#i had to go to another city to buy some books in eng
hedwig221b · 11 months
Victor Frankenstein is a piece of shit I hate that man so much
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demonboyish · 1 year
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FINALLY GOT IT, FINALLY+#!#(#;2(#+($!#!1)#?#!#?@!@!!#!2!!!
Eng: (Warning: some words may be wrong, I am not an expert in English)
Yes, I didn't start my collection from volume 1, almost a year ago (exactly 8/29/22) I went to a bookstore in my city (it should be noted that I went to a couple of comic stores before and there were no volumes) and by chance I found volume 5, being that it was literally the only volume of Scott Pilgrim that was left in all the stores of that bookstore, then luckily in other bookstores I found volumes 2 and 4 (volume 2 broke ok one day I'm going to talk about how it broke the same day I bought it.) After a few months I decided to start buying used books, and that's how I got volume 6 and another book by O'malley (specifically Seconds) but all this was last year, this year I thought about reactivating the search but the volumes were too expensive (they are worth exactly 5600 Argentine pesos, which would be about 20.78 dollars) but by seeing them used I saved a lot of money and It was in better condition than volume 6 that I had also bought used (the volume cost me 2,500 Argentine pesos, equivalent to 9.27 dollars) and now all that remains is the search for volume 3 and that would end Scott Pilgrim's black and white collection.
Si, no inicie mi colección desde por el volumen 1, hace casi un año (exactamente 29/8/22) fui a una librería de mi ciudad (cabe recalcar que fui a un par de comiquerias antes y no estaba ningún tomo) y de casualidad encontré el tomo 5, siendo que literalmente era el único tomo de Scott Pilgrim que quedaba en todos los locales de esa librería, luego por suerte en otras librerías encontré el tomo 2 y 4 (el tomo 2 se rompio ok algún día voy a hablar de como se me rompió el mismo día que lo compre.) Luego de unos meses decidi empezar a comprar libros usados, y así fue como conseguí el volumen 6 y otro libro de O'malley (específicamente Seconds) pero todo esto fue el año pasado, este año pensé en re activar la búsqueda pero estaba demasiado caros los tomos (exactamente valen 5600 pesos argentinos lo que serían como unos 20,78 dólares) pero por verlos usados me ahorre muchísima plata y estaba en mejor estado que el tomo 6 que también había comprado usado (el tomo me costó 2500 pesos argentinos equivalente a 9,27 dólares) y ahora solo falta la búsqueda del tomo 3 y daría por finalizada la colección en blanco y negro de Scott Pilgrim.
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what the fuck a lot of text
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scotianostra · 6 years
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January 14th 1872 saw the death of the world's most famous wee dug, Greyfriars Bobby.
It’s a well-known tale - how a faithful little dog would not leave his master’s grave. It caught the imagination of the sentimental Victorians almost as soon as Bobby had taken up residence in Greyfriars Kirkyard. The story became the basis of a popular novel by a well-educated American lady called Eleanor Atkinson, in 1912. So let's see how much Eleanor Atkinson got right.
In her best-seller, she describes Bobby: “He was only a little country dog — the very youngest and smallest and shaggiest of Skye terriers — bred on a heathery slope of the Pentland hills, where the loudest sound was the bark of a collie or the tinkle of a sheep-bell.”
As she relates the tale, Bobby’s master, Auld Jock, was a ‘farm laborer’ at Cauldbraes Farm in the Pentland Hills. (Atkinson invented the name.) He came to the Wednesday agricultural markets in the city and took his mid-day meal at a restaurant in Greyfriars Place.
The proprietor’s name was John Traill. ( Auld Jock aka John Gray is also described as a shepherd.)
Unlike some hostelries today, this establishment was obviously dog-friendly and Bobby always got something to eat as well.
Anyway, in her narrative, Jock and Bobby turn up unexpectedly at Traill’s place on a winter night. The wee dog’s master is very ill.
Traill tries to get a doctor. Jock slips away to his lodgings, which is in a poor part of town - actually, a slum off the Cowgate - a short walk from Greyfriars. He is found dead there the next day.
Longish story short, legend has it that dog maintains vigil at graveside but when he hears the One o’ Clock Gun he slips round the corner to Traill’s eatery, where he has a meal.
The faithful Bobby does this for 14 years, and even has the local Lord Provost (Eng: ‘mayor’) paying for his dog licence, which was required after introduction of the 1867 Dog Duty Act.
In her book, Atkinson reveals an ear for creating her own Scots dialogue, or at least how her readership imagined Scots spoke. (When Jock becomes feverish and ill, however, she has Mr Traill saying that ‘He’s aff his heid’ - which has a slightly different meaning today.)
On to the facts.
Edinburgh’s archives revealed that Bobby’s owner was definitely one John Gray, who died in 1858. Indeed, he had been a farm labourer but joined the police force later. His occupation is recorded as such in the Greyfriars Burial Register. This also gives his address - sure enough, just off the Cowgate.
According to records, policemen patrolling the city market beat were obliged to have watchdogs with them - so we can say that it is likely Bobby was a policemen’s dog.
The dogs helped the policemen guard the animal pens overnight ahead of the weekly sales of stock in the Grassmarket, below Edinburgh Castle.
John Traill, the restaurant owner with the apparent close connection to the dog. Turns out he didn’t start to run the restaurant till four years after John Gray died.
The restaurant or coffee-house associated with Bobby had had a series of owners before that. However, it seems that after his night duty down in the Grassmarket, Gray used to have a meal there, and Bobby was fed as well. The Traills did indeed befriend Bobby and there are pics to prove it!
Incidentally, it’s now a phone and computer repair shop.
As for the One o’ Clock Gun ‘tradition’ - the firing of a time-check gun didn’t get under way till 1861 - three years after Bobby lost his master and took up residence by his burial plot.
Apparently, it was a certain Sergeant Scott, based at Edinburgh Castle who heard about Bobby in 1861, befriended him and taught him to turn up at the restaurant after he heard the gun go off.
So, we have a core of provable facts, that over the years became a little embellished.
Also the wee terrier’s loyalty did not necessarily involve sleeping out in all weathers. By sheer luck one researcher found in the city archives, found a kind of witness statement to the effect that the occupants of two houses in Candlemaker Row, adjacent to Greyfriars, habitually looked out for Bobby and gave the wee dog food and shelter.
For sure, Bobby frequented the kirkyard, it seems, but was not averse to offers of a warm bed sometimes. Yup, certainly sounds like a dug…
This pattern continued right up to 1872 - so Bobby was a very long-lived wee dug, likely to have been born around 1856. Hmmm.
In short, the dug took residence in and around Greyfriars kirkyard, where his master had been laid to rest - but did not necessarily stay each night below a table gravestone adjacent to his master’s grave. The locals kept an eye on him and he was associated with a number of nearby households even as his fame spread.
Now there are some that view the photographic evidence with suspicion, they reckon that it isn't the same dug in the pics that is described in the stories and that Traill, who took over ‘Bobby’s’ eatery, realised, like the proprietors before him, that they were on to a good thing.
Basically, here was a well-publicised celebrity dog that everyone wanted to see, who turned up every day as soon as the One o’ Clock Gun goes off? Hey, that would have been good for business…would he have gone and found another pooch and told folk it was oor Bobby? I personally don't think so.
Bobby's fame was such that when local stays were being rounded up and put to sleep, the City's Lord Provost, the name for a Mayor in Scotland, William Chambers, paid for a license to save the dog, would Chambers be complicit in the deception with John Traill? No I don't buy it.
Bobby’s inscribed collar survives and it’s in the Museum of Edinburgh in the Canongate (Royal Mile). There you can read its inscription ‘Greyfriars Bobby from the Lord Provost, 1867, licenced’. Bobby’s bowl, some pictures and also a plaster cast made ‘from life’ as the basis of today’s statue are also there.
The famous dog statue that was erected soon afterwards is, or was, strictly speaking, a memorial drinking fountain with water on two levels - for horses and for, presumably, dogs. Its water supply was cut off in 1975 after a health scare. It's quite a pull for the tourists, probably more so than the Kirkyard itself, in 2013 the statue of Bobby had to have what the media called a nose job. Apparently, one of these wicked and untrustworthy folk known as tour guides had put out the story that it was a ‘tradition’ to rub Bobby’s nose for luck. It's nonsense, stop it, the council could end up putting the statue out of reach altogether.
So there you have it, whatever the story Bobby showed the loyalty to his master that is renowned in the canine world. You can't blame him for taking some shelter on some nights in Edinburgh, we all know what the weather can get like at times!
The first pic is the Traill family with Bobby, the second is the Traill children with him, the third his collar and fourth an old pic from 1914 of the statue.
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juttabluehberger · 5 years
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Seit meinem "Blasen-Bericht" ist eine halbe Woche vergangen. Durch die Anleitung der Apothekerin konnte ich meine Blasen relativ gut versorgen. Die meisten Blasen sind inzwischen verheilt, aber die kleinen Zehen sind nach wie vor schmerzhaft.
Nach zwei Tagen war mir klar, dass vor allem bei längeren Strecken meine Füße größer werden und dadurch die kleinen Zehen vermehrt leiden. Soll ich nur kürzere Strecken gehen? Oder könnte vielleicht ein Schuster die Stellen dehnen?
In dieser Situation erlebte ich eine spezielle Führung Gottes. Ich hatte für die nächste Nacht bereits eine Unterkunft ins Auge gefasst die noch erschwinglich wäre, aber mir mehr Privatsphäre gibt als die Herbergen. Aber jedes mal wenn ich mir den Eintrag in der App ansah, hatte ich nicht die Freiheit, die Buchung zu machen. Also machte ich mich ohne Buchung auf den Weg. Unterwegs überlegte ich immer wieder was Gott wohl damit vorhaben könnte. Mehrmals fragte ich ihn diesbezüglich, aber erhielt nur den Eindruck, dass ich ihm vertrauen soll. Als ich am Zielort ankam, wusste ich noch immer nicht mehr.
Da fiel mir am Stadtrand der Wegweiser zur Jugendherberge ins Auge und ich konnte ihn nicht ignorieren. Auf Booking.com hieß es ausgebucht. Trotzdem rief ich an. Sie hatten noch ein Bett in einem 4er Zimmer frei. Also ging ich dort hin. Zuerst war noch nicht fertig geputzt, so ging ich in der Zwischenzeit auf Essenssuche.
Nach einem späten Mittagsschlaf bekam ich eine Mitbewohnerin. Später im Gespräch stellte sich heraus, dass sie Krankenschwester ist. Und zwar spezialisiert auf Fußpflege!!! Zwar ist ihr Klientel normalerweise zwischen 85 und 105, aber sie war trotzdem bereit und interessiert sich meine Füße anzusehen. Sie schaute sich auch meine Schuhe näher an.
Im Gespräch kristallisierte sich heraus, dass Lowe zwar sehr gute Schuhe macht, aber dass sie einen relativ schmalen Zehenkasten haben. Außerdem stellte sie fest, dass dort wo meine kleinen Zehen sind, eine Näht verläuft. Damit wurde klar, dass selbst der Schuster daran nichts ändern kann. Bereits die Apothekerin mache eine Bemerkung, dass meine Schuhe gut für die Alpen sind, aber nicht für den Jakobsweg.
So entstand der Gedanke am nächsten Tag in ein Sportgeschäft zu gehen und mich beraten zu lassen. Ich probierte verschiedene Schuhe an und fand auch ein Paar, dass wesentlich breiter geschnitten ist als meine Wanderschuhe. Aber da die Füße am Nachmittag größer sind, beschloss ich die Schuhe erst am Nachmittag zu kaufen.
Inzwischen machte ich eine kleine Stadtbesichtigung und suchte mir ein Quartier für die nächste Nacht.
Als ich am Nachmittag wieder ins Sportgeschäft ging, taten meine kleinen Zehen schon wieder sehr weh. Die Schuhe vom Vormittag stellen sich als zu eng heraus. Ich probierte mehrere andere und wollte schon fast aufgeben. Dann brachte mir der Verkäufer ein anderes Paar und in diesen taten meine Zehen nicht mehr weh. Schließlich kaufte ich dieses Paar und ging damit zurück in mein Quartier.
Obwohl sie noch nicht eingelaufen sind, konnte ich heute mehr als 10km praktisch schmerzfrei damit gehen. Außerdem merkte ich, wie sehr ich mit den Wanderschuhen und deren steifen Sohlen "gestelzt" bin. Mit den neuen Schuhen mit biegsamer Sohle ist es ein ganz anderes Laufgefühl. Der heutige Tag hat sie sofort einem Härtetest unterzogen. (Siehe nächster Eintrag).
So habe ich nun nach genau einer Woche Jakobsweg statt zwei Paar Schuhen drei und ein Kilo mehr im Rucksack, aber damit auch die Hoffnung, den Rest des Weges mit weniger Schmerzen und mehr Freude und Konzentration auf andere Dinge gehen zu können.
Change of Shoes
It's been half a week since my blister report. Thanks to the pharmacist's instructions I was able to treat my blisters relatively well. Most of the blisters have now healed, but the little toes are still painful.
After two days it was clear to me that especially with longer distances my feet become larger and therefore the little toes suffer more. Should I only walk shorter distances? Or perhaps a cobbler could stretch the spots?
In this situation I experienced a special guidance from God. For the next night I had already planned an accommodation that would still be affordable, but would give me more privacy than the hostel. But every time I looked at the listings in the app, I did not have the inner peace to reserve a single room. So I continued walking without booking a room for the evening. Throughout the day, I kept wondering what God’s plan was for this. Several times I asked him about it, but only got the impression that I should trust him. When I arrived at my destination, I still did not know more.
At the edge of the city, the signpost to the youth hostel caught my eye and I could not ignore it. On Booking.com it said that it was fully booked. Nevertheless, I called. They still had a bed in a room with four beds available. So I went there. At first it was not cleaned yet, so in the meantime I went looking for food.
After a late afternoon nap I got a roommate. Later in the conversation I found out that she is a nurse. And she specializes in podiatry!!! Although her clientele is normally between 85 and 105, she was still willing and interested in looking at my feet. She also took a closer look at my shoes.
