#i have no personal beef with rory
*And another one*
I don't hate Rory, but I still think Mitchum was right, and I also don't think he was conspiring against Rory and Logan's relationship, and I also don't think he was extraordinarily mean and harsh (read extraordinarily as "beyond average experience of people in such a situation").
First thing: neither Mitchum nor Rory when speaking of her career are speaking of her becoming an average, serviceable, or even a competent desk research journalist. All references we get to the sort of job Rory aspired to is the kind of aggressive, go get it journalism: running through war zones, uncovering conspiracies, relentlessly pursuing the news and truth, demanding it, tearing it from people that don't want to give it.
And in that, Mitchum is right: Rory doesn't have what it takes. She's a kind, shy, sensitive people pleaser. She works well in structures where her duties and perks are delineated, where she receives encouragement, support and praise. She's not an entrepreneur the way Jess is, for example.
And her internship proved it. She did not push Mitchum to give her what she needed, she did not take every opportunity to showcase her talent, she just looked around and settled for the secretarial and managerial tasks no one else was doing. Which I think are important tasks that require skills that are not as easily found as you might think (punctuality, asiduity, patience, a well organized mind, manners and words that make other people cooperate with you and with each other, ability to recognize people's talents and put them to good use, comprehension of the big picture as a whole and in its details, all traits that Rory showed excellence in also later on in the DAR and as editor of the Yale Daily News).
Mitchum didn't tell her she didn't have what it takes to be successful in general or to work in journalism in general; he told her she didn't have what it takes to be a top dog aggressive reporter. And the series proves him right. Rory never becomes that, but she does become, an extraordinarily talented editor there where someone like Paris failed miserably.
As for the harshness, I'm not saying it is desirable, this is not "people need toughness to become good". But I was made to cry three times a year for three years as a student teacher. Every evaluation was a devastating list of all my failures in teaching a class. That wasn't the thing that made me a competent teacher, but I can attest to you none of those professors had any personal beef with me.
They weren't harsh or unfair for some secret motive. They had evaluated hundreds of students and I was just one more; the tearing to shreds of my classes was not personal. Mitchum is the owner of several newspapers and an empire. Rory is not the first person he has mentored, and given Logan's track record where he slept and fooled around with his sister's bridesmaids when his relationship with Rory had a couple months hiatus, Rory also isn't a specially distinct face in the universe of Logan's lady friends. We are so used to everyone seeing Rory in the show as super special, and also because she's a main character, but that doesn't mean everyone in her universe sees her that way.
I'm not saying that it's contradictory to canon the idea that Mitchum might have had second motives, but it's also not a given, and the opposite is as arguable and as plausible.
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Not really the Schneider-verse (or it could be, who am I to say) but Jess and Rory getting the catch up they deserved in Let Me Hear Your Balalaikas Ringing Out - either Logan not turning up or them meeting up between that and the Prodigal Daughter Returns, either or neither, just some Literati love please <3
They find a tiny Vietnamese place open late in Hartford, with enormous bowls of Pho, and overstuffed Banh Mi sandwiches.
Jess pours a disgusting amount of sriracha and hoisin sauce into his soup, before squeezing an obscene amount of lime wedges in, and Rory follows suit. The soup is divine, the broth clearly simmered for days on end.
"So?" Jess asks as he uses his little ladle and chopsticks to shovel broth and noodles into his mouth.
"So," Rory agrees as she takes her own mouthful.
"You left Yale," Jess states.
She nods slowly. "I...did. I did. I left Yale. It was for the best."
Jess looks at her as if she's lost her mind. "That's not-"
"It is," she insists. "Look, I...I had this internship, and it- it didn't go very well. The person who gave it to me told me I don't have what it takes to be a journalist. And I came to realize that he was right, so I...stopped chasing something that's not going to happen."
Jess gazes at her a little sadly and it makes her avert her eyes. "Okay. So...what's the new dream?"
"I don't know yet."
"Have you thought about it at all?" he asks, slurping down more broth, grabbing a piece of beef from his bowl to munch on.
"Can I say something you don't wanna hear?"
"I'm gonna say it anyways," he announces, setting his utensils down. "I you worked yourself so hard, and you're so used to people telling you what you want to hear? That you had a breakdown."
Rory stares at him silently.
"And that's actually okay," Jess insists. "Breakdowns happen. I had mine. Running away to California like a fucking idiot."
"I don't want to talk about that," she says quickly.
"My point is," he says, getting back on track. "That no matter what happened at that internship? It doesn't matter. It's a drop in the bucket. One guy told you you're not good enough. Sucks for sure, but also fuck that guy. You work hard, Rory. You've always gone after what you want. Why stop now?"
Rory stays silent, looking down at her soup.
"You're really gonna let some crusty jerk get in your way?" Jess asks.
"He's not a crusty jerk - well, he is, but he's a very wealthy, powerful, crusty jerk," Rory says.
Jess smirks at her. "And won't it be the best feeling when you make him eat his words?"
Rory laughs a little. "I guess you have some experience with that."
He shrugs. "Well, all of Stars Hollow thought I'd end up in jail, and here I am. Paying for dinner with money I made from writing a book and editing for an independent press. I stopped by Stars Hollow and sold Andrew a few copies. I wish I could see Taylor's face when he sees them."
“Taylor may die.” 
"I hope he'll at least have heart palpitations, I'll take that," Jess volleys back.
Rory takes a breath and goes back to eating her soup. "What if you're wrong? What if I really am not good enough to follow this path?"
"There's no 'good enough,'" he points out. "You either work your ass off to make it happen, or you don't. And considering all of those Friday nights we spent in senior year, where you studied, and I napped until you were done...I think you've got this covered."
She huffs out a breath. "I miss school. Logan...- Logan, my boyfriend - Logan and I do a lot of partying, and I just...feel..."
"Bored?" Jess supplies.
"God, I'm so bored."
"Ivy league drop-out," Jess sings in a terrible voice, trying to emulate Grease for her. "Go back to college..."
She bursts out laughing, almost spitting her soup out. "Oh, my god do that again, I want a recording."
"Eat your soup. You've got a sandwich coming, you don't want 'em to overlap."
He drops her back at her grandparents' place, only to find another car waiting there.
"Logan," Rory smiles as she gets out of the passenger's side.
Jess joins her, handing her her leftover dessert.
"No," Rory says, whirling around. "You keep them."
Jess laughs. "What? No more mung bean bonbons for you?" he asks. "You're missing out."
"Yuck," Rory complains. "Logan, this is Jess. He's an old friend from Stars Hollow - Luke's nephew. Jess, this is Logan, my boyfriend."
Jess nods. "Hey."
Logan nods, looking wary. "Hey, man, good to meet you."
They shake hands briefly, and Jess holds up the bag. "Mung bean bonbons?"
"We got Vietnamese food," Rory explains. "Jess got adventurous with dessert."
"They're not that bad."
"Yuck," Rory repeats, making Jess laugh.
"Seems like you two had a grand old time," Logan remarks.
"We haven't seen each other in a long time," Rory explains.
"You two date?" Logan asks.
"Yes," Rory responds truthfully. "But that was a long time ago. Jess wrote a book, and he's been going to small bookstores, selling copies. He was in the area."
"A writer. You a writer, Jess?" Logan asks.
"Sure," Jess responds slowly, lifting an eyebrow.
"Got many influences? Hemmingway? Proust? Kafka? Tolstoy?"
Jess turns to Rory, looking a little weirded out. "Is this guy a real person?"
Rory gives him a stern look. "Jess..."
"I'm just sayin', if Mattel made a Ken doll that was supposed to encourage little girls to go to an Ivy League school, it'd probably look like him."
"Oh, he's funny," Logan snarks. "Funny guy, huh?"
"And on that note, I'm gonna head out," Jess tells them. "Rory. Happy early birthday. Logan...you were also here."
Rory huffs. "Jess, wait."
"Let him go, Rory," Logan tells her.
She narrows her eyes at him and follows Jess to his car. "Hey."
He turns to her, raising his eyebrows.
"Sorry about him. He's...he's just..."
"An asshole," Jess tells her. "You're dating an asshole. Can I bribe you to break up with him if I sing the Grease thing again?"
Jess grins and leans in, kissing her cheek. "Go back to Yale, Rory. Stop boring yourself."
With that, he squeezes her arm gently, and hops into his car, driving off.
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cordeliaflyte · 1 year
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omg do you have any names picked out??
Of course we do! I'm only one mod, I don't have any other mods particular opinions. Here are some names I range from cute baby names for the Koval-Asher family to ones I find particularly silly!
Spencer Koval-Asher
Jeffery Koval-Asher II
Evan Koval-Asher, after Jeffery's late friend (It makes me so sad to think about, he was a lovely boy)
Liam Koval-Asher
Benjamin Koval-Asher
Daisy Koval-Asher
Emileigh Koval-Asher (Something I personally was thinking of naming my daughter!)
Petunia Koval-Asher
Chrysanthemum Koval-Asher (As you can see, I love flower names!)
Virginia Koval-Asher
Sage Koval-Asher
Alex Koval-Asher
Rory Koval-Asher
Frankie Koval-Asher
Kris Koval-Asher
Viagra Koval-Asher (I know it's silly but if it wasn't a drug!)
Methany Koval-Asher
GrandTheft Koval-Asher
Beef Koval-Asher
Shithead Koval-Asher
I tried to span them all as 5 boy, 5 girl, 5 Gender Neutral, and 5 silly ones!
We haven't had a baby shower or anything yet, and Jeff's pregnancy was just announced, so sadly, we don't have a gender yet. But one day!
Thank you!!
-Mod Corenthal
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gilmoremovies · 1 year
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)
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Date Watched: 21st December 2022
Referenced in: 4x04
Rating:  ★★☆☆☆  
Baby Shatner! Now I’m that dissapoint kind of person that has watched neither of the big space franchises excluding one film of the enemy franchise of this film. So I had no idea what to expect! It was slightly jarring jumping back 20 years in space special effects having just watched Armageddon but I soon got used to it.
So I may have missed something but I felt like a lot of this film was just looking at windows media player visualizations whilst some famous people also stared at it in silence looking confused... I thought it was long and boring... sorry not sorry! Maybe if I knew the universe? I dunno, just didn’t float my boat!
(Other GG Movies I’ve watched so far)
(Full references under the cut)
4x04, Chicken or Beef? (2003) Lorelai overreacts to Rory's new haircut and calls her Persis Khambatta, a reference to her shaved head as Lt. Ilia RORY: Did you at least call the stupid security company again? LORELAI: Yes, Meg sends her love. Don't worry - I'll stop by on my way to the inn. And what are your plans today, Persis Khambata? RORY: Well, today, I'm going to do nothing but hang out in town, read, veg, drink coffee, and have the perfect Stars Hollow day.
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edisacornball · 3 years
If I don’t do this the instant I’ve noticed it, then I will inevitably forget about it (thanks ADHD) so I guess we’re doing this right now, haha. 
1. name/nickname: Theodore/Ed (I know, I know. Believe me, it was an unintentional thing that happened when I changed my name. I literally just picked the male version of my deadname, and then life happened and I got nicknamed Ed, and... It’s a long story and no one cares, but yeah.)
