#i honestly thought there was a solid chance he would die this session but nope hes sitting there with 35 hearts
mleemwyvern · 10 months
congratulations jimmy thats the most effective cringefail pathetic villainy ive ever seen
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snarkwrites · 4 years
honesty | shane walsh ; the walking dead
I’ve always written Evie with Shane and I’ve always said that I wish I could find a beginning for the two that wasn’t so loaded or angst filled. I was in my feelings earlier about the dark path Shane’s life took after Rick came back. And I think that as this was taking place, I just kind of wondered.. What if I just started their whole story out here? So the idea took hold and I wrote this out? Anyway.. If I were to start their own sort of story ( which I’m not ruling out, it all depends on what you guys wanna see or not), I honestly believe I’ve finally found that solid starting point.
Also, fluff. Because now and then fluff is nice. There is a hot little touchy feely kissing session in here too, I got you fam.
Grimes!Sibling OFC, Evie x Shane Walsh.
An overload of fluff. Hurt comfort. Complete and total au version of Rick’s return to the world -and the group after awakening from his coma. Lori’s not cast in the best light when Evie’s doing her heavy internal reflecting. Pining.. Years of pining all built up until it just can’t be tolerated anymore and the words have to come out. 
Other Stuff:
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                                           H O N E S T Y,
I couldn’t sleep. My tent was leaking and the drip drip drip of the rain as it poured down from above were driving me to the brink of insanity. And maybe somewhere deep down, I was worried about Shane.
How he was going to handle things now that Rick was alive and a part of the group. He’d been through so much stress. He’d been the leader, stepping up and taking charge. Keeping the group that assembled at the quarry in the beginning together. Keeping us alive. 
And true to form, my brother showed up and it almost seemed as if Shane were forced to the side by literally everyone who depended on him before. Right off the bat, he seemed to just step right into a leadership position. 
But that wasn’t what bothered me most. What bothered me most was the pained look on his face when he watched Lori and Rick having their little heart warming reunion. Something had changed in Shane in that exact moment. His eyes had gone dull. It looked like he’d lost any shred of hope and any fight he had left.
And every part of me wanted to choke Lori for that. Because for as long as I’ve stood back watching things play out between my brother, his wife and a man that we were basically raised to think of as a brother, one thing has been a constant.
Lori’s always quick to use Shane when she needs him. She’s even quicker to let him go and turn her back on him when she’s gotten what she wants or needs.. Or she stands a chance to lose my brother.
I took a few deep breaths and shoved all of that out of my mind. Well, I tried to.
The leak in my tent wasn’t getting any smaller. And the more the rain came down, the louder the dripping got until finally, it succeeded in driving me from my  tent.
I found Shane sitting on the tailgate of his Bronco, the Mossberg beside him. He was sitting there, staring at his hands. Even from across our campground I could see the tension in his muscular frame.
And then something else clicked for me.
All this time I’ve kept one thing buried and hidden. Too afraid to voice it. I’ve always wanted Shane Walsh all to myself. I’ve always felt something beyond friendship for the man. And the feelings only seemed to grow with each year that passed in our lives.
Life’s too short to keep wondering.
Life’s entirely too short to keep sitting back. Watching things play out the way they always seem to between the three of them. I could be bitten and turned tomorrow and the thought that I’d die without ever even hinting that I loved him and cared for him deeply was unsettling to me.
Before I could chicken out, I crawled out of my tent. Jogging over to the Bronco just as the rain really picked up.
I cleared my throat and Shane looked up.
What had been so easy in theory became so much more complex than I anticipated. I went to open my mouth, to say anything, but the words wouldn’t come. Shane nodded to the space next to him on the tailgate and I hoisted myself up, swinging my legs as I settled in. 
“Yer soakin wet.” Shane mused. I could feel him staring at me. Damned if I could grow the necessary strength to meet his gaze though. God knows I tried at least a thousand times as I sat there, struggling with how to go about doing what I’d wandered over to do.
