#i haven't showered in 60 hours oh my god. the things i do for this band :-|
smitherscreens · 2 years
I spent like 30 hours at/around the venue total and I expected the camping experience to be kind of miserable tbh, but it really wasn't. I met a little group of people and we got to hang out the whole time and as someone who has always had trouble making friends, it was just such an amazing experience to find these people who I could immediately connect with :,). It's actually kind of crazy how much I came to trust them. I had one take my phone back to her hotel room to charge and then two of them gave me a ride back to my place afterwards, which is not normally stuff I would expect or accept from people I'd known for less than two days lmao.
I'm sure you saw the toddler/mom shit on twitter, and that put a bit of a dampener on the beginning of the show, but honestly as soon as the opener started I forgot all about it. Peter McPoland was really good, and even though I didn't know any of his songs his set was absolute fire.
As for the pilots themselves, I cannot understate how powerful it was to see them in person. I was second or third row from barricade, which was way closer than I ever expected to get. The transition into No Chances went crazy, Guns for Hands made me sob, the Mulberry Street lights were so beautiful, "for the 23rd time in a row I seem to have forgotten my ukulele", etc. etc. I could literally talk about this show forever. It was so meaningful and cathartic and heart-wrenching to hear Forest live. I can't even remember the number of times I've cried to that song by myself, and it meant the world to be able to cry to it with thousands of other people.
ALSO my phone died halfway through Choker, so I don't have any videos of it, but they put Tyler's platform directly over my head and I GOT TO HOLD UP HIS DRUM DURING TREES!!!!! It honestly didn't even feel real, and I hope desperately that the girl standing next to me remembers to send me the video she took lmao.
It was an all around amazing first show, and I miss it more than anything. <3
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theseagull16 · 3 years
Warning the following content includes swearing ideas of suicide attempted suicide and depression and anxiety and mental illness detailed graphic descriptions and sexual references and criminal acts which could be upsetting to some viewers viewers discretion advised before reading the rest of this post remember this is all of my own oc is not official and I don't know how to make it if it's even possible anyone knows please comment but for now is this is my personal SCP but other Scps mentioned are real as in official
At present day Dizzy has requested out of the blue for an interview it's noted that is SCP has often refused any interviews that is requested to her and any interviews normally that she participates in are immutable, lies or just plain out ignored. But Dizzy has come to researchers and bargains an interview for the deal of being allowed to visit SCP 1508 in private for an hour at least site director... has agreed to the interview and taking Dizzy bargain so long as she doesn't cause any harm at all, any sign of aggression or sines of excitemen stress to anyone during the interview any signs of escape interview and her deal will be off. Dizzy has to where when juring outside of her containment high Dennsery expense gloves to avoid causing inorganic objects to be affected with poison table and area around Dizzy is not to be approached by interviewer or touched juring interview because that would trigger the response of the poston to exploding and causing the effect to happen. Interview Dizzy being green interviewer is in blue
Begin log
Instant silence
You know we could come closer I won't bite, l said I won't hurt anyone and you're standing in the middle of the room on a chair looking like an idiot might as well come closer to the table.
I would but you're leaning your elbows on the table causing your so-called "poison" to infected it and if I touched any object infected with dos green veins I end up suffering norva and diarrhea for the next good 62 hours
sigh what's the point of having these gloves on when everything is already infected with this stuff, there's on point keeping them on
She throws the gloves into a nearby bin
I don't think you're allowed to do that
Err fuck like who's going to care anyway, not like I'm using them anyway
Still if you don't coporate this interview will be over
then herey up and say some God them questions
Alright why a sudden desire to communicate. Until say yesterday you refuse to take any interviews flipping off, telling to f*** off or any other offensive language to anyone who comes near you with the idea of doing any experiments or interviews. And in unlucky situations sometimes you even vandalised there cars, objects rooms, or just make them sick
(A laugh could be heard in a slight giggle) what can I say they deserved it
To you maybe
They do deserve it Dizzy slams her fists onto the table
Calm remember
Yeah I know stay calm or no interview blah you're probably going to ask me about that later in the questions and to answer your question about why I suddenly have the urge to talk to you bush bags I have my reasons but I don't think that's important the only thing your little Foundation fides important is I share my knowledge I ceep carefully to myself so if you want to know anything just ask you're stupid question you had on your mind since the day you started working and found out about me now then I can get on with my day
So long as it ends with you visiting SCP- 1508.
If you mean by Joe which is his name by the way then yes yes I do
Which moves on to the next question why do you dislike when we call you by your designated numbers instead of your name
AAA Dizzy Flores her head back laughing before continuing in a mocking manner you supposed to be smart but still asked me simple easy questions. What to get my opinion it's kind of obvious I don't like being called that because I'm not your property is the degrading and I have a name so I don't see why not use it. it's supposed to be respectful to use somebody's name and I don't see being called at number is very respectful it's why anything or anyone in here that doesn't have a name I give a name
Is that why you break into other SCP containment rooms.
At first usually I just go into the room for entertainment in the form of a conversation or to hopefully make a new friend like and Joe, know any other SCP but then after I get to know them better and I found out they have no identities and some of them are also as miserable as s***. So I give them a name to have an identity with the name.
why do you have the urge to break into other SCP containment for your own entertainment can't use ask for something to keep you entertained
No it's more than just entertainment is the opportunity to travel, explore, marvel and brighten up the day of different objects and people that can usually only be found in fantasy amazing and every experience is almost always something new you can't put a price on that or replicated is not same and it kind of pisses everyone off, so it's an added bonus for me ahah.