2. gender: Male... ish. Nonbinary, but I use he/him pronouns most frequently and I usually just let the cis people around me make assumtions because I am tired. 
3. star sign: Scorpio
4. height: 5′8″
5. time: Currently 9:30pm
6. birthday: It’s in October. That’s all I’m putting out. 
7. favorite bands/groups: Imagine Dragons is my top fave, and then probably They Might Be Giants and Muse. 
8. favorite solo artist: Mmm... Adam Young?
9. song stuck in my head: Currently? Panic Station by Muse
10. last movie: Pursuit of Happyness (I know I said this answer last time, but I don’t watch things that often, okay?)
11. last show: I actually just started Gilmore Girls today because it was pointed out that I’m writing a story about a teenage girl named Rory and her single parent and they have Gilmore Girls vibes, SO. Research. 
12. when did i create this blog: Oh gosh. Um. *checks notes* 2013?? But admittedly, I left it alone for a long while and only came back recently, Oct 2020.
13. what do i post: FMA, writing, social justice stuff
14. last thing googled: “how to group chat on discord” I’m OLD, OKAY??
15. other blogs: Remember that thing about ADHD and me forgetting stuff? Yeah. I can’t handle more than one blog, lol. 
16. do i get asks: Very, very occasionally! I’m always happy to interact with people and such, I’m just used to feeling like a bother/annoyance too. 
17. why did i choose this url: Originally this was an RP blog, and I wanted to stand out from all the cool edgy Eds, because I preferred just being... silly. Little did I know everyone would end up asking me what a “cornball” is for eternity. (You know how being corny means being silly? Yeah. A cornball is that, but a person.)
18. following: 259
19. followers: 316 (I think a large majority of those are deactivated by now with my super long absence and all)
20. average hours of sleep: Either way too much or way too little. 
21. lucky number: 14
22. instruments: Viola since I was ten
23. what am i wearing: Uhh.... *glances down at self* Red hoodie, black sweatpants, really lazy ponytail? Oh, and fox socks. Because foxes. 
24. dream job: Literally at this point, just a job that doesn’t overwork me for too little pay and actually sees me as human? 
25. dream trip: Just a really, really long road trip. Like a whole year just going everywhere and anywhere. Just living in an RV or something.
26. favorite food: Beef stroganoff
27. nationality: American
28. favorite song: Once Upon a December
29. last book read: ...FMA manga. I’m researching, alright? 
30. three fictional universes you’d like to live in: I’m good. My spouse is here, and anywhere without them wouldn’t feel like home. And any fictional world with them wouldn’t really matter because I could be happy and comfortable anywhere if they were there. 
Thanks to @envythepalmtree for thinking of me! I’m not going to tag anyone because that’s too many brain cells right now, but if you’d like to do it and blame me, go for it. 
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stellaluna33 · 4 years
I watched "Chicken or Beef" (the Season 4 episode where Dean gets married) last night, and it confirmed something that I've always kind of instinctually felt: Rory apparently thinks writing one's own wedding vows is embarrassing. I KNEW it! She's a very private person. And I don't think it would take very much speculation to figure out how JESS would feel about exposing his most intimate feelings in front of an entire room of people... (I am absolutely 100% sure that would be the biggest NOPE that ever noped)
So, all this to say... if I ever write my idea of a wedding for Rory and Jess (and I hope to), the vows will just be the scripted kind (and "for better for worse, in sickness and in health, until death do us part?" Still pretty solid and relevant promises. Straight to the point). Having a wedding ceremony AT ALL is as close to a public declaration of their feelings as these two introverts are gonna get!
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mojavehearts · 4 years
Resident Evil characters as Animal Crossings characters
Chris: Teddy
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(bless the creator of this hshdasiu )
soft, burly, athletic, all brawn no brain but we still love him
Claire: Poppy
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Friendly, Auburn coloured (wasn't sure how to put it sjdhjhsj) sweet and hospitable, has a warmth about her, the youngest sibling, is 100% a Leo
Sherry: Goldie
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Blonde, sweet, smart (considering her home request is ‘a forest of books’ jshsjh) more of a ‘low profile’ character since Goldie has a ‘Normal’ personality, and is an OBVIOUS Capricorn 
Moira: Cherry
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‘Rock n roll’ style, her personality is ‘sisterly’, obviously quite alternative but has a warm feeling to her, gives you tips on how to relax
Leon: Shep
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Personality trait is his hair, appears kind and gentlemanly, will flirt with you, into niche hobbies and has to wear at least one denim item  
Jake: Rory
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ginger cat-like, very competitive, friendly towards people he knows but may offend other people, skill is ‘tiptoeing’, very athletic ‘’Built like a tank’’
Piers: Butch
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Bit of a cranky puppy, likes to be active, doesn't like ‘peppy’ people, needs many head rubs
Wesker: Raymond
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we have beef, smug little ass, just this description says it all ‘’Raymond is a very precise fellow. His signature glasses must always be at a specific angle on his nose. If they're even slightly off-kilter, he won't be able to get any work done that day!‘’ wears a questionable outfit, probably has plans to take over the world
Barry: Boomer
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literally a pilot (or was), a fluffy man, older, enjoys napping and food definitely an Aquarius 
Jill: Deirdre
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can be quite humorous, has a big sister feel, fairly friendly but does like her space, likes shopping, loves autumn
Ada: Monique
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cat-like, a bit snooty, very much a libra, appears friendly if on her side, can warm up to people but still comes off subtle-y rude 
(since New Horizons came out I thought I’d make this  I got all the descriptions and stuff from the ‘Nookipedia’ web page hehe let me know if you’re interested in seeing me do this with other characters jffhdskfb)
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moodyoranged · 3 years
best friends:  bree & riley.
how long have they been friends?   they’ve been friends since high school.  
how did they meet?  they met in homeroom on the first day of the spring semester:  she was the new girl and he was one of three out kids in their high school,  who sort of became a beacon for wayward weird kids.  they didn’t hit it off,  per say,  but along with homeroom,  they had like three other classes,  including art,  together and he was just persistent enough that he eventually broke through.
favorite things to do together?  everything baby <3  they’re very aesthetically driven.  so they love putting on their little outfits just to go and to starbucks then sit outside somewhere.  they love going to see live music,  they love having little crafting/claymaking parties.  they like being the bitchiest people at the group hang,  who just sit in the corner and talk shit on this weeks episode of seth and rory.
worst fight that they’ve ever had?  the worst fight they’ve ever had was luckily early on.  it was bree’s classic sabotaging of a relationship when she felt it getting too intense,  like she would miss him if he left,   and riley didn’t get that,  he just thought it was weird that she was being a bitch all of a sudden.  mama didn’t raise a quitter though so i feel like instead of just accepting that she didn’t like him now he pressed her on it and they actually fought it out and got to a place that would lead to them being closer than ever.
what are their relationships like with each other’s siblings? other family members?  riley’s older sister likes bree a lot.  she thinks that her and riley are little weirdos,  but in a loving way where she’s glad he has her,  and i’d say that’s the attitude his family at large has.  bree may not be as keen on them because they’re a little withholding and riley has done his fair share of complaining about that, but they get along decent enough.  riley and shiloh get along pretty well,  but riley and michaela have a bit of a harder time  ( classic mlm wlw hostility. they don’t really have beef their personalities just don’t mesh.  they would learn to play nice [or at least be fun catty and not actively annoying to each other] with time ).  i think her parents would like him too he presents very much like a nice kid that just adores bree.
are their zodiac signs compatible?  tell me bree’s sign and i’ll edit this riley is a pisces
who stays up latest?  who wakes up earliest?  bree stays up latest,  riley simply loves to sleep.  i don’t think either of them are especially early risers,  but i think if i had to say i’d still say bree wakes up a little earlier.  she’s just built different.
what do they like and dislike about one another the most?  riley likes that bree is a fun and creative person.  he loves her sense of humor and he loves her Strength.  what he dislikes the most is how stubborn and closed off she can be,  he’s just very not that and thinks she could stand to let go and let god a little more and let herself believe in people.  bree loves that riley’s fun and creative like her and gets her sense of humor.   she likes that he’s more open and flexible than her and how reliable he is,  she can just say the word and he’ll clear his schedule to hang with her.  she dislikes his expectations of the world:  he knows how he likes to live and has a hard time wrapping his head around why she may not want that,  and while he isn’t forceful about it,  it’s annoying all the same.
who’s most likely to talk about the other behind their back?  riley.  he has definite clear boundaries and would never talk about her maliciously behind her back.  but he’s the type that if she was getting on his nerves he’d probably flippantly say something about it to someone,  but then also get immediately defensive if they said literally anything in reply because wait that’s my bestie only i can say that stuff.....
who has dated, or is more likely to date someone that the other hates?  how do/did they reconcile?  riley again <3  i think he just dates more people and is less discerning about it,  bree is more selective about who she’d like to be around and would be more likely to just not vibe with his partner.  but they’re kind of in agreeance that he’s gonna do what he’s going to do and that not a lot of these fools last long so give it two weeks and he’ll probably talking shit on them with her
do they have sleepovers?  yes always.  if they’re hanging outand it gets late they just sleep over they’ve done it a million times they’re no strangers to bed sharing and getting all cuddled up it’s simply a typical saturday at this point.  and like i said i do headcanon that while they were dating and now while they’re broken up this rule still stood at bree and stephen’s place like sorry king riley’s sleeping over you get it <3 and frankly stephen works a lot of nights anyway so it’s more of just him peeking into the room when he gets home and watching lovingly as another man spoons his gf makes him feel less guilty for not being there
have they seen each other naked?  bree’s for sure seen riley naked because he doesn’t see that as like something to be bashful about.  riley’s maybe seen bree in like undergarments but not full naked not because she has a problem with him specifically seeing her but because she’s more guarded about that in general
who’s better at giving gifts?  i think they would both be amazing.  maybe bree just because i feel like women inherently have an upper hand on gift giving which might be sexist but it’s my truth.
do they think they’ll stay best friends forever?  riley definitely does and literally has for years.  bree i think does as much as she can:  not to sound like a broken record but she’s generally more cynical,  and would be more hesitant to let herself believe that,  but i think she wants to at least....
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savoies · 4 years
50 questions.
i was tagged by @cartrshart. thank you ash, ive been wanting to do this one. (:
1) what is the color of your hairbrush? - one is purple and one is white+pink. 2) name a food you never eat? -cow head or tongue. its popular in Mexican culture but its not for me.
3) are you typically too warm or too cold?
- my body is super warm always like always that my family cant even place their hand on my shoulder when its hot outside.
4) what were you doing 45 minutes ago?
- i was working on cast my mutuals on my main account. 5) what’s your favorite candy bar? kit kat. 6) have you ever been to a professional sports game? yes! i used to go to a lot as a kid cause my uncle used to get tickets. i went to many angels games, an indoor football game, and when i was seven i went to my first hockey game. but recently i went to a devils and leafs game(both against the ducks) in march. the devils game was the first game i went to after i started liking the nhl. 7) what is the last thing you said out loud? - ¨ merrimack keeps sending me emails even though they dont have my major.¨ telling my mom after reading my school emails. 8) what is your favorite ice cream? either cookies & cream or cookie dough. (wow ash exactly the same oop) 9) what was the last thing you had to drink? water. (: 10) do you like your wallet?
