#i have so many feeligns for him
jankwritten · 1 year
i think one of my biggest gripes with TSATS is the sentence structure and the way that things are phrased.
Sentence structure: the book is CONSTANTLY using ", and", or "then", or "but" instead of splitting up a phrase into two separate sentences. Once I noticed it, I couldn't stop noticing it. In some places it works fine, but right out the gate, as the first line of chapter one, it 1) caught my attention in a negative way and 2) felt immediately clunky and awkward.
The way that the book demonstrates action also feels unnatural and doesn't flow as well as it could. Things are described as happening "now", such as when Kayla takes her lolipop out of her mouth and holds it at her side, the book narrates it as "now holding the lolipop at her side". We didn't SEE that action occur, we're just being described the RESULT of the action, does that make sense? As a reader, you want to SEE the action, you want to SEE her tug the lolipop out of her mouth, see her hand hang by her side as her expression pinches with anxiety over the discussion. We don't want to just be told that "now" her lolipop is out of her mouth, y'know?
There are also sentences that just feel flat out unedited, phrases that have too many words for what they want to accomplish, or with a structure that doesn't make sense - like on page 56, the sentence "They raced up the steps to the platform, Nico easily outrunning his boyfriend, though that was mostly due to Will having to get his land legs again."
First of all - why are they running up the platform? In the previous line, where we're told their cab driver got them to the station with 6 minutes to spare, the specific choice of saying "to spare" makes it sound like there is plenty of time to make it to their train. In the sentences after, we even learn that Nico and Will wound up waiting for their train anyway, so, the fact that they're running when Will feels sick reads...weird, to me. If I was car sick, and then somebody forced me to run for no reason, I would not be a happy camper.
Second of all - The addition of the final third of the sentence, after the second comma, should be it's own phrase. It should be given it's own space, like "(though that was mostly because Will didn't have his land legs back yet)." because it's not important information, just an offhanded comment Nico is making.
Third of all - "though that was mostly due to" and "having to get his" are clunky and wordy. It could've just been "Nico easily outrunning his boyfriend, who didn't have his land legs back yet." It's a smoother sentence that doesn't get bogged down by the extra words.
And that's just one instance. This book is LOADED with moments like this, where action will get lost in a sentence's wordiness. The book tries to be quick and snappy, in Riordan's style, but it fails because it can't quite nail down the phrasing.
There are also moments where the only thing the characters are interacting with is each other, only grinning, grimacing, sighing, glancing at one another, etc etc, instead of doing actions while they speak. Fidgeting with their hands, shifting from side to side, looking away at their surroundings, that kind of stuff is how you convey a MOOD. Body language is important when writing character conversations!! Is somebody relaxed, or are their shoulders tensed up, arms folded across their chest with their muscles flexed, leaning back on one leg with their body halfway tilted away, as if they were ready to flee at a moment's notice? These are the kind of details that I'm missing in TSATS, the kind of things that feel like they're missing.
I also have a lot of gripes with the dialogue itself.
People don't talk like they do in TSATS. The content of what they're saying is realistic enough, sure, yeah, but the specific way that a lot of the dialogue is phrased? It doesn't feel natural. Try reading some of the sentences out loud without editing any of the words. It doesn't sound the way a human being SPEAKS.
THAT'S what I mean when I say these characters are OOC. The way that they're speaking is uncomfortable and feels as if they're being used as a puppet, or a mouthpiece for what somebody ELSE wants them to say.
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t3rm1n0s · 2 years
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so. that episode 19 huh
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celestie0 · 6 months
please share your thoughts on vinland saga. what is your favorite character, scene...? what is something you learnt through it?
omgogmogmgmggogm ty for this ask anon also so sorry it took me a while to get around to but i appreciate it i loooove vinland saga sm n i’d love to talk more ab it 😭🫶🏼💕 n if you’ve seen the show too i’d love to know ur answers to those questions as well aaa :””)
my favorite character for suuurrree is thorfinn :”) he is my sweet summer child, the apple of my eye, the kindest of all, my son, my heart, my treasure, my love, i adore him sm there are times where i think of him n i just start tearing up out of nowhere. imma sound so fkn insane when i say this but i really truly believe he exists in my hearrrtttt 😭💕 like he has to, there’s no way these feeligns of adoration i have for him have not manifested on some physical realm i just love him sosososooso much sobs he is my favorite fictional character of all time n i wish i could smooch makoto yukimura very gingerly on the cheek for bringing such a beautifully well written character to life. his determination to become a better person, live true to his ideals, and create safe haven for others is srs so inspirational to me i love him sm
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[panels colored by @/hawta_mahmood on insta]
i would literally commit war crimes for him LMFAO (even tho that’s the opposite of what he would want anyone to do for him haha)
as for what i’ve learned n my fave scene(s) i will add a keep reading bc spoilers and also it’s gonna be really fuckin long 💀
what have i learned from vinland saga? dear god, so much. i could talk about this show for hours, HOURS, and i have before!! it is just that dense in philosophy n had my head spinning from all the reflections
of course, there is the infamous line in the show ‘i have no enemies’, which i think can mean a lot of different things to different people, in thorfinn’s case it is the line that allows him to adopt a life of tranquility n pacifism. i think for me, this line taught me to assume the best in people, and once i started doing that i think i learned how peaceful n meaningful life can be. for example, if i interact with a rude person or am fighting with someone i care about, and i am affected emotionally by it, i might think of that lesson from the show and i feel free in knowing that i have no one who i desire to hurt or retaliate against or even harbor negative feelings towards in my head(the saying comes to mind to think or speak negatively about others is to poison yourself) as someone w a lot of fuckin anxiety it’s very liberating to think that way, and i think that’s the biggest lesson i’ve learned from the show (among many, many, many others. i think another big lesson is obviously the subject of forgiveness, both in others and in oneself, but this post will end up being too long if i go into depth of all the things i’ve thought ab while watching vinland saga)
as for my fave scenes, i’ll try to just pick three 😭😭😭
1. end of the prologue. the scene when askleadd dies was so beautifully done. the moment where in his final moments, he urges thorfinn to rethink his life and what he wants from it, and to follow in his father’s footsteps. askeladd was such a cruel, violent, and objectively horrible person n was the cause of thorfinn’s journey of hatred in the first place, and yet in his final moments somehow his words to thorfinn did not feel out of character. that was the moment where i realized wow, this author knows what tf he’s doing and is truly so talented. to have a character’s traits sneak up on you like that, built so subtly throughout the show, so that the payoff feels so real and fitting and not forced, driving the direction of the story in the way we had been hoping for the whole time. fuuuckckf. also, quick mention of the scene where thorifnn finally lets go of his dagger n all the scenes from season one flash by on the metal. fuck. i cry EVERY. TIME.
