#i have a lot of tags for death and reapers sue me
mittensmorgul · 7 years
A lot of the show fans have come to the conclusion that Adam's soul went to heaven when he was molotov'd, like how Jimmy died after Cas' first death. But-- then we get Death telling Dean to choose between removing Sam OR Adam's soul from the cage. Meaning he's still probably down there. What do you think? Is he in heaven, or is he still down in the cage with a mentally unstable powerful archangel.
I don’t mean to sound dismissive here, but I get asked this question every few months, and I’ve answered it so many times that I kinda have an insta-groan reaction to it. I can only link you to everything I’ve said on the subject before:
Oh, here’s a post from 2014 responding to that:
I kinda allude to Death’s repeated “testing” of Dean here:
http://mittensmorgul.tumblr.com/post/144380034745/the-empty-and-amaras-offer but the post really isn’t about that.
I think we touch on it here:
I know I absolutely have answered this ask multiple times, but I either neglected to tag those replies properly, or tumblr’s search function is just... not very functional... (not to mention that it has now been like 2 hours since I started trying to reply, and my internet has gone down like 9 times, and I am at a point where I would rather fling the router out into the thunderstorm to meet its deserved fate with a direct damn lightning strike than continue to rage-search my own blog for stuff in between thunder booms... sorry :P)
But the primary arguments for this are based on Death’s ~limitations~. Yes he’s a massively powerful being who isn’t sure if he’s older than god or not because it all happened so long ago it’s gone blurry... but he can’t really interfere too much with Creation or else he could inadvertently set off a rolling series of cosmic consequences, you know. And that was one of Deaths very first lessons to Dean.
6.11 is still in my top 5 favorite episodes of this entire show, and it clearly lays out how those consequences play out if the balance isn’t restored. There is a natural order, and Death must remain an impartial witness, or the entire system breaks down. It would be chaos.
He began his “bargain” with Dean by essentially proving his point-- that Dean didn’t care about the cosmic consequences, he only cared about Sam. He did this by giving Dean that choice, KNOWING that Dean would always choose Sam. It wasn’t about altruism on Dean’s part. Because Dean had thrown Adam’s soul into the bargain FIRST. DEAN initiated that. Which meant that Death already KNEW that Dean believed Adam’s soul was there, whether or not it were literally true. It gave Death some leverage, already putting Dean on the spot, making him understand how wrong and selfish what he was asking for really was.
But Death held up his end of the bargain anyway, even after Dean failed the “test.” Because it was never really a test, it was a lesson. A lesson about the consequences of messing with the natural order. That Dean honestly did understand. Instead of just essentially quoting the entire first act of 6.11 here, please just go read the section marked Act 1 on the Superwiki transcript. I’ll sum it up here:
Dean goes in full of false bravado, trying to use Death’s ring as leverage to secure Death’s help in retrieving Sam’s soul. Death swats that idea down, points out Dean’s hubris, and tells him to get on with it.
It doesn’t really come through in the transcript but Dean’s basically bs’ing his way through this whole conversation, and he sort of throws Adam in as an afterthought, because if Death is gonna be down there saving Sam anyway, why not ask for Adam too.
Death appears to consider this request, and then asks Dean to pick. I don’t see it as Death “considering the request and then forcing Dean to choose one or the other.” Death KNEW who Dean would pick if given a choice. Even if it was a FALSE CHOICE, because it never really was a choice at all. But making it seem like Dean actually DID have a choice... well, it serves SO MANY narrative purposes.
It leaves the reality of Adam’s location vague and up for interpretation
It puts ALL of Deaths motivations and actions up for further consideration
it makes it obvious that Dean’s first choice will always be Sam. he didn’t even hesitate.
it showed us that regardless of the truth, Dean still believed that Adam might be in the cage, giving Death even MORE leverage over Dean
and letting Dean experience the full weight of the guilt that he HAD made that choice
But the original story of An Appointment in Samarra is all about fate. It’s about the fact that you can’t really outrun death once it’s your time to go. It boils down to the equivalent of, “No matter what choice you make, we’ll always end up here.” Death always wins.
Billie even mentions Death’s fascination with Sam and Dean, how he’d had this soft spot for them, and found them mildly entertaining, clearly favoring the two of them for having brought them back (or allowed them to be brought back) over and over again in seeming violation of the natural order.
The other main argument against Adam actually being in the cage is the fact that Sam has never ONCE mentioned the fact. His soul was trapped in the cage with Michael and Lucifer for nearly two centuries (a year and a half in hell time, based on Dean’s 4 months equaling 40 years, would be about 180 years, give or take, presuming Cage Time was the same as Hell Time). We’ve seen him have flashbacks to the cage in s6, in s7, and again in s11. And never once did they ever have anything to do with Adam. Or even with Michael. But you’d think after all this time it would weigh on Sam just a little to know that his brother was still trapped in the cage.
It was never brought up during s11 when Sam was negotiating with Lucifer. It was never brought up by Lucifer himself throughout s11 or s12 to torment Sam and Dean with. Because it would torment them.
Again, apologies if any of this is less-than-lucid, but I’ve had it up to HERE with the internet going kerplonk every four minutes. I’m just grateful I never lost the entirety of this post at any point during the storm. :P
Also, I’m seriously considering creating an Asked And Answered FAQ sort of page for commonly posed questions such as this one. That would be SUPER convenient for me! Okay, Imma tag it Stuff I Get Asked A Lot for the time being. :P
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terramythos · 4 years
TerraMythos' 2020 Reading Challenge - Book 30 of 26
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Title: The Cloud Roads (2011) (The Books of the Raksura #1)
Author: Martha Wells
Genre/Tags: Fantasy, Science Fiction (ish), Adventure, LGBT Protagonist, Third-Person
Rating: 8/10
Date Began: 10/20/2020
Date Finished: 10/28/2020
Moon has spent most of his life as an outsider, wandering from place to place. An orphan with little clue to his origins or past, he has the ability to transform into a large, winged creature. Due to an unfortunate visual similarity to the Fell, a destructive race of marauding shapeshifters, he has to keep his identity hidden. When his current home discovers his secret, the residents assume the worst, poison him, and leave him to die.
By luck, Moon is rescued by a huge shapeshifter named Stone. According to Stone, they're both members of a species known as the Raksura, and a nearby group is in the midst of a dire crisis. Desperate to know more about his past, Moon agrees to help. He follows Stone to Indigo Cloud, a dwindling court of Raksura under threat from the Fell. While the Raksura initially distrust Moon, and Moon has difficulty adjusting to their way of life, they soon discover they need each other to survive. Moon must come to terms with his place among his newfound people and help them overcome an insidious and overwhelming enemy.  
