#i have another piece btw ill post it tomorrow
chocopink · 2 years
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my final piece i did for @teenyzines !! if you're interested in a kingdom hearts crossover zine, definitely check it out :D i had so much fun with this and so very happy with the results 💕
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eludum-a · 7 years
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(scheduled to post this around noon on thursday my time.)
as we head into this (american) thanksgiving, a lot of us are gonna be dealing with some Grade A Bullshit: retail work, bigoted relatives, etc. i wasn’t actually gonna do this originally, but then i realized what holiday was coming up right around the time of my blogiversary and i was like... welp. alright. guess we’re doing this then. things lined up too perfectly NOT to, and things can be kinda shitty for people around this time of year, so let’s put a little positivity back into the community! or something like that.
(yes i realize some of the people here are not american. no reason to deny my love tho.)
anyway, onto the callouts!
@ultimatetalentless have i talked about how much i love sin’s hinut lately? his and nanami’s friendship/rivalry (and his and chibot’s unresolved romantic tension) is so much fun to write and it’s so great having an Angst Partner to shoot terrible ideas at. on top of that i love talking to sin out of character and sharing some of the things we come across that remind each other of our muses. 
@mideoku​ julie followed me and the following day, snakes started manifesting physically in my house. i get no peace from them. they follow me home every day and beat me down with a two by four while yelling down with cis. but if we’re being real here julie’s shitposting lights up my dashboard every day for better or worse and theyre actually a really cool person. we’ll fight in pokemon when u catch up to me binch
@steinways​ sarah’s one of my oldest mutuals from all the way back when she just had her mahiru and i?? love sarah?? she’s such a sweetheart and all of her characterizations are so absolutely stellar. 10/10 would sarah again and also she made my theme so. yknow. amazing all around
@ongakuvoices rio’s a special brilliant soul w so much love for their muses and it shows in everything they write... i adore both their ibuki and their nagisa to pieces!! i know theyre gonna go places in life and ill be over here cheering them on from the sidelines, probably holding up some signs with memes on them
@jrco-disd actually i hate seth. nevermind. i’m not doing this
@nullverum​ boss was like one of the first ndrv3 blogs i interacted with long before the game had its official english release. i remember i made a post a while before saying that i thought ouma/nami would be a strange but cute brotp and hell! i was absolutely right in every way. its even funnier upon finding out ou/ma kind of plays the na/nami role just as much as the ko/maeda role in actuality (he’s gotta do both since a CERTAIN SOMEONE gets fridged at the beginning), so they’re surprisingly good (bad, actually) for each other. 
@ayatsurii sparkle’s peko is great ok? best sword girlfriend, would shower her in love and affection and cute things. nanami apparently has a thing for taller, stoic individuals with red eyes who could kick her ass one-handed. (don’t we all tho??) ahem. anyway. would recommend sparkle’s pekpek.
@kibouzuru i know we were mutuals for a while before i got involved with truth syndicate stuff? i feel silly not having interacted with u before because i rly should have. im really glad i got a chance to bc u and ur egg are cool (well, naegi’s a total dork) and now i can have nanami tease leggy and eggy about their relationship. she’s gotta get back at hinata for all those years of short jokes somehow, too bad naegi’s just collateral
@hikaup i remember i was on the lookout for pokemon blogs a while back and i stumbled across ur blog and was like... what the heck, this hikari seems way too cool... and wow!! i was totally right!! i love ur portrayal so much it’s such good shit and chiaki and hikari already have such a good dynamic. i hope chiaki gets to do Spooky Shit with hikari someday (and maybe even hold hands???? lets not get ahead of ourselves here) btw i get whiplash from how often u put out amazing themes
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and yes, im gonna be at your basketball game tomorrow. stop telling me about it
@cantalazarus u know how i feel about u. ur smart and funny and talented and ur take on ur muses is So Good and 
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@malchancevilain​ watchy is another one of my oldest mutuals and its always great to see their togami on my dash! we’ve been in a few group verses together now and i love seeing how he handles different situations (always with a great degree of salt) and just hanging out ooc! also: greg grimaldis wherever you are you better believe im getting those fifteen dollars back *mic drop*
@seineijashu​ oh.
