#i have so much opm art that i posted a year ago and want to redraw now šŸ’€
coolicywind Ā· 2 years
yeah I'm definitely going to redraw this with my current art abilities LMAOOO šŸ˜©āœŒļø
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scary-senpai Ā· 2 years
So, my friend Johnā€”who, despite being my muse & all-around second brain when it comes to writing OPM fic and meta stuffā€”has been anime only until recently. A few weeks ago, he decided to binge read the whole thing in three days (mostly so he could support me in my hyper-fixation projects).
John started roughly around the time when the ā€œDr. Saitamaā€ scene was retconned, so he was coming to me with a lot of questions/observations when I was reeling with a lot of Feels.Ā 
Weā€™ve pretty much agreed to disagree on Garouā€™s character, although of course my opinion is the best one. Because my love language is benign mischief, one of our conversations took the form of Benevolent & Consensual Trolling. He started teasing me, and I couldnā€™t resist teasing him back, Godfather-style. >:)
At this point, John is up to the martial arts tournament so he still hadnā€™t reached any new material yet. But here on Team Manga + WC, weā€™re reeling with emotional whiplash and questioning everything we thought we knew about where the story was going.
Friend: oh my God, Garou is the absolute worst.
Me: We have known each other for many years, but this is the first time youā€™ve come to me about the manga for counsel or insight. I canā€™t remember you even mentioning the manga, even though youā€™ve had my Shonen Jump password for months. But letā€™s be frank here. You never wanted my opinion. And you feared to be spoiled.
Friend: heā€™s dumb and his point is dumb.
Me: I understand. You found paradise in the anime, you had a good laugh, you saw some good fight scenes. There were sales and the risk of leukemia was low-to-moderate.
Friend: ā€¦Iā€¦ wait, what? Leukemia? Where did that suddenly come from?
Me: There was no radiation poisoning, and you didnā€™t need a friend like me. But now you come and you say ā€œCa-Chan Garou, why are you like this?ā€ But you donā€™t ask with respect. You donā€™t offer me friendship. You donā€™t even think to read my blog posts. You come into my house on the day my blorboā€™s character arc is to be retconned and you ask me to explain Garouā€™s characterā€”without giving away spoilers!
Friend: His actions are erratic and confusing.
Me: That is not confusing, that is character development.
Friend: [[gives side-eye]]
Me: Look, you just have to keep reading the manga, okay? A lot of important stuff happens right after the shack scene, especially in terms of Garouā€™s character development.
Friend: I dunno... Iā€™ve never read the manga for any of the shows I watchā€¦ I just worry it would spoil the anime.
Me: [[turns away in frustration]]
Friend: soā€¦ likeā€¦ is Garou just crazy, orā€¦?
Me: [[cold silence]]
Friend: Iā€™ll take that as a yes, then. Heā€™s just crazy.
Me: John-senpai, what have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully? If youā€™d simply read the chapters I sent you, youā€™d be playing OPM-Bingo with us this very day. And if by chance an honest man like yourself misread a few manga panels, then your headcanons would become my headcanons. And then, we could be wrong together.
Friend: ā€¦youā€™re really gonna go out of your way to make this conversation weird, huh?
Me: I am incapable of making conversation that is un-weird.
Friend: Point.
Me: Some day, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to record a podfic with me. But until that day, consider this a gift because oh my god I have so many feelings about where this story is going and youā€™re the only one who understands meā€”
Me: [[proceeds to DM 10+ blog posts about Garouā€™s character arc whilst carefully cropping out spoilers]]
Again, heā€™s benevolently trolling me with my consent because I trust him, and, you know, riffing off of each other to write silly things is just how our brains work best. I wouldnā€™t entertain the same thing from other people. If this were coming from, say, an internet stranger, I probably would have asked a rhetorical question (ā€œCan I lovingly ask why you come to me with this, when Iā€™ve explained multiple times that this is my favorite character?ā€) and politely ended the conversation from there.
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derushii Ā· 4 years
Hello! I just got into the opm fandom this year and really want to take part in the community. I want to create fanart but I only ever posted art on my personal instagram. I want to create more fluff, or fanfic inspired pieces. I have a twitter and tumblr account, but mostly to like other users art. Should i make just a new tumblr account, a twitter one, or both? Should i not care and just post all my opm fanart on my personal insta? Your advice would be much appreciated!
