#i have a headache from this bs i need a break lmao
y'all are talking as if this "reboot" is gonna be taken seriously... smh
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rint4rous · 4 years
hogwarts au! oikawa
a/n: wrote this with a bad headache LMAO so if you see mistakes no you didnt <3
yeah help
oikawa toru
sixth year slytherin
captain of slytherin quidditch team
this one. very popular with the girls.
always gets gifts and confessed to, he turns them all down nicely tho
he flirts with them a little but never goes out with anyone
thanks but no thanks, hes focusing on quidditch
mostly hangs out with hanamaki, matsukawa, and iwaizumi
you, sixth year gryffindor
a chaser for the quidditch team
actually you and oikawa had a bit of a rivalry thing going on
because oikawa was getting good grades AND is good at quidditch
and it doesnt even look like hes trying.
and he lowkey comes off as arrogant sometimes
and youre like i hate geniuses
the two of you met during first year when he tried playfully hitting iwa in the hallway but iwa dodged
and you happen to be speedwalking past and then next thing you know you get slapped???
you stop walking and turn to oikawa
“it’s alright!”
“are you sure??”
“yeah, it was an accident, right? …. unless it wasnt?”
“i thought so! see you ‘round!”
then you skip away
yeah. yall dont really start competing and shit until you found out your mom and his mom had BEEF??? WHEN THEY WERE IN SCHOOL????
you found that out at the end of first year
“i heard tachibana’s son is in your year. or i guess she’s oikawa now.”
youre like yeah what about it
“my dearest y/n, you’re a smart little girl, okay?”
“so make sure you’re better than that oikawa kid, alright?”
and little innocent you is like “ok”
so start of second year, you study and work extra hard
but here’s perfect little oikawa who always knocks you down to second place
at first youre like. i’ll just work harder!
and he joins quidditch and so do you
so you try hard at that too
you’re not like a sore loser or anything so when slytherin wins you shake his hand with a smile
but by the end of the year you’re just kinda :/ now because you never see him studying or practicing spells so how the fuck is he BETTER THAN YOU AT EVERYTHING!!! ITS NOT FAIR!!!!!
third year you come into school with like not very good feelings abt oikawa
and your mom was on your ass about your grades and you’re like omfggg im TRYING OKAY IM TRYING SO HARD
too bad tho thats when he starts liking you …
middle of third year is when you start expressing those feelings for oikawa out loud
“i hate self-centered geniuses. come back down to earth, will you.”
he heard you say when test results came back
and hes like is she talking abt me? lol nah shes probably talking about stupid ushijima over there
and then he finds out you were in fact talking abt him
hes kinda hurt lol
then when the new term rolls in
and the two of you just start talking shit about each other and start arguing all the time
“what’s the answer, l/n?”
“fairy wings.”
“oh my bad, i didn’t realize she said oikawa, and not l/n.”
“oh sorry, i thought you wouldn’t know the answer so i answered for you! i saved you from embarrassing yourself. you’re welcome~”
your seatmate yaku was holding you down with all his might and HOW IS LITTLE MAN ABLE TO HOLD YOU BACK HIS GRIP IS STRONG BRO
the whole class s ighs here we go AGAIN
the teacher doesnt even bother sending you guys out to hall anymore because this happens so much
you always try to sabotage each other in potions
one time his eyebrows almost burned off after his potion exploded in his face
makki and mattsun like LMFAOWFEHERGUYER
then when the year ends you’re like ranting to your mom like “i hate geniuses. who does he think he is? just because he can beat me at everything?? i’ll show him. i’ll make him eat dirt in the field. i’ll wipe that dumb smirk off his face. i’ll-”
your mom: omg my little baby so full of hate just like her momma
fourth year you’re so determined to beat oikawa at something
he sees you in the library, unprovoked, once and he comes up from behind you like
“aw, is l/n gonna try beating me again this year? you know there’s no point in trying.”
you: hold it in hold it in hold it in YOU’RE MATURE NOW Y/N L/N. YOU SHOULD BE MORE MATURE THAN THIS DIMWIT IN FRONT OF YOU. inhale exhale inhale exhale
“aw, is oikawa gonna try beating ushiwaka in quidditch again this year? you know there’s no point in trying.”
way to be mature
poor oikawa tho you pressed a wrong button so he just leaves silently
you kinda regret it after
so this year goes like the last and so does the next
“arent you tired?? of competing with oikawa all the time??” your friend semi asked you
“kind of”
“then stop?? you dont have to fulfill your mom’s high school revenge lmao”
“ughh eita i know but im too far in”
one time you were out breaking curfew #savage
no but seriously you couldn’t sleep so you thought some fresh air will help, the dorms were super suffocating right now
you were stressed after your mom’s monthly letter
beat oikawa this beat oikawa that
you turn at a corner and you see the man himself, ALSO BREAKING CURFEW
now the both of you are looking at each other like 👁👄👁
“shush before we both get caught”
“right sorry sorry”
“so what the hell are you doing breaking curfew.”
“what are you doing breaking curfew.”
“i asked you first”
“just answer the question, oikawa.”
he looks around, making sure the coast was clear before he motions you over to him and as you walk towards him
you see the door hes standing in front of
he drags you in there and what you see is
a bunch of practice dummies
“yeah i,, practice my spells here at night. contrary to popular belief i’m not a genius like ushiwaka or tobio. i’m flattered you think so, though.”
and youre like he... actually practices?? he is actually human?
“what’s with that look? you wanna join me practice at night?”
“as if-” and then you see the book of spells and you guys aren’t even learning any of this YET. and you are determined not to fall behind oikawa “sure.”
oikawas like pardon?
you: i SAID SURE.
and so now at night you practice spells together
only because you want to beat him as if
the arguing goes down a little because you get caught up in beating each other at who gets to do the spell right first that practice runs super late sometimes and you dont have energy to fight with each other that early
everybodys like ??? huh????
but then you’re back to the usual bs in the afternoon and everybodys like oh okay so the world isnt ending yet
so anyway !! yall are practicing again
you’re pointing your wand at a practice dummy and trying to focus so you dont accidentally do something dumb
"hey why do you hate me so much?”
“it’s not because i hit you when we were first years right? it really was an accident i swear-”
“you still remember that?”
“well yeah… because i cant think of any other reason why you don’t like me.”
“um… trying too hard to please my mom, i guess. what about you? why did you try so hard to beat me at everything?” you ask, regaining your focus for the charm
“idk, you never paid attention to me unless i did.”
you scoff, “why? you don’t like me or anything, do you?”
“i do tho??”
he literally said that just before you chanted the spell and you got caught off guard and
it almost hits oikawa
oikawa: WHAT DID I DO
now youre staring at each other and you’re both red
he kinda quiets down “and you’re a better rival than ushijima anyway. i don’t mean any of the stuff i said, i swear. i know you don’t like me but i just needed to let that out or i will go insane.”
and hes just looking down all shy
at this point you actually dont know if you like oikawa or not
i mean??? you spent like 3 years butting heads with this dude
and he liked you the whole time?? hes crazy this man is crazy.
maybe you were just in denial the whole time
because?? you could’ve stopped competing with him at everything
maybe you did enjoy it somehow
he did make your life at school interesting
“let’s go out on a few dates and we’ll see.”
his head just whips up and his eyes like light up and hes so EXCITED
in the time before you officially started dating
you find out from iwaizumi that even tho he smiles at a lot of girls its actually rarely genuine the only girl hes ever seen oikawa smile about genuinely was you
and that his mom actually didnt approve of him playing quidditch at first because he had a bad knee but he pushed for it because he really wanted to
he has like a smug and a flippant demeanor but hes very attentive and super caring !!
hes super passionate and hard working at what he does and
i guess now you finally realize you are falling
it takes five dates until the two of you officially start going out
if you tell third year you that you were dating oikawa she would never believe it but here you are, walking to class with him
when the two of you walked in the classroom talking
like TALKING NORMALLY AND NOT THE USUAL “i will choke you in your sleep” “ooh, kinda k-” “don’t”
it was already sus when the arguing toned down a bit but now that its like. REALLY GONE?? everybody is so confused
LMFAO matsukawa asks like “what happened?? are you guys broken?”
“how rude! dearest y/n and i are dating now!”
everybody in this class: see now thats crazy. that is crazy.
makki: maybe we didnt hear him right. say that again oikawa
oikawa: me and y/n are dating.
everybody: oh okay bc we thought you said you and l/n were dat- WAIT SO YOU AND L/N REALLY ARE TOGETHER??? 
you: unfortunately
oikawa: h-hey :((((
nobody was as SHOCKED as your moms
“y/n, baby, i know i did not just hear you say you’re dating the oikawa kid. repeat that for momma again.”
“i’m dating the oikawa kid.”
“so toru, what did you wanna tell me?”
“i have a girlfriend now! her name is y/n l/n.”
“l/n? surely not THAT l/n’s daughter, right?”
“oh it is that l/n.”
when your families have dinner together for the first time
but they do try hard to get along. they try super hard.
“ma, we haven’t graduated yet-”
your mom, ignoring you: THEYRE GOING TO HAVE THE CUTEST HAIR
momma oiks: PERIOD!
steals your books from you in the halls so he can carry it for you
you tease each other with pet names and shit???
he’ll try to kiss your cheek in the hall but iwa grabs the back of his robe and pulls him away “you’re gross”
“you’re just jealous iwa!!”
when your houses arent playing each other, he goes to your games and vice versa!
tries to distract you in the field
“hey beautiful”
“toru don’t or i will make iwa knock you off your broom.”
“you're so mean”
so anyways yall r couple goals
"listen well, kindaichi, kunimi, your senior is showing you how to get girls.”
kunimi, without looking up from his book: what are you gonna teach us? accidentally slap the girl and get her to hate you for three years while you secretly pine over her during that time before confessing that you liked her the whole time and you go out on five dates and officially start dating? too much work
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kewltie · 4 years
in the midst of a battle w/ members of LoV, pro-hero ground zero save a rookie journalist who LITERALLY threw himself middle of all the chaos to grab photos & after yelling at the ignorant fuck, katsuki doesn't think he'll see him again but then HE SEES HIM EVERYWHERE. his name is midoriya izuku & he has some sort of death wish really bc katsuki keep finding him in the middle of all these hero vs villains battles and ONE TIME he tackled down a villain right???? and he doesnt even have a fucking quirk & yet he is seemingly unafraid of everything.
needless to say, katsuki is v smitten bc the litle awkward death defying shit. also, anyone who accidentally send katsuki to the hospital several times a month bc he keep getting into trouble and katsuki have to come rescue him and THEN YELLING AT KATSUKI FOR INTERFEARING W/ HIS JOB – may be katsuki’s true love.
katsuki get so fucking rile up at this quirkless man, who shown no fear and easily go toe to toe w/ him and yet is so incredibly humble and hilariously awkward, he is just into this badass idiot who is entirely devoted to his job and cursed w/ severe stubborn???? feels relatable. so yea, katsuki ofc taps that ass right the fuck away bc he knows a good one when he sees it bc izuku is indirectly responsible for three broken ribs after katsuki had pulled him out of ANOTHER TROUBLING SITUATION. he's a trouble magnet and shit-stirrer and katsuki's heart is moved.
so they start dating and it goes SO WELL. izuku still get in major shitstorm for his job and katsuki still drags him out of it w/ a few bruise here and there, but afterward they go grab a bite and crash at each other place. super romantic and sweet and it's so v good. but!!! there's something weird about izuku. he doesn't talk much about his family, to katsuki anyway. BUT HE'S SUPER CLOSE TO THEM. his parents seem to call him daily and he go visit them often, but he never bring his parents up to katsuki esp his dad & izuku kinda got a stalker??
it's not like katsuki didn't notice right away, but HE THOUGHT IT WAS HIS STALKER. one of his super creepy fans probably but nope this person only tails izuku and when katsuki tell him about it, izuku is like, 'oh that's just toga'. apparently, izuku knows his talker v v well. the stalker apparently is sent by izuku's father to watch out & protect izuku and katsuki pauses bc who the fuck does a journalist who lives on takeouts and shitty cable TVs need a bodyguard?!!! so yea katsuki's new bf background is fucking weird and mysterious.
katsuki has his agency dig into izuku's background (not that they hadn't vet izuku's before for katsuki's safety) but they comb through the archives and izuku's history and it's comes out v v v v clean, sparkling even. honestly, katsuki doesn't know WTF IS UP W/ HIS NEW BF. so he confront izuku about his weirdo stalker/bodyguard, his avoidance about his family & his dad in particular, and his eerie squeaky AND CLEARLY SCRIPTED papertrails. izuku get shifty eyes and is like, "you won't believe me." And katsuki says tersely, "fucking try me."
