#i hope I'll actually get Raiden tho
Madinat Khalida, The Timeless City
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Pairing(s): None (Slight Rukkhadevata x GoS ig)
Genre: Angst, Fanmade Lore
Timeline/AU: In the middle of the Archon War
Content Warning(s): Implied Major Character Death, A Nation Getting Buried (Literally), Shit Storytelling, Fanmade Lore (i.e completely made up), 2AM-5AM Writing (fell asleep mid-write), GoS Isn't Reader, GoS dies in Rukkrukk's Arms(not in a romantic way lmao), GoS' Gender Is Not Specified And Will Use They/Them Pronouns, Morax Back At It Again Smh, It's Raining Spears, Hallelujah It's Raining Spears, - GoS' People—Probably, The Burying Technically Ain't His Fault Though (surprisingly).
C/N: Faruzan bonked my head so much i threw this up; lore enthusiasts don't kill me for this pls
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Madinat Khalida, also known as The Timeless City; collapsed due to a brawl between the God of Silence and the God of Contracts—or as some would call him, the God of War.
The two gods fought long and hard, tooth and nail, till many moons and suns rose and fell. The forest had seen it, the shadows had witnessed it, and the beaming light that held high merely gazed on.
The God of Silence was by no means a weak god, having to fend off more than a few creatures that their early nation could've fallen for a thousand times over.
But alas, the so-called God of War had his eyes sent on them and their nation. His intentions may have been good—only intending to "spar" with them, but their fight had erupted many casualties on the desert's plains, both in its wake and its aftermath.
The spears that rained down the city were buried beneath the sands, but what went along with it was Madinat Khalida.
The God of Silence grieved at the death of their people when their nation was caught in-between the depths of the sand and the bedrock below, knowing that they could've just led the opposing god out of the perimeter of their city - but what they did was already done.
Their city had sunk.
With the God of Contracts having "oh so coincidentally" already left the crime scene, their nation buried underneath miles upon miles of sand; they joined their nation in hopes of rescuing or unearthing any evidence of life—trying to reassure themselves that maybe, just maybe, there was even a patch of grass alive.
As they lost hope in finding even just a piece of cloth, they saw a soft, green glow emanating from the other side of their city - one that they hadn't notice before.
Due to their desperation, they sprinted to the light, slowly getting engulfed by it and promptly passing out from their exhaustion.
After they had awoken, they saw a big, magnificent tree—the one who the people of Sumeru now call "Irminsul"—, once they remembered their original objective, they ran from root to root and bark to bark until they reached the base of the tree.
Naturally, since they were dubbed as the God of Silence, they couldn't speak, so they had to resort into using some of their remaining magic left, and spoke,
"Oh blessed tree, you who have witnessed nations rise and fall, you who remember every living being that had first opened it's eyes and those who fell prey to eternal sleep. Please, oh please, where have my children gone? To where did the last of my dears go?"
The tree didn't reply, only keeping it's radiant glow bright. The God of Silence shed their final tear, using the last of their power to ask one more question, "To where did my city—that had seemingly bloomed from nothing—go, oh heavenly tree?"
They knew it was all for nothing, but they smiled once more, kneeling as they embraced the tree. At last, the god breathed their last breath, a soft sigh escaping their lips.
At last, a god clad in green and white, the god that was dubbed as the God of Wisdom by her people, approached the rapidly disintegrating god, rushing to their side—her face filled with remorse, regret and shock.
As the last of their physical form flew with the wind, the God of Wisdom could only wordlessly pick up their belongings - clothes, accessories, and the like.
To commemorate the late god, Greater Lord Rukkhadevata put on three leaf clips that she had given to them before as a welcome gift.
Unbeknownst to her, the god's soul remained, with it now possessing the three clips; binding the two gods in an eternal harmony of wisdom and music.
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TGITME/N: I have so many more sfuff i wanna add but then I'll just end up chewing myself up from the inside out
Also, yes, i will update the sun and moon god blorples, both them and y'all deserve to know what they're like
Unless before i get swallowed in the depths of SAGAU again, this'll be my offering to all of y'all and wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy advanced new year :DDD
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Johnny Cage starts giving people birthday presents (possibly making up birthdays when they don't know or won't tell him.) What does he get everyone, and what does everyone bring to the surprise party they have when it's his birthday? (Of course they let him think they forgot/ don't know/ don't care)
ooooooo, I like how you think
Kuai Liang: A snow cone machine (Johnny is prepared to run for his life only to be terrified when Kuai Liang starts laughing and genuinely thanks him for it) Kuai Liang also doesn't remember his birthday (yet) so Johnny makes one up for him.