- yeah i have been wanting a smaller wallet for a while and i finally got it a while back.
11) what is the last thing you ate? Neapolitan ice cream. 12) did you buy any new clothes last weekend? actually i did! i bought a waterproof jacket, a Hawaiian shirt, a half zipper sweater, and a t-shirt. (: yard sale things oop. 13) what’s the last sporting event you watched? i believe it was game 2 with my mom. 14)what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? movie theater popcorn with movie theater butter jsjs. 15) who is the last person you sent a text message to? i rarely text anyone outside of tumblr. rori. @andreisvechnigod love you <3 
16) ever go camping? yes! we have an annual camping trip that we’ve gone on for about for more than five years.but it got canceled this year. :( 17) do you take vitamins? nope. 18) do you regularly attend a place of worship? yes ma’am. i grew up religious and then like i hated my church(cause the people were like hypocrites oop) but then my parents took us to another church and i like it there a lot. a lot of cute guys lol. the vibe is great. every sunday (: 19) do you have a tan? does a bad tan line count? 20) do you prefer Chinese or pizza? depends but usually Chinese.  21) do you drink your soda through a straw? if its from restaurants then yes but if its straight outta the can then no. 22) what color socks do you usually wear? black with a colored line and colored letters of the brand at the bottom. 23) do you ever drive above the speed limit? cant drive ahaha. 24) what terrifies you? all of the above, heights, bugs, public speaking, etc. 25) look to your left, what do you see? fan. 26) what chore do you hate most? deep cleaning the whole house. 27) what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? g’day mate 28) what’s your favorite soda? dr. pepper 29) do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? drive thru all the way, my social anxiety cant handle going in. 30) what’s your favorite number? 11 cause of my birthday or 21. 31) last person you talked to?
my mom.
32) favorite cut of beef? idk? ahaha. 33)last song you listened to? driving to Hawaii by summer salt but im currently listening to she looks so perfect by 5sos. 34) last book you read? for school outliers but on my own a crime book and the last song by Nicholas sparks. 35) favorite day of the week?  Saturday. 36) can you say the alphabet backwards? no. 37)how do you like your coffee? more creamer than coffee, i know. :\ 38) favorite pair of shoes? my velcro vanz probs or the basic old school vanz or dark blue converse. 39) time you normally get up? 5:30am if i go on a hike if not 7:45 for school. weekends it depends anywhere from 10am to 2pm oop. sundays at 8 if i go to church. 40)what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets but if you have the chance to see a sunrise they're pretty cool too. 41)how many blankets on your bed? 2 small throws. 42) describe your kitchen plates? black and the bigger ones are jade blue with a black border. 43) describe your kitchen at the moment? tidy messy oop. 44) do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? im a minor. (margaritas are chill though) non alcoholic of course. 45) do you play cards? we play different card games with my family sometimes. 46) what color is your car? dont have one. cant drive but both of my parents are a type of gray and id like a black one probs. 47) can you change a tire? with assistance maybe? my dad has shown us the basics once when we broke down in the freeway at 9pm.  48) your favorite state? i live in CA and its really all i know but i love utah and i really want to see Colorado and the east coast. 49) favorite job you’ve had? due to a personal reason i cant have a job rn. so none since ive never had one lol. 50) this one is long so ill understand if you skip it lol. @hartsyhart @seggy-seggs @andreisvechnigod @kncny @farabees @leeqianxiao @jmaybanks(also sorry if youve done it already.)
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limamuckraker · 4 years
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it’s no secret @haydengrace-anderson​ has no issue bringing up her own issues when it comes to having grown up without a mother, but as it turns out there may be more of a reason as to why she’s been hyperfixated on motherhood lately! a trustworthy source reported in to us that they spotted hayden at the book store eyeing what to expect when you’re expecting among other parenting books. the last thing lima needs is another hummel-anderson running about, but this story will be one to watch closely!
some lessons, unfortunately, are only learned the hard way. @harperpucks​ tries to act mysterious and aloof, but finds himself in a fair amount of twitter beef for such a cool and unfeeling kid. most recently, he tweeted about being free from the annoying musical theatre kids only to have both rory slade and ivy st.james clap back at him. as much as i agree about this past weekend having been peaceful, it’s not worth the embarrassment to get so riled up on twitter.
sources say that lima’s resident twink @joeyhqs​ was seen scampering around new york with @archerxcs​ after curfew to presumably hook up! this plan was incredibly stupid and unsafe which leads me to believe this undoubtedly had to be a joey hummel-anderson original. these two were lucky to not get stabbed and all i can say is that i hope the dick was worth it.
(S)MOTHER(ED) (pg 8)
@bbpuckerman​ is undoubtedly kind of a loose screw and whether that’s because she comes from an actual a nuthouse of a home or has no actual friends is up for debate. i personally think it’s a combination of the two and quinn fabray-puckerman’s helicoptering of her youngest daughter isn’t doing much to help the bad case of the cuckoos baby has come down with! my advice? cut that cord and get your own life, baby! 
unassuming @nikolcscs​ has a dark secret and that’s actually that he’s a drug lord! a reliable source has fed us information that his heart of gold is simply an elaborate coverup for the skeleton’s in his closet. the source also says young upstart in the industry, @eli-stjames​ has made nikolas mad in things in lima are about to get messy! stay safe, lima!
as it turns out, this weekend @lemonsterling swapped some pom-poms for a bouquet and eloped with her high school sweetheart @tj-beiste​ in new york of all places! the only surprising thing about this is that lemon has yet to change her instagram handle to lemonbeiste. as vomit inducing as this union is, we can only hope the fact it came so early means we’ll be seeing an annulment before they start popping out any kids.
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50 questions you’ve never been asked! 
Tagged by the lovely  @lorelaigilmo, thanks 💕
1. what is the colour of your hairbrush? Black because I’m basic like that.
2. a food you never eat? Tomatoes and mushrooms are just a no no for me. 
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? Too cold, to the point my mum gets worried sometimes at me being so cold.
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? Reading. 
5. what is your favourite candy bar? Kinder bueno is the first thing that came to mind, so I guess that. 
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event? Nope. 
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? ‘She didn’t even close the door properly.’ I said that to myself as I got up to close my bedroom door. 
8. what is your favourite ice cream? Idk, there are so many good flavours that I love, so I guess anything with cookie dough.
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? Some H2O.
10. do you like your wallet? Yeah, I’ve had it for years now and I really need to get a new one but haven’t gotten around to doing so. 
11. what was the last thing you ate? French toast.
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? Nope, of course not. Why would you think that? Definitely not planning on buying clothes this week too, haha, totally not. 
13. the last sporting event you watched? There was some sort of football match on tv, but I stood up and left the room when it was on tv. Wasn’t in the mood to watch any sports. 
14. what is your favourite flavour of popcorn? My go to for movie night is sweet. But if I’m making my own, i’ll add so butter on it and add sugar which is really nice. I also quite enjoy the carmel one but rip to my teeth anytime I have any.
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? My bestie.
16. ever go camping? I’ve never been but I really want to.
17. do you take vitamins? Use to take them on and off but recently I’ve been consistent in taking them.
18. do you go to church every sunday? Nope, but I keep telling myself that I really should and that I will, but when sunday comes round I don’t go. Mostly because I’m lazy as hell.
19. do you have a tan? I wished. I usually get a little bit of a tan when I go on holiday during the summer but right now I’m looking like Casper. At least i’m friendly.
20. do you prefer chinese food or pizza? Pizza is always my go to because It’s what I have more of but love them both and if given the choice I’ll happily feast on both. 
21. do you drink your soda with a straw? I can do but I hardly ever drink sodas. They’re not really something I enjoy drinking. 
22. what colour socks do you usually wear? A mixture of colours, from black to light pink. Currently wearing light blue socks. 
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? I don’t drive, yet.
24. what terrifies you? Dying. Not being good enough. Failing. A whole lot of stuff that if I keep going will open a can of worms that I won’t be able to shut. 
25. look to your left, what do you see? My water bottle, glass with water in it and a Gilmore girls framed poster one of my besties got me for my bday, all on my table.
26. what chore do you hate? Don’t really hate any. Kinda like cleaning. Yep, I’m weird like that but cleaning the bathroom is always long so I guess that’s my least favourite. 
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent? I think about Chase from House Md. 
28. what’s your favourite soda? Not really into sodas, like I rather just have a soft drink or even water but If I had to pick it would be coca-cola cherry.
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? Well, I don’t have a car so I have no choice but to walk in like a scrub.
30. who’s the last person you talked to? My Mum.
31. favourite cut of beef? Idk, as long as it’s cooked well and tastes good I kinda don’t care.
32. last song you listened to? Currently listening to Hardest to Love, by The Weeknd. 
33. last book you read? Finished Red Queen by Christina Henry the other day and started her new book Looking Glass. 
34. favourite day of the week? It’s currently Wednesday because that’s when Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist airs in the UK. But when I was still in Uni it was Friday because that’s when I had my classic movie nights. 
35. can you say the alphabet backwards? Not without struggling the whole time.
36. how do you like your coffee? I don’t. I’m not a coffee girl which is sad because Lorelai and Rory would definitely be disappointed but oh wells, it just doesn’t agree with me. 
37. favourite pair of shoes? My navy and black converses. I’ve used my navy ones so much that the colour on them look more like a really dirty light blue. Really need to buy new ones. Maybe that might be my next shopping purchase.
38. at what time do you normally go to bed? Around 12-1am but that might change once I’ve finished with my uni exam. 
39. at what time do you normally get up? Around 8-9 am
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? Sunsets because i’m very up early to see the sunrise but it's nice too. 
41. how many blankets are on your bed? Normally one but it’s been oddly warm lately here and I’ve had to take it off the bed or I would have melted. 
42. describe your kitchen plates. Mostly white, but we also have some polka dot ones
43. do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? Any cocktail really. Gin Martini is pretty good the odd times I’ve made some for me and my mum. 
44. do you play cards? Yeah, I love card games. Fav is Blackjack (Switch) played it a lot with my friends back in the day.
45. what colour is your car? We don’t have a car in London but our family car in Madeira is blue with a slight hint of green in it. 
46. can you change a tire? Nope but I’ve helped my dad change one last summer. 
47. what is your favourite province? *Shrugs* No idea. 
48. favourite job you’ve ever had? Probably when I was helping with the summer school program at my school, that was years ago but it was fun and it’s crazy I was getting paid for basically just chilling with other students. 
49. how did you get your biggest scar? Burnt my arm on the iron. My mum had just used it and it was on the window so it could cool down. I didn’t know it was hot and when I passed by my arm hit the edge of the iron and burned it. 
50. what did you do today that made someone else happy? Helped my mum with some stuff she needed. 
This was fun to do and longer than expected. 
Tagging: @schnoogles @property-of-jason-todd @supernovaexplosion @harleyquins @regalmadness and anymore who wants to do this too, go ahead. 