Izuku drops his gaze to the floor and says, finally, "my dad is the leader of the league of villains." and YEA, KATSUKI'S BRAIN SHUT DOWN FOR SEC bc his deku?? stupid suicidal stubborn bleeding heart deku??? FUCK NO. but izuku just nods his head and grimaces. the LoV is the largest criminal org in the world w/ long list of crimes & longer list of criminals that make its their home. their roster are made up of terrifying people w/ dangerous quirks... and IZUKU, quirkless and softhearted izuku is the leader's most precious son. the idea itself is COMPLETELY ABSURD! HOW does that ever make sense? izuku is a civilian who works normal if a bit dangerous job & doesn't seem to have any *evil* inclinations at all yet he hail from the worst kind of genetic source possible. maybe he's just faking it all along.
which made katsuki absolutely furious that izuku might been some kind of sleeper agent from the LoV sent to trick spy & kill him or something and izuku's eyes wide, immediately protests, "no, no, i swear! i dont have anything to do w/ my fathers... org." but katsuki has a hard time accepting it esp with the truth bomb thrown at his feet now that he realizes HE'S DATING THE ONLY SON OF EVIL OF THE MOST VILE CRIMINAL IN THE WORLD. so yea, he walks out on izuku, saying he need some space & izuku was looking so heartbroken as he left
for the next few days, katsuki stews in his thought. he doesn't tell anyone about what he had found out, but he doesn't contact izuku either. This last for couple of weeks until, one day just as he in the middle of patrol there's some commotion that attract his teams and katsuki is separated from them. he's cornered by several LoV members, outnumbered five to one and katsuki lost his comms in the ensuring scuffles but instead of kicking his ass bc well they're foes, one of them break ranks toga (the blood queen) approach him w/ a bloodthirsty grin & a knife pointing toward him.
"hey, pretty boy," she coos w/ a flicker of edge, "stop ignoring our young master! you made him cried & he won't come out of his room. I hate seeing him so upset bc Izuku-chan should always be smiling! if you dont fix this ill rip your hide from your bones and wear it as a cape."
the group behind her make various grunt of agreement, all promising him death and disembowelment for... apparently breaking izuku's heart. katsuki is so outrage that he nearly explodes on the spot bc these dumbass villains think they CAN BLACKMAL/THREATEN HIM?! HIM, GROUND ZERO?! also, even more furious by the fact that they insuate that HE BROKE UP WITH IZUKU?! wtf, he never said that!! needing space meant just a temporary break s he gets his bearing on wut to do next... but not like a perma break, but izuku's ppl thought their relationship ended.
katsuki is even more offended by that notion bc izuku is even a bigger idiot than he thought. HOW could someone that much of crybaby over just temp break is some manipulative coldhearted spy?? right now his instinct says, izuku is telling the truth. he isn't tricking katsuki.
izuku is seemingly sweet, humble, & awkward but he got that rebellious streak a mile wide. loud in his opinions & shit-stirrer by choice, he faces down villains & heroes alike like they're on equal ground even though izuku is defenseless. he respect the law but only when it applies. katsuki has never seen such a fucking firecracker like izuku who loves people & the world but have little respect for any gov entity or laws and think they're good only when they're helping ppl but otherwise they're abritary (lmao). he such chaotic force for good it's hilarious. so yea, he believes that izuku is the SON OF AFO now bc that lil shit is a menace. A GOOD MENACE, but still a goddamn menace. he seems to stay firmly on the side of 'good' as it is which make his relationship with his villain father a fucking mystery & headache for katsuki.
so katsuki, gritting his teeth, clichely demands the LoV group to take him to their leader so he can verbally kick his bf's ass for keeping his fucked up secrets and stupidly mistaken that they're broken up. the group happily ties up him and blindfolds him bc well SECRET LAIR. katsuki is crazy, ok. like, STUPIDLY CRAZY to go blindly and no backups w/ some of the worst villains in history so he can meet up w/ his stupid bf and his crazy father. he could end up dead tmr or some shit bc it all could have been a trick to lure him in w/ his guard down but if izuku can be an idiot for dating a hero when he's a son of a villain than KATSUKI CAN BE A BIGGER IDIOT FOR GOING TO MEET HIS BF'S VILLANIOUS FATHER AT HIS SECRET TORTURE FORTRESS OR SOME SHIT. love can make ppl dumb and they're both a perfect example of it.
so katsuki get blindfolded and escorted to the LoV hq and it's a suprisingly sweet ride to there. no bumps, no abuse, no torture shit going on. he get offer food and drink and it's FUCKING WEIRD. his kidnappers start some casual convo w/ him about izuku and his job of all things. they even joke about how katsuki arrested one of them one time and almost kill another THE OTHER TIME & it's all happy bs??? it's even worst than torture. katsuki just want this to end already!! eventually they arrive and katsuki is let out. he get inside & his blindfold is off.
it's... nothing like he expected. it's traditional japanese house w/ sprawling garden, koi ponds, & beautiful woods. it's pristine, homey, and terribly normal. "ha, you thought we were going to take you to some kind of evil lair, right?" twice says, grinning bc he's an ass. "that's next time! we save that for official bsn." he jabs Katsuki's in the shoulder playfully. "you're meeting sensei and the mistress so of course it got to be at their house and not the 'office'."
katsuki's hands start twitching like he's going to explode someone or something but he's quickly drag away before he could do anything about it. lead through some hallways before depositing inside a tearoom where there's a SHIT TON of pics of baby!izuku & his childhood accolades on the wall. this look less like a room to greet visitors but to show off izuku. just as katsuki goes to examine a cute pic of bb!izuku playing in a field of flowers & holding one up towrad the camera, the doors slide open and a couple walk in. one of them is an older woman who looks eerily like izuku and the young woman also ft. in many of the wall pics.
she smiles warmly at and goes to greet him right away. "hi, bakugou-kun! welcome to our home, i'm inko, Izuku's mother," she introduces herself. while she's a source of happy energy and warmth, the other man beside her is another story. he gives katsuki's an icy stare. katsuki already knows who he is before he even say anything. AFO looks younger in comparison to his reported age, notably handsome, and he carries himself like some warlord from the warring periods.
"I should kill you," is the first thing he says. "my son should only cry in joy, over his terrible taste in romantic media consumption, & dumber things." spoken like a man who dealt with midoriya walking crying machine izuku his entire life and also a hopelessly devoted father.
"hisashi!" inko scolds. which is strange to katsuki bc he didn't even think AFO even have a name but in front of him isn't some evil man who mastermind gov't take over & ruin so many ppl lives but astupid father overprotected of his son.
"but i won't," AFO admits regretfully. "Izuku would be even more sad and if you're dead your death will haunt him needlessly more. he won't be able to forget you and move on." he frowns, like he actually had CONSIDER THAT ROUTE DEEPLY before casting that idea aside.
What the fuck, katsuki thought and says exactly that, "what the fuck. there's something seriously wrong with you," he points out what he think is v obvious.
AFO shrugs. "I love my son. He's my-" Inko's frown and he clears his throat, "our most precious treasure and we do everything to ensure his happiness. do you understand us, bakugou katsuki? inko and i have raise with love and care for 20yrs and i won't have some rough neck capers try to destroy his smile. i dont care who you are or wut you can do bc i can put you ten feet under w/ a snap of my fingers & nobody will be able to save you but like i said i won't."
Katsuki grind his teeth, fists clenched at his side, before lowering his head. this isnt time to fight, they're not on the field & on the job. this isnt about their respective stance on moral superiority but izuku. izuku is why they're both here. "i came here for him. i want to fix it," he says. "just let me see him." he pauses & grimaces like the taste of whatever he say next disgust him. "please."
AFO frowns, staring at katsuki for a beat, two. like he can pull apart katsuki's motives and tears into his rib to see w/e make him tick. "fine," he waves katsuki away, "you may see him now but if he cry anything beside in happiness i'll have your head and your entire agency." it's not a threat. it's a warning lace with truth that katsuki has no doubt he will carry out if a single tear slip pass izuku and fall.
inko claps her hand happily. "great, i'm glad you guys are geting along so well!" she says, like threats of murder haven't been thrown at his feet. clearly, she's used to the fact that her husband is a completely psychopath and whipped for their son. this fucking crazy family.
katsuki grunts, not knowing what else to say beside, 'have you ever thought of fucking divorce bc yea maybe you will be less crazy by then' but he holds his tongue bc they're still izuku's parents and he already made a bad impression on them even though technically not his FAULT.
AFO doesn't promise anymore murder in his future but the dark look on his face is enough as inko's lead him out & toward izuku's room. she drops him right outside it and gives him an encouraging smile before heading off, but katsuki has no doubt the parents are lurking around. katsuki sucks in a deep breath before raising his fist and knocks. he hears unhurried footsteps on the other side and slowly the door is slide open.
"Papa, I already said--" izuku whines, and stops as soon as he sees who ACTUALLY on the other side. "K-Katsuki?! What are you--?"
Katsuki blinks, trying to get his fucking brain to grapple with the thought of AFO as 'papa' and his head nearly explode. he drags a hand down his face and once again thinks, THIS FUCKIN' FAMILY. "Look, you idiot," he starts in lieu of any answer. "We didn't fucking break up."
Izuku looks haggard, buffy red eyes and the dark circle under it, speaking of how upset he was. he clearly didn't get any good rest these several days they were apart. he lifts an accusatory brow at Katsuki. "you didn't pick up my calls or answer any of my text," he retorts.
Katsuki rolls his eyes. "what part of I needed space, time to think didn't you get?" he snaps back. "It didn't mean go cry and sulk your parent's home like a damn coward because you were too dumb to think of anything beside we may have broken up!"
"But--but," Izuku's lips wobble and katsuki nearly jump out of his skin bc jfc don't cry here or i'll be skinned alive, "i was scared that you really mean it! that's why i didn't want to tell you in the first place bc then you wouldn't want to have anything to do w/ me."
Katsuki sighs, a bone deep tired sigh. "Now, why would you think i would have any problem with dating the son of my nemesis?" he says dryly. Izuku's brows furrow. "All Might is Papa's nemesis," he unhelpfully point out. "I don't think Papa even knew you existed until we dated."
Katsuki scowls. "that's not the fucking point," he shouts, temper rising w/ every word. "Your dad is the fucking boogieman who wants to sow discord in the world & it's my job to catch him &lock away for good. Do you see my moral crisis over this when im dating his beloved son?!"
"I-" Izuku's face falls, "dont you think I dont know that? I've lived with him for over 20yrs, I know exactly what he's capable of." he looks away. "But, he's my Papa & im terrible for still choosing him over the world. So," izuku says solemnly. "i dont expect the same from you."
Katsuki grits his teeth and steps right into izuku's space, up in his face. "Look, im only going to say this once so listen the fuck up," he starts. "I like you. A lot. Stupidly. Gods know why when you drive me up the fucking wall all the time, but here I am standing before you."
"A lot, huh?" Lips twitching, Izuku's eyes go soft.
Katsuki scowls. "Dont make me repeat myself, but yes fucking a lot that your fucking groupies & your old man threatened to kill me several times over did not deter me from coming here," he says, hand cradling Izuku's cheek.
"It's because I'm dating you and not your father. Whatever crimes he'd commited is not on you, you don't have to carry his sins," he tells Izuku, leaning in to press a kiss too fast and fleeting on izuku's forehead. "just stay true to yourself and i'll fucking deal with it."
Izuku's close his eyes and lets out a shaky exhales, the air of relief that passes through him is shuddering. "Ok, ok," he murmurs, opening his eyes to look at katsuki. there's a twinkle in them as he smiles, soft and sweet, the kind you can stupidly drunk on & never let go.
In that hazy moment, katsuki thinks, AFO doesn't need to plan any premeditated murder in case things go v wrong bc this is how he'll die w/ izuku's smile right in his front his eyes, cutting him down one curve lips at a time. Fuck, he's just as whipped for izuku as AFO.
it's good that izuku not a fucking psychopath like his father bc this would have gone v v v wrong. izuku would make a terrifying villain. Worse than his own father bc it's not fear & intimidation that will get ppl to follow him but izuku's own magnetic personality that move them.
