#like im trying so hard to make smth good but im not happy with it😭😭
piplupod · 6 months
i feel a feeling that is genuinely intolerable and go "okay what do i do with this"
therapist brain says "feel ur feelings, its unhealthy to suppress all the time." rational brain says, "hi if we sit with this emotion then we are going to either be bleeding or dead in approximately ten minutes. so whats another option." therapist brain goes "wellll i guess in that case maybe u can distract urself idk, that can be a coping strategy sometimes." rational brain glances at emotion, shakes its head and shoots back "yeahhhh no can do there bud. this one's a real whopper and distractions ain't gonna cut it this time."
both sections of the brain shrug at each other and then The Disorder brain raises its hand smugly and simpers out "hiiii remember me? yeah this is the reason i exist teehee :) give me five minutes and I'll have an amnesia wall erected and another part of the brain shoved into the forefront and then we'll be right as rain! and this emotion can go rot in the locked cabinet of horrors until another part accidentally stumbles upon it again in the future or until the lock breaks. :)"
#girl help I've just been drawing and then BOOM. unbearable feelings drowning me !!!! drownding !!! i am drowndinging !!!#i dont wanna do this anymoreeeee im so tired of this#i go ''wow this sure is intolerable! how have i ever dealt w this!'' and then the DID does its thing some more👍#''gee that sounds so helpful!'' my body is in shambles from the overwhelming amounts of undealt with trauma :]#there are many other downsides but . i ain't getting into all that dhfjdldl#im just . grrrrr. maybe its bc i was drawing another part of the brain but c'mon 😭 i was drawing them HAPPY !! playing!! having fun!!#trying to make smth nice for us !!!! god damn this is so ridiculous#i want to go to bed fjfkdl im so tired and frustrated w everything man im trying so hard and it all seems to go towards nothing#im just not doing well idk also this counselor i have has been so flaky and its making me feel so ... eeurgghh#i understand they dont think im a suicide risk so im low on the priority list but I'd like to just... be a priority for somebody just once#boohoo poor me etc etc. other ppl need the help more than i do i know. im just. tired.#there isnt rly a lot anybody can do anyways to help i guess#still makes me insane thinking abt how the social worker had nothing for me except ''well ... u could go to the homeless shelter''#im just... theres so many fucked up things abt that. sigh. oh well oh well oh well.#just keep making my shitty art and trudging thru the days and finding good things in a day when i can scrape em together !!!!#argh. sigh. I'll go figure out some food to eat tonight.#pippen needs 2nd breakfast#suicide mention#self harm mention
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slytherinshua · 1 year
now to the req…. hehehe….. let me tell u how excited i was when i saw you’re taking k-dramas KMG!!!! so obv…
YUL FROM AOS!!! yul my beloved he’s such a cutie patootie– anyways… fluff: 39, 53 and other: 30!! idk i just feel like it suits him!!
genre. fluff. master x pupil trope. warnings. kissing. spoilers for aos ig? its not rly set in any particular episode but park jin is still the leader of songrim so i'd say loosely around ep 10-12. pairing. seo yul x fem!reader. wc. 2.1k. a/n. ahhhh axe tysm for requesting smth for yul 😭 our baby 🫶 i kinda got carried away with this and then didn't proof read it so idk how good it is lol but i had fun writing it!!
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“Give me one chance. I can hold my own in a fight. I will do anything it takes.” You pleaded, practically begging at the steps of the training centre in Jeongjingak. 
People from low class families, and especially women were never accepted into Songrim Jeongjingak. Everyone in Daeho knew that, and you’d have to be a fool or stupidly brave to try to say otherwise. You were probably both given that you were standing by the doors of the training centre at the moment, your slightly scuffed up clothing and long hair giving you no favours. 
You wanted to blame your father for your current situation, but since he was currently cold in his grave and you respected him too much, you didn’t let your thoughts wander in that direction. 
He had always insisted that you needed to know how to defend yourself, starting at a young age. After years of burdensome training, you started to finally feel the rush and satisfaction of a fight. After years of complaining about the lessons your father taught you, you finally wanted to learn spells. You wanted to use the energy inside your body. You desperately wanted to feel like you were useful, powerful, capable. 
You excelled in all the ladylike areas, from sewing and needlework, to gardening, to singing and dancing thanks to your mother. But they were all just so boring. Your habit of spending your entire day in the public library reading all the books on spells started when you were 14. It only grew over the next few years until your father knew you wanted more than he could offer you.
He wasn’t a highly skilled mage, and in his lifetime had not needed to progress beyond Jipsu, the ability to gather the energy of water. You had mastered that years ago and had progressed to tackling the skill of Ryusu. You tried hard to master it on your own once your father taught you all his lessons, but it was a near impossible task.
You needed a master, but none would accept you as their pupil. After almost every master in the country turned you down for various reasons, you turned to your last option - Songrim.
Face to face with Lord Park, one of the most renowned mages in the capital, and the current leader of Songrim, you held your head high as he refused your pleas.
One look at you had him and the other mages glaring you down and shaking their heads with disapproval. They wouldn’t even give you a chance. Dozens of remarks were thrown at you. You let them pass through one ear and out the other, not letting these men get the chance to see you turn away defeated. You were already risking your pride begging them, but you wouldn’t leave without being able to showcase your skills first. 
“You really think our masters would waste their time and energy on a girl like you with no potential?” One rude young mage sneered, and you bowed your head further, finally feeling your blood boil with rage. You gripped your sword tight enough that your knuckles turned white, resisting the urge to unsheathe it and hold it to his neck. 
I have more potential in my left pinky finger than you or any of your ancestors have had for the past 300 years, you whispered under your breath in spite, making sure it wasn’t loud enough for him to hear it.
You were unaware of a party of mages returning to the training centre at the moment, and the one leading the way seemed to have picked up on what you were mumbling. He stood next to you, a slight smirk playing on his lips as he glanced at you.
“Cha Beom is an asshole, but I wouldn’t waste your words on him.”
You glanced to the side, surprised that someone was taking your side. As you looked him over, you were sure you had seen him somewhere before. His face was fair and handsome and his clothes were neat. He looked pristine and well-mannered, but more than anything, he looked like he stuck to the rules. He was probably the last person you pictured sticking up for someone like you. You also thought that the word ‘asshole’ didn’t fit coming from his mouth.
“I’ll spar with her. If she can beat me, let her train here. If she can’t, then I’ll train her myself.” The mage said confidently. Your eyebrows furrowed at his brazenness. Wouldn’t he get reprimanded for speaking such an outlandish thing?
But he didn’t.
You watched as Lord Park sighed and waved the young mage off. An older man, Master Heo, started to protest, but upon Lord Park’s clear disinterest in continuing the situation, he was silenced.
“Do what you wish with her, Yul. Train her yourself.”
The mage smiled at Lord Park and bowed before turning to you, “So, Y/n. Let’s see those skills, hm?”
“How do you know my name?”
“I know a lot of things.” He remarked.
“Do you really have what it takes to train me? Aren’t you just another mage at Jeongjingak?” You questioned with uncertainty, earning a scoff from the young mage. 
“You don’t know who I am, do you?” He asked in disbelief. 
“Should I?”
He nodded, “Let me explain it. I have always been the top student at Jeongjingak; I mastered all the books, reached Chisu in a short amount of time, and people always come to me when they need help. That is me, Seo Yul.”
“Ah… I see. You’re smarter than you look, then.” You concluded, walking forward.
Yul paused, eyes blinking and head turned to the side in thought, “Is that a compliment for my intelligence or an insult for my looks?” He called out to you, making you turn around again.