2. i mean it’s a given, but the scene when thorfinn finally understands his father’s words and admits to a circle of bloodlust vikings that they are not his enemies, and that he has no enemies. what a wonderful full circle moment for his character arc, i get chills just thinking about it
3. this one may be a bit more random lol, but the episode that will forever stick in my memory is gardar’s backstory episode. fuck i could writr a ten page essay about this one twenty minute episode ALONE, but i’ll just pick out the one scene that just kills me. the scene where gardar helplessly watches himself in the past, as he leaves arnheid & hjalti, and there’s nothing he can do to stop himself. fucking hell. if there’s any scene that i think could perfectly show what a feeling of regret is like, that would be the scene, and what fucks me up so much about that scene is how he cannot even manage WORDS. he is a grown man, reduced to intelligible sounds because his pain is so profound and his guilt runs so deep that it is like he becomes all but a helpless child. just kill me, seriously. i had never cried so hard in my LIFE watching anything than in that episode. i sobbed so hard i had hiccups n my sleeves were covered in snot. but the ending, when he got to see his son again in the afterlife n he was the age that he wouldve been if he was still alive :”) my god. yukimura nails anything that has to do with father son dynamics, im sure its because he has a few boys of his own, and his love for his children is so evident in his writing. but also, the fact that he was able to make me feel SO MUCH for a character we hardly knew anything of, and also to use a character that the audience is not very familiar with to tell a story that i think almost everyone on this planet could relate to in some capacity (things we want to change n wish we could go back to do so…) just what a genius genius creative decision like he is just such a wonderful writer i appreciate him so much 😭😭😭
god, all of s2 is honestly my favorite scene LMFAO. the whole entirety of it is a masterclass in story telling. imma just do a quick few more of my fave scene shoutouts tho 😭
thorfinn getting his ear sliced by fox, thorfinn calling einer his brother, thorfinn climbing his way out of valhalla, thorfinn telling arnheid about vinland before she passed away, snake revealing the truth behind ketil’s name, thorfinn reuniting with his mother again. god just all of it. i swear, just all of it.
GAT DAYUM THIS IS LONG but idgaf i’d talk about this show until i draw my last breath lmfaooo thank u anon for this ask im clearly insane 🤣🤣🤣 ur probs like im never sending this bitch an ask ever again LMFAO just joking but srs i appreciate it i had a lot of fun answering :””) i just love this show so much
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sleepy-vix · 6 months
just finished the burning god ^^👍 what the fuck
spoilers below
fuck i was a fool to pray that kitay would live
also i had a feelign tjat rin woulg kill her self in the end and im SO INFINITELY GLAD that nezha didnt die in that cave water thing following that monster/dragon, but FUCK I DIDNT WANT THIS ENDING
im so glad that nezha at least lives but actually is that any better than death???? poor boy never wanted to be a ruler. UGHHH I JUST REALISED KUANG ADDED THAT CHAPTER WHERE VAISRA ASKS NEZHA IF HE WANTED TO BE A RULER TO HURT US EVEN MORE
fuck you kuang
you twisted genius
nezha never wanted to be a ruler. his father never cared about him, he was tortured by the stupid dragon god thing, thrust into a position in charge of a whole fucking country- and not a good one at that, forced to hunt down the girl he loved because of duty, and then forced to WATCH HER KILL HERSELF AND HIS CHILDHOOD BEST FRIEND and he had to keep going bc he has a whole fucking country to rebuild and hesperians to outplay
fuck all of the characters in these books are so haunted i love it and i hate it and i wish i'd never ever met them
and kitay...
i wanted so so so badly for him to live. i hate that he was so clearly helpless in the end. i knew that he loved rin and it was so glorious that he loved her but FUCK i didnt want him to end like this?!?,!;&:!:&:$. like... she was trynna kill him at the end. i thought hed die by jumping in front of an arrow for her or smtg 😭😭 we didnt even get to see much moments of them simply being best friends
"i cant help but love you" WHAT THE FUCK.
this is so unfair i feel so sick in the stomach i could vomit actually
the only person's death who i'm remotely at peace with is Rin's bc i anticipated it from the start and it was so cleary necessary, even though it was tragic. the whole thing with her spiralling at the end made me so sick in my stomach because i hated her briefly, but really i couldnt actually HATE her because shes rin and shes only twenty one (i just realised shes only SIX. SIX years older than i am) and shes been through so much fuck fuck fuck this stupid ass story i wish i never even had the ability to read. i want to hug rin and just stop time forever
a big part of me wishes that rin never tried to kill nezha at all, that she was completely sane (tho tbf, her going insane was totally warranted considering everything shes been through) and she had made some clever deal with the hesperians where she never used her powers ever again but not have to die and she could BE ALIVE with kitay and nezha but.... it makes sense that she dies (even though i hate that). it goes against her nature to live and bend to the hesperians, and her death would give nezha more credibility, and she probably wouldve gone even more batshit crazy having to act civilised and not wage another war... so
i dont even know what to say anymore it all happened so fast and i still cant accept it
the weirdest thing is that the people i feel most sorry for are the ones who are alive (which is not many, but still...): Nezha, first and foremost. 21 years old and he has to singlehandedly play politics in order to save a fractured country. agshjss i wish kitay could have lived to help him through it omfg
also chaghan. him and his people are going to be the only ones left who have access to the pantheon, but they'll probably have to go to war or submit to the hesperians aghhh and chaghan has to lead all that with HALF OF HIS SOUL FUCKING DEAD (rf kuang... i curse you)
also what the hell happened to Lianhua? :( poor girl is gonna get tracked by the hesperians aswell
ushshajshsjss i cant think anymore. im so fucking miserable ^^,
atleast i can look at fanart now :(
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godsofhumanity · 1 year
imagine Typhon is actually a good dad to his kids and a good husband?
