#i hated the ep 11 so much i was about to rage quit
tumsa · 1 year
Then let me kneel when the marriage proposal happens, and we’ll call it even. 
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jq37 · 1 month
VINDICATIOOOOOON! We were all completely within our rights to hate KP. Although, at this point the RG's seem to be victims that need help, maybe. Depends on how much getting Rage-vivified leaves your mind free or if they're all enthralled. Their personalities clearly took a turn for the shit end of the scale if Ruben's anything to go by. They could be Thralls that think they have agency. As much as I don't like them (Lucy being the obvious exception) they were just kids that got set up to die by an adult they trusted. Which is pretty fucked. That segues nicely into our new mystery, What is Jayce's deal? How long has he been a Rage acolyte/thrall/insert better word here? Did Ankarna's name getting released help his evil machinations?
Onto more lighthearted topics:
-Damn it, the gamer in me is salivating at what perks maxing out the other tracks gets you.
-Better late than never on those materials Arthur. I wonder if Adaine speaking up earlier might've gotten her this solution right from the start.
-Fabian apologizing to Gertie (the best new character this season) has fully redeemed his character and I now fully approve of his ship with Mazey (the second best new character this season). It can now sail with my blessing. Also, dude really needs to talk to the Kids about how lonely he's been this year. We're getting near the end and he really he needs to communicate his problems better. All of them do TBH.
-I hope Bobby Dawn gets his teeth kicked in before the season wraps up.
Anyway, shorter than expected episode. Hopefully next weeks will be a little meatier. Till then, Honor the Cock at Basrar's.
-I also hope Brennan puts the full downtime mechanics online or something at some point because I wanna know what they didn't get to cause they were too busy concentrating on other stuff.
-I understand why Adaine handled things the way she did--very in character for her--but the whole time I was like girl! Talk to someone! use your resources! Anyway, she's done with school but hopefully there are still some useful goodies in there (and something nice for Fig too).
-And yeah, ditto about Fabian. If Toxic Masculinity is dead and you dance now, tell your friends that you're lonely! But that's not an actual complaint of course. He's handled it in a very in character was as always.
-Bobby Dawn can go to hell. All my homies hate Bobby Dawn.
-We ended on the Jace reveal so hopefully we'll get into that pretty quickly and start to figure out exactly how much culpability we should assign to each party here. Even if I find Kipperlilly insufferable (in a narratively satisfying way), it doesn't mean it's her fault if a trusted adult led her into making a pact with a rage god that cranked all of her already intense personality traits up to 11.
-As I'm sure you know by now, the next ep is gonna be more than 3 hours long so you're getting your wish! And I think the moment that "almost made Brennan quit" is gonna be in this episode so I'm mega pumped!
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eyoooomiru · 1 year
Buddy Daddies Predictions (Ep.11-13)
I literally can't wait anymore :')))
At this point I expect everything from this show
Ep. 11
I don't think that Rei and Kazuki will meet Miri again in this episode
I feel like we'll see both of them fall back into their own old habits, such as how Rei sleeps in the bathtub and smokes and Kazuki feeling empty again
I also feel like they most likely won't talk about their feelings or try to comfort each other at all (boy istg TALK ABOUT YOUR GODDAMN FEELINGS)
The focus in this episode won't be on miri and Misaki either, we'll probably see a few scenes of them but that's it
For some reason I can see it happening that miri constantly asks for her papa's and when they will return to pick her up 🥲 her mother wouldn't know how to answer and either ignores her daughters question or tells her she doesn't know
This is just the calm before the actual storm
Rei's dad definitely will play a HUGE part the last few episodes
I think he'll call his son again to his office and gives him the offer to become the heir of the suwa family business one last time
Sry not sry but I can't see that rei would ever have the guts to blatantly tell his dad no
fucking donkey 😡
He'll probably come up with the "give me more time pls" shit again and his dad will snap, telling him that if he won't decide soon, Kazuki will be out of the picture
The thing is, Rei KNOWS who is family is, he KNOWS what he wants. He just can't voice it out of fear from the business and rejection
Kazuki and Rei will also start to have a fight cuz Rei stopped cleaning for himself again and Kazuki is just too tired to do anything
I think it'll end with this threat from his father, Rei trying to distance himself from Kazuki and Kazuki completely dying on the inside and looking at their family picture
Ep. 12
It is too soon for miris mom to die, so I can't really imagine her dying in the show cuz of her cancer
I feel like, even tho she has changed (😒) she'll be quite overwhelmed with suddenly taking care of miri again
Listen I love our shortcake miri but she's a pain in the ass hands down
Her mother wasn't the best caretaker before, I mean she even said herself that she literally did not care at all for her before
On top of that, she just lost her job and most likely has no income yet. A child costs an fortune
When she first saw the room Kazuki and Rei had for miri she was shook because she KNOWS she can't afford that for miri as of now
I also feel like, since miri is quite stubborn, she won't stop asking about her papa's
Her mother will realize in this episode how much of a family they have become and I can imagine her starting to feel really bad about taking them away from each other
She'll probably have tons of guilt and I think miri will just get more stubborn each minute because her dad's won't show up
Her daycares Christmas event most likely will also play an big part in this episode. I think miri will imagine herself singing with her friends while her papa's and her mum are watching
I also think we will finally get to see Kazukis real rage after he finds out who's fault it is that his wife died
Remember that creep of a guy who writes people's last words into his notebook? Yes him
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I hate this man so much
either in this episode or even in the episode before (11), miri will run away to search for her papa's on her own. Probably taking the train again, but this time she will either get kidnapped or get lost again in a completely different city
It will end with Misaki realizing her daughter went missing and her either calling Kazuki or directly showing up at their house
Ep. 13
It's canon, the authors and directors of buddy daddies already confirmed that it will end realistically. (as realistic as this show can get ig 🥲) they also stated that the last few episodes are more serious and we all know that this show has no problem with angsty themes :')))
So according to this, it would be stupid to think that Rei, Kazuki and Miri will live happily ever after
One of them will probably get shot, my bet is on Kazuki since it would be stupid to try and kill your own heir
Miri most likely will also have been kidnapped by someone from the agency
Usually she was pretty dense whenever she was in danger before (for example when her biological dad held a gun to her head and she wasn't scared, or when she saw rei shooting someone)
But i think this time, miri will actually realize the importance of the situation and will be terrified 😭
I also think that Kazuki will kill the man that was responsible for his wife's death
For some reason I really can't think of any ending besides Rei and Kazuki leaving the business but how would they do that??
They can't just walk off and say that they quit xddd
They also aren't strong enough to kill the whole agency
Instead I think that one of them will kill Rei's dad, setting an end to this once and for all
Remember that scene in the intro where Rei's dad is standing infront of a car?? That could be the scene where they start a fight
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Yes this scene here could be it :00
I don't think that miri will start to live with Kazuki and Rei after that tho
Most likely they will Co parent or sum shit like that and tbh I don't like this idea very much
But it's better than nothing I assume
It would also make the most sense cuz after all since Kazuki and rei wouldn't be assassins anymore, they would have no income, which means both of them have to find real jobs
Finding your place in this world can be scary. Especially if you are not used to it
For some reason I think this show will end with Kazuki and Rei showing up at Miri's daycare Christmas performance, watching her from a distance and she'll notice them, running off the stage, straight into their arms cuz she missed her papa's so much 🥺🥺
Maybe we'll even get a scene where we see all of them in the future together ✨ imagine them trying to enroll miri into school 😂 or her getting into her first relationship xddd
Also I'm sry to disappoint any shippers but I don't think that Kazuki and Rei will become canonly a couple 😭😭😭 I think they will just stay queer coded 😭
However I still hope that they will grow as people in the next few episodes
Either way I'm totally not prepared for what's about to happen 🥲🥲🥲 man I love this show so much
I eat everything up that has found family in it lol
Anyone else has some more predictions?? It sucks so much that there is no Manga or novel
If u have read this far, thank u <33
~~ you did a great job today ✨
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its-chelisey-stuff · 3 years
Word of Honor eps 11-20 (many confusing thoughts ft. the feels)
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Well, the drama has finished airing (and I’ve seen a bunch of spoilers lol) but I’m watching it on youtube so every rant and ramble you read here is gonna be a pretense of me not really knowing the story and that includes what I know from reading the novel because it’s confusing to keep in mind what happens in both since the drama diverted quite a bit from the source. All that matters is that we got a happy ending, so now I can enjoy the delicious angst, pining and romance freely and without worries.
On the plot
I didn’t have enough of GuXiang and CWN in these eps but at least they’re safe and together, for now. They’re gonna romance each other and will eventually reunite with main OTP and their kid (who looks like a little Wang Yibo to me lol). And Ye BaiYi (aka captain of the WenZhou ship) has made his first appearance and wants to help save ZZS. Btw I love his dynamic with WKX, it’s hilarious!
Now, I’m a bit confused about the names and faces and who’s bad, and who’s not so bad but the main baddie has been revealed and it looks like the dude is controlling the Scorpion King via daddy issues which yikes. I’m worried that it looks like WKX doesn’t know who is pulling all the strings because that shows that his plan for revenge isn’t perfect and if he was wrong about Gao Chong, then he can be wrong about other, bigger things and that isn’t good.
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Also, some of the valley ghosts want to take WKX out of the picture, which is of course not surprising considering killing the current leader is the only way to succession of what it seems like a dictatorship. What a nightmare to live in tbh, I’m surprised WKX is functional enough to walk so nonchalant and elegantly in public and that he managed to raise an equally functional GuXiang. But I guess that’s because he wanted to survive and get the justice/revenge he feels he deserves (I’m on his side, btw), so he had to act like a madman while trying to keep his sanity. He has some glitches,of course, but he did well, all things considered.
Which takes me to the whole Five Lakes Alliance and their “friendship”, which imo went to hell 20 years prior to the start of the story, and they all pretended for two decades, because they all wanted the Armory and each had a piece to get into it. Is it bad that I don’t feel that bad for them? Maybe just about little Chengling’s dad but other than that...*shrugs* Plus, their actions brought terrible consequences for innocents, namely WKX’s family.
On the love story
The romance is delightful!! On ep 11 WKX went to rescue little Yibo but found out ZZS was also there so he went full-on killer mode so hot because how dare these scorpion killers hurt his man? They made up (with he help of their adoptive son) and even took their time to have dates and enjoy a lot of alcohol until ZZS went “my dude, tell me the truth, you’re Rong Xuang’s son, aren’t you?” to which WKX offended, replied “Honestly? No, how fucking dare you?” but it is a theme with these two to part dramatically after an argument and then reunite in dramatically gay fashion when ZZS is in danger, which actually happened 3 times in these ten eps.
