#i have thought abr them so often since
thepoisonroom · 2 years
sorry i'm kind of high can someone please warn me if these boots i'm about to impulse buy are ass
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Pairing: Dean x Reader, implied feelings. Word Count: 2,239 Summary: The reader has always had visions, but now they're changing and causing her physical harm. Trigger Warnings: Mentions of death, implied vomiting and pain. Requested: Yes, by anonymous. The reader has visions of future events since her childhood, but since the last hunt and burn of a witch her visions are getting more powerful and begin to affect her health condition. The visions weakening her, she suffers from heavy migraine and also dizzy spells and nausea. She tries to hide it from the Winchesters but as observing as they are, they instantly recognize her pale and sick appearance.  A/N: Requests are open! I hope you enjoy my take on this request, please let me know!
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Visions are something I’m very familiar with, I’ve had them since I was a child. They felt like dreams, mostly peaceful and serine. Predicting the things that were to come, always happy occasions. I knew the days to come that I would enjoy, the places we’d visit and joys I’d experience before they ever happened. It was a good thing, I was thankful for it. It brought reassurance in times of doubt, joy in times of sadness and it didn’t really affect my day to day life. Dean would try to use it to their advantage, running lottery ticket numbers by me in hopes of me having a vision of him winning, he hadn’t been successful yet. Sam always rolled his eyes at Dean’s childishness, but would listen intently to whatever I recounted for them. 
Since the last hunt that we been on my visions had changed, they were no longer predicting joyful occurrences, they were dark. Foreshadowing death and torture, often continuing on for twenty or thirty minutes. The amount of time a drastic change to the maybe five minute long visions that I was used to having. They caused me to get sick almost every time, a wave of nausea taking over the second the vision ended. My body felt weak, muscles ached and I had a headache that had taken up permanent residence since these new visions had started. I was doing my best to keep it from the boys, not wanting them to worry about me anymore than they already did. They already watched me closely, concerned that I would get hurt while on a hunt. If they knew about this, well, I don’t know what they would do. Probably bench me, if we are being honest. I had managed to keep it to myself, thankful that most of the visions seemed to appear at night, to the point where I could almost call them nightmares. Yet I knew better, I know that they’re predictions, some of the things I have already confirmed to be true. A train derailing in Michigan, a bus crash in Ohio, the list goes on. Every time I have one, I search the news headlines, praying that I won’t find what I am looking for. However, it’s always there, a day or two after it happens. 
For the life of me, I cannot figure out why my visions had changed, the only plausible explanation was the witch that had escaped on our last hunt. Despite our every effort, she had fled moments before we would have killed her. My guess is a spell, what spell you might ask? No clue. All of the research I had been doing, has been turning up empty. No explanation for the full body symptoms I had been having in response to the visions. 
Which is how I wound up here, hugging the toilet in the bathroom connected to my room. My head is spinning and throbbing, the pit in my stomach nauseating and unbearable. My body was aching from the constant shivers running through my body. There was nothing I could do but sit and wait, and hope that it faded overtime. This was by far the worst one, it had pulled me in and completely overcome my every thought and action. Flashes of red and orange flames, the screams of innocent people trapped within the building, being burned alive or smothered by smoke. All of it so real and vivid, forcing tears to fall from my eyes as I laid there paralyzed, unable to snap out of it, until it was over. Just as abruptly as it had begun, it was gone. I was back in my room at the bunker, sick from fear. I had painstakingly made my way to the bathroom, my eyes closed and my feet shuffling. Avoiding any sudden movements due to fear of passing out or throwing up. Judging by the time on my phone, it had lasted nearly an hour, fifty-three minutes to be exact, the longest vision I had ever had. I remain on the floor of the bathroom for almost an additional hour, taking slow, even breaths, waiting out the nausea. Which eventually faded, I had hoped that the migraine would fade too, however no luck. I opened my eyes, allowing them to adjust to the harsh light in the bathroom, a light that I didn’t recall turning on. I stand slowly and turn to head towards my bed, hopeful that the rest of my sleep would be uninterrupted and dreamless. 
I am awoken by a knock on my door, followed by a voice calling out my name. I ignore it, hoping they’ll go away. I am tired, so tired. The thought of getting out of bed felt like the most insurmountable task, I was already being lulled back to sleep by the warmth of my blankets. 
“Y/N, it’s almost noon, are you okay?” Sam enters the room, his voice much louder than I would prefer. I would rather he not be here at all and to just leave me to my sleep. 
“‘M fine, Sam. Go away, tired.” I mumble, throwing my arm back behind me and motioning for him to leave, not bothering to open my eyes. I hear light shuffling and I assume that he is leaving, but I am proven wrong when I feel the bed next to me dip down. Sam has not left, but come to sit beside me. I open one eye to glance at him, but close it again quickly, the lights flooding my senses with searing pain. His hand comes to rest on my shoulder and when I still don’t stir to look at him again, he speaks.
“What’s going on with you? You might think you’re doing a good job at hiding whatever it is, but you’re really not. Dean and I both know that something is going on that you’re not telling us about and its getting concerning. You’ve been sleeping a lot, in constant pain when you’re awake and you’re pale as a ghost, Y/N.” I know he isn’t going to leave me be without an answer of some sort. So I do my best to come up with one, something that sounds believable but not too concerning. 
“Just haven’t been feeling the best, must be food poisoning or something.” I whisper, again willing that he will leave me alone to sleep. My body physically exhausted, head throbbing, pain pulsating through my every nerve. He shifts again and I rejoice, hoping he’s headed for the door. But instead, his hand comes to rest on my forehead, a hiss leaving his lips as he makes contact. 