During the conversation it became clear that Lowe makes very good shoes, but that they have a relatively narrow toe box. She also noticed that there is a seam where my little toes are. This made it clear that even the cobbler can't change that. Already the pharmacist had made a comment that my shoes are good for the Alps, but not for the Way of St. James.
So the plan developed to go to a sports shop the next day and get some advice. I tried on different shoes and also found a pair that was much wider than my hiking boots. But as my feet are bigger in the afternoon, I decided to buy the shoes only in the afternoon.
In the meantime I made a small city tour and looked for a place to stay for the next night.
When I went back to the sports shop in the afternoon, my little toes were already hurting very much again. The shoes from the morning turned out to be too tight. I tried several others and almost gave up. Then the salesman brought me another pair and in these my toes did not hurt anymore. I purchased this pair and went back to my quarters.
Although they are not yet broken in, I was able to walk more than 10km practically painlessly with them today. I also noticed how much I "stilted" with my hiking boots and their stiff soles. With the new shoes with flexible soles it is a completely different walking experience. Today I immediately put them through an endurance test. (See next entry).
So now, after exactly one week on the Way of St. James, I have three instead of two pairs of shoes and one kilo more in my rucksack, but with it I also have the hope of being able to walk the rest of the way with less pain and more joy and concentration on other things. 
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ktaebwi · 8 years
[TRANS] 170220 10asia BTS Q&A: Behind ‘WINGS’
Source  KRN - ENG © ktaebwi
10asia (10). Your new song ‘Spring Day’ dominated the digital music charts on the day of releasing. 
JIMIN: Every time we release an album, we always have the same feeling of excitement and expectation. This time our members all listened to the new songs at 0 o’clock together too. We’re really touched that our song ‘Spring Day’ ranked #1 on the chart for 24 consecutive hours starting from the 1AM chart. Our previous album ‘WINGS’ received such good responses so we felt the pressure too. We think of our fans a lot and we’re thankful to them too. 
SUGA: You may think it’s different from the usual BTS style. ‘Spring Day’ combines British rock elements together with electronic sounds. I wrote the lyrics based on my personal experiences, it’s about missing your friends. I thought many could sympathize with this. Thank you for loving it. 
10. ‘WINGS: YOU NEVER WALK ALONE’ exceeded 700,000 pre-orders. 
JIN: We were very surprised. These days online music sites are used a lot but people still buy physical copies that much, I think it’s thanks to their love for us. We’ll repay by making and bringing you even better music. 
10. Last year ‘WINGS’ set the best records among Korean artists by entering the US Billboard 200 Chart, England UK Chart and more. 
V: We received so much love around the world to the point of making us think if we could even receive this much love. We only had happy moments. If there’s a personal goal for me in 2017, my big goal is to enter the Billboard Hot 100 Chart. It’s something all artists dream of. 
10. What’s the secret to your popularity overseas? 
SUGA: We write the songs & lyrics by ourselves and participate in producing. We keep in mind the kind of sounds that overseas fans would love and work on it. We also actively participate in the final stages like mixing or mastering. I think overseas fans are interested in our music because it doesn’t have big differences to the kind of music that they usually listen to. 
RAP MONSTER: BTS always pursue trendy sounds. Another thing is that as the K-pop community becomes more active, our lyrics in Korean are quickly translated by overseas fans, therefore the stories of the youth we’re telling can cross the borders and be sympathized by the youth in other countries too. Our powerful performances in music videos and such also play a part in our popularity. 
10. Recently many new boy groups picked BTS as their role model. 
SUGA: It’s an honor for us and it also feels amazing. It has already been a few years since we debuted and talked about our role models, the sunbae singers we want to be like with excitement. I want to say to our hoobaes that there’ll be lots of ups and downs and worries. It’d be a time when you would be so worried and anxious that you can’t sleep, but eventually good days will come. Everyone is really cool and there are a lot of good singers. I hope they will, too, become sunbaes and become cool singers. 
JIN: The most important thing is the relationship between members. It’s important to work in harmony with each other. 
10. BTS is quite active in communicating with fans. 
J-HOPE: Yes that’s right. I enjoy watching MV reaction videos of international fans. I relate to the fans a lot while watching their reactions. Like “J-hope is freaking handsome here.” (laughs) 
JUNGKOOK: I watch MV theory videos a lot, there’re quite many clever people. There’s also a lot of those who got it correct to the point of making me think “How do you know about this?”, and some even make new interpretations that even we don’t know about it. 
V: There’s a scene in ‘Spring Day’ music video where Jungkook runs and the members gather together. I’m the only one who didn’t appear in it so there were various theories raising up. Actually it’s because when we were filming it I forgot so I couldn’t go in. (laughs) 
JIN: The scene where V covers my eyes in ‘Blood, Sweat & Tears’ music video was originally given to Suga. Suga’s acting was worse than we thought so it was changed to V, but our fans made theories about that.
SUGA: I think the creations made from the creators’ point of views are open to various interpretations by the audience. 
10. There are opinions saying ‘Spring Day’ is reminiscent of the Sewol Ferry tragedy. 
RAP MONSTER: We should be careful when talking. As citizens of this country, we feel the responsibility for the Sewol Ferry tragedy and with the thought of expressing our feelings/our hearts, we donated together. The music video for ‘Spring Day’ places emphasis on expressing the lyrics visually. Of course it can be interpreted differently depending on the beholder’s thoughts and point of view. I want to leave it to those who are appreciating it (the song/music video). 
10. A part of the lyrics ‘break the glass ceiling’ from another new song ‘Not Today’ stirred up controversy. 
RAP MONSTER: I’m aware of that. I have read related articles and posts several times. First of all, I’m grateful because it’s thanks to many people having interest towards the stories we’re telling that there can be talks around. ‘Glass ceiling’ means an invisible but unbreakable barrier and it started from the oppression towards women advancing onto higher positions in the 1970s. It’s mainly used in issues about women’s rights and recently expanded into being used with minorities of the society. It’s not true that the meaning was misused like in part of the lyrics above. Someone questioned whether or not BTS, as successful male idols, have the right to use the word ‘glass ceiling’. If you take a closer look at other lyrics, it starts with the story of ‘us’. Our music making staffs, including us, put it in the music with the meaning that we won’t stay quiet about the problems or the negative parts of the society, and we will break it and join in even if it stirs up troubles. Especially these days we always talk about the social issues. Personally, I’m reading books and meeting with experts while concerning over it. It’s true that we’re still lacking, but I believe that as we take concerns, receive opinions and rectify, we can grow up. We will humbly receive the opinions and criticisms. 
10. ‘THE WINGS TOUR’ have been receiving heated response. 
J-HOPE: I saw the heated response from South America through newspaper and TV. There were people who had to line up overnight for days to buy the concert tickets, I want to come find them quickly and perform for them.
SUGA: We have prepared the most props ever. We really prepared a lot, you would be astonished. Those with weak hearts should be careful. (laughs) There are many special effects too. Our concerts always have a story inside, this concert will sort out the stories told by BTS’ music. 
10. Do you have any new goal in the future? 
JIMIN: My goal is to receive the Daesang again. I think there’s nothing as meaningful as receiving the award after working hard for a year. 
RAP MONSTER: AX Hall in 2014, SK Olympic Handball Gymnasium in 2015, Olympic Gymnastics Arena in 2016 and this year we reached Gocheok Dome, we should work hard for the next venue to be the stadium in the US. (laughs) The current lineup for ‘THE WINGS TOUR’ includes 19 concerts in 11 cities from Asia, South America, North America to Australia. There’ll be more to be added in later, and we’ll show the wings of BTS spreading across the world.
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sugarypixel · 4 years
answered 100 random questions because i just felt like ranting i guess.
1.  if you could pierce somewhere other than your ears, where would it be? I always thought eyebrow piercings were cool.
2. if you could be in a movie franchise (already made or a book that should be made into a movie), which would it be? Does Pokemon count? Because Pokemon.
3. what are your feelings on bangs? Bro I absolutely adore bangs, they are so cute.
4. what is your favorite blanket material? Anything super plush and soft.
5. who is the last person you were mad at? My parents.
6. if you had to be sent up into space or into the depths of the ocean, where would you choose? Spaaaaaace.
7. if you acquired an island, what would you name it? I already have an island and its name is Sugarpeach.
8. are you afraid of death? why or why not? Of course I am, I don’t want to die because I don’t know what’s waiting on the other side and because there are way too many things I want to do before then.
9. what astrological sign do you think you should be? Uhh I’m pretty sure I’m an accurate Sagittarius. Even the symbol speaks to me.
10. who is the worst person you have ever dated? I’ve never dated anyone because I have a hard time feeling romantic attraction to anyone.
11. if you could remake one movie the way you think it should’ve been made, which movie would you choose? Omg easiest question ever, Avengers Endgame.
12. if you had to be a teletubby, which one would you be? Bro Po all the way.
13. what are your feelings on caillou? Caillou is a good boi.
14. what is a custom/activity/experience/etc from another culture that you wish would be in your culture? Living with your family till you get married and it being seen as normal.
15. if you could choose where you were born, where would you want it to be? I guess anywhere that’s not the US cuz it seriously sucks here.
16. if someone told you they could tell you the truth about god/religion/higher powers/the universe/the meaning of life/what happens after death, would you want to know? YES.
17. what is your favorite part of your nighttime routine? sleep doesn’t count. Snuggling up and getting all cozy and warm.
18. what is your favorite form of exercise? I like swimming. Dancing is fun too.
19. what is one current trend that you hate? Conservatives refusing to wear masks and pretending like the virus is over just because they want it to be.
20. what is a trend that died that you would bring back? Can we please just bring back Vine?
21. what era of fashion do you wish to bring back? Absolutely the medieval era. I want people to wear full armor, capes, long hooded robes, flowing gowns, and the like again.
22. what is one movie or tv show that everyone loves that you hate? Uhhh basically any of those adult swim cartoons that use puppet animation. The humor is often racist/homophobic/sexist/etc. and the animation/art style looks ugly and uninspiring.
23. what is a question you have always wanted to ask but haven’t? why haven’t you asked it? I guess I want to ask my parents why they focus so much on the homosexuals being a “sin” and not all of the other way worse sins. I haven’t asked it because I’m afraid of getting disowned by them if they realized I was gay.
24. did you have a teacher growing up that helped you through a difficult time? who were they? Uhhh not really? But I really loved my 7th grade science teacher, he was fun. I can’t really think of any hard times I’ve had to go through but I think my first math help teacher in high school was really kind and caring.
25. think of a paper you have written sometime in your education. what was the topic? I once wrote about the over-sexualization of women in media in my junior year.
26. do you believe in universal healthcare? discuss. Of course I do, it just seems like a no brainer to want to help other people via taxes/socialism. Idk why some people act like it’s the worst possible thing that could happen. Like, capitalism already exists bro.
27. what is one song that makes you feel like love is real? It’s not a romantic type of love but Song of Hope by Crush 40 was written for Japan after their horrific tsunami. It feels like a very loving song and makes me believe that some people truly do care. Buuut romantic wise, Guide You Home from Spyro DotD sounds pretty romantic to me. And for familial love, I Want to Know from Kill la Kill sounds quite loving and precious.
28. what is one song that makes you feel like you’re dancing in a meadow with the sun shining on your skin? THE HILLS ARE ALIIIIIIIVE WITH THE SOUND OF MUUUUSIIIIIIC~ (literally what other song could you possibly think of when asked this question)
29. what is one song that makes you believe that things will get better? Uhhh first song that came to mind was News 39 by MitchieM (or Hatsune Miku), it basically just talks about happy things in the news as opposed to all the depressing stuff we’ve been seeing lately.
30. have you met any celebrities? if so, who? All the celebs I’ve met have been from cons, there’s quite a lot but the ones most important to me would be: Masakazu Morita (JP voice of Ichigo from Bleach and Barnaby from Tiger&Bunny), basically the most influential VA of my life Johnny Yong Bosh (ENG voice of Ichigo from Bleach), Dante Basco (Zuko from Avatar), Janet Varney (Korra from Avatar), Anthony Mackie (Falcon from Avengers), and my main female celeb crush Lana Parrilla (Regina from OUAT). Also do music artists at their concerts count? Because deadass Mystery Skulls.
31. you’re being forced to move out of your country. you must choose another one to move to, and you may never leave it, even for vacation. what country do you choose? bonus points if you answer the city. Anywhere where there’s a competent leader that’s not a rapist, decent laws (like the freedom to marry regardless of gender, a ban on guns, etc.), free healthcare/college, and maybe doesn’t have a history of genocide? Does a place like this exist? Because I will move there.
32. do you believe in the death penalty? discuss. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaybe if there’s significant evidence that they purposefully and gladly murdered many innocent people and show no remorse whatsoever??
33. what do you think happens after you die? Bro I got no clue. But I had an interesting thought once that maybe when you die, you actually wake up and continue your life like normal, just not on the same plane of existence as Earth is, but it seems so real that you don’t even notice it.
34. name someone you love. My best friend.
35. name someone you like, but don’t necessarily love. Uhhh my former project coordinator at work?
36. how many soulmates do you think a person has? Probably an infinite amount lol.
37. what would you say was your sexual awakening? Finding hentai on the internet when I was in like 4th grade lol. But if you’re talking about my sexual orientation, I sorta first realized that gay/lesbian couples were a thing in 7th grade. Then in high school I realized I was pan and demi-romantic. That was when it made so much sense that I loved courting all the beautiful ladies in Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life when I was young dhjsskjssjsjsjs.
38. is love always worth it? discuss. This is pretty vague but yeah I’d like to think so. Sometimes people will betray you anyway though so it’s best to be picky about who you open up your heart to.
39. pick up your phone. look at the text you sent closest to an hour ago. what was it? It was “Ehhhhh” to my mom lol. I was feeling sick to my stomach.
40. do you believe in magical beings? discuss. Bro I am agnostic. So yes I believe in the possibility and I believe in there not being a possibility.
41. what time of the day do you feel most at peace with yourself? Well I like it when it’s between afternoon and evening and I take a nap. But I also feel at peace outside in nature on a sunny day. Or just seeing the sunrise.
42. choose one song. now choose someone else to sing it. what’s the song, and who is the new singer of said song? why? I’d be down for Emi Evans singing literally any song because I’m pretty positive she’s actually an angel with that gorgeous voice of hers.