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The reveal of ZZS’s condition to WKX was PERFECTLY done. I love gorgeous men crying and being all angsty under the rain so that scene with OTP afterwards was delicious and then WKX sadly playing the flute while getting drenched and reciting poetry (GONG JUN IS AMAZING AS WKX!!!!!!) has definitely become one of my fave moments so far. I love that despite their short time together, you can see and feel the bond between the two and that there’s a side of them, a vulnerable one, that they only show to the other and that’s how I believe in the depth of their feelings (plus the arguments and shared near death experiences lol you can’t beat those). You don’t need lots of time to actually get to know a person, and after the few weeks(?) of a rollercoaster of emotions these two have shared, it isn’t weird they’ve become soulmates.
We know ZZS has accepted his fate and is happy with the way things will end for him. He said it himself, he just wants a peaceful life or a peaceful death, and while the former is out of reach or so he thinks, he can certainly make reality the latter. I understand that he is perfectly happy as is, because he achieved his goal after years of being a muderous puppet and meeting WKX is like the perfect ending, a last blessing. However, that’s not the case with WKX. He hasn’t achieved his goal yet, he doesn’t have the same peacefulness and acceptance as ZZS. He has a lot of rage and hate inside him and he had just set his plan into motion when he met ZZS and although that hasn’t changed his mind about his revenge it has made him want things he didn’t know he even wanted before. Now he desperately wants a life with him. So finding out that the man he’s fallen for, is dying, is a cruel twist of fate, another one in his life. Why allow him to meet ZZS when he will lose him in a couple of years?
Anyway, as a man with a mission, WKX had to suck it all back up and go watch the shit show he thought he always wanted to see, which ended super bad. And at this point I don’t even know if WKX knows what he’s doing anymore or if the drama is fooling me they might be succeding.
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cough cough eye sex cough cough 
 After a total of 3 caves, declaring their love for each other (ep 18 min 17:50), rolling on the grass super gay, saving their son yet again and a tragic backstory later, ZZS comes to understand who WKX really is and his heart broke as well as mine and everyone’s because damnnnnn that was heavy (but also, I wasn’t expecting the childhood friends trope, but I don’t I mind it, in fact I like it as it reinforces the narrative that OTP are meant to be). What broke me even more is that, amidst all that, WKX still has the state of mind to worry about ZZS’s health and ask if it’s possible to save him with the YingYang book of the Healer Valley. He might act like a monster but he isn’t one. If he was, he wouldn’t have compassion for others and that huge capacity he has for loving. Come to think of it, maybe it’s the terrible life he’s had what makes him being all devoted to the person he loves, to love without holding anything back.
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Of course ZZS isn’t short of affection for his man, because while his love is on the more quiet, much more subtle side, he is always paying attention to WKX and is visibly worried about him and this hatred he has for the people of the alliance as well as his plan for revenge.
I just love how we went for “oh, they might like each other, but they each have their emo baggage and ZZS doesn’t look too willing to take on WKX’s troubles or even understand him” to “yep, they’re soulmates, they’re in this together and ZZS won’t let darkness eat WKX away and WKX will risk it all to save his man”. It’s beautiful.
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rounove · 4 years
Shyan Fan fic Recommendation
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Anon I want to kiss you right now. I have been waiting for this question for years
Batch 1
*All | orphan_account
Ryan's got an itch only Shane can scratch.
*"Come over here and make me." | aldhafera 
“Shane, stop that this instant!” “Come over here and make me.” In which Ryan fears something followed them home and Shane just wants to give the (definitely non-existent) ghosts a show. 
Por Favor, Sweetheart |  carrieonfighting
Two dorks raise a baby and don't even realise they're doing it together until it's too late Alternatively, Ryan Bergara is Trying His Best Thanks
(This one’s so domestic I think I melted)
the choices we make |  exul
Shane and Ryan find themselves in a world where much is the same, yet everything is different. An apartment that's theirs, but not theirs. Photos of them that were never taken. And most importantly a child, who's somehow theirs, yet they've never seen her before. or Shane and Ryan wake up in a world where they're married and have a baby. 
and then there were two (idiots) |  sessrumnir
Shane kisses Ryan by accident one day. A week later they are still trying to process what happened. 
*Body Farming |  shiphitsthefan
Failed suppressants and a surprise heat: the worst of cliches, and here Ryan stands, living the trope on location with the alpha he’s hopelessly in love with. Even worse, they’re spending the night in the famous Bell Witch Cave, completely alone and with no way to contact the outside world.
Ryan knows he can survive and keep his preheat a secret, as long as Shane will stop being so protective and concerned. After all, it’s not like Shane wants to bond with him.
*breathe out so i can breathe you in |  trxshmxuth
They've been tiptoeing around each other for months now, walking on ice so thin that Ryan can practically see the sexual tension swirling and raging underneath. Ryan's almost afraid that when the ice finally cracks, he's not going to be able to resurface again.On their next Unsolved investigation, the ice breaks.
eventually, the darkness stares back |  EAST (WESTAGE)
Shane realizes he likes Ryan exactly the way he is: alive. 
Four Down, One to Go |  sunshinewinchesters
Ryan is sick and Shane is having a really shitty week. 
*Hold Your Breath, It Gets Better |  beethechange
Ryan stops short in the doorway of his bedroom, banging his shoulder against the doorframe in his haste, because he’s too late. Shane’s kneeling in front of the bottom drawer of his bedside table, peering down at the contents, hand frozen in a hover like he’d been about to reach in. His face is a blank mask.
“Ah. I keep the batteries in the top drawer. Not. Not the bottom one.”
“Yes,” Shane says, cocking his head to the left in puzzlement, and then he pauses for a fraction of a second too long as he considers his words. “I can see that the batteries are not in the bottom drawer.”
*How Deep (Is Your Love) |  touchinghearts
The last thing Shane expects when he exits the bathroom is for his boyfriend to appear out of fucking nowhere, pin him against the wall, and swallow his cock down in the open hallway of a hotel. 
It's a love/hate kind of thing. |  heyghouls
Shane is an executive producer at BuzzFeed and Ryan is his intern. It's not love at first sight for the boys, but will they finally see eye to eye when they realize they have more in common than they thought? Shane is an introvert who finds it hard to let people in, and Ryan is a cute loving boy who just wants to figure the guy out. 
Just Out of Reach |  formosus_iniquis  
A variation on the "I asked for your help getting a book off the top shelf and and you laughed at my taste and called me a nerd so I shoved you into a table of nonfiction best-sellers and that’s how we both got banned from the quirky community bookstore" prompt 
keep you like an oath |  spoopyy
"I'm in love with you," Ryan says, desperate."No, you're in love with the views."
kiss me like you mean it |  rocketshiptospace
“Hi,” Tall man says, taking in the sight in front of him. “I’m sorry, I heard banging and yelling and I just, are you okay?”
“No. Yes. Maybe,” Ryan says, slowly standing back up on two legs again. “My door won’t open.” He eventually ads, when him and Tall man have just stared at each other for a few seconds.
“That’s unfortunate,” Tall man says, smiling at him. He has a really nice smile. “But it happens. It’s an old building, you know. Doors get stuck sometime. Here, let me try,” He steps past Ryan, and places his hand on the door handle. The door swings open like it’s nothing.
or, Ryan's apartment building plays matchmaker.
*Muscles Better and Nerves More |  beethechange
A certain meddling Voodoo Queen of New Orleans thinks Ryan and Shane need some new perspective on life. After an inadvisable ritual deposits Ryan in Shane’s body, and Shane in Ryan’s, the ghoulboys pursue some soul-searching and self-discovery to put things right. Sometimes in a sexy way. 
the calm before crescendo |  abovetheruins
Alternate title: 5 times Shane Madej was flustered by Ryan Bergara, and 1 time he finally did something about it. 
*The Desk Fic |  SincerelyLeah
Shane was having a shitty Monday morning and it was all because of one person, Ryan Bergara. But, by now he should know that endless teasing gets Shane more than riled up. 
Things That Go Bump in the Night (and 7 till 12 at weekends) |   HoopyFrood
Shane works at a Haunted House. Ryan is Ryan. Things go about as well as you'd imagine. 
Tranquility Base |  sessrumnir
After their successful Sims series, Kelsey has a different video proposal for the boys. This time, they're testing how fast gossip travels in the office. But Ryan doesn't expect their relationship to change so fast because of it. 
*wasted on you |  cursingcursive (queenradi)
there's a reason shane loves when ryan wears his clothes. 
Weird |  Helsabot
One night, the stack of pillows between them becomes one stack too many. “Let me— let me hit you with a thought. A theory.” “A postulation?” “Sure. Let me postulate at you.” “Postulate away, baby.”
You Make Me Glow |  sohapppily
Whenever they were on their ghoul excursions, Shane always had a snarky comment on the tip of his tongue and a twisted smirk to shoot at Ryan’s terror. He was mostly the same way in their unrecorded life, but they played up the banter for the sake of The Boys. Although it was a welcome respite for Ryan, seeing Shane in these settings with nothing but sleep on his features never failed to be a bit jarring.
Ryan couldn’t look away.
lightning in a bottle |  LexTheMoose
Love is slow-dancing on the balcony of a house party at 11 PM. 
meet me halfway |  poetdameron
In a world where everything changed over the night, Ryan and Shane's minds connect miles away, making Shane the man of Ryan's dreams. Literally. 
Batch 2
*And they were roommates (oh my god they were roommates) |  Squeakyshroom
All my notes said on this one was “this is pure sex jesus”
2:10 to Wellton |  quackers
and i'm puffing my chest, getting red in the face |  pissedofsandwich
Bed-warm Hands and the Ghost of Elvis |   MiraclesofPaul
*BFFS Get Married For A Week - Ryan and Shane |  aspookycryptidsock
distorted truths |  hwsinbs
*Everything's Weird and We're Always in Danger |   beethechange
hammer me to the cross of my despair |   heartchains
I Think the Ghost Likes You |   cactsu
*I’ve Kissed You Before, but I Didn’t Do It Right (Can I Try Again) |   beethechange
if i should fall |  abovetheruins
*Just The Facts |   millyvanilly (miloisnothere)
*Out of Control with Ryan |  beethechange
*Pushing All Your Buttons |  beethechange
satisfaction brought it back |  ElasticElla
Short Stack |  Anonymous
*Thank you, Satan |  Squeakyshroom
The Chain |  Lafayette1777
Rough water |  heyghouls
Batch 3
The Thrilling Gardner Museum Heist |  orphan_account
One in Five Billion |  punk_rock_yuppie
a short history of almost something |  cooliohoolio
*A Suspicion of Feelings |  beethechange
I Will Be the Sun, I Will Wake You Up |  sohapppily
*ready if it happens with you |  sarcasticfishes
*The Denial Twist |  beethechange
The Bizarre Road Trip Of A Missing Family |  icantwritegood
Beautiful Crime |  orphan_account
The Odd Death of Michelle Von Emster |  icantwritegood
won't you ride on my fast machine? |  ElasticElla 
Batch 4
*Breathe |  quackers
*The Hunger |  poetdameron
Black Sun |  quackers
contrapposto |  spoopyy
(Let me tell you that I never liked major character death but I accidentally read this one without reading the warning and YOO I am a fan of major character death now. This was beautifully written!)
darling it's a faded notion |  varnes
(This was the very first shyan fic I’ve read and still one of the best one’s)
*Full-Court Press |  beethechange
(I remember this one oh my god this has jersey kink in it and I didn’t even know what it means until I read this and it awaken something in me. This writer I swear to god. They could write Ryan and Shane fucking in a hot dog costume on top of the mountains and I’d still be into it.)