“Shit, Y/N, you’re burning up.” He says, tugging back the blankets that I have pulled up around my face, revealing my sweat soaked t-shirt. “How bad?” I hear Dean mutter from the doorway, the sound of his foot steps indicating that he has crossed the room to stand next to my bed as well. I hesitantly open my eyes, squinting to try and lower the amount of light that is allowed to enter. 
“Feel for yourself, Dean.” Sam says, standing up and letting Dean take his place on the bed next to me. Dean rests his hand against my forehead, grimacing. It must be bad judging by the look on both of their faces. I push myself up into a sitting position, tugging the blankets up to cover my bear legs. Painfully aware of how little clothing I have on compared to them, not that they hadn’t seen me dressed like this before, it just made me feel weak in this moment. 
“I’m fine, just need a shower.” I mumble, I throw my legs over the edge of my bed and begin the short walk to my bathroom, ignoring both of Sam and Dean’s protests and offers of help. I barely make it three feet before my world is spinning, darkening at the edges and crumbling around me. 
My body collapses, colliding with the hard wood of the floor and I can faintly hear my name being yelled, but it is all drowned out by the vision dancing before my eyes. This time it is different, it’s not strangers in a different state, it’s Bobby, Ellen and Jo. They’re surrounded by vampires and it doesn’t look good. All of them injured in some way, Bobby worse than the girls. They stand in a circle, their backs together and weapons raised in front of them. I know what is about to happen and I try to scream, try to warn them in some way, to move faster to run! But nothing comes out, my voice but a silent whisper in my throat. I am forced to watch as the vampires kill them, their bodies falling to the ground and, and then it is gone. 
My eyes fly open a scream bubbling out of my throat, terror filling my every nerve ending. Dean’s above me, his voice shushing me, telling me that I am safe, nothing happened and that everything is okay, but nothing is okay. Bobby, Ellen and Jo, They’re all in danger. 
“Sam, call Bobby right now, tell him not to go on that vampire hunt.” Sam hesitates, his eyes trained on me and filled with questions. But there’s no time. “Now, please! I had a vision!” I snap, putting all of the emotion I can into those words, trying to convey just how urgent they really are. Sam nods, still silent, but pulls out his phone and leaves the room to call Bobby. I take a couple of breaths, trying to focus on my surroundings once again. I am on the floor, Dean cradling me in his arms, his eyes trained on my face concern and confusion written through every inch of his skin. 
“How did you know about that hunt, Y/N? Bobby just told us about it five minutes before we came in to wake you.” He says, his hand brushing a strand of hair out of my face, his touch comforting me slightly. 
“I-I, promise not to be angry with me?” I ask, letting out a rather large sigh. He hesitates, but nods in agreement and I begin to explain. “You know about the visions that I have, they’re normally happy predictions. But ever since the last hunt, with that damn witch that got away, my visions have changed. All of them are now predicting death and tragedy. I’ve had one everyday this last week, all of them have come true. I’ve seen it on the news or in an article online. Before today, they were all strangers, but now, today, it was Bobby, Ellen and Jo. I couldn’t bear to let anything happen to them Dean, God what if I wasn’t in time?” I ask, tears beginning to form in my eyes. He hushes me, reassuring me through his touch, pressing a quick kiss to my forehead. Sam comes back into the room, his phone still clutched in his hand. His face slightly pale and concern etched throughout his features. 
“I got through to Bobby, he’s okay. So are Ellen and Jo. They were about to leave when I called, but they stopped when I told them you had a vision. Bobby wants to talk to you about it all when you are feeling up to it, Y/N.” He says, I nod in response, relief washing over me, they’re okay. They’re not going, which means they won’t die. 
Dean takes a minute to repeat what I had told him to Sam, the tension in the room growing every second. Sam is angry, Dean is angry and I am tired, oh so tired. These premonitions have really started to take it out of me physically and mentally. I listen to the boys discuss the steps that need to be taken, the witch has to burn. Sam volunteers to go and Dean agrees to stay behind with me. 
“You should both go, I’ll be fine here on my own.” I argue, trying to offer them a reassuring smile, but neither of them buy it. Sam shakes his head, his mouth parting to answer but Dean beats him to it. 
“In your dreams sweetheart, there’s no way in hell that we’re leaving you here alone. You fainted, you could’ve smacked your head if I hadn’t caught you as you fell. One of us is going to stay with you until this witch is dead. Don’t even bother arguing, you’re not going to win.” He adds on the last part as he notices my enthusiasm towards disagreeing with him. I close my mouth, exhaustion sweeping back over me. Dean notices and carefully carries me back to my bed, again ignoring my protests. He sets me gently on the mattress and I eagerly roll onto my side, resting my aching head onto the cool, soft surface of my pillow. He tugs the blanket over my body, pressing another kiss to my forehead. He makes up some excuse about it being the best way to check my temperature, but I don’t mind. He plants himself in the chair by my bed, pulling out his laptop. His presence enough comfort and safety to lull me into a peaceful sleep. They’ve got me. Sam is going to go take care of the witch and I will be okay. Those were my last thoughts before I was pulled into the blanket of sleep. 
