#i hate completely silver dining sets so that’s probably where the prejudice is coming from
dozydawn · 11 months
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lupinsravenclaw · 4 years
Christmas Dinner at 12 Grimmauld Place// Sirius Black
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Sirius sat at the table, back hunched and elbows resting on the surface of the table with his head resting on his hands. The table was set for Christmas, champagne glasses at every designated seat, silver cutlery beside huge plates. Christmas at 12 Grimmauld Place was always a bit different every year. The more Sirius and his brother Regulus grew up, the more they were exposed to different topics at the Christmas table.
Thinking to himself, Sirius decided to go for a cigarette and smoke out his window wishing he would rather be anywhere else but here. Stepping up every crooked, wooden step the more Sirius felt a little worse to be spending Christmas with his dreadful family. His mind pictured dinner, the whole family including his older cousins Bellatrix, Narcissa and Andromeda, but also his aunt and uncle Druella and Cygnus Black. In fact Sirius took a liking to Andromeda and had a lot of time for her. She was labelled a disgrace for the Black family considering her views differed from the traditional views of the Black Family. However his cousin Bellatrix, he despised. Their views were upheld by utter hatred and ignorance, Sirius differing with these views. From a young age, Sirius and his cousins had been taught to be prejudice of any other wizard who was not pure blood. His acceptance of Muggleborns, fraternising with wizards other than pure blood and being placed in Gryffindor was a big contrast and was seen as an absolute disgrace for the Black family. So naturally Regulus was their parents favourite. And they made that quite clear.
As he got to the top step he stood there for one second looking out of the window, seeing the beautiful night sky dotted with stars. Oh how he had wished he could escape this prison to see the outside world. Walking into his room, he collapsed onto his deep red bed putting his arms at the back of his head to lean on. He was so exhausted, he felt like he could just drift off into a doze. Bang! His door swung open to expose a mischievous looking Regulus leaning on the door. Shifting awake Sirius rose, eyebrows already furrowed at the disturbance.
"What the fuck Reg? I was trying to have a sleep before the rest arrived," Grumpily Sirius cursed now standing and making way over to his window, a cigarette hanging from his mouth.
"You should stop smoking you know, bad for the lungs them things." Regulus said in a mocking manner.
"Oh cry me a river" Sirius retorted alighting his cigarette, taking in a drag. A cloud of smoke now covered the area like a blanket. Regulus head cocks and his head shakes. He was now getting closer and closer to Sirius. He reeked of alcohol considering he was only 14. But who was Sirius to judge. Regulus looked untidy, his tie hanging down from his neck and shirt unbuttoned.
"Lighten up brother, it is Christmas after all. Could be your last one with how things are going in the Wizarding World. Wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of people." His eyebrow raised slightly, with a devilish smirk. Sirius snarled him through the slits of his eyes. With that Regulus fixed his tousled, jet black hair (similar to Sirius', only Sirius' was laced with beautiful curls, his wasn't long enough) and left the dark room.
Sirius felt choked with toxicity so much so that if he stayed a minute more it would eat at his organs and he would be swallowed up into the ground.
Taking a few more drags of his cigarette he finally stubbed the end of it and headed downstairs to where he met with his despicable cousin Bellatrix. His eyes met her ones. Dark, evil and dangerous. Her face relaxed slightly, and a smirk cracked. She looked Sirius up and down and ran her tongue along the front of her teeth before following into the dining area. Narcissas expression was always firm and despite the fact that her and Sirius were close in age she still was very mature for her age. Her posture was always poise, with a judgemental expression plastered on her face. She had not even looked at Sirius but continued through to follow Bellatrix. Andromeda stopped by the stairs where Sirius was to hug him. The two had become increasingly close through the years as they did not align with the pure blood ideals. They had a little conversation beforehand and soon went to rejoin the rest in the dining room.
The champagne glasses were now filled with glistening alcohol and food was steaming from hot plates. Give Kreacher his due, the food was more than satisfactory every year without a doubt. Everyone had already been seated in their places, leaving two seats for the two cousins to sit. One empty seat between Bellatrix and Regulus, another between Narcissa and Walburga. Sirius, given that he held much anger towards his mother, sat in the middle of Regulus and Bellatrix.
Diving into their food, Druella finally spoke up making everyone stop their eating.
"The Daily Prophet says more and more mudbloods have been accepted into schools. More of them have been accepted into quality magic schools ruining the education for pure bloods. It's disgusting!" Druella spoke with such spite it had went through Sirius. Hearing her say 'mudblood' made his blood boil. Andromeda glanced at Sirius, eyes open wide with her glass between her fingertips.
