#and tango just Let jimmy blow him up
mleemwyvern · 10 months
congratulations jimmy thats the most effective cringefail pathetic villainy ive ever seen
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norinenglish · 2 months
Stardew Rancher AU - Tango:
2 Hearts Event
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Jimmy walks into the Blacksmithy and this happens
(Writing below the cut)
>> Part One | Next Part
When Jimmy pushes open the door of the Blacksmith’s shop after an afternoon in the mines, ready to discover what’s hidden in the three geodes in his pockets, he can immediately tell that something is different. 
Tango isn’t at his counter, like he usually is. His face doesn’t light up and he doesn’t smile with an easy grin like Jimmy daydreamed about on his way down to the town. 
Well, it’s not entirely unusual for the blacksmith to be working on something and not waiting for a customer – like during their first meeting, for instance. It’s just that most of the time, Tango seems to be waiting for him to push the door. But this time, he’s lying on the floor, his head half disappearing under the furnace, mumbling to himself and cursing. 
It sounds like there is a problem with it? What could he be looking at inside of the forge itself? At least it isn’t lit right now, but still, whatever the ‘happy fun sauce’ Tango’s mumbling about is, it does not sound good for the furnace. 
“Is everything alright?” Jimmy asks worryingly, stepping in the room fully and letting the door close behind him. 
There might have been a way to make his presence known in a smoother way. But surely, the sound of the door’s bell should have been a pretty good indicator, shouldn’t it? 
Tango, though, has the observation skill of a ravager, and that includes all of his senses, vision and audition alike. So, naturally, he yelps, tries to sit up and look back towards the room and bonks his head on the hard stone. 
“Oh my gosh, Tango!”
In a second, Jimmy is kneeling next to the other man where he’s lying on the floor. He has a hand pressed against the side of Tango’s face to keep his head from moving, trying to keep his head upright and the other gripping his shoulder. 
“Tango! Tango? Can you hear me?”
Fortunately, the man blinks and the unnatural red of his eyes shine through. 
“Are you alright?” he asks in a softer manner, feeling relief in his chest already. “Do you know who I am?”
Should he be calling a medic? The clinic in town isn’t even open. What are they going to do if Tango has a concussion? How do you know if someone has a concussion?
Tango opens his eyes, red like a burning fire, and stares at him. The line of worry barring his forehead, tainted with black soot and wrinkled by paint, smoothes. 
“Are you an angel?” he asks in an awed whisper. 
“Uh,” Jimmy says but whatever words he could utter stay stuck in his throat. 
Is there a way to turn the furnace down? he wonders distantly, feeling hot all over. 
But he doesn’t dare to let Tango go, so he looks back down at the man and says, “I’m just Jimmy. Do you, uh, recognise me?” 
What if Tango doesn’t recognise him? Does that mean anything? Maybe it’s the blow to the head or maybe it’s just that Jimmy isn’t really someone you would remember. 
“Jimmy,” Tango repeats, “right. Of course.” 
Before Jimmy can breathe a sigh of relief, Tango tries to sit up cautiously, making him panic even more. His hands move to both grip the fabric of his shirt, half holding him up and half holding him down. 
“Woah, woah, woah!” the farmer exclaims. “Are you sure you should move? I think you need a doctor.” 
The panic is buzzing into Jimmy’s throat like a swarm of bees. 
“No, I’m fine. I’m fine,” Tango grumbles unhappily, grabbing onto Jimmy’s bicep and pulling himself fully into a sitting position. With his other hand, he rubs his forehead which is taking on an alarming shade of red. 
“There isn’t even a doctor in town,” Jimmy continues, because once he starts, the words just stream out of his mouth like a river after heavy rains. “Jeez, I don’t know what to do. I feel like I should get help but I don’t want to leave you alone. I’m so useless-”
“You’re fine,” Tango cuts him. “I’m fine too.”
The world is upside down. Tango is reassuring Jimmy instead of the other way around.
“What if you have a concussion?” Jimmy asks.
“Big B,” the blacksmith blurts out suddenly. 
“You can get Big B. He’s Skizzlface’s aid. He’ll know what to do. But I’m positive I’m fine. My ears are not ringing and I don’t feel like I’m going to throw up on you.”
“Are you sure I can leave you alone, right now?”
Tango manages to raise a hand to Jimmy’s left wrist, where he’s still gripping at Tango’s shoulder, and squeezes weakly. “I’ll be alright,” he says. “Just give me something I can lean against.”
Jimmy hesitates a bit. Undoing his hold on the other man has to be the hardest thing he’s ever done. He finds a stool and a jacket and puts it behind Tango.
Once he’s sure the guy’s position is secured, he says, “I’ll be back.”
Tango doesn’t answer with words but he makes a cute little wave with his hand. 
Big B, in the tavern where he works, takes everything with an unnerving calm. Maybe it’s because Jimmy has taken to himself all of the panic of the world. He takes a first aid case from behind the counter and walks steadily to the blacksmithy, kneels next to Tango and start asking him questions. 
Tango is not confused and although his head hurt, he doesn’t seem to suffer from a concussion. Still, Big B is going to keep him in observation tonight. Slowly, Tango stands, makes a few steps before he’s cleared to walk back to Big B’s with them. 
“Thank you for your help, Jimmy,” Big B tells him, walking back to the door. “I’ll keep an eye on him, don’t worry about it. If something like this happens again, you can come to me.” 
Jimmy nods, relieved that there is actually in this town something for situations mike those. 
On the way back to the farm, though, all he can think about is Tango’s soft murmur asking him, ‘Are you an angel?’
The next morning, when he wakes up at the crow of the rooster, his mailbox is full. The letter in it says, 
Um, Hello…
Sorry about yesterday. Thanks for your help. The furnace is working great now. I made one metal bar too many, and I thought you might need it.
-Tango, the blacksmith
Inside, he finds an iron bar, polished and shining under the morning sun. He folds the letter carefully and tucks it safely away in his journal.
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hopepetal · 1 year
Hi Bee applestruda I totally agree
Autumn came, and with it came a pleasant chill in the air and large, fluffy clouds carried by a lazy breeze. Leaves turning to fiery colours fell from the trees to the ground, adding a delightful crunch to the ambient sounds of travel. Five pairs of feet walked over the leafy path, one in particular stopping by a stand-out patch of purple-blue. Scarred hands gently plucked one of the late blooming lilacs, a grin lighting up dark green eyes as they examined the flower.
“Scar!” Impulse's voice, cheerful and hearty, called out. “You comin', man?”
Scar straightened up, eyes blowing wide open at how far away the others had gotten while he was picking flowers. “Hey! Guys, wait up!” He jogged up to the group before settling back into a casual pace. “I can't believe you were just gonna leave me like that!” he jokingly complained.
“We still can!” Grian chirped, “it's not too late!”
Scar stuck his tongue out at Grian, who made a face back. Scar huffed playfully at that, crossing his arms. “Well, if you're gonna be like that, I'm not gonna give you these flowers!” he teased, watching Grian's eyes widen.
“Give me those!” Grian squawked, trying to grab them from Scar's hand. Unfortunately for him, he was short and Scar was not, so the taller man simply held them above his head.
“Say pleeeease~!” Scar sang out, letting out his little breathy chuckle, a bouncy sound just as signature as his crooked smile.
Grian crossed his arms, glaring playfully up at Scar. “May I please have the flowers, Scar?” he asked, and Scar gracefully nodded.
“Here you are, my good man!” Scar exclaimed, handing the flowers to Grian with a flourish. Grian snatched the flowers and took a moment to admire them before tucking them behind his ear, nestling them carefully against the feathers of his ear wings.
Mumbo laughed, looking Grian up and down. “Looking great, G. Really adds some colour to your outfit,” he teased, and Grian smacked him with a wing.
Pearl turned around, already laughing. “Alright ladies, break it up. If we want to get these apples before fall is over, we gotta pick up the pace and stop it with the infighting.”
“I'm not going to listen to you!” Grian quipped, and Pearl picked an apple off the tree and threw it at his head. He dodged, of course, but she made her point well enough. “Okay, Pearl, void! No need to be so violent! Absolutely crazy, that woman,” he muttered playfully to Mumbo and Scar.
They made their way through the rows of apple trees before deciding on one. Pearl handed Impulse her bag before carefully climbing up into the tree, going higher and higher until she had practically disappeared into the leaves. “The best ones are at the top!” she called, upon hearing Impulse's confusion. “Right, Impy– catch!”
Impulse yelped as Pearl threw an apple down to him, just barely managing to catch it before placing it in the bag. “I don't know how I feel about being the catcher!” he called up to Pearl, “I feel like this is just an excuse to try and hit me in the face with apples!”
Pearl cackled, giving him no real answer as she threw another apple down for him to catch.
Meanwhile, Grian had decided to try and hop up onto Scar's shoulders in order to get the apples that were higher up. Of course, in his classic Grian style, he hadn't informed Scar of that decision beforehand, leading to the two almost falling over. Mumbo laughed at them as he picked his own apples by hand.
Impulse did, in fact, get hit in the face with an apple. Only once, though. Grian and Scar ended up eating more apples than they put in their bags. Mumbo's head sprout accidentally grew an apple that Scar dared Grian to take a bite out of, much to Mumbo's horror.
They ran into Tango and Jimmy on the tail end of their apple picking adventure, and of course Grian tried stealing an apple from Jimmy.
“Don't you dare!” Jimmy snapped, smacking Grian's hand away. “Tango worked so hard to get these for us!”
Tango squeaked, his tail flicking back and forth. “Hey man, I was just– I was just doin' my job, y'know? Climbing trees is fun, too. I don't do it often.”
Pearl gestured at Tango, looking at Impulse. “See? He gets me!”
Impulse rubbed the sore spot on his forehead where he had been beaned with an apple. “Yeah, well, Tango isn't dropping apples on Jimmy's face!”
Pearl snickered, her wings fluttering slightly. “That was an accident, Impulse!” she exclaimed, though the tone of her voice made it very clear that it had been on purpose. “And! And, I apologized!”
Impulse grinned. “Well, you're not forgiven.”
Tango sucked in a dramatic breath through his teeth. “Ooooh, that's rough. Impulse over here holds a grudge like no one else, y'know. He never forgets.”