"don't ever become a villain, ok?" katsuki insists suddenly, grabbing his shoulder tightly.
"where did that come from?" izuku laughs, eyes crinkling. "And dont worry, papa had tried. many, many times but i haven't turn over to the darks ide if that's what you worry about."
"Good," katsuki says firmly, and thinks the world better for it. one less crazy midoriya to raise hell. izuku is trouble enough as it is when katsuki thought he was just a quirkless journalist w/ a death wish but now there's a chance he could go rouge any moment and--yea. no.
"Sooo," izuku says, bouncing on his heels. "are we back together now?"
katsuki flicks him on the forehead. "we never broke up in the first place, you dolt."
izuku grins and suddenly throws his arm around katsuki. "ah, i miss you so much kacchan!!!" he declares excitedly.
and after they made up, katsuki interrogate izuku about wtf is wrong w/ his father bc how did AFO of all ppl get a villain son who isn't all about /that/ kind of bsn he's in. turns out izuku always have a healthy regard for heroes so he never thought of joining his father's organization. though AFO would have been super happy to take izuku in bc izuku is terrifyingly clever & resourceful but he lets izuku go & do his thing anyway. they just mutually agree not to talk shop when it's family, keeping their jobs outside &not in the home to keep both of their sanity.
so izuku knows shit about the 'family bsn' except wut everyone knows bc he's not involve with any of that and in his everyday job as a journalist izuku often times clash w/ his father AND expose some of his schemes bc it's part of his job & he doesn't shy away from it. AFO wasn't upset at all having his plans ruin by his own son. nope. he was SUPER PROUD OF IZUKU!!! to able to accomplish such thing on his own even if it's against him lol. but izuku is still his father's so so he doesn't take on just AFO, other villains, & dark org. he takes on the gov't, hero association, and even other heroes themselves if he ever catches on if they didn't live up to his ideals of being 'proper hero' like all might. he fiercely chases and exposes anything that he deems corrupted and wrong not caring which side they're on.
which makes izuku kind of chaotic good. he acts on his own whims & sense of justice, disregarding all rules & barriers. which is why he admires katsuki so much bc katsuki stands by his rule staunchantly & won't ever move from it, izuku knows katsuki wont ever be sway by the dark. kinda like izuku's father who stands firmly by his belief & does everything to reach his goals. WHICH IS NOT EXACTLY WHAT KATSUKI WANT TO BE COMPARE TO ESP BY A NOTORIOUS VILLAIN LIKE AFO lol. but yea, now that he got izuku's motive and why he's the way he is, it get easier.
they continue dating, izuku continues getting into trouble 120% of the time, katsuki keeps bailing him out, and sometimes IZUKU BAILS HIM OUT bc izuku may be quirkless but he got an army of the world's most terrible villains on his side so yea izuku IS TERRIFYING. and they aren't just dating but they're 100000% serious w/ each other bc now katsuki go to izuku's parents house for dinner every sunday and have to put up with AFO and play nice w/ each other for izuku's sake bc they come ton an understanding they will be IN-LAWS one day lol! their dinner convo is mostly the two of them taking jab at each other bc katsuki trash of AFO's plans or AFO's sends katsuki's ppl to the hospital and got away with it. they never stop being enemy even for izuku bc of where they stand on but mutually agree not to kill each other. they're both fiercely devoted individual who are obsessively workaholic, stubborn, vainglorious, and loves just as much as they breathe for their ppl and though they never agree on anything, this they will agree on bc izuku's happiness is everything to them!!!
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okayoonoh · 5 years
here’s the guide to ten’s rambunctious family! i have so many ideas for ten’s family it’s hard to settle for just one main one lol
here’s the masterlist to all things nct dad related! a johnny family scenario is coming out soon ;)
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he has three kids, 2 boys and 1 girl. kasem leechaiyapornkul (kaleb) is the oldest, 3 years later, somchai leechaiyapornkul (shawn) was born, and 5 years after that, amarin leechaiyapornkul (aria) was born.
(when aria was born, kaleb was 8 and shawn was 5)
ooh boy
he was a trouble maker from the start
you guys thought you were ready for parenthood
which you were
but you weren’t ready for kaleb
he was a handful
he broke everything he touched
like he was gifted with a mountain of toys
broke every single on of them
the world may never know.
he was a handful that never gave you guys a break 
but those few moments when he’ll flash you a smile that looks just like his dad’s?
everything was worth it
he honestly just was a lot tho
like if you know return of the superman
he’s a lot like ko seungjae with how crazy he can be
like he was really advanced as a baby too
like the second he learned how to crawl
he was already trying to stand up by himself
he was really good with rhythms at a young age
like most babies just bang on stuff
but if you played music
he would genuinely try to keep in time with everything
and he lowkey does
a musical prodigy tbh
he wasn’t that sensitive
like he wouldn’t cry at the smallest things
he just was full of energy 24/7
like if you didn’t swaddle him while he was sleeping
he would mess up the whole entire bassinet
he also loved to grab your hair like all the time
it was really annoying
it got to the point where either you tied your hair up constantly or you cut it
but he didn’t grab your hair just for the fun of it
he grabbed it because he wanted to bring your face down closer to his so you can give him a big ‘ole kiss
he was full of boundless energy but it’s with good reasons
>> as a child <<
still a trouble maker
he’s the main source of your’s and ten’s headaches
you know how like ten can be annoyingly cute?
that’s kaleb 24/7
loves to boss around his younger siblings
you’ve had to have many conversations with him about that
ten: kaleb, your siblings are not your servants.
kaleb: but i’m the oldest!
ten: that’s true. we take it back
ten is so happy that his first child was a son
all of the things he mentioned in that one live about his son
he’s gonna do it
from a young age, kaleb already knew how to speak thai, english, and a little bit of mandarin
he taught him how to dance
he taught him how to play piano
honestly just like
baby ten?
that’s kaleb
ten is really good at handling him
but like if it’s logic that ten can’t argue with
then you’re screwed
for example
kaleb: dad, let’s cover the house with bubbles so it cleans everything and we can play in them
ten: that is a compelling argument son, but i like the way you think. so efficient
thank god you were out of soap that day
the two of them feed off of each other’s energies tbh
like, again, return of the superman
ten and kaleb would be running up and down the streets
like you’ll send them on a task to just get some eggs or something
and they’ll return with the eggs!
but also like 500 different kinds of candy
and a cat
he loves animals
he’s really empathetic
he doesn’t deal with any bs tho
like if someone is complaining about something that isn’t a problem
he doesn’t deal with it
he’ll straight up tell them to stop
he’s best friends with johnny’s oldest, noah seo.
they’re honestly just like their dads when they hang out
genetics is weIRD
they relate with each other a lot because they both are the oldest and they both have a little brother and a baby sister
noah calms kaleb down
kaleb brings up noah’s energy
a dynamic duo if i do say so myself
>> as a teen/adult <<
a little better
he’s still pretty bubbly and playful
but when it gets serious
he can be serious
he became a dancer alongside lee youngchul
they work together in their studio
they learned baby don’t stop for their dads and their dads were sO HECKIN PROUD LIKE THEY CRIED
he loves to choreograph stuff for groups
he’s usually the one who choreographs the dance of the year like every year
he has tens nose and lips, but your eyes
he loves to tease people
not so much a prankster
he loves to tease people like vocally
he can sing, but he prefers dancing
everyone wants him to debut lol
he doesn’t really want to
he already kinda does
he’s so wholesome and goofy
but when it gets to dancing
he can be bad cop
youngchul doesn’t have it in him to be bad cop
but kaleb?
it’s all about the dance
he’ll apologize before every practice
like “i’m sorry if i say something that offends you, but you don’t get to your goals by slacking.”
he makes his dancers work HARD
youngchul usually deals with the rookies and the newbies and the younger ones
but kaleb deals with the advanced groups and stuff
and ooh boy
he tells it as it is
like if he can tell that no one practiced
he’ll just end rehearsal right then and there
people still want to learn from him tho
and they know that he’s not doing this with any evil intent
he just respects dance and visual arts so much that he needs to know that people will be as dedicated as him
he’s a genuinely cool person tho
like when it’s not about dancing, he’s one of those guys who you can do anything with
if he sees one of his dancers genuinely struggling, he’ll stay with them after practice as late as they want to work
he’ll order them food too while they work hard
he admires hard work more than talent
honestly, a really good person/teacher who gives off the best results because of it.
an actual sweetheart
it’s like the universe gave you grace bc kaleb was such a meanie
he didn’t really cry that much
he was pretty calm
even when he cried, it wasn’t super loud
like he made the face of a crying baby
but his volume was somewhat quiet
his brother would make him cry a lot (on accident tho)
like kaleb would just want to go and play with him
but then he forgets that babies can’t catch
and the ball hits shawn in the face
and shawn will start crying
but kaleb would go and hug him, just repeating
“don’t tell mom, don’t tell mom, don’t tell mom.”
shawn wouldn’t
shawn can’t even talk yet lmao
he was just a sweetheart and people pleaser
like his older brother, he started learning languages asap
he was pretty smart too
but he was way more empathetic than anything
like he knew when ten would be gone for tour
and he’d cry if he saw a video or picture of him
same for you too
like if you were gone, he’d cry too
he loves his family so much
he was pretty curious as a little baby tho
like he would always follow kaleb
he would even copy everything kaleb did
like from a young age he looked up to kaleb and wanted to be like him
he wasn’t too much of a hassle
he would play by himself well
he was a little bit of a picky eater
he had a weak stomach :(
if you gave him something that was a little too strong in a certain flavor, he would throw up
but he wouldn’t want you to worry and most times he’d try to hold it in
but his stomach is just too weak :(
it’s okay tho, he’s still a pretty happy baby regardless
>> as a child <<
still calm
adores his older brother
does whatever his older brother says
he thinks kaleb is the coolest person in the world
he looks just like you tbh
he’s really good at taking care of his little sister
he doesn’t boss her around
shawn tries to keep the peace
he doesn’t have the most overwhelming personality like kaleb and aria
he’s just chill
he’s best friends with mark’s oldest, ethan lee, and jaehyun’s oldest, jung lani
they’re honestly the dream team
like their all so smart
they just make such woke decisions
like for example
if you sent the three of them to go get snacks
they would combine their money and get one of those gigantic value bags
seeing the three of them together is so endearing
like the three of them listen so well
if you’re out with them and they walk together, they’ll all hold hands so they don’t lose each other
no one knows where this adorable bond comes from
but it’s just so nice
they’re all supportive of each other too
ug h
just the sweetest
i’ll stop now bc this is about shawn lol
he loves his friends and family
he’s not super sensitive
but if kaleb is mad at him, he’ll cry
he still likes to follow kaleb and do what he does
kaleb tries to mess with him, but shawn just replies with so much love
like kaleb would pull a prank
or say something like “why did you do something like that?”
“because i love you, phi*!”
