#i have a document to keep the quick concepts & title ideas in one place <3
pyrriax · 11 months
hi guys. um. anhedonia au is getting out of hand.
(looking at my list of. 15 potential fics. i guarantee writing absolutely none of them but im thinking about them <3)
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zinjanthropusboisei · 4 years
Using Citation Managers
For Fun and Profit
I’m always quick to proselytize about using a citation manager when I see people complain about wrangling references and formatting, but I realized that if you aren’t already familiar with one, it may not be clear 1. what a citation manager is/what they do and 2. how it differs from something like Citation Machine or Google Scholar that can put together a single reference for export 3. how powerful a tool it is for research and academics.
Basically, citation managers help you organize and retrieve information, by extracting the metadata from a source that you import and using that to fill in all of the required reference information like title, authors, journal, etc. automatically. The manager can then work with your word processor to insert properly formatted footnotes or citations into a paper and create a properly formatted bibliography.
There’s two free programs that are the most common: Zotero and Mendeley. I’m going to include screenshots of both to show how you can build a citation library with them, and how it makes writing, studying, and researching easier.
Assuming you’ve installed one of these programs, you can start importing sources into them by dragging files from your file explorer over into your library, or by using the Add or Import dropdowns. The column on the right in both images below shows the metadata item that the programs created for each paper. (You can tell I don’t really use Zotero except for class demo purposes, lol)
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Once you’ve imported a source, you can organize by folder on the left - you can have folders for each project, for different topic areas, whatever works for you! Both programs also have a tagging function, so you can add whatever tags you want to keep track of key ideas or concepts, and you can also add notes about each source. Mendeley has a built in pdf viewer as well, with the ability to highlight and leave comments as you read, so this is where I do a lot of my actual reading and annotating.
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To make citations:
If you’ve already got an essay written and you just need to add your references, you can do it a couple different ways. In Mendeley, you first have to make sure that your citation style is set to the proper format.
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Then you can select the sources you need and drag and drop them directly from Mendeley into Word...
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...or you can right-click and Copy As -> Formatted Citation and it will be on your clipboard.
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The process is basically the same in Zotero; you can drag and drop, or right click -> Create Bibliography From Item and select the citation style you want.
However, the real joy of these programs is when you are writing your papers and doing in-text citations or footnotes. Both Mendeley and Zotero have plugins that connect to Word so you can cite and build a bibliography as you write (They both have integrations with LaTeX too, but I’m not familiar enough with LaTeX to go there).
For Mendeley:
1. Set the citation format to the one that you’re using (APA, MLA, etc). You can also create custom formats - I’ve had to do this when journals have had very specific formats that they want for submissions.
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2. As you write and come to a place that needs a citation or footnote, click Insert Citation and search for the source that you need. The citation will pop right in place.
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3. Once you have citations in your text, you can move to the end of your document and hit the “Insert Bibliography” button and it will insert the full reference list, automatically including any source that you cited using Mendeley in the body of the text. If you add more citations as you continue working, the bibliography will automatically update with the new additions.
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The Zotero plugin works similarly:
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And that’s it! 
It’s not just about building a bibliography for a single paper, it’s essentially building a library of the whole body of work that you’ve explored during your degree (or career). And especially if you are using the tag system wisely, you can look back and easily find materials from previous projects or classes that have become relevant - which makes it much easier to build on foundations you may already have rather than start over, even though you just KNOW you’ve read something about that concept, or seen that method before, if only you could find it in your notes...
Anyway, a couple of caveats: I use Mendeley, because I’m set in my ways and like having the pdf viewer, but Zotero is open-source and allegedly better at handling websites/web-based sources. Also, you do need to doublecheck before you submit an assignment that there aren’t any errors in the metadata - sometimes you will get article titles that are in all-caps, for instance, because that’s how it was formatted in the original document.
There’s a lot more you can do with these programs, but this is a start with the basics!
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Top 10 Games of 2019
This was an extremely good year for games. I don’t know if I played as many that will stick with me as I did last year, but the ones on the bottom half of this list in particular constitute some of my favorite games of the decade, and probably all-time. If I’ve got a gaming-related resolution for next year, it’s to put my playtime into supporting even smaller indie devs. My absolute favorite experiences in games this year came from seemingly out of nowhere games from teams I’ve previously never heard of before. That said, there are some big games coming up in spring I doubt I’ll be able to keep myself away from. Some quick notes/shoutouts before I get started:
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-The game I put maybe the most time into this year was Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. I finally made the plunge into neverending FF MMO content, and I’m as happy as I am overwhelmed. This was a big year for the game, between the release of the Shadowbringers expansion and the Nier: Automata raid, and it very well may have made it onto my list if I had managed to actually get to any of it. At the time of this writing, though, I’ve only just finished 2015’s Heavensward, so I’ve got...a long way to go. 
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-One quick shoutout to the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy that came out on Switch this year, a remaster of some DS classics I never played. An absolutely delightful visual novel series that I fell in love with throughout this year.
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-I originally included a couple games currently in early access that I’ve enjoyed immensely. I removed them not because of arbitrary rules about what technically “came out” this year, but just to make room for some other games I liked, out of the assumption that I’ll still love these games in their 1.0 formats when they’re released next year to include them on my 2020 list. So shoutout to Hades, probably the best rogue-like/lite/whatever I’ve ever played, and Spin Rhythm XD, which reignited my love for rhythm games.
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-Disco Elysium isn’t on this list, because I’ve played about an hour of it and haven’t yet been hooked by it. But I’ve heard enough about it to be convinced that it is 1000% a game for me and something I need to get to immediately. They shouted out Marx and Engels at the Game Awards! They look so cool! I want to be their friend! And hopefully, a few weeks from now, I’ll desperately want to redact this list to squeeze this game somewhere in here.
Alright, he’s the actual list:
10. Amid Evil
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The 90’s FPS renaissance continues! As opposed to last year’s Dusk, a game I adored, this one takes its cues less from Quake and more from Heretic/Hexen, placing a greater emphasis on melee combat and magic-fuelled projectiles than more traditional weapons. Also, rather than that game’s intentionally ugly aesthetic, this one opts for graphics that at times feel lush, detailed, and pretty, while still probably mostly fitting the description of lo-fi. In fact, they just added RTX to the game, something I’m extremely curious to check out. This game continued to fuel my excitement about the possibilities of embracing out-of-style gameplay mechanics to discover new and fresh possibilities from a genre I’ve never been able to stop yearning for more of.