SO. i have a lot of feeligns about typhon:
i am, as some people have recently heard, a big fan of the Orphic tradition where Typhon is created by Kronos.
but. given that Typhon is the ONE guy in myth who actually nearly is successful in killing Zeus (man literally ripped out his sinews, and probs would've succeeded if Zeus wasn't aided by the whole damn pantheon of Olympians, whereas Typhon was just one guy), i think that Kronos being the sole parent doesn't offer enough reason as to why Typhon was so strong.
so i think, the eggs were created by Gaia, and given to Kronos as a back-up plan in case Kronos and the Titans alone weren't enough to stop Ouranos. and since Ouranos was as powerful as a primordial himself, Typhon needed to be extremely powerful. so Typhon has Gaia's blood, and Kronos' blood, and that's what gives him an extra boost that other gods don't have.
and THEN, of course, Hera enters the picture, and i think by her directly causing Typhon's birth, she imparts a bit of her own strength to Typhon, and so now he has the rage of all three-- Gaia, Kronos, Hera. and that makes him terrifyingly strong.
so after Zeus finally beats Typhon, i think the only place there is left to send him is to Tartarus; that famous prison so dark and deep it was the only place strong enough to hold the Cyclopes, the Hecatoncheires, and later Ouranos himself too.
now, Typhon, as a character, i think his only real motivation in life is to be strong. so, when he got thrown down into Tartarus, from where there really is no escape, that would been so frustrating for him.
i don't think there any shackles in Tartarus... the prison itself is so endless, no one could escape even if they tried. so Typhon is pretty much free to roam around there aimlessly.
and for a long time, i think Typhon mostly just goes around crushing rocks and making a ruckus, and yelling insults to Zeus hoping that he can taunt him into a rematch.
but the prisoners of Tartarus aren't the only inhabitants that live there. i think Gaia had many other monster children with Tartarus after Ouranos, and i think Echidna is one of these kids.
and eventually she comes face to face with Typhon; this great big monster destroying her home, and i like the idea that they're both "punch first, ask later" kinda characters, so they just get straight into throwing punches.
but eventually, stuck in the same place, Typhon and Echidna grow together and become mates, as the myth describes.
and i think Echidna and Typhon are very happy together. i don't think either are "evil", but just.. untamed.
so yeah. i think Typhon is a good "husband" to Echidna. i think they work well together. i think they are true to each other. they don't have the same flaws that the Olympians have.. i think they aren't so easily tempted with the same material things the Olympians are. they're "undomesticated"? not sure how to describe what i mean here haha.
now of course, Typhon and Echidna have a wonderful brood of lovely monsters of all sorts of shapes and sizes. Orthrus, Hydra, Sphinx, and most famously, Cerberus.
something i've found strange is the way most of Echidna's kids end up "owned" by someone. like common animals. Cerberus is Hades' guard-dog, Orthrus too is a guard-dog for Geryon's cattle, the Sphinx is a guard of the Theban city gates, etc. but why are they all scattered across the world and not in Tartarus?
personally, i think that Zeus took away Echidna and Typhon's children because he feared they would be too strong/powerful, or would rise together against him. i don't think this would be out of character for Zeus.. he's always making iffy difficult decisions.
i don't think Typhon and Echidna get to spend much time with their kids. but i do think that both parents love and weep for their children bitterly.
i like the idea that at the end of the world, they're able to get their justice. but i shan't say more, because i'll go on a tangent about the apocalypse and what happens then.
anyways. sorry this was a bit gloomy lol. but yeah, i like Typhon and Echidna a lot. better than most of the Olympians anyway 😔
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♫ uhhhhhhhhh g-man???
easiest answer here is the distorted trumpets from half-life 2 that play when he shows up on the tv screens... HOWEVER if we're talking hlvrv g-man aka this fucker:
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art by year2000electronics btw then the song i associate with him is Blah Blah Blah by the Oozes (not from his perspective, from freeman's (yes pan i know you don't know what this means) main reasons i associate him w/ this are the repetition of "you've ruined the color blue for me" (his main color is a neon cyan blue) and the lyric "i'm surrounded by a deep dark sea" (freeman compares being stuck in the void that g-vrv controls to being underwater in the deep sea) lyrics that relate: Get out of there, you don't deserve that chair Take a seat elsewhere, you don't deserve that chair
You've ruined the colour blue for me I'm surrounded by a deep dark sea You've lied to us and honestly You've ruined the colour blue for me augh sorry this is so long but i have many thots and feeligns about this awful old man
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thecandywrites · 2 years
Kinktober Day 28- Begging
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This did not go how I thought I wanted it to go but it ended up being somehow so much better. Like it hit me in the feels. NGL. Enjoy
A billion and one thanks to @starsandskies for her Kinktober prompts. I only have 2 left. Day 29 and Day 30. Come on, the finish mark is there, everyone else has already crossed it and everyone already went home but damn it I will finish this so help me.
Kinktober Day 28- Begging
It was such a simple but powerful word. 
Depending on the tone, inflection, where and how it was said and who said it, made worlds of difference. 
But an honest, genuine, ‘please’. 
At first, all you were to each other were strangers. 
You had been caught in the crossfire when your village was raided. Your master killed, you and all those who served under the odious man were free. And while the raiding party were happy to take the plunder and the majority of the good food back with them. What was left of the master’s old house was nothing short of rubble. 
But still, you simply asked the leader for permission to look amongst it to scavenge what you could before you would go to where you had been taken from. 
It was that first please, that seemed to reach him. And he agreed to the request. 
You didn’t know why he did. He could have easily just kept you as his own slave. But no. He set you and the others free. And instead invited that if you wished to, you could follow him and his men back to camp and then back to his village from there. But only if you wanted to. 
