#the retractable wings are so the shell can still act as defense
duckapus · 2 years
More on uncle shredder AU? I love it!
So there's three characters I'm changing drastically and making major characters even though they're usually not.
Seymour Gutz/Mutagen Man A pizza delivery guy around the same age as the Turtles who found out about them after getting curious about who the heck would put a sewer grate as their address. He made fast friends with them mainly thanks to Mikey, and eventually got dragged into the crazy ninja superhero stuff due to bad luck.
Somehow he's actually resistant to Mutagen and turns back into a human after a few hours, which is the reason he gets the nickname Mutagen Man in this universe. Thanks to that, he can usually hold his own in a fight despite lacking ninja training and whatever Casey's got going on...at least as long as he has access to Mutagen and doesn't get a dud transformation(turning into Pigeon Pete when you're up against Stockman's robots is not a fun time). Initially he carries around test tubes of it, but he switches to water soluble capsules after the Central Park Zoo Incident.
Venus de Milo O'Neil A honeybee that got mutated into a teenage bee/turtle/human hybrid after landing on one of the Turtles and then on a puddle of Mutagen. She's initially pretty nervous and awkward, partly because as a bee she's not really used to the level of independence that her new mental state allows for. She ends up getting taken in by April's family while she figures herself out, with her hive getting transferred to a bee box in their rooftop garden so she can still take care of it.
Most of her appearance is defined by her bee dna, since that's what she started as, but she does have a shell, as well as patches of green scales on her limbs(which she still has six of). Her shell actually has two slits up near her shoulders that her wings can pop out of and retract into, and she's still able to fly despite their small size. She has the ability to communicate with and control bugs in a very similar way to the Rat King with rats, but she doesn't like doing the latter, mainly because she still sees herself as a Worker and not a Queen. She has some interest in ninja training, but doesn't go all-in on it until the obligatory Farmhouse Arc.
Antonio Turtelli A rival crime lord to Shredder with an extremely good public image, and also the guy funding the Purple Dragons. In a world of superscience, aliens, ninjas and monsters, he stays on even footing with the competition through charisma, careful planning, and pragmatism. Eventually he gets mutated into a mammoth of all things, and immediately installs himself as a spokesperson for mutants to make it harder for the Turtles to deal with him.
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i-land top 12 as demigods🪐
1. K - Son of Ares
weapons/quirks: spears & shield which retract into badges which he pins onto his jackets + extra durability and strength
he’s one of the oldest campers and he basically just sticks around to mentor and train the younger kids
probably one of the best warriors at Camp Half Blood
fiercely protective of his siblings and his friends
sometimes prone to anger and violence, but he’s learning to hold himself back.
2. Hanbin - Son of Demeter
weapons/quirks: a typical celestial bronze sword + can create giant walls of vegetation which he uses as shields
super kind, kinda the makeshift mother for the campers
despite being a really good healer he’s still a very solid fighter
the best healer at camp despite not being born with his abilities
the official Camp Half Blood medic(his abilities are a gift he acquired from (apollo after a quest)
3. Geonu - Son of Hephaestus 
weapons/quirks: grenades he builds himself, a bronze dagger for emergencies + is fireproof and can manipulate fire
he’s a little reckless and often jumps into things without thinking
has a toolbox that procures any sort of mechanical equipment he wants at any moment
also kind of a mechanical genius
tweaks and build a bunch of the other camper’s weapons and armors and even builds some himself
4. Heeseung - Son of Zeus
weapon/quirk: imperial gold sword + the ability to fly, control the weather, and control the winds
the longest actual camper at camp, has been on the most quests
basically a complete all rounder: he’s got great defense, great offense AND he’s crazy smart
since he’s the son of zeus and he’s been around so long, he’s expected to take charge of quests, regardless of whether he wants to or not
he’s actually quite shy and nervous around new campers
5.  Jay - Son of Hecate
weapon/quirks: a staff he uses for spells that transforms into a celestial bronze longsword at will
can do spells and magic, can also manipulate the myst very well
used to be really insecure because his mom’s a minor god, but he grew to embrace it over time
has intermittent oracle abilities, he gets some visions but not all of them
super social and always taking new campers under his wing
6. Jake - Son of Poseidon
weapons/quirks: celestial bronze sword that turns into a pooka shell bracelet at will + breathing underwater, manipulating water 
still new at camp, hasn’t quite figured out his powers yet
he’s quite shy, so he’s a little overwhelmed by all the attention he’s getting because he’s a poseidon kid
constantly confused and/or surprised by the greek world
despite being new at camp he’s already establish himself as a really good fighter and a fast learner
7. Sunghoon - Son of Aphrodite
weapons/quirks: selection of daggers disguised as charms on a bracelet + charmspeak
his fighting abilities are underestimated cos he’s an aphrodite kid
a+++ charmspeak, basically has all of camp wrapped around his finger
super duper competitive during capture the flag - and basically the only aphrodite kid who actually participates
realled closed of and guarded at first, but once he warms up to you he’s loud and laughs pretty uncontrollably 
8. Sunoo - Son of Apollo
weapons/quirks: bow and arrow + healing abilities
he’s a decent healer but his true strength is his archery, he’s probably one of the best at camp.
