#i hate emily laughlin
midiosaamor · 5 months
okay so like i just saw a emily rant and it reminded me of that one time her and jameson and grayson.
(this took place in thr brothers hawthorne as a flashback btw)
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unnoodles · 2 months
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I have said it before, and i will say it again. Emily's death was not Grayson or Jameson's fault, she committed suicide. Its her fault. Shes a rat. I hate her
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pookiebearnancy · 5 months
Emily's dead, but her presence still somehow lingers. Like fuck off. I've never read someone more insufferable and shitty.
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 5 months
rebecca and avery
avery and rebecca's friendship is so fascinating to me bc they seem so different, but in reality they are quite similar. i mean they both relate to feeling invisible etc. although they sort of went through a rough patch at first, i truly believe that they are now great friends. i think avery managed to get her through some of the trauma she has bc of emily (avery didn't know emily personally like the rest of them, so she wouldn't be afraid to point out her manipulation). out of all of the tig characters (other than jameson), rebecca is the character that i feel is most similar to her. i also feel like rebecca is thankful to have a friend like avery bc she just seems to get her in a way nobody has before. i'd honestly like to make a longer post about them cause i find them so intriguing but i'm too tired rn.
i'd also like to point out that when avery first met rebecca, she described her as one of the prettiest girls in the world. it's giving bisexual girlboss.
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pixel-axel · 2 months
one last thing about the inheritance games for now, and i’m not gonna tag this with the inheritance games tag cause i feel like people are gonna get mad at me. but i just scrolled through the tag and like. why is everyone talking about the romance. why. why is everyone talking about grayson and jameson and avery. and which team they’re on. and how much they want grayson and/or jameson to be their boyfriend. why is no one talking about the actual plot of the book. or the characters beyond the romances. why isn’t there actual discussion of the book besides romance. in this essay i will
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please do a part to the Grayson Hawthorn head canons maybe where he meets eve and that whole mess.
the moment i knew
grayson hawthorne x fem! reader
you're confident in your relationship with grayson hawthorne. that is until a girl who look exactly like emily laughlin shows up at the mansion.
(part of these hcs )
a/n: im SO glad someone requested this bc i had ideas while writing the hcs for this scenario. get ready for some drama and grayson being dumb💯 also finally happy to be back to posting!! been hectic but now i have free time <3 ty to everyone for being so understanding ur all amazing. listened to my sad playlist for the fighting part LOL also i wanted to make this fic format but i was already way too deep into the bullets to fix it.
word count: 7.2k (wayyy longer than intended)
warnings: angst (i love and hate it), swearing, eve, fighting, death threats, final gambit spoilers but also plot changes
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dating grayson hawthorne was truly the most beautiful feeling. you would even consider it better than finding out you were going to inherit billions. that's not true, but dating grayson is a close second still.
he was a fantastic boyfriend who cared so deeply for you, and you greatly got along with his family.
the two of you had occasional fights, but it was never anything that lasted more than an hour of being mad at each other. plus, he always caved in first whether you were right or wrong.
life was truly straight out of a movie for you. you were going to be a billionaire, run a foundation, and have a boyfriend. freshman year you would never be able to believe it, especially the boyfriend part.
it was almost too perfect. you should've expected an event to come crashing down at some point. because, after all, this still was the hawthorne family you're dealing with.
the road to disaster was initiated the moment grayson hawthorne left the house. he'd gotten into the ivy league of his choice, harvard and you were more than thrilled for him. but you were unsure of where it put the two of you at. he would be leaving the mansion, while you were forced to stay.
your's and avery's contract had yet to end, you still had a few month to bypass - so you couldn't leave the residence for more than 3 consecutive days.
grayson assured you the long distance thing would work, and he'd visit you as often as possible, then when you passed the year mark, you'd be able to visit and stay with him for long periods.
the plan he formated has eased your worries about your relationship. however, a small, but growing wall had formed between you, and you feared him leaving would lengthen it. you'd begun to notice a distant feeling from grayson at times, it was as if he was still concealing a part of himself. it was a build-up of all the unresolved emotional stresses he's faces - mainly from the death of both emily and tobias.
there were moments when you had attempted to get him to open up - but he either never got the hint or desperately wanted to remain ignorant. you'd decided to leave it as is, and perhaps that was your first error.
before leaving the family had put together a party as a 'farewell' gift. since the night began, you sensed the distant feeling had returned and grayson wasn't entirely there.
when a young girl had fallen into the pool, and grayson was quick to save her, jumping right into the pool in his suit and tie. you were quick to approach them with towels; even after the girl was returned to her family, grayson stayed still with a distant look in his eyes. you called his name and shook him a few times before he finally snapped back. but before you could question anything, he sought off into the house - leaving you on your own.
you gave him time alone since that was what he obviously wished for. you were relieved to see avery return with grayson, so relieved that you were insensible to the tension between the two.
thought things weren't resolved when grayson left, you were still hopeful for the both of you.
it started off great; frequent texts, late-night calls, occasional visits, and even gifts delivered to you. you felt silly for not having faith in the long-distance thing.
but your doubts returned when those daily calls turned into weekly texts and updates and those every other weekend visits shifted to seeing each other once a month.
grayson's excuse had been he was adjusting and had a hard time getting a grip on balancing everything in his life. had it been anyone else, you'd believed it better, but because it was grayson hawthorne, who you knew could effortlessly take on any task - you were growing suspicious. but you had yet to have a serious with grayson about it.
your silence broke the moment avery sat you down and revealed what had gone down in the wine cellar with grayson the night of his party.
she started with her concern for grayson, then ventured onto what happened after grayson ran off. avery had been in the wine cellar getting a bottle at jameson's request when grayson stumbled in. she immediately noticed he was in distress, and it wasn't long before he started breaking down. avery did her best to help, but he just insisted she leave, then went on a tangent about seeing hallucinations of emily and all the stress caused by being a hawthorne. avery's first thought was to get you, but he begged her not to tell him, which is why she was silent until that moment.
you were too occupied on the information regarding your boyfriend to even get a little mad that avery withheld the information. you had an inkling grayson wasn't well, you hadn't known it had gotten as bad as it did, and it was probably much worse by now.