He spoke the thought that had become increasingly obvious all day long, with every interaction he had had. “I don’t belong here.” Maybe if he had been younger, there would have been a chance, but not now. 
Stone made a derisive noise. “You’re afraid you don’t belong here. There’s a difference.” 
Moon seethed inwardly but held his temper, knowing it would give Stone a victory if he lost it. “I’ve been walking into new places all my life. I know when I don’t belong.” 
Stone sounded wry. “You’ve been here half a day, and for most of that you were asleep.” 
Moon said sourly, “I like to make quick decisions.” 
Minor spoilers and content warning(s) under the cut.
Content warnings for the book: Lots of graphic violence, action, and death. Non-graphic sexual content. Mind control/manipulation is a whole thing. R*pe is plot relevant and mentioned several times, but not depicted.  
I read Martha Wells’ The Murderbot Diaries series earlier this year and enjoyed the hell out of it (reviews here and here). Featuring fantastic writing and the most well-written perspective character I’ve ever read, I cannot recommend that series enough. So I was interested in reading other stuff by Wells, and ultimately settled on this series. Murderbot is a tough act to follow, and The Cloud Roads is MUCH different in tone/genre, but I still thoroughly enjoyed this book and look forward to more. 
To me, the worldbuilding is the strongest aspect of The Cloud Roads. The Three Worlds is an interesting and creative setting. Humans are completely absent-- instead, there are dozens of different sapient humanoid races. While there are some cultural analogues to our world, everything feels distinctly alien and science fiction-y. I find it interesting that there don't seem to be countries or empires as such, though I get the sense it’s intentional. The Raksura, a main focus of the novel, are based on insect colonies like bees or ants, but with social complexity more like a wolf pack. 
Moon is a good choice of protagonist for this novel due to his general ignorance of the world around him, so we get a firsthand view of someone learning about it. Furthermore, I think Wells does a great job in heavy worldbuilding without it feeling overbearing. When information is doled out, it's always because it's relevant to the situation at hand, so the learning progression feels very natural. By the end I got the sense of a vast and complex world that we'd barely scratched the surface of-- which is a good thing.  
The Raksuran culture is fascinating. Personally I find insect colonies super interesting so I love to see a fantasy race borrow some elements of that. Without going into a whole essay, the matriarchal Raksura have a biological caste system and a ruling queen responsible for a lot of the reproduction. They're separated into two main groups-- winged and not. Within those two categories are various social roles one performs for the colony. All Raksura are able to shapeshift between a smaller almost-human form and a larger, more animalistic one. Despite the insectoid inspiration, the Raksura seem to be a hybrid of mammals and reptiles. They’re... sort of dragons? Gargoyles? Dinosaurs? There’s no perfect analogy. One thing I particularly admire about the writing is how Wells manages to make the Raksura human enough to be relatable, but with pronounced animal-like behavior to make the distinction obvious. Maybe I’m a bit of a furry, too. Sue me. 
I also enjoyed reading a story where the main characters can fly. I haven't read many books like that; I just think it's neat! It adds an extra element to travel sequences, or even how the characters view and observe the world around them. Journeys in fantasy can be boring to read, but this element keeps it interesting. 
The Cloud Roads’ plot isn’t mindblowing, but I think it serves the purpose of the novel well. It’s a pretty standard stock story-- orphan/loner must set out to reclaim his heritage and a new place in society. I think this plot works here because the worldbuilding is so complex, it would be difficult to also balance a complicated story. What keeps it interesting is that Moon struggles to adapt to Raksuran society; it’s his whole character arc. He is inherently mistrustful of the others and in many cases the feeling is mutual. The Raksura initially see Moon as a means to an end; something he is acutely aware of, and Moon keeps himself deliberately detached. The emotional thrust of the story lies in certain characters genuinely wanting him to stay on his own merits, and Moon realizing he actually wants to as well. 
One thing I hope to see more of in future installments is good ol’ character development. Moon is well-realized in this novel; he’s emotionally repressed, but starts to get over it and find a place to belong over the course of the story. We also gradually learn about his past, which adds more depth and context to his behavior. But I want more from the supporting cast. Jade, Chime, Pearl, and Stone get some development but I found myself wanting to know more about them outside of the main plot and their direct relationship to Moon. All the books are written and published by now so I guess I'll see for myself. One pattern I do like with the side characters is how several are set up to be obvious antagonists, but turn out to not be so bad, or are otherwise open to changing their ways. I like how Moon’s limited perspective influences perceptions of certain characters. Also: loving Moon's Peak Bisexual Energy. I tagged him as an LGBT Protagonist since he's clearly bisexual, though it isn't a big focus in the story. Casual rep is still nice to see. 
My main challenge is the Fell, which are basically an Always Chaotic Evil race of shapeshifters similar to the Raksura, and serve as the novel’s antagonists. I personally don’t find them that compelling. They sort of remind me of Reapers from the Mass Effect series, but thus far lacking the grand ulterior motive. They just come off as pure evil without much nuance. I also have to wonder how the species has survived this far if their main method of survival is targeting entire cities and eating the inhabitants (and each other?). I’m not sure where that whole thing is going. Maybe insight in future novels will help me on this. 
I’ll be honest, while I personally enjoyed The Cloud Roads, it is pretty unusual and I don’t think it’s for everyone. If anything, I recommend reading The Murderbot Diaries before this series, but both are well-written and creative. I’m planning to read book 2, The Serpent Sea, after this one, so look forward to that! 
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desiree-harding-fic · 6 years
My friends and I were talking about Taakiz and my friend reminded me of that tattoo soulmate au where the first words your soulmate ever says to you is tattooed on your wrist. Kravitz wrist would say "Hey thug I'm gonna tentacle your dick."
Iactually have a lot of thoughts about this. Because while I love the idea ofKravitz walking around for his whole life with “hey thug what’s your name?I’m about to tentacle your dick” on his literal body, there’s also the little detail ofthis conversation when Kravitz was first introduced in his Crystal golem bodyin Episode Two of the arc:
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[ID: An image from TAZ Transcripts,describing an interaction between Taako and an unnamed crystal golem. Taako’sfirst line to the golem is “hail and well met!” Griffin describes thegolem turning its head to look at Taako, and Taako says: “My name is Taako,and you look like you’re made of salt!” End ID]
Sothere’s a few ways you could go. There have been a lot of good fics already ofthe first words being along the dick-tentacle theme, such as this one, and this one, and I think there are probably otherssquirled around in AO3 somewhere. (Side note: goddamn I’ve read a lot offanfiction).