“Kind of what happens when your tent’s got a fucking hole in the roof.” I muttered, my eyes drifting down to bare and mud caked feet.
“ Didn’t get Rick t’ patch it?” just the flat tone he took had me frowning a little to myself. Hugging myself as the breeze picked up and I went from cooled down like I’d been bitching about wanting to be hours ago to me actually feeling a little cold.
“Nope.” I answered. 
We reached for the bottle of Jim Beam sitting between the two of us at the same time. My hand rested against the top of his hand and I took a few shaky breaths. My heart felt like it might just beat out of my chest at any second.
He let go of the bottle and I took a generous sip from it, holding it out to him. He glanced at me and took the bottle, taking a few long pulls before sitting it back down between us again. Then he cleared his throat.
“Y’ can’t sleep in a wet tent, hon. Fastest way t’ get sick. Especially with the wind blowin like it is.”
“Kind of why I’m here.” I admitted quietly, swinging my feet back and forth. Staring down at them intently because I did not dare glance over at him.
“Figured you’d go t’ Rick and Lori’s tent.” Shane muttered, a note of surprise creeping into his tone as he spoke.
“They need their time and space. Besides, if I have to spend one more second in closed quarters with that woman, I might actually snap and choke her to death.” I rambled, my words falling away at the end because I realized just how harsh my tone sounded.
Shane chuckled quietly. “Always wondered why y’ didn’t like her.”
“She played the two men I love most against each other and tried to make them hate each other. If it would’ve worked at any point, I would’ve probably killed her. She’s lucky I haven’t killed her since I came back, come to think of it.” I shrugged.
Beside me, Shane shifted around a little. Cleared his throat. His mouth opened and closed like he wanted to say something, but he didn��t say anything.
“ It never would’ve changed nothin between you n’ me, Evie. If she had come between me n’ Rick, I mean...”
I took a deep breath.
“ It would if I don’t mean love in the sense you think I do.” I quickly reached for the bottle of Jim Beam, anxious for anything to occupy my mouth before I made an unholy mess of this whole spur of the moment idea of mine.
Shane’s hand shot out, circling my wrist. Lowering the bottle I held in my hand back down to the tailgate. As soon as the bottle was out of my hand, his fingers curled under my chin, guiding my eyes up to meet his. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I love you. Not as a friend or a brother. “ ,, you could’ve been so much more graceful in your phrasing. Did you really have to just dump it all out like that?” my mind taunted and my stomach proceeded to twist itself into thousands of tiny little knots as I waited for something. Any kind of reaction one way or another from him.
When that reaction came, I was shocked, to say the least. He reached out, plucking me off the tailgate. Settling me in his lap.
“How then?” he questioned, his eyes searching mine. His tone firm and yet still… Unsure. Almost as if he were afraid to pin any hopes on anything.
“ I left town to try and escape it back then because it was driving me crazy. Standing by and watching you three and your rollercoaster. I… I tried a thousand times to tell you how I really felt.” I admitted quietly, toying with the front of his shirt to distract myself. He tilted my face again, making me keep eye contact. As a feeble afterthought I sighed and shook my head, added in a hushed whisper, “You don’t have to.. I’ll be okay if you don’t feel the same way. I just wanted to tell you.. In case something happens down the road.”
I was going to try and just gracefully extract myself from his lap and the situation so I could keep the thin shred of dignity I had left at this point, but his hands settled in place on my hips, holding me in his lap.
He chuckled quietly. Looking at me as if he wanted to say something, his mouth opened, only to close again as he shook his head. “So instead of just sayin somethin.. Y’ left.”
I cringed. It sounded every bit as ridiculous now as it did to me when I decided to do it. “ I was afraid, okay? I know she’s always been it for you. I just couldn’t stand back and watch everything play out anymore, I…” I trailed off because there was this look in his eyes as they fixed on me.