you made an urgent call to grayson the as soon as you got to your room, and it took a couple tries to get him to answer. he answered a bit agitated, but you didn't care and started hounding him for an explanation on everything avery had told you.
at first, grayson was taken aback by both the interrogation and avery betraying him, then he finally confirmed that avery's words were true.
your heart grew heavy, and he confirmed everything. it was silent on the line for a second before you spoke up again. the first thing you asked was 'why?' why didn't he tell you about his trouble, especially the fact he was having nightmares and hallucinations about emily, his ex- girlfriend. and why, why had he confided in someone else instead of his own girlfriend.
you weren't jealous of avery nor did you fret over something happening between grayson and avery, but it hurt like hell to know she was the first he opened up to, whether it was intentional or not.
grayson repeated apologies over the phone, but by then, you were over it and wished him goodnight before hanging up. and once the line went dead, you curled up in bed and cried til you were tired enough to pass out.
grayson called multiple times the following day, and you declined them all. when calls were a bust, he turned to a flux of texts hourly, all consisting of the same mantra of sorry's and 'call me back'. you still didn't budge. you continued that behavior for a week or so, still upset at him.
however, you couldn't help but feel bad - the last thing you wanted to do was add stress to this place. nonetheless, your emotions were also valid; no one likes their boyfriend keeping things from them, telling said secrets to another woman he used to live with at that.
what you didn't expect on your monday morning was grayson to show up behind your bedroom door when you opened it. knowing he came all that way just because you were ignoring him made your heart flutter, however, you kept you solid composure.
grayson begged you to hear him out, so you hesitantly let him into your room and sat on the bed, waiting for him to say something. then grayson gave permission, he spilled his guts.
he revealed to you all of the difficulties he was going through, and you listened with an open heart. by the end of it he was crying, and you didn't hesitate to comfort him in his arms, a gesture he gladly accepted.
when it was safe for you to speak, you told him he didn't have to face all of it alone, there were many people in his life who cared for him.
"hawthorne or not, i'm your girlfriend. you are free to run to me when things get hard. then we can take it on together, okay?"
"you still want to be with me even after i've cried on your shoulder like this."
"the crying actually makes me like you more." you joke, and he gives a small smile at that.
you felt everything had gotten better after that. you'd manage to knock down another wall grayson had built, and now the two of you were closer than ever. avery's birthday was soon, so any two weeks after that, you'd be able to see grayson much more.
you were going to surprise your boyfriend by telling him you'd been looking at apartments in cambridge and landed on the perfect apartment for yourself. so, as soon as the year was up, you were moving there. yes, it was a huge step for someone you hadn't even been dating for over a year, but there was no place you'd rather be than by grayson's side.
avery's birthday had been, as jameson described, an "introvert's ball." and to be frank, you'd prefer it that way. after the way the last big party ended u, you were happy to have it just be immediate close friends and family.
everyone had a great time, grayson had made time to attend, and the both of you danced almost all night long. by the end, you're feet were blistered and bruised, but courteously swept you off your feet and carried you in his arms and into his bedroom. you were out like a light, but not before hearing grayson say 'love you' when he thought you were sound asleep. you went to bed with a smile etched on your lips.
you would've never left his bed had you known what was in store for you both the next day.
you'd just eaten breakfast with avery when you had both been informed by oren of a visitor name eve. avery looked anxious about it, and you didn't wait for her permission to follow her to the gates.
from the distance, you'd assumed it was rebecca, but as you approached, you realized that wasn't her. the girl in front of you was an exact copy of emily laughlin, more than her own twin.
"what the hell."
you were stunned to see a version of emily in person, and not just from photos you'd seen. avery was shocked, but it wasn't because of her appearance, more so due to her appearance at the manor. you were highly confused and began to think you were still sleeping.
avery had no choice but to confide in you everything that had gone on with toby and grayson's father, and how eve was toby's daughter. it was all much for your morning brain. but you processed enough to know the hawthornes, mainly grayson, seeing eve was the last thing needed. a part of you wanted to halt the meeting for selfish purposes. but the issue with eve being at hawthorne mansion meant a bigger issue; toby was taken.
oren, you, avery, and eve were discussing how to proceed, but there was little time to discuss the matter because the first person to come outside was grayson. the last person you'd wanted to come out of the mansion.
he was, understandably, pale as a ghost. it wasn't every day you saw a replica of your ex-girlfriend. you ran up to him with no plan of action. what could you possibly say? 'oh, this isn't emily this is eve, who just happens to look exactly like emily. and she's toby's daughter. oh, and by the way, your father is actually dead.'
grayson walked closer to eve, the resemblance becoming clear as day. looked to you to verify if what he was seeing was real or another figment of your imagination. you could only nod in response.
grayson didn't look away from eve, even when you tried to pull him back into the house. eve was annoyed by his trance and demanded to be taken inside for a shower after all she's had to deal with for the day.
so it was decided that everyone would gather in avery's room while eve used her bathroom. jameson had already been in avery's room when you four entered. he obviously noticed eve but made no comment until she was into the shower. since eve locked herself in the bathroom, grayson's eyes didn't move from the door. you couldn't lie and say it didn't create a sour feeling inside of you.
you knew it was horrible to make your boyfriend's trauma about you, but you couldnt help it. you were worried eve having the same face as emily was going to bring back unwarranted feelings. you bit back your envy, seeing that jameson was unaffected by eve's face, in contrast to grayson who stared longingly.
"tell me everything, heiress one and two."
avery briefly went over eve's appearance and toby's disappearance. she believes toby being taken has to do with a disk he gave her, one eve didn't know about. she ended it with an open discussion on ideas on how to get toby back.
jameson was the first to recognize how little you all knew about eve, and if you could truly trust her. you were glad someone had similar thoughts and you wouldn't be the first to voice them.
"we have to help her."
you turned to grayson at his words, your lips turned slightly down. jameson and avery also looked at the brother weirdly. was he seriously defending eve because she was an emily dupe?
"gray, we don't know her."