Hanzo: Johnny managed to track down a sword that had famously belonged to the Shirai Ryu and bought it off a collector, returning it to Hanzo privately rather than putting on a show like he normally does. Had to get Hanzo's bday from Takeda
Sonya: when they're married, all the kisses she wants along with her favorite type of coffee grounds, in a year's supply. After the divorce, just the coffee.
Jax: Fancy metal polish for his arms, Johnny thinks he's funny (Jax actually really likes it tho bc it does actually work and helps keep the scratches on his prosthetics from showing, and the fact that Johnny doesn't get all squeamish about the prosthetics like most people do is an added bonus)
Liu Kang: A new headband embroidered with flames at the ends. Liu Kang actually really likes it as his old one was getting worn out and it's easier to accept a practical gift than a frivolous one.
Kung Lao: Also metal polish for his hat, as well as a copy of the screenplay he wrote about Kung Lao's family legacy. Kung Lao expects it to be terrible, so he ends up shocked to find that it is a heart wrenching and emotional tale about the weight of such a family legacy and how hard every last one of his ancestors fought to defend their realm, ending with him (bc he didn't die NRS fu, or at least, he and all the other revenants get brought back with Jax Scorpion and Sub-Zero also bc fu nrs) and the acknowledgement of his skill and the pressure he's always been under nearly brings him to tears. When he gives Johnny the greenlight to make the movie, Kung Lao gets the leading role.
Kitana: A collection of Earthrealm snacks and beverages from around the world so that she can get a chance to experience it.
Jade: A jaguar carved from jade that she treasures, as it reminds her of Kotal
Kotal: Another jaguar carved from jade so that he and his girlfriend can match
Bi-Han: a nightlight, bc again, he thinks he's funny, along with all the kisses Bi-Han wants (which is a lot of them the man is Tactile)
Sareena: A bunch of Earthrealm movies bc she wants to explore the world and all the kisses she wants
Raiden: A trip to the spa in the hopes it will get the god to relax
Fujin: Also a trip to the spa, as thanks for dealing with his brother
Nightwolf: Tracks down a couple of stolen Matoka artifacts and "convinces" the collectors to return them to their rightful owners (he does this year round tho, so he also gives Nightwolf a new whetstone for his axes, just to make it a proper b-day gift)
Smoke: Smoke also doesn't remember his birthday, only that his name is Czech and he was found in Prague. Johnny gives him a book on the Czech language and offers to fly him to prague whenever he wants.
Kung Jin: A collection of Outworld delicacies bc he knows the archer misses them
Cassie: Anything she wants, she's his little princess and she Will be pampered.
Takeda: A copy of Carrie signed by steven king as it's Takeda's fav book (sudden telepathy and telekinesis + parental issues, sign him up)
Jacqui: A display case for all the medals she's earned in kombat, so that she can show them off and be proud of her accomplishments, even if Jax can't face them.
Frost: a set of throwing knives that she can terrorize people with, all in bright colours that have Kuai Liang groaning bc they're not stealthy but she is going to refuse to use anything else. Frost is Delighted by this
Lemme know if I missed anyone and I'll add them in.
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themetaisawesome · 8 months
MK12 has been out for a while now, but I'll throw spoilers under the cut anyway. Long story short, I did not care for the last third of the story. Longer story below the cut.
I was pretty engaged in the first two acts, or at least the first half.
Shang Tsung's new backstory is great, a con-man elevated by "Damashi" with promises of power and greatness. Sorcery combined with alchemy and a claw weapon reminiscent of Scarecrow is top notch. Plus, Alan Yee channels Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa's smarmy deviousness excellently.
Glad Kronika is never coming back
Kung Lao's intro chapter was fine. I like the new status quo with him and human Raiden. Madame Bo is fun (hope she becomes a kameo). The Lin Kuei test was good.
Human Raiden is serviceable but boring.
Johnny is a mixed bag. On the one hand, he gets some of the funniest lines of the game and the Johnshi bits were excellent. The development of their friendship was top notch. On the other hand, he leans way too heavily into the younger Johnny we saw in the 2nd timeline. When Cristina was introduced I was like, "Whoa! Johnny has a new love interest? What's the story there?" But after she leaves, they don't do anything with her. They get divorced off screen, and I feel like that hurts Johnny's story. Some of his intro dialogues are borderline "fuck my ex-wife" sitcom level shit. He has one where he threatens Nitara if she goes near her, but that's it. There honestly seems to be something there with Cristina that the writers overlooked. She fell in love with Johnny before the fame, when he was John Carlton. It would've worked as the setup for a real arc for Johnny, where he has to learn that there's more to life and himself than the action movie star. It would serve as a nice echo of his development between MK9 and MKX. I'll be honest, as much as I like BladeCage, I wanted Johnny and Cristina to work things out.
