#i have been soooo emotional about ii whatever WHATEVER
thegeminisage · 8 months
ohhhh it's tng update time. i have a lot to catch up on. wednesday we did "ensign ro" and "silicon avatar" and last night we did "disaster" and "the game."
a brief interruption to amend an error on my previous tng liveblog concerning the episode "redemption." i did NOT mention the part where data got his own command and the first officer was racist to him about it. my brain was so numbed by klingon happenings - and again, they're fine episodes, it was MYYY fault for watching both of those episodes at once AND the second one with a bad connection (we had to reconnect like 1000000 times), but due to this i did straight up forget about data's role here. my thoughts are: this could and should have been the a plot of an entire episode, not the b plot of worf's episode. this late in the game, you kind of run the risk of data's big episodes becoming too same-y - that usually what happens is that someone is misguided or prejudiced in their beliefs about him and are in the end proven wrong - but i think the first command is different enough to be distinct. data building genuine trust with his actions and not his words would have been really fun!! especially if he models his captaining like he does his art - by picking bits and pieces of his real-life examples, like riker & picard. it's a shame they wasted this on a b-plot :(
ensign ro: i have to admit i wasnt sure about my girl ro at first. i absolutely support her cause and her beliefs but there was one part where. and i dont remember specifics because this was on wednesday. they like asked her to do something and she didn't and i support her but GIRL if you fuck around and dont do your job they will send you back to space jail. so i was worried that she was stupid in like the literal sense
fortunately she fucking RULES. i liked the part where bev and deanna were like can we sit down :D and she was like no <3 and they had to leave. but i also liked guinan getting through to her and becoming her friend too. i think ro should kiss some women about it (more on this later)
i was kind of bummed riker wasnt the one to let her put her earring back on since he was the dick who made her take it off, but at least she did get to put it back on. i was soooo mad when he made her remove it
LOVE to find out more about the cardassians. i'm excited for that freaky guy and the dr he wants to fuck in ds9, this feels like a real prelude moment
also, love the barber in this episode. in a world where they no longer have to even cook food, haircutting is miraculously still done by hand
silicon avatar: i had a lot of mixed feelings about/issues with this one initially but the ending ultimately took it into watchable territory on account of it popping the fuck off
biggest issue is that they basically retconned the hell out of the first episode this crystal monster was in (the iconic datalore aka "ARE YOU PREPARED FOR THE KIND OF DEATH YOU'VE EARNED LITTLE MAN")
in that ep lore was DEFINITELY able to communicate with it without all the drama and he also communicated enough with it to be like "hey, if you don't eat me, i can show you where lots of edible people are" which solves the question of it's intelligent and whether or not it understands it's eating people. the fact that were uwu woobifying this giant people eating death machine is hilarious but also it stretches my suspension of disbelief way too far. like, get outta here.
second biggest issue was the emotional whiplash from this old lady. first she's racist to data and then she wants to butter him up for therapy reasons and finally she's delusional enough to believe her dead son is in there. i actually did like her arc and the idea that she did something monstrous, but it felt like we had too many things crammed in there...again, i love data and i love when data gets big episodes and moments but i wish we could pump the brakes a little with EVERYONE who meets him being anti android or whatever. even the episode where he gets a gf was a welcome change despite it not being very good because it wasn't just more people having doubts because data is an android. and if I'M tired of it, imagine how HE feels. geez. there was no point in having her start from a place of hostility when it didn't go anywhere and actually i probably would have been more tricked into believing she was normal if she HADN'T come at data like that
THAT SAID, the core story of "i will murder this sentient life form because it killed my son even knowing he would hate me for it" is actually metal as fuck. i really liked it. and i think it was sneaky and clever to have her basically ask to use data as a tape recorder before she fully fell off the deep end because who wouldn't want to hear a recording of a deceased loved one? but it's when she asks again, and basically asks data to roleplay him, that you realize her grief is making her bonkers - or that being around data is bringing too much stuff up.
anyway issues aside the end really fucked. she was like data absolve me of the murder i just committed in my dead son's name and he was like sorry queen i can't! and then they just rolled credits. bonkers.
also, can we pour one out for riker? he got uh. i mean he had all of that going on with beverly like just a handful of episodes ago and i was SOOO hoping he was gonna get laid but instead he got. trauma :(
disaster: i LOVED this one. i loved that it paired characters we don't normally see together - like geordi and beverly for instance - and i loved that quite literally everyone got to get up to batshit insane shenanigans at the same time. picard has to learn to interact with the world's most adorable children. deanna is captain of the starship and she should kiss ro about it. geordi and beverly are gonna open the cargo bay to space some radioactive barrels and while they're holding onto a metal ladder with their BARE HANDS. riker is carrying DATA'S DETACHED HEAD around the crawlspaces and meanwhile in ten forward worf is delivering a fucking baby
side bar which uh exit do we think klingon babies come out of. like if they've got two of everything does the baby just pick one or do they have two whole wombs too...do you think klingons are like "oh most of us come out of the right side but watch out for that guy he's fucked in the head i think he came out of his mom's left vagina" i think that'd be hilarious
anyway worf did a great job.
also pleased with the kids this ep...normally star trek kids aren't uh. great. like they're annoying or weird or just not great actors because, you know, kids. but all 3 of those kids had distinct personalities and they were all extremely charming. absolutely masterful casting. they were so fucking cute
idk why but when deanna became enterprise captain she immediately looked 10x hotter and gayer. her disagreements with ro were FRAUGHT with sexual tension. THEY SHOULD KISS.
that said my one true pairing for tng is always gonna be riker e worf e deanna. hands down best moment for these three so far was when riker was like you just cant stay away from the big chair can you ;) and she was like oh im not cut out to be a captain but maybe i could be first officer since i HEAR there aren't many qualifications and worf gives riker this incredulous double-take like "are you gonna let her get away with that" and he's grinning like oh yeah he's Gonna. there truly is such a horrific lack of sexual/romantic energy in this show but whenever deanna and riker start flirting we finally get fed
the game: MY BABY BOY WESLEY IS BACK..........he got tall i MISSED HIM
i loved the opening of this episode. riker seems to have a 50/50 chance these days on whether or not any given encounter with a woman is gonna be an ethical slut moment or a close encounters moment and i am now referring to this phenomenon as riker roulette. is he getting ethically seduced and/or ethically seducing others? or is it....................you know. anyway rip to him for metaphorically bringing an std back to the enterprise from risa
what was this whole thing with deanna eating chocolate also. is all of season 5 gonna be like this? to be clear i'm not complaining. we have a fucking dearth of, sorry, flirty fun and fresh shippy moments for anyone in tng, generally speaking. it's about time they picked up.
my one gripe with this episode is that it is REALLY AWKWARD to have them set this up as "this VR headset is giving people orgasms" and then twice have wesley's mom try and force one on him. like they didn't say orgasms but the subtitles kept going "pleasured gasp" so idk what i was supposed to think those headsets were doing. like i get this was probably unintentional on their part but i still hated it
also it sucks that wesley got to have a little tea break with picard but didn't have time to hang out with his mom...she was barely in his departure episode, too. the writers clearly prioritize his relationship with picard BECAUSE WESLEY IS THEIR AFFAIR BABY! i will die on this hill. those guys fucked and had a baby and got embarrassed abuot it and now wesley doesn't know he's going to inherit male pattern baldness
okay. that concludes this tng update. normally this is the part where i say, "next, we are doing..." and then i list the episodes. i want to take an extra moment to bring added attention to it this time because this time we are doing two VERY. SPECIAL. EPISODES.
NEXT: SPOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ashelbygirl · 5 years
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Dishonorable intentions. | Thomas Shelby x Reader Imagine.
Part II.
*Sidenotes: I was inspired and some anons asked me to do the second part of dishonorable intentions, soooo here it is! I’ve decided it’ll have more parts so hope you enjoy it.