"it doesn't mean we should leave her to her own devices."
eve stepped out of the bathroom with clothes provided by avery,and grayson now had a look in his eye you coulden't identify. you had just about enough and lamely excused yourself to your room.
a part of you stupidly hoped your boyfriend would follow, but he never did.
as you busied yourself in your room reading books of fantasy lands to forget your own reality, avery knocked at your door. you hollered at her to enter, and she did. you continued reading, waiting for her to speak first.
"what do you think of a few welcome festivities?"
you raised a brow, "what did you have in mind?"
"how does chutes and ladders sound?"
chutes and ladder did not sound very fun, and frankly you'd never heard of it until that moment, but avery needed everyone in the game to get eve on board. you were even less enthused finding out grayson had been where eve was.
'you trust your boyfriend. you trust your boyfriend. you trust your boyfriend.' you repeated over and over. maybe you would believe it at some point.
as everyone gathered in the study and took a seat, you took your usual place next to grayson. you clenched your fists in your lap as you witnessed eve do the same.
as xander droned on about the rules of the game, you subtly side-eyed the pair beside you. your attention shifts back to the game when xander instructs the first person to go is the person with the best-kept secret. so that meant each of you had to confess something.
grayson took the liberty of starting off, not before sparring a guilty glance at you, "a girl tried to kiss me at harvard."
your head snapped, "what?"
"seriously, it was nothing."
"i can't believe you wouldn't tell me, i thought we agreed no secrets!"
"i didn't think it matter, it obviously pushed the girl away."
"it was enough of a deal for you to choose it as your secret."
you got up from your seat and opted to sit between avery and maxine. grayson grabbed your arm in an attempt to stop you, but you shook him off and took your new seat. grayson attempted to throw apologies, but you disregarded them.
to lighten the mood, maxine continued revealing she had a tattoo and xander continued telling the room he found his birth father; most of you gasped and asked for more, but xander kept his mouth shut. avery went next, heartfelt, saying she felt tobias made a mistake choosing her. you couldn't deny you didn't feel the same at times.
then eyes shifted onto you, awaiting your confession. you had a plethora to give, but you settled for one that matched the vulnerability of avery's.
"not to speak ill of the dead, but sometimes i think tobias hawthorne is a coward for leaving a game in his will instead of an explanation."
the room was silenced by your voice. you and avery each gave a look toward one another in understanding. you couldn't bare to turn your head in grayson's direction for his reaction. plus, you were still upset at him.
eve took the moment to finish the circle of secrets with her own. she disclosed her relationship with her family and their resentment toward her. you didn't fully trust eve, but you sympathized with her story. part of that sympathy was broken off as you saw grayson lean closer to her without a second thought. you started to think you would explode if the game didn't start any sooner.
as you wished, the game commenced - no surprise to you when eve was decided to go first. then the rest of you followed, and the race began.
you truly had no intention of trying that hard for a game, but it seems your inner competitiveness took the lead when you noticed eve ahead and grayson trailing right behind her.
maybe your anger and irritation spurred you on, but in everyone's, including yourself, surprise - you were right on eve's tail climbing up the ladder behind her.
your next move was a dirty one, maybe even callous, but in all honesty, you hadn't meant to do it. you think.
trying to grab onto the next rung as fast as possible, you managed to also grab the heel of eve's foot - causing her to misstep, lose her balance, and hang off the ladder by an arm and a foot. you utilized the time eve had to stabilize herself to then slide past her. you shot her a sorry look on the way up, and opened the hatch to the rooftop, declaring you the winner.
eve was right behind, grayson and jamseon after, and avery after two minutes. eve shot you a glare but didn't say a word about the incident. grayson was making his way in your direction, but you steered the other way to where jameson and avery stood.
jameson chuckled, "i didn't know you had it in you to play dirty."
"it was an accident, she tripped!" you defended.
jameson gave you a knowing look, but raised his hands in surrender and walked away to where xander and maxine were on the verge of entering. (they got sidetracked by a pillow fight)
you told avery you were off to shower and change; you hadn;t realized how sweaty you got until that moment. she nodded and you made your way to the hatch, but before you went down, she grabbed your arm.
"between you and me, was it an actual accident?"
"it was... if you count grabbing her foot and dragging her down as an accident."
avery shakes her head, "can't say i wouldn't have done the same given the opportunity."
walking down the hall, you heard your name being called. on instinct, you turned; grayson was behind you. you figured avoiding him wouldn't work forever.
"can we talk?" he asks, interwining his hand into yours.
you open your mouth the respond, but he cuts you off - "actually, you don't get a choice. i'm going to talk, and you're going to listen."
his tone left no room for argument, so you conceded. grayson went on to apologize for the 'almost-kiss' incident and for the lack of telling you.
"forgive me, angel. it was idiotic of me to assume it wasn't a important matter to communicate to you. you are the only girl i'll ever want to kiss."
you were a sucker for sincere apologies, and his piercing eyes made for a compelling argument. you sighed, "okay, i'll forgive you. but next time a girl tries to kiss you and you don't tell me, i'm kicking your ass, then hers."
grayson smiles and leans in for a kiss, which you accept. as his lips ignite with yours, you can't help but think of how much of a hypocrite you're being by not telling him your emotions regarding eve. 'it wasn't the right time,' you told yourself. it was only her first day, you were jumping to conclusions too soon. everything would work out.
the morning made for a rude awakening; threatening note sent to the gates hadn't been on your to-do list. avery shook you so hard you jumped out of bed, thinking it was an earthquake and smacked grayson's face in your alarm. (he wasn't pleased at that)
the threat contained a photo of toby, and a crypt message you all decoded. everyone started to think of suspects for the culprit behind the kidnapping. number one being skye hawthorne.
however, the investigation proved to be fruitless because she didn't have toby, and the other suspects led to a dead end. the threats hadn't stopped either.
you found yourself sleeping in grayson's more frequently. grayson didn't feel comfortable leaving you in your room, but you also knew it was because he secretly loved cuddling you at night. he held off going back to harvard, claiming he couldn't leave while there was danger lurking. it made you feel safe, but you also wondered if eve had anything to do with it. part of you didn't want an answer to that.