hey nerd. we havent rly spoken much in a while but im still out here 100% in ur corner and i love everything u do. i know i dont know like anything about Boruto’s Dad like i said (im more a hunter x hunter guy myself,,,) but even if roleplaying opportunities are scarce im still totally down to talk like any time. now if only our time zones would line up. ps theres a secret message hidden here did you see it
@hopefromtheordinary​ it’s so great to see you back in the dr rpc! i loved your komaeda and your kamukura way back when. i love the twin shenanigans you and sin get up to (serious or crack) and i really can’t wait to get more chibot/kamukura stuff going! im excited i hope ur excited too
@gamblingqueen ANOTHER person i’m so glad to see back over here!! u were one of the first people to rly plot with me to any extent ooc and i am very excited to get right back into it! chiaki and celes are such an odd pair, but it’s wonderful to see them interact after they’ve both been brought so low. im over here rubbing my hands together at the speed of light in anticipation
@mxssias if naegi tries to get nanami to watch sword art online with him one more time shes gonna kill him and hide the body in the reserve course grounds. ahem. anyway. alex you’re such a little shit but you’re funny and i love your egg boy even if he’s constantly getting himself into trouble and sacrificing himself like he doesnt have anything better to do. get that boy a better hobby? thanks
and sorry if i forgot anybody! doing these is kind of exhausting for me and i might have gotten a little lazy, but i tried to hit most of the people i’ve been in contact with ooc at least a bit (who have been active within the past week or so).
@jrco-disd ok fine fuck you. seth was one of the first people in the fandom to reach out to me and even if he’s often belligerent at me for no good reason (ok, fine, maybe i deserve it) i still really appreciate his friendship and am glad that we can exchange shitty sonic memes with each other. the day we get that sonic forces monster factory is the day we both can die happy, probably after strangling each other
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miniar · 7 years
Here’s my situation. (aka, Miniar’s always broke)
First up, who/what am I?
I am a 35 year old from Iceland.  I’m disabled, both physically (fibromyalgia and hypermobility) and mentally ill (chronic depression, anxiety, and ADD). All of my conditions are currently going untreated as I can not afford treatment. I’m queer; Transgender, pansexual, as well as polyamorous and kinky.  I’m also a parent to a teenage daughter. (Her wellbeing and happiness being my first priority in all things.)
Iceland has disability payments which I qualify for but it isn’t enough to cover the basic cost of living.  Iceland has single payer insurance, but that doesn’t mean that my access to healthcare is free or easy to reach. 
Iceland is one of the most expensive countries in the world to live in.  I try my best to make good choices and if I am careful, lucky and don’t spend a single coin on anything else, my disability can barely cover rent and enough food so that my daughter is fed. 
But this isn’t the only things that need paying for.  All the little things that make the difference between “barely surviving” and “living” aren’t free. 
I do have the help of some loved ones, but it’s not always enough, and the constant strain contributes heavily to the worsening of my various symptoms. 
Hence this post, which I will update/redo as my situation evolves. 
Things I can’t afford but need to tend to: 
- My daughter starts school tomorrow (friday august 18th 2017) She needs schoolbooks and other school supplies. sorted, more or less
- My daughter needs new glasses. 
- My daughter could use more sweaters and other clothing.
- One of the dogs probably needs to have his anal glands removed.  (This requires a trip to Rvk with a dog that hates car rides and where I don’t have a place to crash that allows dogs... )
- I need to either repair my Bosch Athlet vacuum handle or replace it. Repairs primarily require a very specific screwdriver that I haven’t been able to find and a little bit of luck once I get inside the handle. Perfectly doable I think. 
- We need new winter tires.
- I need new glasses. 
