#i havent seen it ive just read reviews
sucresanguine · 2 years
Why the fuck can't we have like... actual irl built cult zones with impeccable aesthetics and strange real rituals within the media itself anymore. Why's it ~all~ gotta be an intangible simulation. I get it, it's creepy to be in unreality, but isn't it way more wild to exist in a dollhouse? In a tightly controlled and designed society that by all means, shouldn't be able to function, and yet does? One that is meticulously planned and very, very real? All too real? "This must be a dream" but it isn't? Yes this is about fucking don't worry darling
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puckiety · 4 months
you guys are going to be as up in arms about the use of AI in furiosa as you were about the use of AI in late night with the devil, right? you're not going to review bomb an indie movie for generating (and having the art team heavily edit) three images & then completely ignore when a major studio uses AI to alter an actress's appearance to better match the lead's, right?
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floorpancakes · 1 year
asking the ppl of tumblr for their wisdom what clamp series should i read/watch next dont say tsubasa (i dropped it and would at least like to experience a lot more multiverse content first so when i undrop it ill enjoy it more)
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thealmightyemprex · 7 months
Sci Fi Month Dune 1984
So @minimumheadroom requested I review David Lynchs Dune,a film which is being talked about now due to a new Dune being in theaters
For the record havent read the whole book, but have seen Denis Villenuves Dune part 1 ,and the first episode of the Dune 2000 miniseries (Which I also intend tio review ).ALso am reviewing theatrical cut
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This 1984 film follows Paul Atredies(Kyle Maclachlan ) whose father Duke Leto Atredies (Jurgen Prochnow ) has been appointed as head of production of The Spice,the most valuble substance in the universe,on the Planet Arrakis ,as part of a ploy by the jealous Emperor Shaddam IV (Jose Ferrer) and the Baron Vladimir Harkonen (Kenneth Mcmillian ) to wipe out the threat of the popular Duke Leto ,but this attempt to erradicate House Atredies,pushes Paul to join forces with the Freman ,the people of Arrakis,and possibly fufil the prophecy of being a messiah figure.....I think I got that right
So this film was a notorious flop that its director,David Lynch has disowned and by some it is seen as a mess of a movie ......And yeah they arent wrong .Its a two hour adaptation of a very long book full of a lot of characters and in a world that is very unfamiliar to avagage joe audiences who thought this would be a typical space opera and directed by a rather oddball director in the form of David Lynch .The film scared off typical audiences due to how confusing it can be and die har fans were equally baffled by some changes.....However due to home video and TV airings it gained a cult following of Sci Fi loving wirdos that apprecitate the film....I am one of those weirdos .Yeah if you were expecting "Dune 1984 sucks" you are gonna be disappointed ,I ADORE this piece of insanity
Its not a perfect film at all ,but if you are in the right headspace it is entertaining .Visually the film is stunning from the costumes to the giant sand worm effects .Cast wise the film is stacked,I actually cant talk about most of the cast cause there are so many characters so here are the 10 that stood out to me
Kyle Machlachlan as Paul Atredies -I need to finish the miniseries and see Dune Part 2 butI actully think Machlachlan is my favorite Paul,for being his first movie he commands the camera
Patrick Stewart as Gurney Halleck -The scene stealer of the film,cast by mistake ,Stewarts performance showcases Gurneys loyalty and gruffness while still making him a likeable presence .Also he runs into battle with a PUG
Sian Phillips as the REverand Mother Mohahiam ,leader of the Benne Gessert,this actress is just a pro at playing creepy villainesses and the Bon Jabar scene where Paul sticks his hand in a box of pain and cant remove it or else she will kill him with a poison needle is so memorable
Dean Stockwell as Dr Yuewh ,the best Dr Yuewh nailing the conflicted man who feels he must betray the man he respects in order to kill the man who killed his wife
Kenneth Mcmilian as the Baron Vladimir Harkonen .Now the Baron isa bit of a basebreaker,cause well ....David Lynch is the one guy who is like"Hey that obese perverted manipulator who wants to bang his nephew and uses a gravity belt to walk....Not repulsive enough " and gives us a cackling boil covered loonatic who flys around like a Peter Pan from your nightmares .Now I understand the backlash.....But for me he is SO Vile ,so despecable,and so over the top ,I find him hilarious .Like I will admit ,I prefer the other versions of the Baron but what makes me enjoy this take ,is the balls to the wall over the top deranged glee Kenneth Mcmillian gives.He is not phoning it is,he is tasked with playing a deseased deranged despicable monster and he pulls it off .It is one of my favorite examples of scene chewing ever
Brad Douriff as Piter De Vries -A small role but a memorable one as the Barons right hand man,Douriff just knows how to play a creepy villain
Linda Hunt as Shaddout Mapes,not much to say she is just very wonderful as this mysterious housekeeper and it impressive for her third movie role
Jose Ferrer as the Emperor.....Is not a good performance,but I kind of love seeing Jose Ferre this award winnig talented actor look baffled by everything around him
Sting as Feyd is weird cause he is technically one of the main villains....But he doesnt do anything till his memorable final fight with Paul,but between Sting sneering in the corner and his memorable steam room scene,he leaves an impression