“Y’ didn’t have a clue, hm?”
My brow raised.
“ Why else would I pick fights with th’ idiots you tried datin all the time?”
My breath caught in my throat and I raised my hand, dragging it through my hair. Really trying to puzzle out things. 
“ Woman… I got y’ a locket. I wasn’t just spendin all my time over at your house because we were all friends. Most of it was because I could be around y’. I gave up back then because I figured you weren’t interested. Kind of the only reason why I ever let Lori get t’ me in the first place. Because I thought y’ deserved better than me.”
I reached down into the front of my shirt, pulling the locket he’d given me years ago out, showing him that not only did I still have the locket, I still wore it. It’s never actually left my neck since the night he gave it to me, silly as that sounds.
“I’ve been through four chains now. Held up court once because it fell off my neck before I was due in but I wasn’t going in the court room until I found it.” I admitted, managing a sheepish smile as I met his gaze, holding it. Scooting closer to him for warmth. He raised his hands, rubbing over my arms. My legs settled around his waist and I sighed quietly.
Taking a few long and shaky breaths to get myself centered. To process my surprise at his own admissions thus far.
Because I hadn’t been expecting things to take the turn they had, at all. I thought that if anything, I’d pour it all out and he’d awkwardly but politely point out that he didn’t feel anything at all for me. He’d try to let me down gently or something.
“Remember when I asked for that help senior year? The big English paper?” Shane muttered after a few seconds of us just wordlessly staring at each other, lost in thought. Trying to process everything. Clumsily touching each other, our bodies migrating closer together. He raised a hand, smoothing my hair back out of my eyes as I nodded yes to his question.
“ I didn’t need help. I just wanted to be around y’ without Rick popping in and out. Had myself all convinced that I was hot shit. That I could go for it n’ kiss ya. Every damn time I tried, always managed to talk myself out of it. Except that last time. When we leaned in at the same time and wound up bumpin noses and Rick wandered in? If he hadn’t, I was going for it again.”
I swallowed hard because that was one of many nights I replayed over and over again in my own mind.. Each time a different ending that seemed to pave the way for some fairytale ending.
,, if the world weren’t falling to pieces…” my mind was at it again, trying to stop me from going further, trying to make any excuse to back out now. But this time, I shoved down the thought. This time I wasn’t backing out. The world might be falling to pieces but that didn’t mean I couldn’t at least try to squeeze some shred of joy out of it before it all came to a grinding halt.
We were talking now. Being more open than we’d ever really been with each other.
He’d even managed a weak smile here and there. Which was more than I’d seen out of him in hours by this point.
I felt the weight of the world lifting just because I knew that if everything came to an abrupt end tomorrow, I’d finally gotten it all out. He knew that at least one person loved him. Wanted him. Needed him.
Somehow, I got the feeling that right now, he needed to know that almost as badly as I needed to finally get it off my chest.
His hands were starting to wander. Our mouths kept migrating closer and closer and it seemed as if the storm and everything else in the world around us was just sort of falling away. It was so quiet that I could hear my heart beating loud against my chest. My mouth brushed the corner of his mouth and then he snapped.
What started out as a clumsy little halfway kiss turned into his hands tangling in my hair and gripping my hip, pulling me completely against him as the hand tangled in my hair pulled it free from a messy braid and dragged through it, tugging at it. His teeth locked onto my bottom lip, tugging until it started swelling. My tongue dragged over the outline of his mouth slowly, savoring the moment for all it was. My fingers dug into his shoulder and carded through his hair as my legs squeezed his sides and I basically clung to him when our tongues tangled and our mouths crashed against each other, the soft smack of deep and hot, frenzied kisses echoing in the still all around us. Shattering the bubble that seemed to have formed to keep everything else at bay.
By the time I was rubbing against him clumsily, we were breaking apart to breathe and his forehead rested against mine. The hand on my hip raised, settling on my cheek as he rolled his thumb over and caressed it.
