#i had literally never heard of it befote
cepheusgalaxy · 4 months
Ok but what is eurovision about again
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stcveskent · 4 years
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You and Chris are together since 7years and you guys were waiting for getting married, you two were waiting for the perfect moment, its not trust issues, its work issue bothering you both, so you guys wait.
The pandemic started, and eventually you guys were stuck together, obviously, you thought things would be easy, since Chris is matured enough to handle situations, and you believed in yourself too.
But some time later, things took a huge turn, which you probably didn't know that they would be this way and this was felt on both the sides, but which couple doesn't fight? name one? You got none.
Chris and You started fighting on small things, like dishes, or laundry, until those small things became into a huge problem. This kept going but he never went to bed without kissing you and making up to you, until, you both just got into a fuss about each other.
"SO WHAT DO YOU WANT Y/n? YOU WANT ME TO DO EVERYTHING HERE? AHA? " he yelled which made you mad.
"CHRIS YOU DO NOT DO EVERYTHING HERE!!" You yelled back, and Dodger comes into the hallway, looking at his parents fighting.
"Y/N PLEASE!!! EVERYDAY THIS IS LITERALLY EVERYDAY I CANNOT HANDLE THIS!!" He said. Now this was the point where your built up frustration breaks, and your tears make their way.
"then leave me, then go get a new one, maybe after knowing eachother for 10 years, you cannot handle this anymore! "
“then go away from me!! I know you have someone in mind.”
“What the fuck are you saying?” You yelled at him and he sighed. You turned away to run away from it
"Don't turn away and make it all my fault." He says, and in that moment you knew this would not work.
"Chris enough!!! I can't do this anymore, im so done, so fucking done, we're just ruining our life by ourselves!" You start to cry alot, now.
"What the fuck are you saying?" He says.
"What did you hear?" You asked
"7 years, y/n 7 years!"
"What ? Can we do something about this? Its not working, its just not, Chris I can't! You keep breaking me, I can't do it, it hurts..." you said , still fighting for to not cry, but that doesn't help
"THEN FINISH IT! I KNOW YOU WANT TO LEAVE ME!" yes, this hurt you alot..it broke you and your heart into pieces. The man, who mend your broken heart, finally, ends with you, forever (you thought)
you walked away, out of the house. The sky was slowly, getting dark, you know it wasn't okay to go out, and walk past the love of your life, who would end up blaming himself, but for both of your betterment you had to leave him.
you walked past the streets, lookingat couples, holding hands, and so so in love. They looked happy, and you wanted that too, a small memory of Chris comes into your mind.
25th December, 2019, Boston:
the two of you walked on the streets, there was so much happiness around, it was Christmas time, and all you could think that what if, till next Christmas you would be married. Its that thought making you go all smiley.
"What's going on in that head of yours?" he asked, his hands intertwined with yours, and he slowly, kissed your forehead, making you smile and go crazy on the inside.
"What if, Until next Christmas we would be married." you said, and he smiled wide.
"well yes, i was thinking of the same thing, babe." He said and you smiled, hugging him.
"You were?"
"Yes honey." he says and pauses.
"But for now... i may have a surprise for you." He says, looking deep into your eyes.
"What surprise?
"Im not just gonna reveal it just now, Ma and everyone are waiting for us, lets go there." He says as you continued to walk together to his Mother's place, it was at a small amount of distance so you two wanted to walk and talk, you two were in a romantic mood.
“okay fineee!!” you act annoyed, and he chuckles, which makes you smile.
After a while later, when you reach to your hopefully-future in laws, they welcome you into a warm hug.
“y/n you look gorgeous.” She says and you smile.
“Thank you, Lisa , you look so beautiful .” you say and she kisses your forehead.
"Thank you dear.” She says and you greet, Robert and his sisters and Scott and his boyfriend
His sisters quickly engage yourself in their talks about their relationships and gifts their husband have given them and you realize that Chris hasn't given you a gift. Not that you wanted a gift, it was just that he always did, you pushed that thought out and continued to talk to the women.
Later, Scott and Chris are giggling and Scott is almost crying at the dinner which makes you confused.
“Hey Scott you okay?” You ask and everyone turns their attention towards him and he nods.
“Don't worry guys im emotional because Y/n is here after a long time so yea.”
“We met two weeks ago....” you said and he nodded again.