Jurgen Prochnow as Duke Leto brings a nice fatherly quality and nobility.I like all three actors who have played the Duke ,but Prochnow strikes me as the most noble
I dunno,I find the film very qoutable ('FATHER THE SLEEPER HAS AWAKENED " being a favorite as is "Moods a thing for cattle and love play,not fighting ") ,I think it looks good ,cast is mostly pretty good ,Totos soundtrack kicks ass and hey its Dune,even if not the best adaptation its still a great story.Also on an ironic note,I do enjoy titlting my head at some of the Lynchian changes like the cat milking
If I have a complaint ,its that I prefer the first half of the film to the second ,as it kind of devolves int a bucnh of fight montages and frankly I dont like that they paint Paul as a pure hero when that not what he is
Oh and to answer @minimumheadroom's questions:
I do think the film couldve benefited from being two films and hottest character is Gurney cause Patrick Stewart is DASHING
Overall,....If you hate the movie you hate it ,but I think it has both elements of genuine quality and ironic cheesyness that make it a good watch
@ariel-seagull-wings @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @amalthea9 @angelixgutz @princesssarisa @minimumheadroom
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Two mini reviews, partly brought to you by tumblr autosaving - Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas. I wasn't sure what to expect; I really liked The Sunbearer Trials (Ive not yet read the sequel), and DNF'd Lost In The Never Woods because it was the wrong type and intensity of dark and spooky for me at the time. Cemetery Boys is a freaking delight. Maybe my least favourite part was the villain reveal, it made sense but either it wasnt foreshadowed enough or I just wanted better for that character? idk. But this isnt primarily a plot book, its a romance, and its a story about community and acceptance, and figuring out how you fit into the world when you're not the shape you're expected to be. And it did really well with both those aspects. I also appreciate that with so many stories, real and fictional, about people who have to leave their communities to find themselves, I appreciate a story of someone who never once thinks maybe I need to leave, and instead forges on to create space for himself in his community and his heritage. That's not everyone's story and thats totally fine. Our experiences are diverse and we deserve diverse stories. Its all good. As for the romance, its really believable. Its quite an opposites-attract situation, from Julian's aggressive queerness and non-issue with Yadriel's transness making his albeit and unexpected presence a breath of fresh air to Yadriel, to their growing understanding of each other's lives and admiration for the strength of each others convictions. (When Julian is upset about his friends and Yadriel nevertheless pauses to set that boundary about ghost-safety, that was hot.). And the ghost aspect! (this is not a mini review anymore lol). I was not really sure how that was going to go, and then cheering for them, and then wondering what the heck they were gonna do about ongoing ghost-itude and the finiteness of that situation, and actually I really liked how it went. The romance and how they push each other and grow to understand each other is fun, romantic, sexy, heartfelt. Remarkably sexy given that one of them is a ghost who cant be touched. (Spoilers for a sec - the scene on the car where Yadriel reaches for Julian's jacket to pull him closer and there's nothing there to grab? Oh that feels like grief.) The book is quite a bit about grief. Missing parents, missing support networks, missing opportunities to be yourself and be accepted. Its about a guy who can communicate with ghosts and its set around Dia de Meurtos, there's grief themes.
I also really love Maritza, showing off another aspect of (gender) non-conformity, that its not only trans people who have trouble fitting fairly strict defined roles. (Julian's friends do so similarly). Almost all the Spanish I picked up from context, but how Julian refers to Yadriel at the end I knew I had to look up that word specifically and oh my heart. Overall really enjoyed. probably 9/10 second, Scott Pilgrim Takes Off. I havent read the books/comics, I have seen the movie. This show....for at least the first half I had no idea what the rules of the universe were or what exactly was going on or what themes exactly were being explored. I was definitely entertained though. The last few episodes manage to make sense of the first few and deliver on those themes in ways I quite liked. I liked that Ramona is the "manic pixie dream girl" and then almost immediately gets upstaged for that role by Envy Addams. I normally am annoyed at stories in which some boring guy "gets" the manic pixie dream girl and certainly doesn't appreciate her - you know the kind who goes on reddit and complains that she wont stop talking about slugs or decorates their whole house in anime? And I know scott pilgrim is a comment on that trope. I like how its about scott but its not really about scott. Largely its about Ramona and her friends (and her exes). And the others recognise that scott isnt so great, or so smart, and also that if Ramona likes him thats cool. He can be a "lovable idiot" and shes not automatically making a mistake with him. If they're happy they're happy. (and of course the ways that *could* go wrong, but arent destined to). Plus the music is fun, the visuals are bright and pretty. It might lean overstimulating for some people, I had to stop and think about my spoon levels between episodes. Thats what I got for today. Two very different fun stories I recommend like 8-9/10, not perfect but a damn good ride.