on this night, the two of you were in the pool past midnight. now that you learned to swim, grayson wouldn't stop challenging you to races. you knew what the outcome would be, but you accepted everytime, telling him you'd beat him eventually. (doubt, but it was nice to dream). for every win, you'd award him a kiss per his demand.
on his fifth victory, you leaned in to kiss him, only to ambush him with water to the face. grayson pretended to be annoyed and claimed revenge. you quickly swam away, but it didn't take long for him to catch up to you. he hands attacked your sides, and you were tortured by the ticklish sensation. you begged for him to stop, but he refused and wanted an apology.
you were stubborn, but finally threw in the towel, and accepted defeat. even after he stopped, grayson kept you in his arms as you calmed down from your fits of laughter. for a moment, it was just the both of you gazing into each other's eyes lovingly. at the same time, you titled you heads and reduced the gap between your lips.
before your mouths made contact, the lights, alerting the presence of another, shone. you both quickly turned toward the direction of the light, and grayson made a swift move to push you behind him. you were half expecting it to be another hawthorne brother, or worst-case scenario - the kidnapper.
but instead, there stood eve. she wore a silk lilac nightgown with a small slit that stopped midthigh. you immediately recognized it as your own by the small tear on the strap. 'when did she get this from my room?' had she stolen it or did grayson give it to her? both answers made your blood boil.
grayson relaxed as he recognized her, but you stayed tense. eve apologized for the intrusion, she was walking around the grounds and hadn't realized there were others awake. despite hating the interruption, you assured her it was alright, and she should be careful roaming around at night.
you thought that was that, and she'd just wander off, but it wasn't.
"do you mind if i swim, too?"
"well we-"
"not at all."
you turned your head to your boyfriend and gave him a questioning look, but he ignored it. his attention was now on eve. you had no choice, but to go along with it.
eve was quick to remove her your nightgown and reveal a one-piece swimsuit under. you were a bit confused, didn't she say she was just roaming the grounds, why did she already have a bathing suit on? but you stayed silent.
she jumped from the edge of the pool and landed a few feet away from where you and grayson. for a moment she struggling to reach the top, likely from not expecting how deep the pool actually was. grayson, ever the hero, swam to her aid, grabbing her hand to reel her back to the surface.
at this point, you couldn't even blame eve for these little accidents. you were getting upset at how grayson never failed to aid her when she was in need.
eve laughed, and thanked him for the gesture. then they started conversing about a topic you didn't care to pay attention to. had you just become a third wheel? 'no, no. he's just being friendly. gray will come back to you any second, then you'll both return to his room.'
except that didn't happen. eve asked grayson to race her, and he gladly accepted. even teased her about how badly she'd lose. not once did he turn back your way. no, but as eve swam to the edge, she gave you glance, obviously noticing how you awkwardly floated in your spot waiting for grayson. but she didn't speak a word, and continued to race in preparation for the friendly competition.
you had more than enough at that point. you swam to the pool's railing and pulled yourself out. you stomped out the swimming area, not even bothering to get a towel, and walked back into the mansion. you'd apologize to the cleaners for the wet mess later.
you were more heartbroken than angry. which was worse in your book. you'd been trying not to act like a jealous girlfriend who couldn't trust her boyfriend, and you took grayson's trauma with the emily situation into account, so you made excuses for all of grayson's actions toward eve. but sometimes, you shouldn't deny what's right in front of you.
now, you were cold and wet. you just wanted to go to bed. taking on threatening notes seemed so much easier now.
with all your deep thinking, you missed the sound of running feet from behind you. when a hand grabbed your wrist so suddenly, you were startled, and on instinct - you hand went flying at whoever stood behind you.
seeing now that it was grayson, you gave a small apology, seeing him clutch his face in pain. but you weren't that sorry at all. you probably would've done the same thing if you knew it was him.
grayson collected himself like nothing, "why did you leave?" he gently asks, wrapping a towel, you just noticed he brought, around your form.
you feign innocence, "oh, you actually noticed i was gone? 'figured you'd be too busy racing your new best friend."
"what are you acting like this?"
"i'm tired. tired of standing by as you treat eve like she's a damsel in distress. eve's no better; she clearly knows the effect she has on you."
"you're misinterpreting the situation. eve is one of us, we have to protect her."
"i'm sorry, did we forget you launched a full federal investigation on avery and i as soon as we got here? even after the will reading, i don't remember getting this warm welcome from you."
grayson lips form a straight line, frustrated, "that was different. eve has no one else-"
"she's not emily, grayson."
"trust me, i know that."
"i dont think you do! you see her as your second chance. news flash grayson, she isn't, emily is dead!" you venomously spit out. you hadn't intended for the harsh words to come out, but you wanted to hurt him as much as he was hurting you at the moment.
grayson's fists clench at his sides, he eyes brim with rage toward you, "jealously isn't a good look on you, y/n." the blow cut deeper than you had wished.
"neither is ignorance." you bite back.
you angrily turn your back and storm off in the direction of your room. luckily, it was only less than twenty feet away. you hoped grayson got the hint to not follow.
"we owe her our loyalty, y/n." grayson calls out one last time in a calm voice - different from the aggravated one from a second prior.
you enter your room and turn to him, deciding your final words before closing your door, "your loyalty was to me first."
part of you expected an apology the following day, but it never came. you were unsure where the two of you stood, and you weren't going to waltz up to grayson door to ask.
you confided your feelings in avery and libby, both defended your stance. avery was also wary about eve, and libby just loved any chance to bash a hawthorne.
you were sure the whole house was aware of the argument, likely the laughlins and thea calligaris as well. news travels easily around here. you didn't even want the know eve's point of view on the whole thing.
you steered clear of grayson, and busied yourself with toby's kidnapping along with everyone else. (which honestly should've been the most important matter.) you ensured avery everything was fine because you felt selfish making it about you when toby was in serious danger.
even without being in the same room with grayson, the tension was painfully evident. you could always sense when his gaze was on you, and it took everything to not return it. when you both were in the same room, you made sure to stay on opposite ends. everyone else had trouble deciding on how to handle the situation, but there were no direct comments, at least not that you heard.
