#uncle shredder au
duckapus · 2 years
It’d be hilarious if there was a version of the Ninja Turtles universe where Yoshi and Saki parted on good terms when Yoshi moved to New York but still ended up as Splinter and Shredder because when they see each other again it’d be like:
Splinter: You’re a crime lord?!
Shredder: You’re a rat?!
*the turtles, Bebop, Rocksteady and Karai show up*
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percyaugod · 10 months
Uncle Saki AU???
I was just trying to do more Uncle Saki but it somehow turned into more of a villain 2012 Donnie. Oops??
The first time one of the turtles talks he makes it his mission to get at least one to say his name as their first word. Mission failed.
12-year-old Donnie is the first to figure out Saki's secret. He wants in. Donnie, the holder of the family brain cell, chooses to use it for crime.
Donnie playing both sides. Depending on who he's with at the time is who he fights for. Destroys his own robots and then rebuilds them stronger later.
Shredder looking at him with the most exhausted look: You're a menace.
Donnie: Love you too Uncle Saki.
He's also a bit reckless with what he builds.
Saki: You have to be more careful with the parts you use, we didn't rob the bank
Donnie: ...yet
And Saki thought he was the criminal here.
Saki: Yes, but if anything happens to you or your siblings I'm as good as dead.
Donnie: That's a risk I'm willing to take.
Some of the newer members thought Donnie was the one in charge at first.
Donnie's Villain disguise has a cloak and full-face gas mask. The smoke bombs are a good distraction and add a dramatic effect. He later makes cheaper copies for the others because Mikey kept bothering him for some. So his limbs aren't recognized he uses mechanical extensions, which also lets him be even taller and more intimidating. The first time Saki saw the fake limbs he thought Donatello actually cut them off and replaced them and nearly had a heart attack. A backpack to hold his tech and disguise his shell. His villain's name is Incognito.
Metalhead is a robot double of himself as Incognito used to have him and Incognito in the same place at the same time. Can't have people getting suspicious now, can we?
At this point, Shredder is starting to wonder if he's really in charge anymore. He can't even control one teenager. Maybe this is karma for his crimes
The others never figure out Donnie's identity, only Saki's. Donnie takes over since the Shredder has "retired" (Forcibly dragged out kicking and screaming.) At least the business is still in the family. Even if only two people know it.
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captainsweet · 1 year
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Thank you so much! Raph is holding the tray but ya can't see it. Anyway, they appreciate it very much. (Some perhaps a bit too much.. *Cough* Raph *Cough*)
(Drops in purposely delayed Tag @non-rise-tmnt-au-competition)
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luescris · 1 year
Listen. Guys. Listen.
As you all may or may not know. I have a massive, huge despise for 2012!Shredder. The rage I feel against him will never die. I am one of his biggest haters.
..... However.
What if I told y'all. That I also have a Oroku Saki redemption au. Not Shredder. But Oroku Saki.
Don't get me wrong. They're both terrible people, one just less so than the other.
But here's the thing. Here's where this all started.
You all remember the episode when Shredder came back again in season 5 right??? How he was not at all himself, very much more of a mellow, depressed "follow instead of lead" kind of person???? And how he quite literally shoved Kavaxas back into hell??????
Hell must have done some real fucking shit to make Shredder rethink his entire life like that. Like no way in hell would he have ever helped the turtles out like that by his own free will before. It's something that I think about daily and I have not been able to get it out of my head because it was SO out of character for him and as much as I hate him and know that I nor the Turtles would never, in a million years, give him a chance of redemption for all the shit he's done...
That part has got me thinking.
Like. Imagine this. Somehow, someway, because of that sudden out of pocket good deed, Oroku Saki is more or less cursed. Cursed to go back to the living, but not as a living, breathing human being. Not exactly a zombie, but not alive either. And he is cursed to watch after the turtles until every single one of his wrongdoings are at least somewhat forgiven and he's able to maybe move on to the next part of life.
So like. One day, the turtles get back from a patrol in a mostly good mood, only to absolutely stop and freeze when seeing they have an unknown visitor sitting on the couch, waiting for them.
Said visitor being Oroku Saki. No burns, no helmets or armor, wearing a Hawaiian shirt, cargo pants, sunglasses and holding a coffee in his hand. And all he does is stare back at the turtles completely and utterly calm.
It takes a minute for something to click, but immediately Leo is on it, moving within the blink of an eye to press his sword against Saki's throat and hissing, "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't chop your head off right here, right now."