*the thai version of hyung
kaleb can’t stay mad at him for too long lol
shawn likes to follow you around with whatever you do lol
like if you’re cooking, he wants to watch
if you’re cleaning, he’ll help you
he loves his family so much
he enjoys the sun and outdoors
he also enjoys taking care of the younger ones
he’s such a good older brother to aria
like he can prepare her formula, grab her diapers, etc. 
he’s so helpful and just a joy to have in the house
you’ve only had to scold him once or twice in his entire life lol
kaleb has to be scolded like once or twice a day lololol
honestly, he’s just so wholesome and made your’s and ten’s life easier
>> as a teen/adult <<
became a kindergarten teacher
he loves the simple life
doesn’t really want to be a full time idol, but he loves that his friends and family are
he is SO attractive tho
literally everyone is attracted to him
he does a little modeling on the side
after ethan and lani tricked him into going to an audition
but he prefers his job as a kindergarten teacher
he teaches at like an international school
he’s really good at it too
he teaches in english, but he can also teach in thai, mandarin, korean, japanese, etc.
moms put their kids in his class just so they can see him lol
he loves teaching kids
he loves seeing them get so excited over tiny accomplishments
he also loves being that positive role models in their lives
when it comes to girls tho?
he’s REALLY REALLY REALLY bad with girls
really bad
he cannot pick up hints for the life of him
like lani, ethan, and shawn would be out eating lunch
and the waitress would CLEARLY be flirting with hiim
like she even gave him his number on the receipt
and lani would be like “so... the cute waitress seems interested in you, shawn! go add her number!”
and he would turn beat red and be like
and lani and ethan both facepalm
and ethan would say something like “dude, she literally said that she’s never had a customer as cute as you.”
and shawn would be like “i thOUGHT SHE WAS TALKING ABOUT LANI!!!! :(((”
and lani would be like, “shawn... she was looking at YOU when she said that.”
poor baby is denser than a brick wall
he gets flustered and freaks out in a relationship
he’s just trying is best!
when he finally gets into a relationship
he’s so flustered like 24/7
ethan and lani would attempt to help him become more smooth and spontaneous
but anytime he does anything spontaneous it goes wrong lol
he’s not a super loud dude either
he’s the loudest in the room
he supports the HECK out of his siblings
he’ll go to all of kaleb’s shows/competitions
and he’ll go to all of aria’s concerts
he is decked out, head to tow, with their merch
it’s like he throws all of his pride out of the window when it comes to family
he’s honestly really good with fashion too
like he does enjoy shopping and keeping up with the trends
he like looks good 24/7
he’s just a wholesome brick wall living his best life
basically kaleb
but a girl
she was a little less troublesome
and more needy
kaleb would honestly be like straight up mean at times
but aria was more needy 
she always needed to be with someone
like if she was alone by herself 
she would cry
thank goodness your family was full so someone can always be with her
she loves her older brothers
to be 100% honest, she hated ten at first lol
i think some babies go through a phase where they hate their dads
i for sure did lol
like aria would just not vibe with him at all
anything bad that happened, she would blame ten
ten started getting super sad about it
kaleb and shawn would help their dad tho
and aria started warming up to him
she eventually became clingiest to him
it was just a phase i promise
ten would dress her up in the prettiest things
like there’s a whole closet in your house dedicated to aria’s pretty dresses
ten is a really good girl dad
like he’ll throw away his pride for her
if she wanted to leave the house in her sleeping beauty dress
ten would leave dressed up as the prince
(he would even dress up kaleb and shawn in animal outfits or something lol)
she has been a big eater since the beginning
like the second she could eat solid foods, it was over
she was eating everything that she could eat
her favorite foods were fruits tho rip ten
she was happiest when she was surrounded by her family with food
>> as a child <<
she became the sweetest little princes in the whole world
ten spoiled the HECK out of her 
like he bought her a whole section of toys once bc she couldn’t decide on just one
she fights with kaleb a lot
they don’t physically fight
they argue tho
kaleb tries to tell her to do something
she does it reluctantly
shawn does his best to be an amazing older brother
she listens to shawn more than she listens to kaleb just to spite him lol
she’s best friends with johnny’s youngest, luna seo, and taeyong’s youngest, lee youngmi
the three of them are like the powerpuff girls
aria is like bubbles
she is so sweet and kind and rainbows and butterflies
but the second something goes kinda wrong
she’ll freak out, cry, and/or get super duper ultra mad
no one wants to let anything hurt her bc she’s so cute and sweet
everyone is drawn by her energy lol
she’s always been tiny from the start
and she remains to be tiny
but this girl can EAT
like she can easily eat her entire body weight and then some
she loves to dress up her brothers
shawn will do it, no question
kaleb will do it too, but reluctantly
honestly, everyone in the family is so whipped for aria lol
she’s usually not super shy
but the second she meets a handsome older boy?
she becomes hella shy
she loves to color and draw
she’s also super optimistic
when she’s with luna and youngmi
she becomes so chaotic
she will YELL about how happy she is
aria is honestly a delight to have around :)
>> as a teen/adult <<
the most happy and bubbly personality
she’s so sweet and giggly like all the time
she’s tiny too
she joins a girl group with luna and youngmi
and she’s the littlest in the group
she’s their main dancer and main vocalist
this girl can BELT out notes
like she’s so little
but her voice is so strong
like her range is amazing
she has perfect pitch
and she can do runs like no tomorrow
she loves her brothers
kaleb and her still fight a little bit
but their fights aren’t serious at all
she loves animals
but she especially loves cats
she also does art as a hobby and she’s honestly really good at it
as an idol, she’s pretty wholesome
she’s really goofy
aria is the groups translator
she’s just as good as her brothers at the different languages
she has a little bit of a british accent 
she the maknae of the group
the most humble person tho
she has a hard time learning dances lol
she just takes a little bit longer than everyone else
kaleb helps her out tho
he doesn’t treat her like he treats his dancers
like he’ll tease her a bit more, but he’ll slow the moves down for her and stuff
when she does learn the moves tho ooh boy
she can be so creative with her freestyles and stuff
she loves all things cute
like her room is full of plushies
she barely throws away the plushies her fans get her because she loves all of them
she’s the type of person to find the beauty and love in everything
she loves to visit shawn’s classes and help him out with the little ones
she’s so thankful for her brothers and her dad and you!
aria makes sure that she visits home as much as possible
she’s really empathetic and will cry if things get too much :,)
honestly, everyone is thankful she became such a positive and nice person
you and ten raised her and your boys well, despite all of the headaches!
shawn is honestly a mood lmao
the johnny scenario is done now and will be posted soon :)
i hoped you guys liked it! i’m definitely excited to write my ult’s babies haha
also! requests are open! go ahead and drop by some suggestions about the families or even just a fluff scenario for anyone! i love writing, but sometimes, i just need some prompts to help me out lol. go ahead and drop by and let me know what y’all want!
- amy <3
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xukunstellation · 6 years
Big Bro || Lin Yanjun
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Title: Big Bro Pairing: Reader x Yanjun Genre: OlderBrother!AU + slice of life) Word Count: 1483 words Summary: You and your older brother may not always get along, but you know that he’ll always have your back. Warning: mentions of cheating
A/N: This is the first time I’ve ever written a sibling au, so this is exciting! I would love to have Yanjun as an older brother tbh. Happy reading!
oof can you imagine yanjun as your older brother tho
i can only imagine he’d be two things
a blessing
and a headache lmao
onward to the fic
you and yanjun shared the typical sibling relationship 
which means constant fighting and teasing from both parties
the two of you can’t go a day without being at each other’s neck tbh
1 like = 1 prayer for your poor parents who have to go through their kids bs everyday
normal occurrences usually go like this
“yanjun don’t eat the food that’s in the fridge”
“oh, you mean the three slices of pizza on the top shelf? too late lmao”
“lin yanjun istg i will eND YOU”
“yo bro i need $20″
“get lost, loser. why would i give you my hard earned money?”
“oh, ig that’s fine. in that case, you wouldn’t mind if i told mom about how it was you who knocked over her favorite vase but blamed it on the cat instead, right?”
“slide in an extra $10 and i also wont tell her that it ocurred the same night you snuck out to zhangjing’s party”
“i hate you”
also let’s not forget 
ofc things weren’t always so bad
usually when hell freezes over
for example
yanjun and you had this sort of ritual where he drives you both to the nearest fast food place at two in the morning once a week
it was your way of bonding with each other and what better way to bond than over food?
yanjun was also your own personal chauffeur and drove you around his fancy motorcycle whenever you needed to get places
this idiot named his motorcycle angle angel 
in return, you often helped sneak him into the house whenever he was out longer than he was supposed to
you joked that he was going through his rebellious phase
except that it occurred 24/7 365 days a year
one time he tried to climb in through your bedroom window at 4 in the morning
you almost dialed 911 on him bc you thought he was an intruder
ffs yanjun wyd
in short, you both had your moments where you actually got along for once
unfortunately, this was not one of those times
you angrily stormed into your older brother’s room, slamming his door open as it hit the wall with a loud bang
“what the hell is your problem? can’t you knock?” yanjun glared, removing his headphones off his head
“cough it up,” you demanded, holding out your hand impatiently
“what are you even talking about?”
“my watch! the expensive silver one that dad gave me for my birthday”
“look (y/n), sorry to burst your bubble but i don’t have your watch”
you raised your voice in anger, “stop lying! i know you stole it from me after i saw you eyeing it the other day”
annoyed with the accusation, yanjun’s glare intensified and his voice yelled back even louder, “i didn’t steal anything, idiot! maybe if you learn to be more responsible, you’ll stop losing things!”
you groaned in frustration, flipping him the finger and stomping out of his room. you didn’t have time for this.
after the fight, you were running late for your date with your partner who you’ve been seeing recently
when you arrived at the restaurant, you were shocked to see your partner in the arms of another person. you watched as the two of them exchange kisses with their arms wrapped around each other
*insert ‘oh hell no’ vine here*
you marched your way over to them, picked up a glass of water and splashed it all over your partner’s face
they were obviously a v thirsty mofo
the entire restaurant went silent bc oh shiiiiiit
somebody call worldstarhiphop 
“you cheater! you make me absolutely sick. we’re over. i deserve a lot better than your sorry ass” you scowled
yaaaas you go king/queen
the entire restaurant literally broke out into applause and whistles for you
wow where can i get that kind of support
even with the cheers, you were understandably still really pissed
huffing, you walked over to the nearest bus station down the street
you cursed when you realized you had just missed your bus back home and the next one wouldn’t be for another hour
rummaging in your bag for your phone, your fingers grazed against something cool
pulling it out, you realized it was your silver watch that you had accused yanjun of stealing earlier that day
a wave of guilt washed over you
not only did you get cheated on but you felt like the world’s shittiest little sibling ever
scrolling through the contacts on your phone, your thumb hovered over yanjun’s contact name
you debated whether or not you should call him to give you a ride. both of your parents were at work and you knew he was still most likely at home at this time
but would he even pick up your call?
after a few seconds of hesitance, you settled for texting him instead
you: they cheated on me. please take me home.
honestly you didn’t expect him to text you back since he usually needed time to cool down after fighting. you mentally prepared your self for the long walk home.
to your surprise, yanjun immediately texted you back
the adopted sibling 🙄 : stay where you are. i’m coming to get you.
after texting him the details of your location, it didn’t take long for him to show up on his noble steed motorcycle. offering you a small smirk, you returning it with a small smile. he tossed you the spare helmet and you strapped it on before hopping on behind him
the two of your drove in silence but not necessarily an awkward silence. it was more so yanjun not wanting to force you to say anything until you were ready. you were also trying to wrap your mind around how hectic this day was.
“yanjun? are you still mad at me?” you asked when he stopped at a red light
“mad at you? nah. i’m over it. your ex? i’m going to kill them” he replied
you smacked his shoulder, rolling your eyes with a snort as he pretended to wince in pain “if you end up in jail, can i keep all of your things?”
“wow i go through the lengths of getting revenge on your ex for you and all you care about is keeping my things? i’m no star student but i’m pretty sure that’s not how it works”
you grinned, “in my world it does”
once he started driving again, you started to notice you both were going in the wrong direction
“hey, i know i’m not the best at directions but i’m pretty sure we just missed the turn to our house”
“that’s bc we aren’t going home. we’re gonna go to our favorite diner so you can eat your weight in food”
“i do not-- ok you know what, you got me there”
“thought so”
being the awesome older brother he was, he let you order whatever you wanted on the menu and even paid for it all. he saw you were still a little down, so he even tried to make you laugh by telling you more of his lame jokes
which honestly made you want to cry more than your break up bc his jokes were so bad
when will he ever learn tbh
“i’m sorry for accusing you of stealing my watch earlier today. you’re right, i should be more responsible with my things,” you apologized sheepishly, poking at your ice cream sundae
“don’t worry about it, kid, it happens. you’re definitely more responsible than i am. that’s for sure,” he chuckled, leaning forward to steal a scoop of your sundae
“woah buddy, hands off! you have your own!”
“yours looks better than mine!”
“we literally have the same order!”
and so you both went back to being the bickering pair of siblings we all know and love
the next time you saw your ex, you saw them freaking out from their car being towed away
was your eyes deceiving you or did you see slashed tires?
when you went to question yanjun about it, he acted as if he had no idea what you were talking about
“bro, what did you do to my ex’s car?”
“nothing you can prove”
yes you’re big brother was hella annoying
and yes he did drive you absolutely nuts
but you knew that at the end of the day
you knew that you both loved each other
you would always be there for him
and yanjun would always be there for you
i dont have any brothers irl
but if i did
i wouldn’t mind him being yanjun tbh
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baekwin · 4 years
No worries! I’m just glad I was able to find you again :) RL is okay, just so busy because of work (I’m a teacher, haha so kinda weird to still be on tumblr but oh well, twitter can get really toxic so I’m trying to stay off it as much as I can) I was surprised, then not surprised lol to see Junmyeon! I was like oh! But makes sense since he’s not active military type like Kyungsoo and Minseok, but I’m glad he’s laying low on SNS for now since he is doing his military duty still (1/?)