Hiii! And WELCOME to the fandom!! I joined like 4 months ago and it is a wonderful place!
Ok, I would recommend do the option that makes you more comfortable. If you like your current twitter/tumblr user name you can begin using those, but if you want to start *fresh* (I know that feeling, like, a new start, a new beginning, something like that) you can create new ones.Ā 
I created a twitter and a tumblr specifically to start posting opm fanart online. I created them with an username that I felt comfortable using.Ā 
I donā€™t know about instagram, Iā€™ve never used it so Iā€™m not sure about the community in there, but if itā€™s a personal one, and you have posted your family or personal photos, have in mind that a lot of people will start seeing them. Iā€™m guessing it doesnā€™t bother you since you said youā€™ve been posting your art in there right?Ā  Anyways, tldr.: Use your current twitter/tumblr accounts IF you already like your username and feel comfortable in those accounts. Create new ones if you would like to create a new username that will let people refer to you and recognize you online.Ā 
Hope that helped a little?Ā šŸ˜… Have a good day/night!Ā šŸ’–
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joyandeggs Ā· 5 years
9 15 16
Another big warning for huge paragraphs of texts that I rambled in. But thank you so much for the ask. ā¤
9. Favorite anime child
Interesting question! My favorite would have to be Zenko from One Punch Man, off the top of my head. ā¤ I really like Child Emperor and Tareo, too. Hm...who else... Oh! Tenga from Mob Psycho!! šŸ’“ There's also Mob of course, Tome, MUSASHI, and all the Body Improvement Club. So many good kids in that series. There's also Gon and Killua. I do love those two.
15. Anime you never get sick of watching
I would have to say One Punch Man, honestly. I never ever get tired of watching it over and over again. It's one of those series that I will see a million times over and I will still laugh so hard and get too excited over scenes and characters, even if I basically memorized the whole series at this point. šŸ˜Œā¤ And I guess I should say Hunter x Hunter? I'll rewatch episodes/scenes with Shoot and Knuckle whenever I have the need to see and hear them again. I do enjoy watching hxh as a whole though. And for nostalgia, I'll go with Pokemon. ā¤
16. Ten best animes you have watched
One Punch Man - About a year ago from now, back last November, I found this series at the most perfect time. I actually got into OPM as a senior in high school, but I only watched the first episode and accidentally lost it for years after I graduated, and that was...four years ago? A friend at the time introduced me to it, but I literally just...lost it by accident. It wasn't until I saw this specific panel of Metal Bat in a tumblr post with Kenshiro and other characters (who I will recognize now right off the bat!!) that made me rediscover it! ā¤
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Which is absolutely crazy to think about now. I cannot believe seeing Badd helped me find my favorite show again after losing it, and now I will keep it in my heart forever. I just love this series too much. Just...so many great things associated with this series makes me love it even more, too. A few big things being that I found my best friend through it, and I have gotten so much better physically and creatively through my art. ā¤ā¤ā¤ So...a huge thanks to a character I instantly loved without even knowing who he was, and a character I absolutely adore.
Hunter x Hunter - This series was something that...I really did not realize how much I was going to love it. I just took a chance and watched it back in March, and now it is one of the best things I have in my life. It's up there with One Punch Man with how special it is to me. ā¤ And of course...it's so special to me because I found someone like Shoot in it, along with so many other good characters. I know I constantly talk about Shoot, but he really does help me everyday, I would never be able to explain properly. I feel like this series as a whole, along with Shoot, were things I didn't know that I needed in my life, and I could not have found them at a more perfect time.
Fist of the North Star - This is actually the first anime I ever watched as an adult, if you don't count Dragon Ball like most people do? But I would have never heard of this series if it wasn't for Joel from Vinesauce. He talked about it so much that I told myself "I have to check this out." Literally loved it to death by the first episode. It got me hooked instantly. This series actually made me incredibly emotional, I just loved Kenshiro so much. If it wasn't for this series, I wouldn't have wanted to get into anything else! This helped me find my way to OPM and JoJo and everything else, especially all of the old stuff. (I just love 80s and 90s anime too much! But that's been a given ever since I was a baby. ā¤)
Mob Psycho 100 - After getting into One Punch Man, I for sure wanted to get into Mob Psycho. I knew that I was going to love it before I even thought about watching and reading it, and I did. I absolutely love it. Seriously, what a fantastic series.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Another series that Joel encouraged me to get into because he talked about it so much. It really got me curious, especially while watching his old streams playing Eyes Of Heaven and the old JoJo RPG, playthroughs which I love a lot but had no idea what was happening back then. (After watching the show I'd rewatch them and just be like !!!!! I love it even more now I understand! LOL) I remember last December just watching Part 1, 2, and the beginning of 3 all from my phone since I was without a computer for months. A very happy memory. Then I spent the beginning of this year watching Part 3 and 4, and I absolutely loved it. The whole series is so fun to watch. It really was an adventure. ā¤ I still need to watch Part 5! I just haven't gotten around to it.
Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z - (Both of these go in their own spot together!) The Dragon Ball series is really first series I ever fully got into, along with the only anime I've ever watched completely. (A lot of people don't count DB as an actual anime since it's in the same category as Sailor Moon and Pokemon? But anyway) I associate the series with the summer of 2017 because I really wanted to get into it after so many years, and my friend was nice enough to lend me his account to watch it all the way through. Stayed up all day and night the entire summer break from college to watch it, I was so exhausted during that year. It brings back good memories though. šŸ’“
Cowboy Bebop - Bebop holds a special place in my heart because it is just such a good series, but also because of my significant other. Corin absolutely adores Cowboy Bebop. He loves Spike, he loves Steve Blum, and he loves the entire series on its own. I have such good memories of just lounging around at his house and watching it.
One Piece - Even though I have a long way to go until I catch up to nine hundred episodes (!!!) I adore One Piece. šŸ’“ I got attached to the main crew right away, and I love the story! So, so good.
Bleach - Another series I have good memories with because of Corin. We would watch it over at his house whenever I started getting into different anime last year, and just stay up late cuddled up to the tv together with it. I enjoy the series! It makes me think of what I missed out on in the 2000s growing up, but I'm happy I get to watch all of these now as an adult. It's really nice.
Initial D - Okay, the reason I put this on the list is because I absolutely love older anime. But I really do like Initial D a lot. It's something I'll watch on and off whenever I'm sleepy and need something on tv to relax to. It's a lot of fun to watch. I'm pretty sure I've fallen asleep watching episodes before.
(Honorable mentions are Rurouni Kenshin, Yu Yu Hakusho, City Hunter, and so many more older ones that I really need to finish watching from the beginning.)
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linesporadic Ā· 5 years
Hi, Iā€™ve loved opm since season one came out and always used to look on google pictures for fanartists drawing opm haha. Ive never had a tumblr until yesterday and I refound your page ( I always used to see your art and love it ). Even after being first introduced to your art online ( maybe two years ago? ) it still makes me smile. I think youā€™re one of the people that made me want to start drawing! Thank you from the bottom of my heart šŸ’–šŸ’–
Thank you!!! Sometimes I look up refs on google and end up seeing my own stuff I didnā€™t know if that was just me or why it shows up so much hahah. OTL
Iā€™m really happy to hear you enjoy it and that itā€™s inspired you somehow! I hope you have fun drawing, it can be really cathartic and a great way to express your enjoyment visually. =9
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I mostly have tags for my OPM AUs, but not for the MP100 ones because I barely spend more than one or two posts on each, hah.
For the ole OPM AUs I usually tagged them as consistently as I could remember as follows:
virus!verse (Genos-as-a-villain AU + Disabled Saitama)
genesis!verse [or] genesis (Genos-based-medical-bot AU)
speed!verse (Genos-as-Sonicā€™s-disciple AU)
demon!verse (Genos-as-a-halfmonster-child AU)
egg-jr (Saitama-has-a-son AU)
Aside from that I can only recommend looking at the tags and if any of them reads xyz-AU, clicking that one tag is the best way to check if thereā€™s any other posts pertaining to that AU!
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dokkaebiking Ā· 4 years
I Am But a Humble Cryptid...