- I need to replace my dryer. This is getting worse! And before someone suggests I just line-dry, this isn’t an option.  I have one of these little indoor drying stand where I placed one shirt that wasn’t dryer safe, in the sun, and it took well over a day for it to dry.  With winter coming, balcony drying is not gonna happen at all. Frozen pants are not an option!
- New Addition! A new malfunction light came on in the car.... Fuck. 
These are the things I “know” right now that I need to tend to, and this is subject to change.  All my bills, including rent, are due the first of the month, and the next payday/paydate, september first, I’m not sure I can cover all my bills.  I don’t have any money at all right now. 
I try to be smart and not spend anything on anything unnecessary, but I do have poor impulse control and sometimes I slip up, mainly by deciding to, in the cheapest way possible, participate in something that costs money and is fun.  Mainly by deciding to live a little.  Usually, when I do this, something goes wrong.  Like right now, with the dryer. I went to pride, I spent a little bit of money on something happy, I came home, I did laundry, and the dryer isn’t drying things as well as it used to.  It was a cheap, used, piece of equipment and will likely be replaced with another cheap, used, piece of equipment, and I have made repairs on it myself once before, but now it’s not worth repairing again.  ___
Ok, enough bitching and moaning.  TLDR: Miniar is a struggling cripple with expenses that he can’t afford because fuck him that’s why!
I do however know my situation is nowhere near as dire as it is for a lot of people and I am already getting some help, and so I struggle to ask for more help, but honestly, I kinda need it. 
So, if you wanna help out, here’s how you can. 
I have a ko-fi. A couple dollars there always counts. 
I have an Etsy for my crochet, which is awesome btw, and any sharing of any thing from there is awesome. 
I have a side blog @theblindneedle for my crochet too, following that and reblogging/boosting the stuff I make and put there also helps. 
And, maybe, pass this on?
Thank you. 
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serensama · 7 years
Serensema! Hi, I'm a 16 year old student seeking wise words from a person who is well out of school, seems to be happy, aaaaaannnddd is doing well in life. (I FREAKING love your stories btw). I just wanted to say: HOW DID YOU EVEN MAKE IT PAST GRADE 10? Like, what is the secret to all this witchery? I want to surpass my GPA, and I was just wondering: What were your study methods? What do you WISH you have done? (I'm sorry for bothering you!!!)
Hi lil darling!!! Ooooooh to be 16 again!!!! AND YOU ARE NOT BOTHERING ME!!! ❤️
Firstly thank you gorgeous- that’s so damn nice of you to read my work, thank you! Secondly thank you for thinking I’ve got my life out together hahahah *feels like she’s always failing at the adulting*.
How do you pass?I know. School gets hard at this point, things start to get serious and more difficult and actually start to mean something towards your future. This is a great place to start awesome study methods. Try to stay on top of your homework and use a diary to write down study goals for each night (ie read one chapter of your text or write down summary notes of the chapter you just learnt about).
If you have an assignment don’t procrastinate, again use your diary and plan your assessment out. So if you have three weeks to get it done, when you get home write for tomorrow get study materials. The next two or three days to study and plan and then say one week from then set one part of the essay/practical work to be done, the next week another and the final week another until it’s done.
Setting goals and seeing them ticked off and achieved is amazing!!! It really helps you practise time management which is super important as you get super old like me!!!
When exams come don’t freak out. Again write when the exams are and set days for what day you’ll study what, you can Monday study 1 hour for English, 1 hour for math and 1 hour for science and rotate.
TRY TO SCHEDULE TIME RIGHT AFTER SCHOOL TO BREATHE. take 30 mins/1 hour to eat, shower, listen to music whatever it takes to unwind and relax before hitting the books right away. YOU DESERVE REST. DONT BURN OUT. Schedule 10-15minutes between studying subjects to relax and breathe and stretch. You deserve rest. You need enjoyment to keep yourself wanting to keep going. If you’re able with your schedule, try to do all your work during the week so your weekends can be spent having fun!!! You’re so young darling, enjoy it ^_^
Highlighting important information in colours or writing in colourful pens for specific topics or subjects can help you to retain information. You can remember that of Macbeth was in orange… what was this quote again (easier for your brain to associate information with colours). For me it also helped to listen to music while studying. I remember one exam I was sitting in the hall and I was stumped on a question and then I remember I was listening to some linkin park while studying this particular topic and suddenly the words came back to my mind- it’s not for everyone but it helped me.