9. Ape Out
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If this were a “coolest games” list, Ape Out would win it, easily. It’s a simple game whose mechanics don’t particularly evolve throughout the course of its handful of hours, but it leaves a hell of an impression with its minimalist cut-out graphics, stylish title cards, and percussive soundtrack. Smashing guards into each other and walls and causing them to shoot each other in a mad-dash for the exit is a fun as hell take on Hotline Miami-esque top down hyper violence, even if it’s a thin enough concept that it starts to feel a bit old before the end of the game.
8. Fire Emblem: Three Houses
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I had a lot of problems with this game, probably most stemming from just how damn long it is - I still haven’t finished my first, and likely only, playthrough. This length seems to have motivated the developers to make battles more simple and easy, and to be fair, I would get frustrated if I were getting stuck on individual battles if I couldn’t stop thinking about how much longer I have to go, but as it is, I’ve just found them to be mostly boring. This is particularly problematic for a game that seems to require you to play through it at least...three times to really get the full picture? I couldn’t help but admire everything this game got right, though, and that mostly comes down to building a massive cast of extremely well realized and likable characters whose complex relationships with each other and with the structures they pledge loyalty to fuels harrowing drama once the plot really sets into motion. There’s a reason no other game inspired such a deluge of memes and fan fiction and art into my Twitter feed this year. It’s an impressive feat to convince every player they’ve unquestionably picked the right house and defend their problem children till the bitter end. After the success of this game, I’d love to see what this team can do next with a narrower focus and a bigger budget.
7. Resident Evil 2
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It’s been a long time since I played the original Resident Evil 2, but I still consider it to be one of my favorite games of all time. I was highly skeptical of this remake at first, holding my stubborn ground that changing the fixed camera to a RE4-style behind the back perspective would turn this game more into an action game and less of a survival horror game where feeling a lack of control is part of the experience. I was pleasantly surprised to find how much they were able to modernize this game while maintaining its original feel and atmosphere. The fumbly, drifting aim-down sights effectively sell the feeling of being a rookie scared out of your wits. Being chased by Mr. X is wildly anxiety-inducing. But even more surprisingly, perhaps the greatest upgrade this game received was its map, which does you the generous service of actually marking down automatically where puzzles and items are, which rooms you’ve yet to enter, which ones you’ve searched entirely, and which ones still have more to discover. Arguably, this disrupts the feeling of being lost in a labyrinthine space that the original inspired, but in practice, it’s a remarkably satisfying and addicting video game system to engage with.
6. Judgment
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No big surprise here - Ryu ga Gotoku put out another Yakuza-style game set in Kamurocho, and once again, it’s sitting somewhere on my top 10. This time, they finally put Kazuma Kiryu’s story to bed and focused on a new protagonist, down on his luck lawyer-turned-detective Takayuki Yagami. The new direction doesn’t always pay off - the added mechanics of following and chasing suspects gets a bit tedious. The game makes up for it, though, by absolutely nailing a fun, engrossing J-Drama of a plot entirely divorced from the Yakuza lore. The narrative takes several head-spinning turns through its several dozen hours, and they all feel earned, with a fresh sense of focus. The side stories in this one do even more to make you feel connected to the community of Kamurocho by befriending people from across the neighborhood. I’d love to see this team take even bigger swings in the future - and from what I’ve seen from Yakuza 7, that seems exactly like what they’re doing - but even if this game shares maybe a bit too much DNA with its predecessors, it’s hard to complain when the writing and acting are this enjoyable.
5. Control
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Control feels like the kind of game that almost never gets made anymore. It’s a AAA game that isn’t connected to any larger franchises and doesn’t demand your attention for longer than a dozen hours. It doesn’t shoehorn needless RPG or MMO mechanics into its third-person action game formula to hold your attention. It introduces a wildly clever idea, tells a concise story with it, and then its over. And there’s something so refreshing about all of that. The setting of The Oldest House has a lot to do with it. I think it stands toe-to-toe with Rapture or Black Mesa as an instantly iconic game world. Its aesthetic blend of paranormal horror and banal government bureaucracy gripped my inner X-Files fan instantly, and kept him satisfied not only with its central characters and mystery but with a generous bounty of redacted documents full of worldbuilding both spine-tingling and hilarious. More will undoubtedly come from this game, in the form of DLC and possibly even more, with the way it ties itself into other Remedy universes, and as much as I expect I will love it, the refreshing experience this base game offered me likely can’t be beat.
4. Anodyne 2
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I awaited Sean Han Tani and Marina Kittaka’s new game more anxiously than almost any game that came out this year, despite never having played the first one, exclusively on my love for last year’s singular All Our Asias and the promise that this game would greatly expand on that one’s Saturn/PS1-esque early 3D graphics and personal, heartfelt storytelling. Not only was I not disappointed, I was regularly pleasantly surprised by the depth of narrative and themes the game navigates. This game takes the ‘legendary hero’ tropes of a Zelda game and flips them to tell a story about the importance of community and taking care of loved ones over duty to governments or organizations. The dungeons that similarly reflect a Link to the Past-era Zelda game reduce the maps to bite-sized, funny, clever designs that ask you to internalize unique mechanics that result in affecting conclusions. Plus, it’s gorgeously idiosyncratic in its blend of 3D and 2D environments and its pretty but off-kilter score. It’s hard to believe something this full and well realized came from two people. 
3. Eliza
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Eliza is a work of dystopian fiction so closely resembling the state of the world in 2019 it’s hard to even want to call it sci-fi. As a proxy for the Eliza app, you speak the words of an AI therapist that offers meager, generic suggestions as a catch-all for desperate people facing any number of the nightmares of our time. The first session you get is a man reckoning with the state the world is in - we’ve only got a few more years left to save ourselves from impending climate crisis, destructive development is rendering cities unlivable for anyone but the super-rich, and the people who hold all the power are just making it all worse. The only thing you offer to him is to use a meditation app and take some medication. It doesn’t take long for you to realize that this whole structure is much less about helping struggling people and more about mining personal data.