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hexalt · 4 years
50 questions you’ve never been asked
Tagged by @rebeccabunchs ~
What is the colour of your hairbrush? green
Name a food you never eat? sushi
Are you typically too warm or too cold? too warm
What were you doing 45 minutes ago? listening to music and writing
What is your favourite candy bar? don’t have one
Have you ever been to a professional sports event? yes
What is the last thing you said out loud? "you got me in love again”
What is your favourite ice cream? mint chocolate chip
What was the last thing you had to drink? water
Do you like your wallet? yeah, it’s a money clip
What was the last thing you ate? broccoli cheese soup
Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? no
The last sporting event you watched? the basketball game i went to last year
What is your favourite flavour of popcorn? butter or cheese? i don’t rly eat popcorn
Who is the last person you sent a text message to? achille
Ever go camping? hell no
Do you take vitamins? i forgot, but i need to
Do you go to church every Sunday? nope
Do you have a tan? no
Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? depends on my mood
Do you drink your soda with a straw? i don’t drink soda
What colour socks do you usually wear? i don’t know that i have a usual color, i have so many socks
Do you ever drive above the speed limit? duh
What terrifies you? never being free from those related to me
Look to your left, what do you see? my closet
What chore do you hate? cleaning the bathroom
What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? nothing?
What’s your favourite soda? none
Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? drive-thru
Who’s the last person you talked to? rory
Favourite cut of beef? i don’t know what this mean
Last song you listened to? "you (ha ha ha)” by charli xcx
Last book you read? the diary of anne frank
Favourite day of the week? saturday
Can you say the alphabet backwards? don’t care to, never tried
How do you like you coffee? i don’t
Favourite pair of shoes? combat boots
The time you normally go to bed? 2-4 AM
The time you normally get up? only cuz of work, 9 AM
What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunset
How many blankets on your bed? 1
Describe your kitchen plates: they’re not mine, they’re just white
Do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? i don’t drink alcohol
Do you play cards? no
What colour is your car? blue-grey
Can you change a tire? no
Your favourite province? no idea
Favourite job you’ve ever had? the nonprofit fellowship in DC or my current one
How did you get your biggest scar? surgery when i was a baby
What did you do today that made someone else happy? don’t think i’ve made anybody happy today
i tag @apostura @knell-guapo @runnynoserunnyyolk + anyone else who wanna
0 notes
thehangeddemon · 4 years
Family Matters || Charleson, Xavier, Vincent, & Hamilton
Vincent: Vincent paced back and forth, reading and re-reading the texts between himself and Charles Xavier. Rather than continue with the confounded device, he disappeared, appearing a moment later within the Atlas manor.
He smelled food! A distraction if there ever was one. He headed to the kitchen with a delighted hum.
Xavier: In the kitchen, Vincent would find Xavier idly sipping coffee and reading a newspaper while his chef put the finishing touches on a platter of pastries.
He looked up when he felt Vincent's presence and was already smiling when the little raven entered the room. "Your ability to detect food is getting better and better, canary. Would you like a cream puff?"
Vincent: He smiled at the greeting, eyeing the person between the kitchen island and oven.
"Where's...Hamlecar? Hamlet? Hampton? I thought he was your chef."
A cream puff was taken and inhaled, then stuffed in his mouth whole.
Xavier: "Hamilton, and no, he's not the chef. That honor belongs to Christine. He's my butler."
The petite brunette woman decorating petit fours smiled at Vincent.
Vincent: "What does a butler do, then?" He smiled at the woman, just remembering to cover his mouth before embarrassing himself.
Xavier: "Tends to any guests, answers the door, manages the staff, assists the family. Things like that."
Vincent: "Do you need that? I just pop in. You don't need doors."
Xavier: "You do, most can't and are not allowed to. Most guests get stopped at the security gate--another of Hamilton's responsibilities--and have to get approval to enter my property."
Vincent: "Being evil is hard work," he smiled mischievously.
Xavier: He smiled. "So is protecting one's home. I've got precious things in here."
Vincent: "Have you been lying to me? I'm pretty certain you're a dragon."
Xavier: "I'm almost certain I was in a former life."
Vincent: "Maybe you were my dragon."
Xavier: "Perhaps so." He nodded in thanks when Christine brought a plate with a selection of pastries to the table and motioned for Vincent to join him.
"Have a seat and tell me what brings you here today, canary."
Vincent: "You know I'm not a canary." He took a seat beside the demon and reached for another pastry.
"I want you to meet someone. A special someone."
Xavier: "I know. You're far more powerful than any canary. Would you prefer another nickname?"
He arched a brow as he took another sip of coffee. "Oh? And who is this special someone? A new suitor?"
Vincent: More catlike than bird, he inclined his head curiously. "New suitor?"
Xavier: "Someone who has shown romantic interest in you."
Vincent: "Me?! No! No I - I have someone. I like that someone. No! This is a man named Charles Xavier."
Xavier: "Charles Xavier?" Why did that name sound vaguely familiar? "Who is this Charles Xavier and why do you want me to meet him?"
Vincent: "I think you'll find your interests peaked in each other."
Xavier: “I’m going to need a little more than that, my dear.”
Vincent: "Don't you trust me?" He gave his best pout.
Xavier: “You know I do. But you know I’m picky about the company I keep.”
Vincent: "I'm confident this will be a successful venture."
Xavier: “Vincent....” Xavier squinted. “Who is Charles Xavier?”
Vincent: "Why can no one just take my word? One's word is a thing of honor in my realm."
Xavier: “You’ll have to forgive me, I’ve had less than positive experiences with strangers. But I do trust you.”
Vincent: "I'm gonna bring him here for lunch next week. Maybe, if you'd prefer, lunch can be somewhere public."
Xavier: “I’m fine to do it here. Just warn me before you arrive so my wards don’t melt his insides.”
Vincent: "Alright." Another cream puff for his mouth. "Can we have these next week?"
Xavier: “Mhm. Christine?”
“I’m on it.” She had pulled a notepad from her pocket and was already making a note.
“What else would you like, dear? Actual food, not just pastries.”
Vincent: "But pastries are food," he pointed out matter-of-factly.
Xavier: “Pastries are desserts.”
Vincent: "Not all of em! And desserts are food!"
Xavier: “Cream puffs are most definitely deserts. Savory entree requests, please.”
Vincent: "Pastry! And...steak. All different kinds. And snails."
Xavier: “Christine, beef Wellington. We do not eat garden pests unless we’re in France.”
Vincent: "Garden pests?! They're delicious! They were my favorite before I was brought here!"
Xavier: “As you will. Christine, escargot hor d’oeuvres for Vincent.”
Vincent: "How dare you," he whispered, truly offended for all escargot enthusiasts. "Do you really not like em at all?"
Xavier: “I’ll eat them but I don’t see the mass appeal. They taste like buttery gummy worms.”
Vincent: "I am a bird." In case you needed reminding.
Xavier: Xavier chuckled. “That you are. You have a better reason to like them than most.”
Vincent: "Can a beer go with escargot?"
Xavier: “A beer can go with anything you like.”
Vincent: "I think he likes beer. Or wine. Or coffee? He definitely loves coffee."
Xavier: “We have plenty of all of them. Tea, as well.”
Vincent: "Thank you. I'll find a way to repay you."
Xavier: “Come now, Vincent, you know that isn’t necessary.”
Vincent: "I'm aware. I'm going to anyway."
Xavier: “If you must repay me, repay me with your company.”
Vincent: "Then I'll stay the night!"
Xavier: “By all means. I’ll have a room prepared for you.”
Vincent: A night learning to play chess and teaching Xavier a dialect of Elvish. He had hopes that this would somehow bring peace between brothers. He had a feeling the bridge would be created through the professor.
Next week, Vincent would appear as he always did, landing gracefully at Charles' office window with a chirp.
Charles: Charles glanced over his shoulder at the sound, offering the little bird one of his warm, crinkly-eyed smiles. He wheeled over to the window and opened it wide before turning back to his laptop. "Good afternoon, Vincent. I'm just finishing up a couple of emails. Please, make yourself comfortable. How are you?" His fingers were already flying over the keys.
Vincent: The jackdaw hopped in and ruffled his feathers.
"I'm full of flight and I'm starving." Nothing unusual for the familiar.
"Have you packed your things?" Better yet, "Does...Mason know?"
Charles: "There are snacks in the kitchen, if you're interested," he mumbled, distractedly putting the finishing touches on an email before hitting 'send'. "Pack?" And on to the next. "Exactly how long am I meant to be visiting this person?" He took a sip from his mug and pulled a face. Ugh. Cold tea. "Of course Mason knows. I haven't given him any details, mainly because I don't know them myself, but he knows. I'll have to tell him and the kids I'm going before we leave."
Vincent: "A night! Just in case kind of packing. We don't have to, but it's best to be prepared." He fluttered over to his host and settled himself on Charles' shoulder.
Mason knew only what Charles knew, and that was good. Charles had respected his mind and the secret remained. At least with Mason in the dark he couldn't be hostile.
"I can tell the little ones!"
Charles: He reached up to scratch at Vincent's head, even as one hand continued to type. "Almost... there... done!" He hit send once more and shut the laptop. "I'll tell them. I want to say goodbye." Already, he was making his way toward the door. "I'll throw together an overnight bag, as well. Just in case. It shouldn't take me long."
Vincent: "I'm going to ride your shoulder. Mind if I do? I'll sing to you, if you'd like!"
Charles: He laughed quietly, switching off the light and shutting the door behind them. "I don't mind.  Sing, if it pleases you." He reached out for the familiar flares of his children's minds, and twitched a little smile to find them in the reconstructed playroom. When he reached them, Charles watched them play from the doorway for a moment or two, his expression impossibly fond. "Having fun?"
Vincent: He would sing the song of his people! Soft love songs to awaken the heart and unshackle the spirit. Songs which became stronger as he heard the children, wanting to gift them with something he was proud of.
Rory looked up from his argument with Dothan and beamed. "No!" Regardless of his smile! "I told - I said he looks like me!"
"You look like me! I'm older than you!"
Charles: "Gentlemen, please." Charles attempted a stern expression, but his eyes were bright with barely contained amusement. "I think it's fair to say that you resemble each other. And you each very much look like yourselves. No more bickering, please. Have you eaten lunch?"
Vincent: Dothan nodded. "We had pie. That's what the lady said. It was pie with meat and potatoes in it."
"I want a smoothie!" Rory declared. But then Vincent came into his view. The boy could not gasp any louder.
"Can I hold it?!"
The familiar's feathers puffed. I beg your pardon?!
Charles: "Ms. Hazel," he corrected, gently, and smiled. "Sounds delicious." Oh, dear. Charles bit down on a laugh. "Him. He's a... shapeshifter. A little like Aunt Raven. His name is Vincent. You can ask him if that's all right. Vincent?"
Vincent: "You have to be gentle with me."
Rory about lost his mind at the sound of a human voice from the little bird.
"Boy, you know me! I made you fly!"
"But you were tall."
Charles: "Yes, well, he can shapeshift, remember? Isn't that right, Vincent?"
Vincent: "I can become a giant! I can become as small as a mouse. I can turn you into a bird."
Well, now Rory - and a few other children - were looking to Charles with pleading eyes.
Charles: "Erm, no." His eyes had gone wide with the suggestion. He tried to look more understanding as he shook his head. "No, we won't be turning children into birds, today." Or ever. "Actually, Vincent and I need to leave soon. I've just come to say goodbye."
Vincent: Both children and bird wilted. Charles was right. They had much to do.
"Cynthia wants to know how long," Dothan said, his attention to his left by the window. Cynthia looked to the professor expectantly.