Brainstorms/mind maps/and even rote learning through repeatedly taking notes and making flash cards can help you to understand topics and help to memorise them. The more you understand a concept the easier your brain will link it back to you and help you piece it together like a puzzle :)
SLEEP. Without good sleep your brain will not retain all the vital information you’ve been cramming into your brain. It will not process and will not consolidate into long term memories. Sleep is so so important.
What do I wish I had done?For me? It was to try even harder! I knew that I could have done even better and applied myself more but that’s all in hindsight isn’t it? At the time I thought I was working myself ragged! One thing I also wished I did was prepare healthy snacks while I studied. I lived off instant ramen and candy and cookies while I burned the midnight oil, things that were so bad for me. I wish I had the forethought to cut up carrot and celery sticks and have a healthy dip with them. Raisins, fruit, cut up apples (apples also contain chemicals which help you wake up!) to help keep my body healthy as well as my mind.
I also want to say this. They made a massive deal about doing well and getting the very best grades at school all the way up to year 12/senior year. Until we actually reached senior year. Then they said- relax. This isn’t the be all and end all. There are ways to get into college even if your scores aren’t high enough if you just work at it a little more (industry based learning, doing another course that has history of prior recognition and then transferring to the original course you were after). If they are your dreams, work for it. Dreams don’t come easy, they’re hard and sometimes they’re painful to achieve. But damn, baby Nonny- they’re worth it when you get it.
Best of luck. I’m always here for you and I’m so so sorry for the long post. Education is a passion of mine and I only want to see you succeed.
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survivormongolia · 7 years
Episode 2: “I was prepared to come in this game and slay.” - Madison
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ok well... none of us were voted out which is alright i guess but we are literally not winning this immunity with gloria and patricia on our tribe.... like no offense to them but they finna submit like 20 thinking its a good score like arghhh its whatever tho bc im going to get the highest on the tribe so if they vote me out theyre literally the dumbest people ive ever met. if we lose, i truly dont think im going anywhere bc i have 3 people im genuinely friends with and ive been having good convos with dennis and brian... wow i cant believe im aligning with mostly men
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me as soon as i saw the blog for the game: "i should check the rules page, i know some hosts are sneaky & hide advantages in there"
me: everything looks a-ok to me!!!!
hosts: make sure you check the rules page!!!
me: hmmm seems fishy, let me check again!!!
me: nope, nothing ot the the blue
me: tells dan about the advantage in the results post
dan: something looked fishy to me in the rules page, but i tried to right-click and nothing worked, let me check again
dan: omg. it took me to the same page as the results
me: wow. i truly am a useless piece of garbage
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ok im back and i found out more info. so apparently gloria has been on call with dennis AND francie which means they dont play around. i think theyre being really social with everyone and i KNOW francie has amanda and emily on the other tribe so im actually really worried about them. i have talked to them a lot and i feel like i wouldnt be their first target but maybe randy or madison would be?? idk. if we dont win this immunity it wont be the worst thing in the world bc everyone agreed to patricia last week so might as well try again this round ig. i talked to randy and he's on the same page and also is afraid of francie and dennis being really social so hopefully once our tribe gets down to 7 or 8, the 4 of us (madison, randy, tj) would be majority. i really trust tj and he always keeps me updated but... he has a mind of his own and i wont be surprised if he wouldnt be down to do one of them. btw ill probably make a podcast or a video dr tomorrow if i find more tea... 
