#i haven't had covid but i'm a sleepy girl all the time
persephinae · 1 month
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if you have not had covid yet please help out science and complete this survey - https://covid-long.com/
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kirby-the-gorb · 6 months
reply roundup!
had to put these on hold for a while for personal reasons </3 they're likely to still be infrequent, but in honor of kirb2k!
(my notes would only load back to mid september so I missed a couple weeks sorry :c but be warned that this is a long one! it's 3 entire months' worth!)
also, reminder that kirb2k ends tomorrow!!! preorders, commissions, and auctions will all close at noon pst on sunday december 17th! everything is linked in the pinned post or filed under the tag kirb2k!
first is one more birthday kirb from my friend @sleepy-sheep-wizard:
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Realized halfway thru that I don’t know what Kirby looks like off the top of my head, so I got funky with it. Happy birthday, thank you for being a good friend
thank you again friend <3 getting funky with it is truly in the spirit of just drawing a little guy for fun, I love his little hat in particular.
on [mirror] @shapeshifterwithafez said: uuuh is Scherben bringen Glück/ Shards bring luck a universal saying? sounfs clinky as a direct translation. anyways in germany we say that shards of stuff you broke brings luck so I hope the luck finds you or smth sorry for rambling ^^
I'd never heard this saying before, but I think it's very sweet! thank you for sharing it with me :)
on [pipefight] @hauntedppgpaints said: goalies with a skate blade and their stick in hand
big hockey vibes for real yeah lol
on [pink] @gaydiation-poisoning said: ...I wanna eat that pink
honestly same, it's sooo pleasing
on [rain] @hive-heart said: Everything alright, daily kirby guy?
not really but sitting by the window in the rain is a good thing lol thanks for asking <3
(also the person who tagged that same post myhouse.wad made me laugh)
on [photo] @ceylonsilvergirl [added] a picture of their cat and said: get adored idiot!! see the hate in her eyes? I’ll make her love me yet!!
me @ my partner's cat
@violet-dragongirl said: oh! I have been meaning to ask! Have you played Kirby and The Forgotten Lands? I assume you did but just wanted to say that I did about a week ago and I loved it and thought of your art! ^.^ And if you haven't, yes, Carby is super adorable and amazing :3
I have! I got it very shortly after it came out, I had a really good time with it. I've been slowly replaying it recently with my partner, they were kind of fond of kirby just by proxy but since we started playing they adore bandee now and say he never gets enough screen time XD I'm glad you also had fun!
on [mice] @ceylonsilvergirl said: girls like swarms of things, right?
idk bro my wife wasn't so big on it when I got a gig housing 30 mice, but maybe she's weird. I liked them. (sadly one of the best paying jobs I've ever had up until the owner lost it and abandoned them with me, yes I still took care of them for the rest of their little lives) (and yes I also got my wife's okay before I took them on in the first place)
on [covid] @mordantivore said: reading posts from when the era of covid safety was declared anathema and ended is haunting. we were so desperate to find ppl willing to help us stay alive. there are fewer of us now bc “allies” are worthless & more of us have died
yeah. fuck. I'm lucky that the people in closest proximity to me are at least moderately careful, but me and my wife and partner are usually the only ones wearing masks anywhere we go except sometimes the employees and I know they don't always wear them when they're out without me.
on [swim] @northeasternwind said: Jdjdjfkg imagining Kirby being way more bouyant than your average human so them gotta exhale REAL HARD or attach nega-floaties (sinkies?) like weights to dive
lol yeah they probably gotta try So Hard to actually get under the water. (I think diving weights/ballast is a thing that humans use too? I've never gone diving, having my face underwater stresses me out -n- )
on [float] @nickiemoot said: he has to go now. his planet needs him. *slide whistle*
I can only hear this as that one similar part from one of the asdfmovies, it delights me
@vampiricarus said: if you see this just know i love your art so much
aww thank you! <3
anonymous said: just wanted to say I love Kirby and I love your art! I’m always excited to see it on my dash. thank you for bringing a little joy to my life :) I need it once in a while like I’m sure a lot of others do too! Keep up the good work :))
thank you! drawing a little guy brings me a little joy too, I'm glad it can do the same for others <3
on [drain] @ceylonsilvergirl said: I’m sorry you’re having a rough time. Existing is hard work sometimes. A lot of the time
fuck dude it sure is <3 especially when my body keeps trying to shut down lol
on [mud] @why-are-all-the-fun-urls-taken said: Hey man are u doing ok
I am not, thanks for asking <3
on [tummyache] @hobgirl said: :o kirby the gorb why would you do that!!!!! why!!!!!