There’s much more to this story than the grim state of mental health under late capitalism, though. It’s revealed that Evelyn, the character you play as, has a much closer history with Eliza than initially evident. Throughout the game, she’ll reacquaint herself with old coworkers, including her two former bosses who have recently split and run different companies over their differing frightening visions for the future. The game offers a biting critique of the kind of tech company optimism that brings rich, eccentric men to believe they can solve the world’s problems within the hyper-capitalist structure they’ve thrived under, and how quickly this mindset gives way to techno-fascism. There’s also Evelyn’s former team member, Nora, who has quit the tech world in favor of being a DJ “activist,” and her current lead Rae, a compassionate person who genuinely believes in the power of Eliza to better people’s lives. The writing does an excellent job of justifying everyone’s points of view and highlighting the limits of their ideology without simplifying their sense of morality.
Why this game works so well isn’t just its willingness to stare in the face of uncomfortably relevant subject matter, but its ultimately empathetic message. It offers no simple solutions to the world’s problems, but also avoids falling into utter despair. Instead, it places measured but inspiring faith in the power of making small, meaningful impacts on the people around you, and simply trying to put some good into your world. It’s a game both terrifying and comforting in its frank conclusions.
2. Death Stranding
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For a game as willfully dumb as this one often is - that, for example, insists on giving all of its characters with self-explanatory names long monologues about how they got that name - Death Stranding was one of the most thought provoking games I’ve played in a while. Outside of its indulgent, awkwardly paced narrative, the game offers plenty of reflection on the impact the internet has had on our lives. As Sam Porter Bridges, you’re hiking across a post-apocalyptic America, reconnecting isolated cities by delivering supplies, building infrastructure, and, probably most importantly, connecting them to the Chiral Network, an internet of sorts constructed of supernatural material of nebulous origin. Through this structure, the game offers surprisingly insightful commentary about the necessity for communication, cooperation, and genuine love and care within a community.
The lonely world you’re tasked to explore, and the way you’re given blips of encouragement within the solitude through the structures and “likes” you give and receive through the game’s asynchronous multiplayer system, offers some striking parallels for those of us particularly “online” people who feel simultaneous desperation for human contact and aversion to social pressures. I’ve heard the themes of this game described as “incoherent” due to the way it seems to view the internet both as a powerful tool to connect people and a means by which people become isolated and alienated, but are both of these statements not completely true to reality? The game simplifies some of its conclusions - Kojima seems particularly ignorant of America’s deep structural inequities and abuses that lead to a culture of isolation and alienation. And yet, the questions it asks are provocative enough that they compelled me to keep thinking about them far longer than the answers it offers.
Beyond the surprisingly rich thematic content, this game is mostly just a joy to play. Death Stranding builds kinetic drama out of the typically rote parts of games. Moving from point A to point B has become an increasingly tedious chore in the majority of AAA open world games, but this is a game built almost entirely out of moving from point A to point B, and it makes it thrilling. The simple act of walking down a hill while trying to balance a heavy load on your back and avoiding rocks and other obstacles fulfills the promise of the term ‘walking simulator’ in a far more interesting way than most games given that descriptor. The game consistently doles out new ways to navigate terrain, which peaked for me about two thirds of the way through the game when, after spending hours setting up a network of zip lines, a delivery offered me the opportunity to utilize the entire thing in a wildly satisfying journey from one end of the map to another. It was the gaming moment of the year.
1. Outer Wilds
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The first time the sun exploded in my Outer Wilds playthrough, I was probably about to die anyway. I had fallen through a black hole, and had yet to figure out how to recover from that, so I was drifting listlessly through space with diminishing oxygen as the synths started to pick up and I watched the sun fall in on itself and then expand throughout the solar system as my vision went went. The moment gave me chills, not because I wasn’t already doomed anyway, but because I couldn’t help but think about my neighbors that I had left behind to explore space. I hadn’t known that mere minutes after I left the atmosphere the solar system would be obliterated, but I was at least able to watch as it happened. They probably had no idea what happened. Suddenly their lives and their planet and everything they had known were just...gone. And then I woke up, with the campfire burning in front of me, and everyone looking just as I had left it. And I became obsessed with figuring out how to stop that from happening again. 
What surprised me is that every time the sun exploded, it never failed to produce those chills I felt the first time. This game is masterful in its art, sound, and music design that manages to produce feelings so intense from an aesthetic so quaint. Tracking down fellow explorers by following the sound of their harmonica or acoustic guitar. Exploring space in a rickety vessel held together by wood and tape. Translating logs of conversations of an ancient alien race and finding the subject matter of discussion to be about small interpersonal drama as often as it is revelatory secrets of the universe. All of the potentially twee aspects of the game are balanced out by an innate sense of danger and terror that comes from exploring space and strange worlds alone. At times, the game dips into pure horror, making other aspects of the presentation all the more charming by comparison. And then there’s the clockwork machinations of the 22-minute loop you explore within, rewarding exploration and experimentation with reveals that make you feel like a genius for figuring out the puzzle at the same time that you’re stunned by the divulgence of a new piece of information.
The last few hours of the game contained a couple puzzles so obfuscated that I had to consult a guide, which admittedly lessened the impact of those reveals, but it all led to one of the most equally devastating and satisfying endings I’ve experienced in a video game recently. I really can’t say enough good things about this game. It’s not only my favorite game this year, but easily one of my favorite games of the decade, and really, of all-time, when it comes down to it.
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olivecianciolo · 4 years
Journal Entries/3 Project Ideas
Research Journals
1). https://www.artic.edu/artworks/180585/untitled-march-5th-2
“Untitled (March 5th) #2” by Felix Gonzalez-Torres, 1991
This piece is made of two light bulbs hung on and plugged into a wall by two tangled extension cords. Once the bulbs are plugged into the wall they are to stay on until they go out one after another. Once they are both out it’s up to whoever’s displaying it when to change them and start the process over.
This piece was made by a gay man near the end of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the us. The two bulbs are meant to represent lovers entangled in each other’s lives until one life inevitably ends. The remaining lover (bulb) has to then sit alone until it goes out and joins its partner. The time it takes for each bulb to go out varies a little each time and mirrors the variability of human life and love.
2). https://www.brooklynmuseum.org/opencollection/objects/169803
“Napoleon Leading the Army over the Alps” by Kehinde Wiley, 2005
This painting references Jaques-Louis David’s “Napoleon Crossing the Alps” but subverts the viewer’s expectations by placing a black man in contemporary clothing in Napoleon’s place. This serves as a way to reclaim ‘western’ history by showing that black people have always been there alongside white people. The fact that viewers may find a black man in a european-style painting so jarring also serves to comment on the way black people have been treated throughout western history and recontextualizes black and european history. Finally the contemporary clothing juxtaposed with the historical setting serves as a way to both empower contemporary black viewers (by representing them in a historically important position) and invite the contemporary audience to reconsider their conceptions of european history.
