#i have a whole backstory for it as wellll
thatoneweirdo14 · 9 months
sabigiyuu modern solo artists au but its all akitoya songs.
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thehare1234 · 1 month
TV Roundup
In the last couple weeks a lot of shows ending, some good some not as good (or just not my favourites)…but right now so much diverse and interesting TV is on my screen so I can’t complain! Also Interview with the vampire coming to Netflix (yay!!!)
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Spoilers below:
QL Shows
🪨Century of Love (9-10)(end): wellll I’m glad we got a happy ending, the last three or so episodes of this definitely brought the drama lol…I loved fake Vad riding in on her motorcycle last minute, and I liked that we never found out who Vad actually was. All in allll, a satisfying enough ending, even if the end sort of dragged in my opinion compared to the rest. (8/10)
🦋My Marvellous Dream Is You (Ep 11-12)(end): alright alright I finally finished this show…and I have many thoughts. Overall I actually think this show was doing some interesting things and had interesting things to say about not only the fear and stress of being in love with your best friend and not being able to make the first move, but the added layer of being a woman in love with another woman when the rest of the world is loudly and silently telling you to marry a man to be happy. Kim’s moms dream for her was to have a wedding, and it seemed ideal because it was a decent (at first) wealthy man. So yeah there’s also a lot of ideas about comphet in here. Like I said, this show had a lot of interesting ideas and it didn’t shy away from the angst. If you don’t like angst and miscommunication it’s not for you…but the final confession scene to me was more satisfying because we had the build up. In my opinion, the last episode was sort of pointless? Like 3 mins was just a straight music video and Marwin becoming a cartoon villain…also they seriously underused the side couples which could have been a nice balance to the mess of the main couple… (7/10)
🏡Knock, Knock Boys (Ep 12)(end): wow, all the threads more or less tied together. Keeping the show silly and fun till the end. Jane has a girlfriend?!! I loved watching this show every week and honestly would rewatch it. Also the change in Peak this episode was so beautiful like he really just became a whole new person (9.25/10)
☀️I Hear The Sunspot (Ep 7-8): my fucking heart, I’m crying…hoping to settle this miscommunication and maya subplot next episode tbh because damn this is too much for me to handle my poor Taichi 😭okkkk episode 8 got them back to communicating, I loved Koheis relief when Taichi agreed to be his note taker and I like how their relationship is developing
✂️Ayaka is in love with Hiroko (Ep 7-8): mama plsss stop spilling the beans!!! I like that we got Hirokos backstory and I feel like her feelings are so valid! And like I get Ayaka is younger but I don’t get how she had no clue why Hiroko wouldn’t want to be out 😭 and her decision was to confess her love in front of the whole office??? WHY??? I don’t understand what is happening take me back to the good old days. Friendship moment is cute between Risa and Ayaka tho…ok this show continues to bring up being queer in the workplace and maybe some of the different thinking/dynamics with generations way of thinking but it just feels like it’s not fully hitting for me like something about the tone these last 2 eps feels very different from the rest of the show
🫛This Love Doesn’t Have Long Beans (Ep 6-7): ahh yesss a love triangle (or multiple love triangles?). This show is honestly kinda hilarious like I truly don’t know who they’re gonna deal with the Kluer problem, the lying reveal, the competition and the ex girlfriend in 2 episodes? Again this show to me is no thoughts head empty romcom and if I don’t think too hard I have fun. This does not apply to JJ and Methas tho…them I am genuinely obsessed with like listen I just love the dynamic of like JJ being the one thing he can’t buy with money and their pseudo date I just am a fan….and wow still a lot to get through in just one episode but I’m ready…the way he let Kao Suay down was a little wild like “I forced myself to like you…basically?” but honestly it maybe was needed…I’m still fully invested in JJ/Methas and I’m readdddy for Methas to show that he’s choosing him not his money
🕓4 Minutes (Ep 2-4): wellppp this show visually great and I just know I’m missing so many clues/details each episode but like I’m fully invested in the mystery/ timeline theories. I’m definitely with the Tonkla storyline being the real timeline and Greats storyline being the alternative timeline and them starting to merge
🐢Monster next door (Ep 1-4): ahhhhhh I love this show it’s just giving me romcom feels and just two people who really like each other like yea ok I’m in! I’m looking forward to learning more about Gods character and seeing what conflicts come between them and how they are able to work through them. For now they’re just really cute :) but damn GIVE THE TURTLE A BIGGER TANK
📺I became the main role of a BL drama (Ep 1-2): so far this show is lots of fun..:like the way it’s revealed he’s a Stan and the things that come from that is genuinely funny and I love how they’re still telling the story well with the limited runtime…overall I’m having fun
🥭The Loyal Pin (Ep 1-3): so far this show is deliveringgg on the visuals and the chemistry of course is great…I like we got to spend time with them as younger so we can see where they come from. Also princess Anin coming back and knowing exactly what she wants and being so forward is such a nice change like I really like the dynamic and damn she kinda has rizz…I’m glad to have these sort of lighter episodes before the angst I know is coming
🍜Cooking Crush (Ep 10-12)(end): welp I’m so glad I gave this another chance because I really found the story got better as time went on and more and more I loved these characters, the romance but also the friendship! And I liked all the different family dynamics at play that were explored. I just feel like I loved how all the couples in this show were there for each other and were able to be a support system for the other. And that they communicated how they felt. But yeah for me a slower start which ended in just such a happy feeling :) I also loveeee the intro song/dancing in every episode hehe (9.25/10)
👔The Trainee (Ep 7-8): welll damn it has truly gone down. First, Jane and Ryan omfg the tension…I liked seeing Jane start to make mistakes or have his professionalism break because of his feelings. For Judy/Tae/Bahmee I liked the convo Tae and Bahmee had at the end of the episode I thought it was actually a pretty good conversation and mature decision to break up and just realizing they were not right. To me Judy is still moving wild like how you gonna kiss your intern and not even seem to have any regrets??? I think probably her thoughts about it will be in future episodes because so far this show has shown how interpersonal conflicts are affecting the work and how there are consequences to these things…I’ll be interested to see how it plays out
🌊Love Sea (Ep 10)(end): listen the end of this show had some greats moments, I like their talks on the beach I liked how we got Mahasamut a little bit of a backbone (but a not so great tattoo imo, but do you). The Vi/Mook stuff was genuinely so frustrating to me like after a lacklustre romance with some interesting things to explore they choose to just, abandon it??? Anyways not a huge fan but it’s ok. Overall this show I just felt like it had some good some bad but I don’t feel strongly at all lol (7.5/10)
🤫The Secret Of Us (Ep 7-8)(end): another GL has come to an end and you know, the wedding was really cute, the whole last episode was cute. Then just being together and joking with each other was nice. The mom evil villain arc to accepting them because? Earn cried? I don’t really get but that’s ok…I wouldn’t say this show is amazing but it made me feel things and the actors were doing a great job even when the story (to me) wasn’t really making sense (7/10)
Other Shows
✍️I May Destroy You (Ep 9-12)(end): the last few episodes have just solidified this as an amazing show. It made me feel so much watching it and made me reflect so much on my own life and I loved how it portrayed each character as a whole human being who makes mistakes and the idea of Arabella at the end choosing to let go. The last episode really was just so well done…there’s so much to say and I loved reading other people’s interpretations and thoughts of this show because there’s so much you can get into. One thing I saw while reading was that the Ben character was supposed to be a sort of call back to the “black best friend” character trope by being like the random white guy who is just there to offer wisdom and doesn’t get a story of his own which I thought was so smart (10/10)
👯‍♀️Hello My Twenties (Ep 10-12): alright season 1 down! And what a journey…this show has a low budget and a lot of heart and I love the bond between all these girls being at the centre…even when almost all their lives are genuinely wild…I didn’t even mind the last minute kidnapping plot it just felt right for this story. I’m ready for season 2 lol… also this show is big for people who love yearners
🏥The Hospital Playlist (Ep 3): another show I was convinced to watch by my gf lol…and I enjoy it so far like I loveee a friend group and I love a slice of life slowly learning about everyone’s lives, etc. I felt so bad for Ik-Jun like finding out your wife cheated then having to go do an organ retrieval on your old patient 😭 but yeah all I can say is I’m excited to slowly work my way through this. But now I really wanna go to karaoke lol
🩲Old Man Underpants (Ep 6): this episode was focused on Mika for the most part. And was beautifully done…i loved the build up to the dinner and all the small moments that add up to her final « outburst » and I loved the end of buying the concert tickets and realizing how important it is to recognize the people in your life for what they do. I love how this show is giving a story for all the characters and just a really beautiful story of being not always being their best but realizing their mistakes and trying to do better.