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seospicybin · 2 months
Thanks for the clarification well this was the ask;
Q: have you watched The Twilight Saga
Q2: (if you have) whos your favorite (mines Jasper)
Q3: If you can make a little fic any member/s of skz whos apart of the Cullen's or is a vampire in gen and is inlove with Swan!reader
Lots of loves and kisses 😘
Did you really ask if I watched twilight saga? Are you for real??? Excuse me, ma'am I've read the books when no one in my class knew about the fuss and I'm not ashamed to admit that I still watch twilight movies to this day (esp during the gloomy rainy weather ☔)
My favorite character? Must be Rosalie. Girlie turned into a vampire and the first thing she did is kill her asshole fiance. I actually need to know more abr her origin story. I also love Carlisle, dude is just so chill and low-key daddy oh and talking abt daddy, since I'm older now, I kind of see Chief Swan in a different light 👀
Skz as The Cullens???! Wow, I haven't thought of that. I wrote Chan & Hyunjin as vampires once but they're inspired by Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles. Other than that, I think Lee Know would make a great vampire but he's part of the Volturi yk. Felix is a no-brainer choice, I often think he'll fit as a dracula as in Bram Stoker's Dracula and he'd likely the one that falls in love with mortals.
Hope that answers your curiosity but I'll gladly take more twilight related questions or any kind of questions honestly 😄
(Btw I just checked Netflix and they have all the twilight movies oh I'm so going to binge them)
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iamacolor · 3 years
I actually think Siwoo's ex really loved Siwoo but she thought her husband was rich so got together with him and I love how he turned out for her and her husband this is karma for them. Kijun is the worst imo because he won't leave them alone while I still don't like her she's at least not stalking them and getting angry just because he lived with his ex like he's doing. One thing I don't like what the FL is doing is helping the ex if Siwoo and her situation was reversed you know she would
be angry and that would cause a breakup I do find it funny though that he can't do anything right no idea what she saw in him. Siwoo on the other hand is a genius that's amazing at the weather forecasting he can even make calculations in his head probably better than even computers meant to calculate the weather love me a genius ML that's so good to the FL. Oh yeah about the fight Kijun had lmao he was so bad at it I was like "you know Siwoo could of beat you up already if he wanted right?"
hi anon! i do think she was attracted by the fact that kijun looks richer (although given how he scammed hakyung and abrely put money into the partment i don't think he's really rich) and that he's more stable than siwoo (especially since siwoo's father takes his money regularly) but i think by the end of the relationship with siwoo she wasn't in love with him anymore, she didn't answer his text, didn't want to make plans with him, was cheating and she thought he was annoying for sending her pics of the sky...i think she kind of wanted and ideal life (especially because she's the youngest) and thought kijun would be better but as you say it's karma for them lol they both hurt people to be together and lied to each other and also clearly did not take enough time to think about what marriage actually means lol
and yeah i agree she mostly minds her own business and usually talks to siwoo only to make sure that her husband doesn't find out about her past and she doesn't want to keep in touch with him whereas kijun has no boundaries with hakyung and talks to her as if they were both responsible for their break up (the audacity), as if they were friends and he could still ask her favours etc and now he's also stalking her and siwoo like can't he go and fix his broken marriage instead! i think the latest episodes have really shown how dependant on hakyung he was even for his job and how she got used to helping him out out of love (which is why she couldn't say no at first but i think she's not going to do it again - she's clearly told him she doesn't want anything to do with him and talking with siwoo about his own insecurities means she's not going to do anything like this again or at least not without talking with siwoo first)
and honestly i agree, what did she see in him like??? i think it's a mix of him being a good actor when he needed something from her and knowing her well enough to just say the right thing and his his negative feelings and her looking for security and stability after being hurt by her father and so kind of ignoring the signs? they were together since college so they must've changed a lot together and she probably thought this is better than nothing, i can make it work but i'm glad breaking up with him and then being with siwoo makes her take care of herself better and see what she deserves! and also that he's so loving with her and affectionate, he makes sure she knows he likes her a lot and that's so sweet (especially because characters like him who are really good at something are often asshole to the FL in kdrama but not siwoo 🥰) and i hope they soon get her apartment just to themselves so they can be even sweeter with each other as much as they want!!
i think the funniest thing about the fight was when kijun attacked siwoo by throwing his jacket and this the sheets of paper at him like????
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moccahobi · 3 years
What is Boring [Yoongi x Reader]
Pairing: Yoongi (BTS) x Reader
Summery: During a relaxing day, your mind wanders... are you boring?
Prompt: Adventure for @thebtswritersclub’s March promt
Word Count: 516 words (another 200 is a Spanish version I tried to write)
Genre: fluff, established relationship
A/N: This is... a twist on the word adventure. What is adventure? I have been grappling with the idea of being boring... esp in quarantine because I barely leave my house and barely talk to anyone... and I don’t think that’s inherently boring... so I wanted to explore adventure though this piece! It was actually originally going to be my first attempt at a Spanish fic (and I still attached my unedited (and v subpar) first attempt... I’ve been studying Spanish for 11 years now... and 6 of those  years was acedemically and I love the language... but what I really realized is that my fictional Spanish skill set is lacking~ Which was interesting to find out (I suspected lolol). Either way, if you want to read the Spanish version, I’ve attached it... I am sorry in advance if there are some grammar issues. 
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“Do you think we live boring lives?” 
Your question rang through the quiet apartment, clinging to the minimal decorations, and bringing Yoongi’s attention away from the book he was reading, your pet napping calmly next to him. It was week whatever of quarantine and at this point, you’d found yourself thinking more and more about how little your life seemed to change since going into quarantine. Sure you no longer went to random cafes or your office to work, but your hobbies hadn’t been hindered because you were now limited to your apartment and almost all your friends were online relationships already so it wasn’t as if they had changed much either. 
