#i have a lot of hcs about andreil's cats as you can see
feelingthedisaster · 5 months
random aftg headcanons
dan gets a video camara and starts filming the foxes. years later, she founds all the tapes and makes a compilation
matt gives the freshman a brooklyn 99 style introduction of everyone
kevin chews gum, like, a lot. gum 24/7. its either mint or watermelon flavoured
the foxes give wymack a "n1 coach" mug for father's day one year. he pretends he is annoyed but he uses it everyday
jean likes to draw
kevin starts getting grey hairs at like 28 (wymack's genes)
renee knows how to tatto and she is actually pretty good, but doesnt do them often.
+she gave allison a butterfly tattoo on her shoulder
later in life, aaron gets a lot of people asking him for autographs thinking he is andrew. he just says "sorry, wrong twin" except when it's a little kid asking, only then he pretends he is andrew, he even learnt his signature
cat goes full gay panic when laila calls her catalina or cata, laila knows it so she does it on purpose
even though kevin prefers and mostly plays left-handed, sometimes he will just switch hands mid-games. like, "you thought you could mark me? sorry pal" and changes hands. it drives his opponements insane. they get used to him playing right-handed, he just switches back to his left. every defense player and coach hates him for that.
king mirrors andrew and sir mirrors neil
andrew and king have staring contents. king sits in the kitchen counter and andrew has to cook but doesnt want to move her so they stare at each other for entire minutes in complete silence. (king loses and leaves on her own to the couch). this happens more often than one would think
the cats LOVE neil's lap, specially sir. neil cant sit without getting a cat on his lap almost inmediately
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aftgficrec · 4 years
hi again! Fics where Neil has a kid or lil sibling. I would prefer Neil not to be too old. <3
Hello again!  The fics at the top of our previous recs will probably suit your requirements best, but there are plenty more fics with a parental/brother Neil in our other posts.  We’ve tried to find a few more for this post.  Enjoy the read! - S
‘Ember’, ‘Tales from a quirky small town’, ‘Eighteen wheels and three beating hearts’  and ‘what now’ here
‘Sunflower. Vol 6’ here
‘The F-Word’ here
Neil with a child:
Neil/Andrew with a kid before they meet here
new kid fics here
new single parent aus here
parents!Andreil here,
more Andreil-as-parents here
Andreil adopt Kevin here
Andreil and Kandreil with kids here 
K(andreil) fostering here
Neil as a brother:
Neil with a twin here
Neil with a brother/sibling here
Neil with a sister here
Neil with a half-sister here
The Alliance of the Diabolical Younger Siblings (HCs and Snippets) by Haven247 [Rated M, 4445 words, incomplete, last updated Dec 2020]
Just some of my HCs and Snippets regarding their alliance to save their martyr older siblings. I might write some snippets from the HCs when I have time. Credit and special thanks to nekojita and everyone who made all those great HCs and AUS.
tw: attempted sexual assault, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: animal cruelty
Razor sharp smile and icy blue eyes by jane_dorne [Not Rated, 14109 words, complete, 2020]
Neil thought his sister had died years ago. So when he receives a call from his uncle Stuart, two day sbefore Christmas, informing him of Nathalie Victoria Wesninsky's whereabouts, saying he is surprised is an understatement. Of course he goes straight to her and offers her a place with the Foxes.
Neil has a sister and the Foxes adopt her, because of course they do.
tw: panic attacks, tw: violence, tw: implied/referenced abuse
The Raven That Found A Home by ExyDownUnder [Rated T, 96028 words, incomplete, last updated Dec 2020]
Everyone can see that the Foxes were a fractured mess, but their latest disaster might be thing thing that will finally bring them together.
Kit knows that his hand Neilʻs days are numbered, but now that heʻs starting to realise that he truly has nothing to lose he wonʻt go down without a fight for what he believes in.
Kit knows that he canʻt protect the Foxes from Rikoʻs mess, but he feels like he can lessen the mess that happens to the people that took the time and patience to deal with him and Neil.
Andrew is someone that Kit still finds every interesting, he wants to know more about him but Andrew wonʻt let anything go for free.
tw: violence, tw: rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: canonical character death, tw: implied/referenced csa
Being So Normal by iridescent_blue [Rated T, 18610 words, complete, Aftg Fall Exchange 2020]
Andrew has a stable life. He has a stable job, people who he doesn’t hate talking to, a cat who likes him, and a house with a door that locks. He’s fine.