“It was meant to be neither, though I suppose you are… decent.”
“Mm… Your looks aren’t exactly my style, but even I can’t deny that you’re not too bad.” You continued, smile widening every time his face further scrunched in confusion. Teasing him was more fun than you thought.
“Is this how you’re going to treat your new master?” 
“Why? You don’t like it?”
“You’re just very… blunt.”
“I’m sure you’ll get used to it, Master Yul.” 
Yul’s eyes widened slightly, the formality of the new name was far from the regular “Young Master Seo” he was used to hearing. Hearing it from you brought him some strange satisfaction and warmth. It was strange.
Yul was a hard master to please. More often than not, you felt like he was disappointed with you because he always kept a straight face. He always forced himself to hide his affection for you for fear that it would distract from your training, which frustrated you. You clinged onto the moments where he let his true emotions shine through just a bit. The lingering stares and little smiles— from those small moments you were sure that he was actually a warm person, and not the cold, strict master like he appeared on the outside. You just needed to find a way for him to break the facade. 
Because he was so skilled himself, impressing him only happened once in a blue moon. You tried your best, and improved quickly under his guidance. He would train you rigorously every weekday after his own training at Jeongjingak. Usually you would be by the river, using the rough and difficult terrain to your advantage. It definitely helped with your dexterity and swiftness. After just a few months, you had mastered Ryusu.
The bright smile on Yul’s face when you were finally able to gain energy from the water was one you would never forget. He even laughed a bit, and you swore you were happier about making him happy than progressing in your training.
Your love for teasing Yul never went away. His expressions were just too adorable to make you want to stop, and you felt that they gave him a small break from the pressure he was under as the eldest son of the Seo family. 
You were thinking about all your little habits you had picked up around Yul, when it hit you. How you felt that warm fluttering feeling in your stomach when you saw him smile, and the heat crept onto your cheeks whenever he had to touch your hand to show you a proper placement for a spell. That wasn’t a normal master-pupil thing. You liked him. 
As you packed up your supplies one late night by the river, his perfect face kept flashing in your mind. His cute smile curving on his lips like when you mastered another spell, the subtle curve of his nose, the plush berry colour of his lips, the softness in his eyes. He was truly one of the most pure humans you had ever come into contact with, and your adoration for him only grew everyday. 
“Stupid, stupid, stupid.” You scolded yourself under your breath. Now that you were aware that you were in love with him, how much harder would it be to go to training with him? You were sure you were going to be flustered and tripping your own two feet the next time you tried to work on your spells with him.
“Who are you calling stupid?”
You flinched and turned around, seeing Yul sitting in one of the trees by the bank, watching you pack up intently. 
“Myself. Why’re you still here?” You asked, cheeks heating up when he jumped down from the tree smoothly and crouched down next to you to help you pack the rest of your things.
“Because my pupil is still here even though the sun has already set long ago.” He said, a smile playing on his lips but he suppressed it like always. His hand moved to pick up the bottle of medicinal herbs you had to put in your bag and his fingers brushed against yours, your cheeks heating up even more at the action. In a panic, you realised the moon shining down on you was just enough light for Yul to pick up on the colour of your cheeks. You silently cursed him for noticing every little detail about you.
“Wait… Are you blushing?” He asked with uncertainty. You backed away slightly, whispering a hushed “no” and hoping he would drop the subject. You weren’t used to this side of him, and your nerves grew every time his face inched closer to yours. How was he always so calm and collected while able to make you so flustered?
“Let me check your breathing technique, Y/n.” Yul said quietly, hand gently resting on your stomach. You looked up at him with wide eyes, breathing in short fast puffs. You saw his lips stretch into what looked like a smirk. “Your breathing is completely off. What did I tell you about practising it even when you’re not training?”
“I… I’m sorry. I must’ve… forgotten.” You mumbled, mind spinning as you wondered why his hand was still touching you.
“Do I need to remind you more often?” He asked, head tilting as he looked at you fondly. You stayed silent, wide eyes staring into his like he had put you in a trance— as if you were incapable of looking away.
Your eyes moved faster than your brain as they flickered down to his lips for a split second. If your brain was able to make a sound, it would be screaming at you right now. Why the heck would you do that? There was no way Yul wouldn’t catch on to it. You’re screwed.
You couldn’t think or even breathe when you saw him leaning in, eyes blinking closed until his soft lips finally met yours. Your cheeks burned as you kissed him back. You couldn’t think about anything but him - the feeling of having him so close, your hearts racing in sync, him pulling you closer by the waist. Your hands moved on their own, gently carding through the soft hairs at the back of his head until he eventually pulled out, still holding you close.
You caught your breath and calmed your racing heart, whispering a soft, “...Did you just kiss me?”
“Yep.” He smiled. You wondered when he got the power to steal all your confidence.
“Can you… do it again?” 
“I didn’t know you liked it that much.” He smiled, eyes glimmering, moonshine reflecting off his face, "I guess my looks are a bit more than just decent?" He teased as he leaned in once more, pressing another soft kiss to your lips.
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hannahlovesluca · 11 months
hi!! idk if u write for the nijien girls, but can u do relationship hcs for either pomu or shu (one or both separately is fine lol) w a fem s/o? thank you! <3
ofc!!! i write for anyone NIJI related as well as other vtubers!!
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• Pomu in a relationship…
• Pomu is incredibly kind, a huge, huge jokester, but only if you’re comfortable and she knows your boundaries.
•If she accidentally goes too far, you will never hear the end of her apologies, you have to reassure her sm that shes okay :((
• Pomu loves you!! she might not be a big fan of PDA because even though she talks big, shes pretty shy, she wants to show you off she just is too embarrassed to do it herself! if you initiate it, she’ll be happy though <3
• However, when you’re by yourself, she is a huge tease.
• “Are you Mississippi? Cuz youre the only miss who’s piss i sippi ;)”
• Will try to make you cringe on purpose, expect lots of pickup lines
• SHE WANTS TO COLLAB W YOU SM.. fans will already be speculating that you have smth going on because….. she loves collabs, dont get me wrong, but she collabs w you so often!! shes also like 10x more unhinged because i hc that she tends to be a lot more talkative with someone she has feelings for :))
• me personally i see Pomu as more of a best friend, so its kind of hard to write for her but im trying my hardest!!
• she will totally take you to lots of places (disney, universal, tokyo, etc) she wants to show you that shes willing to commit and do anything for you <333
• if you go to Disney, she will definitely make you go to the firework shows and will probably get a picture of the both of you kissing with a heart firework in the bg…
• Overall, Pomu is a soft jokester who wants nothing more than to show you her love. (detect my love who)
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• Shu in a relationship..
• shu is extremely calm, before you guys were dating you genuinely had no clue that he liked you…hes just that good at hiding it.
• the only sign he shows of liking you is that he laughs quite a bit more around you… thats literally it
• probably jokes about how oblivious you were to him liking you, knowing full well he showed zero signs
• he doesn’t like taking pictures of himself however he takes so many pictures if the both of you… like thats literally the only thing he has in his camera roll (except for luca’s reference sheet, and the sink png)
• he lets you play with his hair a lot! his hair is do soft, fluffy… oh my god. imagine tying his hair into a ponytail, him praying to god that you dont see the light pink adorning his cheeks.. (you did.)
• you’ll probably convince him to give his fans a tiny bit more fanservice LMAOO (nothing crazy, but you’ll probably trick him into saying something or maybe even doing a handcam??)