*Resume: You and Tommy go on your first date.
Thomas lit another cigarette. Feeling the smoke in his lungs gave him a sense of calmness. A feeling he really needed in that exact moment. They were counted the times that Thomas Shelby had been nervous: when Hughes kidnapped Charlie, in the tunnels when he was in the war, in the birth of Charlie and Ruby and another time: when he saw YN for the very first time. YN in the war. YN as a nurse. He hit the cigarette again. Fuck. How long was she going to make him wait?
He wasn’t going to lie, he never thought a girl like YN would accept to go on a date with him. You could tell from miles away that they were completely different from the other.
First we have Thomas. The all mighty, Thomas Shelby. The son of an Irish immigrant man and a Romani gipsy woman, born and raced in Small Heath, Birmingham, England. He was in his late 30s about to jump to the 40s. A charmer by nature and way to intelligent for his time. A man who grew up without shoes to wear or food to eat, a man who growing up only had bread and lard when he dreamt and hoped that maybe one day, he’ll be able to do and have whatever he wanted. He worked hard until he created his own empire, but Tommy knew that no amount of money allows you to pass through the steel sheets that separates one class from another. He knew it cause he had lived it. But even when he born with nothing, he became one of the most powerful men in all Europe. He was brilliant, aggressive but rational, he knew what he wanted and he didn’t ask permission, he does what he wants and takes what he needs. A genius, a womanizer, millionaire, CEO of multiples business, philanthropist, and yet, he didn’t felt worthy of dating someone like YN. He dated Greta, Grace, May, Lizzie, Tatiana, Jessie, and many more, but he never felt unworthy to have them, to be with them. Only with YN.
And then we have YN. YN Casiraghi was born and raised in London. A 22 year old Heiress of one of the most influential and wealthiest families in Europe. YN was passionate about everything that could make her feel free and liberated. She loved to travel, to read, to study, to work, to learn. Her dream was to become an independent woman who didn’t have to depend of a man. YN was a free spirit. Determinate and stubborn, yet free and playful, flirty and seductive, intelligent and fearless. Growing up YN had everything she wanted or needed, she grew up being spoiled but never being a brat or a mean girl. She was a good girl and everyone wanted to be her or be with her. YN was special. Everyone loved YN, not just because she was beautiful and smart, a popular socialite who knew everyone and ruled every place she went to. They loved her because she was sweet, because she always tried to help, because she wasn’t selfish or shallow, because she cared.
YN Casiraghi and Thomas Shelby. When black meets white. When yin meets yan. When two worlds collide.
YN closed the door behind her, and with a smile she started to walk towards Tommy. . Thomas glanced toward the entrance of her house...and his mouth dries. She’s standing on the entrance, and for a second he doesn’t realize it’s her. She looked exquisite: her hair falls in soft waves to her breast on one side, and on the other it’s pinned back so it’s easier to see her delicate jawline and the gentle curve of her slender neck. She’s wearing high heels and a tight light blue dress that accentuates her alluring figure. Wow. Her lips in her classical red lipstick. A red that could drive any man crazy, including Thomas Shelby. The closer she was to him, the more his heart skipped a beat.
-Hi.-YN chuckled. Damn. Thomas Shelby looked way more handsome than he had years before when she last saw him.
-Hello love.-Tommy spoke after extinguish the fire of his cigar by throwing it away.-So, are you ready sweetheart?-He extended his hand so she could take it and help her get to the car.
-I’m YN, not your love and surely not your sweetheart, love.-The girl smiled one last time before she started walking to the Bentley parked in front of her house. She didn’t even waited for Thomas to open the door for her. She opened herself and got in the car. Thomas didn’t took long to follow. He started the car and away they go.
The ride was pretty fast before they arrived to the Hotel Café Royal, a place that both of them knew very well. It was an hotel where everyone who was a somebody hanged out.
Winston Churchill, Zelda and F. Scott Fitzgerald, Einstein, Henry Ford, George Washington, Charles Chaplin, Ernest Hemingway, Coco Chanel, you name it.
When YN got off the car, she couldn’t stop herself from rolling her eyes. It wasn’t funny anymore, almost every guy she went out on a date with, thought it was a great idea to have a first date in that same place. Every fucking time. When Tommy got to her side he put his hand in her waist, pushing a bit so she could start walking into the hotel. And YN could’ve sworn that electricity ran through her whole body. It wasn’t normal how nervous he could make her with a simple gesture.
-Cmon lov... YN.-Tommy killed a smile that was starting to appear on his face. She was something else. She reminded him of Dangerous, one of his most loving horses, she wasn’t scared to take what she wanted, she wasn’t afraid to do whatever that would please her, cause if freedom could be a person, it would be YN.
The both entered to the Oscar Wilde salon, filled with aristocrats and important people who tried to impress each other. The hostess and a waiter took YN and Thomas to their table, the best table in the whole place. A table with a view. YN was a sucker for a killer view, but at the end of the day, it was a view she knew way to well.
-Here you go Mr. Shelby and Mrs. Casiraghi. So, can I bring you something to drink?-The young man asked with a smile, you could tell the poor thing was really nervous. He has to serve two of the most important clients of the Hotel.
-I’ll have a glass of Sancerre.-The girl spoke with confidence, after turning his gaze to the blue eyed.
-I’ll have a whiskey. Irish.-The kid left as quickly as possible, trying to bring their drinks asap. Thomas got closer to her. -You look stunning.- He said in a whisper, and kissed her cheek. Closing his eyes, Him savoring her scent; she smelled heavenly. It didn’t took long before YN started to blush, she was very used to men giving her compliments of all kind, but there was something in the way Thomas did it that drove her crazy.
-You look pretty good too, I’m glad to see you in one piece, I’ll admit that the last time I saw you, I didn’t though you’ll make it.-She spoke with clarity, something that Tommy was starting to appreciate. Tommy chuckled, even when he was pretty used to having a poker face and nothing and no one surprised him, she did. She was something different. -So how did you found me? And what took you so long?
A smile appeared on Tommy and a minute later, the drinks were in their hands.
-Well, well, you play no games, don’t you?... When I finally went back to Birmingham, where I’m from, I wasn’t the man you met. Everything changed in me. I became a different man, all my believes, my ideas, my feelings and emotions died in France, stayed in France. But, when I came back I started looking for you and to be honest, it wasn’t hard, you’re kind of a celebrity. I know that princes, dukes, ministers, rich gals, and almost every man with eyes would kill to be by your side. I know you’re well educated, you’re probably the only woman I know that went to college. I know who you are. So now tell me, would you even say hello to the man I was before I became who I am now? No YN, you wouldn’t. Cause at the end of the day I’m not a man who could’ve dated you, cause I didn’t had anything to offer you. So how was I supposed to chase a woman like you? Let’s be honest love, you’re out of my league. -Thomas sipped from his whisky, his eyes never leaving hers.- I started my company, doing bets, protecting people, doing business and everything else for two reasons, the first one is cause I always wanted to give my family everything they deserved and the second, cause I want to get myself anything I want, anything I desire, and guess what? I desire you, YN. I want you. I’ve wanted you since the first time I saw you in France.- She didn’t say a word. To be honest, she was pretty amused.
The dinner went by fast. Not much talk between them but also, they couldn’t keep their gaze to themselves. They ate and have one or two laughs. Everything was going okay. It was average. But YN always wanted more than average.
-So now that you’ve tried to impress me and clearly failed, why don’t you take me to somewhere that I can actually have fun. Somewhere you actually enjoy, somewhere we can be ourselves and stop pretending. Show me where would Thomas Shelby take a girl to have a little fun?
-You won’t like it. I’m not sure you’ll like my world.
-Hmm... I’m feeling adventurous.- a smile appeared on her face, she was challenging him.
