her beloved girlfriend had been up to. A chuckle tried to leave her, but it was interrupted with a moan.
Winter smirked, rejoining the two on the bed, situating herself behind Blake. She ran a hand over her ass, squeezing firmly, before lining herself up. Blake's ears perked up when she felt the cold silicone toy rub against her sensitive core, moaning into Yang's. Winter took her sounds as encouragement, and slowly pushed the strap-on she was wearing into Blake. She was rewarded with the Faunus's renewed moans, her hands moving to grip onto Yang's thighs for support. Blake lifted her mouth away from Yang to look over her shoulder at Winter.
Blake's eyes were lidded, her mind running a thousand miles a minute, and was struck by the sight of Winter behind her, her bra now disposed of. Her torso was littered with scars from her history as a soldier, but they only added to her allure. Looking at her like this, Blake wasn't surprised that Yang had fallen heads over heels for the Schnee. She didn't have time to consider any further, as Winter tutted at her. "I don't believe anyone said you could stop." She gave a pointed look, and Blake gave a nod, turning back to Yang and diving into her task with renewed fervour. Yang cried out in bliss as Blake ate her out, one of her hands gripping her hair firmly, while her other hand moved to play with one of her breasts. The blonde was rewarded with both the physical pleasure, the sight of Winter started to move her hips, fucking Blake into her with slow yet firm thrusts. Yang soon cried out, her knees coming together as she doubled over Blake's head, moaning loudly as she came. Blake lapped everything up eagerly, her tongue darting out to make sure not a single drop was spilled, all the while moaning as Winter's thrusts caused her body to jerk forward. When Yang's orgasm had finished, she pulled Blake up from her bent over position, planting a firm kiss on her lips. Blake gasped in surprise, but melted into the kiss. She placed her hands on Yang's shoulder's for support, as Winter had not yet stopped, simply repositioned to continue fucking the Faunus. Her cool hands went to the woman's breasts, groping and kneading them, while Yang's warm ones went to her cheeks to deepen the kiss. Blake never thought she would find herself kissing Yang, let alone sandwiched between her and Winter, and she was finding that it simply felt... right. She moaned deeply into the kiss, eyes closing tight as she felt her core grow warm again, her toes curling and fingers digging into Yang's shoulder as she came around the toy buried deep inside of her as Winter thrust forward one last time.
Winter held herself there, letting Blake ride out her orgasm as she planted firm kisses along the Faunus's neck. Her hands had left the woman's breasts to instead rest on her hips, holding her down against her own. Once Blake had stopped shaking, and she and Yang broke their kiss, Winter moved to capture the woman's lips in a kiss of her own. Blake seemed surprised by the kiss, but it didn't take long for her to melt into this one either. her arm curling over to grab the back of Winter's head from the position the Schnee had kept them locked into.
Yang watched the two women that held her heart kiss, and felt something stir inside of her. She thought of Weiss's relationship with Emerald and Sun, and wondered if there was potential for her to have the same thing. Her heart skipped a beat in hope, but that was a conversation for the three of them to have later. Eventually, Winter and Blake broke apart, both panting heavily from the kiss and exertion from their actions. Winter removed her hands from Blake's hips, letting her pull herself off the toy with a groaning moan. Blake collapsed against Yang, who held her, trying to catch her breath. Winter moved back to rest against the headboard and pillows, catching her own breath with a sly grin on her face. Yang looked at her girlfriend, and a coy smile spread on her own face as she whispered something into Blake's ear.
Winter's eyes were closed, and was blissfully unaware of her girlfriend's scheme as she caught her own breath. The taste of both Yang and Blake was still fresh on her lips, and she was letting herself simply rest in the moment before she figured out how to broach any more meaningful conversation. Those thoughts were quickly banished from her mind as she felt two pairs of lips and hands on her body. She opened her eyes with a small moan, looking to see Blake and Yang. Somehow Blake had managed to get the strap-on from it's harness without Winter feeling it, a feat she would have questioned if not for the fact that both of them were currently sucking on her breasts, and their hands dragging nails across her toned stomach. "A-ah... what?"
Blake let the breast fall from her mouth with an audible pop, a cat-like grin spread across her face. She held up the strap on, glistening from Blake's own juices in the low light. "Yang had a wonderful idea..." She lowered the toy, pressing it against Winter's core and slowly sliding it in. Winter gasped, head leaning back as she felt Yang release her breast, shifting on the bed until her head was next to Winter's.
"You organised this for us, and have barely indulged yourself. Didn't you say, 'Indulge with me?'" Yang chuckled at seeing her girlfriend's face melt in bliss, Blake in the process of pumping the toy in and out of her, while she planted kisses all along Winter's body. "So, Blake and I are going to indulge, Snowdrift." She leaned down to capture Winter's lips in a kiss, eyes closing as the two made out, while her hand went to her girlfriend's right breast. Her fingers dipped into the flesh, groping and fondling, while Blake wrapped her lips around the left breast's nipple again, rolling the nub between her teeth in a similar fashion to how the white haired woman had done to her earlier. Winter's eyes had closed again, her moans quiet in comparison to the sounds Blake and Yang made, much more reserved even as she surrendered to their touch. A buzz filled the air as Blake found a hidden switch on the toy, activating the vibration function as she continued to fuck Winter with it, which caused a much deeper moan to rumble through Winter's chest. She moved her hands to run through Yang's and Blake's hair, seeking further physical contact.