there were nights when you wished grayson would show up at your door and just apologize. you wanted a reenactment of those cheesy romance movies where the guys begs the girl for forgiveness, and then they kiss and makeup. truthfully, you would've taken him back in a heartbeat. but this wasn't a movie, and he never showed up at your door.
you wondered if he even felt half of the heart ache you were going through. by the way eve was still hanging around him, even after the argument, you were starting to doubt it.
the more the investigation ensured, the more you and avery grew suspicious of eve. though whenever you thought you had a smidge of proof, it never followed through. it only succeeded in making you look like the villainous ex girlfriend and eve the innocent protagonist.
you and grayson were in a forced proximity when you had to investigate the wine cellar, along with avery and jameson. it was an awkward situation for all four of you, especially pertaining to the event with avery and grayson. but nonetheless, it proved to be useful because the final clue was hidden in the crystals of the chandelier. 'DON'T TRUST ANYONE'
you shouldn't had been so surprised that it was another vague message.
after critical thinking, you and avery came to the same conclusion - eve. the game started with her, she had to be the one tobias was warning about.
however, jameson and grayson weren't convinced by the conviction. both inferring that it would've stated 'her' instead of 'anyone'. but you persisted, avery backing you up.
jameson sighed, "i think recent events are affecting your judgment, y/n." you were taken aback by the claim, especially it coming from jameson. hadn't he been suspicious of her as well?
"i'm not acting out of jealousy. the old man knew of her, even made a plan in the event she arrived to the mansion, yet failed to mention her to anyone. why is that?"
"y/n." grayson spoke to you for the first time in awhile, "this isn't like you to act so rash. if you gave evie a chance-"
"evie? what, you guys have fucking pet names for each other now? don't you see how she's played you since the beginning!"
"y/n, you're not thinking straight."
you shake your head, "no, i don't think it's ever been clearer than right now. so, i'm going to give you one last chance grayson. to, for once, take my side over eve's. because if you don't, you're going to lose me."
there was silence, a hairpin being dropped could be heard. grayson put his head down and said nothing. and yet, it told you everything. you laughed at yourself for expecting a different outcome.
you scoffed with a humorless grin, turned around and walked away. you heard avery call out for you, but you ignored it. you didn't want to see the pity she'd have in her eyes after that embarrassing debacle.
you made it all the way to your room before crying into your pillow. you finally got the answer of whether or not it was over. the pain of the night at the pool seemed like an easy feat to face compared to your anguish now.
when you calmed down a few hours later, you looked out the window and saw the pool. a flashback of pain seared in you at first, but then you noticed something peculiar you failed to notice before. there was a part of the tiles that weren't aligned with the rest. you likely would miss it if you were close to it, but from far away it was noticeable.
something inside you told you to investigate. maybe it was the need for a distraction, but you followed your gut, not even stopping to change attire.
once getting to the pool, you jump straight in to create enough force to reach the bottom of the pool more efficiently. there, you observed the tile for a second before attempting to move it. nothing happened, and you readied yourself to get a breath of air -but suddenly, a key popped out from a compartment under the tile. you got it and returned to the surface.
without the chlorine in your eyes, you were able to immediately know where to put the key to use; the chapel tobias built for nan hawthorne. you rushed there, not caring for how soggy your hair and clothes were.
luckily, nan wasn't anywhere in sight. you rushed to the statue in the center of the room and eyed it for a moment before finding the intended target, the statue's mouth. you fit the key inside and wiggled it around before hearing that 'click' to let you know it was unlocked. a second later, a small plate popped out and with it it contained a usb. you'd never been prouder of yourself for figuring out one of tobias's stupid puzzles without avery's help.
you pulled out your phone and pressed on avery's contact, and started ringing her. she picked up in an instant, "hello?"
"avery! you won't believe it i-"
your sentence was rudely cut off due to your phone being shot of your hand. by a bullet.
you gasped and snapped your head to the entrance of the chapel. you saw the gun at once and its owner; eve.
"sorry, i think you're going to need a new phone," she says innocently.
you let out a cheerless laugh, "i knew it, you psycho bitch!" obviously not the best choice of words to say to the person pointing a gun at you, but god, did it feel good to be right about eve.
eve rolled her eyes, "i suppose you did, but it wasn't like anyone believed you. i'll admit you and avery almost, just almost, got me. but eventually, i was able to fool her too. now give me the usb and i won't shoot you." she got you there.
you gripped the usb tightly in your palm, "why do you want it?"
"i'm getting what's owed to me, what was taken from my family by that stupid old man. god, was it easy to infiltrate the hawthornes. especially grayson." you flinched at the mention of his name and eve took note of it.
she laughs, "right, he's your boyfriend- i mean ex-boyfriend, oops." there's no sincerity in that apology. "you know, when i heard you two were dating i was prepared to work twice as hard to get his attention.. but it was proven unnecessary because as soon as i stepped on hawthorne mansion - i had him." ouch.
"enough chatting, now walk over here slowly and hand me the drive." eve commanded, emphasizing the gun in her hands.
where was your bodyguard when you needed him?
you followed her commands, and took slow steps to her. she took on hand off the trigger to open her palm toward you. you made a motion to place the usb in her hand, but then quickly charged at the gun.
you both struggled back and forth, moving the gun. suddenly, the weapon flew out of both of your grasps and landed in front of the angel statue.
with the usb situated in your pocket, you ran to retrieve it, but eve was quick and tackled you from behind, causing you both to land on the ground. you were both rolling up and down the aisle, trying to get the upper hand. eve roughly situated herself ontop of your waist, immobilizing you. then her hands slithered to your neck and squeezed hard.
it was getting harder to breathe, but you were a fighter. your armed flayed at her, grabbing whatever was closest. as a last resort, you clawed at her face.
"bitch." you mutter as your nails scratch across her face.
it worked, eve howled in pain and retracted her hands from your neck. you briskly shoved her off your body. having little energy from the lack of oxygen, you still take your chance and crawl toward the gun. but eve had recovered, and dragged you back by your heel. 'talk about karma' you thought.
you're crazily moving your feet to shrug eve's hands off as you continue to painfully crawl. but suddenly the gun is lifted off the ground, both you and eve look up to see grayson now clutching the gun. you're both relieved and worried.
you stand up on your feet, eve does the same. grayson waves the gun toward both of you and both hold your hands in front of your forms.
