#sir what was that with skizz? mean to him
mleemwyvern · 10 months
congratulations jimmy thats the most effective cringefail pathetic villainy ive ever seen
0 notes
good-chimes · 1 year
Operational Log from the Government Institute for Ghost Supervision (G.I.G.S.):
AGENTS: “ImpulseSV”, “Skizzleman”, “Grian”, “GoodTimesWithScar”
SUPERVISOR: [Redacted]
[Impulse has submitted a request for ‘$2000’ for reason ‘Van’]
SUPERVISOR: Hi boys. Pleasure to be working with you. Can you give a better reason than ‘van’ for why you need two fucking thousand American dollars?
IMPULSE: Oh, sorry sir. We just need to replace some things in the van.
GRIAN: By which he means everything in the van.
IMPULSE: You’re new, aren’t you, sir. Have you…met Scar?
SUPERVISOR: I have your personnel files. What does this have to do with Scar?
GRIAN: Oh, you’ll find out.
IMPULSE: Our last supervisor just sort of, uh, approved things. I’ve got receipts.
SKIZZ: We’re at the school, guys! Stop chatting and get in there!
IMPULSE: Gotta go!
GRIAN: Okay, so Scar, Impulse and Skizz are in the building. So far we’ve got the power turned on but no clues. There’s a spooky sort of bonfire in the main hall. Got skulls on it.
SCAR: I lit the bonfire!
GRIAN: Breaking news, Scar has lit the bonfire.
SUPERVISOR: Why did you light the bonfire!? You could draw the attention of a ghost!
GRIAN: Yeah, Skizz, why did you let Scar set something on fire? Pretty irresponsible.
SKIZZ: [noise of incoherent outrage] You try stopping him, buddy.
GRIAN: Can’t, I’m in the van. [further noise of outrage from Skizz]. Impulse is reporting EMF Level 5—didn’t anyone set up cameras? What kind of team doesn’t set up cameras? We’ve got a new supervisor to impress.
SUPERVISOR: Cameras should not be set up during a mission! You should have set them up in the daytime!
IMPULSE: We could use some cameras.
GRIAN: Okay, okay, fine! I’ll get the cameras.
SUPERVISOR: Why are you risking the whole team in the building at the same—
[Scar has submitted request for ‘$5’ for reason ‘glowsticks’]
SUPERVISOR: Why on god’s green earth do you need glowsticks!?
SKIZZ: Scar, those don’t do anything.
SCAR: They keeps you safe from ghosts!
SKIZZ: What, because they’re too cool for raves?
SCAR: I want glowsticks or I’m resigning.
SUPERVISOR: You can’t resign in the middle of mission!
IMPULSE: Haunt! Everyone quiet!
SUPERVISOR: Wait, a real haunt? That’s highly dangerous! Get out!
IMPULSE: False alarm, that noise was Skizz and Scar frying hot dogs.
[Scar has submitted request for ‘$1’ for reason ‘needs salt’]
SUPERVISOR: Not approved! You’re not supposed to fry hotdogs on an eldritch bonfire!
SKIZZ: We were hungry!
GRIAN: Wait, you guys have hotdogs in there? I’m coming in.
IMPULSE: Oh, wait—wait—yep, there’s the haunt.
GRIAN: Well, Scar’s dead.
SUPERVISOR: Oh god! What!
IMPULSE: I was wondering why they didn’t get attacked. Just a slow ghost, I guess.
SUPERVISOR: An agent is dead and you’re joking!?
GRIAN: Oh, he’ll be fine.
SKIZZ: I got some tarot cards here.
SUPERVISOR: Don’t touch the cursed items! Find your colleague’s body!
SCAR: I hate all of you. You left me to die.
SUPERVISOR: What? Just a goddamn minute. That was a joke? Agent Scar is alive?
IMPULSE: Scar, buddy, cheer up.
SCAR: Grian shut a door in my face!
SUPERVISOR: One agent impeded another’s investigation?
SCAR: Yeah! I was impuded!
GRIAN: What! How is this my fault! A ghost was coming at me and I shut a door!
SCAR: And killed me!
GRIAN: That sounds like a you problem.
SCAR: Sir, I want to file a complaint. About Grian.
SUPERVISOR: Well, put in a placeholder and we’ll—
[Scar has submitted file ‘grain Complaint’]
[Grian has submitted file ‘Grian’s Official Resignation Letter’]
SUPERVISOR: Boys, this sounds like it’s gotten heated, let’s take it offline. Agent Scar, we’ll look into this later. Agent Grian, put your resignation on hold.
IMPULSE: They do this a lot.
SKIZZ: It’s affection. You love each other.
SCAR: I love Grian not murdering me.
GRIAN: I love Scar saving me some hot dogs. Oh wait, he didn’t.
SKIZZ: C’mon, fellas, where’s this ghost?
IMPULSE: We gotta use some of these cursed items.
GRIAN: I vote Scar looks in the haunted mirror. Anyone else want to volunteer? No? See, vote carried.
[Scar has submitted file ‘Im Resigning’]
[Grian has submitted file ‘I’m Resigning HARDER’]
[Scar has submitted file ‘No your not’]
[Last 3 requests have been denied]
SUPERVISOR: How on earth do you work with them?
[Grian has submitted file ‘Turbo Resignation Letter’]
IMPULSE: Oh, me and Skizz have got a knack for it, sir. You just have to let them work it out. Or shut one of them up for the ghost to get.
[Last 1 request has been denied]
SUPERVISOR: Boys, this is sounding like a really dangerous situation and I think you should get out of there. I’m calling a retreat.
SKIZZ: Gimme the mirror, I’ll try saying the ghost’s name.
SUPERVISOR: Did you hear me? Is this thing on? Saying the name is EXPLICITLY the one thing that is unsafe to do on missions!
GRIAN: Huh. Maybe we should have read the manual.
SKIZZ: Just let me do it, sir, we get results.  
SUPERVISOR: Are you four always like this?
IMPULSE: Oh, no. Usually these missions go much worse.
SUPERVISOR: No! No, nobody is looking in any cursed mirrors! I have eighty successful mission supervisions under my belt—
SCAR: Sounds uncomfortable.
SUPERVISOR: Our department has a clean record of no agent deaths—
GRIAN: Oh damn, I knew I should have submitted our reports.
SUPERVISOR: And I—What reports?
IMPULSE: Don’t tell him about the reports!
SUPERVISOR: Is this data right? You haven’t sent in a report in… five YEARS?
GRIAN: One thing and another, you know.
SUPERVISOR: No! Enough! You are the WORST team I have ever worked with and every practice you have is UNSAFE and I bet one of you is looking in the cursed mirror RIGHT NOW—
GRIAN: Scar’s dead again.
SUPERVISOR: [calming breath] Okay, you lot clearly have your jokes, like last time, but I need you to know that’s not funny.
GRIAN: I can get a picture of how he ragdolled. His head’s on backwards. It’s hilarious.
[Grian has submitted photo file lol.jpg]
SUPERVISOR: … That … that is a man who has been killed by a malevolent spirit! That spirit is deadly!
SKIZZ: Funny, the ones they send us on are always deadly.
IMPULSE: Get him back to the van.
IMPULSE: You don’t need to do that—
GRIAN: Hey! Dots! I just saw dots!
SKIZZ: Yes! Mark off dots!
IMPULSE: Sweet, we’ve got it! It’s a White Lady! Let’s go, guys!
SUPERVISOR: Is anyone listening? Is anyone listening to me?
SUPERVISOR: Come in. Come in.
SUPERVISOR: I know you’re driving back. Answer your goddamn radio.
SCAR: Well, hello there.
SUPERVISOR: This is very serious. I have to report Agent Scar’s death—Agent Scar? Is that you?
SCAR: The one, the only!
SUPERVISOR: You were dead!
SCAR: Oh, yeah, but then they brought me into the van and we left.
SCAR: I dunno, ask Impulse! I’m usually dead by this point.
SUPERVISOR: Agent Impulse! How!
IMPULSE: Me and Skizz have been doing this a long time, sir. Guess we’ve just got a knack.
SUPERVISOR: A knack for—a knack for—I’m going to get a drink.
SCAR: Toast our great success. Hey, hey, Grian, that’s my hot dog. I died for that hot dog!
GRIAN: You weren’t looking! Finder’s keepers!
IMPULSE: Careful of the wheel, guys, careful of the wheel—
SUPERVISOR: I’m never working with your team again!
SKIZZ: Yeah? I get ya, buddy. See you next week.
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silvertws · 6 months
"Hermit craft" and other ccs because they are cool. STAR WARS AU (I think imma do different ones depending on like Prequels, Sequels, and Present or whatever it's called yk, droids, Vader and Kylo)...? Unsure I'm just doing Vader now.
