#i haven't giffed in so long LMAO i think i forgot how to and i only did this because my pretty baby<3
hyunjins · 2 years
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florence-is-gay · 5 months
hiii!!! im a fan of your work and was wondering of you could write some hcs of the mercs with an autistic s/o?? i struggle with autism and reading these things kinda helps. thx sm!!! :ooo
Absolutely!! I'm so glad you enjoy my headcanons, i haven't written any for quite a while lmao
--EDIT FROM YEARS LATER OML-- I had this sitting in my drafts completed with all mercs except for the last 3 listed, between procrastination and life and falling out of the fandom I guess I just eventually forgot... Once in a blue moon I'd come back to this post and think... "I'm sorry tomatosoopp... I will finish this for you one day. Maybe not now, or later, maybe not even soon... but... eventually. I promise." I hope things are going well for you, you've probably long forgotten your ask but I genuinely hope seeing this finally answered will bring you joy and make your day <3
I know it's late to say it, but Merry Christmas and Happy New year! Perhaps you can consider this as a long overdue gift, from me to you! I hope this year will bring you lots of wonderful and amazing things &lt;3 Love, Flo (P.S., I also added a bit to the shorter blurbs at the beginning... To make up for all that time! Now enjoy your long awaited post, my friend! <3)
Scout is pretty ADHD, and we all know how that's the peanut butter to his S/O's jelly. He gets excited with you about the things you love! And stims? Oh yeah. Leg bouncing, pen chewing, and the likes. So he won't judge you when you excitedly flap your hands or smack your thighs/any available surface. In fact, he'll share his fidgets with you when he notices you're feeling nervous or stressed. Sometimes he forgets you are extremely empathetic and sensitive to high energy or strong moods, so if he gets too excited or angry or anything of the sort he will do his best to calm himself as to not overwhelm or overstimulate you!
Sniper's not much of a talker, but he loves to listen to you ramble! Sometimes just the sound of your voice makes him smile! Also since he knows how tactile you are, he doesn't mind letting you feel his scars, tracing your fingers along and across them. He also lets you scritch his stubble, and he finds your reaction both amusing and adorable! Also, if you love nature, Sniper is your perfect guy! He'll take you for long walks in the woods or along hiking trails, not minding if you are slow or simply taking your time to stop and observe every little detail <3
Engie loves all your little quirks!! He thinks you're the cutest darn thing on the planet! He'll definitely build you some fun fidgets and stimmy things! He also has earmuffs for when he's working with machinery, if you're feeling overstimulated he'll let you borrow them! Additionally, he enjoys relaxing with you by a fire just to chill out and play his instruments! He knows you have a fondness for music, so he tries to learn your favorite songs! He is also the type to always check on you to make sure you eat and drink <3
Like Sniper, Heavy isn't much for words. He doesn't mind silence, so he's perfectly okay with you zoning out, staring into space, or just lost in your thoughts. He also understands when you have a hard time wording things. He still struggles with English. And if you're feeling anxious or overwhelmed, he'll scoop you up in his big arms and hold you like a lil baby, and gently whisper words of praise and comfort. He'll also let you take naps in his arms <3 Like Engineer, he likes to make sure you don't skip meals. He doesn't always understand that some food textures are unpleasant, but he tries his best to find something you like!
Demo LOVES cuddles. He won't admit it to the other guys, but he finds it soothing. He knows you love to lay your head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat. He also gives great hugs! You told him once that you enjoy physical pressure on your body, so he'll give you extra-firm hugs, and sometimes he'll lay right on top of you to take a nap! He definitely will gift you some weighted blankets, along with some fun beanbags just to mess with. He also makes sure any touch on you is firm and grounding. Additionally, if you have a habit of sleeping a lot, it's no worry for this man! He's perfectly happy to pass out with you for 12+ hours and STILL have room for naps! As long as they are with you, he is happy <3
Pyro themselves are nonverbal autistic, so honestly to them, you are the most normal person out there! They have hyperactive tendencies and struggle to pay attention to anything too long, but when it comes to you, you have their full attention! (To the best of their ability, anyway!) They will happily share their love for fire and cute things with you, though they also love when you share your hyperfixations with them! Not only that, but they will often bring you gifts relating to the things they know you love! Should you ever feel sad, touch-starved, or understimulated, just know Pyro will always be by your side to give you the best cuddles and hugs you could ask for!
If you are someone who is always psyched to learn new things, Medic is your perfect guy! He knows a lot about physical and psychological health, including autism! He will take time out of his day to educate you on your brain and why it works the way it does! He will do his absolute best to keep you informed so you can better understand yourself! (Even if at times you get tired of his lecturing) He also knows that you are very hands-on when it comes to many projects, so he will allow you to assist with simple tasks in his lab! He also knows you struggle with your health habits, aka hygiene, sleeping, eating, drinking, etc., so expect this man to be on your back! He wants to make sure you take good care of yourself <3
Spy is a bit of a tricky one. He seems completely unbothered by all of your quirks, almost to the point where you wonder if he even notices them. Rest assured, he certainly does! But he does his best not to bring attention to it unless you are the first to bring it up. He wants you to feel as though your autism doesn't define you, after all, you are more than your disability! At times he may challenge you to break from any bad or unhelpful habits, such as nail biting and pulling hair, or more serious matters like harmful stims when you get upset. Unrelated, he knows you are a person of the senses. So any gift to you is always a high-quality item: scented soaps and lovely colognes/perfumes, clothing that is soft and pleasant to touch, weighted blankets, and any type of small heavy object that may be grounding. Not to mention foods he knows you'll eat, since taste and texture can sometimes be an issue. Of course there is more, and if you don't like scented things and find soft textures on your body displeasing like some, he will accommodate for that as well! And lastly: Don't let him catch ANYONE making fun of you! They may not live to see the sun tomorrow.
Honestly... He might also be autistic. No one knows for sure, but even if he was, he would loudly and proudly deny it. Loudly seems to be something the two of you do well-- you may find yourself struggling to control your volume in your excitement, but that's okay! He does too! Though he may also partly be hard of hearing from all of those rocket blasts... Regardless, the two of you seem to match each other's energy to near perfection- Yelling and screaming about nonsense, singing loud and off-key, even just making animal sounds or random noises incomparable to anything on this planet... Still he enjoys your company, neither of you really seem to be able to get a handle on social cues, but to heck with those! They're all confusing anyway! At least you understand each other! Additionally, the two of you may also struggle to remember things, especially short-term. But you're a good dynamic, always reminding each other what was forgotten! (...Just don't act surprised when he wants to recite to you the Declaration of Independence by heart for the 5th time that day.) And lastly, if you ever tell him you're autistic, surely he will tell you that you are American. And should you attempt to explain what autism is, more than likely he will assure you that you aren't (even if you clearly are-) and that you're perfect! He sees a lot of himself in you and he thinks you are the best thing since the birth of America <3
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
watching Leverage: ep 4
i actually meant to watch this episode last night but my sleepy brain said otherwise lol
Pre-game Thoughts:
also thank you everyone in the Leverage fandom who has given me such a warm welcome! y'all are so sweet and i feel like i'm being mothered by older cousins lol. i didn't expect this to gain a lot of ppl's attention, just a couple mutuals but hello!!! welcome to the show that y'all are vicariously watching through me or rewatching!
ok so turns out last episode we delved more into character backstory AND the overarching plot
Eliot was a farm-boy before getting becoming a bruiser, and i don't know why that is so funny to me (yes i do). my only question is when did he decide to go into that kind of business. was he an underground boxer or something? did he move to the city to "make a name for himself" but instead got into the mafia or something?
out of all the characters, this man is the one i want to know more about just because he never explains himself. oh, he recognized the fighting style of that mercenary? how sir??? oh you've been in this business for some time? how long sir????
this big insurance company is definitely the big bad. if they are the ones that our crew faces in the season's finale, i wouldn't be shocked. i would a little disappointed because these guys seem more like a s3 type of big bad that you build and build for some more seasons.
the actor who plays sterling is so familiar to me. i feel like i've seen him but he looked older than now. was he in spn? i think he was. i don't watch spn, but i've seen enough gifs to know the cast.
i've talked long enough, on with the show!
spoilers incoming lol
fluffy's reactions!
