#i honestly do want a huge fucking bathtub tho
voiceofsword · 1 year
do you have any brotps/friendships for rinne or niki ( since they seem to be like . the ones you think about most ) that you particularly like ? aside from the other bees ofc
YEAH!! under a read more bc its a little long :'3
roommates are a given, i think hikari dorm is perfectly balanced (chaotic) in its own way and that even tho the 3 of them are so different they also manage to get along really well. i cant take them seriously at all and i think thats part of their charm lol. they're all such Characters individually that together it just feels Normal. i can imagine the three of them sitting around the bathtub, kanata splashing around while hiyori paints his own nails and rinne gossips. its like if the golden girls were anime boys but theres 3 instead of 4 and none of them are divorced or widowed. so really nothing like the golden girls but im sure u understand...maybe
nihihi dorm is actually tied for my fave with gender dorm god i love them a ton, i think in part because i love nikis relationship with hiiro and how hes adopted him as his own younger brother, but also hinata. i think about niki cooking for them and having them try new dishes and them having movie nights or staying up all night playing games and even tho niki has work the next morning hes like (exaggerated sigh) fine ONE more game...but he loves it
i love both rinne and niki (and crazybs in general honestly) doting relationship on 2wink and im so happy they keep getting collabs .. in case they decide to give us more crumbs... plz. they feel like younger siblings to them. rinne especially makes me so soft because past his initial impression of being a bad influence and generally just pushing his luck on how much he can tease, it always feels like hes looking out for the two
otherwise i also rly enjoy how they both interact within their own circle (i feel like ive been wanting a nikis kitchen tour for the past 2000 years. i hope we get framed picture of izumi in one of the 3*s).
i rly like how rinne gets along with his kouhai both in asobi and craftmonster bc of the attitude he takes on, ive mentioned it in another post but w/ the former especially he rly just allows himself to be playful so much so that it almost takes the kids off-guard bc theyre like what..hes not as scary as we thought he'd be at all. i think the best rinne friendships are the ones where they set those prejudices aside and dont take him seriously at all lol bc that's when he rly starts to feel comfortable. this grown ass man running around playing games and doing arts n crafts with a bunch of 15-17 y/os (and shu i guess) is a funny mental image and it rly feels like he can let himself loose. conversely i also love when he's exasperated with his juniors bc then hes like oh right im an adult i need to set an example.. this is about U chill yellow
on the other hand i like how niki interacts with ppl a lot more "serious" than him i.e ibara, natsume bc he tends to like..soften them? ppl cant help but let their guard down around niki hes just.... himself. like even if theyre initially wary they grow to be like "oh wait this guy's really nice what the fuck"
i particularly like nikis kitchen circle bc its ppl you usually wouldnt see interact with niki but u can tell they want to impress him. its so sweet nikis just some guy who wants to share his love for cooking. also thinking about the difference between how ibara would interact with rinne and niki (harsher with rinne bc hes his Boss whereas with niki he's more accommodating, that one gordon ramsey meme thats like u donkey vs oh oh dear) is funny so even if theres not a lot of interactions for them i want to think ibara would let niki get away with just about anything
AND NIKI AND TETORA...IVE ALREADY DISCUSSED THIS A FEW TIMES THOUGH... i have a huge soft spot for them. ritsu too. they get like 2 interactions (sweets hunter story, craftmonsters recent gacha) but ritsus humor is just so DRY and u can see niki be like (cogs turning in his head) Whar? its really silly ALSO HE CALLS HIM NIKIPYON....IS THAT NOT PERFECT... i need them to be friends
i like niki and mayois friendship, but its admittedly not my favorite; i like how niki feels like he can trust mayoi implicitly and how he tries to make him comfortable too — i think theyre both quite similar irt self image/esteem although they both go about it in different ways. their interactions can be sweet but one thing that stops me from enjoying them fully is how mayoi always seems kind of uncomfortable (and niki seems unaware of how/why he's uncomfortable) ;_; i hope that in the future the writers can let mayoi be more at peace around him, it'd be sweet!!
and atp i feel like ive talked enough about hiiro and rinne for it to not warrant having its own little ramble section here 😭
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crossovereddie · 3 years
Thoughts on Gallavich Hall of Shame
Wow okay this is the latest I’ve ever posted a weekly recap and I feel awful about it but mom life amirite? I’ve seen a lot of negative posts about this episode( maybe I just follow the wrong people) so ngl I’m kinda worried about watching it. Ugh. This is why I try to not look up things until I’ve had a chance to recap because I hate being influenced by other people’s opinions BUT I’m gonna try my best to find the positive things in the episode and keep this light hearted and fun like I’ve been trying to do all season! Okay I’ll shut up now and get right into why you’re really reading this post:
Oh baby Gallavich :(((((
Bitch don’t even say the word divorce
They’re sitting side by side playing a game together 😭😭😭😭
Mickey loves blowing ian pass it on
Oh fuck I forgot that belt move ian did 🤤🤤🤤
Nob job lmao
ugh Ned was the most disgusting piece of shit
Who are those two exes wtf
I don’t know their names but I forgot I never watched any episode Mickey wasn’t in lmao
Wow Mickey Milkovich really deserves so much better
Compilation of Mickey saying fuck THANK YOU
Omfg s4 Mickey was actually perfect
“Course you will. That’s your whole fucking MO” oh shit..
Wow remembering the past is really making me hate ian again lmao
Just when I started loving him for once
But then I remember how much he’s grown and I love him again
Fuck the writers tho
Let me write Gallavich please I’d do a much better job
Okay y’all really made it seem like Mickey was super offensive with his bipolar comment
I’m bipolar and hate when people use the term lightly but cmon guys that was nothing
He even called it a bipolar episode. He didn’t say anything offensive at all omfg. I was over here thinking he called him a psycho or something.
Some of y’all just gotta stop watching and stick to fanfics or something.
“I wish I never met you.” “Me either” THEN THEIR FUCKING WEDDING FUCK YALL NOW IM IN MY FEELS 😭😭
They’ve been through so much wow
Okay I need to see Mickey wearing a fanny pack
Fuck I need to rewatch the wedding
“Stupid gallagher” same
Mickey giving the Fanny pack back my boy is such a Good Samaritan wow I raised you so well I’m so proud my perfect son
Oh gosh I thought we were done seeing ian Gallagher’s dance moves
Why would they put us through that again
“Stupid Milkovich” you watch your mouth
But we love when a man learns from his mistakes
Now kiss
Mickey is beautiful damn ian is so lucky
Now this is the type of flashback I like to see
Ugh I love him so much
I’m so proud to be his mom
Okay unpopular opinion but I actually love that little how’d your bipolar tirade go how’d your stealing shit go
If you’ve been with someone through their rock bottoms you’ll understand how not offensive at all that interaction was
They both said things they felt bad about saying and now they’re having a bit of banter about it
“We work well together”
They needed space after feelings got hurt but now they’re coming together to make up and actually talk things over
They’re learning and growing apart AND together
They both had the horrible childhoods and they’re doing their best
It takes years and years of therapy to work through deep rooted issues like that. I’m STILL seeing a therapist twice a week and I still have issues.
Just imagine. They’re how old? Mid to late twenties and neither of them have properly dealt with their issues and mental health problems. You can’t expect them to be the perfect couple you read about in fanfics. Yeah shameless is over the top but it’s a tv show that has stayed on the air for 11 seasons BECAUSE of how over the top it is. Stop expecting these characters to be healed healthy woke changed characters from one season to the next when they haven’t even properly dealt with their issues and it would honestly be very ooc if they did deal with their issues in a healthy way
I wish they would but that’s not the shameless way.
Well that was a long rant but honestly it was needed
Ugh I hate reliving terry this is the worst my heart is breaking
I skipped fast
Terry is definitely worse but yeah they’re both pieces of shit
Shit I forgot how abusive frank was
They both deserve so much better
They’re so cute oh gosh
We love communication
Okay but fr taking a bath with your SO isn’t as romantic as people think or maybe I’m just not a romantic lmao
Unless it’s a big bathtub with leg room
Mickey has the best lines
He’s so funny 😭😭😭
Mickey loves being manhandled✨✨✨✨
Honestly? I really think they would be really into some safe consensual bdsm play and they deserve to have that
fucking love you
I love you too
they’re so perfect for each other :(((
A kissing compilation 😭😭
I still want a scene of Mickey making fun of Ian’s black hair
I’m in tears again
I deserved to be at that wedding 😭😭😭
“But not these newlyweds” damn right
I love them so much
What a treat
I love Mickey more than anything 😭😭
Okay that was so much better than I was expecting! I know I ranted a lot and I’m probably gonna get some angry comments and messages but I honestly don’t care. Have your opinion and I’ll have my own and if you wanna discuss things like adults I’ll reply but if not then I don’t have time for the negativity. My boys actually communicated and didn’t self sabotage for once and I’m so proud. I love not being as invested as I used to be because now I can actually enjoy their scenes! Anyway it’s late where I’m at and I haven’t been getting much sleep so I’m gonna stop rambling. Let me know what you thought of this episode! Oh and real quick! I noticed I got a flood of new followers in the past two weeks so i just wanted to say feel free to send me messages on and off anon! I like talking to y’all! I promise I’m nice lol! Okay bye I love Mickey so much!
