#i hate the way my college decided to lump a bunch of idiots with me in a group
chicchanooliner · 2 years
The day I finish working on my thesis would be amazing
I feel it
0 notes
karasuno-writings · 5 years
Important to me
Hello!! So here is the other work of angst I promised!! I have to thank haikyuu!! season 4 episode 1 for showing me that canonically Tsukishima is prone to loose his cool if pushed so that was fun! I hope you all enjoy it!! I felt to bad for my tall boy, I do love him so much.
Also sorry for being so unresponsive today, I just felt so hopelessly depressed most of the weekend and I tend to shut everything down when that happens like yeah...it kinda sucks.... so I apologize for that. Tomorrow college starts once more so I hope I can get stuff out at the same rate but that probably is not happening so I’ll try! Thank you all so much regardless!!
Character: Tsukishima Kei
Warnings: None??? Angst?? IDK if that counts as warning
In few places did Tsukishima feel truly comfortable, he hardly let himself properly relax despite his chill demeanor. Yet, there he was, arm moving slowly up and down as he gently caressed yours, lying next to you as both watched a movie. His expression was soft, something reserved only for those who he truly loved, and lucky for both, he really did hold you dear to his heart. 
He pressed a gentle kiss on the top of your head as the credits rolled in and shifted to sit on the side of the bed, almost reluctantly letting go of your warmth. Looking back at him you smiled apologetically and sat down, pressing a kiss on his cheek. Closing his eyes, he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath in order to get used to the sudden change of position.
“I’ll get going now dear” He stood up and pressed a small kiss on your forehead, you knew he meant to volleyball practice, but he was never one to state the obvious. You giggled at the sound of the nickname he just called you, he usually kept it old fashioned, you loved it when his cheesier side was shown, it was just the right amount of lovely. 
“I’ll see you at seven then!” You smiled as he stopped in the doorway. Right, today was your debut at school, you had been working on it for months now and you asked him to come and see you. He looked back at you and nodded slightly, a hint of a smile on his face before closing the door behind him.
Dino babe: Y/N I will not be able to make it on time.
Dino babe: Daichi-senpai asked me to tutor Hinata and Kageyama.
Dino babe: I’ll make it up to you.
Your phone buzzed, the recognizable ringtone the only thing discerning it from the bunch piled up in the table. You bit your lip, there was no way of getting to it now, the debut had just started and the teachers made sure none of you could get distracted by such a thing.
As you looked to where the visitors sat and noticed your boyfriend was nowhere to be found you could only swallow the thought that something bad had just happened to him, he was not one for ditching you without further notice. 
As the lights dimmed you could only close your eyes, shutting off the noise in your head.
Tsukishima arrived at the venue, you never told him how long would it all last but apparently by 7:30 everything was wrapped up. He felt a tug on his heart, annoying him with a feeling of worry, as the people attending the event rushed past him on the opposite direction. 
When he reached the front, he saw you picking up your phone, eyebrows furrowed and a deep apprehension in your eyes, your forehead wrinkled up like it only did when you thought something was wrong. You stared a few seconds at the screen before clutching your chest, right above your heart, you were not sure how to feel. 
You sighed in relief as you saw the messages, the tension in jaw that you never really noticed until now disappearing at the thought of your boyfriend being fine. However when you did a second take on the words written by him a wave of anger washed over you, so rather he decided not to show up. You let out a puff of air, gritting your teeth at the mere thought that he postponed your hard work, ignored what you had put your all into, all for something he could have suspended for a day at most. Your eyes began welling up, a lump in your throat became hard to ignore as all you wanted was to get home.
You turned, ready leave, and there he was. His expression would be unreadable for most, he managed to hide his emotions impeccably, however, you were not most people, it is your boyfriend of two years you are talking about. Behind the stoic facade you knew he just noticed how much he had just fucked up. 
Taking a deep breath you held your head high, swallowing your pride and tears as you walked past him. There was so much you needed to tell him, he could see that in your eyes, but not here, not now. He bit his lip, thankful for you knowing not to make a fuss in public, but he was all too aware that he should not say a word until you both were alone.
