#i have few things i wanna gif. i should continue to watch this storyline. i kinda wanna write
the-kipsabian · 10 months
send me energy to work on something today please im begging
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lizacstuff · 3 years
SCK episode 46 asks!
Hi folks, below the read more you'll find a smattering of asks about this week's episode as well as a few spoilers for 47.
Good asks this week:
(under the cut)
Anonymous asked: this may be superficial of me, but why are they dressing Serkan in such ugly tops? they finally brought Eda's hair back but now this
BWAH! You're not wrong. You know what I'm wondering, if they've put him in some of those outfits because they are showing his suburban dad side? It's kind of a subtle nod to him embracing father hood and a different way of life? He's now all about running around the yard after his daughter and not about what he looks like when he's being SERKAN BOLAT, FAMOUS BUSINESS MAN and WORLD'S BEST ARCHITECT.
Also, Eda's hair, thank goodness they let that go once the flashbacks were over and we didn't need something to distinguish between then and now! Those curly bangs were not it.
Anonymous asked: They built up the Edser chemistry soooooo well throughout the episode... for that ending? Who decided to cut it there?! The scene was BEAUTIFUL I’m actually upset lol. are not we going to see any more? I’m not asking for a sex scene, I wanted to see THE moment they decided to get back together (the tattoo line doesn’t do it for me) - a few words, tears as they embrace, him walking through the door as she closes it, one passionate kiss, something! But it doesn’t feel like a cliffhanger that continues next week. I’ll be so underwhelmed when they cut to the morning after and we have to infer that they got back together overnight *sigh* if they were allowed 1 kiss only, id rather it have been here instead of ep 2
We do deserve to see how they reconcile, that should be one of the biggest moments of the season after 7 episodes of build up to it.
90% of final scenes in this show have continued uninterrupted the next week. To me there's no reason to think the next episode won't pick up right where this one left off. Crossing fingers!
Anonymous asked: It just hit me that Serkan is the “Kiraz” for Kemal - but Kemal actually missed his child’s whole 35 years 😬 this is an interesting turn of events. Also that line Serkan said about how fathers should love their child’s mother and how he didn’t have that with his own parents....but his real dad does love Aydan, more than she deserves haha.
Oh so true! Kemal really does love his mother more than she deserves! How he puts up with her, I don't know.
The parallel between Serkan/Kemal and Kiraz/Serkan is strong and I hope it gives Serkan some perspective when he starts grappling with this knowledge. I'm sure it's going to be very disconcerting for him, because while he expected to never see his father again, Alptekin is still his father. He's still the man who raised him and formed him into the man he is. Serkan still runs the company he founded and bears his name.
I don't expect any of that to change, but hopefully he can forge a separate relationship with Kemal that might fill some emotional holes that he has and bring him some peace.
None of that even contemplates how Kemal will feel, thankfully Aydan didn't willfully hide the truth from him. How awful to realize you lost 35 years.
We aren't there yet, but I wonder at what age with Kiraz learn the truth, that her dad is not an astronaut, that her parents went through hell with with cancer and plane crashes, and that her father didn't know of her existence until right before they met?
Just something to think about.
Anonymous asked: i'm so happy for hanker, don't get me wrong, and i'm also so happy we get "together" edser for so many episodes until the end, but i'm already tired of the constant "hanker improvising" comments i know i will be seeing. not that they don't improvise in some scenes, but i just know that every romantic edser scene is gonna be analyzed to hell bc ppl want to look for hanker in them. like there's no possible way that ayse, the writer ppl hate the most, could write any romantic scenes.. nope no way!
Yes, this is one of my pet peeves, I can't stand the "Edser left the chat" and all the "that's Hanker, not Edser" type conversation. it's so invasive and most of all disrespectful to not only the writers, but Hande and Kerem and all the work they pour into bringing Eda and Serkan to life.
One of the things in fandom that sets my teeth on edge is when folks take some interpretation of the character by the actor and then decide because it wasn't "scripted" (pro tip the vast majority of physical movements the actors make are "unscripted") that it must just be the actors themselves and have nothing to do with the characters. What an embarrassing and naïve assertion. Actors literal job is to take what's on the page and then translate that. So, no, OF COURSE, every look and touch is not scripted. The actors interpret how their characters would think and feel, and what they would do in given moments and then do those things.
Eda is not touching Serkan's arm just because Hande can't hold herself back from touching Kerem. Puh-lease, they are professionals. Grow up.
However, having said all that, I do think there was one scene that seemed to be very improvised this episode. The bean scene in the grocery store did feel like them just eFFing around. LOL.
andhewonherheart asked: @andhewonherheart: SCK promo department is best and worst all at the same time, cause giving away the last (cliffhanger) scene in fragman is just cruel. But based on the next week’s fragman thing happens that we we think happens *wink*
Hee! So true. The thing I'm grateful for is that in season 2 not one fragman has made me dread the episode, I think there was at least one fragman an episode from 29-37 that was hella upsetting.