And Saki, ever so cooly, takes off his glasses and stares right into hate filled glare and goes, "You can't."
He then explains why they can't kill him, and how every time they try he would only bleed and nothing more, making a complete mess of their lair. April of course reads his mind (A bit too forcefully too because She Mad) but is surprised to learn that he was telling the utmost truth.
Saki then tells them that he's cursed to watch over them, and can't do anything else until his sins are attoned for, and none of the turtles know what to do about this entire thing, utterly stumped.
I'm not sure what happens in between them and the time he attempts to apologize after a few days of the turtles begrudgingly letting him stay but more so as a prisoner (at one point the man attempts to apologize but that only makes Leo snap and he runs a sword through him while saying, "You gave me these scars! Gave me this voice! This knee! You killed are father three times! The time for apologies is over!!! Do you understand?!?'' Will probably break down about it later with his brothers but yeah lmao) .
And of course once Karai finds out, she also immediately tries to attack, only to be completely baffled and betrayed when the turtles stop her, and even after they explain she's not only in denial, but filled with hatred, and vows to find a way to kill Saki before storming off.
I'm not sure what bonds there'd be. If any at all. Because this concept is SO odd to me and I could NEVER see the boys wanting ANYTHING to do with Saki in any form. But if anyone has any ideas they may want to add PLEASE say so I would like to hear them gfhfhdhd
Anyway. There's my super weird "Uncle(?) Saki" au. Do with this what you will fhdghxhddh
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enthblaze · 1 year
Twins AU is basically just:
Shredder, holding Van by the armpits: I think this belongs to you
Van, who'd been annoying Shredder for 15 minutes straight: 👋😊
Splinter: 👁👄👁
Tiger Claw: Can we keep him, Master?
Shredder: Absolutely fucking not
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turrondeluxe · 1 year
Tmnt 2012 au, but the shredder is actually their nice uncle and is surprised and shocked to find out what happened to his best friend/brother, Yoshi. Helps them out and takes in lost mutants or humans that were mutated into his lair, to give them a home. The only villains in the story are human scientists and the government, who will stop at nothing to get them.
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dandylovesturtles · 9 months
Top Ten Posts of 2023
I decided, why not? ^^
I'm limiting this to fics/analysis/headcanon/etc posts I made during the year and skipping over anything that isn't my actual creative work. That said, if you're curious, my actual top post was this funky screenshot from episode 2.
10. Everyone's just fine with Donnie modding the moon buggy? (362 notes)
It occurred to me that despite being MASSIVE nerds for the Jupiter Jim franchise, the bros seemed awfully chill with Donnie taking an actual on-set moon buggy and modding the hell out of it.
A few people argued with me in the notes that the Turtle Tank is so cool no one could possibly be mad about it and I do think that's fair. The Turtle Tank is easily my favorite thing Donnie made in the show.
9. Splinter and Leo talk post movie (443 notes)
And then his dad walks in and says, “I would like to talk to Blue, please. Alone.” And suddenly Leo doesn’t feel so good anymore.
This is the most recent tumblr fic I've done (I think lol), so seeing it make it this high felt pretty good. I love Splinter and his boys... they make me emotional.
8. A headcanon about the Disaster Twins (445 notes)
I have a headcanon that the twins are lowkey always trying to get each other to laugh.
This is still true.
7. A showcase of Donnie's injuries in End Game (462 notes)
So everyone talks about Donnie getting his shell shredded by the Shredder in Many Unhappy Returns but I feel like it’s underappreciated that that happened to him coming off of getting his ass beat in End Game like
One of the first posts I made when I made this blog haha. Poor Donnie |'D
6. Donnie records everything (617 notes)
broke: Donnie listening to what happened in the prison dimension woke: Donnie showing Raph Leo’s big damn hero speech since he wasn’t there the first time
The main reason why this has so many notes is because @roseverdict wrote a great fic down in the notes that you should all go read.
5. Leo asks Donnie a favor (829 notes)
“You might as well tell me what you need,” he says, turning to his computer and pulling up his list. “I’ll assess it and prioritize.” “No, no, that’s okay. It’s nothing,” Leo insists. “Nardo.” Donnie levels his best stare at him. “What is it?”
I love writing the Disaster Twins being soft and you guys love it when I write it too.