3).  https://hirshhorn.si.edu/exhibitions/mark-bradford-picketts-charge/ 
“Pickett’s Charge” by Mark Bradford, 2020
This is an installation of 8 collages (around 400 feet in total length) made of colored paper, string, and reproductions of images from the original Pickett’s Charge in 1863. Bradford tears, scrapes, and builds up his materials to create new textures and invites viewers to reconsider their conceptions of the civil war. Braford also juxtaposes contemporary materials with images of Pickett’s Charge to invoke the idea of new perspectives on historical events.
4) https://www.brooklynmuseum.org/opencollection/objects/5170
“Sweet Smell of Sage Enters the Room” by Ida Applebroog, 1979
(CW: domestic abuse)
This is a series of six nearly identical prints arranged in series, like a comic strip. Each print features the same image of a couple through a window with the curtains opened. Through the window the viewer can see  a man forcing a woman (presumably his intimate partner) to the ground while raising his hand to strike her. The fourth print contains a panel that reads “the sweet smell of sage enters the room.” Because this piece is arranged like a comic strip it can be assumed that each print represents a different point in time and therefore depicts the monotony, terror, and inevitability of persistent domestic abuse. The window implies that the viewer is seeing something private, and the comic form allows for quick consumption of a longer narrative which causes the viewer to question their role in it as a spectator.
5). https://www.icaboston.org/art/mickalene-thomas/monet%E2%80%99s-salon
“Monet’s Salon” by Mickalene Thomas, 2012
This painting/collage depicts a fractured interior space containing a white lounge chair, ornate rugs, a widow to outside foliage, a potted plant, and paintings on a wall. This space is evocative of nineteenth century salons but fragmented and made of contemporary materials. It, like Wiley’s and Bradford’s pieces, juxtaposes historical imagery with modern materials and the fragmented nature of the piece serves to recontextualize this history. The reference to Monet in the title is meant to allude to Impressionism specifically and references impressionist salons, but the fact that this piece was made by a black woman in a contemporary setting with contemporary materials gets the viewers to question their relationship with and the history of the Impressionist movement.
Three Ideas:
1). My first idea was to carve an image into a 3.75”x5” block (probably a small portrait of my grandpa, since he often used similar tools in his own art) and make one print with it every day. I would turn this into a collage after I have enough. This stifles the flow of normal block printing (in which I would print multiple copies one time and be done) and forces me to slow down. I would have to set and clean up after making one print, which I have to keep and use regardless of how it turns out. This would be incredibly frustrating but I think the differences in each print would provide a little insight into my process and mental state each day. For example a print being insufficiently inked could mean I was in a hurry or frustrated with the whole process. Maybe I have extra colored inks to use, or other materials to print on. Overall I think the difference in each print could show my changing approach to printing the same image everyday, whether they get better or sloppier.
2). My second idea is to take around 10-20 portrait photos (of a roommate probably) in rapid succession (in the span of about a second) to capture many frames of a subtle movement. I would then draw as many of these as possible in charcoal on 11”x14” sheets of vellum. Each drawing would have varying levels of detail so as to avoid monotony. Once each drawing was done I would overlay each one over the last offsetting them by about a half an inch so that you can see each drawing. This would create an effect of movement not only by showing the different frames of movement over one another, but also by physically moving each frame. My hope with this idea is to show how much can happen in a short amount of time.
3). My final idea is to print a bunch of politically charged zines (probably around 50), make little adhesive sleeves to put five or so in, add invitations to take one, and leave them in around Ypsi (in a couple places with heavy foot traffic). I would visit my sleeves fairly regularly (it’s a long walk from my house) to document how they’re doing. I’d replace any zines that had been taken and replace the sleeves if they’d been torn down. My goal is to see how many people would genuinely take/read the zines, how often my vandalism would get torn down, and how the changing seasons affects both. I’d honestly try to keep this going for as long as possible (even after the end of this class) unless something went horribly awry.
0 notes
myrtlecornish · 5 years
Adding Tools Attributes to your Toolbox
Android Tools Attributes are a critical element of any well designed app that uses Data Binding, a RecyclerView or top level navigation, such as a Navigation Drawer or Bottom Navigation View. Yet, they are often overlooked by developers.
In this post, we’ll look at why these attributes are important and how you can apply them to provide design-time hints to Android Studio about what type of data and attributes will be applied to your views at runtime.
To illustrate the concepts, we will look at a sample app called Weather. This app displays a list of cities and their current weather forecast summary. Clicking on one of the summary rows, shows a details screen with more information about “today’s” forecast.
The app looks relatively straightforward when you see it running, but how does that look in the Layout Editor at design time. Well that depends!
This project is built using Data Binding and uses a RecyclerView to show the list of cities on the summary screen. If you’re not using tools attributes to give design time hints, it will look something like this…
As you can see, there is no indication of what this view may look like when rendered on a device. It’s hard to even tell what the screens are, let alone:
How will this look on a 5” screen vs a 7” screen?
How does it look in landscape vs portrait?
How does screen density affect the layout?
This becomes even more obvious when you are using the Navigation Architecture Component, where instead of a rich graph showing each of your screens and their relationships to each other:
Image generated from navigation_graph of the Google Codelabs - Navigation Sample
…you see a bunch of white boxes with no meaning, connected by arrows.
Image generated from navigation_graph of the Google Codelabs - Navigation Sample(With tools layout references removed.)
Coming back to the weather app sample. This is a fairly simple app consisting of two screens. So why can’t Android Studio just figure this crap out? 😡
The answer is that Android Studio does not have enough information to figure it out. Data-bound views use binding expressions to describe how to evaluate the contents of the view at runtime. Similarly, RecyclerViews depend on dynamic views being attached at runtime, facilitated by a RecyclerView.Adapter.
At design time, Android Studio has no way of knowing what data will be placed in the views. However, you as the developer do know what types of data will be placed into your views. The tools attributes give you a way to provide hints to Android Studio so that it can render an accurate preview of your views at design time.
Note: Of course things like (the effects of density, orientation, and screen size) are things that you will want to test before shipping your app, but you could get a good idea of how it will render at design time if you use Tools Namespace attributes in your layouts.