...but I was actually tagged to do a thing, and Iā€™m very happy to have a pleasant distraction from all the bullshit thatā€™s happening in the world/my life right now ā™„
Tagged by: @joeys-piano rules: answer 30 questions and tag however many blogs you want!
name: Tavis (still havenā€™t been able to afford to make it my legal name, but itā€™s my name whether legal documents think so or not D:< Feel free to call me Tav!)
gender: Cryptid. No but really, what the fuck even is gender anymore? Iā€™m transgender, in the nonbinary department, but itā€™s easier to just tell people Iā€™m a man so I go with that as a default. More in the agender territory though, with masucline leanings, and my pronouns are he/him and they/them. Either or work.
star sign: Taurus, and Iā€™m very much like my star sign. Just wants peace and comfort, sorta stubborn (over dumb things, usually), likes food, and Iā€™m a big guy so I intimidate people by just existing. I could be staring into space and freak someone out, itā€™s weird...
height: 5ā€²11ā€³, or 180 cm. Does not help my case ofĀ ā€œintimidating by doing absolutely nothingā€, let me tell you...Iā€™ve learned to capitalize on it, though, and work security these days į••( į› )į•—
time:Ā 6:36pm mountain time, currently.
birthday: April 22, 1989. I...am oldĀ (į“€ į“€)
favorite band:Ā Not sure I have one, really? The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, theyā€™re pretty good. Iā€™ll forever love Evanescence, fight me. And, hmmm, I dunno, Panic! At the Disco? That still counts as a band, right? Oh! Breaking Benjamin is amazing. Really, I tend to just like single albums, or a song or two, so bands in general arenā€™t favorites of mine, but I suppose the ones I mentioned are ones Iā€™m fond of, at least.
favorite solo artists: GACKT, Daughtry, and, I dunno, the Me of several years ago, before I started T injections, who could hit those high notes that my cracking voice no longer can achieveĀ  ā˜†āŒ’(悝怂āˆ‚)
last movie: GIVEN The Movie. WATCH IT. IT WAS SO GOOD. @ladyxxdaydream knows what Iā€™m talking about!
when did I create this blog: 2013? Or maybe 2012? Around that time.
what i post: Shit like this, where I got tagged lmao. Also art and fanfic, but none of my work would really be considered popular in any of the fandoms I contribute to, so I donā€™t really see my work as evenĀ ā€˜postsā€™, and more like me just chucking things I occasionally make into the void.
last thing i googled:Ā Fujiwara Keijiā€”cause I was watchingĀ ā€œDevil and Realistā€ and heard his voice, and then got hit with emotions cause I had the faint recollection that something had happened to him, googled him, and yup I was reminded that he died last year. Talk about a punch to the gut, remembering that out of the blueĀ (ą²„ļ¹ą²„)
other blogs: I technically donā€™t have any other blogs, but Iā€™m a mod for @one-ace-manā€‹Ā 
do I get asks?: Very rarely, but when I do itā€™s usually from a mutual whom I love and cherish them for humoring my want to fill out ask memes.
why I chose my url: A billion years ago I wanted to spite the antis in the OPM fandom who had it out for the Asexual fans in the fandom, so I tookĀ ā€œCaped Baldyā€ and made it intoĀ ā€œCaped Aceā€, just to really rub it in. And basically say, ā€œFUCK (ļ¾‰ą²„ē›Šą²„)ļ¾‰ OFFā€. I also really loved superheroes like Batman and such at the time (still do, but not as much), so it worked on another level for me. Now, neither of these things are really my focuses, but while Iā€™ve been considering a name change for awhile, for the time being it sure has stuck around ā˜†ļ½ž('ā–½^äŗŗ)
following:Ā 425
number of followers:Ā 829, and hoping most of those are real people and not bots.
instruments:Ā The only thing I ever got any training on, before life flipped me the bird and told meĀ ā€œfuck you, you donā€™t have the time or money to learn an instrumentā€, was the keyboard/piano. Always wanted to learn cello and/or violin, but again, no money for that. Drums was something I was very interested in and took a percussion class during middle school, but AGAIN, could never afford official lessons or the equipment so, right alongside everything else, I just never learned.
what am i wearing:Ā Oversized pink hoodie that saysĀ ā€œIā€™M TIREDā€ on it, surrounded by roses (itā€™s a mood, okay), and khaki joggers that make me look like a hobo but are at least comfortable.
dream job:Ā An overnight security position in a cemetery/graveyard. Legit. Sign me the fuck up for thatā€”I wanna walk patrol a dark, empty area thatā€™s spooky as hell, and thereā€™s no one alive around me that Iā€™ll have to perform customer service to.
dream trip: Iā€™ve wanted to go to Japan for a billions years, but also Ireland would be amazing, and any place with amazing temples/historical sites I could see and/or explore respectfully.