The pair's assault on her was unrelenting. As soon as Yang broke the kiss, her lips found their way to Winter's neck instead, suckling on the flesh and leaving red hickies that would take days, if not weeks to fade. Blake seemed to like the idea, as she moved to do the same on the other side of Winter's neck, leaving the toy buried deep inside the woman. Winter leaned her head back as she cried in pleasure, exposing more of her neck to the pair to lay claim to. She may have been in charge and led the night's activities, but she would be the one to leave at the end with the most marks across her body in the perfect shapes of Yangs and Blake's lips. Eventually, she cried out in pleasure, clinging onto the two as her orgasm ran through her.
Yang had seen it before, but it was a surprise to Blake to see just how hard the Schnee scion came, her grip on the two tight as she cried out, her body shaking as her hips lifted off the bed. Years of repression had a lasting effect, and Blake couldn't help but let out a small chuckle as she planted a soft kiss under Winter's jaw. She decided to take mercy on the taller woman, removing the vibrating toy from her and turning it off. The three then collapsed on the bed, each of them panting heavily as a fatigue started to creep over them. Blake hummed, nuzzling against Winter's side and neck as she murmured, eyes struggling to stay open. "I should probably go so you can sleep...."
Winter didn't say anything, but tightened her grip on Blake, holding her and Yang close on either side as she let out a noise of disagreement. Yang for her part laughed, reaching over with an arm so she was connected to both of them. "Stay... I don't think Winter's going to let you leave anyway." Winter let out a noise that seemed to confirm, causing both the others to laugh, before the three slowly drifted off to sleep in each other's embrace.
The trio sat around the kitchen table, mugs of coffee steaming before them. Winter looked the most put together out of all three of them, used to early mornings with little sleep. Red marks littered her neck, peeking out from the confines of her shirt. There would be no hiding them, not unless she decided to wear a turtleneck for the foreseeable future. She took a slow sip of her coffee as she appraised the other two. 
Yang was still waking up. She was mostly a morning person, but only after she had consumed at least one cup of coffee, especially after a night as intense as theirs. She didn’t know how Blake fell on the spectrum until now, but it was evident that the Faunus was not a morning person. She gripped the coffee before her like a lifeline, heavy bags under her eyes as she stared vacantly passed Winter’s shoulder. Blake took a deep drink of her coffee, eyes closing as she let the warm, magical liquid run down her throat. When she put the mug down, it was half empty as she took in a deep breath. Letting it out slowly, she opened her amber eyes again, now more awake as she looked at the other two. “So… what now?” 
Winter hummed, running her finger over the rim of her mug. “Now? We take a shower. After? I think we should discuss a date schedule, and see where things go.” She got a look from both of them, a mixture of surprise, and hope written on both of their faces. Winter shrugged slightly, a sly grin on her face. “What, did you think Weiss was the only one into Polyamory? Please.” She chuckled as she took another sip. “We Schnee’s are ever overachievers.”
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imagines-by-cleo · 2 years
Stress relief
Kazuhira Miller x Fem!Reader NSFW
If I had a nickle for every time I simped for a one armed blonde haired war criminal with a sad backstory I'd have two nickles which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
I meant to finish this a lot earlier but the perfectionist in me wanted to keep working on it and hopefully that made it turn out somewhat readable lol. Anyway, enjoy this and if you like it or you want to see more let me know!
CW: SMUT, dom/sub dynamics, heavy degredation, blowjobs, hair pulling, dirty talk, begging, teasing, hotdogging, spanking, rough sex, unprotected sex
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Tensions ran high around mother base, the staff could hardly rest with all the talk of traitors. Yet somehow with everyone watching, gaurding, reporting, there was no end in sight. The sudden discreet tap of a metal crutch on your leg as he walked past informed you of the exact situation, a signal for you to meet Kaz at the usual place.
You had hardly noticed him as he passed, or at least you were getting good at pretending you didn't. Avoiding suspension was your top priority, and increasingly difficult given the current increase in security. Your route to Kaz's quarters was planned in advance, taking paths where you wouldn't be seen or that you could come up with a believable explanation as to why you were there. Every cautious step of what had become ritual by now served to grow your anticipation for what was soon to come.
The door slid closed behind you, shutting out the prying gazes of your comrades. A pair of staggering footsteps emerged behind you, giving you only a small warning before you were shoved against the very door you came through.
"Did anyone see you?" A familiar voice asked as a hand slammed into the metal inches away from your head.