While we're on the subject of intro dialogues, does the frequent use of the words male and female rub anyone else the wrong way? Maybe it's because our world is plagued by transphobes and their bullshit rhetoric, but I do not trust when those words replace man and woman in sentences where they shouldn't be. It makes dialogue sound less organic.
Baraka and Repile as heroes? Ashrah's return? Syzoth/Ashrah? Perfect. Amazing. No notes (except for a major one that I'll get to in a minute).
While I agree that Kitana was a bit underutilized, she still works. Love her.
Also loved how they used Mileena in the story, and she has some pretty good intros. So glad we got to see her with the heroes and on good terms with her family. Mitanya/Tanleena is also a very cute ship.
Li Mei was fine. She has a great new moveset. ACAB tho
Does anyone else think it's weird that they changed Quan Chi from an actual demon to a person of color, and then gave his white skin an origin story? His role in the story works, though he and his titan counterpart become second fiddles to Shang Tsung in the second half of the game. Sean Krishnan gives a good performance, but I do miss Ronald Banks.
Oh, General Shao. How the mighty have fallen. While Ike Amidi is a good actor, that voice does not work for Shao. It works for characters like Atrocitus because it's a very brutish voice. It lacks subtlety. There were times it was okay in MK11, but they doubled down in 12 and it does not work. General Shao gets one or two moments where I believed this was an accomplished war hero who genuinely believes what he's doing is right, but they are few and far between. The truth is, I don't think Netherrealm Games respects Shao Kahn, and that's a shame.
While we're on the subject of voices, let's get to Sub-Zero. While Kaiji Tang works for a character like Sanemi, it really doesn't work for Bi-Han. There is not a hint of subtlety in his try-hard edgelord presence.
Kuai Liang as Scorpion is... okay. Liu Kang really did give him Hanzo's moves, outfit, powers, name, wife, and position, and then made him a young Hanzo's mentor. Daisuke Tsuji was a great choice to play him, tho.
Glad Smoke is back and that's he voiced by Yuri Lowenthal, but there isn't a whole lot there. He's almost as boring as Raiden.
So, I know Jerrod being a part of Ermac has been a thing since MK9 and Netherrealm is finally doing something with the concept, but I don't care for it. It's not bad, and it works in the story, but I feel that giving Ermac the soul of a major character detracts from him being his own character. Ermac stops being Ermac and instead becomes a second life for Jerrod.
Pretty boy Havik and his hair still makes me laugh.
Darrius sure does exist.
The less said about Nitara Fox the better.
Glad Motaro and Sareena returned. Goro still seems way too short.
The writers did well with Sindel, making her a noble queen but one who holds grudges and has a temper is many steps above Twindel. Shame she died tho.
Liu Kang gets a B- for this new timeline. Matthew King continues to nail it out of the park with his performance, the Fire God has some spectacular fatalities, and there's a lot of interesting stuff in this new status quo. There's just a lot to nitpick with the third timeline.
So, my main gripe with the story starts at the Titan Shang Tsung reveal. The reveal itself is perfect. Aftermath's alternate ending being canon in another timeline and using him as the villain behind the scenes is an idea worthy of two chef's kisses.
However, it's to this story's detriment. He usurps the narrative significance of the current timeline's villains and their plot. Had they saved Titan Shang Tsung for the very end and as the antagonist for the next game, it would allow better focus on our current timeline villains and given more heroes screentime. Baraka, Ashrah, and Reptile disappear half-way through the game. Mileena and Sindel get to shine (before the latter becomes the sole heroic casualty), but the rest of our heroes only get a handful of moments. This is especially bad because from chapters Kenshi to Syzoth, the group dynamic was so strong that I missed this team working together during the second half of the game.
While there is something commendable in going so big as Armageddon 2.0, the fusion fighters feels gimicky and the Titanic Deadly Alliance just feels... eh. Honestly, most of the minions don't feel like they come from the same timeline as the Dark Raiden and Twindel that we fought earlier.
And then the Deadly Alliance just gets beaten. The diner scene that follows feels weaker because A, not all of our heroes are there, and B, Geras' warning that Liu Kang will have to sacrifice the life he's grown accustomed to doesn't pan out because he can just hang out with them any time he wants. If "the realms are in good hands" is meant to tie back in to that "sacrifice", then it falls flat because it doesn't connect.
Then there's the end credits teaser, which is a dud. What makes Titan Havik any more threatening than the other two titans that we just defeated? If Titan Havik is a teaser for an Invasions event, whatever. If he's set up for MK13, then every criticism
But if they were dead set on having Armageddon 2.0 in MK12 and if they wanted to set up the next game, Titan Havik wasn't the one to go with. You know who they should've had step through that portal?