As far as I'm concerned these fragmans are doing there job, making me want to watch.
I am really excited for Serkan planning how he's going to ask Eda to marry him, I wonder what Kiraz's reaction is going to be. So far she's been their very own cupid!
Anonymous asked: I didn't find it surprising that Serkan removed his tattoo as soon as Eda left. His logic is always out of sight out of mind though it doesn't work. He did the same when he broke up with her when he found out about the death of her parents. He removed all of her belongings. But their memories are too strong and enough for him to continue to remember her.
Truth! Will he ever learn that it's never going to work? He'll never be able to erase Eda, she has left an indelible mark on his soul. Let's hope he's never faced with that situation again! From here on out, he and Eda are together, a unit, and will live a long life together and in love.
Anyone have any guesses where Eda's tattoo is? Will we find out or will it remain between the characters.
Anonymous asked: I've seen some people say that Edser are getting married now way too fast and to that I just have to laugh lol. First there were complaints we don't have happy Edser and now when we do, of course there's something else. These two have had a rollercoaster of a year when they first met and a five year separation.. they've been through the dating phase, the engaged phase.. of course they'll head straight to the altar! It's not like Eda's plane proposal and that first wedding wasn't rushed either!
I'm on team head straight to the alter! No more waiting. They've had terrible luck, so they just need to tie the knot and make sure there are no easy outs.
As for people who think it's too fast, they don't even know the storyline yet, I swear there are folks who complain just because that's their personality and they're never satisfied.
Anonymous asked: From some of the spoilers of BTS pics, and the fragman we got, I was just reflecting on this season and Turk romcom dizis in general and I just wanted to say how LUCKY we are to see Edser married (again, from spoilers) and with a kid on screen for more than just 10 minute at the end of the finale. Like, it is really rare and as much as people have nitpicked on this season in general, I feel like watching these last episodes have been such a breeze after the last arc of S1.
Oh agreed, I think these episodes have been very enjoyable. The writers are giving me exactly what I want from this show. Comedy, UST, romance with a little light angst thrown in now and again. I would rewatch this season a dozen times before even thinking about watching anything from the 30s.
We are very lucky that we've got to see them as parents, and actually forming their family. We've gotten so much domestic goodness so far and we still have a ways to go. I'm very appreciative of this season and that Ayse came back, got rid of the constant ridiculous melodrama for melodrama's-sake and is telling a very human story about family and love persevering.
Anonymous asked: the last scene gave me chills for some reason. you could actually see eda fighting her head and her heart and deciding to take the step (metaphorically and physically!) towards him for good. i wanna SUE whoever decided to end it the ep there though.. it was actually cruel. also looking at the next frag.. it makes my heart soft that in the flashbacks we see serkan pushing off their wedding bc of his fears and now he can't propose and get married fast enough.. can't believe we're really getting it
I know, it's almost surreal at this point. Since we're near the end we know it's for real and won't be ruined by psychos or awful family members or terminal illness. I just hope that they give us an emotional scene when they get married, whether its just them or the whole cast is there as guests, after everything they've (we've) been through we need to see them both feeling that moment and reveling in it.
FYI - I'm out of town next weekend, so I may be slower than usual in replying to asks and in posting gifs of 47, but I'll get to it all eventually!
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thesportssoundoff · 5 years
The AAF And Why We Should Care About These Teams
Feb 5th, 2019
Still bummed about the Super Bowl? Well let's get over it real quick! On Saturday, the Alliance of American Football will be the first of THREE (God help us) spring football leagues to take off. THREE. We really needed that many, huh? Doesn't being announced after the XFL, the AAF will launch this spring under the watchful eyes of Dick Ebersol and NFL executive legend Bill Polian and will air across a variety of platforms such as Bleacher Report's online app, the NFL Network, the CBS Sports online app, TNT and CBS itself. Let that be a lesson to those of you who think that sports can't milk every single penny out of today's weird digital/broadcast era. The majority of the pitches for this game feature stuff football fans do seem to want in some capacity although disagreements about HOW to implement them remain. For instance, the AAF is attempting to shave 30 minutes off of the viewing experience by limiting commercials. They're also scrapping pretty much all elements of kicking from the game (two point conversions only, onsides kick have been replaced by a wacky 4th and 10 scenario and there's no kickoffs either) so fans who are obsessive compulsive about kicking get a bit of a break. We've got a college football style "one foot = catch" rule and a reduction of the play clock from the NFL's 40 seconds to a cool 30 seconds. It's an attempt to do somethings differently and I'm at least willing to give it a try.