Did you get to watch heart4u? I keep saying I will but I haven’t yet ;_; I still actually need to watch the beginning as I’ve only seen certain episodes but I will definitely watch soon. We’re getting Jongin’s solo soon!!! Everything is pretty much done he says so sljdfsalkfjsadf hahaha (2/?)
I saw them at the first KCON too! That was when I was unsure if I would follow them or not, I went because KPOP and we never got anything back then. But I got hooked haha And loved it! I remember hearing them rehearse “What is Love” and died because they never had done it live before so *_* Then I tried going to all their States-side activities if possible. The only one I couldn’t go to was when Yixing went to NY even though I did get a free ticket. Plane ticket/hotel was $$$ :(
I really want to visit Europe too! If COVID didn’t happen, we were supposed to go to Australia for winter holidays but well… definitely not happening. So besides Japan/Korea, I want to visit all over Europe.Haha summer is definitely full of sunlight — I’m going to assume CA since you went to KCON too haha unless you flew in and most people in CA love summer haha I love spring/fall haha winter can be nice too because of snow (I travel between CA/WA because work/family) but we’ll see how things r
UN Village of course counts! And yay for Obsession! I will definitely keep these mind for your gift! Haha Do you prefer raps vs singing (like Baekhyun singing solo)? Just a random question haha Job hunting right now is completely hard I feel since the pandemic. I’m glad my job is pretty stable but with the whole WFH my eyes are getting tired. I just bought the glasses with the blue light blockers with prescription. What type of jobs are you looking for?
What type of genre do you what EXO to do when they have a comeback? I always want a cutesy one for once but they don’t usually do those haha unless you count Power hehehe I love Power’s concept so much, even though it was repackage. Well I hope today is beautiful and that you find something soon for a job!! - ss anon 🤶🏻
hello! i have been very absent here (mentally) because of all the election madness and all and i’ve been meaning to respond for days i just haven’t had the mental capacity to, i’m sorry ss anon 😭 
do not even get me started on twt being toxic omG i will never make an account unless my life depended on it, people are so mean 😭 oooh what do you teach? props to you for having the patience, i can’t teach anyone anything skdjfhjd also dude same i keep saying i’ll watch heart4u and then i don’t T_T i’ve just been all in my head about job searching, so i haven’t even been able to focus on relaxing properly lmao fml but it’s okay i guess. yes omg so excited for jongin solo, the teasers are so not what i expected at all but really cool!! 
LMAO yeah living out here it was like a once in a blue moon thing to ever get any kpop idols, i think i only knew exo out of the whole kcon lineup and after that i got kind of into nu’est and vixx for a bit because they were there but i never really knew anything about them before that LOL 
omg i know i vaguely said mama era in my last answer but what is love is specifically when i fell for baek :( i remember when it came out and he opened his mouth and i was like ok wow you’re my favorite person that exists on this planet UGHHH still my fave vocalist today by far. you’re so lucky you were around when they came here omg i bet it was amazing ;;;; but yeah you are correct, traveling is very $$$ 
ok then yes un village!!! i did love him in cmb and kkb also but like....rolling rolling rolling hills supremacy 😂 also random but i loved chanyeol’s recent release!! i love when he sings, it’s so soft and warm and ahh he’s wonderful. and no i don’t think i have a preference for baekhyun singing solo vs with exo (is that what you’re asking bc i think i misunderstood SORRY ;;; ) 
australia for winter sounds so nice!! mostly because i hate winter so i’d do anything to have summer again HAHA yes i do live in CA! lived here most of my life and i honestlyyy cannot imagine living anywhere else. i can’t handle any sort of cloudy weather lmaoooo it rained today and i’ve been so mellow and unamused all day 😂 do you mainly stay in CA or WA and which do you like better? i’ve never been to WA so i have no idea what it’s like! 
i’m glad your job is stable, that definitely takes a lot of stress off even though everything is kind of stressful as a baseline right now. i have blue light blockers too, i swear to god my headaches stopped the week i got them!! hopefully they help with your eyes getting tired! hmm my job was pretty stable, i was an essential worker, but i had already been dealing with a ton of BS from coworkers for a couple years, and then the stress of being (kind of) frontline/essential was getting to me really badly and it all snowballed and i decided it was best for my mental health to leave and look for something else. i’m a biomedical engineer by education but trying to break into ux right now :) 
i have no ideaaaaa but one of my mutuals put the concept of royalty-exo into my head and now i can’t get it out so i think i would absolutely love that 😂 power was so fun, i loved it!! i think love me right was the other one where they strayed more into cutesy territory though that was very much high school sweetheart cutesy which is not at all the same as power cutesy lol. 
thank you for being so nice to talk to, ss anon!! i know i take forever to respond asjdhfksd but it’s because i wanna make sure i respond to everything and i do get really happy when i see your messages :) hope you are having a wonderful day/week too, and let me know how those blue light blockers work out!! 
0 notes
Ep. 10: “Not all hero’s wear capes, some wear pajama pants and robes!” - Cody
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Amy A
Everything worked out PERFECTLY. Ugh I love a good plan. Hopefully my new core 4 plus Najwah stays in power. 
Olivia A
WHAT THE HELL!! Grae was my closest ally this is so disappointing. On top of everything, Aimee didn’t even vote with us!! So we’re at a 6-4 disadvantage. I don’t think anyone wants to work with us. Our last hope is finding and buying the idols and utilizing Kalle’s fake idol. I hate this.
Pedro A
woke up on the bottom...and thinking i was going home...guess what...im still here ahahahhahahahahahahhhaahhah...yall though...kalle is my guardian angel ...like if it wasnt for that girlll i would be out
ben kessler
Wednesday, July 29th, immediately after the tribal grae got voted out: heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh
I had a long day and now Grae is gone. I’m honestly crying. Jay asked if I was okay and the river of tears just started flowing. I only knew Grae for a short while and really wanted to get to know them more. They brought such a beautiful, fun and loving energy to this game. Grae, I really am going to miss you. I’m just gonna go hug a stuff animal. 
I knew Pedro was going to play an idol. He didn’t do one single puzzle, it’s obvious he felt safe. Snakes are slithering. 
Kalle N.
I truly cannot believe that our plan worked but it did and my splitting headache is totally worth it. I really feel like I deserve an Emmy or an Oscar for my performance with Maddison and Olivia after tribal but it's fine. I have absolutely no idea what comes next but boi will it be messy. I'm so sorry it had to be Grae but I didn't know what else to do. Also I hate that I'm working with Ben but don't worry I will use my chaotic energy to go against him eventually. I will now be erasing myself from the narrative and taking a break for several hours. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
OK last night's tribal was wiiiiiiild af. I think the funniest part is that this all started with me planting a seed. I told Amy L that she is at the bottom of their alliance and that I was open to working with her to get Maddison out. She spilled all the tea about Maddison having two idols and that she's been wanting to gether out for a while bc she says the same thing to everyone lmao. I think the thing that pissed Amy off is that she told her "I feel closest to you" anyway, Amy didn't respond to me immediately so I thought she wasn't on board at first so I told Cody I'd work with him and that I have the idol from Alan. Ffs. Wrong move. Cody just trust other people wit information and it's really annoying. While I love Sarah, I can't really trust her bc she's really close to Ben and Aimee - who I do not trust. Well, Aimee I am not sure about. I guess I only don't trust her because of her close Ness to Ben and Ben blatantly lies. Anyway. So Amy told me that their alliance is still trying to vote Pedro which is perfect for us coz we can still stay Hanúha strong. So at this point I realise I wouldn't have to play my super idol and Cody wouldn't have to play his extra vote. Anyway. Amy tells Kalle about the plan to get Maddison out. I send Amy a long ass message Pedro sent Zack that Zack sent me. She tells her group that Zack had sent it to her, to solidify their vote for Pedro. And then She, Kalle, Ben and Pedro form an alliance and they pull off one of the most epic blindsided. I mean, wow. Amy told me beforehand so I saw it coming and I told Cody about it too. Lmao but Ccody just can't be low key he wrote something about Maddison's two idols and he asked in the Old Hanúha group whether anyone had known about the plan lmao obviously Ben was like "no" and wtf. Ben's facial expressions at tribal was hilarious especially because I know he careful conducted this whole genius plan. I mean people still think their alliances are with their alliances and that no one has moles but there are so many layers right now and there are a few moles. 
Cody just needs to shut up. Be like Ben who claims that everything he is doing is for James lmao but is in a secret alliance with the person that got James out lmao love it. I love that I can see through some of the BS right now. The only person that could fuck up my game is Cody atm but I am taking a leap of faith and trusting him. He needs to trust me too. I kept telling him to just trust the process last night and he kept freaking out. I think the realisation of Ben being a BSer got to him a bit. Also, he toldd Sarah that I spoke to Amy? Like I'm so fkn mad. Can he just shut up? Ugh that's my biggest problem right now. I LOVE CODY OMG WE SPEAK ON VIDEO CALL LIKE EVERY HOUR LMAO but I'm just scared that he is too trusting with certain people, especially at this point in the game. He also doesn't know how to be low key lmao which is kinda funny. Also, Pedro. Wev ebeen talking a lot. Pedro's friggin Greek they're speech and the vote with Grae that ended with "sorry not sorry" just. Lmao. I wish I watched this on TV. I'm sad that it happened via skype😂😂 also I am not sure how this VL confession thing works. Did I say the right things? Yall probably have all the tea already. I'm a little sad that Grae went home. She seemed genuinely nice but she was our only option because Olivia won immunity. Maddison also made us all uncomfortable coz she took the time to chat to none of the new people at merge. Like? Olivia and Grae made the effort. She just seems too safe. Too comfortable. She isn't even participating in this challenge. Is she THAT comfortable or just pissed? Who knows? Never keep to yourself like that. It makes people suspicious. Pedro does seem very smart and manipulative though and I will be weary of him. Let's go idol hunting then woohoo. 
Also I keep laughing at how ridiculously bad I am at answering questions at tribal. Omg. Embarrassing. I need like a few minutes to THINK. I always look back, and wonder why tf I said what I said. In retrospect, I'd answer last night's question with "don't we all feel like we are on the outs?" ugh. I'm so bad at it. I realise it makes me look dumb and perhaps that's not a bad thing. I don't mind looking dumb tbh. Lmao. 
Cody A.
I haven’t done one of these written confessions in a while! Obviously things have been absolutely fish crazy. Idek what fish crazy means but it just came to me. And on the topic of fish... I’m pretty positive I called Maola a bunch of sharks at tribal council. 
If it wasn’t for Naj last night, I would have been completely blonde sided by the vote. I had no idea what was going on, I thought the plan was to put votes on Pedro and Madison and one of them would go. 
About 20 minutes before tribal naj called me and said she did not want me to feel left out of the events that were about to occur. She told me the real plan of Pedro and Madison both playing idols and Pedro casting the sole vote on Grae. Not going to lie I was scared shitless... I was so close to writing kalles name as a safety net for myself. What if Pedro would’ve cast the sole vote against me? At the very least it would’ve been a 1-1 tie between myself and kalle. I just didn’t want to be Denise’d out of this game. 
Ultimately I trusted my gut which told me to just trust naj. If I had got fucked over last night, at least I would’ve went out trusting the right people. Naj also told me about a 4 person alliance between Amy, Pedro, Kalle, and BEN... My Ben!!! Smh. So moving forward I have to be very careful with the information I give and receive from Ben which sucks because I thought I could trust him more :/ Basically THANK THE LORDT FOR NAJ. Not all hero’s wear capes, some wear pajama pants and robes! 
Kalle N.