Next question are you aware of your other a anomalous traits other than your main one
Do you mean other than the fact that I didn't take a s*** in literally over 60 years, I haven't cough, sneeze, or felt anything other than normal for decades that I don't even need the shower when just for entertainment and It turned the water green with my poison, and that anything that comes on to me like bacteria that is harmful gust slides off my body and clothing and every part of me, that I can't feel actual fear other than shock seeing it's a negative emotion or the fact that I can't be affected by medication even with a positive effect and life vitals machines don't actually work from me yeah I kinda have notice
What's your opinion on the SCP held here at the site and throughout the foundation hard to pinpoint your exact your opinion on SCP even when observing other SCP is hard to get your exact opinion your reaction are randoms to say the least
Actually that kind of a hard one Doc, my reaction is random because it's really depending on what happens when I go in there I don't really know what to expect I just go with the flow and see what goes on in there really it's kinda going into a room blindfolded almost and as for my opinion for other SCP some of them I actually I'm glad they're stuck in here seeing that they will probably kill the whole god damn universe if they ever got out and others I feel sorry and also disgusted by the foundation for keeping it here it's not their fault and they're not even dangerous they just a little different that's all that star eyed girls she just want to get out but you won't let her shame on you
She which you have named galaxy never put any request for ever mentioned for going outside
That's because he is scared if you would just sedate her like other in here
She wouldn't be scared if people not mentioning names didn't tell exactly what people do in here to SCP when they are to Wiley
yeah put the blame on me why not it's not like he has brains to figure it out by yourself you really underestimated SCP that's another reason I find the foundation disgusting we're not objects or least not all of us
Moving on
Hurry up
Do you anything about the laxatives in the tea of dr ....
now let's get to the source of this conversation in the first place, why the sudden urge to visit SCP- 1504 usually if you just want to see him you preferably or duo not encouraged method break into his containment and settings free usually or vice versa why now you deciding to go for more for the less catastrophic method of visiting
Like I said before I have my reasons
Oh really
What are you getting at is this a double course because if it's a double course I will
Don't worry we can't even double cross you know negative effect remember
We did some research on your friend Joe as you call him and surprisingly we discovered that today is his birthday and it so happens since was contained every year on his birthday he seems to be more miserable year after year it's also happened you demanded an interview you might despise us but we are intelligent we kind of put the dots together you might as well admit it
.... Alright fine I admit it I ordered this interview in hoping to get privileges of allowing me to visit him on his birthday he is miserable is sad seeing the only companion you probably have around here for who knows how long I stop counting decades ago just drink and get high on his birthday and not even happy it's a miserable sort of way in a sense of will depression and years getting older nothing to getting better for him even after me even just visiting him in his cell still miserable tied up in there but not even a single birthday cake or compliment from anyone other than me to make him feel better even though I know you don't even notice so I decided to take the long short by getting this party
That quite admirable actually your friend is not getting on well with his birthday so you decided to do something sweet for him, don't think from your records of time we let you two be together you'll probably get a reward like an extra radio but a party station I don't know
Worth a try
And what happens if it fails
I guess you'll be another miserable year then
Never realised that your friends up with SCP 1504 this toxic
Personally I think that comment is bullshit.
What makes you think that don't you notice you encourage each other to drink, smoke, commit crimes, and vandalism even notice once a couple of years back that you and "Joe" somehow managed to make a secret meff lab and using it to experiment with different a SCP for fun in the basement of site 91
Hahaha I'm surprised you idiots didn't notice that earlier we somehow managed to drug up at least 6 SCP before anyone noticed and even then it was by accident when they were clean out the old basement Dizzy throws back in her seat laughing AH AH
You think it's funny to drug up SCP some of them are people you know
Bravo and in only took you experimenting on them and somebody else who having needles jabbed into them who are not scientists to say it
Regardless don't you recognise that what you and 1504 are doing is cruel and reckless
You know what I mean
sure on the surface it sounds ridiculous and somewhat crazy and be honest we kind of are it a way but before you see anything is my explanation when you were immune to heam itself we kind of lose the will to be careful in a way and when no negative effect can be brought on to you you also lose more of that desire to hold back in a sense it doesn't mean that your conscience has been affected it does means you're a terrible person a little bit bad but deep down good people or at least I'm a good person and the people we "druged up" as you called it they were all willing to do it and some of those people even asked for those hi all of the SCPS we did it were objects creatures that were animals in a way and people who asked or couldn't get any worse if we give it to them see the records none of those SCP if you don't believe me none of them were harmed at the a little bit delirious and tired after a while but fine we're not monsters we don't do it to hurt them in the way we do it to make them feel better what do you think people take drugs in the first place to make them forget about the horrible things in life it's not good to them and it temporary but what else can I get around here some of them they even steal it from us check the records again if we didn't do it together we probably would have done it in any other scenario and as for encouraging each other for doing thinks like I said when your immune due to lose any sense of dread do it we drink and smoke but in a way is nothing other than like drinking water or leads to me and as for Joe he gets drunk and high but in the end of the day it doesn't kill him it just get a headache I only do it the keep company if I do stop him you just do it anyway so really I I don't do it nothing bad will happen we are not normal people plush employees in the foundation actually bought some of the meth we made before they were probably discovered
OK how much other scenarios like the time you and Joe still Dr.... car and drove it through a SCP portal to another dimension into a abandoned waste dump full of scrap metal that goes on for miles not only did you also kidnap a mtif soldier and through in the back of your car but you also crashed the place and then crashed the car all the time when you and Joe escaped he loading some rich women and you beated her with cricket bat and then stole her money another terrible time when you were transported to another complete by plane with a couple of other SCP they decided to be better if you travel in an like normal people instead of in an enclosure and you're scps friends including Joe before you even entered the plane you used a plank placed on a rod on the floor to hit Dr clef in the balls
Slight giggles
you turned a man into a crying wimp on the floor clutching his groinedon in the plane when a Stuart found out you were french he greeted you in French you shouted back to him vous pouvez sucer le Dr Clef glorifié boules meurtries enflées Stanley Joe got drunk and you filmed it he passed out and then insulted and walked around the whole plane during the entire flight and when you came down you did the same thing you did to Dr clef only to Dr bright even though he tried to avoid it