-Okay... cmon...-He stood up after leaving some cash on the table, giving the young waiter, the tip of his life. And for the first time on the whole night YN took his hand. They drove away and YN could see how the streets of London changed from the safest and prettiest ones to the dangerous and poorest. She loved to be out of her comfort zone. Thomas parked his car and she could notice a few blocks away from they parked, lights that attracted everyone.
-A pub? You brought me to a freakin pub?
-Oi! This isn’t like a pub you’ve probably been to. This is not the type of gals you interact with. This are working men, men who fought in France, men who don’t care about money or your last name... trust me, you’ll have a blast. I promise.
-And if I don’t?-She asked challenging him again. She loved to play.
-If you don’t have fun, you’ll decide where we go the next time... but if you do have fun, I’ll kiss you.
-Who says there’s going to be a second date?
-Its a feeling love... now let’s go.
Thomas couldn’t take his eyes away from her while she walked. He had been waiting for this moment all day and looked thru out the day, repeatedly at his watch. This feels like a first date, and in a way it is, but Tommy didn’t do first dates, not until her. He had never taken a prospect girl out to dinner. He had sat through interminable meetings that day, bought a business, and fired three people. Nothing He had done today, including almost killing a man, dispelled the anxiety Tommy had wrestled with all day. That power is in the hands of YN. YN made him anxious, he hadn’t even taste her but he was already addicted.
As they entered the pub fulled with men who feared, loved and respected Thomas, everything got quiet. Not a soul would dare to speak.
-Fellas. Is this a funeral or why the scary faces? Cmon! Drinks are on me today! You deserve it! -
Every man in the room cheered, but Thomas only noticed the admiring glances from those same men, and in the case of one handsome, athletic guy, overt appreciation of his date. It’s not something Tommy have dealt with before...and to be honest, he didn’t liked it. It seemed that that night, all the men only had eyes for Miss YN. They walked while Thomas gave them a withering look that send them in retreat from the room. Taking her hand, he lead her to the bar.
-Mr. Shelby! So nice to see ya again-An old man smiled to the couple.
-What would you like to drink?- Tommy is rewarded with a knowing smile as she sits down.
-I’ll have whatever you’ll have, please.
-Two whiskeys, Irish, Tom.- Tommy said to the bartender before they slide into a booth. Thomas sitting right next to her.
-So... you’re quite de celebrity aren’t you?-She smiles to him while making fun on him. YN actually was surprised of all the love Thomas Shelby received and yet, he didn’t seem to care.
They drank the whole night, she sang to him, and he danced with her. They talked, for hours. They went to the roof of the pub and watch some fireworks. YN talked about college, about art, about her favorite books, about her fears, she even talked about Alex. Tommy talked about his family, about the company, about Ruby and Charlie, he talked about his childhood, about the games he played with his brothers, about the war. It was so easy to talk to each other. It felt like they’ve always known each other. YN was everything Tommy always wanted, she wasn’t afraid of thinking for herself, she was smart and she was passionate about almost everything that intrigued her. She was fearless and a little bit reckless, yet caring and loving. And she laughed, she laughed about everything and it was really easy for her to make new friends. She loved to party and to have fun. She wasn’t scared to be herself in a world that tells you who you are supposed to be. Fuck. Thomas really liked her. And Tommy was everything YN always craved. A rational man who didn’t fear his instincts. A man who cared about his family and everyone he loved. He was powerful and a control freak, but with her he let go. He was free and wasn’t scared of anything. He does what he wants and takes what he wants. He has ambitions and damn he’s intelligent. Oh and he’s gorgeous.
They laughed and talked for hours and hours, until it was early in the morning. 5 am marked the clock, but they wanted so much of each other that time didn’t seem to care. But they had stuff to do, even if the dreamt of staying in that little booth their whole lives, real life was starting out there.
-Let’s go YN, I’ll take you home.-He took her hand and they started to walk in the still dark sky, out of the pub they acted as if they still were in their bubble.
-I don’t want this to end...-She spoke while walking before she stopped to look at Tommy.-I feel so liberated when I’m with you.
-Well did you have fun?-Thomas asked the girl while he cornered her to a wall. Her back hitting lightly the wall. Him getting closer to her. Bodies brushing into one and other.
-Are you kidding me? This is the most fun I’ve had in a long time...-She smiled to him and Tommy could’ve sworn he could feel his heart race.
-Good. That’s good. Cause know I’m going to be able to do something I’ve been wanted to do since the first time I saw you in France.-And with that being said, Thomas kissed the red lips of the girl who had been teasing him all night. And god she felt so good. She was a goddess, of that Tommy was sure. And she tasted so heavenly.
-You’re going to be the death of me love...-Thomas said in a whisper before driving YN to her house and ending their beautiful night.
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kristinstoked · 6 years
List of My Favorite Things in The Lightning Thief Musical (as heard on audio)
Disclaimer: someone got me an audio of the show from 2017, so no, I have not seen the show. This is all gained from simple audio. Also this list used to be way longer like I have more awesome moments but I had to tone it own a lil’
First of all, Chris McCarrell started singing and i started cryiiing. This man lays so much emotion in Percy AND IT’S WHAT HE DESERVES
“Their father Kronos” “KROOONOOOOOSSSSS” (this happens two times btw it’s awesome)
Okay so on the cast album when Grover goes like “you’re not exactly...” and then Percy finishes it off with “normal” and Percy sounds angry and fed up. But then here he says it in a really sad and disappointed way and SOMEONE GIVE THIS BOY A HUG PLEAS
“we saw all this x-rated art. Museums are crazy” “the headmaster called me” “about the art?” (convo between Percy and Sally)
I love that James plays Chris’ step-father, uncle and best friend-turned-enemy and definitely more in one musical.
“If he was my kid-” “He’s not.” I stan Sally Jackson with all my heart ugh (convo between Gabe and Sally)
okay so i’m pretty sure that the last note in Strong is sung by both Sally and Percy on the cast album but not here and honestly??? it just shows that Sally realizes she can’t take care of Percy anymore and that he now has to do it alone; be strong on his own and i just made myself cry
“Hey look a goat! Hey little guy - GROVER????” (also this means that at some point Percy can only see his legs which makes me wonder what position Grover is in)
“is a Fury after Percy right now?” “Oh no no no (as in don’t worry no)” “oh thank god” “IT’S A MINOTAUR” (convo between Sally and Grover)
“Mr. D can be a bit- well, he hates children”
when grover comes to apologize to Percy for what happend he’s all talking himself down and being like “i’m the worst satyr in the world” and then Percy says “I’m so glad you are here” and i can only assume they hug at this point
“admit it, i’m the smartest person you know” “yeah, you’re also the toughest so i would admit it either way” “you think i’m tough?” (convo between Annabeth and Luke)
First of all, that above was Clarisse erasure but whatever
“are you ever going to wear pants ever again?” “nope” (convo between Percy and Grover)
okay so hearing this without seeing it makes it kinda confusing at most times but at some point percy makes light saber noises???? so like??? i assume he’s holding a sword and thinks that’s appropriate????