With just eight teams to choose from for the AAF,  I'll just go team by team and list ONE reason why you should care. As much as you wanna just consider it a bunch of has beens and never was' playing out here, there's some intriguing storylines for the AAF. So much so in fact that perhaps you'll find a team so intriguing that you'll follow along this year!
Atlanta Legends
Why: Michael Vick Offensive Coordinator
I wanted to do a larger piece on how the NFL's lack of black head coaches boils down to the NFL's lack of black offensive coordinators (the IN demand spot these days). Instead of writing eight paragraphs about something that could be done in one, let's just look at Michael Vick and his new role as Atlanta Legends offensive coordinator.  For starters, the Alliance of American Football being a potential breeding ground for former players to better grasp the coaching game is an A+ decision. We've already seen the offensive coordinator for another team in the Alliance of American Football get the bump up to NFL QB Coach (Jon Kitna went from San Diego Fleet Offensive Coordinator to Dallas Cowboys QB coach) and any opportunity for former players to stay involved in the game is a good one. Michael Vick's name comes with a lot of clout (and plenty of controversy) so right off the jump he's an important get for the AAF. How good he is as an offensive coordinator (be it gameplanning, calling plays or making adjustments on the fly) could determine how quickly he ascends at the position. Vick is a really unique character and a polarizing figure but seeing him in the role of offensive coordinator is going to be a worthwhile experiment. If Vick opens the door for other young out of work players to jump into the coaching game then I for one am all for it. As for the roster, the Atlanta Legends actually have plenty of name value from former Georgia QB Aaron Murray to NC wide receiver Bug Howard to Iowa RB Akrum Wadley to a host of Georgia Bulldogs on defense.
Memphis Express
Why: The "name" QB battle
Let's always be honest about this stuff; your fan interest will only go as far as the QB you have. The Memphis Express may not have GOOD QBs but they have NAME QBs and that's truly what counts. The Memphis Express have Christian Hackenberg and Zach Mettenberger, two "name" QBs who figure to draw in eyeballs if only due to the fact that there's Penn State and LSU involved. Hackenberg was a disaster for two years at Penn State and people excused him for that because the team was bad or the line was bad or the coaching was bad. Turns out Hackenberg was just bad and continued to be bad at the NFL level before getting bounced around by 4-5 different teams. Hackenberg will attempt to resurrect his stock in the AAF, a team that literally named its offensive coordinator in like early January after their original OC bounced. Hackenberg won the job but the back up spot belongs to Zach Mettenberger. I refuse to believe that Hackenberg is a better player than Mettenberger but ALAS! Mettenberger has NFL experience and has thrown actual touchdowns in real football games even if he played like a 6th round pick who was holding onto a roster spot for dear life. He just wasn't that good. Mettenberger and Hackenberg are two guys who share similar traits (big, they throw the ball far) with different reasons (Mettenberger was a problem in college, Hackenberg couldn't really play) that leads to the same development (playing in the AAF to continue their pro football careers). Still a QB BATTEL with name value is STILL a QB BATTEL and here we are. The Memphis Express also have a ton of LSU guys and LSU players don't half ass it so expect a ton of big hits from their defensive which legitimately has an all LSU DL. Also of note, the head coach is Mike Singletary and we can expect plenty of intense coaching gifs and press conference call outs of his own players. That's the finest reality we deserve.
Orlando Apollos
Why: Steve Spurrier is BACK!
Remember the days of Steve Spurrier? Run and Gun? Mr. Click Clack?  There ya go. The Ol Ball Coach is back and Spurrier in Florida just feels right. Steve Spurrier's offenses in the mid to late 2000s were some of the funnest things imaginable and I'm curious to see if a few years off to refuel the jets don't bring out the fun in the Run 'N Gun offense. Spurrier's offense is helmed by either Austin Appleby or Garrett Gilbert since apparently nobody knows who the starter is as of this moment. Beyond that, he's also got a trio of name running backs (D'Earnest Johnson from USF was a popular name around draft time plus Akeem Hunt from Purdue and De'Veon Smith from Michigan were interesting dudes) and like twelve WRs who all run really fast. Realistically though I feel like this team is about watching to see if Steve Spurrier turns this gig into another college coaching opportunity soon enough.
Birmingham Iron
Why: TRENT RICHARDSON (and friends)
Unsurprisingly given the whole locales theme, the Birmingham Iron roster is LOADED with dudes from Alabama. The one name who immediately jumps out is Trent Richardson and I'm surprisingly intrigued to see how he looks. It's worth remembering that Trent Richardson had a tremendous rookie season and looked to be on the way to being something before he got big/hurt. Perhaps Richardson will be rejuvenated playing at home in front of what figures to be a primarily loaded Alabama crowd. Also keep an eye on Blake Sims who I figure will win the QB job eventually. In fact keep an eye on every player from Alabama (Auburn, Bama, Troy) because chances are they'll be given ample opportunities to show out at home. They also have the coolest uniforms. Lastly Tim Lewis is a long time defensive coordinator/DB coach getting his first crack at a head coaching gig so I'm curious to see if he can parlay that into another big opportunity down the line.