Ok as for the car bit I was upset about my miserable life and so was joe slightly drunk and felt like we both needed something to cheer each other we saw the car out and I know Dr.... loves that car sweat to God I think I was him kissed it. I got pissed seeing Dr.... is a go for nothing jerk he puts D class into danger for no reason that's like any other people and just like any other person I would want to punish him I told this to Joe well you know what he had the idea of and there was a testing with SCP-093 dimension portal nearby so you can guess what happens next we hijack the car with some bottles of whiskey from some security officer and a camera, Dr.... was me in the car and I flip him off you should have seen the look on his face it was priceless and so we just drove straight through the portal like nothing and mtif trucks was chasing us it was absolute thrill and never felt so alive. And I didn't give a care of anything. The car was faster than them one of the sodger somehow managed to get up to us much have been in the back we didn't notice he was out match I paralyzed him and then we throw him in the back he was a jerk anyway so I don't care Anyway when the gas run out we watching the sunset tuke pictures of the car each other and us settings to the top of the car drnking whiskey having a blast gust two friends hanging out so we have no blame it was f****** awesome then the mtif scod fade us got the guy out of the truck and tode us back the car getting distorted was a actsdet nothing to do with us when we got back one of the crans for the portal fell
As for the incident in the plane Dr clef had it coming for the looongest time just ask any female SCP or researcher I did them a favour. That'll teach him a lesson to make smart ass remarks not so tough when reality
I'll be lying to say your not a little bit right there
The flight attendant mug and I wasn't it really in a good mood since I hate the foundation ice auto be a good time to that's really good friends was making some interesting memory videos and making them all upset. The woman incident was when me and Joe escape once we needed money and there was no banks nearby but a horrible rich woman don't feel sorry for her, we only steel off people that really deserved it well I do Joe don't I make him do it because I don't want him stealing off innocence the lady was a rich scamp who treated the poor folk like trust and Roberts said she was in the black market and even sleep with one of the old judges to get off from stealing charity money from orphans she deserved what she got, we beat up a little not anything fatal just enough to make her ugly then stole some money we broke into her house and use my powers to give us so blisters on her feet to just to make sure that the hit one kill her. And Joe hit her in the back with a bat
Why do you feel like you can use your powers to punish the ones who avoid the justice system in some ways
I have to power to make people suffer I might as well use it tell me if you had a chance to save someone or just stand whilst they be killed you would obviously choose them it's similar to how when I see somebody doing harm I can't just stand there I have to make them pay for it I believe everyone gets what they deserve eventually even if not in life they will get it in hell but it's too late because they're dead so I make sure they get the punishment before the dead to know what they did was wrong
when ever you brings us this or just someone annoys you and you played a prank on them you never killed them no matter how bad things they did are
because if I killed them I will be as bad as the people I call monsters I might have lost a lot of things but I would never ever in any circumstances lose my homity and dignity by being a hypocrite and committing what I believe is the worst thing a person can do to a person bring death and personally I don't really see this as a punishment when it comes to my own suffering I feed as a way out but obviously I'm immortal so that will never happened
When you first came to this Foundation was very suicidal it seemed to approve over the time I'm are you still suicidal
Sort moment of silence
Not as before to say I'm not completely suicide that would be lying kind of faded almost as the decades went through I see it as a sort of sideeffect being a model eventually your pain blur's into the conscience of your mind and your personality over take it because nobody get the live as long as me and I have pretty of distracted seeing as Foundation always bring something new that helps friends I made since helped but to say I'm cured completely nope some days is worse than others sometimes. but if there was a better option to be free for my depression I will take it of course but I'm glad I'm better than before you wouldn't believe how dark that mindset is
Has therapy helped
Yes definitely but is not just therapy I find everything helps me in some ways when it comes to friends to talk to even strangers people to listen to it that matter to get it off your chest helps a lot.
Speaking of your oh so "lovely" friends let's talk about them apart from Joe you made a couple of them over the years some more favourable than others let's talk about them less start with your closest friend and the reason why this interview is taking place in the first place Joe
Well you already know his life from his file as an SCP there's not really much to say about him apart from the fact what is he really like because unlike the rest of you I actually know for fact what he's saying or doing hints why we're so close friends
and hints why you 2 can get away with things like robbing people only two days ago you somehow managed to borrow 50 quid out of the wallet of Dr....
And we spent it on a magic coffee dispenser to trick somebody into drinking bin water just for fun
But Joe and I kind of need each other he's the first to person to really understand me a fellow SCP you became my friend somebody who knows what it feels like to be lonely and is suffer for a good majority of time in fact I could say he suffers more than me even.I had are you still have a human connection or more reality until he met me he was suicidal depressed and nobody had any idea of it or even he had a blue tick knowledge you should have seen his face when you first realise he finally found somebody to connect to you and don't leave me feel worse that he couldn't give me a hug you know that's why he's in the streets that could because the amount of fluid is Santa's lack of escape makes a mad the let us be with each other and in close proximity because if he doesn't have a human connection now he goes nuts and once he was so this before escape from the mental pain he grabbed me by the solders and end of catching severe case of schizophrenia but also seeing him like that screaming bagging blood everywhere for the 62 hours is painful to watchbut we help with turning away we keep eachother company we have each other's backs we stop each other from going crazy I can feel my world go up if you don't want them with him because he doesn't care what I am he's not here to study he's really the only person that really gives a damn for me anymore and maybe is just because he's desperate for company but it's genuine at least
What about other people But 1st oof Did you ever fall in love
No, if you'd read my record, you would know that my anomalous ability makes people unable to be sexually interested in me, including able to feel any romantic feelings towards me which really sucks because nobody can ever fall in love with me which really sucks because I didn't have a boyfriend before all of this which really fuckin' sucks
Ok let's go back to some other questions then what are some of the other friends like scp-507
Honestly he's a nice guy but we and close friends sometimes gets nervous to are idea of fun mostly pranking people not into that sort of stuff sometimes me and Joe would sneak into his room he's pretty good at using computers
don't worry we just asked him let us see some videos that we are banned on watching well Joe's banned from watching is's nothing that bad and it's not like we scanned anything light drinker doe sometimes we will go to the roof to drink and being nice we invited him to come with us if you refused he would wosh out after half a bottle
Is that even allowed
Ah F*** them
What about jonesy the half cat you seem to be close to jonesy cat
I love jonesy his sweet and cute be honest he Sims more Joe friend seeing that I can't pet him but he's not afraid of me I can always play with him I told him tricks too
What tricks
I taught him to attack on command he wrecked Dr.... face it was hilarious. Moment of silence come on it was funny he only had a scratch
Moving on how about something different about Dr bright and agent Rocky Jones.