Tools Namespace
The Tools Namespace is an XML namespace that declares attributes you can apply to your views. These attributes give design time rendering hints (such as which item layout to show in a RecyclerView) and designate compile time behaviors (such as specific lint rules to ignore or even specific resources to keep during proguard minification). You are probably already using some of these attributes and may not have noticed.
If you’ve ever suppressed a warning in your layout using the Android Studio quick assist helper, you may notice that it adds a tools:ignore attribute to the element that was triggering the lint error or warning.
There are 3 categories of attributes:
Error handling attributes - Provide hints to lint, to suppress lint warnings.
Resource shrinking attributes - Provide hints to proguard, to prevent shrinking or removal of specific resources.
Design-time view attributes - Provide hints to Android Studio, so that it can render the view appropriately at design time.
We will focus on the design-time view attributes in this post.
Now, there are dozens of tools attributes ranging from ones that define sample text to show in a text view or a sample image source for an <ImageView>, all the way to illustrating DrawerLayout states and providing sample data for your RecyclerView. You can find a complete list in the Android Documentation. One good thing to remember though is that any android attribute associated with the view has a corresponding tools attribute.
Common Scenarios
A few common examples where tools attributes can help.
Providing Sample Text
Consider adding a tools:text attribute for any android:text attribute that has a binding expression value.
<TextView ... android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="@{vm.forecast}" tools:text="Expect a high today of 96, with winds out of the northwest at 21 mph" />
Providing a Sample Image Source
Add a tools:src inside <ImageViews>s where the image is dynamically loaded.
<ImageView android:id="@+id/weather_icon" android:contentDescription="@{vm.weatherIconContentDesc}" tools:src="@mipmap/ic_snowy" app:weatherIcon='@{vm.weatherIcon}' /> <!-- This example uses a BindingExpression to provide `app:weatherIcon` not shown here -->
Designating a RecyclerView’s Item Layout
Use tools:listItem to indicate what layout will be inflated and placed into your RecyclerView at runtime. (This assumes homogeneous item types).
<androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView android:id="@+id/weather_list_recycler_view" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" app:layoutManager="LinearLayoutManager" tools:listitem="@layout/weather_item" />
If you really want to be fancy, you can populate lists with sample data, as Thibault de Lambilly shows in his post titled, Android Tools attributes: listItem & sample data rocks!. Although I personally find that providing sample data usually requires more effort to setup and maintain than is worth the effort. Still, if you have a RecyclerView that has vastly different data or you would like to see specific data entries and how they render at design time, you have this as an option.
Improving Weather App
Applying these techniques to Weather App (for the list, details and weather summary item layouts) its navigation graph looks much easier to follow, as can be seen in the diagram below.
You can find the sample project for this post in my Github Repo. If you have questions, the best way to reach out to me is on Twitter @emmax.
Thanks for reading!
Adding Tools Attributes to your Toolbox published first on https://johnellrod.weebly.com/
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Educator Presents That Qualify By Ronny D Sutton
Word tattoos are actually receiving hotter as well as preferred nowadays, every tat lover intends to have a part of that striking quick quote or relevant phrases tattooed on one aspect of their physical body. Although there are many details to become analyzed, maintaining the cause for the gathering from the beginning, your little one's rite of passage - his/her First Holy Communion, as the focus is going to help direct your thought and feelings and choices. Only you will definitely know what is most ideal for your household as well as this special opportunity, and also by itself, will certainly assist you to organize an occasion that is private and also purposeful for your youngster as well as your visitors.
Not only meaningful job-- which, by the way, is actually undoubtedly the biggest component of our time on an ordinary day, off eight to 10, often 12 hours. For that to take place, it is actually essential to listen closely as well as to uncover just what is actually significant to people, understand all of them as well as understand which concrete areas of human wellbeing each brand name could a lot better utilize. Toddlers that are still facing words need to be submersed in dental language therefore they could copy exactly what they listen to. In order to discover relevant work, all you have to do is actually perform exactly what's right for you. To obtain in contact with your ideas on meaningful work take down everything that enters your mind regarding just what the general agreement of the phrase relevant job is actually. That could be actually beneficial to jot down titles of people which seem to be substantial and also why. Treatments can easily start along with the DOPU style, and if the cases expand past Meaningful Make use of along with HealthVault, they can easily back then improvement to make use of a document authorization-based style. Significant communication initiatives including this set reinforce the mental connect between the brand name as well as customers, installing Petrobras as a key endorsement for Brazilians. I am actually Dr Francesca Zampollo, as well as I perform an objective: picking up Meaningful Food Stories. Not surprisingly, many of one of the most meaningful labels have actually changed their markets or even are undergoing a transformation. When you have just about any queries regarding wherever and also tips on how to utilize yellow pages personal uk [http://attenzione--mangiare.info/erogan], you are able to e-mail us at the internet site. Knowing even more regarding personality kinds and also the features that are common to those personalities can offer you a purposeful understanding into developing much better associate connections within the office and customer partnerships in the business market. With xmas sayings prices estimate on clear glass, adorned with attractive accessories, you can impart your affection as well as love along with the tool this attractive X-mas present. She teams up with web site advancement and publishes contents such as blog sites, e-book and also banner layouts which provide relevant relationships with the visitors online. Today I am actually a trainer and process specialist not as well far off my mentor origins yet I have actually possessed years to actually believe what I desired off my job and also the best ways to insure that this was meaningful work. Depending on your organisation and people you offer, there are actually dozens of various other means to move the lives of your customers in a relevant way. Today that you give your cleaning lady from respect ought to be meaningful and also individual. Verses off your favorite tunes are actually always stimulating options for you to delve into. This is very important to remember that there is actually no person trait that produces a gift significant - just what has definition for someone are going to certainly not essentially support the exact same significance for other people. And also's just what I intend to refer to today: the important things that, in extensive movements, create an efficient, meaningful life, a life from contribution, a life of results. This is a general subject and great deals from males are possessing the problem of sexual weakness. One of the causes being actually that you can create or emboss a personal statement or note on such bracelets if you like or your initials, or even some other symbolic representations (like soul or other various shapes and sizes) or phrase which may be of significance to you. The adhering to ideas will certainly help you when traveling to beginning