#i had full chongyun x reader and xingqiu x reader fics planned out
isekyaaa · 1 year
Tbh the reason why I even considered writing Genshin fics is because I wanted to write for characters like Chongyun, Xingqiu, and Bennett. They're all very interesting characters with a lot of potential
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draclula · 10 months
’Party Panic’
wanderer x reader
an: this fic took a while to finish so I am sorry for the wait. I will try to upload things more frequently!
Genre: gender neutral reader, comfort, collage!au, mommy issues/narcissism (reader’s side), night terrors.
TW: swearing, narcissistic mother, night terrors. Summary: it’s the start of the exam seasons. You and your flat mates plan a party after one of the exams so you can relax, but sadly after failing that test they invite mutual friend to cheer you up. Sadly things take a turn for the worst a little before the gathering.
Wanderer is referring as “Kou”
Roommates: Hu Tao, Kokomi, Xingqiu, Kujou Sara
The end of the first semester was nearing, and so were more exams. Whilst your roommates at the campus flat passed their recent exams well, you did not do so on your history one. Actually, you all were discussing a party for after the exams so you can celebrate the end of the studying for it, but when you were the only one with a lower grade, they wanted to cheer you up and invite some mutual close friends. It was warming that they wanted to do so, everything was going well, even your professor, Mr. Zhongli, gave you the chance to retake the test because he knew you could do much better . Everything was going well, but then your phone rang just as you were going thru notes before the gathering.
“Is this why I sent you to study there? For you to fail on your tests and slag off! Do you know how much it costs us to keep you there?”
your mother angrily said. “Mom, I am not slacking off, I have good grades on history! Mr. Zhongli even said I can retake the exam because he knows I could do much more!” hint of annoyance was mixed with your desperate attempt to calm your mother down, but to no avail. “This university is full of bullshit, I knew we shouldn’t have let you go there! All people there are incompetent and your teachers just don’t want to deal with you!” was the last thing she said before hanging up. “ugGH-“ you let out a loud grunt and threw your phone on the bed next to your desk. Plopping you head down to rest in the hard surface while you rethink the events that just occurred. You were frustrated enough and didn’t need another thing to be worried about. You knew all of this wasn’t true but it still got to you, even years after “growing a thicker skin”. “Fuck everything, I am taking a nap!” you cursed out loud, before sneaking into your sheets for comfort. Sadly even they couldn’t keep you calm for too long.
“Tao, look who is at the door!” Kokomi yelled out from the kitchen. “Ughh, can’t you do so? I am in the middle of something.” Hu Tao explained, as she tried to think of her next rhyme. “I couldn’t be asking you if I wasn’t busy with something myself.” Kokomi frowned, twisting her upper body to face the back of Hu Tao’s head. After realising she wasn’t going to cooperate, Kokomi sighed and turned to Xingqiu, whom was next to her, assisting for whatever was needed. “Of course” he understood what he had to do. After opening the door he was met with not only Sara that had gone to the grocery store to get some drinks (and forgot to take her keys in the process) but and some early guests. “Look who I encountered along the way.” Sara’s lips twisted in a invisible smile whilst walking inside. Chongyun, Xiangling and Heizou were following her, each with a different kind of snack, cooked or not. “Hello everyone!” Heizou saluted with a wide smile, “Thank you for having us!” Xiangling said facing Xingqiu who held the door open for them while they were coming inside. “Haven’t seen each other in a long time!” he greeted them. “We literally hanged out the other day.” Chongyun said confused, but received no answer regarding the topic. “Please put your shoes away and choose slippers that fit you.” Sara said, not carrying the drink as she’ve put some on the living room table. “Kokomi is still preparing some of the things and I need to help her, please get comfortable.” Xingqiu excused himself as he returned to the kitchen. “Could I use the fridge? The tiramisu needs to rest some more!” Xiangling followed close behind.