I didn't want it to go to waste!!! everyone is dumb sometimes!!!
on [wizard] @eau-the-agony said: not enough appreciation in the wizarding world for garlic salt spell. its all kung pow penis tgis and ketamine ape that. not enough of the small joys which carry us through the horrors like a dinky garbage raft
you are so right. the small joys are the most powerful of all.
on [wizard] @beepbeepdespair said: somehow didnt know garlic salt was a thing until this moment. now i really want some. i think i just found a kg of it online for 12 quid??
I am so pleased that you now have the knowledge of Garlic Salt Spell, I hope you got to try it out for yourself :D
on [zelda] @chaos-squared said: Good job!! I’ve had it for longer yet still haven’t completed it ;w;
nothing wrong with that! I only finished it as quickly and thoroughly as I did because I was basically bedridden for all of october, as long as you enjoy the time you do spend with a game it doesn't really matter how much time you spend or how far you get.
on [brave] @gudetamalover said: me tomorrow afternoon when I get all four wisdom teeth out
I'd already had several other oral surgeries on account of Weird Teeth before I got my wisdom teeth out but it still knocked me on my ass for a couple days, I hope your recovery went as smooth as possible! (altho that was also like. 15 years ago. and general anesthesia has gotten a lot better since then.)
on [shiny] @angst-and-fajitas said: Like to slap his bald head reblog to slap his bald head
bald! bald! bald! bald!
on [powerwash] @chronicdilf said: decemberb 16 im goign to walk across the damn stage get my damn diploma folder im going to go home and POWERWASHER SIMULATOR JUST LIKE KIRBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah!!! you're gonna do it!!! you might be doing it right now even!!!
on [cooked] @hobgirl said: oh mood kirby..... struggling with the very last paper i need to write before i can graduate and its got me feeling this way fr
ough, I hope you made it through your paper! lots of people graduating tho that's so cool, congrats to both of you!
on [bears] @jupiterlandings said: I get so happy every time I see Cake and the name Cake being tagged :)
it's such a good name for a bear, I'm grateful you thought of it!! especially given the best I could do for the other one was "kirbear" lol
@violet-dragongirl said: omg seeing that Fav Grobs Post you recently put up makes me so happy! over a thousand (and then some!) GORBS?! :D I'm not only impressed but so proud ya made it this far and I'm so glad you got possibly more to go of Kirby!! :D!! Really great job 🥰🥰
thank you! I'm gonna hit 2000 days of drawing kirby tomorrow, that's so wild!
on [popular] @timeturner-jay said: Op your Kirby art brings so much utter joy you have no idea <3
yay I'm glad <3 I love to draw a little guy, it's good I'm not the only one having fun lol
I got a lot of "good blaze op" on the [macarena], and you're all correct, thank you for recognizing my great decision making B) (I'd been meaning to add the music and blaze it from basically the moment I drew it, I've just been really sick so it took a while.)
(also even if I don't always gather them in the roundup there are names I recognize showing up repeatedly in the tags, some of whom have been here for years, and I'm always glad to see you're still around!)
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topsytervy · 3 years
New Years with Rafe
Just a little post about Rafe and you on New Years that I whipped up cause my lonely ass will be sat on the couch with a pizza next to my dog as I rewatch JackSepticEyes Little Nightmares playthrough instead of cuddled on the couch with a gentlemen non-canon Rafe.