• speaking of handcams if he ever does one with you he will force you to complete the heart he makes with his hands.. 🫶
• will send you deez nuts jokes.. or your mom jokes..
• OH MY GOD IF YOU HAVE A GC W HIM, LUCA AND YOU 😭😭 you will never see the end of the jokes.
• he lets you do a bunch of tiktok trends w him.. like the one where you mess up your lipstick and it pans to him with the kisses all over his face USHEISBOWUEBSKS
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seattlesellie · 1 year
this is super random (also this is my first msg to u hi <3) and i’m honestly asking this generally to anyone else who also happens to read this, but recently i’ve realized my sexual orientation and come to the conclusion that i’m like REALLY attracted to women (as a woman myself ofc). so obv this made me also think abt how someday i’m gonna have to tell ppl close to me abt this but i’m literally losing my mind cause i’m NAWT vulnerable especially w/ my parents 😭 and also i just now was watching a tiktok live that was full of homophobic ppl and whenever i see that on the internet, it makes me wanna go deeper in the shell (or closet lmao) that i already am in. like it makes me realize how many horrible ppl there are that won’t accept smth so simple (i’m also very emotional as u can see 😍) so like tbh i’m not sure what i’m seeking here but ig i’m just curious if u or anyone else has felt like this/what helped u come out? like it’s so hard for me to be open and as someone who recently graduated and is going to uni, in a completely diff country alone, i’m gonna have more freedom and if i were to date another girl, it’d feel unfair to my parents if i didnt say anything prior abt my identity. ik they’re also very supportive, which i’m thankful for, but i just HATEEE vulnerability. idk man :( it’s also very weird finally realizing more abt myself. it makes me SO happy yet so so so scared? aarrghh idk sorry abt this long message, u seem like the nicest person and this place feels safe, so i just felt like i could ask/find some kind of relatability. 💗 sorry again for this long ass rant LOLS 🌟
okokok im gonna tell u my coming out story because i can awfully relate to this ?? n adding a read more cos this is so long sorry <333 🤧
literally knew i liked girls my entire life and like suppressed the shit out of it. would try and date guys all throughout highschool and would feel so terrible afterwards… but like you, i was super uncomfortable with that type of vulnerability and also barely had any gay friends, let alone any gay female friends. so i spent my life just thinking im gonna be in the closet forever !! until i met my now ex gf, she would constantly be sleeping over— but i did the classic thing of telling my parents she was just my new best friend, until one day my dad was like… be so fr rn are you two dating. like you said, my parents are also very liberal and supportive (especially my dad), but still— it made me panic and drop a mug and deny deny deny !! then, after being together for like 6 months it was incredibly hard to hide it, and obvs she felt super uncomfortable bc i was super closeted and she was super out. so i kind of had to come out to my parents (i hid under a blanket and told them i have an important thing to say n then they already somehow knew). my parents and i literally never talked about these things like my mom didn’t even know about my first kiss or literally NOTHING about me, we didn’t have that type or relationship at all so i can relate to u so hard !!but like here’s the thing— i don’t think it would be unfair to your parents, this is your story to tell and you should do it when you feel comfortable enough, and if it takes you dating a girl for that then so be it. you shouldn’t worry about other peoples feelings about this, as this is yours to tell and not theirs! as long as you’re in a safe environment, coming out can truly be such a big fucking relief !! like that absolute weight that drops out of your chest is so so freeing. if the people who are close to you love you— they will accept you. if they won’t? truthfully, they don’t deserve u and never have. about the homophobia, its always going to be here, unfortunately for us hateful and bigoted people will always exist, and that can be extremely stressful and painful, which is why surrounding yourself with people from your own community is so so important and necessary. uni is such a good place to do that !! so many new people to meet and especially queer people to surround yourself with !! i super understand your fears but the good things that happen after you come out— that feeling of no longer needing to hide yourself is so so worth it 💗💗💗💗
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ipegchangbin · 2 years
I like the name of power thought anon <3 btw I didn't really come up with the term...idk if you know these you tubers but they're called noel miller and Cody ko and they have a series called "that's cringe" where they react to/comment on cringe/corny/cheesy content and of those videos is about an alpha male routine and the guy in the video had a book called "POWERTHOUGHTS" and they made fun of it , so know every time I think of smth remotely smart my brain goes POWERTHOUGHT
tw mommy kink ( maybe ), subspace, nicknames like good boy <33
n e ways here's a power thought :
the act of masturbating in front of reader makes channie a bit uneasy. this is something no one has ever seen and since he's extra shy having 100% of readers attention makes him nervous.he covers his eyes first and keeps them shut but with gentle and encouraging coaxing, he opens his eyes and really tries hard to keep looking at her but its hard </3 yet still they tell him to keep stroking himself and talking to him in a soothing voice, encouraging him <33 I found this OF model on tiktok who does mommy role-plays ( don't judge me im fragile and sensitive 😭😭😭😭) their @ is mrslevicoralynn and im gonna come clean here...she makes me weak in the knees
there's this one video where she bends down to the camera, smiles and softly says "did you make a mess?" and wipes the lens NOW IMAGINE....reader saying the same thing after channie cums and cleaning him up. somehow jerking off under readers scrutinising stare made channie have an orgasm so intense it leaves him in subspace. so reader gives their best and cleans him up and massages his legs and shoulders that were straining under the stress of trying not to come too soon. they pepper kisses on his face and neck and tell him that he did well. he gets called a good boy which just makes him preen under the praise and he weakly tries to hug them closer to himself. "channie was good, channie was good" is a mantra he keeps muttering to himself until he conks out in readers arms
thank u for having me and thank u to everyone who liked the prompt and thank u for entertaining my nonsense , much love to u <3
welcome back powerthought anon!!! and happy birthday to our subject in question, poor subby chan !!!
the thing about crybaby chan that gets us all going is that, as you said, he’s shy. in that state, he’s completely vulnerable: you have your eyes all on his body, going over his sensitive areas, and he could feel his skin burn up even if you’re a meter or two apart. you’re touching him with your gaze alone and he already feels like he could see white.
just imagine the look he gives you when he finally stops being so shy. beady eyes that look up to you with hearts in them, lips in a natural pout to show that he’s subconsciously asking for kisses, his cheeks and huge nose heated and flushing with color…couple that with the sweet whimpers he makes as he’s losing the ability to form words and coherent sentences under all the desperation and need for you 😵‍💫
you praise him over and over, knowing that he loves your calming voice whispering sweet things the most. “that’s it, good boys don’t stop. make a mess for me, don’t worry, i’ll take care of you.”
in contrast to your sweet talk, all he could do is mutter “ah” and “oh y/n” over and over again, but you can’t blame him when he went from reeling in pure shock to having the love of his life eat him up without actually doing much.
except at some point, i’m sure he slips and calls you “mommy” as he’s about to finish (in this household, pet names are gender neutral). that’s when you fully realize that he’s in subspace, and you can watch him slip in real time.
“ah, y/n, y/n—hmm, mhmm, m-mommy, i need mommy.”
“does my good boy want me?”