*Ryan Number One |  quackers
(THIS has everything I want and didn’t know I needed. This is hot this is sexy. Five star porn right here.)
theft by finding |  varnes 
*Wicked Game |  quackers
(This is my favorite. This ruined me in so many ways and I got so affected and shaken up that I can’t draw anything for months. I have been to so many fandoms and read hundreds of fics but nothing has fucked me up like this. I have to switch to a different fandom because I am having the longest art block ever because I keep thinking about this fic. I am not exaggerating I swear if you see my previous posts there’s quite a gap in my shyan art. And I am saying this in the highest of compliment, this fic changed my life.)
*Translucent |  poetdameron 
*Begin the Begin, Over and Over |  beethechange 
*Let the Sunshine Burn Your Eyes |  YogurtTime 
*Look How Long They Are |  drunkkenobi
*The Disturbing Mystery of the Jamison Family |  icantwritegood
(This one’s fun! I fucking love this one! Lot’s of angry sex. The banter! The banter holy shit hmm!! I don’t want to spoil anymore. It’s dark but it’s funny it’s also hot and sad. This writer loooves angst.)
*Collide |  needywitch 
* - has porn
This got way longer than I thought and I couldn’t even put the summary in some of them but all of these are worth the read. This fandom has so much talented writers that my small monkey brain went fucking bananas on the list. 
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chidoroki · 3 years
The Promised Neverland S2EP5.5
aka: fast-forwarding through the speedrun feat. “name that tune”
5.5 hm? Is this how we’ll get a full 12 episodes? By only saying 11 are new while this one is a recap?
I heard “Isabella’s Lullaby” and I almost teared up on cue.
I thought it was just gonna be a recap of this season, not the first one too. Oh no, am I about to experience a roller coaster of emotions?
“And I was about to learn how this world functioned.” Or maybe we’ll see ch74 animated?
You know you’re starving for GP arc content when you see the episode titled “guidepost” and you think of the rules signpost Emma sees upon first waking up at GP..
You can dislike the second season all you want, but there is simply no way you can hate on “Identity” and you can bet I’m gonna continue to praise it every week.
I love how Ray’s oil scene conveys the same level of intensity/panic whether it has “Grandma and Demons” playing in the back or “Introduction.”
Next is “Emma’s Determination,” right? Honestly it’s been so long since I listened to the s1 soundtrack but all the songs are so memorable.
Do you know it took me a full year after I first watched s1 to realize that Norman was also left-handed? I felt so foolish.
Speaking of chopped off ear, s2 never explained that Ray never had his cut off. I saw some people confused about that last week, but Emma took out his tracker so he only had a cut on his ear.
“At worst, I estimate that we have two years of time.” And yet the anime decided to let you do close to nothing for one of those years.
Why they gotta switch it to “Emma’s Sorrow” like that huh? Do they want me to feel upset?
What else is there for me to comment on during this recap ep besides all the music.. like “81194” now.
“The journey wasn’t an easy one.” But.. you really haven’t done much.
Okay, well I don’t know the track name for this one but it played in ep1 of this season when the kids found the water plant.. things, whatever they were called.
Ohh, and this next track too! I really like it.
“The demons won’t hunt humans.” Completely accurate since GP doesn’t exist in this timeline.
I still love how in sync the duo was during that scene with Sonju.
Mujika giving Emma the ol’ razzle dazzle necklace that has yet to serve any purpose in this adaption, hurray.
“Hold on to it. I’m sure it will protect you.” Not from losing her character development it won’t.
 I don’t recognize this track at all.. the one they currently have playing at the kids enter the empty shelter. Did I completely miss it before?
“GF House” though during the phone call.
“D100.. It’s at the edge of the west side. It’s really far!” .. And? The Cuvitidala search group cleared the entire east side of the map in 7 months. Y’all are telling me the anime kids couldn’t reach one specific point in the span of 6 months/1 year?
Also, not sure of the songs played before and during the shelter being blown up again, but it makes me look forward to whenever this season’s soundtrack will be released.
“Your release won’t be the only reward.” I know a lot of people were speculating that the demon offered Isabella to escape with her child, but would they even know who this is/if they’re alive? I guess they could.. Isabella had files on the other women’s kids in her special chapter, but if the demons know it’s Ray, would they really allow a premium quality kid like that go free?
I also don’t think a reward like that would make her smile so mischievously either, unless she’s only doing so to appeal to the demon’s better interest, in which case I say bravo to you ma’am.
“One year since escaping Grace Field House.” I cry.
... Do you think the demon shrine in this temple has a purple cloth over its head to represent Mujika? The old demon from last ep did call it the Evil-Blooded Temple.
So the old demon really was blind.
The track changed fro the chase scene too.. though of course it still has hints of the lullaby melody.
“Tension”.. and Norman.
Those demons shouldn’t be dead, right? Zazie only slashed at their stomachs, not their eyes.
How did Norman even know it was Emma behind that mask? Sure he probably heard the rumor about the GF kids still on the run at the beginning of ep5 and Ray wielding a bow with his hands showing certainly helps, but still.
“Now, can you tell us your story?” Ah, so maybe ch74 next time, as we clearly didn’t get it earlier.
I don’t know how heartfelt of a reunion we’ll get between the trio next time, since we’re in the middle of a demon town, but Ray better slap that boy still.
I rage quit last ep so I forgot to mention this, but the full version of “Mahou” is so calming. Definitely worth a listen if this adaptation is stressing you out.
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theyearoftheking · 4 years
Book Sixty-Two: Full Dark, No Stars
“Come 2030, only the rats will be happy.” 
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Constant Readers know I consider Steve’s novellas to be the strongest of his works. It’s his sweet spot, and Full Dark, No Stars is absolutely no exception. These dark, twisty stories knocked me on my ass. Truly. They even inspired me to do something I never do... turn to the interwebs to get insight. I knew these four stories had something in common... they were bound by some theme I couldn’t quite put my finger on. 
Well, according to Wikipedia, that theme is retribution. If you had asked me, I would have guessed rats. Because every damn story seems to include some cringeworthy scene involving rats. I just can’t handle them. Despite my beloved Sarah Silverman recently saying on her podcast that rats are just an uglier version of squirrels. Maybe I’m too much of a midwestern girl- give me the damn squirrels any day. 
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But back to retribution! This is the darkest, dirtiest collection of stories about retribution I’ve ever come across. Trigger warnings abound: rape, violent murder, and rats. 
Here’s the requisite list of Easter eggs before I get into the stories:
“Chap in the belly”- which was a phrase we read countless times during Susannah’s pregnancy in The Dark Tower
“Happy Crappy”
Derry: with additional nods to The Barrens and Bill Denbrough’s mom 
Juniper Hill
“Long Days and Pleasant Nights”
“Fall of the Towers” 
Heminford Home, Nebraska: I can’t take any credit for this one, Wikipedia helped me with this Easter egg. But- this is Mother Abagail’s (The Stand) hometown; and it’s also where Ben Hanscom (It) moves when he’s all grown up. 
The first story is 1922; and heavily influenced by Edgar Allen Poe. With a side of rats. The story is written in the form of a letter from Wilfred James, confessing to the murder of his wife, Arlette James. They had some disagreements about whether or not to sell their farm, and he solved the issue by killing her and throwing her body in a well. Their son, Henry was an accomplice to the murder, and the letter details Henry’s subsequent downhill slide after witnessing his mother’s murder. The most graphic part of the entire story is a rat ripping the udder off one of the cows. I just cringed. So much cringing. But it’s got atmosphere for days. 
The second story is Big Driver; and I think it’s the most disturbing thing I’ve ever read by Steve. Tess, the author of the Willow Grove Knitting Society series accepts a last-minute speaking invitation from Ramona Norville at the Chicopee Public Library. As she’s leaving the event, Ramona gives Tess a short cut to keep her off the highway. Tess ends up with a flat tire, and the good Samaritan who ends up stopping to help her change her flat, violently rapes her, and leaves her for dead. Trigger warning: it’s a graphic story. Tess doesn’t want to bother calling the police; so she takes justice into her own hands. After some internet research, she finds out Ramona is actually the mother of the man who raped her, and she may or may not have intentionally sent Tess on the alternate route. Tess refuses to be a victim, and takes care of business. It’s bloody, but she gets hers in the end. 
Third up is Fair Extension; which is the most honest of all the stories. It’s human nature to hate when good things happen to people we don’t deem worthy. But what if you had the opportunity to reverse another person’s luck? Would you do it? Would you pay for it? How would you feel sitting back and watching one bad thing after another happen to this individual? Would that honestly make you feel better about your life? 
Finally, we have A Good Marriage. This is the story that every single true crime documentary and Dateline special is based on... how well do we really know the people in our lives? Do you think you could be married to a murderer? Where are they hiding the evidence? Steve actually based this story off the Dennis Rader, the BTK Killer. That’s Bind, Torture, Kill for all you non-murderinos out there. I mean... just look at this dude... does he scream serial killer; or bored, suburban dad?
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 This was my personal favorite in the collection, but they’re all delightfully dark in their own way.
We even had a Wisconsin mention! Steve based 1922 on a book called Wisconsin Death Trip, which included photos from Black River Falls. Steve was impressed with the isolation in both the geography and the individuals. I’ve spent a decent amount of time in Black River Falls: it has a large rest stop which I have visited and enjoyed many a lunch on my way back from northern Wisconsin. I have enjoyed the views of the falls (yes! actual falls!) and the large moose at the truck stop. FYI: the book is out of print, but you can get copies on Amazon for about $31. I know what’s going on my Christmas list this year!!
Total Wisconsin Mentions: 41
Total Dark Tower References: 59
Book Grade: A+
Rebecca’s Definitive Ranking of Stephen King Books
The Talisman: A+
Wizard and Glass: A+
Under the Dome: A+
Needful Things: A+
On Writing: A+
The Green Mile: A+
Hearts in Atlantis: A+
Full Dark, No Stars: A+
Rose Madder: A+
Misery: A+
Different Seasons: A+
It: A+
Four Past Midnight: A+
Stephen King Goes to the Movies: A+
The Shining: A-
The Stand: A-
Bag of Bones: A-
Duma Key: A-
Black House: A-
The Wastelands: A-
The Drawing of the Three: A-
The Dark Tower: A-
Dolores Claiborne: A-
Nightmares in the Sky: B+
The Dark Half: B+
Skeleton Crew: B+
The Dead Zone: B+
Nightmares & Dreamscapes: B+
Wolves of the Calla: B+
‘Salem’s Lot: B+
Song of Susannah: B+
Carrie: B+
Creepshow: B+
From a Buick 8: B
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon: B
The Colorado Kid: B-
Storm of the Century: B-
Everything’s Eventual: B-
Cycle of the Werewolf: B-
Danse Macabre: B-
The Running Man: C+
Cell: C+
Thinner: C+
Dark Visions: C+
The Eyes of the Dragon: C+
The Long Walk: C+
The Gunslinger: C+
Pet Sematary: C+
Firestarter: C+
Rage: C
Desperation: C-
Insomnia: C-
Cujo: C-
Nightshift: C-
Faithful: D
Gerald’s Game: D
Roadwork: D
Lisey’s Story: D
Christine: D
Dreamcatcher: D
The Regulators: D
The Tommyknockers: D
Next is 11/22/63; which I have read and loved. I also really enjoyed the series on Hulu as well, and James Franco does an excellent job as Jake Epping. And he’s easy to look at. So there’s that. 