Warnings: mentions of drinking, swearing, poorly edited so probably spelling errors, if you haven't watched All Dogs Go To Heaven small spoiler for it but not big enough to spoil the entire movie I think, and I think thats it.
Word Count: 1,089
Blurb: you spend New Years Eve with Rafe instead of going out and partying cause you two want to keep people safe. No shade. Just facts.
You and Rafe Cameron had been best friends for as long as you could remember. You were only a year younger than him and just graduated high school, heading off to college a couple months later before COVID and Rafe ended up moving with you.
"I don't know, Y/N. You living in an apartment alone or in a dorm with a stranger just doesn't sit right with me." He told you honestly as you packed your things.
"What? You wanna move with me and away from all your loyal subjects?" You joked, adding a little bow to it. 
"Yeah. Why not? Besides New Years will be boring if you're not here to almost flash everyone at a party and I stop you just in time." He grinned.
You smacked him. "It was once and it was windy, Cameron." He laughed, grabbing a pillow to act as a shield. "But if you're so worried about me, I wouldn't mind a familiar face around 24/7 even if it's an annoying one." 
Rafe stood up and clapped his hands. "Then it's settled."
However, New Years parties were on hold (well, supposed to be on hold but you know how some people are) due to COVID. 
"You were right about New Years being boring." You mustered through a yawn as you sat on the couch, curled up under a blanket as you and Rafe watched TV. A wine cooler sat between you two and you reached for the bottle, refilling your glass before refilling Rafes. "I think I'm going to turn in early. 2020 doesn't deserve a nice send off. It deserves a fuck you, get out, and never come back or I'll get a restraining order against you." You went to stand up but Rafe grabbed your hand.
Rafe checked the watch on his wrist. "Five more minutes. Just five. You made it this far, Y/N/N. What's five more?"
You blinked at him and he stuck out his bottom lip, pouting at you.
You rested your head on his shoulder and sighed. "Fine. But if I fall asleep, you have to carry me to bed." 
"Fine by me. Wouldn't be the first or the last time I do."
It was so much easier to stay awake when you were away from your bed and surrounded by strangers and loud music.  You and Rafe decided on a childhood movie marathon to help keep you two awake but it wasn't really helping. Rafe wanted to watch All Dogs Go To Heaven despite it always making you cry. And crying would only fuel the sleepiness.
"I really don't wanna go into the New Year crying." You mumbled as he put the disc in. 
"I have so much confidence that this is the time that you won't let tears fall." Rafe reassured you.
"Yeah. Wait until we get towards the end then my heart will crack and the tears will fall."
Now here you were watching Anne-Marie hearing everything Charlie was saying that would lead to her running out and getting kidnapped. 
"The tears are coming." You whispered, feeling your throat tighten as you held back sobs.
Rafe wrapped and arm around you. "She just got taken and they're about to tell everyone. This isn't even the saddest bit."
"It's just the sense of all the dogs, even Itchie who was pretty cold to Anne-Marie, are all spreading the word and willing to do anything to protect this little girl that half of them didn't even meet." The tears began to fall as you spoke.
"Okay, okay. I see your point. Maybe this was a bad movie to watch." Rafe rubbed your arm. 
"It hurts so much worse when you lose a pet cause it's like 'wow, my pet was exactly like that with me. Willing to do anything to protect me', ya know. It just fucking hurts man." You blubbered.
"Want me to turn it off?"
"Alright. I'll pause it when we hit 15 seconds to midnight. Sound good?"
You nodded, sniffling as you tried to calm yourself down. Rafe reached for the box of tissues on the end table and grabbed some for you.
"Thank you, bub."
"You're welcome, Y/N/N."
The time came a couple of minutes later to pause the movie and begin the countdown, you had composed yourself for the countdown and Rafe nodded.
You brought the blanket closer around yourself as you two counted down.
"3...2...1… Happy New Year!" You two cheered. Rafe reached onto the floor and grabbed the bottle of champagne he had purchased, opening it and pouring some for you both.
