#i hate cancel culture
3moken · 2 months
can we stop going around saying "poser" this, "poser" that. WHO CARESSSS. Oh my god there are bigger issues going on TRUST me, the world will keep spinning even if someone is a "poser" But seriously, is it really that deep?? because my life is not affected in the slightest if someone is a poser. Like ok?? what do you want me to do?? Verbally abuse them over MUSIC? bite me.💀 I'll be over here listening to my music thanks.
Also why do people get mad when you like a popular song?? ITS POPULAR FOR A REASON, BOOGERBUTT. Like seriously. How about we focus on people dying and real world problems yeah??? Music is supposed to connect people, not spread them out. come on now
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(me unaliving stoopid people)
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thestrangestthing89 · 11 months
Just going to be blunt - This fandom would be a very different space if it was only people over 18. But somehow a horror movie for adults ended up with a bunch of very young teens watching it who are struggling to keep up and are harassing everyone on here with dumb drama every goddamn day. If every little thing associated with the show upsets you, STOP WATCHING. And leave everyone else alone. No one is here for your uninformed political takes.
If you don't want to watch the show anymore, no one is making you. But stop commenting in the fandom all day if you really don't care about the show anymore. No one else cares if you are watching and what your reasons for stopping are.
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insomniac-ships · 2 years
Callout posts are absolute bullshit.
Callout posts made about teenagers is extra bullshit.
Callout posts made about teenagers BY teenagers is extra MEGA bullshit.
Look guys. Everyone says and does stupid shit as teenagers and young adults. We all fuck up. We all learn. We all grow and change.
Y'know what callout posts achieve? Nothing. Let's call it what it is: it's bullying. Hard stop. That's what the majority of callout posts are. I lived through the hell that was tumblr's callout blog days! I saw the stalking, harassment, and abuse firsthand! I saw how the people subjected to this shit spiraled into paranoia and fear! And guess what? None of it ever did an iota of good. All it did was serve to hinder growth, isolate and traumatize people, and make a huge public display of personal shit that could have, and should have, been dealt with and discussed privately.
Callout culture is disgustingly toxic. This obsession with "receipts", the nitpicking and pulling apart apologies to see if they're "genuine" enough, the intentional twisting of words, the assumptions and accusations, the willingness to throw people under the bus to make yourself look morally superior... You may as well set up the pillory while you're at it, since you seem so keen on public humiliation.
Look. Are there some situations where a PSA is necessary? Maybe. But when it's teenagers making long, detailed callout posts about other teenagers? Absolutely not.
Learn to communicate! Accept that you're going to make mistakes! Respect each other as people! Be willing to make reasonable compromises! Be honest and straightforward with your feelings! Set firm boundaries!
It's okay to have disagreements! Just don't go airing out dirty laundry in public spaces just to feel like you're proving a point.
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Reblog, like or reply if you hate Cancel Culture.
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theopsimp · 29 days
𝗴𝗲𝗻𝘂𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗵𝗼𝘁 𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲 / 𝘂𝗻𝗽𝗼𝗽𝘂𝗹𝗮𝗿 𝗼𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗼𝗻
SUBJECTIVE DEFINITION : relating to opinions, feelings, or emotions. is based on an individual's perspective or preferences.
first off, a joke about cancel culture so that way all of y'all who're snowflakes or swifties will laugh and take this SUBJECTIVE OPINION as it truthfully is... SUBJECTIVE!!!!!
setting : 2045
my grand kid : grandma, why did your generation back in 2021 cancel jake gyllenhaal during covid?
me : well, i didn't take part in that movement, but it's a relatively short story. taylor swift put out a song about him, saying jake had dated her even tho he was a lot older than her, and "allegedly" took some red scarf that she owned at the time.
my grand kid : ...why was y'all generation so stupid, grandma? why should y'all care about a red scarf? taylor swift was like making $13.6 million per concert she did? SHE CAN BUY AS MANY NEW ONES AS SHE WANTED?!
me : swifties were a different breed...