Temporary silence
Are you alright
I believe rocky was the first person you ever encountered after your condition so to say happened if I believed correctly you two became close friends over the years even after his hair ternd completely grey you use to joke about that and he'd take time to come to see you and often joke about it until he's unfortunate demise unfortunately turned out to be by Dr bright
Rocky was a good man he was sent to like the other mtif soldier he went to the foundation for the sole reason of wanting to help others and protect others he never shot any human and never ever killed anyone even go against orders to save people including civilians and to avoid death casualties
he still experienced poison first time and leaving the second time he cut off his own hand to avoid getting infected again
Ok f*** off that was by accident and so was the second time you can't go 50 years without hitting an accident even if it's twice the actor of him cutting his arm off surprised me he did it so quickly and so swiftly I still feel sorry for him no matter how many times I see his prosthetic arm and no matter how many times he said to me it was ok I couldn't forgive myself for it but he never blame to me I don't know why but you never blam with me I'm Grace's for that
Unfortunately Dr Jack fight thought it would be a good test subject to a SCP due to the lack of D class and he was close to retirement he killed him with an axe and then experimented on his parts with SCP....
Anger: dat no good whatever he is didn't deserve to kill an innocent man and get away with it no matter how high he's clearance I wanted revenge I wanted to bury rocky picked up what's left of him in the acid bath and bury him of cause acid has no effect on me he's a skeleton but still l made sure he had a proper funeral with me Joe, some classes who are kind of nice and some scientists to also didn't like what bight did and missed rocky but he was the closest thing to a funeral I can get And then plotted my plan it was quite easy wait until it's dark nobody around other than the D classes, SCP and Joe distracted him than the clobbered him over the head well Joe bib then we tied him up to a cargo trolley and use my powers to give him a nail fungus I wanted the real pain to be more brutal than anything I have and then we'll come up he said crossword threaten even gloated and I stuck them over the face for that I told him he was going to suffer he said didn't care he's suffered before but I doubt he'd ever suffer like he did there and you could tell him his face he knew he was f***** when he realised what was coming to him a pit full of angry D classes who all had a bone to pick with him and some SCP who are also hated his guts and so didn't take the D classes we tied him up to the trolley made sure he'd couldn't escape and through him into the pit you should have heard him screaming begging for his released and even asking for help but no he was going to suffer just how rocky did .... 10 times worse the fact that I use my powers against him meaning that he wouldn't die butter suffer for round a good 10 hours it's more worse than poison because it's gets revenger gardens Joe and I just sat there watching with show during beer with him and some cigarettes it was the most relaxing thing I ever did for revents in the morning when everyone came and they put them out he's so scared of me after that's incident and it should be
And what you hate doctor bright so much
He's a prick
Oh really because your friend the plague doctor says otherwise
f*** you the plague doctor is not my friend I met him once when I escaped and he escaped in the same time and I found him by chance I only stayed with him after that to stop him from killing more people I didn't stop him from turning the bodies into what the plague doctor called the pestilence and the curd because they're already dead but he is scared of me he felt poison my poison and he's petrified of me
True when we asked about you in an interview with him he did say he was petrified to you but he also said you hate Dr bright to because you envy him you envy everything about him that he's in a SCP and he has the freedom that you can only wish for freedom to see your family the freedom to feel love freedom to have friends without restrictions to socialise and don't need to worry about making somebody have cancer just by giving them a hug and how he's anomalous ability doesn't seem to affect him that much and you hate when he says he feels upset due to his SCP status saying that because you're the only one who understands to suffering through and SCP you haven't seen your family in their decades you didn't even get to go to your parents funeral when font out you escaped to see the graves of the died of natural causes when MTF squad found are you are weeping at the graves they let you stay there a few minutes and then you went by your own recalled you carried on crying 4 weeks after that and as three siblings you don't even know what they look like no picture of them you have nothing
That plague doctor is wise I will give him that destrudo why am I a nice SCP but I'm stuck in here but all just constrictions that any other SCP has but Dr bright probably the worst person and most dumbest person I ever met is allowed almost get away with everything is not fair and that's for the real reason I hate him he says he understands and is sad because of his predicament of being a immortal he doesn't because I'm immortal to his immortality has no chains attached to it it's it's just sad to say just like that me there's always a catch I could just walk out of here with nobody stopping me but the catch is there's always a catch there's nothing for me out there there's no hatred there's no love there's no nothing what's the point of being a immortal if you can't enjoy it the only thing I bring is sickness and sadness I have to worry about giving people cancer just buy hugging them people are scared of me because of my ability and it should be but I feel miserable Dr bright is able to enjoy his life and he dares feels upset because of his predicament he should be god damn lucky he doesn't need to worry about it I didn't himself I have to worry about not only in myself my mental health but also others are not only hurt
is that why you stay here your numbers ability does prevent us from stopping you leaving
I see
it's also the reason whenever he says he understands pain the SCP feel the pain that he brings other people I make sure he's truly feels pain and he gets punished for his wrong doing
Now can I have my our with Joe
we'll have to see but that there's a lot of checklist to go through they might be even the couple of days who knows weeks until your permission has been approved
Ash I knew I wouldn't be getting to see Joe today but ok have a backup plan I went to Joe cell and talk to him before I came here if getting is interview fails there's always plan b this is breaks out and we go to the roof to enjoy ourselves and private for an hour
Rumbling noises lights Go out
Note lights went out due to SCP 1504 sneaking into the control room and the stopping the lights dizzy then escape through her miss form through the ventilation system and the two met on the roof after SCP 1504 took couple of bottles of beer from dr.... office the two stage on the roof remaining hour on deck chairs that SCP 1504 stole from a supply closetthe towards the sunset together was drinking beers a small recording managed to be caught before cameras went off of the two on the roof
SCP 1504 is blue and dizzy is green
So how was the interview
you no it was emotional but at least I got to see you too old friends
to old friends
the two then sheared and continue watching the sunset
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End log
6 notes · View notes
god-save-the-keen · 4 years
Lorelai Gilmore, the best mom in the world, prompt list!