hasn’t been on an official quest yet and is really itching to go
super bright and friendly, friends with basically all of camp
like jay he sometimes gets oracle visions, but he’s way worse at understanding them for what they are and usually thinks they’re dreams 
9. Jungwon - Son of Athena
weapons/quirks: celestial bronze dagger
hands down the best battle strategist at camp, also a really good fighter, kind of just good at everything
tries his best to act mature but still gets babied by older campers
despite being really young he’s been on a bunch of quests and in general is just a really reliable camper
scary smart honestly, just always knows exactly what to do
10. Ta-Ki - Son of Dionysus
weapons/quirks: spear & shield (the same kind as K’s) 
he’s one of the youngest campers, but he’s bright and funny and already the life of the party at camp
idolizes K and wants to be just like him when he’s older
because DIonysus lives at Camp, he’s actually got a decent relationship with his godly parent
because of how he looks everyone’s very protective of him (even those younger than him)
11. Ni-Ki - Son of Hades
weapons/quirks: stygian iron sword + can raise skeletons, can talk to the dead, shadow travel
was super misunderstood when he first came to camp cos of his dad
because he was so isolated from the rest of camp when he first came he’s a little defensive of himself and the friends he does have
seams intimidating in battle, but is actually a baby
like jungwon, despite being so young he’s a great fighter and has been on a bunch of quests
12. Daniel - Son of Hermes
weapons/quirks: bow and arrow + sneakers with wings which let him fly
because he’s the youngest one at camp, he’s not allowed on quests and missions yet - which he absolutely hates
tries and fails to tag along with his hyungs during missions
everyone at camps baby, throws himself at his hyungs constantly
actually a pretty decent fighter, just isn’t allowed to showcase his skills much beyond Capture The Flag
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Curse (Castiel x Toddler!Reader)
Word Count: 1758 -----------------------------------------------------------------
The witch had cast a spell on you, and at first, you hadn't realised what had happened. You went to bed in your room in the bunker. As usual, the Winchester brothers stayed up late, Sam doing research as Dean rocked out to AC/DC and ate pie. How he wasn't fat? No one knew.
It finally reached morning and you woke up like normal, except your bed felt and looked a lot bigger. You looked down to see your hands and feet quite small and baby-like. What the hell? Castiel walked into your room after knocking a few times; you hadn't answered any of the times.
"Y/N, are you okay?" He asked, concern flooded in his voice and eyes. The two boys had left early in the morning to go on a hunt and Cas had stayed with you. You didn't ask him too, then again you never needed to ask him to stay with you, he always would. When he came into your room he didn't have his trench coat on, he only had his suit shirt and pants.
