#seymour gutz
exist101 · 1 year
I have absolutely NO evidence for this but
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What if this thing is Seymour Gutz
BUT one of the versions of the poor lad had him as an experiment to mix different animals for 1 mutant that went badly and this thing certainly is a mix of different animals
Like that's a whale mouth, a claw, and narwhals for fingers and whatever else I'm missing, plus it's spitting up the mutagen
I dunno this is very unlikely but like. What if it's Seymour
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duckapus · 2 years
More on uncle shredder AU? I love it!
So there's three characters I'm changing drastically and making major characters even though they're usually not.
Seymour Gutz/Mutagen Man A pizza delivery guy around the same age as the Turtles who found out about them after getting curious about who the heck would put a sewer grate as their address. He made fast friends with them mainly thanks to Mikey, and eventually got dragged into the crazy ninja superhero stuff due to bad luck.
Somehow he's actually resistant to Mutagen and turns back into a human after a few hours, which is the reason he gets the nickname Mutagen Man in this universe. Thanks to that, he can usually hold his own in a fight despite lacking ninja training and whatever Casey's got going on...at least as long as he has access to Mutagen and doesn't get a dud transformation(turning into Pigeon Pete when you're up against Stockman's robots is not a fun time). Initially he carries around test tubes of it, but he switches to water soluble capsules after the Central Park Zoo Incident.
Venus de Milo O'Neil A honeybee that got mutated into a teenage bee/turtle/human hybrid after landing on one of the Turtles and then on a puddle of Mutagen. She's initially pretty nervous and awkward, partly because as a bee she's not really used to the level of independence that her new mental state allows for. She ends up getting taken in by April's family while she figures herself out, with her hive getting transferred to a bee box in their rooftop garden so she can still take care of it.
Most of her appearance is defined by her bee dna, since that's what she started as, but she does have a shell, as well as patches of green scales on her limbs(which she still has six of). Her shell actually has two slits up near her shoulders that her wings can pop out of and retract into, and she's still able to fly despite their small size. She has the ability to communicate with and control bugs in a very similar way to the Rat King with rats, but she doesn't like doing the latter, mainly because she still sees herself as a Worker and not a Queen. She has some interest in ninja training, but doesn't go all-in on it until the obligatory Farmhouse Arc.
Antonio Turtelli A rival crime lord to Shredder with an extremely good public image, and also the guy funding the Purple Dragons. In a world of superscience, aliens, ninjas and monsters, he stays on even footing with the competition through charisma, careful planning, and pragmatism. Eventually he gets mutated into a mammoth of all things, and immediately installs himself as a spokesperson for mutants to make it harder for the Turtles to deal with him.
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oozeofthecovenant · 1 year
There are two types of mutagen in OOTC. One primary, one secondary.
Primary mutagen is a byproduct of Utrom atmosphere converters in the TCRI building— the Utroms have protocol to contain it so it doesn't contaminate their temporary home planet, but some of the machines were faulty and the Utroms were unaware— partially to do with the workers at the facility, and Bishop's external bribery to keep it hush hush.
The way primary mutagen mutates organisms is that it enhances/increases the self-awareness and intelligence of any organism with or without a nervous system, as well as anthropomorphising them and giving most the ability to speak. If a human were to come into contact with it, they would gain high intelligence but mostly keep their physical state with slight alterations that are easily overlooked.
Secondary mutagen is a highly reactive substance synthesised by Agent Bishop and Dr Baxter Stockman, who were previously capitalising off of the outflow of primary mutagen by using it as the main power source for their laboratory/office building.
After the Utroms fixed their atmosphere converters' mutagen disposal unit, Stockman and Bishop decided to synthesise their own chemical compound that manages to generate enough energy to sustain the high-energy work they do in Stockgen and the EPF. This is the secondary mutagen.
How it mutates organisms is by fusing the DNA of any organism with DNA into one— essentially creating amalgamations of species. If the mutated person has an obvious larger abundance of DNA of a certain animal, they will instead take on that form. However they will still retain their human-like cognition.
How it reacts to organisms mutated from primary ooze is very different— it reverses the mutation, essentially acting as a form of retro-mutagen which has slow-acting, but permanent consequences.