San Diego Fleet
Why: Mike Martz
Mike Martz is arguably one of the more unfairly judged head coaches in NFL history. He was the coordinator for the Greatest Show On Turf and as head coach of the Rams, Martz had five full seasons---he made the playoffs in 4 of those. Martz' ouster in St. Louis was controversial for a variety of reasons but he WAS successful and deserves to be remembered as such. From that point on Martz never got another head coaching opportunity, bouncing around as a coordinator in Detroit (back to back 4,000 yard seasons for Jon Friggin' Kitna of all things), San Francisco and a disastrous run in Chicago with Jay Cutler. Martz was pretty much cast aside by the NFL at that point and his reputation as a pass happy difficult personality pretty much ensured he would stay out the game.  With passing being en vogue (and every QB guru alive being courted for 1,000,000 roles), this might be Mike Martz's last chance to maybe find a place in big time football. The San Diego Fleet roster is relatively bare compared to its contemporaries but Mike Martz almost guarantees to make it as fun as possible given the usual performances of his wacky passing game. Mike Martz making Mike Bercovici look like an NFL level quarterback would probably be his greatest accomplishment ever. Also keep an eye on Nelson Spruce slot WR-ing his way back to the NFL if it's any thing like he was at Colorado.
Arizona Hotshots
Why: Phil Savage and Rick Neuheisel
Phil Savage is in a very weird spot here. Savage had a brief runs as Browns GM and it went about as well as you'd expect it to. He was in, out and done before anybody even knew he was there. Savage re-emerged as a key part of the Senior Bowl process and for the most part, I don't think I ever saw many complaints about Savage's job as the figurehead for the event. Surprisingly at the end of 2018, the Senior Bowl replaced Phil Savage with former scout Jim Nagy. The decision to move on from Savage was not exactly well received at first and it seems like Savage has bounced back well enough with the AAF. Savage should be able to form a damn good roster given that he's probably interacted with and been around most of these players relatively recently as the Senior Bowl's ace executive. Somehow someway Rick Neuheisel has weaseled himself into the picture and into another head coaching job, he of a sparkling 87-59 record in college but a less than sparkling 47-40 from 2000 onward. Plus he's also been pretty much run out of every stop he's had under inauspicious circumstances. Phil Savage should in theory be able to find a competent squad of players (and they have a pretty well known defense with Sterling Moore, Rahim Moore, Will Sutton, Carl Bradford, Scooby Wright and Chunky Clements) and perhaps the time away has rejuvenated Neuheisel. At the very least Trevor Knight will be fun to watch am I right?
Salt Lake Stallions
Why: A Testing Pattern Perhaps?
Utah has one pro sports franchise, the Utah Jazz, which is  intreresting when you consider how beloved the Jazz are. It seems like there's a very big supportive fanbase for sports out there in the Pacific Northwest and yet Utah has no football team, no baseball team and no hockey team. PERHAPS this can be a test. The Salt Lake Stallions overall do not have the most appealing roster in this entire deal but they may be the one best situated to draw the biggest audience. Utah is not blessed with a lot of pro sports options and if the Stallions are good then perhaps they can get people into the stadium. They have a weird eclectic mix of former Utes and three former QBs who if memory serves were all in the draft last year.  Former Vikings RB and Utah legend Matt Asiata is 31 year and probably cooked BUT he figures to be a popular face for fans.
San Antonio Commanders
Why: An Actually Kinda Decent Deep-ish Team
Really. If you were putting together an all star game in 2017/2018 of pretty decent-ish draft prospects, a lot of these dudes would be here. QB Logan Woodside? Pretty good player! Had some issues but was a super productive small MAC QB type dude. RBs David Cobb and Aaron Green? Kinda intriguing RBs! Tray Williams has been on like 12 NFL teams as a third down back over the past two years even if he never stuck. WRs like Greg Ward, DeMarcus Ayers and Mekale McKay? Some draft buzz there! Some of their OL were late round types who wouldn't have been out of place at an NFL camp this season. The defense has draftnik "names" like Joel Lanning, Keenan Gilchrist, Tyrone Holmes, Austin Larkin, Winston Craig and a secondary featuring Jordan Thomas and Duke Thomas on the back end. It's actually not an awful team assuming you can put the parts together.
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ishqbaaaaz · 7 years
Hey guys
Sorry I've been inactive on here this past week or so.