Charles: "Just until tonight, sweetheart. Tomorrow, at the latest." He still wasn't planning to stay, but it was far better to prepare the kids than to potentially lie to them. "Mason will be here."
Vincent: That seemed enough to reassure her. Her contentment had not been passed on to Rory.
"I wanna go!"
Charles: That was only to be expected. He quickly lifted the boy into his arms. "Oh, but everyone here will miss you! I won't be gone long, love. We can go swimming tomorrow, if you'd like. Or we can take the paddle boat out on the lake. Or both! Doesn't that sound like fun?"
Vincent: But the logic wasn't sound! "Tomorrow is forever from now!"
Even Dothan had to laugh at that; quick to cover his mouth as to not make it worse.
Charles: Charles, too, had to bite down on a smile. "Tomorrow will be here before you know it. Promise."
Vincent/Mason: Vincent thought this was all sweet, until he realized Rory looked on the verge of tears. Though he had not taken the brunt of trauma from his captivity, months with Mason and Charles in a protective environment had left him with a bit of separation anxiety.
Mason was home, and in tune enough to appear in the doorway at a moment's notice with old world wisdom.
"What is happening to your face? What is that? Ugh! Your face is gonna freeze like that!"
Rory wiped his eyes of non-existent tears. "Na-uh!"
"I've seen it! Frozen solid!"
Rory wriggled his feet. He wanted down. "I want-"
"Do you want to spend time with this old man? Why don't the two of us go play some ball."
A glance was given to Charles.
Charles: Instinctively, Charles held the boy closer to his chest. It was unhealthy, however natural, for the boy to be unable to stand even a few hours apart from his psuedo-parents. But that didn't stop him from wanting to protect Rory from the world. His sigh of relief at Mason's appearance was nearly audible. He returned the demon's look meaningfully. They'd need to discuss potential solutions, later. For now, he set a squirming Rory onto his feet and smiled tightly. "That sounds like fun!" Charles brushed gently alongside Mason's mind.  'Thank you. I won't be long.'
Vincent/Mason: Vincent wanted to widen the gap between himself and Mason, but remained silent and statuesque. Perhaps if he kept utterly to himself, the demon would not question the creature on his companion's shoulder.
'Is it not obvious where he's taking you?'
Charles: 'It's meant to be a surprise, Mason.' He nudged Rory gently in the demon's direction. "No more tears. There's a good boy. Go, play, and have fun."
Vincent: 'Hardly a surprise, except that you've been invited in the first place.' Rory traded one pseudo father for the other, tugging Mason with both hands towards the backyard.
'Do not forget your ring, should anything happen. Please, feel free to obliterate anyone's mind should they get too close.'
Charles: He rolled his eyes, but nevertheless spilt affectionate warmth into Mason's mind. 'Yes, yes. I'll be careful. I'll defend myself, if I must. And I always have my ring.' His fingers were given a pointed wiggle, the gold glinting bright in the afternoon light pouring through the window. 'I love you. Stop worrying.'
Mason: 'Don't you 'yes yes' me.'
Rory was placed on his shoulders. He was given a quick kiss to his forehead. Rory wanted to do the same, and Mason leaned forward to oblige.
'I love ya.'
Charles: He smiled at those three little words, as well as the kisses from two of his favourite people on the planet. He almost didn't want to leave. Almost. Curiosity and excitement churned into a heady mixture, and he was quick to hug the rest of the children before slipping out of the playroom. "Just going to pack a bag. It won't take five minutes."
Vincent: Vincent finally breathed when those demonic eyes disappeared around the corner. His weight would deaden on Charles' shoulder.
'How did you meet him?'
Charles: He made his way quickly to his bedroom, shutting the door behind them as he entered. "Make yourself comfortable wherever." Charles might not be the best perch, what with the way he had to dig through the closet for his duffle bag. The brown leather was soft and supple with age. "We met at a bar. He borrowed a cigarette. Took an interest in me." That was one way of putting it. He tossed his bag haphazardly onto the bed and grabbed a pair of trousers along with a black, summer-weight sweater. Was that his or Mason's? No matter. "And the rest is history, or however the cliché goes."
Vincent: No, of course he would not move! He was perfectly fine - maybe not with the leather bag. Maybe not with that thick wool sweater. Why? It was much too warm for such clothes!
The little bird coughed, leapt onto Charles' head, tangled in his hair, and hopped onto the comforter. What an ordeal!
"You smoke?" Never mind. He thought on his own relationship. "Four years ago, I fell in love with a giant bear, and slept in his fur. I will never love another.”
Charles: Ow. Well, that was uncomfortable. He gave the familiar a wry smile and ran a hand through his mussed hair. "Occasionally. Less than I used to." Socks and underwear joined the rest of his clothing in short order. An eyebrow rose at Vincent's confession. Never-ending bear love. Intense. "How lovely. I'm assuming this bear can transform into a person?" He disappeared into the en suite bathroom and returned a minute later with a small handful of toiletries. These, he dropped into a side pocket of his bag and zipped the lot shut. "All set."
Vincent: "The most handsome person," he emphasized with great pride. He was still caught up with the fact that Charles smoked. He could not smell tobacco on him, so it must have been rare indeed. The demon, on the other hand. He could still trace his scent across the mansion.
Unceremoniously, Vincent fluttered to the hard wood floor, reshaping in the instant into his human form. Much care was taken in stretching his muscles, especially his arms.
"Moving with me isn't as jarring as a demon, but you might get dizzy. There's more... gyration." It seemed the best word to describe what Charles was about to experience. As his hand was taken, the bedroom begun to spin, as though pirouetting. The direction twisted in reverse, then again, yet Vincent remained gyroscopically sound. He then stepped forward, into the sudden grass. The swirling kaleidoscope of reality righted itself in front of a dark chestnut and wheat mansion. A modest size in comparison to the school. A large fountain surrounded by roses blocked the sight of the double doors.
"We're here!"
Xavier: Xavier felt the new presence the moment Vincent and his guest slipped into the protective ward. He’d given his permission, of course, otherwise there would be quite the bloody mess to wash off the drive.
He adjusted his jacket in the mirror and sighed.
“Hamilton, the doorbell will be ringing in a moment,” he called to his butler.
Charles: Less jarring for whom, precisely? Though Charles nodded and smiled, he still braced himself for the lurch. He was forced to shut his eyes against the spinning, grateful when the world around him went still once again. Well. At least he hadn't gone faintly green, as was usually the case. He still preferred more human means of travel.
His gaze swept over the large house with its neatly manicured grounds. A far cry from Mason's Burtonesque aesthetic, the younger Atlas' home seemed almost welcoming in its familiarity. His mother would have approved. Hitching his bag more securely onto his shoulder, he looked at Vincent with a faint smile. "Lead the way."
Vincent/Mason: Mason would have taken feigned offense. His opinion was understandable. The house had been a safe haven; though the interior had been modified, the exterior left something to be desired. He'd never bothered to upgrade, and Lawrence found it charming. Perhaps the demon did as well, subconsciously.
Vincent smiled warmly, feeling right at home before ever knocking on the door. Though he could have appeared in the foyer, he thought the best impression would be made by ringing the bell and standing outside like gentlemen.
Hamilton/Lydia: The door was opened promptly, revealing an impeccably dressed butler and a lavish interior behind him.
“Good afternoon, Master Vincent, the lord has been expecting you.”
Hamilton stepped aside so they could enter. He offered Charles a pleasant smile just as a pretty and equally pristine maid appeared at his back. “May I take your bag, sir?”
Charles: Correction: his mother would have been overjoyed. Charles returned the smile kindly and slipped the strap from his shoulder. "Yes. Thank you." Too well-bred to gawk at opulence, he glanced politely from one costly furnishing to the next. If the rest of the house wasn't a veritable museum of wealth, he'd eat his bloody hat.
His heart ticked up ever-so-slightly in tempo. What if the man didn't like him? He felt like a teenage boy, meeting his girlfriend's parents for the first time. Absurd. He needed to relax. Still, he found himself smoothing his hair, and straightening the lapels of his grey linen suit, before they were taken to meet their host.
Vincent: Always one to try and shake Hamilton up, the little familiar stood on his toes to kiss the human's cheek. He and MJ Calloway had been scheming as of late. Both believed Fabian was in for a little pampering.
"Where is my demon!" he called, disappearing without his shoes left behind not-so-accidentally. Xavier would suddenly feel strong arms around his waist, a face buried between his shoulder blades. Were those legs around his thighs? Yes. He'd been caught.
Xavier/Hamilton: Hamilton took Charles’ bag, fully intending on telling him and Vincent that Xavier was waiting in the living room when the kiss to his cheek made him blush furiously and clear his throat.
This caused the maid behind him to smile to herself and step in. "Lord Atlas is waiting for you in the living room. Please, follow me."
This last was said only to Charles; Lydia was unfazed and unsurprised by Vincent's departure and abandonment of his shoes. She simply gathered them up and led Charles through a pair of heavy French doors just off the foyer and into the living room where Xavier was busy being attack-hugged by Vincent.
It was a far sillier first impression than the imposing one he usually went with, but even so it would quickly be painfully obvious that this man could not be more different from Mason.
Xavier Atlas stood tall and proud, clad head to toe in Armani, and reflected the extreme wealth that surrounded him. He spared no expense on his home or his appearance.
"My lord, your guest has arrived," Lydia said to him, setting down Vincent's shoes beside one of the couches.
"Thank you, Lydia." Another difference made itself known as Xavier spoke. His accent was polished and cultured, more indicative of having grown up in the poshest areas of London than in a working-class town in Yorkshire. "Tea service, please."
"Yes, my lord."
Charles: Oh. Oh. That flush was adorable. Charles was going to have fun with that one. He smiled, perhaps more brightly than was strictly polite, and thanked the butler. He turned the same grin on the maid and dipped his head. "Certainly."
Whatever he'd been expecting, it certainly wasn't Vincent clinging to a tree of a man like a spider monkey. Leave it to the familiar to help loosen some of the tension in his shoulders. He muffled a small laugh with his forearm, feigning a cough. Xavier was tall and broad, and certainly would have cut an intimidating figure, if not for his new accessory.
Still, Charles' dazzling grin from earlier had faded into a smile that was almost shy. Was Vincent going to make an introduction? He could only stand there awkwardly in someone's parlor for so long.
Vincent: Vincent slowly climbed his way to the peak of this magnificent mountain of demon. What made one more significant than the other was purely selfish. He was aware of what this man had done to his mistress. Long ago he'd forgiven what he doubted Bronwyn MacAllister could. He made no excuses for the creature he clung to. He was wicked, but never was he boring. What's more, he believed in love, the same which resonated with the familiar. As much as he admired Charles Xavier, he could not comprehend why he resisted fate.
No matter! The two would find each other interesting, or they would kill each other.
"You smell good today. What is th - Professor! This," which he rested his chin on, arms now around his shoulders in a piggyback ride, "is Xavier Atlas. How old are you now? A thousand? Anyway. This is Charles Xavier. Isn't that humorous? You two should have met years ago."
Xavier: Much as Xavier wanted to smile at Vincent's antics, he refrained. Not that he stood frowning at his guest, his smile was simply not as easy as it would've been had he and Vincent been alone. It was polite and interested.