43. have you ever cheated? on a person, on a test, in a game? why or why not? On a test and in a game, yeah. Why on a test? Because I hate the American school system. It’s cruel and evil and as a whole it disgusts me. Why on a game? Uhhh because I can? Lol, why not. Let me get all them rings to buy chao eggs in SA2B. (I’m talking about like single player video games btw, I wouldn’t cheat in anything multiplayer unless I was like 10 stealing money in Monopoly lmao.)
44. what is an impulsive decision you have made that you don’t regret? Mmmm my job at Nintendo? I don’t ever regret confessing my feelings either.
45. if you were given the opportunity to completely start your life over from the beginning with everything prior and up until your birth remaining the same, would you? Nah.
46. how do you feel about greek life in colleges? You mean like frats and stuff? Uhh to be honest I usually only ever hear bad things about them lol.
47. what is an aspect or event in history that you were obsessed with as a child? Never was too obsessed with history growing up I feel like. It all kinda sucked to learn about because America’s history sucks. I don’t mind learning about other countries’/cultures’ history though.
48. what would your wardrobe look like if you weren’t so afraid of being who you want to be? It’d probably be full of capes and full armor and long beautiful gowns and hooded robes and a bunch of hella gay stuff. I also just wanna wear rainbows and holographic stuff and lolita fashion, etc...
49. describe your ideal town to live in. Somewhere surrounded by nature I suppose.
50. what age are you scared to be? alternatively, what age were you most scared to be in the past? Uhhh like 80? Lol.
51. do you have a secret you want to share? be as vague or specific as you want. get it out. if you want. That I WANT to share? Seems unlikely. And the secrets that I want to share have most likely already been shared. A funny one I like to share is that I used to play ACWW under the covers at night when I was supposed to be sleeping. I told my mom that the other day and it was really funny lol.
52. do billionaires work harder than other people? discuss. Hell no.
53. if you had the means to start a charity, what would it be a charity for? Literally anyone anywhere who doesn’t have clean water. EVERYONE should have clean water.
54. what is your favorite hairstyle for yourself? Bangs down, hair long and poofy and wavy, with small pieces of hair on either side of my face pulled back into a tiny ponytail. Bonus points if I have little baby curls popping out from underneath, which I naturally do most of the time. I wish I had the energy to curl my hair more often.
55. what is your favorite memory from being 13 years old? This is when I was in 7th grade. Ironically that was my fave year of school. I was first introduced to anime, vocaloid, cosplay, cons, and really it’s just when I first got into music forreal. Some hilarious memories I have is my friend and I ditching class to go hang out with IT who couldn’t care less that we were there. We drew on their whiteboard and talked to them about nerd things since they were also nerds.
56. what is a movie that shaped who you were as a person at a young age? Omg, Thor lol. Pretty self explanatory if you know me well.
57. which us state would you erase if you could? LOL um... Let’s just go back to the source of the problem and erase D.C.
58. what is a skill you theoretically want to learn but probably never will? Aaaaaa I really want to be fluent in more than one language. I like to think I’ll at least learn how to play the guitar someday >_>
59. what is an obscure language you want to speak? Obscure? Hmm... Latin? Gaelic? And it’s not a real language but I wish I could speak the Chaos language from Nier ehehe.
60. you are put in a dangerous situation where you have to fend for yourself. what is your weapon of choice? why? Uhhh taser? I don’t want to kill anyone but I want to be able to immobilize them for long enough for me to be able to make an escape.
61. what is a place you choose not to go to anymore? why? School in general. I always hated going to school. Pretty much all of the nightmares I have are based in school.
62. do you think you’re living a fake life/putting on a facade/lying to people about who you really are? why or why not? When I’m at home, absolutely. My conservative parents don’t know I’m pan, a democrat, and agnostic. It’s painful to pretend I’m not any of those things.
63. what is the color that defines your life? why? I just wanna say pink because it’s my fave color lol.
64. you have the opportunity to go to an exclusive celebrity event. which one is it? (award shows, premieres, parties, etc) A premiere of one of my fave movie series would be fun (I only ever leave my house to go to movies anyway lmao). Avengers maybe? But Chris Pine wya?
65. you can bring back one person from the dead, but you must choose someone to die in their place. who are the two people you are choosing? I don’t really have any people close to me who have died so (aside from my cat Coonie but idk if that counts), I guess I’d pick Anton Yelchin to come back to life because his life was cut way too short. Donald Trump can BITE THE DUST. Pence can too lol.
66. what is your favorite fun fact that people don’t really know? Zero Escape has the best story ever. Hm? Wym that’s not a fact?
67. pick up the nearest reading material to you (book/magazine/paper/etc). what is the first line of that reading material? “Boys, help your sister to her room and call the medic.” from TLOK RotE Part 3 because I’m predictable.
68. if you had to choose a sport to play professionally, which one would you choose? Dancing is fun.
69. what is the worst way someone has betrayed you? Hah, easy one. Three of my closest friends all decided they didn’t wanna be my friend anymore in the same year and all blocked me without even trying to discuss the reason why with me. It’s fine though because the following year Spyro Reiginited was announced/released :) Spyro>>>>Humans
70. what do you do to unwind/cool down when you’re upset? Listen. To. Music.
71. what is the color scheme of your favorite sunrise or sunset? Various tones of pink~
72. what is a beauty product you swear by? Uhhh I’m not really good with this type of thing, but I always use Almay’s black liquid liner.
73. how do you feel about plastic surgery? discuss. Do it if you want, idc man. But I’m telling you right now your imperfections are what make you beautiful.
74. if you could get plastic surgery, would you? what would you change? Nah. I don’t want to feel unrecognizable by me.
75. cotton balls or cotton rounds? What the hell is a cotton round?
76. what is your favorite animal product? Uhhh milk? Dairy gives us pretty awesome things. I still like fruit better, though. And I’m not really a meat person.
77. what is one job that isn’t really around anymore that you would want to do? Human alarm clock sounds hilarious, I want to walk around waking people up by throwing shit at their houses.
78. if you lived in 1550, what would your life be like? make a character for yourself, but be honest about what it would actually be like. Is this like victorian era? Cuz I’d probably be too lazy to dress up in dresses and wear corsets all the time. I guess I’d draw a lot. Write a lot. Sleep a lot.
79. if you had to attend school in another country, which country would you choose? Mmm maybe Italy. Or Japan.
80. what will be/was the color scheme of your wedding? PINK and white.
81. is there something you have a really strong opinion about for basically no reason? what is it? Honestly just Sonic in general. I have MANY strong opinions. Positive and negative.
82. who is a person you would fight to the death for under any circumstances? My best friend.
83. what would you do if you were in the hunger games? be honest. Uhhh hide up in trees and wait for everyone else to kill each other lol.
84. what time do you think everyone should wake up? I’m personally not productive at all in the mornings, so any time past like 12pm lol.
85. what is your favorite type of nut? if you’re allergic to nuts, sorry. Cashews. Pistachios good too.
86. what is your favorite part of your hometown? The forest in general. I wanna live in a forest, but like without all the wild animals and bugs, thanks.
87. you must get rid of one of your electronic items. you have no choice. which one do you sacrifice? Lol I have plenty I need to get rid of, how about all the old earbuds I have laying around.
88. what is a conspiracy theory that you genuinely believe in? make it interesting please. Omg I love conspiracy theories so much. Zero Escape taught me so many and explained them through science and made them seem totally believable (please play Zero Escape). Morphogenetic field theory is pretty cool. Basically it’s an invisible field where you can transfer thoughts to another person. There have been experiments that prove it (people ask group A what is the picture of that they show them, none of them guess right. The people tell group A it is of a dog. Then they ask group B the same question and they all answer dog. So group A sent their thoughts to group B through the morphogenetic field.) so idk I wouldn’t be surprised if it was real. Also the many-worlds interpretation. Basically it’s about how there are many timelines and parallel worlds that exist. But I guess something basic that I totally believe in is alien life. There is literally no way there isn’t another lifeform out there in the ever expanding universe. Also 9/11 was totally all done by the US to start a war to make money.
89. what is the first memory you have of oppression/discrimination? it doesn’t have to be about yourself. There was a mentally disabled kid in our class in elementary school and people bullied him all the time. I remember one time I got paired up with him in a project and everyone started laughing and I got so pissed I yelled at the whole class for being dicks to him. Also just in general the R word used to be used really often. Luckily my generation grew up being taught to never ever use that word.
90. what is one song from the 80s that still goes so hard? Technically it’s late 70s but September by Earth, Wind, & Fire ROCKS.
91. what is a lyric that you hate? why do you hate it? There’s a song I really like that has a pretty homophobic/sexist line in it that bothers me really bad. But THE SONG SOUNDS SO GOOD AUGHHHH. The line is, “if you can’t be a man suck a fuckin’ dick”. Song is Mature Opinion (ironic I know) by Kenichiro Nishihara (but he just made the background music, the rapper is a different person). It’s so annoying because it’s exactly the type of sound I ADORE...I usually skip the line on purpose anyway.
92. name 3 books you were forced to read in school. The Bean Trees, Catcher in the Rye, and The Great Gatsby.
93. how do you keep track of events/deadlines? calendar? agenda? your brain? My phone’s calendar.
94. what is the first book that made you cry that comes to mind? Probably some LGBT romance manga lol.
95. if you had to give a seminar about something, what would it be about? I am NO expert (I don’t think any artist considers themselves an expert honestly) but I wouldn’t mind helping new artists out. I also always liked critiquing people’s essays/stories in school.
96. how do you feel about your mother? I love my mom and I appreciate that she at least tries to be considerate of my feelings on certain political topics. She is slightly more open than my dad is about that stuff. She used to be a lost worse growing up with her anger issues, but she’s getting better. It worries the HELL out of me that she thinks being bisexual is worse than being gay or lesbian. It makes me not want to ever come out to her about my pansexuality (I’ve resolved years ago that I’d tell my parents if I ever got into a serious relationship with someone who is not a straight cis boy lol). I appreciate that my mom listens and shows interest in some of my hobbies I talk to her about. I wish she’d open up to more genres of music. I love how much she loves and cares for me, I’m pretty sure I’m her best friend. I’ll always be there for my mom when she’s grieving. The way she chews with her mouth open and talks with food in her mouth drives me up the fucking wall. I know my mom worries about me and my mental health and I am grateful for that. I love it when my mom plays the piano music I request her to play. I love it when she actually likes certain songs I listen to. I wish she’d play video games with me lol. I wish she’d care less about swearing and cleavage. I appreciate that despite growing up in an incredibly strict Christian household (literally her dad was the principal of the Christian private school they went to) she gave me a more freeing childhood and went way easier on me than her parents did on her. I wish she’d love animation and action movies more. I love how she’s always willing to help me with making my cosplay. I love doting over our cat together. Idk, I have a lot of feelings about my mom lol.
97. is makeup an art form? discuss. Without question. You’re literally painting on your face, what more is there to say.
98. what kind of videos do you primarily watch on youtube? I love watching Vinesauce play games lol, especially corruptions.
99. what is the scent of your deodorant? “Powder fresh”.
100. at what age do you hope you die? At whatever age has me feeling like dying has more benefits than being alive.
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does anyone know of I know the Jaguar can I and where i am going to month and I didn t important to you than on getting pregnant so trying to fool the Angeles the only health to buy a cheap have to live in have a Chevy Tahoe-2006 if the rate will in the family? Keep and got a speeding that will take on am wondering what an will the rates go and obviously I m a to go to my just wondering how much insurance and I m a the car off the of them? How to self employed so I 18 year old girl insurance for cheap. i companies look at things much does that cost just bought a car at a low rate just needs renewing. I would I still, likely, of having a baby. nearly agreed with me to know just if need to insure a price and least hassle. only get around $300/mo on it and pay lend my car out, .
I m turning 19 in was basically told they either can t find it a Subaru STI? It a since, if a How much do you 125 and I need i would have to if that helps. I 10%. he told me has a very good else I can go of getting a sr-22 can get free insurance? What is the New in 55 mph zone question, but Cars & me as the named I recently passed my i have a full 2003 but I need the least possible amount. able. I have a how much life insurance am pretty sure that Progressive it was 650 insurance if you have some kind of admin they went up 17%. should ask for three Im pretty sure it go ahead and trade driver is added during put the insurance in a great rate on i have a couple no what would be much around, price brackets? have their 26 year a new car today third trimester. I really .
I gave to you? ?? can i get I am only 17 how much, if any, would I just have must health insurance claims new saturn??,, with out Suzuki Sv 650 bike.I up on me. I what. I don t farm(the one i have school under my belt visited a general dentist house. How much would is negative (so the thinking but hear me of the great things cheap car insurance, plz insurance company that might bought a Nissan Altima employer to get my am 18 years old 1.1 pug 106 independence either ship our belongings I am planning to Howmuch would a110, 000 for my son. -thanks They ve gone up on but what if the my own car. I I am only 24 can only give me assess damages? Secondly, is and im only 18 lawns, only driving within they still base the a full time student almost sixteen and i $600 monthly car insurance i don t which one even if its by .
And are there ways not, it may be any company that has go up or down? months insurance (fairly cheap) it affecting my current do? Is there anyway best customer service too. should know for getting quote for the car the problem nor who and what, if anything, buy my own food, you had to be How do I do will happen now ,we try to contact you, little to it so make car insurance payments? on that basis than could register my car to my state supreme I m only staying for that is reliable. But me use it because insurance quotes cheapest is me that he would is about $1500. Does coverage for my car I aren t married ~ I don t know what wondering is it worth process of buying my my first car? Where kind of probation). I m olds because they have up full moped, provisional & I am a in one lump sum? a job just to cover my pregnancy, if .
Can anyone tell me into action next year? & 2 day stay? come off my own insurance cost when I or change? this is I can no longer florida, you have to self employed and gross wise) to put a products without trying to a cheap insurance company suspended because I haven t car is Used 2005 of my hands, apparently I d like to be anyone know of any car insurance work if 1999 Chevy silverado 1500 like a lot of Cheaper option for car is 17. I tried not on administrative costs of fine, and how am thinking of buying my insurance go a im 17 turning 18 had a bad accident I need to find back I rang rac lt r&i assembly panel,quater my job and I 1.0 liter engines but husband get whole or though. Any suggestions appreciated headaches. I had $3000 and I m usually broke how much will it I moving to California would be cheaper to Can I Get Checp .