So this entire time that I've worked with Ben, he always dictates our moves and every single thing I can or can't say to certain people. If I suggest something he immediately turns it down and will only do what he wants. Men are the worst. Anyways, a little bit ago after he told me what our next move is and didn't let me have any input, he suddenly said "Actually what do you want to do? You go ahead and tell me what you want". That is EXTREMELY sus and makes me think that he's just trying to make me feel better while he's secretly plotting against me. I could go along with it and just let him vote me out bc honestly I'm exhausted, or I could reveal all of the insanity that happened in the last vote to my other alliance and then expose him to his own tribe for working with me. Which would get him voted out. But that's a lot of work so I'm ngl I'm leaning towards just getting voted out myself
I’m so glad I’m not actually on an island playing real life Survivor right now. I would constantly be in the ocean or somewhere in the bushes bawling my eyes out. And then coming back to camp like, “oh hey guys! No puffy face here, I promise! Yeah everything is peaches! Hanuha strong! Those red eyes are just from too much sun, I think I need to lay down in the shade” I’m not crying over Grae and how shitty I was to Maddison or anything, JayKay I totally am! I hate that I didn’t tell Maddison the votes were going her way. I’m not even sure why I didn’t. I’m so sorry Maddison, I really hope we can rebuild our connection and work together again. I just feel like barf and am exhausted. Trying to play this game with a full time job is tough. I hope I have the emotional fortitude to pick myself back up and put on a poker face. The last thing I need is anyone figuring out my tells and knowing what I am up to. I want to work with Ben and Maddison the most at this point. I hope I can make that work out. 
Pedro A
I'm honestly scared...for the next tribal ...I feel like everyone is gonna go after me...cause apparently I'm the villan lol
Kalle N.
It's a little hard to focus on the game at the current moment bc an exciting/terrifying development may be occurring in my life in the next couple of days. I'm having a prolonged anxiety attack. We were going to try to take out Aimee so F's in the chat to pay respect. Don't know what I'll be doing. Need to go cry in the shower now.
Sigh. It's been a very long day. I really played hard at this challenge, knowing I have a 15% DA. Do I think it's insane that someone came into the game when half the players had already been eliminated and over half the 24 hours had already passed only to NOT even try to eliminate the one person not in our alliance in there, then pretend it's all kumbaya and eliminate our alliance (who we said we won't eliminate, we made a pact?) one by one? I mean yeah it's damn insane. And not that I'm a sore loser or anything, but I wish she'd have been there when things were actually heated and when everyone else was putting in the hard work. This isn't endurance in my opinion. This is coming into a game late and reaping all the benefits. However, well done on her tactic. Love it honestly. I think she made good moves and knew when to strike and for that, of course I think she's a fkn Queen. Even though I felt as though I was so close to winning immunity, even though I tried really hard. At the end of the day, it's how you outwit and outlast your opponents. Next time I'll be sure to not read challenge rules at 4am and then try to actually understand the game properly and how I too, can make things easier for myself dammit coz I think i keep making everything so hard for myself in this game ugh. I just need one fucking WIN. Goodness I am playing so hard. Wow. Wow. Starting to wonder what panderosa is like lol must be fun. Anyway I need to sleep coz the sleep deprivation is making me feel sick af and making me paranoid about having corona. 
https://lovelyygifss.tumblr.com/post/618070044309700608/deserved-more-than-0-votesssss QUEEN SARAH!!!!!!! 👑 ♥️ This challenge proved to me so much that Sarah is in it for the long haul with me! I could tell she was never guessing for my word and I wasn’t trying hers. Team Casanova is once again coming up equal on all challenges and I love to see it! I can’t believe I got to have my Michele moment and come from behind after being hours behind in the challenge and eliminating the last three people in a row to kick down that damn puzzle! I am on such an adrenaline rush!!! After the low lows of last night this rollercoaster of game really proves you can get right back up and thrive! Haha it was so hard saying my word since I’m a pretty positive person and my word was “not.” Sarah and I never gave up in this challenge and we ended up being the last two remaining!!! I also really bonded with Najwah and Cody. That challenge was so much more than immunity it was also a great opportunity to bond with cast mates and I really capitalized on that. Even during this challenge I patched things up with Maddison too and it seems like we are back to trying to make things work with us. I feel like Grae would want that for both of us too. I went from crying my eyes out the night before to total redemption today. It was on my bucketlist to win an individual immunity and I did it on something I never knew I could win. I’m just so amped and trying to calm myself down. I’m just https://youtu.be/erG5rgNYSd Wheeler island in the sun The song I was listening to when I won immunity. 🎃🐻🌈🍑❤️💜🧡💛
There have been so many things that have happened today... This morning Ben, Naj, and I gave Cody enough coins for him to hopefully get the idol. Cody showed me what was in the store and how there were two necklaces for $20 which was odd. He got one of the necklaces and we thought it was a real idol. Tbh we still don’t know if it’s a real idol. Cody sent a fake message to Ben and I showing that it was a “fake idol” (he got the message from Naj when she had found a fake idol). We thought it was real but when Cody found it it said “what seems to be an idol,” which makes me think someone planted a fake idol there and he did get a fake idol. I will send in more soon... 
I thought that making it to merge would be enough for me lol but somehow my goal is just to get further now. I'm at a crossroads though bc there is no one I really want to get out or back stab or whatever. Cody found a supposed idol yesterday. I told him just to tell Ben it's a fake idol and if Ben wanted to use the fake idol, he could give him my idol. Thing is, Cody is paranoid about it being a real idol or fake one that he found. I think he should just chill about it and it'll be fine. I just want Cody to be calm, I feel like without Zack's constant talking and scheming, the silence is getting to him a bit. But I quite like the silence. He thinks it means something is happening or people are plotting against him. I just think it means people are trying to sleep lol. I mean even if he was a target, he still has an idol. Ugh. Anyway it's actually a religious holiday for me today and tomorrow. So I will spend time with my husband and perhaps go to a fancy restaurant or something. I haven't felt fancy in so long and I realised everyone in this game has really seen gross, messy haired, late night Najwah lmao like I usually don't even let my friends see me this way 
It's silly trying to keep wondering who tf I can trust. I need to just go with my gut. There are a few people in the game I really like. Cody, Sarah, Amy, Pedro and Aimee. I don't know the rest and I don't trust Ben. I don't know what he's up to. He was supposed to be in some secret alliance with Kalle and Amy but he told Cody and I about them so what's really happening? Who knows? Also he keeps asking me what do I want to do who do I want out? Lmaoooooooooo. 
We had a lot of deep, crazy conversations yesterday and one of my favs were actually drooling over survivor players and realising how gay everyone is lmao. I love that. As someone who has struggled with my sexuality for most of my life, thinking I'm gay for a long time and then finding myself attracted to boys too was bizarre in the early 2000s. and being told being bisexual is a "phase" or "confusion" or that it was bc I went to an all girls school (shout out to Rhenish girls High), being in a space where everyone is really open and accepting of all this is amazing. I'm happy i live in a country where gay marriages have been legal since 2006 and ironically being trans or gay is not that big of a deal here as it is in countries way more progressive than ours. I still struggle with non binary pronouns but I am learning thanks to this game. I feel free just being who I am, whoever tf that is in this game. And for that I'm obviously very thankful. Today, I'm married to a man who appreciates my sexuality and is open to me exploring it even more. Its been a long journey and it makes me extremely happy seeing people in this game, so much younger than me and so much more sure of themselves. I'm happy that they will be spared a lot of pain and confusion. I love GenZ. I love that they just are who they are and there is no pretense. This Is so important and a luxury previous generations could only dream. Of. 
From two nights ago.... https://youtu.be/uebz8rVKNbg https://youtu.be/xQyiuiGeEpo
Olivia A
Our plan for this vote feels really ambitious but I think it’s gonna work. We’ll likely get the numbers back :)
I’m going to have to use my advantage tonight to save my ass. Guess that’s what advantages are for, eh?
Ben Kessler
I am trying to vote kalle out. If it works, my name will be out there but it may pay off. Maddison and Olivia are definitely going for me which is fine. I need to tell Pedro 5 minutes before tribal to trust me.
Kalle N.
Maddison will use her advantage, Olivia will play my idol, the only votes that will count will be the votes we put on Cody. That's it that's the plan
Cody A.
Pedro A
Okay so me olivia kalle and amy are voting cody...plus maddison will leave tribal......and olivia will play the idol kalle has....i swear if olivia votes for me...and i go HOMEEE....IM DONEE...i have a bad feeling about this tribal...im trusting the devil lol 
Olivia A
Kalle has been playing double agent this whole time and told everyone about the safety without power advantage grrr what a mess 
I’m making a big move tonight and I’m not sure yet how it will pan out. 
Olivia A
Kalle has been playing double agent this whole time and told everyone about the safety without power advantage grrr what a mess 
Olivia A
Initially we were going to all (Maddison, Cody, Najwah, Sarah, Aimee, and I) vote Ben but we are going to switch it to Kalle because Aimee and Ben are kinda close and we want to keep Aimee as a number. I’m happy to see Kalle go after how much she has lied to Maddison and me.
Olivia A
I am SO nervous for this vote. Here is the whole plan: Maddison will play her safety without power advantage and I will play the (fake) idol that Kalle gave me. This is just so that Kalle doesn’t get tipped off that we know about her lies. Kalle believes Maddison, Amy, and I are voting for Cody and think that she is voting for him as well. In reality, Cody, Aimee, Sarah, Najwah, Amy, and I are voting for Ben. We suspect Ben, Kalle, and maybe Pedro are voting for me and expect it to work because of the fake idol that Kalle planted. I really hope this works because if people are lying then I’m definitely going home. 
Ben Kessler
Dearest confessional, My life is out on the line. I am in a very vulnerable position right now and if I stay in the game tonight damage control must be done. There are many complicated plans and I work best under chaos, so these votes are hopefully good for my game overall. If kalle actually gives her idol to Olivia and we vote out kalle, maddison and Olivia and Amy will be pissed, but they do not have the numbers. I would need to do some more work to make sure I get the info that kalle is currently giving me, but it's not as bad as going farther with kalle and then losing later on. I now need to video call kalle goodbye.
0 notes
taeguboi · 8 years
Blanket Kick (VMon) PART 01
In a nutshell, Taehyung turns Namjoon into a hot mess. Ok, bye. I’m out. 
Genre: Angst I guess?
Being an idol can at times be… frustrating. It’s a blessing and a curse at the same time; you get so much attention from love-stricken fans and you could have your way with practically anyone you found attractive, yet you can’t because you’re not allowed relationships.
To vent, Namjoon and his fellow band members would have all sorts of sex based discussion and even watch videos together. It was all they could do, really… well that and whatever Taehyung and Jimin seem to get up to late at night… Namjoon can’t help but wonder what it must be like to be able to have the touch of another guy and whether it is different to that of a girl. Of course, before the band became a huge success, he had had his fair share of girls and the band referred to him as the one with the most experience, and he had always been completely honest, but one thing he never told any of the other 6 lads is that he often felt curious.
Until this one night after yet another promotional performance where the lads have all decided to hang out in Taehyung’s room to keep each other company. Again, it can feel frustrating to get so much attention but never be able to indulge in it to whatever extent they pleased so they were each other’s tools of distraction, and they do genuinely have the best times together, joking around for hours on end.
Tonight, they are playing a game of truth or dare which begun with Hoseok giving a very unimpressed Yoongi a lap dance and led up to this moment where it is Namjoon’s turn
“Truth” he says. The lads all exclaim because this is the first opportunity they’ve had in a while to ask Namjoon anything they want, and you can see most of them giving this some deep thought, but Hoseok butts in straightaway
“Out of the maknae, Snog, Marry or Fuck?”
“Hobi, you’re such a perv!” Yoongi detests whilst Seokjin simply face palms himself in embarrassment as the eldest.
“Do I have to do this?” Namjoon groans, regretting his choice now. A variation of responses are elicited from Hoseok’s overly enthusiastic ‘YES!’ to Jeongguk looking down quietly with second hand embarrassment to Yoongi just shaking his head.
“I can’t bring myself to the idea of fucking any of them!”
“What if any of us volunteer?” Taehyung asks quite naively, not meaning to come across in the way the others receive, but of course the others all holler at his suggestion.
“Tell you what, since he’s clearly not going to answer the question, I propose a forfeit that Tae has to sit on Joonie’s lap for the rest of the game.” Seokjin chimes in, suddenly changing his tune.
“Why me?” Taehyung asks.
“You basically volunteered man!” Seokjin giggles.
“Ugh, fine.” Namjoon hesitantly responds as Taehyung skips over to his hyung in a playful way and the younger places himself on Namjoon’s lap.
“Hello ‘Joonie!” Taehyung chirps as he playfully puts his arms around the elder’s neck. Namjoon thinks his friend is enjoying this a bit too much already as Taehyung earns a jealous, perhaps slightly hurt, look from Jimin and Namjoon wonders if something has gone down between these two recently; he subconsciously notes that in the past few days they’ve been nowhere near as close to each other as they usually are.