I yawned, cuddling myself against him. Looking over my shoulder to where my leaky tent sat unused across the campsite. Shane chuckled and turned my gaze back to him, closing the distance between our mouths all over again, muttering quietly into the kiss, “We should probably get some sleep. We’ll figure somethin out tomorrow. Y’ can borrow one of my shirts to get dry, darlin.”
I nodded, swallowing hard as the shock started to wear off at last, replaced by honest to God sheer bliss...
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strwbrryeos · 5 years
My Blood, Your Tears 03 (M)
summary; Two rival factions vie for control over the city and the government: the Min family and the Kim family. Generations of feuds fuel the struggle for power. In the new generation, Kim Namjoon continues his father’s battle, unaware of the Min family’s secret weapon.
genre; mafia au, series, angst, smut, fluff
pairing; mafia leader!namjoon x mafia member!reader
contains; sexual tension!, sex on a table, rough sex, riding, creampie, oral
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Namjoon rolls his eyes as he polishes the end of his blade. He really hates people. And they bleed everywhere.
“Fuck, it’s staining,” he growls, annoyed and this close to throwing the knife at the next person that walks by.
“Well maybe if you didn’t go stabbing everybody like it’s your goddamned job―”
“Is it not my goddamned job?”
A cough interrupts the conversation, followed by a couple of heavy breaths. A man looks up at Namjoon, defiance painted on his face though the terror is apparent in his eyes. “Did your mom raise you to be such a sadist?”
“Always felt that she was more of sadist than me, but whatever.”
He laughs, or well, he tries to laugh, but it comes out as more of a wheeze, and he lurches forward, nearly falling on the concrete floor beneath him. The two men beside him catch him quickly, and the chair he’s tied to connects to the ground with a solid thud. The man struggles against his restraints, but it’s no use.
“I don’t know what you’re trying to accomplish here,” says Hoseok with a shake of his head. “You’re not going anywhere.”
“Look,” Namjoon says, “I’m trying to make this easy on you. Just tell us what we need to know, and you can go on your merry way.”
“You act like you’d let me go.”
“Maybe I would.”
“Maybe you’re a liar.”
Namjoon pauses. “Tsk. You got me.”
“I’m not telling you anything.”
“This is so cliche!” Jimin groans, sitting down in boredom. “We’re never gonna learn anything like this!”
“C’mon. What do you want? Money? Your life? You can have it all. We just need a name. A name. That’s it. A couple of letters,” Namjoon bargains, “and you’re free to go.”
The man looks around, taking in his surroundings. Before him are the Kim Clan’s top three. Behind him are their men, each of fairly high ranking. The room is small and concrete and lacking windows, meaning he’s going to die either way. Kim Namjoon isn’t a man of his word.
“You might as well kill me.”
“Yes! Finally―”
“Jimin! Back down,” Namjoon commands. He gives his friend a stern look before turning his attention back to the man, and his face contorts into one of some jeering devil. “I’ve got a better idea for you. You’ll sit here, and rot away your days. You’ll take what comes to you. Maybe you’ll get a good old fashioned beating. Maybe you’ll be lacking water. Maybe we’ll feed you a five star steak dinner. Just depends on how you’re feeling. Either way, by the end of it, you’ll tell us what we need to know.”
The man spits at Namjoon’s feet. “I’d like to see you fucking try.”
Namjoon stands, beckoning to his men who nod in response. Before he leaves, he glances over his shoulder. “Jimin,” he says.
“Yes, Sir?”
“Go at it. Just don’t kill him.”
Namjoon doesn’t hear his reply because he’s already shutting the door. Hoseok runs up next to him, looking back with some concern. “You sure that was a good idea? You know how Jimin can get.”
“Well I guess I’ll have to trust you to make sure that he doesn’t overdo it. Did you find another lead?”