a purposeful connection along with a brand new woman of your dreams. Therefore, whatever aspects in the direction of implementing and sourcing EHR software application's that finest provide distinct demands from diverse methods while also being compliant with the CMS required on Accredited EHR Innovation for attaining Meaningful Make use of criterion bench-mark. Pictures and words can help you in remembering factors by bringing photos in your head rather than only words or even figures. This year, our holiday presents may be expressions from true respect which are going to have actual effect on our partnerships and also produce our holiday one to remember. Starting in 2015, companies which are actually qualified for the Health insurance Meaningful Make use of plan which don't efficiently demonstrate Significant Use will be penalized-- beginning at 1% of Health insurance Part B reimbursements and boosting annually to a max from 5%. There are going to be actually hardship exemptions for qualified suppliers. There are actually several posts that Dr. Peter Bender, kept in mind speaker, has actually released connecting in great information these individual styles and these jobs are actually offered on his internet site; The four bird symbols represent particular consistent qualities and also attributes that are common around these individual types as well as people along with typical individuality kinds, in some cases flock with each other like birds carry out. Several major firms utilize this style from personality type training to reinforce their leadership and also sales staffs. Vacationing generally isn't really cheap, however it absolutely doesn't must set you back an upper arm as well as a lower leg to explore a spot like Fla, recognized for stunning climate and also lovely seashores. These wonderful concepts were conformed due to the nearby rug weavers, and also the Herat Request rug was birthed. Companies should begin making devotions to individuals, rather than commitments, as well as consider on their own as allowing systems that guide people to achieve the results that are actually meaningful to all of them. Although some types of hilarious quotes are actually considered to be politically incorrect, this is actually commonly just what produces all of them well-known temporarily. Declining as well as utilizing specific terms to make use of others is a sign that political accuracy like all social fads that obtain full approval, may be made use of in sly, self harmful as well as permissive techniques. Normally, you would certainly desire to appear as specialist as you can, certainly not simply to wow your employer as well as customers in putting on sport shirt for males however to feel confident in on your own too. Celtic cross tattoo designs are preferred among folks with Celtic connections (Irish, Scottish, or even Welsh) in their family tree. Hilarious quotes are actually terrific for using as the gag line from a joke, however they are likewise able to illuminate your time as you think about the reality or absurdity from exactly what was actually stated. The slogan behind the production of these life quotes is to encourage as well as motivate humankind on the pathway of effectiveness. Today, there many sources online permitting you making your present much more momentous and useful by delivering you with selection of xmas greetings phrases that can be incorporated together with your presents. Yes, most of us have a busy timetable and also the clock keeps ticking, nevertheless, when you agree to take a purposeful break or even produce a modification in setting even for a 50% of hr, your anatomy switches, your thoughts unwinds and also you relocate into a better condition of harmony as well as self-awareness. The amount of time series for significant make use of is divided into 3 phases, beginning with 2011.
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lorrainecparker · 7 years
In Depth – Ignite Pro from HitFilm
I wanted to follow up my review of HitFilm Pro 2017 with a look at the two products that come as part of the Studio bundle.  In this article we’re going to look at Ignite Pro, which can be purchased as part of the Studio bundle or on its own for $199.  Alright, here we go!
Let’s ignore the fancy marketing speak on the HitFilm website, as they describe Ignite Pro as “550+ effects and presets for use in Adobe After Effects CC, Adobe Premiere Pro CC, Apple Final Cut Pro X, Apple Motion, Avid Media Composer, DaVinci Resolve 11/12, Grass Valley EDIUS 8/9, Sony Catalyst Edit, NUKE 9 by The Foundry and Vegas Pro 14.”  What it should really say is that there is just short of 179 effects for you to work with inside of After Effects.  With that being said, in After Effects you have access to 173 effects.  The ones that are not supported in the move from HitFilm to AE are:
360° Text (360° video Category)
LUT (Color Grading Category)
Puppet (Distort Category)
End Credits Crawl (Generate Category)
Pulp Sci-fi Title Crawl (Generate Category)
Text (Generate Category)
So that gives you a grand total of 173 effects to work with in After Effects.  Now, also keep in mind that for your $199, you not only get access to the effects in all the other host applications I mentioned about (yes, on both Mac and Windows), but you also get three active activations at one time.  Meaning you can run Ignite Pro on three different workstations simultaneously.  Not too shabby for $199.  
Now, there are a few things that I want to point out before I move forward.  I find some of the decisions made by HitFilm, when it comes to Ignite Pro, a little odd.  First of all, if there are 550 presets (I’m not sure if that number includes the actual effects themselves, or just the amount of presets), where are they?  They seem to be stacked very high in some effects, and other effects have none at all, and seemingly no way to save presets for you to go back to if necessary.  There are effects that, to me, seem like obvious effects for presets, like TV Damage but, surprisingly, it doesn’t have any presets.  Not one.  Secondly, there is no help file attached to any of these effects.  None.  Now, if you are looking for the help manual, you can find it at this link, but with any good effects package (Sapphire, BCC, FX Factory) there will be a button to launch a help file, to give you detailed information on what exactly the effect does, and how to manipulate it.  If there’s no help documentation, you NEED presets of every effect, to give the user an idea of where to start, and/or how to create something cool with that particular effect.  Lastly, I find the effects to be slow.  Slow to apply (when applied it takes a couples of seconds for the effect to appear), and slow to preview (meaning also slow to render).  I’m guessing that’s because they are not GPU accelerated (as I couldn’t find anything on the site mentioning GPU acceleration), which is a bit of a letdown.
Now, for this review, I’m not going to go through all the standard effects that you can get in just about every package out there.  I’m going to focus on some of the  standout effects.  The effects that are worth the $199 price tag.  One other thing that I want to point out, and it’s something that exceptionally important when talking about Ignite Pro, is that it’s specifically geared towards independent filmmakers, who will need to do all their visual effects themselves, so there are some unique effects in here, that I haven’t seen (or haven’t seen done well) in other packages.  Let’s take a look.
This effect jumped out at me right away for two reasons.  One, how simple the effect interface is and, secondly, how realistic the effect actually looks.  This effect has presets including Light, Medium, Heavy, Mist, Sprinkling and even downpour, and the end result looks like actual rain on the window!
Heat Distortion
This was an effect that I was super excited about when Video Copilot released it, as there weren’t many Heat Distortion effects (if any) that were out there to simulate this real world situation (again, you see I’m going back to the fact that HitFilm is trying to get as many of these “Real World” effects in Ignite Pro as possible).  Again the effect is simple to use, very few parameters, and gives you a great looking end result.
