#i have a character type and it's guys everyone else wants carnally but all i want to do is put them in a jar and shake it vigorously
thinking again about The Ghoul and how certain facets of cooper howard never went away and instead just sort of got intensified or hardened with time, exhibit one: he spends every single interaction with lucy trying to drill into her head "the wasteland is trying to kill you" in the meanest, most straightforward way possible, but he's completely (brutally) honest the entire time - which is a big deal, considering everyone in lucy's life has been lying to her from the beginning!
then you think back to the very first time we're ever introduced to cooper howard, when his daughter, the person he cares about more than anything else on this earth, asks him if he thinks a nuclear apocalypse is gonna happen, and instead of lying to soothe her fears, instead of saying no honey of course it's not gonna happen, he says well i certainly hope not, but us cowpokes, we take it as it comes, right? not "your fears aren't real and they can't hurt you" but "your fears are justified, and that's okay, because you have what it takes to face them."
and i just think that's really, really neat
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angieschiffahoi · 4 years
do you think any gay ship will happen on the show? the producer was really selling it tho, saw some stuff on twt. but i honestly doubt they actually will
I’ve read some of the interviews and I see how anyone would be skeptical. I mean, they did what everyone does in these cases: tease a possibility without giving away too much. Which is better than saying “Yes!” and then just... not doing it.
Ava is too good to pass up as a bi lead in my opinion. Teen shows are about to lose Clarke and if these people are smart enough, they’ll know gays tend to flock and migrate.
There’s a fundamental problem, regarding the main characters as they are now: they’re very religious (except Ava) and they have taken the vows (except Mary) and that means abstinence, gay or straight. So, unless they are a different type of nuns and they’re not the “married to Jeaus” type, I don’t see neither Beatrice nor Lilith ending up in relationships (Ava & Mary could though), unless they renounce their vows (which is totally accepted by the Church). I don’t see Beatrice doing that. BUT in case we find a way for them to have relationships, I’m going to talk about two scenarios I see possible, the first I think is more realistic than the second:
- Beatrice is going to get a girlfriend and Ava is going to get a boyfriend (I doubt they’re bringing JC back, since he wept like a little baby when the Tarask attacked and she just ditched him). The good part about this show is that we do have Beatrice, who is canonically gay. So, if we put aside the fact that she’s a nun (and that could happen in a number of ways), she could get a love interest that is female besides Ava. But let’s remember that having carnal relationships while being a member of the Catholic clergy, especially nuns who are litterally married to Jesus (and therefore God), equals to cheating.
- The writers realize that Ava & Beatrice have a really strong chemistry, that fans have picked up and are interested in seeing. Having the main character be canonically bi and in a gay romance (in the long run) wouldn’t cost them that much, since they probably alienated half of the super-religious fanbase anyway, with all of the swearing and, well, the blasphemy. This show treats Catholicism as fantasy realm and I’ve seen nuns lose their shit for waaaaay less.
One thing that makes me believe they do not have a fixed idea on Ava’s possible love story with a guy as epic and endgame (maybe, idk, a prophet, an angel, a demon etc.) is the fact that they dropped the JC storyline after the first few episodes. It wasn’t a love story and Mary shoves it in Ava’s face after three minutes of her ditching his scarred-for-life arse. The first four episodes were always about Ava and her journey to find herself - she didn’t want to be a warrior nun, she just wanted to have fun and they showed us that. They looked like the stereotypical endgame hetero romance (meet cute, star crossed, eloping, etc.), but then they all just dropped that storyline so fast, by the end I forgot it existed in the first place. And if they have something else planned, they would’ve hinted at it, but I get the feeling that they want to focus on characters and not romance (or they wouldn’t have made a show about nuns!).
So, yeah. I can see something happening in the future, but they need to solve some things first. I am not sure Beatrice is ever going to renounce her vows (since she is so respectful of the Church and its rules, but also feels like she has a great amount of Faith) and that could be a problem. But Adriel made a whole point about Catholicism being fake, so either he was bluffing or Bea can get a chance at non-platonic love through the plot itself.
[I haven’t read anything about the comics, so I don’t know if some of my questions get answered in them or if the nuns get love interests, because they are different than ‘normal’ nuns]
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ramsayboltonsmuse · 4 years
The Missing Piece
Chapter 1: Bolton Enterprises
Summary: You have been selected for a big promotion at Bolton Enterprises to work on none other than Ramsay Bolton’s team. The new job is certainly not what you expected, and neither is Ramsay. This is a modern Ramsay fanfic about his increasing territoriality and need to control the reader and her attempts to escape the dark and sadistic man she also can’t live without.
Pairings/Characters: Ramsay Bolton/You, Jon Snow/You, Myranda, Damon
Warnings: Smut, Dom/Sub, Violence, Noncon, Ramsay is his own warning
Links to other chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
Ao3 Link
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Fuck. You knew you were going to be late now as the subway sign that had previously been flashing “6 minutes” turns to “9 minutes” and then finally to “DELAY”. 
“Fuck!” You exclaim a little too loudly, and the elderly man standing next to you on the platform turns and looks at you. “Excuse me.” You duck your eyes and walk away, back toward the stairs to the street. Uber it is. 
You pump your long legs up the stairs, your black stilettos making quite the riot of noise in the otherwise quiet station. Normally you loved this stop, there were hardly any crowds, but today you were really not benefitting from the express train bypassing it. 
And of your many etiquette-focused rules, the one you really hated breaking was not arriving on time. You preferred living by the rule of ‘better an hour early than one minute late’, and today of all days was not in your favor to be late. You were starting a new job, and would be meeting the whole of your new team at 9am. 
Coming outside of the station, the cold air hit you at once, the wind biting at your exposed legs. Why did I have to wear a dress today? You groan, looking down at your watch only to realize you don’t even have time to order an Uber. Taxi it is. You hail a cab, having no trouble catching the attention of the first one to drive by, your outfit choice finally providing some benefit.
“Wall Street. Bolton Enterprises.” You quickly provide the cross streets to the driver as he speeds away, but he doesn’t need them. Everyone knows the Bolton building. 
Seated in the cab, you work to calm your breathing, confident now that you will arrive on time. It’s cool [Y/N], it’s cool. You’re fine. A smile crosses your face. Jesus, why do I talk to myself? I’m such a nut. 
Buildings fly by as the taxi races downtown, the gleaming center of Wall Street coming into view. It really is an exciting day. You’d worked your ass off for the last year, proving yourself to be one of the brightest young recruits at the firm. No doubt your Yale degree in International Business was a qualifying factor as well, but you’d shown that you were more than a resume. Your dedication was unquestionable. 
Nonetheless it was a very competitive place, and much as you thought you deserved the promotion, you were surprised when you got the news just given how many other qualified people there were.
“Oh, just here.” You signal to the driver to stop outside the looming skyscraper, pay him and get out. You check your watch. 8:45am. Taking a deep breath, you walk into the bright marble lobby and head for the elevators. 
Oh, great. Today really isn’t your day, you think as you see that all but one of the elevators are already making their way up to top floors, with the last one’s doors already starting to close. You sprint towards it, knowing it’s useless. But just as you internally give up, you see a hand shoot out from the inside to hold the door and hear a familiar voice. 
“Good morning.” Jon’s face pokes out of the elevator and a big smile crosses your face. 
“You just saved me.” You nearly slide into the elevator, breathless. “The universe is against me today, I swear.” Jon’s eyes light up as he laughs. “No, really! Don’t laugh. The subway was late, these damned new heels are slowing me down, my hair is now a mess, and I almost missed the last elevator for at least the next seven minutes.”
Jon gives you a warm smile and you feel at ease at once. “I think you look great.” You smile back.
“What are you doing here anyway? Not that I’m not super glad to see you, but didn’t the Stark and Bolton negotiations close last week?”
Jon frowns. “Alas, it looks like we’ll have at least another month now. Roose apparently got a competitive business offer from Tywin Lannister, if you can believe it. So we are back to the drawing board. But I shouldn’t be telling you any of that.” Jon winks at you and you laugh.