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mccoys-killer-queen · 4 years
@axelandriab​ thank you so much for tagging me in this bc seeing brand new questions I’ve never answered before is like a breath of fresh air
Do you prefer writing in black or blue pen? black
Would you prefer to live in the country or the city? I think about this often and I always used to say city but I’m feeling more country now
If you could learn a new skill, what would it be? guitar... please... if not that then I’d like to speak German fluently...
Do you drink tea/ coffee with sugar? nope (unless you count honey as sugar for tea, then yes)
What was you favourite book as a child? I honestly don’t remember reading books/having books read to me but it was probably Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown
Do you prefer baths or showers? I haven’t taken a bath in a good 6 years so I forget what it feels like (I don’t fit in my bathtub anymore... I’m too long) so I gotta say showers by default
If you could be a mythical creature, which one would you be? either some sort of fairy, nymph, or shapeshifter 
Paper or electronic books? Paper
What is your favourite item of clothing? my denim jacket with all my patches on it
Do you like your name? nope :3) I think Rachel is a very boring, generic, uncreative White Girl name and if I ever get famous (which ain’t gonna happen) I’d totally go by a pen/stage name
Who is a mentor to you? pssh just any of my Rock and Roll Dads (i.e. Joe Elliott, Brian May, Kevin Cronin, Nikki Sixx, etc), I feel like They guide me somehow
Would you like to be famous? famous for something good? Yes. I’m such an extrovert like 60% of the time and I love oversharing and sometimes feel like I’d be good at handling fame. Plus honestly I don’t feel like I’ll be able to survive long in life unless I somehow get famous bc let’s face it I’m never gonna have a “real career” or be satisfied with any job or be able to make a living by constantly working (but then again I don’t have any talent that can make me famous either oops)
Are you a restless sleeper? yeah more often than never :3)
Do you consider yourself a romantic person? aesthetically romantic, sometimes, but I identify as aro. Romance irl just feels wrong, like it doesn’t mix well with me, like when you put a certain metal in water and it explodes
Which element best represents you? Earth? Either earth or water
Who do you want to be closer to? “My favourite musicians ;(” <<stealing this too :c just all the Leppard bois pls
Do you miss someone at the moment? Nope
Tell us about an early childhood memory? I had a computer class in kindergarten, and I remember on the very first day of it, the teacher taught us what a floppy disc was when introducing us to all the parts of a computer. This was in 2006, and I still have yet to use one.
What is the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten? Probably chicken and waffle pringles, but dipped in chili (GOOD)
What are you most thankful for? the money I have in the bank (even tho I try not to touch it), my driver’s license, not having a job right now, my therapist, my music, my hamster, being surrounded by green
Have you ever met anyone famous? Yes, Rick Ray of Sunshine Allen :3 that’s it :’3
Do you keep a diary or journal? Nope, even tho my therapist told me that journaling my thoughts is a big help, I kinda don’t wanna go back to doing that
Do you prefer to use pen or pencil? Pen bc it flows easier
What is your star sign? Pisces
Do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy? Crunchy all the way, soggy cereal is a HUGE pet peeve of mine
What would you want your legacy to be? someone who was very interesting and did a lot of things
Do you like reading? What was the last book you read? honestly, reading is overrated. Even if the book is good, reading isn’t as hyped up as everyone on this site thinks it is. I do like reading sometimes, but I barely do. I read a lot in high school bc I had so much free time on my hands in class, but outside of school I can’t do it. The last book I read was a reread of The Princess Bride by William Goldman
How do you show someone you love them? *Lisa Simpson staring at plate* ??? Error 405??
Do you like ice in your drinks? yeah but not a lot. Maybe just one or two cubes to keep it cold but not to dilute it a lot
What are you afraid of? being stuck where I am forever, never escaping my family, never finding my path in life, whatever the hell is wrong with my mentality getting worse and impacting my life in a huge way, any health related problems, I could go on :3)
What is your favourite scent? Old Spice
Do you address older people by their name or surname? ...what exactly is this question asking? Depends on how casual I am with them/how well I know them
If money was not a factor, how would your life be different? I would NOT be living here that’s for damn sure :3) I would’ve been to so many different places by now and maybe I’d actually have a real life and actually BE an interesting person
Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? pools, bc the ocean is too salty and choppy and doesn’t smell as good as chlorine imo
What would you do if you found $50 on the ground? “I’d pick it up, and if I saw the person who dropped it, I’d give it back to them” << true but then if i couldn’t find them then I’d probably go buy some records with it and put the change aside into my Concert Fund
What is one thing you’d want to teach your children? honestly I don’t think I’m ever gonna have kids, but I’d want them to understand that gender roles don’t exist, and neither do the opinions of society
If you had to get a tattoo right now, what and where would it be? ...I’m actually getting a tattoo next week... it’s going to be on the side of my right shoulder, a silhouette of a pine tree with an outline of a crescent moon above it
What can you hear now? The sound of the fridge runnin in the room behind me, my mom getting something out of a drawer
Where do you feel the safest? in my bedroom
What is one thing you want to overcome/conquer? whatever’s fucked up in my head like anxiety and trauma, etc
If you could travel back to any era in time, what would it be? if I had to travel back anywhere and stay there for the rest of my life, I’d probably go back 1979 to see the dawn of the 80s and live through them. If I had to go for a day then I’d probably pick the summer of 1988 or something
What is your most used emoji? probably 🤙
Describe yourself using one word? tough
What do you regret most? not going to see Def Leppard and Journey when they were less than an hour away 2 years ago. Yes, I couldn’t drive back then, so there was really no way I could’ve gotten there and back (and I could’ve BARELY gotten a floor ticket to begin with, it would’ve cost like half the money I had to my name), but with the Stadium Tour being delayed ANOTHER year I feel like 2 years ago was the only chance I’ll ever have had to see my favorite band :c so even though it was basically impossible for me to go, and a lot of the factors of that were out of my control, I still feel like I blew it, and wish I tried literally everything I possibly could’ve done (like just buy the ticket and figure out how to get there later, call everyone I could think of to try and hitch a ride). Even if I did so, there was still a VERY, VERY slim chance that I could’ve ended up going by some goddamned MIRACLE okay I’ll shut up now sorry I’m just still very upset even so much time later
Last movie you saw? in theaters? Rocketman last summer. In general? Uhhhhh I really don’t know, I think it was Love, Simon
Last TV show you watched? on tv? Rick and Morty. In general? I was watching The Young Ones on youtube today
Invent a word and it’s meaning? Scress (we actually made this up like 2 years ago)- it’s a game where you play chess on a Scrabble board while also playing Scrabble
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coloremoving · 6 years
LBC Episode 9 Review leggo~
Hmmm where should I start? It's currently 3+am in my country, I need to sleep 😴 but.. There's so much going on in Episode 9, I really want to talk about it so here goes.
I watched Episode 9 live then I quickly watch the Line TV version and to my surprise, the episode was already subbed?! 😱 Seriously, a huge thank you to JayBL for taking her time to sub for us hungry inter fans.