“I'm still mad from the time you set my pants on fire,” Impulse grumbled.
“That was ten years ago–!”
Jimmy grabbed Tango's arm. “You did what?!”
“Ten years ago!” Tango yelped, and the whole group devolved into cackling laughter.
They said their goodbyes and went to go pay for their apples, and by popular demand, bought some fresh cider donuts as well. The group sat at one of the tables outside, happily munching away at their donuts and chatting about their most recent adventures.
It was a wonderful fall day. The first of many yet to come.
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blueishspace · 13 days
Looped sun 4
Loop #127
Scar and Scott were admiring the view of 20 hermits running around like headless chickens while wearing dragon heads.
Scott: What did Grian do this time?
Scar: Oh you know...
Scott: I don't.
Scar: Started a game of demise...and then put curse of binding dragon heads on them while they were sleeping.
Scott: Oh. Hmmm... do you think he can do that in 3rd Life or something-
Grian: Why didn't I think of that!?!! Also, hi Scott.
Loop #130
Scar: Grian come with me!
Grian: Wha-
Scar: No time!
Scar tears Grian way just as a zombie tries to get a swing on him.
Grian: Scar what's going on!?
Scar: It's a crafting dead loop!
Grian: Well then.
Loop #134
Scott: Scar you look happy today.
Grian: It's his last loop, he had a rollercoaster tycoon loop.
Scott: Guessing because of Scarland?
Grian: I mean probably.
Scar: Do you want to see the theme park?
Scott: ... I mean sure but how?
Scar: I put it in my susbpace.
Scott: Subspace?
Grian: You did what!?!
Scar: Yeah! I do that with every theme park I make so I can combine them into one mega theme park!
Loop #136
It took Grian 2 days to realize something was wrong, it took him a week to realize what exactly it was and an additional day to think about how much he hated the world tree sometimes.
Grian: Of course this had to happen.
Scar: Uh?
Grian: Scar? Is the sun big?
Loop #141
The server was corrupted, covered in mycelium and mushrooms. X had tried his best but he too couldn't defeat the mushroom menace...and there...the cause of it smiled wickedly...
X: Who are-
Only to be interrupted by Scar.
Scar: How did you do this!?!
Grian: Had a MHA loop, looped as Kinoko. It's an op quirk really.
Scar: Oohhh, carry on then.
X: W-what are the two you talking about?
Loop #143
Scott: You know , eventually this loop will end.
Grian: Yeah? The tree isn't going to be broken forever.
Scott: In maybe billions or trillions or maybe more years... what will we be like?
Scar: I- uh. I never really tought about it.
Grian: Very different probably, I'd hate to stagnate.
Scott: I mean, Scar you are a demigod now and Grian is already a full on god!
Grian: Titan-
Scott: Details. And we have been looping just more then 100 times! What will happen in the next whoknowsillions of loops?
Scar: I-...
Scott: I'm just...scared.
Loop #145
Grian: No Scar, I'm not going full sun titan at the boat boys just because they burnt your pandas.
Scar: Please?
Grian: No
Scar: Pleeeeaaaase?
Grian: No.
Scar: Please please please please please?
Grian: ... I'll do it... but not full full I'm not vaporizing anyone this time.
Scar: ... I'll take it!
Loop #148
It was Double Life this time... Wait what? Double Life again? Pearl couldn't understand how or why. Why would she of all people be sent back to Double Life? She wasn't going to waste this or anything but it was still confusing.
Scott didn't get it, Double Life started like normal and then Pearl joined in... That never really happened before but it could have been explained by a variant. Then she wasn't surprised when they discovered that they were soulbound or when Jimmy and Tango died.
Scott was acting really weird, he would just look at Pearl without reason. And he acted so... Bored? Pearl couldn't put her finger on it but something was off.
Scott really needed to know what was going trough Pearl's head, she just annhilated all their enemies... This was so so so weird...
Pearl was frozen, it was just her and Scott again, was he going to blow himself up again? She knew it was a game but it wasn't very plesant the first time around.
Pearl: Scott! No! Not again?
Scott: Wait again? Is time... reapeating for you?
Pearl: You too!?!
Scott: Wait, the whole game?
Pearl: We didn't notice?
Scott: Well, fuck me I guess. Grian and Scar will never let me live this down.
Loop #152
Pearl: I always wanted to be in season 7, mate!
Grian: Well here you are! What do you think?
Pearl: It's so...weird? In a good way.
Scar: Want to see what I'm working on?
Pearl: Are you kidding me mate? Of course I want to!
Grian was drinking tea when Pearl became mayor, honestly he didn't mind anymore at least this one made sense.
Loop #155
Spiderman: Poultry man is something wrong man?
Grian: I...it's a...loop thing.
Spiderman: I'm listening.
Grian: I did a ping at the beginning and I'm sure Pearl is here too but I can't find her anywhere? I'm worried she might be in danger.
Spiderman: Oh that's a problem, well sometimes Yggdrasil likes to have fun, is there something from baseline that could tell you where she might be?
Grian: I guess there's the scarlet Pea- oh ...
Pietro: Sister, when will we go not that we are free?
Pearl: Oh, I just know a place.
Loop #157
Grian: If you could choose the next new looper who would you choose? I would choose...Mumbo.
Scar: Oh Mumbo too...or Cub! Cub would be fun.
Grian: The multiverse isn't ready for a looper Cub.
Scott: Jimmy, it would be nice I think. Lizzie and Joel too.
Pearl: I'm going to say Gem or Cleo, there are way too many guys now. No offence.
Scar: Wha- That's not true! We-
Scar was quickly shut up by the wave of an hand and a bit of chaos magic.
Loop #160
Scott: A roleswap variant? I think I'm in Grian's place?
Grian: Uh... alone in Double Life. I think I'm in Pearl's.
Pearl: I got Scar's so I'm guessing Scar got Scott's place.
Grian: Does that mean Scar is alone in Empires right now?
Scott: I'll get you into the server before the paperwork kills him again.
Grian: Thank you.
Loop #162
Grian woke up with an headache in a middle of a room... after looking around for a bit he realized he never saw this place before. Cautiously he sent out a ping and-
Scott: Welcome!
Grian: Scott!? Where are you? What is this place?
Scott: I present to you my first looper proof escape room!
Grian: No, it can't be...
Scott: But it is!
Pearl: Mate?
Scott: Yeah?
Pearl: I hate you.
Scott: Fair enough.
Pearl: I will get revenge.
Scott: ... Worth it.
Scar: I did it! So fast too!
Scott: ...
Scar: Scott?
Scott: *sigh* Scar...
Scar: What's wrong?
Scott: That was only the first room.
Scar: Nooooo!
Loop #165
Grian woke up in a room, only one window into the outside. It took him 3 seconds to connect the dot.
Grian: Ok, I'm starting to get tired of the sun stuff now. It's a bit predictable.
Of course he had to loop as Rapunzel... at least the healing incantation might come in handy in future loops.
Loop #168
Scott: I know what you are Scar.
Scar: Eh?!? Where did you-
Scott: I finally understand.
Scar: Uhhh understand what?
Scott: Why you ask Grian to go titan-god mode so often.
Scar: I just...find it cool.
Scott: Quite the opposite, you find it hot don't you?
Scar: What? No-
Scott: I'm onto you.
Loop #169
Grian walked to his base to see all of his chests and shulks floating in midair and moving to organise themselves in rows.
Grian: How are you doing that?
Pearl: Oh, I got a Star Wars Loop. Became a sith. You know the drill.
Grian: ... You learnt to use the force and you are...organising my storage system??? ...why are you like this?
Loop #172
Scott: Another bad loop?
Grian: Unfortunately.
Scott: Want to talked about it.
Grian: Got looped as Ghostbur and was stuck in Limbo for 20 years.
Scott: ...Yikes.
Loop #175
Pearl had been at this way too long, the urge to just use chaos magic was tempting but it was a question of principle.
Katara: You are pushing way too hard, It's not going to work if you try to order it around... It's a push and pull.
Pearl: Push and pull.
Katara: Look at the ocean and moon, the movement of the tides. Feel the natural push and pool around you and coax the water like the moon does.
Pearl: Like the moon you say? Push....and pull...push and pull.
Katara: See, you are learning quickly, isn't it much better now?
Pearl: It is. Thank you.
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theflippedpages · 3 months
The Chiseled Catastrophe - 0 (EtN + MCYT)
(This is the start of my new hyperfixation fanfiction. Blocky YouTubers are stuffed into a death-game escape room and have to try and escape while their friends die around them. How fun. :D)
(Also, if there's any other old fics ya'll want me to update, let me know! I got nothing else to do but write this summer break, so I might as well!)
Episode 0 - The Wax Seal
"Hey, Tim," Grian's familiar voice crackled on the other side of the line, "I know you're busy with real-life duties, but I thought I should mention…" 
"...Tumble Town blew up.” And quickly added, “It’s not a joke, I swear on my life." 
Jimmy had been planning to take a couple of days off from Empires, but never once had he opened up Minecraft so fast. 
Before he could click onto the world, he spotted his web camera clutching the edge of his monitor, and he was instantly reminded of his duty as a content creator. Running a hand through his slightly damp hair and ruffling it to partially dampen his bedhead, he pulled up his recording software and sighed. 
"I was honestly planning to take a couple of days off of Minecraft to get creativity again, but," he raised his phone, "one of my friends just gave me quite a call… telling me that Tumble Town… blew up." He forced a chuckle as he began to record his screen. "Now, this could all be another bad prank to get me back into Empires… or all my months of work are actually gone."
Jimmy didn't force an emotion for a camera this time as his eyes shifted to the small sheriff plushie sitting on his desk. His heart was racing much more than usual, and he couldn't stop his eyes from blurring. He bit down on his cheek. It's just a game, Jimmy. It's just a game. He told himself, his mouse once again hovering over the 'Empires SMP' slot. It's not life or death. It's just something you do for fun. It's not actually life-threatening. In fact, this would be a great thumbnail and title. 