I think Krav’s first words to Taako arepretty unequivocally: “Well this is hardly fair” at the end of episode 35or “ Well this is gonna be a lot easier than I thought. “ at the beginningof episode 36, depending on how you feel he was addressing the boys.Possibly “My Name’s Kravitz” if you consider the first words as the onesthey say to their match specifically and addressing a group doesn’t count,but…
This wasn’t supposed to be a breakdownof soulmate rules, was it? Alas. I get carried away thinking about loopholes inthese fun AUs.
If I was writing a canon-compliantsoulmate AU, I think I might do something a little like this:
Kravitz no longer has a body.
Notin the traditional sense, anyway. His body is long since gone, decayed awayinto ashes and dust, something from the earth and returned to the earth just assurely as he is dead. His soul-construct, that projection of his essence thatextends from the powers he was given by his Queen is a reflection of who he wasin life (with a few tweaks, of course). But that’s just it. There are tweaks. His soul can be assigned to anythingfrom the shape of a human man to a collection of raw material.
So when he pops into existence in theAstral Plane one day, pulls himself out of his soul-form and into the shape ofthe Grim Reaper, some two-thousand-odd years after enlisting in the Queen’sservice, and something is different, he notices right away.
There is something on his wrist.
Now, to be completely fair: Kravitz isfamiliar with the concept of soulmates. Even in his day, there were matches,people who were meant for each other. Kravitz envied the romanticism of it inlife, the balance of it. Souls made for each other.
He’d never had any words on his wrist,up his forearm, curling up onto his hand. There was never anything there.
For a while, he thought perhaps it wasa fluke. After all, perhaps he was older than his soulmate. When he was achild, he would look to his wrist every morning when he awoke to see if wordshad appeared overnight, if his soulmate had just been born.
They were never there.
Ten,twenty years went by, long enough that he felt skeevy even thinking of having asoulmate that much younger than he was - how long would it be until they couldeven carry on a half-equal conversation? - and the words had never appeared,and Kravitz. Well. Kravitz gave up hoping.
It was a point of contention in life,sure, but he brushed it off as best he could. He played his music and he wrotemore, and he got up in front of groups of rag-tag troubadours and tried hishand at leading them - 
And then he died.
It was almost a relief. He foundhimself at the conclusion that his soul belonged to the Raven Queen, and whatwords could ever encapsulate that? And no mortal love could compare to thefeeling of his soul protected and bound up in power by a goddess. Soulmates areof no concern in comparison.
But today, after two thousand somethingyears… 
They’re there, on his dark skin when hematerializes false flesh, in what looks almost like silver ink, runninglong-ways up his arm. They’re pretty, kind of scripty and scrawly, and when hevanishes his flesh they’re carved into the bone, just in the same place, likean engraving. He takes his left hand, flesh covered, and runs it over askeletal right arm. The engraving is strange under his fingers.
Four little words. So unassuming.
Hetells his Queen, his goddess everything.But he does not tell her about this. What would he even say? He is not alive.His soul has already been given away. And what kind of cruel, cosmic joke is it for someone to be born inhis world, and to be destined for him, two thousand years after the end of hismortal life?
He doesn’t say anything to her, but hegets the sense that somehow she knows. And how can she not? She shaped his soulfrom the moment it left his body. She has to know everything about him. Whatdoes he think he’s hiding?
He works it off. 
But the words don’t ever leave hismind.
See,the thing about soulmates is they always meet. The conversations spelled outsecurely on a person aren’t hypotheticals, they’re true. They will happen, one day. Kravitz pretendsto forget the words, and tries not to listen for them every single day of hisunlife after the day they arrived.
The greetings were always the worstones, truly. So vague, so many possibilities for misunderstanding. But common,oh so common. At least Kravitz’s is more specific than a simple “hello.”At least very few people greet him in his line of work.
Not that he cares.
Because he doesn’t.
Why should he?
Kravitzis having something of a night.
By which, he means it’s a good nightfor killing.
Mass thefts of souls from the AstralPlane is no laughing matter, and neither are the deaths of three of the mostpowerful necromancers he’s ever seen in his book, and the fact that they’re alltogether in this floating… lab/nightmare funhouse means that Kravtiz can’tafford to lose.
Thething is, though, Kravitz is bored.
He’s so bored, he could die again. Twothousand years will do it to you. Swinging a scythe around gets old, he has toadmit. So sue him if he wants to raise the energy a little.
And in truth, going into a situationlike this, with three of the powerful necromancers on the loose along withLucas Miller - Kravitz won’t say he’s nervous, but he may be… feelingcautious. 
He finds them in a large chamber, giantcrystal formations that were once trees stretching up from the floor, and it’snot hard to pull himself together a Crystal body with which to get a look atthem, wearing truly uncanny outfits to keep from being Crystalized andwandering around the place with less direction than a stray dog.
These arethe planet’s most dangerous necromancers? The ones who hid their souls fromdeath for so long that they appeared in his book only a little over a decadeago, having died upwards of five times, every one of them?
They just seem like….
Well, like idiots.
They don’t seem intimidated by hisgolem form, laughing and joking until the tall, thin one, from what he can seeunder the suit, waves his… colleagues back a little bit, and steps forward,craning his head up to look at Kravitz’s would-be face. And then - 
“Hail and well met!”
It almost takes toolong to sink in, but when it does –
Oh dear.
This certainly isgoing to complicate things.
That turned out to be a little longer than I thought
And in true Desiree fashion, didn’t get to the hecking point XD. Alas.
I like this idea. I might let it stick around for a while.
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daniellesdarrieux · 7 years
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I was tagged by the ever perf @fuzzysebastianstan  thank you so much for tagging me!!
Ten different Gentlemen. Ten different fandoms. Tag ten different people.
First, the ones that didn’t make the cut: Jonah (I haven’t been watching Superstore for a long time soooo), Hal (I have a huge crush and loved Requiem, but again, too soon), the Grim Reapers (Along with the Gods is amazing but again and again ooooh a 2PM reference! too soon), G’Kar (I LOVE HIM SO MUUUUCH, but Jake took his spot. oops), Abe Sapien (stumbled at the foot of the podium poor baby), Octave FUCKING MOURET (no source, no adaptation comes even remotely close to how perf he is, so no gif...), Doc Roe (I’m sorry baaaabe I am ashamed of myself)................