At least until he heard the name, and the scent clinging to the man finally registered. Then the interest turned to something he couldn't quite name. Trepidation? Anxiety? An impending sense of doom? Probably a combination.
"A gentleman doesn't speak of such matters, Vincent," he said, gathering himself and regally inclining his head toward Charles. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Xavier Atlas. Please, sit."
Charles: Charles' smile was big enough for the both of them, the sort of smile good manners forced out of him, when nerves threatened his careful composure. When he spoke, it was in an accent that rivaled the demon's, all gentle, Oxfordian refinement. "I assure you, Mr. Atlas, the pleasure is all mine."
 His hand twitched at his side, itching to extend, but he did as he was bid, folding into an armchair with a frankly surprising amount of grace. "Thank you, for inviting me into your home. Or, rather, for allowing Vincent to invite me." A smile, softer, as his eyes met the familiar's. "I appreciate the introduction." Clearly, he was never going to get one from the elder Atlas. "I do hope it isn't too much of an imposition."
Vincent: With some reluctance, Vincent forced himself to his own two feet. He had no intention of leaving the two men alone in this room. Whatever would happen, he would play his median role to the best of his abilities. Hamilton and tea would also be used as balm.
"I have not planned past this moment. Spontaneity, I think, is the most honest method to learn someone." The bird took to perching on the back of the nearest chair with ease.
Xavier: "Not at all." Xavier took his usual chair by the fireplace. And it was true, having a guest was no imposition. Having this guest however...
"Well, in the spirit of honesty, may I ask how long we have until my brother arrives on his pale horse to rain Armageddon on me? I'd like to know if I have time for tea."
Charles: "Rain...? No." Charles shook his head, a mite too emphatically. "No, no, no. Mason won't be bothering you on my account. Not if I have any say in the matter. He knows where I am. Moreover, he's rather... preoccupied, presently. We've plenty of time for tea." Good lord, Mason. "I must say, I've wanted to meet you for quite a while, now. To put a face to the name, so to speak. "
Xavier: Xavier's brow arched. "Mason knows you're here? You're telling me my brother is fully aware of where you were going and still allowed you to come here?"
Hamilton entered the living room silently, making himself invisible as he poured tea.
"You'll have to forgive me, Charles, but I find it difficult to believe that one, your presence here isn't courting Mason's wrath and two, that the no doubt charming things he's probably told you about me made you want to meet me."
Charles: Charles laughed, though not unkindly. It was a bright, somewhat startled sound. "I think you've misunderstood the nature of my relationship with your brother. He does not allow me to do anything." Outside of the bedroom, anyway, but that was certainly an inappropriate topic of conversation. "I'm a grown man, perfectly capable of looking after myself. And a schoolful of children, for that matter."
He looked into Xavier's eyes, searching, though he didn't know the man well enough to read them as he did Mason's. "I can't speak to his present mood, but he seemed calm enough when I left him. In any case, I believe his respect for me runs deeper than... temper tantrums. You couldn't possibly know this, of course, but I'm not the sort of man who casts judgment a person I've never met. I don't form opinions based on someone else's beliefs. Even someone I love as deeply as I do your brother."
The corner of his mouth twitched up in a private smile. "Not that I've been given much to consider, regardless. He's my family. And you're his. That's reason enough for me."
Xavier: "I don't doubt that you are, Charles." Xavier accepted his tea from Hamilton. "And I do not doubt that he cares deeply for you and affords you respect. I'm simply extremely well-versed in my brother's opinion of me and I was under the impression that he'd rather chew on broken glass and rusted nails than accept my being near anyone he's close to or them being near me."
He waited while Hamilton handed cups to both Charles and Vincent.
"All that being said, I appreciate that you're not here with a torch and pitchfork." Although calling him and Mason a family was probably a stretch. At best they were grudging sharers of DNA.
Vincent: Vincent looked between the two men. Waited on bated breath for the very brother to appear in the middle of the living room. He knew he was allowed, as he'd seen him before, but as the subject continued to be revolved, the more he grew concerned.
"He might just fry me when neither of you are looking. Cook me in duck fat and serve me to unsuspecting - probably you," to Xavier.
Charles: He smiled warmly at the handsome one as he accepted his cup, scooping a few spoons of sugar into the steaming liquid and finishing the lot with a splash of milk.
"I do what I can." He took a small sip and hummed his appreciation. "I suppose only time will truly tell. I hope you won't fault my having a bit of faith in him."
Charles chuckled softly, looking to Vincent with a shrug. "Now, that, I'd consider a possibility. I don't think he's forgiven you for the library incident. Though, you're one of the handful of friends I have that isn't pubescent, so I think I can plead your case."
Xavier: "No, I don't fault you." He couldn't relate to the impulse, but he definitely couldn't fault Charles for it. That's what love was, after all.
"Mason wouldn't dare do such a thing, canary," said Xavier, smiling softly at Vincent. "To harm a single hair on your head would be to court the wrath of someone whose amulets you wear even now."
Vincent: "I don't know about that. They're-" he glanced to Charles. His penchant for gossip was weighted by his respect for the mutant. He bowed his head to him. Had the flight of a child really caused so much damage?
"I think my mistress would eventually forgive his sin. My master... probably not."
Charles: He smiled, warm and faintly amused. "I'm only teasing, my friend. If you think Bronwyn would ever forgive him, I'll take your word. I certainly wouldn't. He'd steal the moon for her."
Xavier: Steal the moon and commit arson. Probably best not to bring that up. Wouldn't want to taint the miraculously untainted opinion of him Charles somehow had.
"Indeed he would. Cake?"
Hamilton had seemingly produced a cake out of thin air and was already cutting Vincent a generous portion.
Vincent: His eyes brightened at the thought of sweets. More than just an expression; try were quite literally illuminated for a heartbeat.
"Hamilton, did you make this yourself? You beautiful man."
Charles: "Beautiful, indeed." His mouth twisted into a wry smile. "I have a ruthless sweet tooth. I'd love a slice." He took another sip of tea while he watched Hamilton work. "You have a lovely home, Xavier," he began, apropos of nothing. Small talk seemed safer than pushing more on the subject of the estranged siblings. For the moment, anyway. "May I ask why you chose California? It seems a sharp contrast to England's grey skies."
Xavier: Hamilton smiled and shook his head. His cheeks flushed again but this time he did not deviate from his task. He just kept his head down and served. "No, Master Vincent, I did not. Christine made it." The it in question was chiffon cake filled with summer berries and chantilly cream.
"Thank you, Charles," said Xavier, giving his guest a more sincere smile as Hamilton worked. "I chose it for the weather. I don't really spend much time in England these days. My time is split between here, Italy, and France."
Vincent: "I like France best. Their pastries are worth more than gold."
So far, the atmosphere had remained pleasant. He didn't suspect a shift in tone, not with cake and tea. For now, his muscles had lost their tension.
Charles: Any cake with fresh strawberries was a ticket directly to the professor's heart. He accepted the plate graciously, but tucked in with a mite too much enthusiasm to be considered truly polite.
"Oh," he began, once he'd swallowed a large forkful. "How lovely. I think I'd miss the clouds. Nothing like an overcast day to calm the mind. It's been too long since I visited France. Mason and I have only just gotten back from Positano. It was a wonderful holiday, aside from a mild sunburn. Where in Italy do you live?"
Xavier: Xavier chuckled into his teacup, and not just because he couldn't imagine his brother vacationing in Italy.
"Positano," he said. How was that for an extraordinary coincidence? "In a villa on the coast." Time to up the wards on his vacation home, just in case.
Charles: His eyes widened slightly. Wow. The world was vanishingly small. "You don't say," he laughed, low and genuinely amused, not holding an ounce of a suspicion at the coincidence. "We stayed on the coast. Booked a hotel overlooking the ocean. I wouldn't be surprised if we walked right past your place without knowing. It's certainly a beautiful place. I might've entertained a fantasy or two of moving the school there." Not that he ever would.
Vincent: While Charles held no suspicion, Vincent's carried skepticism enough for all of the men in the house. Of course Mason must have known. How could he not?
"Spain in spring. All of the food and flowers. The children would love it. Most of them."
Xavier: Unless Mason had been doing reconnaissance on him, there was no way he’d know of Xavier’s Italian home. They didn’t exactly talk very often or chit chat about their lives and real estate choices.
“Oh you’d know. Or Mason would. Wards give off energy signatures.” He smiled at Vincent. “Anyone would enjoy Spain in spring. I personally favor Granada.”
Charles: "Do they? Fascinating." Charles had never felt them, though he'd been told that Mason's home was quite well-warded. He turned to Vincent with a twitch of a smile. "You may be right. Though, the lovely weather might distract them from their work. I think we'll stay put, for now."
Vincent: "Children? Work?" The familiar made a face. "Children shouldn't work until their twelfth year."
Charles: He chuckled softly and lifted a shoulder. "You'll have to take that up with the United States education system. Most children start kindergarten at five or six. Then there's preschool, for the ambitious parents."
Vincent: The bird was absolutely mortified! He looked to Xavier for confirmation.
Xavier: Xavier chuckled into his tea. "Yes, my dear, it's true. Small children attend school."
Vincent: "But they learn on their own in the woods and clearings and swimming! They must learn from nature and observation at home!"
Xavier: "Most are taught by underpaid public servants in public schools."
Vincent: "There is nothing to learn from strangers in a cold building."
Xavier: "I agree. Colleen will teach Devlin."
Charles: "I think there's something to be said for group schooling. Children develop social skills. They learn cooperation and independence from their parents." He took a small sip from his cup. "I do agree that the present system can use some improving. Public school teachers don't have the resources to do as much good as they could. Class sizes are entirely too large. That's to say absolutely nothing of mutants who manifest early," He paused. Smiled. It was a subject he was passionate about. "Anyway, we have our kids on a homeschool curriculum, for the time being."
Xavier: Well then. What a noble and dedicated man his brother had managed to find.
"For the time being? Do you have plans to change the curriculum?"
Vincent: Wasn't he just? Vincent liked him, regardless of this realm's obsession with brick and mortar buildings and lack of natural education. Charles was cut from a different cloth.
Now it was his turn to be quiet.
Charles: He took a bite of cake and chewed thoroughly, mainly to give himself time to think. It was a long story, but he'd be succinct. "Most likely. We offer classes for mutant children from seventh through twelfth grade. A little more advanced than public school, but we cover everything we need to. We've recently... taken on a group of elementary aged kids who have manifested early. We're not really equipped to handle their needs, so we're looking into other placements." And failing. Charles was particular. "In the meantime, it's a strain on our resources. Mainly staff."
Xavier: "Do you not have enough teachers to go around or are your teachers not experienced in working with younger children?"
Charles: "Bit of both. Our staff is the lifeblood of the school. They're remarkable, but they're overworked as it is. And teaching elementary aged kids... it's another world. They require much more direct engagement and supervision."
Xavier: "You should hire a nanny to help with the supervision portion of things. And the engagement."
Vincent: Vincent perked up, but only for a moment. He was back to stuffing his face in no time.
Charles: "It's an option. It would certainly do on a temporary basis. Ideally, I want each of them adopted into loving homes. Mason and I are in the process of adopting our two youngest. I'm acting as guardian for the others, in the meantime." He'd had nannies growing up. He'd loved each of them. But he had no intention of being a parent that even vaguely resembled his own.