“y-yes! channie needs mommy. baby’s been good!”
you’d usually tease him if he’s truly been good considering the fact that he was touching himself without your permission, but you just can’t now; not when he’s crumbling like this.
he grabs around any piece of your skin, mind hazy and body reacting as if he doesn’t know what to do, only to be completely overwhelmed by his orgasm. he literally doesn’t even have the capacity to think and be aware of how embarrassing he might look: to you, though, it’s never pathetic. he’s always adorable and beautiful to you.
you uttering “mommy’s here” is more than enough to have him clinging to you like a koala. he’s probably a trembling mess by then and you have to clean up a lot. that boy cums a lot but he’s just being good for you!!
he loves it when you care for him. it’s something he still feels guilty about considering he’s usually the one caring for others, but he gets off on the thought that your words aren’t empty. you love him, he loves that you love him, and he loves you too :’))
p.s. holy shit no wonder your anon name sounded familiar!! i havent watched cody ko and noel miller in SO long 😭 BUT IT FITS
p.p.s. no judgements here at all in fact iM LITERALLY GRATEFUL YOU SHARED THAT MODELS ACCOUNT,,, my tiktok fyp is too full of dumb shit i needed more hot stuff like that </3 never feel guilty for indulging !!!
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aztarion · 7 months
Happy Valentine’s Day, lovely person 🌹
It’s been wonderful to see your art! I really love how you draw Mason and your style in general and am looking forward to seeing more of your art!
Here’s a romance-themed OC question for any OC(s) of your choosing (no pressure to answer on Valentine’s day itself, or at all):
What combination of random objects would your OC use to describe their LI? What do they represent? Bonus question: What would their LI use to describe them?
im sorry i didnt get to this earlier, i was waiting to be more awake but im literally getting worse LOL. but it made me so happy ;_; thank you thank you thank you, for being far too kind abt my art 😭 im so fuckingglad i finally got a tablet during my crazy ass wayhaven renaissance because there could not be a sweeter group of people to share stuff with ��♥️
for the oc ask… well i just gotta do dev/mason theyre in my minds microwave 24/7 rn (hope the ceiling fan falls on them btw)
some of this is a bit more association than true description of character bc i could go on forever listing stuff for both of them.. but for dev w mason it would be two big things at their current standstill:
- marlboro reds; her favourite — she is in the middle of quitting smoking in book 1 so him constantly lighting up with her cigs of choice, as well as just being rude and grating on her already thin nerves, drove her barking mad insane. by book 2 she is floundering hard and asks for one after he shows up at the station. when he says no and that she’s supposed to be quitting she gets a bit pissed and makes him put out smokes anytime thereafter out of pettiness. also reds…… strong, numbingly intense, addictive, etc. sums up the early stages of their arrangement :D
- definitely the wolf cub from the carnival game! deva is hugely sentimental (to a concerning degree — she is a hoarder yay disaster apartment option) though would never admit to it. she still keeps raggedy decades old stuffed animals from when rook was around that she just cannot say goodbye to 🤦‍♀️ and she refuses to let herself get attached to mason on any meaningful emotional level so those budding feelings in book 3 kind of manifest on the wolf cub without her realizing it (i was so glad there’s a little part abt the detective saving their carnival prize after the apartment gets flooded because Very Deva, that thang is her whole support network) (plus when mason inevitably bails during the night she has smth to cuddle because objects dont leave no sir . Rebecca get this girl a therapist)
- and one smaller thing im still playing w is red jasper crystal 🙇🏻‍♀️
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maybe she sees them in the crystal store. I colour pick from these when i draw him LOL
for mason wrt deva — not an object but just straight up chaos tbh. at where they are in book 3 i imagine every time he sees the detective his brain is going question mark question mark. and hes definitely not sentimental in the way Dev is that certain objects would have any sort of emotional stir in reminding him of her. mason definitely goes more on how she makes him feel; really fucking good, really fucking confused, really fucking messy (like her apartment which he HAAAAATES), and on a few occasions now… weirdly serene. cant make sense of it; doesnt even understand why hes bothering TRYING to make sense of it but here he is and it’s happening and it has never happened before and THAT is probably the best way he could encapsulate her at this point in their relationship… other than, yknow, encapsulating in other ways 🫢
ty so much for sending this and sorry for sleepy rambling!!!! AND COME OFF ANON LET ME DRAW SMTH FOR YOU♥️♥️♥️
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alriiiiight season 2 is over and im high off my ass so its time for me to give my updated extremely unnecessary opinions on the reboot cast woo (they did these guys so bad omg 💀)
scary girl - yea she's an acquired taste but idgaf i love this stupid bitch so much and the fact that she had a storyline with potential that ended up being a throwaway was so tragic
chase - he's there ig. i don't hate him as much as i did before but like he's so useless 😭 he was only there for comedic relief but it never landed. he had a few friendships and things that couldve been developed but otherwise he's literally nothing without emma. rip ig
millie - i cant stand this hoe omg. first ur lazy and useless asf in the challenge then you try to push your own teammate to basically his death like girl. cartoon or not ur foul for that. she got so lucky that damien forgave her bc me personally i would've pushed her ass off a bridge. she should be thanking bowie for making her time on screen in season one interesting enough that i could resist scratching out my eyes every time she showed up
emma - she was amazing in the first half of season 1 and made a comically steep decline in the second half of episode 7. season 2 obliterated this girl (we seeing a pattern here?) instead of, idk, rekindling her friendship with bowie or developing some sort of actual storyline for her since she was a fairly strong competitor, the writers drew straws and gave her the most horseshit episode arc they could think of 😭 and i mISS HER STUPID LITTLE WHITE GIRL DANCE WHY DID THEY GET RID OF IT
nichelle - lemme just say yall's expectation for her was way too high 🤭 her storyline peaked in episode 2 of the second season. like yeaa she came back and is suddenly really good at challenges as if we all wouldn't see it coming 😃 just like everyone else, she had potential but she somehow ended up being the most underwhelming character to come out of the reboot. watching her go down as soon as she did along with the hopes of virtually the entire fandom was quite comedic. and side note i wish her friendship with damien had more substance to it bc those two were great together
bowie - my everything. he was destined to be an early boot so he came and served cunt for 6 episodes instead and i love that for him. was i expecting him to get far? no. was i expecting him to leave so soon? no and i was thoroughly upset about it. but i love that he did the little gay wrist limp thing when he left. whats it called again. limp wrist?? fag hand?? idk i'll remember in the morning. him acting as a coach for wayne and raj in the finale was so perfect. i love that he knows that his bf and his bf's best friend are hilariously stupid and just rolls with it. and might i add that his comment to raj before he left about him telling everyone that his boyfriend was gonna be a millionaire was the PERFECT SETUP for raj to win the season but NAH the gays can never win sadly
axel - undeniably a disappointment. dont get me wrong i love her crazy ass and i love that they gave her a soft side to her with her liking art and poetry and stuff like that but the fact that her entire character past that is her sucking face with ripper for uncomfortable periods of time kinda sucked. like ripaxel wasn't terrible and i really like how they got together but from there it was just hard to watch. and somehow, out of the three canon het ships in the reboot, these two are the most functional, so that's something
ripper - he's tolerable to watch now, still quite disgusting, but tolerable. watching him desperately go after this girl was amusing and i won't even lie i was happy for him when he and axel finally got together, but it when downhill from there real quick 💀 and his elimination was such a lame ass cop-out by the writers. the double elim couldve been like a twist or smth but ig not 😭 by ep 7 i wanted them split apart just as much as everyone else but ripper's elim was so lazy
zee - not much to say here. funny soda man. he stayed longer than i expected but im not mad about it. he stayed long enough to make a storyline but not too long that he made me mad. and the fact that pretty much everyone on the island trusted him with a secret of some sort is kinda funny to me. funny soda man
mk - booooo tomato tomato tomato. ik yall will not admit it but she was nothing without her alliance/situationship with julia. i don't dislike her at all but all the potential she had after her elim in season 1 fizzled out halfway through season 2. her dynamic w julia was pretty cool but what else did she have besides that and theodore? nothing.