You two linked your arms and brought the glasses to your mouth, chugging the beverage before unlinking your arms from each other. 
"To getting through 2020 together." You grinned.
"And to going into 2021 together but in a different way." Rafe added before grabbing your face and bringing his lips to yours.
You paused for a second before wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing back, pulling him impossibly closer.
Rafe pulled away first, grabbing the champagne and refilling your glasses. You kept an arm around his neck, a hand playing with his hair as you held your glass in the other.
"How'd you know, Cameron? I thought I was pretty good at keeping my crush on you secret." You asked, taking a sip from your glass.
"Oh yeah. If I wouldn't have found your journal and read it while I was waiting for you to get home one day after you graduated, I wouldn't have known at all about your little crush. You really don't flirt much, huh?"
You smacked him, mouth agape. "You read my journal?"
"Okay, underneath random books on your desk is a shit hiding place for a journal. Hide it in your underwear drawer or something. Literally anywhere else is a better hiding place than where you had it." He laughed.
You rolled your eyes. "Just unpause the movie so we can finish it and go to sleep, Rafe."
"As long as I get to sleep with you in your room tonight."
"Your room is warmer. I wanna sleep in there."
"Then we'll sleep in my room." Rafe grinned as he kissed the top of your head and resuming the movie.
"Now I have an excuse to crawl into your bed at 2 AM when I can't sleep and want your body heat."
"You never needed an excuse to come cuddle with me, sunshine. You just didn’t know it." 
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blairwaldcrf · 3 years
End of the year Review
1. Song of the year?
Exile - Bon Iver & Taylor Swift
2. Album of the year?
i hate myself for it but Folklore lol
3. Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year?
Harry Styles... I never cared about One Direction and thought his stuff would be lame like *cough*zayne*cough* but I was pleasantly surprised he had his own rock sound
4. Movie of the year?
tbh i have seen an extremely tiny amount of movies this year so I'm gonna go with a tie of Soul and Happiest Season (purely because Dan Levy)
5. TV show of the year?
Teenage Bounty Hunters
6. Episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you?
Unfortunately the funeral episode of Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist
7. Favorite actor of the year?
Dan Levy
8. Game of the year?
I haven't gamed this year other than Sims 4 so...
9. Best month for you this year?
hahahaha. I guess January after passing my pharmacy board and not knowing the shit storm that was coming
10. Something that made you cry this year?
idk something like the 2 deaths of mother & mother figure as well as my exfiance leaving no big deal
11. Something you want to do again next year?
go hiking more
12. Talk about a new friend you made this year
let's see, @missbrunettebarbie who is a wonderful writer, thoughtful friend, and also someone i shared trauma with at the same time... @takaraphoenix who is lovely and helpful and hilarious when it comes to asking cultural questions and @legendsofentity who is honestly the sweetest and always has some fun headcanons for me on the daily ❤️❤️❤️
13. How was your birthday this year?
well my mom who had me at 30 died right before my 30th sooo....
14. Favorite book you read this year?
King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo
15. What’s a bad habit you picked up this year?
eating edibles to deal with grief
16. Post a picture from the beginning of the year
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17. Post a picture from the end of the year
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can you see the deadness in my eyes?
18. A memorable meal this year?
a few different ones at nice restaurants
19. What’re you excited about for next year?
the covid vaccine and my tax return money
20. What’s something you learned this year?
oh dear God, idk. people are more stupid than I gave them credit for. on the other hand, the better of humanity really stepped up and created beauty in the darkness. nurses, doctors, activists...
21. What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year?
i have two computers on my dining table to work at home 😕
22. Favorite place you visited this year?
23. If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?
talk to your mom more. that girl is only using you for an ego boost. get ready.
24. Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions?
lmfao no, i didn't set any to begin with because i stopped believing in them awhile ago and dear God this year proved me right
25. Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one.