Vincent: Wait... "You're adopting...with him?"
Xavier: Xavier slowly lowered his cup. Charles had successfully stunned him into (temporary) silence.
Charles: "That's the plan." His smile was warm, if somewhat amused by their reactions. "You've met Rory and Cynthia, Vincent. They're already ours, it's just a matter of paperwork. These things can take years, if you want everything above board." Which he did. No clever contracts, no greased palms. "We both knew it was what we wanted for a while, but it was Mason who finally voiced it."
Vincent: Well, now it was Vincent stunned into silence. He and the demon would have to take turns speaking up.
Xavier: "My goodness, that's...I'm astonished. In a good way, of course." Mostly. Perhaps. He never, ever thought Mason would want to go down that road again so to hear it was his idea to go through with an above board adoption of not one, but two small mutant children....
"How wonderful for you both."
Charles: "Thank you. We're both very happy with the decision. Rory and Cee are... they're great kids." He steadfastly refused to get emotional about the situation. He shoved a forkful of cake into his mouth. Classy.
Vincent: Well, he was happy for Charles, that much was true. "You should see them," he finally said to Xavier. "The boy has such a colorful power!" he laughed.
Xavier: Xavier caught Vincent’s eye while Charles wasn’t looking and gave an almost imperceptible shake of his head. Not only was that not a good idea, Mason wouldn’t allow it in a million years.
But rather than allude to that in any way he said, “Does he indeed?  Well let’s hope he reaches his fullest potential.”
Charles: "He does," Charles agreed, gaze flitting sparrow-like between the pair of them. "And you're right, Vincent. That's an excellent idea.  I should've considered it myself."
Vincent: Oh. Well there. He didn't have to feel guilty now! He smiled at the demon and took another bite. He wanted to share Charles with everyone, and if this was the way to do it, so be it.
Xavier: "Mm." Xavier sipped his tea. These two were being entirely too optimistic about how that potential situation would go. "Perhaps one day. More tea?" Right after the sun exploded and it snowed in Hell.
Charles: Charles smiled sunnily. Did Xavier realize how like his brother he actually was? The telepath knew that dubious expression. He'd seen it a hundred times if he'd seen it once, albeit on a scruffier and more beloved face. Xavier wasn't yet familiar with Charles, however. His single-minded determination was something to behold, and his hooks were already buried deep within the idea. "One day soon. I'd love some, thanks."
Xavier/Hamilton: Hamilton appeared seemingly from thin air as soon as Charles said the word and refreshed his cup, then Vincent's and Xavier's.
"Let's see what the future holds," he said with a somewhat tight smile. Although he already knew what his future held and that was a great deal of unpleasantness.
Vincent: "Is Devlin old enough to play with Rory?" Vincent asked as Hamilton left the room. Was that man on the other side of the door listening? Vincent peeked over his shoulder.
Charles: He didn't flinch, but it was impressive. Was the handsome butler's readiness from fear? Loyalty? Or was the man simply good at his job? It was something to consider. He looked to Xavier with earnest curiosity. "Your son, yes?" Mason had mentioned a nephew in passing, but Charles had chosen not the press, at the time. "Rory will be six, soon."
Xavier/Hamilton: Not outside the door, but standing at attention just inside it, ready for any order Xavier might give. Hamilton took great pride in his work.
The tight smile remained in place as Xavier nodded. "Yes, Devlin is my son and as yet a bit too young to play with older children." Never mind that Devlin had recently turned five and was perfectly able to and frequently did play with older children from Colleen's village.
Vincent: Vincent looked between the two fathers. "He's quite big now," he muttered. He was not oblivious to what Xavier was trying to do. This was just a bird pecking at a lion.
Charles: Charles believed Vincent's mumbling, but he wouldn't push where the child was concerned. He was just as protective of his own kids. Trust had to be earned. Still, that didn't mean he couldn't extend an olive branch. "Ah. Fair enough. Well, my children love meeting new people. Rory most especially. Cynthia is... shy, but kind. I'm sure they'll be very curious about Mason's brother."
Xavier: Vincent could peck all he liked, Xavier would not be moved from his position. He was being reasonably cautious.
"Do they know he has one?"
Charles: "Not yet. I wanted to meet you, first." Said simply. He took a sip from his tea.
Vincent: Oh. Oh. Eyes darted between them, then back to Hamilton, then back to the men. "And you do now." Pause. "Yay..."
Charles: Charles snorted softly into his cup, quickly attempting to cover the sound by clearing his throat. "I have, yes. And I feel comfortable enough to let them know. Of course, I still need to speak with Mason." Just another hurdle to jump.
Xavier: "I'll be astonished if he admits it aloud," Xavier muttered, not bothering to hide his pessimism. If Charles was determined to have this happen then he might as well know what he was up against.
Vincent: More frantic eyes between them. It wasn't Charles he was concerned with now. Let's be honest. Most of his concern began and ended with the Atlas brothers.
"Maybe a middle ground? What if...what if the children met...where I live?"
Charles: "He's admitted it to me." The patented Atlas pessimism was nothing new. Charles was patient enough to wade through it. "It's kind of you to offer, my friend. If we come to that point, I may take you up on it. None of these decisions can be made without Mason."
Xavier: “Yes, I suppose he did. That makes one time then. Suppose that’s something.”
Nothing had been decided and Xavier was already beginning to brood; Vincent was right to be concerned.
Vincent: "Great! So now we talk to big-little brother, then."
Xavier: Xavier snorted. Big-little brother. Mason would hate that description and for that very reason Xavier loved it.
Charles: Charles bit his lip. It wasn't funny. All right, it was. Xavier was a bloody giant. But he was too loyal to chuckle. A sip of tea to collect himself and he pulled out his mobile. "I'll call him."
Xavier: “Lucifer help us all,” came another mutter.
Charles: He hummed quietly as he unlocked his phone. In for a penny. If there was going to be bloodshed, he'd rather it happen while the children weren't present. Baby steps. He pulled up Mason's number and sent the call.
Mason: He would be answered after a single ring. "Everything alright?"
Charles: Not surprising. He suspected Mason had been watching the time, phone in hand. The thought was exasperating, but it made him smile. "Better than, darling. We're having tea and cake. Vincent had a wonderful idea, and I thought we could discuss it."
Mason: Oh he did, did he? "N'what's that?" His tone was gentle; the kind of gentle Charles might recognize as his attempt at levelheadedness.
Charles: Oh, lovely. This was going to be so enjoyable. Pessimism from both sides. Not a surprise, but it had him turning up the cheer to practically exhausting levels. "He... we were thinking that Xavier ought to have a chance to meet Rory and Cee." He held his breath, braced for impact. Perhaps this was a conversation better held outside. He mumbled a quick 'pardon me' and started for the door.
Mason: Charles might want to reconsider roaming about. "Would Rory n'Cynthia have a chance t'meet their cousin?" A question asked after one second from Charles' suggestion.
Charles: "Mm." He paused, glanced back to where Vincent and Xavier still sat. "There's been some hesitation, in that regard." Charles couldn't say if it was himself, Mason, or the children that Xavier was worried about. Most likely some combination of the three. "I thought perhaps if their... uncle had a chance to meet them, that might change. I'm not in any rush, there."
Mason: "Seems a bit one-sided t'me. He gets my whole family. That's what he wants? I wanna hear him say it."
Charles: "He is your family, Mason. Someone has to take the first step. I think it can be us. But, fine." He crossed back to his chair, putting the phone on speaker with a quick swipe. "Ask him yourself. He can hear you."
Vincent/Mason: Well, fuck.
Vincent bit back a smile. Oh, he liked Charles very much.
By now Mason was pacing Charles' bedroom. He was angry. Not at Charles, but rather the situation itself. "Ya wanna meet my children, Xavier, or not?"
Xavier: This was a terrible idea. That was all Xavier could think as Charles walked off to talk to Mason and he thought it again when Charles returned and put the phone on speaker for some godforsaken reason.
“Hello to you, too,” Xavier deadpanned. “I am well, thank you. To answer your question, not if doing so is going to involve damage to my person.”
Mason: "Ya wouldn't dare hurt a child. Would ya, Xavier?" The deadpan was as much an Atlas trait as their snide and tense shoulders. There was no difference between their original bodies to these Deidrich men.
Xavier: Xavier’s jaw clenched. “That you would even ask that is insulting.”
Charles: Rolling his eyes, Charles cut in before anyone could further fan the embers already being stirred between them.  "For the love of all that is good in this world. Mason is not going to hurt you for spending time with the children that are your niece and nephew, in all the ways that matter. And Xavier isn't going to hurt them, either. How long have I been here, hm? Have I been so much as threatened? Has Mason stormed in guns blazing? No. And clearly that isn't going to happen."
Vincent/Mason: Silence on the phone. Silence from the bird, now sitting on the edge of his seat like this was prime time television. Or in his simpler point-of-view, watching a dragon rage war with a town.
Xavier: He already had stormed in guns blazing, years ago. And no matter what Charles said or how much he reassured, Xavier would always believe that his brother was just waiting for an excuse to do it again.
And quite frankly, he’d just about had enough of this today.
If anyone was expecting him to be the bigger man, they would be sorely disappointed. His library was calling him and that was precisely where he was going.
Charles: Blue eyes narrowed at Xavier's retreating back. He could call it a battle lost, try again some other time. But something inside of him worried that he'd never have a similar opportunity. Jaw set and shoulders back, Charles followed in the demon's wake. Pride and temper had him wanting to lash out, but there was enough of that between the brothers without him adding his own fuel. "Xavier, wait." A deep, measured breath.
"Please." It was a level of politeness that Charles hadn't been shown, but he offered it regardless. "Clearly, a promise from me means nothing. Will you accept one from your brother? His word that he won't harm you?" Someone had to swallow their god-damned pride. "Mason, please."
Mason: He walked off, didn't he? He damn near asked but knew better. What froze his pace was hearing that Charles had followed. Was the man he loved in danger? Someone would have the good fucking sense to do something. He felt helpless, holding a goddamn phone to his ear.
"The...children...have a right t'know one another. I don't want violence 'round my babies. Of course not."
Xavier: It was just as well that Mason hadn't voiced that concern aloud; it absolutely wouldn't have helped the situation.
Charles was in no danger and wouldn't be, not today or any other day. Xavier just wanted some peace in his own goddamn house, was that so much to ask?
"I do not doubt that your promises are made with full confidence and the best of intentions, Charles, and they are appreciated. But you just heard precisely what my brother thinks of me. Even absent violence, there is open and palpable hostility. My son has the right to know his family, but I won't subject him to that. And I don't think you want to subject your children to that either. This will only work if Mason in his infinite wisdom can find it in himself to pretend he doesn't want my head on a pike and act like he actually tolerates my presence."
Charles: Far too much to ask from Charles Francis Xavier. "I could say the same for you." His tone was clipped, but controlled. Good breeding was all that he had in the face of his rising frustration. "From my vantage, if he wanted your head on a pike, it would be there. Trust isn't going to materialize from nothing, and you can't expect all ground to be ceded on his end. The hostility here isn't only coming from Mason, Xavier. You know your brother. Do you truly believe that he would behave like a brute in front of his own children? I know that if I believed that of him, we'd never have gotten this far."
