#i hope deokmis forgives me of using their gif
its-chelisey-stuff · 4 years
Find me in your memory, thoughts on the drama (Spoilers!)
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Overall thoughts
I think this drama was very easy to follow and had a consistent story. It had some dark elements of course, like Anchornim’s Hyperthymesia, Hajin’s memory loss and a murder that linked our main characters in an awful way. But overall, everything was cristal clear. The beauty of the show was the way the plot was constructed (and if you ask me, that's why the drama could’ve ended up being 14 eps instead of 16) and the way the characters were so well developed, they seem like real people.
I'm so happy that I gave this drama a chance and I have to say, this is the biggest and nicest surprise in dramaland so far this year, for me.
Stalker(s) plot
What I liked about this storyline (or storylines, depending on how you see it) was the way it actually brought closer our OTP. Anchornim had already made up his mind and had one foot out the door when he realized that Hajin was being targeted in the same way Soyeon, his late girlfriend, had been. And the first thing he did, was to actually go see with his own eyes that this bastard killer was still behind bars. And then, he dedicated all his time and resources to make sure Hajin wasn't gonna suffer the same tragic ending. And succeed of course.
Other than that, this plot was kinda predictable. I think most people realized that the first stalker was eventually gonna get out and try to get revenge on Anchornim. And we knew second stalker was not gonna get away with his crazy plan. I saw this as a sort of "redemption" for Anchornim. He couldn't save Soyeon but he did save Hajin.
What was not exactly predictable was the fact that we had around 4 suspects for a while (at least I had that many lol the disgraced reporter, the manager, the bff doctor and the director). I remember most people thought the real stalker was gonna be bff doctor and my god, I was so happy he wasn't. It would have been a big blow to Hajin and, above all, to Anchornim. And I actually underestimated our real stalker, the director. I knew he was obsessed with Hajin but I never thought he'd be the one to worry about. And how scary is it that this actually happens in real life? *Shudders*
Secondary OTP
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Ah. What a breath of fresh air. These two were a fine and healthy example of a relationship that’s born in the everyday life. They both were very supportive of each other, specially him.
And they cared so much for our main leads, that I was the happiest when they started liking each other and ended up dating. I want more of this in dramaland, but I get that to be the main OTP you need a lot more of drama, conflict and clichés. Pity. But I guess a drama with a couple like this, would only be two eps long.
Real Villains
I made a post about what I consider to be the best kind of villains in dramas, inspired by this drama. The ones that emulate real people that we could encounter everyday. So, even if it the drama had 2 psycho stalkers, the ones that  I considered to be the real bitches here, were Doctor Dad and Disgraced Reporter. Plus, in retrospective, those 2 were really the ones who separated Hajin and Anchornim, the ones that wanted them apart and tried to hurt them (or you know, didn’t care if they did).
I hated them, but I guess that means they did their job well.
Other characters
BFF Doctor whose name I could never remember (That doesn’t mean I didn’t apreciated him. Not at all). He was such a good person and I’m so so glad he wasn’t the bad guy. I was sad that he had to turn himself in because of his dad, but it seems he really found peace in the end.Hajin’s manager. He had problems and did commit a minor crime but he never meant to hurt Hajin and, in the end, he got a little revenge on disgraced reporter. The president from Hajin’s company! OMG she was such a sweet lady. If more bosses could be like her, the world would be a very different place.
Anchornim’s bosses at the broadcasting station. Such a weird bickering couple but who am I to judge their marriage? They cared for anchornim a lot and cheered on him always, in everything.
And Anchornim’s parents. Mom’s death was not exactly a surprise but it was still sad and that whole episode of our anchor dealing with her passing was the hardest of the drama. That woman raised him to be the fine man he was and that means she was a really good person and one of the best moms in dramaland. And dad! Dad tried a lot to get close to him after mom died. He asked for forgiveness for not being a very good dad and was the sweetest when he met Hajin. How not to forgive him?
This show was full of very good people but, if there ever was one innocent soul that was so nice and kind to everyone (which ironically is what lead her to her tragic fate), I have to pick Seoyeon. We were only a few eps in when we learnt how she passed and it was so sad. I loved our OTP so much but I actually wanted to see a bit more of Seoyeon’s relationship with Anchornim, that I know was full of good memories, just sadly eclipsed by that final and terrible moment of her death.
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And we saw flashbacks, of course. But the one thing that seemed weird to me in all the drama was the fact that Anchornim and Hajin never met while she was alive. And I mean, Hajin was angry at Seoyeon for the injury she got when she saved her, but before that, I don’t think they were on bad terms. My point is that they were such good friends, almost like sisters, that I don’t get why Seoyeon never introduced the most important 2 people from her life, to each other. But I mean, that came in handy for her psycho stalker.
Very sad about her death and what it meant for our OTP’s trauma and pain but without it, they would’ve never ended up together.
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You see, when I started the drama I was crushing hard on my sweet and happy girl, Hajin. (And I did loved her till the end, don’t misunderstand!) However, by the second half of the drama I was head over heels in love with Anchornim. Yeah. His tsundere personality won me over. And I mean, I think both our leads had it really hard and were dealing with lots of trauma BUT, Anchornim was dealing with a problem every.single.episode.
And when he finally decided to go after Hajin and be happy with her, because she made him happy for the first time in a LONG while, things started to move in the worst direction possible. And he was always sure of his love for her and his decision to be with her, even when Hajin was scared and decided to break things up, TWICE. Ugh. They were just so good for each other, but the freaking bitches around them just wouldn’t leave them alone. It was heartbreaking and even if it frustrated me, I could understand Hajin’s fear.
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Anchornim really went from a man with his heart in pieces, dedicating his life to his job, to a man in love with a girl who put on the biggest smile on his face. His transformation in the drama was really touching and so worth watching.
So, dramaland, give me more men like this one. He wasn’t immature, he wasn’t prompt to jealousy, he wasn’t sulky, moody or agnsty. He was smart, but not a freaking genius know it all. He was capable. And he had Hyperthymesia, but that did not defined who he was. And he was not a super-fighter, but when the things and people that mattered most to him were being threatened, he fought using his brain and won. It was a delight to see his character being played out with dignity and such a manly touch and for that, Mr. Kim Dong Wook, you’ve got a new fan.
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