“YOU’RE MY DREAM GIRL” (as said by Percy Jackson)
“sexist much?” (said by Annabeth when Percy assumes only male gods can have children)
i’m very gay for kristin stokes and sarah beth pfeifer
“[clarisse] could have killed me” “the plan would have worked either way” (convo between Percy and Annabeth)
also PARALLEL; when realizing that Annabeth used Percy as a distraction he says “you set me up” which is like also literally what he says to luke so foreshadowing that Percy is going to get played
*everyone talking about how they hate their parents* “hi my name is percy and i love my mom” (i know it’s on the cast album but it’s too iconic not to mention)
“my dad is Poseidon? SUH-WEEEEET”
“Mr D wants to kill you - I MEAN TALK TO YOU” 
“why is Zeus mad at me?” “Um you were born??” (convo between Percy and mr. D)
*Mr D talking about the lightning bolt* “and we’re not talking about some crowny tin foil zig zag from some off-broadway play”
“okay so what happens now?” *amidst a coughing fit “dolphin”* (convo between Percy and Mr. D)(also mr d constantly wanting to turn Percy into a dolphin is everything)
“the underworld is in los angeles” “really? actually, I’m not surprised” (convo between Luke and Percy)
"he claimed me because he needs me? where was he when i got kicked out of school or we couldn’t pay our rent???”  aaahhhh yesss angsty percy i love him
“you’re expelling me. Again.” (aka MORE ANGST)
also i know he climbs the scaffolding during good kid so i need a video of that someone come through
Act II has barely started and they’re already being attacked which I think accurately describes Percy’s life
How is Percy the only one who thinks that maybe getting your picture taken by a strange woman in a garden full of human statues is a little sketchy? 
also these 3 are idiots. how did they not die in the first book
“Your mother and I are old nemesisss... nemesisssss... WE DONT LIKE EACH OTHER” 
*in the most dry tone ever* “ow. my head.” (said by Medusa)
“Just tell her it wasn’t your  fault.” “You’re right, it’s yours”
“Medusa used to be beautiful until... *mumbling*” “until?” “until her mom turned her into a monster! *laughing* .... oh look, a bunch of empty boxes!!!” (Annabeth - Percy - Grover)
“you don’t even know how to hold a sword.” “yes i do - wait *presumably fumbles with sword* *very smug* yesss, I do.” (convo between Annabeth and Percy)
Tree on the Hill has NO BUSINESS being like that
“are we sure we’re ready to do this?” “not at all. let’s go.”
“we drowned. in a bathtub.” “all three of us.” 
“guys... i think this pit... is Tartarus?” “LIKE THE FISH SAUCE????” (convo between Annabeth and Percy)
“why would Kronos want my shoes?” “they were really cool shoes” (convo between Grover and Percy)
“there is no way in HELL... sorry” (said by the sass master Percy)
“[Your father] doesn’t care about family. Or his brother, who he never visits. He’s too busy playing with mermaids and dolphins and thinking he’s soooo cool in his Hawaiian shirt.” Damn Hades, chill with the salt already
“Does [gabe] have some magic power or something?” “you could say that. his smell.” (convo between Percy and Poseidon)
“have you ever heard of Hercules and the Augean stables? That guy smells worse.” (said by Poseidon)
*very touching speech from Father Poseidon to his beloved son* “still, I am sorry you were born.”
“as our official protector you can escort is back to camp.” “and you’re conscious this time!!!!” (convo between Percy and Grover)
“you met my dad? ... Did he mention me?” (said by Clarisse)
good kid reprise is giving me all the feels and i am crying bye.
also can we appreciate the strength it must have taken Annabeth to turn her back on Luke???? Like here’s this guy who’s been protecting her since forever, who literally was a hero to her because without him she wouldn’t have been alive. She probably idolized him, and she definitely loved him (as a brother or silly crush). But still she turns her back on him. That is strength.
And those were a few of my favorite things so you can probably guess how much i love this musical. 
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praphit · 5 years
Spider-Man II: Guilt or Kisses?
Spider-Man! Hot damn he’s far from home!
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Back in the day, I was into two comic books - it was all about “The X-Men” and “SPIDER-MAN”! I was hyped when they first brought Spidey to theatres; even more so, when they finally got Spidey right in Tom Holland; when they finally got his age right
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but... careful what you hope for, I suppose. I liked the last Spider-man movie, but I was like "You know, kids aren't that interesting." They're not! It's not they're fault, they simply haven't lived yet. No real drama. Well, they have drama, but it's not the same as adult drama!  Teen drama is more:
"Oh no, that bitch is wearing the same dress as I am!" or "Why is my girlfriend liking photos on IG of her ex?" "Son of a biscuit eater! My phone is broken! My life is LITERALLY over!" or "I'm such a loser, I'm going to fail this test!"
And yes, you are a loser, and you ARE going to fail that test, but that's not real drama!
Adult drama is more:
Did that brotha really just stage a hate crime?
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"What? Bribery? What does that word even mean?"
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(”... you gotta get me outta here.”
"Soooo, I was trapped alone with Louis CK, annnnnd..." 
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or "Oh Lawd! They made Ariel black! This country has gone to shit!"
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See?? - real drama. Some teens have real drama, but quickly become great at suppressing it. Thank God for avoidance behavior and clueless parents, am I right??
My boy Spidey needed some real life experiences, and running off to Paris with Jake, Sam L, and Zendaya is just what he needed to grow up! - or... suppress things further.
A lot has gone down since we last saw Peter Parker (or lil PP, as the young hip-hop loving nerds call him). Endgame - I mean he blackedout (Thanosed), woke up to a massive battle, and then saw his mentor be martyred before his eyes; that's at least three sessions of therapy.
Aunt May is way too hot 
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 -so all the men (and some ambitious boys) are always coming around to try and get with her (more therapy).
Plus, everyone wants him to be the next Tony Stark! He's frickin 16! Forget building a new Avengers to protect the world - What 16 year old would you willingly put in charge of your life?
He had to get away! And a school trip to Europe is the way to go!
Do kids go on trips like that in school now? When I was in school the most adventurous place we went to was to the zoo. And we didn't even go during the regular season. We went when all of the animals were hibernating. 
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We pretty much had to imagine what the animals might have been doing if our school wasn't poor.
Though, every now and then, we'd find a homeless person locked in there. So, that was fun.
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EUROPE, BABY! That's what I'm talking about!
Plus, there's the bonus of Zendaya!
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She is excellent as MJ. They've got a whole romcom thing going on. It's cute to see those two as well as other strange teen couples get together. Seriously, though, everybody on this trip is extremely socially awkward. It's like they took all the kids from their school who are on the spectrum and sent them to Europe with two idiot teachers - something sinister may be going on there.
As seen in the trailer, Nick Fury eventually ruins the romcom fun with a mission for Peter. 
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I love that pic:) Reminds me of my daddy when he didn’t like what he saw on my report card. Good times.
But, Lil PP is like "Damn that! I'm going all in on getting some of those Zendaya kisses!" Nick Fury does a good job of laying on the guilt though, and so this becomes the fork of the movie -
Option A - Sam L: "Parker! Quit being a bitch and save the world as Spider-man! Ya sticky, bug-eyed, motha bleepa!"
Option B -   Peter’s reply: "... but I'm horny as hell.”
Tony Stark learned that he could have it all!  - the calling, the glory, the women, and the booze. 
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But, I guess Peter will learn that later down the road.
Jake Gyllenhaal (Mysterio) kinda plays as Peter's enabling older brother; it's kinda touching, in a way - 
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He lays on the brotherly advice:
a) "Peter! Bleep responsibility! A wise man once said "With great white privelege comes more opportunities to do what YOU want."
b) "Go have fun! Get the girl! Follow your loins! Isn't that what that cereal-eating bird once said?
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... or was that Bill Cosby? 
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Whatever. Go forth!"
I really enjoyed this movie! There's a lot I can't get into without spoiling anything, but there's so much they do here, and they do it well. My only issue is that there's more that they could have done in certain respects . 
It's partly a comedy, but it could have been funnier if they had given certain characters more to do, especially the teachers being that one of them is JB Smoove (natural funny man). I wouldn't have cared except they were trying to make them funny, and failing for the most part.
The superhero action is really good, but there's not enough of it. I wanted so much more of what Spidey is capable of.
The cg stuff they do with Mysterio is the most visual stimulating thing that they do in the film, but there's some cheesiness concerning some of Mysterio's story later in the film.
And if you're looking for any hashing out of Endgame emotions, you won't get too much of that here. I'm not sure where they'll do it either - “Guardians” is a comedy. “Ant-Man” is a comedy. And Captain Marvel... did it seem like she even cared in "Endgame"? She was at Tony’s funeral looking at her watch.