In fact, you often found yourself talking to them more now that you were on your computer all the time. 
You’d been staring at your empty apartment mindlessly for almost 5 minutes before you proposed the question, your mind slowly circling around the same 4 thoughts.
Were you boring?
What even made something exciting to do?
How would humans look a million years from now?
How many dogs could you fit into your apartment without your landlord complaining?
“How come?”
“I mean… just because what we do isn’t exciting for others doesn’t mean it’s boring.” Yoongi started, his brow furrowed in thought as he looked outside, “I enjoyed our little adventure into making our own pasta last night… even if we ruined our grout by getting flour stuck in it.” 
You hummed and nodded, looking out the window at the moving world. Cars rushed passed by, people quickly walked on the sidewalks, and distantly, birds sang. Your apartment was so quiet compared to the outside and you couldn’t tell if it was a good thing or a bad thing. 
Was cooking pasta even an adventure?
“You don’t seem convinced.”
“I’m not.”
“How come?” 
“I wouldn’t call cooking an adventure.” A sigh left you as you readjusted in your seat, “It’s not like it was some grand mountaineering adventure.” 
“True… but it was an exploration of some sort. Neither of us had made pasta before. We were kind of adventuring into the unknown of pasta making. I mean… we didn’t even follow a real recipe.” 
You snorted at that and shook your head. The “recipe” you followed was some coworkers vague descriptions of how she made pasta in the past and it barely gave any measurements… which led to Yoongi thinking it was reasonable to use 10 eggs for 128g of flour.
Spoiler: It was not reasonable. 
“I guess…”
“So we have had some adventures then?” 
“Yeah. I guess.”
“So we aren’t boring.” 
With that Yoongi looked back down at his book and refocused on the adventure happening in it. You continued to think, your mind now cycling through five thoughts as you looked at your pet napping next to Yoongi.
What was your pet dreaming about?
Were they on an adventure?
Who the fuck decided socks were ok to wear indoors.
Was there anyone climbing a mountain right now?
What would happen if you mixed chocolate and water to make homemade hot chocolate?
“¿Somos aburridos?”
Tu pregunta es ruidosa en el cuarto mínimo. Se rompe el silencio y lentamente, Yoongi se mira, su libro se abre en su falda.  pensaba por 5 minutos sobre sí aburrida antes de preguntar, tres ideas corren en su mente:
¿Es aburrida?
¿Cuáles actividades son aventureros?
¿Cuántos perros pueden vivir en su piso?
Desafortunadamente, la respuesta por pregunta 2 está dos, Pero por  las preguntas 1 y 2 no sabes. Yoongi te mira y piensa sobre cómo puede responder. 
“Pienso que no. Si, nuestras vidas no están emocionados, como persona a quien caminar  montañas,  pero no están aburridas. Exploramos cafés y restaurantes, leemos libros aventureros y divertidos, y probamos actividades nuevas cada día.”
Suspiras y miras a Yoongi, el frunces el ceño un poco en pensamiento. Afuera de tu piso,  el mundo se mueve. Coches pasean, Pájaros cantan,  y personas caminan,  pero detrás de su piso nada se mueve. Yoongi y tú están en sus pensamientos y su mascota está durmiendo.
“No somos aburridos.  si hay aspectos de nuestras vidas que están aburridos, pero pienso que no quiero vivir una vida llena de emoción. Encanto los momentos de descubrimientos calmados.  por ejemplo cuando cocinabamos comida nueva anoche.” 
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck Part 6: Terror of the Transvaal!  “But You...  You Just Made Me Mean.”
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Hello you happy people. And welcome back to my look at The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck! And with this one i’ve reached the halfway point of this epic and couldn’t be prouder and have no plans to slow down. In fact while June and July will have one chapter each as is my usual for storylines I do on my own time, August and September will have DOUBLE the chapters to help me reach the finsih line. This dosen’t mean i’m done mind, i’ll probably get into the side chapters next year, possibly sooner. But my main goal when setting out to do this was to cover the main story, one of my favorite comics of all time and easily the best scrooge comic ever. But the point is it’s been a helluva ride so far and i’m not even to the second half yet. 
This chapter is also one of my favorites along with “The Last of Clan McDuck”, “THe Raider of the Copper HIll” and “The Invader of Fort Duckburg”. It’s a compelling and tragic turning point in our heroes life and has THE most badass moment in Scrooge’s history, only rivaled by another moment in this very series, which if you’ve read it you know EXACTLY what i’m talking about for both. This is also a lucky one for me as I scheduled this a while back before me and Kev had settled on doing the season 2 arcs, so I ended up scheduling this one the same week as my coverage of Glomgold’s other origin story in “The Ballad of Duke Baloney!”, a story that take some small cues from this one. So if all of that has peaked your interest, please join me under the cut as Scrooge becomes “The Terror of the Transvaal!”
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As for why Rosa set the chapter here there’s two simple reasons: it was one of two gold rushes mentioned in Barks work, meaning Scrooge could get in some more experience before making his fourtune in the Klondike, and Rosa understandably couldn’t resist having Scrooge and his greatest rival meet in their youth. He WAS careful to not have Scrooge learn Flinty’s name, as Scrooge dosen’t recognize him in Flintheart’s first apperance in “The Second Richest Duck”.. but Rosa noticed Flinty seemed familiar with SCROOGE, and simply ran with it, still having his first encounter with the bastard deeply effect Scrooge but leaving Scrooge unaware that the thief and betrayer he met in the Transavaal was the same heartless Scoundrel he’s fated to keep fighting till one or both of them keels over. 