Um, idk about new characters I mainly just remodeled old ones. Although in Sims I did create some lesbian witches so 🤷‍♂️
look I'm a weirdo who loves end of year shit so i did all of them but no pressure HOWEVER I'm also considering this my
❤️follow forever ❤️
@takaraphoenix @legendsofentity @fonduaunoire @missbrunettebarbie @laufire @calebcovington @girlpash @reggietheghost @realchemistry @chasecordelias @acelandonkirby @furiousfinnstan @caiterprince @jcmorgenstern @dylanobrienisbatman @dovegranger @evanbucklley @khalidaaaaa @zaritomaz @montygreen @dinah-lance @beth-cassidy @bedoinkle @sakebytheriver @welldressedllama @bithcassidy @lexkent @hood-ex @nytewing @stevenrogered @yobats @glenn-rhee @chasingshhadows @eversall @iwillbestronger @intostarlight @sleepy-skittles @harmonization @haleysbrooke @oneeyeddestroyer
if I'm missing someone I'm sorry 😭 i still love every one of you!!
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Oh my fuck I'm so done. One month, one month ago I was so grateful and optimistic about this new job, but every day it's been one shitshow after another and no one seems to care that I can't get any work done. I wouldn't care either except that I'm new, and the noob is always the scapegoat, so whose fault is it going to be that customers don't get their prints? Not the machines, not the techs, mine. Still a good thing I haven't replaced my 25 year old car that's falling apart because I probably won't get to this year (or even next year) either!!
Meanwhile, my mother has serious problems of her own but doesn't want to take any steps to fix them, she just wants someone to tell her "that's rough buddy." She quit therapy and wonders why she's still having mental breakdowns. idk, maybe because you won't help yourself like the therapist (and I) suggested? Then she bitches at me when I offer my input. "Could you not argue with me?" Fine then, next time I'll just nod and not pay so much attention if you don't want my help. I want to tear my hair out.
Meanwhile again, the cat I've fought so hard to keep and won -- thanks to this new job sealing the deal -- keeps staying out all night, worrying me to death. I suppose one day he just won't come back, and that's more money I've wasted on cats I can't keep. Story of my goddamn life.
I hate my life, I thought things were looking up but it's just a new version of the same old shit. The only difference is now I'm paid to hate it, and I get out of my shitty house all day, so whatever.
I'm afraid to get on the scale because just as soon as I reached 20 lbs lost last month, I started this job, and it's been so stressful I've hit the sweets hard. I don't want to undo 15 months of hard work. Even though it doesn't matter that much since I give up trying to land a mate. Every fucking day I'm glad I don't have to deal with a useless, lying, cheating partner, not when I've got two severely mentally ill family members and a son (cat) who does whatever the fuck he wants.
And I've got no friends to tell this garbage to, so onto the secret tumblr it goes lmao. I give up on twitter because my one follower doesn't like my posts anymore. I give up on instagram bc my one friend there said she was deactivating and wouldn't DM me there anymore, but she's still quite active with posting her bonkers religious ramblings via photographs. Plus I think she's a Covid denier and anti-vaxxer so uh... yeah, no big loss. And I give up on my "public" tumblr, which has like 3 followers who don't care about me, just the handful of entertaining fandom posts I've made. For fuck's sake, what happened to people wanting to be friends? Does everyone on social media expect everyone else to be content creation machines? Now I know how comedians feel.
This day started out shitty ever since I had a dream I was having sex with my last crush (from 2018, jfc). I woke up thinking nope, my newly-declared ace ass does not want this, and went back to sleep to dream of something a little more pure from my childhood. But I'm still mad about it. I think my sexuality facet is feeling left out since I never include her in picrews (to be fair, she's never around to tell me what she wants out of them), so this is her revenge. Or she's picking fights with her now-ace sister because she gets attention via drama. Presidential alert: the girls are fighting.
God okay. I'm going to read my ""hateful"" gossip forum now (which I was taking a break from bc it got boring, but hopefully something funny happened the past few days) and wait for the sleepy time drugs to kick in. Or maybe I need another dose. Going to work numbed from perfectly legal otc drugs sounds like a plan.
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