But that’s the problem. He’s just fine. No more, no less. Some days, he forgets that behind the picket fences and pristine gardens are people just as messed up as him, and it feels like he’s alone in Palmetto.
Until he’s sitting at a PTA meeting, bored out of his mind, waiting to drive Renee home, when this guy steps up to the mic. And a lot changes.
Serendipity by thisisnotourlasthunt [Rated G, 2015 words, incomplete, last updated Jan 2021]
Neil finds a small girl on one of his runs and discover that her and her older brother need help, in the process he and Andrew get attached to the kids.
tw: blood, tw: injury, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: panic attacks, tw: ableist language
The Trials and Tribulations of Being a Teacher by Foxy_Kyle [Rated T, 7045 words, incomplete, last updated Nov 2020]
Andrew is an English teacher. He gets paid a mediocre amount to teach obnoxious high school students in a mediocre town. Palmetto, South Carolina is a very small town. The type where everyone knows each other. Andrew hates that and tries everything he can to make sure nobody knows anything about him.
Andrew crushing on one of his students 'parent'. 
tw: blood, tw: injury
I love you, I love you, I love you. by abraxos_is_toothless [Rated G, 1504 words, complete, 2020]
Neil and Andrew adopted a little girl six months ago named Jules. The little one has a bad dream and they boys are just really soft.
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writingpuddle · 5 years
Could you share your hc of the foxes reacting to soft(er) affection(as they get) andreil??? Ps I owe u my life ty.
hello friend! to absolutely nobodys surprise this took like half a year to write, but i hope you enjoy!! it ended up being a lot more about andreil dealing with pda than the foxes reacting to it, but its soft as hell so who cares. ao3
The hallway was filled with the smell of pizza and the sound of chattering voices. Neil slipped through the door into the girls’ room, which was abuzz with conversation. It was only the original Foxes tonight, but there were still enough of them to make the small room feel crowded.
He ducked Matt’s offered drink and spotted Andrew sitting at the end of the couch, watching Nicky’s animated re-enactment of one of the final plays of tonight’s game with a blank look on his face.
Neil skirted the coffee table and perched on the armrest above Andrew. His eyes flicked up to meet Neil’s in greeting, then returned to Nicky. Neil repressed a small smile. Despite Andrew’s bored expression, the very fact that he was watching Nicky at all was evidence of his attention.
“In summary, I am a mad genius,” Nicky said. “We are so gonna win championships this year. I can feel it.”
“If the freshmen don’t ruin everything,” Kevin said from Nicky’s other side. He shot Neil a quick glance. “If we can’t play Neil and Jack at the same time, we’re at a major disadvantage.”
“I’m dealing with it,” Neil said, a little peevishly.
“No more Exy talk,” Andrew said. “The game is over.”
“Kev-iiin,” Nicky whined, prodding at him, “why do you have to ruin everything? Did you even see my tackle?”
“One good play does not make a season,” Kevin said.
“It’s movie night,” Neil said. “We’ll do a recap at practice tomorrow.”
Kevin looked like he was about to argue, but he stopped himself with a quick glance at Andrew. Neil couldn’t see what Andrew had done, but he felt faintly grateful anyway.
The lights flickered on and off several times. “Attention everyone,” Allison said. “We held a vote, and we’re watching Legally Blonde.”
“You were the only person that voted for that,” Dan said dryly.
“We did technically hold a vote though,” Matt said. “She lost, but she didn’t lie.”
“Legally Blonde is a classic,” Allison said, sticking her nose up. “You’re going to appreciate it, or else.”
There were a few mutters, but nobody really had major objections. Movie night had started as a post-game decompress, but it had quickly been established as tradition once everyone realized it was the only night of the week that they got to avoid the freshmen completely. Exactly which movie they watched was an afterthought.
Unlike many of Allison’s choices, this one seemed to strike something, because within a couple minutes even Kevin was snarking at the TV in Elle’s defence, while Nicky fruitlessly begged for everyone to please shut up so I can hear the movie.