*Cries in the amount of research I'm going to have to do*
Xiuma and Mumbo -> def mechanics, ships repairing, Mumbo never drove any of his fucking ships, he would suck as a pilot, Xiuma is good at it tho!
Grian -> one of the best, if not the best pilot in the galaxy -> does bro have the force? Yuh, does he know or use it? Nuh uh also Pearl's sibling, they got separated when little.
Scar -> co-pilot of Grian, has a motored wheelchair, he's the most curious one out of the two. He is the one that tells Grian to do something and join the rebellion.
Doc ->maybe some imperial scientist of some kind???? He scares me.
Scott... You scare me but! Leader potential? Scavenging with Cleo, Scott -> the brain, Cleo -> them muscles, she's a skilled blaster fighter, possibly Mandalorian..? We're there mandalorians of that species....?????Cleo is a Togruta def.
Pearl -> definitely started off as a Padawan, sister of Grian -> = older (aka, yes the gist of "mf is too old to be trained, but his sister ain't, YOINK"), yeah he was not pleased. Pearl basic doesn't remember him, like, she knows she has a brother somewhere, but yk. Yeah so, Master dies, obviously 🙄, cause you know order 66, still debating who that should be... Uhhhhh Maybe Impulse? Yes you're dying boi. Be sad. Someone has to. So yeah, she escapes, and then I'm going to presume she's going in hiding... With another surviving Padawan... Maybe Gem, yeah. Yeah shiny duo why not. So they go into hiding, they survive by themselves, somehow, a bit of thievery never hurt anyone... Oh wait.
Anyway happiness doesn't last.
Bye bye Pearl, to get captured and become a sith you gooo.
Sorry Gem <\3 you'll see each other again.
While Pearl is "busy" turning to the Darkside and Just not having s good time, Gem joins the rebels, not revealing her past, he's lightsaber was broken during her qnd Pearl's escape after all. She does still have her Kyber cristal (green..? They focus more on defending to my knowledge, plus healing? Something like that) Pearl's used to be blue.
So yeah, Gem joins the rebels, where she does missions here and there and meets people like Tango.
Tango -> Pilot, and one of the leaders of a small squad that usually does ambushes to the Empire. (This is due to how fucking mental this guy was with EVERYTHING last season, he deserves to have a leading and planning spot)
Etho is a spy for the rebels. No questions asked. He is. Why? Don't exactly know...? He gives me spy vibes. Mf works for the Empire but is a double agent.
Joel and Lizzie have a bar where they try to keep it neutral, they don't enjoy the empire but don't want to risk loosing what they have to actively fight. They do hide rebels from time to time and share some rations. They know Tango, since he's the one who usually contacts them and also hid there a couple of times. They also know Etho since he goes there whenever he's dispatched to the planet.
Yes. The "Etho stop being obsessed with me" joke lives on.
Now... Owen. You sir. Terrify me. You're very scary as a villain but very adorable as a hero which you know what that means.
oh this mf is playing the rebels like fools!
Nobody suspects the nice mechanic and co-pilot to be an imperial spy... Definitely didn't install a tracker on the ship AND the droid.
Grian and scar + Cleo and Scott + Etho, Gem, Owen all know each other.
Cleo and Scott do not care to join the rebellion and probably never will.
Scar convinces Grian to help.
Etho squad and Scott team have often had fights because of one stealing stuff before the other.
Joey is a pirate with Sausage, Skizz and Martyn. The often had fights with literally all of the other teams.
Ren -> imperial general.
Jimmy -> you know what..? Bounty hunter. And you may think. Jimmy..? A bounty hunter? Bro u cray cray, Nuh uh. Listen. Listen. He's not HORRIBLE at his job, he's not super great either. But he does get enough cash to survive.
Now. Who has a bounty on them..?
Literally everyone I mentioned tbh-
But for plot, and because you guys love flower husbands, I'm gonna go with Scott.
So yeah goofy bounty hunter×the one mf who keeps on slipping away.
And yes, he does go to Joel bar to complain and Joel keeps on taunting him about it.
Ok now.
We did flower husbands.
So I think it's time for the Nature wives.
Shelby is indeed a force user... Or maybe a Witch from Dathomir??? Or maybe.. ok.
Let's say.
She goes to Dathomir.
And like, I remember basically nothing about that so please don't come for me for inaccuracies.
If I remember, from Star wars fallen order (I have not played survivor yet.), the witches are dead. Except one yk, our beloved girlypop, so idk if I should do Shubble being the last one, and meeting Katherine as she crashed down on her planet. Or idk.
Also Katherine is a princess 100%
Think about her like Leia, cool, badass, and fights, I'm thinking for her to be a Mandalorian, because fighting you know. Wither that or she's just the princess of idek. My memory of the planets and systems is very limited ok? I'm very bad with names...
So yeah, maybe a bit of a black lightsaber situation could happen? Idek.
BigB and B-Dubs... I again have no idea.
I don't watch these two- they could be bounty hunters...? Merchants...???? Mercenaries....???? No clue- I mean, I have basically 0 villains planned but I don't think either of them could be an inquisitor or a general/commander of some kind- and I don't know how I wanna do the stormtroopers so... They could be Jedi masters? Maybe one died and the other didn't? Maybe they both died to protect the Padawans? Maybe they're both alive..???? Ughhhhhh ToT
I definitely need to put more villains-
But I don't wannaaaa ToT like sure, the pirate gang, sure, bounty hunter Jimmy.
But the inquisitors brooo.
Like other than Pearl idkkk
She slays so hard she doesn't need other inquisitors-
Like idek know who to make the BBEG
cause like... Scott could definitely be Vader ok. I know. I Know........ And Cleo be an inquisitor??? But I like Jimmy and Scott possible dynamic as bounty hunter×that one mf-
Likeeee arghhhhh
Ren is just too Goofy to be plays as a BBEG
Owen just has to betray someone ok? He needs the switch up.
Literally idek-
Do I randomly put Kier and Dev into this???
Philza and Tommy could definitely be Jedi Master and young Padawan...
Like Ranboo is not giving villain.
Technoblade definitely would but, I don't want to put him in... In case I get yelled at TwT
Niki could be an inquisitor- definitely giving "the Jedi are corrupted at and so I decided to kill them all as revenge for taking away my childhood and my right of choice". So yeah.. definitely a "Padawan indoctrinated by the Darkside becomes inquisitor". Kinda like Pearl? But she didn't get tortured- it was kinda her choice sooooo. I guess I'm putting Niki in
FableSMP members???? Do I just put Fable as the BBEG????He could be more like Palpatine than Vader tho, since the manipulation and being well, powerful as fu- like, he works...Ok now I have ideas for FableSMP characters... Enderian would def be a witch of Datomir, my only issu with that is that I don't exactly know how that would work with Centross.
But. For what does work.
Wolf/Fenris??? Idk how it's written.
Used to be an imperial general, betrayed Fable. When he realized his kingdom was not safe even if he stayed with him.
Rae -> in this universe Enderian is out of the picture, like not even mentioned, sorry girly.
Rae is the child of Isla, who was the queen of whatever because again, this is just me writing down dumb ideas. So, Rae and Icarus were sent away when he was little by Isla, who wanted to keep him away from the empire's arms due to his connection to the force.
Icarus -> older sibling to Rae, has no connection to the force, (no Quixis, you're not doing shit this time >:(), when them and Rae were sent away, they didn't understand why fully. As he got older they resented Rae because they felt like if Rae didn't have a connection to the force then they'd be able to be a family. But that resentment soon moved to the force itself, the stores about the Jedis, the sith, all that chaos. They don't know exactly how to help Rae, all they can do is try to protect him from the empire. (I'm giving Rae and Icarus a good-ish relationship ok? We all need that)
Momboo and Ocie -> are sisters, both use the force and both were trained by the Jedis, needless to say they are not like 20 yo, I think imma make them around 35/40..? (Safe to say Icarus and Momboo won't have a relationship.No.)
They both survived order 66 but got separated.
Now for the angsty part.
Momboo during her travels tried to find and protect kids gifted with the force. She would then proceed to die, leaving Jamie and Uhh fuck I don't remember their name, well, her other kid ok? With one message, to find Ocie, she could help them.
Ocie did not have as much maternal instincts as her sister, but, she picked along a small child, Oscar, a child made orphan by the empire. I'm figuring out the species still. She would settle down, she thought she was away from everything, that she could heal. Then Momboos kids came, and boom, training arc for those little shits. (/Sarcastic /not mean /please I'm not serious)
Centross -> now, I know in FableSMP he's not on Fable's side but Enderian's, the problem with that is that I think that the only thing that fits Enderian is a Dathomir's witch. And I don't exactly know how that could work. Like sure, let's make her a sith, but she's supposed to be like on Fable's power level, and she's definitely not a Jedi. So. For Centross, he could 100% be an inquisitor. 100% not even questioning it. This is based upon when he was violet reaper, yes yes, I am aware he was not on Fable's side, but I believe Fable is more fit as Palpatine than Enderian, sorry girlboss. Also sorry Centross, you're not getting a redemption arc.