Scotty Valens has owned my heart and vaginaaa (is that disrespectful to Danny Pino???) for so long, he is still my fave and forever will be. And yes almost full body shot gif. sue my thirsty ass
Le Visiteur du Futur: those who have been there for a while know I went completely cray cray a few years back. I still am. I miss Florent so much, I wonder what he is up to these days... le Visiteur is a terrible person. but he is also a good person? idk
Jake Peralta: I showed him to the Husband and said: take notes babe. if it’s not enough I don’t know what you need hahaha
Mr Knightley: He has been my fave Austen guy for a while now, just as Emma is now my favourite (isn’t it amazing how Austen goes with every period of your life? like, in highschool I was crazy about P&P, in college it was Persuasion and in my thirties it’s Emma? what will it be next?) I am fine with both Northam and JLM as Knightley (Strong no so much sorry). daaaaaaaamn they’re hot.
Niles Crane. My soulmate. I would die for him. also can we talk about that suit and tie???? 
Ben HANDLE ME ANYTIME BABE Tallmadge. Lafayette was close second. Caleb was close third. but Ben ooooh Ben. I still think of “that episode” as a self insert fic. Seth is so not my type I am still very clueless. but very much in love.
Gil was one of my first loves (with Jimmy from Young Riders yall too young) and if you think I don’t giggle while reading the book despite my old age you’re wrong. (also Jonathan Crombie. my heart is still broken)
Henry Higgs. Is there anything about Selfie left to say? I love John Cho, I love his character, and the way he grows and THAT SUIT AMIRITE??? (if anyone is still okay suing ABC I’m all for it how much money do ya need?)
François Roban. you’re probably like, WHO? I love Engrenages/Spiral. like LOVE LOVE. And he is my absolute fave and the latest season deavastated me. am I in love with a 60/70-ish judge? yes. but I am also in love with a guy who’s been dead for 50 years soooo...(I also loved Pierre. I mean who wouldn’t love Gregory Fitoussi playing at kind, brilliant lawyer???) he is nice, honest, socially awkward, he sucks at relationships and I love him so muuuuch must protect at all coooosts
Bussy. the time, was a long time ago. I stumbled on an old french tv show one afternoon during the summer holidays (summer of 93? 94?). ten minutes and I was hooked (I had already read a lot of Dumas but not that one). He is hot, he will fight to death to save the woman he loves, he is a true knight in shining armor. okaaaay at one point he makes a very homophobic remark to one of the mignons but it’s the 16th century. he’s not woke okay? 
okaaaaaaaay tagging: @osaka-sukiyanen, @artbeautyfun, @grainofinfinity, @txnystvrks, @alexromero, @imaproudassbutt, @hensons, @greatestsparrow, @dykeofwellington, @cinemaocd, @thymelady
working on the ladies version! stay tuned for more very interesting character analysis!
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Faith- Part 4
Pairing: Eventual Dean x Reader
Word Count: 2,753
Warnings: Typical Supernatural violence, angst, language, minor character death, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Please, if you want to be tagged for this series, let me know and I’ll add you! If you want to be tagged for my other fics, I’ll add you! I want to hear what you guys think about this. If you want something requested, send it in!
Feedback is always appreciated
Tags at the bottom
Part One, Part Two, Part Three
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“If Roy's using a spell, there might be a spell book.” Sam said, getting out of the car. You and Dean got out as well and looked at each other.
“See if you can find it. Hurry up too, the service starts soon. I'll try to stall Roy.” Dean said.
“I’ll go with Sam.” You followed Sam to the house but kept hidden so that Roy or Sue Ann wouldn’t be able to spot you. You knew Roy was blind but that man knew where everything was. You watched as they walked down the steps and once they were gone, you and Sam sprang into action.
Sam climbed through a window and helped you up, pulling you inside. It amazed you how strong both Winchesters were. You looked around the room and walked over to a bookshelf. You noticed all the books had dust on them except one and that is the one you pulled out.
You and Sam flipped through the book but you frowned when you didn’t find anything. You looked up at the bookshelf and nudge Sam.
“Look,” You pointed to a much smaller book and Sam grabbed it, looking through it. Inside was a picture of a skeleton reaper, and on another page the wooden cross you saw earlier in the tent. Sam also finds newspaper articles about the people who died. The one that died for Dean was an openly gay teacher, the woman jogging an abortion rights advocate. He finds a third clipping about Wright, the man who was arguing with the cop when you arrived.  
“Sam, I think Wright is next. We have to warn Dean.” You pulled out your cell phone and called Dean.
“What have you got?” Dean said once he answered.
“Roy's choosing victims he sees as immoral and I think I know who's next on his list. Remember that protestor?” You said to him.
“What, the guy in the parking lot who was bitching with the cop?”
“Yeah. Yeah, Sam will find him. But you can't let Roy heal anyone, alright?” You said, putting the book back where you found it. Dean agreed with you and hung up.
“Sam, please go find the man. I’ll catch up with Dean to see if I can help him.” Sam nodded and he helped you out of the window you came through and you helped Sam up. He did most of the work but you helped. You and Sam separated from there and you made your way to the tent, slipping inside quietly.
“Layla. Layla Rourke. Come up here child.” Roy said from the stage. The crowd went wild and you saw Layla stand up, walking in front of Dean. You watched as Dean stopped her but because of the noise, you didn’t hear what they were saying. By the looks on Dean and Layla’s face, it wasn’t a good conversation.
She ended up walking to the stage and getting next to Roy. Dean got up and moved to the side of the ten, still watching, but going to do something else. You stealthily made your way to him and touched his arm.
“What are you doing?’ You whispered into his ear.
“Making a distraction. Come with me.” You followed Dean out of sight from everyone in the tent and you looked at him.
“FIRE! Hurry, tent's on fire!!” Dean suddenly said. He said it loud enough so that everyone heard.
“NO! No, please. Please don't stop. Reverend, please, please! Please don't stop, please!” You heard Layla’s mom plead.
“Friends, if you'd all just leave the tent in an orderly fashion and we'll figure out what's going on out there and we'll come back.” Roy said, everyone getting up and leaving the tent. This should be over, then, right? Dean pulled his phone out and dialed his brother.
“I did it, I stopped Roy.” He said to the other person. “Then who the hell is?” You didn’t know what Sam was saying but you knew it wasn’t good. Maybe Roy wasn’t controlling the Reaper but someone else. You looked around to see Sue Ann off the stage, facing the corner and reciting something in a language you didn’t know.
“Sue Ann.” You said loudly, causing her to gasp and spin around. She dropped the cross that she was wearing and it was the same one you found on the table and the one on the Tarot card.
“Help! Help me!” Sue Ann yelled, tucking the cross back in her shirt. You stepped back and knew this would happen if she caught you. She didn’t want anyone knowing her dirty secret. Two cops came rushing in and grabbed both you and Dean, forcing you out of the tent. You left but not before you saw Sue Ann smirking. The cops manhandled the two of you outside. You and Dean shook them off you and you turned, seeing Sue Ann walking behind them.
