#i have a lot of feelings about him
r0guedr0id · 8 months
Din Djarin Knightcore
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Credits under the cut, from left to right:
1. Saint Peter freed by an Angel, Ca. 1622. Detail
2. Lonely Ride, Hans Thoma, 1889.
3. Knight carrying Child, Eleanor Fortescue Brickdale, 1920
4. The Shadow, Edmund Blair Leighton, 1909. Detail
5. The Merciful Knight, Edward Burne-Jones, 1863
6. I couldn't find the credits for this one, if anyone knows please tell me!
7. Portrait of a Man in Armor, 1558, Antonis Mor'. Detail
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skyrim-forever · 2 years
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Trying to write Lucien and I'm feeling conflicted
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C!Dream slowly healing after prison, but being so terrified of having a romantic relationship. He wants one- he craves that feeling of being loved and cared for again but he’s also scared that he doesn’t deserve it. So he needs someone to slowly help him, to slowly understand and protect him. To make him feel like he deserves to have that amount of affection and love again.
He freaks out when people do give it to him, he lashes out he breaks down because he doesn’t trust a simple touch, a simple friendly compliment or even a loving smile. He’s been broken so much that he doesn’t know if what they’re giving him is the truth.
He just needs that reassurance and love, but also someone who is patient. Someone who is understanding.
Someone who can accept him for his claws and sharp teeth when he does accidentally strike.
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darkshrimpemotions · 1 year
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Ed Teach + TSwift Albums, Part 3 (Edward's Version)
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iolypse · 10 months
something about dogs.
something about ashton greymoore, handed a collar, told to don it or flee.
something about ashton greymoore putting on the collar and handing the hells the leash.
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jurassicbones · 2 years
jet siquliak 🙁
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melandrops · 9 months
oliver banks the man that you are i love you
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fcalty · 1 year
for everyone who hasn't read phasma captain cardinal ( archex ) was in charge of training the child stormtroopers. he's a soft man who sees those kids as his own. he remembers all their nick names and talents. he scolds, nurtures and teaches them. he's pretty much the official stormtrooper dad.
archex was an orphan who saw the first order as his saviour because they took him off the streets and gave him food and shelter. he was brainwashed. no denying it. but all he saw was a new, better life. he wanted to give that to all the children in his care.
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buffyspeak · 1 year
“tell me what you need me to do” “then talk to me” “whatever you need” “i’m not gonna leave until you talk to me” “i’m here with you every step of the way” “just let me be here with you”
something something alec always functioning under the mindset of being and doing what other people need from him and somewhere along the way, grasping that what his loved ones usually need most is just for him to be there and not go away. sometimes even when they beg him to because they’re having a spicy little self-destructive moment. alec being tangible and real, stalwart and true, and so lovably stubbornly impossibly PRESENT. a fact that is only erred by tragic circumstance. “i’m never leaving you again.”
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i-didnt-do-1t · 1 year
Leaving is inevitable.
Someone has to walk away first.
They all know it’s going to be Jack but none of them say it out loud. Not until they wake up one morning and he’s gone.
No note.
No goodbye.
Not even a dent in his pillow from his head.
He may as well have never been there. Cowboy Kelly has always been a myth anyway.
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tiredflowercrown · 1 year
Another one!
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icebrooding · 1 year
But in all seriousness, I wanted to see what they could have done with him after HoT.
I wanted to see how he would deal with the fallout of the extreme prejudice against his people, how he would have dealt with the general public blaming him for the whole campaign going wrong to begin with (what I feel would be likely to happen). Likely pressure would make him have to give up his position even if just to save face for his people in any way he can.
I wanted him and Caithe to bond in their feelings of becoming more and more distant from home, feeling out of place and like they just don't quite fit there anymore. They're two of the oldest sylvari, and it's somewhat poignant that they reached a point of their lives where the very place they were born became a place they felt they no longer belonged.
I would have loved for him to interact with Canach where he could get some genuine insight to how the sylvari hierarchy has been hurtful for their people, and Canach perhaps getting a chance to see how this lofty status of 'firstborn' is stifling in its own way. A bit of exploration on how their culture has hurt them both. I genuinely think they could have become very good friends, if they'd had that chance.
It would have been nice to actually get to see him enjoying his life now that he wasn't impulsively tied down to Orr all the time, and didn't have that constant internal pressure to go back and just keep working and working and working. He may have still loved it after PS, being the nerd he is, but it had been basically his entire life for 20+ years, and he deserved a rest.
But still, I wanted to see how he would have reacted to the first disturbance in Jahai.
I just think about him a lot and feel like there were so many missed opportunities and that he really deserved to live longer, but I guess that's true for everyone that was close to the player; it's never been fair. This one is just the one I think back to most.
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danyaselmar · 1 year
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Limbo calling
I finished the game and now I feel empty. Oh so empty. Now I have to fill the void with art. I think I have a vague idea of how his face works. But his hair? Crispy critters, that's a different story.
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quynhorlose · 1 year
you guys i. love luke skywalker so much. like he truly is just a little guy. just a teeny tiny little guy.
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beastofmoss · 2 years
Tbh, Cole is my favourite chatacter. And the scenes with him is a blast, almost cried with the lunch scene and his reaction after Mythal's Temple. And it's jusy jdjdjdjdj
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v-iv-rusty · 2 years
many thoughts head full of artorias
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