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silvercrane14 · 3 months
Kaguya-Sama: Love Is War - two students are in love with eachother but refuse to "lose" and admit their feelings. Instead, they have increasingly convoluted plans to get the other to confess.
Okay I will admit. this Is a romance and also ive only seen the anime. So actually this would fall more under anime recs bcs the english dub voice acting is AMAZING. Anyway tho its a comedy that I really enjoy. Its about romance but like. Idk I dont read/watch romance often so I cant say "its not like the standard romance plot". But its less about them Falling In Love and more about them Overthinking Everything And Being Silly. ALSO !! tho it takes a bit, it does go into the characters a lot. Very centred on the characters relationships !! Not just romantically between the main two, but in general.
Why I think you would like it: similar in "vibe" to nozaki-kun. Funny!! But it has its moments of seriousness and it understands its characters well.
Mushishi - Eye Have Not Read This im sorry 🙏 i havent even seen the anime so I dont actually know much about it but ive been recced it so many times I figure I should pass it to you.
If u like Natsume's Book of Friends you'll enjoy this. Genuinely I think this is my strongest rec for you on this list even tho I've never seen it. I really do think u wld enjoy 👍
"Two young teens who can't sleep find companionship with each other. They must learn to overcome any challenges and figure out what's important to them."
Why I think you would like it: Ive heard its similar to Skip to Loafer in a way!!
Girls Last Tour - Two young girls explore a post-apocolyptic wasteland. They go through abandoned buildings and old towns in their journey, battling solitude eith only eachother
This one is a little sad. More likeeee. Meloncholy, yk? I dont have much to say about it. Very good manga.
Why I think you would like it: The character relationship between the two girls seems like something you would enjoy.
Look Back - to be super honest its been over a year since I read this I dont fully remember what happens. Theres this girl wjo draws comics for her elementary school newsletter. Shes funny so every1 really likes her and her comics. at some point another comic appears, but its actually just four panels of background art. Its so beautifully drawn that the other students begin to fawn over it. Angry kver her loss of attention, the first girl goes to meet the girl making these new comics (The background girl doesnt go to school, she works at home). Thr end up becoming friends and the story shows how their friendship develops and changes, growing closer and growing further apart.
The manga is p short for. a manga but its actually just a Really Long oneshot. Its rlly good. not much else to say.
Why I think you would like it: Very similar to Blue Period. About art and how it reflects people. Also very strongly driven by the relationship between the two girls.
The Girl From The Other Side - ive been typing so much i really cant give a whole review on this. Similar to WHA. kinda. beautiful art. read it u will enjoy it
Kaguya-sama I watched the first two seasons of! Maybe I should read the manga too, I did think it was fun
Mushishi I watched maybe the first episode of, but I should definitely try again,,, I don't remember anything about it lol
I've read Insomniacs After School!!! I'm definitely not caught up though, and I've been planning on watching the anime,,,
Girls Last Tour I,,, might have seen? At least part of it a long time ago. I'll have to rewatch/read the manga
Look Back sounds really interesting,,, I'll check that one out!!!
I'm actually reading The Girl from the Other Side in Portuguese rn lol I have volumes 1-5 on my shelf
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rigelmejo · 3 months
In unrelated language stuff. Japanese really is... a mountain. Its a language I try a lot of studying experiments with, for one because its going to be many more years of study so I'm having fun, but also 2 because it has so many hurdles i personally have difficulty with so I am always hopeful some experiment will help things I study click better.
Like. Conjugation was hard to me in french, and there were english cognates to lean on, it is a fairly regular language conjugation wise (japanese has more exceptions i tend to forget how to conjugate). Then in japanese, everything being a very different word order combined with the information dense conjugation makes me even more confused.