You had gone back to the storehouse and simply gathered seeds to plant to make a new garden. You grabbed decent clothes from the master’s rooms and even took his lady’s good boots off of her feet as she laid dead beside him. Awful people that they were. 
And honestly, you didn’t have much of a home or family to go back to, let alone, know how to get there.
So after you had done gathering all that you wanted to and could think of to take. You had simply come back and stood, with your bags over your back, carrying everything you owned and had taken and claimed for yourself and waited for the others to either join you or go their own way. 
To your surprise, almost all of them soon joined you and were ready to follow your saviors anywhere else they wished to go. 
The leader seemed just as surprised as you were that you would choose to follow him and his men. But once everyone was gathered and ready, he set off for the campsite. 
Your feet were swollen and sore by the time you got there. But you had never been more happy to see a raiding camp. 
A huge wild boar was roasting on the spit and while the leader took the best cut of it. A simple ‘please’ form you, had him slicing off a whole leg for you and the others who had chosen to follow him, to share as your meal, which you were happy to have and made sure to say your thanks. 
It was dark and many of the other girls simply offered themselves in exchange for a spot in a warm bed that night. But the leader refused their requests but his other men did not and took any and all who were willing to come to their own tents. 
But you, you were content to be full for the first time in a long time. You were happy to be free but actually protected and you were happy to lay down on the ground, in front of the log that had once served as a spot for you to sit during dinner as the leader watched you closely out of the corner of his eye. 
The next morning, they were gone before you woke up, but you were now covered with a blanket as someone must have put it over you in the night because you didn't remember waking up to feelign cold. But they were all off to raid another nearby village and you insisted that everyone who had chosen to follow them at least try to make the camp better for when they returned. To at least try to gather more firewood, to try to forage for what you could. And clean the tents as best you could and even chose to take that opportunity to bathe in the nearby stream since it had been far too long since you all had bathed last. All of you were happy to finally get cleaned up and at least changed into new clothes, not knowing how much longer you would be staying here. 
Half of them came back about midday and had several deer that they were keen on dressing and roasting for dinner as you managed to rub a few spices you had taken from the kitchens on the carcasses at least so it would taste a little better. 
The leader came back, this time with others from the other village who had made that choice today that you and the others had made the day before. 
Once again, the others gave the same offers and pleas for shelter in the other tents. But you still did not. You were happy to stoke the fire and keep the deer roasting over the spit so it would cook evenly and not burn but not be raw either. 
The leader was happy with this. He was eager to carve out the tenderloins and back loins of the deer along with the roasted hearts and livers too to pile onto his platter of a plate before others took what they wanted, leaving the rest to those who had chosen to come here and find sanctuary with them. 
But while you ate enough to fill you, you had already put the toughest parts of the deer into a large pot with other vegetables and seasonings to slowly simmer in the embers overnight. 
And come morning, you and the others who were left there while the band once again left to raid another place. But at least this time, you had a good stew to pass out to everyone who stayed behind, as they were grateful for it. 
This went on for days. Before the leader had accumulated everything from all the surrounding villages and ordered for camp to be picked up and moved because you were going back to his own village. 
He looked behind him towards you often as he did, always making sure you stayed walking in the same spot in the group. 
You followed without complaint and walked on until you finally came to his village. Others in the village soon called out towards you and the others, gesturing to their large homes that they wanted or needed company to make their houses into homes. But you politely refused them all as you simply kept walking and kept following the leader, unsure as to why you were doing so. During this time, he did not look behind at you though, just kept his horse hauling his cart of the best of the spoils to- you weren’t sure where. 
When he finally did stop. You stopped just short of him and simply watched as he took the best of the best of what he had raided and offered them to someone higher up than him in his village’s hierarchy. But when they gestured towards you, he shook his head no and instead gestured to himself which you found interesting. 
“Please, follow me home if you do not wish to be taken as a bed slave by another who outranks me. You don’t have to be a bed slave for me. Just, cook for me or something.” He pleaded with you as he came to stand near you before you nodded in agreement and understanding.
Then he put you into the cart with his other things and brought you to his home before you readily helped him unload the spoils of his cart into his home. It wasn’t as big as you thought it would be. But it wasn’t as small as you feared either and with a little bit of communication, you were able to put what he wanted, where he wanted it.
Then he set up a cot like bed for you in the space that was his kitchen as it seemed he wished to keep you to simply cook for him. Which was a relief for you and something you were happy and content to do. You set up a little garden in the area around his home to plant the seeds you brought with you as he put up stakes to signify that you had planted things there and for the area to not be disturbed. 
From there, he gave you money to buy what you wanted and needed to supply his kitchen with food stuffs as you noticed he slowly but surely added to what was considered ‘yours’ in his home. Which you were happy to accept. You guessed it was ‘payment’ for your services of cooking for him and keeping what was his- clean and organized. 
You even made medicine for him as you learned it. And before long, you simply grew to enjoy each other’s company. It was less and less of a ‘servant and master’ dynamic. But that of a partnership, even as domestic as it was. But you never asked to share his bed, and he never asked you to do so either which was both a point of relief yet disappointment in many respects. 
By now, all those that had been freed with you were now very heavy with child. And everything you had planted in the ground around his home had sprouted, grown and produced fruitage to harvest. And while you were happy for them. You knew that they shared their homes with others. And they shared their lovers who made them so with other women they had in the house previously. 
However, one day another orc woman came and pushed you into the dirt, hard. She was mercilessly teasing you that you must have been barren and a very bad lover for the mighty Thrall to not even take you as his own. That all you were good for was to cook his meals and clean his house. And that if you were not going to give him a son, you needed to leave his house so another could. Because Thrall refused to take a mate into his home or to have a family of his own while you were in his house.  
But Thrall came to your rescue and had his horse practically run that other woman over and rebuked her for her jealousy and her mistreatment of you and demanded that she give all the goods on her person over to you to make up for the fragrant act of disrespect. Because you were a member of his household and he outranked her so therefore you outranked her in the clan. 