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Until next time, Long Days & Pleasant Nights,
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fleabaged · 4 years
I’m sure I’m not the only one whose seen this but some fans act like people who critique the show’s opinions are valid and fine but then go on to say stuff like ‘WELL GO WATCH ANOTHER SHOW SINCE YALL WANNA COMPLAIN ABOUT EVERYTHING- NO ONE CARES’ It’s so belittling and rude as hell like just because people are not casual viewers who analyze aspects of the show we should be quiet? I hate seeing that stuff and I see it quite often like don’t tell me what to do I’m just stating my opinion
Listen, night of episode 6 this perfectly nice, level headed person (not a tumblr account FYI) said something along the lines of “there was so much eve last year it’s nice to give Villanelle a moment to shine” and I almost blew a gasket. The RAGE that filled me was pulsating. Because when I look at season 2 not only do I see 50/50 sceeentime BUT enough juicy villanelle scenes to earn Jodie an Emmy.
And that was truly a wake up call that People Really Do Be Watching This Show Differently Than Me and Expect Different Things. And if someone wants no critique- ya know, so be it.
everyone’s entitled to their opinion but you can’t regulate how someone else feels about the show. But luckily the mute and unfollow button exists on twitter, the unfollow exists on here. Like you can so easily curate an experience to see what you want to see! I love critique and analysis- I don’t love overly negative (although even I think I broke my own rule on that this week😬) and ESPECIALLY this isn’t even about like nitpicking the plot but just like “Strong eve storyline ? At least 15 minutes of eve? Pretty please?” Idk how that can irritate people.
Totally respect people who are down for the ensemble perspective too, just ya know, stand alone ep no eve and 11 minutes of eve in ep 6. Feeling starved . STILL got massive hope for these last two eps!
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cymbalism · 5 years
cym returns to Supernatural
Did I tell you I’ve started catching up on SPN? I picked it up mid-season 12, which seemed to be about as far as I got last time I attempted this. I’m very happy to report I don’t hate it. Guys. I really thought I’d hate it. Sure, there’s stuff that makes me roll my eyes and all attendant your-fav-is-problematic disclaimers apply (bringing back female characters just to kill them? blargh), but I otherwise stand corrected on my judgey judgey judgements. With fifteen years at its back, the story will never be as tight as it was in those early seasons, and even facing its final season I don’t think we’ll recover the stakes of the first apocalypse, but the character work is SO. MUCH. BETTER. than when I rage quit in season 9 (and later hate-watched my way through 10, 11, and part of 12) that I’ve been warily won over.
Details below.
Like, toward the end of season12 Dean demonstrates a modicum of emotional growth 👏🏼 and Sam gets listened to and respected 🙌🏼and there are some well composed monster of the week eps 👍🏼. Season 13 actually made me laugh with well-placed callbacks and I picked up a couple canon details to that inspire/underpin the fic I’m poking at. Some of themed episodes have been great (I was more impressed with ScoobyNatural than I expected to be, s14 e4 “Mint Condition” was nearly perfect), others have been misses (s13 e 12 “Various & Sundry Villains” suffers from more than a bad title, with apologies to Amanda Tapping).
Most importantly, I don’t hate the Sam-and-Dean dynamic. The moments of emotional communication between the brothers and attempts at addressing trauma weren’t half-assed like they used to be. Neither s12 or s13 hangs its entire premise on one brother lying to the other. It’s like the show runners finally learned that it’s unwieldy and weird for the Winchesters to ignore over a decade of baggage and that the show can, in fact, push forward into new plot AND maintain its backstory. Imagine!
Anyway. I’m currently somewhere mid s14 and still on board. Although the thing always most likely to rankle me is how the writers handle Cas (his “decisions” for too many seasons were shittily built plot devices that left him with no consistent characterization and the “we’re mad at Cas” relationship with the WInchesters too often subbed in for actual dramatic tension), I have to give a special shoutout s14, ep 2 wherein Cas plays caretaker to Jack and Nick. That shit made my heart grow seventeen sizes. That was a Cas that made sense to me—worldweary but willing to help, knowledgable but wary, stern but forgiving.
Speaking of Cas . . . It helps me not hate the show that some of the bigger swings at queerbaiting have stopped. The only instance of the laughy gay jokes that were such a hard turnoff for me years ago was Cas’s really stupid faceplant into Gabriel’s crotch when they tumble through to apocalypse world. But when random Attempted King of Hell #47 says something suggestive to Castiel about being “connected to Dean at the . . . everywhere” idk, that felt less insulting, more natural(?) to me. The subtext between Dean and Cas still exists (Dean including Cas in his dream of retirement on a beach somewhere was a big one for me, I confess), which is all my shipper ever needed or wanted. I don’t need and never wanted teed-up dialogue. So long as Cas is generally around and Dean isn’t actively screaming at him, I'm perfectly capable of believing they have/have had/are about to have a healthy behind-the-scenes sexual relationship, thankyouverymuch, no help from show runners necessary. (And yeah, I know. I know there’s some huge rift between them coming; I’ve seen the spoilers. It’ll inevitably piss me off. But in these fifteen minutes writing this, I’m at peace.)
On a production level (and here I mumble RIPs to our dearly departed fourth wall), many of exec producer credits have stayed the same but I’ve noticed new and more regularly female names in the director seat. I do wonder if that’s making some of positive difference. Probably there are reams of meta and convention panel interviews out there to confirm or deny this speculation that I could hunt down if I really wanted to. But I don’t want to. I’m not out to prove anything to the show anymore. I’m here to bear witness to its departure and (hopefully) enjoy it while it lasts.
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Noteworthy stuff from Boueibu HK ep 11
I hope they get a second season.
Furanui turned Ata into a monster for the purpose of ruling the planet by turning his suffering into a weapon and making him the symbol of fear.
Furanui is observant of his knights. He knew about Martha’s issues, and somehow picked up that Taiju was constantly smiling to hide his sadness despite showing so little evidence about it.
Karls pointed out that fear can be used for control, but cannot be considered leadership. Furanui, on the other hand, called happiness the opiate of the masses.
Karls, despite showing he could fly in the first episode, dropped like a rock when he fell of Kyoutarou’s shoulders.
Kyoutarou had no idea what angered Ata. However, Ryouma knew, and had connected the dots since the previous episode.
Taiju and Martha had no problem talking back at Furanui, even after he threatened to turn them into monsters. They also aided Ata without question, although his transformation frightened them.
Taiju is the second character in the series to allude Taishi’s past as a former delinquent. The first was Kyoutarou in the last episode when Taishi was bragging about it as an old man.
Apparently, Taishi being a delinquent in the past was common knowledge.
Taiju clearly saw the Edelstein as the bad guys since he tried to recruit Taishi, who he presumed to be a rather bad person.
Taishi, infuriated by Taiju’s remark, smacked the latter’s blade right out of his hands.
Ichirou always wants to help Taishi, as proven in the very first episode.
Martha immediately obstructed Ichirou from reaching Taishi because he knew Taiju was at a disadvantage without his sword.
Ichirou was so annoyed by Martha, he accidentally called him by his old name, “Magozaemon.”
Either he knew the reason for the name-change or he saw his reaction, but Ichirou quickly apologized after using Martha’s old name, though he still got zapped for it.
Taishi is also quite protective of Ichirou, admonishing Martha for hurting the latter.
Interestingly, Taishi shot a beam that singed Martha’s hair despite having a snow theme.
Nanao openly said he had no idea why this battle was happening, but was happy to fight Taiju, which the latter reciprocated.
Flying clearly requires energy, as proven by Kyoutarou not willing to move from his spot on the grass because he was tired.
Kyoutarou didn’t want fight because he found it annoying, he was tired, and he didn’t want to fight Ata. Additionally, he believed they had no reason to fight, but Ryouma thought otherwise.
Ata blasted the Happy Kiss so hard they reverted back to their school uniforms.
Kyoutarou used Ata’s attack as a chance to nap.
Even though they saw him as a nuisance, the Defense Club do agree with Karls’s ideals to some extent.
Ata’s own power was strong enough to deflect the combined attack of the Happy Kiss, to the point of breaking the staff.
Ata made a very good point about how happiness cannot be created with magic.
In elementary school, Ata won second place in an art contest with a still-life painting of fruits. Kyotarou earned first place because he made a Picasso-esque masterpiece. Judging by Ryouma’s statement, Kyoutarou constantly won gold for his art.
Kyoutarou was quite popular in his class.
Kyoutarou thought Ata did better than him, and said it out loud. Ata saw his compliment as an insult.
As a child, Kyoutarou was athletic enough to leap over a six-tiered vaulting beam with ease, while Ata had to practice for a long time. The former then broke the record without realizing it.
Kyoutarou was also proficient in spinning pencils, whereas Ata was a total failure at it.
Ata hated Kyoutarou so much because the former had to work hard to achieve success while the latter could do everything naturally.
Nanao called Ata’s hatred an obsession.
Although he resented him, Ata was happy to play with Kyoutarou and Ryouma.
The photo of Ata, Kyoutarou and Ryouma playing in the mud as children was taken by Yumoto, with the rest of the Battle Lovers behind him.
According to Yumoto, Gora believes kids gotta be muddy.
Ata has never been to a bathhouse and was embarrassed to take off his clothes in a public area. Kyoutarou and Ryouma never realized his discomfort, and left him by himself. As a result, Ata came to the conclusion that Kyoutarou didn’t care about him.
Ichirou couldn’t comprehend how that moment in Ata’s childhood could have such a great impact. Martha told him to shut up and Taiju nodded in agreement.
Ata relentlessly attacked Kyoutarou with all his rage, but the latter did nothing to stop the former and accepted everything. Ata thought he was simply ignoring him. The truth was, Kyoutarou was validating his anger by not dodging the attacks.
During the flashback at the bathhouse, Kyoutarou offered to wash Ata’s back. When they found out he never followed them in, Kyoutarou and Ryouma ran outside in just towels, calling for Ata, at the risk of getting sick.
Ata had spent an evening crying on a swing in muddy clothes all by himself after believing he had been abandoned by his friends.