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1. "Does he/she have a motorcycle? 'Cause if you're gonna throw your life away he'd better have a motorcycle!"
2. "There's plenty to do tonight that we can be mortified about tomorrow."
3. "So not only did you go to a cop-raided party, but you started the raid?" *Signing* "Then she proceeds to sing, 'Did You Ever Know That You're My Hero?'"
4. "I need caffeine. Whatever form you've got, I haven't had any all day. I'll drink it, shoot it, eat it, snort it, whatever form it's in, gimme."
5. "Seventy-five thousand dollars? Oh my God, that’s like 150 pairs of Jimmy Choos."
6. "There have been very few moments in my life where I have actually wished I had one of those enormous crème pies you can just smash in somebody's face. But this is definitely one of them."
7. "Don't let his family see you. Spiders are vindictive. And this was a really big spider. I think it had a gun."
8. "I thought I knew exactly what I wanted, where I was going, what I was doing and why I was doing. But lately, things seem hazier."
9. "It's all any of us wants, to find a nice person to hang out with until we drop dead. Not a lot to ask!"
10. "If it was physically possible to make love to a hot beverage, this would be the one."
11. "As long as everything is exactly the way I want it, I'm totally flexible."
12. "My God, I hate her." "Me too." "You have no idea who I'm talking about." "Solidarity."
13. "I don't like problems. I avoid them when I can and I don't like people pointing them out to me."
14. "Everything in my life has something to do with coffee. I believe in a former life, I was coffee."
15. "When I think of blistering thirty-degree burns, I also think of my mother."
16. "976-BITE-ME."
17. "Well, we like our Internet slow, okay? We can turn it on, walk around, dance, make a sandwich. With DSL, there’s no dancing, no walking, and we’d starve. It’d be all work and no play. Have you not seen The Shining, Mom?"
18. "I need coffee in an IV."
19. "It's Friday night, we should be out partying with the homies."
20. "You are full of hate and loathing and I gotta tell you, I love it!"
21. "It's very exciting, but so is eating a gallon of pudding."
22. "Cheeseburger, onion rings, and a list of people who killed their parents and got away with it. I’m looking for heroes."
23. "Coffee, please, and a shot of cynicism."
24. "My mother — she was here. I can feel it. Smell that? The room smells like guilt and Chanel No. 5."
25. "I'm going to go make out in the coat room. Don't eat my chicken."
26. "Get back in your pajamas, go to bed, eat nothing but gallons of ice cream and tons of pizza, don't take a shower or shave your legs or put on any kind of makeup at all and just sit in the dark and watch a really sad movie and have a good long cry and just wallow. You need to wallow."
27. "You have so many years of screw-ups ahead of you."
28. "I hate when I'm an idiot and don't know it. I like to be aware of my idiocy."
29. "I don't like ultimatums." "I don't like Mondays, but unfortunately they come around eventually."
30. "I'm the Oracle. I carry all the knowledge."
31. "Because my brain is a wild jungle full of scary gibberish."
32. "I'm fine. I'm just being dramatic. It's what I do."
33. "You're very cruel." "Yes, it keeps me young."
34. "Sorry, I see we entered the no-humor zone."
35. "You should identify yourself when you answer the phone." "Sorry, Independence Inn. Major Disappointment speaking. Better?"
36. "Come here. You have some dirt on your forehead. I'm sorry. It's the sign of devil. My mistake."
37. "I love it when I talk and no one listens. Make me think like home."
38. "Repeat after me: I'm completely hopeless."
39. "You are drawing me into your druken world." "It's not a bad place to be, my friend."
40. "He/She's so sexy, smart, funny, and he/she likes coffee."
41. "It's from my mother." "What is it?" "It's heavy. Must be her hopes and dreams for me."
42. "Don't judge what you don't understand."
43. "Do you like coffee?" "Only with my oxygen."
44. "Cats came to my house today. Cause they know I'm a loser and I'm destinated to be alone."
45. "I had a dream about him/her the other night." "Really? Dirty?" "No... Absolutely not. And when you're 21 I'll tell you the real answer."
46. "I think you are acting a little immature." "I'm not acting."
47. "That Lothario there has wormed his way into my daughter's heart and mouth... And for that he must die."
48. "This is bad." "I know. I wish we had popcorn."
49. "You know what the worst part of it was? When you weren't there, part of me wasn't surprise."
50. "You are the man/woman I want to want."
51. "A mistake? A mistake? That is what you call it, a mistake?" "Well, I tried to call it 'Al', but it would only answer to 'mistake'"
52. "Don't you understand that I can't talk to you because it hurts? Don't you understand that?"
53. "It's too much food." "It's not. That's is what we been training for. This is our destiny. This is our finest hour."
54. "Who cares if I'm pretty if I fail my finals." "Okay, you have got this so completely backwards."
55. *One phone on each ear* "Who are you talking to?" "My other two personalities."
