#i have like semi writers block going onđŸ„șđŸ„ș
eggluverz · 1 year
hey~ fellow writer here!
Do you have some modern/college au Dan Heng x F! Reader head-canons? Your writing literally fixes my writer's block tysm!!!! Maybe once I get my life together we can be writing friends :)
dan heng college au headcanons
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PAIRING. dan heng x f!reader
GENRE. modern au, college au, fluff
SOF'S NOTE. HI HI FELLOW WRITER :3 ty for the req i hope u enjoy these random college hc's hehe + i hope u can get thru ur writers block soon đŸ„ș and we can be friends even if ur not in a writing phase rn !! i def don't mind, new friends are always welcome đŸ©”đŸ©”
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dan heng seems quiet, but he is definitely not shy
he joins a few clubs that he has sincere interests in and attends the meetings pretty regularly 
he mets you in one of them 
you’re paired together for an awkward club bonding activity but somehow hit it off
from there you hang out on-campus together
study sessions in the library, late night fast food runs, early morning cafe meetings
 you easily become a big part of his life and he enjoys every moment of it 
he is not much of a party person, but he will go with you if you ask
the frat bros try to get him to rush but he isn’t interested in joining (he has enough on his plate as is)
when he’s at a party with you, he holds your drink and watches over it when you go to the bathroom
if you ever look uncomfortable with a guy trying to dance with you, dan heng is there by your side in an instant
he has 100% had to pretend to be your boyfriend to get persistent men off your back
one night you ask “what if you really were my boyfriend?” 
dan heng wonders if you’re asking sincerely or as a joke, but you just smile and giggle instead of elaborating 
dan heng is a diligent student and enjoys his studies 
however he will get sidetracked during study sessions by going down random, semi-related rabbit holes instead of the actual topic at hand
dan heng is an avid proponent for office hours
he will go whenever he has questions or ideas 
he offers to go with you if you get too nervous to go alone
he walks you to the professor’s office and waits outside for you to finish, giving you a small pep talk and gentle squeeze on your arm to calm your nerves 
dan heng is supportive and sweet and everything you’d want in a bf :3
during stressful times when it feels like everything in the world has piled up (projects are due, exams are coming, group presentations are scheduled), he feels like he can come to you for comfort
you’re both drowning in work but at least it’s together <3 and you always remind him to take breaks when he needs
once, when he was really swamped with work and extracurriculars, he became too stressed and got sick 
you make him a care package with some medicine, cough drops, tissues, tea packets, honey, and a little teddy bear to keep him company
you come over to make him soup even though he says not to bc he doesn’t want to get you sick
you wear a mask and come over anyway, not wanting your best friend to be alone while he’s both stressed and sick
“don’t forget to take care of yourself,” you say worriedly, wiping the sweat of his forehead with a cool cloth and serving him some soup in bed (you’re in college so the soup is just chicken flavored ramen with egg added, but it’s the thought that counts)
dan heng realizes how grateful he is that he has you
in his sick and dazed stupor he says he wants to be your boyfriend and kisses your cheek
you ask if he really means it
dan heng’s eyes widen when he realizes what he just said but he didn’t take it back. he meant it, after all 
“yes, i mean it. will you be my girlfriend?”
you get so excited you nod and kiss him, forgetting he’s sick
you catch his cold the next day but easily decide it was worth it :3 
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mass-convergence · 2 years
For the fic asks!
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
42. Have you ever received a comment that particularly stood out to you for whatever reason?
45. What’s something you’ve improved on since you started writing fic?
Okay so for #3 I accidentally wrote a whole goddamn novel so I'm putting that under a cut because I don't want to clog the dash.
I'm not sure - I love all comments and they all stick with me. I suppose one that did stick out with me was on my first chapter of The Ones You Trust the Most where someone left an extremely lovely comment about being intrigued by the premise and that my writing style was enjoyable.
Some of the other comments have come from my IRL friends who I usually go to when I'm feeling a little down on my self. One of whom has said they regularly pull up the PDFs of excerpts I send them whenever they're feeling down because they like my writing which ... đŸ„ș
Something I've improved upon ... whooo ... uh. Commas. Yeah. I mean I still sprinkle commas liberally through my fic but at least I'm more cognizant of the fact that semi-colons, conjunctions, and hell even periods exist.
I think, especially with a more complicated/intricate plot line that I'm planning with The Ones You Trust the Most (be forewarned) ... I've been getting better at getting into a character's mind and motives to really say "why would she do this?" "why would this be their strategy to achieve their goal? How would that conflict with another's goals/strategies? How can I create tension and conflict out of that?"
It's carried over into my NaNo fic though that pile of shit (and I say this affectionately) is going to need an entire rework since I'm just getting into the character's brains finally.
Tropes: I really like the Deadpan Snarker character trope and you can pry that from my cold, dead hands. Though I am careful not to fall into the Whedon-dialog trap where snark is literally all the dialog and there's no sincerity.