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell.” Your eyes catch a glimpse of the elevator buttons. “Oh shoot!” You had totally forgotten to press your floor button. Jon reads your reaction and goes to press 17 for you, but you stop him. “Oh, no, actually, can you press 28?” 
“28?” Jon whistles. “What important business do you have up there?” You smile really big.
“I got a promotion. It’s going to be floor 28 from now on! I’m going to be working on Ramsay Bolton’s team on strategic initiatives for the whole business. Can you believe it? Literally with Ramsay Bolton! You can’t get closer to the top than that.” 
You’re surprised when Jon doesn’t return your smile. 
“[Y/N], have you met Ramsay? He’s bad news.”
You’re taken aback at the comment. “Gosh Jon, I thought you’d be happy for me.”
Jon looks at you apologetically. “Shoot, that’s not what I meant. I’m really happy for you, on the promotion.” He tries to smile at you. “Just be careful around Ramsay, okay? He’s got a dangerous streak and a penchant for games. And sadly, I think you’re kind of his type.”
You huff at that. “I’m not going to be sleeping with my new boss, Jon. And what a weird thing to say to me!” You are suddenly very glad there’s no one else in the elevator to hear this conversation.
The elevator comes to a stop at Jon’s floor. “Look, I’m sorry [Y/N]. I just care about you, you know? You’re a really great person and he’s a really bad person. This is my stop. I’ll see you later, okay?” John steps out and you just nod at him, not sure what to say. This really has not been an ideal morning. 
Two seconds later and the elevator dings, opening out onto Floor 28. You take a deep breath, push your long [H/C] hair behind your shoulders and walk out onto the floor.
“I can take your coat, miss.” A very pretty receptionist walks over to you and holds out her hand for your jacket.
“Oh, thank you.” You take off your black trench to reveal a tight elegant little black dress. 
“That’s a great dress. I’m Myranda by the way. You must be [Y/N]. Mr. Bolton told me he’s expecting you. Conference room 3, just to your left.” Myranda eyes you up and down as you walk away. 
You can see them all through the glass doors of the conference room. There are seven of them, all in suits, all fairly young, and all men. You check your watch, 8:57am, and open the door, your heart speeding up. 
It’s beautiful inside the room, a gorgeous handcrafted birch table in the center with a mixture of industrial and wooden accents adorning the chairs. The view out of the windows is incredible and you’re able to see the water, the morning sun making it sparkle. All of the talking stops as you enter the room, and everyone’s eyes snap to you. 
“Hello.” Your voice sounds a lot more confident than you feel. “It’s lovely to meet you all. I’m [Y/N].” You’re beginning to fear you’ve walked into the wrong room, when a tall broad-shouldered brunette stands up from one of the chairs and walks over to you. 
“Hi there.” He offers his hand and you shake it. “I’m Damon. Great to meet you [Y/N]. We’re all very excited to have you join the team.” The other men follow Damon’s lead and walk over to shake your hand, introducing themselves. You smile and nod with each new introduction until you’ve met everyone. Everyone except one person…
“Will Mr. Bolton be joining us?” You ask. “My apologies, it’s my first day in the new job and all I’ve been told is that Mr. Bolton will be walking me through my new responsibilities.” 
You think you catch two of the guys seated further back snicker. Damon smiles at you.
“Of course, it’s no problem at all. We didn’t expect you to come in here and present a master plan. Not yet, anyway.” He laughs and it’s a big booming laugh, turning the air around him a few shades brighter. “Yes, Ramsay will be joining us shortly. He’s just finishing something up -- Oh, speak of the devil.”
You hold your breath as you watch Ramsay through the glass of the conference room walls as he walks across the floor toward the room. Not walks, no. Strides. You don’t think you’ve ever seen someone walk with such complete and utter power, and so effortlessly. He’s wearing a beautifully tailored dark blue suit, so dark it might as well have been black, accenting his toned and muscled body exceptionally well. The air of wealth and bourgeoisie royalty seems to emanate off of him. From afar, you think he’s probably very attractive, but when he opens the door and walks into the conference room, you lose your breath completely.
His eyes instantly fix themselves onto you, and you feel as if he is looking directly into the deepest parts of your soul. They are the most beautiful icy blue color that you have ever seen. Something straight out of a National Geographic documentary on Alaskan wildlife. Just pure carnal white ice blue. Fuck. You think that you might have said or thought ‘fuck’ more this morning than in an average week. Fuck. 
Ramsay’s eyes sweep over your body, coming back to linger on your lips and then boring into your eyes again. You feel as if he’s violating you somehow, the intensity of that gaze. Like he can see absolutely everything about who you are and what you want and and what you need.
In an instant, he lets your captive eyes go and looks at Damon.
“A girl? Interesting.” Ramsay leans against the door frame and takes something out of his pocket, turning it around in his hand. 
Damon chuckles. “Scores don’t lie. She’s outperformed them all. Men, women and rocks.” Ramsay smirks, and you realize Damon is referencing the recent acquisition of Frey Holdings, the old company’s logo two stone towers. 
You decide to take a risk.
“More like rubble than rocks.” 
Damon laughs out loud, some of the other men joining in. Ramsay’s eyes slowly move to focus on you again, contemplating something. You stay still under his gaze, waiting. You realize perfectly well that if he doesn’t like you for some reason, he can send you right back downstairs and pick out someone else.
“Come now Ramsay! She seems lovely. I for one, would appreciate more feminine energy in this place. It’s just cocks, cocks and more cocks as far as the eye can see.” Damon winks slyly at you and you smile at him, glad to have at least one friend. You turn back toward Ramsay.
It’s as if he decided something. In an instant, the brooding cool look on his face evaporates, replaced by a brightness and a large smile. It’s almost unsettling how quickly his demeanor changes.  
“You’re right Damon, I’m afraid I’ve been terribly rude. Forgive me, please. It’s been a long morning. It’s a pleasure to meet you [Y/N].” He offers out his hand and you shake it, tremors vibrating through your body as you feel his incredibly firm grip. 
“The pleasure is all mine Mr. Bolton. It’s a dream to be a part of this team. I’m really looking forward to working with you” 
Ramsay drops your hand. “Call me Ramsay. My father is ‘Mr. Bolton’.”
“Of course. Ramsay. My apologies sir.”
Ramsay’s eyes light up when you say that, and you can’t help but blush a little under his gaze.“That’s quite alright.” Ramsay pushes the door back open and holds it for you. “You’ve met the boys, why don’t I show you around the office.” It was less a question than a command. 
You had a feeling he wasn’t one to ask things often. 
As you walk out of the door, Ramsay shoots a look back at Damon and the rest of the men. 
“I expect all the documents for the Lannister call on my desk before noon. And, Damon, take care of our little situation in Conference Room A. Promptly.” You can see Damon nod, before you lose sight of the conference room as Ramsay leads the way down the hall to the left. 
He doesn’t really give you a tour as you walk, but you figure you don’t really need one anyway. You’re smart, you’ll figure out where things are. As you continue down this hall, there are less and less offices and doors until it’s simply one straight stretch of hallway with floor to ceiling windows on either side of you leading up to a large iron door at the end. As you walk, you feel as if you’re flying high above the ground, looking out of either window making you dizzy.
Ramsay’s quick pace comes to a stop. He turns back to look at you, and opens the heavy door, gesturing for you to walk in.
“Welcome to my office.”
As you walk into the large room, you find yourself in awe. You’re standing in what looks like a traditional study, complete with a roaring fireplace, bearskin rug, old bookshelves, and an intimidating-looking desk with two leather armchairs facing it. 
On both sides of the room, there are winding iron staircases that lead up to a second floor with a tiny balcony overlooking the room below. There are also two doors behind the desk, one closed and the other open, leading into what looks like a very modern kitchen with the same floor to ceiling windows overlooking the water.
You turn to look at Ramsay who seems to have been clocking your reaction.
“This is incredible! I’ve never seen an office like this before.” You walk over to the fireplace, putting your hand out to feel the heat. “How did you manage to put a real fireplace in here?” 