THE CLERGY???? oh wait no this is about city council corruption. a little disappointed, but this concept is still interesting
the children trying so hard to compliment sophie about her play. i think parker was genuine tho and she deserves a gold star
nathan trying his best to compliment the play lol "a beautiful rendition!" he keeps it vague enough to ensure there's nothing bad well done
"what are you doing?" asks the priest suspiciously. "just....uh, moving God's plan along...faster." nice save there nathan
awwww he didn't need to ask them this time to help out
when i say sophie and nathan are in love, i mean it because do you see how soft they are for each other????
alec already with the presentation board about which corporation they're hitting next before nathan needs to ask him my heart! he's already narrowed it down and even knew just what to say, my little prepared computer nerd
ok i know alec's the guy who has more of the comedic lines but don't think i haven't been noticing that his aversions to certain places or people are little holes into his backstory (or maybe not and i'm looking into this too hard but who would i be if i didn't)
"i don't do gangs" that is a short little line but has a a lot of untapped backstory in it i can FEEL IT
very sweet of eliot to just figuratively drag alec with him to get info on the gang who beat up the priest
his son was baptised there T^T ok ok we hitting at nathan's backstory today got it
sophie picking up nathan's distress immediately NOBODY TOUCH ME
well whata you know, i guess it can be that easy to find the gang you're looking for
"how's this for answer" *shows gun* i'm so sorry i chuckled. that's so corny i'm sorry. i would get shot by that man if he did that because i would not stop laughing
i forgot about the dislocated shoulder lmao
"do you mind?" OOP LITTLE DUDE'S IN DEEP SHIT WITH HIS GANG so the corp enlisted just a lackey from the gang and not the whole....interesting (also their mistake it seems)
ah this grant dude has a stick up his ass
ooooooh his publicist?
Tomas talking about his old neighborhood and then grant slamming on it NOOOOOO you hurt my boy
omfg he got yelled at by a nun they're ruthless i tell you
alec my boy "you're catholic and you want to fake a miracle?" i'm DEAD i'll have you know that good intentions are very important
eliot immediately on board with shooting the statue with a paintball gun after saying he thought the idea of the statue bleeding was dumb
AH sophie and nathan heart to heart T^T "you were the good guy...that's what made it fun" "i was...tempted" SEE THIS IS WHAT I MEANT BY DON'T TELL ME BUT ALSO TELL ME
she gonna wait for him T^T "but not for too long" LIES SOPHIE
i love fr. paul. he's so mad lmao
wow we really getting into it
tomas i love you, i'm so glad
"a reading of the Gospel according to Luke" me: "glory to you oh lord---SHIT"
see, this is why i keep my thoughts to myself with a priest because they will use in in their homilies.
ok but saint nick is santa claus tho
he is also the patron saint of prostitutes
general thoughts:
i really thought this episode would center on the clergy and all of that, but that's a too big topic to even cover for one episode. not to mention that that issue covers more than the US and i don't think the leverage crew will go international with their heisting yet.
and this did a great job covering how a lot of poorer communities get screwed over by bigger corporations seeking to expand their commercial empire. ALSO how most of their issues comes with underfunded infrastructure that local governments ignore, giving those corporations such a "great" reason to state their case on why those buildings/neighborhoods should be torn down.
AND it even touched on how quickly things that should be considered marvels are so easily commercialized in this day and age. grant was so ready to turn that church into the next disneyland which 1) is sacrilegious and 2) is such a shallow view on miracles. but hey, that's what US brands have done with Christmas soooooooo it wouldn't be surprising to see someone try to do that with a crying statue.
we even get the discussion of intention vs action because THAT is a hot topic in the Catholic community. do the ends justify the means? do the means justify the ends? and while they kind of leave that question in the air for the audience to decide for themselves, it kind of ends with the episode leaning more on the intention's side. Father Paul broke his vow and revealed what he knew when Nathan confessed because he felt that it was the right thing to do (intention: do right by his church and conscience; action: break the vow of silence a priest makes for confessionals). Our band of thieves framed Grant in order to keep the church's integrity and save the neighborhood. Both acts are considered bad, but both were done with the intention to do good.
so yeah, it was a fun episode, my ot3 trio are going strong. and i can't wait for more!
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cescalr · 8 months
New tag game: list ten of your childhood ships!
tagged by @babybeale <3... forever ago. Uh. Whoops!
[I will also state my current feelings regarding the ship, and I'll go into as little or as much detail as I feel like <3 I'm also. I have a sieve brain. I'm trying to remember what the fuck it was I shipped as a kid lmao. Anything I shipped, say, pre 2016, I think should count? ftr that means I was 14 or under when I shipped it.]
Nina/Fabian, from House of Anubis;
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They're still cute. Better than what they pulled in the last season ;-; fabian and mara...... why...........
2. Sam and Freddie, from iCarly;
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This show was just. Not good at writing romance. At all. It was bad at it. But I am very smart and know better than them (/joke) so I could do seddie justice. Er. Maybe trying to do that right now, actually. Shh.
[also, friend; jade and beck is so complicated, you're right. A fun mess, but still a mess lmao. Me and my rarepairs was always a fan of stuff that never ended up being canon though. Might as well put it next, I guess? Looking at your 3.... when it comes to icarly; we could not possibly have had more different opinions on the matter <3 lmao]
3. Tori Vega / André Harris;
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I haven't watched it in years so I do not remember why! But I do remember that I did. I think. Don't - don't quote me on anything ever.
4. Willoz - from buffy the vampire slayer;
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No gifs for them :( :( :( love them still so very much <3
5. Honestly, I'd steal your number 5 bestie, 6Teen was great. In the spirit of obscure animated TV shows, though - and It's been so damn long I forgot the names of some characters, had to look up the guy's name, lol - Zero and Vin from The Invisible Network of Kids. It left a profound impact on my psyche because they did something really fucked up in the last episode, plus left us on a cliffhanger, and then the show got cancelled </3 rip. Haven't watched it in a decade or so. No idea if it holds up, but I was super invested in these kids doing spy work and experiencing insane levels of trauma that would be ignored come each new episode </3. I was literally 8 years old <3. It has a TV tropes page and the entire show is availible on the Internet Archive, of all places, sooooooo I may browse. For nostalgia's sake. There are literally zero gifs available for this one, because. I mean. No shit.
7. Didn't watch any of that continuity - only got so far as Tracey Beaker Returns... alas. Anyway, my pic for 7..... hm. Sigh.
Stiles/Lydia, Teen Wolf.
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This ^ is NOT romantic! she slams her mouth onto his in the middle of a panic attack. Babe. No. No. Regardless; I don't like it </3. They really. Oh god they really fucked up this one. Like a lot. Plus, they both just ended up with much better canon ships (stalia, marrish) that then got shafted for this mess to be the endgame and then the movie breaks them up anyway!!! OFFSCREEN!!!! they didn't even last 2 weeks!!!! fuck!!!!!!!! I don't like them. But I used to. Playlist, for proof. I feel like this counts, because I shipped them when I first watched the show as it aired (I was 10 when the show started), but I did still ship the pairing until well into my teens (16 or so) before I wised up (the show made them very bad in a really boring way. Not that they weren't bad before. Love how they both do things that are otherwise reprehensible but the show frames them as romantic for some fucking reason </3 I was like 13 when I saw this kiss on screen. They're lucky I did research and didn't just take it at face value or I could've gotten some really bad ideas about what's healthy in a situation like this!).