"You think I'm that careless?" You responded, tugging at his coat.
He huffed while allowing you to pull off his outer layers of clothing. "I've got enough on my mind without wondering if someone's gonna report you for suspicious behavior."
"You don't have to worry about a thing." You assured him taking off his glasses and looking into his eyes.
Kaz rarely trusted anyone to see him without those glasses, especially after his eyes had been injured. Just like the cateracts hid a pair of soft blue irises his rough exterior hid so much tenderness that had been buried deep over the years. Catching a gentle glance before his lips crashed into yours, his stubble scratched your face as the gap between you closed. His arm wrapped tight around your waist, pulling you tight against him like he was trying to force your two bodies into one. You sighed into his mouth while you threw your arms over his shoulders, pressing your chest into his as he began to tug at your uniform.
"Get this off." He ordered, panting as his lips parted from yours.
Complying immediately and all but tearing your fatigues off, you kept your eyes locked with his as you stripped down. Intentionally leaving just your impractical lace panties hoping that he would do the honor of tearing them off once he noticed the special surprise.
"You know what to do." He stated, jerking his head toward the bed, prompting you to sprint over and lay down on it.
Kaz wasn't a cruel lover at the begining of your relationship. This all started one night when he was feeling particularly stressed and got a little rougher than he intended, you interrupted his profuse apologies to ask him to do the same thing again next time, practically begging for him to take his day out on you. After that the status of operations around the base could be judged by your ability to walk after your secret meetings.
On your back propped up by your elbows, you watched him struggle to undress with one hand. Tempted to get up and help him but knowing that he would just reprimand you for it, you stayed still while he pulled off his tie and popped the buttons of his uniform one by one.
"What? You can't wait a few seconds for me to take my clothes off?" He asked, nothing but venom in his voice.
"No, just wondering if you need a hand." You said before immediately having to restrain yourself from snickering at the poor choice of words.
Kaz did not seem very amused by that answer at all as he flashed you his trademark scowl while limping toward the bed.
He grabbed your face and squished your cheeks between his fingers. "If you wanna help so bad, why don't you start by using that smart little mouth of yours?"
Your eyes lit up, perhaps a little too much, at the opportunity. "Anything you say, Master Miller."
Using his favorite title luckily seemed to put him in a better mood. Mouth already watering while you dropped to your knees and undid his belt at record speed before tugging his pants and boxers down, eyes following the decending trail of light hair on his toned stomach before freeing his half hard cock. Kaz's hand moved to the back of your head while you wrapped your lips over the tip, swirling your tongue around it a few times. Fingers threaded into your hair, prompting you to take more of his length.
"You know, you look real pretty with a cock in your mouth." He remarked.
Humming in response, you decided to relax your throat and take him as deep as you could. His hips bucked into your mouth while your lips slid down his shaft, almost making you gag at the sudden movement. Blonde hairs tickled your nose when you finally reached the base, you could feel his knees shake when you gently squeezed your lips around him.
"That's it, take it all." Kaz sighed, tilting his head back while you swallowed around him. "You're getting good at this."
Bobbing your head up and down his length, you moaned at the feeling of the tip hitting the back of your throat, the absolute thickness of his cock making you feel so stuffed. Lost in the moment you accidentally let your teeth graze the skin making Kaz inhale sharply, before he could even pull your head away by yanking your hair you knew you had made a mistake.
The fire in his cold eyes was back, while you loved being an outlet for his anger the intensity of his rage was at times frightening. You felt so small kneeling at his feet, the drool dripping down your chin grew cold as you waited for him to say something.
"Get up." He demanded.
Immediately after doing what you were told he shoved you onto the bed, forcing you into the position he wanted you in, on all fours with your ass in the air. You moaned as he manhandled you, loving the fact that even now he could still overpower you.
"You don't have any teeth down here, do you?" He teased while his hand drifted up your thigh.
Pausing when he felt the thong separating his fingers from your increasingly wet heat, he stroked his thumb over the lace for moment before saying anything. You bit down on your bottom lip anticipating his reaction.
"What's this?" He interrogated.
"It's for you." You explained, arching your back to give him a better view. "I thought you'd like it."
"I don't think so." He added, tugging at the back and causing the lace to grind into your clit. "You didn't know I was going to call you here this morning."
He got you there.
"Wishful thinking, I guess." You replied, wincing at the odd feeling of friction.
Kaz pulled at the fabric, stuffing it between your folds until it snapped from the tension, leaving sore stripes where used to be. Cool fingertips started to stroke the sensitive area, creating a mixture of pain and pleasure where they touched. Slow and firm movements had you burying your face into the sheets, sighing at the rough texture of his thick fingers as they toyed with your pussy.
When he was finally satisfied with touching you his hand moved to your hips, lining them up with his own. You braced yourself after feeling his hard length brushing against your ass, still wet from being in your mouth earlier. He was quiet now, more focused on his actions than on berating you. With his cock sliding between your cheeks you shuddered, aching for an end to the throbbing hunger deep inside your core.