Ramsay shrugs. “Our city, our building, our rules.” 
“I would want to be at work all the time if this was my office.”
Ramsay smiles. “Well, it’s your lucky day. You’ll be working here with me darling.” You blush at that. Should he have called you darling? Maybe it’s just a British thing. You shrug it off. Ramsay points to a smaller but beautiful wooden desk on the opposite side of the room, one you hadn’t even noticed with the other extravagant elements competing for your attention. 
“That’s your desk. That’s the kitchen through there. Bathroom upstairs, complete with a shower. And there’s two bedrooms upstairs. I often work late and stay the night here.” 
Ramsay stepped closer to you. 
“You’re very welcome to adopt the same level of work ethic.” 
You feel a slight shiver down your spine. But Ramsay steps past you and sits at his desk, pouring himself a glass of bourbon. 
“The second bedroom is at your disposal.” His eyes snap back to you suddenly and forcefully. “You will not, however, ever go into the room behind me without my express permission.” The closed door room. His voice was frightening and very dark. “Do I make myself clear? I don’t want to ask a second time. I hate asking a second time.” You swallow, beginning to understand why Jon had warned you.
“Yes, of course. It won’t be a problem sir.”
“Good!” Ramsay clapped his hands together. “I think we are going to have a lot of fun together, you and I. There are some papers on your desk. You’ll need to read them quite carefully.” His voice took on a mock serious tone. “We take confidentiality very seriously here at Bolton Enterprises.” 
He smirks at you. 
“This job won’t be what you were expecting I’m afraid. You see, I do business very differently. You could say I take a more hands-on approach. And you, apparently, have tested the highest in every skill that I need.” 
He locks eyes with you and you feel the electricity coursing through the airwaves from his eyes into yours. 
“You are the missing piece darling.”
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gascon-en-exil · 4 years
Mercilessly Judging the Men of Fòdlan: The Empire
It’s been a long time coming, over eight months in fact, but now that it may be assumed that the last of the DLC has been released and the fandom as a whole has settled comfortably into its various camps I think there’s no better time than now to answer that burning question: how raunchily, outrageously gay can the male cast of Three Houses possibly be? For those unfamiliar with this fun little series of mine, I’ve been applying my extensive knowledge and experience of gay male sex and hookup culture to the men of Fire Emblem, originally as a way of reckoning with the refusal of the games themselves to provide me with any worthwhile self-insert M/M content. I stand by that premise for FE16 - you all know how absolutely nothing appeals to me about m!Byleth or his prospects on that score - but in the years since my first outing of merciless judgment with Awakening that idea has expanded into something broader, an imaginative modern AU of sorts where all these guys are into men (if not always exclusively) and willing to put themselves out there in the lewd and semi-anonymous world of hookup apps in search of their preferred carnal delights.
A note on organization before we begin, as this material is too long to cram into one post. Excluding Byleth (as Avatars and their spawn always are for this project) there are twenty-one playable male characters in Three Houses. This makes for an even threeway division to preserve the eponymous conceit of the game, but not a particularly neat one. Aligned with the Adrestian Empire I therefore have below the male Eagles, Crimson Flower-exclusive Jeritza, former Imperial noble Hanneman, and...Seteth, because he’s the closest thing to a non-self-insert lord figure in Silver Snow and because he had to end up somewhere. As I said, not very neat.
The Kingdom
The Alliance
His profile is sparsely filled out and his photo less than promising, but the select few who catch his eye will be treated to a courteous (if mildly acidic) barrage of introductory messages and polite requests to meet over coffee or a light lunch, no dick pics or requests for same in sight. It’s only after the exchange of small talk has passed that someone - could be you, could be him - brings up why he has kink as a listed interest, opening up a Pandora’s box of horrors as he casually shows you some of his photo collections. Asses red from whips and floggers, scrotums stuck through with pins, barbed cock rings, electrified nipple clamps, and ghastly shots of the man himself, his mouth dripping with blood over a fresh bite wound on his teary-eyed partner’s shoulder. He is, he explains, a Dom at heart - and the rougher the better. What he doesn’t explain and likely never will is that all that pain play and torture porn neatly covers for the fact that he’s less endowed and less skilled in that area than he’d be willing to admit, or that he harbors a secret longing to be Dommed himself, probably by someone close to him who has no interest whatsoever. He takes his career very seriously although you’ll never learn exactly what that entails, but you have a sneaking suspicion that whatever it is enables all those coldly violent impulses he displays in the bedroom.
Favorite erotic tea time subjects: CBT, vore, femdom
Favored gift: stiletto heels, for use on his face
Within a minute of talking to him you know his full name, what prominent public figure(s) he’s related to, and where he plans on going with his life, in an overwhelming display of lack of concern for keeping his private life private that would be worrying if he didn’t pair it with an indefatigable self-confidence. The type of gentleman who expects flowers and opened doors and one person to pay for a whole date and coy blushing about going back to his place for some tea, but what unfolds afterwards may be surprising to anyone who wasn’t picking up on the subtext during the night out: that you’re dealing with a toned and vigorous vers/bottom who longs to lie back and be taken care of but absolutely will never turn down a challenge or request no matter how much it demands of him or how expertly he will be able to rise to the occasion. Long practice and some truly enviable thighs (he’s a noted equestrian, and loves showing off his album of favorite horses) let him milk a cock for hours - nearly as long as the subsequent pillow talk will be. It’s little wonder more than one of his lovers has had the idea to gag him...or to fuck him somewhere outside his bedroom once they go in and find the walls plastered with posters of his favorite pop and stage divas staring at you. Prime trophy husband material, wealthy and well-connected and fetching on anyone’s arm, but there’s no question that he’ll only be truly happy if he’s with someone who can challenge him to step out of his unusually large comfort zone: socially, professionally, or sexually.
Favored erotic tea time subjects: edging, crossdressing, fisting
Favored gift: a horse cock dildo, for his much-lauded huge hole
A master at genuinely negligent ghosting, it’ll take a minor miracle to actually arrange a meeting with this guy. Either he never answers, or he does but only to snap at you because he’s busy and only even logged into the app because his mind wandered for a second. Still, he draws a lot of attention from those into geeky twinks. Is not into foreplay, and can scarcely be bothered to maintain interest long enough to even stay hard unless you get lucky enough to hit on one of his subjects of recent fascination. Never offers to do anything in bed, and will in fact pick up his phone to browse through Wikipedia and Reddit while he’s being penetrated. Calling him out for his appalling lack of manners will get nothing more than a wry snort and a quick summary of whatever’s currently got his attention. Never cums, doesn’t seem to want to cum, and guys creative enough to try to ride him are often disappointed that he’s more likely to grumble that all that bouncing on his pelvis is making it impossible for him to catch a power nap. Just about the only way to fully get him invested is to get really weird - introduce him to some fetish he’s never thought to try. Incest kink, breeding kink, role reversals, elaborate roleplay...the more cerebral the better, because the physical stuff tends to put him off (especially blood play, which is his hard limit). Needless to say most aren’t up to that task, and so he’s nonchalantly left a trail of frustrated and disappointed men in his wake.
Favored erotic tea time subjects: somnophilia, historical roleplay, mpreg
Favored gift: a long-lasting vibrator, so he can stick it in and let it work while he’s otherwise occupied
No amount of headless torso pics and carefully scaled dick pics will be enough for his ego, but encountering him in person will reveal that he’s not so much vain or delusional masc4masc as really, really compensating for something. This manifests as a deep-rooted resentment against guys taller than him or, ahem, better-proportioned, but his preference of sexual partners does not reflect his prejudices - which is fortunate for him given his measurements. Loud and energetic in all things, and it shocks no one that he’s a screamer in bed but also can’t last for very long once he really gets going. Lucky for everyone that his refractory period is unusually brief, although that leaves him deflecting odd inquiries into whatever substances he may be on (he’s clean and always has been, hard as that is for anyone to believe). Likes to top for the workout, but he won’t say no to riding a good dick. Has an unexpected sentimental side he’s not very good at expressing except indirectly, in the same way that he’s apparently oblivious to his casual innuendos. It will take someone very patient to put up with him, but the reward is (probably) worth it for the body alone provided he’s got a sufficient outlet for all that energy. Would be perfect for an active poly relationship or long-term FWB situation so no one guy has to manage him alone, but he’d have to be at the center of any such arrangement lest his numerous insecurities rear their heads. Is not into incest kink.