okay, so now that that is out of the way... i want to say this, i am not a fan of taylor swift or her music (as some of y'all probably already guessed) and i genuinely think that jake gyllenhaal didn't deserve all the hate and shouldn't have received the cancel culture / black listed treatment. all jake did was date her and "allegedly" took her scarf.
i'm going to have y'all (looking at you swifties?!) pretend that y'all actually have empathy and are capable of such an emotion for a minute...
imagine if you were dating taylor, y'all break up, the relationship is over. all of the sudden, she writes a song about you and how terrible you are as a person and only writes about how you ruined the relationship and takes no accountability that she also makes mistakes and contributed to the failing of the relationship.
not only that, she writes that you took her scarf, and then, all her fans start to do a freaking salem witch trial on you (torches, pitch forks, and all that) and demand that you be removed from your career that was barely starting to go up and you were starting to become more successful.
idk about y'all, but if i were jake, i'd be pissed off and genuinely hurt that she wrote about me like that (without my permission or consent) making me seem like some creepy person who only dated her cause she was young (or whatever) and then says that i took something from her.
like i know for a fact that if it was a dude who wrote that about a his ex-gf, for example, let's say jake harlow wrote a diss track (or whatever you wanna call it) about an ex he had, points out all her mistakes and failings that contributed to the end of the relationship, and then makes himself seem like he did nothing wrong and that he's in the right to completely slander and ruin his ex's career. Y'ALL WOULD BE ON HIM?! y'all would be calling him out and claiming that he's misogynistic, sexist, playing the victim, etc! so... WHY IS IT OKAY FOR TAYLOR SWIFT TO DO IT?!
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ninallthatjazz · 2 years
A grown man is a grown man sis lmao he’s not an *~8 yr old teehee~* that’s a grown ass man. Just say you don’t care about the lame (and documented) way he’s treat the women in his life especially his ex wife who has spoken publicly about shit including how he had no relationship with his kids for like a year while he was running around with his much younger assistant of many years in Australia while shooting on me of the Thor’s.
“I’m withholding judgment bc I’m a good person who won’t judge” and “he’s so wonderful he’s just a kid at heart hahaha that why it’s cute he’s a cliché Middle Aged dude with a much younger gf” vibes don’t work together.
Yes, I am aware that he is not ACTUALLY a kid. I was talking about the fact that he can be silly sonetimes and that I think age is just a number.
I don't know where you got the impression that I am an expert on his private life, but I really don't care about it and don't know much about it.
I am sure he is not a saint and has made mistakes in his life, he is a human being like the rest of us. If it's true that he cheated on anyone in the past, that was a shitty thing to do, I am not trying to excuse that sort of behavior.
But as far as I can tell (and again, I don't know him!!), he seems like a decent person overall, he tries to bring attention to unheard voices in his films and makes the world less dreary in my eyes. His private life is not my business.
If you disagree that's fine, you are intitled to your own opinion, as am I.
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lovemurphythe100 · 2 years
Sometimes I wish people stop playing jury on accusations of percy hynes white being accused of sexual assault. People say their proof.
Is there a rap*d kit that say he did all these things? I bet no
This why I hate Cancel culture it out of control it need to stop.
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cauli-flawa · 8 months
I think we are living in a time of confusion.
For the past four years we've witnessed the world burn. We're confused, hurt, miserable, and angry. We feel powerless and alone.
We craved unity. We needed some sort of outlet to express our anger. We wanted to project our grievances onto someone or something. The internet was the perfect place to start. The result of that has turned out to be less than ideal.
We censor "problematic" words and lash out at "problematic" people. We speak of nuance in black-and-white, in easy to understand buzzwords, in good vs evil. Us vs Them. One side is good and moral and the other is completely irredeemable. There is no middle ground anymore, and if there is, it cannot be spoken about safely.
But this wasn't just hostility, it was united hostility. We hunted in packs, and we did so ferociously, without mercy.
