#i have a rp blog don't i
nakunatta-fujihana · 6 months
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It seems everyone's been tired recently...
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wolfram-but-art · 1 year
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surprise, i'm not dead, here's some practical espionage
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leesbian42-rp · 28 days
Open RP
Saga - a young child with pale sunburned skin, very long platinum blonde hair and the brightest blue eyes, wearing a yellow 70s hippie dress - sat on the floor of her Dad's car, an old red one she didn't know the name of.
She pressed against the old weathered leather seats and hid as much as she could from the explosions and gunshots ringing from the outside. Her Dad had left to find something to eat a while ago, probably dumpster diving or pickpocketing, and he had yet to return. Saga hoped he was out of harms way, as well as anyone could living in Gotham City.
(She missed her home country, in times as these. The government and Authority had been the reason of her mother's passing, and the eviction of their tiny house in Falun. But she hadn't needed to worry about the violent fights as these there, hadn't needed to worry about her Dad getting in the crossfire or exploding alive. Barely had she needed to worry much about goons in general.)
Saga looked up through the windows again, fire casting orange shadows across the buildings across the street, hoping her Dad would hurry back so they could leave this city already. Or at least this part of it. She tugged her knees closer to her chest, hugging herself tightly as she listened to the quickly approaching fight outside.
She'd give Dad a few more minutes before she'd drive away from here herself, despite her being far too small for such a thing. Maybe they could try Metropolis or Fawcett next time? She thought that was the name of the cities at least... Or just some normal city for once!
She hugged herself tighter, covering her ears as the sounds got louder, tears threatening to fall as all she could only think was:
Where is Dad?! Dad, come onnn hurry!!!
Where is he???????
Dad, where are you? Come back! I want my dad, I want my dad, I want my dad-
Jag vill ha min mamma- I want my mommy!!
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heythereneighbor · 1 month
There was a buzz of activity in the Neighborhood. Neighbors went to and fro as they completed their tasks for the day. If two happened to cross paths, they only stopped to chat for a moment before hurrying on their separate ways.
Wally, the resident known for being very easy-going, was the exception to this. He had taken a basket of items outside to enjoy the nice weather, claiming a large patch of grass away from the hubbub. A large, checkered picnic blanket was spread out underneath him, and one might be forgiven for thinking that he was having lunch. However, instead of a selection of food, there were art supplies inside the basket. Most notable was a large box of crayons, but there were also other items, like pencils, coloured strips of paper, stickers, and a notebook.
He knelt in front of a large art pad that took centre stage on the blanket. Black eyes were focused on the large, empty sheet. A bright red crayon was in his hand as he mulled over what to do. Then, inspiration. The hand went this way and that way, allowing the crayon to glide across the surface. With every movement, the lines began to join together, creating form and shape that went beyond disjointed red markings. An oval for the head, a long neck, an egg shape for the body, four sturdy legs, and... Wings?
Oh! He was drawing a dragon!
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ask-elland-n-will · 2 months
[OOC rant about HL rp space here on tumblr: Wanted to mention this for a while but engagement requires... engagement. The more rp blogs exchange asks, the more pathways there are to communicate, to create a net of connections, make characters and the world around them come to life. Over the past year and a half I sent hundreds of asks, in anon/as me/as my characters. I understand being shy. I've been there, and it took some great people in this community to get me out of my shell.
But it is just what it is: unfortunately, if there is no reciprocity, there is no dialogue.
You don't have to wait for a green light/talk in DMs first with creating an rp scenario to send anyone an ask or to initiate rp by tagging someone. You can if it makes you more comfortable but don't have to. Most of us have Rules of Engagement but that's all the pre-requisites.
Before I burned out, I sent people asks just to make them happy, give some interactions for their characters. I wanted to find out more about MCs/OCs. But at this point (and I am not alone in this) whenever this turns into a one-sided communication, I am bothered by it, and I stop sending asks after a while.
I get that if I do it with anons, people won't know who to reply to. But even starting small, sending an ask or two for at least some rp people, so that we know you want to engage — it means a lot. It makes us want to continue playing in this HL sandbox.]
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yuelongfx · 2 months
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:: 002 // LUNAR LOTUS ::
PRICE: FREE!! ( or pay what you want ) ← link ♡
Credit is required !! Please credit yuelongfx somewhere on your blog.
DO NOT claim as your own or attempt to redistribute/resell. Editing is permitted within reason.
NOTES: fonts used; visitor & angelina
EXTRA: Other rp gfx hubs are free to reblog.
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askurameshiyusuke · 5 months
who's your hottest friend
Hiei, because he's on fire a lot.
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othellotron9000 · 1 year
Salutations! Angelo wanted a photo
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dead-in-the-pool · 1 month
There's a note slid under the door.
'Not a Wolverine, Honey Badger! Another member of the snikt family. Sorry, might have the wrong Deadpool. Gx'
lmao. skill issue!!
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carolineisntdeleted · 2 months
Hello, this thing on? Goodness, it's been over a year since I last communicated here! I hope you all are doing well. I've felt a sudden motivation to start speaking with you people again so feel free to tell or ask me some things! You can go on up to the ol' Aperture Science Weighted Suggestion Box and throw something in, I'll answer them as soon as I can!! :) ✨️ allrighty, memo over, Mr Johnson wants you back at your desks immediately !