Favored erotic tea time subjects: post-workout sex, multiple orgasms, autofellatio (he wishes)
Favored gift: condoms a size too big for him, because even safe sex should be an opportunity for bragging
He doesn’t share nudes, and says upfront that he’ll block anyone who asks or opens conversation with one. Seems to be genuinely interested in friendship over anything else, although he’s not great at small talk in text and would rather chat over snacks on a park bench or at one of the numerous community events he likes to organize. Is a family man through and through: devoted to his loved ones, quiet in his hobbies, and unusually spiritual in an orthodox church-going way. You start to wonder if he’s even into men or if his presence on the apps was just a very strange fluke, but he holds his handshakes just a little too long and progresses quicker to hugs and quietly intimate arm touches. Discussion of his prior love life is strictly off limits, but many months down the road when you finally get invited into his bed it’s clear that he’s no blushing virgin and is adept in the use of fingers, tongue, and cock for fully satisfying his partner. He might even bottom, although he’ll blush about being long out of practice in that area which suggests a wealth of untold stories by itself. He also may be, somehow, the only man in existence who knows what intercrural is and how to do it. Blessed with stamina far beyond what might be suggested by his age (which he only reveals several weeks into your acquaintance, another point of embarrassment for him), your encounters are far more likely to end with a phone call from one of the innumerable people who look up to him and depend upon his reliable if fussy sense of duty than it is from him tiring out. Fond of fishing, and known to take dates out to cast a line and then maybe have some naughty fun afterward. Does not appreciate being called a daddy, but he’s been known to accept big bro as an occasional slip-up.
Favored erotic tea time subjects: discipline, incest kink, scalies
Favored gift: your STI testing history, because he doesn’t mess around with that stuff
A polite if unassuming silver daddy, with no sugar for the obvious escorts but the cushy professional post and generosity to make him appealing to a less openly mercantile sort of young man. His chosen field is not an easy subject for light conversation, but damned if he doesn’t try his best regardless. His favorite tactic might be finding some way of applying his work to something about his date, no matter how tenuous the connection or how unwelcome the observations. Not super fit and doesn’t get out much so as the night is winding down he’s not good for very much other than intermittent blowjobs and even more languid handjobs, although a truly dedicated partner might coax something more out of him with help from a little blue pill or two...and maybe some poppers, because he’s old enough to remember when everyone used those. Despite his reputation for mildly inappropriate perving on guys young enough to be his sons - some of which he acquired in a professional context, with some of his favorite anecdotes of past trysts involving junior lab techs/TAs/secretaries/others among his subordinates - he’s not actually averse to fooling around with men closer to his own age, although he’s more awkward about it since he’s a bit out of his element when he’s no longer the only experienced voice of wisdom in the room. Either way, if there’s one thing he hates it’s sloppiness, whether in one’s personal or professional life. As a result he avoids bars like the plague and has little patience for drunks. Contrary to this fastidiousness however his advances in his career are such that he may one day do something radical and ill-advised in the pursuit of knowledge; one only hopes that the various skeletons hiding in his closet don’t come back to haunt him - with regret or harassment lawsuits or who only knows what else.
Favored erotic tea time subjects: medical kink, teacher/student, cock milking
Favored gift: consent to video encounters, for future reference
The kind of rough trade all your friends warned you about...except he’s not rough trade, not really. Deeply troubled and disarmingly attractive is a deadly combination, and he thrives in a medium where one-word responses and explicit pics are considered perfectly commonplace. Encounters with him are quick and rough and nearly anonymous, always in the dark and with little opportunity to see or interact with him apart from the hands grasping you to him and the admittedly impressive cock jabbing into you from whatever angle he can manage. He’s had the threat of assault charges or worse thrown at him more than once, but it’s never made him any more considerate or careful. To the very rare individual who keeps returning for more the most explanation he’ll ever provide is that he becomes someone else when pursuing sex, someone hard and violent and not at all like the person he insists that he is. This is something he ties into some deep-seated trauma, but there’s something distinctly insincere about the underlying psychology as if it were only an excuse for an abuse fetish run wild. Pretty much all of his tricks ghost him at that point, wanting to get as far as away as possible from a true crime drama just waiting to happen. Curiously enough if he ever does find a long-term partner it won’t be with the expected extreme masochist - expect them only to show up in a police report one day, with extremely gory pictures - but with someone who can match his lustful bloodlust with more of the same and who is totally comfortable throwing around death threats that at some point transform into only moderately disturbing innuendos. 
Favored erotic tea time subjects: masks, blood play, asphyxiation
Favored gift: anything sweet he can lick off your body...because it’s either that or viscera
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emblemxeno · 5 years
Something I liked from watching fma: brotherhood is how they used the deadly sin homunculi as characters.
The 7 deadly sins are pride, wrath, sloth, gluttony, lust, greed, and envy and to me, each sin has kind of a... scale of how bad they truly are.
Pride and wrath are both pretty bad and it's hard to find good things about these sins. 
Pride COULD come as a result of hidden insecurity leading to one overvaluing themselves, but is usually a heightened sense of self worth that is undeserved and has the person also undervalue everyone else. wrath COULD be justified in the sense that one is violent in retaliation, but typically is just someone is violent for the sake of being violent. Both homunculi that represent these sins at times show signs of having deep stuff that would make you feel for them, but most of the time, they're arrogant assholes that you want to see defeated just as much as the main villain.
The sloth, gluttony, and lust sins are harder to judge because they are the most base of the sins; sloth is laziness and apathy, gluttony is desire/hoarding of food and drink, and lust is carnal desire for sex. The reason they can be hard to judge besides being simple is that they all relate to the needs of humanity as a whole; you NEED relaxation and leisure to avoid overworking yourself/shutting down completely from exhaustion, you NEED food and drink to live, you NEED people to have sex to procreate. How hard these wins are to judge is reflected by their respective homunculi; ultimately the sloth, gluttony, and lust homunculi are hard to judge in the show because they're the simplest in terms of character and personality. They're very basic and border on one note at times because they all just follow orders and use their respective skills to carry them out.
Then you have greed and envy. The homunculi that represent these sins are the ones that the show makes you feel for the most, for very interesting reasons.
Greed as a sin, is kind of a broader gluttony. It's about wanting as much as you can, especially the finer things in life like power and money. Ultimately, greed comes from a place of selfish desire. Which is what fma: brotherhood does by having Greed be the one homunculus that frequently goes against Father because he's so selfish. He is concerned with himself above all else, but the thing is, since he IS greed he can't stop his natural inclination for wanting friends and bonds as having lots of human and emotional connections is just as valuable as having lots of money and power. And that's how the show sells you on Greed and having you feel for him (aside from him being a loveable bastard that's on the good guys' side), in that he says the things he wanted most were friends, and in his final moments he got them.
Envy, to me, is the sin that is generally then most forgivable. The reason why is because it's the son that's the most pervasive in humanity. Pride doesn't really show too often in people, wrath can get you in trouble with the law depending on how bad it is, sloth, gluttony, and lust are all about gross excess which most people don't have, and greed is something that's naturally demonized all the time so again, most people avoid it.
However, envy is not like that. ANYONE can feel jealous of ANYONE for ANY reason. The pang of jealously you feel when someone gets a promotion you feel like you deserved, how you feel when someone gets the lead in a song/play instead of you, how people are jealous of celebrities for wealth and fame, how celebs are jealous of "regular" people for simpler and more private lives.
What the Envy homunculus is jealous of, is humans having relationships and friends to live and fight for, have lives of happiness because they have people by their side at all times; a life that isn't just serving a higher power for and ultimate goal. And Envy is internally conflicted by this because as a homunculus, they were designed to be above humans but since they ARE Envy, they can't help but feel jealous of the beings they are supposed to be superior, too. And I like this because its analogous to the real life sin of envy, where no matter how hard you try to be assured and confident in yourself, jealousy will almost ALWAYS find its way back to you.