"Please, Master Miller..." You shakily breathed out. "Please fuck me."
"I'll fuck you when I feel like it." Kaz scoffed.
You whined, wiggling your ass in the air impatiently. This earned a sharp smack that made you jolt forward as his hand came down on your flesh.
"Don't give me that." He growled, the power in his voice making you purr at the low sound.
His hand stayed, kneading at the sore spot it created while he continued to bide his time. The tip of his cock teasing your tighter hole while you were left with no choice but to wait. His hips rolled like he was intent on only fucking your asscheeks and leaving you wet and wanting all night, you bucked back into his thrusts hoping that wasn’t the case.
"I bet you act like this for all the guys in the barracks, don't you?" He jeered.
"No, no." You babbled, twisting your fingers into the sheets. "Only you Master Miller."
After being denied for so long you hardly expected it when he finally pushed in, making you moan out loud while Kaz chuckled to himself about your reaction. Those first few testing thrusts felt exquisite, practically getting you drunk on the sensation of his cock stretching your walls. Just when you thought it couldn't feel any better his rising pace proved otherwise.
"Look at you taking it like that's all you're good for." He taunted, though you couldn't see the grin on his face was apparent in his voice.
You made no effort to stifle the noises pouring out of your mouth, if Kaz was going to treat you like a slut you might as well have your fun in acting like one. Whines and whimpers turning into screams when he smacked your ass once again, prompting you to arch your back even more.
Under the absolute power of his thrusts your whole body rocked back and forth as his hips collided with yours, sending shockwaves throughout every single muscle. Digging your fingers into the sheets below, you happily dove into the state of delirium that only Kaz could put you in.
"There! Right there!" You cried when he grazed that one sensitive spot deep inside.
He knew how to give it to you just how you wanted. Changing the angle of his hips he moved in slow deliberate thrusts targeting exactly where you needed it, every one driving you closer and closer to your peak.
"Oh fuck, I'm cumming." You told him, spreading your legs a little wider to try and take even more of him.
"Aren't you forgetting something?" He inquired.
"May I please cum, Master Miller?" You begged.
"Do it." He ordered.
Immediately taking a hand out from underneath you and slipping it between your legs, you rubbed viciously at your clit while you came, legs shaking, pussy dripping, eyes rolling back. Kaz moaned too at the feeling of you tightening around him, he was thoughtful enough to keep pounding into you until you were finished before pulling out and flipping you over.
He slid in again, this time his body much closer with his chest pressing into yours. You wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his back, pulling him in tighter and letting him know you still wanted more.
"You're a greedy bitch, you know that?" He growled.
All you could do was whine and nod in response, feeling the sweet sting of shame that came with the truth of that statement.
Kaz would always get so vocal when he was about to cum, you reveled in the fact that this time he was close enough that you practically taste the sting of muttered curses as they came from his mouth.
"Cum in me." You pleaded, all to aware of how pathetic you sounded.
"I'm about to." He answered, his rhythmless thrusts making that apparent. "And you're gonna take it all like a good little cumslut."
"-Ngh, call me that again." You begged.
"No." Kaz grunted.
Your eyes went wide, not just in surprise at the sudden dejection but at the fact that one simple word had sparked the beginning of your second orgasm.
"I wanna hear you say it." He explained.
"I'm a cumslut." You mumbled.
"Louder." He demanded, forcing you out of the fugue state he put you in.
"I'm a cumslut!" You shouted, your throat getting sore from the volume.
"You can do better than that." He chided, his thrusts getting more forceful and deliberate.
"Fuck, I'm a dirty little slut and all I want is cock!" You shouted, clenching hard around him while he fucked you through the aftershocks of your orgasm.
Numb from your own pleasure you didn't notice he already came until a cooling puddle started to form underneath you. He continued, not stopping but slowing gradually. Thrusting until he didn't have the energy to anymore.
What little air was left between you was heavy with the scent of sweat and sex, filled with the sound of panting and drumming heartbeats. Kaz sighed as he pulled out, making you gasp at the last bit of friction in your oversensitive core. He kissed you, this time gently as all the frustration and stress was now dripping out of your pussy. Resting his head on your shoulder, he laid still in your arms letting his weight sink into you while he caught his breath.
"Are you okay?" He asked, softly caressing the sore spot he left on your asscheek. "I wasn't too hard on you?"
"No, I'm alright." You answered while running your fingers through his messy hair. "You know I can handle you just fine."
He let out a quiet laugh. "Just don't get mad at me if you're sore tomorrow."
"After all that I'll be mad if I'm not sore." You added before placing a kiss on his forehead.
"You really are something else." He remarked, snaking his arm around you and flipping the two of you over.