damien - my. fucking. god. THEY DID MY MAN SO OUTRAGEOUSLY BAD. like it pisses me off so bad 😭 damien should've been a finalist. no questions asked, but instead they decided to boot him in favor for two heteros whose storyline lasted THE ENTIRE SEASON. highway fucking robbery. he had a storyline. he had character relationships. he had a rivalry. he had it all. but the writers thought it would be fun to keep PRIYA over him. again, highway fucking robbery.
raj - my amazing baby son who can do no wrong. i was so upset that he just barely missed out on being a finalist but omg he was so great his entire run. he and wayne are just the right amount of stupid to be tolerable, even when the jokes dont land. and oh my god his little speech before he left had me so SAD. "we won't reach the end together, but we'll always be together in the end." IM SO UPSET i love he so much
priya - the fact that this paragraph wasn't 8 paragraphs ago pretty much sums up how i feel about her. she's fine. i like her a lot. bowie still should've won season 1, but if anyone im glad it was her. still, this was the perfect opportunity to priya to realize how her parents have been policing her life since birth but instead, they turn her into an indecisive lovestruck moron that basically took up the entire season. i was bored of the priyaleb storyline after maybe 3 or 4 episodes. but lucky me, i got to see 13 episodes of it instead 😃😃😃
julia - honestly not much to say here either. she is arguably the best player the show's ever had, but idk, my only gripe about her is that her entire thing is that she's a bitch to everyone except mk. maybe it's just me but i got bored after a while. maybe its bc the only storyline we had left by the end was priyaleb but the whole time i was like "congrats, you're a terrible person, can you do something else now?" 😭 idk maybe my expectations were too high. im just not feeling her as much as i did during season 1. the mullet will eat tho. she will make it work.
caleb - booooooooorrrrrrriiiiiiiiinnnngggg. if a vanilla ice cream cone was a td character it would be caleb. he's super nice and hot asf but also annoyingly indecisive and way too easily manipulated. how are you gonna say that you know not to team up with julia then immediately do just that 😭 can we make it make sense plz. caleb is so extremely unremarkable that my thoughts for him have barely changed compared to season 1. glad he has a girl tho ig
wayne - i am so glad he won bc going into the final 4 things were looking grim 💀 but omg his little "overcoming his fears and growing as a person thing" in episode 12 was so good. and his whole team actually being there for him and not just to oppose someone else was incredible. watching them cheer for him while he had the stupid little smile on his face made my heart happy. love him so much
take this w a grain of salt bc i probably won't remember any of what i wrote in the next like two hours ok bye
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onlyjaeyun · 8 months
UMMMM ZADIE CHAP 19?!?!?! ok ok let’s discuss the angst first bc poor riki :((( he didn’t deserve to go through that, but hoonie being there to comfort him and be with him even after that whole thing happened was rlly sweet ngl🥺🩷 and then riki and yn talking about what it would be like if their lives were different absolutely broke my heart like they literally only had each other :(( but i’m so glad they have the boys with them now bc you can tell they’re the best thing to ever happen to the two of them (maybe not sunghoon for yn right now but i know this character development for the both of them is going to be sooo good🤭🤭)
OK AND NOW ONTO YN AND HOON’S TEXTS???? OMG?????? i had to take multiple deep breaths while reading those bc sunghoon is being so bold running his mouth and omg this is something i need to get used to😭😭 (the way i’m writing this ask with sunghoon’s weverse live playing in the background where he’s wearing glasses also isn’t helping like im actually going crazy)😵‍💫 i love how they’re like “hate” flirting but also giving into each other like that’s just so 😮‍💨 just the thought of him eating her out in his car is also making my brain go insane i need to take a walk around my room again
so it’s been 2 days of me being isolated in my room and i think i’m going delirious like i’m so bored😭 but luckily i still need to catch up on some en-o’clock episodes so that’s helping time pass by quickly!! i’m feeling a bit better today, definitely better than yesterday, but i’m hoping to fully recover soon bc covid is no joke😭 i hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself as always baby!! stay safe!! sending a big kiss your way my love💞✨💋
- 💌
HI ANGEL BABY 🥺🥺🥺im so so so relieved and happy to hear that you're doing and feeling a tiny bit better, am also glad you're resting well and aren't pushing yourself too much your body needs this and you deserve this little break so much, so take it easy pls 🥺 so glsd you've got smth to keep you busy and have the time pass by faster!!!!💗💗
the whole riki situation really is such a big heartbreak like he's trying so hard and always has and he deserves nothing but the best my baby :( they really deserve their found family i love them so much ;(( just thinking about hoon hearing about it and instantly going to look for him makes my heart weak THEY CARE SM ABOUT EACH OTHER 🥺🥺🥺🥺💗
YOU AND ME BOTH BABY I LOVE THIS NEW DYNAMIC BC THEY HATE EACH OTHER BUT THEY WANT ESCH OTHER SO BAD LIKE OKAY SIR HELLO TENSION ???? im so glad you guys enjoyed this chap sm bc i was a little unsure about it at first, thank you sm for all the love baby 😭😭💗
thank you for this baby, i love and appreciate you so much and am wishing you a speedy recovery, take care of yourself!!!🥺💗💕🎀🫧
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
I ended up rereading ch2 of what the water gave me to cope wITH THAT ENDING WTF BEE 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Also i forgot i hadnt sent an ask for ch 2 of songs of change 😭😭
So ima speedrun that quickly
Big boi man with smol child is my fav trope
Techno yeeting wilbur across the pool was so sweetsdhdjskfi i adored that scene sm, i could see it so clearly in my head rahhhh
Phil singing to help wilbur sleep makes me want to cry [bawls]
I love the energy of wilbur asking a bajillion questions, he's sooo<33
A little shit, but an adorable little shit
Phil is also a little shit, i see why they like each other so much LMFAOOO
Why did you think tricking the child into becoming a mer would work 😭 dumbass
Also why did he think Wilbur wouldn't figure it out 😭😭
Techno is the only one with braincells
Godddd im sooo sgdkfhsnfkf :((<33
Theyre all so SWEET i love them theyre a fambly but also PHIL WHY [sobs]
Also wilbur accidentally doing the scared trill and Phil RUNNING ohmggod he was so scared im gonna cry ohmvuspwheodisgdkfdj 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Im so nervous hes gonna try to cut the scale off of himself ohmygod
Goshhh, this was a really good chapter tho<333 definitely worth the wait ohmygoddd
I think taking ur time with the reveal really helped the impact, showing him being in denial bc if he was turning into a mer than that would mean Phil lied to him but then he couldn't deny it anymore--
Ughhh ohnygoodnesshdkfldf they make me so ill
The trust and attachment he has to Phil warring with his betrayal and fear ooohhmygoodness this poor kid
I have a feeling things are gonna come to a head next chapter with his crew... might find that scale on him or smth and uh oh...