Taking a deep breath you held your head high, swallowing your pride and tears as you walked past him. There was so much you needed to tell him, he could see that in your eyes, but not here, not now. He bit his lip, thankful for you knowing not to make a fuss in public, but he was all too aware that he should not say a word until you both were alone.
“I can’t believe you Tsukishima! I was worried out of my mind! Only for you to do this to me?” You closed the door a little too forcefully for his liking. Your voice broke, you were not yelling but the harshness in your words was impossible to ignore. You never called him that, as much as he hated the stupid pet names this was much worse.
“Sorry...Sawamura-san said it was necessary” He would never apologize if he didn’t thought he did something wrong. He had underestimated the time it would all last.
“You could have done it tomorrow, you knew how much this meant to me” Your eyes watered down once more, digging your nails on the palm of your hand as you balled them into a fist.
“There will always be a next time Y/N...besides, I already apologized.” He was starting to get irritated himself, couldn’t you see that he had already acknowledged his mistake? 
“You really don’t get it right! I’ve been waiting for this for who knows how long!” Now you were raising your voice slowly but firmly.
“Please calm down...it is just a hobby after all” 
That did it
“Calm down?! You really are incredible!” You couldn’t help but yell. And in that moment everything crumbled down, and you were about the experience what you had deemed impossible, Kei loosing his cool. 
“ Incredible?! I am not the one starting arguments about something so idiotic!” He was scary when he shouted, you never knew. Your feet paralizad on the ground, he seemed to tower over you higher than usual, you fought against the fear to find your voice.
“I am trying to get you see! Don’t you understand how scared I was! And how you traded me for something that could have waited!!”  Channeling the initial fear over this side of him into anger, you carried on, the distance between the two of you slowly closing.
“They are my friends too you know!”
“I am your partner! I thought something bad had happened, only to find out you ditched me!”
“Well it is not my fault you are a moron! Maybe we should just stop trying so hard to hold this vida bed relationship together!” 
He flinched as said words left his mouth, so uncharacteristical of him to let his anger out in such a way.  By holding down his emotions most of the time he could not avoid letting such a feeling consume him completely as a shadow of looking darkness, clouding his perfect judgement. 
However this time you did not back down, biting your lip as your vision blurred out by the tears staining your cheeks. You loved him, but there was so much you could stand, he was not near perfect, but it was not your position to stand by being treated like this. You forgave him everything, loved him despite his flaws, and he couldn’t even try for you. You choked back a sob, his words hurt like knives, your heart audibly breaking right then and there.
Almost mechanically you gathered your stuff up, sniffling and wiping your tears with your sleeve every now and then. Taking everything that belonged to you into your backpack with a sorrow so big that all you could feel was a numbing sensation that accompanied the white noise that rung in your ears. 
Tsukishima was paralyzed, staring down on you as you shuffled back and forth with clear intent of leaving nothing behind. A knot in his throat stopped him from saying anything, he had never felt so broken, so stupid, he had let his anger get the best of him and the words he could not take back echoed in his mind, every syllable as painful as the one before. He would not apologize this time, he would not let you see him cry, he looked as angry and as intimidating as he did some seconds ago. His eyes following you, tearing holes on your skin as you walked out the door.
The second it slammed shut he fell to his knees, he had never once in his life sobbed, but the lack of air and the guilt were enough to break down on him, tears unstoppable as he realized he had fucked up the single best thing that had ever happened to him. 
Kei hopped off the train, changing the song that currently played on his headphones as he looked around at the well known road. His feet walked almost on their own as he headed home. Today’s match was the highlight of his month and even he hated acknowledging the lack of inspiration that he was facing. 
However not even his grim mood could make him ignore how nice the day was, the light was warm and the breeze was light, he took in a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to give in into the peace of atmosphere.
He opened them slowly, and as soon as he did his stomach dropped. He stopped walking, the  sight of you enough to agitate his mind and leave him at loss of what to do next. 