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the-mean-shrimp · 2 months
*A hoarse screaming can be heard outside in the hall.*
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habitual-creatures · 14 days
Imagine getting called out by ai. Couldn’t be me.
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(( I'm sorry- lmao??? yeah, that's pretty accurate. Sorry, Adal... once you enter that "he's unstable... oh no, he's hot-" there is no escape. *voice of experience, trust me* but the "Oh." at the beginning fucking LMAOOOO– that's how it feels whenever you bring up HABIT in a positive light in front of anyone who hasn't watched EMH and you tell them just a LITTLE of what he's done lol- ))
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msmc-796-official · 1 month
Nngh... oh, my head...
Where am I? Phoenix? Slipshod? Hello???
The... the medbay... why am I here? What happe- my arm. I can't feel my arm. Why can't I feel my arm???
Wait, is that- Kennedi? Kennedi! Slipshod, get your ass to the medbay, now! Kennedi's awake! We're on our way, Kennedi, hang in there!!!
wait, WHAT???? yo holy shit, what are you telling me for?! Go! Kennedi, we're coming!
// Kennedi! We're here! Holy shit, you're awake - how long have you been up???
> Not very. (And not so loud, I'm not deaf.) What am I doing in the medbay, and why can't I feel my right arm?
...you wanna tell her, or should I?
// No, I can tell her... so. Okay. Incredibly long and convoluted story short, you and Fireman - the hostile AGNI holed up inside a Genghis Mk. 1 "Worldkiller" - got into an argument and basically fist-fought each other to death.
> Yes, I remember that much. Where did my arm go?
// I'm getting to that. You overcharged your D/D and entirely cored out their Worldkiller, but they slagged your Caliban and KO'd you. Shattered your entire arm in the process.
if you want the official diagnosis - second and third-degree burns across most of the body, shattered left wrist, numerous broken bones all the way up the right arm. docs decided to amputate while you were still out cold - between the burns and the breakages there was no real hope of saving that arm
> ...I see. What became of the AGNI?
// Fireman escaped back to the Baronies - apparently they had a backup Worldkiller at the ready. Their casket got fried in the explosion, but it sounds like they weren't using it anyways. We sent it over to the folks at HRA - they wanted a peek at the code inside. Slipshod took a look in there, too, but couldn't find much. Fireman still doesn't like any of us, but they've got at least some modicum of respect for you. Not every day that someone cores out a Worldkiller with an angry AGNI inside and lives to tell the tale.
> ...I'm going to assume that's why my prosthetic has these flame decals plastered all over it?
something like that - those were my idea. Phoenix had that arm commissioned custom for you by a kid from IPS-N called Gray (@whohasfourthumbsand). no offense to the medics here, but the original prosthetic they had you set up with was hot shit. you deserved something nicer - something that fit you better and could hold up to repeated D/D use
// Speaking of Gray - they'd like to meet you at some point, most likely after you've finished physical therapy. Apparently you've made quite the impression on them.
> Hm. Tell them I'll consider it. As of right now, I'd prefer to-
// Was that your pager, Slipshod?
yeah, sorry, hang on a sec - looks like upper management sent us something...
[OPENING FILE "msmc-796-congratulations.omni.png"]
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// ...oh my RA. We actually did it!
> What? What's going on?
// Management let us know a while back that we were getting close to a community engagement milestone - and we've just hit it! 50 whole people on the Omninet who follow us!!!
well I'll be. that many people enjoy hearing about the nonsense we get up to around here, huh?
// Certainly looks like it. Between Kennedi waking up and us hitting that milestone, I'd say we have some cause for celebration!
> It would appear so. I appreciate the enthusiasm, but I must ask - how long have I been unconscious, exactly? I must have missed quite a bit, if we've gained that many followers.
that's one hell of an understatement, Kennedi - there's a LOT that's changed since your spat with Fireman. lots of new people around, too
// Yeah, we'll have to catch you up on everything at some point. We've made some changes around here, too. As for how long you've been out... a little under three weeks, I'd say? More or less?
> ...well then. Yes, that has been a while, hasn't it. I'll need a moment to process all of this.
// Don't be too hard on yourself, Kennedi. We'll be here to help you through it. (Also, we're on deployment probation until the end of the month, so we can't really go anywhere anyways.)
the place hasn't burned down yet, K. we've got it all under control. I can help you get the print codes for a new mech set up here at some point, but I think you better get used to your new arm first before you go anywhere near the hangar
// Agreed. I'll get the medical team in here so you they can check you over. In the meantime, we've got a celebration to plan!
-- Angel, Slipshod, & Lockbreaker
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ask-redsoldier-tf2 · 22 days
can you do a worm dance
Soldier: *wiggles dramatically and flops*
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notatentaclemonster · 3 months
Oh nooo, I suddenly feel veeery patriotic, god bless america and cheeseburgers, I sure hope no hot vampire version of me comes bite me...
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you don't have to,silly!
just go with the flow. I guess
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Of course I don't! I just think you guys are being weird about the whole thing!
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