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The return of the OG Shao Kahn empowered by Blaze would've knocked the socks off of everyone. It establishes that the Midway timeline still exists (even if everyone is dead in it), puts Shao Kahn back in a place of honor, and would be WAY more hype for MK13.
Anyway, those are my many thoughts.
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ticklystuff · 2 years
C,,,can I send an ask with scaramouche? He's confirmed playable and I have like 200 wishes for him,, so ,, uh yeah. Only if it's ok tho 😀
(Scara, Raiden, Kazuha nd Zhongli)
not accepting anymore, thanks!
i normally don't accept stuff for characters that haven't been released yet, but i'll make an exception since he's so close anyway hehe and i hope he comes early for you!
also for all purposes i'm referring to ei here and not the puppet lol
who’s the most ticklish character
who’s the character that most people would assume isn’t ticklish, but actually is
Kazuha and Zhongli weren't sure if Scara was ticklish since he's technically a puppet and they didn't wanna try tickling him because of his temper, but Ei was like "lol nah u can tickle him till he cries" and then she just starts listing all his spots to them
who’s the character that everyone gangs up on and tickles
When Scaramouche is being a little shit, Kazuha will go up to him and begin tickling him just to humble him a bit. Kazuha will then invite Ei and Zhongli to join in too and Scara will start kicking and screaming at that point Ei also gets ganged up on by Zhongli and Kazuha whenever she's tickling Scara a bit too much and they're trying to pry her off of him
who’s the character that somehow knows everyone else’s tickle spots and reveals them to others
I've already mentioned it, but Ei knows all of Scara's tickle spots and constantly shares them with Zhongli and Kazuha. It frustrates Scara because he has nothing on Ei LOL Zhongli is very perceptive and good at guessing tickle spots. He kinda feels bad for Scara, so he'll sometimes share some of Ei's tickle spots with him
who’s the character with one specific tickle spot that only one other person knows about
Y'know how marionette strings are usually connected to the puppet's wrist and ankles? I'm playing into the puppet thing a little too much, but I think Scara's wrists and ankles would be really ticklish and somehow even Ei doesn't know about them. Kazuha found out one day when they were having a tickle fight and Scara was already giggling when Kazuha grabbed his wrists to pin them above his head
who’s the most likely to win gang tickle wars
Ei hands down. Gang tickle fights lowkey aren't fun with her because of how easy it is for her to basically flip the others and wreck them. She's also a scary ler and can be kinda merciless when she wants lol
which character has a kink for tickling
No one!
which character didn’t even know they were ticklish until another character tickled them
All have been tickled by someone prior to joining the team! Kazuha was tickled plenty by that one friend, Ei was tickled by Makoto plenty of times, Zhongli with Venti, and Childe absolutely wrecked Scara whenever he could
which two characters have tickle fights all the time
Scaramouche always tries to start one with Ei, but always gets his ass handed to him. She basically knows him like the back of her own hand and it's an uphill battle for him lol Since Scara can't compete with Ei, he likes to tickle Kazuha because Kazuha isn't as bad as Ei, but Kazuha is also a pretty good ler when he wants to be and Scara was surprised the first time he tried and Kazuha was able to pin him. I think it would be pretty even between the two. He also doesn't mind losing to Kazuha because Kazuha treats him like an equal The only one that Scara doesn't try and fight is Zhongli because he actually has some respect for him lol
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
Im sick of good guys winning in mortal kombat. For once. Just once. Like just one game. I want shang to ACTUALLY WIN. Or some other bad guy. (Tho i feel this game will be a big middle finger to shang tsung fans 😔)
It's sad that is such a hard concept to understand. Like to anyone who loves bad guys or playing as bad guys. Im sorry this game wont be for you. Most likely. Especially if you're a shang fan like me. Again people say "oh but he bodied people" we dont know that trailers lie all the time. Mk11 lied about dark raiden actually being a threat. And look where this led. Considering how arrogant liu kang sounds. I bet you,no scratch that,I KNOW he's gonna fall down the same path or worse. And they are gonna pull some bullshit.
They do this to get our hopes up to give them money. So untill actual gameplay is shown or actual cutscenes is show the trailer shows nothing.
But as shang fans,we can just make our own Kontent at this point because we're not gonna get shit. And i know that.
At least i have the games that i can about. And the media where my fave game villain is written with some decent respect. :') 😔
I'm just sad now guys. And i dunno if I'll post any kontent for y'all rn. Maybe later or maybe when i feel better.
I need some time ok. Hope you understand.