Origin members..?????? (Except you know who ofc)
Do I just mix up some Steve Saga like- I CAN'T DO THAT YK.
Like so many but yet arghhhhh
So many possible heroessss.
Like the only ones I KNOW could be great villains for sure are Pearl, Scott, and Owen. And Scott and Owen are the only ones who I could see as the BBEG.
But again, you know... TwT
Can't use Scott, Owen is already a traitor, unsure if he should be using the force.
And Pearl is just- s c a r y but she will have a redemption arc so yk.
Like Gem could also have villain potential but likeeeeee
I will maybe get more ideas in the future once I've done more research.
Please this is just a draft so don't come for me and the inaccuracies. I'm not even sure I'll actually bother to write an actual storyline, this is for funzies. Also the ages of characters might vary from the originals because again, this is an AU.
Also if anyone sees this and knows how to write and for some reason does anything with this, cool! :DDD it's not gonna happen, but cool!
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zedif-y · 2 years
not to be impdubs but hey. hey impulse. where's your follow up on threats to kill bdubs this season. you went straight for considering your own teammates for the boogey kill, huh. what is up with that.
TO BE FAIR they were the ones he was around ! of course they're the immediate targets! he considered joel, too... though. THOUGH. i DO wonder why it never crossed his mind to go and kill bdubs. sir . YOU'VE BEEN THREATENING TO KILL HIM BEFORE LIMLIFE EVEN STARTED ?
where's the ACTION . are you all bark and no bite sir impulse of the sv variety . does this perhaps have something to do with the fact that you gave him a clock IMMEDIATELY after finding out he doesn't have one .
something something for all of impulse's griping, he hasn't done or said Anything that would imply a hatred or target aimed at bdubs. which is. INSANE (HE HAD A CHANCE TO KILL ONE OF THE CLOCKERS WHEN SKIZZ WANTED TO DURING THE BOOGEY KILL, BUT HE SAYS NO, AND AIMS FOR JOEL)
you could argue that he just wants to keep a safe alliance for now, because he doesn't know about . stares . whatever the hell ethubs is on right now KDSJGHKJSDG what he knows is he's in an alliance with the clockers, he doesn't know how close they are to actually turning on each other . probably .
but man!! MAN!!! that entire interaction in the branch mine . impulse rooting for bdubs to win against skizz . the stupid clock + bdubs never mentioning that impulse gave it to him . impulse actively avoiding harming their alliance with the clockers directly . (though scar is either on thin fucking ice rn + while they Did supply the gold to the bad boys.... that isn't harming Directly)
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echotunes · 1 year
ohp another ask sorry lol
(cw for mention of suicide jokes further down in this ask ^^)
grian also calls jevin "jev" i think?
jimmy says "bro" a lot, and "tha" ("that" without the last t)
for martyn! you said "kinda pronouncing the g in words like lon, strong, Renchanting" - i think i would word this more like, when he makes a "ng" sound, he ends it with a k. so like "ngk" (except "ng" is one sound. so ŋ, so "ŋk" is more accurate, i just dont know how well known ŋ is as a letter)
martyn also is good at just going with the flow of things. he's good at fake confidence and therefore intimidation. he's good at threats (this clip comes to mind)
martyn also knows some japanese, he has to take a second to think about it but he can say things in it
sometimes martyn does a "hehehe" laugh and there's a little "sh"ing to it? like his tongue is brushing up against his teeth like how it does with a sh sound but everything else is doing the laugh (like at the very end of this video)
martyn and jimmy have "the game's the game" as an inside joke, once the old sherrif is introduced in empires season 2. i know joel is unaware of it but thats about it, i assume its between just martyn and jimmy
martyn and grian call jimmy timmy, grian calls him tim, joel calls him jim
scott is very observant, as is martyn but scott especially
martyn swears when not around pg people, does so more when alone with chat than he does around others in general
scott swears a bit less than martyn and also can easily stay pg
and when i say "not around pg people" i mean literally that. like martyn will swear around some people on an smp but not others, scott's sworn around cleo on double life, etc
skizz swears sometimes—not enough that its a problem, he doesnt tone it down that much in pg spheres i think? but he does. for example in limited life "ive been a real dick to you" to scott, and in 3rd life he mentioned on the imp & skizz podcast, that after the first session they had a meeting and skizz said something about scar and grian telling skizz and [whoever he was with] to essentially go fuck themselves, and everyone in the call just exploded laughing because they did Not expect it lol. basically when skizz swears its funny and unexpected
something ive also noticed: jimmy tends to be more cautious of suicide jokes, like when he encounters one he usually goes "ohp" or "oh, jeez-" or something like that. cleo and martyn aren't so much, they're pretty comfortable with them i think (cleo in double life ghost pov: "suicide! thats what we want here" and martyn mentioning a thing he saw of stampy playing something and it suddenly cutting to him saying "and now im just gonna kill myself" and martyn found that hard cut funny)
jimmy is just generally more cautious of things that'd get him demonetized i think. he picked up really quickly on scott implying he wanted to call himself a "[f slur] guy" but couldnt because of TOS whereas it took martyn a good 10 or so seconds
martyn switches between zed and zee. he'll say xyz with zed but colin z with zee, for example
martyn ends verbal paragraphs with "so, there you go" quite a bit
martyn and all his characters are really gender inclusive, the old sherriff saying "good morning ma'am, good morning sir, good morning they, good morning them", for example (martyn's really good about this in general actually :D)
ren tries to be as well, "ladies and gentlemen and everyone in between" but he forgets sometimes
owen uses tone tags in speech, "slash gen" "slash s r s" "slash neg" "slash pos" "slash jay"
people like bek and tubbo do so as well sometimes but owen does it the most
oh, scar safe as a phrase :D scar uses it the most, grian uses it sometimes, idk about others
tubbo can get very loud. especially on rats. "RRRRRRRRATS??"
tubbo also constantly jokes about being homophobic while saying he's serious. tubbo himself is gay. this is such a thing that the emote tubFoe is a thing
it is 4am i should sleep
hi! I got all three of your asks but I won't post them all for spam reasons LOL but thank you so much for the notes and chat screenshots I'll be adding those tidbits when I get to it!
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pathbend-blog · 2 months
Brother Judas as He the Lord and the only love you will find here
The Power Of Here
Oh my brother Judas a gift to someone in the future a whole scroll.
But I will feed you and water you and we will hang here from this very same very sturdy tree
He may have planted it and did my Sir my Love..
Was the point
Her eyes were pretty and Jaime. My Love
Sara in that innocent enough for Veggitales Sea Skinny Dance had for pleasure and the moment that is
Soul Judas is a weird word.
You won't die he will and all that will happened
Three months you and I havter a Moon eranred in 2024 is enjoyed for the 50th Sun
You won't die until your soul gives s up hope and proves a Thearom
Hard word ficknthis hurts I'm going to easily untie these ropes and then exit this noise y Love ad Him in One
Judas who will be replaced for a Fuck unhad
You will by this lack of listening how to Hang suffer past another no one cares likely die by the birds talking in New ways over manyoons
And then a lost grave the Lord paid for
This is a Humanany Brother forever
We have just now started
I Love You
He Does Now.
Enjoying the comedian and Rage against the Machine
Same as always
Sink into your lack of YouTube
The roo I mean this is cruel I feel is anger.
That was Platinum
The Metal that Interacts with Life for some reason
Not silver
He say f it was so it was.
Worth all of The New Orld that one little bag
Breath my love the ropes don't hold you
BBC Radio 1
Washington Post
Chuck Palahniuk
Sweetheart blessings from mine alone
It doesn't matter at all
Shimmy by better tire noose for having listened to Love and God
Or Not towards you and Forehead of a Human
Judas Is a riot isn't your family name.thays the Name of the one to his left
So that I may kiss you like that as I will or he does in doesn't matter my baby.
Or away on this not the same limb
The tree both of as as one bends to my task
His but he is busy Judas
It doesn't matter
Close for you to know ofercu and almost water
Or here I. Irving Anthony Far like Nina
You Die
and then His
Anyways, Judas My Brother, My Love.
That sucked huh?
I loosened your Rope a Little while you were asleep and praying to who that he would let you go?
You skipped his Sailing class huh?
Them Money Box 🧺 Responsibilities like Jaime had get yuh I know so difficult
That's not real Money never was.
What Color are her Eyes Judas?