As most of you can probably tell, ib is going through a dry spell right now and im starting to reach the point where I'm bored. Like I know that ib has had its ups and downs like any other show, but I find myself holding too many expectations and being continuously disappointed. This usually happens after about a year or so and the storylines begin to make less sense and are less enteraining. This is to no fault of the actors but all fault in the writing. I feel like they're doing a complete injustice to their characters and instead of telling a great story, they're allowing fans (mostly twitter fans) to fill their heads. They may say they aren't but it's clear in the writing that they are.
After the marriage track, or even Rikara's reunion, they had every bit of an opportunity to sideline Shivika and allow Rikara and Ruvya to develop and grow. I mean, sure, Gauri and Omkara confessed their love to one another. But that doesn't solve the problem. They didn't have that much needed conversation that a husband and wife should. They immediately when into whatever this comedy track is now and left all that hanging. Rudra's writing these past few weeks have been so all over the place and at this point, he doesn't deserve Bhavya. They tried using the typical Tellywood Larka Formula in making him a douchebag. Completely derailing his character. They did the same thing with Omkara back when they did Dil Boley Oberoi. They pretended as if Omkara B.C. didn't exist and he became Omkara A.D. as I call him and honestly, I'm not here for this.
However, the writers are afraid to take risks in terms of allowing Shivika to have some fun scenes on the side and giving the spotlight to another couple. They are afraid they're going to lose their audience. Well here's a news flash, they have been losing their audience since they started this mess with Pinky back in May. They thought the solution was a separation track but instead they completely executed it in an uninteresting manner and they lost more of their audience. I, however, am an expert in tellywood garbage and I know you have to suffer separation and drama to get to the good stuff. I trudged through and we finally made it through the tunnel and Shivika was reunited and remarried, which was also so rushed. We deserved so much better than what they gave us. I'm just getting more and more disappointed and it's so disheartening to see a show I love so much and has a special place in my heart, run itself into the ground.
I haven't watched this past week or liveblogged and I haven't giffed because I have no motivation.
I will probably go back to giffing old scenes and I have some ideas I wanna do. But, I probably won't be watching or liveblogging until I feel like I have the motivation.
I'm still always here to talk about the show or whatever you are feeling. I'll reblog and maybe make some posts here and there. I'll make gifs of older scenes but I will not be doing liveblogs anymore. Or until I want to do them. I know there are people who enjoy them and I feel really bad, but I don't want to be disingenious with them so please forgive me.
The fandom on Tumblr is so fun and kind. I'm so glad to be a part of a community that is genuinely hilarious and crazy.
If you have requests or ever wanna rant, my ask is always open. If you see a liveblog from me, then that may mean ib is getting me back in, but we'll have to see.
Thank you for always being understanding.
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Wraith pt 8
Summary: Bucky x OFC
Follows the storyline of CA:CW. Regan is an ex-HYDRA experiment who has been on the run for about a year. Turns out the Winter Soldier has been hiding not only in the same city as her, but the same BUILDING. Chaos ensues and she offers her help to Bucky and his friend Steve.
Word Count: 1275
Warnings: Swearing, Typos (sorry)
A/N: I used Slovak for Sokovian, and I used Google Translate again (so I am sorry for any errors). Obviously, there are quotes/descriptions/dialogue from the movie here, clearly I did NOT write that, so credit to Marvel and it’s wonderful writers and actors!
Not my gif, credit to the owner
Tumblr media
Regan woke up with a ringing head, sore chest, and cuffs on her wrists. She was in a mostly empty, poorly lit room. A plain table in front of her, and a chair on the other side with a mirror behind it. So, an interrogation room? But there was no interrogator as of yet, so she stretched as many of her muscles as she could from her position, and opened her senses, searching for energies nearby. There were 4 people in the room behind the mirror, watching her she assumed. None of them seemed particularly angry, or afraid, but one of them was letting off a shit-ton of annoyed vibes. 
Regan cocked an eyebrow, looking directly at the annoyed one through the mirror. “Really, YOU’RE annoyed? You’re not cuffed to an uncomfortable chair with a concussion, and chest pain that should be checked by a doctor. So why don’t you drag your sorry ass in here, and start asking the questions that I won’t answer?”
It took some time, but the annoyed person did eventually enter the interrogation room.
“I have spent the last 5 years making sure that I kept track of every enhanced weirdo on this planet, I know where they are, I know what they can do, and I know more than a few ways to get them under control, so why,” the man announced as he slapped a file on the table and leaned into Regan’s personal space, “do I not have a fucking clue who you are?”
Regan’s response was to, once again, cock an eyebrow, and smirk, meeting his gaze directly. This did not ease the man’s annoyance. He spent, what felt like hours, throwing questions and tantrums in Regan’s direction with no real reaction on her part. To her, this was nothing. HYDRA would have brought out the sharp utensils a while ago, and she was confident that this guy wouldn’t, not yet anyway. So she held her tongue; “Wraith” was making an appearance.