Anyway, yeah. The show is pretty old so I'm sure some type of analysis like this has been done like this but these are my thoughts.
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NSFW Alphabet, Fatgum: A-Z
Reposting all of these together for convenience and to save space. Alphabet requests are still open, but remember, I don't accept requests to do the entire alphabet for someone all at once. You have to stick to the guidelines of 1 character per ask, and 5 letters per ask, and once I finish the alphabet for a character with requests like that, I will repost it all together.
A: Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He likes to chill in bed for a little while you lie on top of him; he finds it very comforting to have so much physical contact with you, and feeling your whole body weighing down on him is just added reassurance. Once he’s winded down a bit, he’ll definitely get up to make a snack for the both of you, and once you get done with that he’ll be more than willing to go for another round if that’s what you want. If not, then he’ll cuddle with you for a bit longer before either going to sleep or getting up to carry on with his day.
B: Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)  
On him, he likes his mouth, if only for the reason that he’s addicted to the taste of you and he would go down on you all day if he had the chance to. You’ll probably end up being more familiar with his tongue than you are his dick, but that won’t be because of a lack of penetrative sex. He just loves going down on you that damn much.
The buffet you’ve got between your legs On his partner, he really likes your figure, regardless of what your body type is. He frequently shows his appreciation for it, too, drowning you in compliments as his hands glide up and down your body.
C: Cum (Anything to do with cum)  
His cum has a regular consistency but he cums a lot, which is something that he definitely doesn’t mind given what one of his kinks is. And on that note, he prefers to cum inside of you rather than on you. He would also prefer not to cum whenever you give him oral; he’d rather it just be foreplay for him so he can save his load for later.
D: Dirty Secret
Towards the beginning of your relationship, he was really nervous about having sex with you while he was in his skinny form. He was afraid that you would end preferring one of his forms over the other, and he really just wanted you to be able to enjoy both of them. He worked hard to make sure that you stayed pleased regardless of what form he was in, although he never told you about his worries. He eventually worked through them, and you greatly reaped the rewards of his efforts.
E: Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s got a fair amount of experience. He’s a likeable guy and a bit of a people magnet, so he’s never had to look far to find someone to share his bed with. And because of that, he definitely knows what he’s doing when it comes to working your body to the peak of ecstasy.
F: Favorite Position
He likes positions that give him a good view of your body, so positions like London Bridge, Captain, and Corkscrew are some of his favorites.
He also wants plenty of access for petting during sex, and the Corkscrew position also gives him that. Nirvana and Pulse are other positions that he likes for this reason.
The Forbidden Fruit position is his go-to for giving females oral, and since he absolutely loves going down on you, you’ll be in this position quite a bit.
G: Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)  
He’s generally more serious and romantic, but he’s definitely not opposed to having a good laugh while he’s getting intimate with you. Of all the times that you have sex with him, about 30-40% of those times will be more humorous in nature.
H: Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
It’s slightly darker than the hair on his head, but there isn’t a whole lot of it. And for that reason, he also doesn’t have to do a lot in terms of grooming.
I: Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He can be very intimate during sex. He likes to be as close to you as possible while he’s making love to you, and that involves a lot of intimate holding. Eye contact is also a must in his opinion, and the look of adoration in his eyes as he tells you that he loves you is sure to warm your heart even as you’re overcome with ecstasy.
J: Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Doesn’t masturbate a whole lot, since he prefers to wait until he can be with you to satisfy his sexual needs. Whenever he does get himself off, it’ll be a quick, straight to the point session; he just doesn’t see the appeal in drawing it out since you’re not there to get off with him.
K: Kink (One or more of their kinks) 
Creampies- he absolutely loves the sight of his cum dripping out of you, and he has no shame about eating you out afterwards, either.
Body worship- he wants there to be no secrets about how much he loves your body, and he’ll take all the time in the world to slowly kiss and rub his way around your body as he worships every inch of you.
He loves giving you oral so much that it’s pretty much one of his kinks. Face sitting goes right along with this.
L: Location (Favorite places to do the do)
He does have a preference for his bed for accessibility reasons, but he’s happy to have sex with you anywhere around the house. He’s actually really fond of going down on you in the kitchen, just for the irony of it. And if by some miracle you’re able to convince him to have a quickie, then he’d prefer it to be in his office when he knows that everyone else has stepped out for a bit.
M: Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
He loves it when you’re forward with what you want, so just straight up tell him that you want to have sex or be laid out on the bed naked when he gets home, and he’ll be ready to go before you can even blink.
Bring him food. He’s a simple guy, and he loves it when you’re considerate of him, so make him something delicious or, if you’re not that great of a cook, then just buy him something that you know he likes. Either way, he’ll appreciate the thought, and he’ll be glad to show that appreciation in the bedroom.
This would probably be more appropriate for the Kink section, but he really like thigh riding, and watching you grind yourself along his thigh until you reach orgasm will get him so riled up that you’ll be busy with him for the next few hours, and you’ll have a hard time walking the next day.
N: No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He’s not keen on the idea of sharing you with anyone, and he also doesn’t care to do anything that involves bodily fluids other than cum.
O: Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)  
As you can guess from his ‘Body Part’ and ‘Kinks’ section, he has a strong preference for giving you oral. He truly found heaven on earth the first time that he tasted you, and he’s been addicted to that taste ever since. If you didn’t stop him at some point, he could happily give you oral for hours, making you cum over and over again until he finally had enough to satisfy his more carnal hunger (which is a hard point to reach). When it comes to giving him oral, he’d rather it just be used as foreplay and that you didn’t make him cum with it.
P: Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He likes to switch his pace up a lot, going from slow and easy to fast and hard to slow and deep, and so forth, at whatever intervals are necessary to have you delirious from pleasure.
Q: Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)  
He doesn’t care for quickies. He would much rather take his time with you so he can make sure that you’re fully satisfied and so he can properly enjoy your body. You would have to get him really pent up for him to even contemplate a quickie, and even then, it would still have to be under the right circumstances.
R: Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)  
Risks aren’t really his thing, especially when it comes to things like public sex. It’s kind of hard to be sneaky with something like sex when you’re 8’2’’, so he just doesn’t even attempt it. Experimenting is a completely different story, though, and he actually gets pretty excited whenever you come to him with something new to try in the bedroom.
S: Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
His stamina is fantastic. With foreplay and everything else included, his rounds last for at 25 to 30 minutes, and after a breather and maybe a quick snack to go along with it, he’ll be ready to go again, and he can honestly go for as many rounds as you want him to.
T: Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He didn’t own any toys beforehand, but he does like to use them on you during foreplay since they can be really helpful in prepping you to take him. He’s pretty indifferent to the idea of toys being used on him, but if that’s something that you want to do, he’ll happily let you.
U: Unfair (How much they like to tease)
He doesn’t really tease you at all. He is far too focused on pleasuring you and giving you the most intense orgasm that he can to worry with something like that, and if he ever uses orgasm denial on you, it’s all for the sake of putting you in a state of euphoria rather than to tease you.
V: Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He’s a groaner and a moaner, and he’ll start off pretty quiet, but as he gets closer to his own orgasm, his volume will increase a little, to about his normal speaking voice. His groans are pretty breathy and they can be a bit choked at times, and his moans tend to pop up suddenly and they’re much louder than his groans.
W: Wild Card (Random headcanon)
He absolutely loves it when you wear the jacket that’s part of his hero outfit. It’s just so adorably big on you, and seeing you wear something with his initials on it (even if it’s the initials of his hero alias instead of his real name) does wonders for his soul. And if you just so happen to not be wearing anything else under that jacket, well…good times will ensue…for a while, because that will really get him going.
X: X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants)  
At the risk of sounding repetitive, he’s 8’2’’, so even if it was just proportionate to his overall size, it’d still be pretty big in comparison to most people. As it is, he’s working with about 7 inches in length, with a nice girth to go along with it. It can be a little intimidating at first, but he’ll insist on going through a lot of prep work before he even thinks about penetrative sex.