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mochiwrites · 3 years
spare crime au scar backstory?? [pleading look, vaguely like a starving kitten begging for food]
ah! [offers a bit of food] I won’t go into too much detail just yet because I have plans to write the whole thing out buuut, I can spare a few details :3
( also biiiig credit to @idioddyssey because we bounced a ton of ideas back and forth and these are mainly their ideas <3 )
as for scar’s backstory, wellll~ let’s just say that scar has always had… connections to life of crime. and he’s had mumbo in his life since the beginning of his criminal days.
but… there’s a good reason why he’s established his own family, why he’s such a scary guy. maybe it’s connected to how he recognized the need for vengeance in grian’s eyes, and why he was so quick to extend a hand to him.
or… why he was so determined to become mayor.
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intearsaboutrobots · 3 years
may I request kepler for the character meme
favorite thing about them
i want you all to know im choosing to interpret this as "thing that most draws you to them" not "thing that is good abt them". anyway it's the control issues and the identity issues!! also i like a villain w a drawl just in general
least favorite thing about them
the mean things he does!! he hurts ppl!! i know this sounds like it counters the favourite things but it does not. again i cant find the post but that tweet w the phrase "the problems are bad but the causes.... the causes are very good" thats me!!
favorite line
"You think you know me? That you’ve met me? No. You’ve met the Artist Formerly Known as Warren Kepler. You’ve met my job. Aside from that, there’s no one left for you to know. I’m gone. I’ve been goddamn canceled. Show’s over, and there will be no encores. All that’s left is this. Sitting here, waiting for a phone call."
like!! hello!!! THIS IS WHAT IVE BEEN SAYING GUYS!!!! i only actually Heard this xmas 2019 bc im a baby who doesnt listen to finales but spiritually??? emotionally????? this line's been here the whole time
him and maxwell, i like their weird relationship where theyre not as fucked up and entangled as him and jacobi but she Also cares very much abt jacobi, so theyre close together by necessity not by choice and therefore know each other well.
eh? i like eicobler (jacoffler or whatever doesnt sound as good!! our name should hav caught on) but i'm not married to it
random headcanon
i hav a lot lol kepler is a character where i chatficced so much abt him that i have a whole universe and backstory in my head that SIMPLY doesnt exist.
the one i want more ppl to know abt is jo!! kepler's estranged older sister!! she was old enough to move out when he was still like 10 or smth and they've drifted apart and she feels bad for having left him!! her wife's name is storm brahe and she's a scientist iirc. they're great they love each other
unpopular opinion
no cute soft kepcobi!! unless its in a distant au future ig. but in canon?? baby i need both of them to be self-destructing and for the relationship to be accelerant on that fire. i need them to hurt themselves and each other by their actions. thats the GOOD shit
song i associate with them
wellll playlist linked above ofc and also, not to toot my own horn but several marina songs.
favorite picture of them
he is a podcast :cc
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bomberqueen17 · 4 years
wee precious flower prince: muffin top buttocks
so this is only a partial session but it’s taking me forever to write up, lol. so here it is.
12/26; I’m in kind of a dark place personally and we’re all tired and burnt-out, so much drink is taken and we can’t remember how the buttons work.
I had to look up the last time we played. Apparently around July 4th sometime, but the last time we were in regular rotation it was, like, May, so. It’s been a bit. (For a quick recap, this is the Wee Precious Flower Prince tag where my previous write-ups are, and if you don’t feel like finding out the hard way, the tl;dr version is that at the beginning of the quarantine lockdown when I got laid off I went to isolate with my BFF from high school, heretofore known as Math Mom or MM for short (a math teacher and a mom, that’s a complicated backstory), and one of my college roommates, to whom I introduced her, and who she’s now been with since like 2000 or 2001 thru his whole medical school experience and now numerous years as a doctor, who for simplicity’s sake I call Doctor Friend. He incidentally minored in video gaming, and as a result is real good at Xbox. He often plays it in the evenings to unwind; he has been working rather unsurprisingly hard through all of (*gestures broadly*) this. MM and I bullied him into downloading Witcher 3 early in the quarantine lockdown because we’d watched the Netflix miniseries and it would be more interesting than the shoot-em-up multiplayer he plays most of the time. (Warframe, if you’re into that shit.))
The kids have been intermittently in school but never more than two days a week and often less. But anyway, the part that’s germane to this writeup is that, perhaps not surprisingly, the children have since our last session destroyed the gaming chair in the living room, and so as I lay our fair scene, understand that our brave game controller operator, DF, is operating under the handicap of not having a chair to sit in.
So the first thing that happened is that he sat on— ok I should back up. They have a trampoline in their living room. It’s a small trampoline, about three, three and a half feet across. (My feeble American brain helpfully suggests to me that that’s about a meter if you split the difference.) It was given to them by DF’s fitness nut father. Not for the children, but because this is a great form of low-impact exercise for adults; you don’t bounce on it, you use it to run in place. I don’t know; he’s very Manhattan, which incorporates a certain amount of trendiness and folds in a healthy dose of being super neurotic about unexpected things, as far as I can tell. SO anyway. They have a trampoline in their living room, upon which their son bounces for probably six to eight hours a day. He got a Switch for Christmas, and so plays Yoshi’s Crafted World while jumping on a trampoline for hours. This child is about to turn eight and could likely run a marathon; he proudly pulled up his shirt at his dad’s request and showed off his sculpted, ripped abdominal muscles, which are sort of hilarious on a child his size. (He’s still just barely at the age where his head’s a bit too big for his body, but his body is r i p p e d so it’s adorable and hilarious. LISTEN we all have to keep ourselves going somehow in the pandemic and this is way less distracting than his sister’s method, which has been to develop a massive anxiety disorder. KIDDING. wellll sort of. Anyway that could be going worse but it could be going better, but this is all a digression.)
So there’s a trampoline in the TV room. DF booted up the xbox, sat on the trampoline, and while the screen loaded proceeded to go on a 20-minute rant about Cyberpunk 2077. He hasn’t gotten a lot of people time lately, so.
Long story short he was disappointed about CP2077. Join the club.
Finally we got Witcher loaded up. It’s raining and we’re in a… Novigrad maybe? and we don’t recognize Geralt’s outfit and because of the rain shine effect and the way the tails of his shirt hang it looks like he’s wearing 1) really tight thigh-highs that are 2) causing his buttocks to kind of squeeze out the tops in a muffin-top effect and 3) said buttocks look as though they are encased in silver metallic booty shorts. We paused to look at what the fuck he was wearing, panning all around, and determined that no it’s like, a short tunic over like, hosen-style trousers, and his braies are hanging out, and what looks like muffin-top buttocks is really the short tail of his tunic kind of blousing out under the tight belt that holds the Guy Fieri orange and black gambeson we forgot we’d put him in. Suddenly there was screaming, and we realized that apparently by standing there in the middle of the bridge in the rain looking at Geralt we were causing the guards to panic, so we had to leave suddenly.
“Now,” DF said meditatively, as Geralt walked along a rainy sidewalk, “I have to remember what all the buttons do.” He called up the map, decided on a particular quest, and figured we’d walk along the way and look at all the big question marks on the map. Somewhere in there, we’d remember what the buttons do. We passed a beggar pissing off the edge of a bridge in the dark, which was kind of more local color than we’d strictly expected to see, and next to him a woman was randomly pitching pails of water off into the darkness. Self-refilling water pails, which was even more surprising. 