Since childhood, Ata wanted Kyoutarou to invite him to the bathhouse. When that moment came, ten years had passed.
Ata was so angry, he radiated a dangerous aura that actually scared Furanui.
Ichirou, Taishi and Nanao intended to dive in and save Kyoutarou. Karls tried to tell them not to.
Kyoutarou managed to move against Ata’s aura to give him a cool-down hug and say the words he so deeply wished to hear, causing Ata’s mask to revert back to human.
Kyoutarou also apologized for making such a late invitation.
Kyoutarou and Ata were going to repair their relationship with a handshake when blue lightning burst vertically between them.
Emergency messages from Honyala Land are sent via a pink pigeon.
King Kamo-Papa, despite fathering such powerful sons, cannot defend his own country.
King Kamo-Papa was grabbed by a purple hand, obviously implying that the villain was Minister Wao.
Both Karls and Furanui were stricken by the news, whereas the Happy Kiss and Edelstein were mildly surprised.
Karls called the King “Kamo-Papa.” Furanui simply referred to him as “father.”
Karls was so distraught by the fact his father was in trouble that he broke down crying, and couldn’t stop until Kyoutarou comforted him.
The Defense Club, originally unmotivated to do anything for Karls without any prodding, dived into the magic circle without hesitation.
Whether his father’s life is at stake or not, Furanui wouldn’t stop competing with Karls.
Ata didn’t respond immediately to Furanui’s commands, saddened by the fact he lost the opportunity to shake hands with Kyoutarou and fix their bond. 
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summerseachild · 5 years
Summersea’s GoT Season 5 2019 Rewatch
We’ve reached the season that made me rage-quit a show that had once been my absolute favorite back in May of 2015! That means I’ve seen about half of these once four years ago. So... here we go. 
1. WHY is Maggy the Frog sexy?
2. WHY is there no mention of the valonqar? Were they already planning Bran? Did they not think we could handle a word in another language? WHAT?
3. That scene with Jaime and Cersei at Tywin’s body hurts but SHE KIND OF HAS A POINT ABOUT JAIME KIND OF ACCIDENTALLY BEING A TEENY BIT RESPONSIBLE THO (on the other hand how could he have knoooooown Tyrion was going to KILL DAD?)
4. So... Varys is an immigrant who cares more about Westeros than most people born there, yes?
5. That poor Unsullied JUST WANTED TO CUDDLE
6. Missandei being to shy to say something to the tune of “whatever it is you can do I’d like to do it with you” to Grey Worm is... impossibly sweet.
7. HOW DID ALLISER LIVE THROUGH THAT? Slynt living is also not fair. What a waste of space.
8. Stannis’ offer to the wildlings is fair... underestimating how unlikely Mance is to kneel, but fair.
9. Brienne is MEAN to Pod here! I guess the losing Arya thing broke her a bit.
11. Lancel’s actor BEEFED UP WOW
12. Margaery trying to watch out for her brother... what a good sister.
13. Daario 2 has a cute butt
14. Remember when Drogon got loose and Dany was worried that there was an ENTIRE DRAGON JUST FLYING AROUND SOMEWHERE?
15. Mance Rayder was a good person who cares about the Wildlings. All of them.
16. Jon putting that arrow into Mance’s heart while he was burning endeared Jon to me quite a lot.
1. Braavos is SO PRETTY! And the house of Black and White... so simple and stark. I love the architecture.
2. SHIPS THAT PASS IN THE FUCKING NIGHT?? Oh wait Podrick knows what Sansa looks like! What a sweet and useful boy.
3. Jeez Brienne intense much? Don’t frighten the girl.
4. “Why don’t you stay?  It’s dangerous on the road” is Littlefinger speak for “I am going to kill you in your sleep” and BRIENNE KNOWS IT.
5. So I wonder who in Dorne thought it was a good idea to send Myrcella’s necklace.
6. Jeez Cersei what do you want from Jaime? You wouldn’t LET HIM be a father to the kids.
7. Jaime offering to GO GET HER... and with Bronn! LANNISTER AND BRONN ROAD TRIP PART 2 HERE WE COME.
8. Today the part of Elia I will be played Doran and the part of Arianne will be played by Elia. it’s very confusing.
9. Doran’s casting is still SO GOOD.
11. I remember so little of Dany’s story from this part... Mossador seems cool but is he secretly loyal to the sons of the Harpy??? I remember something about her being ambushed? (I was right about the ambush, wrong about Mossador he was always loyal to Dany in his way.)
12. Barristan dropping some truth about the Mad King = GOOD
13. Varys being like DRINK LESS TYRION
14. Qyburn is more useful than ten Pycelles.
16. Shireen teaching Gilly to read is SO CUTE. And... Greyscale can be cured? The spread arrested? I thought Shireen just had a very slow moving case. How is she CURED?
17. Lyanna’s response to Stannis... your favs could never
18. His face when Stannis asks Jon if he wants to be legitimized is like ????
19. No one likes you Janos sit down
20. Sam’s speech for Jon... what impeccable delivery. Making them laugh at Slynt, making them remember how badass Jon is... smart boy.
21. Good to see you again Jaqen-no-one!
22. Why so PUBLIC with Mossador’s execution? What kind of idiocy is this READ THE ROOM DANY. And execute him QUIETLY as your advisers probably told you was a good idea.
23. Drogon’s like “wow this roof looks nice oh hai mom”
1. That interior of the house of black and white with the pool and all of the gods... so cool and creepy
2. HOW OLD IS TOMMEN ANYWAY?? What a sweet kid though.
3. The Queen off continues... and Margaery shoots herself in the foot. That was CERSEI TRYING TO BE NICE FOR HER SON’S SAKE. And you can SEE the moment Cersei’s like FUCK THIS IT’S WAR
4. OMG pooR traumatized Theon and EW flayed men
6. Littlefinger has clearly not met Ramsay fucking Snow. Otherwise nothing he says to Sansa here makes sense.
7. At least they had the decency to admit that Brienne had been nasty to Pod and have them actually start to develop a sweet friendship. And Brienne tells him the story of the ball and Renly :(
8. I like that we’re getting some Jon and Davos interaction. So much good hearted gruffness in one place!
9. Sansa’s arrival at Winterfell just... no
11. Ok that scene with the high septon and the prostitutes in the costumes of the Seven was kind of hysterical
12. Stay away from the high sparrow Cersei my love...
13. Wow, Jonathan Pryce, how did they get you for this? You’re better than this nonsense but getting to see you and Lena in a scene together is a gift.
14. Ok I jumped at Gregor rattling around on the table
15. So... Littlefinger hadn’t heard much about Ramsay, and the bastard is on his best behavior when LF comes to Winterfell. That answers some questions
16. Holy crap Tyrion is a child playing with the windows that roll up and down.
17. We get to see Volantis???? Coooool!
18. What is a red priestess doing preaching that Dany is the savior? Do they each have their own pet theories about who AA is?
19. Tyrion is terribly good at getting kidnapped.
5x04: Jaime and Bronn go to Dorne and there are some people pretending to be the Sand Snakes
1. The theme of this ep so far is “Lannister brothers on ships”
2. Jorah stealing the boat and throwing silver on the poor dude 😂
3. I... think I might not have seen this episode because I have NO MEMORY of that scene where Jaime tells Bronn he’s going to kill Tyrion if he ever sees him again. My heart.💔 (I found my tumblr archive form May of 2015, and I definitely HAD seen it. I think my brain just protected me from remembering this because it hurt too much. 
4. I want a million reaction gifs of Qyburn being done or clearly having Thoughts Not Expressed
5. Do you know WHY the Faith Militant was disbanded Cersei my love? Cersei who is the mother of three of her brother’s children? BECAUSE THE FAITH HAD ISSUES WITH THE ALL THE TARGARYEN INCEST. What in ALL SEVEN HELLS possessed you to rearm them that kind of power?
6. I still HATE that the show makes the Faith SO MUCH MORE HOMOPHOBIC than it is in the books.
7. I’m going full on Lannister here because me reaction to Margaery bursting in on Tommen was BACK OFF, TYRELL.
9. Jon writing to the Boltons for men even though he HATES THEM says a lot about him.
10. Mel just does a whole lot of sex magic doesn’t she...
11. I LOVE that we get a scene between just Stannis and Shireen where it’s obvious he loves her. And it makes me hate what happens later even more.
12. Sansa honoring Lyanna in the crypts is sweet. And LITTLEFINGER is the one who tells her the story of Lyanna and Rhaegar at Harrenhal?
13. Also how is Littlefinger assuming Sansa SURVIVES Stannis taking Winterfell from the Boltons?
15. I DEFINITELY HAVE NOT SEEN THIS. (Narrator’s voice: But she had)  I would have remembered Jaime saying he wanted to die in the arms of the woman he loves. (Narrator’s voice: But she didn’t, which didn’t bother her as much as it might have. It was like getting to see shippy scenes for the first time all over again.) 
17. Jaime being obsessed with not starting a war makes sense because he ALREADY DID IT ONCE AND THIS TIME DAD IS DEAD.
18. And on the other hand Elia wanting to START A WAR I AM SO ANGRY
19. Obarra getting tell the story about the spear is cool though
21. Poor not drunk as he would like to be Tyrion. He’s quick though with recognizing Jorah.
22. I’m trying to imagine younger Barristan protecting his idiot prince who liked singing in public and it’s kind of fun
23. Well this is clearly a trap. Also that many unsullied should have been able to WIPE THE FLOOR with those sons of the Harpy even in close quarters.
24. Barristan Selmy: WHAT A BADASS. He’ll be missed.
5x05: And now my watch was ended because D and D did something awful in the next episode. 
As I mentioned before, after I rewatched the whole season, I went back to my archive and found the last post where I talked about watching GoT when it aired first run, and it was about this episode. I just read it again for the first time and MY FEELINGS HAVE NOT CHANGED on many points. 
1. Letting Viserion and Rhaegar eat that Meereenese noble is something Aerys would have done and doesn’t make them love her any more likely to behave.
2. So... who is writing Maester Aemon about Dany?
3. Jon Snow, Breaker of Chains? I like that he frees Tormund and gives him reasons to follow him but lets the choice be his.
4. Grammar stickler Stannis is always good for a laugh.
5. Wait wait... Brienne was close enough to Winterfell to SEE IT OUT THE WINDOW??? What in all Seven Hells?
6. We needed a scene of Myranda and Ramsay talking about Sansa like I needed a dagger in the eye
7. Ok ok cool parallel of Sansa standing at the base of the tower looking a lot like Cat.
8. Holy shit did Sansa not know Theon was there before Myranda showed her???
9. Ramsay playing mind games with Theon making him think he’s going to hurt him... yikes
10. And forcing the two of them to interact in ways that he could control and make awful was... kind of smart
11. No Walda should not be telling people she’s pregnant... but how could she know that Ramsay was a danger to her unborn child? She seems a trusting sort.