So starting the chapter proper Scrooge has come to the Transvaal to prospect for gold, following his hunch from last chapter, trying to make his way to the rand, a large natural area in south Africa. The Transvaal itself was a large expanse that was cut up in the 90′s after the fall of apartheid. 
Scrooge passes a massive Diamond Mine, large with tons of miners on small claims, but wisely passes it up: there’s too many people, too much fuss and likely too much risk of getting stolen or finding nothing.
And to prove that point we meet Flinty who is trying to steal a guy’s diamonds for the second time today. Now the other miners reaction IS FAIR: they send him up in a bucket thing their using to transport the diamonds as a thief and announce him as such and the people on the surface’s reaction makes it very clear this isn’t new behavior. Him being punished is fine... their punishment though....
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Seriously, theft is not worth doing a murder.. and yes he COULD escape and their trying to frame it like that’s not what htier doing.. but their sending someone with clearly low self preservation skills into the desert, with no suplies, tightlyt ied to an angry and clearly wild animal. While Flinty DOES deserve jail for his shit, he doesn’t deserve to DIE for attempted theft. He didn’t ruin anyone’s lives or actually succeed and he’s clearly harmless if eveyrone in the mine knows he’s a criminal. You can’t just murder all your problems away... I mean the blood alone is just not worth the clean up. 
Naturally Scrooge crosses paths with Glomgold and assumes he’s simply gotten himself trapped somehow and being an openly kind soul at this point in his life, gladly helps the guy free. Scrooge mentions he’s headed to Johannesburg and GLomgold offers to come along and do all the work as his guide. Scrooge being Scrooge refuses the “do all the work part” but gladly accepts a guide and a new friend and introduces himself as from Scotland. And as a result we get... something resembling a joke...
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Look I’m not against a good pun... but that was not a good pun. It wasn’t even a passable pun. It also feels like a bit of a stretch given Scrooge is well traveled by now. you’d THINK he’d get that he was probably talking about something local and not insulting himself. 
So Scrooge talks about all he’s learned with Flintheart bored and kind of a dick.. and offering a lesson of his own despite being the same age as Scrooge.. specifically he takes first watch and gives a smug speech. 
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Scrooge wonders around the wilderness and finds a lion.. then an elephant and soon has the entire savannah after him as he bemoans the betrayal, having never felt like this. We’ll get more into the why in a bit. The point is he’s backed against a wall..but as we all know a cornered animal, human , duck , humanoid duck no matter the species is often at it’s most dangerous. 
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Especially if that animal is a McDuck. So here we get that badassery I mentioned: faced with an angry horde of some of the most dangerous and awe inspiring critters in Africa Scrooge uses EVERYTHING he’s learned roping cattle and what not to best them. He uses tricks from besting Long Horns to get the Elephants tangled up in a tree, then uses a log to beat a Rhino, before lassoing himself a motherfucking giraffe:
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And if THAT weren’t already cool as all hell he tops himself: Since he dosen’t consider a Zebra a proper mount.. he decides to go for something bigger. 
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So to recap just so it all sinks in for you: Scrooge, abandoned with no suplies, defeats two elephants and a rhino, rides a Giraffe, then TAMES a fucking lion with nothing more than an improvised lasso and PURE RAGE. Then RIDES that majestic creature across the planes like a GODDAMN HORSE, before riding iti into town casual as all hell. I MEANT IT and he’s STILL not done. I mean it doesn’t’t top riding a motherfucking lion, what could, but what he does for an encore is still utterly badass and is a nice coda to riding a motherfucking lion. 
So at the local abr Glomgold lies about everything and makes himself the hero of the story, Yes Flintheart Big Dick Glomgold. Purest soul there ever was.  This lasts all of a minute as while Flinty brushes off the fact a cowboy is looking for him, he doesn’t even know what that is... he’s soon rightfully shitting himself when Scrooge comes for his vengeance. 
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The art here is as always impeccable. The shading alone. But seriously I’m terrified and I know he can’t harm me... in theory. In practice if ANYONE could reach out of the page and throttle me, it’d be the guy who rode a motherfucking lion. And no i’m never letting that go. Fucker rode a lion. That’s the kind of thing you never forget about a character for damn good reason. We also get one of my favorite lines in the story, and it has tons of greats.. but this is an easy contender for my favorite:
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It’s a chilling line and panel, with it made clear Scrooge’s cynsim, his biggest weakness and often what makes him the most unlikable came from this.. the moment where a villain with no scruples, no care and no code or morals of any kind utterly betrayed him and tried to leave him for dead that took any scrap of hope in mankind he had and destroyed it. From now on he likes nobody and nobody likes him. Other mentors helped Scrooge grow as a person, taught him skills and taught him to survive, to enjoy the road getting to fortune as much as the fortune himself, and to make his way square. Flinty. just made him mean. 
But Scrooge isn’t going to kill him.. for one thing he doesn’t’t like shooting people or animals. For another.. he has something far more satisfying in mind: Old West Justice, Tar and Feathearing style, covering the guy and humiliating him by making him do a bullet dance Marty McFly style. 
Flinty TRIES to simply escape and steal Scrooge’s shotgun.. but it fails as he runs into the lion and Scrooge takes the beaten flinty over to the jail to press charges. Flinty is jailed.. and makes his own vow. 
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So with that Scrooge has made a foe for life, and this is another thing the 2017 Cartoon took.. it’s just where as this  Flinty was merely angry at his rightful compuance and humilation, the cartoon one was a small child who swore vengance for an honest mistake. But either way you slice it he won’t make Scrooge’s life any easier. 