We'll see tho :D very lovely update bee, i am so hyped for the next one!!! Mermay 2023 is almost complete 🥳
yuppp you know I just had to do another clicky scene those are too fun
so glad you guys all liked techno chucking wilbur across the cove. I was struggling so hard to come up with something for them to do when phil first introduced them in that scene and then I was like "what if he just threw him" and I love how it turned out so much
wilbur is his kiddo :(( but yes they are also both little shits like father like son and all
phil is very stupid and also doesn't understand human emotions so he didn't think wilbur would be THAT upset. techno, meanwhile, does understand humans more hence why he was just like "bruh this will not end well"
ty!! i'm very happy I added the scenes even if it was really difficult to find the time to write them. I definitely rushed through it on the first draft, but I wanted the buildup and the subtle hints as to what was really going on, along with wilbur's own denial. he trusts phil so much at this point, he doesn't want to believe that phil would betray him like this but he did and it hurts so much
guess you'll have to wait and see how things turn out :)
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itsdelicate · 2 years
hey ojo!! okay so i realised that i completely forgot that we're both swifties lmao. so whats ur fav ts album/era? and do u love folklore or evermore more?
i heard the bp songs u liked and some of the musicals' soundtracks and i kinda really love phantom of the opera. def will watch that. also based off that i think maybe you'll find some songs u like in mitski's album "retired from sad new career in business"!! and from hozier, maybe try foreigner's god, would that i, shrike, and no plan? as for f+tm, i think you might like her most so just start w any album of hers!! i'm feeling very tentative ab recommending but i hope you like it ajkfjnjkm <3
AAHH i LOVE heartstopper!! i read the books before the show and im a major tao stan lol. have you read the books? also do you watch young royals (i feel like most ppl who've watched heartstopper, have also watched yr)? ive been meaning to watch anne with an e for ages cause everyone loves it and i love amybeth mcnulty sm too so i'll def give it a shot. my fav shows are all sitcoms. brooklyn 99 is my fav and i love modern family and new girl too!! im currently rewatching mofy for the millionth time lmao
it makes me so happy to hear you like these messages, i really love sending them and reading your replies!! it's been a bit of a slow week but tmrw im doing smth fun so i'm excited for that!! how ab you? hows your week been?
xxx ur secret santa <3
help agsjs that’s so funny my fav album’s rep! oooh era i think 1989 because being online on tumblr at that time was truly insane there was just So Much going on 😮‍💨 omg that’s so hard because as a whole album i think i like folklore more? but evermore has more individual songs higher up on my ranking, wbu!!
yee i’m so glad u liked it! omg no i’ll definitely check those out i always appreciate recs thank u!
YES omg!! ultimate comfort show i may or may not be on hstwt 🫣 i was at a convention recently and met kit, joe, will and bash they’re all so 🫶🫶🫶 a tao stan so true of you tbh!! ive seen so many people say he’s annoying which is just,,, anyway yes i have read the books! i used to read the webcomics years ago :’) omg i’ve seen one single episode of yr but i started it in the middle of my uni assessment period and i have to get back to it now that i’m free for a bit, have you seen it? yesss please do it’s such a beautiful show it makes my heart so 🥺 i love sitcoms! b99 and the good place were my top shows for some time! i haven’t seen modern family or new girl though! also speaking of shows i loved s2 of bridgerton sm kate and anthony <3 i wanna ask a question back if that’s okay! what are ur fav movies? 👀
stop that makes me so 😭😭 ooh what are you doing tomorrow? (if u wanna share!) my week’s been okay! the assignment was a bummer but i think i’ve come to terms with it LOL i’m going for a little weekend trip on sat (and getting another tat) so i’m excited about that!
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slytherinshua · 1 year
— bias tag game *ੈ✩‧₊˚
rules: you're going to pick 10 of your biases (or as many biases as you have and then fill in the rest of the spots with idols you like) and number them 1-10. then answer the questions below! try not to look at the questions before you make your list!
thank you @fairyhaos and @wheeboo for the tag baes <333
zanna's bias list:
wonsang (lucy)
joshua (svt)
taehyun (txt)
mk (onf)
gyehyeon (vrvr)
byungchan (victon)
yuto (onf)
changmin (tbz)
jongseob (p1h)
jungwon (enha)
1. between 7 and 5, who did you bias first?
yuto i think!! even tho yuto is my second bias in onf, i think i still biased him before i got into vrvr. i remember biasing him after he put out this dance film!!
2. between 2 and 6, who are you more attached to?
joshua def :( i love byungchan butttttt im def more loyal to shua like??? subin and seungwoo are competing for that bias spot in victon a l l t h e t i m e but shua is just chilling there like i ADORE HIM SO MUCH ITS CRAZY
3. if you were to spend the day with either 3 or 1, who would you choose and what would you do?
god that's so hard.... AH I WANT TO PICK BOTH LIKE??? if i choose wonsang then we could def like have a little jam session, me on the piano and him on the bass, and it would be super fun and i literally love him sm hes my cutie?????? BUT taehyun is my ult bias like he will always be and i think i ultimately have to pick him.... watch us get into a debate tho 😭 (my toxic trait is thinking i could beat taehyun in a debate)
4. what is your favorite physical feature about 9?
sdkjksd i just biased him like i haven't been a jongseob bias for even 24 hours yet BUT HIS SMILE???? AND HIS LIL TOOTH OML HES SO KSHJFDKDJSFK HES SO KSHFIUY*(@#@&$R#UEFHJD I LOVE HIM SM WHY IS HE THE CUTEST THING EVER </3
5. what is your favorite part of 6's personality?
lmfao i can't say what i want to say 💀 um... i just like how bright he is and when he smiles its like he can light up the entire world w his dimples :(
6. if you were to tell 8 anything you wanted, what would you tell them?
7. between 1 and 2, whose closet would you raid?
def shua like tbh i don't think wonsang has anything in his closet besides sweatpants, t-shirts, and that one sweater that he wore like a bunch of times lmfao??? no but ive seen his closet and i feel like shua has more to work w (even tho im shit w fashion like id just steal a hoodie or smth that was oversized and that would be it)
8. what is a style that you want to see 3 try?
LONG HAIRRRRR omg but ive been saying this for a rly long time, ive seen edits of taehyun w long hair and HE WOULD LOOK GOOD. not like super long hair but like fluffy long hair (def no longer than beomgyu's mullet) i just think he'd look extra bf and soft </3
9. between 5 and 4, who are you closer to in height?
lmao they're practically the same height but im closer to gyehyeon's height since hes abt 0.4 cm shorter than mk 💀 i'd stand tall next to either of them tho im only like 7 cm shorter than them 👹
10. between 10 and 9, whose music do you like the best?
ugh tf you doing this for that's like such a hard decision honestly. like these two are the groups that i don't stan as much (p1h cause i haven't gotten into their discography that much yet and enha cause i just.... don't stan enha that much) probably enha??? but i have a feeling that ill like p1h's discography more than enha once i fully get into it. i don't rly listen to much of enha's discography on a daily basis (lmao if it was any other two ppl on this list then i would be picking easily) no cause im actually gonna say p1h cause of the songs i listened to this morning while eating breakfast (my p1h playlist was on shuffle) i loved every single one of them, and ive been listening to bff the entire day
omg that was so fun skdjsk one of the funnest tag games ive ever done tbh
tagging: @eternalgyu,, @tempobaekh,, @edensgardenn,, @evalevaeva,, @etherealyoungk,, @weird-bookworm,, @blue-jisungs,, @zzinyl,, @amxlia-stars,, @ylliris-hanniehae,, @icyminghao,, @hyeosi,, and @starsstuddedsky <3
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m1ckeyb3rry · 15 days
You’re fr doing us all a favor by writing about deconstructed popular tropes I LIVE for it!! I’m crying don’t remind me abt hollyhock Karasu or else I’m gonna start swerving again and I’m gonna forgot that otoya is the male lead
I loved the pi ending I feel like the balance of bittersweet was just right with all the tragedies that happened along the way plus Yuta losing his ce
You’re cooking too well with oaeu the ideas are genius but I’m DYING THE KARASU ONE??? LMFQOOOO HOW TO BECOME A HOMEWRECKER 101 “aiku is so experienced with that” is BRUTAL HAHAAH so true though I’m so excited!!!!
