#i have devised a way for the farmhouse arc to happen and be just as much of a gutpunch as usual
duckapus · 2 years
More on uncle shredder AU? I love it!
So there's three characters I'm changing drastically and making major characters even though they're usually not.
Seymour Gutz/Mutagen Man A pizza delivery guy around the same age as the Turtles who found out about them after getting curious about who the heck would put a sewer grate as their address. He made fast friends with them mainly thanks to Mikey, and eventually got dragged into the crazy ninja superhero stuff due to bad luck.
Somehow he's actually resistant to Mutagen and turns back into a human after a few hours, which is the reason he gets the nickname Mutagen Man in this universe. Thanks to that, he can usually hold his own in a fight despite lacking ninja training and whatever Casey's got going on...at least as long as he has access to Mutagen and doesn't get a dud transformation(turning into Pigeon Pete when you're up against Stockman's robots is not a fun time). Initially he carries around test tubes of it, but he switches to water soluble capsules after the Central Park Zoo Incident.
Venus de Milo O'Neil A honeybee that got mutated into a teenage bee/turtle/human hybrid after landing on one of the Turtles and then on a puddle of Mutagen. She's initially pretty nervous and awkward, partly because as a bee she's not really used to the level of independence that her new mental state allows for. She ends up getting taken in by April's family while she figures herself out, with her hive getting transferred to a bee box in their rooftop garden so she can still take care of it.
Most of her appearance is defined by her bee dna, since that's what she started as, but she does have a shell, as well as patches of green scales on her limbs(which she still has six of). Her shell actually has two slits up near her shoulders that her wings can pop out of and retract into, and she's still able to fly despite their small size. She has the ability to communicate with and control bugs in a very similar way to the Rat King with rats, but she doesn't like doing the latter, mainly because she still sees herself as a Worker and not a Queen. She has some interest in ninja training, but doesn't go all-in on it until the obligatory Farmhouse Arc.
Antonio Turtelli A rival crime lord to Shredder with an extremely good public image, and also the guy funding the Purple Dragons. In a world of superscience, aliens, ninjas and monsters, he stays on even footing with the competition through charisma, careful planning, and pragmatism. Eventually he gets mutated into a mammoth of all things, and immediately installs himself as a spokesperson for mutants to make it harder for the Turtles to deal with him.
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