Wiggling out of his grasp you sat up to pull the covers over your bodies, trapping the warmth that you shared. The trail of discarded clothes starting at the door caught you eye, giving you strange a feeling of accomplishment as you laid your head on Kaz's chest. Drawing shapes on his skin while his breathing slowed, you knew he was on the verge of falling asleep by now. You fought off your own tiredness for a while just to watch him like this, no bottled up anger, no pain from old memories and if you looked close you could swear there was just the tiniest smile on his face.
There were a lot of people who had seen Kaz being his typical bitter self, but only you got to see him like this. In the last minutes before exhaustion took you you were satisfied, happy just to enjoy the moment of sweetness however brief.
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amadwinter · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
wait fuck I just remembered i do have something! I was trying to write some PWP and failed spectacularly. Here's a little piece of something that currently has zero smut at all
TW: incest (not yet but that's where it's leading), mpreg mentions, mommywan
Obi-Wan’s son is beautiful. And he’s not just saying that because Anakin is his son. He has a mop of blond hair as bright as a star, and a smile just as brilliant. His chubby cheeks still fit perfectly in the palms of Obi-Wan’s hands, and eyes a shade of blue-green-grey that Obi-Wan can never quite decide whether they look like a storm, the sea, or some far-off nebula that no artist could ever capture the depth of.
More even than in appearance, Anakin is beautiful in nature and in spirit. He is kind, and would never hurt a soul. Not the bugs in their garden, nor the poor creatures their resident tooka cat drags in with a half a foot already in the grave until Anakin nurses them back to health. He says hello to every person they meet on their trips into the city, and knows nothing of the danger that lurks nearly everywhere in the galaxy. That is the benefit to growing up on their remote homestead on a backwater planet like Stewjon rather than a crowded place like Coruscant.
His son is beautiful and kind, and has lived a very peaceful life in the twelve years since the unusual circumstances of his birth.
But there’s something in his eyes, something dark and wild and restless. Something that had no place lurking in the eyes of an innocent little boy. He dismisses it time and time again as nothing more than a trick of the light or a figment of his imagination, yet still it returns. When Obi-Wan tends to the vegetables and stops to wipe his brow clear of sweat, he’ll find his son staring at him with large, unblinking eyes. When Obi-Wan leaves the room for a moment to fetch a pot or a brush or the datapad from his bedside table, Anakin will follow, never once letting Obi-Wan leave his sight.
The attention doesn’t unnerve him. There’s only so much to do in the middle of nowhere with a spotty connection to the HoloNet and no other children his age within a day’s walk. And his son could never do anything to truly upset him. But whatever it is that hides behind Anakin’s eyes scares Obi-Wan senselessly.
“Mama!” Anakin bellows out, disturbing the quiet of the early afternoon.
Obi-Wan promptly ignores him. He’d sent the boy out to tend to their growing nerf herd, an onerous task that was likely to have him coming back covered in mud and who knew what else. It’s not a punishment for Anakin, who will happily strip down outside the barn and wash himself with a hose, but if he’s calling for help now, it just means he wants attention.
He always wants attention. But Obi-Wan is busy trying to fix up the broken-down speeder he haggled for several seasons back. He can’t afford a working one, not with several hungry mouths to feed, but with spare parts hard to come by and his mechanical knowledge subpar at best, it might take another season or two before he can finally make use of it and save himself the entire day it takes to walk into town.
And he won’t be fixing anything if he attends to every one of Anakin’s whims.
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lacontroller1991 · 2 years
KWF Day 9: Rick Flag x F!Reader
Main Master List KWF Master List
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 808
Day 9: Stripping / Tossing and Turning / Game Day (sports)
“I can’t fucking believe he chose soccer.” Rick sulks in the driver seat as you look back to your 7 year old, game ready in his uniform and oblivious to his father’s irritation about the chosen sport. “I mean I was playing football at his age!”
“Now, now Richard, your father made you play football and you resented it. Didn’t you?”
Rick huffs but hangs his head in shame because you’re right, his father made him do many things, most of which he regrets doing. But still, “why soccer out of the rest? Why not baseball?”
You tug your teeth between your lips as you stifle a giggle at your husband’s antics because what the former Special Ops officer doesn’t know is that you managed to subconsciously point your son into the direction of soccer, whether that being by telling stories of soccer players like Messi or Ronaldo, or even sitting your son on your lap while you watched the world cup. Either way, Rick is none the wiser to your scheme. 
The closer the three of you get to the soccer field, the more you could feel the excitement bouncing off your seven year old, iPad and headphones long forgotten as he stares out the window with wide hazel eyes. “I hope we win!” You and Rick share a glance with each other before you look back at your son, a smile on your face. 
“I’m sure you will honey. I’m sure you will.”
“We’re here.”
Now Rick would never say it outloud, but he had always fantasized about getting up on Saturday mornings, getting his kids dressed for their games and spending the better part of a day outside in the fall weather. But the real deal far surpasses all his fantasies. 
“COME ON REF, THAT WAS A FOUL!” Rick jumps up from his lawn chair and screams at the top of his lungs, gathering the attention of everybody on and off the field.
