#i have been feeling… awful 🤙
screaming crying throwing up I'm reading a book with big homoerotic enemies energy NOW after the submissions have already closed (and apparently nobody submitted them) 😔🤙
Aw man anon if you see this feel free to send them in, I've been letting some late submissions slide since I haven't finished the bracket yet and there's some I just threw in from tvtropes to fill it out
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notasapleasure · 2 years
Avenue 5 S01E01-02
Joe Gibbs!
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I have bad news, creatures :')
And I'd been looking forward to this one so much
Joe the engineer is outside pretending to fix the ship for the stupid owner, Judd, who doesn't realise it can't be fixed that way
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The gravity on one side fails and when everyone on the cruise ships hits one side of the craft, the recoil effect reels Joe back in and...impales him against the ship on his own screwdriver.
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Billie was not able to give him a second's warning. :')
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Bye bye Joe - I think that might be a record. Under ten minutes in!
Oh good! Corpse flying around outside the ship ..
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Very few! Not 'none'...
Captain Ryan is so determined for him to still be alive and I know it's self-preservation but. I'm just sayin'.
Billie: "Stabbed through the heart with his own screwdriver."
Ryan: "Why's there no blood? Maybe it missed his heart, and that's why there's no blood."
Billie: "Space is cold, Captain. You know that, right?"
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His eyebrows are still nice
- oh -
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He's meant to be in two episodes! You cheeky bugger Joplin, did you get a credit for playing a corpse/being in a flashback again?
Oh - and he had an American accent again. But maybe Joe was just putting it on like the Captain :')
Judd: "Are you Australian???"
Captain Ryan: "Am I Australian? No, I'm not Australian. I'll tell you what I am. I'm English!!"
Judd: "What the fuck?!"
Iris: "Oh my god."
Judd: "That is so much worse."
Captain Ryan, about Joe, who was the real captain and hired him because his own people skills sucked: "I mean the man could barely finish....in terms of sentences."
I am. SUFFERING. Pre-canon disastrous Joe/Captain Ryan? Anyone?
Episode 2
.......previously on flashback. Well, his agent works hard on making sure he gets full credit.
Ryan: "Joe, you inspired us all. No matter how little expertise or technical knowledge we had, you made us feel like we knew what we were doing."
Ah! Also a corpse! :')
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Assuming he had to spend any time keeping a straight face in the Worst Funeral Ever he did a great job!!
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And he gets to be a corpse flying around the ship again nsksjhdjfjfffkfkfjf the weight of Judd’s gold coffin is enough to get it caught in the ship’s gravity field.
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Oh, also a lovely mugshot of him in the background :')
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Tutakhamun Joe and the...
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...will be the name of my indie band.
Dead? Rather.
Evil? Much maligned by those who knew him but I'm sure he was delightful
Affects the plot? Oh very much so. Largely posthumously.
I. don't know how to rate this??? I wanted to watch it anyway tbf. In terms of Joplin's appearance? Like, 0/5? But I did laugh hysterically through it.
Husband: I really enjoyed it, because it's well-written, but also it was trolling you personally.
Me: I got....six screenshots so far?
Husband: Have you considered that maybe you're his PR guy?
Me: I would take that job if it's going, Joplin call me 🤙
P.s. episode 3 Captain Ryan confirmed bi. *Bangs table* give me abrasively awful Joe/alcoholic narcissist Ryan prequel fic, give. It . To . Me!!
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moonshadowed · 2 years
20th / 21st century au headcanon dump post for my Star Trek characters: coming soon to own on DVD and video!!
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mummer · 2 years
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ironic-the-hedgehog · 3 years
hello! we are a traumagenic system of many. literally do not give a shit about syscourse anymore. make of that what you will, interact or don't, we don't care as long as you're not a piece of shit about it
we typically DO remember people we interact with frequently (friends, mutuals, etc.)!
here's who you'll probably hear from the most often (if you're not sure who's fronting, he/they pronouns are acceptable)
gendered terms guide: masculine (boy, man, brother, boyfriend, etc.) / feminine (girl, woman, sister, girlfriend, etc.) / neutral (enby, enban, sibling, partner, etc.) / masc-neutral (guy/dude/bro/etc. or neutral terms)
🦔 Shadow (host) - 23 years old - he/him (is nonbinary but please no they/them) - prefers masc terms - gayest creature in the multiverse - has probably existed for longer than some of our followers have even been alive
🌭 Sonic - 22 years old - he/him - prefers masc terms - bi guy ready to cry - autism and ADHD manifest more strongly in him than in most others, says weird shit but means well
🍄 Vince - adult - he/him - prefers masc terms - quiet until he isn't (that makes sense i promise)
💿 Miku - she/her - prefers fem terms - late teen / young adult - polyam lesbian - fem tomboy (her own words) - "aw what a cute little guy! oh she's a little fucked up actually" type vibes
🟣 Donatello (Donnie) - he/him or ve/vim/vex/vexes/vexself - prefers masc terms - 19 - knows exactly what his orientation is but that's for him to know and for you to remain ignorant about - mostly types in purple text - almost always co-fronting with Leon
🔵 Leonardo (any variation is fine, but usually goes by Leon) - he/him - prefers masc terms - 19 - in a constant battle with Shadow for the title of gayest creature alive - mostly types in blue text - almost always co-fronting with Donnie
🟠 Michelangelo (Mikey or any other nickname) - he/him, they/them, xe/xem, literally any pronouns - prefers masc or masc-neutral terms - 16? - [high pitched squealing noise] - mostly types in orange text
why do you have so many introjects? haha hyperfixation go brrr 🤙
we periodically update this post to only include those who are currently active or most likely to interact here. if you see an emoji you don't recognize, feel free to ask who it is!