"Speaking of the Daily Prophet, it's said that Voldemort is becoming more and more powerful as the days grow. Killing their kind at much higher rates now. I'm sure there were at least 3 killings of mudbloods in Surrey just a few weeks ago," Walburga said, her nasty words seeped into Sirius bones. He shook his head, throwing his champagne back. He would need an excessive amount of alcohol to sit through this conversation. He had a guilty feeling in his stomach listening to such ignorance and doing nothing. Yet what could he do? The Black Family hated him already.
"Honestly it's a good thing, he's getting rid of them. Dirty little creatures." Bellatrix piped up, earning an agreeing nod from Sirius father. Andromeda slammed her knife down a bit too disturbingly that it caught the eye of Druella.
"What's the matter Dromeda?" Druella asked taking a bite of her food. Andromeda head shook with such anger, it looked as if she may burst. Yet she didn't, she kept her cool. Like she always did.
"Nothing mother." She replied, deciding to focus on her food to get the attention away from her. Her mother's eyes flickered away with her lips pursed.
"I'd be disgraced if my children ever pursued with any mudbloods , hell I'd disown them." Druella shot her eyes at Andromeda. Andromeda and Sirius had been talking about how she had recently fell for a muggleborn wizard. This was a direct attack towards her but she kept her head down. Walburgas eyes glanced between them all and she returned with a devilish smile similar to Bellatrix earlier on.
"I'm just glad one of my children want to become a follower of the Dark Lord." Sirius head shot up, he knew for a fact it wasn't him so he shot a look at Regulus who was mid drinking his champagne. A confused expression filtered through his face, he began to stutter. Druella clapped her hands together praisingly before pouncing onto him with questions.
"You have come to your senses unlike your brother here Regulus, what splendid news!" Druella lifted her glass, whilst Regulus began to loath in this attention. "A toast to my amazing nephew, who has made the family proud. To Regulus!" Everyone bar Sirius himself and Andromeda repeated 'To Regulus' except they exchanged disgusted looks with each other. However they weren't as discreet as they had thought they had been.
"Sirius I think you need to say something to your brother." Walburgas stern eyes cut Sirius down like a knife. Regulus for a second looked guilty and perhaps sorry. Only for a second or two though. Sirius sighed in defeat, scared of his mother and the consequences of his actions. Rising from his seat, one hand behind his back Sirius said, "To my little brother, whose mind has been fucked with repeatedly and is now supporting an evil, murderous bastard who will probably kill him soon enough" Sirius said with an amused expression. Dromeda choked on her drink, a smile creeping onto her face. The room fell silent. Sirius knew he fucked up, but instead he kept his head high. Walburgas eyes were wider than Andromeda's with deadly, furious eyes staring into his soul.
"Ah the disappointment has spoke up now has he? I'll tell you something Walburga, sending him to that school full of filthy mudblood and half breeds was possibly the worse choice you could of made." Sirius cocked his head staring at his aunt with a confused expression.
"Don't I know it sister, why do you think I'm taking him out of it. Away from them strange creatures," Sirius heart dropped to hear his mother say them words. Hogwarts was more of a home to him than his actual home, his friends were more family than these were. Sirius contemplated taking these insults on the chin and take the high road or completely flip out and take the twisted, dangerous and probably murderous road. He chose the second one of course.
You see Sirius was strong minded, assertive. Taking the high road was not a common option for him, leaving his best friend James to take him out of the situation Sirius would get into. However James wasn't here. Neither was Remus, neither was Peter. He had no one.
"Take me out of that school all you want, I'll always make a way back. That school with all those 'strange creatures' is more of a home to me than this empty, ignorant house is. Hell everything about this house makes me sick. You make me sick," Sirius spoke, looking at his furious mother. "Your all fucking unbelievable. With these pure blood ideals, and this untouchable attitude you believe you all have. You all have privileges oozing off of you and you choose to be ignorant. I'm sick of it, I hate it in this house. I'm ashamed to be part of this family! The Wizarding World is falling apart and I hope you all go down with it" Sirius' voice had evidently rose with anger as the room was seeping with lots of emotions. Everyone except Andromeda looked hurt by his words. Although his mother was tearing up, he didn't care. Not anymore. "So with all due respect, gladly all fuck yourselves you ignorant motherfuckers," Cursing an absurdly amount times after that Sirius left the room. He could hear Andromeda rise from her seat by the sound of the cutlery chiming together. 'To Sirius, who deserves the actual toast tonight'. A bit of happiness warmed his body after Andromeda's words. He ran upstairs and began packing his trunk, throwing in anything he could find. Books (that he never and would never read), clothes anything as long as he was out of the house soon enough. He had to leave. He couldn't stay here any longer. He could hear footsteps booming up the stairs. Eventually his door swung open a second time. His mother who was so angry steam could be shooting out her ears. Her eyes were deadly. Sirius didn't care to look at her, continuing to pack his overflowing suitcase.
Walburga stood at the door piercing him with her eyes. After packing up everything he ever owned he tried to set off downstairs. He was stopped by his mother. He had no filter now. Everything that he had bottled up for sixteen years had now been exposed.