All hail irl tullia counterpart!!! Tell her Karasu nation (and bllk and jjk community too) owe her one for getting you to post your writing omg but I’m actually crying and laughing so fucking hard the epigraph is too good
I love chigiri bestie content….actually I love chigiri content in general too but he also just fits so well in a best friend role too!! I’m crying maybe the peregrine Nagi was the friends (reo) we made along the way LMAOO it’s ok what’s a good long Nagi fic without reo meddling in the storyline
DHDGSHS it’s ok…trust it’s coming soon!! Im pissing myself WHAT is that edit the first pic of Rin as Sukuna has me rofl wtf (yeah what’s sad is how his face card is giving more than wtvs going on in the current match smh) WHAT IN THE TARGETED AUDIENCE?!?! Bro I need more yotd on my fyp now that you’ve shown me this but omggggg also I’ve been Lowk kinda obsessed with the song they used something about the harmonies hits hard but that’s besides the point erm anyways. ok but like…….strike while the iron is hot yk…don’t wanna lost the motivation for these fire ideas…yk…..having inspiration and motivation while writing truly brings out the best flavors so I meaannnnnn whatever works yk! That’s true though I thought both of those slapped I wouldn’t have guessed that you weren’t working with any inspo for those at all
DISCORD KITTEN HAHAHAAH REAL new idea for the bllkverse is bllk gaming/streamer/youtube era I’ve seen fanart of people drawing the characters over some iconic meme YouTube videos and they’re so funny
SAMEEEE epinagi is actually serving us starving children because speaking of DID YOU SEE THE CH?? I love you epinagi thank you for the meal and delicious panels of the characters we don’t see in the main series
- Karasu anon
DECONSTRUCTING POPULAR TROPES IS SO MUCH FUNN!!! LMAOO omg that’s so real though like yes otoya is the male lead…but karasu…🥹😩😓
agreed i think it felt satisfying because it’s not like a disney-esque happily ever after ending where everyone is happy and alive it’s more of a “making the best with what we’ve got” type of deal where things aren’t perfect but at least they have each other and they can kind of rebuild a new life?? like there’s a hint of hopefulness even though they’ve lost sm
LMAOAOAO IT’S LITERALLY AIKU GIVING KARASU LESSONS ON HOW TO RUIN A RELATIONSHIP now ofc normally karasu would never be a homewrecker but like…is it homeWRECKING if the home is already in shambles 🤔
irl tullia counterpart is fr the goat we owe so much to her 🤩 THE OAEU EPIGRAPH IS SO GOOD definitely my best work…yk aiku has the most devious grin on his face while saying that meanwhile niko’s just like 😐
FJSNDJS considering the current point that we’re at in the story is reo trying to get reader to be his friend it really is just all abt reo rn 😭 but reo slays we love him it rlly isn’t a nagi story if he doesn’t play a massive role!! and at least i’m not making him all psycho or a freak or smth…chigiri content always slays truly he has no better role than as a bestie imo
OKAY WAIT QUESTION DOES TIK TOK SHOW YOU MY ACCT WHEN I SEND THIS VIDEOS TO YOU??? I JUST LEARNED IT DOES THAT SOMETIMES LMAOAAO DO YK MY FULL GOVERNMENT NAME AND EVERYTHING I’M CRYING this actually is freaking me out i turned the option off so nobody will get my acct suggested to them in the future but i’m terrified at how many people have already seen it…genuinely sickening to think about…i’m like actually so paranoid about people from irl finding me online and vice versa so this is stressing me out so much 😓 i don’t rlly mind if you know because we’re besties so i would literally give you my socials and not care but like random people on tumblr 😰 ick ick ICK
THE RIN AND SUKUNA EDIT HAD ME CRYING IT’S SO RANDOM 😭😭😭 but agreed his face card serves more in the edit than it has in the entire pxg vs bm match 😓 anyways AHHH YES YONA EDITS i have so many shinah edits saved i think i ended up rewatching them because i was searching for audios so my fyp remembered that i love yotd and put the edit on my fyp!! and agreed that song is rlly good the way their voices blend together is so nice (bruno mars is insanely talented but he drops songs once in a blue moon so people always forget that i feel)
EEK that’s my thing i don’t want to put the oaeu off for so long that i stop caring abt it 😓 so i think i might just start it and post and honestly it is what it is…people have waited this long they can wait a couple days more…i’ve posted a lot of request stuff recently i think so everyone will just have to be okay with me taking my time 😩
I LOVEE WHEN PEOPLE MAKE MODERN MEMES AS CHARACTERS FROM MEDIA it always slaps…it’s like smaus but actually done properly instead of butchering the characters beyond belief
I DIDDD I JUST READ IT AND OMG KIYORA CONTENT??? truly aligned w the miraverse there also the way karasu is all “we’ll fight meatheads with meatheads 🥱 so here’s the ball kiyora 😋” VILLAINOUS LMAOAOA also nagi looked extra majestic fsr…and zantetsu having literal train aura was so randomly funny to me because everyone else has cool animals and motifs and shit (chigiri + panther, barou + lion, kaiser + roses/thorns) meanwhile zantetsu is just a literal bullet train 😭 he’s so goofy i hope he has a moment in pxg vs bm i miss him
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crowwants2beskini · 1 year
Soooooooo i fucked up my week long plan 👍🏻 we went to a mexican restaurant and my food was fucking delicious af so im not AS upset about it lol, def still not happy especially because there is literally nowhere to find solid info on how many cals what i ate was bc its like a local chain. I was gonna treat myself to smth ive been craving if i made it to next week without going over my limit/adhering to my rules and the day started super good too :/ i was planning on making myself the wrap i made a couple nights ago but 🤷🏽 i guess ill just change my goal to next Sunday and start over.
I also still have my leftovers bc i hate wasting food but im liiiike. Well now i dont wanna eat it lol if im gonna try to go back to my plan. I wish one of our roomies hadnt left for the night bc id give it to them lol i know theyd like it. I think they come back tomorrow evening or afternoon or smth tho so its not like it will have gone bad by then. Rrrrgggg why does losing weight have to be so hard 😭😭 i wish i was naturally skinny so i could just eat what i want when i want. Instead i have to go so out of my way and literally STARVE MYSELF so i dont look awful 👎🏼
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hi love! me again. i really was not able to not answer your answer (?) because it did make me cry and kick me legs bc you're so cute i can't. hope you'll get rid of your acne breakouts and cleaning your room won't be as terrifying as it can be. i'm glad to know my ask (?) made you happy! and to know you're working on the part 2 (and 3 maybe)! please don't overwork yourself, though!! yeah you're absolutely right! you're the law here and i love your laws! no one's dumb! especially not you! (but i feel your concerns so much ;) i use so many trops, symbols and shit like this in anything i write that no one understands it and i'm like ;;) so yes never know) but still your writings are GORGEOUS!! still this delicious moment with aegon coming out looking like a kicked puppy?? heartbreaking but tears taste so good) i'll try to read part 2 as soon as possible! i think you made my daemon obsession great again) and kissing your brain was the closest to how grateful i am to you!! thank you sm for answering! swear i couldn't sleep checking tumblr for it! good luck! see you soon! <з
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LOL idk what you mean about not answering my answer when you answered it 🥴 (woah thats confusing) but its all good its all ok i love you
And i am cute aren't i 🤩🤩🥰🥰🥰 love that for me
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every ask i get makes me happy and i have been blessed enough to have a lot of them that are all out of love 😭😭😭😭💗💗💗 there's actually so much for real and though my panicky brain gets anxious when i dont reply quick enough i hope you and everyone else knows how grateful i am to be a celebrity 😎 HAHHAH NAH but in all seriousness i appreciate each one of you so much.
i tooted my horn too hard tho 😔 since i didnt post p2 of fic today yet lahsfhashf but its fine trust me im not overworked cos yall cant make me write smth i dont wanna T_T ok ok the inner people pleaser in me begs to differ, but i swear im genuinely genuinely so invested in this fic i swear i swear i love what i did and you're gonna love it (i hope you love it)
i love my laws too 😃🤠BONK AHHAH im glad you dont think im dumb 😖😌 cos only a genius can write like me 🤪🤪🤪🤪 also im so glad you can relate with the symbolisms and tropes and hoohaa. you like me for real. and the fact u understand it and think my work is gorgeous ?!??!?!