He ran the hand not gripping his phone like a vice through his hair. "We're all adults, perfectly capable of civility."
Mason: "Fuckin' pot t'kettle." Charles was trying so hard. This was just going to be another reason he'd find him drinking in the study, or in their bedroom, or in the kitchen with a spare moment. He couldn't have that.
He would wait for a beat after Charles, waiting for something. When that something didn't come he said, "The children will never know a thing." Perhaps Rory would see a change in aura, but nothing outwardly.
Xavier: He had never longed for peace and quiet more than he did in this moment. This was meant to be his sanctuary, and barring divine intervention, there mere mention of Mason would always cause discord.
"Oh, I've extended my share of olive branches so believe me, I'm not the one who has trouble ceding ground or whose first instinct is to make insulting remarks."
Xavier took a careful, measured breath. He would not give either of them the satisfaction of making him lose his composure completely. "If the two of you would be so kind as to extend me the courtesy of allowing me to consider the matter, you'll have my answer in a fortnight. And Charles, because I am capable of civility, you may finish out your visit as planned. My staff will see to your needs. Now, you'll excuse me."
Xavier was going to his library and the door would be locked behind him.
Charles: His mouth tightened, at that, but he knew well enough to keep biting remarks to himself.  Charles was not one to let his temper rule him. "Of course. Thank you." Consideration was far better than an outright 'no.' He'd take it.
For someone so confident in his own courtesy, Xavier seemed quick to shut the door in a guest's face. Another remark the telepath would keep private. He wouldn't stay. Clearly, his welcome had run its course, no matter what the demon had said. He'd be grateful for the mere inches they'd progressed, this afternoon, and return home to his children. He turned away from the door and started back the way he'd come, switching the mobile off of speaker and pressing it to his ear. "That went well, I think," he murmured to Mason, on the verge of bursting into inappropriate laughter. "I'll be home in a bit."
Vincent/Mason: Mason finally blew a breath and slumped against the wall. Holy Hell. That could have been a lot worse. As far as conversations went, Charles wouldn't have known how relatively peaceful that had been.
"Have the bird bring ya home already."
Vincent was following Hamilton around, buzzing his ear with questions of Leon and when, when was Hamilton going to learn magic?
"You're more than a pretty, pretty face. Come on. You need a cauldron!"
Hamilton: Hamilton didn’t mind, answering Vincent’s questions as he cleared up and made his way to the kitchen. “I don’t need a cauldron, Master Vincent,” he chuckled. “I have no magic.”
Charles: "Relax. I'm going to go find him. I love you. Bye."
With that, he'd return to the sitting room they'd been in earlier, searching for Vincent or anyone who might direct Charles to him.
Lydia: Charles would find Lydia at the foot of the stairs, where Hamilton had told her to wait. “Is there anything I can assist you with, Mr. Xavier?”
Charles: How convenient. Charles didn't miss his upbringing, but he could admit that having someone available to assist at any time was lovely.
"Yes, actually. Have you seen Vincent? I believe my visit is over, for today."
Lydia: The slender blonde maid nodded. “Yes, I believe he is in the kitchen. If you’d like to return to the drawing room, I’ll fetch him for you.”
Charles: "Of course. Thank you." Most convenient. He'd do as she suggested and return to the room, reclaim his previous seat and silently speculate on the likelihood of this ever getting any easier.
Hamilton/Lydia: Lydia nodded and went to the kitchen.
Hamilton saw her first. “What is it, Lydia?”
“Mr. Xavier is looking for Master Vincent. He would like to return home. He’s waiting in the drawing room.”
Vincent: Vincent turned to Lydia and pointed. "Do you know magic?" Seemingly ignoring everything said.
Lydia: She smiled. “No, Master Vincent, I don’t.”
Vincent: "You live with a demon!" exclaimed to both.
Hamilton: “He does all the magic,” said Hamilton. “Master Rohan does also.”
Vincent: Sigh. The familiar frowned to both mortals. He wanted more outlets. His finger raised, mouth open - he walked out of the room.
"Charles?" he called before entering the room. "You okay, friend?"
Charles: Charles grunted to his feet, smoothing down his clothes as he did.
"Perfectly well. Thank you, Vincent. But, if we can locate where my bag has been stowed, I'd like to go home."
Vincent: "I'll get it." He would only be a moment. "I've heard they can be worse," he said upon return. Not so much heard as he had seen via memories.
Charles: He nodded, taking his duffle from Vincent and slinging it over his shoulder. "That went better than I expected, honestly. Can't expect to tear down a century's worth of walls in a single afternoon. We might get somewhere, provided they don't kill each other first. Shall we?"
Vincent: "I don't think they will? They're a lot of bark with all gums." He hoped Xavier couldn't hear that; he liked visiting here.
"Ready?" After a beat, and a hand on Charles' wrist, both were transported back to New York, exactly where they had disappeared from.
Vincent placed his hand on the professor's chest as though to brace him from the zero gravity experience.
Charles: He laughed, the sound only ceasing when they were defying the laws of physics.
A smile, when he was on solid ground once more. "Thank you. For the introduction and bringing me home. Give Xavier my thanks and apologies for cutting the afternoon short, when you next see him." There was no reason he couldn't be polite. "I should go and find my demon."
Vincent: "And I'll go console my demon," he smiled. "Hey, maybe you should bring candied ginger with you on these trips. With anyone. Mistress says it helps stomachs."
Charles: "I'll give it a try. Whatever helps."
He gave the familiar's shoulder a pat, and would wait for him to leave before heading inside. "I'll see you."
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theskyexists · 4 years
You know what? As an angsty teenager I loved the endings the companions got during those first few series. Very painful stuff, cried my eyes out, and then Davros made another point that the Doctor's influence on his friends may have been detrimental to them (i.e. Martha, the one person to really take and make something of his influence, because of and despite him) - made them soldiers. I'd love it if we got some more digging into that theme - giving a different answer to that question. Because they made themselves into people who could do incredible things also - there's two sides to it always.
And Moffat's endings for the companions...well, I thought the nonsensical bit for Amy and Rory was unnecessary. I think. Why make the ending some stupid weak point in time when death is right there? The Doctor being unable to let go - so unhappy with endings (there's a good continuity there) - I feel like we could have got them adopting a son, them deciding not to keep travelling because they have to be there for him, them dying of old age, but the Doctor refusing to be there - leaving them before the last page (but still finding a last page after stumbling across the end). Moffat's done these kinds of time skip things before. Not always well but. I'm not saying that Angels of Manhattan hasn't got amazing moments in it - it just doesn't make sense - and it was unnecessary - made it a lesser story to tell imo.
And Clara. My least favourite companion - unfortunately. But she had a good ending - an interesting ending (a nice parallel of an ending) - even if it put a huge dent in the scale of the mythology for me - because the reference point was lost to me. It was emancipatory - which suited her character, but I realised then that I'm a damn conservative lol. Also I still don't really know why that should have separated them. The beats on the reason for memory loss and the reason for leaving were too vaguely presented - there, but vague. Also. I was just sitting there like, Doctor, couldn't you have offered to take the Raven hello don't we remember Wilf?
Bill. Traumatic and a last minute save. That wasn't really a good kind of angst. It was almost realistic, like, well, this has happened, shit. Can't fix it. She was almost collateral.
I know Twelve was supposed to be coming round to accepting the deaths of his companions but Bill explicitly asked him not to get her killed and then he fucked that up massively and I don't think he even said sorry.
Basically, didn't Twelve swing the other way too far?? ANYWAY
Amy and Rory got normal lives eventually after it all got super messed up - they had to suffer but I don't think they grew - only in relation to each other, in service to that. And I wasn't really into that kind of het story.
Clara was a mystery and then not, her relationship with the Doctor was weird to me, way too attached too quickly that she'd give up her existence for him and scatter herself (I know this apparently all spelled out interesting thematic things but character-wise I was lost) and then she had this struggle between mundanity and the thrill of danger. Danger won out and she died but didn't because the Doctor couldn't give up on her so she became a Doctor2. I mean.... I'm still lost. It's INTERESTING. She grew into a Doctor. She was punished for it, then ultimately rewarded.
What I'm saying is Rose really experienced being with the Doctor as a way to be better and then tragedy happened, Martha obviously grew enormously - and was the only one with a choice, Donna obviously gained a lot in joy and self-esteem and was awarded all the wonders of mundane domesticity as a consolation prize but it was still tragedy.
Amy and Rory suffered and grew in relation to each other, Clara outgrew the very story itself (and was the anti-thesis, his influence was ultimately a bad one - until it wasn't) and Bill didn't so much grow in adventures but in the relationship and opportunities in real life but then got what she wanted on day one.
Rose (good growth/gains, tragedy, some suffering and a consolation prize, no choice) and Martha (huge growth, no tragedy, lots of suffering, choice) and Donna (huge growth/gains, tragedy, consolation prize, no choice) made themselves better, Rory and Amy made their love better (some growth/gains, a bit of suffering, not a huge tragedy but for the Doctor, no choice), Clara made herself worse (anti-thesis, utlimate gain), Bill stayed mostly the same, which is what she wanted. (Some growth/gains, lots of suffering, no tragedy bc of ultimate gain).
But ONLY Martha grew and had a choice in leaving (unless I misunderstood Clara's reasons for leaving - again - vague to me)
Ok I'm breaking it down. There's elements to arcs an endings for the companions: growth/gains (spectrum), suffering (spectrum), tragedy (yes/no) and choice (yes/no).
Basically, I'd be interested in companions growing through these adventures and then choosing to leave when it's the right time and place. We do lack those stories in new who. No extra suffering to beef up the end, no tragedy and lack of choice as the necessary element to pry the Doctor from their companion, just growth (perhaps with a little suffering) and then a choice because they are decidedly better and in the right place.
Danger is inherent to this life and loss is inevitable - and it was RTD era's explicit theme that there's a price for the wonders you get to see. That's a cool theme - I liked that. But they have to gain something - they have to get the opportunity to be better, do more, be special, first.
Basically we've failed step one so far we can't even be thinking about step two putting a price on it
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official-cisphobe · 5 years
We dont hate you, but it just. Wasnt handled well. You shouldnt not mod someone for mental illness but if theyre regularly overwhelmed by the duties, especially dealing with that by lashing out? Its best for everyone theyre not a mod. And if it harms them like everyone is talking about as well again they shouldnt be mod. Its not about mental illness its about if they can handle being mod and do it well. Mental illness shouldnt disqualify but it also shouldnt mean you cant unmod or whatever
Rory is a good mod like I had already mentioned, they can perform their duties as a mod well and they have helped me immensely with managing the server. Rory is very competent and good at what they do and it is absolutely not on him that something happened at some point and started a spiral that kept making things worse - and THIS certainly isn't helping.
There are a lot of personal things involved that I'm not entitled to share which is why this shouldn't have been made into such a huge public deal.
this isn't me "defending an abuser", this is me caring for my friend who has been dogpiled on and targeted because of things that are out of his control.
I don't want this to be turned into a "us vs them" situation, this isn't beef, it's just mistakes, misunderstandings, and miscommunication on everyone's part and no one involved needs this to be discourse.
I and Rory acknowledge that we did things wrong but we haven't exactly been given a chance to apologise or change.
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