A few things worked quite well for me in japanese study. One was nukemarines LLJ memrise decks, which after 2 years of studying other things, i crammed in 6 months and went from 300 words known from Genki and maybe 100 hanzi from Heisig RTK (yes i really didnt learn much in 2 years) to 1000-2000 words recognized and basic grammar and able to read Yatsubo and play Kingdom Hearts 2 in japanese (granted i know the game very well in english). Ever since then, ive been able to read manga and look words up to learn, or follow roughly a lets play of a game i know. I can never focus on anki long, but i recognize its use, especially when i was using the LLJ deck which had hanzi, common words in sentenced, and grammar. Since then, i havent used as organized of a resource. So i squander a lot more time, trying to figure out what to study.
Then I did Clozemaster sincerely for a couple months once in japanese. I think i only got through like 1000 cards. But it FINALLY helped me understand stuff like される られる word endings. Tragically, i forgot what they mean. But forca solid 6 months after my rime with Clozemaster cramming, i finally understood a lot of the grammar that had been confusing me. I desperately need to refresh that knowledge (if anyone has any good quock grammar explanation notes theyve seen). I only remember teimasu is like "ing" doing verb ending in english.
And I did japaneseaudiolessons, and the old glossika cd lessons, on and off. And each time i use audio for a while, i do make good progress. I seem to learn very well from audio. In particular, hearing so much japanese FINALLY got me used to the word order. So i struggle much less to follow sentences. Whereas before the massive listening practice, i would often lose the object or subject by the time i heard the verb. So i could not figure sentences out before, unless they were written, since id forget so much while trying to keep track of which word was which function. Lots of listening to audio lessons really helps me get into this rythm of intuitively knowing the order of the words and remembering the grammar through the whole sentence. Thats partly why i keep trying to study with more audio: its rhe biggest leap in terms of being able to understand japanese more instantly, to comprehend AS i hear or AS i read later (after audio study). I just cannot find another way to get my brain to internalize the word order, except LOTS of listening. The audio lessons have helped my reading skills SO much, all of my japanese listening skills so much, because now when i see eords i know i can comprehend what theyre doing in the sentence without thinking about it. And if i hear unknown words i can tell immediately if theyre subject object adjective verb time or a helper word like very/suddenly. I do plan to switch to reading study next, once I feel my vocabulary is solidly more than 2000 words (ideally 3000-5000 but lol im not sure ill find audio lessons that truly teach that much).
So yeah. Im studying japanese and chinese, on and off, as usual. And its always funny and frustrating when it hits just how much more I understand chinese. I took a 6 month ish break from studying ANY language. So ive been listening to audio lessons to review things i knew before, in Chinese and Japanese right now.
In chinese, i listened to maybe 4 hours of audio lessons review, and 2 hours of SCI mystery audiobook (i did not follow too much but hearing so many words helped jog my memory). Its been a week since starting review. Now? Well first of all, if i look at a chinese webnovel the READING skill comes back within 1 chapter and comes back before i eben did any purposeful reviews this past week. My reading skills in all languages seem to break down/be forgotten/get rusty the least. Second: now that I've reviewed for a week, I can understand almost all words in The Untamed (and the eordw i dont know i have been quickly google translatkng just to realize ITS WORDS I KNEW I JUST FORGOT THEM. Like 鬼 i cant believe i forgot gui its one of the first words i learned! Its in a lot of stuff i read and watch lol! Or 放手 i really forgot fangshou existed, i swear my brain just held onto hanzi as images fine but when i just HEAR a word i dont recognize it until i review it again... hence why SO much listening stuff im doing right now). I listened to 默读 audio drama last night and for the first 20 minutes i followed everything. I would guess i know at least 90% of the words (if i havent forgotten some - as with 镇魂 i knew over 95% of the words 8n most chapters right before i took my 6 month study break, and i also could read modu extensively at that point and get the main idea... since i knew thw english translation to guess bits). To be fair? With the audio drama, i did have the aid of knowing the plot already. But ive known modus plot a LONG time, and in the past i struggled to follow the audiodrama anyway, because compared to the audiobook it had less details forcme to use as a crutch to figure out what scene i was hearing. So me listening to rhe audio Drama yesterday, and following so much? Great. Ive also been listening to the mdzs audiobook, which has been brain frying as i started a week ago before realizing i needed to review the sounds of words lol. But also brain frying because the opening monologue words confuse me In Text form, so in audio form it took me 4 listens to realize they were saying the jiang jin nie lan clans fought wei wuxian etc etc. I heard meng and just completely forgot it meant clan, so my brain kept doing things like "is Xmeng a word i know?" It took me 2 listens to realize the next part was Wei Wuxian in mo manor, and 4 listens to realize mojia was MO FAMILY because id been going "mojia sounds familiar, do i know that word?" The last few listens lol. I also forgot fuchou! How! Anyway. Its an accomplishment. I have never had as much success listening to a BRAND NEW audiobook in chinese of something i havent read before, and been able to understand this much. Its not a lot, im just grasping a lot of phrases and the main scene ideas. And i do have my knowledge of The Untamed plot to help me guess. But its going better than listening to audiobooks used to go. And i see a Huge improvement in dialogue. When people talk now (except the guy who tells exposition stories), i find those words are easiest to recognize and quickly remember again. I think part of it is just: dialogue tends to be more direct communication of ideas, whereas descriptive narration can get creatively phrased and meander and discuss details in phrases i havent heard as much as ive heard conversational phrases. Like when i listened to SCI audiobook last weekend, i could follow some of the dialogue portions great, like at crime scenes, arguing, with their boss, it was the descriptions in between where id get lost for a while.