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I’m not going to do as well on this challenge as my tribe mates I don’t think. So now, of course, I’m thinking about tribal last night and how I was asked about the first challenge and I was like “yeah keep me around bc I can help in challenges.” That’s not going to be good for now. I’m going to do my best given the calculus and government homework I have for tomorrow (EW). I’m also thinking about the game as a whole. I want to put myself in a position of power wherein I can be a big part of strategy and make notable moves while also not flagging myself as someone “running the game” (lol like that’ll happen) or someone who’s too big of a threat to stay. This involves identifying larger threats than myself and locking them out before anyone knocks me out etc. There’s a bullseye; let me find my quiver. This is also probably the last confessional I’ll make ‘til after the challenge because why spend time confessing when you can find invisible cows. (I’m on the way to school and confessing on my phone. No, I’m not the one driving. I may confess at lunch or study hall if anything worth confessing happens between now and then.)
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Okay so I went back and checked the other posts and there wasn’t anything around. But when the new immunity challenge was posted, there was the same link hidden on the post. I sent it to my host chat and nothing. I noticed after I sent it that the link wasn’t hidden on the new challenge post anymore, but the previous ones are still there. Interesting….
So the Fans went to tribal and we were hoping that by sending Jon to Exile, they would vote out Randy and it would keep an inactive around to help them flop more. However, Jon struck out and was med-evac’d. Great. So now the Fans are gonna go super hard on this challenge since they basically got a free pass. This challenge, by the way…. Shout out to Drew. I hate this challenge. Invisible Cows can die, all of them. I told my tribe to make the window as small as possible so the cows have less places to hide, and I think its working out for everyone, so hopefully we can do this. I’m just worried because I know Madison on the other tribe just played this game in a challenge not too long ago and if she tells them about the trick then we are basically on even playing ground. Im at 800 right now and my goal is to get to 1500 but we will see.
I’m still trying to figure out my social game. Usually in games, I form some kind of alliance within the first 48 hours and generally keep up appearances with everyone. I want to do things differently this game. While I am still trying to be friendly and talk to people, I dont want to be the one to hold all the conversations. I’m having trouble keeping a conversation with Asa and Ian and Nicholas, but everyone else I’ve had at least a 10 minute conversation or longer every day. Colin has already suggested voting out Asa if we go to tribal because he’s talked to her the least. He says that me and him are good and I’m glad for that. I really like Colin. And I know that Emily will have my back, at least in the tribal portion of the game. Last night, Dan, Lindsay, and I formed an alliance. Finally! I really like Lindsay and we danced around forming an official alliance with each other for 3 days, and Dan and I have talked a lot, so I’m really glad this happened. With this alliance, and my bond with Colin and my relationship with Emily, I feel like I’ll be okay should we go to tribal. I’m hoping we don’t have to… here’s hoping we can find more cows than the Fans..
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This challenge is cute! And also my tribe is just Slaying this challenge. I love this tribe, we're stacked as hell djkfgfh
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Oh well fuck. Well I was middle of the road with the scores so I didn’t go from top score to lowest ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it still fucking sucks though. I hope enough people are down with the plan from the last round depending on who gets exiled.
Temujin exiling Patricia was the obvious move—keep the lowest challenger in the game and force the losing tribe to send a better challenge player home, increasing the likelihood of them returning to tribal—and from a strategic standpoint I have to give them a bit of credit but being on the tribe that’s getting screwed over? Fuck this.
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So I'm in the predicament of which alliance to throw under the fucking bus, I should've been quiet about the group to Julia Rae and Madison. Best person to go home would be Brian or Randy, for my own personal benefit
Wow, so I don't know if you managed to see that but I told Julia Rae and Madison about GloForce...and then switch them to Brian
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Wow this tribe really is doing that. I get a bad feeling we’re gonna get swap-fucked somehow. I guess now that its been a few days I can give my opinions on people a little more.
I get strange vibes from Amanda and Dan. I feel like they’re close just by interactions they have in the tribe chat. They both also seem like the type to be cutthroat. I think I’m in good with them tho so as long as I’m not doing anything shady they might not target me, since I have a feeling they’ll be the ones trying to lead the first few votes when/if we go to tribal.
