#i heard
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California leaf-nosed bat, via
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lucrezianoin · 9 months
HUG AND KISS?? omg so cute!!
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wiirocku · 11 months
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2 Corinthians 6:2 (NLT) - For God says,
“At just the right time, I heard you. On the day of salvation, I helped you.”
Indeed, the “right time” is now. Today is the day of salvation.
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zuzzebat12 · 1 month
Lost & Found || Rottmnt G/t AU
(This is a PLATONIC AU and story! Do not ship or make something inappropriate out of this AU or any of my work. Enjoy!)
☆࿐ཽ༵༆༒Part 2༒༆࿐ཽ༵☆
Angie woke up, her eyes fluttered open as she let out a small coo. She rubbed her eyes until she saw the same four mutant turtles kneeled down in front of her.
Angie blinked, before jumping in surprise.
"Rise and shine sleepyhead, sorry about the scare!" Leo chuckled, patting her on the head with his finger gently.
Donnie sighed. "Alright, well... uhh.. after I ran some DNA tests.. don't ask me why, but I found out something!"
Angie tilted her head, confused.
Mikey cut in, with a wide smile. "YOU'RE OUR SISTER!" he exclaimed, scooping her up.
Angie squeaked in suprise, and his three brothers gave him a annoyed look.
"Hey! We were going to say it as well!" Leo groaned, Donnie and Raph nodded.
"Oh. Oops.. sorry.. I just got excited!" Mikey chuckled.
Leo sighed, laughing as well, "Alright.. but when there's a suprise, at least give us the chance to say it too?"
Mikey nodded. Angie giggled a bit, making Raph, Leo, and Mikey let out an 'Awwww' while Donnie smiled a little.
"So.. now that we have a little sister.. what do we do?" asked Mikey, looking at his three older brothers. They all started thinking a bit before Donnie had an idea. "We could introduce her to Dad. He'd probably want to meet her."
The others nodded, before getting up with Angie curled up in Mikey's hands.
Splinter was sitting on his couch, before hearing his sons scramble into the room. "Dad! Dad? We have someone to show you!" said Leo.
He sat up, sighing, "How much times do I have to tell you boys to stop interruptions my-"
Then he saw Angie when Mikey held her out to him.
Splinter stared at her, Angie stared back.
"We found her when we went to the Hidden City, and.. somehow.. we found her." Donnie explained.
Splinter picked up Ang gently, and she looked up at him.
Angie waved, smiling while she looked at him. Splinter smiled back. "I thought it was just you four..." he muttered.
Draxum bursted into his throne room, he grumbled, slamming objects into the wall. "THOSE TURTLES! Why can't they just join me?! And now they have the experiment!" he yelled.
"I need to get that pesky thing back!" he exclaimed, going into the meeting room.
He saw multiple foot clan members lined up, he stood in front of them, gaining their attention.
"I have lost my experiment, if you see it with any of the other turtle mutants, bring it back to me. Make sure it's ALIVE." he instructed.
The foot clan nodded, "YES SIR!" they shouted.
Angie yawned, waking up from a nap. After that short little reunion with Splinter, she suddenly was tired.
She stood up from the blankets, waddling and falling flat on her face. She was a tough little musk turtle, lifting her head up, stood up, and continued her way through the lair.
She saw something glowing in one of the rooms, she climbed down the table and stumbled over there, before peering inside.
It was a lab.
But purple.
Angie snuck in, but was instantly seen by Donnie.
"Hello fellow little sister, you have entered my lab. Do not touch anything please." Donnie said, making Angie slightly jump in suprise.
Angie began climbing up on to a counter in his lab, Donnie was too busy to notice, since he was working on his new invention.
"D-Don..Donnie?" Angie asked, Donnie turned around, "Yes?"
She pointed to one of the inventions, tilting her head. Donnie knew exactly what she wanted. she wanted to know about the invention and of course Donnie would tell her. IT WAS EVERYTHING HE DREAMED OF!
That's when it began. Donnie told Angie about inventions he had in simple terms to help it make sense to her.
Donnie got back to working on his invention, before hearing a small cracking noise, he turned around seeing a shelf starting to crack, and guess who was right under it.