This is all small stuff though! I enjoyed the film!
Grade: B+ (btw - two stingers at the end, both are MUST SEE)
It's going to be fun watching to see how they rebuild the Avengers with Spider-man; assuming that they do that is. Maybe Spidey will find his avoidance behavior of choice in MJ's kisses. They might have to slap the mantle on Starlord instead...
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(Ch’mon) ... imagine that.
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subtlerain · 6 years
Chrysalis - Part V
→ Vampire!Taehyung x Reader
I ♥ II ♥ III ♥ IV ♥ V ♥ VI ♥
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A/N: It’s FINALLY here! Thank you all soooo much for being so lovely and patient with me, and I am so sorry I’ve made you wait this long for an update! I struggled with this part a little bit, as it was one of those more emotional, ‘backstory revealing’ parts that I really wanted to make sure I was happy with! Anyways, I hope you enjoy this update, and (hopefully) I will have the next update posted on my regular posting day!
Also, expect some spam soon as I’m seeing BTS LIVE IN CONCERT ON THURSDAY !!
Warnings: Angst, backstory reveal, lots of feelings & sad themes
Tagged: @fuckingpisces @ophelia-carolina @jeongin-stay @charlesgrey1875 @lilliaflurr @thelonelyshinbu @squadlevi @awkwardaardvarkforever @macfullyloaded17 @chimchimsauce @tateahyung @parkthejimbles @lookatmyuglyface @ravioli-raviolii @aaurelia22 @jjkookie07 @cherryvblossom
♥ Let me know if you’d like to be added to the tagged list so you don’t miss the next part! ♥
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You couldn’t sleep.
Your mind was racing a million miles a minute, your skin burning and heart pounding like you were back at the library, Taehyung’s blood-red eyes boring into yours with an intensity you had never seen, sharp incisors poking out behind his lips.
However, the thing that kept you from your much needed rest was not the fact that it was obvious his blood-lusting vampire side had come out, it was the conflict in his eyes and in his words.
It was like he was fighting some powerful invisible force, his eyes shiny and wide with a muted confusion. His body had been trembling against yours, his voice, although sharp, sounded desperate, and when he had turned away, he was looking at his shaking hand, his shoulders tensed.
Before he had teleported away, it almost seemed like he wanted to say something, like there was something that was nearly killing him, and he needed to get it out.
You knew Taehyung had demons, but this was something new, and it seemed to be causing him more grief than ever. You knew you had gone too far, after all, if he didn’t want to tell you about his past, he didn’t have to, but whatever he had been holding on to that caused him to hate the the world and himself was obviously causing him more harm than good.
Even though you were terrified out of your mind in that moment, you still remembered everything he had said to you, and everything you had said to him.
You had told the truth, the blatant, honest truth.
You cared about him, hell, you cared about him so much you sometimes forgot what your purpose was coming here to live with him. Taehyung had captured your attention and you had grown to care deeply for him.
Your heart had swelled for the vampire.
But, as it seemed, he had not forgotten that you were here with him because you were desperate for money for your sister. He looked so pained, almost hurt when he iterated that to you. It was if he believed you had been lying to him the whole time, the days you spent with him and the rushed glances you made meant nothing.
But you did, you truly did care about him, you cared about him so much and it killed you to see this wonderful man be torn apart by his own past, for his own reasons that you didn’t know about.
For a moment, you thought back to when you had first arrived, not knowing what to expect for the job you had applied for on a desperate whim. You had never thought this vampire would bring on such emotions to rest in the centre of your chest.
And you doubted he expected it either.
These thoughts had sent your mind spinning for the billionth time, mixed emotions causing a knot to form in your stomach.
You had been returning to your bedroom from your slow, quiet walk through the mansion when you heard it, the time nearly midnight.
It was a small noise, like a whimper, as if from a hurt animal. You paused with your hand on your doorknob and furrowed your brows, confused.
It was usually quiet around the house, and that afternoon it had been particularly quiet, you and Taehyung both hiding out in your rooms from the events that late morning.
The sound happened again, this time louder, accompanied by the shuffling of sheets.
Your head snapped in the direction of Taehyung’s bedroom, and you instinctually crept forwards, your footfalls slow and light.
“N-no, n-no!”
Your heart thumped against your ribcage, the strangled voice of the vampire muffled by his walls.
You pressed your ear to the door, violent shuffling of sheets and whimpers coming from the other side.
“Taehyung?” You called softly, worry crawling up your back.
“N-no! Please…please don’t!”
The most heart shattering cry for help sounded from the other side, and before you knew it, you were bursting through the door, adrenaline pumping through your veins, skin crawling and heart pounding, eyes searching the dim room for the vampire.
And then you saw him.
Taehyung was sitting up in bed, the sheets around him crumpled, his eyes wide and blinking, obviously from waking with a start.
It took you a moment to see the way his cheeks glistened with fresh tears, his bare chest glistening with sweat and hair a mess.
“T-taehyung?” You asked, frozen in your spot in his doorway. Your voice sounded just as scared as he looked.
His eyes snapped to yours, shiny with tears and wide with absolute horror. If it was possible, the vampire looked even paler than usual. Deathly so.
His breathing quickened, and more tears dropped from his eyes, your heart shattering as his body shook violently.
You were by his side in an instant, checking for signs of injury, anything else that could’ve hurt him, but it seemed everything was in his head.
The demons that were haunting him had come out in the form of a nightmare.
You touched his arm, and he flinched, his body shuttering, eyes still unfocused.
“Taehyung, are you okay?” You asked softly, the only light in the room from the full moon outside.
He blinked, fresh tears still falling, and his voice was hoarse, “Y-Y/N?”
He had never called your name before, the syllables of your name desperate, and his voice was breaking. He seemed so horribly venerable that you let yourself crawl onto the bed beside him, your hand running up his back soothingly.
His lips trembled, and it was clear his hard exterior was cracked, his mask was off and his eyes held the darkness that had haunted him for far too long.
You kept your eyes locked on him, “I’m here.” You rubbed his back softly, trying desperately to help him calm down, but he was still shaking, tears in his dark, wide eyes.
He breathed out shakily, his voice distant, “Y-Y/N, I had…I had…the nightmares came back and it was so real—“
“Shhh…” You said softly, bringing your hands to his cheeks to wipe at his tears, the action causing him to look at you finally.
You smiled softly, eyes solely on his, “It’s okay. Everything is okay.” You reassured.
He didn’t respond, but he let you continue to brush the pads of your fingers over his cheekbones, wiping away the last of his tears as he closed his eyes.
It occurred to you that he looked absolutely exhausted, dark bags under his eyes and a noticeable slouch to his shoulders. He swallowed, Addams apple bobbing, his smooth face gripped between your hands.
It was nearly torture to see him like this, crying and shaking, and he looked so small and so weak that it made your heart clench with a sickly sadness, and for a moment, you felt the need to cry just from looking at him like this.
You hated seeing him like this, you hated that he was so tortured, and that he had gone all these years alone.
Taehyung had been so alone.
You didn’t want him to ever feel alone again.
You lightly pressed on his chest, helping him lie back down on his bed, his muscles only just starting to relax.
You fluffed the pillow beneath his head, starting to move to pull the sheet around him when he lightly grabbed your wrist, his eyes wide and pleading.
“Please…can you stay with me?”
The request made you pause for a moment, your heart thumping, before you simply nodded and brought yourself down on the bed beside him, pulling the blankets around the two of you in protection.  
You faced him, his skin illuminated in the moonlight, eyes still glassy, but he seemed calmer, his eyes trained on your face as if he was trying to memorize all of your features in the upmost detail.
You reached up one hand to push his fringe off his forehead, the very ends wet with sweat, and he relaxed into your touch, his eyes fluttering shut again.
