#i haven’t really read a lot of super fluffy j2 like i have read fluffy fics or ones with sweet scenes
Do you know any fluffy fics of nice length you'd recommend? They can have smut, just very little angst. Depressions a bitch and I just want a nice distraction for a little while
For me anything above 1k is a decent length so the following fics are all 1k+ word count. 
when in rome by thebrotherswholoved (mpreg)
You've Got Mail by purewanderlust
Tag for 12x18 The Memory Remains. Sam's been getting an awful lot of emails from his brother lately...
Birthday promise by princesssroyalpinkpanties* 
For Sam's birthday, Dean gives him the only thing he can always give: his unconditional and eternal love for his little brother.
Growing Pains by spn_wincest_etc (babybrotherdean) (weecest)
Growing pains are a bitch, distant in Dean’s memory, but he imagines that his brother has it worse, considering just how much he’s been growing. Sam has trouble sleeping most nights, lies awake letting out soft whimpers as he tries to get comfortable.
One day, Dean decides that he’s had enough of it. Listening to his little brother suffer is far from his idea of a good time, and he figures he can at least try to do something about it.
Marry Me by SilverBlaze85
Dean and Sam have some down-time during the holidays. Dean has a question and a plan.
There’s also some fics I have recced before like: Isn’t it romantic? (Dean romancing Sam), Love In Imaginary Places (cute with only a bit of light angst)*, What Once Was And What Will Be Again (Sam and Dean are OOC in this fic but it’s honestly one of my favorites and it never fails to make me smile with how fluffy it is. Also it has daddy kink)*. 
I’ve done some other fluff and schmoop fic recs, and I also have a wincest fluff tag. 
Hopefully you’ll like at least one of the fics either here or in the linked to recs anon, and they’ll make your day a little bit brighter; hope you are well, take care, stay safe, and happy reading! ❤
*this work contains explicit/mature content
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allspnships · 7 years
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Nine questions with themegalosaurus
This week: @themegalosaurus talks “comedy porn with feelings”; the bane of 70-80% complete WIPs when you lose interest in writing them, and why you should comment on other people’s fanfic.
ASS: What do you most enjoy about writing fanfiction?
themegalosaurus: I’ve always enjoyed creative writing but when I started writing fanfiction for SPN (back in 2014) I was just finishing up a PhD and had spent most of the previous five years focusing on academic writing. Writing fanfiction was a welcome relief from the PhD, mostly because of the immediate feedback: I posted a story (Touch and Go) and had hundreds of people look at it (and lots of people offer comments and kudos) within only a couple of days. Meanwhile I’d been working on my PhD for years and my supervisor and I were almost the only people who’d seen it. Having an audience for my writing has pushed me to write more over the past couple of years than I have done maybe ever before in my life.
What aspects of writing do you find difficult when you write fanfiction?
I think the most difficult thing is finding the time to write as much as I would like. I work a full-time job now (no more long days “researching”!) and when I get in at night it’s sometimes hard to get up the mental energy to write with the attention I’d like. I also struggle with having too many ideas on the go and then getting bored of the ones I’ve been working on for a while; I can have almost the whole fic conceived in my head, get hung up on a detail and then while I’m trying to work that out all the rest of it starts to feel stale and I end up giving up. I have so many WIPs that are like 70 or 80% finished but I just haven’t managed to push myself to complete.
Have you ever received hateful comments on your fic and how do you deal with it?
I’ve only ever had one really nasty comment on my fic, a Sam/Dr Cara Roberts story told from Cara’s POV which showed her being fairly dismissive of Dean. (I was basing it on her canon reaction in 4x14!) Anyway the person took offence and then further took offence to the fact that my story was focused on Sam? In the end I just deleted the comment. It made me uncomfortable and I didn’t feel like I owed the person a response. (More often I have sort of… enthusiastic but slightly disconcerting comments, which I try to answer in a spirit of open mindedness and positivity, haha.)
Conversely: what’s been some of your favorite feedback on your fanfic?