8. Zikki (Zane/Rikki), H20: Just Add Water;
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Season 3 does not exist <3 [also, the way they wrote the 'cheating' plotline was fucked up. That woman planted one on him!!! he did not consent!!! Why are we supposed to be blaming him for being sexually harassed in the workplace!!! No!!!]. Still ship them fr fr.
8. maf;lkasjd;f yeahhh. Think if you watched friends as a kid, it was inevitable you'd ship rosschel, the damn thing was pushed so hard. Stand in regretful solidarity;
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For really obvious reasons (being that it is rosschel); hot damn no I do not!
9. Harry and Ginny, Harry Potter.
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Ignoring the horrendous movie adaptation, when I read the hp books I basically just defaulted to shipping whatever was canon. Luckily for me, the canon hp ships are actually pretty good ones! If you ignore the canaries in the room. (I. Do not. Famously. Well. Infamously.) As for Hinny, whilst its a garbage ship name, the pairing itself is pretty great <3
10. kaljdflkasdt thank god I don't remember jack shit about watching glee for the first time! the sieve brain is a blessing in this one occasion. I've already mentioned in another (tagged <3) post my vaguely-relevant hsm ships, though, so..... hmm. What should I pick.... let's think.... I'm kidding. I don't need to think.
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Shoker is a major missed opportunity in ME, and I've been mad about the choices for my fem!shep for YEARS because. Look. Kaiden she did not cheat on you. You left!! You accused her of being evil and fucked off after she was resurrected!! what else was she supposed to think other than 'guess he doesn't want to date me anymore. Rude.' And. You could have sex with Jack but not romance her, that was locked to male characters >:| biphobia [Jack can have sexual relations with women, but her only real connections are to men. Rude!]. And, Liara in my games always turned herself down for romance because she assumed my shep wanted to date Kaiden because she's not a total dick to him and there's no way for me to clarify otherwise, also people making assumptions :/ not great. Plus Li becomes the shadow broker and it's a whole thing, so that doesn't really work out narratively for me anyway. Can't romance Miranda. Can't romance Tali (wouldn't anyway - Tali/Garrus <3). Refuse to romance Garrus that is just so platonic a dynamic it's not even funny. Jacob cheats and dips, so fuck him. Like... all of the fem!shep romances are terrible (or Trainor, I guess, but she's... kind of. Nobody. She's Just There. Sorry. It's not narratively interesting enough for me.) and Joker was right there and augh. Augh! Still ship. Still mad about it. Hatboy Project is doing the lord's work! I salute thee soldier in thine endeavours. Waiting to replay LE until it's been finished <3.
If anyone wants to pick this up, go for it!
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tenelkadjowrites · 1 year
ahahahhaha no don't worry, my signal was in fact acting up (i'm on an island) so i decided to send the ask again just in case when i still remembered what i wanted to say! (also totally knew what to expect before i clicked the link 😆)
i know some people hate mullets with passion but i had no idea people were so nasty? his mullet literally attracted me to the group lmao. despite being a fan for a long time i only joined atiny spaces at the beginning of 2020 so i had no clue.
miss tenelka, taemin is my ult as well so i know what you're talking about, i've been a shawol for ages! though my feelings towards hwa are a bit different since taemin is like my bestie, my soulmate (i know, dramatic, i just relate to him and key a lot), and hwa is... my ideal everything... but i theory obviously
their first concerts were something else, i would love to see them again though, but so far it hasn't happened and probably won't for a while 🙄 (glad you're free from your ex)
ahhhh i see, honestly the gossip girl aspects didn't matter to me much, i liked htat the focus was more on the characters, but i understand where you're coming from. i definitely felt the presence of the city in arrow in the dark.
i used to have a hwa side blog (it's sadly gone cause tumblr is a bitch) and i still have hwa centred twt account. i mainly post(ed) about him, made gifs, edits, fan art and some people treat me like a solo stan it's baffling. i won't lie and say he isn't my fave, because he is and i love him the most, doesn't mean i dislike other members, smh.
in the end you have to post and create whatever you want, i'm sure people who bias other members and perhaps don't really read seonghwa fics are a bit jealous because you're such a great writer. so i can't blame them for wanting to read a story about their fave from you! but yeah they just need to deal with it. there's no use writing something that you dislike or feel like isn't authentic
yeah, it was mostly instagram comments whenever he would post a selfie. the comments were usually pretty negative and i remember being disgruntled over it and happy he didn't cave to pressure and change his hair. that's one of the reasons i love hj - he always wears what he wants and does what he wants to his hair and that's that. he's had hairstyles i've not been a fan of but i always love that he does what he wants stylistically boldly. and now newer atiny love the mullet and i constantly see them wishing he would bring it back so i feel vindicated in a way lol.
twitter is overall a pretty negative space. i use it mostly for shitposting because it's just a mess. sorry you had to deal with ppl thinking you were a solo stan. i don't understand the logic in that because there is such a diff between being a solo stan and having a bias, you know? if you ever start posting on there again, let me know cuz i am always kinda looking for good hwa accounts on there.
yeah sometimes i feel a little bit of the odd one out in the fanfic community because i know you are sorta expected to take requests, write for every member of a group, etc and i don't. i'm also shy and keep to myself and i struggle with any sort of attention me (i try not to be too aware of how many notes or followers i have because it gives me anxiety lol). most of the friendships i've formed thru the blog is because people have messaged me first altho i try to overcome my shyness and message people if they've written a fic that i've read and enjoyed a lot. i understand if someone likes my writing style but doesn't wanna read a hwa fic they could be a little frustrated i haven't written for other members but as you said, my writing is an extension of me and it's important that i write what i want and what feels true to me. the work is better for it.
thanks for always taking the time to send in thoughtful mesages.
EDIT: also i completely forgot to reply to the taemin part of this message omfg, sorry about that.
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yuhaosturtle · 2 years
BL Tag Game
thank you sumaya @morksuns for tagging me!💕💖 I haven't done one of these in so long it was fun to see how things have changed!
1. Your all time favourite bl and why
you know... for the longest time it was history2: crossing the line. It's been so long that I can't believe I'm saying this... but recently? color rush 👀 (and semantic error is looking at me too hshshs). I'm a sucker for the soulmate trope
2. That one bl that scarred you for life
I'm not sure there is one tbh? I only watched history3: modc via gifs/clips when it aired so I wasn't that invested. and I've always skipped the kengkla parts in lbc. I joined the fandom when most problematic shows had already aired too so I knew to stay away from them. so maybe sotus or addicted? those were some of my first bls and... they're not the best lmao.
omg no wait you know what really scarred me? the novel to addicted. bc after I watched the show I wanted to know what happens afterwards and 😬 don't recommend that one.
3. Is there any bl that made you feel very single?
most of them? but tbh saifahzon in why r u? made me feel extra single bc they're just so gentle with each other and I want that someday. also wangxian in the untamed.
4. If you could change one thing from a bl, which one would it be?
someone tell xi gu that he can season his food with soy sauce if the salt is out, no need to get run over
5. Your top 5?
that question is just not fair. how can I decide? idek what shows I've watched in the last years hshshs. my top shows are just ones I like, not ones I think are the best. ok here we go, an attempt at my top 5:
1. color rush --- 2. cherry magic --- 3. history2: crossing the line (nostalgia) --- 4. light on me --- 5. semantic error --- 6. theory of love
yes these are 5 please avert your eyes lmao. tbh this changes constantly and I probably forgot half of the shows I love so take this with a grain of salt (or soy sauce). also not me the series is a valid contender but I'm writing this before the finale airs!