"gray, thank god you're here. i came here looking for a clue, and found a usb, but then y/n showed up.. s-she took the usb from me then pulled out a gun and tried to kill me." her voice was no longer diabolical, now it was full of vulnerability and fear.
"grayson, she's lying, she almost killed me!"
"y/n's been working with vincent blake, she plans on giving that usb to him."
"oh, you little liar!"
"look at what she did to my face!" eve points at the bloody scratch on her face, starting from her left eyebrow and ending at her lip.
grayson eyes went back and forth in observing both you and eve. the gun was pointed in the middle, still deciding its target.
his eyes landed on yours, as does the gun. "y/n. give me the usb." your stomach drops.
"grayson." you plead.
"y/n. now." he held his hand out. you knew that tone. it meant 'no room for argument'.
if he didn't believe in you even now, then you had no choice. you took steps toward him.
"careful, gray, pretended to give the usb to me and then attacked me." eve warned. you shot her a nasty glare.
grayson doesn't say anything and waits for your move. you drop the usb in his hand.
"thank you." you say nothing.
grayson turns his head to eve, "i've always known who to believe." eve smiles at that, "i just had to stall long enough for john to show up."
in an instant, eve is brought down to the floor. oren is behind her, holding her arms behind her back long enough to put handcuffs on her wrist.
you let out a large breath you didn't know you were holding. grayson believed you in the moment that mattered most.
grayson tosses the gun to the ground and engulfs you in a hug. you accept it, and grip onto him like your life depends on it. his hold triggers your emotions, and tears spring out from your eyes. you can't help it when you start crying into his shoulder. he soothes you, cradling his hand on the back of your head.
"im sorry." grayson muttered into your hair. "you were right. i can't let emily rule my life any longer."
"you're an idiot." you say in the midst of tears.
"i am." he agrees
"and i'm still super mad at you."
"i know."
"you're going to have to work really hard to earn my forgiveness, like beg on your knees and hold a boombox outside of my window type stuff." you croak.
"i will, baby." grayson smiles.
for now, you were happy to feel safe and protected in his arms.
"is this really necessary?"
"very," avery confirms, "you broke boyfriend code, now your penance must be fulfilled."
"you guys only made up those codes a day ago," grayson counters.
it was true, after the whole eve fiasco grayson was willing to do whatever to earn your forgiveness. you were ready to forgive him, but you also wanted to give him a hard time. it might've been a little evil of you, but you thought it was well deserved. after a girl talk with avery and libby, you came up with a new set of rules you liked to refer to as 'boyfriend code.' inspired by the code the brother share.
"exactly why we ought to use you as an example for future culprits," xander justifies waving a hand in grayson's direction.
grayson groans, looking up at the ceiling, "i love my girlfriend. i'm doing this for my girlfriend." he murmurs to himself.
"that's the spirit" nash cuts in, he lifts his drink up.
avery looks around, "where is y/n, anyway?" she asks.
"here!" you announce, walking out from behind the stage, "i was just preparing the song." you take a seat next to jameson and grin mischievously at grayson, "you'll love it."
graysons eyes narrow, "i have a feeling i won't."
just then, the beginning of a song plays out from the speakers.
grayson eyes widen, and he looks at you, "no."
your smile widens, "oh, yes."
"c'mon gray, we're all waiting." jameson hollers from his seat.
everyone starts egging grayson on, cheering for him to commence.
he takes a deep breath, "guess i have no choice."
as grayson starts to sing the lyrics of "shake it off" by taylor swift, jameson leans over to you.
"gotta say, this is a brilliant punishment for him."
you nod in agreement, "and it'll be even better after when i reveal, i have ten other taylor swift songs for him to perform." specially, 'ME!' was next.
"yikes. remind me to never break boyfriend code."
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never-enough-novels · 3 months
Ok ive been thinking of this for too long and I have to say this. Yall hate these people too much and they weren't even that bad compared to others
Emily laughlin- ok first of all, she's dead ok? And yall still hate her so much. And so what if she kissed both grayson and jameson?? She deserved better from both of them and the fact that jameson didn't come and help her when she jumped down??? That's a shit move ok?
Tobias hawthorne- DUDE HE LITERALLY ONLY WANTED TO MAKE HIS GRANDSONS BETTER THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH HIM. I don't know how people hate him so much smh
Sheffield grayson- His nephew literally died in a fire. And he was like a son to him and he couldn't even get any proper justice???? And then he's just killed off???? What the fuck??
If any of you guys agree with this you should literally read the books again CAUSE HOW CAN YOU NOT HATE THEM WHAT THE FUCK I WILL ALWAYS BE A HATER FOR ALL THESE PEOPLE AND I DONT AGREE WITH ANY OF THIS
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reyreadersblog · 4 months
I don't get the Rebecca Laughlin hate at all, i mean i get it if you're still on the first book, but if you have finished the whole trilogy and you still hate her then you don't understand her character at all. She started off..not really good and trustworthy, she made mistakes, BUT Bex had a great character development through the series, you have to understand how deep and overlooked her trauma is, like ms.girl NEVER in her life ever had what she wanted, it was always about what Emily wanted, she was never visible, Rebecca had always hid behind Emily's back (not in a good way) and had been overshadowed by her manipulative, b*tch sister, her parents never appreciated her or paid attention to her, they were like "Em has a heart condition, treat her right and do whatever she wants" TF??
Remember that one time Bex said something like "Emily liked me, as long as i did what she wanted and didn't get in her way"...and even tho Emily was such a terrible sister to her, she still loved her, still cared about her, still blamed herself for Emily's death.
Her own mother chose a girl with her dead daughter's face over her💀.
Also are we forgetting the fact that she begged Thea to not cover up for Emily? And Thea still did. Like the girl she loved the most still chose her sister over her.