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OHO I AWAIT A GODLY HU TAO,,, i was gonna save for yelan this banner actually! but with the og dendro husbando baizhu in the horizon + the fact that yelans materials were from azhdaha (my personal hell) i will have to pass for this banner and give up on my starfell meta dreams~
and YES ayato is my dps right now, his skill plus raiden's electro and nahida's dendro have brought me numbers i never could have imagined lmaooo
see you in the realm of co-op someday~ and to witness the hu tao in her full glory~
(cont. i forgor im sorry) and yes i am now a pathetic meow meow for bae-zhu _(:3」∠)_ catch me meowing at the bubu pharmacy when his banner drops
Oh yeah, we were both saving for this banner and all too haha and suddenly you did a switcheroo! Here's what I did tho, I only pulled once I got 160 wishes so that I could reach up to guarantee for the next character. Maybe if you get 160 before Yelan's banner ends, you can get Baizhu too! We have 22+ instant free wishes next patch anyways
I'll have to see Baizhu's proper kit first, if the info were true, I'm wondering if he'd be the best for my Nilou bloom with that needed protection or if Kaveh is the way to go *looking at Dehya, sobs in hands* But I can see with how your theme is now Baizhu, I do wish you good luck for him!
See you definitely! Although I can already foresee many deaths in that coop haha, hope to see your ayato soon!
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juntsuro · 4 months
Got my first ever console !!!! Actually bought three in a week.... two ps2s and a ps1 lolol Finally some real gaming, sucks that every game worth playing for ps1 costs so much. Already tested all the games I got, really got into Broken sword once I'll probably play the da vinci code next idk there's something about those ps2 adventure games. UPDATE: FOUR, GOT FOUR CONSOLES, JUST GOT A PS3 WITH LIKE 11 GAMES, MOVE, A STEERING WHEEL FOR 40 DOLLARS
Really makes you think when everyone tells you you should've gone to school for IT instead of programming (Definitely did not spent my entire winter break disassembling computers and consoles instead of doing all the C++ assigments I had). Not looking forward for the internship in march..... 😓
On a more gaming note I'm currently most focused on Kanon (finished Nayuki and Mai's routes), a must for the snowy season and GTA1 . Got a new disk recently so I could finally finish GTA5. I have also been slowly getting throught every silent hill game, finished the play novel early january (honestly better than the first game, much more plot, love how many different endings there are and the inclusion of Cybil's story) and SH2 last week. A bit disappointed, not sure what's my issue with it but It sadly didn't blew me away like I hoped it would. LOVE JAMES THO AND THE IN WATER ENDING WAS SOOO UGHH HEARTBREAKING IN A GOOD WAY.
One last extremly important thing: RAIDEN IN FUCKING FORTNITE I have been thinking about this non stop. I actually played fortnite first time since 2018 for this. I'm buying him the second he comes back. Would love to get the battle pass for snake too but 20$ is the most I can excuse spending on a game I don't even rly play. Peace.
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so tired of tags
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sparrow-stunned · 2 years
I definitely will get Venti during his next rerun the bard owns my heart more than anything he'd also be the first anemo boy I bring home I really hope he reruns next batch as we've had to archon reruns now with Ei coming up but I won't have to worry about her since she's already home so I have some hope he's next I'll definitely set up a whole area just for Venti tho maybe a garden wedding to go with
ahhh all the anemo boys are so great, so i'm really hoping venti's gonna rerun (hasn't it been around a year? so long...) i hope you get him, because anemo crowd control is super satisfying to play.
raiden's so fun, i'm glad you have her! national team carried my weak ass in abyss where i just spammed burst. a lot of fun to just watch hp melt.
the garden wedding idea sounds absolutely adorable! i never do anything with my teapot, so i'm always so happy to see others who actually decorate. i literally have just a room of pine folding screens as if i'm mining for bitcoins or something 💀 added onto that, there's literally no outdoor furnishing, so it's just an empty barren land. hope your teapot looks better than mine—not that it's hard to be better than nothing
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lucky-draws · 3 years
hi so i wanted to ask u for art blog recs! specifically metal gear! i've been looking for blogs like yours but none are really very active anymore sadly so if u know any and could direct me to some that would be awesome!