3D Extrusion
Nothing drives me crazier in After Effects that extruding text.  This is something was was completely botched by Adobe since day one, and thankfully Maxon and Cinema 4D has stepped in to save the day when it comes to working with extruded text in AE.  Unfortunately, with that being said, I wish the process was simpler.  WAY simpler.  By “upgrading” my comps to 3D (RayTraced or Cinema4D), it’s still a big pain to do something simple like Extrude Text.  A bunch of comp changes need to be made, there are then a bunch of things that are not supported (Blend Modes, Track Mattes, etc), and you know how it goes.  That’s where this simple, powerful effect comes into play.  No need to change comp settings, no worrying about unsupported features, you don’t even need to worry about lights.  Generate 3D will quickly and easily extrude your text, and it will look exactly the way you think it should, with a couple clicks of the mouse.  After Effects lights are even supported, to give your text an even more realistic look.  Now, with all that being said, the effect doesn’t support AE Camera information, but I won’t fault them for that on this release.  Hopefully Camera support will be coming in an upcoming version.
I’m a big fan of a simple Camera Shake, and Ignite Pro has that, and then some.  Not only does it have the expected Amount, Speed and Seed parameters, but it also has individual control over the X and Y Shake, as well as the Tilt, AND even Motion Blur capabilities right from within the effect.  
Alright, for me, this is a guilty pleasure but is also a very handy effect to have.  Believe it or not, there are nine different LIghtsword effects in Ignite Pro.  They are actually 3 effects in three different categories.  Let’s talk, briefly, about what each of them do.  Lightsword two Point (Auto) is the primary one you will be using.  It gives you a quick way to place points at the hilt and tip of the lightsword blade.  Once you’ve animated the movement over time, Ignite Pro will add the required Motion Blur in for you, obviously, based on how fast the lightsword is moving.  The Ultra version of the effect gives you more distortion types to alter the core, adjust the glow shape and distort the appearance of the background throughout the overall appearance.  The 360° degree version of the effect is obviously designed to be used in a 360° project.  So, that does beg the question, what’s the difference between that and the Manual four point version of the effect.  Well, the four point version gives you two points at the hilt and blade tip to give you more precision in the look of the effect.  Why do you care?  Well, this will give you the ability to create that very cool “Lightsword Fan” look that happens when the blade is swung in very popular science fiction movies!
This is an effect that I can see many people overlooking, because they think “I’m not making any kind of Space Opera, so where would I ever need an effect like this?”.  Well, for anybody working on a science fiction related show, or promos or bumpers for any type of Sci-Fi movie, this effect will really come in handy.  I’ve been using After Effects for a long time, and if you were to ask me how to create an effect like this, I would probably play around with Z Blur, or another effect of that type.  Hyperdrive does all the work for you.  Simply apply the effect to a black solid, set’s it’s “Blend with Source” parameter to be “On Top”, and now drag the progress bar.  That’s it.  Done!  If you want more stars, you can add them from right within the effect, but otherwise the effect is done for you, and it actually looks like its right out of the Force Awakens (or the Last Jedi….spoiler alert!).
Masking for letterboxes drives me bananas in After Effects, and this effect is quick and simple.  Apply it to your layer, head into the Effects Window, and choose the aspect you want, or create a custom one quickly and easily.    The only thing that the effect is missing, is the ability to adjust your footage behind the letterbox, but I’ll keep my fingers crossed for that in the next version.
Neon Path
I want to wrap up the my look at my favorite effects with Neon Path.  This has to be my “Top of the Favorites”, as it’s, again, a simple, powerful effect that is really easy to get great results with.  Here’s a simple animation I created with it.
How I achieved this look was pretty easy.  Type in whatever text you want, and apply the effect to it.  Once there, I chose a preset to get me started.  In this case, it was the Bates Motel preset.  That defined the look.  There are parameters here that you can adjust the Core and Inner and outer glows, but I wanted to create something cool, and quick.  So, I twirled down the Flicker parameter, and adjusted the amount from 0% to 50%, and what you saw above was the end result.  A cool, neon looking sign, that you could composite into a shot, and it would look pretty realistic.   This is an effect I could see using in a ton of different projects, as it takes the concept of the stroke effect, and the glow effects to a new level, and it’s super easy to use, as you’ve seen.  One thing that I really like about the above look is that it’s very similar to the look that Universal Studios had created for their Atomic Blonde trailers and TV spots, so you can see how the HitFilm effects were designed especially for this type of effect and look.
So, all of this does bring us to the next logical question.  Is it worth the $199 price tag.  Well, $199 divided by 173 effects brings all the effects in at $1.15 per effect.  Now, as with any large bundle, there will be effects in the package that you won’t use, but of the 173 effects, more than half of them are effects I can see myself using on a pretty regular basis.  To be honest, I’m too busy to be messing around with color grading effects to get the right look for certain scenes, this is one reason i’m super happy that they have many different film looks at my disposal (Bleach Bypass, Day for Night, Vignette effects etc), which I didn’t mention before, they are just icing on a package that some great “stand out effects” that make the $199 price tag an easy pill to swallow.
Ignite Pro hasn’t been around for a long time, so there are still some things that need to be worked out (GPU acceleration, all effects being 32-bit, etc), but I will say that with the trend moving more and more towards subscription models for not only the applications we use, but for the effects as well, it’s good to see that HitFilm is taking Ignite Pro seriously, and have put together a package that has many shining star effects, that you won’t find in other packages.
For more information, or to try a free demo of Ignite Pro in your NLE/compositing application of choice, you can download it at https://hitfilm.com/ignite-pro/
The post In Depth – Ignite Pro from HitFilm appeared first on ProVideo Coalition.
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elizabetn90315-blog · 7 years
Early Lessons For Thriving In Difficult Moments.