You tried replying but all that came out was a small gurgle and a few scattered words and noises. Cas couldn't hold in the smile anymore. He smiled at how cute you looked, just sitting there all innocent and adorable.  You didn't understand what he was so smitten about and he realised that you looked very confused. He walked over to you and picked you up in his hands. Woah, why can he hold you against his chest with your legs in one hand and your chest in the other? He walked into the bathroom and put you in front of a mirror, showing you that you were now a toddler. The memories of last night came back and hit you in the face; the witch had put a spell on you that made you a toddler. It all made sense now!
Seeing as it was just you and Cas, he promised to look after you until the brothers were back home and could figure out how to change you back to normal. Normally, Cas would simply get the brothers straight away, zap to them and then zap them back home. But he was enjoying this too much, seeing you as a toddler. He promised to take care of you and now he would.
Being a toddler had its downsides, for example; not being able to talk. But it also had its perks, such as Castiel acting as a father towards you and being overly nice. Although you still had the mind of your 22-year-old self, he didn't know that and decided he would treat you like a 5-year-old. You decided just to go along with it, to see how he would look after a child. He picked you up again and took you out to the lounge room where the TV was. After picking up the remote he turned on Cartoon Network and the two of you watched TV together.
A few hours passed and the boys still weren't home so you guessed that they weren't coming home until the next morning. Typical Winchesters. Cas held you on his lap and you started to cry. You were bored and starting to get hungry and since your words didn't seem to work, crying was the only way to get his attention. He looked down at you and into your (e/c) eyes, your gazes locking and your crying stopped immediately. It was like he had cast a spell on you. He hadn't but his eyes were so mesmerizing that it felt like he had.
"What's wrong little girl?" He asked softly, not wanting to start up the crying again. You smiled back at him and hugged him. Your hands barely fit around his sides but they reached far enough to feel small bumps near his shoulder blades. After rubbing them, you heard him sigh and wriggle around a bit. He moved your hands back to in front of him and he looked you in the eyes again. "Do you want to see my wings?" He asked, hope in his voice. In response, you simply nodded. Since when was it possible to see angel wings? Oh, right. He probably means when a bright light shines and you can see the shadow of his wings.
Suddenly, he started chanting something in Latin as his eyes started glowing white. A bright light shone from behind him, momentarily blinding you. Once your eyes adjusted back to normal lighting, you saw to monstrous, black wings behind him. They weren't fully expanded but you could imagine how big they would be when fully extended. They had a metallic green shimmer to them and they were at least 2 meters each side, half folded. Luckily the bunker was spacious so even if he was to stretch them out, they wouldn't hit anything.
"You like them?" You nodded in response, still in awe. "Sorry Y/N, but whenever they materialise I need to stretch otherwise they hurt my back." Castiel made a quick apology as he put you down on the bed. He got up and stretched, his wings stretched outwards in each direction. They were at least 5 meters each side, fully expanded. They were glorious. The light reflected off every metallic green feather, creating a shimmery looking surface. You reached your hand out to touch them, only to realise he was too far away and he probably didn't want anyone to touch them.
"You can touch them, it won't hurt you or me," Castiel said, reassuring you as he moved closer and turned around so his back faced you. The wings and where they were attached to his back were now clearly visible. He must've cut holes out of the back of his shirt where they expand out of, seeing as there were holes exactly where the wings protruded out of his back. They were beautiful, and as soon as Sam and Dean were back to fix you, you were sure as hell going to tell him.
Your hand reached up to stroke the wings. There was something wrong though when you touched them you realised that your hand was a lot larger than it was a few minutes ago. It was back to normal. You looked down in shock to see the rest of your body back to its normal size. Castiel turned around and smiled, almost like he already knew that you were normal once again. He folded his wings back up but they didn't dematerialize; the simply sat neatly on his back.
"When an angel's soulmate touches their wings, any curse or sickness will be lifted," Castiel spoke proudly, as his wings slowly started to untuck themselves. Furrowing your eyebrows, you were deep in thought; it all made sense now. Whenever you were sick or cursed by a witch you'd always heal almost instantly. It now occurred to you that you weren't the one healing, it was Cas healing you. He must've touched you with his wings when you were asleep so you wouldn't notice and freak out.