Now on to the first part - LOL Can again is being a whiny kid but how he kept rubbing his lips off cause of the kiss with Tin is seriously cute. And then you have Tin that snickered and said that Can finally shut up. Bro, you gonna need to keep doing that cause Can for sure ain't gonna shut up even if you guys are together. But that scene of Tin and Pete in their classroom.. I seriously want to slap Tin ugh. I salute Pete for defending Ae cause Tin needs to get through his head that not all people are bad, especially our Ae (and maybe Can). Now I really want to know what happened to Tin that got him like this. Oh, Pete being pissed at Tin was such a great scene to see. We rarely see Pete in such feeling, it's so satisfying to see so lol. But am I the only one that notice the slight change of Tin's face when he saw how pissed Pete is? Anyone? No? Nevermind. Anyway, Pond being nosy again and asked Pete whether they have sex or not and then you have Ping smacking his head. Man, I kept replaying that scene. Pond deserved that 😂 And then Chompoo came! I was wondering where did she go lol (I know some people, or is it majority? Don't like her but I heard she's a good person so I don't really mind her) And we have Pond being mischievous by saying that he wants to help Pete and make sure he gets Ae before Chompoo does lol. Then we have Pete meeting Ae but out of the sudden, Tin appeared?? I felt it was random. But it's a good thing cause Pond get to be mischievous again and try to make Ae jealous lol. You see that smirk Pond have? I LOVE IT.
Now move on to Part 2 - I'm not sure whether is it true that Pond is organising a porn party or he's just trying to force Ae to sleep at Pete's apartment so that they can do 'it'. If it's the latter, gotta salute Pond for being the captain of AePete haha. And we saw how he slipped in the condoms into Ae's bag and then start messaging. To those who've read the novel spoiler, he's actually messaging Pete to let him know that Ae is coming. I seriously love Pond here haha. And we finally get to see our cutie Good again! I seriously miss him. Our P'No being clueless of Can (again) lol but really, Can need to stop being 'annoying' if he tone down, I would have really like him. (Sorry not sorry) Ae finally came to Pete's apartment and being a sweet boyfriend, bought lots of food for both of them. Notice how their height difference aren't that big during that scene? 😂 Pond's plan worked cause you have Ae asking Pete if he really see Tin as his friend only. "He's a friend. I only have a feeling for you. Otherwise, I wouldn't.." Yeah, Pete. What do you mean 'you wouldn't'? 😏 But did you guys saw that Ae still have not taken off his sneakers? My asian ass is feeling irked about it lol and Pete isn't wearing any shoes (and talking about this, in Episode 8 when they checked out the apartment, they're walking with their shoes on and I'm like NO) Ooo Pete being a cutie after his shower and he updated his status in facebook after looking at Ae fondly sighhhh 😍. I was wondering why in facebook his name is Peach then I remember they have other names beside their nickname lol. Wait, it seems we have a slight uncut version in this part two? Cause I remember for sure there was no scene of Ae saying that he's hard live 😏 But what have you done, Ae? You stood up Pete again and then you see Pete being pouty. Sooo cute! 😚
FINALLY, THE LONG AWAITED SCENE IS HERE! Ae asking Pete if he's mad at him. Well, obviously duh. I really like how Pete was whiny about it and express that he too wants to have sex with Ae but Ae always stood him up lol. "I even cleaned it for you." "Because if it's you, I don't mind the pain." Fuck Pete, please stop being so cute (and being a 'salad' lol) ughh. NO WONDER THE CUT SCENE FOR PART THREE WAS SO WEIRD AND FUNNY. LIKE, I JUST NEED TO BLINK A FEW TIMES AND THE SCENE IS DONE SO IM LIKE??? BUT FCK, THE UNCUT SCENE WAS SO HOT. IT WAS SO UNEXPECTED FOR ME. I do wish they showed how Pete was undressed bUT THAT'S OKAY. THERE'S SO MUCH GOING ON. I WASN'T EXPECTING A LOT OF KISSING?? I MEAN I'M EXPECTING SEXY TIME LIKE LOTS OF GROPING ETC SO YEAH, EXCUSE MY DIRTY MIND. AND DID YOU GUYS HEAR THE NOISE THEY MADE WHEN THEY KISSED??? ASDFGHJKL 😍 AND THEN WHEN AE STOP KISSING PETE AND LOOKED AT HIM, PETE JUST CHASE AE TO KISS HIM AGAIN I'M- /DEAD. AND THEN AE. FREAKING. KISS. PETE'S. CHEST ?!?! AHHHHHHH !!!! AND THEY KISSED AGAIN IM GOING CRAZY I CAN'T STOP PAUSING AND REWATCHING IT AND THEN SQUEAL ABOUT IT AND THEN KEEP REPEATING THE CYCLE ASDFGHJKL 😍😍😍 BUT I NEED TO SAID THIS. WRONG CHOICE OF SONGS TO USE DURING THE SCENE?? LIKE, I FELT IT DOESN'T MATCH THE MOOD IN MY OPINION. Anyway, of course we can't forget the sweet scene after that. How Ae kissed Pete's cheek twice, Pete still feeling shy and Ae spooned Pete while they sleep sighh can I have a relationship as sweet as them? But seriously tho. You can't just gave us a hot and sweet scene and then slap us with a sad TumTar scene. I honestly ended up not interested in them cause I'm still going crazy about AePete (no offense) But poor Tar. Even years after that tragedy, he's still pretty scarred.
Finally it's the last part of Episode 9!
"He helps you to eat shrimp, so you have to do all the assignments for him this semester." "Anyhow, what kind of shrimps you are having? Why is it so expensive?" HAHAHAHHA PING PLEASE. EVEN IF AE DIDN'T EXPLAIN, HE KIND OF GETS IT LOL. CAN IS STILL NOT OVER THE KISS HAHAHAHAHAH POOR CAN And then Good suddenly can speak slightly faster than his usual slow way of speaking? LOL But fck, I guess he's thinking too much about the kiss scene that when he got hit on his head by a ball, he got a nosebleed lol And now everybody teased him about it 😂 Can must be so interested in Tin that he pulled Pete along with him just to ask whether Tin is gay or not lol and then he got tongue-tied explaining why he asked such questions lol. Anyway, THE PREVIEW FOR NEXT EPISODE. THE BATHTUB SCENE. AHHH!!! IT WAS NOT INCLUDED WHEN I WATCH IT LIVE SO THAT MEANS.. 😏😏😏 Now, another week of waiting for the next episode. AHHHH IM GOING CRAZY. I WANT TO REWATCH BUT IT'S TIME TO SLEEP SO GOODBYE 😘
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chimerabal · 6 years
Enter Player 5
Got a new character during the second half of the campaign today *confetti*, and hoo man what a Wild Fucking Ride. Wow.
Last session we defeated the Big Bad demon leader of the cult we were investigating, and got sent back to Thraben for two weeks of downtime between missions. The party is staying in a church compound, the characters all have these apartment rooms they’re chillin’ in, and were given an initial week of time to do whatever. 
Sibyl spent the better part of her time decoding The Book she carries; a bible loaded with coded scribbles added in by a party unknown to me. She made some good progress, which the content of is also.... unknown to me. Proud of her though! She also built a flying contraption that makes both Uriel and myself turn green with envy- quit being cool. Mikela took time to write to her family and had a heart to heart with a priest over her moral dilemmas. She also took the time to visit our werewolf Katya, played by the dm, and her younger sister to escort them on the town for a relaxing pub visit (as the church keeps them locked away unless escorted- being werewolves and all). Fun bonding happened over Mikela’s unwillingness to drink, and Katya’s jovial insistence on having a beer. 
The merriment was cut short very abruptly when Katya recognized a group of rangers in the crowd from her Past- and they recognized her. They got in her face about being a werewolf bold enough to come into the city- Mikela got into the ranger’s faces about being pricks- a ranger got into the younger sister’s face wiTH A KNIFE. Things escalated very- Very quickly. Mikela and the younger sister were brought out of the pub, leaving Katya wildly outnumbered in the pub. Mikela was able to overtake the one dude outside. Inside, Katya transformed FULL WOLF (just out of view, awww) and started kicking serious ass. Some thugs left the pub to attack the sister; Mikela decided that Katya had it handled and they fled. While fleeing they ran into a high ranking church knight and a crew of guards, who recognized Mikela’s regalia and they helped end the conflict (barely, Wolf!Katya had it handled and all they really did was get her to a hospital post fight). The knight turned out to be canon character Thalia, the Guardian of Thraben. Mikela and Thalia had a good heart to heart, knight to knight, chat- however the whole ordeal still left Mikela exhausted (probably doubly so with how many ‘I told you so’s were thrown her way over taking the werewolf for a walk :T overall NPCs were understanding tho).
((Per the norm, if Uriel wasn’t involved I was probably zoning in and out, there may be missed events, lmao, I try.))