Its just sort of frustrating and sad how much stusying japanese is like hitting a brick wall and learning tiny chip by tiny chip as it wears gradually, and also grateful my mind clicked with chinese because im so over the moon i did NOT have to struggle as much with chinese. For chinese i thankfully could pretty much do exactly what i did when learning to read french, and i improved on that old study plan, and as a result chinese improvement went by faster than when i initially studied french and floundered for a while. I was reading priest novels by the end of year 1 of study (with a click translator like Pleco). The study plan was simple, worked fine. The confusing parts of grammar clicked with enough reading (after maybe 100 chapters of things), and now (likecwith french) my main grammar issues with chinese are learning to produce them right in speaking and writing. But in reading it just clicks and i know what it means immediately. I dream of the day ill finally get whats going on with japanese verbs and grammar ;-;
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arson-09 · 3 months
Wassup my dude.
I saw someone reccomend me on tiktok a book called "the serpent and the wings of the night" or sumn like that (it's a very long name for some reason 💀💀) and they said its similar to ACTOAR but like even better. Have you heard of it/read it? I kinda wanna buy it to read and just wanted to yap and share with someone
Wassup my dude! I have heard of it but havent read it myself (but a youtuber i watched did a summary and i watched that) Ive seen some mixed reviews but lots of people i know who are hit or miss with romantasy liked it soooo if you do get it and read it pls share cause i would love to hear more opinions about it (i just like hearing ppls book opinions even on books i haven’t read)
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volfoss · 8 months
I’ve never seen you talk about themes and tropes you enjoy in media and stuff like that, it’s always about how misogynistic or racist something is, which it’s totally valid of course, but I think we often forget those are not the only types of things we can take from a story. Anyways you’re totally valid for being a hater lol.
if u are referring to the stuff ive been posting lately irt tezuka its because the themes and tropes are pretty well documented but the horrors are not. and id rather any mutuals know about those rather than solely focusing on the themes being there and not addressing that, esp when those are easily found on sites like tezukainenglish or even looking up essays on the matter. i also feel that if its about this topic, it is something i bring up when its there (the one im reading rn handles a lot of anti-war themes in a really good manner and i did get into that pretty deeply in my review of it (which i havent posted yet bc its been taking a while to get through)). imo its something where it is important to discuss issues w media and id rather be getting into both that and thematics of the media vs just an analysis of it (which can tend to overlook issues). w kimba specifically, it was VERY hard to overlook the issues that were in the media as it was glaring and pretty much everywhere bc it was DRENCHED in racism. i did not want to be like ok :) heres the super good themes in this bc quite honestly it was a very miserable experience to read. my posts on tumblr are also not indicative of HOW i enjoy something or if im focusing on themes or not bc often thats something i tend to be messaging friends about as i watch/read something. i love analyzing themes and getting into the nitty gritty of a media but i also think its important to bring up issues when they are less talked about in the general fan space of it all. if you talk to me one on one you KNOW how passionate i get about themes in a story but its just not something i talk about publicly.
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autumn-likes-her-stuff · 10 months
scott pilgrim really took off.
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i havent read the books. i havent played the game. i only saw the movie. it was good, but das all ive seen of it. i did see the new anime on netflix directed by abel gongora n animated by science saru. its actually hella better than i thought it would be. where do i start.
dear lord the style. this is absolutely oozing with a gorgeous and colorful style that i just couldnt get enough of. scored by joseph trapanese n anamanaguchi, the music for this was just also hella good too. the character designs are fantastic, scott, ramona, stephen, kim, young neil, matthew, knives, everyone looks so perfect that it feels like even the main characters didnt get enough screen time because i just wanted to look at their designs.