“Rick, sit your ass down!” You yank his arm down as he scoffs and crosses his arms before looking at you.
“That was obviously offside!” You roll your eyes in amusement but bring his knuckles to your lips and press a gentle kiss to them causing him to blush underneath the brim of his baseball cap. 
“Rickie, they’re only 7 years old. Fouls aren’t really a thing. Besides, that’s not what offside means.”
“Well they should be.” You lightly punch his arm and turn your focus back to the game just in time for the opposing team to put the ball in the net. “Oh come on, that’s bullshit!” 
“Watch your language mister, there’s children present!” Some lady comments as the ref jogs over to you and Rick, causing you to sink further into the chair.
“Listen, sir, you need to watch your voice and calm down. This is a warning.” Rick nods his head and takes a seat back down as the game continues. 
“This is such bullshit, that team should’ve never gotten a goal.”
“Babe, it’s just a junior league game. It’s okay.”
“Sure it’s just a ‘junior league game’ but I want our son to win. I know I didn’t raise a loser.” You roll your eyes in response to his demeanor.
“Our kid would never be a loser. Winning/losing doesn’t matter, what matters is if he has fun.”
“I suppose you’re right.” Rick pouts, hazel eyes training on the field as he spots a mop of blonde hair supporting a blue jersey running with a ball between their feet. “Holy shit, look it’s our kid!”
You surge forward out of your seat and clutch onto Rick’s hand because yes, it is your son running toward the goal with the ball at his feet. “Go! Go! Go baby!”
“Come on, come on,” Rick utters underneath his breath before the ball goes into the net. “GOOOOOAAAAALLLLLL! THAT’S MY BOY!” Rick shoots up out of his chair as the rest of the team’s parents cheer in unison but your son tunes the rest out, only focused on his mom and dad cheering him on from the side lines.
“I can’t believe we won!” You son comments from the top of Rick’s broad shoulders, swinging his short legs as he holds onto his father via Rick’s ash blonde locks. 
“You did really well, kiddo. Knew you’d win.” 
“We’re very proud of you, honey. You did so well!” 
“I overheard some other parents say that daddy was being mean. Is that true?”
“Daddy just got a little excited,” Rick comments with a smirk as you roll your eyes. Never did you think Rick would be more into the game than you are but he still proves you wrong on the daily. “Because you won, how about you, mommy and I go get some ice cream? How does that sound?”
“Yayyy ice cream!” 
General Tag List: @marvelousmermaid @himbovillain-anon @babblydrabbly @a-reader-and-a-writer @fairchildflag @infatuatedjanes @niki-xie
Joel Related Tag List: @aestheticallywinchester @loverhymeswith @xoxabs88xox @t-i-n-y-d-i-n-o @witchygagirl @the1redrose @ratcatcher2world @green-socks @weallhaveadestiny @yourjacketisnowdry @rachelh1992 @a-girl-who-loves-disney @knivesareout @bubblegloopswampwitch @waspswidows @burntghoost @mattymurdocksbitch @katjnordstrom96 @11thstreetvigilante @yespolkadotkitty @heresathreebee @madkovacs @wxr-zxne @wtfobiwan @alieninoklahoma @sociiallydiisoriiented @violetmuses
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quietbluejay · 22 days
Bluejay Reads Warhammer Samples 1
Because I need something to do to take a break from packing. So I'm going to put my sample impressions of books I haven't read (yet) here.
First up, Ashes of Prospero, The Solar War, The Lost and the Damned, Slaves to Darkness
description of daemon magnus is. something.
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he's blue badabee badaba
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but is he on the boulevard of broken dreams his wings are "ornamental and dramatic" well the imperium does one (1) thing right they use metric
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Our hero squelches his way along
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he's got a pet raven and he named it nightwing that's so cute wait your door handles have the ouroborous on them? that's kind of….thousand sons of you
you know what, good on the space wolves for having a nicely decorated space
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must be a huge pain to keep clean though
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honestly this is a pretty sweet setup
khayon 🤝 njal have a fun animal familiar and not sleeping due to nightmares caused by the space wolves/thousand sons invading their planet okay done the sample sadly the wacky body sharing antics did not begin definitely getting the vibe that this guy is more of a fantasy writer
New sample time back over to horus era oh it's emperor shenanigans again
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so, i heard some concerning stuff about French's writing for the Horus Heresy but this seems good
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yeah yeah the corpse on the throne foreshadowing, we've all seen it
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amazing you just summed up the over-theme
oh hi Mersadie, been a while Mersadie is now imprisoned
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she seems um. surprisingly mentally well for someone who has been in solitary confinement for seven years oh, nvm, she's having hallucinations
man poor Mersadie, gets solitary confinement for the crime of…being one of the only two surviving remembrancers for the Sons of Horus okay so you know how i said sometimes you can hear what the author was listening to as they wrote? im breathing in the chemicals well, it's Sound of Silence here owo jaghatai is here ew malcador is here
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sexy lamp horus strikes again also, as always, French is great at mood-setting
i don't think this is necessarily bad writing, but tbh as always i am deeply uninterested in space battle play by plays so i am leaning against adding this book to the to-read pile OH NO NOT AGAIN THE HUMAN TALLOW CANDLES STRUCK WHEN I LEAST EXPECTED THEM as if summoned by the human tallow candles, blorbo shows up ahriman!!