Y: Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
When it comes to penetrative sex, he has a pretty average sex drive, and he can live with having sex 1-2 times a week. However, Fatgum absolutely loves to give you oral, so in terms of oral sex, his libido is extremely high. He’d go down on you several times a day every day if you’d let him, and he’d never get tired of your taste.
Z: ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He won’t go to sleep until he’s had his after-sex snack, and he tends to wait until you fall asleep, as well. He wants to make sure that you’re all taken of care of and settled in before he conks out for the night because he would hate to leave any of your needs unmet.
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37h4n0l · 5 years
would you please go on an excessive rant about kawoshin? i got a pack of popcorn to microwave i got time
Alright, there’s a whole variety of topics to address here. I think I’ll just make a long bulletpoint list. I’m trying to be reasonable in my saltiness but I’ve lost my patience with the anti-kawoshin stuff. Though if I’m wrong about anything I say on a technical level, I apologize.
I’m not surprised by the presence of dudebro fans per se. I’ve never been in a fandom with some level of mass appeal where they didn’t appear. What I’m baffled by is that they don’t just hate Eva considering that, for all the debate around whether ep24 was gay, it’ certainly something they would find gay for two guys to do and the mental gymnastics to no homo kawoshin are way more convoluted. I guess I’m becoming tired of this type of person. And of the fact that every meta community requires one to never say the word ‘gay’ even once, or everything else will be instantly dismissed. Eva is where I officially lost it regarding this topic because it’s so very obviously gay that denying it sounds like straight-up satire. But what do I know, they’re the Serious Fans and I’m just some delusional fangirl, I guess. Let them keep being smug, because clearly, “realism” is acting like lgbt people don’t exist, they got us, it was all a conspiracy to fuck with them.
What is up with the wiki’s editing? Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for the work that went into compiling all the information but the ep24 first draft’s wiki page? The exaggerated emphasis placed on it being ‘Just a draft that was rejected!!!!’ And the added commentary on how a lot of draft materials are ‘ABSOLUTELY NOT ANNO’S AUTHORIAL INTENT’ which begins to diverge from the article’s topic itself. They went as far as bolding the phrase. All of this, after explaining that Satsukawa’s drafts are written based on a general outline Anno gives him... Question of the day: what outline did Anno give Satsukawa that led to him writing that draft? The 1-2 episodes’ worth of homoeroticism, you know. Not to mention the actual ep24, the one that was okayed by Anno, which is still, frankly, really gay. Truly, whoever edited that article was the shining star of intellect. Congratulations!
And, about the quest to prove Shinji’s straight, I find it intriguing that every. single. person. brings up the fact that he jacked off to comatose Asuka. Because any normal display of being attracted to women or any of his erotic mental imagery couldn’t have done, you had to pick that as the typical behaviour to represent straight people. Interesting. I don’t understand their rituals, unfortunately. I figure they just wank to unconscious people on the regular since they love talking about it so much.
Meanwhile bisexual people let out a soft sigh at this whole discussion.
My favourite phenomenon, and the one I was originally going to complain about, is the group of people who took the step of admitting kawoshin is canon, but because they’re sore losers they’re trying to demonstrate how it’s unhealthy. I don’t like having to say all of this because some of the analysts on board with this, I actually like a fair amount. But sorry, if it’s a stupid idea, then it’s a stupid fucking idea and I can’t act like it’s not. So, apparently, Kaworu=bad because he’s too idealized and conforms too perfectly with what Shinji wants, and that’s impossible for human beings so that’s — allegedly — why he turns out to be an angel and has to die. I think the second half of this interpretation has elements that make sense. Maybe. In that I agree that having to kill Kaworu was relevant to the plot and Shinji’s character development (‘unraveling’ might be a more accurate word...). But it’s not because there was any problem with kawoshin as a relationship; it’s because Shinji has to learn not to rely on outside factors for self-worth. That doesn’t say anything about how good those outside factors are for him in themselves, just that he has a tendency of making his own value depend on them whether they’re healthy things or not. Declaring Kaworu to be a negative influence because he’s ‘not a Real Person’ is akin to saying Shinji would be better off hanging out with the ‘Real People’ in his life. The choices for healthy bonds are then: 1) Misato, who has issues with drinking and sex and has made moves on Shinji while being twice his age 2) Rei, who is debatably even a single entity and is a clone of Shinji’s mother that he occasionally sees as a substitute for her 3) Asuka, who continuously talks shit to him, beats him up, expects him to fulfill her desires for precocious sexual maturity and is completely insensitive to anything bad happening to him, including the time he almost died 4) Gendo. I’m being harsh. I appreciate all of these characters and it’s independently from their individual complexity that I observe how they keep trying to dump their own issues on Shinji. I don’t know if it’s about gender. I’m never quite sure.
I can’t say much about the Netflix dub that hasn’t been said already. For one thing, changing ‘love’ to ‘like’ makes no sense in terms of the plot. For another, I agree that phrasing means little to nothing with the visuals on screen. But, just to add something to it, the next time I see someone piggybacking on this discourse to express their “sympathy for how the translators are being treated”, I want them to know that it’s really transparent. Also that anyone from the staff could have said “I did this because it’s my job but I don’t think it was a good choice to translate it like that” at any point. But, for all I know, maybe Netflix is some kind of corporate dictatorship where you can’t express mild disagreement with your colleague’s work or you get instantly fired. I don’t quite care what emotional state translators are in because of the backlash. With this attitude, we’d be obligated to suck it up with any divisive higher decision, lest we hurt someone’s feelings by disliking it. It would have been so easy to keep the phrase in. Absolutely no effort. This was done, I believe, intentionally to pander to dudebros because a lot of people involved probably had no clear understanding of what Eva is and which people it attracts, so they went with ‘eh, it’s probably the average mecha fans’. Companies like this want you to sit back and stay comfortable and amoebic, never being exposed to anything that pokes at your sensitivities — so lgbt content needs to be in a segregated place, available for The Gays while everyone else can peacefully avoid it. And we’ll all be content and appeased and really fucking dopamine-hooked on online streaming. It’s gonna be really, really funny when everyone finds out Eva is centered around subversion with or without the homosexual undertones.
To make it clear, I have no way of knowing what goes on in Anno’s head and I would never blame him for anything considering he created kawoshin and Eva as a whole, things that had a positive effect on me. It needs to be said though; are we sure that and only that which he says publicly is an accurate canon fact about the show? Do we really think his public statements don’t go through any filters, especially when it’s about topics like homosexuality? He already got so many death threats over the tv ending that he got pissed and made EoE. Can you imagine what would happen if he declared kawoshin to be canon? Just ponder on this before taking it for granted that him not saying there was a romantic relationship between them means there wasn’t.
Tangentially related; Anno’s “it wasn’t carnal” as well as the draft rejection seems more related to how the ep24 draft would have, according to the staff, looked like borderline porn. I think our perspective on how far Eva goes is a bit skewed by the clusterfuck in EoE. None of the kids really had carnal desires in the original series — no, not even Asuka, she thought she did because of her issues but it’s fairly clear from her introspection and breakdown that she likes only the idea of being physically intimate but is kind of disgusted by the reality of it (washing her mouth after just kissing Shinji), as people normally are at fourteen. I take Anno’s statement more as “Shinji wasn’t blushing because he was turned on”, not that he didn’t like Kaworu romantically.
I find a lot of discussion around representation formulaic and word salad-ish. The same niche terms with no distinct meaning thrown together in random combinations. But I think I understand it somewhat now, to a small degree. I was so happy about kawoshin. I was genuinely so, so happy. Granted, my expectations for canon lgbt are so low they’re approaching the Earth’s core, but this ship gives me so many positive feelings that I don’t want it taken away from me. I don’t have it in me to engage in anyone’s intricate debates on whether it’s canon or not and I have absolutely no time or care for straight fans’ gaslighting on the issue.