the writing is kinda weak. i mostly just mean the little character writing moments. maybe its just the english dub needing to match the lip flaps cuz it was translated from japanese, but sometimes it doesnt always sounded as i expected it to. thats not to say that it was bad, but it couldve been better. thats just me tho. the story was great, and hella different than what i was expecting from it. at first, i was jus like "da heck happened dawg" but i got on board real quick. the vocal performances were perfect practically across the board! there were moments where they were a bit awkward, but my god even will arnett did great in the role he had. he coulda had a bit more screen time though.
everyone coulda had a bit more screen time, if im being real. i really enjoyed that it spent its 20 min 8 ep run well, but it coulda benefited if it had an extra episode or two just to give us more time with some characters. thats really my big complaint, i just wanted more of it. i really enjoyed it a lot, and its making me wanna read the comics n play the games. go watch. very good good. (scuffed review, school been kickin me down n im very tired. pray for me to finish another smelly book)
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dev1lm4n · 1 year
hI I JUST STARTED READING THE JOEL MILLER SMTH. THE ONE WHERE HE TEACHES READER ABT STUFF IN HIS LITTLE LAIR ???? the way you write is insane. its like i experienced firsthand the tension and the ~vibes~ that reader felt. i was there i felt it in my bones in my marrow like its absolutely insane. i dont think ive sparingly used the word insane but thats okay. you write so well. im still in that part where she like was instructed to cross her arms??? i too was very shocked to understand what that entailed. i was head empty no thoughts reading it until critical thinking forced me to comprehend what was going to happen. you are godsent i havent seen anything this good since i was in my creative writing class i wish i was joking. but srsly though aside from the filth your writing is rlly fucking awesome i love it i love the everything in it like. im just imagining if there ever will be “trainings” for reader courtesy of mr miller i might die. i rlly might
hiii! tysm this is so sweet :( it's been a loooooong time since i receive such a kind review of my work. my heart is TOUCHED. the details you go on with AAAAAAA im in love. the work you read is a series btw! or you could check the other single works i've done 😆
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gregthedice · 1 year
Slenderverse review (stolen from @1fenfen1 )
Everymanhybrid The series is really good, the ending is SHOCKING (not clickbait) The crew is cool, especially Evan Oh yeah and Evan and Correnthal are badass as fuck Canyouseethewords was ok I guess TribeTwelve The acting sucks so much ass its insane but it leads to some funnies like Milo coughing for example Milo's journal was so terrible (I would rather not read about Milo just going to school for like 3 years or something) and I guess sebastians journal would most likely be the same thing only mildly more interesting The effects are one of the best Ive seen The boardwalk videos are the worst content from the slenderverse ever DarkHarvest00 I like the series excited for the ending slenderman looks cool again tho stop making blogs to just connect characters (its boring) I love the culty shit and the videos are fun MLAndersen0 I like that the name is an anagram for slenderman The final videos confuse me The series feels very different from other slenderverse series The videos are good but they can be boring at times WhisperedFaith Pretty good series Basically DarkHarvest00 but replace slenderman with the rake KeratinGarden The series is the most unique in the slenderverse The black dog is a good addition and the first videos are terrible I like Ajack (I dont remember how thats spelled) I would love to see the series continue TJAProjects I like the shadow version of the toddler and the lady with the blind fold The ending isnt really good the series is kinda boring tho 5Zer02 The series is cool I guess I like the ending Slenderman doing that funny thing with his tentacles and eating New York or something is cool I guess Stan Frederick This might be my favorite series ever I like Connor and love that the seedeater is in the series BTS is cool ICANSEETHEGIANT series confusion Slenderman can look kinda silly some times but most of his appearances are good the series is very very unique MyDarkJournal Series confusion again I do not understand anything that is happening so please someone explain whats happening through a youtube video or something CompileTruth I wish it didn't stop at a cliffhanger seriously did it have to stop as soon as a new entity was introduced I like almost everything about it except for the fact that it can be a little cheesy at times Lockdown in the Dark Im very dedicated to the series and I really enjoy it slenderman looks cool ROSES ARE BLUE I made that so...... Dont shoot the Messenger genuinly the best blog The side blog by Poe is really cool and I really like that there are like 2 recordings of the characters voices The Tutorial Havent really read much of it but so far it good I guess Neverending Marathon The ending is BRUTAL (again not clickbait) Theres really not much story in my opinion Now I Shall Know You Again Hyde/Jekyll is cool I like it Dark Days Im sad that it got cancelled because it had a really good concept A Wreck In the Dark the series seems cool but I have only watched 1 video ACloverInChicago I dont really like the series I like MousE I guess 1Daily0Nightly1 series is good so far JSCamera one of the best modern slenderseries I would love to see a reboot with the Harvester as the main character
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demadogs · 8 months
i'm not sure honestly if they'll be doing the following series of the percy jackson universe, but we can only hope. as far as we know, the second season (which'll be about the second book) hasn't been greenlit yet.