Normally, when she was playing “Wraith”, Regan had a physical mask, as well as an emotional one, but here, she was naked. So she used the only weapon she had; silence.
Eventually, the man admitted defeat and grabbed her arm to escort her out. Regan didn’t fight, she knew better than to try an escape without enough knowledge of her whereabouts. She was dragged through the building that she assumed was a prison, before she was led into a large, circular room. The only odd thing about this prison so far, was its complete lack of windows. It was a good thing Regan wasn’t claustrophobic. The large room had 6 small cells each with a clear cell door. Two of the cells were unoccupied, but the other 4 held her former teammates.
No one said a word as Regan was pushed into one of the open cells, and the silence continued until the annoyed man left. Which took a few minutes since he felt the need to stalk around the room, and give all of the prisoners the stink eye individually.
“So, they don’t know who I am. How long do you think I can keep it that way?” she asked no one in particular, rubbing at the marks that the handcuffs had left on her wrists.
“Dunno,” Clint replied nonchalantly, “did you ever leave any DNA evidence behind before? Is there anyone from your past they could contact?”
“Not that I know of, I would think that it would have become a problem before now if I had.”
“So what should we call you if we can’t use your name?” Scott asked.
“Uh… geez I don’t know. Sam, you’re the one with the nicknames, what you got?” Regan smiled as she asked.
“’Blondie’ was the first thing that came to mind.” Regan laughed lightly, shaking her head.
“Pretty unoriginal fly-boy.”
“It’s not my best work, I admit.”
“Can I still call you ‘sestra’?” Wanda rasped, the collar around her neck apparently impeding her speech.
“Of course you can, what else would you ever call me?” Regan smiled in response.
“How do you say ‘sunshine’ in Sokovian?” Clint asked
“Slnečný svit. But if you’re looking for something that you could use as a name, I would go with ‘jas’, It means ‘light’.” Regan responded, sliding into a sitting position by the clear door and leaning her back against the wall.
“I think I will stick with Jas then.”
“Sounds good to me. Why ‘sunshine’ though?”
“Well Sam said ‘blondie’ I figured I could pick a stupid name too, just in a different language,” Clint smirked.
Regan laughed, “by the way Sam, ‘blonde’ is ‘svetlovláska’.”
“Well that’s a mouthful,” Sam cackled.
“It is, any other words you wanna learn? I got nothing but time.”
“Now that you mention it…”
Regan taught Sam and Scott every dirty word, and phrase she could think of, and had been listening to Scott talk about his baby girl for several hours now. She could see Clint clearly from her cell, and noticed that he looked conflicted as Scott chattered on about Cassie’s many talents. Regan wondered what could be upsetting him, but since he was helping to hide her secrets, she decided not to question him about his.
Regan was just starting to drift off, as the main door opened to reveal Tony Stark; he looked a little banged up, and had his left arm in a sling. He looked tired.
Before the door had finished closing, Clint began to slow clap, “’The Futurist’ ladies and gentlemen! ‘The Futurist’ is here! He knows what’s best for you, whether you like it or not.”
She tuned out Stark’s response, and their following banter, but she heard Tony refer to Clint’s family. Ah, that’s why he looked so upset… He wanted to share his ‘proud Papa’ moments too…
Scott tried to engage Tony too, but Stark blew him off and crossed to Sam’s cell.
“How’s Rhodes?” Sam asked. Regan wanted to pipe up, but last she checked, Tony Stark had thought she was trying to kill the Colonel, so she resolved herself to listen closely.
“We’re transferring him to Columbia Medical tomorrow so… fingers crossed. What do you need? Have they fed you yet?” Regan couldn’t hold back a snort at that; she’d barely been fed. The others had been fed better, but since she had been annoying the man in charge, she couldn’t really expect anything different.
“I just knocked the ‘A’ out of their ‘AV’. We got about 30 seconds before they realize it’s not their equipment,” Tony explained to Sam, trying to get Steve and Bucky’s location out of him, “just look, because this is the fella who was supposed to interrogate Barnes. Clearly I made a mistake, Sam, I was wrong.”
“That’s a first,” Sam snorted in response, clearly not convinced or moved by Stark’s admission.
“Cap is definitely off the reservation and he’s about to need all the help he can get. We don’t know each other very well. You don’t have to…”
“Hey, it’s all right,” Sam interrupted, “look, I’ll tell you, but you have to go alone, and as a friend.”
Tony quickly acquiesced, and Sam gave him the location. Tony nodded and headed out.
“You sure about this Sam?” Regan asked, voice barely above a whisper. All she could think was that Bucky may be dragged back into HYDRA yet. All she had tried to do may yet amount to nothing more than her continued existence- in a jail cell.
“I don’t know,” Sam sighed in answer, “but I think they’ll need help.”