4. Present Donnie and Future Donnie have a little disagreement (CAS AU fic) (1,242 notes)
“What was I supposed to do, tie him to a chair?” “Yes!?” says Mini-him like he’s stupid, which warrants a scoff.
Shoutout to @skcirthinq who doodled a comic version of their conversation.
3. Casey Jr. and Uncle Tello troll Present Donnie (CAS AU fic) (1,701 notes)
Casey Jr, says Uncle Tello’s voice. Uncle Tello? Do you want to see something really funny?
This is my actual fic with the most notes! I'm glad you all enjoyed this silly little take on what was actually an incredibly intense moment in Cass's original comic.
2. Mikey contacts the Hamato ancestors (2,054 notes)
future Mikey: *trying to contact the spirits of the Hamato for advice and guidance in the apocalypse* Donnie’s spirit: Hello, you are now communing with Donatello.
I can't believe you guys gave over 2K notes to the stupidest joke I've ever made. Shoutout to @nonymous06 for this artist's rendition.
and finally, drum roll please.....
My top post of 2023:
1. A very silly idea for a separated AU (4,283 notes)
non-angsty ROTTMNT separated AU where the boys meet online and bond over their shared love of Jupiter Jim and skateboarding and Lou Jitsu. Then one day they agree to meet irl for the first time at a con and decide to dress as turtle aliens.
This post spawned an adorable fanart by @thatsmutbean , this hilarious fanart by @onionninjasstuff , and an entire fanfic called new phone who dis by @rbtlvr
This has been an incredible year! My love for ROTTMNT has not diminished in the slightest and I still have lots of ideas, so I hope you guys stick with me for 2024. Thanks again! Happy New Year!!
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haro0o · 1 year
Master list!!
Aus Info!
RedMaroon AU
Kai is Redson's twin that goes by Niú kǎixī in LMK universe but still goes by Kai in Ninjago universe
Birth of the twin
Headcanons : 1#, 2#, 3#, 4#
Kidnapping = Courting
Kidnapping = Courting part 2
Samadhi blade
Wukong’s lies
Bird and bees
Welcome back
Should’ve adopted him
Demon trait
Rosegarden AU
a lot of Raphs from other universes (mirage,87, 03, 07, 12, bayverse) was dropped into Rise Universe, deaged, and get adopted by Rise Raph.
Rave’s issue
The parents
Proud Uncle Leo
Sorry for the changes
Uncle Don’s JoyRide
Baby Ree
Black and Brown Fur AU
Shredder got turn into Rat by the kraang. He did not have revenge-to-death thing towards Splinter.
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the competitors!
i'm @ing everyone for this, but will not be for the actual polls UNLESS YOU WANT ME TO- please let me know if you want to be mentioned for the actual polls!!
mutant mania - @diaprit-fanfic
eon rewind - @rubberducky2pointoh
ornamental strokes - @superbpastanickelzonk
where did the years go - @iamheretemporarly 
it takes a village - @cuuno
giovanni twins - @enthblaze
what once was calm - @lucatea
outside view - @lucatea
sunset linings - @iamheretemporarly
teenage turtle ninja mutants - @idiot-mushroom
mutant chompy - @probably-not-a-rutabaga
just another tmnt au - @redak-ted
slayers in a half shell - @virgilisspidey and @shyartz03
papadile and croctots - @crownedcrowrow
blood & ooze - @tortugatime
mystic forest - @ibbywondrous and @amevello-blue
turtle terrors @battiegutz
lost under the sea - @easterartist
elemental - @nyx-the-misthios
TMNT: new origins - @notm1keyy
barbwire birds - @loonbark
teenage mutant nature “turtles” - @i-got-da-rubes
painted shells and origami shurikens - @clicky-buttons
The higher you are, the further you fall - @donatellokinnersinner
the great skittle heist of 2105 - @amevello-blue
fusions - @amevello-blue
maeverse AU - @ilovebeingaturtle
the children's garden - @nakanemiya
ronin plural AU - @slippnslide
TMNT search for our colors - @breadledoodles
TMNT colorcoded - @camilieroart
never after - @nakanemiya
the kids're alright - @your-unfriendlyghost
peepaw and babies AU - @turrondeluxe
green painted ruins - @bucketofbugz
brother, come home.. - @easterartist
where it all began - @probably-not-a-rutabaga
TMNT omniverse - @glitter-alienzzz
double or nothing - @mobiitez
TMNT: RETICENT - @tmnt-reticent / @raisondetre2012
casey vs. gravity - @builtlikeastickofcelery
TMNT silly mode - @opth
TMNT most wanted - @azar-rosethorn
TMNT: art forms - @aduckmurder
uncle shredder - @movthehoneybun
once again if you are in the competition and wish to be mentioned when your poll comes out please let me know!!
also if you have an image you want to use as a little cover thing for your au send it to me via dms or asks!!