“I just don't understand. After everything we've done for you and after Roy healed you. I'm just very, very disappointed, Dean and Y/N.” Sue Ann said, faking innocence. You glared at her but didn’t say a word. You didn’t want to be in more trouble than you already were.
“You can let them go. I'm not going to press charges. The Lord will deal with them as He sees fit.” Sue Ann said, leaving the group.
“We catch you around here again, we'll put the fear of God in you, understand?” One of the cops said. You almost laughed at that but Dean said something before you could.
“Yes, sir, fear of God. Got it.” Dean nodded. The cops looked at you before turning around and walking away.
“Why would you do that, Dean? And it could have been my only chance.” Layla said from behind you and Dean.
“He’s not a healer.” Dean said, turning around to face her. You did the same but kept quiet.
“He healed you.” She did have a point but he wasn’t a healer.
“I know it doesn't seem fair, and I wish I could explain. But Roy is not the answer, I'm sorry.” Dean sighed.
“Good bye, Dean, Y/N.” She sighed and walked away. You looked at Dean to see him with a lot of emotion on his face, especially in his eyes. He tried to bury them but you knew him better.
“I wish you luck.” She said, turning to face you guys again.
“Same to you,” Dean’s voice cracked. “You deserve it a lot more than me.” Dean said to himself but you heard him.
“Dean, don’t think this way.” You sighed and looked up at him.
“It’s true, though.”
“No it isn’t. You are so good and I wish you weren’t in this life because I want everything normal for you. I want you to grow up and have a family with a really nice girl. I want the biggest thing for you to worry about is what age you’d retire. If I could take it all away, I would.” You said softly.
“Thanks, Y/N.” He knew there was no use in arguing with you. You saw Sam waiting and you walked past Roy and Sue Ann. She didn’t look at you but you knew her better than Roy did. You overheard what he was going to say.
“Private session tonight, no interruptions. I give you my word, I'll heal your daughter.” Roy smiled. You sighed and got next to Sam, looking at Dean.
“What do we do now?” You wondered.
“We go back to the motel and wait until tonight.” Dean said, getting in his car. It was still daylight out so all you could do was wait. Dean took you and Sam back to the motel and once again, like before, you were doing more research.
“So, Roy really believes.” Sam said, sitting on the bed.
“I don't think he has any idea what his wife's doing.” You commented, getting a glass of water.
“Well, I found this,” Sam took out the black book you found earlier.
“You took that?” You asked. He nodded and shrugged but you didn’t question it. It was probably best if you had it than Sue Ann.
“It was hidden in their library. It's ancient and was written by a priest who went dark side. There's a binding spell in here for trapping a reaper.” Sam said, handing the book to Dean.
“Must be a hell of a spell.” Dean said, looking through it.
“Yeah, you gotta build a black alter with seriously dark stuff. Bones and human blood.” Sam said.
“She’s desperate. Her husband was dying; she didn't have anything to save him. She was using the binding spell to keep the reaper away from Roy.” You said to the boys.
“Cheating death, literally.” Sam said.
“Yeah but Roy's alive, so why is she still using the spell?” You wondered.
“To force the reaper to kill people she thinks are immoral.” Dean said, putting the pieces together.
“We gotta break that binding spell, Dean.” Sam said, worried.
“You know, Sue Ann had a Coptic cross like this. When she dropped it, the reaper backed off.” Dean said, looking at the cross.
“So, you think we gotta find the cross or destroy the alter?” Sam wondered.
“Maybe both. Whatever we do we better do it soon, or he's healing Layla tonight.” Dean said. You waited until sundown and that is when you and the men decided to go back over to the tent. Dean was smart and drove up to the place without his headlights on. You saw another car already there and you frowned, recognizing it as Layla’s.
“That's Layla's car. She's already here.” You said, getting out of the car.
“Yeah,” Dean said sadly. He got out with his brother and sighed to himself. “You know if Roy would have picked Layla instead of me she'd be here right now. If she's not healed tonight she's going to die in a couple of months.
“What's happening to her is horrible. But what are you going to do? Let somebody else die to save her? You said it yourself Dean, you can't play God.” Sam said, trying to comfort his brother. Dean didn’t say anything else but lead the way to the tent, peeking inside. You looked with the boys and saw Roy, Layla and her mother. But no Sue Ann. Where was she?
“Where is Sue Ann?” You wondered, looking at Sam who was looking at the house.
“Her house.”
“Go find Sue Ann, I'll catch up.” Dean said, pushing Sam towards the house. Before Sam had a chance to say anything, you spotted the two cops from earlier.
“Hey!” You called out catching their attention. Sam took this moment to leave you and Dean to distract the cops.
“You going to put that fear of God in us?” Dean asked, causing the cops to get angry. They started running after you and Dean took you somewhere, leading the cops away from the tent and the house. You and Dean managed to get to a camp where there were big RVs everywhere. You and Dean hid behind one, the cops on the other side of it.
“You see them?” One of the cops said.
“No, do you?” The other one said, shining their flashlights everywhere. You slowly looked through the passenger’s window to look at the cops. Suddenly, a dog was barking at you and you jumped back, cursing slightly at him. Dean caught you easily and pointed to the ladder that led to the top of the van. You rushed to it and quickly climbed it, Dean following you.
“Psycho mutt.” One of the cops muttered. You watched them walk on without another care. They seemed as if they didn’t care about you or Dean. You peeked your head out and sagged against the roof when you knew you and Dean were safe.
“What now?” You asked, looking over at him.
“We go back to see what happens.” Dean said. You nodded and got off the roof of the RV and quietly made your way back to the tent. You gasped when the streetlights started going out, one by one.
“Dean, what’s happening?” You looked behind you and gasped when you saw a really old man with sunken eyes walking towards you. “Dean, I see him, he’s coming!” You grabbed Dean’s arm in fear. You didn’t want to die but if it was you or Dean, you would pick you.
“Y/N, let’s go.” Dean said but it was too late. The reaper caught up with you and touched the side of your face. You gasped and convulsed, letting go of Dean’s arm.
“No! Y/N!” Dean tried pulling you away but it was like a force was keeping you there in the same spot. Your eyes glazed over as you stared at the reaper in front of you.
“I will not let you die because of me.” Dean growled out and tried to get you to move. Nothing was working and you dropped to your knees, trying to catch your breath. You were going to die and you didn’t know how to feel about that.