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i did not expect abaddon to quote poetry anyways yeah i don't think this is necessarily a bad book, but it doesn't seem like one I'm interested in
another sample oh hey it's Guy Haley! oh this is the one where abaddon mutes angron on zoom and it starts the day before valentines day. lol
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if i had a nickel for every primarch described as "uncompromising and severe" i'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but it makes me disinclined to like dorn
sanguinius i guess gets left as the dumb blond where the other two get characterization notes yeah. haley definitely improved by the time he got to writing plague wars this is better written than Valedor but not as good as Dark Imperium
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im ngl he feels more norse than the space wolves lmao huh you know i feel like this is one of the least-horny descriptions of a woman stripping i've run across so glad it's not McNeill writing this
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dorn: yeah uh, actually, i kind of really need to know this stuff since i'm the general in charge of fighting against it
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looks at current situation looks at malcador yeahhhhh im gonna have to side with dorn on this one
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man kinda wish horus' attempt to assassinate malcador had worked also jaghatai continues to be best boi jaghatai: he should have trusted us more malcador: look what happened with the bit he did trust you with im rolling my eyes so hard
dorn: okay but like HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO FIGHT DAEMONS HUH malcador: don't worry about it, i got it yeah uh this explains so much also dorn isn't making too bad an impression on me
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you know, i feel like there should have been some more reflection from lion
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in his book, i mean hm okay, i might actually read this one at some point also, Vulkan's been alive for months and malcador is only telling them now behold! the man largely responsible for turning the imperium into what it was
still feeling like crap time for ANOTHER sample this is not grabbing me oh it's Malcador AGAIN oh it's flashback with pre-sexy lamp horus
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This is supposed to be the Horus Heresy so why is he just a sexy evil lamp in most of them
aaaargh! human fat candle again! checks writer name JOHN FRENCH MUST BE STOPPED HE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS okay our chaos priest word bearer dude wanders around naked
blorbo spotted!
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i think it would have been extremely funny if the mournival had weekend-at-bernies'd wounded horus i'd read that or better yet if russ had actually managed to kill him and they used his dead body
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daddywanken0bi · 2 years
I love your blog and your writing! I’d love to request Obi-Wan x reader where the reader is plus sized and insecure about her body and Obi reassures her. Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️
thank YOU for requesting this love!! i absolutely adore this idea. here is 1.5k words of Obi-Wan reassuring a plus-sized, insecure reader. <3 -Jess
warnings: body dysmorphia, negative self-talk
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The first major problem was that the Council had assigned you this mission with Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’d had a crush on the older Jedi ever since you were old enough to think of such things. The years between you weren’t vast, but he was experienced enough to stay a rank above you. So while he had gained the title of Master, you were still simply a Jedi Knight. However, your new role meant that you could now be assigned on missions with the blonde, bearded Jedi. And of course, one of your first missions as Jedi Knight had you traipsing alongside Obi-Wan through an unfamiliar moon. You had almost fainted when the Council told you the assignment. It seemed as though your wildest dream–and deepest fear–was being realized.
The second major problem was that Obi-Wan Kenobi was now in a lake. Stripped down to his undergarments. And was inviting you to do the same.
“Hurry along, we don’t have much time to waste!” The Jedi Master waded further into the water, eager to follow the curious semi-aquatic life-form you two had been pursuing. 
You stood frozen, staring at the clear blue water. There was absolutely no way you were getting into the water. Mostly naked. With that man.
The little voice in your head started whispering its poisonous words, dread and shame curling in your gut. Look at him, it sneered, he’s perfect. So toned, so muscular. What would he think of those extra curves you hide under your robes?
That was what you loved about the Jedi attire. It was made for all shapes and sizes, swaths of fabric that could be as revealing or secretive about your figure as you wished. You loved the way you could blend in and not be judged because of your size. The cruel voice in your head quieted when you wore the comfortable fabric. You could simply be: be at home in your skin, be focused on your missions, be the best Jedi you could. 
Obi-Wan looked back at you expectantly, excitement lighting his blue eyes. “I think I’ve found their nest! Come along, before we scare them away!” He gestured encouragingly.
You’d scare him away, the voice jabbed. You winced. You’d never told anyone about the negative thoughts you had about your own body. It was a deep, shameful secret you carried with you. You knew those types of thoughts led to the dark side, but the idea of confessing how you saw yourself to a Council member always halted you in your tracks.
You took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly. You could do this. 
No, you can’t, the voice laughed.
Shut up. You forced the negative thoughts deep down, focusing on the task in front of you.