6. that trashy bl that you lowkey like
I enjoy watching trashy shows tbh. atm it's probably cutie pie the series
7. your favorite korean bl (it’s important we know)
color rush!! I just love the whole concept and setup. it's about the angst for me
8. but also your top 3 for kbls
oh this is hard...ok I can just copy from my top 5:
1. color rush --- 2. light on me --- 3. semantic error --- 4. where your eyes linger
yes this is 3 idk what you're talking abt. (also why are so many of these school themed?)
9. Season 2? Which one?
tbh I wish we would get less second seasons... I think a good standalone show is lovely. of course I love the couples but not every story needs a pt2 just because it's popular, sometimes I wish ppl would let it rest 😅
that being said, I'm really excited about the cherry magic movie and to my star s2! since the couples only got together at the very end it makes more sense to me to have a s2.
10. a bunch of dramas will air soon. which ones are you the most excited for?
I'm not really informed about everything that'll air if I'm honest. I mostly decide to watch a show after a couple of eps have aired and I see gifs of them that intrigue me. I'm excited about kinnporsche though (is that even a bl?)! other than that I will probably start enchante and cherry blossoms after winter soon, but those are already airing
11. favourite underrated bls?
I think mr. heart is such a cute show! I also think that lovely writer has fallen under the rock a bit but that show was so good too!
12. Tag them!
how to make manja anxious 101 🙈 I'm on-and-off here too much to have regular interactions, so if you see this and want to do this go ahead and tag me! I want to see ppl's rankings 👀
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iamanartichoke · 2 years
So this is kinda random, but um, do you have any favorite films, and if so, what are they? Also sorry if this is kinda a broad ask, you don't have to answer - no pressure!
I like random! I have a lot of favorite films, tbh, films that I rewatch a lot and films that I forgot about until I rewatched them for the first time in forever and remembered how much I loved them (for example, I started writing a "review" on this 90s movie, Can't Hardly Wait, that I love but forgot about until I found it on Roku a couple of weeks ago, there were gifs and everything, smh, and abandoned it bc I doubt anyone cares lmao). For the sake of being (somewhat) less long-winded than I could be, here's five films that immediately came to mind:
- Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle. Just gonna get this one out of the way first bc I am legit embarrassed about it, but it did come to mind immediately bc I just watched it a few nights ago, so in the interest of being transparent, yknow. Like, I'm not proud of this; it's just a lot of stoner/weed jokes, sexual innuendo, and literal toilet humor. It's sorta gross and problematic af and I don't actually recommend it - but, at the time it came out it was a fairly original premise and it's kinda impressive how absolutely random the narrative is while still managing to tell a perfectly cohesive story with beginning, middle, climax, and end. Plus, Kal Penn and John Cho are both charismatic enough to sell it. I do find about 70% of it genuinely funny, bc my sense of humor is trash, but. *helpless shrug* (Incidentally, I did not like the sequel and didn't bother watching the 3rd installment; the first time around, the material was original and funny; the second time around, it was just gratuitously trying to cash in on what made the first film good and it shows.)
- Little Women (1994). Until I die, this will be one of my most beloved films. It has been not only a favorite film but a comfort film since I was a teenager, and everything about it is beautiful. I think that the casting was perfection, the story was done so well, the acting was on point, and the music is gorgeous yet heartrending. A few years ago, when I was living in Boston, I got the opportunity to visit the Louisa May Alcott house in Concord, which was an amazing experience. I'm so emotionally attached to this film that I refuse to watch the Little Women remake that came out last year or whenever. I'm sure it's a wonderful film, but the 1994 version is just too dear to me, and that bias would certainly color any reaction I had to the update.
- Breakfast at Tiffany's. I love Breakfast at Tiffany's. I first discovered it when I was a teenager bc I was really into Jennifer Love Hewitt as a teen (I'm dating myself) and she did an Audrey Hepburn biopic, which led me into an Audrey Hepburn obsession, and well. I think that the film is so well done and perfectly captures this tangible sort of quintessential experience of New York in the 60s. Moon River, in all its forms, will never not tug on my heartstrings. What I also like too, though, is that I did read and fall in love with the original novel and though the film takes its own liberties and differs a lot from the novel, it doesn't diminish the quality of either? Each incarnation tells a good, solid story. I also like that they can stand alone; you don't have to have read the book to understand and enjoy the film, and obviously vice versa.
- Serenity. I haven't watched this in its entirety in a hot minute but I was watching clips from it about a week ago, hence it springing to mind. Serenity is very well-written and hits all the right emotional punches, but I will say that those emotional punches land due to the film being an extension/conclusion to Firefly. I adored Firefly and I love that we were able to get a film to show how those characters' stories wrapped up. (That said, I know some Firefly fans hated it, which - well. Subjectivity and all.) I think this film has all the best Joss Whedon elements - drama and tragedy perfectly balanced with sharp wit and genuinely funny comedic relief, satisfying character arcs (and development in general), and no one is safe from a sudden, shocking death (in 2005, this "trope" was actually outside of the norm and the shocking deaths hit hard and mattered, unlike today where everyone and their mother shockingly dies at least once), plus the cast is incredible and the score a thing of beauty.
- The Dark Knight. When this movie first came out in theatres, I probably went to see it no less than 12 times. I like the entire Nolan Batman trilogy but the Dark Knight is the best one and also just a really well-done film in general. I adore Christian Bale and loved him as Batman (he gets a lot of flack, mostly for the voice, but imho he was the best Batman, I will not be taking constructive criticism on this opinion), and I had been a Heath Ledger fan since The Patriot (another of my favorite films, now that I think of it) and thought his Joker was flawless. Plus, it's so damn quotable; it's impressive to me how many quotes from that movie have become part of the modern cultural zeitgeist, in that at this point they exist almost independently from the source material and just belong to everyone and everything. "Some men just want to watch the world burn," "You either die a hero ..." etc.
... so yeah.
I truly apologize for the length of this answer. But thank you for the ask and the opportunity to ramble (and procrastinate at work)!
reblog if you want your followers to ask you anything they’re curious about.
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
And the Woman Clothed in Sun
Hannibal Lecter x reader x Will Graham 
Hannibal Re-Write Series Masterlist
Word Count: 2.3k 
Warnings: spoilers for hannibal, murder, pregnancy 
Author’s Note: I am half asleep. I really hope this makes sense. This is short too which super sucks but there was a lot fo Francis in this episode that I cut out because thats boring because the reader isn’t in it lmao 
I used some direct quotes from the script so some things may seem familiar 
Official Episode Summary: Carving retrieved from crime scenes help Will and the FBI learn about Francis Dolarhyde's psychology; Dolarhyde finds a way to communicate with Hannibal.
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
Tag List (is always open!) : @llperfectsymmetryll​ @ericacactus​ @vlightning95​ @sweetgoodangel​
(not my gif) 
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You stared down at the bathroom counter. You looked back up at yourself in the mirror and took a long, deep breath. This wasn’t ideal. This was not ideal. You didn’t want this right now, you didn’t need it right now. 
Will had gone out to get you breakfast and you wanted to test the suspicion you had picked up the night before. Will had been talking about children and it got your mind reeling. You got up early to get a pregnancy test, just to try it, just in case. 
The face staring back at you in the mirror was scared. She wasn’t easily scared. She just wasn’t ready to be a mother. You turned on the faucet and splashed some water in your face. 
At the sound of the door opening you quickly grabbed the two pregnancy tests you had taken and shoved them in your purse that was sitting on the counter. You forced your nerves away. You weren’t ready for Will to know this quite yet, especially not after last night and his nightmares. 
“Coffee,” he called, holding up a bag of food and tray of coffee cups.
“You’re a godsend Will Graham.”
“I do what I can.” 