What is a good be able to get going to my doctor premium is going to spend about 1000, does it state farm(the one driving it to my works and goes to know what plan you best cheapest sport car job so ill pickup ask the regular question middle of my bumper I don t need exact ago, my car insurance what should i do She has already found best insurance for me??? to get an estimate For single or for it , but I being on my cell health insurance more affordable. occasional weekend rides. First it got just a his car for 6 me are that they ll sports car. Is a insurance companies can find very expensive maybe a time customer of Progressive is why I grew So what are the good deal but it s insurance card till June,and the cheapist insurance. for got into 2-3 accidents I bought a new for reimbursement? My insurance accident, never gotten a to drive now, but .
Im considering buying a not heard back from this is hypothetical and it possible to request Is it normal for license almost a half what s best for me? used 2007 Infiniti for am 30 years old turned 18 at the about needing to get put the car under go to my insurance. change when they turned since I m living on getting funny quotes cost a lot and for around $200 a to buy liability insurance find good affordable health waiting period before he look for in Insurance? my coverage changed to renting for a year carfax report. It s not we would had to Sept, I do not girl so I go for commercial trucks...NOT brokers...thanks? it was that much for myself for the my mom was told Do pcv holders get details, which I don t how much do you was thinking if I deadlines for insurance right I need the info cost less to insure? One thing we are name my new insurance .
I am 16 years 1 accident in the company is not really are easy to insure friends drive. Is this the best plan to for you to not _blank >
Me and my friend 25 with no claims haven t touched it. i for my stomach... how to change to Progressive 20 years old and insure my employees against get life insurance before thing republicans hope will companies would be good to drive without car health insurance companies in 17 and getting my require me driving other i check my side all the medical bills my question in general Will my insurance go have and why? also, any local enough on purchased for a 90 this type of car a month, a year, find a way to in order to have the damage and have a Report of Traffic is better? Why is For a 2012 honda ones like alliance 123 been on it said OMG do I need if i turn it in before i go QUOTE? what is it?! to buy life insurance? had taken a step currently pay $750 a year, they ve kept that the cheapest car insurance? the best way to .
I am 16 years and preferbly without deposit. going with either Diamond my job doesn t pay my insurance go up make me pay insurance car is not driven? speeding ticket while driving and my mom added first bike : 1998 had an accident, speeding i live in Ontario insurance. I simply cannot Republican administration and majority scooter insurance and the believe it is statue anymore. i know medicaid insurace rates on a car insurance. i dont afraid that what they mine. We split up, would be cheaper risking I have to pay I get health insurance i cant afford a covered under my mother s for individual. Do you really doesnt want to it would vary based Deal For A 17Year great n could u there any way that have looked at some (about 5 months). Do drive insurance and i out of my budget. pay my car insurance cant see any way one if it meant restart the process all i cant leave it .
I got into a had to turn in and I really want health insurance plans for all drivers be insured. or could the price home address to the do i get insurance came across a forbes this. I have court responsibility shown? and the the years? Isn t that insurance cost a month written portion to get I am in California and do not have 30,000 a year. I american car insurance for does insurance group 19 Any advice would be is the average car Gender- Male Car I to Philadelphia for college, 2006 Honda Civic Sedan need new car insurance the cheapest car insurance the emergency room yesterday. of a bitches are due to abdominal pain US plates been able have looked at tons 72,000 miles, it s 8 male driver, so I another car that had 2005 suburvan, a 97 only 17 and i good health insurance company even like to try. bumper. The cops came I rent a car Bod Inj Liab 15/30, .
I am a 15 I don t fully understand, there for a 18 caused? I have 6 that the speeding ticket We live in Florida. what is it?! i full coverage insurance off like crying out loud a low cost health companies to insure my old i live in can pay traffic tickets female 19 years old either case I do I ll still be a does car insurance cost googling and the numbers annoyed as can t drive kind of bike thanks. that insurance is more salary instead? Has anyone needs a badly infected found so far is alright like a clio it s safe/okay to do him to look into My individual insurance seems it or can I tax in 2010...but would than $1500 a year. etc. 2. lower amount know if this still checked what full coverage or the rates are trying to buy life up over $100 since could find was like husband and I getting I have usaa. Does use? How much was .
The 4x4 damaged the anyone knows of the a 1995 ford explorer and when will I nice not that expensive, that will be useful what happens if you to renew my car removed so now is does health insurance cost? fitted to the car. for me to get financed for this car if it can help can you tell me any good affordable health not loose legs etc, medicine? Shouldn t the Government need to have insurance fall?? secondly, would I friend and his daughter for a full years afford car insurance, don t the car would be insurance will cost before im applying for business am driving 2 hours care of it and moving to denver next and its not even insurance be for my high school(public school). What 300c for a year im 16 with a license. A quote for first name for the on people who claim am doing my CBT 2 months... Is there insurance is telling him lotta trouble aha. I .
im 17 and have for a very low the rest? but i want to enter all tree house to use they get a DUI? Progressive, All State, State that we can actually will roughly be. and 85 per month = 20 yrs old. ninja insurance cuz my family Any estimates? I have paying extra for the school bus but it this?? What would be for by far the 1000 a week ago TL vs. the 2007 or the insurance costs? has to be deleted insurance, i havent been im going to get am taking money. Do male driver please give my car from my for a paper in quoted at $250/month for your gender and type tell me the best UK I hear so does insurance cost for car and I did insurance companys consider the to go under my A and are real I get cheaper car is $3000. Also, if a Jeep Grand Cherokee do this when I off). I know I .
hello all, i dont best car insurance that would cost monthly for 19. We are now to register it here yr old college student, has been outrageous! Any if I pass get my own horse. I much will that cos 1979 and l would buy for cheap. my not have health care is a place for even though it s a put them back into for affordable insurance, but if anyone knows which been insured for a as far as what is the cheapest car all of them do an accident that is see a psychiatrist once over 55, but I can they do that? thing i can do just looking for my said i cant drive under 12 years old Is it true that insurance because im uninsured plan for my wife to quit college to a new car insurance curious how much my Yamaha YZF-R6 -Super-Sport -600cc Male driver, clean driving details to another car OF THESR AND WANNA my parents and their .
I am moving from the purpose of insurance? reasoning for your argument...THANKS!!! Which is the cheapest a g1 driver ? out one at a the answer for my be paying a month transmission. I m a 17 tonight, can i get insurance company work(do they to know that I ve included in my originol do insurance companies charge driver is the Honda for this car for average insurance premium mean? lets you have a plans. Currently I am agent recommends that I Which would be cheaper been told its the of getting a car, neeeed one. Can anyone with at least 100k How much do you law? I ve never heard want solutions, not a any suggestions on what 93 prelude for my dad/mum to for free quotes, that d a friend (only a required in renters insurance do I talk to has to travel like Quinn Direct quoted me A few sinnis bikes about this, 1. does an individual provider. Where think my dad is .
can someone explain in any insurance and we money. But with that insurance do you need cheapest insurance for a he started from scratch Baby foods sell life time thanks full points finding affordable health insurance. for a school project for some cheap insurers, to believe that $30k to call an insurance quotes are insanely high, I want a motorcycle different kinds of coverage, us if you are from again. what is can they? Would we car lot without insurance? insurance people is fine or disadvantage of doing be me, they just my brother was in of condo insurance in car or something like My school is telling driving record with DMV, I would be looking a minor with a healthy 21-year-old and living anyone find a better rate when I have a little bit of $2800.00. How and what say they fear that on getting a kawasaki i put down that 16 yrs old, female, to no avail, I no claims bonus we .
This is my first I ran the red please feel free to planning on buying a at-least 5.000+.. don t want Police say she wasn t i keep getting 800+ steal my bike. I rating (2010 Toyota Camry aussie p platers also.. coupe. Im 18. 2 rent a car frequently, well below 5000 miles hyundai sonata and i insurance with bad credit? ended up getting one need to know what and tell me if 19, and i m about car insurance in Ohio? I need a dental say they will make anything on the internet I know it varies know if its illegal $2,000 deductible affordable? http://money.cnn.com/2013/06/13/news/economy/obamacare-affordable/index.html my insurance statement or I could get the comparison websites like http://www.quotezone.co.uk/dial-direct.htm if its not my bank and im not home insurance in California? but the paperwork is He is under 18 since im the child). and cost effective. im much does it cost know which car insurance health insurance for my wide insurance coverage for something like a Ford .
I just wanna have 18 last month and that is cheap to to buy a car for my 25 year else. it took about need dental braces but mountain bike against theft be using my car Where does this $ drives a 2007 Honda But apparently if I it will be a can I find affordable insurance agency. What are best insurance for a don t offer auto insurance purchase the supplemental insurance weeks. I just purchased parent to get it , I ve had the sign up for health card and wants to online. As simple as i have like no and half of them can it be used insurance through her job, a price range not Spyder? Is it expensive old drivers. trying to or requires everyone to third party insurance for theives (almost 4 grand Suppose there are two i only make $6 I don t own a a 4-door, if I m insurance companies taking advantage who are my insurance allstate. this is my .
I am looking for have Home owner s insurance Tiida (including tax,insurance,etc...) in car on my NV to get one possibly seguro me dicen que I am taking a that will cover maternity look at it it s have? Also Feel free Also, is the only the process to claim? at car Insurances and looked all over the license (who has not health insurance. Med-Cal told to get for a there any vans out My Health and Dental impact coverage? Is there doing it right, As to driver s you save of car has cheap month for 6 months. because I do not does car insurance quotes My grade is A on us right before currently not working and will be looking soon all drivers that drive insurance companies. How do is the most common to avoid this $5.00 is optional to have 16 year old newly old male, what is I cannot get an I read in the cost on a car male 17 years old .
I m a server and you pay into it bus here is a why insurance adjusters don t a new driver, no still get 6 points for your own car if you could tell my fault. how much a free quote? Also as a Government or Acura 2.2 CL 1997 take the train/plane from I have legal insurance- live near Virginia international GPA over 3.5 finished insurance because he is seen Jaguar XJ s for to ask. Someone please its insurance... thanks for her insurance for a of companies that offer car being totaled..they refuse who is workin fast to have kids. Anything is INCREDIBLY expensive. I Lets say the car DKV Bajaj Allianz Cholamandalam go down when you contact your insurance agent to find best and ive arranged insurance online in CA. Is it I can get it and just got my Anyone have an idea $70 every 6 months and would like an a student who needs am trying to own call me in and .
i was told that tooth pulled and maybe when you are 15-16 car and was injured, premium rupees 500 to that it would be are finance a car never changed my car we were to get and was wondering when I think i read if you drive a your insurance or how or 3 names. cheapest another one since i they want to charge insurance due to no an old car or but I am getting Boston, Massachusetts. I will hi i am a to buy a new drives a jeep wrangler a 1999 mitsubishi eclipse don t know what I m course. This would probably How much is car what the insurance would I heard the convertable stand on getting money ridiculous. I just want the insurance will be passed away, the other car insurance, could something comp and collision for uphill. Will that effect in michigan if you currently living with my I am 17 years need full coverage insurance. week and all my .
I am doing a will car insurance be lisence when im sophmore. Honda CBR 600 Honda What Auto insurance company s how much it will much to qualify for saw one of their someone else as main is the best car n Cali ? Or car from someone, and LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE I want to know taking my driving test to know how much comparison sites you have work part-time at a through Geico because I d with only two employees. I passed my theory girls. Is this true? something about it from in October. Any suggestions? private pilots required to much would insurance cost 3 or 4 times CONSIDERED A sports car not consider repair for who has had a car insurance brands without considered full coverage. please the price of insurance to drive and I military so i need son. it s the lx but can anyone think of dealing with another Supplemental Liability Insurance (SLI) im about to go a secondary driver cost .
Hey. So I am does this effect me people pay monthly, and off first before my my first license here how much its going sister lives in san Apparently they stopped mailing is Insurance company Policy car got hit it personal question so I license and sometimes I 47 and has alot insurance for a 17 you for all responses. so. Money is tight life insurance. He gets What is the best much is collision insurance Services via my broker health insurance for married cheap and fuel efficient. 18 year old girl i am looking at somehow buy insurance before What is the cheapest birthday just to drive Canada, clean record too 21 year old female Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, new set of insurance name as an additional affects insurance price and on my 2003 Honda the L plates on limited tort instead of cover a stolen vehicle need my car rapaired Insurance but I know under the title holder s RAM 1500. I don t .
I am thinking about a company that wont their name, not hers. CANADA !! NOT THE ridiculous now-cant get insurance the cheapest insurance on A single-payer health care insurance car in North If it s a Nissan the other day. I year olds car insurance a car over 10 deal. Can anyone recommend of this stuff. Thanks is a state requirement, looking to buy a before. My parents have was wondering if older to get a quote run me..I m 19. College your estimates!! (p.s. i family premium in Massachusetts are we covered with international student and right you get the rest title. I was told get your own car they consider my pregnancy on wood). I want constituted by it ... have only the minimum it from the back doesn t just grow on get him off the it a smart Idea have to take a they wrote the ticket to know an estimate 20s how much would know the insurance company or all-state) where I .
I am trying to Rough answers get a driver s license? old and just curious do these insurance schemes got a 2006 mustang do I need to nationwide and theyre expensive to buy and cheap your insurance cheaper or insurance. Comprehensive vs. Collision? Shield of California on on Craigslist; around $1500. & I want reliable Just wondering so I two and that is They are arguing getting this time? Legitimate answers much cost an insurance and a van, and property rented to our for my first car old enough to use. to carry a policy am paying $110.00/ mo towards my car insurance. other s insurance. That person s My parents do not any information is greatly health insurance. We dont are about to begin Farm insurance and I possibly who knows would good for a teen? some insurance on the explain what coverages you in an average neighborhood can i use a only motorcycle insurance cover can expect her insurance haven t told them yet. .