Self-insert: Self-inserts happen probably more regularly than I care for. There's like two warring factions in my head about it: the "most authors in original literature have put themselves somewhere in the story to comment on it", just have fun with it Mass and the deep-rooted self-loathing I've developed due to being a fanfic writer in the late aughts when Mary Sues and self-inserts were synonymous and also the worst crime unto fanfic/literature one could commit. I don't think I'll ever truly get over that mental block.
And the thing is, self-inserts ... aren't really that bad and logically I know that - again, many authors in original fic have done the same. Some of them were a little pompous with their insert-character waxing philosophical on some very weird shit (looking at you Heinlein) but some of them were so subtle you didn't really realize it upon a casual reading. Emotionally, however, I'm reverted to high school me just religiously checking a literal Mary Sue checker to see if they were Sues... Which wasn't great either. Because your character can be a fully fleshed out character with pathos, flaws, etc. and still have like purple eyes and bat wings or some shit and their name is Enoby.
Also ... y'know ... have fun with it. And I think my issue is that even though I have that instinct to put an SI in ... that other side of my brain that still clings to high school writing absolutely does not have fun with it while mature me is like, "I'm writing fanfic, not [insert literary "masterpiece" we had to read for English class here]"
Dialog and nodding as a crutch: and this is a kinda bad habit I've picked up over the years, I get a tad worried I'm using "[character] said" too much - and like I know: "said's not dead" etc.
But my brain's like, "Maybe add them doing some kind of gesture or movement?"
To which my instinct is like, "I WILL HAVE THEM NOD"
Which then upon rereading I realize my characters are a bunch of bobbleheads and I've gotta rewrite the interaction. I am working on rectifying that and finding better things for characters to do during dialog or even saying, "Every piece of dialog doesn't need a character doing something unless it's something worth pointing out in terms of the personality of the character."
Results have been varied and I have written an entire essay on my writing style. I don't apologize.
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professional-benaddict · 4 years
Saw u were wantin prompts sooo, maybe lil!Peter using an AAC board (like the boards w/ pictures & words for if u cant talk)? Im autistic & Im nonverbal sumtimes & tryin to make one for myself so itd b neat to see I think. .////. Im also Baby & the way ppl have to clarify & repeat stuff back to me when Im nonverbal feels like babytalk & makes me all comfy cozy so I thought it might work. His daddies could help him to add new words & explain how it works to new ppl n stuff. ^w^
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It’s just another Tuesday afternoon in the Stark-Strange household. It is quite sunny out, so Peter decided that he would rather play inside today. He could also go find his sunglasses, but that’s an effort he is feeling too lazy to put in. Playing inside can be just as fun as being outside. Besides, it’s more quiet inside, and Daddy’s there too.
Since it’s a Tuesday, Stephen is staying home with Peter while Tony is at work. The boy goes to daycare three days a week, and on those two other days one of his Daddies stay home with him. Peter likes these days the best.
“Hey, Peter.” Stephen greets and comes to sit next to the boy where he is building with legos on the living room floor. Peter doesn’t look up to see his Daddy, but he points to his AAC board that he has with him most of the time.
“What are you building? Can I see?” Stephen asks and Peter lets his Daddy see his lego creation. It looks like a lion, or a boat, or a mix of the two. Either way, his Daddy sounds impressed. “I love it. You’re so good at this, baby. Can I sit with you and build too?”
The pair sit in comfortable silence and build together for a while. At some point, Peter leans into his Daddy’s side, then wiggles into his lap to sit there. His Daddy’s skin on his forearms feels soft against his fingertips, and for a moment he forgets about his legos. Stephen doesn’t mind though, and continues building his own strange creation.
“It’s almost snack time, bud. What would you like to eat?”
Considering how Peter is on Stephen’s lap now, he can’t reach his board without getting up. The boy is about to panic, but then his Daddy reaches out for the board and holds it up for him to see. Daddies are a bit like superheros like that, knowing exactly what Peter needs without him even saying anything.
Grapes. Yogurt.
“We’ve run out of grapes. We have some frozen mango in the freezer though if you’d like that.”
Mango. Yogurt.
“Okay, lets go then.” Stephen cheers and lifts Peter up into his arms. He hands the board over to the boy, and Peter clutches it to his chest with one arm while holding around Stephen’s neck with the other.
“You know, Daddy’s picking up a package from the postal office on his way home. It couldn’t fit in the mailbox it seems. You know what’s in it?” Stephen asks when they reach the kitchen.
Peter shakes his head no at first, but then grins widely as he realises. He looks down at his board to find the right picture and word, but his Daddy helps him out to save him the trouble of flipping the board to the less frequently used words.
“It’s the new additions to your board, yes.” Stephen says, making Peter wiggle happily in his arm. “It has lots of animals and new foods on it. It’s gonna be super cool for sure.”
“Hmm!” Peter agrees, nodding eagerly. He can’t wait to get the extensions to his board. Everyone at daycare will be so jealous!
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