“you came to our house for Christmas after alonggg time y/n.” He says
“Oh yes!! you're so sweet, but don't cry.” You say and he laughs.
Chris suddenly, gently holds your hand under the table and squeezes it gently, you smile and turn to him, and he kisses your cheek.
“guys please get a room.” Shanna says and everyone laughs.
Later, after the dinner, you were with the kids and Chris was looking at you , from the couch he was seated on.
“I'll be gone for a while, okay?” You said to the kids and walked to Chris.
“Hey.” You said sitting on his lap, and he kisses your cheek.
“Hey honey.” He sighs near your ear, and you feel him, he was nervous, and his anxiety was rising.
“Baby, is everything okay? You feel tensed and nervous?” You asked wrapping your arms around his neck and he just nods
“I am fine darling, don't worry.” He assures you and you nod. You heard Lisa call your name in the kitchen, and you excuse yourself from chris before giving him a quick kiss on his lips.
“Yes Lisa?” You ask and she tells you that she had made dessert and she wanted you to help her, bring it outside which you obviously accepted to do so.
you gave the dessert to everyone and noticed that you forgot your plate, so you go to the kitchen again, to get your plate, and then you saw Chris standing behind you.
You turned to him.
“Hey chris? Everything fine?” you asked you didn't know but your mind was saying that he's gonna break up with you.
“Y/n please listen to me.” He said, damn yes you were dieing on the inside now,
“ Chris are you breaking up with me?” You blurted out, and he shook his head
“No y/n , never i love you so much.” He said and you sighed with relief.
“I love you too.”
You gasped and your hand covered your mouth, and when you saw him taking out a velvet box and getting on one knee, with a huge smile. Your eyes starts to water, and he stops you.
"No baby, please don't cry, or i'll forget whatever i have planned." He said, and you felt everyone stood their, Scott already crying.
"Im so so thankful for everything you do for me, you are my world, my world starts with you and ends with you, with all these years we have spent together, I don't know but i do want to make you my wife, its from the moment i laid my eyes on you, i knew i would marry you, everything you do for me, and the way you make me feel is just —amazing. I have never in my life felt that with someone. And im so glad only you had made me feel the way i always wanted to be treated, so here i am on my knees, asking you this question, Will you marry me and make me the happiest man alive?” He said as he tried to control his tears
“Baby ofc!! Yess i will marry you.” You said as you teared and he slips the ring on your fingers and you kissed him, that kiss was different from all the kisses you shared.
“Welcome to our family, Daughter-in-law!” Lisa and Robert said as they hugged you.
“Thank you mom and dad.” You and chris said it at the same time and he smiled as you called them Mom and Dad.
“This is why inwas crying.” Scott said and hugged you and his boyfriend trying to control him from crying.
You go back to your man, who was so happy and you kissed him again, he was crying, and you wiped his tears.
“This was your Christmas present, baby.” He said
“Are you kidding? This is my forever gift!” And he smiled and pressed a kiss on your forehead.
“I love you.”
“I love you.” You repeated.
----- flashback over----
you suddenly burts into tears, without a voice you walked, and kept walking, until you reached the dark end. You kept walking, and now you were just crying and thinking of the day when he proposed you, you regret everything you said to him and wished you were in his arms.
You heard footsteps rushing here and there, you feel a bit of suspicion, but you kept walking.
“Y/N!!” you heard Chris's voice loud and clear, and you turned to him.
“C-chris?” You asked and he nodded.
“I know you hate me now.” He says and you shook your head, and just ran and hugged him in a split second. You hugged him with full force, he almost fell, but he took care of himself.
“I am sorry, i am so so sorry, how could i ever let you go.” He said as he teared down.
“Its not your fault, its mine. I couldn't fight for us, from ourselves, i know you hate me, but im sorry baby, im so so sorry.” You said and he shook his head.
“I can never in my life hate you..you are the one who made me feel what is love, and no, we're not leaving each other soon, because I can't spend a day without you anymore.” He said and you smiled befote you kissed him.
That kiss was same like the way you felt on the day he proposed you. Your heart raced and he pulled you even more closer. You pull away after a while, resting your forehead on his.
“Please never fight again, because I can't lose you.” He says and you nod
“Lets go home, because i have alot of making up from my side.” He said
“I think i have to make up too.” You said and he smilled before you two walk home. It was then you realized that this man could never leave you because you were the love of his life, and he was the love of your life and when you two reached home, he showed and expressed the love he has for you, and maybe you couldn't stop smiling since then.