She tried to beg and plead for leniency and claim she only had his best interests in her heart because it was obvious you were barren and he deserved as many sons as he had fingers, which she was more than happy to provide for him if he would simply let you go and stop wasting his precious seed into the belly of a non orc woman. But he would not hear of it and instead became even more enraged. 
It was all that needed to be said as you put your hand to his wrist to keep him from beheading her right there in the market. And it seems that please was powerful enough to keep him still as he looked at you to explain why you were stopping him. 
So you went on to explain that if she was so desperate to give any warrior sons of equal orc heritage, she should keep that freedom to do so. And that she stood a greater chance of birthing many great warriors than you did and to cut her life short now would hurt the clan in the future. 
She had looked amazed yet humbled at her interference and happily took everything of value off of herself and handed it over to you and apologized for not seeing what Thrall had seen from the start in you. As for once, Thrall yielded, but only to you. 
You took the items from her and instead simply grabbed his hand once he resheathed his sword and returned to his home with him, avoiding his gaze as you did so as he put his horse in it’s little pasture before he came inside to see you moving at almost a frantic pace to get food prepared to go into the fire to cook. Then you pulled out your bag and set it on the cot and put what that woman had given you inside but did not return the bag to where it had been which made Thrall fear that the other woman’s words had reached you and feared you were now about to leave. 
“Please don’t go.” Thrall finally asked as he still just stood in the door way and stared at your bag still there on your cot as he watched and felt like he was going to be sick when you put everything else you wore with you over your own clothes into it too. 
“I wasn’t going to leave, not unless you want me to go.” You answered before you looked from him to your bag and back at him before you realized what this looked like and put the bag back under the bed before he relaxed. 
“No, I don’t want you to go.” He shook his head no. 
“Don’t let anyone else push you around or give you difficulties for being in my household.” He insisted. 
“I won’t.” You reassured him. 
“Please don’t make me beg.” He finally pleaded with you as he tried to walk away but found he could not take even a whole step away before he took three more into the kitchen towards you. 
“Beg for what?” You asked. 
“You.” He answered as you could see that he actually did want and desire you to the point of pain.
“Please. Spare me this torture. I can fight a thousand foes, I can slay a hundred other warriors and scream a warcry heard miles around. But, asking you to be my mate and my companion in life, I lose my voice. I lose my certainty and my willpower and my confidence. Being with you is like finding an oasis in the desert. It’s so peaceful and wonderful in this house but only because I share it with you. You leave this house to go to the market and I feel I should follow for fear another will snatch you off your feet and take you whether you want them to or not. What else do I need to do or give for you to love me? To even just, like me?” He asked as tears welled in his eyes before they fell. 
“Nothing. I didn’t know you wanted me. You never asked. So because you never asked I never did either. I thought you were happy and content with the way things were. I did not mean to hurt you or cause you pain. You have been exceedingly good to me. Why would I ever leave my savior?” You asked as you came and held his face in your hands and wiped his tears away with your thumbs as your own welled and then fell from your own eyes.
And before you knew it. He was kissing you like he had been hungering for you his whole life and had never been able to quench his hunger for you before. He touched you as if you were his most treasured possession and pushed and pulled at your garments as if they were foes between him and his body and you and yours before his own clothes got the same treatment from you before he was happy to finally lay you down in his bed to make love to you the way he had wanted to since the first moment he saw you. 
“Please, don’t stop.” You begged as you were so close to your own release you could feel your nerves start to crackle and your belly start to quake and your legs tightened around his waist like he was your own personal stallion. 
“Never.” He vowed as he kept up the hectic pace before you did not hold back in your cry of ecstasy as it bloomed within you while Thrall finally let his seed spill into the only garden he wished it to take root in. 
“Please, never stop loving me. And do not feel you need to resort to begging for me and my affection. Simply ask and I will give, all that I have and more.” You offered to him as you pressed your forehead to his as you shared a breath as you both basked in the afterglow. 
“Ok. Please. Sleep here from now on. And wear this in your hair, so everyone in the clan will know that you belong to me and only me, only because I belong to you and only you in turn.” He asked as he took his best bead from his hair and handed it to you before you braided it into your hair to his liking. 
“How do I look?” You asked. 
“Perfect.” He smiled before he kissed you again and started up on round two because you both felt that you both now had a lot of time to make up for.
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saltedsolenoid · 2 years
screenshots from kai's mini episode. it's literally all screenshots of gashu talking so don't get too excited
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whoops. youtube momet
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^repeating the words of which he's been told
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nankidai's good at showing emotion
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^a line from milfdori
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i have feeligns about this man. if you've read this far i'm gonna be genuine: i am considering adding him to my kinlist. especially with the way i'll be writing him in the gashudouin smut fanfic
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oh cool mr chidouin appearance. this one shows how his theatricality and uncaring attitude is an ACT
gashu is a man of many rhetorical questions and a horribly uptight facade. he doesn't use contractions much, save when he loses his temper, and has lost his heart almost entirely. he's devoted himself and lost himself in the act, he's only being manipulated. his vocabulary stands strong, and he doesn't change his way of speaking in reference to his audience. autism runs in the family.
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jsdgfsdf · 3 months
Also i rererererewatched tje mask last night that's probably an exaggeration i havent watched it THAT many times.. bc i was rereading the batmanforever novelisation and i realized i skimmed over the part where edward makes a pretty blatant quote reference and i was like hey isn't that a quote form the mask! lol Like i could hear it in my head too but i don't trust my memory half the time so i was like welp gonna have to rewatch it to make sure instead of just i don't know looking it up but then i'd be bombarded w images probably..look iok ironically i can't stand looking at him (the mask) it would be a lot easier just to watch the movie in which i can just do anything else when he's on screen as much as that's one of my favorite movies he gives me the same feelign as when im trying to draw and i just can't get anything right its bad i dont like it. And yeah quote confirmed basically so that's cool i like that
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anything-viva · 2 years
I'm glad your DM thought that idea was cool! Like imagine hearing the TikTok voice saying its going to release deadly neurotoxins into the room at random, and all you see on multiple screens is 🤪. It'd be like modern-day Saw lol. What's your dnd character like, if you don't mind me asking?