You looked up at him and smiled, mumbling a small 'thank you'. He gave you a side smile back as you stood up to face him better. He was taller than you by quite a bit, but that was fine with the both of you because every time you two hugged, your head would rest on his shoulder. You reached your arms out and hugged him. His arms and wings moved at the same time and engulfed you in a hug, the wings forming a protective shell around the two of you.
As if on cue, Dean stood at the doorway and coughed, loudly. Castiel instantly let go and turned around to face Dean, his wings unfurling from around you. The wings stiffened a slight bit as they took a defensive stance behind Cas, only to release tension when he saw it was just Dean. He brought his wings back to sit on his back and you walked forward to stand next to him. One of his wings, out of habit, expanded once again and sat behind you, curling a slight bit at the end to brush against your arm. The black feathers were as soft as rabbit's ears.
"We- uh, we found a cure. But I see it's already been taken care of." Sam spoke up who had recently almost walked into the room before bumping into his brother. A slight crimson colour spread across Cas' face as he looked at you and realised that his wings were still visible to not only you but your two brothers as well. He blushed a bit deeper and started to slowly retract his wing back, out of embarrassment. Until you reached out and softly grabbed the end and pulled it back around you. Cas didn't struggle when you held his wing, he simply looked down at you and smiled, a loving smile.
"Alright, that's enough for me. I'm out!" Dean hollered and made a salute sign with his hand. He walked away as his brother huffed a laugh at him. Sam, after realizing that he was now standing at the doorway alone, awkwardly smiled and made an exit, shutting the door behind him. You laughed at his awkwardness and offered Cas to stay the night with you. He gladly accepted and you both laid down in your bed. His wing slipped under your back as you laid down.
"Cas, won't it hurt if I lay on it? Won't it break the bones?" You asked, frantically trying to get up without pushing against the wing which was practically impossible because of its size. He simply smiled at you and gently pushed you back down to lay on his wing. He rolled over to face the back of your head, spooning you. His other wing wrapped itself around you and you snuggled into him. You cuddled the tip of his wing, playing with the small slits between the feathers. Almost instantly you fell asleep in the arms of your angel.
---- extended ending ----
"Gross," Dean whispered to his brother as he lightly hit him on the chest to get his attention. Sam pursed his lips and rolled his eyes, arguing that it was cute, you could agree with that
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tw6464sloreblog · 7 years
The Tau and their Auxiliaries
*The Tau are pretty much the same as they are in canon, except they act far more sinister and manipulative. The Imperium has engaged them many times, yet they do not know much about their origins. And what little they have learned about the Tau is more about their Fire Caste than other Castes.
-Thankfully, with Commander Farsight and his willingness to ally with the Imperium if it means to destroy the Corrupt Aun’va, humanity is beginning to discover the true nature of their Tau.
-The castes of the Tau are allowed to intermingle and even marry each other; however, these couplings do not result in some form of extreme hybridization between their offspring. Rather, certain aspects of these hybrids’ personality and subtle physiological changes are influenced by the father of this pairing, while what caste they are a part of is determined by the mother. For example, say a male Earth Caste and a female Fire Caste member have a child; that Child is shorter and stockier than most other Fire Caste members, and the hot-headed personality common in these warriors is slightly dulled with a curiosity and ingenuity commonly seen in the Earth Caster.
*The species at their command are vast, numerous, and extremely diverse, able to fill a number of important roles. This is a list of all of their Auxiliaries that the Imperium has discovered so far...