*dies eew this is so bad*
anyways hi guys i just made this at three am and also yes im in a angsty mood lol but yes here ya go im on my exam period so ill getbover that soon and keep making imagines, so till that, you can read this shitsss aksisjs
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It Started With the Snow (An Ordinary Days Oneshot)
a.k.a the first fanfic / oneshot that this musical has for itself that isn't a crossover!!!! this is about Claire and Jason, and how I imagined they met each other. The bakery part is based off Seeing You There meanwhile the snow and snowflakes part is based off Fine when Jason goes "And suddenly I think of the day I first met her. A bucket of snow had landed in her hair..." so yeah! Fluffy and stuff!
NOTE: I have never been to NYC before. All of this stuff is probably innacurate, all the street names and locations. So please, don't hate on me. This stuff is nearly made up in my head XD. Also, this isn't that good, but I just wanted to give the musical some fan content. Hehe :) enjoy as much as you can!
New York City isn't as great as I thought it would be. It's crowded, it's complicated, and well, there's a significantly less amount of fresh air.
But... I think I found something good amongst all the problems. Or more appropriately, someone good.
So, I was walking around the streets, trying desperately to find my way to this bakery, but everytime I thought I found the right street it was on, alas, someone tells me this is 52nd street, not 51st!
I had been wandering around for nearly an hour, and I was very frustrated by that time. What made matters worse is that it was literally freezing. Ah, winter time, many mixed emotions I have about you. Rain is much better than snow, it's useful for growing, it makes everything shimmer, and you can step in puddles without looking too much like a kid.
My frustration must have been really noticable, because it caught the attention of a woman, who started walking up to me.
"Excuse me," she began, "do you need directions?"
I didn't want to admit it. The last thing I wanted was someone to tell me I was on 45th avenue and six blocks away from where I needed to be. But hey, the girl took the time to come over here, so I might as well answer her.
"Uh, yeah actually, I'm looking for a bakery. I forgot it's name, but I was told it's the only one on 51st Street. Although I'm probably on the wrong block, as usual." I sighed towards the end of what I said.
The girl chuckled. She had a pretty laugh. "Actually, you're on the right street, but the bakery is on the other side of the block. I go there all the time, you want me to lead you there?"
I was taken back. Someone actually wanted to help me, me, a clueless newbie.
"Really? Oh wow, thanks, alright then!"
My face shined with glee. She laughed again, clearly amused. Her laugh, it was sweet, but it also sounded like it carried some kind of sadness with it.
She began to walk, me trailing behind her. As we walked, I observed her. She moved fast- and I know most New Yorkers do, but I mean fast. It's almost as if she didn't want to waste any time, like she knew what could happen at any moment.
I shrugged the thought off. Nah, I'm probably thinking too in depth. Most things are what they appear to be, at least in my experience, so this should be nothing.
That aside, she was also really pretty. I know I probably shouldn't think that right after meeting her, but I can't deny it. Her pale blonde hair, the way she carried herself in her coat, she just struck me as someone incredible.
So anyways, we were walking to the other side of the block, tredging through the cold and snow, when suddenly from somewhere above us- a rooftop, maybe?- I heard something about to fall. I stepped out of the way just in time to see a bucket of snow land on top of the girl's head, the snowflakes drifting down to her shouders.
I couldn't help but let out a chuckle. She frowned."H-hey, don't laugh!" She began to shake the snowflakes off, honestly it was really adorable. I was probably around the same age as her, but I thought I looked way more immature and childish. Now, she looks like such innocence, it was just incredible.
Once she finished, she looked up at me. "Well, that was annoying. Let's go."
We made it to the bakery at last, and honestly it was not as good as I expected. The shopkeepers looked pretty grumpy, and the tables weren't the cleanest. Oh well, I guess they're known for take out orders rather than dine in ones.
"Alright, we're here!" she declared, "I go here all the time, at least once a week."
Here, of all places? Really? I thought. But oh well.
"Thanks for all your help, really." I told her. She smiled and began to walk away.
I called after her, "Hey, wait! At least tell me your name befote you go?"
"Claire. My name is Claire." she replied, "You?"
"Jason." I answered.
"Nice to meet you, Jason. Hope you have a good stay in New York City."
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