He had completely blocked everything regarding your relationship. After sulking down like a useless bastard for about a month he was able to stomach the guilt and shut down his emotions even worse than before. He never wanted to be as helpless as he was after the incident, so any feeling that began to stir in him was promptly ignored and hidden.
Kei didn’t want to call your attention, he would hate having to talk to you, it would be more than he could handle. So he reserved to watching from the sideline. 
You were with a group of friends he had never seen before, probably met them in the span of two years that had gone by, they all seemed awfully annoying. 
His first instinct was to remove his headphones, so he could see if it was possible to catch anything of the conversation. He was not one to pry but he couldn’t help himself. 
Talking a good look at you his heart shrank, wilting as he was able to see your features once more. You looked beautiful as ever, your smile was brighter than he had ever seen it, only once had he been the reason for something as pure as the sheer happiness that radiated from you, the day the two of you started dating. To see you glowing as much as you did, with such ease as if it was an everyday thing hit him hard. 
Your laugh reached his ears as he saw you bend over, he had not realized how much he missed that, how much he missed your arms, the way you two bantered before he promptly shut you down with a kiss. 
And as he saw a friend of yours twirl you around  he could only grit his teeth, unable to stop his eyes from watering down as he remembered all the times he turned you down when all you wanted was to dance.
He fled from the scene, his hands balled up as he stomped his way down the road hoping no one would notice how broken he truly was. He hated the fact that after all this time he still missed you, that you were truly the only one that had made him so truly happy, the best thing that had ever happened, but what he truly despised the most was that he knew you were better off without him, and what he witnessed today had finally proved him right.
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dlwritings · 6 years
I Won’t Be There | Peter Parker
masterlist found here
pairing - Homecoming!Peter x reader word count - 2,184 warnings - IT HURT MY HEART TO WRITE THIS A/N - this takes place during Homecoming but the film’s events around the dance are not in this story | inspired by a prompt I found on Tumblr [”I’m not gonna be there when she breaks your heart”] | the dress I imagine (Y/N) wearing is linked
summary - The one where you overhear Liz’s plans
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You loved Peter.
Peter loved Liz.
Tale as old as time.
You were about as close to Peter as Ned was, having known him since before his Uncle Ben died. So yeah, he loved you. Just not in the way you wanted him to.
Because, as previously stated, Peter loved Liz.
Liz was a senior, Peter was a sophomore. It would never work. Next year Liz would be off to college and the last thing she would want would be a boyfriend who was a junior in high school. So even if miraculously she did agree to go out with him, it wouldn’t last. Ned and MJ agreed with you, but none of you wanted to be the one to tell Peter. So, you let him pine after her.
It came to a shock to all of you when Liz agreed to go to homecoming with him. Peter was over the moon at lunch. He couldn’t stop talking about needing to buy a tie and have Aunt May teach him how to dance. He was so excited and you couldn’t take it. You excused yourself and MJ was the only one who noticed. She, after all, was the only one who knew of your feelings for him.
You went to the bathroom in a hurry, hoping to get into a stall before the tears started falling. As soon as you sat on the toilet, you let yourself cry. They were quiet sobs but they shook your whole body. Why did you have to love him as much as you did? Why couldn’t he fall for you the same way you had fallen for him?
You quickly quieted yourself when the bathroom door open. You sniffed and grabbed some toilet paper to wipe your eyes. Just as you were about to “flush” the toilet, the girls who walked in started speaking. It didn’t take you long to realize it was Liz and one of her friends. “So Peter really asked you to homecoming?” her friend asked, a small laugh following quickly.
“Yeah,” Liz laughed.
“I can’t believe you said yes.”
“Come on,” Liz said. “He’s adorable.”
“He’s pathetic.”
“Okay, yeah, but maybe this’ll get him to stop. Maybe he’ll stop staring at me from the other side of the cafeteria … or from down the hallway … or across the classroom.”
Her friend laughed again, “How exactly will this get him to stop?”
“Well you can bet your ass I’m not going to make him eager to go out with me ever again,” Liz said back. You could hear her going through her bag and you assumed she was reapplying lipstick. Any time you saw her in the bathroom that’s what she was doing. It was as if the girl didn’t even have a bladder.