“Nope. This ghost is sealed and sealed tight. If this guy won’t give us a name, then we can forget asking the Min Clan directly. It’s not happening.”
“Fuck!” Namjoon shouts as he climbs the stairs, his voice echoing up the hallway. “Why is this so difficult? I’m still fucking pissed about the senator too.”
“Yeah, well, you’re always pissed.”
“Cause someone is always doing something stupid!”
“You sound stressed,” a new voice giggles, and Namjoon freezes.
Fucking shit he totally forgot.
There you sit, on his couch, completely relaxed, looking like the most innocent thing in the world despite just coming back from your own brutal interrogation session, and acting like you have no idea what Namjoon’s been up to.
“Fuck, baby, I’m so sorry,” he apologizes, running to plant an apology kiss on your cheek.
“Whipped,” Hoseok mutters through a fake cough, earning a glare from his friend. “Hi, Y/N.”
“Hi, Hoseok. How are you?”
“I’m okay. Little tired, but okay.”
“Where’s Jimin?”
“He’s… You know, I should probably go check on him. I’ll tell him you said hi!” Hoseok replies as he runs back from where he came. Hopefully he didn’t go overboard!
“So, I’m guessing you forgot?” you say, changing the subject.
“I’m so so sorry… I got preoccupied with work and I― How long were you waiting here?”
“Not long, Sir,” interjects a man from the other side of the room. “We only just let her in.”
“Well I’ve been waiting outside instead because they wouldn’t fucking let me in but whatever. Your security is really uptight,” you complain. Namjoon chuckles, though he’s grateful his men aren’t complete idiots. He gives a subtle nod to his guard, silently saying, “Job well done.”
“Okay, I will make it up to you. I just have to get changed first.”
“Can I come?”
“Why do I get the feeling you’re gonna distract me?”
“You already made us miss our reservations so does it really matter anyways?”
“Fair point.”
You follow Namjoon up to his room, hand locked with his and giggles escaping your lips the entire time. As soon as he gets the chance, Namjoon is throwing you on his bed and climbing on. He plants soft kisses all over your face and neck, throwing you into fits of laughter. You can’t escape because he’s got your wrists pinned down, and, unfortunately, he’s a little bit stronger than you are.
“Namjoon, Namjoon!” you laugh through heavy breaths, “Get off!”
“But I don’t wanna,” he whines. He releases your wrists and you push on his chest, rolling yourselves over so that you’re straddling him.
“You said you were gonna change,” you say, pecking his lips.
“This is more fun.”
“But you were gonna make it up to me, remember?” Another peck.
“I could make it up to you right here, right now.”
“Except I’m hungry,” you say, smiling as you climb off of him. He sits up, looking at you with only adoration.
“Fine, fine. I’m going.” He gets up, shedding his shirt in the process. You bite your lip, suddenly contemplating skipping dinner altogether, but he seems to read your mind and shakes his head. “Nope. You lost that opportunity.”
“No buts! I’m gonna take you out somewhere nice to eat. And then maybe we’ll go see a movie. And then maybe we’ll go take a walk. And then I’ll fuck you.”
“Why can’t you be one of those boyfriends that says ‘make love’ instead?”
He rolls his eyes as he fixes his hair. “Because,” he laughs, “if I tried to ‘make love’ to you, you’d just tell me to stop fucking around! You’re really impatient, you know.”
“Am I wrong?”
“Not the point, jerk.”
“Hey, don’t call me a jerk. I’m paying for your meal.”
“Well I’d hope so. You’re the rich one.”
He walks over to you, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. “Are you saying you’re only dating me for my money?”
“Yes,” you reply without hesitation, “that’s it.”
“What if I lost all my money tomorrow? Would you still go out with me?”
“Probably not.”
“Oh, that’s just cruel.”
“You made me miss my dinner!”
“C’mon then, babe,” he says, holding out his hand, “I owe you a date.”