ohh hello!!!! ok, i can list some ppl who i like, some of them are more active than others bc yeah ur right it's hard to find lots of super active metal gear blogs sadly...in my case i just happen to have too much time on my hands right now xD
i guess i won't like. actually tag them bc i don't rly know most of them to talk to jggjjg so i feel shy doing that but I'll just list some urls, some of these will probably be people you've already seen tbh jgjg problems of a smallish fandom
- bigmonsteras is someone whose art i love, they do a lot of peace walker stuff that's rly good! - daydreamycrustacean posts quite a bit of mg stuff and i rly like their art too, they've done some great comics. - 730chocolate has a really unique style, so i like their stuff a lot, altho they're not super active. - pyersiki is also someone i rly like, they draw a lot of kaz content lol which is great. - sgushyonka has some rly good mg stuff, they did some cool pieces as well as funny stuff. - someone who is pretty active is the esteemed ba7land ...they draw a lot of uh. bara stuff like Very Big Tits big boss but i mean good for them. they do a range of stuff actually some cute snake eater content tbh. - pe4cewalker is doing some rly nice art of, uh, surprise surprise, peace walker related stuff, some very good kaz content. - kokirby has a cool style and did some great ocelots although i don't know how active they are metal gear wise. - berserkbrandee seems to be fairly active, they do some cute otasune stuff. - littlenim does some lovely art, cool style and does mgs3/pw as well as otasune era stuff. - jxthics has some great stuff although they're not as active now mg wise i think, but i like them a lot. - crybabimeiri has done some really lovely pieces but not as active mg wise at the moment either. - groznisad has a really fun art style, they posted recently so i hope they're somewhat active. - pejuad has some very cool stuff, i love their solid snake pieces, v interesting style - truthful-tidings used to do mgs stuff, i think not as much now, but their ocs and other stuff looks cool lol - gncbigboss posts mgs art occasionally, they did some cool sniper wolfs i seem to remember - wingedtrumpet is a blog i just noticed the other day, they did a post with some funky looking raidens, so one to watch maybe
i guess also just keep checking the mgs tumblr tag for new posts/new artists cropping up! i know tumblr messed up the search so that if you go to the 'recent' section you get a load of stuff unrelated to mgs, but if you click on the 'tagged' section instead, then you actually will get recent posts that are almost all mgs related. (that's what i’ve found on mobile anyway lol)
im sure there are many good artists i’ve forgotten or not come across, these are the somewhat active/current mgs ones that come to mind though anyway. i’m only on tumblr for fandom stuff, not twitter, so i guess there’s good stuff on there i might be missing. (u won’t catch me posting on the light blue hellsite anytime soon tho LOL)
actually, for art in general, i keep seeing a bunch of disco elysium related fanart on my dash and all of it looks so good...i’ve never played that game or know anything abt it but everyone into that seems to be doing amazing art lmfao ...not relevant in the hunt for mgs blogs but it’s something i was just thinking the other day lol
i hope this was somewhat helpful, or alternatively if u already knew most of these blogs on the list then my apologies jjgjh, anyway thanks for dropping by!
and actually, i guess if anyone else wants to rec any blogs i didn’t mention - or even to plug ur own blog lol, nothing wrong with that - then feel free to drop an ask i guess and i’ll answer that here too!!
(also feel free to take a shot every time i used the words “cool” “stuff” and “lol” in this post jjjhhhghg)
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versadies · 2 years
Furthermore, I have checked on your blog from pc view and the layout is such a beauty! (´>∀<`)♡
The grids, the fonts, the organization of each "window tab" or category is very neat (*゚ロ゚*)
Plus points for the Yae Miko chibi at the bottom right (which is actually Qiqi lol) + Raiden Shogun with dango chibi on the other side (ฅ¯ω¯ฅ )💓 IT'S SO CUTE! They look like stickers to accompany you while you scroll throughout your blog 😤
What I also LOVE is that the moving "Welcome to the Penpal Station!" sign near the navigation buttons.
All in all, it's a really aesthetic blog and easy to the eyes(Not sure for the ones with high brightness tho). I haven't actually gone through each and every link available in the pc layout (bc the signal is very very bad lmao) but I'm sure each will take me on a visually sweet surprise !!
I would also like to share my thoughts that I think your blog would be a mochi, if it were to be a food. I could feel the squishy, soft and round corners of it with just one look at your blog that is a mixture of complimenting purples and pinks (๑¯ㅁ¯๑)
*noms on your blog and im not leaving any leftovers*
>> I don't really wanna include this here in my blog appreciation post but I've been meaning to ask (and I might forget later that's why) on how do you fix your blog's layout on desktop customly? I'll probably just do this on another ask. I was curious as to how you are able to replace the feed tabs as "window tabs" and such 🤔 I'm a mobile user so it was really different for me HAHAHA <<
My asks always gets so long lmao I hope you don't mind. Tell me if you do mind. but at least I hope this could make your day better, especially when you're totally not having it today! :D
— Would definitely navigate the stars with you, 🍰.
im super super okay with long asks since i LIVE for these type of asks, you can make your asks as long as you like 😍😍😍
im relieved that my desktop theme is okay for you :DD it’s actually my first time doing custom layout (i felt like a boomer 💀💀) so its great to know that i did a good job on the theme <33 its kinda funny how you think my theme is like a mochi bcuz i was literally eating one while editing the desktop layout ✋✋✋
as for your question, i’ll try my best to make it sound easy to understand (because as a mobile user, i was absolutely confused with the whole thing back then until i explored it)
it’s a super easy thing to do: you just need to look for “edit html” and it’ll take you to where there’s a lot of codes displayed.
