#cancel culture sucks
tommyssupercoolblog · 3 months
You guys remember when tiktok cancelled Cabaret for being antisemitic?
You know. Cabaret. The musical about how antisemitism is bad and the importance of standing up against Tyrany. THAT CABARET.
The money song went viral during the pandemic and suddenly tons of people who never watched the musical in their life were cancelling each other and people who used the sound, and saying Cabaret was Nazi propoganda....
... when CABARET IS ABOUT WHY YOU SHOULD ALWAYS STAND UP AGAINST NAZIS AND DISCRIMINATION EVEN IF YOU THINK IT'S NOT "THAT BAD" OR THEIR WORLDVIEW IS "NOT THAT POPULAR". And the whole POINT. Is that you should care and be vigilant against hatred and facism no matter what!!! Because "if you're not against it you're for it"!!!! and because if you ignore it long enough it'll keep growing until it's a huge problem and not a tiny group anymore!!!!!
I still think about that sometimes.
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3moken · 2 months
can we stop going around saying "poser" this, "poser" that. WHO CARESSSS. Oh my god there are bigger issues going on TRUST me, the world will keep spinning even if someone is a "poser" But seriously, is it really that deep?? because my life is not affected in the slightest if someone is a poser. Like ok?? what do you want me to do?? Verbally abuse them over MUSIC? bite me.💀 I'll be over here listening to my music thanks.
Also why do people get mad when you like a popular song?? ITS POPULAR FOR A REASON, BOOGERBUTT. Like seriously. How about we focus on people dying and real world problems yeah??? Music is supposed to connect people, not spread them out. come on now
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(me unaliving stoopid people)
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Reblog, like or reply if you hate Cancel Culture.
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jrat226 · 3 months
Ok so I caught on to some news about yul's Spanish VA, and yes I'm defending him and ONCs decision to let him do it, so if you've watch the show you'd know that yul (the character he plays) is extremely racist, homophobic and sexist sometimes, while it was the actors decision to add the slur, it was a good decision, it makes you hate yul even more which is what you're supposed to feel, if he pitched the idea to me I'd approve to because it's in character, it gets the audience to hate him more, that happens all the time in movies, improvised lines that fit a character, this whole situation is like getting mad at a white actor for saying the n word in a slave movie, no shit it's offensive that's the point, you're supposed to not like the guy, you're supposed to hate him, so stop trying to cancel yul's VA and Odd nation cartoons, grow up, get off Twitter and quit your bitching
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nobleclover · 1 year
Cancel Culture sucks...
It's honestly disgusting how far someone will go to frame someone as a bad person or even a predator, not to mention ableist if the falsely accused happens to have a disability of some kind. I'm sorry for yet another vent but cancel culture has gone TOO FAR. Making serious allegations of a crime occurring using falsified evidence is an INSULT to real victims of crimes, and these false accusers should be ashamed of themselves.
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midnightmoon27 · 2 years
cancel culture is stupid and doesnt work. call a broke college student out for saying something vaguely sexist when they were ten? they receive death threats and get doxxed. call a celebrity out for SA'ing multiple people? millions of tweets defending them and they continue making content as if nothing happened and people forget about it in a month, at most. the only exceptions to these is if the former is white or attractive (unless theyre black, then it doesnt matter how attractive they are), or the latter is a less commonly fetishized poc or unattractive (of course there are exceptions to both of these). people cancel every famous person under the sun for proofless accusations of bigotry, even when theyre openly supporting famous people that have said slurs on live tv (glaring at kpop stans). they say cancel culture is a way to exile bigots/criminals from the internet, yet they pick and choose which ones get exiled. even if half of the ones they throw out havent dont anything wrong. i may have phrased some of this badly. but regardless, it doesnt work.
I have nothing to add to this because you’re right anon. People will find any excuse to cancel someone.
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thelesbiancanary · 2 years
I will never shut up about the fact that Taylor Swift deserves a HUGE apology from everybody who ever doubted her in 2016. She was canceled for something that she didn't even do, which is ironic since Taylor said that one of her biggest fears was being framed in an interview with Ellen, and unfortunately, she did get framed. She got framed by Kanye West and Kim Kardashian.
In 2020, when the FULL phone conversation between Taylor and Kanye leaked, Kim and Kanye didn't even apologize. Instead, they chose to cover their own asses and excuse their actions.