Blowing out his held-up breath, he clicked in and logged on. The world spawned in little sections as the white sky –wait, white?– filled his screen. Loading in doesn't usually take long… there must've been a ton to update. While he waited for it to load, he paused his recording and casually checked who was online. Some of the Empires' creators were there; himself, Joey, Scott, Marytn, Lizzie, and Joel; as well as some of the Hermitcraft players from the concluded crossover; Grian, Mumbo, Tango, and Ren. Though they had stopped recording about the ‘rift between the two servers’, the players were still interested and intrigued by the buildings and often came to visit off-camera. That's why he hadn't found it strange that Grian had been the one to call him, as he and Scar usually helped tidy and terraform the place when Jimmy was off recording 'lore' with the members of Empires. 
The name tags were less of his worry as he saw a new one join. 'Time_Is_Up joined the game.' He glanced over at his recording software, making sure it was paused. The worst thing I could do is ruin the magic of someone else's lore by showing a camera account. He looked back at the game, noticing the chat light up. 
SmallishBeans: who's that? Smajor1995: I thought it was a camera acc. InTheLittleWood: same here!
Jimmy's eyes narrowed. Was this also part of the story? No.. Someone usually mentions if they're adding an account in our group chat…
SolidarityGaming: you mean this isn't any of ours? LDShadowLady: nope, not mine Mumbo: I thought it belonged to one of the Empires members. Grian: I don't have an account named like that SolidarityGaming: Surely this isn't another ‘Xornoth’ thing, is it, Scott Smajor1995: it's not me this time, I swear!
Either someone is playing a strange prank or… wait, my empire!  He dragged his mouse down to check on the progress of his chunks loading in, reaching over to continue the recording and slipping in his headphones. Once he saw Tumble Town fully come into view Jimmy's heart nearly stopped. 
The once-thriving Wild West town now lay in ruins, its wooden structures engulfed in roaring flames that billowed smoke into the air, and deep craters dug into the red sand below. This town, which had once epitomized the rugged spirit of the frontier, was now a ghostly landscape of destruction. And to his surprise, the sky was still white…
Jimmy, the ‘Sheriff’ who had dedicated months to building up the town and establishing law and order, walked through the chaos with heavy steps. His heart weighed as heavily as the town's buildings, now reduced to smoldering piles of debris. The saloon, wagon, and jail that had once echoed with lively chatter and the jokes of his friends were reduced to ash and charred wood.
Jimmy remembered the countless evenings he'd spent on the top of the sandy crater, looking out over Tumble Town with a sense of pride. He recalled the laughter of Scott as he flirted with him, Joel playing by the TNT wagon, and the harmony that had thrived in this rustic settlement. As he walked, he stumbled upon the charred remains of the large train Scar had built, the ornate timepiece forever frozen in time at the very moment when chaos erupted. The destruction was surreal and heart-wrenching.
“Jimmy!” He instantly recognized the voice as it loudened with each yell. “Jim!” A pair of wings were flying above him, pulling back to land. “Jimmy, what happened here?” It was Scott. “Did your stash of TNT go off? Did someone…” His head moved in a circle as he took in the immense amount of damage. “...Spawn 10 Withers here? Why is Tumble Town so destroyed?” 
“I… I don’t know.” Jimmy admitted, turning to face him. “Grian called me, saying Tumble Town blew up. So I logged in… and…” He looked back into the mesa. “It’s all… gone.” The tragedy left Jimmy with a profound sense of loss. His duties as sheriff had been rendered powerless against the unstoppable flames that devoured the wooden structures. He couldn't help but feel responsible, wondering if there was more he could have done to prevent this disaster.
Smajor1995: Grian, could you come to Tumble Town pls Grian: sure
Jimmy heard the yelling of his fellow Britishman as the brunette landed beside him and Scott. “Grian, how did you know Tumble Town was destroyed?” Scott began asking before Jimmy could even say hello. “Did you see anyone or anything that blew up?” 
“No, no,” Grian shook his head, “I was actually here to steal some gunpowder for fireworks. But when I came by… your TNT wagon was lit up, and it caused a bit of a large crater. I thought it was just a silly mistake, and I turned to leave with my two stacks, but I heard more explosions…” He sighed. “And when I looked back again… there was TNT everywhere, and it was flying, and there was just… so much smoke.” 
“Could you catch any name tag?” 
“Yeah, actually, I think I saw-” Grian’s voice withered as he checked the chat. The messages flew quickly in succession.
Tango: Guys, I got a letter Grian: What letter?  Mumbo: I got one too Smajor1995: you mean, your internet bill?  Tango: no, no, like an invitation Tango: It’s like Minecraft themed RenDog: as I as well
“If you’d like, Sheriff, you could stay in my Inn back in Chromia for now,” Scott flirted, hoping to lighten the mood. Jimmy would usually push the woo away with a laugh and an assurance he’d do it on his own, but now, accepted it with a kind nod. 
“That would actually be very nice, Scott. The more I look at this, the more I feel absolutely enraged.” Jimmy tried to keep his eyes away from the destruction and toward the chat, but the flames and smoke distracted him quickly. “I’m just going to diffuse the fire… I don’t want it to expand and destroy more than it already has.” The blonde slowly trudged toward the fire as Grian monitored the lines on the screen, curious about the conversation.
Mumbo: I thought it was something from Mojang Tango: That’s what I’m thinking Grian: ooh, if it's from Mojang, have fun Mumbo: Grian, check if you got one too, the letter says 10 members Tango: 10 members from ALL over Minecraft, i don’t think they’d invite all from hermitcraft  RenDog: the letter doesn’t say ‘all’ though Mumbo: Wait, it says we shouldn’t talk about this… Tango: oh RenDog: pretend this never happened, guys. there was no letter.
Grian laughed. 
Grian: Letter? What letter? 
And the chat fell silent again as a few people began to sign off. 
Smajor1995: Btw, Jimmy’s place has been blown up, does anyone know who did it? LDShadowLady: like, in roleplay, or actuality?  Grian: Tumble Town was absolutely destroyed  JoeyGraceffa: no way
Grian frowned. 
LDShadowLady: oh my, Jimmy do you need resources to rebuild? SmallishBeans: we’d love to help, Jim Smajor1995: I’m gonna get him to stay in Chromia for now InTheLittleWood: who would do such a thing?
Grian's room was dimly lit, the only illumination coming from the glow of his computer screen. The sounds of the faraway flicker of fire from the destroyed Tumble Town was an eerie, yet peaceful sound to listen to, paired with the quiet hum of the Minecraft soundtrack. But then, amidst the digital noise, he heard it – a gentle chime, like a distant doorbell. His head snapped up, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Nobody ever rang his doorbell while he was gaming, and he wasn't expecting any visitors.
Pushing himself away from the desk, he rose from his gaming chair and padded softly across the room. The brunette reached the door, hand on the knob, ready to fling it open with a playful grin. However, when he swung the door wide, he found no one there. Instead, a simple envelope lay on the welcome mat, just inches from the threshold. He bent down, plucking it from the ground.
Is this the letter they were all talking about? The Minecraft one?
Examining the envelope, he noticed that it was old-fashioned, sealed with a wax stamp that bore an intricate design. His curiosity piqued, he carefully broke the seal and withdrew the letter from within. Grian's eyes scanned the handwritten words on the paper, and his brows furrowed with surprise as he read the unexpected message.
Dear Charles (Grian),
You are cordially invited to a Minecraft-themed party that promises to be an unforgettable experience. As you know very well through your years of continuous playing, Minecraft is a world of endless possibilities, and this event aims to bring that pixelated adventure to life. We've prepared a world full of surprises.
The location of the event is a remote area, isolated from the hustle and bustle of the city, surrounded by dense woods. Don't worry; it's far from the distractions of everyday life. You will also not be allowed to vlog through any other means, as this is meant for you and the 9 other invitees. 
This also means that this invitation cannot be talked about to anyone, whether they be of relevance to Minecraft or not. If we find out that this has been discussed, your offer will be rescinded and all your Minecraft accounts erased. I'm sure you wouldn't want that… and neither would your other invitees.
The environment may challenge your understanding of the real world and the digital realm. But remember, it's all in the spirit of fun and adventure.
Don't let the absence of exits concern you; the event will run through the night and into the early morning, with all food and hospitalities cared for and on the house. 
We understand this invitation might seem strange, but rest assured, it's all about transporting you into the Minecraft universe and creating lasting memories. We kindly request that you bring a sense of adventure and a willingness to embrace the unexpected.
Please be prepared for a night filled with enigmatic challenges, engaging experiences, and the thrill of the unknown. It would be recommended you dress up as your player skin to be recognizable to others. 
We look forward to your presence at the Minecraft-themed adventure. The date will be revealed shortly, and your transportation will also be taken care of.
 It will be an event to remember, and we hope you will leave with stories to share.
"Grian?? Oh, is he AFK?" He could hear Jimmy from his computer back in his room. He slipped the letter back into its casing and walked back upstairs. 
"Sorry, sorry, I'm back now," he blurted out, dropping the envelope beside his desk. "What's going on?" 
"Jimmy's 'bout to continue recording, we were hoping you could hide?" Scott asked, looking back at the still nametag of Jimmy's that had disappeared into the wooden ruins. 
"Oh, yes, sure." Grian was quick to murmur. "I actually think I might just head off right now." 
"Okay, yeah, have a good rest of your day then," Scott spoke as he crafted new rockets with the help of the half-broken gunpowder farm. He had to make his entrance in style, after all. How else was he going to take the spotlight in Jimmy's video?
Once he saw the brunette's name tag flicker out, Scott muted his mic and flew himself a distance over. He still kept himself within earshot of Jimmy's mic so he wouldn't create dead space in his recording. 
Speaking of, I have to start my video soon, if I plan on benefiting from Jimmy's destroyed empire. After all, this is a huge event. I have to get the first scoop before everyone else knows about it. Scott turned on his recording software and tested his mic before waiting in silence. He knew that there would be dead space in his video, but he didn't mind, seeing as he'd have to record himself in Chromia first so it didn't seem suspicious... And then get a message from Jimmy. But he can work out the kinks later once Jimmy's done with his initial panic. 
Grian said he knew who it was… While he heard the Sheriff mumbling about all his hard work gone, Scott's mind couldn't help but wonder who could've done something like this or why someone would do it if it wasn't for any story-based arc. Surely someone would've let Jimmy know before destroying his entire empire… it wasn't even a prank that could be fixed easily. Scott focused on Jimmy's words as they grew farther and farther away. 