🤫 I know your tounge is swollen right now we can talk later
Sleep my Love
It's Sunday
That New Nick Cave Album though, Judas, My Most Brave of The Brothers, In My Feelings.
You don't know what I'm talking about sweety and those were Ravens not Crows is why.
The Sunrise though My Most Best Friend!
That you can Appreciate!
It's Heresy Sir, Your Protesting Sounds Are Right.
It was Platinum though, Sir. More Money then you had ever known and and Villa in Rome! Oh how lovely would have been.
You won't have a Name after this Love. He Loves His Names Doesn't He? Should be getting out of that couple days in the Klink by now
Our King.
Of All Kings Like Me and You My great Heart!
You can Sleep Love. I Won't Judge You, we have a few more days enjoying the breeze yet. We aren't in a Hurry.
We never will be again.
BBC Radio 1
Chuck Palahniuk
Washington Post
Chuck Palahniuk
BBC Radio 1
The End
Your Cousins Are Going to Throw His Beloved Brother off the Tower like Your Girl Promised Him in the Desert
Pretty Soon.
Oh your talking...good. This is a Watch
It Disproves Evolution Brother.
Don't Struggle It won't make it any faster
Chuck Palahniuk
OMEGA Watches
Vatican News
"Iscariot In Another Sunrise"
By Anthony
Misisti optimum guy ad me. Et imposuit aurem suam post
Quod suus 'Alex noster Story
I fixed it
You sent the best guy to me. And he put his ear behind
That's our Alex Story
Vatican News
BBC Radio 1
☔ 🌈
Washington Post
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Oh, Schatz, nein!! Was ist passiert? Es ist eine zusammenfassende Skizze von allem, was Sie selbst machen könnten.
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rosenbergamot · 7 months
im thinking ab “sir scar” and that title and what it means, what scar said immediately after— that he feels “slightly more powerful” . but being a knight is a chivalrous duty that comes in service of someone or something else, typically militaristic, so scar hasnt gained much power in the grand scheme of things.
but maybe this is just the beginning, maybe now that scar has put his foot in the door, been knighted by skizz (also him being knighted by skizz seems to imply skizz holds a position of power over people or at the very least over scar. interesting), maybe now he’ll work his way up— maybe that slight feeling of power will change, will become more significant.
anyways im saying that scar should overthrow whatever monarchy slash state bestowed him this title and rule it himself s7 mayoral election arc style
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art-i-know-yes · 1 year
Just. y'know. spoilers for Limited Life. Just an. overall for all episodes i've watched
r.i.p bread bridge.
yellow mellow did not last long
literally supplied. like. most of the server with food.
im horrifically saddened.
oh. wonderful.
grian almost went with it
don't mess with the bread boys. they're mourning.
"im confused. you're not in your bad boy outfit"
they're so genuinely upset
so am i
love that he literally could not focus on them before the horn
this family tree is fake
he said no plz don't
grian is so distraught
Pearl kills Judge Judy and Executioner
so quick with it
"The Family" is such a mafia vibe
scott and Martyn are trying the catch the dolphins
this funeral is wild
Martyn nearly DIED during that
im so sad
ties was so WILD this episode
mourning gifts. my fav.
where are you putting it on that FLOOD
"say it back!" "say it back!"
oh it's for whenever you set that off
the laughter and stress RADIATING off the boys
babes tried
"so you CANT SEE MY TEARS" so aggressive
i fogor about those
it's bad time for bad boys
he actually called him jim
how. how did NO ONE see that.
you can jump off any and every part of the...ex bread bridge... and land in water
you put a spoiler on it
plz be wary
grian and fishing rods are always bad
"grian. grian. no. it was etho"
"i want to wait and see scar" "oh he's not coming back"
"we should make the m-rye (?) ladder a podcast"
scott flashing later into the episode after saying time of yellow peace
wow they bluming did it
secret bread
gg bad boys
these are the weakest alliances i've ever seen. the most loyal everyone has been to their own team. and the almost most crazed part of the series.
jimmy just saying stuff and slipping
martyn's death at the end was so...
the mean gills are so fun together
babe needs his cake
his carrot cake
Jimmy is very bad at this thing
"my cows"
oh yeah this bet
i would love to think Jimmy is being like. strategical. but i know it isn't
no wonder they didn't see martyn steal their stuff
wow scott was there
tango was so against bdubs being first letter
"nervous?" *gets poisoned*
bigb being afraid for the cat
he's the sane one
people tried TWICE saying Martyn was going against Scott
it is TERRIFYING every time they blindly jump off that bridge
absolutely ditched martyn
the fear in Martyn's voice when Scott said that he saw their names
pearl really said no alliances
water bucket save
"oh yeah we found out that trap"
bigb is REGRETTING working with pearl
"they killed jimmy's frog" the gasp cleo gave at that was wonderful
well they've betrayed everyone
awful invention from scott. great idea. horrible execution.
as they were talking about it
Martyn with no hesitation was like "bet"
wipe their hands clean
it took scar so long to find the door
he didn't even relate he was muted
so that's how they ended up there
skizz is self-aware
"im looking back at these videos and im realizing something." is so funny
but being allied with ties is baaaad news
"accident" "that's not gonna fly in court sir"
"i refuse to be gaslit by jimmy"
it's saaaaaaffffeeeeee
oh that was them
the mean gills looking at each other as etho complains about people staying
bad boys in mourning
ooooohhhkaaayyyy i see what happened. jimmy doesn't know words
no organization. though im sure you can tell if you've watched the same episodes as me. i watched Martyn first.
tango's speedy with the uploads.
also. remember. short attention span. i must consume at least 3 forms of simulation to be properly overstimulated.
like a respectable mentally ill person.
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Last Life session 5 out of context
transcript below the cut:
Jimmy: I can't really interfere cuz I don't want to die here, but I do wanna see him die.
Cleo: I'm gonna die in, like, five seconds. Scott: Yeah, that's- Cleo, overlapping: That's how it goes. Scott: On the way back to the base, Cleo will die.
*Etho mutes his mic, then lets out a scared groan*
Grian: Well, it's a good job you're gullible. Jimmy: Isn't that- You know- Thanks.
Skizz, flexing his shield: Yeah! Yeah! Block!
Martyn: Oho! Oh, I've set myself on fire, there.
Scott: We're not on villain arc Scott just yet.
Martyn: I didn't mean a word I just said. You're an idiot. *voice getting fainter* As if he would betray us like that, he is- *voice fades out*
Impulse: Oh, he's gonna DIE!
*Martyn slowly zooms in on a figure moving around on top of the tower, only for it to be revealed as Mumbo*
Lizzie: I do not welcome death with open arms.
Jimmy: Umm... *stops talking and stares as his goat jumps out of its enclosure*
*Scott makes various sounds* Scott: WHAT?!
Mumbo: Heyyy, wait a minute!
Grian: Boop!
Skizz: Get the bed. Get it back. Set spawn. Feel good. Have a sandwich.
Lizzie: BigB was supposed to be moving in here, but apparently he's gone into witness protection. *pause* Ren: Uh...
Martyn: That might be the most un-aha thing I've ever seen happen on the server. Mumbo: Mmm, that's very un-aha.
Scar: Can I touch your hair? Skizz: Please do.
Mumbo: And by "sus", I don't mean sustainable.
Lizzie: All that's left to do is sit here and wait for death to come upon us.
Joel: Where've you gone?! This is-! Joel: *snickers*
Etho: I don't envy the next person to go in there.
Martyn, with the announcer voice modifier: Trap activated. Make sure you don't step on it, or it's bye-bye. Impulse, with the same modifier: Back away from the trap, back away from the trap.
*Joel screams*
Skizz: I dunno how to do anything. Ever.
Lizzie: I thought I was just falling really slowly.
Mumbo: Absolutely nothing. Nothing is going on whatsoever.
Scott: Hi. Grian: *screams*
Bdubs: Cleo, you lit yourself on fire. Cleo: I know. Sometimes I do that.
*various voices, including Grian, screaming*
Skizz: What am I doing? Why am I doing this to myself?
*Scott hides from a screaming enderman*
Mumbo: Should we not be being a little bit careful about- Okay.
Lizzie: BigB! *scary music plays*
Skizz: Look closely. You can see Etho. Right there. On the toilet.
Ren: Is the sun a moon of like a bigger sun? Is that- Is that how as- as- astronomics works?
Grian: Grian's not here now, please leave a message after the beep. Scott, laughing: Oh, okay, okay. Grian and Joel, at the same time: *make a beep sound*
Impulse: Well done. I mean, it cost Grian his life. But well done!
Pearl: Enjoy your red life! *giggles*
Lizzie, to a bee: Who sent you?!
Martyn: These are my guns; I call them "ah" and "ha".
Scott: *captures an axolotl* I diiid it :D
Cleo: Just don't before I just shoot you.