“You’re going to break his heart,” her friend said, not at all sounding sympathetic towards your best friend.
“Not break it,” Liz said somewhat defensively. “Just crush it a teeny bit.”
The two girls laughed and you could hear their footsteps as they slowly exited the bathroom. You immediately left the stall and looked at yourself in the bathroom mirror. Free of tears, you headed off to class as the bell rang, determined to tell Peter what you had heard after school.
“Why are you telling me this?” Peter said, shouting at you. You went home with him as you often did after school. You were going to help him study for his History exam while May was out at work still. He always got his best studying done when May wasn’t walking in and out of his bedroom to see if the two of you needed anything. Instead of studying though, you decided to break the news to him about Liz.
“Because you’re my best friend!” you shouted back. “I wasn’t going to keep it from you. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“You’re lying to me,” Peter said immediately. “You’re lying because you’re jealous.”
“Yes, jealous!” Peter said. “I know you like me, but-”
“Are you kidding me?” you said. “This has nothing to do with my feelings for you!”
“Then why are you lying?”
“I’m not lying!” you shouted. “I heard her in the bathroom!”
“I don’t believe you!” he yelled. “Liz is a great girl and she agreed to go to homecoming with me because she likes me. I don’t get why that’s so hard for you to understand!”
“It’s not-”
“And I’m not going to lie to you and say I’ve never had feelings for you before,” Peter said. “I have. You’re great. But it’s just, Liz is-”
“I don’t want to talk about this right now,” you said sternly. “I know you love Liz and that’s great. I don’t care. But if you’re smart, you won’t go to the dance with her. Not for me, but for yourself.”
You packed up your things quickly and left Peter’s apartment, determined not to let any tears spill until you were safely home.
Before you knew it, it was the night of the dance. You got dressed in the gorgeous black tulle dress you had just bought and did your hair and make up as best as you knew how. You expected to be blown away by your reflection like in the movies, but in the end, it was just you in a dress. You sighed, shrugged your shoulders, and headed outside to where MJ was meeting you in her car.
You hadn’t spoken to Peter since the day you told him about Liz. He avoided you at all costs and always sat with Liz at lunch instead of you, Ned, and MJ. You ended up telling Ned what had happened, which meant you confessing your love for Peter. Ned claimed he already knew, that Peter had told him. Still, he stood by your side and agreed that Peter was being stupid about it all.
“You girls both look great,” Ned said to you and MJ when you got to the school.
“Thanks!” you said back with a forced smile. You felt like your stomach was in knots. Peter was nowhere to be seen, and neither was Liz. Did he really decide to go with her?
Your question was answered as soon as it popped into your head. There, walking in the gym doors, was Peter, arm linked with Liz’s. Liz looked beautiful and you immediately felt small. Your stomach twisted tighter and you kept swallowing back the lump in your throat. Liz said something to Peter before walking away to speak to a group of her friends. He looked around for a moment before setting his eyes on you, Ned, and MJ. A smile grew on his face as he approached you all. “Hey guys!” he said happily. “You all look great.”
“What’s Liz doing?” Ned asked immediately.
“Oh she’s just talking to her friends, she’ll be here in a second,” Peter said casually. “I’m going to go get her and I some drinks. (Y/N), you wanna come with me?”
You wanted to decline, but all of your words were stuck in your throat. Instead, you just nodded, not knowing how to say no to him anyway. The two of you walked through the gym but when you got to the table of drinks, Peter grabbed your hand and pulled you past it. The two of you ended up in an empty hallway, the music from the gym just a faint bass in the background. “Can we talk about this?” Peter said softly. “I hate not talking to you.”
“You’re the one who’s been avoiding me,” you said, proud of yourself for speaking without letting any tears fall. Your throat was burning from holding back your sobs, but you didn’t want to break.
“I’m sorry,” Peter said. “I just, I really think you’re wrong. I don’t think she said that.”
“You still think I’m lying?” you said, your voice sounding like a whisper now.
“I know Liz, (Y/N),” Peter pressed. “She wouldn’t say that.”