12. Sam insisting that Gilly knows valuable things too is... so pure
13. This rewatch is turning me into a rampant Missandei/ Grey Worm shipper and I like it.
14. Dany’s outfit when she goes to see Hizdar in prison looks very Star Wars to me.
15. Jorah and Tyrion sailing through the Doom is still the DUMBEST shit.
16. The old city looks neat though. And that’s a fun poem.
17. AND A WHOLE ENTIRE DRAGON (are dragons homing pigeons?)
18. Tyrion’s face when he sees that dragon is still so great
19. STONE ZOMBIES ARE CREEPY and now Jorah has greyscale.
5x06: I want to just watch this episode and get it out of the way and at the exact same moment I NEVER WANT TO WATCH IT EVER. It’s Schroedinger’s Episode.
I know this is the episode with THAT SCENE. The reason that I finally stopped watching. Let’s just assume I’m going to be angry but also probably very affected by performances and extremely upset.
1. In the House Of Black and White, a curious child adores an open door....
2. Arya doesn’t hate the Hound. That she still does is a lie she tells to herself, and I THINK THAT’S INTERESTING. 
3. Well of course Jorah wouldn’t know about his dad’s death... :(
4. holy shit Arya making up lies on the spot to comfort that sick little girl before helping her KILL HERSELF
5. That is some SERIOUS MAGIC SHIT GOING ON with all those faces. That scene is exactly as creepy as it needs to be
6. Tyrion has some points about Dany having Targaryen crazy in her dna and how she hasn’t spent a day in Westeros...
7. Well... Tyrion found some people who think his cock is as magical as he does. To bad they want to sell it unattached.
8. Cersei is working out of Tywin’s office. Love it.
9. Wow Petyr... that’s a play for power. He gets the North, he gets Sansa...
10. Trystane Martell is SO CUTE. And I miss Aimee as Myrcella.
11. I LIKE TO IMPROVISE?? Like Indy??? Jfc Jaime
12. Wtf even was all that nonsense in the water gardens other than some cool fight choreography. (Have I mentioned how pretty the Water Gardens are? SO PRETTY.) 
13. The parallels between Cersei and Olenna and Tywin and Olenna in that office.... right down to the Lannister writing to make Olenna wait... fascinating.
14. Cersei did NOT expect the Sparrows to trot out Olyvar. Did she? She genuinely seemed surprised when he walked into the room.
15. Olenna thinks it’s Cersei’s fault anyway and that’s what matters.
16. Sansa’s dress is pretty and the Weirwood is pretty and everything else is awful and there was NO NEED FOR THAT SCENE. It didn’t tell us ANYTHING NEW ABOUT RAMSAY and what he’s capable of or shed any new light on Sansa or Theon it’s just gratuitous rape and psychological torture porn and it’s just gross.
1. Maester Aemon holding little Sam is the most precious thing. He will be missed. “Egg I dreamed I was old” 😢
2. Oof. That first scene in this ep between Sansa and Theon is ROUGH. She is so desperate and he is so brainwashed and the fact that she can be furious at him one moment and reminding him who he is the next... my heart was not meant to take this.
3. Is this scene supposed to mirror Sansa and Joffrey on the wall? IT IS only with more sophisticated mind games.
5. Stannis being like THIS IS OUT LAST CHANCE TO MARCH SOUTH AND NOT BE STUCK AT THE WALL. But... don’t people bop up there all the time after this? D and D probs forgot. 
6. So... Ghost has just decided he likes Sam and Gilly? He has good taste in people.
7. Dany is with Daario for a LONG time. I hadn’t realized how drawn out their thing was.
8. I AM A QUEEN NOT A BUTCHER no Dany you’re a bbq-er. Sigh. 
9. Tommen being helpless breaks my heart a bit. And that scene between him and Cersei is... devastating.
10. Myrcella is Sansa part 2... pretty and naive and at the mercy of the adults around her
11. what is the point of sand snake boobs here
12. How did I not know that Jorah ended up in the fighting pits?
13. Tyrion is a gift indeed.
14. Fucking puritans I cannot stand them (ask me about how I cursed Oliver Cromwell’s name in England a lot.)
15. I cannot wait to see Cersei keep her promise to that Septa. I do not think that was what I was supposed to take away from Cersei getting thrown in that cell but I’m over here like PAY THAT DEBT MY BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN QUEEN 👑
1. Tyrion’s intro to Dany about why he’s valuable makes me so angry. Not because I think it’s badly written, but because Tyrion tells her true things that she apparently didn’t internalize about devotion and wisdom.
2. Poor scaly Jorah... tossed out of Meereen.
3. Religious people who try to starve and torture confessions out of those they think have sinned need to DIE IN A FIRE. I am so done with the Faith.
4. Arya “Lanna” selling oysters is cool and all but now I want oysters.
5. Qyburn is a darling atheist and Cersei’s best ally in that place.
6. I HATE SANSA TELLING THEON SHE WOULD DO TO HIM WHAT RAMSAY DID I don’t care that she doesn’t know the extent of what Ramsay did to him it makes her look cruel and the VIEWERS KNOW and UGH GROSS 
7. Holy shit Sansa didn’t know Bran and Rickon were alive.
8. Theon insisting he’s Reek 💔💔💔
9. Tyrion and Dany’s interactions have got my attention. I’m cautiously here for them.
10. Do we know how things are going over in Slaver’s Bay by the end? Does anyone care?
11. Yes but Dany THE WHEEL HAS A PURPOSE. What do you propose to replace it with?
12. The question Olly brings up of “why ally with the people who slaughtered peaceful farmers? What keeps them from killing people on our side of the wall?” Is a good one, and I wish we’d gotten to see Jon argue sensibly for his solution more.
13. Wow did Tormund just kill Rattleshirt?
14. The leaders of the free folk are an interesting group. What is the woman’s name I wonder? Also I hate spiders but WHY DID WE NOT GET ICE SPIDERS.
15. Tormund gets it and likes Jon. It’s kind of sweet.
16. So... I’m calling that cool wildling leader woman isn’t going to last the episode. Ladies without names don’t get to bond with their kids that much if they’re going to live. <--It’s an awful burden being right all the time. 
17. Shit these wights are a lot more active than the old ones
18. Jon and the Night’s watch and the wildlings fighting alongside each other to give people time 👍
20. Of course she died because women are soft hearted and can’t deal with zombie kids.
21. Jon and the night king having an epic stare off before he raised the dead was kind of cool tho. Also I think Wun Wun the giant is nine kinds of awesome.
5x09: In which I am probably about to lose all respect I ever had for Stannis Baratheon.
1. So I forgot about Ramsay and thought Mel was lighting fires with her mind 🔥
2. Did... Alliser just give Jon a complement? A backhanded one?
4. Ok Show Ellaria pouring out wine rather than drinking with a Lannister is fun but NOT HER.
5. Also wherever they filmed that scene with Doran is SO BEAUTIFUL.
7. And he’s a fucking pedophile ew. Kill him good, Arya.
8. A girl thinks she just lied to Jaqen without him noticing.
9. You know who’s responsible for Oberyn’s death? OBERYN who volunteered and THE MOUNTAIN who killed him. Not Jaime or Tywin or ANYONE BUT THOSE TWO and anyone who actually saw it happen should KNOW THAT, ELLARIA
10. FEEL BAD WHEN SHIREEN ASKS TO HELP, STANNIS. that’s right feel bad
11. I can’t believe NONE OF THEM in that Baratheon army stopped Mel from BURNING A CHILD. Bystander effect?
12. Too little too late Selyse.
13. As of right now, he loses any moral superiority he ever had and I can’t wait to see Brienne shish kabob him
14. Jorah what is the PURPOSE of getting yourself in front of her at the pits?? (Dany’s dragon collar is badass tho)
15. And all of a sudden sons of the Harpy, who were apparently hiding those masks like guy fawkes masks at a protest...
16. TYRION SAVED MISSANDEI YES GOOD also that shot of Dany taking Missandei’s hand gave me feelings
1. The armchair theologian in me has questions about the reality of the lord of light given the timing of the snow melting enough that Stannis can movie his army. (My wife thinks Mel did some serious blood magic in this case that may or may not have involved any actual divine intervention)
3. I would feel worse for Selyse if she hadn’t been horrid to Shireen every single other second.
4. Yay they figured the Valyrian steel swords work. Sam is smart.
5. Jon’s “congrats on the sex, friend” face is priceless
6. Wow the sellswords took ALL THE HORSES. This means Stannis Baratheon, claimant to the throne, is WALKING.
8. Wow that’s gonna be a masacre. Yikes. I’d call Stannis brave for standing and fighting but he probs knew he had no chance of surrender with the Boltons.
10. I don’t know what Brienne is going to say when she kills Stannis but I would like to suggest “Renly Baratheon sends his regards”
11. Ok that was much more honorable.
12. Me to Ramsay: 🎶 “You’re going to get eaten by dogs AND I’M NOT SORRY.” 🎶 (my sis in law snorted from the other room at that)
13. No one told me Theon kills Myranda for Sansa yes good
15. Arya killing Meryn Trant is a special kind of horrifying I’m just bloodthirsty enough to cheer for.
16. Wait wait she just STOLE A FACE? It works for her without any permission?
17. Oh ok I see that wasn’t creepy at all.
18. ...and Ellaria just literally gave Myrcella the kiss of death what
20. Jaime trying to be dad and bonding with Myrcella (or trying to) is SO CUTE and the look on his face when she says SHE IS GLAD HE’S HER DAD AND SHE HUGS HIM KILL ME NOW
21. I can hear book Ellaria screaming from here. And I just killed about half a glass of wine for Myrcella.
22. Of course Tyrion speaks Valyrian that’s darling
23. The meeting of the “Find Dany Committee” is fascinating. Daario is kind of in control here??? But what he suggests makes sense???
24. What an adorable triumvirate of Tyrion, Missandei, and Grey Worm!
25. VARYS! Hiiiii! Tyrion is going to need you I have a feeling.
26. Aww look at Drogon’s little dragon nest poor wounded thing.
27. Now... was this Khalasar just passing by? Did they see the dragon and come to see what was up?
29. A girl lies well. Good one Cersei.
30. AND HAIR GROWS BACK. (She doesn’t get to say it here but I was screaming it internally) I kind of can’t wait for her to wildfire the lot of them. The Faith and the high sparrow and all of the self righteous assholes can go fuck themselves
32. THANK YOU QYBURN. When the necromancer is the most welcome sight ever... things have taken an odd turn (seriously though the genuine care he seems to have for her is touching???)
33. DOES DAVOS KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO SHIREEN Must not because Mel would be dead right now
34. Happy Ides of Winter Jon
35. Congrats dudes you killed a kid (ok fine a man) that was better than all of you
36. Glasses of wine consumed: Two BIG ones.
0 notes
Kado 11 | Boku no Hero Academia 26 | Hina Logi 1 | Grimoire of Zero 12 (FINAL) | Tsukigakirei 12 (FINAL)
I’ll just leave another reminder for this straw poll here, because I need a tiebreaker vote.