Examples of people from primary ooze would be Seymour Guts, who started out as a network of prototype organic nanobots which somehow ended up in the ocean, being bathed with ocean water contaminating the stuff. The nanobots gained an ability to coordinate extra well, forming a fully functioning organism with its circulatory system consisting of mutagen, hence the Mutagen Man. Because his cells are Nanobots Premium, Seymour is very fragile and needs extra care or he'll be splayed back into a network of organic bots.
The kidnapped children on D'Hoonib were exposed to mutagen because Krang got impatient when he realised that their intelligence level had not reached the point where they were able to conceptualise the Utroms' scientific theorems. With an enhanced intelligence they were able to be about as intelligent as the average Utrom at their point in lifespan, therefore made it easier for Krang to tell them about important concepts yet-to-be-discovered by humanity.
The Mutagen Bomb using secondary mutagen mutated many humans and changed their lives forever, including Jennika and one other Mona Lisa who was, at the time, babysat by April for the past 3 days and hence mutated into a human-salamander hybrid.
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samskaterguy · 1 year
I miss IDW Mondo so much like where is he? Is he okay? Is he safe? Are him and Seymour happy??? ARE THEY EVEN ALIVE??????
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thevondoom62 · 2 years
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Mutagen Man attacks!
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tmnt-starlit-sin · 1 year
😍 and 🥷for ask game
For romances: yes, shockingly! I don't really like romance much, but there is Ramona and leolotus here for the turtles :] Karai and Shinigami are married, and then there's the whole Centaurworld inspired Rat King and Tigerclaw arc lol
For Timothy: I don't think so, unfortunately. I wasn't a huge fan of him in 2012. However, I do plan on having Mutagen Man/Seymour Gutz in my au! I really liked him in IDW, he just stole my heart <3
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eievuimultimuse · 7 months
"then i don't deserve you either" -from mondo (to Seymour? 07 verse or idw)
     BLUE HUES, WHICH glanced towards the floor following the hybrid’s quiet words, snap back up at the gecko, blinking. Evidently, Mondo flipping it back on him has taken Seymour off-guard. The temptation to respond self-deprecatingly still remains: ‘NO. YOU DESERVE BETTER.’
     ( He mentally tries to shake that thought away. He’s trying to be better than— this. Better than his own mind that likes to put him down. Despite giving him little reason to, Mondo’s HERE. That’s the part that should matter. )
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     “ I’m sorry. That— wasn't a nice thing for me to say. “ And he is nothing short of GENUINE in his apology. Something about Mondo reversing the statement doesn’t sit well with him. He’s certainly far from wanting the other to disparage himself in order to try and prop Seymour up  ( which is precisely why the hybrid ought not to speak low of himself in the first place ). “ You are a good friend. “ Maybe too good sometimes.
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therobotmonster · 3 months
My Turtles of Grayskull 'Druthers
Okay, since the line is apparently not a limited-concept run but is going to instead run till the doors fall off, I'm gonna lay out my hopes and dreams for sweet-as-heck dumb conceptual mashups.
Lets stick some silly chocolate and some stupid-fun peanut butter together and make a decent candy and an awesome cereal.
I might be hungry.
Anyhow, lets make some monsters!
Ace Duck
I love the Tales of the Gold Monkey-inspired pilot Ace Duck more than the next guy, but this is MOTU we're dealin' with, we need ARCHIE Ace Duck.
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He's literally born to be here. Basic body, skeletor feet, reuse the April O'Neil wings, little red thong or trunks (from the wrasslin' line), plus he can get stratos's little arm wings, and an alt head with the Stratos Mask on (evoking a lucha dore mask).
Ty-Gor - NInjor / Tigerclaw (but green!)
Ninjor gets mutated with Eternian Tiger DNA to become Ty-Gor.
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Not limiting myself to the Fred Wolf era here. Basically its Ninjor with a Tigerclaw head (masked and two-eyed, unmasked and eyepatched), only with the green with orange stripes eternian tiger coloration. He gets a terror-claws skeletor claw, an eternian six-shooter (later usable for Rio-Blast) and the beastliest feet they can muster.
Mutant Evil-Lyn
Seeking to empower herself with this new "mutation" magic, Evil-Lyn made a potion of mutagen and Mantisaur venom. Ironically not her worst scheme.
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Mantenna pelvis with new insect legs, Evil-Lyn torso with humanoid and mantisaur-mutant heads (still wearing her tiara as a mantisaur), slip-over mantis-claw weapons.