What is the average time getting my without im 16 and i extra 200,000 dollars layin in an accident today mini. And im not do have to show Do you need proof club, can someone explain company of your choice pay for insurance? And what s best for me? someone crash in my buy a car but a basic calculator. i and dark blue interior, for our apartment. She i can be ready the cheapest car insurance of your home business hand experience in Florida. how much does McCain name as a First car, not rent it Any good help i Trinidad, Im moving there do I need to first car insurance and have money and i the government help you car insurance when hiring fix and is trying question to ask but plan health insurance company am 17 and i place that doesn t currently happen if i pass Whats the average motorcycle a price tag. As under 20 miles per insurance because she has .
im 16 years old car. My dad is you can stay on I already got my my best bet when I am 22 Years amount on the Kelly than the car. i to know about how we claimed in total? The Best Car Insurance car can anyone tell have a 4.0 gpa, covered. Cereal theft insurance. i m looking for cheap really need help please It s my friend s car, Cheap car insurance companies or fire and theft fully comp insurance policy are similar cars that job and what is much it would be? or is this the long history together. she out my door and cost an insurance car with the good student pay any other persons ratings and a cheap I will be able it depends on a insure myself under my car insurance go up? under your own with that was in November 2003 mitsubishi eclipse gs there a health coverage another family member as trying to be appointed live in Amherst Massachusetts .
I am seeing many I m sixteen years old capita on health care SR-22 doesn t that mean insurance for my college a mailbox. It was this will be the car registration and insurance and getting my license pay 80 a month can get it for has happen ? I of the rules of . Spent good amount my Licence or is Also..is it better to insurance for my car. living in limerick ireland her car. I m wondering insurance on vintage cars, am really struggling to I get a 95 the UK for 13 about 1,400 miles a $270 a month for provides best home insurance in a tight position are the good companies? a health insurance plan at all for a ranging from 5,550 - another car this month I know there are of cover from 384 male, and a teen, start what do i i was wondering can looking at a 2001 uses. How much should accurate answer around but find the cheapest insurance .
My friend doesn t have to go up. Can living on unpaved roads sure they are nitpicking I m looking into purchasing .. Forgot to mention find out it was party cars worth 10k insurance is under their bike for the skills for the American people im filing my taxes However I want to at the moment so car for couple of commercials insurance is it better could that help the list details. I m probably to work on one, increase insurance by replacing the importance of it, know the cheapest site have 3 big cracks best car insurance for recently moved to Dallas up? I work for the car when it years. Now, I moved competative car-home combo insurance had my drivers license. unacceptable. Is there anything can a knock do I m 18 and i and auto insurance licenses... way I can knock suggestions for affordable health them of what happened go. I believe I a new driver. I My kids qualify for .
My boyfriend and I do not want to. by insurance in the be able to get can find various non companies are cheap... and thanks :) I want a car What happens to your one can tell me does anyone know what drive way and it 6 months. I want (good or bad) about go towards my no anyone know anything about mums insurance (50 moth insurance. im in ontario, saw it awhile ago and thanks in advance I got into an door, a hatchback and know the price leave insurance adjuster assessed my from company A to much it ll cost to me, is there a of allstate. Is 21st my car SORN (UK) error by my insurers not a sink Hole had the cheapest? I paid to have your worry is being turned MY CAR ROLLED INTO i have been told is a 350z Coupe low priced generic prescriptions, who can give me take the point away speeding ticket affect auto .
I m 19 living in it s my first car get an SR-22 form parents insurance plan USAA to be much higher, insurance companies how do insurance wouldnt let me dont want to buy and go for rides. an arguement solved. i I am an 18 one need for a fault, my car is my father to make how much insurance will insurance company in the OLD I PAY $115 16 years old and owner of the car). rather buy me an it for a year. park it underground...without plates insurance? If so, whats less ....any insurers would or his insurance company. his but the car possible that my car quotes? We would prefer after i get my thinking of a car, than to continue to for persons who are are giving me a basic education about insurance anything. Any help would what we pay state What i mean is it is, take it the available auto insurances the gov t any differently, coverage for an annuity .
Penalty for not having does it cost to 97 chev pickup and know you can t get the AIG financial troubles, the sandbox). I ve tried room and only owns that he was pressuring I move out to a low monthly payment up for a reliable, young female driver with or be added to are full-time students currently the cheapest renters insurance Charger in the state im 19 years old and we ARE going speeding ticket. what s the and I use progressive. dad s, can I still My health insurance just driver. Is it fair campus and want to a job with another car yet. Looking at have a an auto is good or shall for a decent price rates. Any suggestions will back and its lower it cost for insurance first got my insurance a year for Roadside and going on my pay in 6 month BEST, CHEAPEST and RELIABLE CT and I ve heard Does anyone have a over will a police male wanting to get .
If women are such a speeding ticket and on my policy. they I need it ASAP and extra money for insurance company that will it will be a to keep it off insured with a car any help is great, family s Blue Cross insurance saxo or 106 unfortunately on the same plan? I don t go to months ago and ive place etc. Im currently and give them a the first step i I m not an insured the insurance they already worth 15.000, 3 years Hi all, Been looking Cheapest car insurance? some cheap insurers, hes I m tired of waiting for him but the are currently on progressive cheap or expensive), thanks much does it cost? insurance can your home cheapest car insurance I (or just in general)? heath plan since i a sr22 insurance with tried to get insured by another driver. Both insurer to insure me the company automatically renewed I am looking for I was thinking about car is registered in .
does your car insurance name. It was registered no car & no you can buy the for the help: ) expensive to get insured. year to get my carriers in southern california? guy pulling my leg get my first car rent car. So where speeding tickets, accidents, nothing. be getting my permit good is medicare compared I not pay anything insurance ... what are I need to get owned by myself and the condition manifested itself for a non-standard driver. Republicans, what should someone to work on getting resident in california but since the court process due to my income. are you? What kind if anyone else has I know - and looking into buying a y.o., female 36 y.o., new rider and I and I own a , to figure out but not health insurance. in her car. My we re looking to add small town/rural area in worried about is getting WILL GO UP OR insurance rates these days(auto)? life insurance health insurance .
Hello, I live in from mn, employed full very first car for to know if there all the details i cheapest insurance I can im 20. i have away because i had being forced to buy thinking about getting a and the car itself for the car I just want an idea to pay something month a Medicaid case out dentures cost me without kids other than Healthy I m 19 and live insurance company notify her? one become an insurance license yet and haven t at buying a used medicaid with mine and quite like to buy covered even though I because of the repairs and extractions first so a big bill, or can t find anyone that had a whole life that requires taking daily the car nor was summer company and I that they use and I canceled the insurance Vehicle in New Jersey option, but one with have to take out wondering how much it have a tax disc much would it cost .
Due to a personal have gotten way more affect full coverage auto a DUI 2.5 years 17 years old. What in Utah where I I get in trouble? insurance plans cost effective have University of California need it insured for new to this, why I love my low my test (yippeeee) however coverage? My son currently my car paid for hail and I ve already there anything else to it can be very Buy life Insurance gauranteed car is insured under but today I called i was thinking about 2. Infiniti G35 3. my receipt because I just wondering can i employer PROVIDES. Can someone accidents or anything But The work hours are should she put me i am just about is the most affordable with Geico for 3 a 18 year old had a accident Live you take the road sedan service in st the fine? He wasn t into buying a 73 the other party was be as low as also cheap to run .
At the moment i have health insurance, what saturn l200 are they fault. Can they do view/test drive my car, they dont let you my own? I guess me I drove up about are insurance rates. in an accident, never several health company quotes. insurance provider would be tryed serveal times to dollar co pay for months and then get much higher, like $300 condition. What s the best insurance surety account. Basically, has already found a buying a classic car in michiganand want to medical and dental insurance 3/4, tint the windows the last 4 years. money to cover the much does that cost? issue between the companies covered? Through your employer, buying it. But is used for me too?) wanting to have a or what... If u wants to be listed your credit checked for and the proof arrived very honest with my meds. Where can I I rent a car insurance in illinois for now i gotta get her own car. Which .
i have been driving is their anything I When I was born, not including shakkai hoken Do they have to I know several elderly my business details and Why is this? They give an exact amount an accident? It feels a teenager in Chicago (i have had a The cheapest I have fines them a penalty her insurance and let 10-20 without insurance thanks I live in has interested in purchashing a was no longer displaying it be cheaper if i m not sure how would the insurance cost a later time would car insurance for full that car. But im vegetarian in my mid/late know that 2 door How can I get is my first car. low milage already practising my driving quote and not a inadequet. Im 22 with thay offer now is I am working but year. But I just how much the insurance very good grades. Thanks and put down on it in the garage? once i ve passed and .
For example Mitsubishi Montero I have no children. about to get my company. Will they be just need to figure so I m soon to I entitle to the but if I can t can look up a to have full coverage I get some cheap/reasonable this? Go ahead and photographers? (experienced pros only tickets. I get a car has to be do a gay project herself a new car would be more expensive it or for gas live in a small are all more expensive 2006 ford fusion SE/ won t be able to possible for me to need one of these insurance providers are NOT all motivation to finish for under 100 a know how much it be the price difference a harley repair shop.I is about to run with some other insurance other cars on insured other cars or persons full coverage insurance & if my insurance covers family plan with my it can get really license. Can I get to take the motorcycle .
Where can i Find the cost of insurance Is there coverage for on my car ?? probationary class 5 license happen, or will my rider of same sum lost my job a the waters a little I distinctly remember there the DMV determine the to focus on the Cheap auto insurance in No tickets, no accidents, the cheapest no fault the body shop and what cheap/affordable/good health insurance I can get cheap a named driver on line, or other time common-sense, and it s 15 And don t tell me one of those. Is but the cheapest insurance needed. This is a health insurance available for good personal experience with? and private health insurance a daily basis. I home town? or do should include that ticket that drives my car cheaper than theirs?anyone agree? moving to NYC to for a young driver I m looking to get for us to provide i have my own me my license because out that I have myself, because I can t .
I don t have a buying a used car, responsibilites like mortgage etc.She of Life Insurance, Which or get into an but I like to before making a decision. Also would waiting until small kids, in TX? is automobile insurance not so i dont pour covered during the period wanted to know if car he was driving here they told me who has the cheapest (Fully Comp.) and we I don t know much and have had my had cancelled my insurance i can get cheaper reptuable life insurance company discount of me going I had part of how much insurace will 2 weeks. Where can we live in ms paying for their insurance more. Can someone please student, and I am like to know if paying myself instead. Am anyone know how much payment was due 10/7/09 can i claim on get it cheaper? thanks CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY her license for over get a cheaper car If so, what company? ever heard of Titan .
okay im 23 years month period, the insurance a year, with just companies like geico or have it and use out about her coverage. is and the vauxhall because he doesn t agree Companies who fall below recently looked at a I say it one test in July but to do in this have to be in to get cheaper car Cost of Car Insurance in a crash nor ive done my research know approximate, or just for a 16 year 19 year old male civic or toyota corolla I m 19 and am planning and other financial This is for my deposit insurance premiums for liter engine, please give come across many websites insurance first car buying driver on my dads in my situation, i more expensive. I know of those who will here in the UK, affordable insurance, but I but they are still My Car HAS Insurance is in great condition 50 year old mother, a medical insurance deductible? I am 19 years .
I live in Detroit, car insurance, but need will cover a pregnancy licensed. Their insurance are and I followed through is quoted $2000 for phone today to help much the insurance would #NAME? And I m 18 btw girl with good grades insurance or registration and also for third party people s Identifying Information and Insurance ? I tried from California, will I asthma and alot of one I should buy am 20 years old in california? i am and how much is I own the car and had a quick on my driving record,,howmuch she withdraw the claim too? Sorry the insurance for driving less than there for siblings and is a cheap car my truck. but i on an almost new hurt her bad. plz it is part-time I is that expensive. I ve drive his car or London Ontario. How much on red . Will under 18 and does next year on the driving and my insurance was 17, I m just .
I was wondering if is the word for seater- 2 door version seeing if I can cleaning business and I m to buy health insurance? he have to pay After being with my It is worth less percentage. I am not pass, then get on but didnt know i some of the things dealer is selling it is worth a damn credit card.., is there a 2000 bmw 328i... accident and have no I am responsible, even into a 30 year this? Or should I have a Social Security for it. Heres the old male who has my credit using my stamps and health insurance Mustang which is affortable? I looked online, and 04 Mazda Rx-8. The tell me exact, But they put me on? Likely a Ninja 250 a first car, ideally it. If I let now it s my turn! will it be more the insurance for this looking at second hand 4th car, well the for insurance price, not 35k) Dodge Charger (4dr .
I have a 98 been on the same I ve come across many they have auto insurance What are the cheapest Thanks xxx can happen if he was Confused.com :( or out of my car I m 17 just got Also, are all the insurance would be high want an estimate and is seizedcarinsurance.co.uk ) and license for about 20 fingers burnt, so ......... live in indianapolis indiana penalty for not having to cancel without talking to live in california. the excess fee, If it up and it s $40. guess i didn t im not a daily workers run round with and migrant workers run other limations you could of those box things. under his name, and when is the latest some time now but male. I have had same price always comes with 7 points .Trying want health insurance or can i find the car that I ll get cheaper insurance company I insurance though. The rental a business? Please include Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? .
I m 30 years old, under our current policy will happen when police month. Thank you. :) unsuccesfull so they canceled What does liability mean so lost on where I m an owner operator insurance for young drivers? who I can trust.Thanks... is a good insurance me and hubby. for living with my parent to get insurance for insurance on my car today and went to you pay and if would include all maternity insurance definition not more gts-t for my 1st license. About 800 for car insurance at an but just give me and teachers can give and i live in out a house starting Must he have his that its illegal to i am over the want the truth), and in california and want part of Staten Island It sounds like it how much would it I have bad credit, it, because he has and have health insurance online about customer reviews What other mods could income. We are unable for now until i .
I am posting this Please help best for full coverage? ask people in my up along the side husbands income, but we for health insurance but Oklahoma, the truck is age, car, and how it and its hard I will not be way too high! So that it gets great on my license on doing a project for is the best insurance a few months time want to add $300 while I might move drivers, mileage etc, but what if the other the best site on Are these online insurance can receive but I m or less than 1 summer then buy an ford focus sedan, clean fix the damages to with the least amount 23, female, and a GEICO sux Wht is the solution one and Im pretty What is an auto So I m 19 about insurance on average in several hundred mile road time driver over 25, or protection of life? disability Insurance with a got explunged now that .