Uriel started their week by trying to get as many resources from the armory as possible, and making a guard Actually Ill by describing scaberen stuff. Very successful. Couldn’t secure a room with a bathtub though. The better part of their time was building scaabs, and the better part of my time trying to describe them, haha;;; They packaged up a shiny new set of leatherworking tools for the old man she robbed in the cult-ridden town, added a small note, and got dressed in their best clothes as part of a convoluted plan to get Mikela to like them. They explained that they wanted to send a shiny new set of tools (omitting that they STOLE the old dudes regular set) to the man who so kindly housed us during our mission as both a thank you for his kindness, and an apology for our bad behavior (and the unmentioned guilt of ruining the dudes lively hood and sanity)- but they don’t know where the courier is or accurately remember the old man’s address :/ Another huge honkin’ success, the hidden truth stayed hidden and Mikela now thinks Uriel is a far better person than they actually are, PLUS Uriel’s nagging guilt of possibly really ruining this dude is lifted. Uriel was also able to gain access to a private bath through Mikela *confetti emoji* which... although not essential to the plot... is a creature comfort that makes it Way less likely that my character will try and escape for home.
Mikela used her and Uriel’s time together to try and figure out something about what the Lunarch had told the group out of her earshot last session. Uriel wasn’t able to lie as efficiently as normal after all the kindness Mikela had shown, and when caught lying Mikela offered even MORE kindness that... honestly caused a short circuit in my character’s self preservation and deceitfulness centers ((or in dice terms, I rolled a nat 1 on deception)). Uriel said that, although Mikela is the person she would want to tell the most, that they’re not in a safe enough place to talk about it. I’m pretty sure this set off every red flag and alarm in Mikela’s head- oops- but the characters are now closer for it :’) The awkwardness and seriousness of the situation entirely left Uriel’s mind the moment she saw how Nice the rooms for the traveling diplomats and higher ups were, and although Mikela still had concerns the two parted because personal hygiene and space are top priority for my dumb child.
At the end of week one, the Grand Lunarch Mikeaus called the “Investigative Squad” (as we seem to have started calling ourselves) to a meeting over the werewolf fiasco, and to introduce a new member to the group. The new member wasn’t the Lunarch’s idea, but the idea of many other Very Concerned church figures who just aren’t totally sure about all this- having someone Mikeaus didn’t pick himself added some security? We didn’t get much time to ask because the new member back flipped (literally) into the room, followed by magical glitter and fireworks. She tried, awkwardly, to get some laughs or applause from our Totally Stunned party, but eventually resigned to just introducing herself. Aurelia, former humble street performer, claims to have joined the church to “better the world” and sees the Investigative Squad as the perfect opportunity... you know... to better things. The scientists were amused, but Mikela was... not. At all. She took it as a personal slight and got Sassy. Introductions went... strangely. Uriel did a damn good job at creeping Aurelia the hell out, especially so when the word ‘scaberen’ was used (it was dodged many times prior to Mikeaus getting sick of us chatting). Aurelia also got anxious learning that Sibyl works in nerco-alchemy. I’d say every other sentence from this girl caused an insight check to happen, but we didn’t get much out of it immediately. Everyone except Aurelia was dismissed, Mikeaus had one final thing to share with her in private.
All together, Mikela began filling in Aurelia on the previous victories of the squad- less out of kindness and more as like,,, a petty accomplishment thing xD Aurelia took interest in the slain demons and Uriel eagerly offered to show off the work she did with the parts. Uriel had a full... maybe ten max minutes... of glory in which she thought the Whole Party was interested in seeing the upgrades she did to Ugly, and the new sculptures she was able to put together, before shit started hitting the fan. Aurelia managed to slip past both Uriel and Ugly and into Uriel’s totally trashed room to steal some unguarded demon parts. While Uriel struggled to get Aurelia back Out Of Their Space, the door fell off the hinges (thanks Ugly) and EVERYONE entered their disdainfully messy apartment. :( Sibyl and Mikela did some checks on Ugly to determine if the parts were safe. They aren’t. :(. One of the checks involved a spell that was able to detect demonic energies and Mikela detected the stolen part. 
Its... hard to describe how many /just barely successful/ deception checks Aurelia had made up to this point and HOW on edge everyone else was... but it was intense- and right here is where it started really going wrong really fast. Mikela grabs Aurelia’s bag and demands to know what the hell is going on, why there’s demonic energy in her bag, and what shes ACTUALLY here for. Aurelia tries a few more lies that fail horribly. “Demon parts that’s SILLY why would anyone want THAT” was said to the faces of both a scaberen and a necro-alchemist. She slips that shes from Nephalia as well and Uriel recognizes her. They call her out as a parts dealer they bought angel blood from once, which sets Mikela OFF. Aurelia tries to flee and combat starts. Shes slippery enough to avoid getting caught by Uriel’s whip AND grabbed by Ugly, but with great effort Mikela is able to grapple her- in the process knocking a ton of highly volatile scaberen chemicals onto the ground and lighting the damn apartment on fire. Sibyl uses her attack to try and put out the flames, fails. Aurelia casts a spell that frees her from Mikela’s grapple, and the shockwave from which blows out the fire. She makes a run for it and leaps out the window. Uriel lays on the ground and checks out from this chase b/c ughhhhhfuck this I almost lost all my work and supplies I’m out.
Sibyl peruses with a flight spell, and Mikela grabs the attention of some church guards from the window to join in the chase. Aurelia casts hideous laughter on Sibyl, who falls out of the sky onto Aurelia, leaving them both prone with a chance for the guards to catch up- they don’t though. Sibyl casts charm person on Aurelia, which keeps her from attacking, but not from escaping as she casts an illusion and vanishes (?). Mikela leaves Aurelia’s stuff with Uriel in the room and rushes to the combat. 
The session ended and the DM advised on thinking up a background character just in case the party manages to catch Aurelia and kill her- or if Aureila escapes for good. I hope neither of those is the case because holy Crap that was a hilarious session. I gotta do some doodles from it because- just- MAN.
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Okay so you reblog these amazing houses all the time but i have to ask, what would your own dream house look like if money was limitless? Also where would it be located?
Oh man. You sure have asked a question to which I have way too well thought out an answer.
I like our city. We moved here because we wanted to be here and I honestly would not give it up. That said, we live in the more crowded part of it and I wouldn’t necessarily object to moving to another section so that we had more land. I grew up out west and so I’ve always really wanted an acre or two to kinda sprawl lazily out on. I’d want to have it planted with lots of local trees and shrubs and other such things that I can just kind of minimally manage and otherwise leave to flourish on their own.
I kinda miss stucco and clay, but Hubby really loves their New England brick, and I’ll be honest I’ve grown fond of it too since we moved into our current place. So odds are we’d either do something brick and clay, or something stone and stucco. It’d probably depend a lot on how flamboyantly we built the actual footprint of the house.
If you’ve followed me for a while, you may have seen the floor plans I draw up and post from time to time when I’ve been fantasizing. But even those I try to keep to a somewhat existent (if indulgent) budget. If money was no object at all?? Oh boy.
Well, to start, I’d want a fully stocked restaurant grade kitchen times two. I cook for armies and I actually would like to be able to keep Kosher at some point when I want to. So my dream kitchen would be huge. At least 20’x20’. It’d have three large pantries (5’x5’ min) and a cellar (8’x8’ min) attached to it. One pantry for each set of cookware (meat and dairy), and one pantry for seasonings and dry goods. The cellar would be for keeping vegetables cool and dry, as well as for the drinks cooler and the deep freezer because buying in bulk is both responsible and spoons efficient. Aesthetically, picture the worst, most offending McMansion style kitchen full of black stainless steel appliances (2 of each), a massive kitchen island with a huge double sink and garbage disposal and bar stools to boot, and a giant hanging rack in the middle of the room with all my most used pots and pans. The major difference between my dream kitchen and McMansion hell is that my cabinets would be this gorgeous dark red-black cherry color wood, and my counters would be gorgeous black (either slate or granite) speckled with red, gold, and white bits. I’d prefer a nice cream-to-tan range for the floor tiles, but I’ve become so fond of my little Spanish missionary tiles, that I’d probably try to do another lovely little mosaic all around my stove insets and my backsplash. Kitchens should be warm colors, huge, and HIGHLY functional.
I didn’t used to care about having a dining room, but I admit that it’s existence is growing on me. I’d still rather have a less ostentatious one tho. Just enough for a big dining table (has to seat at least 8, I like to entertain) and a hutch for dishware. It’d be awfully nice to have a little bar cupboard set up in there too, locked of course because there’ll be kids in the house. I’m still in love with our first dining room table and sad as heck that it had to be gotten rid of. Assume that whenever I’m talking about wooden furniture I’m thinking the same lovely dark red stain as those kitchen cabinets by the way. It’s a thing.