Contract: Mysterious Tracks. Well, we gotta walk there, so. “Where’s Yennefer?” MM asks. “She smelled great at that funeral.” “Before I smell the ladies, I’ve got to remember how the buttons work,” says DF. “Press X to smell ladies,” Dude suggests. (He knows nothing of video games and has only sat in on these sessions a couple of times, so he has no idea what we’re talking about but is all-in on the color commentary.)
We encountered some bees and remembered that we have a terrible vendetta against bees in this game. “They need to die!” MM said. There ensued an awkward few moments as DF realized he had no idea how to access any of the Witcher powers. He had to scroll around and find the diagram, but fortunately he had enough presence of mind to retreat beyond where the bees were stinging him. He managed to Igni the hive but then it wouldn’t let him pick up the honeycomb, and in the attempt, he got caught in a little copse of three trees and rattled around until we were all dying of laughter. Finally he managed to get out, and we resumed the journey, realized we were heading the entirely wrong direction, and then were beset by wolves, which was worrying until he realized they were only level 5. Yes, this is still Death March mode, but Geralt’s level 17; it didn’t take much to kill a pack of wolves, surely.
Er, well. Okay, it kind of did. “I don’t…” DF said slowly, pushing buttons, “remember how to… heal? Uhhh I probably need to figure that out.” Then after a few moments of waving around his weirdly-glowing sword (we’d forgotten he had this bizarre sort of scythe-thing of a fantasy blade now) he said “Uhhh how do I put my thingy away?”
“In some games, you can’t,” said my-Dude, referring to the Cyberpunk 2077 glitch where the character’s dick clips through their trousers unfixably. DF finally got the sword sheathed, after a bit more fiddling, and then was set upon by deserters.
“Your ass is mine!” one of the deserters yelled, and MM was like “Oh! Well if you know how to press the buttons, you can have it!”
“I mean,” said DF, accidentally sheathing his sword and then punching several deserters with his fists instead, “tempting.”
He did manage to kill the deserters, whereupon there were immediately guards we were cautioned not to behave aggressively around lest we upset them. “Where the fuck were they for the deserters,” DF grumbled.
Geralt walked through a campfire and got set on fire and then just sort of wandered around like that for a bit, which led MM to quip that his muffin-top-ass was smoking hot.
DF was still intensely trying to remind himself of how the buttons worked, so there followed an interlude where, sword drawn, Geralt locomoted himself down the street by a combination of repeated hopping, rolling, and flailing. Nobody called the cops, and we didn’t kill any bystanders. It’s not like DF doesn’t use the Xbox all the dang time, but he hadn’t so much as looked at Witcher since (I looked it up) a solitary excursion in July, after not having touched it since May. So… bit of a re-learning curve here.
“Sweet,” DF said, “ghouls,” and went to town fighting them. Of course one dropped the predictable loot, which is the only thing Dude remembered from last time we watched this game being played— he made up a song about Monster Bone and gleefully redeployed it here.
“Oh yeah,” DF said, finishing up  the fight and destroying the monster nest. “There was a whole sequence of things I used to do. Like. Oiling myself up. I need to get back into that.” Meditatively, he paged through the options. “Potions and food and shit. Yeah.”
He’d picked up a new quest called Tough Luck but then couldn’t find it in the quest list. Shrugging, he went on with the game, and then suddenly it made the “AAHH” noise and was like “Quest completed: Tough Luck” so apparently that quest consists of just whatever you were gonna do anyway. Good to know? “That’s level thirteen,” DF muttered to himself, as a new enemy charged onto the scene. “All right, I need to actually figure out how to fight now.” And then he promptly put the game on pause and took an intermission to go mix another drink.
Quite a lot of drink had been taken all around, by all of us, at this point. We’d had a cheese plate before and during and after dinner, with many exotic cheeses (MM’s brother had sent it for the holidays), and yet DF reappeared eating a string cheese, which set my Dude to Judging him, and sparked a heated debate over the validity of string cheese as a foodstuff. “There’s a time and a place for different cheeses,” DF said defensively, “and now is the time for string cheese.” “It’s not even really cheese!” Dude protested, which sparked a lengthy search for the container so the nutrition information and ingredients could be read. I absented myself from the discussion, instead seeking out yet more evil things to put into eggnog.
Immediately after intermission, we returned to strategize how to defeat an actual enemy with actual stats. DF oiled himself moderately and just hit the thing a bunch and killed it, but. “Oh EATING,” he said suddenly, “that’s the other thing that restores health,” and ran down the road alternately drawing and sheathing each of his two swords.
We hit An Unfortunate Turn Of Events, which is yet another of the many, many, many bits in Witcher 3 where some poor hapless peasant who in keeping with the world building should probably be illiterate still sits down with pen and expensive parchment to write out some incredibly dramatic-ironic words that by rights he really should not be taking the time in an emergency to right. Every time, I recite the bit from Monty Python’s Holy Grail where they’re reading a note scrawled into the rock face and it says “Castle Aaargh” and they theorize that perhaps the teller died while carving it. Anyway this Castle Aargh note was about refugees finding a safe place to flee too, next to a bunch of refugees who had not arrived safely and were now dead beyond helping. Nothing to be done but to loot their corpses, of course. Then we killed whatever monsters had done them in, of course, and then the screen froze up for a cutscene. “Ohh,” DF said, “this is when everyone walks back all burly.” Meaning, of course, the animation that plays when you clear an area so it’s safe for its inhabitants to come back— and the inhabitants are invariably these large, capable-looking muscular dudes and you’re like why could you not do anything about this situation?? They always look sort of threatening. But sure enough, a bunch of meathead-looking dudes swaggered onto the screen, and when the cutscene ended, Geralt was surrounded by small children skipping ropes directly over the dismembered corpses of whatever thing he’d just killed, while he’s still in the process of looting. Distantly, one of the sprites coughed, and DF yelled “HE’S GOT THE ‘RONA”, proving that we do still live in the current era.
Onscreen, the scenery unfurled into a particularly dramatic sunset, and MM sighed. “I’m feeling the spice nog,” she admitted, sipping some of her extremely-boozy eggnog to which she’d added spiced jaegermeister. DF turned around and said, mock-mournfully, “You used to feel MY spice nog.” (Hm their 20th wedding anniversary is coming up.)
We went into a village to find out about a contract, and as we stood talking to a man, a random woman walked up and just RAMMED into Geralt’s back, knocking him staggering forward. The woman made one of the weirdly-sexy “oof!” sort of noises people make in these games. “YOU ran into ME,” DF said, somewhat aggrieved. Anyway we got our info and ran off into the woods. “Big,” Geralt said, of the tracks. “Really big.” I love how he monologues to himself all the goddamned time. We picked up a trail and had to follow a scent. Bear? we guessed. “Fiend?” A cave popped up on the minimap, so we started doing laps of it, more or less, trying to figure out what the fuck we were looking for. We kept being offered crow’s eye, and told to Examine poop, so we picked flowers and looked at shit.
Abruptly we found the cave entrance, by falling into it. “I bonked!” MM said, mimicking what her children still say when they fall, and immediately followed it up with her own line. “Do you need a band-aid, Geralt?” He did not, and only took slight fall damage, fortunately. Immediately we found the fiend, who was dead.
Right about now DF began to complain that the trampoline upon which he was sitting was not super ergonomic. We paused to refill our drinks, and thence continued our examination of the cave, since it seemed important to know what had killed the fiend. “Can you summon your horse inside the cave?” MM asked. DF pushed a button. Geralt made a “poof” noise and emitted a green gas. [ok i think he took a potion, is what happened, but this is what it looked like to us.] “Not that button,” DF said. “Excuse you,” MM said, affronted. “Sorry,” DF said, in old reflex.
Since we are old, when we discovered that the fiend killer was a chort, we all said more or less in unison “The King’s gone mad with power! He’s gonna eat the Chort!” (oh my god kids these days don’t know about that site. we all feel old thinking of it.)