Kado 11
Even anisotropic beings have dreams? Welp, that was unexpected.
Uh, hey. Kado staff. Algerian people don’t all look like Asians, y’know? Google says Algeria is in Africa…
So, staff. Why is Shindo the only man/person/human who can stop zaShunina?
Oh yeah. Shinawa knows a way to stop the fregonics!
Basically how I feel about Kado is how Hanamori feels about the situation + Saraka right now – confused and torn.
(laughs) Thank…(face falls) you, Hanamori, for making me laugh with your mapo tofu comment and remember why I loved this show in the first place. It was fleeting, but good…Wait, but isn’t abduction against the law?
Uhhhh. Kado staff. The fregonics suit has boob space. Meaning a woman will wear it…awkwarddddddd…
Finally, we get back from our “shonen battle” roadtrip to drive to the final battle.
zaShunina’s like an old lady now, LOL. Reading on a rocking chair and enjoying the sunset.
Yeah…please just keep your lips away from each other, guys. I was here for the negotiation, remember?
Oh. That wasn’t a boob plate. I was LOLling at their idea to give that to a woman, because the one woman who needs that plate is Shinawa, whose job is already over. Good thing I was wrong there, then. It’s also interesting to note this suit looks like a gladiator suit…like humanity has reverted itself to medieval times to fight zaShunina, who represents the future. (I’m still laughing though, because I knew Shindo was hot under that shirt, but damn, I did get more than enough eye candy this season just by this one gladiator suit…and zaShunina’s butt.)
Well, I kinda did get what I wanted by having the Hanamori/Shindo ship broken, but even though I got a het ship (which I’m normally more supportive of), I don’t support this het ship at all.
It’s cute to see a floating pink cube act like a phone. Or one of those annoying fairy companions…
Welp, it’s almost over. See you next ep for the final simulcast commentary.
Boku no Hero Academia 26
Apparently BnHA’s on break this week, meaning I’m caught up after this.
There was a thing called work experience that we had to do at one point – that’s how I got the experience needed for One Wish They Never Wanted’s bookstore scenes.
It’s cool to see Eraserhead and Present Mic in the same situation as Deku and everyone else. Aizawa looked kinda bishie then, which is unexpected.
I don’t get the reference involving acid blood…
That’s nice. I already knew the names everyone was going to come up with due to the time I’ve spent on the wiki, but the homage becomes much more significant when you see it in context.
Dangit, Midnight. You stole my explanation thunder.
I always wondered why Shouto never got a better hero name. So he literally just used his own name, huh?
I wanna cry at the Iidas’ plight but I have no tears, dangit!
I don’t get it- what’s the “air chair exercise”?
Gran Torino. I’ve watched the movie that has that name, it’s about a vintage car (Ford Gran Torino), an old guy called Walter (Walt for short) and racism. I always suspected Walt was the reason Gran Torino (hero) was named thusly...but until Horikoshi says something about it, we’ll all have to keep speculating…(By the way, the racism perspective in that movie resonated with me, despite my not being a Hmong person. Maybe I’m not properly acknowledging it, but it might be one of my inspirations for Half-Paid Heroes…?)
Hina Logi 1
I have come here to hate on this magical girl spinoff, because man, Luck and Logic squandered what could have been a very good plot – it was “pretty but no substance”, to quote a past me. Indeed, it’s because magical girls are my passion that I have high expectations of new entrants into the genre…
Okay, what is this? Hogwarts???...Actually, the best match, right down to the white turrets, would be Alfea of Winx Club.
It’s stoic girl, Ojou-sama + companions and Shinawa-lite. See? Stereotypes, although I ribbed the names from ANN (having read it a few weeks before I got here). However, before I read ANN, I’d already predicted this would be a pile of road apples.
I feel like I should know who Nina is (from ANN), but I didn’t get far enough to familiarise myself with Nina in the original Luck and Logic, haha.
This genki glutton girl is basically gender bent shonen cliché, y’know? Serve me something slightly different, and I’ll be a happy camper.
I can’t believe I laughed at Nina going “my teacher told me to”, because I expected it.
The humour isn’t funny in this for the most part…the eyecatch says, “16th May. Fluffy! (Fuwaafuwaa!)” “Fluffy” of course being in reference to the messed-up hair.
Urgh, this fanservice is driving me up the wall and giving me a headache…
Ooh, nice transformation sequence!
Enough with the yuri between Nina and Lion! Gah!
“May 16th. From this point forward,  [Kagura] became very angry.” (I had to Google the teacher’s name. She’s so insignificant this episode, I can’t even remember it…)
Lion’s face is getting more annoying by the second…
“May 16th. Everyone ate heartily.” (I used the word “heartily” because I didn’t have a better substitute for oishii in this case, but *shrugs* I don’t care either way.) The use of itadaku I’m still fairly new to, so hopefully someday I can use the word with confidence…
“…reminds me of my mommy.” – Gah, Lion. Are you a toddler? I imagine you with a toddler’s tone when the subs say that.
“Send your beloved Hina on a journey.” – It’s actually a reference to something. Check this article’s title for what it is. That’s a Japanese proverb which says to not baby your kids too much.
I feel like this is a pretty clean drop. After all, if I rage for all the wrong reasons (and come out with a slight headache in the end), you know that the show is a drop.
Grimoire of Zero 12 (FINAL)
Thirteen’s with the crew at the end of the OP. Huh.
I have the feeling that Holdem will never kill Thirteen, even though that dogface is trying to stab the sorcerer right now.
Intruders,much? It’s an army!
It seems like these animal fights were meant to be a big spectacle but observe the background animals and see how off model they are. That’s how much care was put into what was meant to be the show’s climax this ep.
I would’ve loved to see Mercenary do a Batman backhand. Those are always cool and sometimes funny.
The cloud and white-frame animation look gorgeous in a sakuga way! Now we’re talking!
Having someone die solves nothing. It is only those who need an outlet for blame that require needless death, am I right?
Ohhhhhhhh! One kiss made at least 2 or 3 people jealous, LOL.
I wanted to see Mercenary as a human. He could’ve been real hot…dangit.
The ED song is real cute and iyashikei. I don’t think I’ve properly listened to it until now, so…good on me for doing so, haha.
Tsukigakirei 12 (FINAL)
Tsukigakirei’s been a middle ranker for me most weeks, so to suddenly get better around the time when Kado fell was practically begging for the two to switch places…(Note: I’ve made a personal ranking for each ep in a document I’ve kept all to myself, and I haven’t posted them online. That’s why I’ve had comments that indicate where shows are on that ranking at the start and end of an ep’s simulcast commentary.)
That sparkly shot of the river is in the OP too, so when there was a shot of Kotarou and Akane, I was disappoined I wasn’t seeing the OP (even though I still think the live-action bit is a lil’ weird). It’s cute how those guys are wearing the same jackets, though.
There’s a water thermos in the back of Tachibana’s (glasses guy’s) bookstore.
Kotarou’s dragon background is so cool. I want one.
The thing with the rhino doesn’t translate well. The word for “goodnight” here is oyasuminasai and rhino is sai, so…yeah. I think it would be better to call it “sleep rhight” (including typo) to convey that pun better, but hey. I’m not going to major in Japanese.
When Chinatsu revealed she got into the same school as Kotarou, I verbally went, “Oh no!” Don’t you remember how I was with ep 7???
Even Chinatsu has that black jacket, so it seems to be a school-issued one.
My heart just broke a lil’ bit as Chinatsu hugged Kotarou…I’m not sure what to make of it…
I’ve never seen “graduation” being abbreviated to “grad” unless it’s “grad school” and the “grad” in that stands for “graduate” (noun). It’s a very American term, so I never use it, but…the term translated to “grad” is “graduation ceremony” (sotsugyoushiki). Seriously though, CR. Enough with your Comic Sans translations.
The translation of the prologue misses something. The first sentence has da to omou at the end, meaning “I think…”.
A novel board. Y’know, like Honeyfeed. I’ve got quite a lot of experience with ‘em, because I don’t intend to be a person who gains money from writing…not fulltime, anyway.
There’s a site called Syousteuka ni Narou which is basically Honeyfeed for a Japanese audience, with the added bonus of possibly getting your works into print and then anime. The recently announced Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari, as well as Re:Zero and a lot of its kin, have come from that board. It’s pretty clear that Syousetsuka is being parodied here, that’s all…even though the titles of the websites are completely different phrases.
What’s that bird with the long neck called? The one standing in the water? I wanna know…
Normally with anime tears, it’s like me and CGI - I bash most efforts. However, I think this is the effort that I commend the most so far…this anime season is full of surprises…Well, Kotarou? Can you keep up with a girl that does track?
Everyone cries when someone leaves, so long as that person has made an impact. I know that all too well…
Dangit trash CGI people. Just as I got used to you, you become obvious again! Grah!
I admit I shed a few tears there…I’m not crying, you’re crying! (Also, if you haven’t paid any attention to what I’ve been writing, One Wish They Never Wanted was based on similar experiences to Kotarou and Akane’s graduation, although a lot of it happens outside Takuma’s point of view and so I didn’t write it.)
Oh! Hey, these are the end of ep LINE convos from previous eps, coupled with pics of the ones who typed them! The “seaman” convo would’ve made more sense if the translator would’ve bothered translating the word “semi” (short for “seminar”) as it was, because that makes more sense. I really don’t get the “marr” one though.
Well, any show that makes me cry on its first run is a show I don’t regret. I still feel weird putting Kado below it, because Kado was betted than Tsukigakirei for most of its run (as I’ve said at the start of this commentary). Regardless of what happened though, I guess…I’ll see you all for the next show then! Bye for now!
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Title Lyric from “Patience” by Guns and Roses
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We really aren’t sure what to do with this ep. (I vote cry, rage, and then pick up the pieces and move forward.—Marge) On the one hand, it was a really good episode, beautifully written by Robert Berens and a perfect setup for the backdoor pilot to Wayward Sisters, the much anticipated SPN spin-off. On the other hand, they fucking killed one of our favorite BAMF WOC characters, and they did it off-screen AGAIN, and they kinda fridged her AGAIN. Yes, her death was noble and she was bad ass to the very end, but it still felt a lot like we—and she—got screwed.
Anyway. So apparently there is a wraith (one of those creepy-ass human-looking things with the stabby-spiky-appendage that descends from their wrist so they can eat your brains. Remember the ‘Pudding’ episode – 5×11?) and he eats nothing but psychics. Real psychics, mind you, not the ones that litter every major thoroughfare of every street from the suburbs to the big cities, with the neon hands of fate and TAROT CARDS and quite often “for rent” signs, which always make us wonder how they didn’t see that coming, hahaha. But this is Supernatural, so there are real psychics, and he eats them.