"You absolute disgrace to our family. I hope your happy now, you have ruined everything. You will never, ever, be going back to that damned awful school with them vile disgusting mudbl-" Sirius interrupted her, for the first time ever.
"You dare say that word mother and I swear to God you will never see the sights of me again. You evil, loathing disgusting woman" Sirius spoke with such disgust for his mother she actually looked taken aback.
Sirius held lots of respect for women, very much. He was probably the biggest feminist in Hogwarts and he would never disrespect a woman. Until today, when he had reached the point that he could not hold in his anger any longer. His own words hurt him. He hated this side of himself and just wished James was here to save him.
"Oh yeah, where do you plan on going? Who would take you in? Everyone fears our family, as they should. Poor Sirius Black who will run back eventually when all else fails," His mother spoke.
"You would have to kill me to bring me back to this house. I want nothing to do with the lot of you." His words this time pierced both their skins leading his mother to storm out the room muttering something under her breath.
Andromeda entered the room. She looked a range of emotions. She sat on his bed as he stood there trying to understand what was happening. Everything happened so fast it was hard to interpret all in one go.
"Where you off to? Anywhere nice?" Andromeda tried to lighten the mood obviously. At first Sirius wanted her to go, but reflecting on how nice she is with him he decided not to.
"Anywhere but here, I can't do it anymore I just can't-" Sirius says.
"I don't blame you, that's why I'm asking where your going, I'll take you to." Andromeda offers, swinging her legs like a child.
"Wait what?"
"I'll drop you,"
"Thank you cousin but that's really not needed. This is my mess I need to work it out by myself. I really appreciate it though" Andromeda agreed. Gave him a huge hug before leaving.
As if he was sick in the hospital another person came into the room. However Sirius wasn't expecting this person to come into his room. Regulus awkwardly stood by the door way, not really knowing what to do. He looked like a wreck. Sirius heart felt like it plummeted to the bottom of his stomach. Regulus innocent voice asked whether he could come in, Sirius agreed and he sat on Sirius bed. Sirius did the same. For a few minutes they sat there, not knowing what to say to each other until Regulus finally spoke.
"Your leaving I guess?" Not wanting to meet his older brothers dark eyes he kept his head low.
"Yeah, I guess so..."
"Do you have to, mum doesn't mean what she says she's just drunk" Regulus defended.
"Oh Reg you are so naive, mum means exactly what she says. Drunk words are sober thoughts after all" Sirius says, blinking excessively to stop the build up of tears.
"I'm sorry Siri, for everything,"
"Your just a kid Reg, you've been manipulated your whole life. So have I. I just can't put up with it anymore. The ignorance, the hatred, the shame. It's too much. I have to get out" Sirius voice sounded broken. They spoke nothing more other than a hug. Regulus rose to exit the room before Sirius called him back.
"I hope you do the right thing as well brother, I like us being a team," Sirius smiled towards him. Although Regulus smiled back and nodded a certain dark look flickered in his younger brothers eyes. A look that frightened Sirius. And they were the last words the two brothers spoke.
Pulling his suitcase down the stairs Sirius took a glance at the Black Tapestry on the wall. Steam came from it. Sirius pondered what it was so as soon as he lay down his case he entered the room. A black, steaming burn blocked out his picture. He had been burned out of the family tapestry. He stood there for a few seconds taking it in that he had been removed from the family. His heart ached slightly. He choked back some tears and grabbed his heavy suitcase. Hands running through his hair he made way for the front door. Standing by the exit his whole family stared at him, cursing words at him and expressing their disgust. Andromeda was teary and gave him one last hug before leaving herself. With one more look towards the top of the stairs he saw his brother. He had also been crying. He gave him a sympathetic look before leaving the 12 Grimmauld Place.
Sirius had walked for hours trying to think of anywhere to rest. Soon enough he had arrived at James house, his best friend. Sirius contemplated the idea for a while. Deciding whether it sounded bad to ask to live with him since he had ran away. After arguing with himself for a good few minutes, Sirius walked up to the path. Raising his hand to knock on the door, he froze. Shaking the anxious thoughts out of his head he finally knocked. Three times to be exact. He ran his freezing hands through his luxurious locks and straightened himself as if he was going to a wedding. The door opened, James with his circle glasses and messy brown curls immediately understood what happened and just engulfed a very broken Sirius into a hug.
"I'm your family now mate, you can stay here for as long as you need" James comforted.
"You always have been my family, brother" The two started to cry into each other's shoulder. And there Sirius stayed until the end of his years at Hogwarts. No word to his family not even a letter. That's how Sirius wanted it.
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hope you all enjoyed this any of sirius:)) this did not definitely happen but it's my take on when Sirius ran away so yeah:) thanks for reading.
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