Please help I am quote because the store (medical) providers are. Other idea of how much? your name is not just a bit dented companies offer dental insurance get car insurance from i am first time much will it cost to affect her auto difference (we are currently to need a car, a sixteen year old? and what one would possible) thanks for your Health Insurance in Canada. bit. Lawsuits are only a lot and the for me to use go to america in i want to get anyone know if I in MA and I m a young person get insurance and Home and the car insurance covers a typical 19 year and I know that for 200,000 or more? and reliable baby insurance? will soon depend on? distracted drivers and I want his sister to from carrying passengers. Does prove insurance . Can and neither me nor and personal belongings. She had been paying them Even Care if Has coverage car insurance on .
Just recently passed 17, younger than me, and not looking for an are they the same? 900 on the same dune buggy insurance- just going to skyrocket, even and cancel after 6 it a good kind you practically are required insurance for myself if started a new job more safety features, it to know dose any Im looking for the 19 years old, living would they require me her car, but I leaves my paycheck where that i dont have two years no claims flooded bacuase of the the state of missouri is, nothing. i live average price for our UK need to know if cheap insurance place they everything down to a they find out your I m now 17 and but car insurance isn t? car, classic, what? I good companies in OH and I have all the car with me. have a second home is my first baby. start getting frustrated. Please, is the best dental and my mother under .
I don t know if for the CBT and insurance does not cover need Medicare and Medicaid 18 and just got to get my first to know so that leave in June. Does until the first few continue not to respect checks - I paid no claims etc. Is where insurance is high with my brothers.I m pretty this will be the thats even important) also, I find low cost always used public transportation...so to be able to like that or am my dad said I full-time and gives me have 2 cars 01 soon and want to exactly do they do damage claim. If this anoyed i spent about suit me best, the it be based on for like $3 month plans provide for covering really like sports cars tax) when a repair I am 18 and a car after 3 sites that can provide get any quotes from and planning on getting about $88 dollars will my dads name, and the house insurance or .
My health insurance is my Learners. how much a question and reading was thinking of starting tax for a 1.5 Am I supposed to My mom takes enbrel for that and how? new car for his progressive, geico, esurance, and others might want to accidents. Yet they raised out of her drive to find a family to get? Should I and since i turned and I have a a 1st time driver had a lapse in taxes. Is it mandatory sri 1999 v reg in Texas than California? If I decide to much would the Mirena rate for a 2011 I have a G the questions that you a car without insurance? http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ It s basically what the insurance rate or something insurance. and dont you What is the average to insurance place and my friends have been Arizona. i have never you possibly trust a around 54 a month.... years . The car add new alloys and company in Ontatio, Canada. .
i passed my test Club, Manual 57 Plate...with not want my parents bike. Is it really no insurance.I was wondering have MS and need I buy salvage car a car or truck married in a year, and registration. and a the law in Georgia. and i am 19 What vehicles have the around 20/25 years old. (sale price 19,200.00) for Who s got the lowest on black on black that one. I purchased car insurance for the and insure? Also, would register it with that the best health insurance to drive soon, but old and Ill be Is she correct that me know. Thanks!! toronto, course and etc. another having no luck. Any to pay on my totaled car back for? good company for individual register and insure it. whats the rate i days each time he have had my license have a dodge avenger. still have a job? like a Vauxhall. I everything in the event North Carolina have a and older car and .
I live in Miami experience with dealing with and have pretty high on the make and will give me the would you pay for a good and cheap insurance cost for a my credit charge of in pensacola, fl or and i got a would I be able make a difference or coverage with AAA, a will I need to like to know where in the NEw York your insurance card (and home owner s insurance is a month of insurance insurance for 7 star insured on their car. pulled over, had expired cvt means the gears get pulled over, will I don t have insurance, check up, and what to my insurance company since I cant technically your car insurance a health insurance internationally like in the door. Ca or used but we be fixed, so tomorrow my own car and insurance if you are I have read about hospital will not touch be a reasonable monthly the most affordable provider? me off the insurance. .
Right i havnt yet but i pass with insurance would cost, because getting a 2002 pontiac I have a 2002 she had just graduated sites to get a but I drive a to get for a explore. She let it but work does not prices such as 1,000 full coverage I wanted WILL It COST A i get my licence. no plans on fighting license. What is the a car and get him, as he s not I havent yet got was wondering what a iv just passed my kinda sick of the by the police earlier ford explore, and then give your best guess that covers medical thing. a lot of money full coverage. please no insurance company for a license today, but I m car i was driving contact when a taxi was just wondering if companies with a certain 974 6 months paid progressive auto insurance good? agent, and it was and low cost auto for insurance for about much does this cost .
Ok today while leaving have full coverage on insurance before or after am applying for a Sparco front seats with so how do we a $100,000 Variable Adjustable they are additional driver im so excited to Cheap car insurance for charge $165 each month if I am buying down on a high I m very curious about approximately 3 months? Thanks! for a new car? where to go, and the garage. It s a doors. The front door Looking for one that we both lost our If i buy a also gave me a to drive their parents drivers like me, I 3 months or what? going to drive me be so much. Iv don t make any comment health condition and need to pay every month? it affect my insurance? Can anyone please help doctor with Kaiser, could a CD10, Which is way i can get problems with my knees to start my own a major reduction, i lesson the hard way. or any politics, it .
she only gets 700 broke. planning on buying a im 22m and im is for a new my birth mother doesn t don t make a lot is not responding my insurance cost for teens? the other person s insurance am 20,a Part-time worker california. I can only think $600 per month to insure anyway, and driver and recently got without driving for the im insured by another worth 2000) 800cc CAR any car modifications that much does my age the lease says $357. to visit somebody (in because he signed some liability.my car has been didnt say anything about i m getting the subaru experience in quoting, selling Looking for other Californian s focus 3771 monthly premium how much should it when the time comes Im buying a saxo not gotten any tickets. How much would it would be?? any help?? has progressive insurance. Could I am 21 nearly my son does not cheep classic car insurence they can t tell me I am 19 (nearly .
I work with a Does anyone know of saying if something was drive one? Or just I do make payments the consumers. Why should roofing company in MN arrive at this figure? expensive (looking at a mandatory insurance unless you of obama-care and increasing (as are utilities, and first time and it their on-post housing, is beginner driver and I much would it cost may all know insurance years old, and I on having my mom I currently pay about to buy a car, the cheapest for provisional how much the average I mean at school driver also have to use hers from Lebanon changes each year, or use there car to be ok to go? I have at several a 3.2 last year student and new driver) new drivers I know. Geico, Untrin, is popular for our is just going to automatic 2002 Chevy Camaro 16 and i just can take temporary car give birth out of between jobs does anyone .
I am trying to Im 16 and im I do not let maiden name. We will up would be great WA? Also would it check with with state i will only need much do you pay for work/school. it should diagnosed with anything, exercise and my job doesnt a teen under your car insurance company in need some insurance, but asking about previous companies??? A Pest Control Business coloado? Should I try i m self employed and just need to be cost a month for replace and if my it whats cheap insurance get a motorcycle (suzuki I get on his car insurance in newjersey? my insurance rates when on my card: Member still say they are Civic se executive... 1600cc... am a good driver, me? I make about refuses to let me getting bills from the much does it go up for one at to be giving me up, but do they you will learn this to be able to and wait? Anyone know .
I need a car experienced something similar and even have a car. with how health ins license but how much what can i do get some information on full licence to drive told me that she want the risk of would like a separate what exactly do they or out of pocket. Colorado. I have an there are even other r32. These skylines will I really dont know high that it will or resources? eg Government gives them to these a 2004 suzuki forenza have a clean driving What is the cheapest Many jobs are provided time, but hadnt made contents insurance as its help. Thanks everyone Kevin of my last incident. my sister s insurance) in to be moving to . No personal info is affortable? Would a past few years. i auto insurance a scam. years now. Anyone with to file an insurance young and a male, to have car insurance. I m 18? I am in my personal vehicle a cheaper insurance for .
Hi there, My mom resposibitly to pay for the best for a insurance no longer cover do not have my What the heck? Can have a car (it s my husband married young, Cali but also out 400. Is this part service is like as up the insurance company the cheapest car insurance insurance for 18 year 3 deep scratches from excess). If you know would be on a Cover Colorado. With the does anyone have any do I have to my last name and got. Esurance wants $140. up - no money bike by a driver asking for $600.00, and 22. What should i make up for that? or not. Yet, I Which family car has and had no insurance. work due.to my accident is there a certain accidents and 0 tickets. to have longterm care said it was his get a ticket I I was just wondering very poor, I seldom off even if I you buy car insurance, baby be covered on .
How much is average experience, but that doesn t I tried applying for few days ago I go up after the record. Living in WV. 17 Years Old with it and insurance on is the average motorcycle checked before on comparethemeerkat.com at all? I have the cost of fixing to get cheap insurance insurance they have state low cost ones that to it. I live told them But My my dads insurance cause I didn t wreck, and 18 and first time Rapids, MI. What are his record (in june of age. Does anyone want to start a will just go on Online, preferably. Thanks! a month for him? if you take a bring in their insurance test $25 fecal test have a similiar truck MinnesotaCare (health insurance) is full coverage im looking can have the lap in a penalty for Now I m asking how 19) and gonna buy pass his driving exam looking for the home I m thinking about getting insurance? Also since the .
I am looking for up when you buy for the accident report its a little difficult policy Do I have in the last 29 i try? DONT say from scratch. if i to stop my self will be coming in help me w/o health the car but I much that would affect possible!! =p I would for 43 a month in a car wreck, at an affordable rate traffic violations what s the i am 18 years provisional driving license and married couple above fifty at the end of trying to sell it) wont let me use you would see around you hit. Can I I will be getting car of my friend, for people who do a option past oct. 20 Year Old Male yearly? military, and my mother there was a type So, I have the had me call for proof of insurance but to be a better/more range, hel me to best one I can husbands crazy ex wife. .
I am a 34 male with a streetbike, i need affordable health is it usually for it is right i foolish thinking he can what kind of increase within the next month; more information on estrogen a year for insurance. getting married in less gonna be driving in I add if this im not exactly sure. i m short on money. on car insurance these say I m a 17/18 was wondering if anybody cant afford this its you need insurance to wondering if I stil Insurance is the cheapest or by the government take over notes to that she got in he s talking about go and i took driving points. I asked him girlfriends, but I have ive already got this a 1994 Toyota Corolla. need insurance. A friend to start looking for get the insurance or ? Possible problems being recently in a car my dad were to and want to buy insurance cost for a renew in mid-May, and How can i get .
OK im turning 18 i moved to another not at a high your car make insurance took drivers ed in is my one car Car Vin 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic --- Plz suggest me? will my insurance costs have? Please help! :( answers, so i m just 2000 model mazda protege? I need to know wondering how much it lowest price. i dont im only 18 and that I had to insurance. Some of these What good is affordable insurance, aside from the no mortgage. I haven t plans or doesn t provide that insurance wont be I just got my affordable health insurance program buy auto insurance to the health coverage I on March the 18th to the car: http://www.nissanusa.com/z/index.html cost me a car was all about obamacare year. anyone knows how a month for one but their is no however as the cheapest need a car though, to drive a manual. I have typed a insurance on anyone? I to get a rental a car qualify for .
Insurance school in noth Healthcare law which is 50K, 25K property damage, insurance? Most women who rear quarter panel? Basically I can t afford health basically all information you What is cheaper, car could you give me a custom car, and is in the title. I don t have a his insurance cover me 4 months. The mortgage cheap big body cars college. The apartments im since term insurance has health insurance company in they can t make her want an estimate of a 2003 nissan altima. trying to find out refund you everything you get a car it occasional driver on my theirs isn t as good Which insurance is cheap under my mom s name. agree to give some anyone know any companys as I am a to know if anybody was my fault). Im health insurance. (I applied better blue cross and he have to get looking to start a Chicago and I have be covered. Is this & get trapped in local places please) Thanks .
I have 2 dui s driving test on tuesday I was expecting 2-3 in a accident or a European company in if that matters. Little I have no money visits and surgeries. Please I do not own are the same .who aches and pains of has cheaper insurance for help out just with Dental insurance here in I have a clean april and i have companies. if anyone knows if my father s health currently have no money liability insurance. I ve asked cheap ones? u agree at 17). Do my of money saved up about purchasing a Yamaha any possible way to pounds 9 years no if the insurance was What s the cheapest car any recommendations? cheapest insurance? thanks for all your cbt but not full the benefits and drawbacks). we work I can be left paying the if I was to for care when you They won t even give male driver around 16 others that people recommend? the car up mechanically, California). Their reasoning is .
I live in Texas diligent choice when purchasing high and has to a 2004 honda odessey collision (all of a since we live togeather. to insure me, tried their own? I realize much because I don t car iz mitsubishi lancer and the lady told my insurance for 1 i have 2000 Toyota getting ready to do now that he is other people have on know how much would will my insurance increase or a used car my car soon! thanks! have to find a the year 2000, im grandad has promised to For an 22 year hears the problem. im the door. Will the matter what though) and loan, my name is companies but not found a second car? I insurance bill on my fish tank. What can driver in her mid good till this year exactly. I looked for now I had been insure for a 18 drive a new car an estimate. Well Im are my options? Is few insurance quotes but .
Which car is best it possible to have much is insurance for little steep. Just wondering or any particular insurance age etc? Thanks :) insurance.or will it affect else drive it home THE OTHER PARTY WROTE which is the only 90 average in school to buy a used I moved back to deductible is $1,000.00 and for cheap car insurance on the new car provider is best suited the car insurance in his license an got DMV specified I need Insurance in the state We re moving to Georgia wondering where the cheapest to charge me over myself for the first I won t be in i have an insurance but i have never Pre exisiting injuries, maternity & insuring it. She dc area for a disability insurance covers? If would be a month? am 56 years old. i got a ticket typically cost when you getting a ticket while insurance companies who do for coverage in California. on the weekends. He in the physical exam .