Even though I'm glad that the full conversation was leaked to prove Taylor's innocence, it can never take back what Taylor went through. It took FOUR years for the truth to come out, and not a single person apologized for ostracizing Taylor for something that she didn't even do.
Cancel culture needs to END. It's toxic and it doesn't help anybody. You can't just cancel people when you have a simple disagreement with them. Cancel culture does more harm than good, and it's ruined so many innocent people's lives.
For example, Constance Wu is an asian actress most commonly known for her role in Crazy Rich Asians who disappeared from the internet for THREE years all because she made a tweet about how disappointed she was that the show in which her ABUSER worked on, got renewed, and then the entire internet dog piled on top of her. The asian-american community basically “kicked” Constance out of her OWN community, and then proceeded to act as if Constance never even existed. They cancelled her. Constance even said that an asian actress who she considered to be her ally DM'd her and diminished her self esteem so much that Constance thought that she didn't deserve to live anymore. So, Constance then said that she climbed over the balcony of her apartment and was about to jump, but her friend got there before it was too late, and she was put into a psychiatric facility. Constance revealed ALL of this only FIVE months ago.
Taylor Swift was cancelled due to Kanye and Kim's LIES. They purposely lied to the entire world about Taylor for FOUR years in an attempt to defame her and ruin her reputation. Unfortunately for them, Taylor came back stronger than ever, and now, she's dominating the charts! She's never going away ;) Even though Taylor is back, you can clearly tell that she isn't the same person that she was before she was cancelled and shunned by the entire world. She's not as open with her fans anymore, she rarely posts pictures of herself with her friends, and she almost never posts silly little selfies like she used to. I will never forgive Kim, Kanye, and the entire world for taking her away from us.
The way the internet and the media treated Constance and Taylor was NOT okay, and they both could've DIED due to cancel culture's toxicity. Cancel👏culture👏shouldn't👏exist👏
It RUINS innocent people's lives.
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godisarepublican · 5 months
Consider for a moment that people were silenced, deplatformed for referring to Hunter Biden's laptop as "Hunter Biden's Laptop." That people are STILL being persecuted for calling into question a highly questionable election. People were deplatformed for reading the warning label on the box their masks came in; the one that said masks won't protect you from a virus. Consider all this. Remember, and consider it:
Our so called leaders are evil. Period.
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avephelis · 8 months
sorry that my take on "new animation controversy drama" is "i think people should work on their media studies and hold an intelligent conversation instead of jumping on the content train". every time. they call me the boringer.
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todayisafridaynight · 7 months
(gaiden and iw spoilers) hiii i finished infinite wealth and I'm kinda insane about it hope you don't mind
i can't stop thinking about how disappointed i am in iws story :( especially with how the jimas they just get thrown under the bus all the time
what bothers me the most is that i was so hopeful after that scene where the four all fought together at the end of gaiden(when daigo says the No Balls line)
after he says that and kiryu has given him a little speech about how he's proud of him, majima and saejima nod at each other, and JUST THAT tells you so much about how he's talked to them about how insecure he feels about dissolving the clan, going into hiding and all that stuff, it made me so hopeful for a proper talk between daigo and kiryu, for kiryu to finally change his ways and actually try to help him out instead of asking for shit without giving anything back all the goddamn time
it's really fucked up how we got that subtle story telling and then just. oh they're fishermen. oh kiryu's asking them to do stuff for him again. oh he got pissed and beat them up and then left without doing ANYTHING again after not seeing them for three years. oh they don't get to come with when kiryu's dying in a fucking helicopter
being a 3jimas fan is suffering we could have had so much man. how did they even get to that village. why is it abandoned. why didn't we get to do anything with them we just left
i'm so tired oh my god
i've ranted Extensively with My Cabinet about how much i'm annoyed and disappointed by IW's story and handling of characters, and how the 3jimas were handled is one of them- tbh mostly daigo since he had more of a presence in the plot but perhaps because of that its awkward to see how the game handled majima and saejima as well
to just focus on daigo, it genuinely was really annoying how we were given SOME semblance of finally getting a scene where daigo breaks it all down for kiryu about how much the past twosome decades have sucked and that kiryu was abysmal for just dumping (AND CONTINUING TO TRY TO DO SO) problems onto daigo and others and maybe JUST MAYBE kiryu gives a right proper apology or realizes he's being selfish (again). like the build up was great, but it just falls flat when kiryu just. LEAVES after the fight after making them all feel like piss about themselves so the jimas pull through at the tower anyway