The dining room frankly shouldn’t be much more than an extension of the living room space which absolutely should also be huge. A giant, soft, squishy couch, one of those U-shaped fiascos with the chaise lounges at either end and lots of pillows. Woodsey colors. Deep browns and rich reds and greens. A giant hutch with the TV/computer/video game console/DVD/Cable set up all wired in, with room to put away all our movies and games. A giant TV. I’ve become so spoiled. We bought a 46” (I think? Something around that number) a while back and I just can’t fathom the idea of going back to anything smaller. Did you know they’ve got stuff even past 60” these days???? I can’t even imagine. I think maybe we’d stick with a nice, indulgent 55” most likely. Only TV in the house. I’m old-fashioned that way I guess. I really really hate hardwood floors, but carpet is allergen heavy and hard to clean, so I’ll probably lay that gorgeous fake-wood-looking stone tiles throughout the house. Everywhere but the kitchen and bathrooms I think. That way it looks all fancy and “traditional” but I don’t have to deal with caring for wood floors. Stone is so much simpler, lord.
There needs to be a big laundry room. Two washers and two dryers, a specially made doggie shower that won’t make my baby boy cry, and a small people shower for when folks come home muddy and filthy as they often do. Another big island in the middle of the room for folding clothes on and a big stone dirt sink that I can use for hand washing. Lots of lighting, and preferably on the first floor by the entryway. I hate this whole “laundry room in the basement” thing.
I want a guest bedroom downstairs with it’s own bathroom en suite. Something simple and functional, but pretty. I actually really like the layout for the bathrooms in our house now, a sink and toilet on one side of the room, and a bathtub/shower combo next to a roomy linen closet on the other. I think the main difference is I’d just like to scale them up slightly, make the shower/tub area roomier so it can be a proper tiled in set up rather than one of those plastic pre-fabs. And lots of counter space in all the bathrooms there’s just no such thing as too much counter space.
I’d want one more bathroom downstairs too. Just a half bath, something that can be easily accessed by anyone who’s over regardless of living arrangements.
Upstairs, I’d want four more bedrooms with bathroom en suites, all built around a lovely, open room that can be a playroom when kids are little, a study space when they’re in school, a sleepover kingdom when they have company. Just…..a space where the kids can really be out of their rooms and have creative license, you know?
And then. There’s my suite. This place is my master piece. It is……insane and impossible, but if I had all the money in the world I would do it because it would be like a dream. The Master suite has got to be huge. It’s a whole floor to itself. It’s got so many rooms. The entry to it at the stair’s landing is a little sitting room with some comfy lounge chairs, bookshelves, and okay fine the only other TV in the house. It’s a place where others may freely enter my domain without invading or violating my space. Beyond this point, no one is allowed without it either being their room too or without express permission from someone whose room it is. The parts to this suite are: the bedroom, the bathroom, the spa, the closet, and the entertaining space. The bedroom will be simple and pretty normal sized. 11’x11’. Maybe 15’x15’ at the absolutely maximum. A bed, the night stands, a comfy chair in the corner, some lamps. The bathroom will be like all the others in the house. Practical and functional but pretty. I like sea colors in bathrooms, so maybe some turquoise’s and crystal blues. Lots of counter space. A double sink. The closet will be gigantic for a closet. The size of it’s own bedroom. Maybe 10’x10’? It’ll have fully built in and beautiful wooden shelving systems throughout it. All our clothes will be sorted and everyone will have their own section to the room. But the spa. My god the spa is my sanctuary. It is the size of the kitchen. Huge. It’s got a personal steam room, ready to be filled with heat and scented oils and the feeling of my muscles not crunching. It’s also got a gigantic open shower, maybe 6’x6’, tiled in, rain shower heads and soft lights, and a bench I can sit on while I’m washing my hair. There’s a hot tub. Party sized obviously. Built into the floor of the spa with stone tiles and jets and those colored lights and this gorgeous stone and fire feature hanging down from the ceiling above it - low enough to be stunning but high enough not to risk anyone hurting themselves in it. The whole room would have built in surround sound speakers and colored dimmer lights and there would be potted plants and glass tile mosaics all around. I want it to look like one of those beautiful, ancient Spanish-Persian bath houses. Lots of soft greens and rich golds and brilliant purples. And then the entertaining space. Well. That’s something better left described on my other blog. But suffice to say that it should be very roomy and with lots of custom built-ins to facilitate the sort of entertaining that a passel of adults getting together in the late night while the kids are at the sitter’s house would get up to.
There’s gotta be a nice big garage to park everyone’s car in, especially during the winter. The driveway would be one of those neat half circle drives that people can park along, and it’d be made of that fancy solar panel stuff that they can make roads out of so that even in the dead of winter it never ices. Plus that in combination with solar roofing tiles will make sure the whole house (and the electric cars) are powered cleanly. There’ll be a generator and emergency power storage unit to round it all out, make sure we’re not dependent on the city power grid for any of our power needs. Central heating and air conditioning (fucking hell do you need both in this place), a whole house multi-step water filtration system (not a fan of the city water, it tastes like hard metals), giant cat playgrounds built into the walls of the house so the fur children can romp. A big, insulated and winterized doggie house and play run out in the yard for BabyBug and his friends to race in. A nice stone patio with a built in grill and fire feature and seating. Swings and a clubhouse out back for the kids. A nice big patch of clover and wild flower lawn that has those fancy sprinklers embedded all through it so we can turn them on in the summer and have a little water park afternoon in our own backyard. I think that’s pretty much everything I’d ever possibly want. The only other thing is kind of a toss-up whether we’d want it or not, and that’s a guest house. A little vacation-y type place, two small bedrooms, two small bathrooms, a little kitchen and living room. That way when anyone’s parents come down to visit they can be safely stashed away in their own little world and don’t have to be to be interacted with when folks aren’t ready to. It might just be better never to have the in-laws stay over tho.
Anyway. I evidently have extremely expensive taste, but not the kind of expensive taste that rich people find fashionable. It makes it challenging to find pictures that exactly represent what I would want. Which is why I reblog so very many fantastically lavish house pictures I suppose.
Maybe I’ll give another go at trying to put together my own photo sets tho. Or at least another round of floor plans. It’s been a while.
This was a great question Anon! I really enjoyed getting prattle on about this!
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sexygarbage · 5 years
Have I written about how I realized that I have a hometown murder???! I recently finished every episode of MFM that isn’t a live show and isn’t a minisode. So, now I’m going down the list of minisodes. Which, are just as entertaining, if not more so than the good ol fashioned shows. And every time I hear these hometown murders I am like so jelous that I don’t have a story to tell! I mean, people are writing about close encounters with famous serial killers or even unknown killers. Or like not even murder related but touching and thoughtful or about ghosts or the super natural. And I wanna be featured on it so bad. I was listening to them talk about a mother who had murdered her own baby or something and how it’s the lowest of the low in prison if you’re a mother who murdered your baby. And then it all came back to me. I had a middle school/high school friend named Barbara Ramirez Sufuentes who drowned her two twin babies in her bathtub like 4 years ago!!!!!!!!! I honestly thing I repressed this memory because at the time, she had started posting more on her facebook about them and also she had commented on a depressing instagram picture I posted of a bb gun to my head. She was like “are you okay? guns are kinda serious” And then she straight up murdered her two twin daughters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At the time, I just could not believe it. It was a numbing time, a depressing time. Me and Barbara had fallen out of touch. It was weird of her to even ask me anything about myself because we had not spoken for years. So, I’m sure at the time I just repressed it. I wasn’t into true crime shit just then. And when I was listening to MFM I re-remembered. I wrote to them but I doubt that it will get read because sometimes I feel as if I have to dumb myself down a little bit and I probably did that in the email, causing it to probably be boring and I don’t think it would make the cut :/ 
But! It was interesting to re-remember something from my past. Barbara was like one of those girls who were super intimidating and like really pushy. And you kinda just had to feed into their delusions in order to maintain peace you know. There was something about her that was always a little unhinged, or like off... I always thought that... which is why I wasn’t so committed to staying friends with her after middle school yanno. But upon my research, she was arrested on mothers day and she claimed it was a horrible accident. She started the twins bath and was listening to music very loudly and the next thing she knew they were dead... She was also seen smiling when she got arrested! She was found guilty and is serving a 6 year prison sentence. People in the fb comments were heavily debating. A lot veer into the side of it just being a crazy accident and then some people are too ragefilled about it. Also upon researching, I discovered a prison penpals website where she wrote an ad seeking friends while she was in prison. And it was very strangely written, she only said she was in prison for a crime that was due to recklessness on her part and that she hadn’t done anything wrong before that. She also used a lot of quotes and named the bands she listened to... It just seems so creepy to me. Because with all the red flags, it’s so obvious that she totally killed her babies and it was not an accident. But this was a girl I basically grew up with!! We might have even had a sleepover or she at least came to my house once or twice!! She was someone that I knew. Someone that I had study hall with, someone that influenced me as a kid and she totally fuckin murdered her own children!!!!!!! I mean, it’s crazy when I think about it now. Now that I am so invested in crazy shit like this and have heard so many fucked up stories. And the thing that baffles me is that when you’re in school, it feels already like a prison. And everyone around you can bond over the fact that you are all pretty much miserable. And Barbara was def not a student who stayed out of trouble. She was always in trouble. She was fuckin crazy! School is like baby prison. Prison is like real life adult serious prison!!!!!! Like, murderers, rapists, unfathomable, unforgivable crimes is where prison is! And I already empathize way more than I need to so when I realize the legitamcy of it all, it fuckin freaks me out. Ofc I didn’t write anything as poignant and personal like this when I wrote the email for MFM. But, I still shared the small barely interesting story. 