I get good vibes from Emily, Asa, Quillyn, and Lindsey. They seem pretty trustworthy and easy to work with.
As far as Nicholas, Ian, and Colin go, I don’t really have any connection with them but I’mma try talking to them more while things are easy and peaceful so they would be hesitant to vote out me over someone else.
I’m really curious as to who got the secret advantage. I’m mad as hell that I didn’t get it but oh well. I feel like if anyone got it it was probably on the faves tribe, cause I feel like the fans aren’t putting in all that much effort or reading into things as much as an experienced player might. I’m glad to have been the one to publicly expose the advantage because I want whoever got it to be on their toes and that they’ll have to be more cautious and stressed about trying to do things involving it. They probably think no one is paying attention but I have eyes in the webcams on their computers. I see them.
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Temujin won the second immunity and I'm very pleased with that as we are all getting along fine, but for how long? Eventually we will have to turn on each other and vote one of us out. My job is to just make sure it's not me, pre merge portion of the game I aim for a good score but not the best of unbeatable score. The sweet spot is upper middle, you are seen that you can be beat in individual challenges yet good enough to want to keep around for a strong pre merge tribe
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Also i feel like horse culture is important?? Like idk why the hosts wouldn't just put a keyboard smash url or make the url (survivormongolia.com/secret-advantage). Like horse culture must mean something. I wish I was one of those girls in middle school who put horse stickers on all their supplies. I feel like maybe I could better understand horse culture and what this could mean. But just know i have made a mental sticky note saying "HORSE CULTURE" in bold sharpie.
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Allow me to explain why Brian being voted off would be a fucking stupid idea or Julia and Madison, so if me, Julia, Madison, or Randy gets sent to exile and Patricia is gonna come back in our place just how well do you think that's gonna play out. Patricia isn't stupid and probably knows she was gonna get the boot...this time atleast. With the scores brian and randy have been producing it'd probably be them getting booted next, at this point I'm trying to stall...
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I'm glad we won another immunity! although I'm getting sick of the fake sweetness of our tribe like nobody actually likes each other that much and that will show once we end up losing one of these challenges. I'm really tired of the passive aggressive competitiveness of some of these people too like, we can just all support each other and not like try to put people down who can't get as high of a score on a shitty flash game? I'm hoping for an early swap honestly I would definitely want to try working with some of these fans over the people on my tribe who I just can't seem to connect with.
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So. Jon went to exile Island and got his 3rd strike. That was great, because he would've been voted off anyways.
Then the next challenge happened and disaster struck. First off, I love that minigame but holy shit, it drives some1 crazy UNLESS YOUR NAME IS MADISON AND YOU ACTUALLY FIND A TRICK TO SPEED UP THE PROCESS BUT THEN PROCEED TO NOT TELL ANY1. Eitherway I spend around 3 hours during all my exams and papers, that are due, to find stupid 800 cows until I was about to go to bed, wher TJ told me a trick to boost up my score. So I did that and brought it up to 1100 by another 20 min but that wasn't enough by FAR. The rest of the tribe decided that 300 or 600 is enough. Obviously we couldn't know how much the other tribe was getting, but after seeing that easy trick everyone could've atleast aimed for 1000.
We lose the challenge, they pick Patricia, which is a good pick (Since she would've most likely been voted off other wise - even though I did bring up a point in the alliance chat, that we might have needed her to keep the majority in the tribe, just in case the other 4 form a counter alliance). Me and TJ talked a bit and I told him before, that the only 2 possible votes are Brian or Randy. Both have barely been active in this tribe, with Randy just doing a tiny bit more (Flag challenge) but we can't hold that as a positive for him, forever. In the end it seems to be brian tonight, oh well unlucky.
But in my opinion, seeing how our Tribe works compared to the Favorites this wont change anything. They will keep beating us out in every challenge until we are at a low number of members just to be picked up 1 by 1 in the merge or at a tribeswap. Its super scary and I am already getting a little bit anxious and frustrated looking forward. The worst thing that could happen to us is, that we win the Reward challenge and then get on too much of a high, go back to doing the least amount of work, just to be crushed at the next Immunity challenge again. Lets hope that isn't the case. Lets hope a swap happens sooner than later, when we still have some numbers..