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nardos-primetime · 6 months
Au (me n my brother aka my Raph talked about yesterday) where the boys (and maybe splinter n casey n april) end up timeline hopping on accident (around movie ages directly) and get trapped in another universe and end up helping Splinter escape but splinter fucking dies and his last wish is for these weird turtle yokai to take care of the babies and Donnie is like "NO. NONONONONO WE'VE ALREADY FUCKED UP THIS TIMELINE WE ARE NOT-"
The babies get like little fruit names, Rasp (Berry), Grape, Orange (Peel), Blue (Berry) because splinter is too lazy to come up with actual names and it'd be confusing. Casey jr gets to be like a big bro and the Cass from that universe is oddly chill having a mostly grown up son out of nowhere.
Raph is a little too protective of Rasp, making Rasp a bit more rebellious, Mikey is a good uncle but sometimes he does give in to little orange, Donnie acts disgusted by Grape at first bit as soon as Grape is like "cool I don't need you either" Donnie panics and starts trying to be the cool uncle to him, Leo looks at Blueberry and cringes because he doesn't want him to grow up feeling like Leo does.
Thing is Donnie is right and things start happening out of order, the main thing being a shredder suddenly popping up out of nowhere while Leo's out with the kids. So they desperately jump to another timeline to hide. Uh oh! Sudden krang invasion WAY TOO EARLY. They keep hopping timelines and basically infecting and fucking them up with errors until they absolutely cannot stop running all because they want to give the kids way more normal lives.
Au is half serious half SO UNSERIOUS bc they're committing crimes of the multiverse and end up in some really weird situations like a silverfish outbreak in some.
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possumsarenice · 1 year
Mutant Mashup HCs
Mutant Mashup AU by me and @sillyandquest
Simoni convinces Casey Jr. to play Minecraft. Home boy was so confused about everything at first. But now they do it on weekends regularly. Jr. has made statues for the future turtles in all the worlds he play in
All of the turtles love Jupiter Jim, even if Sanzio tries to deny it. Although only DaVinci and Blue are huge fans of Space Heroes. It’s their thing
Yoshi trained all the turtles, including the Rise kids. Lou (due to his mental state and Yoshi considering him a disgrace) wasn’t too involved with the training, but showed them all his movies so they all have picked up some things from those movies
Simoni has an electric based nippō
Purple and Sanzio are secretly running a bunch of cons in the hidden city
May (2012 April) managed to tame a kraang dog and the beginning of the apocalypse, so Casey Jr. grew up with a kraang dog. When he gets sent back, May manages to tame it again and it stays alive after the Rise kraang leave. So Casey Jr. gets his pet back :D
I imagine there’s plots that didn’t exist in either Rise or 2012 solely because characters now exist in the same world. (Example: The 2012 Purple Dragons somehow get into Big Mama’s debt, Meatsweats attacks Mr. Murakami because “nO ONe’s AlLOwEd To MAkE bETTeR FOod tHEn ME *crying baby auto tune*”, or Foot Recruit and Miwa/2012 Karai being girlbosses together, etc)
Of course we have Medic Blue, but I haven’t seen too much on the general fanon on who’s the medic in 2012. So my personal HC is that it’s Raph. Source: He literally gives Donnie a tourniquet in that one ep. Anyways Blue and Sanzio are ✨the medic duo✨ Yoshi is both the hardest on Blue because he’s afraid of him turning out like Lou, and joke with him the most because they’re both trolls and play around like that. Sanzio will absolutely kill bitch if they touch Purple’s shell without permission. The fact that’s so vulnerable compared to everyone else’s freaks him out a bit. Why is it so easy to break???
On a related note: Sanzio physically fights Purple the lest due to his Soft-Shell Privileges. Does Not stop him from verbal attacks at all, which they do the most out of everyone
Lou holds resentment to Yoshi for seemingly being unaffected by their mother leaving them. He also lost contact with Shredder before he gots too bad and is still a little in shock about his turn.
Baron Draxum created the ooze that mutated Yoshi and the 2012 turtles, so they all get the Draxum Clutch™️ as well.