The game continues, with most of the band taking a break halfway through to get drinks and food and at one point, Taehyung and Namjoon are left in the living area alone… Should I tell him to get off my lap now? Namjoon wonders. But his thoughts get interrupted by the deep voice of the lad on his lap.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, just…” Namjoon attempts to respond but is unable to as Taehyung shifts himself , making Namjoon feel somewhat uncomfortable and very uneasy. Deciding not to talk about the current situation of Taehyung sitting on his lap, Namjoon changes the conversation.
“Everything okay with you and Jimin?” he asks
“Uh, yeah, I guess. We may have argued a little the other day but nothing big.”
“What about?” Namjoon asks as they can hear the rest of the boys coming into the room
“I’ll… uh I’ll tell you later.” Taehyung responds awkwardly and quietly.
Um, okay?... Namjoon thinks to himself, finding it odd that Taehyung can’t just tell him here and now since they are sat close enough that no one else is within hearing distance. He just guesses Taehyung has his reasons and…
“‘Joon, are you sure you are okay?” Taehyung asks quietly once again, this time with some concern, and Namjoon realises why.
Fuck, this is embarrassing.
“I’m fine.” Namjoon replies through gritted teeth, praying that Taehyung will just ignore the situation going on underneath him - and also praying that Taehyung will stop bloody moving about. This is highly confusing for Namjoon and Taehyung doesn’t help matters when he brings his lips right next to Namjoon’s ear and whispers
“Just follow my lead okay?”
Before Namjoon can even register the situation, Taehyung announces to the group that Namjoon isn’t feeling too well as that he shall walk him back to his hotel room. Not quite knowing why Taehyung is doing this, Namjoon feigns a headache nonetheless as he gets up and follows the younger out of the room.
It isn’t a very long walk down the corridor but so many thoughts manage to pass through Namjoon’s mind on the journey back, mostly concerning the boy walking in front of him - why did he seem to want for them to be alone? What on earth does Taehyung think of him at the moment since that situation on the sofa? Maybe he just wants advice about his little argument with Jimin.
Namjoon reaches into his pocket for the key to his hotel room and brushes past Taehyung to get to the door and lets himself in, with Taehyung following. Namjoon is slightly concerned as Taehyung has gotten very quiet now and there is a lot of suspense in the air as Namjoon has no idea how to break the silence. But Taehyung does that job for him, closing the door behind him and looking up at Namjoon with a look on his face that Namjoon can’t yet quite figure out. Is he upset? Blank Tae mode?...
“Do you wanna know why me and Jimin fell out the other day?” Taehyung asks. A bit random… Namjoon thinks, mouth slightly parted in confusion.
“It’s because of you.”
“I don’t understand… what do I have to do with this? Do you need advice?”
Taehyung approaches the dazed lad in front of him, slowly licking his full lips on the way.
“Have you not noticed how sometimes I just space out in your direction?... He has.”
Namjoon stutters, feeling extremely clueless right now.
“Bu-bu-but you usually just blank ou… why would Ji…”
No more words escape Namjoon’s mouth as he feels Taehyung’s lips pressing down onto his. He must be feeling out of his mind right now because in the spur of the moment, Namjoon returns the kiss, because he guesses it can’t harm to try it at least once, can it?
Although he never imagined his first kiss with another male to be like this, he is pleasantly surprised by the feel of Taehyung’s soft lips against his own. Taehyung backs away to observe Namjoon’s face and slowly smirks when his eyes are met by a breathless, speechless boy.
“I’ll let you in on a little secret…” Taehyung begins. “...me and Jimin, yeah, we fuck every now and then” he tells him very matter-of-factly, not to mention very directly. Despite the rest of the band making jokes about how close Taehyung and Jimin are, this piece of information nonetheless comes as a shock to Namjoon. Before he can react properly, Taehyung continues. “... the poor boy gets a little jealous if anyone else comes into the picture…” and it is at this point that Taehyung is walking further forward, backing up Namjoon to the nearest wall. “Honestly, I didn’t think there was anything for him to be jealous of when I mentioned my attraction towards you… after all, you’re straight, right?”
Namjoon freezes at the question because after a few moments ago, he really doesn’t know himself anymore. Taking a deep breath in, he utters just a few words “Um, I mean, yeah, I guess I am, but… to be honest I’m actually rather confused right now… uh…”
“Just think about it yeah… let’s talk about this again next week and see how you feel.” Taehyung replies, then slowly leaning in forward to gently kiss Namjoon’s cheek. He backs away from the flustered boy against the wall, glances at him one more time and then exits the room leaving Namjoon alone with his confused thoughts.
Namjoon looks cautiously around the room, as if he was just being watched, which he knows is a ridiculous idea, but he can’t help how on edge he feels right now. Over the years, he has managed to push aside his confused feelings aside so easily, ignoring them because there was no situation to deal with concerning his occasional thoughts about other men.
Falling onto the bed, Namjoon’s overwhelmed mind spins round and round. A week to come back to this? Is this how things like this even work? Talk about this again next week? What is this, a bleeding TV show?
Generally in life, Namjoon has always felt like he has had plenty of control, but this was new; he didn’t want to admit this, but he most definitely did not hold all of the cards on his feelings. Furthermore, it seems Taehyung is holding most of the deck, and how easy it seemed too!
He tosses and turns for about five minutes before knowing he won’t be able to sleep anytime soon, so he lifts his helpless self off the bed, heading towards the shower room. Maybe a cold shower will help him calm down.
Read part 02 here
So @kimlisamarie​ requested this a while ago, back in the day when she didn’t have tumblr (and now I’ve basically corrupted her lmao). Some VMon smutty smut smut (set in the bs&t promo era and let’s pretend this fic was the reason Rap Monster looked so shook in this era okay bye I’m going to hell even more definitely). Also I couldn’t resist implied VMin at the beginning, which then led to more VMin mentions along the line.
I took too long with this and it’s quite lengthy in the document anyways so I’m making a series of it (’oh boy another series’ I bet you all are thinking 😂). Enjoy?
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kewltie · 5 years
or how pro hero ground zero finds himself accidentally dating the most notorious supervillain, AFO’s precious son. 
in the midst of a battle w/ members of LoV, pro-hero ground zero save a rookie journalist who LITERALLY threw himself middle of all the chaos to grab photos & after yelling at the ignorant fuck, katsuki doesn't think he'll see him again. but then HE SEES HIM EVERYWHERE
his name is midoriya izuku & he has some sort of death wish really bc katsuki keep finding him in the middle of all these hero vs villains battles and ONE TIME he tackled down a villain right???? and he doesnt even have a fucking quirk & yet he is seemingly unfraid of everything
needless to say, katsuki is v smitten bc the lil awkward death defying shit. also, anyone who accidentally send katsuki to the hospital several times bc he keep getting into trouble and katsuki have to come rescue him and THEN YELLING AT KATSUKI FOR INTERFEARING W/ HIS JOB
katsuki get so fucking rile up at this quirkless man, who shown no fear and easily go toe to toe w/ him and yet is so incrdiably humble and hilariously akward, he is just into this badass idiot who is entirely devoted to his job and cursed w/ severe stubborn???? feels relatable.
so yea, katsuki ofc taps that ass right the fuck away bc he knows a good one when izuku is indirectly responsible for three broken ribs after katsuki had pulled him out of ANOTHER TROUBLING SITUATION. he's a trouble magnet and shit-stirrer and katsuki's heart is moved.
so the start dating and it goes SO WELL. izuku still get in major shitstorm for his job and katsuki still drags him out of it w/ a few bruise here and there, but afterward they go grab a bite and crash at each other place. super romantic nd sweet and it's so v good. but!!!
there's something weird about izuku. he doesn't talk much about his family, to katsuki anyway. BUT HE'S SUPER CLOSE TO THEM. his parents seem to call him daily and he go visit them often, but he never bring his parents up to katsuki esp his dad & izuku kinda got a stalker??
it's not like katsuki didn't notice right away, but HE THOUGHT IT WAS HIS STALKER. one of his super creepy fans probably but nope this person only tails izuku and when katsuki tell him about it, izuku is like, 'oh that's just toga'. apparently, izuku knows his talker v v well.
the stalker apparently is sent by izuku's father to watch out & protect izuku and katsuki pauses bc who the fuck does a journalist who lives on takeouts and shitty cable TVs need a bodyguard?!!! so yea katsuki's new bf background is fucking weird and mysterious.
katsuki has his agency dig into izuku's background (not that they hadn't vet izuku's before for katsuki's safety) but they comb through the archives and izuku's history and it's comes out v v v v clean, sparkling even. honestly, katsuki doesn't know WTF IS UP W/ HIS NEW BF.
so he confront izuku about his weirdo stalker/bodyguard, his avoidance about his family & his dad in particular, and his eerie squeaky AND CLEARLY SCRIPTED papertrails. izuku get shifty eyes and is like, "you won't believe me." And katsuki says tersely, "fucking try me."
Izuku drops his gaze to the floor and says, finally, "my dad is the leader of the league of villains." and YEA, KATSUKI'S BRAIN SHUT DOWN FOR SEC bc his deku?? stupid suicidal stubborn bleeding heart deku??? FUCK NO. but izuku just nods his head and grimaces.
the LoV is the largest criminal org in the world w/ long list of crimes & longer list of criminals that make its their home. their roster are made up of terrifying people w/ dangerous quirks... and IZUKU, quirkless and softhearted izuku is the leader's most precious son.
the idea itself is COMPLETELY ABSURD! HOW does that ever make sense? izuku is a civilian who works normal if a bit dangerous job & doesn't seem to have any *evil* inclinations at all yet he hail from the worst kind of genetic source possible. maybe he's just faking it all along.
which made katsuki absolutely furious that izuku might been some kind of sleeper agent from the LoV sent to trick spy & kill him or something and izuku's eyes wide, immediately protests, "no, no, i swear! i dont have anything to do w/ my fathers... org."
but katsuki has a hard time accepting it esp with the truth bomb thrown at his feet now that he realizes HE'S DATING THE ONLY SON OF EVIL OF THE MOST VILE CRIMINAL IN THE WORLD. so yea, he walks out on izuku, saying he need some space & izuku was looking so heartbroken as he left
for the next few days, katsuki stews in his thought. he doesn't tell anyone about what he had found out, but he doesn't contact izuku either. until, one day just as he in the middle of patrol there's some comotion that attract his teams and katsuki is seperated from them.
he's cornered by several LoV members, outnumbered five to one and katsuki lost his comms in the ensuring scuffles but instead of kicking his ass bc well they're foes, one of them break ranks toga (the blood queen) approach him w/ a bloodthirsty grin & a knife pointing toward him.
