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Full Flower Moon Shaktipat
May 5th 9:00 pm PST. Registration is now open. -c h r i s m
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It has always been the intention of the Kundalini within me to create a book that radiated Grace. That would give a person shaktipat by just holding it and increase that level of energetic expression by holding it and reading it and applying what is written in the book to the current life that is being lived. Blessings to all people who are able to partake of this book.
I have been asked why the title of my book is Wild Kundalini. Kundalini within me is beyond religion, it is beyond entheogin (DMT, ayahuasca, psilocybin, etc.) It is beyond practice or protocol. It is totally natural gifted by grace before the body was taken. This is the wildness that is mentioned. There are no outside of Grace elements that are used in its expression.
-c h r i s m
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Kundalini and the secret truths of Christmas
Christmas has a secret meaning that is available for those of us who are experiencing the Kundalini and for those seeking stronger validation of spiritual practice and the energetic understandings of spiritual awakening through the Kundalini.
Christmas and its symbols and themes echo strong similarities with the Kundalini awakening. Kundalini is a Sanskrit term that describes the dormant evolutionary energy that lies at the base of the spine. Much of the Kundalini ancient symbolisms reach far back into and beyond our recorded history. They have direct relationship to shamanism and the Paleolithic age when tools of the human intellect had not yet replaced the tools of energetic spirituality.
These are with us here and now in our current celebrations of Christmas outside of organized religion. In many ways one can understand the idea of the celebration of Christmas and the spiritual significance of Christmas, and these will often have themes that represent high spiritual activities and hidden understandings that speak only through our ancestors and their gifts to us within our DNA.
The Christmas Tree
This would be exemplified by the symbol of the pine tree being ornamented with lights and other beautiful decorations, with many gifts being placed under and around it. When we look at the top of the Christmas tree, we often arrange to behold a beautiful star or an angel at the top. We notice that the tree is a conifer and is triangular in shape. We understand the triangular position of the meditation pose that people will often partake of as they are within the Kundalini experience. To have the star or the angel at the top of the tree, at the top of the pyramid, at the top of the triangle, is a clear indication of divine Kundalini participation within the enlightenment of humanity.
This tree can be understood within the Kundalini context as the tree of life which is internally experienced as the spinal column. At the base of this inner tree are the gifts of grace to be awakened (opened) and experienced. Those are the very same gifts waiting to be accessed by awakening or opening of Kundalini, which resides at the base of the spine in humanity.
The pine cone of the pine tree is a direct symbol of our inner pine cone that we call our pineal gland. This gland has the properties of what is commonly referred to as the “third eye.” It has the capacities, within the Kundalini energetic experience, to bring about certain qualities or “gifts” that can include the visual appreciation of phenomena not normally available to a person without the Kundalini awakening.
Visions of lights and sights of majestic grandeur and the interwoven dimensions of the non-physical planes of creation with the physical can be visually discerned. The pineal gland of the human being is actually shaped similar to a pine cone, hence the name “pine e all” or Pineal. Typically it is with the awakened or Kundalini-activated condition of the pineal gland that many experiences of the fantastic and the holy can be experienced.
One familiar denizen of that dimensional blend would be the little people. These, in contemporary understandings, are called elves. Our ancient ancestors could see them and interact in many ways with them. The Kundalini-enlightened pineal gland can allow for these experiences even now. But as it was then so is it now: there can be a need for a bit of assistance in bringing Kundalini into the activated state. Within the pine needles under the Christmas tree was and is a very specific helper. These helpers are the mushrooms that are red with white spots on the top and you see them typically under the Christmas tree.
This red mushroom with white spots, which often is depicted surrounded by Christmas elves, is the Amanita Muscaria mushroom. These are mushrooms that have a history of being non-poisonous and hallucinogenic when ingested and are symbiotic with the pine tree. That being said, never eat any mushroom that you do not know about or have not researched. A person can have very strong informative ecstatic experiences brought about by this fungi. It can assist in the Kundalini awakening process of a typically temporary nature, similar to the jungle tea called ayahuasca. Siberian reindeer love to eat the mushrooms under the pine tree.
Within a Kundalini awakening perspective, we can see the symbol of the pineal gland being awakened or “in lighted” or enlightened from this gift found under the pine tree. When a shaman or medicine person would partake of such a “gift,” that gift would bring the visual experience and communication with such beings, like the elves, that a Kundalini person can see and interact with. This is what some of us within the Kundalini awakening have as visual appreciation and audible appreciation of aspects of the expanded reality. These “little people” or “fairies” were observed by humanity in ancient times. Yet, even today these inter-dimensional lifeforms can be seen and heard and they can see and hear you. Communication can be established. One must merely be a willing participant in forms of communication that are not common — forms that are of those “gifts” under the tree previously mentioned. Telepathy, clairaudience, intuitive knowing, expanded visionary capacities and healing are all aspects of the new forms of communication that can be established within the Kundalini.