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medusamyra-blog · 6 years
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Helloooo! I’ve (finally) filled out the talk tag post to give you guys some info on my version of Medusa! Please let me know if you have any questions about her, or if you’d like to plot! I’m definitely looking for a roommate or two, as well as any other connection under the sun (especially for fellow New Olympians). Let’s get this party started! (Well...it’s been started...for awhile now...I am very late...but for ME it’s a very new party, okay?)
Also I might have made some assumptions here as far as our characters go, so if you see something wonky please tell me
full name: Myra Shirin Bahl
The name is commonly associated with the Latin word, myyrh: a bitter resin extracted from a small, thorny plant. Though many bitter things might make you pucker when they first touch your tongue, they are often proven to be very useful, such as in medicinal herbs, or flavoring fine wine. And as they say, many beautiful, wonderful things are known to be protected by thorns. 
any nicknames?: As a child she went by Mimi. She doesn’t use that name anymore. Though she hears some of the folk at Old Olympus call her Medusa behind her back.
age: 25. a quarter of a century, oh no!
birthday/zodiac sign: August 19th, 1992. Leo. A fiery lioness filled with passion. 
height: 5′-6:
any tattoos, piercings?: Though she has done a lot of breaking boundaries and exploring new options for herself, piercings and tattoos have been a little too permanent for her to take the plunge on. Besides a single piercing in each of her ears, her skin remains undecorated for the time being. Though she considers it from time to time, she still wonders if she’ll ever be able to reconnect with her family and her old self, and something like a tattoo is just a little too much of a commitment for the time being. 
sound: Ocean waves softly kissing the shore ( she sleeps with a soft noise machine when the other apartment tenants are particularly loud )
color: Dusty lilacs and calming blue hues. The color of a clear, cloudless sky. And deep, royal purple ( not just for the matriarchal implications )
person: A multitude of faces rush through her head--her mother, her father, her brother, her ex-lover, her ex-best-friend--before she reminds herself they can’t be her favorite anymore. She has to be her own favorite person now.
memory: It’s hard to pick a favorite memory when so many of the people she shared them with no longer see her in the same light. Every good moment becomes a cherished memory in hindsight. They appear in flashes: peeling carrots with her mother, sharing lighthearted conversation about how men were helpless in the kitchen. Walking down the street as a young girl, holding her father’s hand and feeling so safe, like nothing in the world could touch her with her impenetrable father there to protect her. 
place: Gritty, warm sand beneath her toes, the hot sun on her back, the cool water at her feet. Specifically, the beaches home in Los Angeles (especially Malibu). New York beaches just can’t compare, though when she’s desperate for some sun she’ll use them as a placeholder.
vice: Warm lips on her neck, rough hands on her skin. She never expected to be the type to fall for such carnal pleasures, but once she got a taste, it was an urge that always came back to haunt her. Though it has never been as fulfilling as the first time, with the woman she’d loved, she loved the feeling of another person on top of her. 
…been in love?
Luli had been the most beautiful woman she’d ever seen. At first, Myra wasn’t sure if she wanted to be with her or simply wanted to be her. Soon, the question answered itself. She never thought she would want a woman in such a primitive way, nor a romantic way, but Luli changed Myra’s perspective on just about everything. It was passionate and warm and enlightening and thriving and everything Myra had never thought she’d wanted, or needed. It was the most wonderful and thrilling feeling she’d ever experienced--
even if it didn’t last. 
…done drugs?
When she’d first gotten involved with Olympus, still new to the big city. There were so many new opportunities for her here that hadn’t existed back home, and she wanted to try everything. Nothing too dangerous, but she’ll never forget the bubbling excitement of her first joint. There had been a naive air about her that both made people protective of her, and also made people want to push things on her, but she stood her ground. She wanted to enjoy her newfound freedom, but within reason, and she certainly wasn’t about to ruin her new life by getting hooked on something bad.  
…killed someone?
Not by choice. Everything that night had gone wrong. It was her first year on transportation and things weren’t going as smoothly as everyone expected them to. It was her or them and she panicked. She did what she had to do, but the first time she took someone else’s life was the hardest, even if it was for her own safety.
…betrayed someone’s trust?
Despite the age difference, Victoria had been her best friend. She’d been the first person Myra had connected with in New York, and Myra had crawled under her wing and adopted her as her mentor, whether she’d initially wanted it or not. Victoria was her secret keeper, the first person she’d told about her life back in California, what she had fled from and what she had fled to become. 
At first, it hadn’t felt like cheating. But then it did. And she knew it was wrong. And she didn’t put a stop to it until it was too late. In the end, she isn’t sure which loss was worst: her lover or her best friend.
…had their heart broken?
If love was the best feeling in the world, heartbreak was the worst. It had teared her to shreds, ripped her apart after every attempt at glueing herself back together again. What it also did, however, was harden her: make her strong, impervious, impenetrable. Just like the myth of a broken bone healing stronger than before, her broken heart and broken soul came back ten times stronger after that, and she swore she would never let it break again.
…lost someone?
Never by death, but unattainable by the weight of her own actions. Not lost, but simply impossible to find as they once were..
have any pets?: This is technically TBD since I don’t know who her roommates are yet, but in my head she has two small pet (land) turtles, named after women’s rights activists Susan B. Anthony and Lucretia Mott (“Susie and Lucy”)
have a family they still talk to?: No. Sometimes she wishes she could, but she feels it’s just too late. Even if she were to contact them, she would probably have to change back into who she was--into Mimi--and she’s just not willing to do that.
have a best friend?: It used to be Victoria, back when she first touched down in NYC.  Someone she could tell anything to, confess her deepest fears and biggest secrets. Well, she left out one particularly large secret, and their best-friendship was broken forever. (Who is it now? Only time will tell)
want to get married and/or have kids?: It used to be a given that as a woman, she would settle down with a husband and pop out a few kids. Now that she’s breached so far past the Bahl Family Norm, she’s not so sure she could ever go back to that. Sure, after a stressful, dangerous day, she might think a normal, quiet life in a suburb with a family might be nice, but as far as she’s concerned, she’s too far gone to ever get that old little girl dream. 
want to leave?: Sometimes, but she’s already run away once before, and reinventing yourself certainly takes its toll on your identity. Everyone has hard days, where they want to leave their life behind and start somewhere new, but she doesn’t feel she’s been in New York long enough yet to call it quits. Not to mention, she would be letting down the other members of New Olympus, the people who took her in when she was still new to the city and had no place to go, and she wouldn’t let her own flight risk tendencies harm them in anyway..
phone call or text? T E X T. They’re straight-forward, to the point, and leave interpretation out of the equation. “Meet at 11:05 in the alley?” There’s nothing else to it. It’s quick and it’s efficient., and there’s no way for it to be construed 
wealth or loyalty? L O Y A L T Y. All the money in the world can’t buy you trust or friendship. Though she could really use the money, everyone needs at least one person they can trust in above all else. 
love or lust? L U S T. Love gets you nothing but heartbreak. It tears down your walls and pillages your heart like an invading army and it leaves nothing but ruin in its wake. Lust allows you “all the same perks” without the emotional investment and vulnerability. It is clearly the superior choice. 
5 Friends or 100 Acquaintances? 5 FRIENDS. True loyalty is hard to come by these days, and the less you know a person, the more dangerous to you they can be to you. 
summer or winter? S U M M E R! Having grown up in California, the New York winters are pretty bracing to her. Even if summer weather reminds her of home, she will never not love the sun.  
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the-master-cylinder · 4 years
Elisabeth was born on July 2, 1951 in Toronto, Ontario and adopted by William Harrison “Sandy” Luyties Jr. (1927-1996) and his wife Joan (née Brooks; 1935-2010) when she was 6 months old.
Out on the west coast, Elisabeth balanced her career goals with fostering her infant son. While waitressing at both L.A.’s Roxy Club and the then exclusive upstairs affixture On the Rox, she became acquainted with Hollywood high-rollers, including Warren Beatty, Harry Dean Stanton and Jack Nicholson (with whom she claims to have had a wild six-month relationship). While working an onset babysitting assignment, she was discovered by the actor Don “Red” Barry. It was never clear to me what specific contribution he made, but shortly after her introduction to the actor, she made her television debut in an episode of the NBC series, EMERGENCY (1972-1977).