anyways, if you ever do feel like getting into the riordanverse, the series order is something like:
percy jackson and the olympians (the lightning thief to the last olympian)
the kane chronicles (egyptian mythology)
the heroes of olympus
magnus chase and the gods of asgard (norse mythology)
the trials of apollo
the sun and the star (stand alone featuring nico di angelo and will solace!!)
the new percy jackson books (chalice of the gods, wrath of the triple goddess, and an unnamed third in the new trilogy!)
im SURE theyll be renewed for next season. everyone loves it i havent seen one bad review. i hope they get to do the whole series cuz i LOVE this cast. and the last adaptation flopped and didnt finish so honestly itd just be so mean if they did that again lmao.
as for if i ever get around to reading it, honestly im hella intimidated by the shear amount of books there are. ive also been in a crazy readers slump lately but maybe one day ill go crazy start the whole thing.
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stylezxsilvermoon · 1 year
books i wanna read
listen i know this sounds hypocritical that im a writer and i only have like one book series im almost done reading so ASUDIDSYGDS
thats why im making this lists of books im buying for myself, bc i feel like through reading i like writing more
i already have the giver quartet
and i loved it so much when we read the giver in 8th grade i bought the rest of the series, i reccomend it even if its not really romance or anything, its 4 diffrent dystopian society-like stories where like abnormal things are banned or accepted in those towns, and the 4 book series comes with a map of all four of the villages/towns
book 1 is the giver
book 2 is gathering blue
book 3 is messenger, this one by just looking at it is the shortest in the series, book 1 and 2 are relavtively the same length
book 4 is son, the longest of the series, im kinda excited to read that one since its the longest of the 4
and books i wanna buy for myself are:
good girls guide to murder series
book 1: good girls guide to murder
book 2: good girl, bad blood
book 3: as good as dead
also theres a novella on the side based off of the book series i think? called kill joy, idk if i'll buy that one
the shatter me series (6-part)
and for the love of god DONT ask me to name all of the books bc my memory is shit
if he had been with me, this one people say is really sad but hehe
verity: i saw this at the store and i was rlly intrested in it but i didnt get it right then im gonna order it online, as well as all of these bc lol
november 9: idk what it is abt this book but it rlly intrests me, the preface of it
and the rest of the summer i turned pretty series
its not summer without you
we'll always have summer
i bought the 1st one at mejjer like 3 days ago and its REALLY GOOD but bc i watched the prime video show first i kinda know what happens already but LOLOLOLOL its a lil diff from the show, taylor is really fucking mean for no goddamn reason
and books i really wanna read even tho idk if im FOR SURE buying them
it ends with us series, and i kinda wanna read to all the boys i loved before book series, ik its a movie but i havent watched it yet, i really love jenny han's writing style so im definitely gonna read more of their works
tbh i really like reading belly and conrad and jere's story through book than the show, i can imagine it more, and yes i do imagine all of the actors from the show in the book now that i saw the show first LOL
and also i rlly wanted to buy the crave series but IDEK IF ITS GOOD, ive seen a bunch of wishy washy reviews of it so AHHHHHH idk
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gulducock · 2 years
Hey ducock, what episode of the Orville was the turning point for you, when it turned into a good show that wasn't all like hey this isnt Star Trek it's Shtar T'rek? I was reading jammers reviews of the pilot to see whether to give it a go and he hated it but it looks good on gifs I've seen of later episodes. I'm undecided
hi Anonymous thats a hard question because like. okay nobody get mad at me but fucking honestly the orville is a leagues better star trek show than picard and in some aspects im having more fun with it than i ever did discovery. okay. the 1st episode does in fact suffer from them trying to be funny and theyre Not really funny at all but honest to god this show just perfectly captures the feeling and story beats and everything that classic trek had. like this show is NOT a star trek copy for the sake of being a bad copy its like. i dont know its like a spiritual successor i feel like im giving it to much credit bu what im trying to say is its seriously not the worst trek ive ever seen and is actually a little better than most nutrek is to me. the 1st and 2nd episode are kind of annoying but from beyond there i think some of its a little fun and some of its also kind of lame but like look at who the captain is. anyway also lots of classic trek actors guest star in episodes and also penny johnson (kasidy yates) plays a main character as the ships doctor so like i dont know what to tell you man im taking the wins where i see them. im also honestly not that far into the show like i havent seen season 2 yet but like i dont know its preddy good
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I guess its the Summer Solstice so here we are again! 6/21/23
Wow I knew I neglected my last pot but here we are back even later than the last one! Like i say everytime it is wild to see how much has changed in my life the past couple of years. Ups down and everything in between I come back to this spot everytime and see the growth I’ve made. All by myself. All for myself. I cant always see it but moments where I read back on the past I am brought right back to those moments and never lose sight of how I felt in the past. 