Silent, useless tears fell from Regan’s lashes and she hung her head. Locked in another cell by government agents who would love to use her for their own gain, or watch her rot in place. And worse yet, she had dragged Wanda down with her, and left Bucky out in the cold.
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captainvictoryboat · 7 years
Behind The Scenes 3 (4/???)
Author’s note: I know there is going to be a continuation to this part again but I don’t if i will have time to post it soon, but i will try to post it within this week. Sorry for any errors and if i am inaccurate about the setting of the city.. I hope you all like this part because this city was one of my favorites to write. 
Genre: Fluff? but like not really??? (Suga; Jungkook)
Word count:1912
City: Shanghai
Summary: It is pretty boring being stuck in the hotel room
Other parts: HERE
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This is my GIF. I made it based off of this scenario series
It was the 3rd day in Shanghai and you were barely getting used to the tour schedule. It took a while to get used to life on tour. All the time spent traveling and the time change weren’t much help. So far, China involved many hours of driving to many cities. Ever since the last day at Beijing, the excitement of the tour no longer affected you. Every hotel seemed to just be the same type of room over and over again. The only thing that was easy to deal with was living out of a suitcase, it wasn’t too different from living out of trash bags. For you, the new schedule involved sleeping, waking up, traveling, then waiting backstage as the guys did meet and greets and the concerts, then repeating the process.
The extra day at each city was meant for Rap monster to do his deals, this 3rd day was no different. V tagged along with Rap monster on his deal as was expected. Jin and Jimin were off spending their hours at the gym. Suga and Jhope were occupied in their room either sleeping or drunk/high. The only thing that was different about this day was that you and Jungkook decided to stay cooped up in the hotel room. Over the past weeks from city to city, pretending to be a couple was just getting exhausting for the both of you. The second the both of you stepped out of the hotel room, you both went into character, always paranoid of who could be watching. When out in public, there were times where you were bombarded with fans or people would secretly take pictures of all of you. For this day, staying in was just a better option.
In the hotel room, neither of you talked to one another. You each were on opposite sides of the room most of the day. He stayed on your side of the room while you were on V and Jimin’s side. You were each enjoying the two TVs.
Even though this was one of the few chances you had to watch TV, it was all in Chinese. After a few hours of trying to figure out storylines of TV shows, you decided it would be more fun to read one of the books you brought.
You made your way to your bed to get to your suitcase. Jungkook looked relaxed laying down in the bed watching some action movie as he ate some of the left over candy you all bought back in Beijing. A fight scene came on and you were soon sucked into the movie. “Can I watch the movie with you?” you asked.
He patted the empty spot next to him, his attention was too stuck on the movie to speak.
You crawled in bed next to him and enjoyed the rest of the film.
“Even though I had no idea what they were saying, it was still a super good movie.” You commented when the ending credits appeared.
“Yeah… but now I’m bored.” He whined.
“Me too.”
Jungkook turned to you with that signature fuckboy look of his. “Well, there is something we can do…”
You gave him the benefit of the doubt and asked, “Like what?”
“We could have some fun if you know what I mean.”
You rolled your eyes at him. “Fuck no!”
“Ha! I knew it!” he got up from the bed.  “It was worth a shot though. Now if you excuse me, I’m going to have some fun by myself in the shower.” He grabbed a towel from his suit case and locked himself in the bathroom.
You tried to give the next movie that came on a chance, but isn’t wasn’t long before there was a knock at the door. You went over and looked through the peephole. Suga was standing on the other side waiting for the door to open. You couldn’t help but smile when you saw it was him. It looked like he had barely woken up because parts of his hair were still sticking out. It only made him look cuter. You quickly opened the door to let him in.
“Hey.” He said as he walked past you.
“What’s up?”
He casually walked around the room, taking a look at everything. “Eh, nothing really, I was just bored.”
You went across the room and sat on the edge of the bed you and Jungkook shared. “Me too.”
From the bathroom, you could hear the shower being turned on.
“So that’s where he was.” Suga mumbled. He walked over to you and sat next to you on the bed. He sat really close to you, your shoulders were touching, but neither of you moved away from each other. “What have you done all day?” he asked.
“Nothing, just watch TV.”
“Cool, I barely woke up.” He smiled.
“So you woke up and thought “Oh, let me just go annoy y/n!”?” you asked jokingly.
“Yeah! That’s exactly what I thought!” He laughed.
“Well it’s good to know that I am the first thing on your mind.” You mumbled.
“Oddly enough, you are the last thing I think about before I go to sleep too!” He laughed some more.
Your heart skipped a beat. You wished he meant what he said, but as his laugh implied, he was just joking. Part of you wanted to finally confront him about the kiss, but the other half remembered Aiko, so you just kept your mouth shut. “Aiko is probably the last thing he thinks about at the end of the day.” You thought. You flopped back on the bed filled with despair and let out a long sigh.