And as if that wasn't enough trauma Eve appears in the final book, just imagine the pain she'd feel seeing girl with her dead sister's face.
The fact that she forgave Thea for her behavour says how anazing of a person she is.
She may have done some minor mistakes, but overall she is one of the underrated and sweet character. And she's, minus Max and Xander, closest person to a friend Ave ever had.
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catastrxblues · 1 year
When one of the characters says “that’s what emily would’ve wanted” “this is what emily would’ve done” well she’s DEAD alright so shut up abt it. Not them acting like she’s a goddamn angel who has good moralities, like do i need to be there and remind them that she literally used the brothers, took advantage of them for her own gain because she loved the attention, and make them play a game and fight against each other for her??
And then had the decency to split thea and rebecca up and then go all around her sister’s face telling her that this is not love and that thea love her so much more than rebecca, and make herself be the center of her sister’s life that rebecca literally have nothing of her own including her personality and personal preferences because emily always made it her business to tell her what she liked??
She’s literally so selfish, insufferable, and manipulative. Like??
This is an emily laughlin hate page. i will forever be her willing slander.
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miabrown007 · 6 months
Opening Line Patterns
thank you for the tag @ladyofthenoodle and @aidanchaser!!
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 posted fics and see if there's a pattern.
1) Felonies and Other Love Languages
Adrien Agreste is at a standstill, perched up way above ground, and he hates every second of it.
2) Happily Ever After Is a Zero-Sum Game
Once upon a time, Marinette believed in happily ever afters.
3) Scar-Crossed Lovers
Marinette rests her forehead against hospital sheets—the kind she’d never be able to afford.
4) Lowkey? Like Hell
One thing you need to understand about Marinette and Adrien Dupain-Cheng is that they are not and have never been, what the kids call, "lowkey".
5) Fighting Dragons with You
Being the son of Death-Eaters was fine.
6) play stupid games/win stupid prizes
Faking Emily Laughlin's death was never going to be easy.
7) Start a War
Time stops when Chat Noir plummets from Marinette’s skylight.
8) Blinding Lights
Marinette never in her life thought that her first argument with Adrien as a couple would go like this.
9) On Borrowed Time
Time is of the essence, my dear, his mother always used to say, but Adrien was so young back then — just a kid trying to sneak away from his mother’s skirt in the crammed and stifling ballroom — he never really got what she meant.
10) Power-Struggle Power-Couple
“Oh, this could get embarrassing quickly.”
hmmm, the pattern is maybe that I will be talking about the plot, the theme, the purpose of the story first thing first--though I feel like that's pretty standardly what a first line does haha. I'm surprised to see though that I don't have more dialogues in this compilation. at a time I was really big on starting in the middle of a conversation and giving exposition later along the way
no-pressure tagging: @valiantlyjollynightmare @rosekasa @2manyfandoms2count @peachcitt 💕
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unnoodles · 3 months
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gods-favorite-autistic · 10 months
I’m currently rereading the Inheritance Games series so I can read The Brothers Hawthorne and I swear to god every single time I open that book I hate Emily Laughlin Skye Hawthorne and Tobias Hawthorne so much more
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hi um i saw an anon or two around talking about how they're upset (upset is a mild word, being a shitty and coward person is more like it but eh) that the emily laughlin blog was deleted. (from what i know it hasnt been deleted yet) and i js wanted to say that those anons are horrifically stupid like...
you're literally defending an emily role playing blog. if it was any other character it'd make sense but its emilly???
sure it's just roleplaying and people having fun but YOU run this specific role play so you should get a say who gets to play what character
and if they can't respect that, respectfully they can fuck off. go make your own emily laughlin role play if you love her so much
it's not like the person who made that blog has been harmed in any way. they were just denied to role play a character and had many options to choose from. its literally not that deep
you dont have to answer this <33 js wanted to tell you what i thought have lovely day <33
// um i've been getting one or two more of those, but im glad atleast one person is not hating me rn
much love to you i hope u have u have a lovely day too, lovely anon <33
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 21 days
short taylor swift playlists for each tig character - rebecca
another playlist :). we don't know much about her so some of this might not be accurate (some of the songs i added were added because of hcs i have). i wrote this at like 2am last night so some of this might not make sense.
#1: i hate it here: this song is about escapism. its about a person who escapes to this secret world they've created in their mind because they hate this world. there are many reasons why i think this song suits rebecca. for one, i've always imagined her being a reader. it just makes sense to me. i feel like she'd view it as a form of escapism. her home life is clearly not the greatest. she was constantly pushed aside by her parents because of her sister's condition and was forced to take care of emily. i also feel like with everything going on with thea at the time, and her need to lie to her sister to gain her approval, she would want to find ways to escape her life.
#2: the prophecy: the prophecy is about yearning for a different destiny and the hope one has for a better future. rebecca wasn't loved by any of her family, and, based on what we know, she doesn't seem to have many friends. the only person who's ever truly been there for her is xander (i'm not counting thea bc she abandoned her for her sister right before she died). she's always been treated unfairly by others so it would only make sense for her to yearn for a different future and love.
#3: maroon: the song describes a relationship from beginning to end. the song doesn't necessarily fit rebecca (and thea), but the vibes do (as well as some lyrics). the vibes fit them so well it was impossible for me not to add the song.
#4: you're on your own, kid: i think the title of this song is quite self-explanatory. its about realizing that, at the end of the day, you only really have yourself. like i said earlier, she has no friends or family (except for xander) that truly cares about her. she doesn't really have anyone that she can depend on or trust fully.
#5: champagne problems: the song tells the story of a woman who surprises everyone by turning down her lover's marriage proposal. the woman in question turned down the proposal because of her struggles with her mental health. this song isn't an exact fit, but i do think that it fits her well enough. just like the narrator, rebecca struggles with her mental health, and she did turn down thea at first when she asked her out after their break up even though she liked her. the only part that doesn't fit her is the proposal part.
#6: 'tis the damn season: the song is about a woman returning to her hometown during the holidays, where she briefly reconnects with an old lover. the song isn't an exact fit, but it screams thebecca to me. after emily's passing, thea and rebecca broke up, but they never truly let go of the other (especially thea). they were incapable of staying away from each other and being just friends. their feelings for the other never faded away, and i can definitely imagine them sometimes giving into those feelings despite being broken up.