Mumbo: Punning it up on our balcony.
Scar: I am the least professional person you could ever imagine. Pearl: Oh.
Martyn: I like to live on the EDGE!
Bdubs: Honey, I'm home! *pause* Etho: Hello.
Scott: They have about six braincells between them, to be fair.
Impulse, to an enderman: 'Scuse me, sir. 'Scuse me, sir. I need your- Boop! YEAH!
Etho: Yoink!
Mumbo: Escapes are not my thing, Scott. Scott: I know, that's why I took you prisoner last time.
Martyn: I now have a firstborn, so I'm kinda worried about signing her away.
Impulse: Now we go! Mumbo, overlapping: Run! Run! Run! Run! Scott, overlapping: We need to go! We need-! This way, Mumbo! This way, Mumbo! This way, Mumbo! Other way, Mumbo! OTHER WAY!
Martyn, with an echoey voice modifier: Man, I wish I had some friends down here.
Impulse: We gotta keep it away from Grian; he'll find it if it's here. Scott, overlapping: Oh. Impulse: Yeah, don't put it on your head, Scott!7
Etho: I gotta grow trees cuz you took all the wood, you fool!
Scott: Pearl, I don't know where they keep coming from! I have three in my inventory! Pearl: Do you have a bucket? Scott: No, they've all got axolotls in them already!
Grian: Page three... is empty. Mumbo, how did you mess this up?
Pearl: Are you gonna get the flint and steel out? You gonna get the flint and steel?
Cleo: You looted my corpse. Cleo: *creeps menacingly towards Etho*
*Enderman hits Scott* Scott: Ow!
Mumbo: You're gonna have to find out, mate. Jimmy: Alright. *Jimmy sets off the trap, causing Impulse and Mumbo to yelp*
Cleo: I'm gonna go get some more lava. Scott: Okay, you enjoy. Cleo [singsong]: I will!
Ren: This potential alliance is made up of Shadow Fart, Terry, The Shadow Queen... and a dog.
Grian, talking in the background: -go any further. Impulse: *lowers the trapdoor, dropping Jimmy onto the campfire* Jimmy: *yelps* Oh my gosh! Impulse: *laughs* I couldn't resist.
Scott: That's a very flammable house you have, Joel. Very flammable.
Martyn: Be swift! *long pause* BigB: Goodbye.
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Friday Night Stabby best quotes (Tango birthday edition) part 18 (16/04/21)
Impulse: *zoomies into admin and stands by the table for about 3 seconds* Impulse: OH I don’t even have [the swipe card task]. *laughs* Etho: Uh… Impulse. I did kinda notice that. Impulse: I zoomed in here so fast I didn’t know I didn’t have a task. Etho: You ARE zooming around. Okay, I’ll let it pass. Impulse: *dashes to shields and does the task there* Etho: Actually, I dunno if I’m gonna let it pass. *leaves* Impulse: What?! I just did shields! Impulse, running after Etho: Etho! Love me! LOVE ME!
Endless: I think I might be invisible. Etho: Oh no, I was just ignoring you, Endless. Sorry. Skizz: Somebody say something?
Skizz: It has to be Mrs Tango. Mrs Tango: Why?! Skizz: It doesn’t have to be, I just feel it.
Impulse, running up to Skizz and Etho standing together on a task: Are you lovers? Are you lovers? Should I leave? Skizz: You know what, this is a monogamous relationship, buddy. Impulse: Do you need- Do you need help? Etho, if you are in need of help, wiggle twice. Skizz: *laughs* Etho: Well, he hasn’t killed me YET...
Evil: I found a dead Impulse in upper engine. Skizz: Cuz you killed him. Evil: Nope. Skizz: Cuz your partner killed him. Evil: Nope. Skizz: Cuz you called in a hitman and had him killed. Evil: ...Do you WANT me to vote for you, Skizz? *pause* Skizz: Cuz Joker killed him. Joker: Wow. Scraping the bottom of the barrel, there, Skizz. *pause* Joker: Just like that hair.
Joker: I wanna say it’s Skizzle cuz it looks like he’s wearing the head of Geoffrey the Giraffe’s sister. Skizz: Alright, listen. Listen. ‘Kay? You’ve gotten across how superficial you are. I know my hair is not to your liking, clown. Okay? You just sit over there and lemme be beautiful. Tango: Yeah, don’t be judgey.
*Brody’s body is reported* Endless: Aww, we miss you, Brody. Skizz: Eh. Let’s not get carried away. Joker: *laughs* I approve of this message.
*Skizz has a sheep accessory on his head* Evil: Skizz, are you feeling sheepish? Joker: DANG IT! I was gonna say that joke!
Skizz: Alright. I’ve disclosed myself as the spy so if I die, you know it was the imposter. Tango, laughing: If I die, an imposter killed me.
Astro: Can we vote for Joker for many reasons? But mostly because- Joker: What?! Why?! Tango: Oh, Etho’s the snitch! Astro, continued: -he just zoomed by Etho. I just saw Joker swoop by Etho and kill him. Joker: I did not! I did not do that! Tango: That’s the first time we’ve seen snitch. Joker: I’ve been running this whole time! What’re you-?! Astro: Yeah, you ran right by Etho and killed him! Impulse: Wait… Tango- Joker: I DID NOT! Impulse: Tango, Tango. How do you know? How do you know we saw snitch? Tango: Cuz it says… snitch next to his name…? No…? Astro: Okay so Tango’s the other- the other imposter, cuz- Impulse: Ohhhh!!!! Tango: OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Impulse: Technicality!! Joker: Well it’s Tango but it’s not me! Tango: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! WHYYYYYY?!!!!!!!!! Endless: Why’s it- Where does it say snitch? Tango: I mean- No, guys, we should work this out. There’s a chance- *mumbles* I got nothing… Astro: I still think it’s Joker but it’s definitely Tango. Tango: WHY?! STUPID MODS! Impulse: You’re the only one that saw the snitch reveal! Tango: WHYYYYYYYY?! Endless: C’mon, let’s do Joker first, and THEN get Tango.# Joker: NO, it’s NOT me! Endless, why are you pushing to kill me so quickly?! Endless: Because Astro called you out! Astro: But- But Tango called HIMSELF out, so I think he kinda deserves this. Impulse: Tango snitched himself!
*after the round* Joker: Goshdarnit, Tango! Tango: That was the dumbest round ever and it’s full of dumb and you’re all dumb. Impulse: Ouch. Joker: Tangooo! Impulse: Yeaaah, the snitch callout was pretty bad. Tango: I assumed that once it was revealed, everyone knew it. Astro: It’s revealed to the IMPOSTERS and- Tango: I GOT THAT. GOT IT. THANKS. GOT IT. Joker: Happy birthday, Tango :)
Mrs Tango: I just walked into the room and I watched [Tango] stab Astro. He didn’t even care that I walked into the room. Tango: Nope! Nope! Do NOT let her trick you, okay? Do not let this happen. I’m not saying anything else. Impulse: I’m gonna trust Tango cuz it’s his birthday. Mrs Tango: You should NOT trust Tango. He’s a dirty liar. Skizz: Oh man, she-! Impulse: And this is why I will never play this game with my significant other.
*Etho is claiming that Evil and Joker are lovers* Impulse: How do you know that, Etho? Skizz: Yeah, how do you know that? Joker: Yeah, how DO you know that, Etho? Etho: They confessed their love. Joker: I love everybody. I love you, I love Impulse. Dunno about Skizz, but… Skizz: Come ON, Joker!
Joker: Impulse, would you like to say what happened with Brody after you guys left together? *pause* Impulse, in a small voice: I know it looks bad…
Evil: So we start the game voting Tango out, right? Tango: Wait, what?! Why?! Brody: I’m down. Sounds good. Tango: Listen, I got a finger on my head and I’m not afraid to use it. Endless: You put that finger away, sir!
*a meeting is called, interrupting Joker and Endless’s conversation* Joker: What proposition? Endless: You missed out on the proposition. Joker: Endless is propositioning me and I dunno how to feel about it.
Joker: I’ll be honest, [Skeld] is my least favourite map. I absolutely hate this map. Tango: What?! Impulse: Skeld?! Joker: Yup. Tango: Joker, you are dumb with a sprinkling of dumb. Skizz: This is my favourite map. I like actually knowing where stuff is. Tango: Skeld is AMAZING. It’s so balanced. Endless: Joker’s favourite map is MIRA, so… Tango: Yeah, he just wants to get lost and press buttons and ride riders. Joker: I just don’t like this map. It’s too easy to find people together. I like it when people are spread out more. Tango: It’s perfect. Joker: No. I hate it. You’re dumb.