You lowered your voice, “Everything is okay, Taehyung. No one will hurt you.”
At those words, the vampire snaked his arms around you, arms circling your waist and hips as he pulled himself to your chest, as if he was afraid you could slip away from him any moment.
Although you weren’t expecting it, you allowed him to relax into you, his breathing steadying and fingers twisting into the fabric of the back of your shirt.
You combed your fingers through his soft hair, your eyes still open as you waited for him to fall asleep, his arms relaxing around you and chest falling into a slow rhythm against yours.
However, Taehyung was still awake when you pressed a soft kiss to his forehead and uttered soft words that his ears picked up on easily.
The words that made his dark heart surge.
“You’re safe with me, Taehyung.”
He dreamt of you that night.
Maybe it was because of the fact that he slept so soundly with you in his arms, inhaling your scent and feeling your heart beat against his, but his dreams were full of pictures of you in his head that he had wanted to remember forever.
Taehyung recalled the first time he had met you, his brain filled with hate for the desperate girl that came strolling into his house. He hated his father for doing this to him, for ruining his years of solidarity with a single human girl.
He thought after your first encounter that he could break you, he could scare you off and you would just leave him alone like he is supposed to be, like he had been all these years.
But he was wrong.
He saw himself in you often, your stubbornness was nearly frustrating. The fact that you never forgot to smile at him or ask him your silly little questions at mealtimes and step closer to his walls with each conversation was confusing, but then had bloomed into something endearing.
In his dream, he saw your beautiful smile and wide, curious eyes, and he could inhale your scent and hear your heart almost perfectly.
He saw you when you had first been in the grocery store with him, your lips twisted into a pout and hand in his as you searched the shelves. He saw you in the kitchen with your cheeks rosy from the oven, he saw you sitting with him at his dining room table, beaming, even though you sometimes looked so tired.
It was the simple things that would always make this light feeling coarse through his middle.
You made him feel something he hadn’t felt in a long time, perhaps ever, a pure feeling that he didn’t know he was capable of anymore, not since he closed off his world.
He saw your eyes wide with fear when he had snapped at you, nearly losing control from the fact that you were breaking him down, that you had gotten to his cold heart, that his walls were crumbling at the will of your pretty eyes and genuine words and warm heart.
He believed he was full of darkness, but somehow, some of your light had gotten inside, and blossomed.
You awoke with the sun streaming behind your eyelids, and you turned your head away from the light, stuffing your nose into silky sheets below you.
That was when you realized something was different, that this was not the bed you had spent every evening in.
Your eyes snapped open, beams of sun burning your irises as your body awoke. Before you could cry out in confusion however, the events from the night previous came back to you in a storm of recollection, and you relaxed a touch.
Holding your breath, you rolled over to your other side, your lips closing into a line as your eyes landed on the back of the vampire, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, seeming lost in thought.
But you figured you would be too after a night like that.
You wondered if he knew you were awake, and as if sensing your pending question, he raised his head a centimetre.
“You’re awake.”
His voice had its usual edge to it, but was quieter, and you could tell his eyes were open even though his head was bowed.
You peeled your lips apart, “Are…are you feeling better?”
He turned his head a little to the side, fringe covering part of his face, “Yes.”
Taehyung didn’t say another word, and you paused, wondering what to do next. You propped yourself up on your elbow, gazing outside the window in front of him.
Taehyung was so still that you wondered if he had stopped breathing.
You pondered what to say next. It was obvious that there was tension, his breakdown last night had shocked you—and you assumed Taehyung hadn’t meant to drag you into it either—but you held your tongue.
You remembered how he had practically molded his body into yours, his fingers gripping you so tightly, as if he was worried you would slip through his arms like water.
Taehyung came to a conclusion then, his own mind turning rapidly, his heart pounding relentlessly in his chest.
He had been up for a while, even since he stirred awake before the sun had come up, your warm body pressed against his.
He had stayed curled beside you for a moment, his nose pressed into your hair and arms curled around your stomach, listening to the soft rise and fall of your breath, and the slow, steady beating of your heart.
He listened to you sleep every night, in fact. It had become nearly an obsession, his ears focused on your breathing and heart beat as it slowed you into your sleep cycle, and he would sometimes even wake up if he heard you stir loudly in the middle of the night from a dream.
But it was different, being beside you.
The overwhelming sense of comfort you had given him, the fact that you were with him in his darkest times when his mind was dizzy and his heart was pounding and he couldn’t tell what was real or not.
It reminded him that maybe, possibly, he was not alone.
The vampire had just enough courage to utter his next words to you, just enough hope and feeling in his body that he could try to be strong again, and face the thing that haunted him most.
Because maybe, just maybe, if you were by his side, it would be okay.
“Get dressed. I would like you to accompany me somewhere.”
It was a cool morning, dew was still on the tips of the grass, and the early birds were out, singing lonely melodies.
Taehyung walked slightly in front of you, his eyes trained ahead as he lead you down one of the numerous paths that existed in the forest behind his mansion.
Your boots crunched over fallen leaves and branches, and you offered small smiles every time he would glance over his shoulder at you.
You weren’t sure why he was doing that, it was obvious that you were following him, but his expression was unreadable, and the dark of his eyes almost seemed unsure.
You were surprised that he hadn’t just run away like he always had, that he didn’t slink off in the dark of the night after his nightmare, embarrassed, ashamed when you awoke.
But no, Taehyung had stayed, and for the first time, it seemed he wasn’t hiding.
Taehyung hesitated for a moment, in your travels and you settled beside him, noticing you were approaching a small clearing.
You glanced up at him, feeling your own unease settle in your stomach, “Is everything alright?”
He swallowed, his eyes looking straight forwards.
Almost naturally, you reached your hand out to touch his, your fingers sliding in between his easily. He wrapped his large hand around yours almost instantly, and began to walk forwards, your warmth giving him the confidence he needed to continue.
Something as simple as a touch of your hand against his, Taehyung realized, could give him strength he didn’t realize he had. So once again, instead of turning away, he pressed on, with you beside him.
It was indeed a clearing, and although the trees were overgrown, it was clear as day what he wanted to show you.
It was a tomb.
Old, grey stone made up the almost shed-like structure, emerald vines weaving its way around the rock. It was very old, and you noticed some of the edges of the stone were chipped, the smaller details made so many years ago softened by weather.
However, the name etched into the front was clear as day, and you squeezed Taehyung’s hand.
His mother.
The two of you stayed facing it, and Taehyung was unmoving, his eyes gliding over the structure rapidly, as if he was trying searching for an answer within the stone.
He must’ve found it, because he finally spoke, “I haven’t been here in decades.”
You breathed out, “Your mother.”
The buzz of morning surrounded the two of you, and you waited for him to continue.
You could almost feel him forming thoughts, his hand now slightly limp against yours, as if he had traveled somewhere distant in his mind. You recalled the funeral of your own mother; a solemn event where you had felt nearly numb inside, the weak smiles of pity and tight hugs of reassurance did nothing to change the coldness you had felt inside.
You had been numb inside for a long time, but somehow it had fuelled you, and your years consisted of work because your little sister was now the top priority.
You let your eyes drift to your intertwined hands, bringing yourself from your own thoughts to focus on Taehyung.
What could’ve happened that caused him to block out everything for all those years?
His fingers suddenly twitched against yours, and your question was answered, “She was murdered.”
Your insides instantly crumbled as the words slipped past his lips, your mouth falling open in pure shock at the three words that made your stomach twist into knots. You turned your head to face him, his eyes unmoving from the tomb of his mother, “Taehyung…”
His eyes closed, and he took in a breath, “I think,” He started, and he gripped your hand a little tighter, “I think I’d like to tell you what happened.”
His voice was softer that usual, and he was talking slowly, the usual fast-paced venom laced in his tone absolutely gone.