Neil watched with some distraction. He’d still not really gotten into pop culture, despite Nicky and Allison’s efforts. He figured he’d just been out of the loop too long to care about getting back in it. But the movie was kind of entertaining. He admired Elle’s devotion to studying law, even if her ex-boyfriend seemed like a loser.
He propped an elbow on the back of the couch. Andrew’s eyes flicked up towards him before returning to the movie.
Neil dug his phone out of his pocket and tapped out a short message.
How accurate is the legalese
He heard the buzz of Andrew’s phone a second after it sent. For a long moment, it looked like Andrew would ignore the message, but as the scene slipped into another emotional confrontation with the ex-boyfriend, Andrew’s attention drifted from the TV screen to the phone in his pocket.
A response buzzed into Neil’s hand. Okay
From Andrew, that was as resounding an endorsement as Neil could’ve asked for.
Neil glanced down at Andrew, feeling warm and sort of fuzzy. The team was getting riled up by the movie and were paying him no mind. His body was heavy and sore from the game, but with actual striker subs playing this year, it was nothing compared to the post-game aches last year. Andrew’s head rested against the back of the couch a couple inches from his elbow, and Neil’s eyes drifted from the TV to the tufted strands of Andrew’s un-styled hair.
He tapped out another message, feeling a little lazy and a little bold. Touch your hair, yes or no?
A frisson of energy went through him when he pressed send. He tried to keep his eyes on the TV, posture casual, but he couldn’t help glancing down when Andrew flipped his phone open.
He paused minutely. It wouldn’t have been obvious if Neil hadn’t been watching; Andrew’s natural state was stillness. Neil bit the inside of his cheek as Andrew contemplated the message for a long moment, face hidden.
Finally, he typed out a slow response. It buzzed through to Neil’s phone. Now?
Neil gnawed on his cheek, debating the merits of a longer explanation. In the end, he just replied: Yeah
He closed his phone and focussed on the movie. Below him, Andrew opened his phone and read the message.
Neil figured he would need to think on it for a moment, so he was startled when his phone buzzed barely a second later.
Neil folded his phone away, his chest a little tight. He couldn’t remember what the movie was about anymore. Andrews’s eyes darted up to him again, almost wary, as he rearranged his lean against the couch to give him better access to Andrew.
Andrew exhaled heavily through his nose when Neil’s fingers slid into the fluffy mess of his post-game hair. He watched for a sign that he could stop, but Andrew just readjusted his shoulders slightly, head faced forward. Neil combed his fingers through Andrew’s hair, twisting the longer bits around his fingers. It was startlingly soft. Neil’s own hair was fried and twiggy from years of hair dye.
His gaze roved down the side of Andrew’s face. His eyes were half-lidded and hidden in shadows. Neil bit the inside of his cheek and returned his gaze to the TV, idly brushing his fingers through Andrew’s hair and marveling when Andrew leaned into his fingers like a cat seeking pressure.
A soft noise rustled across the room and Andrew stiffened, his shoulders tensing. Neil froze, his eyes shooting across the room.
Matt had one hand over his mouth, eyes wide with regret. His other hand was on Dan’s wrist, directing her attention across the couch. To Andrew and Neil.
Matt met Neil’s gaze and Neil gave a sharp shake to his head to stop him from saying anything.
It was too late. Allison had caught the movement. In seconds a half dozen sets of eyes were swinging over to where Neil’s hand was still buried in Andrew’s hair.
Neil retracted his hand a beat too late. “What?” Nicky said, twisting around in his spot next to Andrew. “What are you all looking at?”
Neil opened his mouth to tell everyone to stop gawking, but Andrew was already moving, pushing himself to his feet. Neil jumped up and followed him out the door, ignoring Matt’s apologetic protest. “Andrew,” he said, as the door swung shut behind them.
Andrew strode down the hallway to the stairwell, his movements jagged and tense. “Andrew,” Neil said. “Stop, look at me—”
He grabbed Andrew’s hand to slow him down and Andrew lurched to a halt, spinning around to face Neil. His face was pale in the naked fluorescent light, his eyes wide and flickering. Neil would’ve thought he was angry at how Neil had grabbed him if it wasn’t for the fact that Andrew’s fingernails were digging into his hand so tight that they were going to leave bruises.
“Hey,” Neil said. “Look at me.”
“Shut up,” Andrew growled. His grip on Neil’s hand didn’t relent. Neil took a slow breath, meeting Andrew’s gaze evenly.