"Oh my gosh, Norman!" Scott's eyes widened. Norman? Oh god, is he okay?
"Thank god you're safe!"
And Scott breathed out a heavy sigh. Even if it's just a few pixels, a pet in Minecraft is still a pet. 
"I better tell someone about this… who could've done such a thing! I've been nothing but nice to everyone– even if they call me a toy." 
SolidarityGaming: Is anyone nearby? Please come to my empire.
Scott took this as his cue.
Smajor1995: Anything for you, sheriff. I'm on my way.
He could hear the blonde's flustered sigh, and he couldn't help but grin at that awaited reaction. He instantly shot a couple of rockets into the sky, pulling back from the mesa only to fly in the direction of it, landing close to where he last saw Jimmy. 
"Scott, I'm so glad you're here!" 
Scott made a long motion of looking around the destroyed empire. "Jimmy, I thought this was something sweet, what on earth happened to Tumble Town?!"
"I'm asking you the same thing! I took a couple of days off, and went back to see everything in ruins!" 
"Gosh… maybe it was a stray lightning strike on TNT?" The cyan-haired tried to reason. "Maybe someone brought flint and steel a bit too close to your saloon?"
"Scott, there is barely a half-stack of TNT in Tumble Town. All my stock for trading is all in the form of gunpowder!" Jimmy grew more and more upset with each sentence. "And last I played Minecraft, gunpowder doesn't explode unless it's in a creeper, in TNT or fireworks! And two out of three of those can't create a disaster this big!" 
"Listen… being here is only going to get you further upset. Let's get you to Chromia where you can spend the night. Next morning, I'll call up the other empires and we can discuss what just happened." 
Jimmy hesitated for a moment. Scott didn't know whether it was a show for the camera or not. "Yeah… yeah, okay. I'll just… gather a couple of my belongings." 
Scott nodded, turning to fly back to the top of the crater. "Good, and make sure you grab everything valuable to you."
"Tumble Town is valuable to me." 
At that, Scott nearly broke character. This wasn't the 'Sheriff Solidarity' speaking, it was Jimmy. There was actual emotion in that short sentence. "You'll be okay, Jim. We'll find out who did it." He assured gently, slipping back into his actor-self. 
The cyan-haired didn't have to wait for long as Jimmy came back holding an Enderchest and his sheriff badge in his offhand. "Let's go." 
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Seven Minuets
Summary: Grian wasn’t having a fun time, his current boyfriend, Richard, was starting to annoy him. He was happy Scar was here and all, if just for support through this ‘guys night’. Playing stupid games and Richard not knowing how to keep his hands to himself.
Notes: Saw a prompt from one of @bluiex anon’s, Stalker!Killer!Scar and Grian. Decided why not. More Killer... not much Stalker, it’s hinted.
Warning: Smut(ish) (heavy make out really), Stalker Behavior, Blood, Murder, Death, Romanization of very dark things, dirty talk, and cults. (Scar’s in a murder cult so yeah)
Disclaimer: Author does not in IRL think these things are even remotely okay behavior, this is a fic, it is fiction. Take the warnings to heart, and don’t be an ass.
It was loud, it smelled of beer, and it just wasn’t as fun as Grian had hoped. He was now seriously regretting turning down Jimmy and Tango’s offer to hang with them, Ren, Bdubs, and Cub. Even though Scar came along, that didn’t do much to stop the rise of irritation in Grian’s temper. He was just trying to enjoy the movie, with the sound of his current boyfriend doing a shots competition. 
He sighed a bit, blowing a strand of hair out of his face. Scar gave him an apologetic smile, “We can still ditch and head over to Jimmy’s, sure he’ll let us crash for the night.” he suggested, even if he tried to hide the disgust in his eyes at the group of guys.
Grian was seriously tempted, though he was too much of a kind person to just leave. Seemed rude... Rude like Richard stumbling over to him, the thick scent of cheap booze on him, making Grian’s nose wrinkle. Hands on his chest as the tipsy man kissed his neck, hands moving down.
“No Rich.” Grian said shoving his hands away, he wasn’t about to have sex in front of the others.
Richard huffed in annoyance, “Come on darling,” he grumbled, “The others wouldn’t mind at all, if you’re so upset about them watching we can head upstairs.” he told him.
Grian wrinkled up his nose, “no Richard,” more firmly than the last one, “I don’t want to, end of story.”
The other didn’t seem pleased with that, but puffed out breath letting go and getting off Grian all together. Heading back to the table, “Whatever man, come on, at least play some games.” he grumbled. Grian made a face but sighed walking over, he didn’t notice the dark glare Scar was getting Richard the whole time. 
“Seven minuets in Heaven is the name of the game.” one of the others snicker, Grian didn’t bother remembering the name. “Might help loosen up some people.” he joked, and Grian held back a glare.
“Rules are simple,” a bottle was placed on the table, “Spin the bottle, and who it lands on on your turn you go into the closet with for 7 minuets.”
Yeah, Grian knew the rules, he placed the game once before in highschool. that was how he met his friends, he and Tango ended up in the closet. Tango then confessed to him his feelings for Jimmy, and wanted Grian to play wing man. To which Grian also dragged Scar into the mess, but hey it worked, they were still happily together. Might have ended with Jimmy getting a bloody nose due to a plan gone wrong, but it still worked. 
He really is now wishing he went over to their house again. Why did he stay with Richard? Part of him guessed it was desperation. Though this was only the 4th date, the guy had been showing red flag after red flag. After tonight it was over, Grian honestly was done play this game. The man rarely respected his boundries.
He remembered venting to Scar about how Richard had tried to get his hands down his pants during the previews of the movies their last date. Richard had apologized, and promised to wait... well we see how that’s turning out. Asshole really just wanted to fuck like rabbits. 
Grian was all for sexual intimacy and a good fuck, but he also liked the romantic aspect of things. Was he weird for just liking a good make out session? Just cuddling in the night with no need for a build up? Honestly... he wished he could find guys like Scar. 
Problem was Grian was certain Scar was straight, and he didn’t want to impose on their friendship or make things awkward. Honestly he was afraid if they did date, and eventually break up, it’d be too odd to keep a friendship. He didn’t want to lose Scar as a friend, the other was also so caring, comforting, and had helped Grian through alot of issues in his life.
He snapped back into reality when Scar offered to go first. The ever present friendly smile on his face, spinning the bottle easily. Grian felt the others eyeing Scar up with drunken lust. Honestly made his skin crawl, even if Scar didn’t seem to notice or care. 
The bottle landed on Richard as some were laughing, “What are the odds the friend would end up in the closet with the boyfriend.” one heckled, Grian shrugged at Scar, he trusted the guy not to do anything. 
Scar wasn’t the type to cheat, given how he saw it hurt Grian last time.
Scar shrugged back, “Be back G.” he said cheerfully as he walked with Richard to the closet. The fact Richard didn’t protest said alot... You know what fuck it, he excused himself to the bathroom once the closet door closed. Ignoring the jeers form the 3 other men. 
He made sure to lock the door... unease in his stomach.
Picking up his cellphone he dialed Jimmy’s number and sat down on the cold floor waiting. The phone rang a few times, before it picked up, “Hey Grian!” a cheerful voice said as he could hear voices in the back of laughing and chatting. “Be right back guys, Ren don’t steal my cards.” he said and Grian had no doubt Jimmy with giving the ‘I’m watching you’ look to Ren.
“What’s up man, hows your night?” Jimmy asked him, voice as happy as ever, honestly the familiar tone made Grian relax a bit.
“Not to well.” Grian grumbled with a heavy sigh, “Jimmy, mind if me and Scar come on over? I don’t want to stay here any longer.” he asked in a smaller tone. His brown eyes staring at the ground.
A pause, “Sure G, need me to pick you up?” Jimmy asked, tone slightly worried and more serious, “Ren will no doubt come also if you feel you need him?” he suggested.
A faint smile tugged at Grian’s lips, Ren was a body builder, Richard was scared shitless of him even if he talked a big game. “Nah man, it’s just... Richard is an ass and I really don’t want to stay with him. I also don’t wanna go home tonight, just want some friends.” he admits, his voice did breka at the end. The night had been rough, and Grian was holding back tears of frustration.
“Yeah sure, tell you what, I’ll pay pal you some money, get all of us some comfort food. We’ll play cards against humanity and watch some Scooby doo tonight. You and Scar are more than welcome to stay a feww nights.” Jimmy suggested as Grian gavea  weak laugh and smile.
Sniffling a bit he made a sound of agreement, “I’ll get some pizza for the oven and ice cream then.” he suggested. “And yes I’ll get Bdubs favorite, need to keep the gremlin pleased.” he joked lightly feeling a big better when Jimmy laughed also.
“Sounds like a great time, see you in 2 hours then G, I’ll let the others know.” Jimmy promised, “We’ll be here, promise.” warmth filled he at the words as he muttered a thanks and bye. Hanging up Grian laid his head back on the wall, he felt a bit better.
Honestly he was happy to have friends like these guys, sure each one of them was in their own form of weird relationship, but none of them pressured Grian to do anything. Scar approved of each of them, though had jokingly said if any of them hurt Grian he’d hurt them. As if any of them would, Grian took some breaths to calm down, he didn’t want to walk outside looking like he’d been crying.
Meanwhile, as Grian had went to the bathroom to call Jimmy, Scar looked at Richard who was grinning down at him.
“You know your small friend is quiet the tightest cunt I’ve ever met.” Richard grumbled, “Wonder if you are?” he purred in a slurred tone. “I’ll admit you’ve got quiet the abs on you.”
Scar snorted some laughter, “I try to at least work out, makes the job easier.” he said leaning closer to Richard who was grinning at that.
“Job?” Richard echoed a bit, hand coming up to ran over Scar’s exposed chest. “Could give a shit less what you do man, I need a fix, and frankly Grian isn’t being happy about helping me out.” he scowled a bit, Then turned back to eyeing up Scar and licking his lower lip. 
A deep hum as Richard started to kiss on Scar’s neck a bit, pressing up to him, “I think you’d be interested in it.” his hand moving up Richard’s back, “I’ve never told Grian about it... though that might change soon with you here.”