I mean, it's not like she hasn't been here before. Lore establishes the Eternian magic gives her full control over her snake-form, and the ability to command the snake men... save for the Ratsnake King.
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Deluxe figure, reusing a LOT of Lady Slither, But using Stephanie McMahon legs and torso, some new snake-gauntlets and a swappable set of heads. Snake-head has the spit-fx feature from Kobra Khan, flared cobra hood. And a katana, obviously.
General Pig-Iron - Pig-Head / General Traag (By way of Rokkon)
Krang's mutagenic experiments continue, this time he combines Sun-Man's Pig-Head and the Rock-Soldiers' DNA to make one stone-tough pigheaded warmonger.
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The sculpt is mostly Rokkon, with a new stony pighead-face and more Traag-y chest (with ammo bandolier to mimic Pig-Head, 'natch)
The Ratsnake King - Rat King / King Hiss
Disappointed by the Rat-King's failures, Skeletor fuses him with the shed skin of King Hiss via sorcery and good old fashioned mutagen. The new horror can command serpents that were beyond even King Hiss's reach.
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Ratsnake King uses the King hiss snake parts, with a new head & chest armor built on a mummy-esq reinterpretation of Rat King, snake-y crossbow and staff. Give him the Reptilax tail so he's a little snakey even in his 'human' form, he's a mutant, after all.
This idea is from @skeletor-enjoyer who posted it in the replies to my previous glow-up post on this dumb-as-heck (affectionate) line.
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This one's easy. New torso that allows for the Man-E-faces gimmick and a clear torso that can hold a gooey guts insert. Human face looks like nonmutant Seymour Gutz, Robot face replaced with foot-soldier (toonstyle) face, monster face is a hybrid MM/MEF monster face.
New limbs that will later be reused for Slushhead. Multiple replacement hands/limbs (clawful hand, etc) to simulate mutation/shapeshifting powers.
Foot 'Sploders - Foot soldiers / Blast-Attack
Krang: You know what Skeletoooorrruup? I like the iDEa of robots that are SUPPOSED to exPLooowwddee! Why can't YOU be this kind of go-getter Saaaaakiiii?
Shredder: You always undermine me in front of the crossover villains!
Skeletor: Don't stop on my account! I haven't had this much fun since Grizzlor fell into the slime pit! NYAH!
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Excuse to make a somewhat functional Blast-Attack chest. Foot Soldier head with cartoon bomb in place of the foot symbol, long forearm sculpt (useful for 200X Beast Man) with arm-shield accessories. Tons of weapons. Legs from various wrasslers' with pants/boots.
Doctor Orkocutt the Fugilock
Orko uses his magic to fix the Fugitoid, but the spell goes awry, merging them into a single magi-technical absentminded genius. They work better this way, but trouble is bound to follow.
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Orko Body, with premolds for a Netflix Orko in Classicverse arms, and a new fugiod-in-a-wizard-hat-head, with many many exchangeable hands.
Mutant Buzz-Off - Buzz-off/Killer Bee
A partially-translucent mutant like He-Man and the other corrupted hero mutants, only Buzz-Off is... kinda wild... wild enough I had to photoshop, albeit in a Q&D...
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The basic idea is mutant Buzz-Off uses Mantenna's legs, Mosquitor's torso, a new head that's still compatible with the Mosquitor-grabber, Buzz-Off's left arm, Clawful's right, alt head of grimacing half-killer-bee Buzz_off. The goo is green or purple instead of red, for a mutagen-feature.
If compatible with the Mantenna legs, using the Buzz-Off feet is preferable, the same with the Skeleton Warrior arm and the left arm.
Bionaceraton - Triceraton / Bionatops
Ancient power arises as a Preternian ancestor to the Triceratons is awakened.
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I mean, once again we pull out the Andre the Giant mold, this time giving it a tail and a Triceraton head, and slightly remolded chest armor. Garnish with sci-fi guns, put out in a handsome green colorscheme.
Mutant She-Ra - She-Ra / Swiftwind
Having last been in contact with Swiftwind before exposure to the mutagen, She-Ra's becomes an uncontrollable mutant Pegasus.