this is really disorganized aaaa
i'm playing a LG hummingbird aarakocra ranger (swarmkeeper, specifically) named beep! aarakocra names sound like bird calls, and well... that's what hummingbirds sound like, so beep's the name. he's 3ft tall and bright green, so many non-aarakocra don't take him seriously. they often assume he's a child but in reality he's middle-aged, divorced, and pays alimony. if he was a human he'd have a five o'clock shadow. beep's not a "grrr i hate my ex wife" kinda guy though- he doesn't hold any bad feeligns for his ex, they just weren't compatible in the long run.
his favored foe are robots (present party members excluded.) beep's planet has been mostly taken over by the gefunden family, who rule with an iron (literally) fist. the dense jungle beep calls home is one of the last places they haven't conquered. their robots began to appear frequently near the his town, once even harming other townsfolk. though beep doesn't hunt living things, he is an expert at taking down mechanical constructs like those robots.
for context, the current party members are: cipher (CN slimefox artillerist artificer) velore gefunden (CG frogman artificer-bard), max (chaotic dumbass tiefling NPC) and sevyn (TN android warlock). everyone's an adult, and although beep is mentally the oldest he's also the youngest by years. 15 is middle-aged for aarakocras.
beep's the default dad of the party. he's good-natured but so tired- the other party members are all highly chaotic and push his buttons. he just wants to go home and see his kids again but these dumbfuck children party members desperately need a good influence in their lives. velore is like a rebellious daughter to him, they occasionally get into shenanigans.
he's a religious man but not close-minded. he highly values nature (for religious and personal reasons) and gets quickly pissed off when it's disrespected. he also values community that religion provides, but he's got a 9 in charisma lololol. he will do almost anything to keep his party together, including ramming their tiny spacecraft into a heavily armored miltary spaceship to retrieve lost party members
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joculatrixster · 2 years
it confounds me how ppl can see link as a frat boy when this man is so clearly a theater kid throughout most of his lives it hurts and when he’s NOT he is very very obviously one of the weird kid tms that ate bugs 
#listen its hard to look for good zelda fics then yall write a linka s like. an immature middle school white boy#pls for the love of god understnad link has shown to be a stubborn and combative but also silly compassionate and empthetic#link would not bully anyone eles or tease them for obvoius insecurties no link would push someone's boundaries too hard or be discrimanatig#i mean FUCK oot link had every reasoin to hate the gerudo yet litterly is a gerudo! he fuckign befriended them and nabooru#multipel links have cross dressed or wear very femnmine clothing! multiple links are gnc or have gnc friends!#mmost of them were litterly children when they started their jounery and thsoe that were not have faught beside or know a powerful child#they would fuckign not baby a yougner link! theyd support him and be portectiver sure but not baby#ok this is jsut me rantign about lu characterzation huh#i have Many Issues w/ the way the au portrays the links tho msot of it is amplified by how the fandom here dadopted thsoe quirks#could write a whole eassy on how other simular aus somehow can avoid makign them all so painfully nerytypical cishet white boys but yeah#rant#rant over nowe#mod trix#if i ever sghre my own link hcs when i amke stuff for the zeldas i need u all to udnerstand#links would never be so fucking annyoing or bland as lu or some lu fics#dont get me wrogn some lu fics and fans make them so very perfect but the source matrial of the au is clearly not where they got these idea#i have so many feeligns on link as a character and how differnt yet simualr every link is dont test me
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lumiilys · 6 years
You know just when I think V haters can’t say anything more stupid they somehow manage to pull it off and say something even more idiotic than before.
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brekker-by-brekkerr · 2 years
okay this is way late but, as promised, my thoughts on the portwell breakup in episode 7: 
First, to all the people saying Portwell was only ever meant to be a distraction, that it was never meant to be an endgame relationship, why all the buildup, then? Why put all that work into a relationship that doesn’t mean anything? If they really wanted Portwell to be a mid-game ship, they could have given them a few cute moments, but they wouldn’t have gone to the level of buying a plane ticket for the other, stepping in to save the day on multiple occasions, giving Gina an entire rom-com episode experience to help her realise her feeligns for EJ, the fricking couch scene, so many little things between them. Consider the fact that Rina was originally written as a distraction. Yes, plans change, but don’t act like Portwell never had any standing, when it was planned before Rina was planned to go anywhere, and it seems like at the time they were planning for Rini endgame. Maybe the writers aren’t going with Portwell endgame now, who knows, but I’m tired of people saying it was stupid to ship Portwell because they were never going to be endgame when Rina wasn’t always in the picture.
Second, the couch scene. Go back and watch that scene. I know we’ve all been saying EJ and Gina have been out of character from season 2 but when you watch that scene it’s like, these aren’t even the same people. This scene has been talked about a lot for how good it is so I won’t dive into that, but I want to talk about the implications that scene would have for EJ and Gina with the college situation.
Look, I’ve known people who were a year or two ahead of their high school S/O and stayed together when one went off to college while the other was still in school. Some of those relationships have broken up. But I know some people who have stayed together. To be able to stay together when you’re both living very different lives, you have to be able to empathize with each other and connect despite the differences in your lives. Which is exactly what happened in the couch scene in season 2. When EJ talks about having his life planned out for him, Gina says she can’t really relate. But they still connect in that moment and are able to understand each other. They both work to understand the other, they both listen, they’re COMMUNICATING SO WELL, which is what this season is trying to tell us they can’t do when we know they can. The two of them work so well as a team because they know how to be in sync, even when they’re going through different experiences. They’re each other’s support systems. They’re a literal power couple. 
Additionally, EJ is planning on taking a gap year. So that would only be one year of him in college and her in high school, which is the same problem R*na will run into.
Now, onto the breakup. I still feel pretty suspicious because why would they have her say “two different summers” when that’s a camp rock 2 song about mitchie and shane, who got back together at the end of the movie. Also, we haven’t had them say I love you so I’m hoping for an “I love you” from EJ next episode. We’ll see what happens.