favorite foods: I love all kinds of curry. Japanese, Indian, Thaiā€”if itā€™s curry I love it and will eat the fuck outta it. This one Thai place in Hillcrest (San Diego, CA) had the spiciest and most delicious curry, and they made these things called Curry Puffs, which I would sell a kidney right now for.
favorite song:Ā This is an impossible question to answer įƒš(ą² _ą²  įƒš)
nationality: Caucasian. White as fuck. Mayonnaise with a side of sour cream.
last book I read:Ā If light/webnovels count, then Omniscient Readerā€™s Viewpoint. I havenā€™t finished it yet, Iā€™m milking it for as long as I canā€™t because I donā€™t want it to end, but god damn itā€™s so good...no wonder itā€™s loved by so many people in and outside Korea ā•°(*Ā“ļø¶`*)ā•Æā™” Might re-read TCF for the third time, but the KR fandomā€™s shenanigans towards international fans on twitter lately has made me take a step back from TCF for the time being. SMPU (What Happens When the Second Male Lead Powers Up) is very quickly becoming a favorite of mine, even if the only way I can read it right now is on Ridibooks using Google Translate, which is...not ideal, but itā€™s better than nothing!
top 3 fictional universes I would like to live in:Ā Pokemon for sure. The Cat Returns (oh to live as a cat in the cat kingdom, and dance at the cat ball with the Baron, voiced by Cary ElwesĀ  (*Ė˜ļø¶Ė˜*).ļ½”.:*ā™”). And any of those crazy universes that KR webnovels exist in, be it like SMPUā€™s world thatā€™s from a romance novel, or Solo Leveling, which is the whackyĀ ā€˜life became like a dungeon crawler gameā€™ world. I might die in .002 seconds if I suddenly had game stats and monsters were everywhere, but itā€™s better than living in late-stage capitalism any day.
Tagging: @ladyxxdaydream @liveandletrain @guardiandae @jojoeatsflan @synasays and anyone else who wants to do it!
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sarazanmai Ā· 7 years
Thoughts on the ā€œJojoā€™s Bizarre Adventureā€ English dub. ā€œStardust Crusadersā€ episode one.
so yeah I wanted to create a distinction here given that the anime did the same thing. and we only have three episodes of this thing released to us. I have read that this was a test dub, but I have also read that they dubbed all of it and we just have not had it released. I know as recently as last month episode 26 of BT was aired in America so generally speaking Viz has been weird with how theyā€™re handling this series. I know they announced special 30th anniversary Blu-Ray sets in Japan and its possible US audiences will receive something similar and that will give us the rest of the SDC dub. I know most fans donā€™t care about the English dubs, but personally I would like to watch it all. I just wish Viz wasnā€™t being so weird because these episodes were done in 2014 and all we have is three.
anyway Iā€™m gonna try and squeeze out as much as I can from these episodes
the first person who speaks is one of the fishermen
I always did like the art style shift for SDC, it feels like they took the manga style from this arc when it was at its best (because if you look back on the earlier chapters, especially with Jotaroā€™s look, its clear Araki was working things out) and just put it in anime form
ā€œhold on, wait. this is bizarreā€ that should be the tagline
I would make a Holy Diver reference right now, but everyone already beat me to it
Joe-turro Kujo
okay so when I first read the manga I said his name as Joe-tah-ro which I realize now is incorrect, but thereā€™s something about how these people say it that still feels off
ā€œseventeen years old 195cm tallā€ heā€™s 6ā€²3. mommyā€™s large prince.
yeah that throw away line about his dad being a jazz musician on tour is all we ever learn of Sadao, like damn we knew more about Jolyneā€™s mother and Araki never gave her a name
Holy is voiced by Julie Ann Taylor who is Miss Haruna in the new Sailor Moon dub
also yeah I have seen her name written as Holy and Holly, I kinda prefer Holly but I am aware it should be Holy
I like how they explained why heā€™s called Jojo even though the Japanese audience this was made for would understand its because heā€™s Kujo Jotaro (meanwhile Josuke is called Jojo due to how his name can be read in Japanese and its never explained so you need to check Jojo wiki for that info)
I like how Holy is assuming Jotaro killed people, like damn woman no one said that
ā€œby the way maā€™am, I have to tell you your Japanese is really quite goodā€ Iā€™m sure it is
yeah I knew that line was gonna feel weird, but its funny they kept it anyway
the way Holy says Jotaroā€™s name is basically how I say it now, I only point it out because the way the prison guards said it still feels weird
because if they didnā€™t show me he was once a child I would have never believed them
ā€œnothingā€™s as good as your cooking Momā€ why is this line always funny to me?