Turns out we need to make a chort lure, but I believe I’ve mentioned before here that DF operates under a terrible handicap where he’s from downstate, so in his dialect the word “lure” is pronounced identically to the word “lore” so he’s going on and on about Chort Lore. Coincidentally we need fiend dung and crow’s eye, which were both outside. Kind of a gimme, but like, whatever man, we’ll take it. So we made what DF, possibly tired of us mocking his <strike>speech impediment</strike> accent, dubbed Chort Lube. “He needs a good swording,” DF reflected, as he set up his items. “Put the lore in your slot!” I told him. “Lube,” he corrected. “Lube in my slot.” By this point of the evening, rather a lot of drink had been taken, so at that moment he accidentally de-equipped all the garments on Geralt’s upper body, and then exited the equipment panel. Geralt stood half-naked upon the moonlit hillside, looking dramatic and perhaps a bit chilly. “Fuck,” DF said, belatedly noticing what he’d done, “where did my shirt go?”
After some struggle he got Geralt’s shirt back on but then we really struggled attempting to deploy the chort lube. “You cannot do that now,” the game said at one point. Then DF Igni’d the hillside, then he jumped a few times. “You cannot do that now,” it said again. “No…. no…. not here… what the fuck.” Igni again. It was a regular lil comedy of errors. It had little gold circles we were supposed to be in, but DF hadn’t played long enough to get un-rusty before he’d drunk enough gin to be impaired, so. Eventually, we got the hillside lubed. Then we had to lube the sword. I was quite impaired by this point as well but somehow still instantly knew that relict oil was what was necessary. (Why is this what my brain has now?) We went back into the cave, and found some Devil’s Puffball, as you do. “I feel like I should use that on my face before I go out,” MM observed. “No,” I said, “i feel like that’s more of a decollté situation?”
At some point, MM noticed that in the intervening time since DF last got Geralt a haircut, DF had grown his own facial hair out accidentally to match. Chops, mustache, soul patch— some of that is to leave the areas where a surgical mask needs a good fit on the face bare, in DF’s case, but it did mean it looks like DF got Geralt’s hair did to match him.
while we were distracted by this, we fell into the cave again, which was good because we had forgotten where it was. The chort came in, ready to fight, and DF said, nonchalantly, “At a time like this, I like to have a lil snack,” and equipped himself a ham sandwich.  “Wonder what sign is gonna be useful for this,” he went on, still unconcernedly paging through his setup. “Well, a lil quen never hurt.” After a bit, DF observed, “Hm, sword’s not doing a ton of damage.” For once, for a wonder, he was pretty good about renewing Quen as it broke. “Eeehhhhhh ah here we go!” At last, the chort went toes-up, and we looted the corpse and then fiddled around endlessly in the inventory screen, as one does. “He needs bits for his stuff,” DF said. “No,” MM corrected, “he needs stuff for his bits.”
The quest gave a healthy 320 xp, which was nice. We noted that we still don’t have superior beast oil, which was like, the only thing MM wanted out of this whole game. Upon inspection, we realized that we don’t even have Enhanced beast oil yet, which is a bummer. So we need to get bison grass and bear fat, which sounds like a hell of a party if you ask me. And like. A cockatrice stomach, which. Not a party, there.
Quest complete, we fast traveled to Ursten and hit up a few question marks enroute to the White Lady quest, up next. We passed a really lovely sunrise, and paused to admire it.
DF got up and un-velcroed his pants loudly. “Uhh,” I said, not sure where this was going. “Is there superior beast oil?” MM asked excitedly, still mentally stuck on the prior conversation. “Come find out,” DF said, and staggered off to the bathroom. (She did not.)
When he came back, I commented that I hadn’t expected his pants, which looked like, IDK, regular dude pants, to be Velcro at the waist, so he came over to show me the fastening and accidentally still had his fly down so I fell backward off the couch and there was a great deal of hilarity over the fact that he’d just Cyberpunk’d me.
Next up we paused to look at a scenic lil island full of nekkers, that was also sort of surprisingly on fire? Abruptly DF discovered the trampoline was too annoying to lie on any further, so he relocated to the couch where his wife was, and instead of sitting next to her, sat on her, after the manner of a very large dog not quite aware he is too large to be a lapdog. Unfazed, as this has been a regular occurrence over the two decades of their pair bond, MM moved her drink to her other hand to rescue it from being spilled. She said, of Geralt’s onscreen look, “I am still having trouble visually parsing your muffin top buttocks,” only through the filter of her considerable consumption of Jaegermeister, it came out “I’m having trouble with your muffin buckets,” which if any of us are sober enough to remember this will likely pass into household lore. DF realized he can’t read the text onscreen from his comfortable seat atop his wife’s entire person, and asked if she could make out the text. After some squinting, she managed, but said, “I need my opera glasses if we’re to continue this configuration.”
Meanwhile, Geralt had gone and stood in a hot cadaver fire. Shortly thereafter, he discovered a beehive. “AHH IT’S BEES,” he said, running wildly around. “Surely he can squiggle them with his fingermagic,” MM said. “Ah yes,” DF said, “my fingermagic is well known across the land.”
The quest name was “The Things Men Do For Coin” but it popped up with something obscuring part of it, so all we could read was “The Things Men Do For C” and MM briefly lost her mind about what C stood for. I’ll leave that to the imagination. (I was texting with a friend and in an adorably ace manner they were like ‘i was thinking about sailors needing vitamin C…’ ah, no, that was not the general, uh, thrust of the conversation in the room.)
Break for inventory management. Geralt tried on some baggy trousers and smacked his thighs, which in the bulky pants did a strange firm sort of jiggle. We all laughed quite a lot at that.
I should have switched to water, but at this point apparently filled my cup with vodka. Listen it is a cold dark fucking winter and I’m gona do what I’m gonna do. Endregas showed up but none of us could read the screen at all, so much squinting ensued. “The endrega queen just got you with her Thagomizer.” “Endreg queen? Performs in dreg?” “That needs more workshopping.”
Post-fight, Geralt performed an entertaining series of calisthenics while DF tried in vain to find the “summon Roach” button. Hop, skip, run, punch, hop, hop, draw sword, put sword away, throw bomb. Whoops! Nope. Nope? Nope. I finally Googled it and told him how, so he summoned Roach like nothing had happened and went on our way.
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noreasonjustbored · 5 years
Undercover With Danger
“Why do I have to take Charlotte?”
“Yeah why can’t Henry take Jasper?” I wondered.
“Because Jasper is an idiot!” Ray exclaimed.
“Really Ray?” I deadpanned.
“Okay he isn’t dumb he just isn’t smart either.”
“Huh?” Henry asked chuckling.
“Oh you know what I mean! Charlotte is the smart one, we all know this.”
“Facts.” I pipe up from next to Henry.
Ray turned to address me “Charlotte you are clever and know how to think on your feet. Henry will need you in order not to completely screw up this case.”
I sigh resigned, “True. No offense Hen.”
“Uh, full offense Char!” Henry exclaimed.
I simply shrug in response. “So when do we do this thing?”
“Tonight. Schowz is working on hacking in the system right now and putting your aliases on the list.”
“Okay so what do we do in the meantime?” I inquired towards Ray.
“You and Henry come up with your backstory and a general game plan for the evening. I’m going to go check on Schowz’s progress.”
“Can do.” Henry said as Ray starting walking away.
“Alright Char what are you thinking?”
“Well this mission is reconnaissance only. We need to find out as much information as possible without detection.”
“I think our best bet is to be a couple.”
“What? Why?” I wondered nervously.
“Because folks don’t pay much attention to people that only have eyes for each other. It’s too much work to try and vie for their attention.”
“Okay you make a good point. Since we are posing as a couple, what’s our story in case anyone asks? I was thinking that we keep it simple. We were friends first who realized that we liked each other and now we’re dating.”
“Boring. What about the romance, the drama? How about we tell people that I met you while you were on a date with another guy. Then I poached you by being my handsome and charming self.”
“Number one, that would never happen.”