“Give me a moment,” you called to Obi-Wan. He nodded, water glistening as it dripped off his shoulders. You began to undo your belt and realized he was still watching you. You flushed. “Could you, um–” you waved your hand to signal you wanted him to turn around.
Surprise lit his features, but the Jedi Master obeyed with a nod. 
With his back turned, you quickly shucked off your robes. Why did there have to be so many layers? Eventually, you stood in just your undergarments. The breeze whipped through your hair, warm and inviting. You smiled and breathed in, enjoying the freedom of your skin in the salty air.
You opened your eyes to see Obi-Wan had turned back around. And was looking directly at you. His eyes skated down your mostly exposed form. 
Your cheeks felt like you were sunbathing on Mustafar. Instinctively, you hunched your shoulders, wrapping your arms around your waist. Anything to make yourself seem smaller. 
Obi-Wan’s brow crinkled. “Are you quite alright? Are you cold?” He gestured again to the blue water. “This lake is actually quite warm, so…” He trailed off, seeing that you were frozen in place again. The voice had come back, harsher than ever, and you couldn’t bring yourself to take even a half-step toward the water. 
The Jedi began wading back toward you, aquatic life-form forgotten. “Are you alright?” he asked again. You managed to shake your head, trying to focus on not panicking as he got closer. 
Obi-Wan sensed your discomfort and stopped, giving you space. After a few moments, he said gently, “You know you can tell me anything, young one.”
The nickname made you cave. Shoving the evil inner voice away, you squeaked out, “I’m sorry, Master Kenobi. It’s just that I– I am uncomfortable being this exposed.”
The blonde Jedi’s eyes widened. “Oh my, I am so sorry if I overstepped, if this mission is not–”
“No,” you said, cutting him off. You crossed your arms over your chest, gathering courage. “No, it’s not you, it’s–” you squeezed your eyes shut, “Sometimes I don’t like my body.” 
The silence made your heart drop, but you opened your eyes to see Obi-Wan gazing at you with fondness. His eyes crinkled as he gently smiled. “Well, I do.”
Your gaze snapped to his, shock eliminating any self-consciousness. “You– what?”
“I think you’re beautiful.” The Jedi Master moved closer and offered his hand. Still in a stupor, you let him lead you into the clear water. He was right, it was balmy and felt heavenly on your skin.
You made to wrap an arm around your waist again, and he gently touched your shoulder. “You don’t need to do that with me,” he murmured, sliding his hand down your arm until he was clasping both your hands in his.
“You really think that I’m…” you couldn’t even get the word out. You’d never thought of yourself that way. 
Obi-Wan nodded. “I do. I have for,” he blushed, “longer than I’d like to admit.”
You smiled and ducked your head. You felt another rush of shame as you saw the way you looked under the water. “But that doesn’t change the way I look,” you said quietly, panic starting to tighten your chest.
“No, it doesn’t,” Master Kenobi agreed. “But nothing about the way you look determines your spirit.” He gently lifted your chin to meet his gaze. The pure awe you saw there made your heart clench. He really saw you this way? “You are one of the greatest Jedi I know. And I do not say that lightly. You have such strength and resilience, and you never hesitate to help others. You are beautiful,” he says vehemently, “inside and out. And anyone who has ever made you feel less than that can kindly go be with the Force.” 
You let out a surprised laugh, letting yourself relax into his touch and his words. Obi-Wan ran his hands up your arms to your shoulders. Water dripped off of you as the blonde Jedi looked at you, at all of you, again. The water had made your undergarments sheer, and you blushed at just how much of you was exposed. 
Obi-Wan’s hands pressed gently on your shoulders. “May I?” he asked. You nodded, and he guided you into an embrace. You sighed, wrapping your arms around his muscled, scarred back. It had been ages since you had been held like this, flush against another person, without shame or judgment. 
The Jedi Master ran his hands along your back, not once stuttering at the curves he touched. He held you like that for what seemed like an eternity, and you felt yourself relax, utterly at peace for the first time in a long time. 
Eventually, Obi-Wan pulled away slightly to kiss the top of your head. “If you ever feel insecure like this again,” he murmured into your hair, “I want you to contact me. No matter what time it is or where you are, please let me tell you just how beautiful I think you are.” 
You nodded, smiling. You pulled away, reaching up to brush a hand along his cheek. His beard tickled your fingers. “Thank you,” you told him, sincerity and emotion lacing the words. 
The Jedi Master grinned. “Any time, young one.”
Something underwater brushed your foot and you let out a half-shriek. Obi-Wan chuckled. “It seems our mission is not yet complete.” He raised an eyebrow, smirking. “Are you up to the challenge?”
You gave him a pointed look. “Is that really a question?” You stood straight and tall, staring the older Jedi down. He looked thrilled at your newfound confidence. “Last one to find the nest is on fresher-cleaning duty!” You unabashedly dove into the lake, the echoes of Obi-Wan’s laugh following you.
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