I keep thinking about it and I just wanna know that they read it. But I can’t count on that outcome. I’ve just listened to like 5 minisodes in a row and they have all made me laugh and cry and scream and get goosebumps. They make me feel so many emotions, and they trigger me and I begin to feel genuine feelings which is so hard to come by especially because the people close to me are a majority of sociopaths. And when I listen to the stories and the carmraderie and the sense of belinging, it just warms my heart. I mean I hate to be so cornball about it. But shit, I’m mostly having a bad day and I’m mostly secretly struggling and feeling out of place and uncared for and this just totally turns me around and I become intrigued, I am put in a trance where things are just not so shitty and the hottest of tea is being spilt in the most twisted of ways! It is everything I live for! 
So yeah, I’ve been emmersed in these crazy stories, I might be gong insane a little bit. I also wanna write about my thoughts on my therapist because I don’t write about it that often. Me hanging out with Coco so much and hating it is an indication that I, too, am quite insane. Because I have no where else to go. And so I keep going back to Coco when I know she makes me feel like shit. It’s not normal that every time I call Sas, we have to have a Coco complaints hour. I know it’s fun to talk about the dysfunction of others. But at a certain point, it is spilling onto me. And look, the situation is not easy for anyone. Idk if anyone would care, but I would be certainly sad if I just straight up ghosted everyone cus I couldn’t stand Coco. No, I love everyone else, that’s why I have to put up with Coco. And when I go to my therapist about it, I could be talking about so many other things... My committment issues, my daddy issues, so many other issues but all I wanna talk about is how many times Coco has rubbed me the wrong way within two weeks! And I tell my therapist how shitty I’m feeling, and it upsets him to know that I’m upset so then I feel even more shittier. And we know the only solution is to get rid of her but it’s not easy and it’s not realistic. And I’m kinda just looking for a scientific explination of my dynamic with Coco, of my reasoning for my own attachment. But we never get there. With my therapist, he never gives me a scientific explination as to why I am the way that I am with certain people. He praises me a lot, he tells me positive things about myself and shitty things about everybody else. And on one hand, I do need to hear good things about myself because not many people are praising me and I need validation. But on the other hand, I am uncomfortable about it and I don’t know how to make that clear. I just think my therapist is way too emotional. Way too empathetic. And way too on my side! I mean, I know I’ve been gaslighted to believe everyone should be mean to me, but I need someone who is unfeeling. Someone who will give me scientific explanations. I’ve been kinda wanting to break up with my therapist :/ Which sucks because I love him so much. And part of it is me. Because I just don’t know how to deal with someone who sees me for me. I only know how to deal with people who make me the butt of the joke or something like that. I’m not used to people being so nice to me and it freaks me out and it makes me uncomfortable. And I know I shouldn’t feel guilty about it. But idk what to do. Also, my therapist is good at taking this into accountability, but it is different to have a white therapist when I’m not white. And he’s like super aware of racial differences, super understanding. And sometimes I just feel like I need a person of color therapist you know. Maybe not straight up filipino because you know pinoys are judgemental and hella religious. But at least just another person of color and a woman, so we’re all on the same page. Like, my therapist is an openly gay trans man and you could not ask for a better sense of open mindedness and a radical stance on politics. But, I am already so emotional. My therapist cannot be more emotional than me. It makes me feel like I have to retaliate and so then I become unfeeling. 
And also, the thing about therapy is that your therapist is always gonna be on your side. I was talking to Sas about what Coco’s therapy is like and it’s true, you can just straight up lie the whole time. And that’s probably what Coco is doing. She is doing her mother teresa act, crying her crocodile tears and her therapist has to buy it, her therapist has to be on her side and tell her the things she thinks she wants to hear. But her therapist is missing a huge chunk of Coco herself because therapists will only ever get your side of your story. I have probably hurt a lot of people too, and it’s not supposed to matter to your therapist. But sometimes I just wish it would so I could know how much of a shitty person I am. The way Coco’s therapist would never tell her. I wanna know all the bad things about me. A stranger just can’t know that about you because ofc I’m seemingly nice, and so are the thoughts that come out of my mouth and into my therapists’ ear. Ofc, he’s not gonna tell me all the bad things about myself. Ofc it’s just me finding new ways to hate myself even when I try to get better about it... Sometimes tho I feel as if I don’t even need therapy when I know so much shit already. But that’s just me being cocky and stupid... Anyway, idk! Imma just ride it out. I still have writing. And I still have my podcast and other creative endeavors. 
Actually, you know what I think this is me just like dealing with the fact that therapy is really that hard. I mean, you tell everyone to go to therapy but it’s only if theyre willing to work at it. Because it is a constant constant battle. And it’s never gonna be easy. And it’s so hard for me to like not feel bummed out about it because life is so hard. And then sometimes I just feel like there is no hope at all. Even when I put myself in a position to see that there is.. 
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taegdcl1018 · 7 years
3 Billion Dollars [Part 5] - G Dragon Mafia!AU
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Summary: When your father owes 3 billion dollars to the mafia, he must repay his debt. Although things don’t go exactly the way he hoped.
Genre: Maybe fluff, most likely angsty
Warnings: Death, swearing, mentions of kidnapping I think
{part 1} {part 2} {part 3} {part 4} {part 5} {part 6} {part 7} {part 8} {part 9} {part 10} {part 11} {part 12} {part 13} {part 14} {part 15} {part 16} {part 17} {part 18} {part 19} {part 20} {part 21} {part 22} {part 23}
A/N: Sorry for not being able to post anything lately, we had lost power due to 60 mph winds. I hope you like it! This one is a long one. Also, update on the Playlist Scenarios; Tumblr Girls will be posted tomorrow. I don’t know if I’ll have enough time to finish it by today. Sorry again for the delay and I hope you enjoy! 
~ Admin Brooklyn
Ji Yong knew you saw those girls. He knows that you’ve seen worse, but the feeling of anger and annoyance showed up when he thought of it. He tried protecting you for so long. He didn’t know how you would handle it. He still doesn’t know how you’re currently handling it. You were really quiet in the car, which wasn’t exactly unexpected, but he did expect for you to cry way more than you did. He was worried about you. He doesn’t want you to get hurt.
He looked down at the bodies on the ground. Blood slowly dripping out of the hole in their heads. There were four of them. Two topless hookers and two idiot men. They knew that someone important was coming. Everyone knew to be on their best behavior, but nope they decided to ruin not only their name but Ji Yong’s image on you.
“Hey, it’ll be okay. Trust me.” Seunghyun said, knowing what’s bothering him. Ji Yong shrugged, thinking of your face as he killed your brother. The pure shock and pain that filled your eyes. It was hard for him, but it’s not like he hasn’t killed before. “I know. She’ll have to move on sooner or later.”
“Ji Yong, come here for a second.” Mr. Kwon said. Ji Yong nodded and walked towards his father. Mr. Kwon was talking to three guys at the time. All of which looked like they had been through the worst things you could imagine. They were covered in sweat and dirt, and one of them was bleeding. Mr. Kwon didn’t seem too happy with what they said, despite the smile he gave them. “Yes, dad?”
“Now boys, please repeat to my son what you just said to me.” The boys stood in fear, nodding their heads at uneven, fast speeds. One of the boys went to open their mouths, only to have a hand clamp their mouth shut. Someone else spoke up. “They got away sir.”