also Jotaroā€™s played by Matthew Mercer who was Demande in Sailor Moon, Levi in AOT, Law in OP, McCree in Overwatch, and Leon in Resident Evil
ā€œSHUT UP! GET OUT OF MY FACE YOU BITCH!ā€ ladies and gentlemen, the most iconic character of the entire series
as if this post isnā€™t long enough, I may as well say my general thoughts on Jotaro. I like him, but not as much as everyone else. he falls pretty low on my list when I rate my favorite Jojos and by the time we got to VA I was pretty sick of him. I do like him though, I swear his fans are so protective of him in a way that doesnā€™t feel necessary. I spoke to another blogger about him years ago and gave a very mild critique (I think I basically said I think him showing up in VA was unnecessary and it annoyed me) and they replied by saying ā€œplease donā€™t hate Jotaroā€. I donā€™t! I bought his Medicos figure for crying out loud.
Jotaro in several ways is the perfect cool strong silent protagonist in shonen. in the nice hardcover copies of SDC Araki says Jotaro is what he considers his ideal hero as he feels heroes should carry some kind of weight and be a loner that doesnā€™t ask for glory. however I do think he goes against that trope in ways that are subtle but noticeable. he enjoys the companionship of his friends, he has a sense of humor, I would describe him as comically serious. the reason I donā€™t love him like everyone else ultimately is because he just isnā€™t my type.
also this is random but he was inspired by Clint Eastwood, I just wanted to say that
ā€œseems Iā€™ve been possessed by an evil spiritā€ thatā€™s just your Stand you ignorant child
wait...how was Star Platinum able to bring him that stuff? its not like his Stand can just go to the corner store for him
ā€œwhat the hell!? heā€™s reading Shonen Jump while listening to a radio!ā€ the fiend!
mmmm the music
uuuuuhhhh.....at the end of episode 26 old Joseph still seemed to have an English accent but now heā€™s American?
oh no! Jotaro has been playing with toy cars and reading books! books you guys!
Holy tells Jotaro thatā€™s his grandpa like heā€™s never met him
can we just appreciate how Extra Jotaro actually is?
sigh...so Avdol is being voiced by an actor named Chris Tergliafera who is Silva Zoldyck in HXH and Tanktop Tiger in OPM and he is white
they gave you a black man named Muhammad and you cast a white guy
its not like black voice actors donā€™t exist or anything, you hired one to play Esidisi
I love this music
Staaaaar Platinuuuuum
can I just say I love that fandom started calling it Star Plat? its fun to say
HHHHHMMMM Star Platinum sounds suspiciously not like Matthew Mercer! yeah I still think its beyond stupid that they hired Patrick Seitz to voice Star Plat. the Stand is an extension of its user, its part of them so yes it should be voiced by the person playing the user. Daisuke Ono did both no problem, if they felt Matthew couldnā€™t ora ora properly then maybe they should have cast someone else.
also this makes the ā€œsame type of Standā€ thing weirder given Patrick is Dio
so at least I can say my worries over them giving Avdol a fake African sounding accent were for nothing, that would have been a horrible idea
ā€œthe power Avdol has is exactly the same as yourā€™sā€ really? point me to the scene where Star Plat could create fire
Jotaro calls his mom a bitch, the mom he went on a suicide mission to fight a hyper sexual vampire in Egypt to save. what a moron.
Araki has said he originally intended for the series to be a trilogy and it does show in SDC, but Iā€™m happy it continued on afterwards
my favorite character gets like the worst Stand in the series, go figure
ā€œthis is my Stand! it can reveal far away visions and place them on film! the only downside is I have to bust a 30,000 yen camera every time I use it!ā€ wow that must be like ten dollars
ā€œJotaro, Holy, have either of you ever taken the time to look carefully at the back of your necks?ā€
ah! Lisa Lisa reference! Araki never confirmed her death, so Iā€™d like to think she kept on living and never aging so Josuke got to meet his hot young grandma
so nice of Dio to pose for Josephā€™s photography
and there he is, the Big D himself, laying around shirtless in the dark as he should be
tune in next time for cherry boy and hot mama
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