So with that we get our epilogue: Scrooge never made his forutune her, naturally, as the ore was too low quality for him to process alone so only the already rich could afford to set up shop here. Scrooge packs it in determined to still make his fortune and we get an awesome closing panel. 
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Final Thoughts: As you could probably tell, I fucking love this one. It’s utterly amazing. Barks himself has said he felt the best chapters took place over a short time span and it shows: by having to cover less time, only having a time passing bit at the very end, it allows this vital story to take place over less than a day and allows it to move at a hell of a pace. It’s got action, great character work as we see Scrooge’s last bit of trust in his fellow man shatter, and THE best climax of the series. And the others have some whoppers. This one is just so damn awesome, taking most of the issue but using EVERY page of it to tell one epic finale, from Scrooge’s easy mastery of the beasts, to his taming a motherfucking lion, to Flinty’s UTTERLY satstifying humilation conga...this is just a masterpiece and a huge reminder why I love this comic
Next Time: Scrooge sadly dosen’t keep the lion but does head to Australia where he faces what he is in the dark, meets a new mentor, and gets pointed to his destiny. See you next month for that. 
If you liked this review share it, and if you’d like to help me make more join my patreon at patreon.com/popculturebuffet. WIth only 10 days left till the new pay period nows the time to jump in so you can pick a short for my Donald Duck birthday specail next month or help me reach a stretch goal so I can get it on the board. Time’s a wastin. And if you can’t, tha’ts fine, thanks for reading. 
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michaleguido8-blog · 5 years
Convert APE To MP3 Format And Cut up It To Particular person Tracks Utilizing CUE File.
I simply these days wanted to transform some audio information kind a shopper intoflac format. Hi thanks for the answer. I don&8217;t know the way massive an APE file normally is. I downloaded some Indian music; it&8217;s an album that I used to have on cassette. In the folder that I downloaded, there are 2 APE files, presumably every incorporates half of the album. It can play ok on GOM Player. I don&8217;t have another APE file to strive. VLC media player cannot only convert between totally different video formats but it additionally does the same with changing audio codecs. Initially thought to play media solely, this participant has many extra features. Changing between audio codecs is kind of easy with the free software program. Lots of people do not use such options primarily because they have no idea that they exist or there is not need for them. CUERipper is an utility for extracting digital audio from CDs, an open source various to EAC. It has loads fewer configuration choices, so is somewhat easier to make use of, and is included in CUETools bundle. It helps MusicBrainz and freeDB metadata databases, AccurateRip and CTDB. A pretend data story claiming that actor John Amos handed away was circulated in December 2016. An audio file format is a file format for storing digital audio information on a pc system. The bit structure of the audio information (excluding metadata) is named the audio coding format and will be uncompressed, or compressed to scale back the file size, usually using lossy compression. You don't need to do something more, this single button adjusts the level of all your MP4s; finest mp4 normalizer. easy methods to convert wav to mp4 with out dropping audio volume optimizer obtain loud ringtones audio converter. The net audio converter permits you to convert APE to MP3, WAV, WMA, AAC, AC3, FLAC, OGG and RA, etc. You're allowed to adjust the audio birate, channel and sample price for the output MP3 audio to get the best music listening to enjoyment. The one unhealthy issues about Free Audio Converter are that set up automatically opens your browser and masses the developer's homepage, And the buttons within the utility's toolbar are largely ineffective. To transform audio streams to MP3 the applying makes use of the most recent model of the LAME encoder. This system supports encoding with a continuing bit charge - CBR, average bitrate - ABR and variable bit price - VBR (LAME presets). Metadata (tags) from the supply APE and CUE information are copied to the output MP3 files. An audio file converter is one type of file converter that (shock!) is used to convert one sort of audio file (like an MP3 , WAV , WMA , etc.) into another kind of audio file. Simply load up the audio information you need to convert (either by file or folder), or enter the URL for an online file, select the Formats tab to pick out an output format, and click Begin conversion to convert the recordsdata. A: It is easy! Simply click the APE to FLAC Converter obtain button at the web page. Clicking this link will start the installer to download APE to FLAC Converter free for Windows. I had a have a look at dbpoweramp and I may convert APE to FLAC through Batch converter. Additionally, Zamzar's conversion time is gradual when compared to different online audio converter providers. This system called "peak-quantity achieve" is only a easy arithmetic operation, APE to FLAC Converter free which provides obvious too simple and therefore unsatisfactory; mp4 stability music files optimize mp4 wav tracks enhance audio high quality in mp4. And then there's the CLI method; you do not need all those GUI tools to do the encoding when you have got so many command-line alternatives. All of the above utilities are just entrance ends that use lame , oggenc, ffmpeg , mppenc , MPlayer, and different purposes that can be run from the console. Use lame file.mp3 to quickly create an MP3 file out of a WAV. Use lame -b 320 file.mp3 to manually set the bitrate to 320. You'll be able to create 212Kbps MPC recordsdata by utilizing mppenc -xtreme To convert WAV information to MID, use Waon : waon -i - The flac utility can convert a WAV or AIFF file into Ogg FLAC or native FLAC recordsdata: flac -8 inputfileoutputfile, where the number represents the compression level. It might probably range from zero (quickest) to 8 (best). MediaHuman Audio Converter is a freeware utility for Mac OS X and Windows. It may make it easier to to transform your music completely free to WMA, MP3, AAC, WAV, FLAC, OGG, AIFF, Apple Lossless format and bunch of others. 1.- Open the CUE file in K3B. 2.- Choose convert tracks to FLAC. 3.- Press Begin. identify this script as split_ape, chmod +x it and put in some listing in your path. I made an identical script for flac file as supply, just change each ape with flac in this script. When a listing is dropped on the applying, it processes all recordsdata in all the listing tree. The listing structure is replicated in the location where mp3 information are saved. If you have a bunch of audio recordsdata that need to be converted, you possibly can place them all in one folder and use the Add Folder" to pick them all. While changing MP3 to FLAV, you may contemplate a media converter that assures zero high quality loss or permits you to edit tags on music. Effectively, look no extra since Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate takes all accounts because it inputs audio formats like MP3, OGG, AAC, WMA and outputs over 1000 formats like FLAC, AIFF, APE, etc. without any high quality loss. Furthermore, you can use it to repair video metadata, burn DVD media and create your own playlist. APE format (often often known as Monkey's Audio) is an algorithm and file format for lossless audio knowledge compression, which is freely accessible to customers with plug-ins for playback on hottest media gamers. Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate is likely one of the best converter software program program for Mac OS, and it gives tempo and stability which free FLAC converters are wanting. It stands out amongst totally different video converter packages with the velocity which is beyond comparability - Video Converter Final converts recordsdata 30x situations quicker than each other software program, without high quality loss.