“What?” Ji Yong said. His expression was calm, but he was anything but. His eyes glared into the younger’s. They were all scrawny and honestly Ji Yong was surprised that it wasn’t their blood on their shirts. One wore an obnoxious blue and orange polka-dot shirt. He was quiet and standing in the back, purposely trying to hide. “I’m sorry. I didn’t quite understand what you said. Please repeat yourself and this time, explain.”
Polka-dot sank further down into his shirt collar. Trying to disappear from the world. “They got-”
“Oh no. I don’t wanna hear it from you.” Ji Yong’s voice replicated his father’s. It was smooth but sharp, cutting its way into people’s mind. Woman found it profoundly attractive. He could say a single word in that voice and have panties dropping for miles. People watched as Ji Yong crept up to the scrawny young boy in the blue and orange shirt. “You. Explain to me. What happened for your friends to utter the words ‘they got away’ to me when I gave you a job to do?”
“Well… Um, Mr. G Dragon sir. Well, we had Flynn and some of his crew in the warehouse at first. Everything was going as planned,” G Dragon smiled. Watching the boy squirm and shake in fear of what will happen. The boy paused, causing G Dragon to raise his eyebrow. His questioning looks ushering the boy to continue. “Until they just up and left. We knew that we had to kill them before they left, so we started shooting but it didn’t work and Flynn got away.”  
“What do you mean they just left?” His voice was menacing. His eyes no longer held his arrogance, instead, anger and slight aggravation took its place. The boy seemed to cower away, afraid of what his consequence will be. A boy with blood staining his white shirt spoke up. “Around 9:30 they just left. One of his lackeys said something to him and he left.”
Seunghyun’s head shot up, listening to the conversation. He looked straight at Ji Yong. He wasn’t surprised to see the anger in his eyes, a little vein popping out of his forehead. Ji Yong froze, a little shocked but mostly pissed. “I’ll take care of this dad. You head inside.”
“Good night son.” Mr. Kwon said, before finally heading inside. Ji Yong watched as his father walked inside. It wasn’t until his father had disappeared inside his house did a gunshot ring out. One of the boys collapsed on the ground. Women shrieked and people ran away, avoiding the area. G Dragon stood still his gun pointing at the now dead boy. The boy’s white shirt staining with even more blood.
A car pulled up right behind Ji Yong. He turned and watched as some men got out and opened the trunk. One of them pulled out a silver suitcase, a smaller bag, and a white and pink fluffy stuffed unicorn. “We got everything boss. Her blanket and dog didn’t fit in the case so we put it in the bag with her phone and speaker.”
Ji Yong smiled at them. His usual sweet smile turning into a menacing and slightly insane one. He placed his gun back in the holder. The men stood there awkwardly, staring at the dead body on the floor, a small pool of blood forming under it. “Thank you, boys. TOP and I will take them. Will you please assist these teenagers with cleaning up. Let them know they got the easy punishment for failing a mission.”
   Your room was huge. The bed was against the left wall. Cream colored sheets covered the queen sized mattress. The walls were a beautiful deep blue shade, completely contrasting to the light cream color of the carpeted floors and wood of the bed frame, dressers, and doors. You hated to admit it, but Ji Yong knew you well. You loved it. It was beautiful, simple and neat. There were three doors in the room, the one you came in from, one you assumed was the bathroom, and the other also assumed to be a closet. As you opened one of the cream doors your suspicions were confirmed. A wide spacious closet with cream colored shelves and a rack with hangers waiting to be used. In the far wall, there was a full body mirror. Everything was empty, becoming useless to you in that moment.
   The third door welcomed you to the bathroom. It was a large bathroom. On the front right corner, there was a huge shower, glass doors enclosing it away. By the back right-hand corner along pristine white bathtub occupied space. A toilet took up space by the wall on the far wall. There was a counter that covered the entire left side of the room, with a wide mirror that covered the entire wall above the counter. On the counter lay two towels and boy clothes folded neatly. Honestly after thinking over what Youngbae said you started to feel crappy. Stress and post-anxiety, as well as trauma, wore you out.
   Quickly you stripped off your clothes and turned on the water, letting the water warm up. You inspect the clothes that were given to you. They were bigger than the size you normally get. Something had fallen from the counter, and as it laid on the floor you realized that they were boxers. Look back at the shirt you recognized the design. They’re Ji Yong’s clothes. You started to regret your decision to take a shower, but it was too late. Steam was leaving the shower, fogging up the glass. You set the shirt back on the counter and pick up the boxers from the floor, before entering the shower.
   A long sigh of relief left your lips as the hot water ran over your body. Your muscles relaxed as the hot water touched it. The water burned a little, leaving little tingles as it hit your skin, but it felt good and warm right after. You soaked your hair before grabbing the shampoo and washing your hair. Up next was your body, grabbing the plain white bar of soap, then conditioner followed. You wrapped hair in a towel then your body in another fluffy towel before stepping out of the shower. You looking down you realized that your clothes were soaked. The results of a long hot shower. All that you had left were Ji Yong’s clothes, and you weren’t really happy with him lately. You put on his clothes, his cologne still lingering on it as well as his sent. Everything was too big for you. His shorts that he had given you loosely hung at your waist, and the shirt barely stayed on your left shoulder. You didn’t really mind, though. You were too tired to deal with it.
   “It can’t be an accident that he left at 9:30.” TOP said, his eyebrows knit together, deep in thought. Ji Yong half sighed half growled at the thought. “I know, I know, but how in the hell did he find out about her?”
   Currently, Kwon Ji Yong, with a grouchy and irritated expression on his face, carried Miss Cupcake in his arms. The bright fluffy unicorn tucked under his arm, while Seunghyun drags the silver suitcase and carries the other bag in his hand. Honestly, Ji Yong was glad that he put you on the far side of the house, the quietest side. You were far away from any damage, but close enough that he’ll get to you quickly when you needed it.
   “How do you think she’s taking it?” Ji Yong asked nobody in particular. They walked at a steady pace, passing painting after painting. Seugnhyun shrugged. “I don’t really know. I don’t know her too well. She’s not gonna be happy with you, though.”
   “I know. Shit, I’ve fucked up didn’t I?” Ji Yong sighed. He was tired, but his day was almost done. After dropping your things off, he can finally rest. His room was just a few doors down from yours, his request. He was almost done and he can finally sleep for the day. “It’s not like either of you had a choice, though.”
   “Your right.” Ji Yong’s words left his lips as he spotted Youngbae and Gaho standing by your door. Gaho laid down right in front of it, lifting his head as he spotted his master. “She’ll have to get used to it.”
   “She took a shower. She’s out now, I’m not too sure if she’s sleeping, though.” Youngbae informed him. Ji Yong nodded his head, quickly looking down at Gaho who rubbed his head against his leg, seeking attention. Ji Yong petted Gaho before knocking on the door.
“So that is Miss Cupcake?” Seunghyun snorted at the name. Ji Yong frowned at Youngbae, his sour expression turning into a sweet one. “She picked the name okay?”
“Obviously. You suck at name things. Miss Cupcake is a perfect name for something that colorful.” Youngbae snickered. Ji Yong rolled his eyes. His once laidback nature turning more upright as the door handle turned. Youngbae let out one last chuckle at Ji Yong before going silent, a smile still on his face. As the door opened Ji Yong was revealed to the sight of you in his clothes, and god he found it hot as fuck. Your hair was still wet, but that just made the look better. His shirt falling off your left shoulder, and his shorts were baggy on you. He looked into your eyes. They seemed so tired, so worn out, he could relate.
“I got your things.” His words were simple, and the registered in your head, but you didn’t react to him at all. You just stared at him. He gave you a questioning look, showing Miss Cupcake in his arms. You moved away from the doorway, silently inviting him in. Ji Yong gave you a small soft smile, stepping into the room, followed by Seunghyun who actually carried your things. Ji Yong set Miss Cupcake down on your bed. Seunghyun put your suitcase by your bed and the bag on top of it.
“How are you doing princess?” Ji Yong asked cautiously. You rolled your eyes at the stupid nickname you adored when you were five. You scoffed quietly. “Perfectly fine, just you know, dealing with the fact that my best friend not only is in the mafia and never told me but also killed my brother and my mom.”
Ji Yong sighed. He was getting irritated, everyone could see it. You didn’t care, though. You needed answers. Both of you knew it, but only Ji Yong knew you weren’t ready for it. “I didn’t exactly have a choice sweetheart.”