#7: tolerate it: my favorite song in the entire world. it's about wanting to be loved by someone who doesn't even bother paying attention to everything you do for them. i think this is quite self-explanatory. rebecca has always lived in emily's shadow. there was nothing she could do to change that. it got to the point where she started believing she was the problem. even though her loved ones weren't there for her, she was there for them all. i made a full analysis of this song from rebecca's pov a few months ago (here).
#8: evermore (ft. bon iver): the song follows a person's journey from this seemingly never-ending period of sadness and depression to one of optimism. this person says that, without this specific loved one, they wouldn't have made it. by the end of book 3, we can see that rebecca is starting to heal from the trauma and pain her family inflicted on her (she started dressing herself and styling her hair in ways that she liked instead of trying to fit into the mold emily had created for her). i think thea (and xander and maybe even avery) assisted her in beginning her healing process which is why i think this song fits her quite well.
#9: right where you left me: this song is about not being able to move on from an ex. the narrator was left sitting in a restaurant after a break up, and, even after all of these years, she's still there, frozen (mentally). i think this song fits her in two different ways. i think emily's death and the pain her family put her through affected her so badly she was unable to move on and heal. she sort of stayed frozen in time just like the girl in the song. i also think she was unable to move on from thea even though she was the one who broke things off between them. i think the guilt she felt for dating thea behind emily's back and the trauma she was dealing with made her break up with thea (and also maybe she felt betrayed by thea after she chose emily over her), but that doesn't mean her feelings for thea faded away.
#10: mirrorball: the narrator of the song compares themself to a reflective disco ball. they think they reflect other people's personalities to make them happy. rebecca is a people pleaser. she did everything emily and her family asked of her hoping that it would make her worthy of their love. she wanted their approval so bad she forgot she was her own person (in thl (or maybe tig), she literally refers to her hair as 'our hair' as if it's also emily's). all rebecca wants is to be loved, and she's been made to believe that the only way for that to happen is if she molds herself into someone people actually want (cause she thinks no one could want her as she is).
#11: illicit affairs: the song is about the heartbreak and happiness that infidelity can bring. this song doesn't fit her perfectly, but, whenever i listen to it, i think of how thea pretended to be seeing xander while dating rebecca in secret. at the time, this was the only way for the two of them to be together, and although being with thea made her happy, i'm certain she wished she didn't have to keep their relationship a secret. hiding her relationship probably felt like hiding a part of herself.
#12: false god: the song describes the power and pain of loving someone. loving someone obviously doesn't come without challenges. i feel like rebecca would sort of hate herself for loving thea because she's her sister's best friend. they also kept their relationship a secret from everyone because they were afraid of what people would think (they also probably hid their relationship bc they're two girls). all of this obviously wouldn't be easy, but, despite the pain, they still stayed together. i also think the vibes of the song fit them really well.
#13: call it what you want: the song is about not caring what the media has to say about your relationship bc all that matters is that the two of you know the truth. this obviously doesn't apply to them in the first books. they literally hid their relationship from the public because they were afraid of what people would say, but, in book 3, i feel like thea and rebecca stopped caring and just did whtv they wanted. literally no one knew whether they were dating or not, and they didn't seem to feel the need to clarify. i guess that, after starting to heal from their trauma, they sort of realized that other people's opinions don't matter.
#14: all you had to do was stay: the song is about a crumbling relationship that ends because of the lover's indecision. like i said earlier, i think that part of the reason why rebecca broke up with thea is because, the night that emily died, thea picked emily over her even though she knew it would only cause problems. thea was so desperate for emily's approval that she chose her over her girlfriend, and that most definitely hurt rebecca's feelings. maybe, if things had gone differently and thea picked rebecca instead, they would've never broken up.
#15: this love: the song describes the revival of a failed romance. the narrator of the song explains that even though relationships aren't always perfect, they're still worth being in for the good memories they give you. rebecca and thea broke up and then got back together some time later after realizing that they're more miserable apart than they are together. this song fits them perfectly.
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gardens-of-may · 2 months
ENTRY THREE - chap. 45 to 69
spoilers ahead
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is nash a swiftie? 
is he playing the violin?
this is fucking sad
THESE TWO- this is why i like nash and xander better
wine cellar? did you say WINE CELLAR?
i’m shitting my pants i’m so scared
it’s time 😩😩😩
oh lord okay 
his fucking mother never even noticed anything???
no one noticed???
no one
exactly now you realize i was right and you should’ve never trusted her
grayson, shut the fuck up
i’m about to slap gray
is he threatening avery?
i wouldn’t be sorry
what the hell
she’s your grandmother not your mom 
isn’t there a liam?
mallory laughlin needs help
that’s so cute
is grayson in love with eve?
on spake
he thinks eve is emily 😡😡😡
oh my god he locked her in a room 
i’m crying stop
“Because Gray is going to keep jumping until it hurts. He’s always been the solid one, Heiress. The one who never trembles, never backs down, never doubts. And now, he’s lost his mooring, and I have to be the strong one.”
he said her name 
“Take me with you,” I told Jameson.
“Just this once,” he said, an aching tone in his voice, “let me be the one who protects you, Avery.”
oh my gosh 
poor xander
no i’m gonna cry AGAIN 
he wanted custody 
he wanted him
william blake. 
liam. isn’t that toby’s biological father?
am i making false connections?
“Yes, you do,” Jameson insisted quietly. “And it doesn’t even matter because I’m not putting on a show here, Heiress. I’m not playing at being overprotective or pretending that, for once in my life, I want to do the right thing.” He brought his hands to the side of my face, then the back of my neck, and I felt his touch through every square inch of my body. “I love you. I would die to protect you. I would make you hate me to keep you safe because damn it, Avery—some things are too precious to gamble.”
i want to be dead 
we’re in the free fall now 
she’s playing into his insecurities 
why do you want a body?
a corpse?
that’s disgusting 
she has a gun 
gray would die
he would kill himself
i’m done 
end of chap. 68
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