Hmm. I have been lucky enough to receive some lovely feedback over the years, and all of it is very welcome. I guess when commentary comes from another writer who I really respect, that makes it especially precious (I had one really nice experience where I’d just read a fanfic that blew my mind and then that same week the author commented on my - then still anonymous - SPN Summergen for that year with the most detailed, effusive appreciation and I was super chuffed for… well, I’m still chuffed now). But I also love it generally when people say that the story felt emotionally real or that it spoke to their own experiences, or when they pick out particular bits that they enjoyed (both when they’re bits that I’ve laboured over carefully, and when they’re tiny things that I just threw in and never thought anybody would care for).
How do you handle writer’s block?
Sometimes I just put the writing aside for a bit and do other things like make gifsets; which is still fun and creative but less of a brain drain. Other times I will try writing something completely different to whatever it is I am stuck on - so if I’m writing like an angsty Wincest fic I’ll leave it and write some fluffy J2, or something like that. I might talk to a friend (usually @winchestersinthedrift) to get advice on whatever plot point is holding me up. If it’s something I’m writing for a deadline, though, I usually will skip over whatever bit isn’t working for me and try and work on a later bit of the fic that I can see more clearly in my mind. I can come back to the hard bit later when most of the fic is already done.
Which Supernatural fanfic of yours are you most proud of and why?
I think… I really like Marks Made, the Sam/Cara fic I mentioned above, because I wrote that aiming for a particular genre (character study through smut? I guess?) and I think it worked. I also feel like every contribution to that teeny tiny ship carries extra value! I’m also still proud of Touch and Go, the first fic I posted (also mentioned above), which gained traction with some ‘Sam girl big names’ at the time and through that introduced me to friends and communities that are still super important to me; and two of my sillier smut fics, Versatile, Tender and Delicious and Chemical High, because I feel like they are a genre that you can only really find in fan fic: comedy porn with feelings?! I like to feel like I’m eroding boundaries…!
What/who has had the biggest influence on your writing?
My PhD is in English literature and I read a lot, so really I suppose the whole canon of English literature has influenced my work (particularly the Victorians as that’s my area of focus). The connection between what George Eliot or Charlotte Bronte got up to and what I am doing might not be directly obvious, but I think it’s there. More immediately, I’m certainly influenced by a number of SPN fan writers I admire: people like denugis, road_rhythm, ratherastory. I like writers who can take me somewhere unexpected, whose work feels fresh, who don’t rely (as I sometimes worry I do) on the same old repeated conventions. I also definitely need to give a shoutout to @winchestersinthedrift, who is not only the beta on most of my work (it’s a mutual relationship and it works out well!) but generally the person I turn to when I’m thinking about my writing, who is a great writer herself and who is also a super convenient locally located drinking buddy and general good egg. We have super similar taste, and I’ve written lots of things under Becky’s influence or because I knew she’d enjoy them. She’s like an external internal voice. What a gift!
What are you currently working on?
I’m finishing up a fic for Becky’s birthday (it was in January… I’m late (ed: It’s out, find Wincest fic An Anchor here), also finishing up my piece for this year’s Sam Winchester Big Bang, and kicking around a couple of other WIPs. At the moment I feel like I have a ton of ideas and just don’t have as much time to work on them as I’d want to! Why does regular life have to be so time-consuming?
If you could give one piece of advice to a new and/or struggling writer, what would it be?
Don’t worry about writing what you think other people want. Write what you’re interested in and make it as real as you can. Tag it properly and promote it sensibly (not by @-tagging a million people you barely know, but by using the AO3 tags properly, posting in relevant LJ communities, and hashtagging group Tumblrs that post things that are like your work), and if it is good then people will read it and they will rec it to their friends. (My second piece of advice would be to take the time to comment on and respond to other people’s fic. If you like their stuff then there’s a good chance that they will like yours - you obviously share an attitude to the show - and I don’t know about other people but I often click through to look through at the AO3 of people who comment on my work, to see if they’ve written anything themselves.)
Here be awesome...
Tumblr: themegalosaurus.tumblr.com  AO3: themegalosaurus LJ: themegalosaurus.livejournal.com
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