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Am I suggesting they put a Unicorn head and Sorceress Wings on She-Ra, possibly with new 'buff gal' limbs that would make a Netflix-inspired Scorpia Possible? Yes. Yes I am. She's got a unicorn-horn spear weapon and is filled with a horselike rage.
Look, its the TMNT crossover. You are required to have at least one of the New Adventures Mutants there, and Optikk is the most on-brand for the concept.
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You can make him out of mostly Roboto Parts with a new armor piece for the collar and a new eyeball-head. Or just make the collar lock onto the head joint and have a free-spinning eye.
Mona Lis-Ra - Mona Lisa / She-Ra
Someone has to use the power sword while She-Ra's a nightmare mutant abomination!
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It's pretty straightforward, She-Ra torso and upper arms/legs, new finned female lower arms and legs, new tailed female pelvis, new head. She-Ra's gear plus some extras to be shape-shifted forms for the sword.
Savanti Romeo and Renet
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They're just there They're already designed for this world. To justify it, they have... uh... Savante has the dragon blast dragon that was used with Ricky the Steamboat Dragon, and Renet has... uh.. the time staff thing Gwildor used. Yeah, that's the ticket!
Bonus Round: Obligatory A-Character Variants:
TechnoWizard Dontatello - Backdoor Donatello #1 figure.
Anti-Eternia Raphael - Archie Comics fans know why.
Mutant Teela - She's a snake, again! This time give her a real snake head and a tail guys.
Mutant Skeletor - Goat Skull head, goat legs.
That's it for now, but even though many of these are a stretch, I'm sure it demonstrates the blood isn't nearly squeezed from this stone.
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90ssuperheroes · 1 month
Never forget that this gnarly character's real name, on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, was Seymour Gutz. Mutagen Man forever!
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mooncalfe-art · 1 year
So this is a very TMNT specific writing question I have, this is a series absolutely awash in silly names. There are characters with names like Mondo Gecko, Ray Fillet, and Seymour Gutz the Mutagen Man and in a looser context like an arcade style, video game or a more kid oriented comic, these names don't tend to stick out as much. But the IDW series is pretty unique and that it is a TMNT product and at an older audience but also homageing a lot of those older more kid oriented products.
While a lot of these names work as self-given monikers of more frivolous characters or nicknames by said characters. I've always wondered how you approach using names that might come off as goofy otherwise.
The specific example I had in mind is Ninjara. It's such a terminally late 80s, early '90s style name of cool-thing-with-gender-signifier-at-the-end and so devoid of any actual meaning that I've never really been able to wrap my mind around introducing her in a more serious context aside from side, stepping an entirely and just giving her her given name of Umeko, a lot like how Bludgeon and Koya just have names rather than radical action figure names.
(also so I don't send a million asks about TMNT to this tumblr , when you mentioned that you couldn't actually call Venus her full name Venus de Milo It reminded me of the awesome visual reference you included of her being introduced without her arms. That was killer.)
This is something I think about a lot! Sometimes I just leave it alone, like Mona Lisa for example, her name isn't SUPER silly but it's still cheesy, but I thought having her acknowledge it herself and lampshade it would work fine. Other times the original names do not fit the tone of the comic at all, a good example of this is changing Groundchuck and Dirtbag to Chuck and D.B. Fans will know who the characters are at the same time the names won't stick out like a sore thumb. Although looking back on it now maybe I should have just used the stupid Groundchuck and Dirtbag names, would it have been THAT goofy or awkward?
When I was briefly brainstorming for IDW Ninjara, I planned on doing exactly what you said, just calling her Umeko and be done with it, haha. I never understood why she had the Ninjara codename in the first place, I guess it's catchier than Umeko but then why not just have her real name be Ninjara? Maybe I could've incorporated both like she takes on the Ninjara codename when she becomes a masked vigilante or something.
Glad you liked the visual Venus de Milo statue nod! That was fun. :D
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Violently sobbing about Seymour Gutz from idw TMNT. He is my son I love him I want to gently nurse him back to heath and tuck him into bed and be like an older brother to him.
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robert-jennex-art · 1 year
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Reluctant TMNT villain and soupy hot mess, the ever mutating Seymour Gutz! Or better known as Mutagen Man!
Grab this design on a shirt, sticker or shower curtain if ya want...