Taehyung’s mask was crumbling, and your heart pounded as you watched his expressions carefully, taking in his words with utmost attention.
He took his time, his own heart pounding in his chest, “My nightmare last night, I was remembering when she died.” You let him pause, his mouth still open as he pieced together piecing his next words, “I saw it happen.”
Your stomach dropped, pang of sadness, worry, absolute despair filling your insides, “I’m so sorry…” You said quietly, your voice barely a whisper.
His eyes moved down to meet yours, and instead of the darkness they usually held, they were glassy, his chocolate eyes merely dark puddles, defeat laced in his irises.
You wondered if this was the first time he had said those words aloud, or let anyone see how he had truly thought.
He shook his head, “I was a child, way too young to have to see that.”
You nodded wordlessly, and it seemed as if everything around the two of you had gone silent, the whole world pausing as the vampire spoke.
Taehyung tried desperately to focus on you as he talked, afraid that he might faint or cry or tear himself apart in anger. His head starting to spin from just remembering the day where his entire world changed forever. He let himself feel the warmth of your hand in his, let himself feel that you were there, beside him.
That he was not alone.
He didn’t have to tell you, he didn’t have to take you here to see his mother. But he felt something lift of of his shoulders as he spoke slowly, weight of this event he had carried with him for so long letting go.
He looked into your eyes—they had become full of tears—and the expression you wore was soft, not full of pity or shock anymore.
It was open, it was kind, and he let your expression fuel him once again.
Maybe he wasn’t alone.
He blinked at his mother’s tomb, “It was back when there were conflicts between humans and vampires. My family was safe, we were in an area of the country where we were welcomed, where we could walk down the street freely and not have to worry about getting harassed.” He smiled weakly, but it came out like more of a grimace, “I even went to school with human children. They didn’t even bat an eye at me.”
You rubbed the back of his hand with your thumb, tender swipe of your digit causing a warm comfort to wash over the vampire.  
He took in a breath, “It was late, that night, and a terrible storm had come through when my mother and I were walking. I remember that the rain was so loud, I couldn’t even hear when they came into our town.”
Your heart was hammering in your chest, the word murder circulating around again and again in your brain like a horrible, horrible broken record.
Taehyung closed his eyes, and you watched his jaw tighten, “It was a group of men—protestors—from the city. ‘Vampire hunts’ they called them.” His voice was soft, broken, but the words kept rushing out, even though his mouth had gone as dry as a bone, “They searched for female vampires, killing them in hopes to stop our kind from repopulating.”
You felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes again, and Taehyung’s hand started to shake from the memory, his words filled with nothing but sadness, horror, and most of all, hatred.
He shook his head, “They stabbed her right through the heart, right in front of me.” His voice was weak, almost a whisper, and he could feel his head spinning again, a whirlwind of memories that haunted him nearly every day of his life, “And I just ran, I didn’t even do anything—“
His voice cracked on his last word, and he slumped to the ground almost instantly, his knees hitting the grass, head bowed.
You watched him from below you, his hands tightened into fists, his position showing nothing but defeat, guilt, utter despair.
“The humans took her from me. And there was nothing I could do to stop it.”
He lifted his head up a millimetre, “I hate them. I hate them all.”
His voice was rough, full of bottled up emotions and confused thoughts that had you frozen in place. It was resentment for your kind, for humans all those years ago when they’d do unspeakable things to vampires. You had heard of mass shootings and public killings of vampires, but they had always seemed so savage and barbaric, so different from the world you lived in.
But here he was, a grown vampire who witnessed his own mother being murdered, the actions of humans full of hate and ignorance causing him to shut himself away, to live his immortal life seeing the image of his mother’s murder forever burned in his mind.
“The pages of a book cannot hurt me. Your world can.”
The words he had spoken in the library resonated in your skull, the honesty and fear in them now ever so apparent as you watched the vampire whose very life was changed forever stare at the ground, head in his hands.
And it hurt, it hurt so much to see him so broken, to see that the walls he had built up around him crumbling and revealing a broken little boy who saw what true evil humans can possess.
It hurt to see how much it had numbed him, how much it had turned his fragile insides dark, how much he hated the world, hated your kind.
And how much he hated himself.
Something snapped inside of you, and you tumbled down to the ground, your body latching onto his desperately, your arms wrapping around his neck as you pulled yourself to him.
Your voice was nearly a whisper as you gazed out at the circle of trees around you through glassy eyes, “You don’t have to hide anymore.”
Taehyung’s body was frozen for a moment, your sudden movements having caught him off guard.
You mumbled into his chest, your emotions spilling over, “Please don’t blame yourself. It wasn’t your fault.”
He tensed, “I couldn’t save her.”
You pulled back suddenly, your face only inches from his, his cheeks cupped in your hands.
You shook your head, “She wouldn’t want you to hate yourself. She wouldn’t want you to live this way, all alone.” He was looking at you intensely, his eyes locked on yours as you spoke, “You can’t keep resenting your father from moving on, you can’t keep hating humans for what they did a hundred years ago.”
He swallowed, his eyes closing, your words hitting him in the centre of your chest, the truths he didn’t want to accept slipping past your lips, “I’m nothing. I’m lazy and selfish and full of darkness and hate.”
You brushed your thumb across his cheekbone, his eyes automatically opening at your gesture.
A smile slipped onto your lips, and you spoke from the every centre of your heart, your racing organ nearly in time with his.
“You’re beautiful, Taehyung. You’re a beautiful disaster who thinks he’s all of those things.” His eyes flicked over yours, searching. You continued, “You’re not broken Taehyung. You’ve perfected your mask and wrapped this chrysalis around yourself so tightly that you’re suffocating.”
You could tell, you could tell he was breaking, that he was trying, he was trying to reach out and grasp your words, “I can’t…”
You breathed out, “Just let me in. Please.”
And then he was looking into your eyes again, his pupils flicking around your irises as if to search for something, as if to search for a lie in your plea, for a cracked truth or corrupted word.
But when you had spoken from your very middle, the pounding organ in you chest that screamed to be with him, your mind was only set on only one thing.
And so he smiled, his arms tightening around you in an embrace, his face buried in your hair, his shoulders relaxing into your touch like he had done it a thousand times.
Like he had wanted to do it a thousand times.
He wasn’t alone anymore.
“Thank you, Y/N.”
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creative-type · 7 years
Building up to Arlong Part II
 In my previous post I started my analysis of the East Blue Saga, looking at the arcs leading up to Arlong Park to see how Eiichiro Oda grew as both an author and an artist in those early chapters as he built the series slowly towards the first “epic” moments of One Piece. 
I ended that post with Orange Town and how Buggy managed to do something no villain before him had done (be memorable and interesting). It’s interesting to see how Oda follows up on this breakthrough with...well, this guy
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I don’t really have much to say about Gaimon’s arc...chapter...whatever the heck it is. It’s completely random and doesn’t fit well with the rest of the East Blue chapters.To be fair to Oda, he does  cut loose and show off some of his wacky creativity, and there is some world building as the Red Line gets its first inauspicious mention.
There’s also something to be said about Luffy and Nami getting to know one another better and further insight into Luffy as a character, but it’s not anything that isn’t accomplished better in other places
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I will admit this made me laugh, though
Syrup Village
Moving on, we jump to Usopp’s recruitment arc. This one is one of the more intriguing of the East Blue arcs (intriguing not equaling good) in that I liked a lot of the individual pieces but found the overall product to be a little lackluster. 
I think part of this is the setting. One Piece is at its best when it’s exploring wild and crazy new places, but Oda hasn’t gotten to that point in the series yet. This arc’s supporting cast is also pretty generic. Usopp’s Pirate Gang aren’t the most annoying little kids I’ve ever seen, but they are annoying little kids. Kaya is...okay. She shows some real gumption after Kuro shows his true colors, but I’m not sure that makes up for all the time she spent being boring early on.