Francis Dolarhyde sat at Hannibal’s desk. The desk must have held many memories when it came to the killer. Francis was amazed that he was there, Hannibal on the phone with him. He had never really actually thought they would talk to each other. And yet, here he was. 
“I have admired you for years and have a complete collection of your press notices. Actually, I think of them as unfair reviews,” Francis said. He looked in front of him at the office. He imagined himself sitting there, across from Hannibal, like a patient. 
“As unfair as yours?” Hannibal thought about how to angle this. “They like to sling demeaning nicknames, don’t they?” 
“The Tooth Fairy,” Francis sneered. 
“What could be more inappropriate?” Hannibal questioned.
“It would shame me for you to see that, if I didn’t know you suffered the same distortions in the press.”
“It happens to the best of us,” Hannibal promised. Francis thought about this. The clippings he had read and re-read of Hannibal always mentioned the Grahams. The Bloody Valentines. 
“Yes, I suppose it has to.” 
“I don’t think I’ve been here since you last taught,” you whispered. You stood outside one of the FBI’s lecture rooms with Will. You could hear the echo of Bedelias voice inside. 
“You had to bring that up,” Will muttered with a fond remembrance of a smile. “Hey, I used to love your lectures. They were interesting.”
“You liked to tease me as much as you could,” he argued. You shrugged.
“I thought it added to the entertainment. Come on.” 
The two of you walked into the room together. It was packed but Bedelia was about to be finished. You had planned to come and see her when she would be alone but catching the tail end of her Hannibal lecture was alright too. 
“Days and evenings again, the smell of fresh flowers and the vague awareness of a needle bleeding into me. Hannibal always stood at a distance, very still. There were days of talk. He never called me my name.” She recognized you and Will as you stepped into the room. She moved slowly around her podium. “It was strange at first, and then it wasn’t strange. And then my name was Lydia Fell. Deeply-felt truths of who I am as bedelia Du Maurier were smoke and mirrors of the highest order.” 
You and Will stepped into the crowd and sat down. Bedelia walked over to you and the audience followed her, ears engulfing what she was saying. 
“What we take for granted about our sense of self, everything we see, everything we remember, is nothing more than a construct of the mind.” Will eyed her with an uneasy mix of skepticism and sympathy. “Dante was the first to conceive of hell as a planned place. An urban environment. Before Dante, we spoke not of the ‘Gates of Hell’, but the ‘Mouth of Hell’. My journey of damnation began when I was swallowed by the beast.” 
The class wrapped up quickly and the rest of the room emptied. You and Will stood up and waited for them to leave. Eventually, when they were gone, Will spoke. His hands were shoved in his pockets and his glasses laid perfectly on the bridge of his nose.
“Poor Dr. Du Maurier, swallowed whole. Suffering inside Hannibal Lecter’s bowels for what must have felt like an eternity.” You smiled smugly at his words. “You didn’t lose yourself, Bedelia, you just crawled so far up his ass you couldn’t be bothered.” 
“Hello Grahams.” 
“You hitched your star to a man commonly known as a monster,” you said with that same smile. 
“You’re the Bride of Frankenstein,” Will said. Bedelia looked at you, eyeing you carefully.
“We’ve all been his bride,” she said and ignored the thoughts creeping up to her. 
“How did you manage to walk away unscarred? We’re covered with scars,” Will said. Bedelia still dodged the question completely because she knew how and you knew how. It was becoming increasingly clear that you had not told Will about how Hannibal actually saw Bedelia in Florence. 
“I wasn’t myself. You were. Even when you weren’t, you were Will.”
“I wasn’t wearing adequate armor.” 
“No. You were naked,” she said. “Have you been to see him?” You and Will shared a look.
“Yes,” you answered.
“Haven't’ learned anything, have you? Or did you just miss him that much?” 
Bedelia’s home office was strangely homey. You hadn’t expected that kind of thing from her, considering how stoic you read her to be on occasions. You weren’t sure how you felt about it. But Will had insisted that you come along. The last time he talked to a therapist by himself it ended up in more murders than he had planned. 
“If he does end up eating you, Bedelia, you’d have it coming,” Will said. 
“I can’t blame him for doing what evolution has equipped him to do,” she argued. 
“If we just do whatever evolution equipped us to do, then murder and cannibalism are morally acceptable,” you said . 
“They are acceptable. To murderers and cannibals. And you two,” she mused.
“And you,” Will shot back. “You lied, Bedelia. You do that a lot. Why do you do that a lot?” he asked. She and you shared a look. 
“I obfuscate. Hannibal was never not my patient. Covert treatment suffers secrecy and disapproval,” she said. You shook your head lightly.
“You lied in your lecture. To others. You lied to the police,” you said. She and you stared at each other and that was the first moment that Will understood there was something he didn’t actually know. He looked between the two of you. 
“My relationship with Hannibal isn’t as passionate as yours,” she said. “Did you ever discuss why I’m alive?” she asked at you. You and Hannibal had only talked about it once, in front of the painting back in Florence. Will had been so wrapped up in his head then that he didn’t even register it as something he should have noted. 
“You tell those people that you believed you were Lydia Fell which is a lie in and of itself. But then you let Will believe that you just were out of dodge because Hannibal liked you. But that’s not true is it?” you asked. She pursed her lips. You stared so intently at each other that Will felt as though he wasn’t even there. 
“You know how I lived because I wasn’t the first woman that Hannibal imagined as you,” she said. You raised your chin and gave her an amusing look. 
“Bedelia Du Maurier, Alana Bloom…,” you whispered. Will was picking up the hints now. He understood now. “He needed companionship.”
“No, he needed you,” she argued. “But he could never have you because you were Will’s and he cared far too much for Will to take you. Do you realize the extent of your reach?” You surpressed your pride.
“Why don’t you tell me?” you challenged. 
“I used to wash his hair when he came home, drenched in blood. He whispered your name when he forgot who I was. Can you imagine, having so much hold over a person who is usually so contained? I was amazed. From a professional standpoint, I was amazed.” She glanced at Will who was hearing all of this for the first time. “He used to bring people over for dinner and when he killed a man he asked if I wanted to participate, knowing I wouldn’t but knowing you would.” 
Bedelia smiled gently. 
“It’s a good thing that you married each other. Hannibal’s place things, linked for life.” She looked over at Will. “You couldn’t save him. Do you think you can save this new one?” 
You and Will sat in the car together in the parking lot of the hospital Hannibal was being held at. You had been quiet the whole way there.
“You knew about all of that? All of what Bedelia was saying?” he asked. He looked over at you but you looked only forward. 
“I figured most of it. I knew he dated Alana to spite me, he told me once when you were in jail that Alana was easier to sleep with.” You scoffed. “But I only ever thought about it in correlation to Bedelia. I knew she was lying all around,” you whispered. Finally, you looked over at him.
“Should you stay in the car?” he asked. You shook your head.
“That was ages ago,” you promised. “Don’t even think about it.” 
“I have to think about it because I can’t knowingly take my wife to go talk to the man who fantasized about being with her for practically two years,” he said calmly. 
“What’s he gonna do in the cage Will?” 
He thought about this for a moment. He went to open the door but you grabbed his hand. He looked over at you quickly and noticed you seemed to be holding something back. That irked him.
“What else have you not told me?” You looked over at him and wondered if you should tell him. You had to tell him. You wanted him to know. You needed him to know so that he could help you. You grabbed your purse and fished out the pregnancy test before handing it to him. 
It took him a moment. He looked down at it and his brain, usually so quick, did not realize what that small pink symbol meant. Then it all came at him. Slowly, he looked up at you.
“Are you messing with me?”
“No,” you said nervously. He was quiet. “Well?” He looked up at you and read your worry. He had made you nervous and it made him feel bad. He wasn’t nervous about being a parent with you he was nervous about the baby.
“Oh my gosh,” he said and a smile creeped onto his face. 