Angie looked up, before she froze.
Donnie rushed over instantly, as the shelf's bottom began to cave in, and he grabbed Angie gently just in time before it could squish her.
He was still panicking though, even if she was safe. He looked down, seeing Angie's terrified face.
"Are you okay?" asked Donnie, and Angie started crying. That made Donnie slightly jump, before he panicked more. "Hey.. it's alright! At least you didn't get squished..? Yeah..?" he said, but that made Angie cry even more now.
He speed-walked out the lab, looking for at least his brothers, who could help him calm Angie down.
Mikey was walking close by, and Donnie rushed to him.
"Oh hey Don-AAH! What the- what's wrong..?!" Mikey asked, before looking down at Angie, who was crying.
Donnie carefully put her down in Mikey's hands, and Mikey held her close to him. "What happened?" he asked Donnie.
"Well.. she went into the lab and then she.. uhh.. I showed her some inventions, and there was this shelf that was correctly built or fixed or something and.. the shelf broke and there was stuff on it that could hurt her but I grabbed her.. and she started crying..!" Donnie explained in a fast pace.
Luckily, Mikey understood, looking down at Angie who seemed to be calming down now. He reassuringly smiled, "Hey lil' sis.. it's going to be okay! You're safe."
Angie took a deep breath, she stopped crying. "O... O-Okay.."
She was still shaken up about it, but after Mikey and Donnie's help, she felt safer.
The two brothers told the others about it, and they made sure to keep a closer eye on her for now on.
A couple days later..
Angie was playing around, exploring the lair.
She then heard her name being called by April, who visited earlier. "Hey, Angie? Can you come over here for a sec'?" she asked.
Angie tilted her head before waddling over. "Yes?"
She had began to learn more simple words and speak sentences with good grammar by Donnie.
She didn't have a weapon yet, but trained with Raph.
She spent some time with Leo and Mikey, sometimes drawing, or learning how to skateboard. Also becoming a Jupiter Jim fan after the first few comics.
She even watched Splinter's shows on TV.
She was happy to be with her family, but she was worried about one thing..
She didn't like thinking about that, so she tried not to.. but something was telling her that something bad might happen soon..
She was in Leo's room, and they had something in a small box.
Leo picked her up gently, setting her on the table. "Helloooo my little sister!" he said, patting her slightly on the head, making Angie giggle.
"Hiii!" she waved back, making Mikey and April exchange 'Awwws'.
"You know how we have bandanas right? These on our faces?" asked Leo, pointing to his bandana.
Angie nodded, before Mikey ran to the other side of the table, opening the box, revealing a tiny bandana.
It was cyan, and had the same design as Mikey's and the end looking like Donnie's but bigger.
Angie reached in and grabbed it, she immediately grinned. "Thank you!!" she said, looking up at them.
"You're welcome! It was actually my idea!" Leo chuckled, the other two shot him a glare, he started to laugh nervously, "Okay.. maybe the others.. but that doesn't matter! Let me help you really quick.."
Leo proceeded to help Angie put on her bandana, once he was done, Angie turned around to look at them.
"That looks amazing on you!" April complimented, Angie thanked her as she gained multiple compliments from them.
She was now one of them!
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
"Hey guys! I got a report on Hypno-Potamus.. and worm guy.." Donnie said, looking at it on a tablet.
"Must be stealing again.. when will those guys ever learn?" Raph scoffed, before he saw Leo smirking.
"Leo? Do you have any of your ideas right now?" he asked, knowing this would be one of these crazy ideas that had a 50/50 chance of actually working.
"Don't worry, I just want to bring Ang-" Leo was cut off by all of the brothers yelling "WHAAATTTT?!"
Raph started first, "We can't bring Angie on this mission! She'll be easily hurt, and I only trained her for a couple days!"
Donnie was next, "Nardo, my brother.. HAVE YOU WENT INSANE? We can't just bring our little sister to a possible fight!"
Mikey was last, "I'm up for it, as long as she's safe."
Leo smirk got wider, "See, Mikey gets it! Besides, she'll only be watching us, if we get into a battle then we use our super awesome mystic weapons and strategies to win like we always do!" he said rather nonchalantly.
Raph sighed, "As long as she's safe.."