56. "He/she kissed you and you say thank you?" "Yes!" "Well, that was very polite."
57. "Decaf." "Never."
58. "I don't think I ever really loved anyone until Name."
59. "I smell snow."
60. "Reality has absolutely no place in our world."
61. "No? No lecture about kissing a boy/girl?" "No. Why, did you do it wrong?"
62. "The drinks fortify us. The drinks give us strength. The drinks get us drunk."
63. "I'm a young, desirable woman/men." *Talking to two cats in the porch.*
64. "Really? You are gonna kiss me now? You are so incredibly predictable."
65. "You threw a frying pan at Name's head without me there? I hate you."
66. "I hate my life."
67. "I have no memory of this whatsoever."
68. "She's very aggressive today." "I think the passive part of her personality is playing hooky."
69. *Reading* "Man, she/he sure used a lot of exclamations points."
70. "I love that you have my eyes and my coffee addiction, my taste in music and movies."
Used them, shared, make a request, have fun with them! ❣️
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Ghost from the rainforest
James Conrad x Reader
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Summary: A simple rescue mission will bring him back to a place full of nightmares, and maybe this time he could find redemption. Situated in 1975, 2 years after the events of Skull Island.
Warnings: Violence, blood, wounds, mentions of war, cursing, implied smut, smoking, angst.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 3: Those who never came home
At 4:35am you were already in the departures site, checking the truck was fully loaded and that there were enough food and water for the men that will accompany you.
It had been a long night, and you barely had any sleep since every time you closed your eyes you could picture Conrad's face laughing at you.
You shake those feelings away and lean your back in the truck, and close your eyes for a moment, the cold breeze of the early morning was more comfortable than the hot room you were staying. And suddenly you were on the edge of sleeping holding yourself standing against the dirty tarp covering the backside of the truck.
"Morning" His voice said suddenly and you frown with your eyes still closed "We are ready when you are Doctor" His tone was oddly professional and when you finally looked at him he immediately look aside, it hurt that he was in the same place as you, regretting what happened.
"Fine, who's driving?" You had the keys on your hand and look at the men with him, there were only three, apart from Conrad. "Aren't you missing people? I count five last night, Dr. Y/L/N" you said shaking his hands.
"Reles" Said the shorter of the four, he had a nice candid smile and brown skin. "Nice to meet you Doc, I must say you look nothing like your dad" That make you smile.
"Glenn Mills" Said the black men next to him looking embarrassed at his teammate behavior "Ignore him doctor, he doesn't know how to be around women." You only nodded in response.
"Ah Reg, I remember" You say at the youngest of them, before he spoke.
"Slivko is fine, those idiots run away, they say the won't be at the jungle for a month" He spoke as someone way older than he looked like, and you could figure they were another form of victims of the war, even when they were alive.
"I'm driving" James said, extending his hand to grab the keys.
"No you're not, they drive on the correct side of the road here" You said ignoring him, "You guys can handle the stick?" You ask the men holding the keys in front of them. Mills raised his hand and you throw them at him. "Let's go then".
Slivko and Reles got inside the backside to guard the boxes and you hop on the front seat next to Mills, and after a minute Conrad sit next to you, and closed the door careful to not look at you.
"I think there is plenty space in the back guarding the medicine." You said to him coldly.
"And I think I get paid to guard you not your boxes" he answered and Glenn was desperately trying to start the engine and ignore you two.
"Fine, but at least keep that thing away from me" you said rolling your eyes and then pointing to the large gun he was carrying with him. And you could hear a giggle on the back knowing pretty well that by now the whole crew knew about what had happened.
The way out of the town was boring and easy, after four hours there was only a country road surrounded by small houses and when it was time to eat you chose to stop at small village. You got something to eat and gave some medicine to the children that couldn't go to the main city to get a proper doctor, and you were back on the road.
"So what kind of doctor are you then?" Reg asked from the back of the truck opening the window that separated you.
"I have a PhD in Chemistry and Biology" You said to him taking the canteen he offered you "And work as a nurse in the 60's so I know my way around wounds and diseases" you said to him.
"See Captain?" Reles said to Conrad in a very serious tone "She is too smart for you" He add making Slivko and Mills laugh while Conrad only gave him a murderous look. "But for real tho, isn't it boring to spend all your time here? I mean don't you mis America?"
"Of course I do, but this is important, I mean the troops are leaving yes, but someone has to help clean the mess they made, no offense" you said and James nodded understanding. "Who's that by the way?" You asked pointing at a picture Glenn had attached to the windshield, where the four men were standing in some field with water to the knees, and next to Conrad an old man with a beard carrying what it seems to be a katana.
"That's Marlow, an old friend" Conrad said and you could tell it was true because there was a happiness in his eyes when he talked about him.
"Yeah, is like a crazy Santa" Reg said, "But anyone would have gone crazy after..."
"Is getting late, we should stop don't you think?" Mills interrupted suddenly and you could see how the three of them looked at Slivko with anger, he had been about to tell you something he shouldn't.
"Yeah sure" You said looking at the map, and then the road "We will be at our first delivery point in ten minutes, and we can sleep there". You haven't told them where you were delivering part of the medicine, you have done it several times and Noah's men never had a problem with it, but you doubt the Captain will be ok with it. "This people can be a little unfriendly" you start when the lights of the village were clear on the road. "Just do as I tell you and it should be fine"
"You don't sound convinced" James noted.
"Because I'm not" You said and you make your hands into fists on your lap praying at nobody in particular that things will go well.
A couple of kids with large guns were at the entrance of the village, you bend over Conrad's lap to reach the window and make sure the see it was you, they immediately let you go in and you get back to your sit pretending it didn't feel like heaven to touch his hard chest.
A man came out of one of the huts with a smile on his face, framed by a thick goatee, he wasn't bad looking but the AK-47 in his hands, and the ones he had put on other children hands was enough reason to hate him.