They stared each other down in the stairwell. Andrew stood a couple steps above him, their hands linked in the open space between them. The buzz of the overhead lights droned in Neil’s ears.
Slowly, Andrew’s shoulders dropped, the muscle in his jaw smoothing out. Neil carefully shifted his hand, interlacing their fingers. Andrew squeezed, like he was reassuring himself that Neil was real.
Andrew turned back up the stairs again, this time without the frenetic pace. Neil let himself get drawn along by their linked hands, watching the lines of Andrew’s back.
Andrew shouldered his way out onto the roof, but he didn’t go straight to the edge like Neil expected. The door slammed shut behind them with a gust of wind and Andrew shook out his pack of cigarettes one-handed, propping one between his lips before tilting the pack towards Neil.
Neil shook his head. This close to Andrew, he didn’t need his own cigarette. Andrew folded the pack into his pocket without a word and dug out his lighter.
Smoke swirled and caught around them. Neil rubbed his thumb across Andrew’s knuckles, scanning the horizon. The sky was purple and bruised with storm clouds. Humidity hung in the air in thick curtains.
Neil’s phone vibrated. Andrew flicked his eyes towards him, but Neil didn’t make a move to grab it.
They stood shoulder to shoulder for a long moment as Andrew burned through his cigarette. Neil suppressed a shiver. His t-shirt wasn’t meant to guard him against the evening chill.
His phone buzzed again.
“Are you going to check that?” Andrew said.
Neil shot him an assessing look before scrounging his phone out of his pocket.
“Matt wants to know if we’re okay,” he said, looking up to study Andrew’s profile. “Are we?”
Andrew ashed his cigarette, a tiny wrinkle forming between his eyebrows. He didn’t say anything.
“Was it me touching your hair?” Neil asked. “Or was it that they saw?”
“I don’t care what they think,” Andrew bit out.
Neil read between the lines. “But it bothered you.”
“Nothing bothers me.”
“Am I still nothing?”
Neil blinked. Andrew wasn’t looking at him, but the set of his jaw was tight. “Oh,” Neil murmured, looking away, a fizzing, bubbling feeling rising in his stomach. He wrestled it down before it could show on his face.
“It shouldn’t matter,” Andrew said.
Neil didn’t know if he meant what had just happened in the dorms, or this. He didn’t try to specify. “We don’t always get to decide what matters.”
“Don’t pretend at wisdom,” Andrew said. “I know you.”
“You do,” Neil said, resting his shoulder against Andrew’s. Andrew leaned back, just slightly, his broad arm radiating heat. “Are we okay?”
The wind gusted again, sending goosebumps rising up the back of his neck. “Yes,” Andrew said, after a few seconds.
Neil squeezed his hand, typing out a message clumsily with his left. Fine. Just needed space. Don’t wait up
Matt’s response came through instantaneously. Let me know if you need anything.
Neil closed his phone and shoved it into his back pocket. “Do you want to go back in?”
A longer pause. “Not today.”
Not today. But maybe tomorrow. Neil didn’t say it aloud; he didn’t need to.
“I’m going to head back inside,” he said. “I’ll text you when it’s done.”
Andrew nodded, a bare tilt of the head. Neil raised their linked hands and brushed a kiss across his knuckles. Andrew flexed his fingers when Neil released them, closing his hand and tucking it into his jacket pocket.
Neil lingered a second longer to make sure Andrew was really okay before slipping back into the stairwell. It was only a few scant degrees warmer, so he descended back to the Foxes floor quickly. The door to the girls’ room was still unlocked.
He pushed it open and had about half a second to edge into the room before Allison paused the movie and all eyes turned on him.
“Hey,” Matt said. “Are you–”
“I’m fine,” Neil said.
Allison rolled her eyes. “Right, we’ve never heard that one before.”
Neil shot her a glare. Aaron beat him to the punch, though. “Where’s Andrew?” he said, scowling at Neil.
“He needed a break,” Neil said, and nodded his head towards the TV. “You can keep watching.”
“Should we wait for him?” Renee asked.
Neil shook his head. At Renee’s prodding, Allison huffed and pressed play. Neil dropped into the spot on the couch Andrew had vacated. Nicky shot him an inquiring look, but Neil shook his head to dissuade questions.