You were on the brink of death when the reaper let go of your face. You gasped and fell to the ground, Dean catching you so you wouldn’t hurt yourself. You cried out in pain as your head started hurting and for a moment, you forgot all about Dean.  
“Y/N!” You felt Dean pull you into his arms and the only things you could think about was Dean’s arms around you and the reaper who walked away from you, disappearing from sight.
“He just left. I think Sam did something to stop the connection.” You breathed out, shakily standing up. This hunting thing was getting out of control. You and Dean made your way back to the car where Sam approached.
“Alright, come on. We should get going before things get even more messy.” You and the boys got in the car and Dean took off to the motel very quickly. You wasted no time, getting in and starting to pack. You noticed Dean sitting on the bed, staring at nothing.
“What is it?” You asked him, Sam stopping to listen.
“Nothing.” Dean sighed.
“What is it?” You asked in a more gentle tone.
“We did the right thing here, didn't we?” Dean asked, looking at you.
“Of course we did.” You said, sitting next to him.
“It doesn't feel like it.” Dean said, hanging his head. Just then, a knock was heard at the Motel room. Sam went to go get it and when he opened the door, Layla was standing there.
“Hey, Layla, come on in.” Sam said, letting her come in. Dean stood up and looked at her. You saw the fondness he had for this girl and you were envy. You were jealous of her.
“How did you know we were here?” Dean asked.
“Sam called. He said you... wanted to say goodbye?” You looked at Sam who looked at Dean sheepishly.
“Y/N and I will grab a soda.” Sam grabbed your hand and made you leave with him. You closed the door even though you didn’t want Dean and Layla alone.
“Sam, what the hell was that?” You followed him to the vending machine.
“Y/N, if you wanted to be with my brother, you would have already. Don’t make him wait because you’re too scare to do anything about it.” Sam said, getting a soda. You stared at him, shocked that he would say that to you.
“Sam, you know damn well I want to tell him. You also know that I can’t because I would just be setting myself up for heartbreak. When Dean was in the hospital, we had a moment. I thought I was finally going to get the courage to kiss him. Then when he checked himself out, we had another. But you see, that’s all it ever will be; a moment. When he met Layla, he was checking her out. I can’t be the girl he will use just until he finds someone better. I won’t let it happen to myself.” You turned back around, seeing Layla leave the room.
You wanted so badly to tell Dean but you knew, you would be his best friend that he gets to flirt with from time to time because he knows you and it will be okay. 
You just wished that you never fell in love with him in the first place.
Masterlist // Series Rewrite Masterlist // Buy me a Coffee?
Series Rewrite tags:
@helllonearth @amyisabellal @deanwnchstr @caseykitten6 @roxalya19 @quixoticcat @supernaturalblogging
Forever tags:
@maddieburcham1 @ginamsmith @mogaruke @whit85-blog @inlovewithbja @spn67-sister @kdfrqqg @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes
Dean tags:
@akshi8278 @mega-mrs-dean-winchester @winchesterandpie
Other tags:
@jensen-jarpad @notnaturalanahi @deathtonormalcy56 @27bmm
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kadabralin · 7 years
OCtober day 1
I can’t draw worth a shit so instead I’m going to talk about my OCs and force myself to update their stupid profiles and do something creative. And also I’m three days behind WHOOPS. So here is the first one on the list followed by the next two.
This motherfucker is Dai, aka the only villain I have ever actually written and I’m still not 100% comfortable with this. He’s essentially a rework of the villain of an RP I did when I was ~12? Back then his name was Cosmos and he was the most Generic Asshole Villain and he was after a girl named Skylar Angel Smith (or something like that, it was super Mary Sue and I regret nothing. Skylar was later morphed into a guy named Caleb.)
This canon takes a lot of lore and mythology from Christianity, Judaism, and Islam and I think Asmodeus appears in all three of these in various forms and under a slightly different name? IDR, I have a chronic inability to write shit down and then I forget important details. ANYWAY.
So the story goes that Asmodeus aka Dai was the spawn of something-something and either an angel of death or maybe Lilith depending on the origin. He’s been fucked up since day 1 but hey. Then Lucy is like “FUCK YOU, DAD” and Dai tags along in the Great Tantrum of Angelkind and he becomes one of the 7 princes of hell, the prince of lust or some shit. Or maybe this happens later, idk. I don’t have my notes on me fml.
A young, strapping brooding demon kid eventually is forced to partner up with King Solomon. Apparently Beelzebub set this up? Dai doesn’t exactly have a choice in the matter, he’s an angsty snarky teenager at this point and Beelzebub was probably sick of his shit. King Solomon is one of the Kings of Israel, a prophet, and he supposedly built the first temple of Jerusalem. Except this guy is wealthy as fuck, and also has a special fancy ring that gives him power over demons (and djinn), and he enslaves them to build the temple. Dai is the literal manager from hell. Solomon tells everyone what to do and Dai makes sure they do it.
But Dai Defies Authority, and this partnership doesn’t last. According to lore, this exchange literally happens:
Solomon: Hey Dai are you really as all powerful as they say you demons are Dai: idk Sol maybe if you take off your Magical Demon Immunity Ring and give it to me I can show you Solomon: Fantastic idea literally nothing could go wrong Dai: LOL PSYCH
And Dai uses his Almighty Demon Powers to legit blast Solomon a million fucking miles away and then Dai throws the ring into the fucking ocean and it gets eaten by a fish. Yeah. Seriously. Shit’s wild.
But lbr here Dai probably seduced the pants off Solomon and swiped the ring, but the other story just sounds cooler I guess.
So anyway Dai becomes the ruler of Israel or something for like 30 years? Imagine, shitty asshole teenage demon in charge. Meanwhile Solomon goes on a Great Hero’s Journey, eventually gets his ring back (by miraculously eating the same fish that ate it 30 years ago?) returns to Israel and tells Dai to get the fuck lost. So Dai is banished and returns to hell and spends the next several hundred years doing demon shit.
Then along comes this human girl named Sara. For whatever reason, Dai has the Mega Hots for Sara. She’s like the Bella Swan of the bible. He’s fucking OBSESSED with her and won’t leave her alone, and even resorts to murder. Like, she’s engaged, and he’s mad jealous so he murders her fiance. But Sara keeps rejecting his advances and she gets engaged again and then Dai murders THAT guy too. He starts to murder any dude that gets too close and she eventually gets labeled an outcast and no one wants to go near her. Thanks a lot, Dai. Sara’a about ready to give the fuck up.