*Gue'vesa (literally “Human Helpers”) are traitors to the Imperium, who see the Greater Good as a chance to fight for an empire still growing rather than one that stagnates. They are commonly found in the Damocles Gulf, where the failure of the Imperium to retake that sector of space can still be felt
-The Gue’vesa are made up of the descendants of the Regiments who rebelled against the Imperium, and as such have an intense martial pride about resisting the Imperium. Their armoury is made up of weapons and vehicles which have been modified from imperial vehicle wrecks. Their main battle tank called the Stonefish, for example, is based on the hull of the Leman Russ class of tanks, and which
*the Kroot are the most commonly seen auxiliary unit, serving as a close to medium range combat unit. They see service to the Tau as an opportunity to prove themselves
-the lore and units they have is relatively unchanged, you can view them here: https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Warhammer_40,000/Chapter_Approved/Kroot_Mercenaries
*the Vespid are an insectoid race who communicate through the vibrations their wings make. They serve as a skirmishing unit, harassing enemy lines and ambushing weaker forces. However, the Stingwings are but a taste of what the Vespids can truly unleash
-The Vespid are led by Queens and (often male) Warlords; the Warlords are more commonly seen than the Queens due to the Queens’ being a vital part of the Vespids’ culture. If a Queen does take to the field of battle, she is protected by the Hive Guardians, who were grown and birthed for one purpose: protecting the royalty. They achieve this through a mixture of intense training and forced mutation. However, said mutation is achieved through consuming a mixture of chemical compounds, which has a high rejection rate. Still, there are many billions of Vespid drones, all of which would die protecting the queen.
-There is another unforeseen consequence of the forced mutation; the creation of the Yellowjackets, a subspecies of Vespid which are far larger, stronger and more aggressive than any other Vespid warrior. Often they are sedated when not in combat, their own strength being too much for them to control, but when they are unleashed, they strike are like a tempest, shattering enemy squads, flipping armored vehicles and even striking aircraft out of the sky.
*the Demiurg (and by extension, the Stone-Kin of the League of Demiurg) are the stone-skinned race who gifted the Tau with a more refined form of Ion Weaponry, and whose large mining ships serve as an excellent source of income for the Empire.
-The Brotherhoods, as their armies are called, are led by the Elders, the most experienced leaders of their race, and Their main infantry are often equipped with Ion Caster, which is a more portable form of the Ion Rifle. It can fire in a normal, burst fire form, a Dispersed form, resembling the blast from a Squat Shot Rifle, or an overcharged shot, a single burst which melts through armor, but can overheat the weapon or even cause it to explode!
*The Nicassar are a frail race of Psykers, their psychic potential mainly used to help speed their ships along and to help them move. As one of the first races to join the Greater Good they hold an honored place in the Tau Empire.
Normally only found in their roaming flotila's towed by members of the Air caste, it is almost unheard of for the Nicassar's to fight in a land war, however sometimes that is unavoidable so some of the crew of the Dhow's have trained for land fighting. Bringing to the battlefield their psychic might an area that the Tau empire is sorely lacking in normally. (It is thought that more and more the Etheral's are bringing the Nicassar flotilla's into danger zones so they can support the Fire caste in their defense).
The Tau try to go out of their way to keep the Nicassar race from the Imperium, rightfully afraid that the race will further fuel the xenophobia that the Imperium is known for in the Tau Empire.
*The Anthrazods are a species of the Tau Empire. They are considered by the Tau to be a sturdy (if dim-witted) race and have proved well-suited for asteroid mining. When called upon to serve the greater good, the strongest of the group battle in a trial to see who will get the honor of serving the Empire.
-The Anthrazods have naturally thick skin and as they age their skin continues to thicken eventually growing into thick plates of hide that can even stop a bolter shell. This thick skin combined with the natural retractable claws in their hands made them extremely deadly on their home world. However to the bafflement of the Ordo Xenos and the Tau this race is naturally herbivorous.
 -Their Flechette burst guns behave like a grenade launcher, which fires out large flechettes. The largest members of their are strong enough to use a large shield comboed with a burst cannon for maximum fire power and protection.
*The Ji'atrix are a race of ethereal, that have an affinity for the void and skill at space-faring. Most commonly they are found working on Air Caste ships or with Nicassor Dhows. The Tau member races tend to be a bit nervous around the Ji'atrix. Although they are relatively peaceful, they are hard to look at as they are not completely a part of this world by the looks of it. However once someone has gotten to know a Ji'atrix they tend to enjoy their company.