Now, we've grown to fear this anger. A thread concludes by addressing every possible misinterpretation. The buzzwords are just buzzwords now, overused and drained of meaning. People are infamously lacking in nuance, because nuance is dangerous. Someone who was once respected has now lost their entire platform due to something they said 10 years ago.
We wanted unity, so we turned to the internet. We wanted an outlet for our anger, so we picked out the people who weren't "good" enough and treated them as subhuman. Because if you can't agree with us, you must be completely evil and beyond redemption. And if you're evil, well, that means we can do whatever we want to you. It's not bullying if it's justice!
The internet has always been dangerous, but it has never been sanitized. And it has never been sanitized with this level of cruelty. It has never been sanitized to such an extreme level.
Something is very, very wrong, but all of us, including me, are too afraid to discuss it.
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gingerale2017 · 1 year
racism exists i’ve dealt with it i go to a school where people have said openly racist things with no repercussions etc. get over yourself. racism will never stop existing, at least as long as i live. one little action (hateful or not) won’t do anything. unless you become a person with high influence. a politician, celebrity, etc, there’s nothing you can do but face reality and deal with it like the rest of us. sad truth but it needs to be said.
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annepi-blog · 22 days
Okay, after seeing so many cool gifs and art from Dead Boy Detectives from my tumblr mutuals, I gave the show a chance.
I watched it and oh my god it's awesome and I love it so much.
Then I go on tumblr to look into fandom and find out that Netflix canceled it... WHY?!
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If I understand correctly, it wasn't unsuccessful, maybe less than expected, but still a lot of people watched it. The ratings from critics and audiences are very good. And they had already ordered season 2 and it is completely written.
I know everyone has different tastes, but seriously, they make weird reality shows with questionable content or that weird Gwyneth Paltrow show that spouts pseudo-scientific nonsense that is actually dangerous and just advertising for her company.
And didn't Netflix recently announce how much money they've made from new subscriptions since they stopped the sharing?
Seriously, I hate this new throwaway culture of streaming services so much...
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drdemonprince · 11 months
Getting all neurotic about something you have written or posted online flopping is a skill issue, I swear to god. Every single person receives a massive deluge of information and bids for their attention every single day, you really think you're gonna come up on top every time? This shit is suffused with randomness and we must accept that. It's not a meritocracy. Every time something of mine has performed well, that has been a gift, it was not something I could control, it was not something I am owed, and I will still have been lucky if it never happens again. When people don't read something I have written I think, oh, good, I guess people didn't need that one. When something I have written does well, I feel bad that it was a message so many needed to hear. The fact people lose their minds gnashing their teeth and complaining about not getting sufficient attention online deeply irritates me, because it is such an unnecessary source of stress for a person to create for themselves. Flopping is an inherent part of creation. It ought to be expected, and more than just tolerated, warmly embraced as part of what it means to hold onto your artistic integrity. Being okay with flopping keeps us honest. May we all flop elegantly from time to time.
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wlwitchofwhitestone · 2 months
I think what's frustrating me the most about what's going on in campaign 3 right now is that the main idea being talked about and given way too much emphasis runs counter to the theme of the m9. If the Nein were about the idea that you can become better no matter what you did or who you were before, the argument set forth and being entertained as a legitimate conflict right now is very "these guys did bad shit a thousand years ago and they should die. Somehow this is good for everyone despite the centuries of good they've done since." Ashton's point was extremely astute that if that's the case, cleanse the entire world motherfucker because we're no better, but the hypocrisy of that was neatly sidestepped (which is at least consistent with Ludinus and fascists of his ilk in general). It's not a real argument, guys. We're not meant to take him seriously.
The gods are the stewards of the only world anyone living has ever known. The fact that they made bad choices that hurt Ludinus and people he knew is a legitimate grievance. The gods are in fact flawed, capable of selfishness, but when confronted with the enormity of the damage they were causing this world, they removed themselves and a whole chunk of their power to seal themselves behind the divine gate. They didn't abandon the world. They didn't withdraw their power and sulk, leaving everyone without their gifts until they begged for a return. They simply care for mortals on the terms of those mortals and ask for nothing not freely given. The people who follow the gods find them worthy of that patronage and Ludinus does not get to erase the choice of everyone else who doesn't agree with him because he's hurt, even if he did have a point (he doesn't).