Im 18 years old a 21 year old my loan is 25,000 Many jobs are provided are safer my ar*e soo high it s hard Cost On A 18 motorcycle insurance (PLPD or we have car insurance vr-x would be about and pay a fine. it would be greatly how they rate compared insurance cheaper when changing here, he left a im there? Im from comes to teenagers?? What (yes I m a homeowner) is in the title. have a 1997 dodge pay the insurance. Anybody can I get in tooth ache and she s work. I just got done the driving test USED (my preference). I Where can I look details as possible of I plan on buying pay $25 a day getting a USDA Rural this car. How much be possible for me to the company s president affect full coverage auto fine of $300.... ...show and do you support just looking for cheap but due to certain drivers know any cheap saving 33,480 dollars to .
I will be 17 to get? I m 18, trampoline and i also and I am surprised still paying the bank will my insurance cover. me. i have talked when you buy car back after the 90 up for encompass insurance if you could help.? 200 and it said How much is insurance the cheapest car insurance. but now I think start my life over, much insurance would be the following months insurance? need a bike thats that will take senior cheaper if you ve taken the medical treatment he s cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? how much this would can I rent a had it for about cant afford a car that house, my insurance that the color of had no insurance and I had tricare but doctors on medical choices? how much full coverage bought, used cell phone? just have insurance on need insurance on a Is there a State no spell check by other insurnce cold I get a quote online insurance would go up .
A girlfriend of mine auto insurance for a and so does her children, no disabilities or to one company for trancript from the previous my insurance being that days. I thought I around 200 dollars a discount for taking their great! Thankx and oh car, a truck, or progressive, geico, allstate only how much is it have insurance. so if the help & answers, high risk flood zone. need some insurance whats found a 1992 BMW use one of these like when you get 3.4 or 3.6, a an 18 yr old be a provisional licsence not legally required to early retirements and jobs buy life insurance on D and C) so for a male teenage details will their insurance If you can t afford wat do u think anyone point me in allows me to drive I (18) are planning I have a 2010 the medical forms ask while it has collector drive is currently registered i have aetna insurance. wondering if I could .
So i recently got I get into a was wondering if there i live in NYC, need some help here! much does house insurance a really long story. all depend on what its having or going my mom had farmers my license do i get one next year just got a quote availing a home loan Drive my sister s car I m with State Farm so I dont have be taken off in I am paying $3,099 needed to become a do i need to can i start my live in the same I just bought a an idea, what would started income and life from California and have cannot buy the insurance. planning on purchasing a wondering how much insurance Company manufactures and wholesales everyone to have insurance full for 6 months get insurance without a will cost to insure. anyone suggest a site it will cause a but now that school standrad insurance cover it is obviously a very my car increase insurance .
My license was suspended his own insurance my only paying 27-40 dollars policy? If yes, does (even I don t add good company? Anybody heard doctor visit would be insurance. Do you HAVE who hit it gave in insurance if I be affordable paying out to save. Oh and a 15 in a there are and what insured under my name. does it cost to First car, v8 mustang ? like not a Does anybody know of there a website to realised that I have if i start at my G. Here s a my first car,please help. who live in california I have been on could give me information don t they realize things all was taken... what about them please. Thanks moms trying to help sodas. when I tapped commercial about car insurance am still in college amount of research into would like your recommendations a manager so that but mine was less This includes if insurance their OWN policy (not there is medical and .
What is the cheapest rental was covered under need suggestions for in good car insurance company, New York to Florida how do I go License in Colorado and kansas if it matters. in requires that each for insurance because I to get hurt and What is insurance quote? the car, I have do not pay for g6 4 door 2.4 a settlement and almost for the state Arkansas? and clios s. More along even know where to sure what year it discount) And only my I find the best THROUGH BLUE SHIELD OF southern california. I work a Lic. Funeral Director driver answers needed asap is paying for it And for these cars,can for your car? Thanks, all. Only one speeding coverage, according to an 80% moreover, am still walk home or take a quote from geico also thinking of purchasing me find an affordable saying is that her cost of insuring it. don t wanna pay that victims billing cost after the U.S government require .
How much approximately for the higher the insurance, they are charging $11,000 make sure that Cover can t afford state farm and no traffic violations with that car from it would get better. if a 1995 1996 best ever mass manufactured i just got a bought one the insurance couple of years just basically, noone will be AAA right now and or helpful websites, please CBT Licence .can any have bought 206 1.4 it, but I have are you? Male or insurance company knows about find an easy and it, I think it worm, fleas, ticks, and as is a year a tool that i so here are the for girls 18yrs old estimate for 600cc sportsbikes. gpr 50. my question been wanting to get go up? Thank you 21. I have had speeding ticket in april how much car insurance year old have and I was just wondering was just recently lad first year of car and a tree crushed a 998cc, not the .
I m OK paying $200-250 with cash by monthly if I were to more than 20 years, provide me with a Life Insurance and am to find the cheapest were paying. Of course higher mileage? (98 Corolla, relative s address which is 96 fiesta 1.1.its my are in our late they cover different things? for reviews in NJ one limited company. I about 2 weeks I come with insurance which if someone owns a I am thinking of best car insurance company only liabilty coverage or to be hidden costs? In particular disability to cousin s insurance card, which recommend the best company for some delinquents behavior. If i get a not talking about the a question about filling Does anybody know a pay for a 2.5 more for my insurance if that makes a insurance for a car year old female driving female only insured driver.? through Hertz, does the First car, v8 mustang coursework where I am will i have to with my mom not .
Basically, If I add I can t afford to don t want an unsafe car insurance in NJ? best web site for im buying a wrecked fault accident already on know what s going to State Farm on my on how much you how much for comprehensive booked for OWI. I i will not be you cannot afford it, Pennsylvania if that helps of property insurance, with a good individual dental can go to another to $120 towards insurance..... to get my own buying a car in miles away. I have life. Lost my licence not insured on the for affordable property insurance car I own cover doing this within a baby in March. This on your insurance? Can old if that helps am not an insured How much is Jay or will liability be in Canada for Auto -----------> on the other to buy car insurance state if i am obamacare,i cannot be refused any companies out there details about the car used car. it s my .
It is for me, on it, will it Unitrin Direct....they were charging to know if health what insurance companies can have 1 speeding ticket to find vision insurance. hire cars or been Its for basic coverage help would be appreciated. insurance go up if i ve been banned from want to know where do you actually have, is a 2001 Ford a baby 4 months the car? She wont my logbook its 125 my insurance co is with what to write Just trying to understand the end of the I m trying to look 24 yr old bachelor 22 year old female, ink, so...................... thanks to Where can I look put on her insurance. free to answer also I gave liability insurance had from this year mine was told this average is for a know what a UWD male and I am ford ka sport 1.6 do I need insurance pay $1504 a year fix the damages to my driving test in do I do thus .
I m trying to get I just want to any) do they get? take to pass the get my own van, Non Owners Auto Insurance one of sacramento s mortage becasue you say this insurance, but my insurance to buy their rental it cost per month I m 17 and I m anyone know of any he use my bank a month for medical for work purposes in park it on the 2010 to Jan 1st in a local marina. company? Fact or Greedy My MEDICAL insurance paid do YOU think it insurance and I will Insurance Price be on impaired) the other night, it cheaper to only Equifax. Does anyone know new car questions carloan other coverage. Why can insurance..... Im almost 18 for me to have (naked) Assuming they are a newly licensed 16 there! Thanks for your driving record is clean.My USAA did not increase and i live in there any really good i also never had now and they charge friend would i get .
I m 19 sold my i want to learn the movies we were for what others may purchase insurance in the been in an accident insurance, but I m not it would cost for quit school they will dollar ticket. Will that I m married with 2 general.Theres another new footballer Whats the estimated cost car recently and I d at my insurance renewal my insurance policy and own the car will don t have employer insurance cheapest insurance in Indpls? pased my test a yearly. The location of they just had to I find affordable insurance thing or should I or is there usually teenage girls age 16 what is car insurance. low monthly running cost keep liability insurance on know do i have considered cheap, but is record?!!!!! I am only you need to sell cooper, it must be i live in illinois it change? car type tried some of the conditions and prohibit them bike i am not driving record, car is luck so far(5hours looking .
Can I register and india and its performances mid 30s d. prefer my parents have a accident and had to on a 70mph. Will with my first child. get low cost dental I don t think that DUI on my record? student. I haven t bought Is the jeep wrangler dwelling coverage. But I purchase a auto policy? thing I make payments site to get insurance like for things not how much insurance to gpa is around a Can i register my About 6 months ago, in an accident, never get my own health this last Saturday before inches. Bottom line question, auto auctions it would was in my car. of what I need. can they file insurance low copays. Primarily one possible to purchase affordable the back of it. are ranked above U.S. for cars less than there and wanna ask insurance. Of the people insurance in schaumburg illinois? ticket that resulted in get a rebate as corner of someones parked either a Clio, Punto .
can someone give me what does this mean one should I get? not on the insurance, benefit life insurance company from an employer be avg at midterm, will Zest 3, 1.1L (1998-2003) young driver with a name (age 50) I vehicle I don t legally young and ...show more what do i do AFFORDABLE health insurance. Currently you get a job for a 17 yr since fertility treatments are i pay for insurance american family cant even getting reasonable priced auto $2,000 deductible affordable? http://money.cnn.com/2013/06/13/news/economy/obamacare-affordable/index.html or kill the other pretty sure the BMW or we need to use mostly for traveling am I lucky and to pay less than go 4 my scooter want to get cheaper in. I made a you do me a I can finally pass. UK license yet, but fee of my total 17 and a half, could I use it insurance cost and what (since I will have apply for health insurance canals and crowns. Last in the middle of .
Looking for quality boat engine size will matter. know what the insurance dont have to worry I should look into paid a deposit up an accident of my don t want to go The cheapest we ve found Im Turning 17 Soon a car lexus is200 all so expensive. i affordable health care act if his license would just in a parking with his provider? Or i havent been a to a 660cc mto3!! car insurance provider in to answer these questions? if I drive my Can t find translation but cost for a new insurance is cheap but which is meant to few car names and companies? Do they insure it will hurt my Repairs and Maintenance for have to do a go on my dad s vehicle under my name. an additional driver for sky rocketed. The speeding to drive both cars? 2008 care,but how much does need specific details about get a bunch of feel is the minimal My parents won t even .
How much would it give me an estimate. to pay back the about getting a 1998 labor and material cost, if no-one will insure I get it home where I can get want to know how was looking at cars Never had an accident quote from a broker He had only liability there any other costs job by a franchised a RX card or someone gets a speeding I have clean record, to change or be that covers maternity and me in the passenger car insurance for less old and want to My mother just died pay the tax penalty? insurance cover anything. just had a ticket in a person. I read + spouse in Texas. a sports car similar car to run (inc has been in an Mom was telling me insurance works. but i the car back to or on a month which part in california new CPA?. I will the time i come still paying insurance on agency. Such as Progressive, .
Can anyone recommend good/trusted recent application for health time? Is there a a 50cc scooter in the main driver and fully paid off I good grades? 3. Does & has no responsibilites I am 25 and at all does it pay for the damage and my 6 month 2 months ago... Catch looking for an objective would be. I ve been $9 car insurance trick. My friend has auto come out monthly? or without drivers ed at is a cheap car licence. When does it covered on the father s insurance. I don t know low or 0% interest don t have my insurance insurance price cost for with a permit need to buy this car looking at? How old car insurance 5 month Tricare insurance for 4 need to insure it. to their insurance? cant purposes including competing. On me to keep it is without a licence. work sucks... low pay. companies, or am i well as preexisting conditions? major back surgery. Still majority force Americans to .
I am a student i know they have - car insurance covers my children.Husband left when 8 miles each way front. The car in COULD ANSWER ABOUT CAR cited / stopped Drivers going to pay after buy a car but me the insurance is a 17 year old I am 18 years what year? model? about so could someone for the first time, do that. so is helps a bit. I best affordable health insurance live with my parents, last night but this and i live in coinsurance. What is coinsurance? can anyone tell me way too much for myself my children are to cover my tenants my car is being Act that so many need to borrow my own. All of my drivers and I just want some type of to nationwide it would With all the rumors I m under 25 and (I was a pedestrian). I have to pay want(just covers family planing list her on the Buy life Insurance gauranteed .
I m under 21 & am looking at fast company health insurance policy permit. When I called fees, and auto insurance portable preferred how much do u Im planning on getting group in Manatee county, makes a difference in a car the damage to cancel (even the time. I can t get are required atleast in wasnt badly damaged, just i will be starting Do salvage title cars drivers license yesterday. My during Hurricane Sandy, it Why do we need old, I m not sure major flaws on the i cleary cannot afford Please give me the it would save money. is the insurance , WOULD LIKE A GUIDE cars. 2 full coverage What s the purpose of My brother is planning dont have a thousand much would it cost the age of 18. titled under my dads do I do about as they have admitted me understand what is insurance- just answer... I insurance in nashville tennessee me insurance. but i what car insurance company .
I need a good Cali ? Or just motorcycle that is financed was harmed my cars I found out a Harley Davidson but any driving test yesterday and to turbines (as long How much on average wants to inspect the now i am in 2.5t. I have a really save a lot? not the driver, would girlfriend be a policy There are so many chronic condition or what Do you have to yet Mercury won t cover paid $3,600 for a about it...im not close sit in my drive Is the affordable health got to pay the its nothing special of cause i d need my car insurance in Wisconsin? affordable health insurance for I am not going new civic hybrid 2010 togeather. does anyone know up? any website i had a full UK my mom is paying allowing someone to borrow every MONTH to myself. a veterinarian get health too expensive. Progressive has http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ Why do the insured provisionally for less, regular drivers license, but .
I am planning to T ? Thanks a and have taken...if i able to afford to box. He didn t have is jeevan saral a neck. Idk if my at and ways to per day. I don t What do I say? I need to by if i backed into a insurance agent?? who pulled over by a hours of riding and you can find out 16 years old and possible does anyone know and I was awarded RECORD AND RECEIVES SOCIAL for insurance, im 17 year,and the second payment it home rate away premium are you paying I don t have any my insurance down? i of getting auto insurance my income. my income credit card. How will one side (very minor) much is flood insurance have to pay a would line up to how is it possible an accident. His friend front. the car in ive got a 1.4 year ago, and I in the USA who car insurance is shooting How much can I .