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Namjoon hasn’t seen you in, what, a week? And it’s like you’ve been gone a lifetime. There’s just something about you. Something that’s so positively alluring. Something that’s got him reeling. He can’t quite place it. He doesn’t even really know how he found himself like this. He doesn’t get attached. It’s just not in his nature.
Yet, here he is, spoon feeding you ice cream in the middle of the park solely because you asked him to. And he knows he’s gonna get so much shit for this when he goes back home. He can feel the smirks of his men watching him.
You’d be lying if you said he didn’t do things to you too.
You aren’t a relationship person; you’ve got too many commitment issues for that. You’ve never felt safe letting anyone get too close, but, as moments become minutes and minutes become hours and hours become days and days become months, you find yourself so eased by his presence. So soothed by his voice. So eager to divulge every dirty secret that you have under you.
But you don’t, of course. How would you even begin? You couldn’t up and tell him about the time you snagged a very important key right out from under him. You couldn’t tell him about the time you learned a couple of security access codes when he wasn’t paying attention. You couldn’t tell him about the time you swiped a flash drive that happened to be lying around. You couldn’t tell him that the reason he was so stressed lately about everything falling apart was because of you.
So instead you giggle sweetly as he feeds you the next scoop, feigning anger when he drops some on your skirt. “Okay, okay,” you laugh. “I think you’ve done enough. You’ve officially made it up to me.”
“But I was just getting started. I have a whole evening planned,” he says with a waggle of his eyebrows.
“Never,” you say through laughter, “do that again. That does not suit you.”
“What? C’mon―”
“I don’t think Mr. Hot-Shot-CEO-Kim-Namjoon wants to be caught wiggling his eyebrows like that, okay? I hate it.”
“But you could never hate me,” he says through a pout.
“Doubtful, honestly.”
“Now that’s just mean,” he says as he stands, brushing off his pants.
You stretch, standing up beside him. “At least I don’t forget our dates.”
“I thought I made it up to you!”
“Barely. I― Hey!”
He grabs your arm and hip, pulling you close to his body in an instant. “I may have forgotten our date but at least I don’t hold grudges.”
“I just like it when you dote on me.”
“I dote on you either way!”
You scoff, though it’s hard to act mad when he’s holding you so close and wow his lips are right there.
Obviously you’ve been spending too much time together because Namjoon knows exactly where your thoughts are, and he can’t help being so damn smug about it. “Aw, does baby girl want a kiss?”
“Stop it,” you groan.
“You want a kiss, don’t you?”
“Is that a yes?”
“Yes,” you huff in defeat.
He smirks victoriously, and you swear you’d slap him if he weren’t so damn cute. He pulls you the tiniest bit closer, both arms wrapping around you fully while yours entwine around his neck. His lips find yours swiftly, having done so a million times before. The kiss is slow and sweet at first, but it quickly heats up, his tongue slipping inside your mouth when he gets the chance. He moans softly into your mouth, the tension between you two finally reaching a breaking point.
Though neither of you really want to, you pull away, eager to return home. Namjoon waves absentmindedly, beckoning his men to follow him. It sets you on edge, making you suddenly hyperaware of everything going on, but you remind yourself that Namjoon has no reason to suspect you, and right now the only thought on his mind is getting under your skirt.
Namjoon has you home in an instant (the car ride was a bit of a blur, what with him teasing you the entire time), and he’s near growling as he strips you of your clothes. “You’re a fucking tease,” he mumbles as he kisses your neck.
“Me? What about you?” you whine as you help him out of his shirt.
“I mean, you just walk around looking so good all the time.”
“Have you seen your face?”
“Nothing compared to yours, babe.”
He lifts you up, your legs wrapped around his waist as he walks you to his desk.
“Oh, table now?”
“Good. It’s easier to eat you out this way anyway.”
“Fuck, better make good on that, babe.”
“Always,” he replies with a cocky smirk.