Richard groaned out a bit as Scar was rubbing up his side then to his back and hair. He was also started to go lower, playing with the belt a bit and-
Sharp pain rushed through Richard’s backside, as Scar was grinning at him. Warmth ran down his back as something was yanked out. Richard stumbled back a bit as he looked at the other. Pale mask with a sinister smile looked back. In Scar’s hand was a knife, red with blood now that dripped onto the floor. “It’s not much of a job, but it works.” Scar growled, Richard tried to struggle, in his drunken haze. Though aware, his body wasn’t really wanting to work. Adrenalin trying to kick in as Scar started to stab him, covering his mouth to keep him from crying out for help.
Grian came into the room as he heard loud bangs from the closet, the other 3 had also started to notice. “Scar?’ Grian said as he went over and the door opened. He stared at Scar stepped out of the closet.
“Well he’s dead.” Scar said calmly, as Grian stared, the other was covered in blood, holding loosely in his hands a bloody knife. He was also wearing a strange mask, it was blue with white streaks and a even fanged smile.
One of the others said, “Scar that’s not funny man.” he said getting up a bit stumbly on his feet.
Scar smirked slightly, “I think it’s quiet funny.” he commented with a grin at them, “Not like anyone will miss him.”
Grian walked past Scar and over to the closet, and stared in shock at the blood running out of Richard, his eyes widen with horror, blood on his mouth and all over his chest and back. Bleeding out onto the floors, he bent down slowly and placed a hand on him shoving the guy and checking him. “He’s... he’s dead... like really dead!” he said in a higher pitched voice.
As soon as he said this, Scar moved, grabbing Kyle, the more skinny guy and slicing open his throat. “HOLY SHIT!” Mike yelled out as Kyle fell over gagging and sputtering on blood as he convulsed on the floor in pain. Possibly unable to breath as the blood filled his mouth and lungs.
Nick tried to rush at Scar, only to be over powered easily, Grian has seen Scar working out. He could easily take on Nick, who clearly was a twig from possibly doing drugs. Scar laughed  as stabbed Nick in the chest, the other struggling. Mike came to his senses and went to help, Scar looked at him and grinned as he shoved Nick into Mike. Making them both stumble.
He went over and stabbed Nick in the back a few times as the other’s weight held down Mike. He was trying to get up, calling out for help, calling out Grian’s name. Too call the cops, to do something. 
Grian felt numb though as he watched Scar toss aside Nick, and get on top of Mike, who was trying to hold back the knife from his neck. A small giggle escaping Scar’s mouth as he pushed down hard.
He watched in horror and shock as the knife buried itself into Mike’s windpipe, and he listened to the gurgling cry of pain from the guy. Scar stabbed him a few more times, once through the eye for good measure, then took a deep breath once Mike’s body went still and his gasping stopped. 
Scar stood up and looked over at Grian, then crazed look softening, “Oh.. G... you weren’t suppose to find out this early.” he whispered softly, walking over to Grian pressed up to the wall, a few feet away from Richard’s body. He was trembling as Scar closed in on him.
“Shhh,” Scar whispered, bending down to him as he petted over Grian’s cheek with bloody fingers. Lifting the blue mask with the smile away from his face. “Just breath for me my Desert Flower.” he cooed, as Grian stared at him. His heart was racing, Scar was covered in his... currently dead X’s blood and his friends.
Grian licked his lower lip, he really couldn’t be finding this hot!? He just watched Scar murder people, easily holding them down without any effort, and slicing them open, he was covered in blood! Scar shushed him again, “You know G, I’ve always liked you... I just couldn’t stand seeing that nasty piece of work there push you past your comfort zone.” he near snarled, “He tried to fuck me in that closet when I stabbed him you know, he had no respect for you whatso ever... Gosh the others were all betting on when I’d kill them for you.”
Blinking a few times Grian swallowed, “Others?” he asked Scar in a croaking tone.
A smile, soft, sweet, gentle, “Jimmy was more than tempted to come here to help me hold Richard down.” he spat Richard's name. “He didn’t like how he made you feel, and after you helped him win over Tango he feels responsible for helping you back.”
That sent Grian’s mind reeling, “What... Jimmy... is...?’ he wasn’t sure how to form a sentence right now, trying to process what Scar was saying. 
“Some call us a cult, but we aren’t... we find someone was love more than anything, we’d kill for them. Vexes is what they call us, know you’ve heard of us deary.” Scar whispered to him, hands petting Grian’s hair, leaving blood running through it. “Never thought I’d find my ‘Soulmate’ but they promised me I would... my little flower.”
The Vexes... Grian knew of them, they were a cult of murderers, the news say they stalked someone for a while that they believe is their ‘mate’ their true mate that these beings called Vexes tell them. Wearing a mask with fanged smiles on them, only one of them had been captured, that was how this cult had been found out. And she killed herself in prison. Now killings popped up now and then...
And Scar was one of them.
Much less finding out Jimmy was also one, did Tango know? Were theri others? Were some his friends? Grian swallowed again, as he stared into Scar’s eyes, they were a deep blueish red now, swirling with bloodlust, he was talking even though Grian could barely make it out over the ringing of his ears.
“I’ll call Jimmy to get him to come help, you don’t have to worry about setting the scene deary, I know how-” he cut off as Grian’s fingers reached out, and brushed over the blood that made it under the mask. Scar stared now, his voice drawing quiet as he watched Grian stare at him. Feeling the warmth of the blood under his fingers, Scar’s faint breathing, and calloused fingers on his own cheek.
Then as quick as ever Grian rushed forward pressing his lips to Scar’s own. The knife did clatter to the floor as Grian was on top of Scar, gripping the other’s hair as he pulled back only for seconds to breath between each kiss. Scar then pulled off and started to bite at Grian’s neck. 
“o-Ow.” Grian said lightly as teeth made contact, pressing against Scar.
Scar pulled back, “You okay?” he asked as Grian nodded to him, pushing him down to keep going. Somehow Grian had ended up on the floor with Scar on top of him, biting at his neck and leaving hickeys as he did so. Grian letting out small gasps of pain and Scar making sure he’s okay between the ones that hurt. 
After a while of this Grian was panting a bit, looking at Scar, fuck he wanted to continue but, “I think we need to wait to keep going once this is taken care of.” he breathed out, some blood in his hair as Richard’s blood hand been pooling to them and was now sticking to his hair and red sweater. 
He was also covered in blood from Scar’s hands on his body and face. Scar looked down at him and grinned widely, “as much as I’d love to fuck you in a puddle of blood, you’re right, messes to clean up.” he bent down and gently pressed a kiss to Grian’s forehead. “You look beautiful covered in blood my songbird.” he mumbled to him then pressed another kiss to him.
After a moment of just staring at each other Scar did let Grian stand up, “I had called Jimmy a few minuets ago, he wanted us to pick up pizzas and ice cream after I told him what happened tonight.” he said sheepishly.
Scar chuckled with a fond smile, “Good thing I pack extra clothing, I’ll call Cub here to help with the bodies and get you back to their place... Pizza and ice cream sounds lovely for tonight with friends.” 
Grian nodded in agreement as he sat back and waited while Scar called up Cub. Jimmy also showed up with some spare clothing for Grian at his place, stating that blood on his seats was nothing knew, and Tango would be driving him home while he helps Scar and Cub. He also had on a vex mask
. . .
The Drive back was silent for the first half, as Grian shifted, Tango gave him a sheepish smile, “Well... at least we don’t have to keep secrets any longer.” he joked lightly as Grian did give a small laugh at that.
A pause and Tango sighed, “I’ll listen Grian, if you have anything on your mind.” he offered. “I know I was reeling when I found out a few months back.” he offered to his friend
Grian shifted a bit, then groaned, “Tango I just made out with a killer who is also my best friend, and he just killed 4 people in front of me.” he hide his face in his hands, and gods he loved every minuet of it. Scar had been forceful, but gentle at the same time. Checking on him through the intense make out session they hand. He had some impressive bruises and bite marks on his neck. “And fuck Tango, he’s in a cult too!”
Tango did laugh a bit at Grian’s reaction, “Well you took it better than I did or even Ren’s last lover... who tried to call the cops on Ren.” he grimaced, honestly Grian wasn’t shocked.  Ren’s last guy was found dead a year back... and it seems Grian now knew why. “Bdubs thought it was cool, so guess there is that. I fainted when I caught Jimmy stabbing my Ex.” he said sheepishly.
The passenger stared at his friend as Tango let out another laugh, “Yeah, woke up in Jimmy’s place as he explained everything. Confessing his love for me over and over, what he’d do for me, the peoples he’s killed for me. Honestly, bit much at first, but it ended in sex so... cant’ say your reaction was any better than mine.” he joked.
A pause as Grian looked back out the window, “Never would have guessed.” he commented casually.
“Dude same.” Tango laughed, “Like Cubby being in a cult? That submissive boy?” he grinned as Grian laughed also. “But Jimmy explained a bit, Vexes are supposedly a creature they give Blood and Sex to in return for powers. Not sure how true it is, but he fully believes his life became better. The same he joined he met you, and I suddenly asked you for help in confessing my love to him.
“Jimmy is fully convinced this, and frankly I’m in too deep to do anything against him... not that I’d want to, I love him too much.” Tango sighed heavily, and looked over at Grian for a moment, “I promise G, you’re not alone in this.”
They started to pull up to the house as Tango parked the car, “Come on, Ren and Bdubs are inside and got you a hot bath ran. Take all the time you need, we can talk more once you get out... Scar and them might be a while as they’re also gonna pick up the food.”
Nodding, Grian got out with Tango to get this blood off him, it was starting to harden and flake. And a hot bath sounded great, even if his neck and collar bone felt tender. He was thankful that Ren just greeted him like normal sitting on the couch with Bdubs, they seemed to have paused their card game. 
Grian left to the bathroom while Tango told the two he was taking it slow. He had alot to think about, licking his swollen lips. For a moment he tasted the blood on them, thinking back to Scar on top of him, biting down into his neck.
He took a deep breath... he’d have alot of questions for that idiot when he got back.