Anyways, Gina’s feelings are valid. Of course, after all the instability in her life she would want something stable. Of course, it would have been nice if these feelings were built up over the season, but still. The thing we can’t overlook, though, is that Gina’s mom never really fought for her future, but EJ is fighting. He’s fighting so hard for their future, for them to be more than a maybe. It’s so messed up to break them up over this, especially when R*na could be in the EXACT SAME POSITION in a year. Especially when things wouldn’t be a maybe in like one day if the show is a success.
If they had built-up Gina’s feelings about wanting stability in her future all-season, if they had naturally shown EJ’s life going down a different path and wanting to move away and do different things, if we had seen EJ not wanting to do all the camp things because he was starting to feel older and more separate from it (which would be kind of wack bc he’s only 18 not an adult-adult, but whatever) and not just because he has other responsibilities, if they had naturally led to a Portwell breakup in a way that still honoured the characters and their established relationship (that’s been building for three seasons), I could maybe get on board with it. It would be pretty heartbreaking to see two characters who value ambition and going after what you want realizing they both want to go two different directions and it’s time to separate. I still think they could work as a long-distance relationship, but I wouldn’t mind a breakup like that. But with how the show’s being written, it doesn’t make me want to root for R*na. Not when I know if EJ wasn’t being forced to deal with all these responsibilities, he would be the one with Gina in all these scenarios. He would be throwing his all into everything. Ghost hunting in the woods. Color Wars. Every little thing, he would try to make it the best ever. Ricky being there and being nice while EJ isn’t there because of something he didn’t want (the responsibility of directing a show)? That’s not something I’m going to root for. That’s just Ricky doing the bare minimum. Yeah he’s cute but he’s not exactly “better” for Gina, he’s just there. 
Saying Portwell was always going to break up because of their age difference is a slap in the face to all the people with the 1-2 year age gap where one of them is in high school and the other graduated. And saying the breakup is valid because Gina’s feelings are valid doesn’t work, because the breakup still doesn’t make sense.
TLDR; if they wanted to break up Portwell and make R*na a relationship to root for, this wasn’t the way to do it.
I just hope things end in a satisfying way during the finale.
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Four years ago, when CoG was released, I remember people giving shit to Rowling and Yeates because they didn’t make grindeldore explicit at the time. 
I and some other people kept saying that we believed we’d get a more open admission of Dumbledore’s feelings, if not of both, in due time and that it didn’t make sense for Albus to just openly tell ministry officials that he and Dumbledore were in love.
After this movie, while many are very excited over the Grindeldore scenes, I’ve seen many haters of the franchise say that Dumledore is too open about his feelings for Grindelwald and it doesn’t make sense for a gay man at that time. 
For starters: If we go for cold realism, it would have been as anachronistic in CoG. The fact that the arguments about not enough explicit reresantation and about too open representation coming from the same people is ridiculous at this point. Just say you want to hate on the movie no matter what and go.
In terms of actual counterarguments, I have two.
The lazy argument: The Wizarding World we see as much more inclusive of women and of other races, compared to the muggle societiy of the time. It could also be more open to people with different sexualities.
The actual argument: In this case, it doesn’t matter if the Wizarding World is or isn’t inclusive. Even if it isn’t, Dumbledore is not as open about his feeligns as the haters are claiming. One of the times he mentions his feelings, it’s to Grindelwald himself. Then, it’s only to the Scamanders. Newt already knows about the blood troth and Dumbledore trusts him. His openness to Theseus is a strategic move. He wants to convince Theseus to join the mission without knowing the plan, and he knows that the guy is a ministry man who has a heart of gold but is not trusting and does not like walking into situations blind. He had to explain to Theseus why he was recruiting them and not acting himself (so he showed him the blood troth) and when he was asked about the reason it was made, it was preferable to offer some honesty in exchange for loyalty, instead of Theseus possibly sensing a lie and walking out on them. In fact, this fragile trust they built in this scene is exactly why, after the blood troth has been broken, it’s Theseus who asks Dumbledore to promise that he’ll go after Grindelwald. The writing makes sense and it did not feel inauthentic. 
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calliecat93 · 3 years
In all seriousness, regardles sof if you like him or hate him, I don’t think there’s any doubt that Ironwood’s character arc and ultimate downfall were one of the best written character pieces int he whole show. I still remember back in Volume2 and 3 where we all were unsure how to feel about him. He had his good moments like complimenting Ruby for her heroics and his utter badasser at the end of Volume 3... but he also essentially stabbed Ozpin in the back and his stubbirness and pride regardign Atlas and military right was storng from the get-go. Then in Volume 4 since they only had him around when Jaques was, who by all accounts was FAR more detestable, Ironwood looked even better... until the very end when he locked down the borders and made it clear that he had learned nothing. For three straight volumes, the writers made sure to keep tipping the scales. There were so many questionable moments with Ironwood that raised plenty of red flags, but he had just enough sympathetic moments like talking to Glynda about feeling like Oz won’t trust him and sympathizing with Yang evenfi he still disqualified Team RWBY to make him likable and make it plausible that he COULD still become better.
Even in Volume 7 it continued. His actions such as causing Mantle to suffer and his growing paranoia again raised a ton of flags and they were growing a lot harder to justify. But at the same time he had a plan that COULD work in place and with his clear trauma and the whole situation being as tough as it is, one could allow some sympathy. When he finally listened, opened up tot he Council and Robyn, and began evacuations for Mantle as well as fighting Watts, it seemed like he FINALLY did it. He finally learned from his mistakes. he’s finally being the hero that he presented him as. He made a Hell lot of mistakes that need reconciling, but he was now ont he right path. Things were finally, FINALLY going right with him...
Until he saw that chess piece.
With that, the house of cards came tumbling down. Ironwood reverted right back to his worst urges, except this time to the point of no return. His plan to raise Atlas was already insane, but how he coldly confirmed that yes, he knew that he was sentencing Mantle to death. It was a horrible, horrible thing even fi one could find the stream of logic to it. But that wasn’t what ultimately sealed his fall. In the end it was when he snapped at, and then show down, Oscar and in turn Ozpin. That moment was him rejecting the only person left who was willing to reason with him. The last stream of his councious. In the end, he decided to succumb to his paranoia and self-delusion that he is right, and shot at a teenaged boy who had done nothing to him except try to help him. That was the point of no return.