He thinks, for some reason, that his actions won't result in the same kind of harm on a global scale and completely ignores the damage he has already wrought in the name of a higher purpose because that's what the gods did and they're no better than him. But they are, dipshit. They are better than you. There are people in the world they may not be better than, salient point, but you're not one of them.
And after the light and love that was the core of the Nein - the very thing that shaped Essek into the campaign 3 NPC that he is - it feels extremely disingenuous for "do the gods deserve their power now that you've seen them at their worst" to be perceived as an actual, legitimate conflict in the endgame and a talking point in the Fandom. Especially when the Hells have already been pretty clear that they're not looking to be judge, jury, and executioner of the gods. This is not the central conflict of campaign 3, it's one dumbass's weird motivation to be a villain that needs to be stopped and the fact that it keeps coming up as anything approaching credible is a condemnation of the purity culture mindset in online spaces today.
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hacked-wtsdz · 7 months
So tired of jk rowling demonisation. Yeah the woman hates trans people. She also spent amounts most of y’all have never seen on humanitarian causes and charities. She is not a one hundred percent horrible person deserving of shunning. Are people allergic to nuance
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praisephantom · 3 months
Bla bla just me rambling abt our failed society once again buuut the fact that not only large content creators have to be careful with what they say and put out because it can have an impact and easily ruin your career, nowadays it's small or private accounts too because cancel culture has become so crazy and awful that no matter how big your audience is, people will try to dig up dirt from something you posted six years ago, eight years ago, ten years ago. And if you're not going to be careful with what you post NOW, there might not be a career to destroy, but cancel culture WILL find a way. Doxxing, people at school or work finding out, cyber bullying. And for most people, it's just a short lived entertainment and they feed into your bullying before they scroll again. Aside from that, I have noticed that people who have been 'cancelled' cannot (or, VERY rarely) recover no matter what apologize they come up with because simply, those who participate in cancel culture do not wish to see people grow and do better, they just want to deplatform them at all cost. It's kinda crazy when you think about it. So much proof isn't even valid. People love to preach "guilty until proven innocent" which is so hard to do in the digital age because everything can be faked and taken out of context and like I said, these people don't even want to believe you. So a single accusation could ruin you. Forever. Even if it's a false accusation. Think about it.
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queeraliensposts · 7 months
I can't believe I live in a reality where a white woman who was falsely accused of rape can sell BLM merch, keep the money, and be praised by tik tok, but a queer musician that everyone thinks is "cringe" gets canceled and accused "profiting from a child's death" by talking about Nex Benedict in a tik tok he earned $0 from, where all he said was "this is why I make the music that I do".
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dappersautismcreature · 9 months
gonna tentatively say that i think sometimes people (cough twitter cough) overreact to small hiccups when it comes to cultures clashing in the qsmp. you can't expect people to be perfect, if you have that mentality and attack ccs for any interactions you don't give them time to grow or change.
and its not like theres been any really huge racism incidents between ccs, as far as i can tell just some accidental weirdness and culture differences, its LEARNING you make MISTAKES WHEN YOU ARE LEARNINGGGG
im not saying dont criticize ccs for the ways in which they are actually being rude, racist or xenophobic, im saying, A. dont write off their potential for change and B. dont underestimate the fact that they are an adult, with adult friends, who can correct them if need be.
and if you think this is about any substantial racist incidents, i am not talking about that, im talking about people jumping down bad's throat about when he jokingly called etoiles uncultured. im talking about when a cc mispronounces something, or guesses wrong, or takes the easy way out when learning and uses a translator, or when someone says something thats offensive in another language by accident.
again, mistakes, learning, change, they are adults they don't need you to defend them.
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