DAWN: How many REAL psychics can there be, though, even in SPN-land? That wraith looks pretty well-fed for someone whose only food source is relatively rare. MARGE: I wondered about that too but then I thought about how many we’ve seen in comparison to how many we’ve seen of other creatures… Seems like psychics might be plentiful? Possible, not probable? ERICA: Y’all think of things much differently than I do. My main thought was “what happens when he runs out?” MARGE: I mean, I think it’s just a taste he’s acquired. He can go back to eating us regular old humans, I guess. It just won’t be as satisfying for him. Poor little-dissatisfied wraith… Ugh. ERICA: I don’t know though…the way he phrased it, it struck me as an addiction thing, sooo…. MARGE: Wraith rehab? No? lol
Back at the bunker, Dean is isolated in his room, listening to music, drinking lots of beer, and being sad in general. Sam is checking on Jack, who hasn’t left his room since they got there and he got settled in. Sam gives Jack the video message that Kelly recorded for him while she was still pregnant. Just as Jack begins watching his mom, which was so very sad, Sam’s phone rings.
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This psychic-eating-wraith from the opening scene is the lead-in for the return of our favorite BAMF-but-soon-to-be-dead character who is also our backdoor for the Wayward Sisters spin-off: none other than Missouri Moseley, folks, played by the inimitable Loretta Devine (yas queen). We’ve missed her and we’ve always wanted her back so the fandom was THRILLED to learn that she was going to re-appear this season. She tells Sammy she’s been out of the life for a while but now she needs some help on a case with which she has a personal connection.
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We’re just gonna come right out and say it. No point in teasing this one out. Missouri comes back for this one episode, y’all, and they kill her ass off in the first 20 minutes without breaking a sweat, breaking the hearts of the entire fandom and enraging more than a few, us included.
MARGE: I actually threatened to riot on Twitter… It was an emotional moment. DAWN: I am displeased. Very displeased. ERICA: “Displeased”….such a gentle word for the rage that consumes me. MARGE: I also scream-tweeted at Robert Berens. Oops. Sorry, sir… ERICA: Ditto, fam.  
So it was awful, it hurt, but did she go out like the badass that she is? Yes. Yes, did she ever. She chose her death, in order to save her son and granddaughter from the wraith because she saw that it was the only way they would live—literally she saw that, because Missouri is psychic AF, and she checked to make sure. And then she sends Dean into the fray, with the directive to save her family. So, he did. Kinda. Really, her family sort of saved her family, with Dean’s assistance, but we’ll get there in a minute.
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Missouri sent Dean and Jody to find her son James Turner (played by Adrian Holmes), and granddaughter, Patience (played by Clark Backo), and to protect them while she stayed behind at the murder scene of her protege, Dede, knowing that she was going to die. Then she basically told the wraith to get fucked:
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DAWN: Their last name is Turner, not Mosely. Rufus’ last name was Turner. Headcanon accepted. MARGE: Definitely! I LOVE the idea that Missouri and Rufus were a thing… Maybe that’s why Rufus was such a hateful old cuss. He had an awesome thing with someone as badass as Missouri and lost it?… I wanna feel like they had the kind of love folks write fairytales about. Ok, enough speculation on that or I’m gonna get all misty-eyed. DAWN: Yeah, I’m going to need that fanfic in a hurry. Somebody get on that. MARGE: We should add it to our ever-growing list of things we want to write… LOL
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SO, Jody and Dean run off, find James and Patience, who Missouri believed was psychic before James cut her out of their lives (initially because Missouri ‘incorrectly’ predicted that James’ wife would survive an illness but also for fear that Missouri would ‘influence or poison’ Patience).
MARGE: Total speculation, but I think Missouri probably told her boy his wife was gonna live because she didn’t want to break his heart… maybe that was it. Geez.
Patience dreams of being attacked by the wraith and then goes to school, which is where she was attacked in the dream, and just so happens to be… guess what… attacked by a wraith. Everything looked a little deja-vu-ish, of course. Who would’ve thought? Channeling a little of granny’s badassery, Patience knees the wraith in the dangly-bits and then breaks off his stabby-spiky-thing. Signs of spunk—we like it. Patience is pretty cool so far. The acting could use a little bolstering, but we definitely believe she’ll get there. It’s hard to judge based on first appearances but who are we kidding, we do it anyway. Dean and Jody show up just in time to confront the wraith but he manages to elude them and almost hits Dean with his van while escaping.
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Cut to the Turner home where Dean, Jody, and Patience break the news to James about the attack and the likelihood that Patience is, in fact, possibly psychic (DUH! Missouri Moseley is like never wrong.—Marge) He decides it’s time to run, sends Patience to her room to collect her things, and then, gee, what do you know, the fucking wraith is hiding in the closet. Cue – classic-horror-genre-girl-scream and Dean, Dad, and Jody scrambling upstairs to find an open window. The wraith has kidnapped Patience so Dad uses a little divination he learned from his mama to find her… yes… the skeptical father who cut MISSOURI MOSELY out of her granddaughter’s life is like, meh, desperate times… let’s do some magic real fast to find my girl. Which is reasonable… but still. What an asshole.
Patience is in what appears to be an abandoned warehouse, tied up, and the wraith is being a total fucking creep—talking about how he’s going to feed on her over and over and really draw it out… just…ewwwww. And then, what a shock, Patience has a vision… in which her father, Jody, and Dean all get stabbed to death. It doesn’t look like a vision at the time though, so yano, we think everyone just died horribly painful deaths. It was sort of awful but then we realize quickly it was actually a vision and Dean, Jody, and Dad are just arriving on the scene to save the day. This is the part about how Missouri’s family actually saved themselves with Dean’s assistance. Because of her vision, even though she is tied up and can’t fight, Patience is able to warn her Dad, Dean, and Jody all before the wraith can land the stabbing blows that supposedly killed each of them earlier. Dean manages to take the wraith out and Patience is freed. Hooray for happy endings… except MISSOURI IS STILL DEAD.
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Meanwhile, back at the Bunker, Sam is trying to “train” Jack to use his powers and Jack is basically a surly teenager who doesn’t want to do his homework. Sam pressures him; Jack freaks out; Sam leaves him alone to cool off.
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And then we see Sam, reading a book about parenting gifted children while surveilling Jack via his laptop, which honestly was the cutest thing ever and very likely caused the entire fandom to spontaneously ovulate. Even the men.
MARGE: That takes talent.
Sam is distracted by his reading, so it takes him a few minutes to notice that Jack is no longer on-camera. Cue Dad-panic at it’s finest from Sam Winchester. He runs to the library and finds Jack hiding in the corner.
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They have a heartbreaking talk about being different and misunderstood, how hard it is, and why Dean can’t deal, and honestly, Sam would have been such an amazing daddy and it’s horrible that he will (probably) never get that chance. *SOBS* Jack confesses that he already believes he is probably evil because his powers have never presented unless something negative was happening. Sammy gives him a little bit more sunshine and rainbows and Jackieboy seems to be feeling better about things.
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MARGE: Seriously folks, we talk a lot about Jensen Ackles’ award-worthiness, but for real Jared Padalecki deserves just as many accolades. He is just as capable of an amazing emotional portrayal of Sam Winchester and it hits us in the feels just as hard as Jensen’s Dean. This scene was so incredibly well done.  Also, while we’re throwing praise, Alexander Calvert, is absolutely killing it as Jack so far! Excellent casting choice, for sure! ERICA: I think this is the point in our live-tweeting that I thought about what a good dad Sammy would’ve made if only JOHN WINCHESTER HADN’T DISAPPEARED DURING A FUCKING HUNT. GodDAMNIT John. MARGE: I tweeted something about how Sammy and Jessica’s kids would have turned out. *crying in the corner*
Back to Dean, Jody, James, and Patience. They’re back at the Turner house and discussing the future, of course, because Patience has just found out she’s psychic… Dad tells her to bury her gift (proving that he has learned NOTHING from all of this), Dean gives the typical ‘this life is nothing but “pain, horror, and death” so if you’ve got a shot at normal you better take it’ speech, and Jody, (ALWAYS mother of the year even when they aren’t her kids) drops some truth about what happens when you try to suppress some part of yourself to please others. She lets Patience know if she ever needs anything, Jody is just a phone call away.
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And this is how you set up a spin-off folks! We are SO PUMPED about Wayward Sisters. Dean and Jody head out and we are left to wonder what will come of Patience Turner.
Dean returns to the bunker, he and Sammy briefly discuss the case and Missouri’s death. Then Dean asks Sam if Jack’s gone dark yet, of course. Sam confronts Dean about telling Jack he would kill him if need be and then we have another emotional brotherly battle because Dean lets loose about his animosity towards Jack. He tears into Sam about how he shouldn’t pretend to care about Jack since he only cares about what he can use him for. He says Sam just wants to use Jack as a “can-opener” to the dimension where Mary is trapped with Lucifer. Dean screams at Sammy about how he can’t even look at Jack because when he does “all he sees is everyone they’ve lost”. Sam remarks that their Mom took her shot—she chose her path. Dean replies with “What about Cas?”. Ouch. This is where we see broken-boy Dean Winchester at his finest. He lets Sammy know that the reason he can’t get on board with being Jack’s care-taker is because Jack is the reason they lost Castiel. That Jack made Cas promises, Cas believed everything he said, and what did it get him?
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ERICA: Let me preface this next comment by saying that I love Jensen Ackles and his acting–it’s exceptional. But I’m not gonna lie–I’m having a REALLY hard time with Dean this season. Like. We get it. You’re pissed at the world. We get it. Guess what, booboo, this is the life you signed up for. This is the life you dragged Sammy into 13 years ago. You flat out told Patience that it’s all death and horror and blah blah, and yet here you are, acting like you DIDN’T drag your brother into that life. Time to stop acting like a child. I expected this 13 years ago, but you’ve grown from here. Time to act like it. (Addendum: I’m also super salty lately, so there’s that.) MARGE: I’m with you on a lot of that. I just wanna scream STOP BEING MEAN TO SAMMY in order to process your grief. I know it’s a normal psychological response, and that he doesn’t have anyone but Sam to take his frustrations out on, but come on man, Sam loves Cas too… Sam just lost his mom too, AGAIN! What makes your pain more important, Dean? End rant.
Jack is in the hallway, listening to every single word of this heated exchange of course and somehow, through his powers that are yet to be determined, he reaches out to Castiel. Final scene: CASTIEL IS ALIVE! We actually get to see Cas alive (at least he appears to be). We don’t know where he is, but he looks relatively normal, if a bit confused. At first he’s on the floor looking dead, but evidently, he is actually asleep, knocked out, or ???, and as Jack whispers his name, he wakes.
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We didn’t get to see any apocalypse world action in this episode, which made us sad since that is what we’ve been living for so far this season. We did, however, get the promise that it is coming via a few interactions on Twitter (Fan-girl Squeal!):
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Roll credits. I guess there’s some hope left from this episode after all.
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“All we need is just a little Patience” Supernatural recap 13×3, “Patience” Title Lyric from “Patience” by Guns and Roses Courtesy canonspngifs.tumblr.com We really aren’t sure what to do with this ep.
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