He sits on the chair, grabbing your legs and pulling your apex right in front of his face. His eyes look at yours briefly, as if daring you to make another snarky comment, but you say nothing, prompting him to put his mouth to use on your skin.
He teases kisses up your inner thigh, making most of the fun way you squirm and whine, begging for more. He licks a few lines, coming close to your center before going back down and starting over again. Every so often, he stops to leave a small mark, and it’s driving you crazy.
“Namjoon,” you whine, “please.”
“Please what, babe?” he laughs, massaging your legs.
“Please fucking do something!”
“Aren’t I?”
“I’m literally gonna kill you.”
“I don’t think that’d be much of a fight.”
“Yeah, for me.”
“Hey, do you want me to eat you out?”
“Damn, you’re impatient.”
“And you’re stalling!”
“Why are you so angry?” he asks, his voice tinted with glee.
You take a deep breath, playfulness etching your voice. “Joon, baby, if you don’t fuck me, I promise you I’ll find someone who will.”
“Ah,” he says, shaking his head at you, “you’re gonna fucking regret that.”
“Gonna prove it to me?”
“That’s it. You’re not getting cuddled tonight.”
“Doesn’t matter as long as I cum.”
“I hate you.”
“Two words: hate. sex.”
Namjoon rolls his eyes, chuckling before finally, finally putting his lips on your dripping center. You gasp, shivers rolling up your spine at the contact. His tongue darts out, lapping at anywhere it can get to.
“Tastes so good, babe.”
“Fuck, don’t stop,” you command, one hand darting out to his hair. You yank a little roughly, but it seems to entice him to work harder.
He uses both of his hands, massaging your outer folds as his mouth works its magic. It leaves you reeling, and moans are falling from your lips like his favorite song. “You sound even better.”
“Mm… fuck, Joon, I’m not gonna…”
“Don’t worry, babe, I got you.”
“No, shit, I want you to fuck me,” you gasp out, even as he slides two fingers inside of you.
He picks up his pace, and you hold his wrist tightly, trying to slow him down. “I thought you wanted me to fuck you,” he laughs.
“With your dick,” you hiss.
“Ah, but I’m having so much fun like this.”
“I―Fuck. I know you’re hard right now.”
“Why won’t you let me have my fun?”
“Because I would really rather you fuck me right now.”
“Fine,” he says as he stands. “Since you want it that bad.”
He grins, kissing you as you eagerly help him out of his pants. One hand slips under his boxers, fondling his hard cock. He moans, leaning against you as you pump him. You run your thumb across his slit a couple of times, earning a soft whimper before he pulls away from you.
“Spread your legs,” he orders, tapping your thighs. You obey quickly, and he lines himself up to your entrance.
“Fuck me, Namjoon,” you whisper, and he’s easing himself in. He sucks in a breath, trying not to lose all of his self control right then and there.
“Tell me when you’re ready.”
You nod, letting yourself adjust. When he bottoms out, you can’t help grabbing him and sinking your teeth into his shoulder to stifle a moan. You’re nearly shaking out of desperation when you finally mumble, “Move.”
He doesn’t hesitate, sliding out of you and back in slowly before picking up pace as you give him the okay. Soon enough, the table is squeaking with the force of his thrusts, and you’re damn near screaming in pleasure. Namjoon huffs out in exeration, small noises of pleasure escaping him every so often.
“Fuck, you feel so good. So good. Always so good,” he moans.
“Oh, god, don’t stop, don’t stop.”
“Shit, I won’t last long.”
“It’s okay, I won’t either. Just don’t stop.”
He nods, wrapping your legs tightly around his waist as his thrusts get harder but shallower. He pauses every so often to give you a break, massaging your walls with long, languid strokes, but he’s quick to pick up the pace again. Your head is thrown back in pleasure as his cock does everything right inside of you.
“Fuck!” you cry as you feel your high approaching. “Fuck, keep going.”