This took on a life of it’s own, and honestly kind of want to do more with his idea. Going into more stories of the Vex Cult of Killers. Maybe something a bit more NSFW with Scar and Grian. Cub pretty much flirts with everyone in the friend group, confident whore, we love him. Most make Tango a vex, but I decided to spice it up and make it Jimmy this time.
Spelling errors and grammar can’t be bothered right now, I’m too tired to care and it is 8am.
You guys want more, just let me know.
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andyling · 1 year
Heyyyyy so session 5 sure was a time SO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!
Team Ties really woke up and chose violence this session
were they even trying to kill anyone? i think they just wanted chaos
soooo Team Bites hmmm, let’s see how long that lasts
Skizz I’m sorry, but Bdubs betrayed y’all before in Last Life and he sure as hell will do it again
I think the whole reason Team Ties blew up the bread bridge was because they had too much TNT and all of them are obsessed with blowing shit up
Like they didn’t go for anyone’s actual bases, they weren’t trying to destroy resources, and they weren’t trying to kill anyone
motherfuckers just wanted to make things go boom
Tango’s toaster PSA caught me so off guard WHO GAVE HIM THAT IDEA?!?!? WHY IS HE LIKE THIS?!?!?
the fact that Tango had already accepted that their tower was gonna get destroyed, mans may be insane but he’s fair that’s for sure
awwwwww them chanting MVP to Etho is so sweet
tango’s the server resident professional warden wrangler now
good to know Tango still remembers every person that’s wronged him
also Tango getting an effective trap out of tnt minecarts is character development, good for him! :D
soooo does Tango have the most time out of everyone on the server now?
team bites did not last long askdghajsghkjadkdsak
Nosy Neighbors and Team Ties becoming allies is not something I expected to happen, but it is very welcomed
Team Ties are actually pretty great to have as allies as long as you don’t spite them, then honey you got a big storm coming
Jimmy “sad boi” Solidarity everyone
Love how Jimmy spends most of Limited Life acting as though he’s in a Let’s Play series
mans is in the middle of a death game and he’s like “Alright gang, today we’re getting sheep!”
gotta love how the title for “most antagonistic team on the server” keeps bouncing between the Bad Bois and Team Ties 
Flower Husbands and their never-ending divorce
bye bye bad bois bread bridge
why is Joel specifically blaming Tango akjfjhdkasghkadjs
it’s hilarious how they’re all questioning why Team Ties blew up the bread bridge when the actual answer is probably “they like blowing things up”
no thoughts, head empty, just boom boom
awwww judge judy and executioner jumped to Jimmy that’s cute
poor judge judy and executioner :(
Grian is so appalled at the carrot cake oh my gosh
dude Grian is so done with everything 
the Bad Bois and the Clockers are family now, this family tree is wack
Scar you can’t call them Boomers when Bdubs was literally on a team called the Boomers on Hermitcraft with Impulse and Tango
this is why we all think Grian’s gonna betray them
everyone is so nonchalant about reds this season 
Zombiecleo watches her children make poor decisions for 40 minutes
Cleo packing snacks for Bdubs and Scar and then sending them to be supervised elsewhere is so funny
sending them to Etho was probably not a great idea though considering Team Ties need supervision themselves 
they don’t have any which is why they’re constantly going off the rails
ooooooooh Bdubs is in troubleeeeee
it really does feel like he’s being scolded by his mother LMAO
Scar really decided to make up a whole ass holiday and not tell anyone else on the server except for his family and only to give them presents
love how aware Cleo is of whatever the fuck is going on with Bdubs and Etho throughout the life series
honestly i think Cleo dislikes Team Ties because of Etho and Etho specifically, like she seems pretty chill with Tango
“if you’re gonna be an absent father could you at least be absent” GOES SO HARD HOLY SHIT CLEO GO OFF QUEEN
Bdubs is so close to being disowned by his family
whelp Team Bites is dead
“Bdubs, how was your day?” Etho asks fully aware that his teammate blew Bdubs up because of Boogey and a two season long grudge
“This episode is weirder than the one with the fever” IT REALLY IS
mom and dad are fighting
“sometimes children only learn the hard way” THEY NEVER LEARN
i don’t even think Etho was trying to kill them, all of them are just insane
this is the reason that skizzle didn’t go red first, THIS IS THE REASON
Etho is definitely losing the custody battle
i’m getting flashbacks with “the red army rises” goddammit
what the fuck is wrong with Skizz
In conclusion, next session is gonna be WILD
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enderwoah · 2 years
jimmy solidarity and tango tek my little scrimble bee bops you both mean the world to me
i cannot believe that jimmy just broke the boundaries of space time server nonsense to remember his soulmate and the life series because honestly they just adore each other that much. tango literally had lovehearts appear on the screen. jimmy started squealing and jumping up and down and fumbling for a horn so they could blow it together and relive good times. jimmy broke his own law and let tango wear his hat because it was him. tango was the last person to leave tumble town when everyone dipped on jimmy and sure, maybe it was because he didn't have an elytra, but he seemed reluctant to get going anyway. they want to make a ranch together in the area because it fits the vibe and because its their thing. tango didn't directly make fun of jimmy at all. they called each other 'my rancher.' everyone just sort of stood and watched, confused at how these two knew each other (except for grian, obviously) but still just made happy by those two being so happy. one of them absolutely picked the other up and spun them around. they only saw each other for about ten minutes maximum, but that ten minutes was filled with stares and giggling and freaking out at finally being reunited. i hate them both i love them cc!jimmy and tango knew exactly wtf they were doing and im so sick bc of it ooooweeeee
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panda-wearing-pants · 7 months
Best Life Series episode #5
S1E5: Martyn kills Ren with an axe named "RED WINTER IS COMING", Skizz, Joel and Etho join the red army, Jimmy turns down the offer, afraid that Ren will ask him to sacrifice Scott, Tango is killed for wearing a helmet in the previous session, and Etho is killed for not calling out Tango, Cleo sets fire to Joel's house, causing him to die, Grian and Scar make an alliance with Scott and Jimmy, Grian gives then a pufferfish in a bucket, which Jimmy names the "Pufferish of Peace," Scar and Grian steal Skizz's banner, leading to the red army attacking the desert and killing Pizza
S2E5: BigB is replaced by Terry, Jimmy runs away with Martyn's life, but ends up giving it back and getting exiled from the southlands, Cleo tries to lure people to Bdub's trapped enchanter, Martyn, Ren, Lizzie and Terry form the Shadow Alliance, all the reds get a life from Scar at some point, the Southlanders vote to let Jimmy back in, Impulse gives Scott Grian's wither skull, and Scott gives it to the shadow alliance, Scar dies in the trap at the entrance to the Southlands and becomes red
Inthelittlewood: The Trial Of Timmy
S3E5: The divorce quartet teams up, Scar and Grian hide from the reds in Pearl's tower, Scar and Grian leave and hide underground, but Scar falls into a horde of zombies that were supposed to be released at the pool party and dies, Jimmy is eliminated by an enderman, Scar activates a sculk sensor trap, setting off TNT and blowing up, Scott burns the Relation Ship, causing Etho and Joel to go around the server burning everything, Grian drops a stalactite on Ren's head, eliminating him and BigB
Grian: UH OH!
S4E5: Etho babysits Bdubs and brings him to the T.I.E.S meeting, where they plot to blow up bread bridge, and then they do, Pearl accidentally kills Judge Judy, the Bad Boys go into mourning for Bread Bridge, Scar gives the Bad Boys a doormat to solidify their alliance, Impulse lures Bdubs into the nether where Tango blows him up with TNT minecarts, Etho and the Clockers have a family dinner, Etho plays catch with Bdubs and Scar, but they both die, Scar becomes the first red and just leaves, Skizz becomes red and takes off most of his clothes
Ethoslab: Awkward Family Supper
S5E5: Cleo and Gem race to collect other players' front doors, Cleo wins, Scar trades from seeds to a golden apple, Scott, Tango, Bdubs and Impulse play tag, BigB lures Skizz into a meeting with Jimmy, where Jimmy does enough damage to complete his task, Lizzie attempts to get the server to go to the end so she can sleep and skip the night, but no one shows up, she then tries to get everyone to have a sleepover at her house, but Joel is the only one there, Scar arrives later and eats the cake, Grian and Etho rig the Heart Foundation raffle, Pearl's task is to not have her book in her inventory at the end of the session, Mumbo and Gem have a tower-building contest, Lizzie rides around invisible on a skeleton horse, but is killed by Jimmy, Mumbo and Grian have a diving competition at Gem's diving board
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seasonal-writes · 9 months
' “Ouch..” Tango groans, not so much in pain, but just out of reaction.
“Oh goodness.. Just a cut..” Jimmy breathes in relief.
“It’s okay, I’ll go grab a bandage and get back to- Hey-!” Tango says, words getting caught up as his wrist is grabbed.
Jimmy raises the injured finger to his mouth, and lightly places it between his lips.
As he does, Tango’s pupils visibly blow wide, consuming most of the space in his eyes. Jim gently sucks some of the blood away, that iron taste attacking his taste buds for just a second before he releases Tango’s wrist and lets the wounded extremity fall from his mouth.
The moment is quick, but Tango seems to lag in processing. He’s silent, mouth hanging open in utter shock.
Jimmy’s tongue swipes across his bottom lip, wiping away just a speck of blood that stuck around. He wonders how sick it is for him to be so entertained by the whole thing.
“What the..” Tango starts to say, voice crackling. If he wasn’t overwhelmed a moment ago, he definitely was now.