I keep seeing on TikTok that today is a Summer Solstice meaning it is a great opportunity for manifestations so lets try this out why not! I guess I’ll start by giving a quick synopsyis of my life from the past 10 months or however long (wow sorry I abandoned this for that long!!!!)
Lets start with Work. I am still at the same OI job and feel like I have grown sooo much. I cant say im perfect at my job, but I know I have made a shit load of progress that i’m very proud of. I shifted off of working with my mngr which has made the biggest impact on my happiness at the job. I was going from having weekly panic attacks to not even having to review a single email anymore. I am really proud of myself for treading through the mud and getting to the point where I am at now. Now for the manifestation segment. I am going to get a promotion soon. This SUMMER! I FEEL IT. I am such a hard worker and really have gained the experience to move up in the company. I am confident it will happen in the next couple months. I cant wait to come back here and tell you all about it. It will be my first real promotion at a job which is something that I’ve really wanted to achieve since I havent gotten to this point at any of my previous jobs. You got this Case. 
Now for relationships. Tricky subject and yep you guessed it D is still around. I have tested a coupe other relationships with E and A and C... but somehow D makes it through the motions of every single season. I do want to touch on E for a sec. I have grown to build an amazing relationship with him, but I havent seen him for a few weeks and I feel like the relationship is starting to fade. Im sick of getting 100% and then a week later not even 1%. I am fully aware it has nothing to do with me and more so his own struggles, but I do need to realize at the end of the day that its ok to want more from someone and he cant give me what I need as much as hes shown me how I can be treated in a healthy way. He’s the boy Ive always dreamt of how someone can treat/care for you, but this story just isnt ours at this point in time. Who knows what the future holds. Now D. Oh boy. As we all know its been a fucking roller coaster. I have felt the highest of highs w him and the lowest of lows. I do hold love for him (but not so sure ive ever been in love... idk what that even is lmao). We’ve gotten to a point where I feel like I have been holding my power for quite some time now. I don’t have the same anxieties as I had for him in the past and i don’t prioritize him over others. We’ve tried not speaking (jan 2023) for a couple weeks and ultimately he just came back and I allowed it. I cant cut him out of it killed me. It’s so fucking hard. I am working on figuring out his place in my life and how we can carry on without hurt, but I feel like I am slowy falling back in the trap/cycle. We had a really nice day together the other weekend and I felt those anxious attachment feelings creeping in... I need to remember the things that have happened and try to prepare for the worst, but is it crazy to say that what if we are meant for each other? The other day I was able to imagine being in a relationship with him and it shocked me how I felt so good the whole day. Idk prob the worst thought ever but.. idk.. why are we magents to each other? Lastly I wanna touch on friendships and new york life. My friends here are still the same (but Karina now lives in Miami) and I love them so much, but I’ve been feeling myself longing for my relationships in LA. There are many weekends where my friends here are out of town and I feel left alone many times. In LA I would have the comfort of my family when friends arent around, but theyre 100s of miles away from me. I really miss them so fucking much it hurts. I think the longer I am away the more and more I realize how special my family is. I especially feel bad being away from my mom. She asks me nearly everytime we talk when I’ll come back and little does she know I’ve been toying with the idea of returning once my lease is up. If not that I think I have 1 year left in me. It still shocks me to say it and feel confident in that, but I really miss my family. Thats truly the only thing pulling me back bc I love this city and who I have become here so damn much. Im not putting too much pressure on the decision as I still have 10 months on my lease, but it is in the back of my mind. I feel like I’ll lead myself to the right choice soon though. So much would change though. I told D the other day about the idea and he said he would be so sad which kinda surprised me. It would be the end for us if I did move back which im not sure is a good or bad thing. Sometimes I tell myself the love of my life is not here and I wont meet them till I move back lol. Im not sure where the future is gonna bring me, but im confident in myself to do what is right for me. Leaving my friends here would also be horrible, but at the end of the day if they are the friendships I believe them to be, we will still be as close as ever and planes exist!! I guess thats kinda it for now. But this is still the start to an amazing summer with so much fun in store I can feel it!!! I have a trip to the shore coming up next weekend and then im going back home for my bday end of july - aug. Later in the summer I am going to portugal with my family!!! and something BIIGGGG is gonna happen in the fam :o Cant write it in words here till it happens. Until then, I love you. Im proud of you. and life is always working out in my favor. <3  Love,
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