All through Volume 8, he hit low after low. Killing Councilman Sleet simply to shut him up. Having Watts infect Penny with the virus, not caring at all about her life. After all to him,s he’s just another robot under his control, why should he? All throughout he is clearly unhinged with no one either able to or too afraid to do anythign against him less they get a bullet to the brain. Then in Chapter 10 he not only has clear murderous intentions for Qrow, but he decides to bomb Mantle to force Penny to surrender herself... and in the very next chapter decides to do it whether she agrees or not. Yes, Ironwood is willing to kill an entire city just to have the vault opened, and hoenstly I think there’s also a lot of petty spiteful reasons as well. Spite against Penny for going against his control. Against the heroes for turning against him for Mantle. Against Mantle for always seeming to be a problem, one that he can now eliminate for good. Then when Marrow decides that he’s had enough and quits, Ironwood is fully prepared to shoot him and it’s only Winter’s quick actions that saves him. Even though Marrow didn’t even tryt o strike Ironwood, the general decided to kill him just for calling him out.
Throught the entire series, CRWBY played a very careful juggling game with Ironwood’s character. They made sure to keep giving Ironwood enough good and bad moments where him going down either path was possible. But they also made sure to keep every questionable moment more and more difficult to justify until byt he end of Volume 7, there were none left. Then in V8 it’s low after low, culminating him everyone who stood by him either dying or turning against him in one form or another. Even Winter, who supported him depsite her own feeligns because of how much the military helped her after escaping Jaques, decided enough was enough and turned on him. The only person that Ironwood trusted at that point left him, and he’s too blinded by his own delusions to understand why. Even at the very end he refuses to acknowledge his wrongs, claiming that everyone else is ungrateful for the length he’s gone. There was no hope left for him at that point. Just to cement it further when Winter gets the Maiden powers, he tries to take credit for it as the original destiny he chose for her. You know... the one where he would have made her kill an elderly woman and didn’t eally give her a true choice in AND still putting down Penny who was more human that he could have ever dreamed if being.
Winter soundly defeats him and leaves him there. And it is only here, where he is on the ground unable to do anything except raise his gun. Here where Cinder emerges with the Relics and hands them to Salem right before Ironwood’s eyes. Here where both women ignore him until the very end, where Cinder declares Checkmate, that Ironwood finally realizes that no, he’s not the hero. He’s the fool who played right into Salem’s hands, just as the heroes tried to tell him. But now? There’s nothing to be done. Atlas is falling. The portals are gone. There is not a soul left int he kingdom who can or would even want to help him. The only thing that Ironwood succeeded in was creating his own grave. He repeatedly failed ot learn from his mistakes. He failed to listen tot hose who genuinely wanted to help him. He failed in being any sort of hero. And while one could blame Salem and Cinder for ultimately pushing him down the dark path for good, his decisions are his own. He has no one to blame for Atlas’ downfall, nor his own, except or himself. All that he can do is lower his gun and lay there in utter despair as everything comes crashing down. Literally. And all that he’ll be remembered as is a tyrant who sacrificed everyone around him with cold aloofness. As a reminder of what a hero should never be.
It was such a brilliantly done arc. Ironwood is detestable, but he is also one of the best written characters in RWBY. They played the long game, moving him step by step in the direction that they wanted, but leaving just enough space to leave us questioning what will happen. And yet, the path is still clear. We saw so many chances where Ironwood could have made a change for the better, but he decided not to. And it was perfectly in-character for him not to. The dark aspects of his personality were there since Day One, we just didn’t see how bad it could truly be until these past two volumes. Love him or hate him, the writing for Ironwood was extremely well done and applause to CRWBY for all of it. It was executed absolutely perfectly.
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gustingirl · 3 years
this is so depressing but i remember you saying you love doing a whole ass love triangle member thing so… how would the boys react to you cheating on them with someone in the band? or how would they react if they liked/loved another bandmate’s partner? - 🪐
i don't know if i love it or i just did it so many times it just became my thing lmao
if you cheat on them with someone in the band:
josh: truly heartbroken, would not be able to look at you and whoever you cheated with the same way anymore. he would become nonverbal instantly, lock himself from the world and would not be himself for a long time.
sam: first instinct is to get mad, will probably first yell at whoever you cheated with and then to you. he would too close himself from the world, even from the others who weren't involved. i feel sam would think everybody is against him so he would literally be on his own.
jake: i don't know why i see him getting physical first with whoever you cheated with. he too would be heartbroken but mad, not like josh. he wouldn't physically fight you, but he would yell at you everything he feels. i see him saying things he later will regret, like calling you names and such (sam would too, but i fear he wouldn't regret them).
danny: would be super heartbroken too, not closing himself but becoming very cold. he would have a tremendous attitude switch that would have everybody concerned about it. he wouldn't get mad at whoever you cheated with but the pain would be so evident it could break anybody's heart.
if they fall for another member's partner (you):
sam: would feel terrible but would proceed to be with you, let himself fall more for you. like i don't see him feelign bad about having those feelings, and i truly see him committing the mistake of not talking with such member. like the outcome would be terrible, but they would all find out after he makes a mistake.
josh: would let those feelings eat him out until he can't take it anymore. i feel like he's driven by impulse so i see those feelings killing him so badly that he one day acts upon them when you two are in private. basically i see him acting before talking.
jake: the opposite to josh, i see him talking before acting. i imagine he would be lowkey proud of his feelings but would be so terrified of the member (your boyfriend) that he would change his attitude around him. when those feelings become too suffocating, i see jake sitting you down, opening up his heart for you and proceeding to kiss you.
danny: i feel danny would deny those feelings at first, trying hard to swallow them and so he would avoid you a lot. but when things get too hard to deny, he would finally admit his defeat, however he would share his feelings first with your boyfriend, or with the two of you present. he would, though, let him know danny can't truly change his feelings and that he hopes nothing bad happens, but he would mark a before and after with his statement.
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