"I thought you said you hated militars" Conrad said offering you his hand to get down of the truck.
"They're are militia, nor proper militars" You said ignoring his help and jumping of the truck.
"Is there a difference?" He asked looking at the man waiting for you with a smile.
"Yeah, they're worst" You said and walk towards Shukri.
"Selamat kembali, saya isteri cantik saya" Welcome back, my beautiful wife The man said to you and tried to give you a hug that you didn't respond to.
"Santai Shukri, dan hentikan memanggil saya isteri awak, inilah yang anda minta." Relax Shukri, and stop calling me your wife, here is what you asked for. You pointed at the truck and Reg and Joe were already carrying down boxes helped by Shukri's men.
"This are not your usual companions" The man said then looking directly at Conrad who had been pending on your whole interaction since the beginning.
"No, they're not. Is safer don't you think? If we get use to the same people there could be snitches" You lied to him and he nodded approvingly"
"Ahh isteri, I told you you have to stay with me, I could use that quick mind of yours" He said and tried to pull you closer to him but then Conrand put his body between you two making both you and Shukri look in surprise, plus anger on his side.
"How many boxes are we downloading?" He asked and you could see some anger in his eyes.
"14, the ones that are marked with a black cross" You said still shock by his reaction.
"British? That's different" The guerrilla lider said behind his back and you could see Conrad shoulders tense and his nostrils move with fury.
"Yeah, and very helpful, right prince charming?" You said, and touch his arm softly trying to calm whatever the hell was going on in his head. "Put those nice arms of you to good use and help the boy will you?" It was not an order but a plea and he listened because he relaxed his back and start walking towards the truck. You indulge Shukri with a smile and remained close to him while the man take part of the medicine, after that they show you a hut where you could spend the night with two cots inside blankets and a couple chairs "Just that?" You asked him and could see a disgusting grin on his face. "We are five, three of us are going to have to sleep on the floor, I won't risk my men to get bit by a snake, a spider or god knows what"
"Thats all I have isteri, unless you want to share mine" He showed you a toothy grin.
"Hentikan memanggil isteri!" Stop calling me wife you shouted exasperated. "I will take my chances with the spiders, thank you" You said and walk inside where the tired men were resting. "Glenn take one of the cots, Reg and Reles you can take turns for the other" you took a chair and sit there, any hope you had about a civil conversation with Shukri was now gone and with that also your hopes to take a shower. That certainly was not something you will miss when you came back with them to america, if you go back, your mind corrected you.
"You are not sleeping in that chair Y/N" Conrad said, taking a pair of blankets under his arm. "Let's go Reg, the truck will be more comfortable and safer than the floor, we will see you in the morning" He said and reg followed him making it impossible for you to reply. "Also" He had holding the door open for you "Saya tidak percaya suami anda" I don't trust your husband He said putting a venomous inflection in the word husband.
"Oh please don't" You said tired and embarrassed "Do you speak Malay?" You asked when you were at the truck but you didn't come up and let Slivko in first. The night was humid and hot, and you couldn't believe you'll have to wait another two days for a bath.
"I told you I have been here before" He answered, and took a cigarette to his lips, and offered you another.
"Well at least that was true" You said and let him light the cigarette for you.
"Isteri?" He asked again, imitating the disgusting tone Shukri used, and you rolled your eyes at him.
"Let it go Captain" You said taking one long puff "Is just the delusion of a crazy man"
"I think there has to be an interesting story behind" He said facing you and looking you again with his perfect blue eyes.
"Well if you really want to know. I have been here for about five years" You started and look at the quiet village in front of you. "And at first I spend every little money I still had buying medicine from Noah, one day I was trying to help a kid from this village"
"The little guard that welcome us?" He asked throwing the cigarette butt to the ground.
"Yeah, precisely." You said mimicking his movements "Anyway he needed medicine and I couldn't find it, so I talk to the village lider, Shukri's father, and he send his man to "get" the medicine from a local hospital in Bandar. The boy lived and they asked me to check on the rest of the kids. And boy they were in poor shape. So I make a deal with him, I will take his money, and get the medicine peacefully from Noah, if they gave me enough to help others. So long story short I'm kind of a pharmacist for them"
"That's a compelling story" Conrad said rising a brow to you. "But doesn't answer my question"
"Shukri's dad died, and he is a crazy sociopath, who thinks he would take down the Malaysian government with drugs and weapons trafficking. He said to the people that he is their father, and since I take care of his sick children as a mother..."
"You are his wife" He said bitterly "That's a clever way to get a wife without the effort"
"He is just an stupid man" You said crossing your arms "And honestly you didn't have to literally put yourself between us, I have been doing this for long enough to take care of myself. But thank you" You poke his feet with yours.
"You are welcome" He said grinning at you and making a head gesture to you. And at that moment you wanted to forget you were suppose to be mad at him, maybe it was the tiredness or maybe it was how gorgeous he looked under the stars, but you feel the need for him to hold you again.
"Yeah yeah! Is all beautiful, can you two shut the fuck up and go to sleep already??" Reg voice shout from inside the truck and you realized how late it was.
"He is right, you sleep in there, I will be in the back so I can guard the medicine" He said and you agreed
"Captain" You said climbing in to the truck.
"Doctor" He gave you a wink that paralyzed you and walk to the back of the truck. You were glad you were in talking terms now, but you knew there was still a long way to follow to Borneo and you were certain he and the other men were not being completely honest with you. So you were not planning on lowering your guard, at least not yet.