Tumblr media
and don’t worry - you don’t have to write anything on the codes because you can just copy paste ! there’s a lot of tumblr accounts here who makes free customized themes just for you. if a certain customized theme catches your eye, you can just go download it (aka lead you to a website where you can copy all of the codes) and paste it. be sure to remove all the original codes b4 you paste it tho !
once you pasted all the codes, just save it and voila, you have your new and customizable layout !! dw, you can edit the colors, fonts, size of posts, etc. (and even play music) :DDD
i hope this helps you comrade, if you’d like me to recommend you tumblr accounts with good themes, i suggest @/glenthemes / @/seyche / @/ricecodes / @/xuethms / @/mintrps :DDD
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bluexiao · 3 years
Raiden and Eula do actually work really well together! I think it isn't as easy to understand why when you don't know a lot of the details, so here I am to explain some of those! I'll start with some Eula info. When she taps her E, she gets a stack of Grimheart, and those last 18 seconds. Also, her ult gives her a stack as well, so it's easy to pull off a good combo. So, the usual combo you do for Eula is tap E, ult, hold E to start with a good charge on her ult. So the thing I would do with my Raiden team, assuming everyone has Ults, would be: Raiden E, Zhongli Shield, Zhongli E, Xingqiu Ult, Xingqiu E, Eula E tap, then use Eula's ult. After this, you refresh Raidens E and then use her ult. I'll see if I can get a good video of it in one of the domains or something, but the file might be too large if I do! So, you also asked about my Zhongli. He actually is running ToM! He has kinda bad artifacts but, that's cause he's essentially an HP not, with around 38k HP to keep the shield up as much as possible. Hope the wall of text is alright, and feel free to ask me something else if I didn't answer a question or something you were wondering about!
tf? i was scrolling down my drafts and this is on it?!?!
anyway i understood it dw! and yes i never had a eula so,,,😩😩😩 i’m not good with claymores plus i was saving for kazu so i didn’t pull on her banner. I have a few questions tho why did you use xq burst first before e?
and woah i did not know you could hold eula’s e!! i’ll def try to analyze her more now (i plan on pulling her next time hehe i just hope there’s no other interesting characters i’ll be tempted to pull hahaha. thank you vv much for this detailed explanation tho! i’ll def take note of it once i get a eula or try on her on a friend’s acc
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
Heyo so I gotta ask... do you think I'll be lucky enough to get miss Raiden Shogun to C2??
Some info: i have 160 wishes. I'm f2p
I have a guaranteed character for my first 5 star in the pull.
I'm 40+ ish wishes in.
I will no be getting grasscutter for her - the free 4 star weapon looks great (the catch) and I have a lvl 90 Staff of Homa if I need more base atk.
No artifacts so far tho, despite farming every day's worth of resin since Inazuma came out ( i got an ok ish electro goblet so far tho).
Still, will 160 be enough??? I just pray to RNG to not get an off banner 5 star, because I wont make it then.
Send help please 😨 but I'm happy Kujo Sara is on this banner. No way I'd miss her c6 with that many wishes
i think it’s definitely possible! personally i dont pull for constellations bc i have limited resources and horrible luck but i think you can do it! there’s really no guarantee w rng but it’s no use worrying about it too much. at this point, you can only manifest and hope for the best. when pulling for the characters that i want, i just chill and let things happen. anw, i’m sending you some luck! hoping for the best for both of our pulls in a few days’ time! early gold pls… also, i felt that. sara could step on my neck. i love her so much. probably a little more than madame baal actually.