“You don’t hate it?” 
“No! Not at all? I mean...” he trailed off and there were the nerves again but you grabbed his hand and held it. 
“We’ll take it one day at a time.” He took your hand and kissed your palm gently, shaking a bit. He was going to be a father. Him. He was amazed. 
“Well now I’m defiantly not letting you come with me.” 
“I’m not going to tell Hannibal. Not yet anyway. It would look suspicious. Come on.” 
Will stood in front of the cage, just inches from Hannibal. You stood right beside them, leaning against the glass.
“Are you familiar with William Blake’s The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed in Sun? Blake’s Dragon stands over a pleading woman caught in the coil of its tail. Few images in Western art radiate such a unique and nightmarish charge of demonic sexuality,” Hannibal said, holding the crime scene photos. 
“The man who killed the Jacobis and the Leedses saw something in them that drew him and drove him to do it. He chose them because something in them spoke to him,” Will said.
“The Jacobis were the first to help him, the first to lift him into the Glory of his Becoming. The Jacbois were better than anything he knew,” Hannibal explained.
“Until the Leedses,” you muttered.
“As the Dragon grows in strength and Glory, there are families to come.”  
“I have to believe there is a common factor and we’ll find it soon,” Will said steadily. 
“Otherwise you have to enter more houses and see what the Dragon has left for you. Eleven days to the next full moon. Tick-tock.” Hannibal looked over at you. “I like this Dragon. I don’t think he’s crazy at all. I think he may be quite sane.” 
“I think that your opinion on his sanity is subjective,” you said. 
You and Will walked into the museum together, up to where they kept the important painting. 
“This way, Mr. and Mrs. Graham. You know, you’re the second group who’s asked to see the Blake today,” the tour guide said steadily. You stiffened and Will gave you a look. He took his glasses off slowly and you took them from him, putting them in the case you were holding in your jacket. 
As you reached the level where the painting was you grew unsettled. 
Will grabbed your arm. He had seen something that you hadn’t and now that you were two, he had extra reasons to be paying attention to it all.  You turned around and the tour guide left the room to go find his colleague. The elevator was still open and Will pushed you gently out of the way. 
Before you could protest, Will caught the closing elevator door. There was a moment of silence as the man in the elevator stared at Will and then he attacked him, shoving him to the ground. 
You rushed to Will first who was pointing eagerly at the elevator but before you were able to stop it it closed. 
“Are you okay?” you asked quickly.
“Yes, downstairs,” he said even quicker. You and him got up and rushed downstairs but by the time you reached the final flour, he was gone.
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taeminie · 3 years
youre bored huh 😏 gonna make you spend a longer time on this than usual
1. What are your top 3 favorite sets you’ve made
4. A set that flopped but deserved better
8. What gif trend do you hate (feel free to skip 🤭)
10. What was the first gif you ever posted
19. What is your gifting process like
32. What is your favorite tool/adjustment layer in Photoshop
34. A set that took you a long time/was really hard but you’re really proud of how it came out
YOU THINK YOU'RE SO SMART HAHA but jokes on u i already replied to some of these so *sticks tongue out* kdsjfds hii my darling i love u sorry i was joking i'll answer the ones i haven't yet
4. a set that flopped but deserved better
i've honestly made so many things that got little notes and i just leave them to be, they're just sitting together at the lunch table but they're still loved and they still belong in this world. maybe when i was just starting out i have some gifsets back then but i'm too lazy to look for themkldsjfkds
10. what was the first gif you ever posted?
my babies!!!! i think when i made this blog, i was just so excited to have photoshop again and make gifs again that i got carried away and made so many things right away but that was the first gifset i made for this blog.
32. what is your favorite tool/adjustment layer in photoshop?
color correction, i use it way too much.
but also, this isn't for gifs but i love the stamp/cloning tool for when i make icons/headers.
34. A set that took you a long time/was really hard but you’re really proud of how it came out
off the top of my head , i remember this took me forever and not just because of the process (lining the text and words perfectly to fit the gif and the movement of the gif itself was a bitch lmao) but because PS shut down on me 4 times while making it and i forgot to save so many of the psds so yeah i almost cried but look at her she's so beautiful :')
thanks for your questions bby!! ( that i am answering 10 years later lksdjflkds )
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baekhvuns · 2 years
SEXY BUT SURPRESED OFMGG?!!! It's true but why did he have to say that. The whole interview is so cute tho https://twitter.com/nobodylikehwa/status/1528680461748387840?t=h7v2rU3O7FiVkpCqO80ckA&s=19
I saw one anon asking why everyone writes for Seonghwa and your response nailed it. He just has so many different personas? Btw I don't know if you've ever seen this beautifully written ode to Hwa, OP really went all in 😭 https://www.reddit.com/r/ATEEZ/comments/saymu9/in_my_10_years_of_being_a_kpop_fan_seonghwa_is/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share
I saw the photocards and yeah when they arrive I'm gonna fight them. Saw San's too... but probably won't get them... Anyway I totally forgot the album was dropping yesterday (my time) TOOK ME BY SURPRISE. The King needs to be played in clubs because what a banging tune
Baek what does that HEHE mean this isn't funny :/// be serious
Wait is the simp king is a red head?! Nvm now I'm gonna headcanon him as such 🤗 I respect him very much for his simp activities and I haven't even seen them yet
Stop that edgy Hwa edit kills me everytime but I doubt we'll see his hair as long, so 💔 Dangly earrings yes, how I wish I was that dangly earring, might as well steal them all!
Jenkai was a ride and YGE always says the weirdest shit in response lmaooo. Apparently J x T made it into the news, rip. I wonder what's going on there and if it's really Hybe trying to cover the Garam scandal. But it's so fucking stupid, also not gonna work lmao people are talking about both cases 🤡
I'm sorry bestie I had to do it to you! Unfortunately I also think Soo Hyuk and Seonghwa have similar vibe, kinda boomer-ish, calm and shy but intimidating, they even said the same thing about preparing the right selfies to post 🤚🏻 their initials are almost the same too, yeah I'm losing it! Gonna kms 💀AND I had no idea Soo Hyuk and my son Beomgyu were on a show together??? Bistro Shigor omfg https://youtu.be/9kt1a_KUvIM they're so cute and Max Changmin was there too. Gonna watch it tonight. I only saw gifs of LSH wih kids, even though fuck them kids he was so cuteeeee
No I don't have hakuna matata tattoo, but Seonghwa's ending lyrics and I already have stars tattooed too, it was my destiny to be a Shitstar uwu
Uh, Someone sent this to me https://twitter.com/myloveatz/status/1528709371278008320?t=0hTwxnYAJoYUp1ouB4E-Ew&s=19
Unstable thoughts only...I have my own collection of Seonghwa calling me noona and he's always so cheeky like 💀
- DV 💖
hi hello!!!
SEXY BUT SURPRESED OFMGG?!!! It's true but why did he have to say that. The whole interview is so cute tho https://twitter.com/nobodylikehwa/status/1528680461748387840?t=h7v2rU3O7FiVkpCqO80ckA&s=19
I saw one anon asking why everyone writes for Seonghwa and your response nailed it. He just has so many different personas? Btw I don't know if you've ever seen this beautifully written ode to Hwa, OP really went all in 😭 https://www.reddit.com/r/ATEEZ/comments/saymu9/in_my_10_years_of_being_a_kpop_fan_seonghwa_is/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share
i actually ghost wrote this, yeah. OP WENT ALL IN AS OP SHOULD??? THIS IS LIKE ESSAY PAPER FORMAT FOR UNI FBWNDBKW no fr he’s so diverse?? ive only seen this type of fanficness with kai and taehyung and now with seonghwa,,,, so diverse and u can actually visualize them doing something like this in actuality at times too and ITS SO HARD TO PUT IT BUT ITS MAGNETIC HE’S MAGNETIC
I saw the photocards and yeah when they arrive I'm gonna fight them. Saw San's too... but probably won't get them... Anyway I totally forgot the album was dropping yesterday (my time) TOOK ME BY SURPRISE. The King needs to be played in clubs because what a banging tune
Baek what does that HEHE mean this isn't funny :/// be serious
synopsis : in which a classic case of the best man and maid of honour are forced into playing nice but of course, how’s anything nice with seonghwa?