“Number two, it’s easier to stick as close to the truth as possible when lying. Only change details when absolutely necessary.”
“Fine. So what’s the plan?”
“Alright, since we are just trying to get information this go round I say we follow the lead of the other guests. This is a charity gala so we’ll just blend in with the crowd while scoping the place out for any suspicious activity.”
“Ok, perfect. You don’t think we’ll have to dance do you?”
“Yeah definitely, why?”
“Wellll” Henry stated in that high pitched tone that let me know he was about to throw a wrench in our plans.
I sighed despondly, “What’s the problem?”
Clearing his throat Henry stated, “I can’t dance.”
“Didn’t you take ballroom classes a few years ago for your Aunt Sarah’s wedding?
“Yeah when I was like twelve Char, I don’t remember any of that!”
“Okay, okay calm your muffins dude.”
“All you really have to do is put your hand on my back and hold the other one while we step side to side. We don’t need to get fancy.”
“I can do that. No problem.”
“Cool. I have to go home and get dressed. This event starts in a few hours.”
“Oh yeah that’s right, I need to go pick up my suit from the cleaners. I’ll meet you back here and then we’ll leave together alright?”
“Got it. Later Hen” I said while walking towards the elevators.”
“See ya.”
Stepping inside the metal box nonchalantly I waited until the doors closed before having an internal freak out.
Oh my gosh I can’t believe we have to act like we’re in a relationship. I don’t know if I can do this. We will probably have to touch a lot in order to be convincing. I’m not sure if I can handle that. And look like we’re in love? I can barely look Henry in the eyes these days. His mere presence beside me makes me nervous. What am I going to do?
Similarly, in the Man Cave, Henry was pacing back and forth going faster and faster with each turn he made.
Ok Henry, You can do this do this. It’s just Charlotte we’re talking about here. But isn’t that the problem? The fact that it is Charlotte. It’s not that I can’t pretend to be attracted to her. I AM attracted to her. That’s my real issue. What if she figures out that I’m not really pretending? I don’t want to ruin our friendship. Ugh. Is it too late to take Jasper?
After getting dressed and doing her makeup Charlotte was looking impeccable. She wore a slinky gold dress that had a slit up to her thigh on the left side paired with sky high strappy black heels. Her hair was styled in loose waves and she had shimmering gold eyeshadow and highlight to complement her outfit. She made her way down via the tubes because she figured the elevator had a good chance at ruining her hairstyle. She had taken almost a whole hour straightening her hair and curling it to perfection. She couldn’t have all her efforts be futile.
At the same time she came down Henry was walking from the back while adjusting his tie. When he looked up, the tube lifted to reveal Charlotte in all her glory. Henry paused what he was doing completely. He stopped walking and his hand stayed wrapped around the fabric at his neck but he ceased all action. He just Froze.
Charlotte looked at him questionably while walking in his direction.
“Um are you good?” she asked while moving his hand away and fixing his tie herself.
Taking a large gulp of air Henry nodded.
“Ok are you ready to go?”
Henry just nodded again while staring at her in awe. Charlotte continues to look at him skeptically and then Ray came out of the sprocket door.
“Hey guys, wow you clean up nicely. You should blend in perfectly. Do you have a strategy set?”
Henry just nodded in response while still glancing at Charlotte every few seconds.
“Then off you go. You don’t want to be late. Here are your tickets.” Ray said while handing them to Charlotte who had a clutch that she placed them in.
“Don’t forget that these guys are dangerous, try not to engage with them if possible. Just observe.”
“We got it Ray” Charlotte responded.
“You look breathtaking” Henry blurted out accidentally while staring at Charlotte.
“Why thanks Kid, you don’t look too bad yourself.” Ray jokes.
Henry looks around awkwardly as he rubs his hand over the back of his neck.
Moving past that weird moment swiftly, “Good luck guys.” Ray says encouragingly.
After making it through security without incident we walk on the outskirts of the party. Observing the area, I saw that there are lots of rich people here dressed in expensive gowns and tuxedos. The upper echelon of Swellview are definitely all in attendance.
“What should we do first” I ask Char while guiding her though the crowd with my hand on the small of her back.
“Let’s mingle a little and then hit the dance floor so that we can talk with less chance of being overheard.”
“Good idea. Stay here. I’ll go get us some drinks” I stated and walked towards the refreshments.
Charlotte nodded in understanding while discreetly glancing around.
After grabbing us both a glass of punch I turn around to see Charlotte is exactly where I left her. I smile softly but then the expression drops from my face. It’s quickly replaced with a frown when I realized that she is laughing at something a handsome brunette is saying to her. Well more like whispering to her because the party is pretty loud.
I hasten my pace and step over to Char.
“Here’s your drink babe.” I say while wrapping my now free hand around her waist and pulling her closer to my side.
“Who’s this?” I question.
“Hey Harry, this is Jordan. He’s a reporter here covering the event for the local paper.”
“Oh nice to meet you man” I say while giving him a menacing glare and squeezing his hand a touch too hard during our handshake.
“You too” Jordan states while flexing his hand.
I smirk in trimph.
“Anyway, it was great taking to you Charlene. You guys enjoy yourself.” He says and promptly makes his exit, still shaking out his hand.
Char hits me lightly with her clutch. “What was that Harry?” she asks through clenched teeth.
“Nothing. You guys seemed a little cozy and I didn’t want to blow our cover. You do remember that you’re supposed to be MY date right?”
“Of course I do but Jordan actually gave me some helpful information.”
“Let dance and you can tell me all about it” I say while taking her punch and placing both our glasses on a table nearest us.
Taking her hand in mine gently I lead her to the dance floor. Tingles radiate through my whole arm from the simple contact.
As I place my hand on her hip, Char places one hand on my shoulder while our hands stay connected.
As we sway back and forth I Iean down to her and inquire, “So what did Jordan tell you?”
Charlotte started to explain something but I couldn’t really hear her over the music. It seemed as if it had gotten louder over the last couple of minutes.
“What?” I asked while leaning down again trying to hear her.
Charlotte drops my hand and joins hers with the other one around my shoulder in order to lean up and whisper in my ear while we continue to dance.
“He was telling me about the history of this fundraiser basically. He said that these fundraisers hosted by the Santini family are used to raise money for schools in Haiti. But isn’t it funny how we don’t see any proof that the schools are actually being built? Based on the numbers that are reported as raised, they should have built AT LEAST three schools over the past five years.”
“How do you know they haven’t built them?” I questioned her theory.
“I don’t. But isn’t it weird that they don’t show any pictures of the completed schools on their program flyers? Or that they don’t have any videos showing the facilities? Or even pictures showing Haitian children outside any of these buildings in their school uniforms?”
“It is kind of strange that all that’s shown are building blueprints and not an actual finished product. So where is all that money going? You have a point there.” I acquiesced.
“Of course I do. I’m rarely wrong. Anyway, how are we gonna prove this is even happening? Or better yet, NOT happening.”
“Well we are gonna need evidence. Maybe Captain Man and I can sneak-“ I stopped talking as I saw the head of the Santini crime family leave a back hallway that I hadn’t noticed when first scoping the place.
“Sneak where?” Charlotte asked while breaking my concentration.
“Hm?” I wondered while looking down at her.
“Oh. It doesn’t matter. Look over by that hallway” I say while dancing us 180 degrees so that she is facing the direction I just was.
“That’s Damien Santini, I haven’t seen him all night. Did he just arrive?” Char wondered.
“No he just left that back passage” I say as Damien walks towards the front of the room, occasionally stopping to mingle and schmooze.
“I have an idea.” I tell Charlotte. “Just follow my lead.”
“Uh okay” she says while looking at me curiously.
We dance for a few more minutes, all the while making our way closer to that hallway.
Once we are right next to the entrance of the hallway I scan the room for any stray eyes in our direction.
Fortunately everyone’s attention is on the stage where Damien is walking up the stairs about to make his keynote address. While everyone is distracted I step into the corridor, pulling Char along with me. Walking down for awhile we turn a corner and keep going until we see a door.