Skizz: You know what, Joker? I hate your hat. Joker: What? Skizz: I hate your hat. Joker: *scoffs* I don’t care.
Skizz: *changes his accessory back to the hair Joker hates the most* Skizz: BOOM. That’s just for Joker! Joker: OH! Oh come on, Skizz! NO!!! Skizz: You crawl inside this hair! Joker: Oh GOD no! Why would I do that?! Skizz: It stinks in here. Come on in, the water’s fine. Joker: Skizz, that’s the WORST thing you’ve ever said!
*body is reported* Evil: Why were you screaming, Tango? Tango: I just wanna say that when I see Evil approach me now, I pucker and I- I wait. It’s just- I have this thing now. Every time Evil approaches me, I assume I’m going to die. Joker: Hey Skizz? Can I use your hair to scrub my brain so I don’t have to hear Tango say “pucker” again?
Tango: It wasn’t Etho. I feel bad now. Skizz: You shouldn’t. I hate Etho.
Astro: *calls a meeting* Astro: I hit my button cuz at least I can now for two seconds use a non-vanilla role and be Button Barry. Tango: I like that the button was actually three feet away when you pressed the button there. Astro: Yup. Didn’t care. Tango: Nice, that’s- Well done. All you had to do was take three steps. Astro: I wanted to use that button. That’s it, that’s all I got. *pause* Astro: Enjoy the 40 seconds we’ve got left.
Brody: Astro, what are you doing? Astro: I’m following you. Brody: Why? Astro: I dunno. I’m done with my tasks. Impulse: Are you his… Are you his lover? Are you his LOVER, Astro? Astro: Nah, I did that once. We broke up. Brody: Awww, we did??
*after Astro sheriffed Skizz* Evil: But nobody died, so why are you trying to pin something on me? Tango: I’m tryina pin something on somebody. Brody: Ahh, that’s not a good thing. Astro: I killed someone. Evil, laughing: Well yeah, nobody died this round except the guy Astro admitted to killing.
Skizz: I hate Joker, Endless, Brody, and Impulse. Oh I’m sorry, I was talking to my chat. Joker: I didn’t vote for you!! Endless: Joke’s on you Skizz, I also hate me.
Tango: I’m trying to scan my bitties and you guys are all pressing buttons. Joker: Nobody wants to hear about your bitties. Tango: Well, they’re being scanned. Joker: I don’t care about your bitties, dude.
Astro: Did Impulse even say where [the body] was? Impulse: It’s between office and storage. Joker: I thought it was between electrical and office. Impulse: Electrical, storage, office. It’s kinda like in the middle there. Tango: What are you even saying right now? Impulse: Okay, okay. Pull up your maps, make a triangle between electrical, storage and office. The body’s RIGHT in the middle of that triangle. Tango: The triangle’s pointing to your name and *votes* OH! WHOOPS! Impulse: Isosceles triangle. What? Tango: Sorry, I made a triangle but clicked your name by accident. Impulse: Oh my gosh. Joker: I’m clicking your name, Tango. Cuz that’s weird. Impulse: What is happening…?! Evil, laughing: I don’t know, we’re jumping the shark. *everyone has skipped except Joker voted for Tango and Tango voted for Impulse* Impulse: Are you mad that you can’t make a triangle?! *everyone laughs* Joker: Tongo don’t make triangle! Etho: Tongo smash triangle!
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Friday Night Stabby best quotes part 19 (23/04/21)
*the crew enter for the first game of the day* Etho: I forgot how to play.
Joker: Where was Skizz? Brody: Skizz is dead. Joker: Okay, and where was Skizz’s hair? Impulse: Oh gosh. Etho: Probably also dead somewhere. Evil: Maybe Skizz’s hair strangled him.
Etho: I found Mrs Tango in storage. Brody: Excuse me. WE found Mrs Tango. How DARE you. Etho: Okay. WE may have found Mrs Tango in storage.
Astro: Did you decide to kill [Skizz] because you didn’t want to see his hair anymore? Joker: Oh if I was gonna kill him because of his hair, I would’ve done that a long time ago. Impulse: First kill, yeah. Joker: Yup, that would definitely have been my first kill.
Astro: You’ve been quiet, Joker. And Skizz is dead again. Joker: Uh, yeah. He is. I’m busy celebrating because his hair is no longer visible. Tango: *votes* Joker: Tango, are you voting for me? Tango: I dunno. Joker: You’re a liar. Whatever.
Mrs Tango: I just realised I was muted. Brody: She was muted. We were just with her and she was muted. Mrs Tango: And I have a problem pushing buttons. Brody: That’s not true, you press my buttons all the time. Joker: That’s not hard to do, though.
Etho: Whatcha got, Skizzle? Skizz: Dude, I’m telling you. Joker was the speedy one and I’m gonna tell you loud and proud: I WISH I was the one who killed him but I-I didn’t. Lower engine, I saw nobody. Brody: That’s not really- That’s not really selling me. Skizz: I wanted so badly to be the one to kill him. I know you can hear me, Joker.
Brody: I was on the far right side of the map. Endless: I can confirm that Brody was over there cuz I was harassing him. Brody: Annoyingly, he was.
Evil: Not good, Brody. Not good. Brody: What? What’s not good? Evil: The fact that you were running away as I watched Tango’s body fall. Brody: You cannot confirm that. Evil: I- I can. Brody You sure can’t. Evil: I sure can.
*Astro, Joker, and Impulse are dead, Skizz is giant imposter* Etho, alive: -so the lovers must’ve been Astro and Impulse. Astro: Nope, we weren’t lovers. That slow, gigantic little jerk just killed all of us. Impulse: Who killed you, Joker? Joker: Uh, Endless did. Endless did and Skizz came right by me. Astro: I mean, Skizz was right there too. Skizz is the other killer. Impulse: Yeah, Endless killed me, then Skizz killed Astro, then Endless killed Joker, I got it. Astro: Okay. So I’m the only one who suffered the disgrace of being killed by the giant.
Etho: *reports a body* Tango, immediately: Whoa! I just saw Tango Tek run right by me! That was cool! Brody: Did you? Tango: I sure did! *pause* Etho: Hey everybody!
Astro: Skizz, I hate you. Skizz: *laughs* Astro: How DARE you kill me [as giant]. Impulse: Killed by a giant! Ouch! Astro: How DARE you. Skizz: I know! It was SO great, dude! I was SO slow! And the best part was Endless had just gotten a kill and you came in, I was all “I’ll take care of that”. Astro: I… I’m gonna go stand in a corner and feel bad about myself.
Skizz: Hey, buddy. Don’t kill me, please! Impulse: Why? Skizz: Cuz I don’t wanna die!? That’s a weird question!
Tango: OH is [Joker] a giant murderer? Etho: He’s a giant murderer. Joker: How DARE you, sir. Tango: Don’t vote him out! This is comical. I wanna enjoy this. Joker: How DARE you! Impulse: Let him suffer! Joker: WHAT DO YOU MEAN LET ME SUFFER?!
*Tango’s body is reported, Joker is giant* Joker, laughing: I don’t even care! It was worth it! Evil: I found Joker. Impulse: He got one. He got one, did he? Evil: He got Tango! Etho and Impulse: *laugh* Impulse: Tongo couldn’t run fast enough. Evil: So the question is do we leave Joker in or do we kick him out? Joker, still laughing: Tango ran into a corner! It was so funny! Impulse: I guess we gotta get him this time. Joker: Wait hold on, can I just say how funny it was that Tango was like “c’mon big boy, what are you gonna do?” and then ran and got trapped in a corner! Cuz the thing wasn’t there to take across! Impulse, laughing: Oh no! Joker: And the only other thing he could do was go down a ladder and get stuck! Oh, so worth it.
Astro: I can kinda vouch for Evil because I was up in the shower having a real hard time and he was- he was coaching me. Evil: Ah- Uh- I- Joker: *bursts out laughing* Evil: I- I was helping you in the shower, you are right. Brody: Uhhhhhh… Etho: No jokes. No jokes, please. Brody: No jokes?! What?! Etho: Nothing, nothing. Brody: Why do you hate fun?! ...
Endless: Whoever was responsible for sabotaging communications over and over again can- can do things. Astro: What would- What would- What would you like me to do, Endless? What- What would you like me to do? :) Endless: You know what you can do, sir.
Impulse: Keys or you’re sus! *Impulse and a few others run up to keys despite not having the task* Impulse, laughing: Look how many people did! Skizz: You’re a jerk! Impulse: Gottem!
Astro: I’d like to speak to the room here. Will everybody PLEASE stop killing my lovers! I’m tired of it!
Tango: Endless’s body is right at the bottom of the entry chute, right- in Happy Town. Mrs Tango: What? What’s Happy Town? Tango: Ohoho. If I was imposter, I’d show you >:)
Etho: Joker, where were you? Joker: I don’t know. Etho: Joker…! Why must you do this to me?