Meanwhile, this guy named Tobias is travelling around with his archangel bff Raphael. Raphael is like the angel of healing or whatever, they’re going around exorcising people and healing the sick, and they hear about this poor girl named Sara a few towns over. They go there, and have an epic showdown with Dai. Like, “the fuck dude, she told you no, get over it already you fucking creep”. Then they set the gallbladder of a fish on fire and Dai is so terrified that he leaves. (Not really). 
Basically, at the end, Raphael “binds Dai and banishes him to Egypt”. Which is to say, Dai gets entombed in a tiny ass cell and gets buried under the sands of Egypt for a long time. Like, a long long time. This shit happens before Jesus Fucking Christ is born, and Dai is stuck inside a tomb under ground all alone in the dark until the 1800s, when the British have their Egyptology fetish and dig his tomb up. (Meanwhile, Tobias and Sara get married and live happily ever after). 
When Dai finally gets his ass free, he’s pissed. Mega pissed. And also completely batshit crazy. And he wants revenge. The problem is a lot changes in almost two thousand years, but his goal is to wipe out the entire lineage of Tobias and Sara, murder that assangel Raphael, and cause an apocalypse maybe. Because that’s the biggest Fuck You he can think of and he wants nothing more than Earth to be wiped off the face of existence. After you’re entombed in the earth for 2,000 years you’d probably want to destroy every trace of it too.
So Dai travels the globe, charming the pants off of everyone, fucking a handsome demon or two, and leaving a trail of dead bodies where ever he goes. Raphael doesn’t seem to be responding to this, so he ups the anti and starts murdering the people blessed by Raphael, too. Aka people born with godly healing powers.
That’s where Caleb comes in.
Some 200 years later Dai is in the good ol’ US of A and hears there’s a healer running around, finds him in Minneapolis, and tries to kill him. Unfortunately for him, Caleb is a lucky mother fucker, and Raphael has armed him to the teeth with protection. Kind of. He has a reaper boyfriend and also has reaper body guards and they show up and whisk him away.
So in the midst of ruining lives forever he has to chase this scrawny ass down.
Dai is Not Pleased lemme tell you.
0 notes
Faith- Part 3
Pairing: Eventual Dean x Reader
Word Count: 2,085
Warnings: Typical Supernatural violence, angst, language, minor character death, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Please, if you want to be tagged for this series, let me know and I’ll add you! If you want to be tagged for my other fics, I’ll add you! I want to hear what you guys think about this. If you want something requested, send it in!
Feedback is always appreciated
Tags at the bottom
Part One, Part Two
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“So, you really feel okay?” Sam asked, sitting in a hospital room with you and Dean. You had been silent the entire time and was sitting next to Dean, holding his hand, tracing patterns on the back of it.
“I feel fine, Sam.” Dean grumbled out. The doctor entered the room and you looked up at him, hoping to hear good news.
“Well, according to all your tests there's nothing wrong with your heart. No sign there ever was. Not that a man your age should be having heart trouble, but, still it's strange it does happen.” The doctor said. You sighed, relieved that Dean was okay. How did Roy do it? People can’t heal other people.
“What do you mean, strange?” Dean asked.
“Well, just yesterday, a young man like you who was 27 and athletic had a heart attack. Out of nowhere.” You looked at Dean to see the gears in his head turning.
“Thanks, Doc.” Dean nodded.
“No problem.” The doctor left, leaving the three of you alone again.
“That’s odd.” You said.
“Maybe it's a coincidence. People's hearts give out all the time.” Sam suggested.
“Since when is it a coincidence? It is never a coincidence.” You said to Sam. You were starting to think there was something weird going on here.
“Look, Dean, do we really have to look this one in the mouth? Why can't we just be thankful that the guy saved your life and move on?” Sam asked.
“Because I can't shake this feeling, that's why.” Dean said, looking down, taking his hand back.
“What feeling?” You asked.
“When I was healed, I just... I felt wrong. I felt cold and for a second... I saw someone. This, uh, this old man and I'm telling you, Sam, it was a spirit.”
“But if there was something there, Dean, I think Y/N and I would've seen it, too. I mean, I've been seeing an awful lot of things lately.” Sam said.
“I saw you looking at something behind me and when I looked, nothing was there.” You said to Dean.
“Well, excuse me, psychic wonder. But you're just going to need a little faith on this one. Sam, I've been hunting long enough to trust a feeling like this.” You sighed, knowing what Dean was feeling was accurate.
“Okay, so what do you want to do?” You asked.
“I want Sam to go check out the heart attack guy,” Dean said to his brother. “Y/N and I are going to visit the reverend.” You nodded and got up, walking out of the hospital with the Winchesters. Dean dropped off Sam at the place where the heart attack man went often. Dean drove you and him to the reverend’s house.
Sue Ann was the one who let you in. She seemed happy that you were here. The house was small but it was peaceful. You sat on the couch with Dean, waiting politely. Roy came in a few seconds and sat down across from you.
“Is there a problem, son?”
“I feel great. Just trying to, you know, make sense of what happened.” Dean wondered.
“A miracle is what happened. Well, miracles come so often around Roy.” Sue Ann smiled, standing by Roy.
“When did they start? The miracles.” You asked Roy.
“Woke up one morning, stone blind. Doctors figured out I had cancer and told me I had maybe a month. So, uh, we prayed for a miracle. I was weak, but I told Sue Ann, 'You just keep right on praying.' I went into a coma. Doctors said I wouldn't wake up, but I did and the cancer was gone.” Roy shared. He took off his sunglasses and his eyes were stone white.
“If it wasn't for these eyes, no one would believe I'd ever had it.” Roy added.
“And suddenly you could heal people.” Dean said.
“I discovered it afterward, yes. God's blessed me in many ways.” Roy smiled.
“And his flock just swelled overnight. This is just the beginning.” Sue Ann smiled.
“Can I ask you one last question?” When Roy nodded, Dean continued. “Why? Why me? Out of all the sick people, why save me?”
“Well, like I said before, the Lord guides me. I looked into your heart, and you just stood out from all the rest.” You looked at Dean to see him surprised.
“What did you see in my heart?” Dean wondered.
“A young man with an important purpose. A job to do and it isn't finished.” Roy smiled. You held Dean’s hand and smiled softly.
“You have a very good heart.” You whispered. You didn’t care if Roy or Sue Ann heard but you wanted Dean to know that you meant every word. He smiled softly at you and nodded.
“Thank you for your time.” He smiled and got up, shaking hands with Roy and Sue Ann. You walked out of the house with Dean, seeing Layla and her mother walking up the steps.
“Dean, hey, how are you feeling?” You stepped back a bit away from Dean since he apparently liked her so much.
“I feel good. Cured, I guess. What are you doing here?” Dean wondered.