Audio Converter Plus provides straightforward answer to convert APE to FLAC in batch mode with with out quality loss in addition to protect audio tags. In addition to convert APE to FLAC, it can also convert APE to MP3, WAV, M4A and OGG. As soon as accomplished, a small pop-up window will appear and click "OK" to finish the whole splitter. Finally you will have each monitor on the album as an individual ". ape file". Then you are free to get pleasure from your downloaded album with particular person songs. Compress-Music helps flac, mp3, wma, aac + more. It's a Powershell script that traverses a directory construction for audio (many codecs) and converts to mp3 in a replica listing. Helps gapless, album replaygain, updating tags only.
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english-ext-2 · 7 years
Literary Sites and Links
Because I’ve got a lot of time on my hands (finishing uni tends to have that effect), I’ve been trawling the literary web of late and fishing up some great sites and links that you might want to have a look at or use. 
Especially for those of you who don’t have ready access to bookshops and/or libraries, these links include places where you can read contemporary fiction and poetry, and be exposed to a range of critical analysis. You’re all probably familiar with The New Yorker and the Paris Review (which are excellent sources) but some of these are not as well known and certainly worth your time.  
Another thing: I’ve yelled about RESEARCH INTO FORM since starting this blog, and all of the below sites are good places to help you critically read and think about your chosen forms. 
Lithub - A great all-round resource that both aggregates online literary content and produces its own pieces (whether that be fiction, criticism, commentary, interviews, features). 
Longreads - does what it says on the tin: a curation of long reads (usually 2000+ words) pulled from the most popular and dustiest corners of the internet for your reading pleasure. They’re not all literary, but you’ll definitely come across the occasional author interview or feature on writing. The real appeal of longreads is the sheer variety of subjects, sourced from your usual suspects (Paris Review, New Yorker, etc.) to your “wait, they do journalism too?” places (Vanity Fair, Racked, GQ, etc.) - so if you spend some time combing the archives, you’ll likely find     something relevant to your major.  
32poems - a site that does prose too, despite its name. 32poems is a magazine that, well, publishes 32 poems per edition. Some of them you can read online for free (for example, Adrienne Su’s Ancestors). Make sure to check out their interviews and reviews too! 
apt - literary journal publishing fiction, poetry, essays and interviews. There are plenty of short stories and shortform pieces to peruse from all 24 editions (yup, all online and all for free), so knock yourself out.
Asymptote - for all your translated prose, plays, and poetry needs, plus interviews, criticism, essays and more. I love Asymptote so much (was a big source for my major) and it’s just very [clenches fist]. 
The Believer - bi-monthly mag that publishes interviews, reviews and essays. Used to be owned by McSweeney’s (see below) but changed hands two years ago. It can take a bit of digging to find the good stuff, though worth a poke-around on a rainy day. (I do recommend Leslie Jamison’s essay The Empathy Exams)
Catapult - book publisher that also publishes an online magazine of narrative nonfiction and fiction. One of the few places where personal essays are still thriving (take Jia Tolentino’s word for it), and where the writers are mostly young women, and young women of colour at that. 
Entropy - wide-ranging mag that’s both literary and non-literary, featuring reviews, essays, creative nonfiction, poetry and interactive literature, among other things. (It also recently put up a list of publishers, magazines and journals you can get stuck into) 
Granta - nonfiction, fiction, poetry, art, interviews; Granta is a well-established literary quarterly. Like most other magazines here, only select pieces are free, and for full access you must be a subscriber. 
Guernica - a magazine of “global art and politics” that publishes fiction, poetry, political commentary and more over a huge range of topics, from  Education to Technology & the Future, spanning the entire world (Africa, Americas, Asia and Oceania, MENA). Has a large fiction and poetry archive you could spend an entire weekend in. 
Lapham’s Quarterly - a history-focused magazine that “brings up to the microphone of the present the advice and counsel of the past”. Each issue features literary quotes and extracts, essays, charts/maps, and more. You can browse back-issues in their online archive (for free!)
The Millions - online magazine covering books, art and culture. Does feature articles and book reviews.  
n+1 - print and digital journal of literature, culture and politics. Your best bet is to browse the Online Only section using the “fiction and drama” or “poetry” tag. Their political coverage is great too, so if politics is your thing (leftist politics in particular), then stay awhile. 