Suga flopped down next to you, mimicking you with a loud dramatic sigh.
You stole a quick side glance at him, but didn’t say anything.
“So… You and Jungkook really share the bed?”
“Don’t you feel weird though?”
“Um, yeah, a bit, but we sleep with a sheet separating us so…”
“Still weird.”
“Well I guess… I don’t know. If I don’t think about it, I don’t get too weird about it. I try to see it like when you and I shared your bed a few times. You get me?”
He propped himself up on his elbow and looked down at you. “Yeah but that is different. We are actually friends, so that’s not weird.”
“Well, it’s kinda weird because we are friends…” you said looking away from him.
“Well, like, you and me… If you think about it, its weird cuz, like, that’s something that, um, that like friends don’t do… It’s something um, only people more than- ummm nevermind.”
“What are you getting at?”
“Oh c’mon! I know you want to tell me something!” He said leaning closer to you.
Every part of you wanted to pull him to you and just kiss him, you just wanted him to know how you felt. Instead, you pushed him off you. “I said its nothing! Now stop breathing my air!” you made sure to laugh so he wouldn’t think twice about how you were acting.
He laughed at your antics and lay back down. “… So… do you wanna get out of here? We can go to the beach that’s nearby.” He suggested in his usual lazy tone.
You sat up in disbelief. “You, Min Yoongi, want to go out?!?”
“Yeah sorta.”
“Who are you and what have you done to the real Min Yoongi?!?”
“Ha! I’m serious!”
He sat up too. “I don’t know, just cuz. It’s better than you moping around this hotel room. We’ve been to Xi’an, Chengdu, and Chongqing and you mostly been in the hotel, backstage or in the van! Now me, I’m tired as fuck… but you should try to get as much enjoyment as you can… considering the circumstances…”
“… Nu-uh, we all went out for the monster’s birthday back in Chengdu!”
“That doesn’t count! We were all forced to do that. I’m saying we go out for your enjoyment!”
               You looked up at him doubtfully. Rap monster’s words back at Beijing ran through your head.
“Now let’s go! You know me, this side of me only comes out once in a hundred years, so take this chance while you got it!”
“But what about the monster? He’ll be mad.”
“He left Jin here with us like some damn children, but fucking Jin is off doing his own shit! We can do our own shit too! Besides, you won’t be alone, you’ll be with me.”
Now that he said that, what Jungkook told you at the candy store popped into your head. “Fine… but Jungkook has to come too.”
Suga’s face cringed. “Why?”
“Cuz he’s my “boyfriend”. It’s just better if I’m seen out with him all the time.” you explained.
“Ah fine.” He whined. “You get ready. I’m going to get my camera.” He said as he let himself out of the room.
After Jungkook came out of the bathroom, you updated him on the new plans. It took a bit of convincing, but he eventually agreed. Then , you went to the bathroom to get ready.
Suga went back to his room, grabbing his camera and a pair of sunglasses. Before leaving back to y/n’s room, he did one last check on Jhope and took one last check on himself in the mirror. He decided to change into a nicer shirt and fixed his hair. He couldn’t help but feel a bit embarrassed that he looked so messy in front of y/n.
He knocked on her door expecting her to open it, but instead he was greeted by the maknae. By the looks of his outfit, y/n already told him about their plans. To avoid conversation, he swiftly walked in and went straight to the window.
Jungkook came up next to him and stared out on Shanghai as well. “So it was your idea to go to the beach?” He asked.
“Hm, very unlike you.”
“Nothing, just taking notice.” He said slyly
Suga looked over at the tall boy. “Get to the fucking point, I know there is something you are implying.”
“Ah, you know, I just find it a bit funny that you’re doing something so… out of character. Especially when it’s obvious you’re still hungover.”
“Well, it’s for y/n’s sake, not mine.” He said looking back out the window.
“You wanna fuck her, don’t you?” Jungkook teased.
“Now why would you ask a stupid question like that?” He maintained his monotone as to not raise any of Jungkook’s suspicions.
“Cuz it’s a stupidly smart question!”
Suga tried to ignore him, but it didn’t work. The damn maknae pulled out the annoying side of his personality. “You wanna fuck her, you wanna fuck her!” Jungkook sang as he danced around him
The maknae was really getting on his nerves “Ya! I don’t like her like that!” He said sternly.
“Damn bro! I see right through you.” Jungkook laughed as he forcefully patted his hyung’s back. “Too bad she’s taken.” He said jokingly. “Don’t worry I give you permission. You need pussy, I can tell.”
“How many times do I have to fucking tell-“  he heard the bathroom door open and quickly stopped talking.
Y/n looked really cute as she stepped out in a casual outfit and her hair pinned up. The only down side was that she was dressed almost identical to the piece of shit standing next to him.
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