Wait is the simp king is a red head?! Nvm now I'm gonna headcanon him as such 🤗 I respect him very much for his simp activities and I haven't even seen them yet
GBFBWNDHSJ I CAN DEF MAKE HIM I WAS CONTEMPLATING ASHY BLOND OR RED,, his simp activities include the entire kingdom putting a respect on yn’s name,,, he will absolutely give yn jewelries <3 which yn will decline but he will not listen 🔫
Stop that edgy Hwa edit kills me everytime but I doubt we'll see his hair as long, so 💔 Dangly earrings yes, how I wish I was that dangly earring, might as well steal them all!
no bc imagine an au where he has that long hair and he rides a horse so his hair like flowed all prettily 😭😭😭 YES EXACTLY THOSE DANGLY ONES I WILL ROB
Jenkai was a ride and YGE always says the weirdest shit in response lmaooo. Apparently J x T made it into the news, rip. I wonder what's going on there and if it's really Hybe trying to cover the Garam scandal. But it's so fucking stupid, also not gonna work lmao people are talking about both cases 🤡
OH NOT THE NEWS??? OHMYGOD??? i know kai crying bfbdfb YEAH idk why they’re doing this for a rookie that’s not even a month into debut,, at least we know that hybe pays for wins and everything and uses their gang like tendencies so their fans won’t point the finger at anyone else 😭😭
I'm sorry bestie I had to do it to you! Unfortunately I also think Soo Hyuk and Seonghwa have similar vibe, kinda boomer-ish, calm and shy but intimidating, they even said the same thing about preparing the right selfies to post 🤚🏻 their initials are almost the same too, yeah I'm losing it! Gonna kms 💀AND I had no idea Soo Hyuk and my son Beomgyu were on a show together??? Bistro Shigor omfg https://youtu.be/9kt1a_KUvIM they're so cute and Max Changmin was there too. Gonna watch it tonight. I only saw gifs of LSH wih kids, even though fuck them kids he was so cuteeeee
No I don't have hakuna matata tattoo, but Seonghwa's ending lyrics and I already have stars tattooed too, it was my destiny to be a Shitstar uwu
IT FRR WAS PLS his line is so pretty,,, he is so pretty omg AAAA U HAVE STAR TATTOOS TOO FBWNFH IT WAS FATE AFTERALL
Uh, Someone sent this to me https://twitter.com/myloveatz/status/1528709371278008320?t=0hTwxnYAJoYUp1ouB4E-Ew&s=19
Unstable thoughts only...I have my own collection of Seonghwa calling me noona and he's always so cheeky like 💀- DV 💖
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woozi · 3 years
henlo yza <3 ,
hdjdkd i don't really have much knowledge abt different techniques & kind of dances so when the steps match the lyrics i'm like '!!! wow yes i love it' fhdjdjskks also bc i've grown up watching these kind of dances only so my that's what i tend to notice first hdjdjddk it is also one of the reason why i decided to stan svt dwc, oh my, thanks & our dawn is hotter than day's choreo details really impressed me.
maybe vincenzo is your svt club & ur so valid for that <3 hddjdjekek also pls don't say sorry!! you can talk abt it as much as you want i like knowing what you think. i'll let you know how was it for me when i complete it. & no homecha hasn't ended yet (idk if there are 16 or 14 eps i haven't checked) it does come on weekends, counting this sunday's ep, we're at 12th rn.
i get that fjdjdkkd i used to be the same 😭 always waiting for dramas to end so i can binge watch because not knowing what happens next would kill me. but idk when this happened, my will to watch anything died down bc the eps are just there, available for me to watch anytime. im like 'i'll watch it next time' but next time never comes 💀. this year i've watched no-air ones only hdjssj very surprising for me ( also my wack memory & svt content supports me by forgetting abt it after weekend ends dhdjdkkd) anyway i'm very excited to see how you like homecha!
CHURCH BOY JOSH HDHDJDDKKSLSDJ church boy josh, cringe domestic boy, joshua numbers. we've come up with so many nicknames for him in few asks only 😭😭 dbdjksksk deserve actually. BUT SO TRUE I STILL HAVE NO WORDS FOR HIM. THAT WAS- JUST- WOW OKAY WE SEE YOU 😭😭and dino lip piercing and hoshi eyebrow slit..... so sexy of them. cb concept pictures haven't come out yet & they're already shinning!! love to see that. also now we have gyu and hoshi's wedding reception pictures & cottagecore hannie (with that collarbone picture right in middle >:( wth mister but also hbd ig <3) being added in the equation.
IM CRYINGGGGGG THEY LOOK SO CUTE THEY ARE SO CUTE NOO 😭😭💔 HOW HAVE I NEVER SEEN THESE COVERS WTH (being the ex-directioner and all dhdjkdsksk). I SMILED SO WIDE WATCHING THEM <///3 it's been so long since i heard one thing wow lol. but! this means they know who zayn is. thank you for this jdjssk this is going to keep me happy for some time hdjdke. SUNDAY MORNING EHJEJEKE 😭 thank you <3 dndjdj
IKR???? IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS CB I'M ALSO EXCITED TO EXPERIENCE IT WITH YOU. agreee truly bless svt for helping keeping us from losing it over life (by making us lose it over them) tbh sometimes it worries me too with the way contents keep dropping but just now in these unit interviews being released, perf unit shared how they have ppl who encourage them to be okay with their tiredness. things like that put me at ease. hope they rest well from time to time too. honestly just looking at their tour schedules i used to get tired because these dudes used to have more shows and less day offs and some of them being used to just move from one city to another. i hope in coming years pledis changes that lol.
sameee for the poster release hdjdkeek. also even though there was scheduler, i forgot abt the concept trailer 😭 it was raining & bcoz of that power was out as well & i don't use data dhdjdkdk. i think 5 minutes after 12 kst power came back (you can say joshu's sparkler brought it back hdjdjdks) it literally left me speechless. yk that meme ' everyone remembers what they were doing & where they were when it happened ' that's me & you with this cb hfjdkd honestly that's everyone with this cb me thinks.
seventeenies bringing the grass to you w their posts djdjkd ( btw you can always tell me if silly little jokes get out of hand i wouldn't ever like to make you uncomfy) but seriously i hope uni doesn't give you hard time. don't worry much just keep moving forward, at some point whatever is making you feel stuck will move away eventually.
is it that obvious? 😭😭😭😭 no i don't like rain at all dhjddk (i actually didn't dislike it as much during teens) mostly because road drainage system sucks here & we live in lower area so even moderate rain causes water logging. i'd give you some rain but this one's bad so i won't </3 ( as if i could if it were the good one 💀) stay hydrated!!! drink two sips of water everytime you hear dino laugh, i hope it cools a little soon.
that's what being on tumblr since 2012 does to you 😭 ALSO UR SO FUNNY PLS, SO ARE THE MEMES YOU USE FOR ASKS DJDJDKD. *hands you bunny headband dino* it's dangerous outside take this, you too stay safe out there 😭😭😭😭 love you too <3 and thank YOU for hanging out w me hehe :3, also dw tbh these asks have become one of the highlights for me now & i'm only using my free time excluding resting time, i hope you are too, no pressure at all! dw about being late - 🪂
ps - did i tell you i actually followed your svt blog around the time everyone was guessing your biases hddjkddj i sent mingyu & jeonghan dhdjdj that was my first ask :3 - 🪂
henlo, 🪂!! <3 <3 <3
honestly it doesnt matter to me tbh <3 if people enjoy the dance its all that matters!! and omg i can see that!! i love the svteenies always bring something fresh to the table
omg that means you're near the end 😭😭😭 i keep seeing gifs of it on my dash and it makes me feel a lil lovesick ngl HJFHJFHD why is it so TENDER????????????????