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im so glad you liked aegon. i love my modern!aegon so very much i keep him in my pocket. ur gonna like what im gonna do with aemond then i think HAHHAHAHHAHAHH (i hope you do)
also "heartbreaking but tears taste so good" 💀💀💀💀💀💀 you like me fr fr T_T HAHAH
my daemon obsession never died because ever since i watched the show ive been writing fanfics for him like its my job HAHAHHA i have no idea when season 2 will come out but it better come out RIGHT NOW i nEED MORE DAEMON
lemme kiss your brain too <3 mwah mwah mwah i love you
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the fact you thanked me for answering you T_T of course id answer T_T thank you for coming to my inbox again! <3 you have a cozy seat next to my 4am nonnie cos i named you too lol. i actually saw your inbox as soon as you sent it i think, cos i was in the middle of writing something and i saw the notification then i read it then hyperfixated on writing the p2 of the modern!au after reading your message, (then i did the things i said i did in your first ask) i don't always reply soon because my brain is overwhelmed by the process of replying because i dont ever want to miss a detail that was said to me T_T i feel bad that you fixated on tumblr so much that you couldn't sleep T_T i'll try to do better T_T
I hope you spare me another ask on your thoughts when i post p2 🥺👉👈
I love you honey
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andromedasummer · 2 years
You’ve inspired me to try and crawl out of my months long depressive episode (and undiagnosed ADHD, but we won’t go there today) and get all my housework done. I have a house inspection on Wednesday and my room and my bathroom is an absolute tip 😭 I’m doing my washing rn tho! It just won’t dry in time cause I slept in most of the day, daylight savings really sucks when it comes to hanging your washing. I have a few overdue assignments to start as well, and another due tomorrow night…wish me luck plz
YES YES YES I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! it's my adhd that really affects my motivation so i totally understand where youre coming from. i had an inspection come up not long ago and trying to clean up everything can be overwhelming but if you break it into parts i found that helps! vacuuming. then mopping. wipe down cupboard and surfaces. clean oven. and then after doing 5 things taking a break for tea/snack
laundry is the death of me it seems neverending and when i feel im close to finishing another massive load needs to be done, and its esp hard when living with other adults so good on you hanging things up. even if they wont be dry today they'll be drier sooner than if youd put it off.
as for assignments, god... im super overwhelmed because i kept procrastinating stuff while it built up which is so, so frustrating because like. im so close to graduating! i just! have to do the things! and i. capable of doing the things! but the trigger in my brain that makes me get up and do it doesnt exist so i just sit around. i literally can only do it by forcing myself to go to university and sit down so im unable to do anything else and rewarding myself for completed work with ice cream which is.... not healthy i need to find a non-food alternative like makeup/gems/smth else.
i know you can do it though because youre fully capable of getting things done, its about finding the motive and that me posting about good things getting done meant you gained that motive to do things makes me so so happy you dont even know. even if we dont get everything done today or this week, doing a little every day will lower the workload bit by bit and make things much less daunting and much easier as time goes on.
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secretsappyabode · 2 years
Howdy Tiff I adore you so much thank you for your sweet words on my Ozymandias art ;----;✨🧡!!! It's still so stupid hot here so I'm really living in my fantasies with that art piece 😂
I wanted to ask, what season would you assign yourself, Ford, and Stan based on y'all's personalities alone? Please walk me through your reasonings 👀!!!!
Also! I can help you about the readmore situation! I didn't know how either till someone else told me; you just type :readmore: and then immediately, without making a space, hit enter/that arrow key (whatever you have to make a new line) so
:readmore:(immediately make a new line)
I hope that helps and I'm looking forward to reading your answer to my other ask! Happy travels✨🧡
Clover @tex-treasures
now I can get to work on that ask 😈
now for THIS one, heeheehoohoo this shall be a fun challenge
honestly?? it’s hard to pin point cuz we all go thru a lot of growth and change. but the closest I’m gonna get to accuracy is this:
ford is winter, stan is autumn and im spring
now, my reasons are mainly just “ ✨✨the vibes ✨✨” but I’ve got a couple of solid thoughts (i think)
ford and stan are more colder seasons mostly due to their pasts and attitudes in life. ford held a lot of bitterness and was pretty adverse to letting people into his life, (apart from stan, fiddleford and bill were his only friends.) one cld argue that ford shld be autumn cuz he’s focussed on changing the world for the greater good, but while his intentions were good, what he wrought was quite the opposite (because of bills manipulation)
THUS he blamed himself and drew into himself SO MUCH that he shut most ppl out to fix what he had done, and he suffered 30 years of crazy inter dimensional adventures. u cld say his life was pretty “cold” and “isolating”…..much like winter can be. BUT!!! there’s always time to sit near smth warm and get all cozy, and that alludes to him finally reuniting w his family and defeating bill, going on to live a happy life.
now STAN is autumn cuz that season reflects the “change” from warmer weather to cooler weather. this can symbolise Stan’s change in life when he got kicked out. from being a kid looking towards a happy childhood dream, to being a kid out in the harsh world with a broken heart and an impossible mission.
this also alludes back to the twins being both colder seasons, but autumn is next to warmer weather in the season roster. this can relate to how Stan is secretly a softie and his want/need to be loved by people, and that he’s one heartfelt convo away from opening up even just a little bit. meanwhile ford is a bit harder to crack. a bit colder.
now I’m spring, mostly because of the attitude i aim to deliver. spring is sometimes associated with “happier” things and often gets that praise for ending winter. the days get longer, flowers bloom, it snows and rains less, and warmer weather arrives. it cheers ppl up, and that’s smth my s/i likes to do. it’s a value of hers.
bad things may happen but i try to keep the optimism up, cuz someone’s gotta, right? and spring is all abt change too, but from cooler weather to warmer weather. This alludes to stan and I having a lot more similarities, two sides of the same coin sort of thing, while ford and I can be opposites in certain aspects of our personalities.
but our connection is still very strong and true, because the transition between winter and spring is ESSENTIAL in the rebirth of nature. and our opposites don’t clash, they blend!! like the seasons! speaking of rebirth, it basically means the cycle of life begins anew, giving things another chance. and that’s what my s/i believes in!!! and that’s what she encourages stan and ford to do with themselves and each other!! because there’s never a deadline to reconcile and forgive!! there’s always another chance, a new cycle, a new life!!! and that new chapter in their lives where they sail on their boat together, that’s their endgame!!! fresh and new!!
ALSO ford is blue, stan is red and I’m purple and THOSE COLOURS CAN RELATE TO OUR SEASONS!!!!
whew that was fun. ty sm again for the ask and for the help clover!! i appreciate u so much!!! 🥺🥺
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