Though this could be actually unexpected to some, tooth paste as well as tooth floss have actually each been actually around given that ancient times, though not in their current kind. The early Mandarin liked and cherished florals a great deal that they maded fresh cut blossoms in their holy places, and created art works explaining flowers on scrolls, silk textile, flower holders, layers as well as things from adornment. The details in guide is actually too eruptive to repetitive below, and also I would certainly not do justice to their message by estimating segments coming from the book. I very advise this publication to anybody preferring a summary of the Levant in the bronze as well as iron grows older. Definition: From or even relating to times long past, particularly those just before the fall from the Western side Roman Realm (A.D. 476). Naturally as an Egyptologist Redford relates the history from the Near East coming from the angle from Egyptian activity and also notion, beginning from pre-dynastic opportunities as well as following through to Assyrian empire, focusing mostly on Egyptian sex with Syria-Palestine, whether that reside in the form of its management over its peoples, profession associations with all of them, or even animosity in the direction of them. Actually, early females were all considered extra eye-catching if their hair were actually long along with thick. It was actually certainly not that merely Greek girls possessed a fascination for hairstyles, the Greek males were actually certainly not also far behind either; the most popular hairdo that a lot of Greek men in ancient times sported was actually - quick and curly. A spear factor, additionally known as spearhead, was placed as the primary weapon made use of in the fight of ancient Asia as well as Europe. The old storytellers of charming fallacies luckily kept the elegance of Celtic lifestyle. Daczynski, who likewise completed purchases instruction in real estate as well as insurance policy, realized the straight perks from the TM plan as a purchases instruction tool and established his lecture keeps in mind in to this extremely beneficial book. If you have any concerns with regards to where and how to use yellow pages advert bike (http://onawygladaniesamowicie.pl), you can contact us at our own web site. These names are actually residues from old constellations that have been actually lost, done away with or even dismissed. Yet flexible this, Egypt, Canaan, as well as Israel in Ancient Moments is anything but a tacky work. Ancient knowledge, paired along with origins from metaphysical and also theological in nature, aside from the know-how concept of ancient greek, the manners of an one-of-a-kind spiritual mind scientific research that merely the Druze Brotherhood can profess to become their personal. Situation: Archaeologists are trying to find out about these historical individuals through excavating in the wrecks to locate artefacts. Various other blooms that were actually prominent in the course of historical Egyptian opportunities consisted of the papyrus plant as well as the palm plant. Usual ceramics including glasses and also blocks are actually still helped make by old methods. Making use of the bottom lines created in the United Nations Universal Announcement from Human Rights, guide records the clashes of ideas, social activities, and armies that consist of the past history of civils rights. Program pupils images of the old Egyptian pyramids, detailing that they were places to place the mummified bodies of pharaohs and also their families. Bone tissue abounded and the early Egyptians formed that in to fashion jewelry and also arrowheads. This same practice was likewise common to historical Babylon, where a few of the women learnt how to dive. Baseding on the old kabalistic content, the technique from the 5 metals ring excellence is actually that at the details time of the production of the band along with these five metals, Jupiter's effect is actually summoned on. The origin of pizzas in fact started in early times, and also as pointed out in the past, was actually even more for feature in comparison to fun. The historical folks utilized traits like florals and also weeds to earn high quality fragrances. The people from ancient Egypt were actually generally pescarian, implying they will usually consume fish. These gifted skills that can easily translate the posture and analyze from the inter-planetary bodies to the historical folks's way of life were actually regarded as prophets, wizards, sorcerers, warlocks, sorcerers, druids, shamans, shamans, magicians, tools or conjurers. The present day heritage from providing a significance to each floral is thought to have been actually brought to Europe after the French as well as the English skilled this in Chicken. I am actually submersing on my own in learning more about ancient Druid life for history information. Around the very same opportunity (c. 1800 BC), Egyptian spiritual writings, such as The Book from the Dead, produce this very clear that successful flow to the afterlife depended on a life-time record of kindhearted process towards the suffering. My study collection for this job has actually expanded to over 60 important publications, and also this book got its own method near the leading. Over the past millennia there were actually several strategies of clairvoyancy carried out through individuals of historical times aside from astrology, which was at first crafted for it was the first accessible automobile or even methods of prophecy made use of by our old ascendants. Repeated pronouncing of a title has an impact on qualities, understandings, and also talents, and even interaction type. Anunnaki The lords from Mesopotamia opportunities are actually claimed to become early rocketeers or invaders from an additional earth named Nibiru positioned near Neptune. One of the secret associations of China, the Hung Community, have specific indicators and also gestures along with which interaction is carried-out among the associated members-not simply in the services however in everyday lifestyle also. Documentation coming from old cultures shows that the elegance of flower agreements including those produced by a Florist Brisbane like Flowers on Oxford have actually been appreciated by people considering that the beginning of world. Other authors refer to the ancient Peruvians simply as pre-Incas, since their job seemingly comes from an age a greater distance in the past the Inca realm overcome due to the Spaniards. Actually, old ladies were actually all thought about even more appealing if their hair were long as well as thick. It was actually certainly not that just Greek girls had an attraction for hairdos, the Classical men were actually not as well much behind either; the best typical hairstyle that the majority of Classical males in early times featured was actually - quick and curly. A spear aspect, additionally known as spearhead, was actually ranked as the main weapon used in the war from early Asia and Europe. The early authors from romantic beliefs the good news is protected the appeal from Celtic culture. Daczynski, who also finished sales training in property and insurance, realized the straight benefits of the TM plan as a sales instruction resource and also created his sermon takes note right into this extremely helpful publication. These labels are actually residues of early constellations that have actually been actually shed, done away with or even overlooked. However forgiving this, Egypt, Canaan, as well as Israel in Ancient Times is actually everything yet a goofy work. As additionally seen previously in ancient Egypt the Greeks additionally believed in Deities like fairies that populated grottoes and also flows. Relationship, like most of the purchases in old Rome was actually regulated through agreements. This Lion symbolism has actually been actually used in landscape water components from ancient times via to the present day. We find it in films and often its own shown in commercials, as discussed over, but its own still restricted, at least in the United States. Perfume was at the centre from aesthetics as well as therapeutics for both males and females in Old Egypt. Berlin implied that they are actually the Periclean as well as Aristotelian worths of the historical polis - worths that secure a stable political neighborhood. After a plan expressly planned for Youngster's INTELLIGENCE Development, scientists have discovered that little ones INTELLIGENCE may vary from 55 to 145 on the scale, this is actually 3 times inconsistency under and also over the way. Due to the fact that historical times, herbs have been actually made use of to good impacts for handling rocks in kidneys. At times this leading critter stands back, or even is actually more hidden then the other smaller beings, it frequently resembles a praying mantis, reptilian, or even a much larger grey, as well as at other times this being appears like an usual human worn a fatigue clothes or even a tall, blonde haired, blue considered being actually typically nicknamed a Nordic.
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