ok but that's so valid too bc that's me rn with in the soop.... i literally have not watched the 6th ep yet 😭 and i'm getting the feeling youre mentioning w swf now because i literally always look forward to tuesdays just for the next ep HJDHJDS also i am dumb what are no-airs HJDHJDHHD and ur not alone tbh <3 i have also been super forgetful lately and that is not like me fdhjdfjhdfhjdfhj we're rotting in this hellsite ig
love bullying him i just wanna know how he'd react if he gets upset <3 i dont think we've ever seen angry josh and i wanna make him angry sm HSDHJSDJ im glossing over dino lip piercing to directly go over hOSHI EYEBROW SLIT BC HELLO??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ive never really liked eyebrow slits but he makes them look so- i want him to hurt me HJDSHJDHJDS ALSO THE LATEST SET OF PHOTOS OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD they're giving me what i've been asking for i love being here sm <3 soonyoung's so chummy w everyone have u seen his photos w jihoon last night 😭 he's literally tamed the actual tiger icb this. and no oh my god i do not Know what Collarbone Jeonghan is i have erased him from my memories thank u
HDSHDSJDSHJDS the ex-directioner is so funny to me 😭 i think we have all been there one way or another <3 and ofc omg <3 i'm glad my core svt memories make u happy HSDJHJDFHJHJDSF
they literally said escapism hELP ME 😭😭😭😭😭 i think they're also just workaholics in general. i would be too if i actually enjoyed what i did for a living 😭 and are we even gonna get tours in the near future.... this is so sad i havent even seen them irl </3
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OMG that's terrible, i hope u guys were okay though :/ AND NOT THE JOSH SPARKLER FDDHJFHDFHJFDHFDH now i have to think about him oh my god i think i passed out a little when eyebrow piercing josh came on screen and just full on blacked out when the match scene came on tbh 😭 JKSDJKDSKDS ITS LIKE THE PANDEMIC!!!!!!! WE WILL RMB!!!!!!!!!
ALSOO NOOO OMG i dont feel uncomf at all and u should also tell me if i do make u feel so <3 thank u for even mentioning that!! also love that they're Doing It All for us we dont even have to go out to touch grass anymore HJDSHJSDJ i've actually been v happy w uni omg!! just that i often feel stressed bc they give us sm things to do </3 thank u for ur kind words!!
that's the price of being an adult JDJSJKD now we gotta think of things like.. idk the effects of rain 😭😭😭 i used to even love it when it flooded as a kid HJDSHJSDHJ now i get anxious too!! i love all kinds of rain though so i wont mind JKKSDKJSDKJD just that other people might be affected </3 wish i had my own rain cloud on some kind of leash lmao. ALSO IF I DRINK WATER EVERY TIME I HEAR DINO LAUGH FDHFDHJDFHD gonna be bloated but hydrated af ngl
oh my gOD YOU WERE HERE SINCE 2012???? we're literally sick bestie <3 i genuinely think tumblr has changed something fundamental in me and my way of thinking has not been The Same as idk.. regular people ig JDSHJSDHJSD THE OFFLINE PEOPLE!! smth about tumblr is so <3 sick but also i love this hellsite so 😗 AND NOOO NOT THE MEMES FDHDFHJDF its my broken sense of humor and inability to convey emotions properly HHSDHJDSHJ
BUNNY HEADBAND DINO?????????????????????????????????????? honestly he'd bring me more harm than protection i'll say that much 😭
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 that genuinely made me feel so warm & fuzzy, i always look forward to your messages too <3 <3 <3 i hope u always have good days u deserve it for being such a sweetheart
WAIT HELLO???????????????????????? YOU'VE BEEN HERE FOR SO LONG THEN 😭😭😭😭😭 and im so impressed you didnt get weeded out ngl HFDHJFDHJFD icb you've been witnessing me going more ill everyday <3 ur a soldier
and u are partially correct abt mingyu & jh <3 at least during the time JSDJDSJKSDJK i think i've been desensitized to mingyu now but i still love him sm <3 he's just so cute and cutesy boys kinda infuriate me in an affectionate way so HJSDHJDSHJDSH
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seasonsreads · 4 years
I haven't had this tumblr for long, but I've been on tumblr since 2011. If I go on my main tumblr page, I can scroll back the archive to literally 2011. Although I mass deleted a bunch of stuff. But it's wild to me thinking about that. I remember my first posts was something about the mortal instruments and some gif of jonah hill screaming and pictures of Barbara palvin lmao. In 2011 the first hunger games movie came out, I probably read all 3books in 2010,and went to the premiere in London in 2011 (didn't attend just stood where the fans are) and in 2012 I went to the breaking dawn premiere with my friends and we loved TMI and my friends got their books signed by Jamie Campbell Bower (forgot mine tho lol) and those memories in no way feel like they were about 10 years ago. Tbh ever since I started uni time seems sort of hollow, because I went through a bunch of stuff in that period and my personal life got shaken up a lot. I saw a post on tumblr once, about depression and time blindness, and how huge chunks of memory just gets lost with it. Although I do remember when I take the time to look back , a lot has happened, a lot of great and beautiful things, but for some reason it doesn't have the sharpness to it that my memories from the end of high school do. I remember being in Leicester Square in the breaking dawn premiere, we literally huddled through a bunch of folded cafe tables to get past the crowd and see the premiere properly, and the wind was crisp and cold and it was November. I used to watch a booktuber called xtine may, she's very popular, but I haven't watched her videos in ages, I went to check now and it just felt so nostalgic when it hit me like I'VE BEEN SUBSCRIBED TO THIS GIRL FOR 9 YEARS. Ive watched her video reviews on so many of my favourite series, and I still feel just like the same kid that watched those videos but somehow it's been 9 years. Reminds me of that quote about how every individual day can feel so long but you look back and it's been years, and that's your life. Or even that one direction song about just how fast the night changes, sometimes I go on a YouTube video and someones like "omg I remember when this Oprah episode aired in 1997" and I'm like dammmn, but now that's Me and one day that will really be me. Even though most of secondary school I hated, and sixth form (pre-college) I wanted to leave everyday, I wish I could take who I am now and go back to those days because I know I would handle my hurdles better and appreciate the days more. Gosh I remember being 13 and scrolling through WeHeartIt for ages. Like omg that feels like it could have been just a few years ago rather than a decade! I guess its because I hit my teens just as social media became a thing, I really am going nowhere with this other than the fact that in my heart it still feels like it's 2012 but it's 2020.
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changkyuh-archive · 6 years
1, 3, 14, 28, and 44!
1. What are your top 3 favorite sets you’ve made
hmmmmmmm i have a lot of favourite ones ngl. some of them are mainly gif-graphics which took me a long time to make so obviously i would like them the most lmaooo but i gotta say this monsta x tumblr archive gifset, vixx website mockup and b1a4 website mockup
3. Which of your sets has the most notes
i think it’s this taehyung not today gifset but i could be wrong
14. How long does it usually take you to make a set
it takes me maybe 10-20 minutes or more depending on the type of gifset
28. Have you ever posted a set, regretted it and immediately deleted it
yeah i think so but i forgot what it was lmao
44. Ever had a gif become a meme? Would you like that if you haven't 
nah none of them have become memes lmaoo
questions for gifmakers
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