Usopp himself can be hard to like, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Usopp is the everyman of One Piece. He’s not a power fantasy like Luffy or Zoro nor supernaturally talented like Nami. He has the greatest personal flaws of any of the Straw Hats, and his dream is the only one in the crew to be internal rather than external. With that in mind, firmly establishing Usopp’s foibles and his weaknesses makes his victories - both in this arc and later in the series - all the sweeter, even if it makes these chapters a bit of a slog to get through.
This arc does manage two things that would later become staples of the series, and once again we have our villains to thank
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There are some very specific trends in One Piece’s villainous organizations. Most are headed by the main antagonist of the arc and are fought by Luffy. Below the leader there’s usually an annoying, but decently strong character taken out relatively early on (think Pearl, Mr.5/Miss Valentine, Satori, etc). This character acts as both hype and a teaser for bigger fights to come, but also carry some narrative weight by giving insight into the plans/mindset/priorities of the enemy organization as a whole. 
Lastly, Oda usually adds a lovable, quirky villain who, if not the second in command, is one of the strongest fighters in the arc. These characters humanize the Straw Hat’s enemies, add levity, and are generally really fun - so much so that more often then not they return later in the series as a recurring character.
The Nyaban brothers fit into the annoying but decently strong category, but Jango steals the show as the first lovable, quirky minion of the series (I think Oda tried with Buggy’s crew, but they lack the necessary charm to pull it off). Heck, the first thing we see him do is accidentally hypnotize himself after moonwalking down the path to Usopp’s village. Later on it’s hard not to feel at least a little bit sorry for the guy when we see the hopeless position Kuro has put him in. Jango may be an antagonist, but he’s fun and likable and honestly having him join the marines through the power of dance is amazing.
Gin, Hatchan, Betham, and Kaku all fit to one degree of another into this mold, and it wouldn’t have been possible without Jango.
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Secondly, Kuro is the first cerebral villain of the series. Alvida and Morgan relied on brute strength, and while Buggy exhibited a certain amount of cunning he, too, was focused on overwhelming firepower and his Devil Fruit to win the day. 
Kuro of a Thousand Plans. His epithet says it all. Kuro is conniving, sneaky, underhanded, and without a shred of honor to hold him back as he meticulously plans to murder a sickly girl for nothing more than his own peace and comfort. 
All of Oda’s most memorable villains have this Machiavellian mindset. Crocodile, Doflamingo, and most of all Blackbeard are all chess masters to one degree or another. Though their end goals are completely different, you can see a lot of Crocodile especially in how Kuro built up an unshakable reputation while biding his time to strike. They even share a penchant for breaking speeches
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It’s such a little thing, but the words “I suffered” elevate Kuro to one of my favorite East Blue villains, well above even Buggy. It’s so needlessly cruel, twisting the knife right where he knows it will hurt most, just because he can, and I freaking love it.
As a side note before moving on, Oda’s attention to detail is also to be commended during this arc. The way Kuro adjusts his glasses makes for an excellent and chilling re-read bonus, and connecting Morgan’s past to Kuro’s gives the former a little more depth than before.
The Baratie
It’s interesting to compare the Baratie to Syrup village because in many ways these arcs have opposite strengths and weaknesses. Where Syrup village had strong antagonists and a weak setting/side characters, the Baratie is the most memorable locale of the East Blue Saga and has an extremely strong secondary cast.
The Baratie as a concept brilliantly fits into the world of One Piece. The idea of a floating restaurant in a world that’s 90% ocean makes perfect sense, and it’s one of the times that Oda integrates the setting with his characterization. It’s not creativity for creativity’s sake, and unlike Gaimon’s sub-arc...chapter...whatever that was there’s a method behind the madness. 
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This excellent setup is the backdrop to some superb character writing. Sanji is by no means my favorite Straw Hat, but his strained relationship between Zeff and the rest of the Baratie is done extremely well. It’s one of those situations where no one is 100% right or wrong and you just wish they’d all enter counseling or something so they could figure out how to talk to one another without resorting to violence.
It doesn’t hurt that this is when Oda figures out how to properly use the power of Tragic Backstory (tm) to its most devastating effect. While no (named) characters die, Sanji’s backstory is raw, painful, and emotional in all the right places. It’s in expressing these extreme emotions where Oda’s cartoony style is at its most effective. Oda’s characters don’t just cry, they cry ugly, and that’s so important when setting the tone of these heavy moments.
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I don’t have much to say on Kreig or his crew because he’s boring and I despise Pearl with every fiber of my being, but once again we get some fun fight choreography. I especially like the sequence when Sanji spits his cigarette into Gin’s face before kicking him halfway across the deck, only to get a tonfa to the ribs for his effort. 
Also this happens, and it’s soooo satisfying to see Kreig get punched in the face. 10/10, would watch again
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But the one thing that the Baratie does best of all the East Blue arcs - better than even Arlong Park - is world building. The entire series people have been telling Luffy and co. that the Grand Line is super dangerous and that he shouldn’t go, but it’s only here that we see that we see that played out in real time with Mihawk’s introduction to the plot. The Straw Hats have thus far been presented as invincible badasses when they’re nothing more than a big fish in a little pond.
All the stuff with Mihawk is big-picture storytelling and one of Zoro’s best moments. I don’t think that anyone who follows One Piece needs to be told how well Oda does at developing his world. More important to the build up to Arlong Park is Oda’s use of immediate foreshadowing. Right about the time Mihawk shows up Johnny and Yosaku catch Nami checking out bounties, specifically Arlong’s though he’s never named and we don’t see his picture. Immediately after Nami steals the Going Merry so she can run away, and we see her facade start to crack a little under pressure. Note especially how utterly exhausted she looks in this panel here
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This all happens in the same chapter Zoro challenges Mihawk, and the action cuts between the swordsman’s pre-fight banter and the story of how Johnny and Yosaku lost the Merry. Zoro’s fight is the more immediate concern, but when constructing the chapter, instead of going out on that high note Oda cuts back to Nami a second time, this time sailing alone on the open ocean
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If it weren’t already obvious by the whole rest of the series, this scene proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that there’s more to Nami than meets the eye. This is the first time we see her truly vulnerable, almost to the point of being broken, and it puts a completely different meaning to all her actions previous and what we’ll see coming up in later chapters.
I do think there is some significance to putting the Nami scene last over Zoro’s, because as the last thing the audience reads it’s what tends to stick in their mind longest week to week. We don’t see Nami again for a long time, and when we do all her defensive walls are firmly back in place. This is the Nami Oda wants us to remember when she’s going around Cocoyashi village telling Luffy to leave her the hell alone.
The Conclusion
What really stands out to me when going over these early chapters leading up to Arlong Park is Oda’s vision for the series from the word go, even when his execution isn’t as consistent as later on in the series. The whole East Blue saga exists to do two things 1) build the core of the Straw Hat Pirates 2) answer the question Who is Luffy.
Each antagonist from the lowly Alvida to Arlong himself has a weakness in their leadership ability that directly foils Luffy. These chapters show us what kind of pirate, what kind of captain, and most of all what kind of man Monkey D Luffy is, and what values he will and will not stand for. 
Arlong Park is the emotional peak of the East Blue saga, and it works because Oda has taken the time to build up to that peak. The impact would not have been the same if it had been placed earlier in the series because it would not feel earned without seeing Nami interact with the rest of the crew for as long as she did. Nor would it have worked if Oda hadn’t placed the breadcrumbs of her story for the audience to pick up along the way. 
It’s impossible for every arc to hit all the high points that Arlong Park does, because not all arcs are designed to do so, nor should they. That being said, there’s a steady increase in quality seen even in these early chapters as Oda gets his sea legs and figures out exactly what story he’s trying to tell.
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