#i have. so MANY thoughts.
Having thoughts about Valerie again.
But alas, her character development and depth in canon is.... well...
On a surface level Badass Ghost Hunter is a great character hook. Valerie is so cool! Her hunter character design is eye catching and attention grabbing. It's a great design. But beyond that, I want her character to have so much more depth. I want to know more about what kind of person makes the decisions she makes. Because honestly, she deserves it.
So I suppose we DIY this shit, huh?
Who's got some headcanons about Val's non ghost related hobbies and personal life?
The goofy stuff her dad's done since she was little that she pretends to be annoyed about but secretly loves? The things her dad does that she actually finds annoying? Her small joys? Her favorite snack? Her favorite season of the year and why? Her favorite movie or music genres? Her celebrity crushes? Her hopes and dreams for the future? Her best classes in school? Her dream job? What are your headcanons for her extended family? Does she have any aunties and uncles? Younger or older cousins? Her favorite animal? Her opinions on crocs? (The shoe or the reptile) Does she have any odd phobias? (like crocs) What motivates her to get out of bed every morning? What helps her fall asleep at night? What keeps her up at night? (Besides the ghosts) Does she prefer tea? Hot chocolate? Coffee? Cold drinks?
Tell me all the little details you've thought about. The fun ideas and sparks that can make her more.
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spooksier · 3 months
once s1 of protocol ends an invisible clock will start counting down until i post a way too thought out tma/gp crossover where melanie radicalizes gwen
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sanshinexx · 27 days
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jimothystu · 12 days
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The Roomies™️
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superfruitland · 8 months
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fuck it, double the teasers for the next update because there are. a lot of new people on my blog shjdkgnhn
see you all later this week~~
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Somebody help I keep making new aus
Or in this case, aus of aus
What if Warden Emmet but I crossed it with ditto Emmet au
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Pearl clan thought he was a zoroark, so they left him in the snow, and Lord Braviary decided he was free warden. Diamond clan hesitantly accepts him bc they trust Braviary's judgement, but they eventually warm up to him.
Emmet has amnesia, but he remembers most of his form by muscle memory. But every once in a while, he might get his age wrong or accidentally take on some features of whoever he's talking to or who he's close to. Some days he looks closer to a teen. Some days his hair looks really fluffy like Braviary's crown. What color his hair is at any given moment is a roll of the dice, but silver and purple are the most common.
Just for fun, I decided to frenzy Braviary instead. Emmet isn't allowed in Jubilife, but even if he was, he wouldn't be meeting Rei there because he's too busy looking like a really weird unovan braviary and keeping his lord from destroying the Icelands.
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lesbianleonardo · 1 year
read the michaelanglo macro issue and ohhh my fucking god ojhhhhh my god
anyway. this page was really cute
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karamazovanon · 11 months
you are reading the demons !! cool cool
i wonder what your opinion on liza tushina will be after you finish the novel ~
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sapphicwhimsy · 9 months
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trying to find a style im happy with and of course i had to draw my absolute favorites!
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madefate · 6 months
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because every villain needs a tragic and compelling backstory !
striker was born the eldest son of his mother, aster, and his father, birch, and the elder brother of his younger sister sloane. he was raised in the ring of wrath, and his family made their modest living largely through their ranch - raising cattle and crops, and doing odd jobs for whomever would hire them. striker and sloane began working from a young age, but it was no different a life than anyone they knew.
when he was twelve, his mother was hired by a noblewoman, some princess, to tailor some clothing for her - and then to embroider when her skills were discovered. it still didn't pay much, but it fulfilled aster's passion, and her children were sometimes allowed to accompany her to the palace.
striker met decarabia, the daughter of his mother's employer, when they were both twelve, and it wasn't long before - even through infrequent visits - the two became fast friends. and then, of course, the older they grew, the more than friends they became. the differences in their stations, their upbringing, the cruelty of the world around them simply didn't matter. they had each other - maybe, if they dared to dream, they could find a life with each other outside the stifling walls of her goetia palace.
when it inevitably came crashing down around him, striker did not take it gently. one night, at sixteen, when he was waiting for decarabia at their clandestine meeting spot, it was her father who met him. a stern and distant man, they two had never spoken a word to each other - and they didn't, until the man had striker by the neck and accused him of poisoning and ruining his daughter.
confused and betrayed - she'd sold him out, she'd told on him - striker fought back. he tried to explain his love for her and was taught a lesson that would stick with him for the rest of his life: love cannot exist between the greater and the lesser.
by the time he licked his wounds, scrambled onto his horse bombproof, and galloped home, the ranch was already up in flames. he was stopped from running in by a neighbor who grabbed him and held on, and he doesn't remember much from that night - mostly the screams. the smell.
in the weeks that followed, he was housed by neighbors - did odd jobs, helped them on their farms, simply going through the motions. eventually, through a haze so thick he can hardly remember it, he drifted away. buried his grief in hard liquor and barfights. joined a few small time gangs in the worst parts of wrath. outside of the ranch, life was even harder; jobs for imps were few and far between, and most of them involved some kind of manual labor that their rich employers couldn't be assed to do themselves. that is, when the noble fucks weren't entertaining themselves at the cost of wrath's poorest - the livelihoods. their homes. their lives.
striker's family were only the first casualties at the hands of the elite that he'd witnessed.
and slowly, painstakingly, began to find a purpose for himself -
he was going to put every last one of those rich, privileged fuckers in the ground.
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vampthropologist · 1 year
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Releasing them into the world. The season they would appear in also includes @zen1dol and @x-go2sleep-x!
Voice Claim JP
Their last name isn't important don't worry about it.
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belle--ofthebrawl · 1 year
Butch4butch Cirrus/Mist where they're always trying to outdo each other or silently argue over who does what. Who lifts more folding chairs. Who opens the door for who. Who pulls out the chair for who. They got each other flowers once and stood there staring in the most polite irritation anyone's ever seen.
They also argue over who gets to lube up Cumulus' strap before she fucks Aurora.
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introvert-time-art · 1 year
i think i am ill
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neurodivenport · 2 years
My very last dirty thought.
Chase has a USB in his finger, right? Which means his fingers are pretty mechanical, right?..... and mechanical things can vibrate a lot of the time, righ- *faints*
hold on a second. hold on a second.
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gojaiku · 2 years
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--it's left rather ambiguous as to whether or not the living crystals--let it be the sundial or otherwise--are related to arceus, to creation as a whole, at all. they remain their own, while being something that is not quite...pinpointable. they are closer to the aura trio, in a way. yet still seperate.
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spyglassrealms · 2 years
had a fucking hilarious dream that tumblr replaced the "block" function with the far funnier "glock" function, which did the exact same thing except whenever anyone blocked you a random bullet hole, like a png of a bullet hole, would appear on your blog. discourse blogs were unreadable bc you'd go to the page and the sheer amount of bullet hole pngs stacked over the blogs obscured everything. I woke myself up laughing
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