“You know, my mom, she wanted to talk to the reverend.” She smiled when she saw Sue Ann on the porch.
“Layla, it’s so good to see you. But, I'm sorry, Roy is resting. He won't be seeing anyone else right now.” Sue Ann said.
“Sue Ann, please. This is our sixth time; he's got to see us.” Layla’s mother pleaded.
“Roy is well aware of Layla's situation. And he very much wants to help just as soon as the Lord allows. Have faith, Mrs. Rourke.” Sue Ann smiled and left back into her house. Layla’s mother glared and turned to Dean and you who moved out of the way.
“Why are you still even here? You got what you wanted.” She growled.
“Mom, stop.” Layla sighed.
“No, Layla, this is too much. We've been to every single service. If Roy would stop choosing these strangers over you. Strangers who don't even believe. I just can't pray any harder.” Her mother sighed.
“Layla, what’s wrong?” dean asked.
“I have this thing…” Layla hesitated.
“It's a brain tumor. It's inoperable. In six months, the doctors say....” Layla put a hand on her mother’s shoulder to stop her from talking. “Anyways, why do you deserve to live more than my daughter?”
“Hey, you don’t get to talk to him like that.” You glared, stepping closer to Layla’s mother. You were very protective of Dean and Sam. Dean caught your arm and held you back from doing anything stupid. Layla and her mother walked away, sighing.
“We should go back to the motel.” Dean said, pulling you towards Baby. You sighed and got in the car, looking out the window. You didn’t believe God was at work here. You didn’t believe in Him at all. You knew something else was working. Dean pulled away from the house and made his way back to the motel room. You hoped Sam got some answers.
You got out and stalked towards the door, opening it and walking in. Sam was back already, looking at his laptop. Dean shut the door and tossed his keys on the bed.
“What did you find out?” Dean asked, ready to talk about Sam rather than himself first.
“I'm sorry,” Sam whispered sadly. You frowned and walked to Sam, sitting in front of him. “Marshall Hall died at 4:17.”
“The exact time I was healed.” Dean said, stunned.
“Yeah. So, I put together a list of everyone Roy's healed, six people over the past year, and I cross-checked them with the local obits. Every time someone was healed, someone else died. And each time, the victim died of the same symptom LeGrange was healing at the time.” Sam explained. You knew God wasn’t at work here.
“Someone's healed of cancer, someone else dies of cancer?” Dean read off Sam’s computer.
“Somehow. LeGrange... he's trading a life for another.” Sam sighed.
“Wait, wait, wait. So, Marshall Hall died to save Dean?” You asked, looking at Dean.
“Dean, the guy probably would've died anyway and someone else would've been healed.” Sam said in a sympathetic voice.
“You never should've brought me here.” Dean said, angry at Sam.
“Dean, he was just trying to save your life.” You said, looking at Dean.
“But, some guy is dead now because of me.” Dean said. Dean always felt like his life wasn’t more worthy than another person. He didn’t think he was worthy at all.
“I didn't know.” Sam said, sadly.
“The thing I don't understand is how is Roy doing it? How's he trading a life for a life?” You asked.
“Oh, he's not doing it,” Dean said. “Something else is doing it for him.”
“What do you mean?” You wondered.
“The old man I saw on stage. I didn't wanna believe it, but deep down I knew. There's only one thing that can give and take life like that. We're dealing with a reaper.” Dean explained. You gasped softly and wondered how to deal with something that you can only see when you’re close to death.
“You really think it's the Grim Reaper? Like, angel of death and collect your soul, the whole deal?” You sat at the bed with papers all around you that you got off a printer and some books. You tried to find anything on reapers since you’ve never dealt with one.
“No, no, no, not the reaper, a reaper. There's reaper law in pretty much every culture on earth, it goes by 100 different names, it's possible that there's more than one of them.” Dean said, looking at a book.
“But you said you saw a dude in a suit.” Sam said, on his laptop.
“What, you think he should have been working the whole black robe thing? You said it yourself that the clock stopped, right? Reapers stop time and you can only see them when they're coming at you which is why I could see it and you couldn't.” Dean stated.
“I’m looking at everything here and there's nothing else it could be, Sam. The question is how is Roy controlling the damn thing?” You said, rubbing your face.
“The cross.” Sam said suddenly.
“Are you talking about the cross in the tent?” You wondered if Sam saw the same thing you saw.
“There was this cross, I noticed it in the church and I knew I had seen it before.” Sam nodded and shuffled through the papers on the desk. He held up a card and handed it to Dean.
“A Tarot?” Dean asked.
“It makes sense. A tarot dates back to the early Christian era right, when some priests were still using magic? And a few of them veered into the dark stuff? Necromancy and how to push death away, how to cause it?” You said from the bed. You knew a thing or two about tarot cards.
“So Roy's using black magic to bind the reaper?” Dean wondered.
“If he is, he's riding the whirlwind. It's like putting a dog leash on a great white.” Sam said.
“Ok then we stop Roy.” Dean got up and leaned against the sink.
“How?” You wondered. Just because you knew a bit about them doesn’t mean you knew how to kill one.
“You know how.” Dean said, looking at you.
“Wait, what the hell are you talking about Dean? We can't kill Roy.” You scoffed, getting up.
“Y/N, the guys playing God, he's deciding who lives and who dies. That's a monster in my book.” Dean shrugged. You thought it was immoral as well but that didn’t mean Roy needed to die.
“No. We're not going to kill a human being Dean. We do that, we're no better than he is.” Sam said, looking at his older brother.
“Okay, we can’t kill Roy, we can't kill death. Any bright ideas college boy?”
“Okay, uh... If Roy's using some kind of black spell on the reaper, we gotta... figure out what it is and how to break it.” Sam suggested. It was something but not a whole lot.
“I think we should go back to the service. See if we can stop the next healing.” You said, grabbing your jacket and heading outside. You heard the door slam and the boys walk past you to get in the car. In no time at all, you were back at the service.
Part Four
Masterlist // Series Rewrite Masterlist // Buy me a Coffee?
Series Rewrite tags:
@helllonearth @amyisabellal @deanwnchstr@caseykitten6 @roxalya19 @quixoticcat @supernaturalblogging
Forever tags:
@maddieburcham1 @ginamsmith @mogaruke @whit85-blog@inlovewithbja @spn67-sister @kdfrqqg@jarpadandjensenaremyheroes
Dean tags:
@akshi8278 @mega-mrs-dean-winchester @winchesterandpie
Other tags:
@jensen-jarpad @notnaturalanahi @deathtonormalcy56 @27bmm
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