#i have a lot of feelings about it
lyctorism · 2 years
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Five + the most dad stance I have ever seen
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orb0 · 3 months
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i drew my sandrock builder! i've mostly finished the game i'll miss it when i'm done
bonus perils of the miners hat :
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voidcat-senket · 5 months
Just thinking about how storytellers are all linked together in a chain of ingesting the stories, themes, metaphors, concepts, ideas, subjects, etc of beloved predecessors and peers and finding what touches you, inspires you, moves you, what you also want to communicate and then- making something of your own, something that will touch someone next, change them a little (or a lot) in a beautiful way and they’ll make something too, maybe with a little bit of you in it.
And we’ve been doing that in an unbroken link since language began.
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mrpinchy · 1 year
completely unrelated but MAN i love lost media so much, i love how people come together to try and find obscure pieces of music or video or art that real human beings made for one reason or another but then were forgotten, maybe it was considered unimportant and not worth remembering and yet AND YET there are still people trying to remember and save and share it anyway, little pieces of something that no one cared about, turns out some people DO care. i just find the sentiment so beautiful and so human, the way curiosity can be a form of love
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wonderful-bellies · 2 years
-taps mic- When... Uhm...
When the pred gets their prey all the way down and they lean back a bit and give a happy little relieved/satisfied sigh
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dathen · 6 months
Relistening to Hallowoods episode 33 and can’t wait for Barb and Polly to join forces and break out of the Industry prisons so they can go HOME
Bonus points if it’s after Polly is blinded and Barb has to keep his head above water re: despair
It would round out their interactions from 33 PERFECTLY I need it so much
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notthatdeafbard · 1 year
Okay but like, I need to rant about this post.
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I had to do a lot of research on Yamantaka for my fic because frankly I’m behind on the manga due to my brain refusing to let me sit and read anything. Yamantaka is LITERALLY A GOD OF DEATH. We already know that Renzou struggles to maintain control/consciousness while using him. And as the post pointed out, he has had this familiar since he was a baby. That’s a terrifying thing to consider!
But no one bats an eye.
Karura tries to make Ryuji her partner to end the Impure King, and Everyone loses their minds! “He’s still a child” SO IS RENZOU.
Like I get that Ryuji and his family are like the head of the Myōō Dharani so they’re super important and in comparison the Shima’s are under them, but for FUCKS SAKE. 
The Illuminati want to use Renzou for Yamantaka, that’s why he was recruited. He was recruited, then further recruited at 15 for a really dangerous double agent mission. A child. 
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cthulhuchangeling · 2 years
Does anyone want to talk with me about how I think Dell is Evelyn and Caleb’s son
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maverickcalf · 1 year
Thinking about how the first one to call Maverick, 'Mav, after Goose died was Slider.
He talks to a lot of people, but Slider was the first!
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freshfromthedryer · 1 year
I truly cannot put into words what it is that makes me so viscerally upset by the way AI is being used for creative things.
Something about faceless corporations selling it to us with a smiley face mask on. Cute packaging on how we can have a "friend" that listens and lies and ultimately can't decide for itself whether to share your information.
Something about trying to take away the value of people's crafts, of "why bother to learn it when an AI could do it for you". The removal and commodification of art, of trying to make people forget they can create things on their own so that they never think twice buying what they could make, and could probably make better than what they'll sell you at Walmart or Amazon or whatever.
Something about how nobody wants to take this seriously because "it's not that far along yet". About how everything else that has been used for convenience or fun under capitalism has been warped and twisted into 7.99 a month. Just 29.99 a year. Spring sale, only 24.99, buy now.
Something about people's earnest desires for technological advancement being exploited to create something that benefits only a few and exploits the rest. Surely it will end up okay this time. It won't be another Tesla. It won't be another Amazon. It won't be another oil tycoon, another Google, another planned obsolescence iPad. It won't be like last time. We'll do it right this time. It won't be another SpaceX. Another acne cream ad on a channel aimed at 10 year olds.
Something about my views and rage towards "tech" as we've come to know it being considered old fashioned. Technophobic. Luddite.
Something about violation of people's consent to be a part of it. Crushing people's voices and using a machine to talk over them. About making everything faster, cheaper, more plastic, less genuine.
Something about removing humans from the first things humanity ever had.
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I can’t stop thinking about Rhaenys waiting by the shore whilst Corlys is coming back from Tarth after Aemon’s death, all the more devastating that she’s so far along in her pregnancy., it made it far more stressful. Running into his arms as soon as he touches solid ground again, and all Corlys can do is hold her.
😭 Yeah I wrote a bit about it in the Stepstones fic, but I imagine she was completely distraught and Corlys had to hold her for a long, long time. That was probably her first real heartbreak.
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tripleyeeet · 1 year
well, i guess that’s it then
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Star Trek 2009 holds such a special place in my heart 
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musical-chick-13 · 1 year
No, but the way that everyone in Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is a bit of a mess, that nobody has everything figured out, that even into adulthood they’re all continuing to go through the processes of reevaluating what they want and who they want to be, of unpacking the negative things they’ve internalized, because no, you’re not going to suddenly, magically know everything just because you’re an adult or because you’ve reached a certain life “milestone,” life is confusing and unpredictable and-despite how much society has tried to convince us otherwise-it just doesn’t work like that.
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quietgamelover · 2 years
Randomly chose my next victims for ratings
Power Rangers Wild Force was chosen
Been a hot sec since I’ve seen it and honestly the best thing I remember is Zen-Aku. (Foreshadowing)
Anyway, megazord time
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Wild Megazord: 3/10
I got mixed feelings about this guy, I like that all the zords are super interchangeable so he has the range. Visually? Idk man this one’s kinda all over the place (I’m lowering the score actually from a 4 to a 3 after thinking about it some more)
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Kongazord: 7/10
This guy has some good design. Not sure if I love that this megazord has the bison as the legs still but I mean the design of all the zords together is DEFINITELY more coherent than the Wild Megazord. Also the helmet and the black and white bear arms just looks really clean together cause they all have gold accents
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Predazord: 7/10
Most of my love for this guy is nostalgia (if I wasnt nostalgic about him he would probably lose a few points) visually the vibe is there but the actual details are kinda messy. I wish the crocodile/wolf/hammerhead had a bit more cohesion with the colors cause imo they just stand out too much from each other. The wolf helmet and the crescent moon though? Top tier vibes, as weird as he looks now the Predazord is still kinda cool.
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Isis Megazord: 5/10
the falcon zord is pretty cool (i remember this one using more zords that werent from the og megazord but I couldnt find a damn picture so) idk feels like the megazord designs got kinda lazy around this point and I also wasnt a fan that they only really had one megazord for the primary team. I’m like very neutral to this one
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Animus: 7/10
TECHNICALLY hes not a megazord hes an actual god or whatever (I’m rating him as a megazord not as a character…) visually this dude is sick, the colors are super cohesive and all the zords look like they fit together instead of just being snapped onto the megazord haphazardly. Also this megazord takes a lot of the design issues I have with the wild force megazord and just fixes em. The (eagle?) is more prominent on the design, the bison looks pretty cool, the shark/tiger zords dont stand out horribly cause of their non existent gold accents like the rest of the wild megazord.
I’m getting off topic, in conclusion Animus as a megazord, pretty dope.
Maybe I need to make like a roulette wheel or something to decide on my next set of megazords?
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medicaldoctordana · 2 years
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Seattle has ferry boats
Seattle is surrounded by water on three sides…
Hence the ferry boats
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