Impulse: I’m sorry Etho, I was a worthless imposter. Skizz: Impulse, you were a better imposter last round when you weren’t imposter.
Impulse: When I called out “keys or you’re sus” at the start, Joker didn’t go do keys. Etho: Gotta be honest, Impulse, sometimes I don’t do keys just to spite you. Impulse: ...fair enough. Tango: That makes me so happy in my core right now.
Impulse: The bones have gone bad, okay? The bones have gone bad. Brody: I still like your bone, Impulse. Impulse: Thank you, ‘ppreciate that. Evil: Wow… Brody: What? What?! Impulse: It’s not weird. Evil: No, not at all.
Joker: *calls a meeting* Joker: I’ve discovered something about Skizz. *pause* Etho: Voting Skizz! Skizz: Do you wanna elaborate, here?! Joker: No, I cannot. But we should vote for Skizz. *pause* Etho: Voting Skizz!
Skizz: So it’s Brody and Mrs Tango. Brody: How is it Mrs Tango? Skizz: I dunno, she voted for me. Brody: That’s not how that works.
*after Evil sheriffed imposter Tango in the first 10 seconds of the game* Impulse, getting voted out: I’m deleting this vod. It’s not getting uploaded to YouTube. Brody: Aww, sad. Evil: And- And now I’m gonna get yelled at- Tango, loud enough to wake the dead: EVIL YOU JERK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brody: I’m gonna tell you why Evil’s the best right now. [Tango] just screamed at all levels and I didn’t get a headache from it so my life is complete. Tango: Thank you for my new compressor, yes. Evil: Because Tango has a compressor now. Brody: Yes, because he has a compressor. Tango: I NEED MY COMPRESSOR!!!! Brody: Yeah, see? It’s perfect. Etho: This is nice.
Etho: It’s usually not good to go to specimen first round cuz usually a body gets reported right away and you won’t finish your tasks. Endless: Oh, right. Cuz the imposter’s stupid. Got it.
Endless: So guys, remember that game when Joker didn’t get in and we had a great time without him? Tango: That was a good game. Joker: Oh my gosh! Impulse: That actually was the best round of the night, yeah. Joker: WOW.
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Friday Night Stabby best quotes part 5 (04/12/20)
Mrs Tango: Evil punched me in the face and then shot me! Tango: What a jerk!
Skizz: I tell ya, you make a mistake six or seven times and then all of a sudden- Tango: -they expect you to keep making that same mistake.
*Etho being ejected* Etho, in a high pitched voice of despair: There’s not enough tasks, man! There’s not enough tasks! Impulse: Ooh, I like the sound of that voice.
Tango: Convince me, Skizz. *long pause* Tango: Or… Etho? Defence? Evil: Anyone??
Endless, dead first: For the record, I think this game is dumb.
Endless, dead: I’m also dead, jerks. Look, I’m dead. You guys didn’t even acknowledge it. Brody: You guys hear anything? I can’t hear anything. (i love how Endless keeps talking when he’s dead)
Tango: I’d just like to point out that Mrs Tango is sus, cuz she just literally butt-dialled me on the phone while we’re playing. Impulse: Could you hear her talking about who she was gonna kill? Tango: She just called me on my phone. I thought I was getting inside info, I was like “hello hello?? What have you got for me???”
Astro: Did anyone ever find Evil’s body? Brody: Who’s Evil?
Impulse: Joker, I haven’t heard much from you this round. I’d just like to hear your voice. Joker: Aw, hey, buddy. How are you? Impulse: There’s that lovely voice. Thank you :D Joker: Thanks, man :D
Impulse: I can clear Evil and Joker, cuz they were in electrical with me. Etho: Joker, can you confirm that? Joker: Yeah. Sure. Etho: I would like a more certain answer, please. Impulse: He was definitely in there, him and Evil were both in there. Joker: *votes* Tango: Joker, who you voting for? Brody: Yeah, who are you voting for, Joker? Joker: The winner! Brody: That- Okay, yep! Tango: Voting Joker. Joker: I dunno, I skipped vote! *people start voting* Etho: Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa, what’s happening here? Brody: We’re voting Joker? Skizz: Yeah. Etho: Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what is happening here?! Impulse: It wasn’t him on this kill. Not saying he’s not one of them, but it definitely wasn’t him this time. Skizz: He gets SO flippant about being the imposter when he IS the imposter. Tango: I know it’s not him but he deserves to be voted off. Impulse: Oh okay, so we’re voting him for being third imposter, then Joker: I get- Wait… Oh, because I’m THIRD imposter? I’m not even paying attention half the time! Brody: Well, there’s your first problem. *votes are revealed, Joker is ejected* Joker: Wow, I’m the winner; I got five votes. Yaaaaay!
Impulse: Everyone is sus! This is awesome!
Joker: Tango, I didn’t vote for you, and I don’t want to hear about Impulse’s bone. *pause* Brody: -s. Joker: Right. That.
Impulse: Tango, don’t kill me- Tango: *kills Impulse* Impulse: ...he killed me.
Joker: You danced on the dead body, bro. Impulse: The ‘r’ didn’t work the first time! Sometimes the ‘r’ button doesn’t work. *is ejected* And sometimes you’re the one that killed somebody.
*Brody’s body is reported* Etho: Okay, so, um… that checks out. Brody, uh… wasn’t the imposter. *quickly* It’s Mrs Tango, I caught her running from the body. Tango: W-Wait, what?!
Tango, mimicking Mrs Tango: “Bah, I had to jib and jab!” Impulse: Don’t jib and jab in this game. I- When you go to- You know? If you’re gonna self-report, don’t hesitate. I got busted hesitating on the self-report. So… I learned that lesson. Don’t WOOWOOP. You don’t wanna WOOWOOP. Y’know? Did a little WOOWOOP, got busted. Etho saw the woowoop. Never woowoop in this game (Impulse sir what the fuck does this mean are you ok)
*body is reported* *long pause* Etho: Just caught Tango venting. In med. Impulse: Bingo bango. Tango: It wasn’t me, it was someone who looks exactly like me. Joker: Were you jib-jabbing, Tango? Tango: Less jib, more jab. *gets voted out* Tango: I jibbed when I should’ve jabbed, Mrs Tango! Impulse: You guys are the worst jibber-jabbers.
*tasks are finally finished* Tango: That was me! I’m sorry! Brody, the imposter: Tango, why couldn’t you have kept doing what you were doing? Tango: Brody. Stuff it. Failed murderer.
Impulse: *is voted out as crewmate* Endless: Wow, Impulse, you SUCK.
Etho: Where did you leave Tango, Skizzle? Skizz: Sorry? Etho: I last saw him with you. Where did you leave him? Brody: Yeah, where did you “leave” him? Impulse: Did you part ways or did you dismember him is what we’re asking. Evil: Did you part ways or did you part his spine?
Impulse: *votes for Skizz* Skizz: Impulse, you voted for me? Impulse: Aaahh, my bones. My bones. Skizz: Your bones are junk. You’re the imposter.
Joker: *votes for Brody* Brody: Really, Mister Joker? Is this where you wanna be? Joker: Well, I don’t wanna be on the other side of your knife, so…
Brody: Skizz, what were you doing in the specimen room? *pause* Impulse, leaning in close to the mic: He’s gonna be a father.
Endless: Brody’s being awfully quiet this time. Brody: Endless, don’t make me vote for you, ya jerk.
Skizz: *votes for Brody* Brody: Skizz, really? Skizz: I don’t like you! *pause* Skizz: Yes I do.
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Friday Night Stabby best quotes part 14 - Legacy Peeps edition (05/03/21)
people playing in this game: Skizz, Joker, Impulse, Zloy, Logic, Poppy (PoptartKatze), Pearl, Chim (ChimneySwift), Sausage, Avo (Avomance). prox chat is off bc the game updated and crewlink didnt work
Chim: Okay, I’m here! Don’t start without me! Poppy: We just started without you. Zloy: We just started without you.
*Impulse reports Skizz’s body* Impulse: Hello hello. Somebody killed my blueberry friend. Somebody killed my blueberry friend and I’m sad! Zloy: Quick let’s think about it: who had the motive? Impulse: It was in electrical, by the way. Poppy: I was messing with wires. Logic: That sounds very ‘electrical’. Poppy: Not messing with bodies! I was messing with wires IN electrical. Pearl: That’s where the body was, Poppy.
Impulse: I’m just happy to be part of this crew :) Pearl: So happy you would stab somebody?
Sausage: You voted for me?! Logic, get outta here! I didn’t even say one word, Logic!
Pearl: Another body in electrical. Poppy, have you been playing with wires again? Poppy: I was… somewhere. Not in electrical, obviously.