Hueso went to Mr. Murakami‘s restaurant as per the turtles request, and now he’s a regular. Mr. Murakami knows he’s a skeleton but just casually accepts he’s serving to a bunch of creatures. As long as they behave he doesn’t mind
Casey Jr. was very close to his uncle Casey (2012) but doesn’t really know how to approach him in the present. He’s so different. At least the kraang dog is more or less the same.
Yoshi forbade all the turtles from going outside, but they all snuck out around the time Orange was 3-4ish. Lou know but has been letting them do it in a “haha don’t tell your dad/uncle or we’re all in trouble” move
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duckapus · 3 months
A few ideas for the Uncle Shredder AU I came up with a long while back.
Despite what was implied in the post that started this whole thing, Bebop and Rocksteady aren't considered Saki's kids since they're not that much younger than him and he met them as adults when he hired them to be bodyguards/henchmen.
They are kinda-sorta Karai's uncles though since they've been with Shredder since before she was adopted and helped him and Krang raise her.
The Shredder suit looks about how you'd expect, except one of the pauldrons is bigger and flatter than the other and doesn't have the hook/blade/spike things. This is so Krang can perch on Shredder's shoulder when he's not piloting one of his machines
This one's a doozey: Karai and Casey are identical twins (yes I'm doing girl Casey for this. Because I can and because Rise didn't have a chance to use her as Casey instead of as Foot Recruit and I want to see where it leads) who were put up for adoption as babies. They both knew they had a twin, but didn't think they'd ever meet each-other... at least until they crossed paths while fighting with some Purple Dragons, ended up losing their masks partway through, and realized that apart from their accents, some scars, and some of their style choices they look and sound almost exactly alike. Since the Hamato and Foot clans aren't mortal enemies in this universe this thankfully doesn't cause too much drama.
They do use this to their advantage and swap places to confuse people a few times, both for missions and Dumb Teenager Stuff. Saki can Always tell which is which through a combination of ninja observational skills and Dad Mode.
One of the few survivors on the losing side of the Utrom Civil War was Admiral Ch'rell, who like Krang was banished afterwards, though into Deep Space instead of Dimension X. This Surely Won't Have Any Consequences...
Most people think Bebop's a dum-dum 'cause he ain't so good at vocabularizin' as a smartypants like Baxter Stockman, but he's actually got a degree in quantum physics and just prefers to talk in a way he finds comfortable and has found that he likes busting heads more than crunching numbers.
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captainsweet · 1 year
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This was a mistake. They will get more. They will steal. AF Raph will need defenses prepared.
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percyaugod · 10 months
Uncle Saki AU
2012 AU where Saki wasn't a love rival. He was the single friend the couple friends adopted. They take him with them everywhere because they don't want him to get lonely. Buy him snacks and toys so he doesn't get bored.
The only stealing of Miwa was him buying her love by spoiling her rotten and becoming get favorite uncle. It takes him longer than he likes to admit to realize he's her only uncle. Yoshi laughed at him.
Fine then. Gives Miwa candy right before he leaves so they have to deal with the sugar rush and not him. The next day her parents look exhausted. Saki can't imagine why. He wonders if Yoshi's unfocused glare at the wall is supposed to be for him.
They eventually want to travel as a family, maybe take a trip to see America. They decide to head to New York. Just a fun family vacation, what could go wrong?
When they were talking about a souvenir to take home with them they didn't mean a pet, but no one could convince Miwa otherwise. And of all things to draw her attention, it was a tank full of four baby turtles. She pleaded for all four because she didn't want to split up the family, of course. So now they own four baby turtles. That's a thing.
Then, of course, Yoshi had to poke his nose where it didn't belong. Saki stayed back to make sure the other two didn't try to run in and help him. There's already something not right here, they shouldn't be a part of it. Then there's something green flying everywhere. He pulls Miwa back so she doesn't get hit but the turtles are dropped and get splashed with it. And now they don't look quite right. And Yoshi... has been turned into a giant rodent. Okay. Official the weirdest day of his life.
So looks like they're going to move to New York now because you can't sneak a tall rat man and four turtle children on a plane. That's another thing. They now have four more kids. That's eight mouths to feed when only two can work. At least Yoshi can be a house pet- he means house husband. Stop looking at him like that Yoshi, you have only yourself to blame.
So Saki turns to crime. It's for the family, and it's pretty fun. Brings home smaller amounts so it's less obvious and even does a few legal jobs so he has proof of employment and payment. He doesn't use his real name, and doesn't want the others finding out, so he calls himself The Shredder.