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aquaticsapphic · 7 years
I mean, all that haven't been answered already. You don't really have to do them all if you don't want to
(1) For that questions thing, if you do all of them, I’ll do all of them
1. Are looks important in a relationship?
not too important
2. Are relationships ever worth it?
worth……. what? the time? I mean, if both people make each other happy then hell yeah
4. Are you in a relationship?
5. Are you in love?
I’m……. not in a relationship……
6. Are you single this year?
yeah I”m not in a relationship but I’m not single either. you know how it is. /s
7. Can you commit to one person?
I feel like I could. I don’t have much experience w long-term relationships tbh
9. Describe your perfect mate
-likes me
-is nice
10. Do you believe in love at first sight?
nah, but I believe in lust at first sight
11. Do you ever want to get married?
it sounds cool. it’s hard to imagine bc I’m pretty young still. I really just want to wear a wedding dress and shove cake in my face while my close friends and family watch tbh
12. Do you forgive betrayal?
hell no. once someone betrays me, they go on my Shit List. and then I never forget them and constantly wish them the worst of luck
15. Do you have any piercings?
16. Do you have any tattoos?
20. Do you shower every day?
bitch I don’t even sleep every day
22. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
I mean, I’m sitting in the same room as my roommates and talking on the group chat so I sure damn hope so?
if it means romantically, then no
23. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat?
24. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
oh god I hope not. unless I somehow become a lady-killer overnight, and learn about what relationships are actually supposed to be like.
but ultimately I want to make sure I know what I’m doing with my life too? like I know some of my friends want to move after graduation and others want to stay and like…. what if I want to move and my gf doesn’t? what if my gf wants to move and I don’t? there’s a lot of things I’m not sure about in regards to my future so I feel like sharing that would give both of us a lot of stress
25. Do you want to be in a relationship this year?
26. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?
27. Has someone ever written a song or poem for you?
uhh….. I don’t think so?
28. Have you ever been cheated on?
I can’t say for 100% certainty that I have…… but it sure damn seemed like it
29. Have you ever cheated on someone?
no, I’m not a shitty person. like I admit I’m not a good person, but I’d never do that to someone. it’s just…… so shitty
30. Have you ever considered plastic surgery? If so, what would you change about your body?
yeah. idk if it really counts as plastic surgery per se, but one of the things I’ve considered is getting laser hair removal because I’m super lazy and I hate shaving but I like the aesthetic of shaved legs
but then I found out that laser removal isn’t permanent and is expensive and I quickly decided against it but it was definitely an idea
31. Have you ever cried over a guy/girl?
32. Have you ever experienced unrequited love?
33. Have you ever had sex with a man?
34. Have you ever had sex with a woman?
35. Have you ever kissed someone older than you?
36. Have you ever liked one of your best friends?
I’m a lesbian. It practically comes with the title
37. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?
no, but at the beginning of the friendship with my ex my parents didn’t like her at all
38. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?
not really
39. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
hahahaha…. yeah
40. Have you ever written a song or poem for someone?
bitch u bet ur ass I have
42. How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander?
48 hours give or take a few seconds
43. How long was your longest relationship?
one week lmao
44. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?
45. How many people did you kiss in 2012?
I think I was still in middle school? everybody knows you don’t overcome cooties until you’re in high school
47. How old are you?
48. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?
if we’re dating? “bye bitch”if it’s just a crush? “cool, go get ‘em tiger” (and then depending on how close I am to them, I might be sad a while)
49. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her?
I love how she just…………. doesn’t exist
50. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept?
FUCK NO. I’d probably punch her in the face tbqh
51. Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for?
maybe? hmm probably not.
52. Is there anyone you’ve given up on? Why?
I give up on crushes all the time. I feel like that’s just part of crushes in general.
53. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are?
all h//eterophobes
54. Is there someone you will never forget?
see aforementioned Shit List
55. Share a relationship story.
uh after my ex and I broke up we went to a froyo shop down the street from my school and it was really awkward bc we were trying to be friends still after a rough breakup and then one of the employees came by and was like “hey can I take your picture and post it to our facebook?” bc they wanted us as models or something I guess? and we kinda just look at each other and go “……no”
57. Things you want to say to an ex
a. fuck you
b. I hope he treated you as bad as you treated me
c. you’re literally the scum of the earth
58. What are five ways to win your heart?
a. cuddles
b. going out of the way to do something nice for me
c. gifts of any kind, especially hand-made stuff
d. remembering little details about me
e. attention
59. What do you look like? (Post a picture!)
ok I’ll do that after I post thisI know I have something conrad tagged me in about pics of myself so I’ll do those together
60. What is the biggest age difference between you and any of your partners?
I think it’s just been a 1 year gap
61. What is the first thing you notice in someone?
their sense of style
62. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you?
love me with all of their heart 👌😩
63. What is your definition of “having sex”?
well, when two people love each other very much……..
64. What is your definition of cheating?
damn, even just thinking of another person romantically
65. What is your favourite foreplay routine?
connect 4
66. What is your favourite roleplay?
does d&d count?
67. What is your idea of the perfect date?
a n y t h i n g
as long as I can spend time w my date I’m happy
68. What is your sexual orientation?
69. What turns you off?
anything phallic
70. What turns you on?
a lightswitch
73. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you?
die for me 😍
74. What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for?
I luv…… hair….. it’s always so good-looking 👌
75. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you?
alison always makes me super nice handmade gifts and it’s so nice
76. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone?
I legitimately can’t think of anything, sorry
77. What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships?
there’s definitely an acceptable range. and it varies, especially as one gets older (like 20-25 seems weird, but 40-45 doesn’t seem too bad)
78. What’s your dirtiest secret?
I used to lay on the ground all the time at my high school. the floor is pretty dirty tbh.
79. When was the last time you felt jealous? Why?
senior year of high school.
80. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?
never. (unless like friend/family love, which would be today, ~2 hours ago?)
81. Who are five people you find attractive?
Teresa Palmer, Cara Delevingne, Diane Guerrero, Yael Grobglas, Grace Victoria Cox
82. Who is the last person you hugged?
my roommate probably
85. Would you ever date someone off of the Internet?
……you know, this whole time I never really understood the question, but now that it’s 4am I get it. yeah. in fact, that’s probably one of the only ways I can find girls to date.
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