"hey, pretty boy," she coos w/ a flicker of edge, "stop ignoring our young master! you made him cried & he won't come out of his room. I hate seeing him so upset bc Izuku-chan should always be smiling! if you dont fix this ill rip your hide from your bones and wear it as a cape."
the group behind her make various grunt of agreement, all promising him death and disembowelment for... apparently breaking izuku's heart. katsuki is so outrage that he nearly explodes on the spot bc these dumbass villains think they CAN BLACKMAL/THREATEN HIM?! HIM, GROUND ZERO?!
also, even more furious by the fact that they insuate that HE BROKE UP WITH IZUKU?! wtf, he never said that!! needing space meant just a temporary break s he gets his bearing on wut to do next... but not like a perma break, but izuku's ppl thought their relationship ended.
katsuki is even more offended by that notion bc izuku is even a bigger idiot than he thought. HOW could someone that much of crybaby over just temp break is some manipulative coldhearted spy?? right now his instinct says, izuku is telling the truth. he isn't tricking katsuki.
bc it all make sense now. izuku who stands fearless against villains bc he'd grown up around them all his life and was raised BY THE MOST NOTORIOUS ONE. anytime there's a LoV related incident, izuku always seem to come out of it unscathed like THERE'S A ZONE OF PROTECTION ON HIM.
izuku is seemingly sweet, humble, & awkward but he got that rebellious streak a mile wide. loud in his opinions & shit-stirrer by choice, he faces down villains & heroes alike like they're on equal ground even though izuku is defenseless. he respect the law only when it applies.
katsuki has never seen such a fucking firecracker like izuku who loves people & the world but have little respect for any gov entity or laws and think they're good only when they're helping ppl but otherwise they're abritary (lmao). he such chaotic force for good it's hilarious.
so yea, he believes that izuku is the SON OF AFO now bc that lil shit is a menace. A GOOD MENACE, but still a goddamn menace. he seems to stay firmly on the side of 'good' as it is which make his relationship with his villain father a fucking mystery & headache for katsuki.
so katsuki, gritting his teeth, clichely demands the LoV group to take him to their leader so he can verbally kick his bf's ass for keeping his fucked up secrets and stupidly mistaken that they're broken up. the group happily ties up him and blindfolds him bc well SECRET LAIR.
katsuki is crazy, ok. like, STUPIDLY CRAZY to go blindly and no backups w/ some of the worst villains in history so he can meet up w/ his stupid bf and his crazy father. he could end up dead tmr or some shit bc it all could have been a trick to lure him in w/ his guard down
but if izuku can be an idiot for dating a hero when he's a son of a villain than KATSUKI CAN BE A BIGGER IDIOT FOR GOING TO MEET HIS BF'S VILLANIOUS FATHER AT HIS SECRET TORTURE FORTRESS OR SOME SHIT. love can make ppl dumb and they're both a perfect example of it.
so katsuki get blindfolded and escorted to the LoV hq and it's a suprisingly sweet ride to there. no bumps, no abuse, no torture shit going on. he get offer food and drink and it's FUCKING WEIRD. his kidnappers start some casual convo w/ him about izuku and his job of all things.
they even joke about how katsuki arrested one of them one time and almost kill another THE OTHER TIME & it's all happy bs??? it's even worst than torture. katsuki just want this to end already!! eventually they arrive and katsuki is let out. he get inside & his blindfold is off.
it's... nothing like he expected. it's traditional japanese house w/ sprawling garden, koi ponds, & beautiful woods. it's pristine, homey, and terribly normal. "ha, you thought we were going to take you to some kind of evil lair, right?" twice says, grinning bc he's an ass.
"that's next time! we save that for official bsn." he jabs Katsuki's in the shoulder playfully. "you're meeting sensei and mistress so of course it got to be at their house and not the 'office'." katsuki's hands start twitching like he's going to explode someone or something.
but he's quickly drag away before he could do anything about it. lead through some hallways before depositing inside a tearoom where there's a SHIT TON of pics of baby!izuku & his childhood accolades on the wall. this look less like a room to greet visitors but to show off izuku.
just as katsuki goes to examine a cute pic of bb!izuku playing in a field of flowers & holding one up towrad the camera, the doors slide open and a couple walk in. one of them is an older woman who looks eerily like izuku and the young woman also ft. in many of the wall pics.
she smiles warmly at and goes to greet him right away. "hi, bakugou-kun! welcome to our home, i'm inko, Izuku's mother," she introduces herself. while she's a source of happy energy and warmth, the other man beside her is another story. he gives katsuki's an icy stare.
katsuki already knows who he is before he even say anything. AFO looks younger in comparison to his reported age, notably handsome, and he carries himself like some warlord from the warring periods.
"I should kill you," is the first thing he says. "my son should only cry in joy, over his terrible taste in romantic media consumption, & dumber things." spoken like a man who dealt with midoriya walking crying machine izuku his entire life and also a hopelessly devoted father.
"hisashi!" inko scolds. which is strange to katsuki bc he didn't even think AFO even have a name but in front of him isn't some evil man who mastermind gov't take over & ruin so many ppl lives but astupid father overprotected of his son. "but i won't," AFO admits regretfully.
"Izuku would be even more sad and if you're dead your death will haunt him needlessly more. he won't be able to forget you and move on." he frowns, like he actually had CONSIDER THAT ROUTE DEEPLY before casting that idea aside. WTF, katsuki thought and says exactly that, "wtf."
"there's something seriously wrong with you," he points out what he think is v obvious. AFO shrugs. "I love my son. He's my-" Inko's frown and he clears his throat, "our most precious treasure & we do everything to ensure his happiness. do you understand us, bakugou katsuki?"
"inko and i have raise with love and care for 20yrs and i won't have some rough neck capers try to destroy his smile. i dont care who you are or wut you can do bc i can put you ten feet under w/ a snap of my fingers & nobody will be able to save you but like i said i won't."
Katsuki grind his teeth, fists clenched at his side, before lowering his head. this isnt time to fight, they're not on the field & on the job. this isnt about their respective stance on moral superiority but izuku. izuku is why they're both here. "i came here for him."
"i want to fix it," he says. "just let me see him." he pauses & grimaces like the tatse of whatever he say next disgust him. "please." AFO frowns, staring at katsuki for a beat, two. like he can pull apart katsuki's motives and tears into his rib to see w/e make him tick.
"fine," he waves katsuki away, "you may see him now but if he cry anything beside in happiness i'll have your head and your entire agency." it's not a threat. it's a warning lace with truth that katsuki has no doubt he will carry out if a single tear slip pass izuku and fall.
inko claps her hand happily. "great, i'm glad you guys are geting along so well!" she says, like threats of murder haven't been thrown at his feet. clearly, she's used to the fact that her husband is a completely psychopath and whipped for their son. this fucking crazy family.
katsuki grunts, not knowing what else to say beside, 'have you eve thought of fucking divorce bc yea maybe you will be less crazy by then' but he holds his tongue bc they're still izuku's parents and he already made a bad impression on them even though technically not his FAULT.
AFO doesn't promise anymore murder in his future but the dark look on his face is enough as inko's lead him out & toward izuku's room. she drops him right outside it and gives him an encouraging smile before heading off, but katsuki has no doubt the parents are lurking around.
katsuki sucks in a deep breath before raising his fist and knocks. he hears unhurried footsteps on the other side and slowly the door is slide open. "Papa, I already said--" izuku whines, and stops as soon as he sees who ACTUALLY on the other side. "K-Katsuki?! What are you--?"
Katsuki blinks, trying to get his fucking brain to graple with the thought of AFO as 'papa' and his head nearly explode. he drags a hand down his face and once again thinks, THIS FUCKIN' FAMILY. "Look, you idiot," he starts in lieu of any answer. "We didn't fucking break up."
Izuku looks haggard, buffy red eyes and the dark circle under it, speaking of how upset he was. he clearly didn't get any good rest these several days they were apart. he lifts an accusatory brow at Katsuki. "you didn't pick up my calls or answer any of my text," he retorts.
Katsuki rolls his eyes. "what part of I needed space, time to think didn't you get?" he snaps back. "It didn't mean go cry and sulk your parent's home like a damn coward because you were too dumb to think of anything beside we may have broken up!"
"But--but," Izuku's lips wobble and katsuki nearly jump out of his skin bc jfc don't cry here or i'll be skinned alive, "i was scared that you really mean it! that's why i didn't want to tell you in the first place bc then you wouldn't want to have anythig to do w/ me."
Katsuki sighs, a bone deep tired sigh. "Now, why would you think i would have any problem with dating the son of my nemesis?" he says dryly. Izuku's brows furrow. "All Might is Papa's nemesis," he unhelpfully point out. "I don't think Papa even knew you existed until we dated."
Katsuki scowls. "that's not the fucking point," he shouts, temper rising w/ every word. "Your dad is the fucking boogieman who wants to sow discord in the world & it's my job to catch him &lock away for good. Do you see my moral crisis over this when im dating his beloved son?!"
"I-" Izuku's face fall, "dont you think I dont know that? I've lived with him for over 20yrs, I know exactly what he's capable of." he looks away. "But, he's my Papa & im terrible for still choosing him over the world. So," izuku says solmenly. "i dont expect the same from you."
Katsuki grits his teeth and steps right into izuku's space, up in his face. "Look, im only going to say this once so listen the fuck up," he starts. "I like you. A lot. Stupidly. Gods know why when you drive me up the fucking wall all the time, but here I am standig before you."
"A lot, huh?" Lips twitching, Izuku's eyes going soft. Katsuki scowls. "Dont make me repeat myself, but yes fucking a lot that your fucking groupies & your old man threatened to kill me several times over did not deter me from coming here," he says, hand cradling Izuku's cheek.
"It's because I'm dating you and not your father. Whatever crimes he'd commited is not on you, you don't have to carry his sins," he tells Izuku, leaning in to press a kiss too fast and fleeting on izuku's forehead. "just stay true to yourself and i'll fucking deal with it."
Izuku's close his eyes and lets out a shaky exhales, the air of relief that passes through him is shuddering. "Ok, ok," he murmurs, opening his eyes to look at katsuki. there's a twinkle in them as he smiles, soft and sweet, the kind you can stupidly drunk on & never let go.
In that hazy moment, katsuki thinks, AFO doesn't need to plan any premediated murder in case things go v wrong bc this is how he'll die w/ izuku's smile right in his front his eyes, cutting him down one curve lips at a time. Fuck, he's just as whipped for izuku as AFO.
it's good that izuku not a fucking psychopath like his father bc this would have gone v v v wrong. izuku would make a terrifying villain. Worst than his own father bc it's not fear & imtimidation that will get ppl to follow him but izuku's own magnetic personality that move them.
"don't ever become a villain, ok?" katsuki insists suddenly, grabbing his shoulder tightly. "where did that come from?" izuku laughs, eyes crinkling. "And dont worry, papa had tried. many, many times but i haven't turn over to the darkside if that's what you worry about."
"Good," katsuki says firmly, and thinks the world better for it. one less crazy midoriya to raise hell. izuku is trouble enough as it is when katsuki thought he was just a quirkless journalist w/ a death wish but now there's a chance he could go rouge any moment and--yea. no.
"Sooo," izuku says, boucing on his heels. "are we back together now?" katsuki flicks him on the forehead. "we never broke up in the first place, you dolt." izuku grins and suddenly throws his arm around katsuki. "ah, i miss you so much kacchan!!!" he declares excitedly.
and after they made up, katsuki interrogate izuku about wtf is wrong w/ his father bc how did AFO of all ppl get a villain son who isn't all about /that/ kind of bsn he's in. turns out izuku always have a healthy regard for heroes so he never thought of joining his father's org.
though AFO would have been super happy to take izuku in bc izuku is terrifyingly clever & resourceful but he lets izuku go & do his thing anyway. they just mutually agree not to talk shop when it's family, keeping their jobs outside &not in the home to keep both of their sanity.
so izuku knows shit about the 'family bsn' except wut everyone knows bc he's not involve with any of that and in his everyday job as a journalist izuku often times clash w/ his father AND expose some of his schemes bc it's part of his job & he doesn't shy away from it.
AFO wasn't upset at all having his plans ruin by his own son. nope. he was SUPER PROUD OF IZUKU!!! to able to accomplish such thing on his own even if it's against him lol. but izuku is still his father's so so he doesn't take on just AFO, other villains, & dark org.
he takes on the gov't, hero association, and even other heroes themselves if he ever catches on if they didn't live up to his ideals of being 'proper hero' like all might. he fiercely chases and exposes anything that he deems corrupted and wrong not caring which side they're on.
which makes izuku kind of chaotic good. he acts on his own whims & sense of justice, disregarding all rules & barriers. which is why he admires katsuki so much bc katsuki stands by his rule staunchantly & won't ever move from it, izuku knows katsuki wont ever be sway by the dark.
kinda like izuku's father who stands firmly by his belief & does everything to reach his goals. WHICH IS NOT EXACTLY WHAT KATSUKI WANT TO BE COMPARE TO ESP BY A NOTORIOUS VILLAIN LIKE AFO lol. but yea, now that he got izuku's motive and why he's the way he is, it get easier.
they continue dating, izuku continues getting into trouble 120% of the time, katsuki keeps bailing him out, and sometimes IZUKU BAILS HIM OUT bc izuku may be quirkless but he got an army of the world's most terrible villains on his side so yea izuku IS TERRIFYING.
and, they aren't just dating but they're 100000% serious w/ each other bc now katsuki go to izuku's parents house for dinner every sunday and have to put up with AFO and play nice w/ each other for izuku's sake bc they come ton an understanding they will be IN-LAWS one day lol!
their dinner convo is mostly the two of them taking jab at each other bc katsuki trash of AFO's plans or AFO's sends katsuki's ppl to the hospital and got away with it. they never stop being enemy even for izuku bc of where they stand on but mutually agree not to kill each other.
they're both fiercely devoted individual who are obsessively workaholic, stubborn, vainglorious, and loves just as much as they breathe for their ppl and though they never agree on anything, this they will agree on bc izuku's happiness is everything to them!!!
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