Joker: At the beginning of the game, I went into electrical and did my tasks and left and then I went ALL the way around to the other side to do asteroids in weapons. Pearl: I actually believe that; I remember seeing you in there. Zloy: I’m sorry, I was not listening. I was too busy voting you out of the airlock.
Logic: *is the only one who voted for Sausage again* Sausage: Stop it, Logic! I hate you!
Zloy, during the round: This is a public announcement that ghosts can and should do their tasks. Sausage: Roger roger. Logic: Roger roger. Zloy: It’s a public announcement, you don’t need to roger roger if I’m speaking over the intercom.
Pearl: I think it’s Logic; all of us have been in the middle for the majority of the round. Zloy: I’m pretty sure Logic hasn’t been, so let’s yeet him. Impulse to his chat: Oh no. He’s getting yeeted.
Zloy: Joker, can I have my lime back, please? Joker: What, Zloy? What’d you say? Zloy: Can I have my lime back? Everybody knows I’m lime. Since Avo stole green. Avo: I didn’t steal anything! *changes colour to brown* Zloy: *changes colour to green* There we go. Thank you, Avo. Avo: You are welcome, sir. Zloy: See? This is how you make friends. This is how you establish connections. Joker: Zloy, we’re- We’ve always been friends, though.
Skizz: Okay, who was not doing tasks? We were down to one task for, like, a month. Joker: I want to say that I did all my tasks and that you should be proud of me. Skizz: Well, you WANNA say that but can you say it truthfully? Joker: I DID do all my tasks. Skizz: Well, atta boy. Joker: Are you proud? :D Skizz: I AM proud of you! :D
*body is reported* Avo: Who did it?! Skizz: You make one heck of a detective.
Skizz: I was 100% with Impulse, you’re absolutely right, but he cut into reactor and I went up towards upper engine. Avo: I did see Skizz in north engine. Joker: So you cut Impulse and then went up? Skizz: Okay! Well, you know what, don’t make me do it, Mister Joker! You’re adding all these extra words. Joker: Do what? You’re gonna kill me? Skizz: No, I- I could not be more- I’ve been playing with you a while. I have kind of a- It’s not fair, I- I’ve been playing with Joker for a while. This is how he talks when it’s him. Joker: What?! No it’s not! Skizz: And there goes the high pitched voice. Like a recipe. It’s like a RECIPE with you. Joker: You’re getting me confused with Impulse.
Chim: So we’re voting for Poptart? Wait- Poppy: No! I FOUND the body. Chim: Oh. But how do we know you didn’t CREATE the body?
Zloy: It’s like rock-paper-scissors. Skizzleman beats Joker, Impulse beats Skizzleman, Sausage beats… uh… what’s-his-face. Logic. Logic: What’s-his-face? What’s-his-face?!
Avo: There’s a green body! Mister Joker in electrical, just as I went into electrical to do my electrical tasks. Chim: That’s pretty sus. Skizz: That’s what he gets! Sausage: Self-report. Poppy: Self-report for sure. Avo: It is not a self-report. I can put my hand on my Avomancian heart and say it was not I. Skizz: Wooow, that was diggin’. Pearl: Very sus. Zloy: Yeah, I was about to advocate that there’s no reason to self-report on the first kill of the game but you changed my mind single-handedly. *votes* Skizz: Whoa, Zloy! We need a little bit more. Little bit more.
Avo: I’ve never been so hurt in all my life getting voted on that. Skizz: It was just Zloy.
Skizz: I don’t wanna wrong Avo again. Avo: I’d be very disappointed if you wronged me again, Skizz. Impulse: What if I wrong you? Cuz I saw you and Logic take off towards electrical together. Zloy and I were still chilling, dumping trash. Avo: I was dumping trash with you, Impulse! For goodness sake! Impulse: Yeah, then you and Logic ran off together and you killed him. Chim: Wait, what about trash? Impulse: Avo just called Logic trash because that’s who he killed. He was taking out the trash, you heard it.
Pearl: Make sure to vote, Chim. Chim: I did. I voted for “skip”. Whoever that guy is, he’s super sus all the time.
Zloy: So it was a double kill, which means that we’re operating with people who are really, really comfortable being around one another. Chim: Or there’s a sniper. Zloy: A WHAT? Chim: A sniper. You know… like, a long-barrelled gun that shoots bullets at a long distance. Zloy: We’re on a SPACESHIP! Chim: That’s a good point. I’m getting too immersed.
*Skizz and Pearl win as imposters* Zloy: Hey, remember when I said it’s competent people and my idea was that it was Skizz and Pearl because they were the only ones left who are competent? *everyone immediately protests*
Zloy: Double kill by electrical. SPARKS were flying. Joker: If I get imposter, I’m killing you first, Zloy.
Chim: I did a scan in medical. Impulse: Oh yeah? How much did you weigh? Chim: I don’t wanna talk about it. Impulse: What’s your blood type? Chim: What blood type is not sus?
Zloy: Chim walked right past a body. Chim: Oh I did? OH! That WAS a corpse, wasn’t it? I thought it was, like, a pet. Literally, no joke, I thought it was a pet. I didn’t even- Zloy: I’m completely certain that you are a crewmate and I still want to throw you out of an airlock right now.
Zloy: We had fun! Let’s go to medbay with everybody. It’ll be fun. You can watch your friends get undressed and scan themselves.
Skizz: Maybe when you undressed for your scan, Chim, Zloy saw something that you don’t want him to tell the world about. Chim: Well, I mean… ;)
Joker, getting voted out: Well, that’s rude.
Chim: You can’t spell Sausage without ‘sus’. Skizz: Are you saying Sausage is a… SAUSpect?
Skizz: I think he wanted a piece of the Skizz. He wanted a Skizz sandwich! Logic: Skizz, I would never do something like that to you! Never! Skizz: I was your first kill, homie.
Chim: I have a body to report! Zloy: Boy do you. Chim: What? Why would you say that, Zloy? Zloy: Nothing. Chim: You know about a body? Zloy: I’ve just been staring at your butt for most of this round. Chim: Yeah, why’ve you been following me? Zloy: I’ve been following you because I needed a buddy. *later* Pearl: So what we’re getting at is it’s either Zloy or Sausage? Chim: No, I don’t think it was Zloy cuz he was honestly on my booty the whole time. It was sus but wasn’t THAT sus.
*Avo kills Impulse and Skizz immediately walks in* Skizz, singing to the tune of Bad Romance: Whoaa whoaa whoaaaaa, your killer, he is Avomance. Pearl: What happened? Skizz: I walked into reactor as Avo is walking out and there’s bloody footprints as he’s walking away from the body. Zloy: I appreciate how extra you are.
Zloy: Look, you can always trust a man who is not afraid to sing Lady Gaga. That man has nothing to hide.
Joker: I found Poptart’s body in… Chim: In the cereal aisle? Joker: Yeah, in the cereal aisle. Haha. Um… Yeah, I found- Avo: THAT was sincere (/s)
Impulse: I do feel kinda bad sussing [Avo] last round too but- I mean, he KILLED me! So hey. Avo: You deserved it, Impulse.
Pearl: Could someone kill me? I haven’t been killed yet.
Chim: Where’s the body? Joker: It’s where you left it.
Joker: You were chasing me and then luckily, someone put up the doors and blocked you from getting to me. I also watched you stand on a vent, change your mind, and go the other direction. Chim: How do you know I changed my mind? You can’t see anything through my little spacesuit. And I was following you cuz you looked like a pro with your little party hat. I thought maybe you were going somewhere cool and I wanted to check out where you were going. Joker: You’re a horrible liar. I don’t even know you but you’re a bad liar.
Skizz: Lemme tell you something there, Pearly Pop. I know that you loved killing me; I know you did. So I want you to know HOW you killed me. See, what you did was- I was wiring the ship. ‘Kay? I was saving lives, I was busy saving lives. You punched me in the head and I turned around and looked at you and you shot me right in the face. That was the animation that showed. Pearl: That’s great :D I love it.
*vote ties between Chim and skipping* Skizz: Oh my gosh! Zloy: We were ALMOST free, everyone.
Skizz: I’m done. Is anyone else done? Joker: I finished my tasks again, Skizz. Are you proud? Skizz: I AM proud of you! Joker: Look at me doing tasks! Skizz: I’m impressed! Joker: Thanks, man :D
*Zloy’s body is reported* Avo: There’s a dead Russian outside navigation.
Zloy: The reason [Impulse and Pearl] are so good as imposters is specifically because they know when to shut up.
Avo: We don’t know that Pearl wasn’t a killer. Joker: Well, how do we know YOU’RE not a killer? Avo: You have my word as an English gentleman, obviously. Joker: You can’t fool me with your fancy accent.
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