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But, on a more serious note! That whole conversation about the secret advantage came up with Dan after he returned from Exile. He told me about the idol on Exile, & how it's the name of a Survivor, you only have two yes or no questions to narrow it down, & you only get three guesses. He also told me what questions he asked, & his guesses!
So, I guess my social game is better than I thought it was, because he said he was only going to tell Amanda & I, & we ended up making an alliance chat. To be honest, this group really makes sense to me, because I feel we are more of the "social" people on our tribe, where we'll message people first, & try to keep the conversation going, so I'm really happy with this core group. Now, I'm not a mathematician, but even I know that three out of ten people in a tribe is not a majority, but it's nice to have a solid core group that we can hopefully add to when needed! Plus, if you have a smaller group inside a bigger one, you're already in a better position number wise. I'm blabbering on about this newfound alliance, & how it's good for my game, just to watch it blow up when the inevitable swap happens, & we're split up. :) :) :) :)
I'm still trying to form relationships with other people on my tribe, but I feel like I haven't really gotten far. I think I have a good relationship with QuilLynn! We actually talk quite a bit, & have good conversations about things outside the game, & I really like her! She's someone I can definitely see myself working with down the line, so hopefully she feels the same way.
Like, I'm really glad & relieved that we've won the immunity challenges, but sometimes when you're on a tribe that keeps winning, it's easy to just relax & not talk as much. It's when you lose, where everyone starts to scramble, & relationships develop further. Basically right now, we're the Love tribe, where everything is sunshine & rainbows, & no one has a bad thing to say about anyone. But, if we were to lose, we'd go from *heart eyes emoji* to *knife emoji* real quick.
I don't want to say I thrive in chaos, because I don't, I'll overthink every possible scenario & hop aboard the paranoid train, full speed ahead. However, I thrive when people are very conversational, & I feel like the people on my tribe will only become like this when they feel their ass may be on the line.
Another update about our tribe idol: Still haven't guessed once. Still a flop. Let's try to turn this around, Lindsay! You can do it.
This confessional has been all over the place, so sorry I'm a mess. I don't know. I can't control my thoughts or put them into words very well.
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I’m angry I found 2.6k cows and we still lost. I don’t know what this tribe is doing tbh it’s such a mess. I was prepared to come in this game and SLAY but that’s kinda impossible right now so.
Gloria is an icon.
That’s all.
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So I guess I haven't done one of these this round! WHOOPS. Well, not much has changed in my game. I'm still really enjoying the tribe for the most part and just trying to do my best in the tribe! Like I'm really proud of myself for performing so well in the challenges so far. Jokes on the tribe bc when I start school again, I'm not going to have as much time to do things *shrugs* I know I'm pretty and successful and they'll just need to understand that.
On a serious note, I'm worried about Colin coming back from exile and the idol situation over there. I'm lucky I have some time to plot and think about how I'm going to address that. I think I'm gonna say something along the lines of, well I kinda wanted to see who went to exile next before I said anything to anyone about it. I would be open to sharing information with Colin, I just feel like with him working we really haven't had the chance we need to really like create a lasting bond. Yes, we talked about people we liked and about keeping each other's best interests in mind, but that was one curt little conversations. I know curt implies rudeness, but that's not how I mean it, I'm just not smart enough to think of a better word. But, any who, I have some scrambling to do with our relationship, but I'm willing to give it a go. We shall see what the future holdsssss.