Figuring that it could be Damien’s office Char pulls a lock picking kit from her purse.
“Who are you?” I ask her in an excited tone as she kneels down to deal with the door.
I continue to keep a look out when I hear a click and glance down.
Charlotte is standing back up with a self satisfied smirk on her pretty face. “You don’t know everything about me Hen.” She replies smartly while yanking me into the room after her.
I stay near the door but close it until there is only a crack that I can see out of.
“Char I’ll keep an eye out, you’re the one who knows what we are looking for.”
“Got it.” She mumbles while looking through the desks drawers.
After searching for a second I hear Charlotte exclaim, “Ah ha!”
“Did you find something?” I ask her.
“Yeah, exactly what we need to take the Santinis down” she replied while snapping pictures of various documents on her phone.
“Well hurry up, I’m not trying to have my kneecaps broken if we get caught down here.”
“You’re so dramatic Hen. But there shouldn’t be any need for that because I am...done.” She says while snapping the last photograph.
“Okay then, just clean up and we’ll get back to the party” I reply.
I peek out of the gap in the door and see that the coast is still clear.
“Come on, come on while luck is still on our side.” I address her urgently.
“Get your panties out of a bunch, I’m coming” Charlotte quipped.
I check the hallway once more before we both step out the office. Char softly closes the door behind us and then we start back towards the gala.
Letting out a surprised gasp Char quickly spins around and heads back towards the office.
“What are you doing?” I whisper-scream.
“I forgot to lock the door” she whispers back while reopening it and turning the lock from the inside.
I nod in understanding while walking towards the end of the hallway and taking a glance around the corner. There are two security guards making their way in our direction.
I jog back to Charlotte who is now walking towards me again after reclosing the door.
“I just need you to trust me right now and don’t ask any questions” I whisper furiously before I smash my lips against hers and back her up against the wall.
Her small sound of protest was muffled against my mouth and I feel her freeze for about three seconds. Then she must register the approaching voices because she starts to respond in earnest.
She pulls me closer by my shirt collar before wrapping her arms around my neck and running her fingers through my hair.
I groan low in my throat in response to her lightly scratching my scalp. She then starts tugging on the strands of hair at the nape of my neck.
I step closer and continue to passionately kiss her when Charlotte lifts her left leg and wraps it around my hip, pulling me impossibly closer.
I groan again and nip her lower lip before licking the seam of her mouth. Before she can grant me entrance we both hear a booming voice yell, “Hey what are you two doing?!” causing us to break apart in surprise.
Somehow we had gotten so lost in each other that we forgot the whole reason we were kissing in the first place.
“Uh sorry man we were just uhhh...” I stammered confusedly, my mind still in a haze from that kiss.
The other security guard glances at the office door a few feet away and then looks back at Char and I suspiciously.
“We were just trying to get away from the crowd and have a moment to ourselves. We’re sorry.” Charlotte address the first guard.
The second guard briskly walks towards the office door and turns the knob. When the door doesn’t open, a look of relief crosses his face.
“Well this is a restricted area. You can’t be back here, no matter how sexually frustrated you are”, Guard Number One sneers at us.
I step in front of Char protectively in response to his tone, hoping that I wasn’t going to have to fight these guys.
“Cut them some slack Nico” Guard Two says while walking back to us and clapping his hand on the shoulder of Goon One.
“Weren’t you young and in love once?” Guard Two inquires.
“Okay then.” he addresses his friend.
Turning to us he says, “You guys are free to go. Just don’t wander into places you don’t belong again.”
“You got it chief” I say while grabbing Charlotte’s hand and lacing our fingers together. I start pulling her around the corner when I hear the two security guys start bickering behind us.
“Tony! You really just gonna let them go scot-free like that?”
“What was I supposed to do Nico? Chain them to a radiator in the basement?”
“No but we probably could have asked more questions.”
“Yeah yeah yeah. They were harmless. Harmless and horny.”
They both started laughing at that and the sound fades into the background as we reenter the party.
No one noticed our return because they were still engrossed in Damien’s speech which seemed as if it was just wrapping up.
Leaning down to her because even in heels she was still short, I whispered to Char, “That was close wasn’t it?” my lips brushing her ear with every word.
I feel through our connected hands a small shiver run through Charlotte before she turns to me.
“Yeah. Too close.”
I was about to respond when the room erupted into applause as Mr. Santini exited the stage.
The crowd started to slowly disperse and we followed a few people who were trickling out of the building.
Once outside I handed the valet our confirmation.
As we waited for the car I tugged Char to me and then gently cupped her face with my hand. Bending down, I stop a few inches from her face and wait for her to make the next move. She stretches up and pecks my lip softly. She applies gentle pressure and I respond eagerly. Thinking about the fact that Char is now kissing me because she wants to and not because we were about to be busted, causes me to smile against her lips.
Disconnecting our mouths I look into her eyes and grin goofily. “I’d say that this was a successful mission. In more ways than one” I tease.
She rolls her eyes.
“Oh I know you aren’t talking Mr. You Look Breathtaking” Char mocks in a deep tone.
A red flush creeps up my cheeks.
“Wasn’t sure you caught that.” I reply flustered.
“And I don’t sound like that” I mumble under my breath.”
“It’s okay Hen, I find it cute when you drool all over me.”
“Good, because it’s going to be happening often. Very often.”
“I know” she states matter-of-factly.
The car pulls up and the valet tries to hand me the keys but Charlotte snatched them before I could even lift my hand.
“Thank you” she tells the worker as she struts over to the driver side and confidently enters the car.
Handing over a tip to the valet, I recount the events of the night to myself. I pull open the passenger side door and get in.
I’m definitely glad that Jasper wasn’t my date.
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bam-monsterhospital · 5 years
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I’ll start with who booster gold is. 
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kait’s like “don’t go into too much detail just explain the basics”
BOOSTER GOLD, IS A SUPERHERO FROM DC COMICS. He’s this dude from future!gotham who -after a tragic backstory of being abused- goes back in time to become a superhero (to get monies for his mom’s sickness or whatever depending on who’s writing him). Kait interjects “HE IS BABY”. The thing is, Booster gold is a character that revolves around themes.
He’s seen as (in comic’s present, y’know batman time) a showboat, a glory-hound, an idiot, what have you.  And like, he super fosters this image, don’t get me wrong...
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that’s what people in-universe think of him.  That’s what people assume him to be, why the other supercharacters eye-roll into infinity whenever his name comes up. But the thing is, this image is a mask, and it serves a purpose.
Now, remember i said Booster’s from the future.  We’re talking WAYYYYY future, like, Legion of Superheroes ~1000yrs forward from present day future. And he went back in time all casual-like. Booster Gold is a time-traveller.  In DC comics time-travel is a big deal.  Booster gold, by him existing in the past, is surrounded by timey whimey bullshit energy, and as such is one of the few people who knows when bullshit time-space-reality shenanigans are going on and as such is one of the few people who can fix them. (like, this is a multiverse where speedsters go so fact as to rip reality a new one and barry fuckin allen ahem speedsters like to fuck with the timestream a lot, so retcons and erasings of entire characters are FREQUENT).
So, he’s a pretty useful guy, to say the least. Now, back to themes, and this image he cultivates accidentally or on purpose (depending on the writer).  Seems stupid to pretend to be something you’re not right? WELLLL.  Michael (booster’s real name) uh... has a reoccurring habit of not getting credit for doing actual good work. Add on to the whole time-safety monitoring and the fact that NO ONE CAN KNOW ABOUT TIME BULLSHIT, he’s almost always saving the multiverse from stuff and NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW ABOUT IT.
He’s a character who gets treated like shit for doing his job, his job that actively saved people constantly.  And EVEN THE SHIT HE CAN tell people about, no one believes him because he’s still seen as a showboat.