*Unknown to the Tau, Eldar, and the Ji'atrix themselves, they are one of the races engineered by the Old Ones. Their forms are present in this world and the webway at the same time. Originally the race was engineered to help repair the webway but the race as a whole disregarded this purpose and they were soon abandoned by the old ones. So the Ji'atrix have drifted from planet to planet in their ships. Finding that they are most comfortable on gas giants the race floats gently on the breezes, gaining sustenance from the gases of the planet and the Webway.
*While not a Warrior race, the Ji'atrix help provide the Tau with their skill with the void and help mine portions of the Gas Giants they are present on. If called into a Hunter Cadre the Ji'atrix typically do not take a frontline role.
*the Ranghon are a race that resembles walking trees, as they evolved from the plants rather the animals of their homeworld. Their unique physiology means that they are capable of regenerating lost limbs, but are also extremely vulnerable to fire and heat-based attacks. They also possess a unique organ in their throats with allows them to create extremely beautiful melodies and songs, which act as their language
-Their society is a feudal one, with realms being ruled over by Lords and Courts. One lord of each planet is elected to a council that determines the fate of their species, and amongst their ranks is chosen a representative to the main tau empire.
*One of the many Alien Auxiliaries employed by the Tau Empire in its efforts to bring the philosophy of the Greater Good to the Galaxy, the Tarellians joined the growing empire out of a deep-seated rage at the Imperium of Man for virus bombing their home world to extinction, before a Tyranid Hive Fleet consumed their remaining major colonies. Accepting the offer of the Greater Good out of desperation at the chance to exact revenge upon the Imperium of Man they were quickly brought into the Tau Empire and given the chance to repopulate on several Sept worlds.
-Called Dog Soldiers by the Imperium due to the shape of their snouts and ears, the Tarellians more resemble large bipedal reptilians, covered mostly in rust coloured scales, with slitted pupils, they find themselves at home on desert planets where they construct their unique sonic weapon technology out of the unique minerals found in the sand of the sept world of T’ros.
-Whilst not fiercely loyal to the Greater Good, whenever a conflict with the Imperium or a Tyranid Hive fleet happens, large hatches of Tarellian soldiers gather at the nearest port hoping to join the conflict so that they can take some measure of vengeance on their hated foes.
-Tarellian combat doctrines differs radically from the normal Tau combat doctrines; rather than fight their foes at range, or employ stealth and ambush tactics, Tarellian forces will rush towards their foe shooting at the weaker looking enemies until they crash into their opponents battle-lines, where they fight with the short, but lethal hunting daggers that each Tarellian soldier carries with him until they are either dead or their foe is fallen, before moving on to the next enemy force.
*the Galg are an amphibian race of mercenaries. Their main selling point (and the main reason the Tau keep them around) is their expertise with explosives, making frequent use of grenade launchers and missile launchers, as well as shaped explosive charges. This expertise has lead them to become the foremost demolitions experts of the Tau Empire.
*Pakasar, unlike many races who joined the Greater Good, were conquered through military might rather than diplomatic means. A race of shark-like predators hailing from underwater planets, they utilize dart guns, electrified melee weapons, missile launchers and power armor and jump packs of their own design, as well as their own amphibious nature, combined with their almost supernatural, three dimensional understanding of their surroundings and fits of battle madness has lead to them becoming extremely effective assault troops which are able to dissolve enemy lines in seconds.
There are also a number of other races, such as the Nagi, a worm-like psychic species, and one of the first to join the new Tau Empire, where they serve as advisors to the Ethereals; the Brachyura, who are a race of small crustaceans who frequently assist the Tau’s Earth Caste with their research and testing, acting as Lab Assistants; the Formosians, a race of insectoid geneticists who can rapidly grow soldiers in the field; the Morallian Deathsworn, a race that fights in protected and layered suits because of their tainted homeworld; the N’Deemi, a race of extremely unsettling Nulls; and the Hrenian Light Infantry, a race of almost human-like xenos who utilize a combination of Light Infantry tactics and armor support to crush enemy resistance.
*1d4chan’s Codex - Tau Auxiliaries was used a source, which can be found here: https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Codex_-_Tau_Auxiliary
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