“Just to stop the bleeding for a second. I’ll go get a bandage for you,” Jimmy says with a genuine smile, but a slight, playful chuckle.'
yeah, so i'm like. sooo sorry it took me a while to answer this. my goal for today is to try and get at least the commentary asks answered. :> so thank you for your patience! anyway. HOOOO BOY YEAH, I REMEMBER WRITING THIS SCENE. 'Jimmy’s tongue swipes across his bottom lip, wiping away just a speck of blood that stuck around. He wonders how sick it is for him to be so entertained by the whole thing.' do you know how fun it was to write that last line. do you understand how unwell i was- how unwell i STILL AM about it? i distinctly remember acknowledging the prompt had "cuts" in it, being very confused for the majority of writing it as to how jimmy would react, and then i said. what if he just. was a little weird about it. and what if tango was into it?
like, i think a big instinct is to stick wounds in our mouth when we get them. especially small ones. (at least in my experience, maybe I'm the freak). i just thought it'd be funny if that was jimmy's first reaction, and it was so WILD in comparison to just.. soothing and getting a band-aid or panicking right away. like obviously he still panicked in the little part preceding this moment. which is another favorite moment of mine but i won't get into it- and it's just that i really wanted jimmy to know damn well what he was doing here. like. and tango knows it too. the transition from this to tango just GRABBING him and kissing him means the world to me. it's funny it's silly it is, as you've said, delicious. mwah, chef's kiss, no notes. <- literally wrote it. i just think i deserve to write more fun, silly scenes like this. i wish i had more to say about it other than this nonsense, brain rotted commentary but akdfsj it is pretty self-explanatory, in all honesty. thank you for the ask, and thanks again for being so patient!
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echotunes · 4 months
hello hello i come with additions to the skizzleman section of the mcyt cheat sheat
addressing people
“homie” and “buddy” paired together– “homie buddy” (pronounced buddeh)
“cat” when talking about a person– “i’m not sure about this cat”
Impulse - “Dippledop” occasionally “Professor Dippledop”
Tango - “Tango-top” or “Top”
Zedaph - “Zeddple-bop”
Pearl - “Pearlie-pop”
Cleo - “Clebert”
Jimmy - “Jimmy Jiggles” (As of the Plate-Up streams with him)
BigB - “Big Bopper” or “Bopper” (As of Secret Life)
Scar - “Scarface” or “Face” (As of Secret Life I think, but that needs to be fact checked)
Bdubs - “Bdoubledown”
Primarily calls Scott Smajor “Smajor” as opposed to “Scott”
“Let's dance!” when taunting someone in conflict
Assorted noises (most commonly “hup!”) when performing actions, similar to Zedaph’s “had-jah!”
“What’s up!” When completing a feat of some sort
“Wooo!” / “Woohoohoo!”
“This is the worst!”
very celebratory of himself and others, easily hyped, always very expressive in the way he speaks
likes to refer to his friends/allies as his family or his brothers
a natural leader, commanding but in a friendly way. spearheads initiatives just because he thinks they’ll be cool and fun, even if they’re not logical (blowing up bread bridge, BEST tnt cannon assembly, heart foundation, etc.)
pushes the PG boundary to get a rise out of people. swears occasionally (mainly on imp&skizz podcast, not in life series) for emphasis on things. suggestive jokes/phrasing
charismatic, gets along with just about anyone
likes to tease his friends
hopefully i didnt forget anything :D
hi um. I just found this in my askbox from. checks notes. January??? I'm so sorry for forgetting to answer SOB EMOJI but hi yes thank you so much!! added to the sheet (and linked this ask as reference/credit) :D
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hopepetal · 1 year
more writing for the moon big dnd au that I never posted! created by Bee and I
The building started to collapse, fire taking to the creaking supports and bottom floors like it was kindling. Scar let out an excited whoop as he began to jog back, glancing around at his teammates. “Let's go! This place is gonna blow, and I don't wanna be around when it does!”
Mumbo scurried along next to Scar, panting, his hair all messed up and wild. “That– that sounds like a wonderful idea, mate,” he panted out, exhausted. “Oh, goodness.”
“Can I pick him up?” Scar asked Grian, who laughed. “I wanna pick him up and like, run away.”
Grian thought for a moment, glancing over at Mumbo. “Yeah, sure, give me a strength check?”
Scar rolled his die. “...22. Does that work?”
“Oh my goodness, Scar,“ Mumbo groaned.
Scar scooped Mumbo up without any hesitation, easily carrying the man. Pearl and Impulse began to follow, keeping an eye on the building as the flames licked higher and higher.
Jimmy looked around, panic growing as he realized he couldn't see Tango among the retreating group. “Tango? Tango, where are you?!”
“I'm coming!” Tango yelled, still far too close to the building for Jimmy's comfort. “Just... hold on!”
Jimmy lingered, watching as the building began to creak and groan. Suddenly, pure dread shot through him, and without even thinking, his feet began to carry him forward. “Tango!” he yelled, grabbing his friend just as whatever was inside that building exploded.
He barely remembered throwing Tango in front of him and wrapping his arms around the genasi, only the searing agony of flames and debris tore through his armor and into his back.
Everything went black.
“...I'm going to need you to make death saving throws, Timmy.”
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majickth · 2 years
Future-Tense Ghosts • [1] [2] [3]
-- --
Jimmy doesn’t go alone this time.
Food be damned, he’s not gonna run into the arms of another enderman. He’s not dying again, not when he can almost feel the invisible thread of Everything wrapping around him like a noose.
Instead, out of all the possible people, he manages to convince Joel and Etho to come along with him. The journey is…well, it’s a journey with Joel and Etho.
“I can’t see why you need us to come along,” Joel mutters, idly kicking a rock as he walks beside the two. “Shouldn’t your soulmate be the one holding your hand in the big scary dark?”
“I’m not scared of the dark!” Jimmy pauses, then flushes. “And…and he should, actually, but I don’t know where he is. More importantly, I wanted you lot to come along because—“
There’s the sound of air popping, of something disappearing and reappearing in mere seconds. A shadow moving in the dark. He should know better, but instinct is to raise his eyes up in alarm. A flash of purple, eyes briefly skimming over violet eyes, and then—
The sound of distorted screaming hits him before the claws do.
Jimmy gasps as the enderman slams into him, a half-broken shield raised just in time to block the oncoming blow. Claws dig into wood. A shriek echoes in his ears and creature shoves hard. It’s enough to knock him sideways, his body slamming into a tree with enough force to drive the breath from his lungs. Once more, the air rushes to fill a spot, pops apart, and with a vwoosh, the creature is in his face. It pushes against his shield, hissing through a splintered opening, claws inches from Jimmy’s neck, and…
And he should be scared.
He is, technically, absolutely terrified.
But there’s also a strange comfort in knowing what’s to come. Call it resignation, but he’s been down this route -- literally. He’s been here before. He knows it’ll hurt, a lot, and that in the back of his mind he’ll be screaming apologies to Tango. He knows that when the shield finally breaks, that’ll be it, and once more the canary will die first.
Jimmy closes his eyes.
Only it never comes.
There’s a blur of silver and red, and the weight of the enderman is gone. Jimmy gasps, lifting his head briefly to catch sight of Etho pinning the enderman to the ground, sword sunk deep into its lanky torso. It flails and screams, violet sparks gathering before it teleports behind the masked man for a bite.
The monster is quick; Joel is faster. He’s inbetween the creature and his soulbound in mere seconds, lips pulled in a wolfish grin as he drives the sword straight into the creature’s open maw before it can take a single bite. There’s a hiss, a choking scream, and then…
The forest is silent once more.
“Is it…?” Etho stands, dusting purple dust off his hands with a casual flick.
“Dunno. Let me check.”
Joel shoves the body off his sword. He wrinkles his nose at the corpse, pausing for a moment before driving a hard kick to the creature’s head. It’s supposed to look impressive. Instead, there’s a dull thunk that sends both soulbounds reeling, clutching their shared aching feet.
“Yup,” Joel manages between gasps of pain. “Definitely dead.”
“That was…” Terrifying. Scarring. Potentially how he was supposed to die. Definitely how he was supposed to die. Jimmy can’t find the right words, though Joel is more than happy to provide for him.
“Amazing? Yeah. I know. That’s just how us boat boys roll.” Pain receding, Joel smirks and fist bumps Etho. “No, but seriously, are you alright? You could’ve bloody died. Like actually.”
“I’m, um…” Jimmy looks down at the claw marks in his arms, and the familiar warmth of another’s distant attempts at healing fill his chest. He exhales. “Yeah, I’m, um, great! Just…feeling great. Thanks guys.”
“You can thank me by getting home safe, idiot.” Joel grabs Jimmy and pulls him up, usual cheekiness replaced with surprising concern. “And also giving us some spare sugar cane, if you’ve got any.”
“If I make it home, I’ll give you all of it. Promise.”
Despite everything, Jimmy laughs. It’s a stupid promise to make to Joel of all people, but he doesn’t care. Not now, anyways, because there’s two heartbeats in his chest and they beat with the steadiness of an older vow bound by the thread of everything. Something worth more than sugar cane.
He’s a canary who knows he’s made to die. But it feels so good to live a day longer.
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fanfic prompt: rancher duo at a new year’s eve party? you can choose if it’s romantic or not. good luck with your resolution!!!
Thank you! I immediately got sick but you're also the only one to send a prompt so here you go. Sorry if it's cringe lol
CW: alcoholic drinks, romantic shipping
Summary: Jimmy is the only sober person at the New Years Eve Party and it's not too fun without his Rancher.
Jimmy pulled at the end of his tie, frowning at the crowd of people. Everyone Grian knew and their soulmate was here, and despite the avian living in what could be loosely called a castle, it was packed wall to wall and louder than an enderman farm.
He could just see Tango across the room, gesturing widely with a drink in his hand that was half empty now and not because his soulmate had sipped any of it. His smile was the only reason Jimmy had tolerated the last hour of this party.
The first hour (hour and a half if he was being generous) was actually fun, but being PG meant you didn't drink and apparently none of the others cared about their content ratings.. not that it actually mattered here, during a party with no cameras or watchers or viewers or whatever turned on then, but saying he was keeping his PG rating was apparently reason enough to make people laugh and stop offering him drinks. So, long story short, he was sober in a sea of tipsy and drunk players and the near incomprehensible conversations had gotten tiring after a while.
He just had to wait till the clock struck 12 and they'd be out of here. Just another few minutes and the fireworks will go off.
He should make his way to Tango, the two of them should be together when the clock strikes. However that meant getting through the crowd, and that felt like a monumentous task at the moment.
The front door was to his left. He didn't want to just leave but standing at the edge of the crowd in the warm, liquor smelling home wasn't any more appealing. Hearing some fight break out was the last straw however. It was a drunken shouting match between what looked to be Cleo and Martyn with Scott holding her shoulder tightly, a feeble attempt to keep Martyn from getting his nose broken.
Jimmy was sure it would dissolve in a minute, and Grian was already making his way over to them to keep his party from becoming a full on brawl; so, with one last ruffle of his wings, he headed out the door.