“You know me too!” you shouted. “You know I wouldn’t lie to you! So who are you going to believe? This girl you’re blindly in love with or me? Your best friend?” Peter was quiet for a moment before he clenched his jaw, looked down at his shoes, and shook his head.
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly. “I just-”
“Forget it,” you said. The tears were coming now, the lump in your throat finally surfacing. “But don’t come to me when I end up right.” You stabbed his chest with your finger and said, “I won’t be there when she breaks your heart. I won’t.”
Before Peter could say another word to you, you turned and left him standing alone in the hallway. You pushed past all the people in the gym and headed outside to get some fresh air. No one was anywhere to be seen so you plopped yourself on the stairs and pulled your shoes off your feet. Your tears were falling steadily from your eyes and you were sure the make-up you had worked so hard on was a complete mess. It wasn’t long before Ned and MJ came outside to find you. Ned sat down beside you and MJ leaned up against the stair railing. “Are you okay?” Ned asked gently, laying a friendly hand on your back. You shook your head and tangled your fingers in your hair. It was a mess anyway, there was no use in trying to pretend otherwise.
“All I wanted was my princess moment,” you whispered. “I know it sounds stupid and naive, but I just wanted him to walk in and not be with Liz and see me and-” You cut yourself off with another sob. You covered your mouth with your hand and closed your eyes, trying to compose yourself for a moment. “But instead,” you continued, “I’m just a stupid girl in a stupid dress waiting for the prince charming who doesn’t even want her.”
“Don’t let him make you feel like you’re not a fucking princess,” MJ said immediately. “You look great. You’re beautiful and amazing and Peter’s just an idiot who has a school boy crush on the cliche senior girl.”
“Someday you’ll be together,” Ned said firmly.
“You don’t know that,” you said softly with a shake of your head.
“I do,” Ned said. “I know because that’s what’s supposed to happen. You guys are meant to be.”
You put your forehead in your hands and started crying again. You felt like your heart was breaking into a thousand pieces and there was nothing you could do to tape it up.
“Let’s ditch this place,” MJ said. You looked up and wiped some tears from your eyes.
“I’m serious,” she said. “My parents aren’t home. Let’s just go back to my place, rent a whole bunch of movies, raid their liquor cabinets, and forget about this stupid dance. We have two more years to come to this shit. Let’s just get out of here.”
“I’m in,” Ned nodded. “This hat isn’t working tonight anyway.”
You couldn’t help but laugh and nod, agreeing with your friends. You stood up and, against your better judgement, turned around to take one last look inside. It was a slow dance and you expected to see Liz and Peter on the dance floor. Instead, you saw Peter standing alone, looking around the gym like a lost puppy. You felt a pang in your heart, different from anything else you felt that night. “She really ditched him,” you whispered.
“What?” Ned said. He turned around and followed your eyes. “Oh, Peter,” he sighed. Without even thinking twice, you started to walk back into the gym.
“(Y/N) wait-”
You ignored MJ and opened the doors, the soft music of Ed Sheeran hitting you immediately. You pushed past the dancing couples and stepped in front of Peter. He looked up at you, humiliation written across his face. “Come on,” you mumbled, nodding your head to the door. “We’re going to MJ’s. She’s got booze and movies.” Peter nodded, following you to the doors to leave.
“I thought you said-”
“I know what I said.”
Peter was quiet again. When the two of you got outside, MJ and Ned were already waiting in MJ’s car in the parking lot. They honked at you and waved. “I don’t deserve you, (Y/N),” Peter said gently as the two of you walked over to your friends.
“I know,” you agreed.
“Why do you even care about me right now?” he asked. “You said you wouldn’t be here for me if this happened. Why are you?” You let out a quiet laugh, a breath out of your nose.
“Because I have a ridiculously huge crush on you,” you said to him. “And you’re my best friend.” Peter was quiet and you decided not to look at him. He didn’t ask you to, instead, he just grabbed your hand and gave it a small squeeze.
You loved Peter.
Peter never really loved Liz.
At least, not the same way he loved you.