Elisabeth subsequently earned prime time visibility from guest appearances on hits like Starsky and Hutch and made the telefilm Heart to Heart. Brooks also made the rounds at Universal Studios, appearing on The Rockford Files, The Six Million Dollar Man, The Bionic Woman and even The Night Stalker. She played a nurse’s aide on the episode, “The Spanish Moss Murders.”
She tells of her first role in a Universal movie: a small bit in Alfred Hitchcock’s Family Plot (1976). “I had a very small part,” she admits, “and when I first got on the set, I overheard the make-up man and wardrobe people and crew talking about how he [Hitchcock] had not talked to anyone in two weeks. He just wasn’t a friendly person to the crew. He wasn’t rude to them, he just didn’t talk to them. He didn’t spend much time talking to anyone. He didn’t care to get into conversations with actors so he had an Assistant Director give all the directions.
“When I started to do my two lines, he sent the AD over to the guy I was working with to give him some directions and the AD came to me and said, ‘Mr. Hitchcock suggests…’ and way in the corner I hear this booming voice saying, ‘Young lady…’ and he started talking to me and I got very nervous and I was the talk of the set because I was the first actress he had directed on the film directly. I felt really impressed
“And of course the first few times I screwed up. I got him to laugh. I was very nervous and I dropped my purse right in the middle of everything and he started laughing and I said, ‘I’m sorry…’ and he said, “That’s all right, that’s all right.’ This was just a small start.”
For nine months, Brooks lived in New York and played an ex-alcoholic country singer on the soap opera, Days of Our Lives. It also brought Brooks her first fan mail. “She was kind of a spaced-out character,” ‘Brooks says with a laugh. “She wasn’t too sure what was wrong, what was right and what she was going to do next. She ran off to be a rock and roll star.” It was on that show that Brooks began singing, and writing her own music and lyrics. “During the show I opened my own publishing company and I did a couple of my songs on the show. The part I played was not a good singer and so it was easy,” she chuckles. She is now taking lessons and is planning on performing when ready.
Elisabeth was best known for her role as Marsha. the tempestuous werewolf in Joe Dante’s cult classic, THE HOWLING (1981). Brooks had never heard of the novel, The Howling, but she received a call at home, telling her Avco Embassy was making the movie and they wanted her to come in and read for a part. “I went in and I was given a script and I read it and came back. I did a scene for the producer, Mike Finnell, and the director, Joe Dante, and came back again and did another scene, or the same scene for the executive producers, Daniel Blatt and Steven Lane. And then I had to come back with a long, dark wig on.” Brooks was wearing short, blondish hair at the time.
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Marsha is described in the film as “elemental” with vast untapped powers. She’s also a seductress, who has little use for men and even less use for women. She’s accused of taking men and bending them to her will for whatever purpose she chooses and no one can understand her motives.
“I was told not to read the novel,” Brooks explains. Marsha may be one of the few elements to remain similar to the book’s depiction. Marsha Quist is also the toughest role Brooks has undertaken. She describes Marsha as an animal. “And in being an animal, she has no compassion or desire to be associated with human beings. She has very definite points of view on the human race and being an animal, she finds them extremely threatening to her unless she can control them. And she does control the humans.” To her, it was an extremely challenging role and she feels she accomplished what she set out to do: create a complex character and make her believable.
What disappoints her is the final cut of the film. She describes working with Director Dante as being very easy. “We really didn’t have any trouble until I saw the film–and then we really didn’t have any trouble. I had a meeting with him to voice my complaints, I felt he didn’t leave enough substance to my character. He just centered on the sexually stimulating parts of her which are fine. Those are just actor’s and director’s opinions. He had to make his movie work. That’s the way he said he could make the movie work. I am upset as an actress because I worked very hard on developing a character that I spent a lot of time and energy trying to develop. It’s a little disheartening when you work so hard on something and you see so little of it up there except something that you were told wouldn’t be the substance of the character and all of a sudden that’s the substance and everything else you worked on isn’t there anymore. I know how much was not left in and I’m a little upset but it’s ok,” she says.
“For Marsha,” Brooks continues after taking a breath, “I was told to think of a cat. A very sexual, soft and feminine cat but very dignified. The type of thing a cat is. A cat gets it victims through sex-they have a very sexual outlook. I think a lot of that was left out of the film. A lot of the power was left out. The power that was left in was sexual power. So that’s ok. Joe and I had many talks about it but by the time I found out about the cuts, it was too late to go back and change anything.”
Part of the sexual nature of Marsha is also very visual since Brooks had to do a scene with full frontal nudity. “It was freezing,” she remembers. “It was done very late at night and it was extremely cold. We did it very quickly. It was my first such experience and hopefully one of my last.”
What made the love scene so difficult was not just the cold. Both Brooks and Christopher Stone had to go through partial transformation into werewolves while supposedly making love. Both wore fangs in their mouths that slid into place when wires were tripped with their tongues.
Thinking about Marsha, the young actress goes on to discuss her, “In the film and the character and the script I read, my character had a lot of substance and credibility to it. And this person I played had a lot of dimension that in the actual cut of the film, I feel, has been diminished. I think The Howling is a cartoon brought to life. In looking at it as a cartoon, my character is a cartoon character, totally different from me as a person. I think it will be a very, very big hit.
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“It is fun and it doesn’t gross you out. They didn’t put a lot of traditional horror elements in it, yet it encompasses all of it. I’ve heard it’s almost a classic type of film. I think it will reach for more than the horror audience. Everyone has a good time.”
She was very vocal in her objections to scenes that required full-frontal nudity. “I was signed to do the movie on my acting ability alone. I was told the sex shots would be smoke screened by a bonfire and that you wouldn’t be able to see anything.” Playboy published the nude footage, without Elisabeth’s approval, in the magazine’s annual “Sex in the Cinema” retrospect. With no heat waves nor smoke, she disrobed near the embers of a modest blaze. Elisabeth was further quoted, “In the past, I’ve always refused to do nude magazine work because I believe in the Bible and have morals.” Elisabeth later told me that she had a reputation to consider as a single mom; she was referring to Jeremy, who was seven years old when THE HOWLING was released. Elisabeth refused to marry the boy’s father.
To make Marsha come alive, and turn into a carnal werewolf, Rob Bottin worked with her. Brooks says of him, “He’s a sweetheart, really easy to work with. They put a mask on my face when I turn into a werewolf. My face gets all distorted. They put a plaster cast over your whole face and it’s a total freak-out, totally blows you away because you can’t breathe. The whole time I was there, knowing Rob was there … he never stops talking, never. He has a soothing voice and you get comfortable and you don’t get scared. Anytime I started to get scared, he would sense it and he’d say, ‘It’s ok Elisabeth, sit still … He explains every step that he is doing so you know what’s going on. He’s fabulous to work with and he’s like that with everyone.”
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While THE HOWLING cleaned-up at the box office, Elisabeth required a hysterectomy to recover from PID (pelvic inflammatory disease). The illness was one reason that she backed-out of THE HOWLING II, though initially agreed to do the sequel. But there was another reason. Friend Kristy McNichol, an actress formerly tied to a popular TV series (FAMILY, 1976-1980), had wielded some influence on HOWLING II’s failed salary negotiations.
Elisabeth said she had met Kristy while babysitting on movie sets. They actually performed together in a movie aptly titled THE FORGOTTEN ONE (1990). It was reported in the Star tabloid (Dec. 1994) that McNichol, upon learning about Brooks’ diagnosed cancer, “ran to her side.” Their relationship, while sometimes tumultuous, was very close.  After a 33-month struggle with brain cancer, Brooks died in Haven Hospice near her home in Palm Springs, California at the age of 46.
Elisabeth Brooks: Sexy She Wolf Elisabeth was born on July 2, 1951 in Toronto, Ontario and adopted by William Harrison "Sandy" Luyties Jr.
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