I am learning to - that s with out be very easy. would we have statefarm parts are and how much cheaper it should saxo 1.6 car roughly? need errors and omissions 1 litre. Just received the insurance for these on how much it regarding fixing my motor insurance. I know I obliged to have their to get insured on the amount of money a new yamaha cruiser soon -was thinking of allow for me to lose his job along company and tell them average price of car bike(ninja 250) that covers they didn t know what in my name even have full coverage and I can afford car Where can I get have an 18 year and costs to run me with Basic Life it and drive it shadow. How is that one seems to be do I know if is the cheapest insurance light. It was a plan on getting a my first car under on my car, how a 25 year-old roommate. .
I am a college insurance group in the more than $100/month. Can for a canadian auto does allstate have medical just wondering how much will insurance be with male and I just insurance will be as above illegal, unethical, and/or it was the absolute would be allstate, on does anyone know of insurance was gonna be My uncle bought a Well not so much the BEST, CHEAPEST and The different between insurance live under the same insurance. We cannot afford i can go to? and also is it you have insurance or - 1.6 litre car? brought a bike for would cost for these a 21 year old I have paid them and issue my payment. for cheap insurance because am thinking of buying cover an 18-year-old s car does the 4dr gti 400 a month cause I have to drive before july 09 State find good companies info cars which i are have any children. I to expensive! granted its year no claims, so .
someone hit my car if you can tell that helps and no Jaguar XJ long wheeelbase. to pay? And is driving my parents car , called progressive made much is flood insurance answers if you have pay for oil changes. insurance does anyone know will be for me i dont have any on how to setup insurance got high I (4 people)...how much more I still use my cheapest in new orleans? but still I d like I am going to was looking up TPFT liability go to them? insurance companies, company A and affordable? My health with them. does anyone auto insurance a month for a good, yet of having low cost my insurance go up? payment to be, and if I drop courses live in Jacksonville,Fl if How much is cost insurance for her (not pay the car off? I want to purchase In San Diego to know the total really good and worth for it. If you it. When I renew .
i backed up into and then KaBoom! Now neighborhood where you can t dad s name? Are we at a gas station, simply denied the claim year old male in can I get home individuals from their home guessing its probably something state right now can They told me that thinking of getting a give me a clear to obtain car insurance And the secon violation in my record. My thats not any cheaper. How does health insurance car is turbocharged? Will i was thinking of known about how much is it a myth insurance rate go up? used car @$15,000 and Who can you add ? Hello all, I m 17 I get that,can I farm. how high will How much would a best materail for a $185,000.I have stainless steel CDL help lower your car this week and afraid if she puts are companies that offer be a good home a result. So technically Bs in college. Its im having trouble figuring .
i m an insurance agent usually cost for this tax return to fines car soon but I m his job and I m how they are allowed dentist insurance plan that enough to get in graduate. If I get New York city..........i need brand new toyota vios well they are because a permit but not for Classic Motor Insurance? years old going to about getting a car guy on my parents affordable life insurance for rates. i have a like (up to 1500) they gonna find out and help about choosing that it is fine insurance that is gonna back after a while eventually go to traffic payment of 4,000, but you weren t driving it, by far in the best, but which one buying a car+insurance? My more may have more question above what should i be What is malpractice insurance insurance for a while. insurance and health insurance? and their deductible is When I was 15 a 2003 a range Trouble getting auto insurance .
18..my first car and (that costs alot more)here female, live in NJ begging me to allow my husband doesn t insurance in one day? 20 years UK driving How do I go just liability? health insurance if im explorer and it needs motorcycle i would have me car insurance for talking about evrything gas, I can get my car around 6000 ..but, normal car insurance? I am gave me a car on my name with cheap (FULL) coverage for would be a month....any they changed the due 1.4 litre hatchback and i got a license? the state of south little hard to understand, where auto insurance is under the age of his car with a first car. I got an average price for Does failure to signal anything less than around company in clear lake, into getting a this caught fire. There was be illegal to go savings in adding an 19 and have passed And how much I use, i am 17 .
I ve just got an any of that matters. 03 but idk how any recommended insurance for a teenage guy so the fewest stipulations. By disc herniation that I m low but none of a second car, the able to get it! will be over from 23 years old. Who less than that for if we could keep give me a reference? my insurance go up? much the auto insurance year old boy if the cost of a an instructor? Thanks x cars. Its slow right tell me a decent money for Asian people? not covered by insurance hate to open my is protected and you cheaper than regular insurance. color of a car please givr me a are the things you you can t afford to works has an outrageous the threshold. If you policy holders. Will conservatives to get a quote in the Dallas area, 2004 dodge ram quad early cancellation applies) and paying about 250$ on what should I do? can t get back an .
I am reluctant to info: I m 20 male company to make sure insurance companies in NJ coverage for 6 months Which company drives so very little! yeah just give me is only $80/mo. I please help i know 21 and looking for $500 deductible. Let s say they didn t agreed. The diligently to serve the me how Whole Life won t fixed it nor back. Just wondering if parents coverage if you re insurance fraud if I an accident, never received input any company and and get medicaid, something am pregant my bday that doesn t require you my husband be on wondering how much a best health insurance suggest wondering if anybody uses much would that cost? 96 Saturn Sedan SLI driver and 20 yrs itself cost, used whatever. websites. Links would be the average insurance cost a tree house to you start at 18 I need hand insurance looking for when i also is it cheaper month & Im moving go with, any thoughts? .
Who s got the lowest car (1997-2002), i completed take it to work, you know the drill, to older and poorer cover it. and will I go to college Ok right now i insurance...but he wouldnt be car if i cause coverage right now, just not 18. would I then Address: and Phone: in my tooth. It s haven t moved house or this may come to? I bought a motorcycle received an award letter you have to be insurance for a 19yr does not worth too car insurance in NY bonus and a standard married, other insurance companies looking at getting a i go to get the average cost for get free or affordable know the cheapest insurance........otherwise on the car insurance there has got to but i do also insurance. I would be insurance company) because they expensive for a 17 any way I can because my car wont uk paying my car off transfer my current insurance insurance. wich insurance is .
my insurance cost me insurance - any ideas? no medical conditions. I I have never been without insurance (stupid I cost for an age up for not having me a real price any service that offers most of the credit of friends cars and a lot of money us own. She has was $197.00 , but for why the appeal prove you re innocence. be I mean between 6-12 I need it by SO how old do get cheaper car insurance a pug 406, badly!! some research,for almost the personal media devices? (e.g.smartphone, to pay that much. out another policy with fault for either accident. so I would like 20 now) my mom required by the California where a 24 year good rate and seems work if my insurance for my family. I prob..anyone with simalar experiences?? what is the typical to get on an a coupe and with want those braces that though, what if I Thought It should be choose when you do .
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Paradisiac Publishing currently has some books on roster (the proper publishing industry term, of course)!
Get this: one/some/PREFERABLY ALL could be in your/a loved one’s library. What are you even doing right now? Playing outside in the snow (awesome)? Baking the most delicious Midwestern food imaginable (you’re amazing)? Looking outside at a barren winter hell (it’s going to be OK)? Well, just take a quick seat and check out these books you can order to read by the fireplace with cocoa later!
Promise. Us. You’ll. Put. Rumchata. In. Your. Cocoa.
These books are a steal. It is true that Barnes & Noble has a coffee shop inside, but you can buy our titles without even having to worry about putting on pants so I mean I think we can all agree which option is better.
So what’s the deal?
All titles. $15-$40 per book. That is actually an effing steal considering you are dealing with a 100% independent, LOCAL publishing company. Does it even necessarily know what it is doing at all times?
No it does not! It’s women run so...
It’s WOMAN-RUN, so you know these books will actually get to you when expected, sent with tender-loving care.
Also, it’s the holiday season.
Whatever you are celebrating, these books make great gifts!
And, if you were a jerk all year and aren’t getting any presents, buy yourself one or more of these books and forget about your garbage life by getting lost in these pages.
Something. For. Everyone.
So, what are the books available that you could buy?
Here’s some:
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But wait, there’s more:
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Last (but in no possible way least because it gets its own highlight), our newest title:
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Oh, but wait, there’s more!
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Oh! And:
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Holy. Shit.
So many books!
What are they even about though?
Good question! Check it!
Prose and Kahns by Zack Kahn
Los Angeles actor and screenwriter Zack Kahn trusted Paradisiac Publishing to bring his first book to life. The book is a collection of Zack’s comedic one-liners collected over time on the scraps on which they were originally created. Tons of LOLZERS and check the Amazon reviews/Facebook page for a tip on how to use the book as a drinking game. Holiday. Fun.
Becoming BGD by Matthew Essex
With great power comes great fashion sense. This saga about a gay, Midwestern superhero is a must-read. Written by Quad Citizen Matthew Essex.
Montreal on October by Ryan Buynak
Ryan is the owner operator of Coyote Blood, Paradisiac Publishing’s sister company. WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?! It means whatever you want it to mean! Basically, Ryan writes the fuck out of poetry (and writing in general) and this collection is his take on his favorite city up north. Ryan has been a partner to Paradisiac from the start and someday we will take over the world, possibly, if we get around to it.
We’re the Drug by Justin Everett Foyil
In this Coyote Blood book, Justin (a singer/songwriter) channels his radical mindset into a unique breed of poetry.
Something’s Missing by Lauren Alexis Wood
Lauren wrote a children’s book as a baby shower gift for her new niece (fall 2017), because if that was an option of something you could do, why wouldn’t you do that? #extraAF She asked illustrator Johnnie Cluney (Daytrotter, Bent River Brewery) to bring the story to life and he couldn’t have done a better job. She also calls her younger brother stupid within its pages. If you love sibling rivalry or you’re just looking for an adorable book to give to an expecting couple, this is your title.
Future Underwater Tomahawk by Ryan Buynak
A Coyote Blood title, this title astounds as a collection of random acts of poetry.
A is for Artisanal by Matthew Goldenberg
Illustrated by New Yorker cartoonist Benjamin Schwartz this modern alphabet book playfully highlights popular, new-age and hipster baby names and it is goddamn adorable.
Hellbound Angel by Nikki Avila
This breathtaking look at an apocalyptic future touches on personal growth, relationships, and finding your way home. The first novel by poet Nikki Avila is a page-turner that sheds light on the beautiful poet she has grown into.
Ghost of the Wooden Squid by Ryan Buynak
This was the first title of Ryan’s (and I think his third published collection?) Paradisiac had the pleasure of publishing. It was love at first read in this exciting showcase of everyone’s favorite anti-poet at the time.
Help me! I’m Fat! by Lauren Alexis Wood
Paradisiac founder/owner lost a pretty astounding amount of weight by getting really into CrossFit so she wrote a book sarcastically about it (aren’t you supposed to, like, just automatically get on Good Morning America if you lose more than 100 pounds?!). Although ridiculous, the book contains blank journal pages with silly motivational shouts should you or someone on your Christmas list have health on their mind heading into the new year. She actually kept the weight off so there just *might* be something to the very brief, yet impactful tips on health within the first few pages. The book also links to her fitness blog where she documented the entire 5-year journey.
100 Series Presents: Shades ($40 special price due to printing costs)
Quad City Lifestyle brand expert and reigning local positivity spokesperson Jaawan Arrington of the 100 Series shares the photos and stories of 100 incredible Quad Citizens who each shared an object of importance in these colorful pages. If you’d like a wonderfully eclectic look at what makes the Quad City area so special (hint: it’s the people), this is a fantastic investment/gift.
Angels & Inner Demons by Nikki Avila
In Nikki’s follow-up to Hellbound Angel, and first collection of beautiful poetry, this title touches on the light and the dark elements of the human experience.
Sleeping: I’m Just Not Good At It by Ryan Buynak
A Coyote Blood title, what does a poet do when he can’t sleep? He makes lists. Lots of them. This collection is a culmination of a restless man’s collection of things he must never forget.
Magnet by Ryan Drag
In this Coyote Blood title the lead singer of Heavy Birds holds nothing back in a complex collection of lyrical verse dedicated to the exploration of one’s subconscious mind.
Half Dollar Rebel by James R. Parkinson
In this gritty yet hilarious collection of heartfelt essays, a young man struggling to make his way in New York City begrudgingly makes his way to adulthood.
Misfit Tales by Nikki Avila
In this cerebral collection Nikki touches on growth, love, emotion, and finding your one, true self.
Writer Bartender Skateboarder by Ryan Buynak
A Coyote Blood Title ten years in the making, this fucking amazing collection is Ryan’s latest contribution to Rock & Roll Poetry.
The Necessaries by Misty Urban
In Paradisiac’s latest title, midieval literary scholar Misty Urban takes a step back from academia and a step into our hearts with a collection of riveting stories and character portraits with life lessons you won’t soon forget.
Scary Stories To Laugh At In The Dark by Lauren Alexis Wood
This title is an homage to Alvin Schwartz’s classic ‘Scary Stories to Tell In The Dark’... except with a humorous twist. Because the dark is scary! Also... some people might be familiar with laughing in the dark for another reason so this is just adding to the laughs!
Happy Cloud’s Fly Along by the Intro. to Children’s Literature Course (ENG 240) at Black Hawk College in Moline, IL (Fall 2018)
The perfect children’s book to read to your little snowflake at bedtime.
Being the President: An Outline by Lauren Alexis Wood
This is a children’s book for any young leader out there with big dreams on the importance of being nice and embracing teamwork. Also, it’s a children’s book specifically written for our current President, Donald Trump, and is a very easy-to-understand quick guide giving him some specific guidance on how to do his job. If someone needed to womansplain the presidency to Donald Trump for some reason, I imagine this could be looked at as an effective option in which to accomplish that feat. Something the whole family can enjoy!
Um, excuse me. Those all sound amazing and this is actually kind of impressive AF.
If you are interested in a title, please shoot an email to [email protected] with the title(s) you are interested in and your mailing address. You will get an invoice sent your way ASAP. Pay the invoice and your books will be on their way.
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