“A choice for what? Joining the mafia? Or killing my family?” Your voice was raising. Ji Yong’s glared at you. His demeanor changed, taking on the familiar look he had whenever you asked about his work. His eyes became emotionless and stone cold. His nature seemed laid back, but he looked ready to strike.
“You are seriously digging your own grave princess.” Ji Yong stalked towards you. Whatever made you talk back to him, pride, confidence, adrenaline, it all seemed to just disintegrate away. You froze, not wanting to back away. “You are currently in not only the wrong house but also the wrong situation to be saying that. Any of that. I’ve been protecting you for your entire fucking life. Appreciate it.”
Ji Yong noticed how your eyes had hints of tears. Not enough for a single tear to fall, but enough for your pain to be noticeable. Ji Yong sighed, raking a hand through his hair. He stepped away from you, giving you space. “Your phone is in the bag. Call, text, email, hell fucking send a bird that you're here and I’ll just kill anyone that comes to find you. Understand?”
You nodded your head, seeing a small hint of sane Ji Yong in him. He sighed once more, looking towards Seunghyun. He seemed to be enjoying himself, watching you two fight. It was quite amusing from a distance. Ji Yong looked at him, then towards the door. Seunghyun put his hands up mockingly and walked out of the room, shutting the door on the way out.
“I know this is a lot to process, and I’m not expecting you to just be okay with everything.” Ji Yong started. His cold persona now gone, and the old Ji Yong replacing it. You looked up into his eyes. He seems sincere, actually caring for your well being. “For now your room is gonna be constantly guarded. You can’t step outside of this room without me knowing. Got it?”
“So you're locking me away like a prisoner?” You ask him, disbelief and anger framing your face. You frown as his jaw sets in place. He’s getting aggravated again, you see it. “Princess, look around you! You think this is what a prisoner's cell looks like? Cause I could show you!”
“A person can act the same away as a demon without having to look like one.” You shut him up. Ji Yong lets out a frustrated groan. His hand goes through his hair once more, brushing away any distraction. “I’ll get you some books, okay? Just stay in here.”
“Why are you keeping me in here? Why can I leave?” You ask him, demanding for answers. He practically growls, glaring at you. A small vein popped out on his forehead. He was getting pissed at you, whether he wanted to or not.
“You saw those hookers. Out there people only care about sex, drugs and keeping everyone off their ass. Out there people will fuck you without giving a shit. Out there people will drug you, kidnap you and do worse shit that you can even think of. That’s fucking why you can’t leave. You can’t leave cause I’m not gonna let you get hurt when I’ve been trying to protect you. Understand?”
Ji Yong’s little rant ended with his final question. You frowned at him. Tears were fully formed in your eyes by now, but you refused to let them fall. Ji Yong saw them, and his heart broke. He sighed once more, losing the tough guy attitude once again. “(Y/N), please tell me you understand. I need to make sure you won’t go out there on your own. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“I understand.” You said quietly. Ji Yong gave you a small reassuring smile. He started to calm down, his mind full of problems he needed to sort, though. You continue talking, wanting to get your point across. “That doesn’t mean that I like it, nor does it mean that I like you. I hate you. You killed my family, took me and left my dad there. You’re locking me away and not telling me why I’m here. You knew this was going to happen too. I hate you, and don’t expect that feeling to change easily if it does at all.”
“I don’t think I have to worry about that. You’re stuck with me, princess. That what I knew when I first met you years ago.” Ji Yong’s words hung in the air as he walked towards the door. His back was facing you, not noticing the single tear that had fell despite your wishes. “Your right by the way. I knew what was going to happen to your brother as soon as he was born.”
Ji Yong left the room swiftly. Leaving you alone with your thoughts, your tears, and your pain. You were fully crying now, silent sobs wracked your body. Although you tried staying quiet, your sobs were loud enough for Youngbae to hear. His eyes were on his wrist watch, mentally recording the time you started crying. He was a little happy that you did. He knew you needed to get it out. He watches his best friend as he carried himself down the hall. Ji Yong had stopped at his bedroom door. Looking at Youngbae, who gave him a small salute. Ji Yong sighed as he walked into his room and fallen on top of his bed. All of the today’s events went through his head. Ji Yong took a deep breath, stripping his shirt off of his chest. His shoes slipped off his feet. He went towards his closet, finding comfortable bottoms to wear.
Ji Yong laid in his bed after his nightly routine. As he thought of all the things he needed to do tomorrow, his mind keeps wandering to you. You seemed to consume his thoughts like they always do. He couldn’t the image of you out of his head. So much happened when you were gone. So much changed. You matured, something he noticed right away and was instantly drawn to, not that he’ll admit it. It was decided that he’d take his father’s place soon. Everything with Flynn three years ago. Ji Yong sighed deeply, finally letting sleep consume him.
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sleeplessuntamed · 6 years
2 Your 5 favorite spots to be stimulated1. kiss my neck!!!2. kiss/put your hands on my chest3. run your hands through my hair 😍4. ???5. my genitals??
6. Are handjobs boring, or underrated?Hyper underrated cos I’ve never received more than like 30 seconds of handjob in my life??
9. Do you like having your anus touched?This is v embarrassing to me even tho it shouldn’t be but uuh yes
12.Do you have any kinks?lmao yes (just scroll through my blog pretty much tbh)
15.Do you ever masturbate in the shower?15 year old Josiah would have to say: yes, every single day.
20.Are you comfortable with partners seeing you nude in non-sexual contexts?I think so?? I’m not like hella comfortable with my body but after a bit of time with a partner I’m cool with it?
21.Have you ever showered with someone (non-sexually)?Yea I used to do it all the time :(
34.How big is your penis?I’ve deadass never measured it tbh?? which sounds like a hella lie so lemme see if there’s a ruler/measure somewhere in this house gimme a secOk I’m back so like approx 6.5 inches hard?? which isn’t v big i don’t think but idk i’d rather be real than lie about it lmao 🤷
36.Are you circumcised or no? Are you happy with it?I am circumcised! It happened when I was an infant obviously so I didn’t really have a lot of say in it? As an adult I can recognise that circumcision is literally genital mutilation and I would never do that to my own children, but its already said and done in my case and I know my parents love me and were just misinformed so idk? its whatever as far as i’m concerned?
40.Would you be able to pick out your genitals from a lineup?Umm yes (because i been mashin that fucker since i was a teenager and also i have a lil freckle on my dick tbh omfg)
41.Do you like your butt?NO i literally have no butt at all :( i’m like, hyper thin and that’s almost entirely genetics and my legs basically just connect to my lower back and that’s about it I’m so sorry for all you ass-hoes out there :((also when i was like 5 i stood up in the bathtub and the tap collided with my tailbone so i have a raised scar on my tailbone that is very ugly and gross omggg)
48.What’s the longest masturbation session you’ve had? Longest sex session?Uuuh fun fact: I used to cam on chaturbate for a while and had some VERY long masturbation sessions that lasted like 6+ hours (jesus christ those cumshots were fucking HUGE)longest sex has always been when im (vvv) drunk and has lasted a couple hours idk??
50.Do your orgasms tend to be full-body, or crotch-centric?Usually just crotch-centric (sorry to be boring)
51.Spit or swallow?I’ve never sucked a dick to completion honestly and the idea of having a mouth full of cum is not very attractive to me at all, so if I was ever in the position I would spit that shit?? Sorry??? 
52.When you ejaculate, do you more shoot or dribble?Bruh I need to make my partner wear protective goggles cos that shit SHOOT and shoot FAR
60. Have you had or do you want to have a threesome (or foursome, or more)?I have never! I’d be pretty interested I think? If it was with a partner though then I’d want there to be a lot of open conversation about it before and after?? (especially after my ex left me for her best friend after i’d told her she could sleep with her if she wanted to as long as everything was discussed beforehand BUT HEY THATS ANOTHER STORY)
69.What’s something you like about your body?Oh god don’t do this to me umm?? People compliment my hands a lot?? Because they’re v soft and feminine lmfao? And um sometimes I like my hair when its behaving but thats v rare so idk?? (i hate this question omg)
70.What’s something you dislike about your body?NOW THATS MORE LIKE IT um i hate my tummy because even though i’m grossly thin everywhere else i’m not even remotely toned so my tummy is pretty gross. my butt is gross. me and my brother both inherited my father’s forehead so we’ve always had giant foreheads and that will only get worse with age which is v exciting. um you NAME IT i HATE IT!
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