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
Angie was in the turtle tank with the rest of her brothers. "We go to museum?" she asked.
Raph looked back, "Yep!"
Donnie installed a small booster seat for Angie, though it took a bit to find where to put it, he figured it out.
They finally reached the museum. Mikey unbuckled Angie's seatbelt, picking her up out of it and putting her on his shoulder.
They exited the turtle tank, before walking towards the museum.
Then, all of the sudden, Hypno-Potamus bursted out the window with Warren Stone on his shoulder.
"We're getting good at this!" Warren laughed, looking at Hypno-Potamus.
"Oh of course my partner! Those turtles won't know wha- oh great.." Hypno-Potamus groaned, seeing them.
Then he noticed Angie, "Who's the new one? Why are they so small?" he asked, Warren saw the turtle too.
"Yes! Another rival!" he cheered to himself.
Raph got a bit upset, "Hey! You better now be talking about our sister! Mad Dogs, LET'S SHOW EM' WHO'S THE BOSS!"
Mikey put Angie down, patting her on the head before charging into battle with the rest of his brothers.
Angie watched, absorbing all of the details in the fight, before she was grabbed from behind.
She was about to scream before was thumb was put up to her mouth. "Shhhhh.."
A footclan member caught her.
Angie immediately became afraid before she bit the member's thumb, she began scratching them when they let go. "AAA-" the footclan member screamed.
Leo stopped fighting, before seeing their little sister grabbed in the hand of the footclan member.
Before he could react, he saw a portal form behind them. The person who came out made them all start fighting, even the villains.
It was Draxum.
"Nice job, your rank is now rank two.." he said, grabbed Angie into a tight grip.
"Thank you, turtles! You gave me back my experiment." he said, coldly.
Raph took a step forward, looking angry, no.. IN RAGE! "Leave our sister alone!" he yelled.
He was about to use his mystic power, before he stepped back in the portal, it began to close and all the brothers ran forward to at least grab Angie out of his hands. "ANGIE!!" they all yelled.
But.. it was too late.
She was gone. Taken away..
Yeah and also a cliffhanger because.. Uhhh- lol.
Yes. Angie got captured by Draxum now! OHH NOO-
What will happen next?!
Thanks for reading though, if ya did. See ya in part three.
(I understand that this seems rushed, but each part is like a huge chunk, and I have tons of ideas to fit in this.)
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kalims · 4 months
someone add me in grnshin
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citrusitonit · 5 months
"theres this gay celeb, but i heard he got his maid pregnant!" "youre saying hes gay but he also sleeps with his maids? He could be bi, you know" "HES A BASTARD THATS WHAT HE IS"
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joskippy · 10 months
they made that episode for ME..........NILANJANA..........NILANJANA MY BEAUTIFUL DARLING WIFE I MISSED YOU.....
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weirdcat1213 · 6 months
I'm gonna have to ask the internet to pause dungeon meshi cuz IM GONNA WATCH IT AND READ IT I SWEAR I JUST HAVE TO FINISH THE MANGA IM READING RN-
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10minuta · 8 months
Lately I have started listening to Tom's solo stuff and Ava, I haven't heard most of it until now. Maybe I am not right about this but it seems to me that his songs that are the most direct and coherent might be written about real people and situations in his life, that's at least how it sounds to me, and some of the less coherent songs might mostly be him being artsy and experimental.
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Pallid Bat, via batconservationinternational
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ruckis-vandalizes · 2 years
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I heard his past's arcane, but to dig too deep only leads to pain ‍💫
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cowboycheeseslime · 9 months
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drmonkeysetroscans · 1 year
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allo-frouto · 1 year
Is Thessaloniki affected from the heavy rain fall and storm??
It had been raining since Monday and there was a lot of wind but today seems to be calmer.
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sheepwithspecs · 2 years
I wish I could apologize for the CarvRhos spam this month still has in store but unfortunately it’s about to get worse (for you) because I just heard Past the Point of No Return for the first time in nearly 20 years and my first thought was not in fact a critical analysis of PotO
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cs-caho · 2 years
going thru my twitter history found this song posted 2014. i actually just heard them on the radio not too long ago. they’ve been around a long time.
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