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beepbeeprichiellc · 7 years
Could you do 19 or 25 please? :)
25. My friend dragged me to a party then abandoned me but
you came up and we started talking and somehow I started talking about how I
didn’t want to be here while you start smirking and my best friend comes back
and introduces you as the host of the party and I blush really hard because
I’ve been ranting about how boring it was for 10 minutes  
 “I hate you.”
Bill smiled, the passing city continued on with their
lives, unaware of the torture that Eddie was about to endure. How his friend
had gotten him to agree to his was beyond him but here he was, heading towards
a college frat party. This wasn’t Eddie Kaspbrak, boy with a midterm in the
morning, this was Eddie Kaspbrak, the sucker for his best friend’s puppy dog
“Look, it’s not so bad. We won’t stay long, I promise.”
Eddie scoffed, “What just long enough for you to nail that
Stan kid in the back room?” He asked, his annoyance lacing itself with his
words. “Can’t you do that without me going to this thing?
“You’re my wing man!” Bill pleaded, sideway glancing over to
his friend who was pouting in his seat. “Stan likes you, if I can get an in
with him then-“
“Stan doesn’t even know my name.” Eddie corrected.
“Hey now, we fixed the whole Edmund vs Eddie thing last
time.” Bill defended, “All I’m asking is for a solid hour, you can spare that.”
“Fine.” Eddie growled, huffing in disgust. “But if you aren’t
done getting STD’s by then I’m going to leave without you.”
“Stan doesn’t have STD’s” Bill retorted, shaking his head. “I
mean, I don’t think-what did you hear something?”
Eddie only smirked.
The party was exactly as predicted, a giant rager at some poor
saps house. Students were scattered out in the street, sucking down blunts and
making out with one another. Eddie rolled his eyes, knowing that they were in
the right place. Bill offered an apologetic smile as he parked the car,
shrugging his shoulders.
Inside was ten times worse. The smell of liquor and cigarette
smoke wafting back in them just as they made it past the threshold. Eddie could
recognize some of the students, a few that were in some of his lectures but
mostly everyone was just a blur of hormones and drunken sways. God, how did he
end up in a place like this?
“I think I see Stan!” Bill yelled over the blaring rap music
that seemed to come from all angles. “I-I’m going to go talk to him, I’ll be
right back.”
“Oh no, don’t you ditch me Denbrough!”
“Just a few minutes Eddie!” He replied, already swimming
through the sea of people. “Promise.”
“You’re promises don’t mean shit!” Eddie yelled back, his
words eaten up by the drop of the bass and the following intoxicated screams of
those around him. He groaned, wanting to follow his friend but already knowing that
a place like this would swallow him whole in an instant. Instead he decided to
find a space against the far wall, somewhere that Bill could find him easily but
that didn’t make him a target to others drunken advances.
A few moments passed, the music changing from rap to rock
and roll, not that it sounded any better through the nearly blown out speakers.
Eddie watched the people around him, their actions baffling him as they grinded
on each other, practically dry humping for everyone to see. It wasn’t that he
hated parties, but blow outs like this tended not be his speed. After all, how
could you even enjoy yourself when you couldn’t even breathe in without tasting
someone else’s stench?
“Hey do I know you?” Eddie looked over, noticing a tall,
lanky boy who had made his way beside him. His mess of curls hung lower than
his ears, his bulky glasses concealing his brilliant auburn eyes and his faded nirvana
t-shirt hung loosely off of his shoulders. All and all, this kid was a mess and
looked like he could blend in to the cowed around them.
“No. I don’t think so.” Eddie replied flatly, trying to ignore
the twist in his stomach as the other boy smiled brightly.
“Oh no, you must be from my dreams then!”
Eddie raised an eyebrow, confused by the entire exchange. “Are
you trying to flirt with me?”  
“That depends.” He jeered, leaning against the wall
casually, his eyes scanning over Eddie making him blush. “Is it working?”
“No.” Eddie lied, looking away from the stranger, trying to
find his friend in the crowd.
“What school do you go to? I haven’t seen you around.”