The air outside was bristly, wind blowing through his hair and feathers and biting at his skin, sending a chill down his spine. With just a few steps from the door the grass was crunching under his feet, dried in the December cold.
Once the sound of music and shouts and laughter had died down he let himself drop to the ground, looking up at the galaxies above him. He didn't bother trying to count the stars, he wasn't so bored to start an impossible task, but he did lift a lazy finger to draw loose shapes between clusters.
He didn't turn his head as a pair of steps started from the door and crunched through the same grass he had; simply resigning himself to having to talk with someone that was probably too intoxicated to remember where they were let alone this conversation in the morning.
That is until two bright red eyes peered down at him, "Hey there Rancher Bud, thought I saw you sneaking out. Not enjoying the party?" His soulmate smiled, amusement in his voice.
He couldn't help but smile back, reaching up to touch his Rancher's face but coming up short. "Not really. Didn't want to spoil your fun though," he answered, "Everyone's drank a bit much for my liking."
"Ah, I see," Tango nodded sagely and sat down by his head. Jimmy dropped his arms back across his chest as Tango placed his hands on Jimmy's cheeks. "Don't think I've ever met a cowboy who didn't like a good whiskey."
Jimmy pouted, "Well this cowboy is fine staying sober, thank you very much."
"Alrighty," Tango replied, rubbing circles with his thumbs and warming Jimmy's cheeks, "I've had.. mmmmm, maybe three drinks? Two and a half? You okay to kiss this cowboy with his whiskey lips when the fireworks go off?"
Jimmy snorted, "Whiskey lips?"
Tango shrugged, "Something like that."
"I don't know," Jimmy hummed, "Sounds like a terrible idea, kissing you."
It was Tango's turn to pout, "But- But you're my soulmate, my rancher buddy, we gotta kiss at midnight, it's, like, law or something."
"Well, if it's law I suppose I got to, don't I?" Jimmy mused.
Tango nodded his head furiously, "Uh-huh, sure is. So we're gonna smooch right? I can- maybe I can see if someone's got a mint?"
"It's alright, you'll get lost if you go back in there." He placed his hands over Tango's, closing his eyes for a second, "I don't mind it that much, just as long as we can talk to each other still and you're not going to start calling me names."
"I'm not gonna call you names, Jim," Tango answered, "You're my Rancher, no one's gonna call you any more names while I'm around."
"You're a sap," Jimmy giggled.
Something squealed in the distance, making both them pause with confusion before a blast went off in the sky. Red sparkling the sky for a few seconds before being joined by blue then yellow then red and blue again, and so on, each coming with a bang and sizzle. The fireworks. It was midnight.
Tango laughed above him before leaning forward, "Happy new year, Rancher Buddy."
"Happy new year, Rancher Bud," Jimmy repeated, propping himself on his elbows.
The kiss was awkward, they hadn't bothered turning their heads and their chins bumped their noses and Jimmy's nose wrinkled at the bitter taste of Tango's mouth. They pulled away, laughing at the ridiculousness of it before Jimmy properly sat up, "Again?"
"One more time," Tango chuckled.
They closed the gap properly, it was a little less awkward, but their noses bumped and Jimmy was still grossed out by the taste. They laughed again as they pulled apart.
"This is dumb," Tango said, placing a hand on Jimmy's leg.
"We're kind of idiots, aren't we?" Jimmy giggled.
"Just a little," Tango agreed.
The third kiss wasn't perfect, but it was definitely close enough for them.
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blocksruinedme · 2 years
Jimmy's next empires ep is December 6
So we've got an earliest possible date for the crossover to end. This could def be a penultimate episode, where jimmy and fwhip become resigned or whatever to the hermits leaving and then they do a little after. If everything goes smoothly with the grumbots i will personally be grumpy. grum... grumbotpy? grumpybot? Yeah i think this one's a failure actually.
Thoughts on remaining plots!
False: I'm really think the False plot is just NOT ending now, there's still so many questions and I don't think even 2 more eps each would make it work? Maybe if they went hard on the lore:building ratio? If it doesn't conclude in some day, then it seems likely we're getting continuing empires/hermit connection. (God, I can't wait for the day that question is answered, too many damn possibilities.)
Sausage: IDK if we're getting some kind of conclusion with the Santa Perla mystery? It did start before the crossover was planned, if it was 4 months before October 27th. My ideal is that it ends *eventually* with hc!pearl's involvement, second is that something is sorted out before they leave, and i really hope we don't just have "well that was weird, moving on to other sausage plot". I also hope we get another sausage -> moon's big jump. Personally I want him to watch Tango blow up, but that's because I want more trauma for Sausage. :-D (he loves it). Idk about all the everything hopping, but Bubbles said it'll get better soon (or something like that) Jimmy: I am just trying to not focus on the ranch never getting built and no more rancher interactions, and i can just focus on my fic where it went differently.
More Jimmy: I am ASSUMING jimmy and fwhip are going to slid back into friendship after this, jimmy's got the hat back, maybe fwhip can give him his sheriff's badge back and then we've got fewer things to argue about. just, please guys. "do it for the shippers". they are gonna hang out regardless, because the CCs are such good buddies, so lets let it be more chill, I miss the pre-divorce era. If they aren't chill post hermits i might need to write fwhimmy fic that isn't cave ranchers, but I don't want to.
Doc: I hope he can speed run an ep
Also I sure hope Katherine comes back, and that she just decided to mostly skip this and go hard on roblox? She only put out one episode.
Cub: I wish there's been more lore about it, the ending felt a little anticlimactic, but seems like OOG reasons may have contributed (but I don't want to focus on that.)
Hey what if they just all went back short and Etho and everyone could make fun of them for it forever, that would be so neat
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grimaussiewitch · 2 years
More small fic ideas:
Toy Jimmy but he’s not a rag doll toy but instead is made of porcelain. His body is okay with respawns but after rapid and draining respawns can cause paint to fade and cracks forming. He can remove body parts but they can’t move if they’re a meter around from him. Set before Fwhip is fired from his deputy job, Joel taunts Jimmy in front of the jail. Just before he flys off, Joel shoots an arrow straight into Jimmy’s face. Fwhip arrives with hurt and comfort. Jimmy is missing part of his left eye and now angst.
Empires season 1 Joel headcanon: he’s made out of magical terracotta. He has to form himself out of clay, making hundreds of clay copies of himself. Joel is very breakable and every time he respawns he respawns into one of the clones. After the destruction of all of the empires and Lizzie, the love of his life, disappearing, Joel over the years couldn’t bring himself to make clay sculptures of himself. Perhaps he made art of over emperors? Trying to remember the faces of old friends, enemies, and love. Maybe that’s how King Joel of Mezlia died of a broken heart?
Toy!Jimmy turning everyone into toys but unlike him, they can’t move or speak. Bonus angst, he leaves Tango for last.
Phil gets turn into a teenager without any memories after that age, no wings and no immortality. It’s up to bench trio to stop him from accidentally killing himself. Hilarity ensures.
After double life, scar and grian’s sound based injuries carry over back to hermitcraft. Do they get their hearing back from the glitch or learn to live life without sound.
Sbi family au but Tommy and Tubbo swap places. So possible twinduo or techno is just a family friend/uncle friend, Wilbur is Phil and Kristen’s kid, Tubbo was found by Wilbur and raised by him via brother/brother friendship while Tommy was this random kid they found on the side of the road. Tubbo was also childhood friends with Eryn. Basically how would the story go if the two swapped places? How did they develop and what’s their friendships towards other people? Would Tommy had idolised Schlatt or stood up against him more in the manburg arc? What’s Tubbo’s relationship with dream wand what object or objects does Dream have control over him? How does bench trio work and the aftermath of L’Manburg blowing up a second time?
An au where Eret never became king again. He helps to repair damaged relationships and helps to build a new bakery with Niki for Niki. Maybe friendship drama because hey niki, trying to kill Tommy won’t solve anything, lets just bake our feelings into bread and then eat said bread. I dunno maybe a pirate adventure with puffy as well for good measures.
With the empires x hermitcraft crossover, what if while most of the hermits are stuck over in empires, there’s a sudden arrival of a bunch of new people on hermitcraft; Dream smp members. There are too many nations being built up… Just imagine the hermits coming back and Xb and Beef talk about the wars and nations that happened with these new guests.
I want a villain arc for Jimmy so an au where he becomes a new super secret bandit but nobody knows it’s him would be brilliant. Maybe he tries to frame Joey for crimes, especially after a big one. But it turns out he had an alibi so Joey isn’t thieving around for once or he’s stealing smaller things. And Joey wouldn’t blow up parts of peoples empires or kill them a bunch. One day Joel demands that the bandit be found as all of the gold from his empire went missing overnight. During a meeting between the empires it’s revealed to be Jimmy all along who then proceeds to flee via a tnt distraction. Tumbler town is now in lockdown with Jimmy still ruling.
Double life but it’s body swap instead. So tango <-> Jimmy, Grian <-> Scar and so on.
Werewolf!Ren finds out that both sun god bdubs and princess of dawn gem are also werewolves. The whole sleeping through the night is so they don’t have to face transforming because blah blah blah bad experiences or scared. Just, more werewolf au’s.
Vampire Sbi but Phil is the only human and the boys use him to get stuff. Like yes Wilbur and techno were turned in their early-mid twenties but sometimes you gotta use a human to get stuff. Along with Tommy being turned at 16 can’t buy certain things so PHILLLLLLL.
Everyone but one person on every server are hybrids, gods or eldritch horrors. Some picks: Human Tubbo or Tommy or both, Human Keralis and finally human Pix or Jimmy.
Owen doesn’t get turned back into a Llama but Scott does.
Sculk possessed!Cubfan infects Katherine so there’s nature wives angst.
Vex!Scar trying to slap sculk!Cub back to his senses because you can only be possessed by one thing and it has to be as a duo!
Crack fic where Joel gets turned into a toy for a day because karma or something.
More god and deities chill out on the empires server. Aka, Kristen the Goddess of death.
Deity!Elaina propaganda because fuck you I heard she likes space so she is a god now. Also it would be funny for c!Eret to have more god connections like foolish and herobrine.
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