Time passed and so did the other guests arrived. Gorou was the next guest, he had some homemade biscuits. “They are with cinnamon, my grandma always has a batch ready before me and my brothers come for a visit.” he explained to Xiangling who was listening and gulping not only the biscuits but and his every word. Kou was the last to arrive (how in character of him). He bought some sushi that was also made by his two hand. All he said when asked ‘why did you choose to make sushi?’ was “I don’t like sweets and wanted to make something that will at least fill me.”. ‘Rude’ was everyone thought but he actually did not intend for his words to sound so harsh. Something was bothering him, Heizou could tell but when he shot the question he got a ‘nothing..’ mumbled out breathlessly. The future detective actually already knew what was wrong tho. Whenever he was around you and Kou, he would notice the glances that both of you gave to each other. ‘How cute’ he thought, leaning back on his seat next to him. “Hey, isn’t it time for [name] to join us? We don’t want them to overwork themselves.” Heizou asked everyone, and quickly turned to the grumpy looking boy once again “Why don’t you go and get them?”. “If you don’t want to I will go” Sara suggested, holding a casserole with drinks and different beverages next to them. “No” Kou rejected,  getting up from his seat “You already have to deal with the guests and I don’t mind lending a hand.”. If everyone were actually listening they’d be shocked but thankfully they were all occupied with whatever, chatting away the close-to-evening afternoon.
Entering the bedroom, he saw your sleeping form, but something wasn’t right. Your blanket was barely covering you and the room wasn’t the warmest. Kou touched your forearm and felt it cold-as-a-bone with sweat on you face. “Oi, get up. Everyone is downstairs.” He was panicking a little, slightly shaking your arm. You awoke, fear written all over your expression, bolting up and looking around you, breathing heavy. “[name], are you alright?” the boy got a hold of your shoulders, trying to get your attention. “Kou..” you shakily said wrapping your arms around him. Tears started to stream down your cheeks and wetting his blue hoodie. “[name], tell me what happened, are you okay?” he tried to get more information from you. “The shadows.. *sod*” for a while you had some night terrors, seeing some humanoid black shadow about your height. He was aware of these details because you have shared that with him. He hugged you back and started rubbing your back in an attempt to warm you up till you calmed down, rocking back and forth. “It’s okay, they aren’t real. It’s okay, here” he let go of you and stripped his hoodie over his head, revealing his black t-shirt. “Here, put your hands up.” he commanded and slipped the big cloth on you. “Thank you” you sobbed and snuggled onto him. Slowly both of you laid as he comforted you, rocking you back and forth, and eventually falling asleep. 
“Hey, were did Kou go?” somebody asked. “Oh, don’t worry he-“ “He went to wake up [name].” Sara managed to interrupt Heizou before he finished his sentence. ‘Sara, you sure don’t get the hint’ he thought looking at her with a slightly chuckle. Everything have gone silent, everyone staring at her, that was also the moment she realised what was happening and at once everyone got up and started rushing to and up the stairs. “We must be silent or else they might hear us!” Xiangling whisper-yelled to everyone. “If they didn’t already get alarmed by the horse stomping that just happened” Chongyun remarked as she smiled apologetically. As if from Scooby Doo everyone alined on the crack of the door to watch for anything going on. But there was only stillness. Hu Tao wanted to see the full picture so she slowly pushed the door open and took silent steps toward the bed to have a look at your sleeping forms. For a second she just stood there, then took out her phone and the click of her camera was heard. She looked at the photo - “Neat” Tao slyly said, but before anyone could react Kou’s arm sprang up trying to snatch her phone but didn’t succeed. “Delete it.” he demanded slowly getting up from the bed as not to disturb your sleep. “Nuh uh” the girl with twin tails refused, backing off to the door still facing him. And oh look who awoke “Oh, good morning [name]. How was your sleep?” Hu Tao asked when she noticed you. You were way too sleepy to process what was happening. “It’s morning? What about the party?” you asked, rubbing your eyes. The innocent question made some people giggle. “Come on, let’s go downstairs!” Xingqiu stepped inside the room and took a hold of your left hand dragging you away. Needless to say you all had a blast and that picture didn’t get deleted.
Word count: 1.5k
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