“Look I don’t even want to be here, let alone want to be hit
on by some drunk guy so please just move on.” It wasn’t harsh, not exactly but
the bite that followed took the stranger off guard, making him stagger in surprise.
“Okay first off, I’m not drunk.” He lifted his cup, gesturing
to its contents. “This is Pepsi, I don’t actually drink. Second off, why aren’t
you enjoying the party? It’s fucking awesome if you ask me.”
“My friend dragged me here. I hate ragers, they are so
fucking boring.” He replied, shrugging. “All they are is a bunch of idiots who
feel the need to get wasted and high and then proceed to fuck their brains out
in the back room.”
“That seems a little rash.”
Eddie looked back to the other boy, rolling his eyes. “This
would have been a good party about 50 people ago, now the music gets shitty,
the liquor get stronger and wandering eyes get bolder. If I wanted this I would
have just gone to a club.”
“You are very opinionated aren’t you-uh, what was your name?”
“Eddie.” He replied, not knowing why he just gave out his
name but finding himself at ease beside this stranger. “And yeah, I guess I am.
Sue me.”
The boy smirked, biting his lip he admitted. “I like you
Eddie.” His confession made the shorter boy shutter, an unexpected feeling
pooling in his stomach. “You aren’t like the other people here.”
“What, do you mean sober?”
He laughed, shrugging his shoulders. “That’s not what I
meant exactly but sure. That too I guess.”
“What’s your name?” Eddie finally asked, feeling the need to
even the playing field.
Before the stranger could answer, Bill’s voice cut through
the crowed, appearing before him with Stan in tow. “There you are. I’ve been
looking for you.” He muttered, huffing in annoyance. “I see you’ve met Richie.”
“Richie.” Eddie repeated, the name like honey, dripping slowly
down the back of his throat. “Yeah, we were just talking.”
Richie smirked, “I see you found Stan.” He replied, gesturing
to the curly haired boy behind Bill. “Thank god, he won’t shut up about you.”
Stan made a face that Eddie could only describe as ugly. “I’m
not the one throwing a party and not fucking drinking trashmouth.”
“Oh my god.” Eddie choked, his face becoming heated from his
immense embarrassment. “You’re the fucking host.”
“That’s me.” Richie chuckled, “Guess I need to take a few
pointers before it can be up to your standards, huh Eds.” Eddie groaned,
running his hands down his face he muttered an apology, one that Richie merely
brushed off. “So are you guys leaving or-
“Actually…” Bill began, throwing another apologetic look to
his friend. “I came over here to talk to my friend, I was wondering if-“
“No.” Eddie nipped, “No we are going, I’ve made a compete ass
of myself, we need to fucking leave.”
“I can take you home, if you want.” Richie muttered, a shit
eating grin playing on his lips. “After all, this party is pretty lame.”
“It’s your party.” Eddie corrected, eyeing the taller boy. “You
can’t just-“
“I can do whatever I want. Stan can handle things till I get
back.” He made a quick motion to his friend, who offered a quick and harsh,
fuck you as a response. “Besides, I’d like to hear what other opinions you
“Oh that’d be great!” Bill breathed, his smile beaming. “I
can stay here with Stan and you can go with Richie! It all works out!”
“No. Bill no don’t-“
“Okay bye Eddie, see you later. Don’t wait up!” Bill yelled
as he pulled Stan back in to the crowed. “Have fun!”
Richie laughed, jingling his keys with amusement. “Shall we?”
Eddie let out a defeated sigh, looking over to the host with
irritation. “If this is some kind of trick then-“
“Oh come on Eds.” He jeered, leaning in so close that Eddie
could smell the scent of vanilla and cigarettes clinging to his lips, making
his knees weak. “You can trust me.”
He swallowed the lump his throat and managed a small, “Ok.”
And that was all it took for Richie to grab his hand and
lead him out of the house, the music still blaring in the background. People
called out the hosts name, yelling things that Eddie couldn’t’ make out but
Richie ignored them, pushing out towards the yard and barreling towards a beat
up truck. Eddie wasn’t sure what he had gotten himself in to but frankly, he
couldn’t give a damn at the moment.
He was so fucked.
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