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kaeyazuha · 2 years
hello Ky! ♡
i sent it, you can always delete it if you want tho! and dw, it's not immature at all. it's understandable that you don't want to share your art with them, some things are personal. what do you usually draw, if you don't mind me asking ? no need for a picture since it makes you uncomfortable obv ^^ and how have you been ?
ooh that would be interesting. and if that's the case, the new "gods" that took over celestia not only want power up there, but they also want to control mortals by spying on them (and punishing them when they feel like it) ? i kind of hope your theory ends up happening tbh :')
i've been thinking that maybe paimon is being annoying on purpose. she always explains the story again after an important quest, maybe to make sure the traveler actually understands what happened and what that means. and she wants us to take every commission to find out some secrets about teyvat (like how celestia killed everyone in dragonspine). idk it made more sense in my head, it's probably not that at all ;;
i really like talking about this with you! so if it can help you to get it all out of your head, then it's even better.
have a good week Ky! i love you very much, hope you'll be alright ♡♡ take care! <3
- 🦊
Your request is adorable and I love it- I'll get to work ASAP! It sounds fun to write and I'm not pressuring myself, I promise <3
I usually draw people, preferably shoulder's up since I like focusing on their face! I could send you a few pieces through a PM, maybe you have a friend I can send them to so you don't have to come off anon or anything? totally up to you!
It seems to look that way! Kinda like a tyrant situation. This celestia wants complete obedience or they'll drop a nail on you. Might be why the Tsaritsa is trying to cut off all of the archons' ties to celestia through the gnoses.
YES she's definitely doing it on purpose! She explains everything from her point of view and such, this might not be intentional, but it gets into our head and sets up a bias. We head into a fatui camp? "___ go fight them!" "What are they doing here?!" Always a negative connotation. Though she does have her moments where she's surprised, confused, or in mourning (like in Ruu's quest and Raiden's 2nd story quest). I personally like Paimon; I believe she has ulterior motives, but I also believe she's only doing it for the greater good, and she doesn't have the intention of hurting us.
I'm so glad to hear that osijgiseuhg thank you!
I love you too, to the stars and beyond, take care! <3
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sleepyzllover · 3 years
Another ramble about my in-game plans 😔 includes leaks.
Okay so, previously I said that I would pull for both Kazuha and the Staff of Homa for Zhongli. However, in light of new information, I no longer think that's an option if I intend to pull for Raiden/Baal.
Okay, so, in version 1.7 the banners will supposedly be Ayaka and Yoimiya. I fully intend to skip both of them, however I will pull on Yoimiya's banner until I get Sayu. To make sure I don't get Yoimiya, I want to be at 0 pity when I pull for Sayu. Ultimately tho, pulling for Sayu is kind of, like, not something I would bend backwards for if you know what I mean. I only want her for her passive because my dumbass is extremely bad at catching crystal flies.
There are 3 characters so far that I am absolutely certain that I want:
Now, "Where's Raiden you said you were pulling for he-" I don't actually want her that badly. But electro is my favorite element and I just think it would be nice to have the Electro Archon. Plus, I've been hoping for an electro polearm for ages ok. But if worst comes to worst, I don't entirely mind skipping her (unless the story quest makes me fall in love with her aha).
Assuming that Raiden is coming in version 1.8 and the Staff of Homa is rerunning before her, I won't be able to acquire enough fates to guarrantee her. Especially since I'll be f2p from this point on unless my friend buys me another welkin/BP. This is just a fact.
I want to completely ignore the possibility I get lucky. I can't count on that.
Ok, with all that in mind, there are a few scenarios this could lead to, considering I am 100% pulling for and getting Kazuha.
Staff of Homa reruns before Raiden is released, I give up on Raiden and pull for Homa.
Staff of Homa reruns before Raiden is released, I decide I want Raiden more than Homa, I skip Homa and save for Raiden (having a soft pity alr guarranteed)
Raiden drops before Homa, I pull Raiden.
Raiden drops before Homa, I skip her and save for Homa.
Tohma barges in and throws a wrench in my plans, I abandon Homa and Raiden for him 😔🤡🖐️
And a whole bunch more 😭😭😭 in the end it all comes down to what I really want. I already planned to get Blackcliff Pole if I end up not being able to get Homa. On the other hand, all these new characters will get a rerun eventually, and even SoH will rerun after its rerun... At some point. I'm getting Kazuha and Tohma on their first run for sure. I can wait for Raiden to rerun but it might be an even longer wait for Homa.
Honestly none of this is making any sense anymore man 💀💀💀 I should just choose a route and deal with the consequences of my decision afterwards.
Ok, I love Zhongli. Staff of Homa is for Zhongli. I would do anything for Zhongli, and even if I get new characters, he's pretty much never ever leaving my team. Meaning I should prioritize Staff of Homa, and therefore Zhongli, over the others.
So I'm pulling for Kazuha and then pulling for Homa whenever it reruns, regardless of what characters are coming up. Yeah. Ok. There. Decision made 😌
.......... All this talk just to end up back at my original plan. 🤡
And if I don't get Homa, sucks to suck, I'll just get Blackcliff and hope the weapon I do get is good. I have enough fates to guarrantee Kazuha and a five star weapon. I will hope everything else falls into place.
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