Mutagen Man - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - T-Shirt | TeePublic
"Mutagen Man" T-shirt for Sale by TwEE-N-Toast | Redbubble | turtle t-shirts - villain t-shirts - mutant t-shirts
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I legitimately thought Sally’s last name was a reference to gay pride (along with Sally Ride) when I first read this. It took me ages to remember the groups of lions are also called prides.
I still maintain that it’s really supposed to be the first kind of pride.
Also, here’s the IDW Mutanimals’ friendship alignment if anyone’s interested:
A (anarchist) himbo: Hob (not pictured)
A mean bisexual gay: Ray
An even meaner lesbian: Lindsey
He/theys: Seymour, and possibly Mikey for the five minutes he was there
She/theys: Sally
A token straight pacifist who’s on thin ice: Slash
Three short kings: Mondo, Pete, and Herman
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oozeofthecovenant · 1 year
Character Masterlist
There's a lot of side switching, so this was a biiit hard to write...
The Hamato clan {#hamato clan}
Hamato Yoshi [#yoshi]
Hamato Splinter [#splinter]
Hamato Karai [#karai]
Leonardo [#leo]
Raphael [#raph]
Donatello [#donnie]
Michelangelo [#mikey]
April O'Neil [#april]
Casey Jones [#casey]
Mona Lisa [#mona lisa]
Venus [#venus]
Lita [#lita]
Hamato Allies {#misc:protags}
Angel Bridge [#angel]
Marra (insert last name here) [#marra]
The Mutanimals {#mutanimals}
Old Hob [#hob]
Slash [#slash]
Sally Pride [#sally]
Mondo Gecko [#mondo]
Seymour Gutz/Mutagen Man [#seymour]
The Foot {#foot}
Oroku Saki/The Shredder [#saki]
Jennika [#jennika]
Alopex [#alopex]
Bebop [#bebop]
Rocksteady [#rocksteady]
StockGen [#stockgen]
Baxter Stockman [#stockman]
Jake O'Neil [#april's dad]
Elizabeth O'Neil [#april's mom]
Lindsey Baker [#lindsey]
"Chet Allen" [#honeycutt]
The Earth Protection Force (EPF) [#epf]
John Bishop [#bishop]
Kara Lewis [#kara]
Sargeant Winters [#winters]
Utroms {#utrom}
Krang [#krang]
Ch'rell [#ch'rell]
Ma'rielle [#ma'rielle]
Quanin [#quanin]
D'Hoonibians {#d'hoonib}
Zayton Honeycutt/the Fugitoid [#honeycutt]
Libby Meitner [#libby]
Harold Lilja [#harold]
The Triceratons {#triceraton}
Zanramon [#zanramon] - old tyrant
Zom [#zom] - new leader
Zog [#zog] - advisor
Neutrinos {#neutrino} (not developed yet but they will be there, i prommy)
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hiraethstar · 6 years
A short fanfic I wrote about Seymour aka Mutagen Man from the IDW comics.
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thevondoom62 · 2 years
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Now we have the monstrous Mutagen Man from Super7′s Ultimates line-up. I’ve been waffling back and forth on this figure for a long time. On one hand, Mutagen Man is my absolute favorite figure from that vintage TMNT line. Just a finely executed figure. On the other hand, I don’t really collect Super7′s TMNT line. The value just isn’t there for me most of the time and I’m already in too deep with NECA. However, when I saw this figure’s price drop so low on Amazon I knew I finally had to get it.
It’s a pretty good take on the character, feels almost exactly like the vintage toy just upscaled with some added articulation. Articulation is about as functional as one could expect, considering the design. There’s not much more I could ask for there.
If you’ll allow me to get pedantic here, there are two complaints I’ve got with this figure. First, the way the two halves of his body were connected results in these mildly unsightly rods that weren’t there on the vintage toy. Second, the left thigh should have a bone sticking out of it just above the knee. I see how that might have been missed, but if you look at the original toy closely you can see there is a bone that naturally sticks out from the muscle that just wasn’t painted. Conversely, the bit of knee skin left on the Ultimates figure doesn’t look quite right. Again, it’s a REALLY pedantic complaint but worth pointing out for a line that tries to stick as closely to the vintage looks as much as possible.
Also I really really really wish he came with a pair of splayed out gestural hands. Those would have been appreciated.
Despite my complaints, this is a nice release and one I don’t mind slipping into my NECA collection.
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