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Cow cow cow cow cow cow cow cow cow WOW IT WAS WORTH IT HEHE! I got 666 cows and our tribe won by an absolute landslide. I’m super happy! I am excited to see what happens when the fans actually have to um vote someone out and not be saved from a medical evacuation lmao. Also I haven’t been talking to people like I should because I’m so fucking lazy. And tired. Like give me a break people
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Ugh we lost but I did so bad but I didn't had time to do it. I feel like I'm going home tonight unless I get to go to exile since I was lowest and last one they send had nothing
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Hello it's me fallen tuna. I like my tribe a bit better it's pretty clear that we are all pretty busy. I suck the most at the comps so thats somewhat confusing but asa talks less so if we lost that might be the one person I'd try to get out
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So this round has been me trying my hardest and obviously not succeeding. The faves tribe are just too dedicated for this game. Which is great for them, but we arent naturally as competitive as they are. Meaning that we're once again going to tribal. And they sent home Patricia. The girl who we thought would be the next voted off.
So now its scrambling. Julia told me her group of TJ, Madison, etc. is going to do Brian. I brought up the fact that me and Brian are close, and that Francie would probably be better since she's obviously close with Amanda on the other tribe. But Madison is also close with them, so i dont see them leaving this week. If I have to vote out Brian. Then damn, but I'm not leaving premerge. So its just time to cut my losses, and hopefully make it to a tribe swap.
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Confessional: I am very upset with many players on my tribe who I feel don't need to be here because they are somewhat inactive and not trying all that hard in challenges. They need to carry their asses to be perfectly blunt. They are hurting our tribe and it takes all the fun out of the game to be honest. People are telling me they are voting Brian and I love him to death and know for fact he can be a great player but this game he has shown me nothing so I am going with majority and he was on my rdar this round for vote also, I am working with TJ Francie and Dennis and hope us 4 stick together and none of them turn on me. Thus far they are my safety net but who knows what will happen if a tribe switch happens and I hate this sending people to exile island it sucks big time cause I am afraid that will kill my game if sent. I hope that everybody 100% votes Brian out tonight and Randy isn't showing much attempt either after doing that gorgeous flag. That sucks but it is what it is in games take the good with the bad. Hope I last see you at tribal honorable host. <3 GLO GLO <3
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So my gay ass is sitting here, minding my own business, and what do I see in a VL I'm in? Emily and Amanda are hosting an Athena season together? INCHRESTING. I will keep that little tid bit in the back of my head when it comes time to vote somebody out.
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Okay so basically at this point my tribe is slaying the game! As one would expect, we have a lot of seasoned players who are hungry for redemption and really don’t want to be the first fave gone so everyone is going really over the top with these challenges. I won’t complain because they keep me safe by extension but i have a feeling that there is going to be a loss or a luck comp in our near future and i just don’t know how i am going to fare if we go to tribal. Right now i know that Quil, Emily and Lindsay wouldn’t vote me out. So that means hopefully 4/9 votes. Ive been trying to reconnect with Ian and I don’t think he would vote me out either so I think I could survive a tribal if I ended up going to one.
Right now i am putting in some work to make sure that Im not the first boot from this tribe. I’m trying to not talk to Asa or Thomas [they also don’t message me,,,,ew??? like wtf are you doing here if you aren’t going to message anyone] so that I can eagerly throw their names around if we go to tribal. Also ironically enough they are the highest placing members of our tribe so I’m hoping it can be an easy sell. That’s about it for now!
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Honestly, I hate the fact we lost the challenge. I hate the fact that Patricia was given immunity because that means that my time may be up. People barely try and talk to me, or even bother to reply to me. So I think it's me tonight, which is fine. I am content with my journey. I was told it may be Randy but I doubt it. We'll see.
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I'm good Patricia is coming on so hot. She's just like "I wanna work with you" and calls me right away like omg ajdhaidhss it's not that I wouldn't wanna work w her it's just that you'd think she'd spend st least ten minutes to have some small talk before throwing me six feet deep into strategy talk...
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i dont think im getting voted out but if i do oh well... everyones voting brian i believe and my friends have no reason to lie to me so i am feelin GOOD!! i hope theres a tribe swap so i can be safe for once oh my god
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I hope this tribal and the Brian vote are successful. Fingers crossed!
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I'm confessing to say Emily was robbed in Athena All Stars and I love Drew even though he drags me always the end
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