Nautilus - sci-fi/fantasy writers, have at it. Nautilus is where science, culture and philosophy meet, and yes, they publish fiction too. There’s a mind boggling number of topics to meet your niche needs. Artificial intelligence? Cryptography? Computer science?    Microbiology? Nautilus has you covered.
Terraform - part of Motherboard, itself a part of Vice Magazine. This is another one for the sci-fi folks; Terraform publishes “speculative fiction honing in on the tech, science, and future culture topics driving the zeitgeist.” 
The Walrus - time for something not American, eh. The Walrus Magazine is a major Canadian general interest mag that publishes long-form journalism, essays, fiction, poetry, illustrations, and photography. Take a gander at the Fiction section for fiction, poetry, and memoirs.
Brainpickings - a one-woman endeavour, brainpickings is the brainchild of Maria Popova and a hub of thoughts on how to live, drawn from multiple disciplines and often including insights from literary figures. 
Electric Literature - features essays, books, short stories, poetry and more. (You must be a member for full access to their archives) 
Hazlitt - longreads, fiction, interviews, poetry, comics and more over a wide range of topics from emerging and established writers. The fiction on offer is extensive and diverse. 
McSweeney’s Internet Tendency - a personal favourite of mine that I often consulted in my own EE2 research. Does satire and humour in short, sharp bites, and is an all-round delight. McSweeney’s also publishes a quarterly magazine (the Quarterly Concern) that you can find at Kinokuniya. 
Book Reviews
Australian Book Review - the ABR publishes reviews, commentaries, essays, and new creative writing. It’s a major player in the Australian literary and arts scene, and certainly worth a quick glance at minimum. You can find a couple of short stories and prize-winning pieces for free on the site, but for full access to the online archives you must be a subscriber.
Los Angeles Review of Books - you’ll want to focus on BLARB (the blog of the LA Review of Books), where interviews (with poets, authors, etc.) and essays are published on a range of subject matter. 
London Review of Books - a bit like the LARB’s snobbier, trans-Atlantic cousin. The LRB is prestigious af, and rightly so. The quality of its submissions is eye-wateringly high, as is its language. You’ll find more commentary, reviews and criticism than fiction, but they’re worth reading for the depth of insight and analysis. 
Generalist magazines like The Atlantic and Slate, and news outlets like the Guardian and the New York Times, etc. will also feature literary pieces in their arts/culture sections, so keep an eye out.
Further suggestions and comments are very welcome!
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cathrynstreich · 6 years
Why It’s Good Business to ‘Ignore’ the Transaction
Every agent wants to reach the closing table as often as possible. Likewise, brokers want to see their agents secure every transaction opportunity. These goals are understandable, but also potentially undermine an agent’s success.
Interestingly, even though I’ve had hundreds of opportunities to talk to and learn from leading brokers and agents, the importance of “ignoring” the transaction really hit home, so to speak, within my own four walls.
On My Block Our home is located on the North Side of Chicago, in an area where properties are often purchased by investors for redevelopment. Real estate agents occasionally approach us with “I have an investor who wants to buy your home” inquiries. Since we aren’t interested in selling, I’ve developed a standard response for rebuffing these calls.
As a result, I was somewhat surprised when I received a call from an agent who wasn’t encouraging me to sell. He merely wanted to introduce himself, learn a little about me and get permission to keep in touch.
And he did. Every few months I’d get a call from Leigh Marcus of @properties. He must have a squeaky-clean database, because he always mentioned significant details about my family and our situation.
Several years later, a developer purchased the property next door and we entertained the thought of selling. But we wanted representation. Who to call? The answer was obvious.
We didn’t reach a satisfactory deal with the developer, but Leigh went out of his way to crunch the numbers, negotiate on our behalf and help us make a decision that was in our best interests.
Agent Perspectives If you ask Leigh about his philosophy, he’ll say it boils down to this: Our industry is a relationship business, and the quickest way to build a relationship is with trust. How do you earn that trust? By caring about the people in your community and being a valuable resource to them.
It’s a simple approach that’s easily botched. Agents may forget that people are continually forming impressions about them with every single interaction, so a consistent focus on customer service is essential.
It pays off. Leigh has been one of Chicago’s top agents for years, leading a six-person team consisting of two agents and four customer service professionals. He spends at least three to four hours a day on lead generation while his team handles the administrative side of the business.
Commitment I realize my positive response is based on this agent’s commitment to trust and customer service, supported by a consistent commitment to work his sphere of influence, day in and day out.
It reminds me of NAR’s Commitment to Excellence (C2EX) program, a revolutionary initiative aimed at helping REALTORS® elevate their skills and professionalism and provide the best possible service to themselves and consumers. I look forward to sharing more about this exciting initiative later this year.
Marc D. Gould is senior vice president of Member Development for NAR, overseeing a wide range of professional development programs for REALTORS®, including the Real Estate Buyer’s Agent Council (REBAC). REBAC is the world’s largest association of real estate professionals focusing specifically on representing the real estate buyer. With more than 30,000 active members, REBAC awards the Accredited Buyer’s Representative (ABR®) designation to REALTORS® who have completed the specialized education and documented experience in working with consumers purchasing a home. To learn more, please visit REBAC.net.
For the latest real estate news and trends, bookmark RISMedia.com.
The post Why It’s Good Business to ‘Ignore’ the Transaction appeared first on RISMedia.
Why It’s Good Business to ‘Ignore’ the Transaction published first on https://thegardenresidences.tumblr.com/
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