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Okay listen
I just got caught up w your fic on a03 and this is the first fic in a longggg time where I feel like I’m genuinely connected to the character. Your writing is so good and fluid and different from a lot of gravity falls fics 😩 idk ur just the coolest (and prolly smartest for knowing so much code) fic author :))))
Heeeey thank you so much!! I'm super glad you're enjoying it. I feel like I say that a lot, but, it really IS exciting to know that people are enjoying this fic. I was worried going in, because even though it's in second person, the reader character is an extremely specific character, and I wasn't sure if people would like it. I've honestly been blown away by the positive feedback. There is so much Gravity Falls fic out there! And unfortunately, Sturgeon's Law means that's an awful lot to sort through. I'm still trawling AO3 (recs welcome!), and you've probably already seen them, but just in case, here's my favorites so far. - the dating sim from @sovonight (and others? but it's on their Itch page). This is a legitimately great game?? Like, not just as a fanwork, as a game. It's great! The art is amazing, the storylines are great, I would collab on an OC project anytime 🤙
- Where the Light Is from @graboidfarmer. I stumbled on this fic when it was already 150k words long, and I tell you I speedran the thing. The post-canon worldbuilding is so good, the characters all feel real (including the reader character!), and, you know, you get to date the science man.
- Scientists Don't Visit Brothels from @guilty-pleasures-abound. My favorite explicit fic. It's so soft! Plus, Portal Ford! There's so much potential for Portal Ford stories--thirty years is a LONG TIME--but I just haven't found very many of them. The worldbuilding in this one is fabulous, would absolutely read more like it.
- None of Those PhDs is an MD, You Dumb Idiot from @untrustworthyglitch. You may have noticed that linguistics is one of my Favorite Topics 😅, there should be more exolinguistics stories in the world, this is a great little angsty one-shot.
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dearreader · 5 years
okay i need to vent about that girl so, please ignore this unless you want some lukewarm tea about my sorority
so there’s a girl named cherry (not her name but i need a fake name to tell this story) and when i was a pledge we didn’t get along well but that’s typical and after i was initated everyone got to know me so it was all good, except cherry.
cherry works weird hours so she never goes to any events and stuff and my first full semester as an active she went dormant for personal reason and again the working of weird hours so i never saw it got to know her. well flash forward to this semester and i still don’t know her but i get along well with her big and little (her little and i are the same pledge class and close) so i try and get to know her but cherrys grand little doesn’t really like me because she’s the new PR chair and i was the former and she thinks everything i did was awful so 🤷🏼‍♀️.
and the semester starts with her car not working and asking for someone with AAA to come out. i don’t really feel comfortable with using mine so i don’t respond and then eventually it looks like she still needs help so i talk to someone and they suggest i help so i text her asking if she needs me and she tells me that someone came and that’s that. then kind of nothing, we see each other in passing and stuff and nothing really.
and then i have my blog post, this was a mini article basically and i was working on it all semester and it’s so near and dear to my heart because it was the only thing that has been published if my writing and my dad read it before he died recently so i’m incredibly proud of it and even when it first dropped before everything i was still proud because i’m a sophomore with this internship and in my first semester i get this blog post. and i of course go ham and post it all over my personal instagram and facebook but i also post it in my facebook sorority page because we’re sisters and we support each other, and a lot of people who aren’t even related to my major read it and told me it was good!
and on the day it drops i’m seeing endgame a second time with my sorority sisters and i end up sitting next to cherry, she tried to not have me sit next to her saying someone was going to be there but i told her they were sitting next to another person (different time for that rant) and she says okay and let’s me sit next to her. so it’s quite because i’ve never once talked to her. and i’m trying to start a conversation so i bring up how sad the movie is and she’s like
“yeah that’s why i’m sitting next to Arod” and nothing i try and show her memes but she laughs and doesn’t continue and she even made a comment about me talking in movies and how not to do it because i do that sometimes at the house (but it’s only when we’ve seen it all and i never start it) and i tell her i won’t talk. it’s quite abd then i’m like
“hey cherry have you read my article?” and she says to me
“no and i’m probably not going to” and like i get that how may have come off was rude and we didn’t know each other and she’s someone that prides herself on being a good sister and being there if you need her and she flat out said
“i don’t want to read your article” like i would’ve just said
“not yet but maybe later” and yeah, and i told this to a few of my friends that are removed from the other group cherry and i are in and they agree with me that she’s not nice and that’s rude. and she had the position of being the shoulder to cry on and being their when you need someone and like... now i can’t go to them for my problems because she’s kind of a bitch. and she’s always saying
“i want to get to know you all, like even if it’s just five minutes i want to spend time with you.” but clearly not for me so 🤙
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