That’s not even getting into the meat of things.  Booster Gold’s life is tragedy= his best friend -Blue Beetle/Ted Kord- dies as a plot device in DC comics over and over again.  He has gone weeks, months, years, into the timestream trying to prevent great losses like Ted Kord’s death,  Like Barbara Gordon’s attack at the hands of the Joker, 
he spends so much time trying to save people he KNOWS he can’t, but his compassion and determination keep driving him on where a lesser person would have been driven over the deep end.  
Tom King takes that and does this:
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And y’see, if it wasn’t Tom King, then I’d say “oh that’s just the machines at sanctuary fucking up and not really seeing the full set of booster’s ailments”, or if i didn’t know this was all about superheroes going to a supposed place of therapy where they can feel safe opening up, i’d say “oh maybe he was just dicking around and whatever idiot who recorded this only saw that and isn’t a legit psycho-analyst”.  But no. Nope. it’s meant to be taken seriously.
Booster gold is driven by his love for people.  People not even his own millenium.  People who don’t even give him the time of day, let alone respect.  That is the farthest thing you can get from sociopathy imaginable. 
tl/dr: tom king doesn’t know squat (kait uh... phrased it differently) about shit. 
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cutekittenlady · 2 years
what do you have of the skyrim character so far?
So first and foremost I wanna play an Argonian. Argonians are probably one of my fave races and besides that, for the most part, their abilities and skill increases are pretty good for my intended build. See, I choose to all but ignore most of the Warrior skills, and all damage dealing magic.
My idea is that this character's strength lies in her ability to support others. She wants the adventuring lifestyle, but doesn't have the stomach to slice a bandit open with a sword, or smash a wolves skull in with a hammer. SO she tends to seek out more combat ready allies to go on "real" adventures with and supporting them with Restoration, alteration, and sometimes illusion magic as well as doing damage from a distance with a bow. When failing to find allies, she takes steps to avoid conflict (typically by sneaking but sometimes with her speech) and making a living crafting potions, weapons, and armor.
She could never seem to get comfortable wearing armor and so tends to wear robes and regular clothing that she tries to imbue with magic to help on her travels, and is interested in the magical properties of staves. Despite having mostly good intentions, she has a tendency to fall into dishonest ways and as such is decent at lock picking and pickpocketing.
Born under the sign of The Lady, my Argonian has a tendency towards being kind and tolerant and while this has earned her friends in the past, it has also made her susceptible to manipulation, betrayal, and sometimes just losing out on opportunities that could have increased her own power and influence.
Not that she is all sweetness and love. She despises the thalmor and WILL attack any patrol she comes across on the road. She also has an overall distaste for the undead. A vampire or werewolf COULD win her over if they sufficiently prove to have good intentions and don't target or harm innocents, but it's not an easy thing.
Her attitude towards Daedric worship is generally benign. At least if you're worshiping one of the "right" Daedra like Azura. Though which daedra she considers "good" or "bad" is largely up to her own tastes as she encounters them and their worshipers. She predominantly worships the nine-divines, and while she doesn't worship talos in particular, she has sympathy for the plight of his worshipers and will help/defend them if she can.
Despite her sympathetic attitude towards Talos worship, she sympathizes more with the Imperial side of the civil war, though not enough to actually join the legion. She sympathizes with the stormcloaks defense of Talos worship, but despises Ulfric for his seeming anti-argonian and anti-dark elf stance and views many of the stormcloaks talk as pure romanticism with no practical thought. On the other hand, while she prefers the Imperials more cosmopolitan approach, she finds the bureaucracy of the Empire depressing and while she thinks they're more practical than the stormcloaks she's disgusted how the lives of innocents can be completely upheaved in the name of the empire's own political advancement.
On the whole, she prefers the life of a freelance adventurer, even if it does mean less comfort and safety.
I have significantly less on her backstory. I know her backstory should support most of what is mentioned above, but I'm not quite certain how. (I know I'll have to powerlevel some skills to fit with her background when I first start out but eh) She knows how to play instruments, and has some aspirations as a bard, but shes far from successful and her musical skills are mostly used as a way to get her and her companions and free stay at an inn for a night rather than anything else. Considering her cosmopolitan sympathy for the Empire she may hail from southern Cyrodil, but I'm not certain.
Another slight character aspect I'm tempted to add is that she may or may not have a drug problem. If she also has a problem with resorting to drugs and skooma after being betrayed by Ingo (or otherwise being afflicted with amnesia) then she may be more likely to sympathize with Ingo thus explaining why she might ultimately forgive him. (Might also see if I can do the sanguine quest before picking Ingo up as that could add some fun characterization). On the other hand, her experience with Ingo before the start of the game could have resulted in her being a staunch anti-skooma advocate with her experiences with the various addicts in Skyrim prompting her sympathy for Ingo.
I'm not sure which one yet, it'll likely depend on how I build the character and which "alternate start" I choose to go with using the "live another life" mod.
But yeah, I think thats what I have so far character wise. Any suggestions skill, spell, clothing, etc wise is certainly welcome as well as any other character suggestions.
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aishchu · 6 years
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I made Daisy a new profile :D So Check it out and you are free to send her questions~ 
Daisy Reyes Name: Daisy Reyes Nickname/s: Dais Age: 10 ( In South Park, I'm not the best at drawing children) Date of Birth: April 10th Species: Human Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual Relationship status: Single
Pervious dating: Clyde Donavon Current location/from: South park (From: ----)  Voice: I don't really have a reference but something sorta high pitched; maybe like Tara strong? like a mix of bubbles and harley quinn? Personality: Sassy, sarcastic, stubborn, Sweet, bubbly, giddy, upbeat Likes: Comic Books, Sweets, video games, Warm weather (which never happens in south park), water parks, Dogs and her friends and family <3
Dislikes:  Sour candy, not being allowed to play with the boys, no man’s sky, not being able to come up with a clever response, Loosing in games and Cartman Extra Facts
-Daisy’s real parents were murdered in a drug related incident.
-She was adopted by 2 Mexican lawyers. (Second richest family in south park)
-Daisy likes to go out with people; if the other person thinks it’s a date, She doesn’t care.
-Daisy and Butters send memes to each other.
-She spends the most extra time with Kenny.
-She likes her girlfriends ( Bebe, Wendy, Red, Old Heidi, etc,etc)
+ Kenny McCormick: Daisy has had a crush on Kenny since they were very young. The two like to joke around with everyone together. Kenny jokes about showing her his wiener. Kenny has feelings for Daisy as well but avoids pursuing a relationship (Commitment issues and fear of ruining the friendship)
+Karen McCormick: Kenny’s little sister, The two became friends after Karen asking Daisy to have a tea party with her. Daisy started to love Karen and took her out, had tea parties and etc.
+ Stan/Kyle: Daisy ends up hanging around the two quite abit because of her feelings for Kenny. She likes them both as friends but she could live with a lot less complaining about Wendy and lectures.
- Cartman: fuck you, Cartman.
+Butters: Butters is Daisy’s best friend, Daisy gets really angry when the main 4 do weird or mean things to him but is never really around to stop them.
+Clyde: Clyde is Daisy’s ex and somewhat friend. He asked her out after his mom died and Daisy didn’t really have the heart to turn Clyde down after his mom died. The relationship didn’t last to long and Kenny wasn’t happy about it and refused to talk to Clyde.
+Wendy/Bebe: Daisy’s girlfriends, Daisy jokes around with them a lot but the two seem to love her anyway. The three girls go out to eat and go shopping (Wellll- Daisy is mostly DRAGGED. Bebe doesn’t mess around) together.
Stick of Truth: Cartman refused to let her play even though she just wanted to play with Kenny. Since it was a two sided war, Daisy goes to Kyle's side and asks if she could play but as a result of the Cartman thing; she hides herself and says she's a guy named; Dais the mysteries mage from a far land. Daisy doesn't talk unless she is talking privately with Kyle or sneaks away with Princess Kenny. Fracture but whole: Another case of "NO GIRLS ALLOWED" Where Daisy gets rejected to play but once she see the two split into the freedom pals and coon and friends, she takes up the opportunity to join the freedom pals. Kenny of course let her play and even made her an important part of his backstory as mysterion. She became DeadGirl, A superhero parody of Gwenpool/deadpool, She uses sword and guns along with breaking the 4th wall. 