We have Santa Claus. Within the Kundalini context, he represents the sacred male with Kundalini awakened. The colors of his clothing are common colors of those that represent right and left quadrants of the Kundalini awakened energetic anatomy. We have the deep red (sacred feminine) of the Santa Claus suit with the beautiful white (sacred male) of the lining and piping of the jacket and trousers indicating sacred male and sacred feminine in one body (the awakened state). We have the white beard and the red with white trim hat and boots the color of the Shakti soil.
He comes down the chimney bringing gifts. The chimney would be the spinal cord. The fireplace would be the base of the spine correlating with the location of the sacred fire of the Kundalini. There he lays the gifts of grace under the tree. He then comes up the spine and out the fontanel, the roof of our body, bringing with him the classical bottom to top awakening of the Kundalini. As he walks around “our roof,” we experience the movements of little feet walking about the top of the cranium. This is another classic symptom of the Kundalini.
The stockings hanging next to the fireplace within Kundalini are the feet of the awakening individual, as the Kundalini heat will often rush into the feet, as the red triangle of both feet and tailbone is completed.
This information is hidden in plain sight.
Many of us have been partaking of this information through celebration all our lives. In these ways, the divine has and does help to arrange a format that allows humanity this level of spiritual evolution.
Christmas is a truth of enlightenment that we have been given through the hidden meanings and dynamics that reside within ourselves. The kingdom of heaven is within. We are gifts of grace waiting to be opened, and I invite you to open into your grace as you experience the beauty, love, and the gift of life this Christmas season.
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visit: BEACONS
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To Busy For Grace?
Is your life so busy that you cannot find time for Kundalini? Is your mundane life so involved that you cannot find time for the sacred divine Awakening within you? If this is true then your priorities are backwards. And so let them be.
Kundalini is patient most of the time. If you're so wrapped up in your physical life and the timelines that bind you that you're unwilling to change those timelines in order to incorporate a love and appreciation and nurturing of the divine within then perhaps it is not time for you to do so and you should not focus on your grace.
If it is something that you can put off. If it is not the most significant, the most major, the most astonishing, the most incredible transformation that is happening to you, beyond anything that the mundane world can offer, then perhaps it is not for you at this time.
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Kundalini Caveat Emptor
Not everyone here has Kundalini activated or awakened. And if they do have Kundalini activated or awakened they may not have the ability to discern outside of their own egotistical life.
Many make assumptions based upon what they read in books or on the internet. Many haven't had it long enough to really be able to find the subtle truths that can be very important to the Kundalini equation.
All Kundalini people are welcome here in the various stages they are in. Not all information is accurate though the helpfulness and kindness and consideration are definite benefits not only to the receiver but also to The Giver. But you must be aware of this that not all yet have the wisdom accessible to them yet and may merely be guessing.
I try to disseminate what my Grace informs me is true and what is not so accurate. But I'm not on 24/7, even though I am on this group quite a bit, so I may miss some of these people that are a bit more challenged in the stage of Grace and the quality of information that is coming to them. Caveat emptor.
-chrism kundalini
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Kundalini Awakening
•Activation = introduction of Kundalini into the body with subsequent changes that occur. Phenomena and tactile pressures and psychic experiences. Preparation for awakening.
•Awakening = union with the divine. A direct product of the activation. Beyond words. Can contain many of the attributes of the activation but with a furthering of and a broadening of skill sets, wisdom downloads, divine expressions taking over human expression.
-c h r i s m
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visit: LINK TREE
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Do you trust Kundalini?
Are you always going to try to live the way you have always lived? To reach the goals that you have always wanted to reach? What if something occurs that puts all of that in jeopardy? What happens when the circumstances of your life force you to make a choice between what you've always known and what you have never known but feel compelled to learn?
Think about it before you put something in your body that you'll never be able to take out. Think about whether you're going for the old platform that you have always known, the comfort the zone, that familiarity, that safe area of limited perceived risk.
Often there is a perception that we can always have it both ways a little bit of this and a little bit of that and it's true we have been living with in that kind of a reality. But what if that reality is changing and a more focused choice is being placed before you.
Think about that and then think of the new world that is opening up to you because of your Kundalini. Think of the possibilities that you haven't even been able to discover yet. Do you trust egotistical manufactured human devices or chemicals to keep you healthy or do you trust your Kundalini to keep you healthy which is it?
Within a sense of purity and trust a choice will need to be made between that which has always been and was the familiar, the comfortable, the perception of safe, and the new world the Kundalini is introducing you to. The new levels of trust that the new world demands that you make. Where goest thou?
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In these difficult times it is always best to remember:
"Love is thicker than blood. Kundalini is divine love. There is nothing on this Earth that can overcome it."
-c h r i s m
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