The movie played onwards, not that Neil paid much attention.
Above, on the roof, Andrew watched the storm roll towards Palmetto, washing away the dust of a dry autumn. His hand in his pocket still burned with the imprint of Neil’s palm.
He rubbed his thumb over his fingernails and tossed the butt of his cigarette away. The wind mussed his hair, blowing away the ghosts of Neil’s fingers.
His hair was too intimate, he decided. That had been a mistake.
Hands, though. He could manage that.
Next time.
The first raindrops hit the roof and he pulled his jacket around himself, waiting for the storm to break.
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adamslynches · 5 years
Okay so this is lowkey rlly shit but I'm half asleep rn so deal with it, I wanted to elaborate a lil on the amazing hc that @orgasmicmilkshakes had abt andreil and baking and the cats bc it's his birthday and he deserves good things (and shitty tumblr posts I guess, ily Luke) so yeah happy birthday bro I love u a lot ur amazing keep giving us these amazing headcanons thank u
Okay, so Neil starts getting a little obsessed with baking after he and Andrew blast their way through the entirity of GBBO within a month of the summer after he graduates, but who cares? He's having fun and all of the Foxes love to eat what he makes (even Kevin, diet plan be damned).
But, the cats are equally as obsessed with trying to stick their head in the bowl as Neil is with not letting them, and Andrew can only deal with a finite number of hairy cupcakes. (The finite number is 0)
Sir and King just want to feel included and also eat a little batter, probably, but Neil ends up keeping a little spray bottle near him while he works to spray them if they get too close
It works like a treat, and the cats start to stay away from him while he bakes- everything is right in the world again and Neil can finally get fucking started on Dan and Matt's wedding cake (of course Matt would want his best friend to bake his wedding cake r u kidding me)
Andrew knows about it but not really, their practice schedules are different while they're still on different teams (thankfully close enough that they can live together, but still) so he never really gets to see Neil bake first hand
He does sample everything Neil makes, though
It happens one day when Andrew comes home from practice a little early- electrical problems in the court, but Andrew didn't really care as long as he got to go home
Neil is baking when he gets in, the smell of vanilla and sugar is all over the apartment and Andrew follows it to the kitchen where Neil is humming and cracking eggs into a bowl
Andrew leans in to steal some batter with a finger, and then it happens
"Did you just fucking spray me with water?"
Neil is bright red, and Andrew has to grab a piece of kitchen towel to wipe his face with, since Neil squirted fucking water in his face what the fuck
Neil explains quickly, and it's funny in retrospect but that doesn't mean that he doesn't deserve payback for wetting Andrew's glasses and the front of his hair
Andrew takes to carrying a little water spray bottle with him everywhere, and he bides his time until one day Neil reaches over to steal a mouthful of Andrew's lukewarm coffee, and then sprays him in the face with a smirk
Neil doesn't even have it in him to be angry, to be honest- especially not when Andrew is smiling like that
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whatbutandreil · 6 years
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GAH THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 100 FOLLOWERS!!! i never thought this blog would get any attention (ik 100 doesn't sound like a lot, but for me it is) and i love all of you!!
in celebration of hitting 100, i am going to hold a "contest". it isnt exactly a contest, but idk what else to call it lmao
the "contest" is anyone can submit an ask (anon or not) or comment on this post about a tfc hc they like, pose/clothing they'd like to see a character wear/pose in, request, or a cute idea they have abt aftg! ill go through all of them and pick a few that i really like to either draw (ranging from quick sketch to digital/watercolor painting) or write a short oneshot abt!!
for prompts/ideas/hcs i really really like, i may make into longer fics in the future when im not swarmed with work:)
examples of what i am looking for are:
"andreil cuddling on the couch w the cats"
"neil wearing andrew's jersey"
"the foxes in ______ halloween costumes"
these are just examples, but you can submit these too if you cant think of anything else!
the only rules are that if you submit a prompt/hc/request, it has to be aftg and pls follow this blog!!! im not trying to sound greedy, it is simply that i'd like you to at least see if your prompt got picked and there's a good chance you won't find it if you don't follow me (im a v smol blog & don't get much attention)!!
thank you all again so so much for 100 followers and feel free to submit an ask or comment a prompt/request for me to review! ill be picking my favorites, so make them good!!!
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