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littlemissgeek8 · 7 years
For the ask thing, Tiffany, Jenny, Deborah, AJ, Kenny, Adam, and Lachappa
Welp, this took ages. Sorry about that ^^;;;;. Some of the asks I answered elsewhere so here’s Tiffany, Deborah, and AJ
The rest are going under a cut b/c it’s looooooong.
First impression:I found her kind of boring, honestly. ^^;; Her stats weren’t ones that reallygrabbed me, she wasn’t skilled in repair or speed, and hiding just reallywasn’t my thing.
Impression now: Evenif she’s not my fave, I really do like Jenny, and not just for the chances I’vehad to write her outside of the game. She’s got probably one of my favoriteoutfits (the fairy princess one :3), she’s surprisingly good as a mediccharacter, and tossing a decent Marathon perk on her compensates for her lowstamina. She may not be very fast or smart, but when played well she can be areal pain in the butt for Jason. XD
Favorite moment:For Jenny, it’s probably another moment from when I was primarily doingquickplay games with random people. I spawned in on Packanack Lodge down at thebottom of the map, all alone with a boat escape. While the rest of the team ranaround fighting over the car and the cops, I managed to hunt down the parts forthe boat and repair it completely (and I think it may have been perfectrepairs) and got out on my own while Jason was distracted chasing people at thepolice exit. That was basically the moment I realized I could repair as Jennyand do a good job with it, provided Jason gave me enough time to work. XD
Idea for a story:I’m toying with the idea of a side story for Legacy, involving what exactly washappening with Jenny during the majority of the story… but again, I don’t wantto go into a lot of details because A: spoilers and B: I don’t know if I’ll getto it at any point. XD
Unpopular opinion:Um… her voice is obnoxious? Not really an unpopular opinion I think, but it’sthe best I got. Love ‘ya, Jen, but you need to stop shrieking.
Favorite relationship:Jenny and Chad, obviously. I’m really not entirely sure how I ended up shippingit, but gosh it’s just so cute somehow. Platonically, I see her being reallygood friends with pretty much all the counselors, since Jenny’s just that kind of person who’s basicallyeverybody’s mom friend.
Favorite headcanon:Jenny the Mom Friend, basically. XD She’s the one who’s always ready withsnacks or hot drinks or a shoulder to cry on, or even just ready to storm outthere and give a stern talking to whomever started picking on her friends.
First impression:Honesty I thought he was boring. ^^;;;; Largely due to the whole “five in allstats” thing. Since he wasn’t really good at anything, I couldn’t really pinhim down and so just wrote him off as boring.
Impression now:Gosh Kenny’s a cutie. XD His average stats make him easy to tweak into whateverbuild you want to try, and he can actually be a really good addition to theteam! (At least before Jason got his heelies and became super-speedy-jason-6000and ruined the ability to play as anything other than a high-speed characterbecause only Chad, Tiffany and Vanessa can run fast enough to not dieimmediately.) He just feels like an all-around great guy and I’ve reallyenjoyed playing him.
Favorite moment:Hm, again I’m having a hard time pinning down a specific time. I think therewas one round where we had a massive battle at the phone box on the main Lodgeat Higgins Haven, and if I remember right I spent most of my time as Kenny body-blockingthe box or stunning Jason when he tried to break it, but it’s been a while.
Idea for a story:Wellll….. not to give anything away, but I do have a short story I’m working on….>.> featuring Kenny pretty heavily….
Unpopular opinion:I honestly don’t see him as gay? I really don’t mean to offend anyone with this and I don’t have an issue with anyone headcanoning it,I promise. I just… don’t. He reminds me wayyyy too much of a character from my previousfandom who had the fandom treat him the exactsame way because he wore plaid and did engineering stuff as well as being atalented pianist and artist so y’know, let’sstereotype the character that canonically flirts with more women than any ofhis brothers. It’s a super sore spot for me because the whole situation waskinda rough for one of my friends who had a really strong muse for thecharacter, and the fact that it’s happening to ANOTHER character the exact same waykind of frustrates me. Like, headcanon what y’all want but for me at least, I just don’t see it.
Favorite relationship:I’ve got a bit of a soft spot for him and Tiffany at this point. I don’t knowif I’d call their relationship exactly healthy,much like with Chad and Jenny, but at the same time I’m a bit of a sucker forthe “ladykiller in love” trope (or whatever you’d call it if the girl’s the onewho’s a lot more flirtatious than the guy. XD) I also really love the idea ofKenny, Adam and AJ being a really tight-knit group of friends, and Kennyprobably gets along really well with Jenny too.
Favorite headcanon:He’s a bit uptight. Super charming and everything when he’s in “Head CounselorMode” and being friendly with parents and/or kids, but actually running thecamp can make him come across as somewhat neurotic. But on the other side, he’ssuper sweet and kind of a dorky romantic guy who probably serenades Tiffany withhis guitar when he has the chance. X3
First impression:The whole “edgy,” “biker-y” thing wasn’t really the type of character I’m drawnto, but I didn’t hate him. Like a lot of the characters, I was kind of “meh” onhim in general. Also the lack of stealth really wasn’t my thing for a long time.
Impression now: Ilike him a lot, even if I don’t get to play him much. And honestly,mechanically, he’s not really my best character to play as, especially since he’ssuper noisy and now can’t even run away from Jason at a full sprint. Butcharacter-wise? He’s pretty fun to work with. X3
Favorite moment:Again, really not sure I have one; I barely play him since the random selectiondoesn’t give him to me often, and I rarely pick him since there’s othercharacters I’m better at playing.
Idea for a story:Wellllll, he’s in the short story I’ve been picking at lately… though I don’treally have any stories in mind for Adam specifically. Again, he’s one of thosecharacters I like using as a best friend/side character.
Unpopular opinion:I dunno, I don’t see him as being quite the “tough, rough, bad-boy” some peopledo? Like, yeah he’s got the hair and the leather and stuff, but I feel like he’sa lot more “tough on the outside (especially to bullies) and sweet on theinside” than anything else.
Also I actually like him and AJ being a couple, which seemsto be a somewhat unpopular opinion.
Favorite relationship:Well, AJ mostly, since it’s canon. XD And cute. I do like him and Kennybeing really good friends, and probably the voices of reason in the camp, Adamespecially. (Kenny can be a bit intense as I write him, while Adam’s a lotmellower.)
Favorite headcanon: Iguess since he doesn’t have any confirmed backstory, I kind of really like Adambeing Italian (specifically Sicilian) since his last name is. Also that Adam’sthe cool, laid-back counselor that all the kids think is the Absolute Coolest.
Y’all had to do it tome, didn’t you?
First impression:I didn’t like him. Out of the entire cast, Eric’s the only one who hasn’tspoken to me at all. Like, at all. He’skind of the epitome of the kind of character I end up feeling very “thank youbut no” about.
Impression now:Nothing has changed. I don’t like him really at all. I don’t like playing ashim because even with a slightly higher strength, he’s still a much worse formof Deborah who can’t run worth anything. And he literally doesn’t speak to mecreatively at all.
Favorite moment:I don’t know, maybe the one time I was in a group and managed to stay away fromJason for like, 5 minutes? The Jason admitted to toying with us, but it was oneof the few times I felt like I wasn’t a huge useless burden as Eric.
Idea for a story:Literally none, he doesn’t speak to me at all.
Unpopular opinion: Idon’t get the meme-ness of him, or understand why people like him at all. Ijust frustrated with people acting like he’s some kind of awesome characterwhen he’s just… really, really not.
Favorite relationship:I don’t have one. I don’t even have friendshipones for him. I think he might have a crush on Deborah but yeah, that ain’tgoing anywhere in my stories.
Favorite headcanon:Uh, that he’s in charge of the radio? Look, I got nothing. I gave him the jobof introducing the radio to Deborah in my story to give him something to do, I literallydon’t have any feeling other than complete apathy at best when it comes to Eric.
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