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“No, I can’t believe *insert celebrity here* did this awful thing! I was rooting for them, I’m so disappointed, why them :(“
Maybe because they’re a human person and not completely perfect? We need to stop putting celebrities on a pedestal and idolizing them for anything but their talent. They’re people, and people support problematic things without knowing every little detail about it sometimes, people say offensive things by accident, people grow up in unfortunate conditions. Celebrities aren’t gods, they’re people who are allowed to make mistakes. “But what about this thing they said in 2009!” That was 14 years ago and they’ve probably grown since then, do your actions 14 years ago reflect you as a person now? Absolutely not. “You’re a bad person for supporting this guy since he made a transphobic joke in 2010” and that guy now donates thousands to charities supporting trans kids. Y’all need to chill, PEOPLE CHANGE. A few bad actions and words that have been atoned for don’t make someone a bad person for the rest of their lives. Some people think way too black and white, they hear “This person did bad things” and think “They’re a bad person and their fans are also bad people” when in actuality it’s “This person has done bad things, but also countless amazing things therefore they’re a human who shouldn’t be idolized for being perfect but also shouldn’t be demonized for their past or have their hard work discredited.”
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tvoyakrisa · 2 years
Feanor: I'm right. Thingol: I forbid you to have any rights here. Maedhros: ok.
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schprotte · 1 year
I need to write down my thoughts on the coleen ballinger thing.
I think she’s an asshole, but nothing I have seen has come close to justifying the idea that she is a pedophile and has groomed underage fans. Just being inappropriate is not grooming, oversharing, being crass and making awful, disturbing jokes is not grooming. Grooming is the intentional and strategic lowering of boundaries with future abuses in mind, and you can very well be an awful person without it.
I don’t care about Colleen, I knew next to nothing about her and would have loved to keep it that way. What bothers me is that everyone seems to be on exactly the same page with this. The instances of her gross behaviour are interpreted as indicating something much more sinister and her strange non-apology video is basically accepted as an admission of guilt. It honestly worries me that so many people happily and excitedly go along the grooming-accusation, and I feel like either I have completely missed something, or it’s just like other cancelling-frenzies I have seen.
There is always layers of people, on top there is memes, passing references, jokes, just general internet culture. Then there is people criticising the apology. And then at the bottom there is some harebrained “receipts” and stuff that just blends together into extremely inconsequential and weird internet drama, that would be incomprehensible to the offline brain. The top layers are what most people participate in, basically the bulk of the online conversation. The bottom layer is a list of accusations that is not so much discussed as referred to. And it’s never just the individual actions the person is accused of it’s always something bigger, a psychopath, narcissist, pedophile, abuser. There is never a sense that mistakes were made, but instead that the person is evil and basically incapable of anything good or doing better in the future. There is such a pervasive need for absolutes, for always and forever instead of sometimes, maybe and not anymore. It’s such an obvious instinct to affirm right and wrong, to police social norms and mark the transgressors as fundamentally different, so a stable and positive self and in-group identity can be maintained.
Even if she’s awful, exploitative, mean or a bad person, this whole thing is just an overblown moral panic. The complete lack of doubt and perspective and, honestly, compassion by the people doing the cancelling disturbs me more than the offences ever could. And it’s been that way for a few cancellings I’ve seen.
The glee of taking someone down is so much more vile to me than the personal transgressions they are accused of. At least the accused is always just one awful person, I feel like my worldview can deal with that. But when it suddenly feels like this incomprehensible mass of people are just congratulating each other on being right about how awful that person is, validating their feelings of disgust, being callous about anything the accused experiences, just basically completely rescinding their humanity based on something they read online, it hits a lot harder. It’s just depressing how popular punishment is and how little people need to let go of compassion.
I can’t hate any person as much as I hate cancel culture.
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metalempire · 1 year
as much as i wish they'd stop doing sequels/continuations of digimon adventure and actually give other parts of the franchise the same treatment instead because it's sorely neglected, i am deeply afraid for what they'd do to tamers
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