Despite your request, he stops, pulling out of you and sitting back on the chair. He pats his leg twice and says, “Ride me ‘till you cum, babe.”
You whimper, moving onto his lap. You take his cock in your hand, placing its tip at your center before sinking down on it, eliciting simultaneous moans from the both of you. Namjoon guides your waist, and when you’ve adjusted yourself, you start bouncing on him.
Namjoon kneads your ass as you fuck yourself on him, trying his best to hold off his orgasm until you’re close enough. But you’re not making it easy, either. You alternate rhythms, bouncing and rolling on his dick until he feels like he’s going to pass out. To distract himself, his mouth finds one of your breasts, his hand pinching and playing with the free nipple. You cry out, steadying yourself on him as you move faster.
“J-Joon!” you whine. “I’m close!”
“Fuck, finally. I’m gonna cum if you keep doing that.”
“Yes, yes, yesyesyes…”
“C’mon, babe. Cum for me. Cum all over my cock.”
“Shit, Namjoon… I’m―”
You sit on his cock in one final, hurried bounce, and you’re coming undone on top of him. You squeal in pleasure, the sensation running up and down your body. Namjoon cums as soon as you do, the feeling of you clenching around him too much to bear, and he fills you up.
You collapse in his arms, your body feeling fuzzy and full and warm and so, so tired. After a few minutes and a couple of deep breaths, Namjoon slips out of you and picks you up, depositing your worn out body on his bed. He cleans you up gently before helping you into one of his shirts.
It’s much too large on you, but damn do you look cute. He puts on a pair of loose pants and climbs in right beside you, wrapping you snugly under his arm as sleep finally takes you.
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Your eyes open abruptly and you shoot up, expecting danger. You look around nervously, only to find yourself alone in Namjoon’s bedroom. The bedside clock blinks 6:23, and you’re a little bit pissed off because you hate waking up before the sun rises.
Some rustling from the other side of the bedroom door draws your attention, and you decide to go investigate. There’s nothing there, and while that’s not all that surprising, what is surprising is the fact that there’s nothing anywhere. The whole house seems empty. No Namjoon… no guards. No Hoseok or Jimin.
Where did they go?
You make your way downstairs, looking for clues. All the hallways just lead to more empty rooms, and it didn’t look like anyone was outside either.
And then you hear a very distant, very muffled scream. What the fuck? One hand darts to your side, expecting to find a knife, and disappointed to come up empty-handed. Shit. This is definitely not ideal.
Against your better judgement, you decide to follow the noise. (But not without sending your brother a very lovely “if you don’t hear from me within twenty four hours i died by the kims love you xx” text). At the end of the second hallway is what you thought was a closet door, but actually turns out to be a basement door. You open it, and the screams get a little bit louder.
“Ah, this is gonna go well.”
You trek carefully, trying not to make any sudden or loud movements. The basement looks more like a cellar in that it opens to one big room connected to a long hallway with four doors down it. There are two men posted outside of one door, and another loud scream is heard from it. You’re very exposed, and the movement of your appearance causes both their heads to whip towards you, hands instinctively moving to the weapon on their belt.
And then they register who you are, and everything seems to slow down. “Uh…”
They look at each other, unsure of what to do before slowly rapping on the door behind them.
“What?” shouts a voice from the other side.
“Sir, uh, we kinda have a situation.”
“Can’t you handle it?” he says in an annoyed tone.
“I think this is above our station.”
The door swings open angrily. “Above your station? What the fuck does that even―”
He’s cut off as the guard redirect his attention to you, and you can only stand there, dumbfounded.
You two stare at each other for what seems like an eternity before you finally shuffle backwards. “I’m just… I’m just gonna go…”
“Ah, shit,” Namjoon mutters. “Babe, I’m so sorry.” You look at him expectantly, but instead he turns to the men. “Don’t let her leave.”
Double fuck. 
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