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TMNT DogFish AU🐟🐕💖
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Au for @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion . General 2012 TMNT universe but in this story, not only do Chris and Xever become closer and eventually become partners but also leave the foot clan, done with Shredder’s abuse.
During the Kraang apocalypse saga they coincidentally left to hide out and start a new at April family's farmhouse before eventually becoming allies of the TMNT, even becoming surrogate parental/uncle like figures!!!!!!!! I’ve even made my own personal headcanons for the duos relationship!
I imagine Splinter eventually welcomes them and ask them for some advice, especially when dealing with more emotional stuff.
What do u think? I’d love to know💖
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tblsomedoodles · 2 years
b/c i couldn't find a specific post and am making it everyone else's problem now. (chronological by category)
VIDEOS Home-Animatic Part 1 part 2 (in production)
ART Smoothy Comic Adopted at first Sight Cuddly Animatic Panel Animatic Panel (with How Angie got to '03 explanation)
FAN STUFF! (B/C THEYRE ALL AWESOME!) Angie gets back to Rise (Submission) Donnie finds Angie (anon) Another Reunion (by 14muffinz) Baby Angie with uncles and pop Art (by danny-doubledd) A little Snippit of Angie trying to make a portal (by maplegh0st) Sparing with Pops snippit (By maplegh0st)
break b/c a LOT of ask links reside below
ASKS & ANSWERS(D=has Doodle, C=Has Comic) {D} Leo's attached (With how they know he's from another dimension) Rise Family's reaction to Angie Missing {D}Both sets of boys meeting {D} Raphie's Legal Battle {D} Angie with Raphie's Sai (With how Angie gets back to Rise) '03 boys reaction to Rise Splinter Draxum gets a redemption arc when? '03 boys reaction to Draxum {D}Angie telling stories Angie with Brooklyn accent {D}Yeeting Hun How Rise Splinter reacts to Angie gone Rise boys finding out Angie's uncles really did fight alien dinosaurs {D} Portaling back to '03 {D} Who's Lou Jitsu? Father's day and how Splinters think of each other Angie's training and how it compares to Rise {D} Stealthy Angie {D} Angie Fire Meme {D} The Wall first Painted {C} Donnie and Angie reunited {D} Brother Reunion Grades April adding Handprints Rise boys reaction to multiple dimensions Leon and Raph react to Donnie's fetch quest Angie reacts to siblings being different turtle species Donnie being protective of the Mural {D} Donnie use Distract! Donnie cannot escape the group hugs Splinter reactions {C} Pop goes Turtle! {C} Angie calling Raphie Papa for the first time Angie aquiring more dads Fun Animatic fact '03 boys reaction to Angie leaving Angie schooling his brothers on how dimensions work What happened to Hob {C} Did the boys feel guilty for Angie disappearing? Angie using his Pops's sai? '03 boys just want to Adopt their counterparts upon meeting Mikey best uncle ever. always {D} Raphaels bonding over wressling and Ghost Bear stories. '03s meeting Casey^2 Angie reacts to Purple Dragons Donnie joined a gang (Part 1) Donnie joined a gang (Part 2) Donnie Joined a gang (Part 3 fin) {D} Angie's swearing habits Angie and Casey JR are bros Baby Angie and '03 Casey (or Angie's swearing Habits part 2) {D} Angie vs Rise Foot clan (devolves into mother hening '03 bros)
cont(b/c apparently i hit the block character limit : /
'03 boys finding out Mystic power What Rise boys think of '03 Mikey Casey and April love Angie (bonus Raphie parental panic) Angie training Angie teaching brothers to meditate '03 mikey thoughts on Angie {D} AU of the AU (if Raphie went with Angie to Rise) Angie serious fights Lairs look Similar Angie fighting like Raph is scary anon's cute headcannon Angie using everyone's weapons AU of the AU (baby raph in 03) {C}12 boys vs Dad Raphie 03's thoughts on Rise Krang would Angie have hand tremors after krang invasion 12 boys vs Dad Raphie cont 03 boys think of Rise Shredder and Karai Angie and Early mystics use (and 03 boys thoughts on it) Rise boys vs apocalypse future Rise April thoughts! A few miscellaneous questions (and more April thoughts!) Possible cannon changes Dr Delicate touch and Dr Feelings
will add more as they come in.
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